Water Power
The Intelligence Daily
- Iranian Court Sentences Man To Death For Physi ...by RFE/RL Iran’s IRNA news agency has reported that Majid Jamali Fashi was convicted of...
- British WWII veteran jailed for recording cour ...by Russia Today British prisons are full to bursting. Courts are working overtime sending young...
- Intelligence News in Brief: 8/28/11by Ian Allen, IntelNews CIA agent who helped kill Che wants payout from Cuba. This is from the...
- Storm Pennants Are Flying In Stocks and the Dollarby Charles Hugh Smith If we look only at charts and ignore the “news,” we see storm...
- NATO refuses to recognize presidential electio ...by RIA Novosti NATO has refused to recognize presidential elections in Abkhazia, NATO Secretary...
My AntiWar
- UK border regime claims another life"When they put him in the room they were putting pressure on him saying he had no right to stay in this country. He was normally a very quiet person [...] but the pressure is too much for people in here."-Campsfield detaineeOn 2nd August, a 35 year old Indian man who was hours away from being de ...
- Rebels Settle Scores in Tripoli Through Executions
- 3 Syrian Opposition Figures Banned From Travel
- Iran Hands Death Sentence to Man Accused of Ki ...
- Nepal’s Parliament Elects Deputy Leader ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran Sanctions: Built to FailSummary: Conditions for lifting sanctions go way beyond anything having to do with Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program, making it impossible for Iran to extricate itself – this could be intentional, making the military "option" a necessity. source: Antiwar.comread more
- Libya's imperial hijacking is a threat to the ...Summary: They don't give up. For the third time in a decade, British and US forces have played the decisive role in the overthrow of an Arab or Muslim regime. As rebel forces pressed home their advantage across Libya under continuing Nato air support , politicians in London and Paris preened ...
- 'Iran sues Russia over S-300 deal'Summary: Iran's Ambassador to Russia Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi says Iran has filed a lawsuit against Russia at the International Court of Justice over Moscow's refusal to ship S-300 air defense systems to Tehran. source: PressTVread more
- The end of Gaddafi is welcome. But it does not ...Summary: Libyan protestsThe downfall of a dictator is always welcome. Especially welcome is the downfall of Gaddafi of Libya. He was not the worst of his genre, but for 42 years was the beneficiary of the crassest western intervention, veering between ineffective sanctions and ostracism and ...
- Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and Wha ...Summary: WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 23, 2011) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who has led the fight in the House challenging the Obama Administration’s actions in Libya, today released the following statement: source: Kucinich.house.govread more
The Daily Galaxy
- Weekend Image: Irene from the International Sp ...
- NewsAlert: NASA Cassini Flyby Captures Close-U ...NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured new views of Saturn's oddly shaped moon Hyperion during its encounter with this cratered body on Thursday, Aug. 25. The images were acquired as the spacecraft flew past the moon at a distance of about 15,500...
- EcoAlert: CERN Says Cosmic Rays from Supernova ...Scientists working on this issue at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) in Geneva have presented initial results suggesting cosmic rays have an effect on cloud formation but found no proof they drive climate change. The preliminary findings of...
- NewsAlert: Massive Supernova Exploded Wednesda ..."The question of what causes a Type Ia supernova is one of the great unsolved mysteries in astronomy," Rosanne Di Stefano of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). A supernova discovered yesterday in the Pinwheel Galaxy is closer to Earth—approximately...
- A 'Diamond' Bigger than Earth Discovered Orbit ...A once-massive star that's been transformed into a planet five times the size of Earth made of diamond. The pulsar and its planet are part of the Milky Way's plane of stars and lie 4,000 light-years away in the constellation...
Natural News
- How vitamin B-12 treats Alzheimer's disease(NaturalNews) Go ahead and tell someone that they should give their loved one, who is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease (AD) or Dementia, a dose of vitamin B12 that is 300 times the recommended daily intake, and they'll probably cover their ears and run the other way or tell you they are afraid ...
- Lack of vitamin D can lead to diabetes, study ...(NaturalNews) The array of undiscovered health benefits afforded by high vitamin D intake is vast thanks to several new studies linking deficiency in this important hormone to diabetes.One study published in the journal Diabetes Care explains that a simple 25 nanomole per liter (nmol/L), or 10 n ...
- Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report ...(NaturalNews) The Institute of Medicine, which has long functioned as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry and receives tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from drug companies and global elitists (like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.), has issued a report that declares the MMR va ...
- Back to school health checklist(NaturalNews) Packing lunch for school can be hard on parents. I suggest you sit down with your kids and make a list of things they want to eat in their lunches. This can lead to (yet another) discussion of the foods that are nourishing and foods that are not so good for your body.Putting food c ...
- Radiation-induced mutation breeding of plants ...(NaturalNews) The motives of feeding the world and ending hunger are expressed to keep critics at bay. Although some real issues are occasionally addressed successfully, scientists are prone to meddle with nature without investigating potential hazards.And there are those, including this author, ...
Threat Level
- Researchers Uncover RSA Phishing Attack, Hidin ...Ever since security giant RSA was hacked last March, anti-virus researchers have been trying to get a copy of the malware used for the attack to study its method of infection. But RSA wasn’t cooperating, nor were the third-party forensic experts the company hired to investigate the breach. This ...
- Judge Calls Location-Tracking Orwellian, While ...A federal judge's decision requiring the government to get a court warrant before obtaining mobile-phone location data is one of a string of conflicting opinions on the topic, and comes as lawmakers and the Supreme Court weigh in on the hot-button issue of locational privacy.
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Disputes Claims Abo ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman under fire for destroying thousands of unpublished documents submitted to the secret-spilling site last year says WikiLeaks is publicly exaggerating the contents of the deleted files. The increasingly ugly dispute is playing out over Twitter and in the press.
- Nokia-Siemens Spy Tools Aid Police Torture in ...Spy tools sold and maintained by German communications and engineering giants Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks are being used by authorities in Bahrain to aid in their interrogation and torture of human rights activists, according to Bloomberg.
- Judge OKs Unlicensed Cloud Music-Storage ServiceA federal judge backed the music storage-locker business model Monday while ruling that companies may develop services that store their customers’ songs in the cloud. The closely watched case brought by EMI against MP3tunes comes as Amazon and Google recently launched similar services without t ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Introducing the Ayn Rand Social Security Prote ...The dual budget and jobs deficits dominating discussion in Washington has put Social Security front and center this week. While Republican heart-throb Marco Rubio claimed the retirement program is among those which "weakened us a people," his GOP colleagues opposed President Obama's call to ext ...
- Rubio Claims Social Security, Medicare "Weaken ...Earlier this month, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) neatly summed up the Republican platform for 2012, declaring that Americans must "come to grips with the fact that promises have been made that frankly are not going to be kept for many." Yesterday at the Reagan Library, Tea Party dar ...
- Rick Perry and George W. Bush, Texas' Willing ...Asked the biggest difference between himself and George W. Bush, Texas governor and new Republican White House front runner Rick Perry answered, "I went to Texas A&M. He went to Yale." Which isn't far from the truth. After all, their pronouncements on policies and personal beliefs are eerily s ...
- Right Denounces Sharia Law in Libyan, Not Iraq ...While much about the future of post-Qaddafi Libya remains murky, some things are already quite clear. For starters, Republican leaders and GOP White House hopefuls simply cannot bring themselves to credit President Obama in any way for the apparent success of the rebellion. Unsurprisingly, the ...
- GOP Decries Class Warfare on the Tragically RichJudging from the furious reaction of some of the gilded-class crowd and their Republican protectors, billionaire Warren Buffett struck a nerve with his plea to Congress to "stop coddling the super-rich." Former American Express CEO Harvey Golub and Tea Party sugar daddy Charles Koch were quick ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Never The End: Comics And MP3sSo Ed Brubaker, on Twitter, was talking about not starting a story until he knew how it ended, concluding with the thought: .bbpBox{background:url(http://a1.twimg.com/images/themes/theme2/bg.gif) #C6E2EE;padding:20px;} I guess you could do a story with no ending if the point is there is no end t ...
- Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Co ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 25 August 2011 Libya represents a new low in Western government war crimes – which is something of a disturbing record given the decades of war criminality by these governments. In Libya, not only is there the criminal military assault on a so ...
- Michel Chossudovsky: The West Wants to take Co ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, August 27, 2011 Press TV, Aug 25, 2011 Interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Director of Centre for Research on Globalization. While Libyan revolutionaries have not yet won the war in the oil-rich country, Western p ...
- Riotgate: Dispatch from East London by Felicit ...by Felicity Arbuthnot Featured Writer Dandelion Salad London, England 25 August 2011 “Stuff happens and itâs untidy, and freedomâs untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things.â Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq looting (April 11, 2003.) From afar we have heard th ...
- Deaths as Hurricane Irene batters U.S. East Coasthttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ AlJazeeraEnglish on Aug 27, 2011 Millions of people are taking shelter along the American east coast. Hurricane Irene is not the most powerful storm on record, but still large enough to cause damage. Eight people have died so far and thousands of flights have ...
Consortium News
- New War Rationale: ‘Protect Civilians’
- Rick Perry’s Texas Delusion
- Stretching Charges of Anti-Semitism
- Orange Jumpsuits/Double Standards
- Having a Voice in Global Debates
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds that the ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- Hurricane Irene, Looking at How Prepared NYC IsThe city that never sleeps, the big apple, has been shut down. 370,000 people have been evacuated from coastal areas, buses and subways have come to a halt. Two low-lying airports will be closed. All because of Irene. Related posts:Hurricane Irene Approaching the Bahamas Full Disc Image Shows ...
- Guilt is Not GreenThis is a common belief that because of the numerous environmental problems we've created, we need to feel guilty. We don't need to feel guilty at all, about this or in life in general. Related posts:Cool Your Green Mind Monday Positivity (Cool Your Green Mind Monday) Simplicity (Cool Your Gre ...
- Joe Romm & Keith Olbermann Spell Out Who Reall ...This is an excellent video of Keith Olbermann and Dr. Joe Romm talking about some of the most ridiculous myths the GOP, Tea Partiers, and global warming deniers spew without thinking, or without expecting those listening can think. Related posts:MSNBC Backs Down – Olbermann Returns Tuesday! Cl ...
- Thich Nhat Hanh & David Suzuki on Environmenta ...Despair and anger are contributing to feelings that people have no power to stop the destructive forces behind climate change, but the feelings can be reversed through personal hope and inner peace, an audience in Vancouver was told by Buddhist monk, poet, peace, and human rights activist, Thich ...
- Good Morning IreneIt's 4AM on Saturday and I'm up early. When you cant go back to sleep in the 21st century you turn the on computer, then the news. According to NOAA, and verified visually on Google Earth, Hurricane Irene is centered at 33.7N and 77.5W which puts it in position to munch Beaufort, North Carolina ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Resurrecting Iraq's Devastated MarshlandsThe watery marshlands of ancient Mesopotamia, “the land between two rivers,” are being r
- EPA Issues Final Guidance for Surface Coal Min ...US EPA http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/guidance/wetlands/mining.cfm [From Press Release] The U.S. Env
- Texas, in Drought, Finding Ways to Reuse Waste ...Recreational boaters, kayakers, canoeists, water skiers and swimmers all know the score. The water i
- Recent Articles-IJESAssessment of water quality in Trichy City, Tamil Nadu, India Author(s)- Muthukumar.S et.al., ABSTRA
- Day 71: Water tests...QT is “0″ ammonia, pH 8, temp 79, SG 1.009.  All stable and looking good. Did a 1g wc
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Corporatism or Survival on Earth? By Siv O’NeallImage by tomswift46 (No Groups with Comments) via Flickr By Siv O’Neall Featured Writer Dandelion Sa
- First the axmen came... By Gary CorseriBy Gary Corseri Featured Writer Dandelion Salad July 23, 2011 Image by dincsi via Flickr Attitude He
- Obama Reaction To Norway Massacre Betrays US " ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad July 23, 2011 Image by OhaIt via Flickr Within
- Eva Golinger on Hugo Chavez and the History of ...by Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbo
- It’s Not Default of Obama: Jail GOP Deadbeats ...Image by Jacob Anikulapo via Flickr by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.co
Axis of Logic
- The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil ...Interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Director of Centre for Research on Globalization. While Libyan revolutionaries have not yet won the war in the oil-rich country, Western powers are already discussing the post-Gaddafi period on such issues as how the interim government there needs to hono ...
- Eagles "Dirty Laundry" - Dedicated to Rupert M ...The Eagles Dirty Laundry Dedicated to Rupert Murdock (lyrics below) I make my living off the Evening News Just give me something-something I can use People love it when you lose, They love dirty laundry Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to. ...
- Dallas Darling: Cuba and Why the U.S. Needs It ...Editor's Note: Many of us remember when the US media portrayed Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev as a dangerous lunatic, threatening the entire world during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The same media hyped John F. Kennedy's heroism in forcing the Soviets to remove the missiles and stand down. They ev ...
- Nonconnah Yards - Guest PoetsNONCONNAH YARDS One railroad came from Chicago, bound for New Orleans Or vice versa One railroad came from Little Rock headed for Charleston Or the other way around In Nonconnah Yards south of Memphis The rails crossed My father knew that My fathe ...
- Honduras: 17 year old student, Nahum Guerra, k ...Nahum Guerra, 17 years old, in his second year of agronomy studies at the "Pompilio Ortega" Agricultural School in Macueliso, Santa Barbara, was assassinated on August 22nd at 7:00pm while on shift with other student colleagues at the front gate of his college on the international western highwa ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- For the right, ideology trumps common senseApparently the ideologues at Fox can't help themselves. They are not so much a news outfit as they are just knee-jerk reactionaries who oppose government at every turn, just on spec. Believe it or not, they are using Hurricane Irene to -- wait for it -- argue that we should eliminate the nationa ...
- Vindication for a Labor MartyrEvery worker who fights for basic rights knows that Joe Hill was framed. But it's nice to have near-proof - even 96 years late. Via Digby, news of a new book I can't wait to read. At Woodstock, Joan Baez sang a famous folk ballad celebrating Joe Hill, the itinerant miner, songwriter and union ac ...
- No Compromise on the TruthEarlier this year, biologist and outspoken atheist @PZMyers served on a panel debating whether science should confront or accomodate religion. Myers spoke passionately on why scientists, atheists and other members of the reality-based community must fight religion at every turn. From Free Inquir ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapRussell Armstrong's business partner in a hedge fund followed his lead and killed himself the day after Armstrong's suicide. "Alan Schram, a business associate and friend of the late Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-star, also killed himself just 24 hours after Russell was found dead. ... Ala ...
- Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r): franking right wingnu ...By @MBersin Previously: Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r): frankly, it looks like a campaign mailing (July 7, 2011) Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r) wants to kill Medicare... (April 6, 2011) We received another franked campaign style mailing today from Representative Vicky Hartzler (r) - Missouri's 4th Congression ...
Care 2
- Healthy Vegan Recipes On Video: Today A Quinoa ...Watch the proper preparation for this vegan dish, a tasty and healthy Quinoa Tabouli Salad, as it is whipped-up right before your eyes on camera! ***Also see my comment #1 for the current related links, because I shall be posting this shortly.Submitted by PinkMindy Ellinwood to Health & Wellness ...
- Renew the Public Goods Charge ! PLEASE SIGN ! !The electric Public Goods Charge (PGC) is scheduled to expire this year. This charge currently funds the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program, which supports energy efficiency and renewable energy research. Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Please Sign to Ban Shark Finning In European W ...Shark Finning needs to banned all around the world but we need to target every place individually. Please sign! Thank you.Submitted by Lindsey Williams to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- ACTION ALERT: FM Scan Radio: Salvador Alas, r ...On Thursday, August 18, 2011, in the shift from 6:00 to 10:00 am, the Speaker of the Radio Scan, 96.1.FM, Salvador Wings ("the Choly"), along with a guest lawyer, played between others, the issue of stray dogs, referring to the lack of control and run Submitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �Note ...
- ACTION ALERT: Californians! Protect the Calif ...Take Action to Keep California�s Coasts, Beaches and Bays Safe From Oil Spills The CA Senate is set to vote next week on a Make It or Break It bill for California! Call your Senator today � really!! This vote is going to be tight Submitted by Simone D. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �A ...
Smirking Chimp
- US Tiptoes Towards Theocracy
- Mass Murder, Right Wing Hate Talk, And Blaming ...
- Confronting Stupid
- Rick Perry's Tall Tales of Texas
- Drowning Government in a Hurricane (Why Wait f ...
Paul Krugman
- TrollsStill trolling.
- The Obvious VideoAnd notice the El in the background!
- Alas, Babylon LineWashing away my past.
- The Unrecovery, AcknowledgedWe're on the road to nowhere, officially.
- Keynes/BernankeA classically unhelpful speech.
No Quarter
- Victory in Libya?No. Not so. But some seasoned veterans and respected pundits are touting the chaos unfolding in Libya as a success. My old friend, Pat Lang, offers this take: The hysterics who pass for “experts’ on shows like “Morning joe” should be ignored. Their performance over the last day or so with regard ...
- The Hypocrisy of Warren BuffettThis is too delicious to ignore. Remember billionaire Warren whining about how few taxes he paid and that it is the patriotic duty of all wealthy Americans to pay more. Really? Well, looks like Warren is good at talking bullshit. Bill Wilson at Netright Daily has a dandy piece exposing Buffett’s ...
- 4 Stories That Make You Say “Huh?”“Are YOU being charged with soliciting illegal lemonade from a minor? Did you INHERIT an antique Mandolin from Granny? Count on US – the attorneys at ‘WTF Legal Offices’ to represent YOU in front of the feds. Call now – offices around the country are standing by. . . “ 1) Please remember, during ...
- Favorites and Long-shots (Open Thread)My wife and I are fans of horse racing, although we never watch anything besides the Triple Crown races most of the time. Sheâs excellent at picking winners based on factors I miss entirely. I’m not as in tune with the subtleties of horse racing as she is, so most of my picks are based [...]
- Ben QuakeThe 5.8 earthquake that surprised the East Coast from North Carolina to Ontario is a pitiful jolt compared to the prospect of Ben Bernanke (arriving in jeans) announcing a QE3 Quake at the Jackson Hole annual gathering of Easy Money Boys. Once upon a time, we called this lot of Populist beggars ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Therapy News
- Sharing Negative Thoughts with Friends May Pre ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Talking about problems is a common practice, especially among teen girls. But does this form of negative self-disclosure, referred to as co-rumination, protect youth from developing depressive symptoms, or contribute to them? Researchers at Rutgers University, the ...
- Exploring the Link between Hoarding and ObesityA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Hoarding is a form of obsessive-compulsive behavior. An individual who exhibits hoarding tendencies has a difficult time letting go of physical items and becomes inundated with possessions, often to the point of causing physical and financial harm. Previous resear ...
- Do Self-Anxious Associations Affect Risk for M ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Researchers from the University of Groningen, VU University Medical Centre, Leiden University Medical Centre and the University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, conducted a study on 2,981 individuals to determine if the presence of deliberate or automa ...
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up Happy weekend! Enjoy this week’s top news :-) Extramarital Sex and Divorce More Common Among Veterans Do Men Benefit from Media’s Ideal Male Body Image? The New Crime Deterrent: Happiness Sexist Men and Women Made for Each Other Psychologists ...
- Ways to Play: Self LoveI’ve learned to trust myself, to listen to truth, to not be afraid of it and to not try and hide it. -Sarah McLachlan There are no physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual benefits to low self-esteem. On the other hand, when you value yourself highly you are most likely positive, consider ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Mountaintop mining should be prevented - TriCi ...Mountaintop mining should be prevented TriCities.com There is nothing in the history of mountaintop removal mining to be proud of. The process is designed to access coal as cheaply as possible, no matter the consequences. The upshot is shameful. I saw at my church a documentary, �Mountain Mourn ...
- Harvard Ayers: CNN snubs Blair Mountain, misse ...Harvard Ayers: CNN snubs Blair Mountain, misses story Charleston Gazette Instead, host Soledad O'Brien and the producers of the feature presented something that would more properly be titled, "Stopping Mountaintop Removal Costs Coal Jobs." Using the decades-old industry excuse for destroying co ...
- The Slow Talk of Stones: Poetry collides with ...Business Clarksville The Slow Talk of Stones: Poetry collides with social, environmental justice Business Clarksville Sherri L. Wright is passionate about the earth, and the implications of mountaintop removal, which leaves the landscape mangled by mechanical surgery, dead and non-productive fo ...
- As US Energy Companies Blow-Up Appalachian Mou ...As US Energy Companies Blow-Up Appalachian Mountaintops, the Nation's ... Huffington Post (blog) How bad is the wholesale destruction now being caused by the ruthless bombing-and-digging technique known as "mountaintop removal mining," all across the once-forested and once-life-abundant region ...
- I Love the Smell of Non-Violence in the Mornin ...I Love the Smell of Non-Violence in the Morning! CounterPunch We have a large and growing presence here in West Virginia and even in Raleigh County where most residents are opposed to mountaintop removal. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said that if we can't end mountain top removal, then there is li ...
- Do We Really Need a National Weather Service? ...Fox News: Do We Really Need a National Weather Service? — As Hurricane Irene bears down on the East Coast, news stations bombard our televisions with constant updates from the National Hurricane Center. — While Americans ought to prepare for the coming storm, federal dollars need not subsid ...
- Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, Qaeda No. 2, Is Said to ...Mark Mazzetti / New York Times: Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, Qaeda No. 2, Is Said to Be Dead — WASHINGTON — A drone operated by the C.I.A. killed Al Qaeda's second-ranking operative in the mountains of Pakistan this month, an American official said Saturday, further weakening a terrorism network sha ...
- Ron Paul: Abortion Is 'The Most Important Issu ...Matthew Yglesias / ThinkProgress: Ron Paul: Abortion Is ‘The Most Important Issue of Our Age’ — I've gotten some pushback from folks who say that it's wrong of me to focus attention on Ron Paul's desire to make abortion illegal when there are so many others issues out there. I have two resp ...
- A Poll Tax by Another Name (John Lewis/New Yor ...John Lewis / New York Times: A Poll Tax by Another Name — Correction Appended — AS we celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, we reflect on the life and legacy of this great man. But recent legislation on voting reminds us that there is still work to do. Since January, a majority ...
- Obama: Getting Through Irene Will Be 'Tough Sl ...Darlene Superville / Associated Press: Obama: Getting Through Irene Will Be ‘Tough Slog’ — President Barack Obama offered moral support Saturday to federal emergency management workers hunkered down for Hurricane Irene's weekend march up the East Coast and 14,000 active-duty and National Gua ...
Energy & Environment News
- Japanese Island’s Activists Resist Nucl ...For nearly 30 years, residents of the Japanese island of Iwaishima have opposed plans to build a nuclear plant near them, heartening anti-nuclear activists.
- As Climate Changes, Scientists See Irene as a ...Scientists don’t know if hurricanes are currently getting worse because of climate change, but many say they will get more intense as the climate warms.
- Green Blog: Hurricanes and Climate ChangeScientists disagree on whether hurricanes are already getting stronger because of global warming, but they tend to agree that storms will get more intense in the future as the planet continues to heat up.
- Dot Earth Blog: Irene Still Seen as Potent on ...Irene will still be a potent hurricane as it reaches New York, but surge forecasts appear to be moderate.
- World Briefing | ASIA: China: North Korean Lea ...Kim Jong-il reiterated Friday that he would return to the so-called six-party talks on his country’s nuclear program with no preconditions, the Chinese state news agency reported.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.3, southern East Pacific RiseSunday, August 28, 2011 10:10:19 UTCSunday, August 28, 2011 02:10:19 AM at epicenterDepth: 10.10 km (6.28 mi)
- M 5.2, offshore Valparaiso, ChileSunday, August 28, 2011 04:30:32 UTCSunday, August 28, 2011 12:30:32 AM at epicenterDepth: 11.90 km (7.39 mi)
- M 5.2, VanuatuSaturday, August 27, 2011 12:07:35 UTCSaturday, August 27, 2011 11:07:35 PM at epicenterDepth: 53.00 km (32.93 mi)
- M 5.1, Fiji regionSaturday, August 27, 2011 10:36:52 UTCSaturday, August 27, 2011 10:36:52 PM at epicenterDepth: 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.4, central MongoliaSaturday, August 27, 2011 10:29:47 UTCSaturday, August 27, 2011 07:29:47 PM at epicenterDepth: 14.30 km (8.89 mi)
China Dialogue
- How to spot a fake eco-cityA low-carbon craze is sweeping through China, but some say it’s just a mirage. Urban-planning expert Li Xun tells Zhang Yue and Xu Nan why only a fraction of eco-projects live up to the name.Almost a third of China’s 600 cities now have targets to become low-carbon hubs or eco-cities. That might ...
- The search for cleaner frackingWith federal regulation looming, US energy firms are rolling out technologies to reduce the environmental impact of shale-gas drilling. Justin Gerdes looks at one of the key challenges: wastewater.Fracking now so dominates the energy debate in the United States it’s easy to forget that, until fi ...
- Protecting China’s wetlandsIncreasingly, the wonders of the country’s waterfowl -- and their green and blue habitats -- are being revealed. To help safeguard them, the UK conservation group WWT works with Chinese authorities, writes Malcolm Tait.[This article first appeared in the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s magazine Wate ...
- World Bank: Nepal dams won't stop Indian floodsIndian planners need to radically rethink flood prevention strategies in the Ganges basin, as a new World Bank study debunks old myths. Joydeep Gupta reports.For decades, Indian planners working to harness the waters of the Ganges and its tributaries have believed building dams in Nepal will sav ...
- Licence to killA group of foreign tourists looks set to get permission to hunt rare animals in western China, provoking mixed reactions among conservationists. Meng Si reports.An application by a group of American citizens to hunt China’s Bharal and Tibetan gazelle has won approval from a state expert committe ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Believers Think We Need Religion to Behave Lik ...Morality is real, objective, and perfectly compatible with a worldview that includes nothing spooky, mystical or supernatural.
- Boehner’s DOMA defense contains junk sci ...Government’s defense of DOMA contains references to the work of discredited researchers. Earlier this week, it was discovered that one of the experts, Professor Lisa Diamond, cited by Speaker of the House John Boehner’s legal team in their defense of DOMA complained that her work was being disto ...
- The Kochs are scared, and they’ve bought ...Charles and David Koch, and their related businesses, have poured money into politicking across the country. In Wisconsin alone, they were Gov. Scott Walker’s largest out-of-state contributor, and they famously bought all kinds of advertisements and electioneering courtesy of their Tea Party gro ...
- Drug Czar’s Office: ‘We Can’t Legalize Marijua ...âFirst they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.â – Mahatma Gandhi What can I say? I’m flattered. David Mineta, deputy director for demand reduction in the Office of National Drug Control Policy, has taken time to publicly respond to little ol’ me. I wonder if t ...
- It Don’t Come Easy: Changing Health Insu ...Written by Lucinda Marshall for RH Reality Check. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. Cross-posted with permission from Pre-Existing Pundit.Several days ago, I wrote about the ordeal I have been going through trying ...
Threat Level
- Researchers Uncover RSA Phishing Attack, Hidin ...Ever since security giant RSA was hacked last March, anti-virus researchers have been trying to get a copy of the malware used for the attack to study its method of infection. But RSA wasn’t cooperating, nor were the third-party forensic experts the company hired to investigate the breach. This ...
- Judge Calls Location-Tracking Orwellian, While ...A federal judge's decision requiring the government to get a court warrant before obtaining mobile-phone location data is one of a string of conflicting opinions on the topic, and comes as lawmakers and the Supreme Court weigh in on the hot-button issue of locational privacy.
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Disputes Claims Abo ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman under fire for destroying thousands of unpublished documents submitted to the secret-spilling site last year says WikiLeaks is publicly exaggerating the contents of the deleted files. The increasingly ugly dispute is playing out over Twitter and in the press.
- Nokia-Siemens Spy Tools Aid Police Torture in ...Spy tools sold and maintained by German communications and engineering giants Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks are being used by authorities in Bahrain to aid in their interrogation and torture of human rights activists, according to Bloomberg.
- Judge OKs Unlicensed Cloud Music-Storage ServiceA federal judge backed the music storage-locker business model Monday while ruling that companies may develop services that store their customers’ songs in the cloud. The closely watched case brought by EMI against MP3tunes comes as Amazon and Google recently launched similar services without t ...
Equality Trust
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future in ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Response to criticism of The Spirit LevelFind our full response to criticism of The Spirit Level here.
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- Free Subscription to Marler Blog - Get Free Bo ...Although I have had over 1,000,000 visitors to Marler Blog so far this year, I have just over 1,000 subscribers. So, the first 500 new subscribers will get a free book. Just subscribe here and email me your address at bmarler@marlerclark.com. Here is a sample platter of the reviews on "Poison ...
- Hey, Matt Damon, you should have filmed "Poiso ...Have you seen the trailer for Contagion? For those germaphobes and conspiracy theorist out there, this will likely keep you up at night. On the other hand, perhaps a bit more realistic film (one that actually happened) would be the movie version of "Poisoned." Watch the ...
- FDA to warn - Do Not Eat Mexican Papaya due to ...I should never sleep in. Sometime today the FDA will likely announce an Import Alert on Mexican Papaya due to Salmonella Agona. Here is what the FDA is saying thus far: Mexico produces 11% of the world’s production of papayas. U.S. import data from January 1, 2011 shows that approximately 65% ...
- Del Monte Fresh to FDA and CDC - You are wrong ...I must admit that I was busy today preparing another complaint in the Cargill Salmonella Heildelberg outbreak and had not had time to pick up the Del Monte vs. USA/FDA lawsuit until some time ago. Interesting read – See PDF – Del Monte vs. USA/FDA. In essence, Del Monte says the CDC and 10 Sta ...
- Another Lawsuit to be filed in Cargill Salmone ...This week we will be filing yet another lawsuit against Cargill (COMPLAINT PDF). This time it is on behalf of a woman who purchased the tainted turkey on July 31, 2011, at a Food City grocery location in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Note, it was the same day that FSIS sent out an advisory (late Fr ...
- Report: Elon Musk bets Dan Neil $1 million he ...Can a million dollars hold Elon Musks' feet to the fire? That's the value of a bet that Wall Street Journal auto journalist and all-around interesting guy Dan Neil and the Tesla Motors CEO reportedly have going over the release of the upcoming Model S. According to Green Car Reports, the ...
- Report: Libyan rebels claim Ghaddafi's all-ele ...Libyan leader (ex-leader?) Muammar Qaddafi apparently had some unusual items in his personal collection. Rebel forces stormed his compound this week, and we now know he had a scrapbook dedicated to former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, lots of weapons and, oddly, a doorless, all-electri ...
- Official: Audi spills the beans on production ...Filed under: Hybrid, Audi Diesel-lovin' Audi is slowly, slowly coming to grips with this whole hybrid thing. Earlier this year, the "We're not against hybrids" automaker finally gave out some real information about its hybrid Q5 (after years of teases and killing the program once,) and we ...
- Breaking: Ford, Toyota will partner on RWD hyb ...Filed under: Hybrid, Truck, Ford, Toyota Is the Prius V not big enough for you? Then you'll probably be interested to learn that Ford and Toyota announced a partnership today to develop a new hybrid system for SUVs and light trucks. The "equal partners" deal should result in a gasoline-electr ...
- Video: Presidential candidate Bachmann promise ...Filed under: Etc. How's this for bold? Congresswoman Michell Bachmann, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who won the Ames Straw Poll last weekend, has just stated that one thing we'd get with a Bachmann Administration is - ready? - cheap gasoline. According to Politico sh ...
Rafe's Radar
- Matternet delivers drugs by robocopterSingularity University project team creates a way to get medicine to people who need it, very fast and without ope ...
- Receipts are the new locationsChecking in by location? Old and busted. Two new businesses check in your receipts. ...
- SurfEasy: Browsing privacy for GrandmaClever private browsing utility bundles portable browser, proxy server connection on a USB key. ...
- Will Call frees you from the tyranny of choiceSmart last-minute ticket sales site gets you into a live event hours from now. ...
- Sit back and relax: Console.fm is in your headNew Pandora-like music player that specializes in electronica gives us a preview of the indie radio station of the ...
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- D.C. Protests That Make Big Oil QuakeThe White House was rocked Tuesday, not only by a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, but by the protests mounting outside its gates. More than 2,100 people say they’ll risk arrest there during the next two weeks. They oppose the Keystone XL pipeline project, designed to carry heavy crude oil from the ta ...
- Egyptians Defend Viral Video Activist Charged ...Asmaa Mahfouz is one of Egyptâs most prominent activists. The 26-year-old helped co-found the influential April 6 Youth Movement in 2008 that helped pave the way for the revolution through years of grassroots organizing and street protests. A few days before January 25, she posted two videos on ...
- San Francisco Bay Area’s BART Pulls a MubarakWhat does the police killing of a homeless man in San Francisco have to do with the Arab Spring uprisings from Tunisia to Syria? The attempt to suppress the protests that followed. In our digitally networked world, the ability to communicate is increasingly viewed as a basic right. Open communi ...
- Verizon Workers, Management Dig in for Decisiv ...On the 10th day of the most important labor fight in America, striking Verizon worker Alexandra Camacho stood on a streetcorner in downtown Brooklyn and vowed to stay out as long as necessary. "They want to strip from us everything we’ve won in the past," the slender Camacho said. "They even ...
- From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Japan's Atomic Tr ...In recent weeks, radiation levels have spiked at the Fukushima nuclear power reactors in Japan, with recorded levels of 10,000 millisieverts per hour (mSv/hr) at one spot. This is the number reported by the reactor’s discredited owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co., although that number is simply as ...
- Defeating the CorporatocracyThree Things That Must Happen for Us to Rise Up and Defeat the Corporatocracy Truthout Friday 26 August 2011 by: Bruce E. Levine, Alternet | Op-Ed Most Americans oppose rule by the corporatocracy but don’t have the tools to fight back. Here are three things we need to create a real people’s move ...
- Kucinich: Try NATO Commanders as War CriminalsNEWSMAX Tuesday, 23 Aug 2011 Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, has been an outspoken critic of U.S. military action in Libya since it began six months ago, even saying President Barack Obama’s policy amounted to “an impeachable offense.” Now, as Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s regime appears to be ...
- CNN media $pin in Libya ~Business as usualNATO allow weapons to Rebels OPENLY Telegraph August 12th, 2011 By kingsley Arms controls continue to be flouted in the context of the Libyan armed conflict. Both France and Qatar have openly admitted to supplying arms to the rebels as a complementary strategy to the NATO-led air strikes. Such a ...
- Morning Briefing: August 19, 2011During a townhall meeting earlier this week, constituents in Rep. Randy Hultgren’s (R-IL) congressional district hectored him about raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations. The Washington Post reports, “It is a scene that has been repeated at town hall meetings across the country this Augu ...
- Businesses lose confidence in ObamaABC Professor Peter Morici discusses where the United States can turn to improve its economy and credit rating. Roubini: Bush Responsible for Economic Woes WSJ, 8/12/2011 3:01:26 PM In a clip from his interview with WSJ’s Simon Constable, Dr. Nouriel Roubini insists that it was the policies of G ...
- So What Happens to the Gold and Critical Recor ...By Catherine Austin Fitts I am a suspicious person. When the dollar started to soar and gold tank on Tuesday shortly before an earthquake hit the East Coast delivering cracks into the Washington Monument and the National Cathedral and disrupting Congress, it seemed a remarkable coincidence. Mino ...
- Catherine’s Response to the Comment:  ...By Catherine Austin Fitts Gold is a metal. If everyone takes all their money out of operating enterprises and puts it in gold and pays people to watch their gold or dig up the earth to get more gold, the economy will stop. The top guys bubbled real estate and used the money to buy [...]
- Halliburton to Hire 11,000 In 2011By Yahoo! Finance Energy company Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) plans to hire 11,000 workers in North America in 2011, a top executive told Cramer Wednesday.? Jim Brown, president of Western Hemisphere, said many of the new hires will be sent to North Dakota’s oil-rich Bakken shale, which is one of th ...
- Quote du JourWe either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. ~ Carlos Castaneda Related reading: Carlos (César Salvador Arana) Castaneda Wikipedia
- A Comment on Catherine’s Interview on th ...By a Solari Report Subscriber There’s even more fraud than you guys discussed. Â I am an attorney in Ohio doing foreclosure defense work (mostly pro bono) and have handled foreclosures by all of the biggest banks: BoA, JPMC, Citigroup, GMAC, Wells Fargo. Â From this experience, hereâs what Iâve ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lank ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- 5 Reasons Progressives Should Treat Ron Paul w ...He's anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-senior-citizen, anti-equality and anti-education, and that's just the start.
- Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-9/11 InjusticeAdama Bah shares her shocking experience: At just sixteen, the FBI forcefully entered her home before degrading, arresting, and deporting her family.
- Facing Widespread Persecution, Egyptians Rally ...Taking to Facebook and Twitter, Egyptians are repeating and defending Asthma Mahfouz's viral message for human rights, forcing free speech into the country and facing arrest.
- Breakthrough: New Immigration Policy Makes Cou ...Same-sex bi-national couples’ marriage and family ties will be included as new criteria to hault deportation proceedings for undocumented immigrants
- After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Community ...Activists in post-Katrina New Orleans have worked hard to clean up some of the more troubling aspects of their beloved city.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Our fears are unwarranted. America is in fact ...Summary: The good news is our problems are relatively minor. Our leaders probably will take the necessary reforms during the next few years. Of course they will govern in the best interests of our plutocratic elites, not us. We’re along for the ride, sliding towards the Third Republic ...
- What will our Mercs do when our wars wind down ...Summary: Again we turn harsh lights on the future of America. The US government has created a pool highly skilled mercs (on a base of people the government itself trained). What will these people do when our wars wind down? To create serious trouble only a few need sell their knowledge and e ...
- The men of US Special Operations Command are h ...Summary: The FM website discusses facts and insights too harsh for most to see (as seen in the 16 thousand comments during the past 4 years). Today we look at the men in the US Special Operations Command. Heroes, but not all the deeds we ask them to do are heroic. In many ways our Special [...]
- Very funny. But the joke is on us.Summary: More humor on the FM website, a funny circulating to American chuckles around the web. It says something about us. Something sad.  ______________________ The Wizard of Oz appeared on screen in 1939. Today, if Dorothy were to meet men with no brains, no hearts, and no balls, ...
- Listen to the voice of America’s decline ...Summary: Many comments sent to the FM website speak from the heart, sharing the writer’s response to the new world described on these pages. Sometimes clear, hard, and rational. Sometimes visionary. Sometimes delusional. But most often angry, expressing the anger that so often marks mo ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, calle ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point since mid-Dece ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. A conf ...
The Progressive Realist
- U.S. Humanitarian Activism: Libya and SyriaThe remaining hot spots from the Arab Spring are in Libya and Syria. In both cases, popular uprisings erupted against tyrannical governments inspired at least partially by the Arab Spring events that began in Tunisia and moved quickly to Egypt and elsewhere. Distinguishing characteristics of the ...
- Panetta Says Wars Should Only End When There’s ...Recently, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spoke at an event at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. At one point, the event featured a question and answer session, and an economic professor, Dr. David Henderson, stood up and asked Panetta how the United States can afford to s ...
- Beware the Rise of the DronesA U.S. Predator unmanned drone armed with a missile stands on the tarmac of Kandahar military airport on June 13, 2010 (Massoud Hossaini/Courtesy Reuters). This post originally appeared as part of the series “Ten Lessons Since the 9/11 Attacks,” in which CFR fellows identify the top threats ...
- Tripoli’s Health System Strained by Battle Ove ...After six months of civil war and close to a week of urban fighting, Tripoli’s hospitals and health facilities are in crisis. According to Medicins San Frontieres (MSF), the city’s health system had already been strained for months by sanctions and from casualties coming back from the frontline ...
- Details about the U.N. Compound in Abuja, NigeriaThe terrible news that a bomb exploded in the U.N. compound in Abuja, Nigeria today sent my mind racing back three years, when I used to visit the building often. It’s not yet clear who is responsible for the bombing, or what their motives were. But as we’re waiting, it might be helpful to know ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- The Bailout Success StoryAs grim as the economic news is, as former skeptic Kevin Drum notes it would be even worse had the Obama administration not saved the domestic auto industry. Automobile sales and parts are one of the few robust areas of the American economy, and Drum estimates that the bailout saved roughly a ...
- Steve Jobs, Class-War BystanderWill Wilkinson asks an interesting question: Why doesn't Steve Jobs get the same kind of criticism other billionaires get? After all, Wilkinson says, a lot of his fortune is built on patent trolling and exploitation of poorly paid Chinese workers, and he contributes nothing to charity. His expla ...
- The Economy: Still Worse Than We ThoughtIt’s Friday! Which means another round of bad news for the economy. In this case, the Commerce Department has revised its assessment of economic growth for the second quarter. At the time, economists had estimated 1.3 percent growth for the quarter – sluggish, but an improvement over the first q ...
- The Tea Party In DeclineI've long predicted, perhaps more out of hope than foresight, that once the 2012 Republican presidential nominating contest got underway, the Tea Party would fade away. I expected that all those newly energized activists would channel their energy into their preferred primary candidate, and afte ...
- The Smarts PrimaryEvolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, asked to comment on Rick Perry disbelief in evolution, went to town on Perry: Any other organization -- a big corporation, say, or a university, or a learned society - -when seeking a new leader, will go to immense trouble over the choice. The CVs of cand ...
- The DC Earthquake Is an Alarming Case Against ...JACQUELINE MARCUS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT The August 23rd earthquake that rocked D.C. all the way up to Martha's Vineyard where the President is vacationing should be an alarming wake up call to President Obama on how easily a crude oil pipeline can rupture under the sudden magnitude of an ea ...
- Earthquakes, Infrastructure, Antiquated Accoun ...ROBERT CREAMER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT What do yesterday's east coast earthquake, our infrastructure and antiquated Federal accounting systems have to do with jobs? A lot, it turns out. The earthquake yesterday was the largest east coast trembler in 67 years. But earthquakes of moderate i ...
- Poverty as Explained by a Senior Fellow at the ...Body Many people in this country struggle to find a way to deal with an inherently inequitable set of circumstances that plays havoc with their ability to prosper and provide for their children's future. Poverty defies commonly accepted definitions of what this means d ...
- Virgin Teen Pregnancies in Texas? No, Rick Per ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF TRUTHOUT AT BUZZFLASH Unless there are a lot of miraculous, virgin births in Texas, Rick Perry's taxpayer-funded emphasis on abstinence education is a bust. According to an Associated Press (AP) article, "Teen pregnancy rates declined in the US, while more teens in T ...
- Mass Murder, Right Wing Hate Talk, And Blaming ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT It was a little more than a month ago that the Norwegian Islamophobic Christian fundamentalist Anders Behring Breivik, wreaked havoc in Norway, killing 77 and injuring many more. After the initial flurry of reportage, analysis, commentary and punditry, ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Secrecy, leaks, and the real criminalsThe agency's attack on a new book shows the real criminals are those who abuse secrecy power to conceal wrongdoing
- The fruits of elite immunityThe former V.P. prepares to be feted and enriched for his crimes rather than investigated and indicted
- A progressive case for Obama's foreign policy ...The events in Libya are seized upon by progressives to heap praise on the President's foreign policy leadership
- A progressive case for Obama's foreign policy ...The events in Libya are seized upon by progressives to heap praise on the President's foreign policy leadership
- Obama administration takes tough stance on banksOn behalf of Wall Street, Obama officials pressure the NY State Attorney General to put an end to investigations
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Rise in top grades boosts GCSE recordRise in top grades boosts GCSE record – My son just returned with his GCSE results to a very proud Mum and Dad, and sister, with a clutch of excellent passes in his exams. Very pleased he got an excellent grade in chemistry, although he claims to hate "my" subject. One thing I will say, [...]Ris ...
- More chemical wondersMore chemical wonders – Yet more chemical wonders fall under the gaze of The Alchemist this week. First up, spray on radiators coming to a home near you to help cut heating bills by a third while ethanol-imbibing bacteria offer an important clue to preventing biofuel pipeline cracks. In the anal ...
- Dissonant teaching changes environmental mindsThere are many educational and ethical issues regarding the environment and environmentalism that are generally not addressed, especially when it comes to teaching non-science students. Independent environmental services professional and college professor Chyrisse P. Tabone, who is based in Tamp ...
- Red, red, red wine and moreMy four latest science news stories now live on SpectroscopyNOW, kicking off with an item about adulteration and red wine – Various approaches to statistical analysis of spectroscopic data can reveal whether red wine has been adulterated with anthocyanins to artificially improve, “correct”, its ...
- Diluting homeopathic advertisingDiluting homeopathic advertising HT @SilvianaJ – The Advertising Standards Authority has ordered online homeopathy advertisers to stop making claims that their treatments work. [Because they don't!] The ASA’s remit was extended to regulating websites in March 2011, since when it says it has rece ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Layoffs and Cutbacks: Rick Perry's 2011 Educat ...ABBY RAPOPORT, rapoport at texasobserver.org Rapoport is a reporter with the Texas Observer. She said today: “Once upon a time, Rick Perry was all about public education. In his 2006 re-election campaign, he devoted an entire ad to his commitment. ‘I’m proud of Texas schools,’ he says to the ...
- Regarding a Non-Violent Conclusion to the Even ...The Guardian newspaper recently reported that it found communications between me and an intermediary regarding a possible visit to Libya. read more
- Hazardous Keystone XL Pipeline Moves Forward D ...The U.S. Department of State today released the “final environmental impact statement” on the Keystone XL Pipeline, advancing the controversial project by choosing its construction as the proposed action. The timing of the release coincides with an ongoing civil disobedience campaign at the Whit ...
- State Dept. Endorses Dirty Tar Sands MonstrosityToday the Obama Administration released its final Environmental Impact Statement on foreign oil corporation TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline to transport high corrosive and toxic tar sands oil through America’s heartland. In response, Michael Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director, iss ...
- State Department’s Keystone XL Pipeline Impact ...An Environmental Impact Statement for the controversial Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline was slammed by experts today shortly after its release by the U.S. State Department.read more
Common Dreams-Views
- Welfare as They Know ItLizzy Ratner Fifteen years ago, on August 22, 1996, President Bill Clinton perched at a podium in the White House Rose Garden and signed the bill that would become known as welfare reform. Flanked by three former welfare recipients and loo ...
- Class Warfare: School for Witch BurnersEileen Myles I have three or four things I want to put together. First is The Social Network which I resisted seeing for a very long time (“You’ll love it. It’s great!” It wasn’t.) And second is The Rite which I’ve wanted to see ever since ...
- Martin Luther King’s Legacy: Nonviolence is No ...Jesse Jackson The memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King opened on the Mall in Washington. Dr. King will take his place with Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The monument features a 30-foot fi ...
- The Democrats' Rural Rebellions John Nichols Democrats looking to Washington during the long, hot summer for signs of their party’s renewal got little in the way of relief. President Obama’s approval ratings tanked after he compromised away historic Democratic positions ...
- The Hurricane’s Eye Wall: Andrew to IreneDonna Smith As the early rain bands of Hurricane Irene inch into my neighborhood this morning, I am caught off guard by the flood of terror and emotion surfacing for me that is disproportionate to the impending threat (at least at this mom ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Ex D.N.I. Blair: The Hippies Were Right (Again)HASH(0x9eae7c0)
- The U.S. Has Created The Next Afghan Civil WarHASH(0xa33fa28)
- Karzai's Strongman Brother Killed In The Potte ...HASH(0xa03eca0)
- Swimming In A Sea Of Night RaidsHASH(0xa2ef660)
- 2 notes on Afghanistan and the failure of COINHASH(0x9dab938)
Water Wars
- Lawmakers attend meeting about waterForsyth County was well represented at the recent meeting of the Joint Study Committee on Water Supply.District 23 state Rep. Mark Hamilton and District 27 state Sen. Jack Murphy, both Republicans from Cumming, attended the session, which focused on the tri-state water wars and on Gov.Nathan Dea ...
- Film festival focuses on water wars and moreMark Twain once said, "Whiskey is for drinkin'. Water is for fightin' over."
- Water WarsSPARKS – Dozens of Washoe County residents turned out at Sparks High School Thursday during the last of nine Bureau of Land Management (BLM) open house sessions to protest a proposed pipeline that would ship water from rural northeastern Nevada to Las Vegas, citing the loss of environmental, eco ...
- Water WarsSPARKS – Dozens of Washoe County residents turned out at Sparks High School Thursday during the last of nine Bureau of Land Management (BLM) open house sessions to protest a proposed pipeline that would ship water from rural northeastern Nevada to Las Vegas, citing the loss of environmental, eco ...
- Water WarsSPARKS – Dozens of Washoe County residents turned out at Sparks High School Thursday during the last of nine Bureau of Land Management (BLM) open house sessions to protest a proposed pipeline that would ship water from rural northeastern Nevada to Las Vegas, citing the loss of environmental, eco ...
WordPress | Economics
- Stocks eye perfect storm of Irene and jobsStocks eye perfect storm of Irene and jobs Reuters By Rodrigo Campos NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.
- BAC To The FutureI was reading a couple recent posts written by John Hempton of Bronte Capital where he was talking a
- The Many Collapses of Keynesianism and the Deb ...LRC: The Many Collapses of Keynesianism. It appears that there is no awakening from the Keynesian ni
- Calculate The ScamPolitical Calculations has a tool to figure out the rate of return for Social Security based on a fe
- Tax Da RichWhat About Taxing the Rich? Right now, with the Bush Tax-Cuts still in effect, the rich contribute w
Electronic Intifada
- French giant Veolia cut down to size for abusi ...Maren Mantovani and Michael Deas The Electronic Intifada Nicolas Sarkozy’s government must face up to its obligations not to abet Israel’s crimes.
- Barren tables at Ramadan as PA loses $35 milli ...The Electronic IntifadaRamallah Palestinian families are facing increasing financial woes this Ramadan, as the Palestinian Authority juggles with its dwindling�budget.
- Gaza, West Bank governments urged to abolish d ...Mel FrykbergThe Electronic IntifadaRamallah Judicial sentencing procedures differ between courts in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, especially in death penalty�cases.
- Demolitions by Israel increase fivefold, says ...IRINThe Electronic IntifadaRamallah Skyrocketing Israeli policies of home demolitions in Area C have displaced more than 650 Palestinians In the first six months of 2011�alone.
- Gaza lifeguards deprived of rescue equipment b ...Eva BartlettThe Electronic IntifadaGaza Strip Power cuts and a lack of basic rescue equipment due to Israeli restrictions mean that Gaza lifeguards can’t reach swimmers in danger.
The Wonk Room
- Denier Pat Michaels: “It Is Doubtful That Ire ...Add callousness to the list of credits for long-wrong climate science denier Patrick Michaels. On Friday, Michaels, of the pro-pollution Cato Institute, attacked the supposed ‘hype’ around Hurricane Irene and predicted on Forbes.com: As TP Green noted last night: Unfortunately, Michaelsâ optimis ...
- Right Wing Tries New Tactic To Soften BushR ...With the threat of Hurricane Irene to millions of Americans from the Carolinas to New England, President Barack Obama has been doing the job he was hired for, overseeing and directing the coordinated response of federal, state, and local government to minimize the loss of life and property from ...
- One of the Jailed ‘Tar Sands 52′ T ...JR:Â Bill McKibben writes me that “since that first day, the police have become professional and humane. The next 340 people arrested have been handcuffed, driven to the police station in a paddy wagon, processed, fined $100, and released. So no one need fear they’ll go through what is describe ...
- Voters Punish Incumbents For Bad WeatherVia Joshua Tucker, Larry Bartels & Christopher Achen on the political science of hurricanes (PDF): Students of democratic politics have long believed that voters punish incumbents for hard times. Governments bear the responsibility for the economy in the modern era, so that replacing incompetent ...
- The Newest Red List Species: Commercial Fishermenby Michael Conathan Sustainability is the ultimate buzzword in fisheries and it’s led to the ubiquitous red-yellow-green list as one of the most popular means of trying to present consumers with a simple yet comprehensive way of determining whether or not they should order a certain kind of fish ...
thwap's schoolyard
- A Visit to Queen's ParkLast fall, for reasons hazy and uncertain, I packed up the little fella into the bike-buggy and rode down to Queen's Park. The event that I had a vague recollection was supposed to be there wasn't there. So, on a lark, I decided to get a visitor's pass and go watch the events in the legislature. ...
- Thoughts About Jack LaytonWhile I preferred the Jack Layton who held Paul Martin directly responsible for homeless deaths, to the "serious" statesman who wouldn't let his MPs heckle the war-criminal criminal moron psychopath bush II when that piece of shit slithered across our border and was making noises about addressin ...
- Oppressed People Complain Too MuchExcept for the REAL oppressed people that is: WHITE MALES Yeah, because EXCUSE ME, but First Nations peoples get to occupy buildings and land all the time, and they DON'T ALWAYS GET SHOT AND KILLED FOR IT!!! And Black People? Get a ticket on the "Clue Train": Racism was defeated in the Ame ...
- Excellent Article on European Financial CrisisAs good a source as I've yet found on the subject - Vicente Navarro: "Crisis and Class Struggle in the Eurozone" Another characteristic of this group of countries is the acceptance by the governing social democratic parties of most of the neoliberal policies pushed by the EU establishment. Th ...
- Sometimtes They Really Are Just Fucking MoronsReagan, bush II, harper, Mike Harris, Tim Hudak, Ernie Eves, John Baird, Jim Flaherty, William Kristol, Ezra Levant, and of course, Rob Ford. When you factor in the way that they get so handsomely rewarded for their services and the fact that they want government to fail in order to slash ser ...
on Government Oversight
- FOIA Friday: Memo Regarding Potential Conflict ...HASH(0xb2ddb58)
- Dear Super Committee: Defense Contractors are ...HASH(0xb1e7be0)
- Earthquake Causes Wake-Up Call for Nuclear SafetyHASH(0xb3b73c8)
- CFTC Approves Final Whistleblower Rules, Rejec ...HASH(0xafc3248)
- Morning Smoke: The Story of How the Army Waste ...HASH(0xb6a49c0)
Digital Journal
- My Little Meat Market is the place for healthy ...Jason Stanton is the owner of My Little Meat Market, a new store at the Live Local Marketplace at Scadding Court Community Centre in Toronto. His store is offering some of Toronto's healthiest meat at a price every family can afford.
- A new type of 'back to school'I began readying myself for the new school year yesterday by packing. For me, it's a new kind of 'back to school' — I'm moving to a college campus.
- Hundreds still coming to Toronto City Hall to ...Since the death of Canadian New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton, hundreds of thousands across the country have paid their respects to the Official Opposition Leader. In Toronto, hundreds are still honouring and remembering Layton at City Hall.
- Teen charged with attempted murder after cop d ...In an incident reminiscent of those that took the lives of two York Regional Police officers in the past four years, an 18-year-old Toronto man faces four charges including attempted murder
- A firsthand account of events unfolding in LibyaWhilst mainstream news sources portray the war in Libya as a revolution and rebel victory, journalists on the ground in Libya's capital, Tripoli, paint a very different and bleak picture.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe a ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 10 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Hundreds leave tributes to Jack Layton on Ceas ...I'm certain he will be remembered as second only to Tommy Douglas himself, one of Canada's greatest Canadians.
- Jack Layton: Peace ActivistJack was a friend of the peace movement, and could be counted upon to find an alternative to war and to stand up for Canadian values of co-operation and diplomacy.
- Australia’s F-35 order ‘up in the air’Australian Defence Minister Stephen Smith has warned Parliament that repeated cost increases and delays in the F-35 programme were falling out of line with limits set by the government and military planners (Australia to decide on F-35 fighter purchase in 2012: Govt, Reuters, 17 August 2011). Sm ...
- Peacekeeping contribution remains dismalCanada was once the largest single contributor to UN peacekeeping operations. Today, according to Canadians for Peacekeeping‘s third annual factsheet on Canada and UN peacekeeping, we rank 53rd among contributing countries. The ranking represents a slight drop in Canada’s position compared to la ...
- A Season of Non-Violence: 64 Ways for 64 DaysPummy Kaur, a Vancouver-based author and social justice activist, has just released a new book entitled 'A Season of Non-Violence: 64 Ways for 64 Days'.
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Olive Oil Reduces Risk of StrokeJune 28th, 2011 NaturalNews.com By:Â J.D. Heyes Another new study has confirmed what we’ve known for quite some time – that olive oil contributes to better health. According to researchers who followed about 7,000 people aged 65 and older in three French cities for five years, olive oil can hel ...
- Bill Gates, Monsanto Hijack ‘Humanitarian Aid’ ...June 28th, 2011 NaturalNews.com By: Ethan A. Huff Those still in denial about the connection between the so-called “humanitarian” efforts of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the bigger agenda to thrust genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) on the populations of the world (among other thi ...
- J&J Recalls 40,000 Bottles of Schizophrenia Dr ...June 28th, 2011 NaturalNews.com By: Jonathan Benson The Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Co.’s pharmaceutical division just cannot seem to get its act together. A recent recall involving 16,000 bottles of its schizophrenia drug Risperdal, and 24,000 bottles of a generic version of the same drug, mark yet ...
- What’s Wrong With Our Food System?Click here for the video!
- Dollar Seen Losing Global Reserve StatusJune 28th, 2011 Financial Times By: Jack Farchy The US dollar will lose its status as the global reserve currency over the next 25 years, according to a survey of central bank reserve managers who collectively control more than $8,000bn. More than half the managers, who were polled by UBS, predi ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: Conference will establish African Soci ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
- Global: It takes a VillagerOwino Odhiambo left his tiny Kenyan village less than a decade ago to immerse himself completely in American culture. Equipped with American citizenship, two degrees, and five years experience working as a dedicated graphic designer in New York City,...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Global: New murders and fumigations in ancestr ...In only two weeks, four Afro-Colombian leaders have been murdered, and several subjected to death threats. Fumigations have caused the internal displacement of more than 100 Afro-Colombians. The violation of Afro-Colombian fundamental rights continue...
War in Context
- Syrian opposition decides to take up arms agai ...Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports: The leader of the Revolutionary Council of the Syrian Coordination Committees, Mohammad Rahhal, said in remarks published Sunday that the council took the decision to arm the Syrian revolution. Since mid-March pro-democracy protests have engulfed most of Syria ...
- Gaddafi offers to negotiate with Libya rebels ...The Guardian reports: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has offered to enter talks with the Libyan rebels over the formation of a transitional government as loyalist fighters are pushed further to the outskirts of Tripoli and rebel forces prepare for an assault on the ousted dictator’s hometown of Sirte. ...
- Israel’s social justice movement — on vacation ...Gideon Levy reports: Last night the people demanded social justice again, but a little less than before. After a brief (and unnecessary ) hiatus due to the situation in the south the protest returned last night, but not bigger and better than ever. This wasn’t the massive turnout of previous we ...
- Egyptian military source: We’re considering mo ...Al-Masry Al-Youm reports: A well-placed source at the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has said Egypt is currently studying the possibility of modifying the Camp David Agreement with regard to the number of military troops and equipment allowed into Sinai. However, an Israeli source told th ...
- Egypt mulls buffer zone on Gaza borderAl-Masry Al-Youm reports: Egypt is currently considering a plan to set up a 5-kilometer wide buffer zone on its border with the Gaza Strip, senior security sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm on Saturday. They said that security forces are finalizing a plan to destroy smuggling tunnels, adding that ...
Watts Up With That?
- Long-range forecast models see 92L developing ...Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue As hurricane season ramps up, eyes turn towards the African coast as “easterly waves” emerge over the warm waters of the North Atlantic. Invests or areas of concern are “named” by simply numbering them … Continue reading →
- Hurricane Irene TV news reports – a brid ...I just got done watching about 30 minutes of the special “Hurricane Irene Information” Channel 259 om DirecTV where they are carrying live reports from ABC7 out of New York City. I’ve watched many TV channels tonight like it. I … Continue reading →
- CEI misses the boat on the need for the Nation ...Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) picks an odd time and a curious target for their latest missive pondering whether We Really Need a National Weather Service? Most of their arguments are not particularly persuasive … Continue reading →
- Hurricane Fatalities, 1900–2010: Context in th ...Guest post by Indur M. Goklany Despite the press given to hurricanes on the dangers they pose to life and limb, in the larger scheme of things, their contribution to U.S. mortality (less than 0.01% on average each year) verges … Continue reading →
- Hurricane Irene not packing much of a “p ...One of the great things about Internet, technology, and personal weather stations today is that I can sit comfortably in my home in California and watch the storm progress on the other coast. This map from Weather Underground suggests that … Continue reading →
- Hurricane Irene Hits East Coast, Heading for N ...Credit: NOAA/NASA GOES Project Originally published Thursday, August 25, 2011 Governors Cuomo of New York and Christie of New Jersey have each declared a state of emergency in their respective states in anticipation of Hu...Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Shalakh Apricots from Armenia Become 1000th 'P ...Mt. Ararat, seen from Armenia. Photo: Maks Karochkin / Creative Commons. Towering above the Turkish-Armenian border, Mt. Ararat is thought by many to be the place where the biblical Noah's ark -- the vessel said to have taken on a pair of every animal species in order to repopulate the eart ...
- Adorable Handmade Baby Ponchos Made with Recyc ...Photo: Peri Ponchos If you like to dress your WeeHugger in elf-inspired ethical fashion, Portland, Oregon-based Peri Ponchos has just the ticket. They now have a new line of adorable children's fleece ponchos made with post-consumer 2-liter plastic soda bottles and they are sure to keep you ...
- As if Pesticides Were Not Bad Enough...Fake Pe ...Image: muammerokumus/CC BY -SA 2.0) Pesticides are a two-edged sword. We take the risks of toxicological and ecological side effects because the first priority is to feed a growing population of humans. Those that cannot afford organic must trust the laws and regulations to protect them. An ...
- Turning Wartime T-Walls into Iraqi Affordable ...Natural wind tower in housing project in Basrah, Iraq. Rendering by New World Design. At a Pecha Kucha session during this summer's Dwell on Design conference, I was inspired by a series of seven 7-minute presentations proposed on the theme of "Regeneration." Dwell magazine editors partnere ...
- Mimicking biological complexity, in a tiny par ...Tiny particles made of polymers hold great promise for targeted delivery of drugs and as structural scaffolds for building artificial tissues. However, current production methods for such microparticles yield a limited array of shapes and can only be made with certain materials, restricting thei ...
- Scientists Help Pinpoint Cause of Stress-Relat ...Working closely with a team of researchers from Duke University, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have helped identify a molecular pathway that plays a key role in stress-related damage to the genome, the entirety of an organism’s hereditary information. The n ...
- Chromosomes and CancerAneuploidy—when the cells of an organism contain more or fewer than the standard number of chromosomes for its species—is found in greater than 90 percent of all human cancers. But how exactly it relates to cancer, and whether it is a cause or merely a consequence of genomic instability, has lon ...
- Watching the Protein TangoA new microscope has allowed researchers to watch molecules move within a cell on a millisecond-by-millisecond time scale for the first time. The novel method, which combines two preëxisting microscopic techniques, opens a window onto cellular processes that had previously been undetectable, unv ...
- Study: Obese People Live as Long as Slimmer PeopleObese people who are otherwise healthy live as long as normal-weight people, new research from Canada suggests. Some obese but healthy people actually are less likely to die of heart problems than normal-weight people who have some medical conditions, the researchers found. “You shouldn’t just l ...
- Not much pop to corn controversy
- The icky problem of sewage treatment
- CEI's Chris Horner on White House lawsuit
- Eco-Lifestyles becoming a regular part of campus
- Interview: House Resources on Healthy Forests
Ria Novosti Online News
- Irene batters New YorkHurricane Irene, which was downgraded by the U.S. forecasters to a tropical storm, is lashing New York City with wind gusts and torrential rains, CNN said, quoting emergency officials.
- Egypt mulls buffer zone on border with Gaza StripEgypt is currently pondering the possibility to set up buffer zone on its border with Gaza Strip in order to thwart arms and drugs smugglers, Egypt's Al-Masri Al-Yawm paper said on Saturday.
- Middle East Conflict
- Turkish beach blast injures 15A blast that ripped through beach in the Turkish resort city of Kemer in the early hours of Sunday has injured 15 people, of them seven are Russian tourists, a Russian consulate spokesman said.
- Gaddafi ready to start talks on power transferLibyan embattled strongman Muammar Gaddafi is ready to begin talks to transfer power, his spokesman has said on Sunday, world media reported.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- International Space Station
- European ATV-3 unmanned cargo carrier shipped ...ATV-3, Europe's next unmanned cargo carrier to the International Space Station has arrived to the Kourou space center in French Guiana for next year's launch.
- Russia to test launch Soyuz rockets before del ...Russia will carry out two unmanned test launches of Soyuz carrier rockets in the coming fall before using them to deliver crews to the International Space Station, a source in the Russian space industry said on Friday.
- Siberian illnesses ‘not linked’ to spacecraft ...The headaches reported by residents of a south Siberian village are not linked to the fragments of a space freighter that may have crashed in the area, a spokesman for the Roscosmos space agency said on Friday.
- Russian icebreaker to help U.S. scientists in ...A Russian icebreaker will assist U.S. polar explorers in escorting convoys of cargo ships with supplies for U.S. research stations in Antarctica, the U.S. National Science Foundation said.
Pruning Shears
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Pfc. Jesse W. Dietrich, 20, of Venus, TX.Army Sgt. Andrew R. Tobin, 24, of Jacksonville, IL.Army ...
- 'No on HB 194': Activism, fatigue, and the GOP ...Since the Wisconsin recalls there has been quite a bit of commentary about how folks want a break from politics, and maybe a campaign to oust Scott Walker early next year should be postponed. Some of it is just garden variety concern trolling by conservatives who understand just how devastating ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Marine Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson, 19, of Pace, FL.Army Spc. Joshua M. Seals, 21, of Porter, OK.Army ...
- 'No on Issue 2': Yes, GOP, this is really happ ...Last week the Ohio politics blog Plunderbund had a series of posts about the sudden and dramatic sense of desperation that had seized the right. The panic began with an editorial from the conservative Columbus Dispatch. It was so completely at odds with reality that even a casual follower of s ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Spc. Spencer C. Duncan, 21, of Olathe, KS.Army Sgt. Alexander J. Bennett, 24, of Tacoma, WA.Army ...
Organic Consumers.org
- New WikiLeaks Cables Show US Diplomats Promote ...Dozens of United States diplomatic cables released in the latest WikiLeaks dump on Wednesday reveal new details of the US effort to push foreign governments to approve genetically engineered (GE) crops and promote the worldwide interests of agribusiness giants like Monsanto and DuPont.Click her ...
- Dramatizing Obama's Climate DilemmaPresident Obama now has a clear choice on climate change. Major energy corporations are seeking to build a 1700-mile oil pipeline from Canada's tar sands to refineries in Texas.Click here to read this article
- Forget Potatoes: Idaho Now Grows CAFOsWhen the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act (Proposition 2) passed in California in 2008, it granted laying hens nominally more space in their cages.Click here to read this article
- Why Music Needs to Get Political AgainHow ironic that The Clash should be on the cover of the NME in the week that London was burning, that their faces should be staring out from the shelves as newsagents were ransacked and robbed by looters intent on anarchy in the UK.Click here to read this article
- No Way to Honor Dr. KingThe ceremonies for the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington DC were kicked off on August 24 at an event billed as Honoring Global Leaders for Peace. But some of those honored are a far cry from King's beloved community of the poor and oppressed. The tribute to peacemakers, organized ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Sweating the small stuff: engineered nano-mate ...Many public health hazards are too small to see. This is especially true of engineered nano-materials, or ENMs. As their name implies, these materials are small—no more than a few hundred nanometers in diameter. (For perspective, one nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or one human hair sp ...
- Dam Water in China: Water LosersAlong the Keriya River, one of twelve waterways in western China where dam construction began last year, the mood is weary and palpably tense. For those on the bank, what the dams will bring remains uncertain; what they have taken away is already great. New York Times journalist Jim Yardley writ ...
- Dam Water in China: Is It Worth It?In western China, massive dams are being built along 12 waterways. The dams are supposed to aid economic development—but experts are saying it’s likely that the dams will do more harm than good. When China pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45 percent of the 2005 levels at the Cop ...
- Organic Poultry Farms Brew Profoundly Fewer An ...Amy Sapkota's research confirms what has long been suspected but never documented in the U.S.—poultry growers who convert to an organic system can reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance and make an important contribution to safeguarding the health of the public.
- James Beard Leadership Awards: Recognizing Foo ...Today the James Beard Foundation named the 10 recipients of its inaugural Leadership Awards, expanding the Foundation’s focus to include game-changing pioneers who have inspired positive action to improve our country’s food system.
Investigate - Breaking News
- Reviews of Breaking Silence by Ian WishartREVIEWS OF BREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE BY IAN WISHART Firstly, we are very glad to have read it and thankful that Wishart (and King) have written it. Wishart has done the entire body politic a great deal of good....
- Climate study endorses central premise of Air ConA central premise of my book Air Con, from 2009, appears to have been validated by new peer reviewed research. My argument, which Climate Change minister Nick Smith and self-proclaimed climate expert - truffle grower Gareth Renowden, tried to challenge...
- BREAKING SILENCE: what the Coroner was not all ...FROM AN EXTRACT OF BREAKING SILENCE Published in the latest Investigate HIS/HERS magazine... What you are about to read has been described as the most controversial book ever published in New Zealand. It wasn’t supposed to be. But news sent...
- BREAKING SILENCE news releaseBREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE By Ian Wishart $39.99, Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd RELEASE DATE: Imminent Final opportunity to pre-order for delivery on Day One: www.howlingatthemoon.com The new book that shatters myths surrounding the Kahui murder case is...
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART Major bookstore chains have today been forced to cancel orders for the explosive new book on the Kahui twins murders, BREAKING SILENCE In response, Author and publisher Ian Wishart has confirmed the book will go...
My Care2 Picks
- Extending Grace: A Lesson from ParentingI enjoy watching my preschooler play with her toys.She cares more about what a toy can do than what it was made to do.Those toys, even though they are being used incorrectly, are teaching her about the world around her.Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
- Question Authority: Always and Forever HereafterI was asked at the Freedom Summit in 2010 after my speech during questions what was the most important tool or consideration for surviving the coming bad times. Critical thinking is the most important and vital ...Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- An enemy of democracy?He was the first journalist in Hiroshima after the bomb, describing the nuclear fallout under the headline: �Warning to the world: The atomic plague.� He reported on the wars in Korea and Indochina from a non-Western perspective, and was sympathetic Submitted by Joseph M. to World �|� �Note-it! ...
- Reviewing the Narrative'Narrative' has a special meaning when dealing with media control and approved editorial content. I employ 'reasonable doubt' with enthusiasm in data collecting. Here's my attempt at Alternative Media.Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Dead Sirte: Another Murderous Twist in NATO's ...in order "protect civilians" from the now non-existent regime of Moamar Gadafy, the humanitarian lords of the West are now killing civilians at the behest of the new, non-elected regime of the murky and murderous "Transitional National Council."Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! � ...
Angry Indian News
- Pan-African News Wire: South Africa Continues ...Pan-African News Wire: South Africa Continues Hostility Toward NATO Invasion of Libya: by Amiel Ungar - WikipediaIt was only with difficulty that the Western countries managed to extract permission... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- inteldaily.com: African Union Refuses Appeals ...African Union Refuses Appeals to Recognize Libya’s Rebels: VOA News - The African Union [AU] has rejected calls for recognition of Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council. The decision highlights... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Obama admin: Pardoning Garvey a waste of time ...Obama admin: Pardoning Garvey a waste of time and resources [uhurunews.com] The Obama administration has rejected a call for a posthumous presidential pardon for Marcus Garvey, calling it a waste of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Peru passes "historic" indigenous rights law | ...Peru passes "historic" indigenous rights law | World War 4 Report: On Aug. 23, Peru's Congress unanimously approved a new law that guarantees indigenous peoples' right to free, prior and informed... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Nativist Leader Says Violence May be Needed to ...Nativist Leader Says Violence May be Needed to Save ‘White America’ | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center: While much of the political rhetoric on the right these days is laden with violent... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- TS Radio: Glenn Morton on ObamacareJoin us Tuesday evening at 8 CST! Date / Time: 08-23-11 6:00 pm PST 8:00 pm CST 9:00 pm EST “My name is Glenn Morton, and I am President of Taylor, Levi, and Associates, an insurance brokerage firm in Maryland. I have been in the health care/health insurance business for almost 20 years, working ...
- We Have Not Seen the Last of the Genetically M ...Canada will be the egg producing capitol of transgenicfrankenfishsalmoneelthings, with NO preemptive oversight from the FDA.
- Monsanto Targets ConsumersMonsanto leaps from commercial agriculture to take on the retail market with genetically engineered sweet corn designed with the consumer in mind.
- The “Non-GMO” Labeling ScamA company wants to market a product chock full of GMOs and every other thing under the sun, make it appear to be healthy, and use Non-GMO certification to sell it. So how do you do it?
- Smart Grid – The Birth of Global TechnocracySmart Grid - The Birth of Global Technocracy VIDEO - Patrick Wood
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- BP can be sued for punitive Gulf spill damagesShareThisBP can be sued for punitive Gulf spill damages 27 Aug 2011 Thousands of fishermen and business owners in a multi-billion-dollar legal battle with BP over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill have won the right to sue for punitive damages, in a fresh defeat for the oil major. More than 100,000 i ...
- Market crash 'could hit within weeks', warn ba ...ShareThisMarket crash 'could hit within weeks', warn bankers 24 Aug 2011 A more severe crash than the one triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers could be on the way, according to alarm signals in the credit markets. Insurance on the debt of several major European banks has now hit historic ...
- BBC journalist killed during Taliban attack 'm ...ShareThisBBC journalist killed during Taliban attack 'may have been shot by US forces' 26 Aug 2011 A BBC journalist who died during a Taliban suicide attack may have been shot dead by US special forces, an independent investigation has found. Ahmed Omed Khpulwak was one of more than 20 people ki ...
- Two NATO tankers torched in PakistanShareThisTwo NATO tankers torched in Pakistan 28 Aug 2011 At least two NATO oil tankers have been destroyed by unknown militants in Pakistan's southwestern province of Baluchistan, officials say. Militants riding on a motorcycle initially opened fired at the tankers and then set them on fire on ...
- 10 dead as Hurricane Irene churns up AtlanticShareThis10 dead as Hurricane Irene churns up Atlantic --Winds begin to blast Northeast --More than 9,000 flights canceled through Monday 28 Aug 2011 At least 10 people were dead and about 2 million homes and businesses were in the dark early Sunday as Hurricane Irene took aim at New York City p ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – ...Article continued from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of The Body Replenishing the vital mineral base We must look to children with Autism to determine the full extent of “vaccine toxicity” derived nutrient deficiencies incurred in the body. All vaccine d ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – ...Article intended to be read in conjunction with VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body The Long Road To Recovery There are unfortunately no shortcuts to restoring natural, optimal health levels in the body, no quick fix solutions ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5 – ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – ...Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; hindering the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, s ...
- VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, ...Article is intended to be read in conjunction with Part 1: VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix â A Legacy Of Shame Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury fe ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal f ...
Michael Yon
- Edvard Munch in the Marijuana PatchMy heavily armed tent mates hours before the mission. 24 August 2011 Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Task Force Spartan, 4-4Cav We live in tents.� Nice tents with air conditioning.� But not now; the electricity and air conditioning are out again and I�m sweating in a boiling ten ...
- Tracer BurnoutA Female Engagement Team (FET) at work in an Afghan compound. The notions that women should not, cannot, or do not go into combat, all are invalid. They should, they can, and they do. And here we need them. 22 August 2011 Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Task Force Spartan, 4-4Cav ...
- Battlefield Forensics The Later meeting 18 August 2011 Task Force Spartan, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan During a planning session at a sand table, numerous firefights broke out.� We were at safe distance but close enough to hear heavy volumes of machine gun, AK-47 and RPGs.� The enemy had hit three targets simult ...
- JTAC: Joint Terminal Attack Controller17 August 2011 4-4Cav in Combat Operation Flintlock We made it off the helicopter landing zone with no fighting. The enemy was not afraid of us, but they must have been taken by surprise. Two Air Force JTACs were along for the mission, as they nearly always are in deliberate attacks that mi ...
- Body Bags & Speedballs Body bag drag 16 August 2011 Zhary District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan The enemy is easily resupplied.� His arteries for food and water are shorter than snake legs.�� He can buy or steal much of what he needs to fight.��� We don�t steal food or materials from locals, so we must plan for ...
The Killing Train
- Things they don't tell you about capitalism: a ...Published on ZNet Ha-Joon Chang is a development economist with a special interest in economic history. His most recent book, “23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism”, as well as previous books, have critiqued neoliberalism and laissez-faire economics. I interviewed him by telephone on A ...
- Ultraviolent conflictsBetween economic austerity and riot stories, my reading is out of sync with the headlines. I've been reading more about African conflicts, especially very recent and ongoing ones. Specifically: -Allen and Vlassenroot's book on the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. -Jason Stearns's book on the Co ...
- Numeracy alert. Gravy drain.I read Metro Today on the subway today. There was a story blaming City of Toronto staff for squandering - wait for it - up to $1 MILLION dollars in sole-sourced contracts. So, Rob Ford is right, and there is waste to be cut, eh? Except that $1 million is, for example, 1/3 of what the KPMG report ...
- The politics of economic self-destructionSorry for the hiatus. Partly I've been busy with work and life and been unable to spend as much time doing articles. Partly I am trying to train myself to not relate to the world through 2000 word articles but to have a little more variety, including longer things (ie., books), one of which I am ...
- Tories would rather shut down the CBC than ans ...This is a video that should be watched widely. These are Harper voters.
- Hurricane Irene Hits East Coast, Heading for N ...Credit: NOAA/NASA GOES Project Originally published Thursday, August 25, 2011 Governors Cuomo of New York and Christie of New Jersey have each declared a state of emergency in their respective states in anticipation of Hu...Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Shalakh Apricots from Armenia Become 1000th 'P ...Mt. Ararat, seen from Armenia. Photo: Maks Karochkin / Creative Commons. Towering above the Turkish-Armenian border, Mt. Ararat is thought by many to be the place where the biblical Noah's ark -- the vessel said to have taken on a pair of every animal species in order to repopulate the eart ...
- Adorable Handmade Baby Ponchos Made with Recyc ...Photo: Peri Ponchos If you like to dress your WeeHugger in elf-inspired ethical fashion, Portland, Oregon-based Peri Ponchos has just the ticket. They now have a new line of adorable children's fleece ponchos made with post-consumer 2-liter plastic soda bottles and they are sure to keep you ...
- As if Pesticides Were Not Bad Enough...Fake Pe ...Image: muammerokumus/CC BY -SA 2.0) Pesticides are a two-edged sword. We take the risks of toxicological and ecological side effects because the first priority is to feed a growing population of humans. Those that cannot afford organic must trust the laws and regulations to protect them. An ...
- Turning Wartime T-Walls into Iraqi Affordable ...Natural wind tower in housing project in Basrah, Iraq. Rendering by New World Design. At a Pecha Kucha session during this summer's Dwell on Design conference, I was inspired by a series of seven 7-minute presentations proposed on the theme of "Regeneration." Dwell magazine editors partnere ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Bids in for onshore petro blocksNew bids for 18 oil & gas blocks submitted but foreign companies must include local companies in joint ventures
- Advisor: govt to form rights committeeGovt advisor claims that a committee to examine human rights is being created, with opposition sceptical over appointment of members
- UN envoy urges rights probeTomas Ojea Quintana urges the govt to address serious human rights violations in the country, calls for the release of political prisoners
- Time not right for Thai push backThai human rights official says time not right for border refugees to be forcibly repatriated to Burma
- Suu Kyi ‘encouraged’ by Quintana meetDaw Aung San Suu Kyi positive after first meeting with UN human rights envoy in Rangoon yesterday as Tomas Quintana raps up trip to the country
Telegraph - Climate Change
- El Nino more likely to cause internal unrestCountries affected by the notorious El Nino weather event are twice as likely to be hit by internal unrest compared to the phenomenon's cooler, wetter counterpart, La Nina, according to a study.
- El Nino more likely to causes internal unrestCountries affected by the notorious El Nino weather event are twice as likely to be hit by internal unrest compared to the phenomenon's cooler, wetter counterpart, La Nina, according to a study.
- Arctic ice cap 'near 2007 record minimum'The polar ice cap in the Arctic has melted to near its 2007 record minimum level and in some areas is 50 per cent smaller than average, Russia's environmental monitoring agency has claimed.
- Rajendra Pachauri is back to tell us: Trust meThe IPCC's chairman wants us to forget all those scandals about hockey sticks and HImalayan glaciers, writes Christopher Booker.
- Can Prof Rajendra Pachauri really survive 'Gla ...The head of the UN panel on climate change, Prof Rajendra Pachauri, is still adamant that one famously exaggerated report should not cost him his job , says Peter Stanford.
National Geographic | Environment
- Hurricane Irene Pictures: Storm Lashes U.S. Ea ...NoneSee the damage already wrought by the storm, and find out how other U.S. East Coast areas are preparing for the oncoming tempest.
- Hurricane Irene Hits North Carolina; New York ...As the hurricane slams the Carolina coast with high winds and flooding, New Yorkers prepare for the storm's arrival Sunday morning.
- Hurricane Irene to Cause One of Largest Power ...Hurricane Irene could plunge much of the U.S. East Coast into one of the largest power outages ever caused by a storm, experts say.
- Hurricane Irene "Looking Bad" for U.S.—Moon Ma ...Expected to hit the U.S. as a major hurricane, Irene seems headed for potentially unprepared towns—and the moon could make it even worse.
- Innu Nation Deal Trades Reparation for River PowerA deal to build new hydroelectric plants in Labrador includes redress for a native tribe that lost its land to a dam 40 years ago.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Federal judge rules punitive damages available ...[JURIST] The US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana [official website] Friday ruled on motions to dismiss made by British Petroleum (BP) [corporate website] and other defendants in litigation [materials] over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive ...
- South Carolina Democrats protest voter ID law ...[JURIST] South Carolina's Senate Minority Caucus filed an objection on Friday with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) [official website], asking for the rejection of the state's new voter identification law. The caucus, comprised of Democrats in the state Senate, argued that the law, which will ...
- Spain parties agree to amend constitution to l ...[JURIST] Spain's major political parties, the Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) and the Popular Party (PP) [official sites, in Spanish], reached an agreement on Friday to modify the country's constitution with provisions [text, PDF] that will regulate the limits of the national deficit in order to ...
- Arizona sues federal government over Voting Ri ...[JURIST] The Arizona Attorney General [official website] filed a suit [complaint, PDF; press release] on Thursday asking for an injunction on portions of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) [materials], arguing that it is unconstitutional for a state to clear any voting regulations with the Department o ...
- Brazil urged to revoke amnesty law[JURIST] Amnesty International (AI) [advocacy website] on Friday urged the Brazilian government to revoke [press release] the 1979 Amnesty Law [text, PDF, in Spanish], which shields military officials from prosecution for crimes committed during the country's 1964-1985 military dictatorship. In ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Washington Wants to Avoid Default, but It Can' ...With time running out, lawmakers still haven't crafted any bill that can raise the debt limit. Will they manage to pass one by Aug. 2? APThe aspirations don't match the situation.To hear them talk, the White House and every key player on Capitol Hill wants to avoid the first-ever default ...
- Boehner: Tough to Revive Bipartisan 'Humpty Du ...The House Speaker said Republicans would press ahead with their own proposal should Obama continue to reject a two-tier plan With Asian markets set to deliver a verdict within hours on the U.S. debt crisis, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said on ...
- Progress Toward a Debt Deal?With the clock ticking down to the reopening of the markets, Congressional leaders try to patch together a two-step agreement ...
- Let Them Eat Cake Alive & Well in Beverly HillsI love Los Angeles (I know -- few seem to want to admit it), but I love Washington, DC more. I love DC's intrigue and policy banter -- the passionate debates about Israel and Palestine, about nuclear vs. renewables, about Grover Norquist vs. big government Republicans (& MoveOn), about whethe ...
- How to Be a Right-Leaning JournalistA libertarian guide for young reporters tells us how media, ideological or otherwise, should work in the digital age With the rise of ideological journalism over the past decade, a period when opinionated bloggers, Web journalists, and muckraking activists have changed the face of the profess ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans cl ...
Tikun Olam
- Lieberman Accuses Abbas of Seeking ‘Takeover o ...Poor Avigdor Lieberman: he “can’t get no respect” from Mahmoud Abbas, who won’t concede that Israel is, and must forever be a Jewish state (regardless of how many non-Jews are citizens): Lieberman said…that a statement made by Palestinian…President Mahmoud Abbas…that the Palestinians would not a ...
- Of Gremlins, Liars and Pro-Israel HoaxstersSeveral friends have received false claims (and a would-be commenter on this blog tried to publish this as well) that I lied about the dismissal of the libel charge against me filed by Rachel Neuwirth. In order to lay this to rest (except for the Birthers and other true-believers among them who ...
- Israel’s UN Ambassador: No Chance of Stopping ...Haaretz reports that Israel’s UN ambassador alerted his colleagues in the foreign ministry that Israel faces no chance of stopping the juggernaut for Palestinian statehood in the General Assembly next month: Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a classified cable to the F ...
- Israeli MK Ahmed Tibi Criticizes Jesse Jackson ...J Street and pro-Israel blogger apologist Adam Holland have savagely attacked me for my criticism of Jesse Jackson’s Jerusalem Post op-ed, in which he ignorantly claimed Palestinians refused to adopt non-violence in their campaign for statehood. Â Jackson and five other members of the Congressio ...
- Obama Threatens Aid Cut-Off If PA Goes to UNShowing just whose side he’s on, Pres. Obama’s chief diplomatic representative to the PA threatened a full cut-off of U.S. aid unless the Palestinians dropped next month’s bid for statehood in the UN. Â The diplomat said: “If the Palestinian Authority insists on going to the Security Council, th ...
If Americans Knew
- Denying Nazi-Zionist collusion: The Sacramento ...In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn't cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn't include a response from the flier's authors.
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
David J. Gregory
- " Flip Flopped"� Dear Editor, � The Chronicle on 8/22/11, stated that the Crystal River City Council was going to have the "first reading" on 8/22/11 of an ordinance that the council voted on at a previous meeting "to change flag displays to an unlimited number". � How can flying "an unlimited number"of U.S fl ...
- Help to overcomeSIGLER/Chronicle David Gregory has a condition that causes him to need a van equipped with a chair lift so he can access it from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. The van he currently uses is in poor shape, so he is in need of a new van. Friends have opened a bank account to [...]
- USA PATRIOT Act: The Myth of a Secure European ...The U.S. is home to the world's largest technology companies, offering cloud services from simple storage to complex web applications to users across the world. But data held even in European datacenters, protected by strict European data laws, may still be vulnerable to inspection by U.S. autho ...
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PLEASE REPOSTby David Gregory on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 1:56pm For those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years [...]
- My PredicamentFor those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years of service. Unfortunately, because I work I do not quali ...
Unsuitable Blog
- The Consumer Culture Will Never Be ConvictedNovember 28, 2008: As the recession really started to bite in the Western world, something was stirring in the minds of people across the USA. Black Friday, that time of year when, traditionally, retail businesses move from being in the “red” to being in the “black”, had taken on a Pavlovian sig ...
- London 2012: Crass, Commercial and Completely ...The Olympic Charter reads as follows: Fundamental Principles of Olympism 1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of eff ...
- Why So Few Unsuitablogs?I’ve been looking at the main page at pondering on the lack of recent posts. There is a reason for this – not the pondering, but the lack of posts – and it stems from the tension that arises between the part of an activist that writes about what is going on with the world [...]
- Money for Nothing and Your Soul for FreeWe, the media and I, have an interesting relationship. They leave me alone for the most part, and I give them hell because for the most part they are an industry dedicated to anti-life propaganda. Sometimes, though, they will contact me for a quote, an interview and some advice on how to keep th ...
- Lush’s Dirty Laundry [by Cory Morningstar]In an unlikely alliance, Lush Cosmetics joins the Indigenous Environmental Network against the Canadian tar sands. The Lush campaign targets the tar sands, yet the CEO of Lush fails to target his own family’s dynasty built on the continued exploration of oil, gas and mining. Today, the environme ...
Subalternate Reality
- Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: âWhen a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.â I wasnât commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to describe the s ...
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlanticâs Jeffrey Goldberg â one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq â has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement thatâs taken over the streets of Egypt. âI support democratization, but,â he cautions, âthe democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
- All That Happens In The Middle East Can’ ...Uncertainly rules the day in Tunisia. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the countryâs strong-armed and authoritarian ruler since 1987, is in Saudi Arabia while the interim government struggles to restore some semblance of order. âConfusion, fear and horror in Tunisia as old regime’s militia carries on ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Zeega Enables Communities to Create Interactiv ...We at Zeega want to enable anyone to create interactive documentaries and invent new forms of storytelling. For inspiration, we've looked to a figure who challenged the documentary form right when radio and film were being invented a century ago: Dziga Vertov. Best known for the remarkable f ...
- NextDrop Tackles Water Availability Issues in ...In Western countries, we take it for granted that we have access to clean water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At our fingertips is water that is plentiful enough to run our washing machines, warm enough for a hot shower, and safe enough to drink. In much of the developing world, however, this s ...
- Mobile Tech Brings Hope to Children in Zimbabwe In Zimbabwe, it's common for people to receive information over their mobile phones rather than using email or the Internet. That's why Kubatana, a non-profit that aims to improve the accessibility of human rights and civic information in Zimbabwe, teamed up with Freedom Fone to broaden access t ...
- Public Lab Helps Communities Do 'Civic Science ...Recently, a resident of Plaquemines Parish, La., made a striking comment to me about the importance of local involvement and knowledge in post-disaster projects: Listen to the people that have been down here, lived here, fished here, and camped here their whole entire lives and even their pa ...
- An Inside Look at Stroome's Metamorphosis in T ...If you've used Stroome, our collaborative video remixing site, in the last few weeks, you will have noticed, and hopefully enjoyed, a complete redesign of the site. User flow has now been streamlined, and the embedded community and collaborative elements make the process a lot more fun: ...
Cutting Edge News
- Animal Edge - Hyenas’ ability to count helps t ...Being able to count helps spotted hyenas decide to fight or flee, according to research at Michigan State University. When animals fight, the larger group tends to win. In the current issue of Animal Behaviour, Sarah Benson-Amram, an MSU graduate student studying zoology, showed that hyenas list ...
- The Battle for Libya - Post Qaddafi: Insurgenc ...By seizing most of Tripoli and fighting what's left of the pockets of resistance of Qaddafi forces, Libyan rebels have now almost dislodged the old regime and are expected to begin building their own government. The most pressing question within the international community and in Washington is a ...
- The 2012 Vote - 527 Group Wanes after Newt's S ...The Newt Gingrich money machine that raised $52 million in just four years to promote his ideas and image, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has quietly gone belly up. Gingrich set up the 527 group in 2007, but it began to lose fundraising steam almost as soon as the former House Speake ...
- The Digital Edge - White Space Frequencies Ove ...Cambridge Consultants has released a report discussing the foremost business opportunities in wireless technologies enabled by White Space frequencies, predicting the development of the first White Space consumer devices in the next five years. The report entitled: ‘White Space radio: High Stree ...
- Film Reviews - One Day: A Movie that Shows a D ...One Day. Director: Lone Scherfig; Starring: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Sébastien Dupuis. Length: 90 mins.How hard could it be for a former scholar of Winchester College to remember the legend associated with the patron saint of Winchester cathedral?St Swithun’s day if thou dost rain,For forty ...
High Country News
- The real side effect of medical marijuanaIn a country where cigarettes and alcohol kill so many people every year, the argument against medical marijuana is pure hypocrisy.
- Great hope, great fearThe threat of climate change is terrifying, especially for people who fear for their childrens future, but there is still hope, if we start working together.
- River rafting -- no car requiredHow to enjoy a summer raft trip, fossil-fuel-free.
- The Taj Mahal, the pyramids - and HCN? Summer visitors; corrections and clarifications.
- Idaho: The CAFO state?Idaho rolls out the welcome mat for chicken farms and other huge livestock operations.
- Set Title HereEnter Text Here
- Fear And Loathing In The Housing Market- The G ...By William HicksContinuing the recent run of bad economic news, an S&P/Case Shiller report on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. home prices in most major markets have resumed falling after stabilizing for a couple of years
- Disastrous US Jobs Report Points To Deepening ...By Barry GreyUS payrolls grew by a paltry 54,000 in May and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percent since March, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department
- A State For JewsBy William James Martin Why are we providing almost incalculable support and sustenance to a state - Israel- which is a state for Jews, and exclusively for Jews, at the expense of the indigenous native Palestinians
- Israelis Rush For Second PassportsBy Franklin Lamb Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue. A 2008 s ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young people. ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. � Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber � Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The main thing o ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out:Â http://forusa.org/fall-2010-renewing-movement Rhetoric and Re ...
Yid With Lid
- Goodnight Irene! Hello Obama?When I shut down on Friday night, all forecasts predicted the world would end on Saturday thanks to hurricane Irene. Thankfully they were wrong. Last night my eyes were glued to the weather channel and the "french doors" that led outside from my family room in anticipation of the coming apo ...
- A Lesson from Egypt for American PoliticsBy Barry Rubin Recently, the Egyptian minister of agriculture blamed the fact that some exported food products were infected with bacteria and killed almost 50 European consumers on an Israeli plot. The deputy prime minister explained that Muslim-Christian strife in Egypt (i.e,, Muslim ext ...
- Middle East Terrorist Scams and the Western Na ...By Barry Rubin Rockets from the Gaza Strip continue to pound Israel. And much of the Western media blames: Israel. I want to explain again how this system works. What follows is a seven-point pattern that goes something like this: Someone shoots at your spouse, you punch the attacke ...
- In Congress "Morning" Joe Scarborough Introduc ...Here's an interesting back story to MSNBC's hiring of racial arsonist Al Sharpton as their latest evening host.� Back in March of 2000, MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough was Congressman Joe Scarborough� and he introduced House Resolution 270� condemning Al Sharpton as a racist and a bigot. Read ...
- Sales of Chevy Volt Are Running Out of Power�Operating on direction from the Obama administration, GM is in the process of re-tooling its line toward more energy efficient products.� The Chevy Volt is supposed to be the signature car of that "new" General Motors. The way thing look right now the Chevy Volt may turn out to be one of t ...
The Real Agenda
- Highly Toxic Chemicals Found on Brand Name Clo ...by Christina Luisa NaturalNews.com August 26, 2011 Earlier this week Greenpeace announced at the launch of its report “Dirty Laundry 2″ that traces of toxic chemicals have been detected in products made by 14 big brand top clothing manufacturers. These chemicals, called nonylphenol ethoxylates ( ...
- Hurricane Irene on its way to New YorkSee current path forecast images here. by Kristina Pydynowski AccuWeather.com August 25, 2011 Hurricane Irene is now on a path that could take it dangerously close to, if not over, the mid-Atlantic coastline and New York City on Sunday, posing a serious danger to millions of people. Irene could ...
- Brazil Protecting Colombian FARC Terrorist Sin ...by Alex Newman The New American August 23, 2011 American and Colombian officials suspected that a decision by the Brazilian government granting political asylum to a prominent Marxist terrorist was made under pressure from former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, whose Workers’ Party (PT) has ...
- Fracking is Likely Cause of Virginia EarthquakeEarthquakes induced by human activity have been documented in a few locations in the United States, Japan and Canada,â writes the USGS. âThe cause was injection of fluids into deep wells for waste disposal and secondary recovery of oil and the use of reservoirs for water supplies.” RT August 25, ...
- Libya: U.S. Government Propaganda and Media Liesby Brian Becker Global Research August 24, 2011 Libya is a small country of just over 6 million people but it possesses the largest oil reserves in all of Africa. The oil produced there is especially coveted because of its particularly high quality. The Air Force of the United States along with ...
Wind Watch
- Blade gets splintered during ferocious stormCONNEAUT � Lightning damaged one of the blades on the gigantic wind turbine on Conneaut�s lakefront early Thursday morning, knocking the big generator out of commission, officials said. Composite material that coats the wooden blades was splintered by the bolt. Pieces of the material were jarred ...
- Huge swathes of Welsh woodland could be razed ...The scale of the area of Welsh woodland that could be razed to build new wind farms has emerged in a tender put out by the Forestry Commission. Some 386 hectares � each equivalent to the size of a rugby pitch � could be cleared of trees in a plan opponents fear would dramatically change the land ...
- Hundreds object to turbines proposalMore than 500 people have objected to fresh plans for wind turbines on the edge of Cumwhinton. Bolsterstone Innovative Energy�s original proposals for three 377ft-high turbines, at Newlands Farm near junction 42 of the M6, were thrown out last year following a public inquiry. Now the renewable e ...
- Court won’t enforce turbine noise rulesThe Morrow County Court stunned a crowd Wednesday when it refused to enforce an Oregon law that limits the noise a wind project can make at nearby homes. The court voted 2-1 that, although noise from the Willow Creek wind project exceeds state standards at a few homes, the violations did not war ...
- Protest opposes Maine wind projectsNORRIDGEWOCK — Willow Cordes-Eklund, 27, had one thing to do before reporting to jail on Thursday: join a protest against Maine industrial wind development projects. The Minneapolis, Minn., native, who was arrested for blocking a tractor-trailer truck hauling a wind-turbine blade in Chain of Pon ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a C ...
- About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (:Submitted by Evelyn J. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Social Cooperation, Part 2Only individuals value, choose, and act, of course, but in an important sense the resulting social whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
- Obama Steps Up Cooperation with Mexican Drug P ...“The Obama administration has expanded its role in Mexicoâs fight against organized crime by allowing the Mexican police to stage cross-border drug raids from inside the United States, according to senior administration and military officials.” (New York Times) Madness. FEE Timely Classic “How t ...
- Investors Await Fed Chief’s Speech“All week, investors have been counting down to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s speech. With the big even just hours away, U.S. stocks were headed for a mixed open Friday.” (CNN Money) No one should have this much power. FEE Timely Classic “Boom and Bust: Crisis and Response” by Gerald P ...
- 2011 Deficit Expected to Come in at $1.3 Trillion“The government will run another $1.3 trillion deficit in fiscal 2011, Congressâ chief scorekeeper said Wednesday in a report that highlighted both an economy that will struggle over the next few years and a federal budget showing massive red ink for the foreseeable future. The deficit marks the ...
- Government Refinancing of Mortgages Being Mulled“The Obama administration is considering further actions to strengthen the housing market, but the bar is high: plans must help a broad swath of homeowners, stimulate the economy and cost next to nothing. One proposal would allow millions of homeowners with government-backed mortgages to refina ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- 5,000 followers on TwitterSure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a little thrill when the zeros turn over. The screen capture above is from yesterday, July 31, 2011. See my recent posts about Twitter and journalism. Sure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a litt ...
- 6 Proposals for Journalism Education TodayI’ve spent a huge amount of time this year thinking about and working on journalism curriculum. From developing and teaching a four-week program to train journalism educators in Africa in the practice of online journalism, to helping with a major overhaul of the undergraduate curriculum in my o ...
- Getting a journalism degree, getting a journal ...This is an endorsement I like to see: I have never once regretted studying journalism. And I am not alone. That comes from Elana Zak, writing at 10,000 Words on June 24. According to her post, she received a journalism degree in June 2007, got a job three months later, and has “been gainfully ...
- Journalists, take another look at TumblrFor a long time I had trouble appreciating Tumblr, but I think I finally understand its strengths — and I must not be the only one. Tumblr is now one of the top 25 websites in the U.S., according to data from Quancast, as reported in a new article at TechCrunch. It gets close to 5,000 pagevie ...
- Branding: Should journalists build a personal ...If you’re teaching journalism today, you must be aware of the discussion that surrounds branding. If you’re a young journalist, or someone planning to enter the field of journalism, you need to understand what personal branding means. On June 23, Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten wrote ...
Facing South
- Hurricane Irene: Why failing to evacuate inmat ...As Hurricane Irene makes its way up the Atlantic seaboard, officials in New York are coming under growing fire for failing to authorize an evacuation of Rikers Island, the city's main jail complex housing about 12,000 inmates. Unlike North Carolina, which evacuated over 1,300 inmates before Ir ...
- VOICES: Crime pays for the private prison indu ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South It all started in Mississippi. Of course. Deprived of his slaves by the Confederacy's loss in the War Between the States, wealthy, politically connected cotton grower and railroad magnate Edmund Richardson needed cheap labor for the 25,000 acres of cotton spread ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: States' weak coal ash oversig ...When a massive coal ash pond at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston power plant in eastern Tennessee failed back in December 2008, it dumped a billion gallons of coal ash -- the toxic waste left over after burning coal -- into a nearby community and waterways. The disaster spurred calls fo ...
- VOICES: Obama skewers the immigrant justice mo ...By Kung Li The Obama administration announced last week it will be reviewing pending immigration deportation cases in order to prioritize people with criminal records for deportation over "low-priority" immigrants. Individuals eligible for the DREAM Act, veterans, and victims of crime who are c ...
- Buying 2012: Nearly two-thirds of House campai ...As the role of big money in elections steadily grows, the 2012 Congressional elections are on track to shatter all earlier records for campaign cash. According to data released by the Federal Election Commission this week, U.S. House and Senate candidates raised more than $287 million so far fo ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Viewpoints: Rebels Face a Post-Gaddafi LibyaMuammar Gaddafi has been overthrown by rebel forces, and Libya's National Transitional Council now must confront the challenges of rebuilding a battered, liberated country.
- Morocco: All Hail the (Democratic) KingMorocco's recent constitutional referendum is not only being welcomed by the people, but could set an example across the Arab region in terms of the potential of reform.
- North Africa and E.U. Energy SecurityGiven the energy dependence of European countries on North African and Middle Eastern states, financial consequences of further upheavals in the Arab world could be global and deep.
- Living with Disabilities in UgandaThe plight of persons with disabilities in Uganda and other parts of Africa is exacerbated by the fact that PWD are discriminated against and not protected by the law.
- Women's Struggle in Sierra LeoneThe struggle for equal opportunities for women in all aspects of Sierra Leone's socio-economic life is as crucial for our country's future as it is for women.
Telegraph UK - oil
- North Sea oil spill is worst in a decadeAn oil spill from a Shell platform has become the worst in the North Sea in a decade, it was disclosed last night.
- Hope for motorists as oil price tumblesDrivers can finally expect some relief at the petrol pump, after the price of oil dropped sharply.
- Oil refinery blast: Chevron site has excellent ...The safety record at the Chevron oil refinery in Pembroke has been praised following the fire and explosion which killed four contractors.
- Petrol retailers told to help motorists as oil ...Petrol retailers are under pressure to cut the cost of motoring after oil prices plummeted on the world market.
- Chris Huhne needs a lesson in economicsPlundering the profits from North Sea oil will only hold back Britain's recovery, argues Jeremy Warner.
Ian Welsh
- The basicsTo paraphrase many of the greatest religious and moral leaders, there is only one law: imagine you are in someone else’s shoes, then treat them as you would wish to be treated. Or, put another way, act towards everyone as if you loved them. The vast majority of political and economic commentary ...
- Again, the absolute inability to consider obvi ...The NYTimes on solutions to the scarcity of important drugs which are generic and thus of little interest to big pharma: Beyond limited responses, like using the F.D.A.’s discretionary powers to expedite temporary imports of drugs that are sold overseas but not here, there are very few ways to e ...
- Austerity killsOn Friday, four people died in flash flooding in Pittsburgh. Those deaths were preventable as the road that they were on is a known flood basin and the road most likely had blocked storm drains. Storm drains, especially drains at the bottom of a collection area will get blocked up with dirt, sa ...
- Austerity killsOn Friday, four people died in flash flooding in Pittsburgh. Those deaths were preventable as the road that they were on is a known flood basin and the road most likely had blocked storm drains. Storm drains, especially drains at the bottom of a collection area will get blocked up with dirt, sa ...
- RIP, Jack Layton, Federal New Democratic Party ...If you haven’t heard, Jack died of cancer. I only saw him in person once, at a Toronto council meeting back when he was a city councilor, but he impressed me at the time as one of only three councilors who showed decent respect to the citizens giving testimony. I didn’t know then, and don’t ...
Media Consortium
- Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile Usability | ...Mobile applications are important for providing users with an alternate means of accessing your web page, as well as keeping connected anywhere and at any time. The programs are an integral part of staying competitive within your market, so they should be created wisely.
- 1.4 million fans can’t be wrong: NPR’s Faceboo ...But Carvin also emphasized the importance of audience expectations. “They still see our site as mainly dedicated to consuming news,” he said. Facebook, on the other hand, is a web venue in which people are used to chatting with their family and friends. ..NPR’s Facebook page is a complement to, ...
- The Newsonomics of 2011 news metrics to watch ...
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvi ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenome ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many mo ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world po ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Is underground Amazonian river really just gro ...Posted on behalf of Lee Sweetlove Scientists have claimed that the Amazon basin has a second huge river some four kilometres beneath the more famous river on the surface, many news outlets report. The river has been named the Rio Hamza, after the head of the team that led the research from th ...
- Polar bear researcher is back at work, but sti ...Polar bear researcher Charles Monnett is back at work at the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) after a six week suspension over unspecified “integrity issues” (read Nature's take on the debacle here). BOEMRE says the wildlife biologist remains under ...
- Nearby supernova may illuminate dark energy puzzleA Type Ia supernova, the brightest and most energetic kind of stellar explosion – and the type that astronomers use to measure the accelerating expansion of the universe – has been spotted in a nearby galaxy, making it the closest such event in nearly 40 years. Astronomers working with the Pa ...
- Ancient DNA shaped our immune systemPosted on behalf of Lee Sweetlove. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) arose in Africa and migrated to Europe and Asia where they displaced resident archaic humans such as Neanderthals and Denisovans. Sequencing of archaic human genomes shows that interbreeding occurred between these different human ...
- US energy research agency oversight criticized ...With a proposed cut of 45% hanging in the balance in the US Congress, it’s a tense season for officials at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), the arm of the US Department of Energy (DOE) that specializes in funding high-risk high-payoff research on energy. Now an audit report ...
new geography
- Austin’s Not That WeirdDon’t let the cupcake stands fool you. For years, locals pressed the need to Keep Austin Weird. Besides spawning lazy clichés (Keep Austin Wired, Keep Austin Moving, Keep Austin on Every List of Best Places to Live), the Keep Austin Weird movement overlooks the obvious: the city’s not that w ...
- Suburbanized Core CitiesThe suburbs of major metropolitan areas captured the overwhelming majority of population growth between 2000 and 2010, actually increasing their share of growth, as has been previously reported. However, it is often not understood that much of the recent central city (Note 1) growth has actu ...
- The Decline and Fall of the French Language?It's been indisputable for some time that English is becoming the ‘universal language’. As the number of living languages has steadily decreased, the use of English has expanded on every continent. And though English has not — despite predictions — crushed all other languages (German, Russian, a ...
- Inside The SinosphereAvis Tang, a cool, well-dressed software company executive, lives on the glossy frontier of China’s global expansion. From his perch amid tower blocks of Tianfu Software Park on the outskirts of the Sichuan capital of Chengdu, the 48-year-old graduate of Taiwan’s National Institute of the ...
- What Does Rick Perry Have To Do With Texas' Su ...You don’t have to like Rick Perry or his sometimes scary neo-confederate politics to admire what has been happening in Texas over the past decade. Rather than trashing the state in order to demean its governor, perhaps the mainstream media should be thinking about what the Lone Star’s su ...
GM Watch
- Engineering food for whom?Engineering food for whom? Marcia Ishii-Eiteman GroundTruth, 23 August 2011 http://www.panna.org/blog/engineering-food-whom Genetic modified plants Warning! Nina Federoff — former "Science and Technology Advisor" to the U.S. State Department and well-known genetic engineering apologist - is bac ...
- Engineering food for whom?Engineering food for whom? Marcia Ishii-Eiteman GroundTruth, 23 August 2011 http://www.panna.org/blog/engineering-food-whom Genetic modified plants Warning! Nina Federoff — former "Science and Technology Advisor" to the U.S. State Department and well-known genetic engineering apologist - is bac ...
- The US fights Monsanto's corner around the globe1.US Sought "Talking Points" to Combat Impact of French Documentary on Monsanto 2.US hand in embracing genetic products --- --- 1.US Sought "Talking Points" to Combat Impact of French Documentary on Monsanto Kevin Gosztola The Dissenter, August 25 2011 http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2011/0 ...
- The US fights Monsanto's corner around the globe1.US Sought "Talking Points" to Combat Impact of French Documentary on Monsanto 2.US hand in embracing genetic products --- --- 1.US Sought "Talking Points" to Combat Impact of French Documentary on Monsanto Kevin Gosztola The Dissenter, August 25 2011 http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2011/0 ...
- Polish minister calls for Europe-wide GM ban 1.Polish minister calls for Europe-wide ban on GM crops 2.Polish President vetoes seeds act --- --- 1.Polish minister calls for Europe-wide ban on GM crops The News, 26 August 2011 http://www.thenews.pl/1/12/Artykul/53998,Polish-minister-calls-for-Europewide-ban-on-GM-crops *Poland's stance on ...
- Why the Third World poor must continue living ...A new book about the world in 2050 says explicitly what other green-leaning tomes hint at: that fixing global poverty will only harm the planet.
- ‘Man is more than an overdeveloped monke ...Raymond Tallis tells spiked why he has declared a war of words on the trendy ideas that underpin ‘neuromania’ and ‘Darwinitis’.
- The state or the free market? What a choice…Yes, capitalists are increasingly risk-averse and lethargic – but let's not fantasise that the state has the cojones to reinvigorate innovation.
- Glasgow: from industrial giant to traumatised ...Given that she has been a stinging critic of the obsession with self-esteem, it is sad that Carol Craig is now providing a therapeutic explanation for Glasgow’s problems.
- A short history of predicting the futureDan Gardner rightly skewers failed forecasts, past and present, but he relies on a few dubious ideas himself when he tries to explain why so many experts get it wrong.
- UK PMs Internet Censorship Insinuation Receive ...Via: ZeroPaid: You know your internet censorship plans are too strict when China praises you for it. I’ll say this right off the bat, if someone told me one month ago that I would end up writing a headline like that, I would have told them they were insane. I am simply stunned that it [...]
- Hugo Chavez Orders $11 Billion of Gold Home Fr ...Via: Bloomberg: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’ institutions such as the Bank of England as the metal rises to record levels behind a weakening U.S. dollar. Venezuela, which holds 211 tons of its 365 ...
- Single Seat Electric Vehicle Sets 1,000 Miles- ...Via: PhysOrg: An experimental electric vehicle called “Schluckspecht” (“boozer,” or “tippler” in German) has set the record for achieving the longest drive in a battery-powered vehicle on a single battery charge. Its record-breaking distance was 1,013.8 miles (1,631.5 km). The trip lasted 36 hou ...
- Long Beach Police Department Claims Authority ...The U.S. horror show is plumbing new depths of fascism now. This one will definitely cause you to skip a beat. Even I had to pause and re-read this one in disbelief. Via: Long Beach Post: Police Chief Jim McDonnell has confirmed that detaining photographers for taking pictures “with no apparent ...
- Who—and What—Are Behind the “ ...I just included a tiny piece of this. Click through, but be ready to for a lengthy and careful meditation on total absurdity of this fabricated spectacle. Via: Who What Why: The establishment media just keep getting worse. They’re further and further from good, tough investigative journalism, an ...
The Economic Collapse
- 34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Midd ...Do you ever get the feeling that the middle class in America is shrinking? Well, you are not imagining things. A confluence of very troubling long-term economic trends has created an environment in which the middle class in America is being absolutely shredded. Today, most Am ...
- 3, 2, 1: Global Debt MeltdownWe are steamrolling toward a massive global debt meltdown, and at this point world leaders seem to be all out of solutions. Over the last 30 years or so, the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet has produced unprecedented prosperity in the western world. But now t ...
- Wake Up America! 10 Very Obvious Reasons Why T ...Do you have friends, neighbors and relatives that can't find work? Well, unfortunately the current U.S. jobs famine is about to get a whole lot worse. Right now there are approximately 13.9 million unemployed Americans. That does not count those that "are not looking for work ...
- Bad NewsThe bad news about the economy just keeps rolling in. If this is an economic recovery, what in the world is the next "recession" going to look like? Today there was another huge truckload of bad economic news. The stock market had another 400 point "correction", applications ...
- Taxed Into OblivionIn the United States today, we are being taxed into oblivion, yet it is being done so stealthily that most Americans don't even realize what is happening. Most people are fixated on federal income tax rates, but the federal income tax is only one of the dozens of different taxe ...
- Sustainable fresh food production on every squ ...We have a Facebook group on “Container gardening and vertical gardening” : http://www.facebook.com/groups/221343224576801/ Today, Jimmy PIOQUINTO posted some nice photos to show the success of his experiments with vertical gardening. These examples show clearly that vertical gardening can be app ...
- Sack gardening : a simple technology to eat fr ...On February 22, 2010, I have posted the following article : http://desertification.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/urban-farming-growing-vegetables-in-sacks-in-kenya-irin/ Today, Cynthia ODERA, mentioned on Facebook another article on “sack gardening : http://allafrica.com/stories/201008250005.html Ken ...
- The way farming and natural systems interact m ...Read at : http://www.new-ag.info/en/news/newsitem.php?a=2174 Farming practices must change to increase production and protect the environment Water limits are close to being ‘reached or breached’ in many breadbaskets across the world, threatening to decimate global supplies of fresh water and cr ...
- Increasing the mobility of pastoralists could ...Read at : http://www.new-ag.info/en/news/newsitem.php?a=2178 Pastoralism best way to cope with droughts Increasing the mobility of pastoralists could prevent future food crises in drylands, a new study by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) has found. The report on the response ...
- A willow tunnel for the drylands (Willem Van C ...Having constructed a tipi live greenhouse in my garden in Belgium (see former postings and photos, and a YOU TUBE video at http://youtu.be/DV23c6neIGg, I am convinced that similar live greenhouses or tunnels, built with willows or other plant species, offer … Continue reading →
The Paper Trail
- Risk to nuclear plants in hurricane's path may ...Energy Industry watchdogs concerned about power supplies - to reactors, not just homes A satellite images shows Hurricane Irene passing over Puerto Rice and the Dominican Republic. NOAA/AP As Hurricane Irene bore down on the East Coast, the nuclear industry assured the p ...
- FACT CHECK: Attack ad on Mass. Senator largely ...FactWatch Liberal group alleges Sen. Scott Brown is a 'bobble head' saying 'yes' to Wall Street, Republican agenda A screen shot of MassUniting's 'Bobble Head Brown' ad. YouTube A misleading liberal ad attacks Sen.
- 527 group waned after Gingrich campaign implod ...Politics Newt Gingrich Alex Brandon/The Associated Press The Newt Gingrich money machine that raised $52 million in just four years to promote his ideas and image, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has quietly gone belly up.
- Minimizing risk, refineries in Hurricane's pat ...Fueling Fears Oil refineries take precautions well ahead of Irene because unexpected power loss could a pose serious threat Residents of Florida stocked up on gasoline in preperation for Hurricane Irene. Meanwhile East Coast refineries have gone into full shutdown, which could keep ...
- Ahead of hurricane, East Coast refineries forc ...Fueling Fears Oil refineries make preparations for Hurricane Irene by draining fuel from equipment in case of power outages Residents of Florida stocked up on gasoline in preperation for Hurricane Irene. Meanwhile East Coast refineries have gone into full shutdown, which could keep ...
- Jack Layton’s bequest to the WestBy Frank Moher As God's cruel jokes go, this one's a doozy. Jack Layton, having built the NDP into the Official Opposition and created a sense of hope for the resurgence of a genuine left in Canada, one that would keep the right from running roughshod over the poor, the middle-class, ...
- Is CSIS replaying the Arar card?By Alison@Creekside A leaked 2004 CSIS report from LaPresse on Thursday purports to be a summary of a conversation between Abousfian Abdelrazik and Adil Charkaoui in 2000 in which they plotted to blow up an airplane enroute between Montreal and France. It has already been enthusiasticall ...
- Designer Wormsby Eric Pettifor Remember all those episodes of the various Star Treks where characters were genetically altered, either willingly or unwillingly, by some means or other? It would happen within the course of a single episode and be neatly fixed at the end, with a hypo from the lovely Dr. ...
- Hinkle, Lilley, Mammoliti: So much Con Klown b ...By Montreal Simon Oh dear. What a dilemma eh? I just created my very own Con Klown Hypocrisy Award. But now I can't seem to decide who is this week's winner. So please help me out . Here are the candidates in no particular order: (1) PHILLIP HINKLE, the 64-year old Republican State ...
- The Star and The Mark: open for shillingBy Shannon Rupp The Toronto Star just announced that you can’t trust a thing you read on their website -- although that’s not quite the way they phrased it. Canada’s largest daily has joined forces with TheMarkNews.com, one of those free blogger sites, to acquire a small army of unpaid "commu ...
- Unions Call for House Committee Investigation ...Communications Workers of America (CWA) International President Larry Cohen and United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard issued the following statement today regarding their request to a member of the House Select Intelligence Commit ...
- Anarcho-punk zine PunkWay #6, summer 2011 (ful ...punkway_zine_6_eng.jpg We do not need sympathizers. We do not need someone who like our magazine. We do not need people who carry it in a backpack. We need those people who are walking with us nip an ...
- From Meta-Politics To Mass Murder – A New Righ ...It is horrible. The massacre on Utøya and attack in Oslo’s government district is the worst right-wing terrorist act directed against the Scandinavian labor movement. How could it happen? How could such an extensive and long-term terrorist plan go complete ...
- Verizon Strike Highlights Need for New Workers ...verizon.jpg 45,000 American workers from the CWA have been on strike for nearly two weeks. Adam Ford, of Infantile Disorder, examines the lengths the company and the state have gone to to undermine t ...
- Philippine airline workers under attack!Philippine airline workers under attack! This is the latest development in the Philippines concerning the state and capitalists' attacks against the working class. The union despite its "pro-worker" rhetoric still cling to legal mean ...
Free Range International
- Masters of the ObviousThe day after E2 posted the droid post a new report by Afghan “experts” was released. It is a complete crock of BS, which couples blindingly obvious facts to a set of recommendations that are so wrong they can easily be dismissed by reasonably intelligent eight year old children (but not our b ...
- These Aren’t the Droids You’re Loo ...Over on the excellent Afghanistan blog, Ghosts of Alexander, Christian Bleuer has re-posted a piece written by an anonymous friend of his entitled, How to be an Afghan Expert. It’s a 12-point tutorial on how to portray yourself as an Afghanistan expert in order to land yourself a $1,000/day sala ...
- Attention To DetailMy good friend E2 has kept FRI alive, which enables me to throw up a post I’m dying to share. Â I’m still going to stay mum about where I am and what we’re up to, but, we’ll complete our remaining projects in a few months allowing me to tell that story fairly soon…Inshallah from the [...]
- Who’s the Enemy Here?Last week I wrote about how ordinary Afghans have much to fear from the villains when traveling on the highways and roads in this country. This week, I’d like to address one of the biggest threats to those of us in the Kabul expat community: the Afghan government security apparatus. I was insp ...
- This Ain’t Route 66Since so many people in the western media have been freely tossing words like “Taliban” and “terrorist” around recently, I thought I’d give you all a slice of life glimpse into what it’s like to actually live here in Afghanistan with real terrorists. We Americans have a love affair with cars, ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Chuck Baldwin Hits the Nail SQUARELY!!� �Come Out Of Her, My People� By Chuck Baldwin August 18, 2011 Archived column: http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/home/?p=3859 It is no hyperbole to say that the vast majority of today�s churches do not remotely resemble the New Testament pattern. In the first place, the Church was never intended to ...
- Things That Make You Say HMMMMMMM!He served 10 presidents, but died alone in squalor: What happened to Theodoric C. James? White House Photo – Theodoric James Jr. worked in the White House for almost 50 years. His Northwest Washington neighbors never knew he catalogued important, sometimes sensitive, documents. By Christian Dave ...
- A Message to Horowitz and Kane – the Ill ...You indeed are the masters of spin – the masters of lying hypocrisy – the masters of obfuscation and calling evil good and good evil. As Khazarian Double Agents, I highly doubt you have ever read The Bible – have you? I doubt you have read Isaiah – so let me share his words: “WOE [...]
- Zombie Apocalpyse – What Others Are Now ...I first reported on this immediately after the CDC issued its report. Now others are also writing on this topic. GREAT NEWS!!! A. True Ott, PhD THE MEANING OF CDC “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE” PART 2 By Dr. Stephen C. L’Hommedieu August 17, 2011 NewsWithViews.com CDC Creating a âZombie Horrorâ Conscio ...
- The Amazing TRUE STORY of Susan Lindauer. EXT ...Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq Susan Lindauer
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Bob McDonald Part 2 (Apr 9, 2011)Part two of our annual show where CBC's Science Correspondent answers your questions about the mysteries of the world that have always puzzled you.
- Milos Raonic, ATP Tennis Player (Apr 2, 2011)The Canadian tennis star and his power serve are making waves around the world. Peter talks with Raonic about childhood ambition, focus and the sport he loves.
- Almas Jiwani, Women's Rights AdvocatePresident of National Committee of UN Women in Canada on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day and the state of women around the world.
- Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Jan 22, 2011)Highlights of the conversation with Peter originally broadcast Jan 17 and 18, 2011.
- Olivia Chow, NDP MP (Jan 15, 2011)Jack Layton and Olivia Chow: Ottawa’s political power couple -- he’s a party leader, she’s one of his backbenchers. But only one of them makes the cut for this week’s program, and its not him! Olivia Chow is our guest and there’s lots to talk about.
Scotts Contracting
- Seeking NFL Fantasy Football Players-join leag ...Click here to join NFL Fantasy Football League Warriors Only When Prompted enter: League ID: 352267 League Password: football Warriors Only will use the following Scoring Options for the 2011-12 Season. Newly Added Defensive Point Scoring and Defensive Player Positions. Note: The Scoring Options ...
- Attic Insulation- Proper Insulation Levels in your Attic coupled with Ventilation will save you Money on your Energy Bills. Certified Insulation Installer for: Batt Type, Spray Foam, Loose Fill- Green and Eco Friendly options are always available. US Department of Energy and the Green Building Initiative quote ...
- Missouri Flunks! — Save EPA & Coal Ash R ...Subject: Missouri Flunks! — Save EPA & Coal Ash Rule — Landfill Update Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:05:26 +0000 Click to view this email in a browser Some news and information from Labadie Environmental Organization August 25, 2011
- CAD Drafting Details-Structural Porch FrameMisc CADD Details for Adding a Porch to an Existing Home. Existing House Framing CADD Detail 1/306 Option 1 Porch Framing CADD Detail 1/307 Exterior Finish CADD Detail 1/308
- Scotts Contracting- Home Energy Pros Membershi ...Congratulations! Your Home Energy Pros membership has been approved. Invite your friends to join you: http://homeenergypros.lbl.gov/main/invitation/new?xg_source=msg_wel_network Thanks for joining us! Home Energy Pros Home Energy Pros is a social network *Scott’s Contracting* Green Me UP-Scotty ...
The View From Abroad
- Ron Paul is the Only OneWanted: a new president with an understanding of economics, knowledge of international affairs, and a dedication to constitutional rights.
- We Can’t Afford to Raise the Debt CeilingObama was correct to reject raising the debt ceiling in 2006.
- Western Imperialism Strikes AgainThe invasion of Libya is about imperialism not protection of civilians.
- What Obama Should Have SaidAs I was reading President Obama's speech last week, I dozed off into a glorious daydream.
- “Where’s the Beef”?After Osama bin Laden was killed, why wasn't his body displayed for verification.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Hiroshima, Mon Ami: "History's Most Awkward Ha ...How a Hiroshima victim came to meet the co-pilot of the plane that dropped the bomb.
- Kim Jong Il's Visit to Russia: Just More Mixed ...North Korea and Russia may be chummy, but South Korea and Japan remain suspicious of North Korea's motives.
- Why Not a Fantasy Foreign Policy League?Just as sports commentary draws from warfare, military intelligence lingo sometimes mimics sports talk.
- Governments KillGovernments kill on our behalf. This arrangement is a form of social contract, which means that governments are basically contract killers.
- Naval Base Tears Apart Korean VillageThe struggle over Jeju Island in South Korea is heating up, with civil society activists standing up against a powerful military.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- Opposition Leader’s Safety in Danger as Karrou ...(28 August 2011) Iranian Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi is in grave danger of physical and psychological harm, as news of his complete isolation for the past 42 days emerged today, said the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. The Campaign called for his immediate release. A credib ...
- Open letter to Iran calls for an end to oppres ...NEW YORK — In an open letter to Iran's minister for higher education, the Baha'i International Community is calling for an end to "the unjust and oppressive practices" that bar Baha'is and other young Iranians from university. "This letter affirms every person's duty to acquire knowledge so that ...
- Scholars Remember Dr. Hossein Ziai: 1944-2011[ obituary ] The Iranian community and Iranian studies have suffered a great loss. On Wednesday, August 24, Professor Hossein Ziaipassed away. Dr. Ziai was professor of Islamic and Iranian studies, inaugural holder of the Jahangir and Eleanor Amuzegar Chair in Iranian Studies, and the director ...
- Iran launches production of banned carbon fiber TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has inaugurated its own production of carbon fiber, a material under U.N. embargo because of its potential use in the country's controversial nuclear program, the official IRNA news agency reported Saturday.
- Iran sues Russia over defense systemsMOSCOW, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Iran sued Russia in the International Court of Justice over its refusal to supply S-300 missile systems, an Iranian diplomat said. The two countries signed a contract in 2007 requiring Russia to provide Iran with at least five S-300 systems, Iran's Press TV reported. ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- The Tyranny of Opinion PollsIn many western democracies, government by the people has been replaced by government by public opinion polls. Opinion polls are meant to represent scientifically validated studies of the views of voters. However I believe their true purpose is to discredit (via low ratings) Democratic and prog ...
- Gun Control and False FlagsVirginia Tech Massacre *** This is the last of three posts regarding the reasons some progressives oppose gun control. No discussion of gun control would be complete without mentioning the high rate of “lone nut” shooting sprees that occur in the US. I have always found it extremely ...
- Did Fracking Cause the Virginia Earthquake?Fracking Injects High Pressure Fluid Deep in Rock Bed *** Earthquakes in the nation’s capitol are as rare as hen’s teeth. The epicenter of Tuesday’s quake was in Mineral, Virginia, which is located on three very quiet fault lines. The occurrence of yet another freak earthquake in an unusual loca ...
- Gun Control: Playing the Race Card1967 Detroit Riots Progressive “scholarly” research into gun control generally makes two equally salient points: 1) the aim of gun control legislation is to control people (mainly disenfranchised minorities and the poor), not guns and 2) in countries with strict gun control laws, the use of dead ...
- Progressives Who Oppose Gun ControlLyndon Johnson: Father of Gun Control I’ve always been curious how American progressives got on the wrong – anti-civil liberties – side of gun control. In my mind this has been a grave strategic error. I have written elsewhere about the extreme difficulty liberals and progressives face in engagi ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- ABC's This Week, 8/21/11: David Axelrod Talks ...At 7:10: JAKE TAPPER: Progressive filmmaker Michael Moore had this question that he wanted me to ask you: "Are you aware of how profoundly disappointed so many of the President's supporters are? Do you realize that each time the President moves to the right, he picks up no votes and loses many ...
- Statement by “V for Vendetta” author Alan Moor ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 8, 2011 Contact: Matt Smucker, 717.209.0445, jms@beyondthechoir.org Statement by “V for Vendetta” author Alan Moore in Support of PFC Bradley Manning Alan Moore, the world-renowned British author, issued the following statement today in support of accused WikiL ...
- Letter from Environmental Leaders on the Perse ...Dear Friends, On July 26th 2011, climate activist Tim DeChristopher will be sentenced at the Salt Lake City federal courthouse. On March 3rd, Tim was found guilty of two felony counts for participating in a peaceful act of civil disobedience. A bright, charismatic young man could face up to ...
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: Address at Forbes Field ...ROOSEVELT: Mr. Chairman, Governor Earle, my friends of Pennsylvania: A baseball park is a good place to talk about box scores. Tonight I am going to talk to you about the box score of the Government of the United States. I am going to tell you the story of our fight to beat down the depression ...
- Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks filmRevolution Truth Primary Contact: Tangerine Bolen, Executive Director Phone: 1-503-887-0773 Email: tangerine.bolen@revolutiontruth.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks film 13 July 2011 - On the day that Julian Assange begins his appeal against extradition to Swe ...
- Rick Perry goes it aloneAlthough born and raised in a small town in the Finger Lakes region of New York, I'm the hybrid child of an upstate New York father and a mother from Texas -- they met at Fort Hood (then Camp Hood) during World War II. And you thought different species couldn't mate.
- Vaccines still safe, non-celebrities with medi ...Oliver Willis brings word of yet another panel of scientists announcing that there is no link whatsoever between the M.M.R. vaccine and autism. “The M.M.R. vaccine doesn’t cause autism, and the evidence is overwhelming that it doesn’t,” said Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton, who knows what she's talk ...
- Will "Joe the Plumber" run for Congress?"Joe the Plumber," a man named Sam who is not a plumber, may run for Congress. Joe, a briefly famous desperate attempt by the John McCain campaign to paint Barack Obama as an enemy of the working man, is mulling a run against Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, who's been in the House since 1983. Joe ...
- This Labor Day, we need protestsLabor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be more appropriate than a parade.
- The saddest Republican candidacy of them allThere's a reason why George Pataki seems to be moving toward a presidential campaign, but "because Republicans want him to" is not it.
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metr ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- City should park the quick sell-offThere’s no reason for the city to sell off its partking lots.
- Trouble in the PQ familyThe house that René Lévesque built has fallen on hard times, as Quebec’s sovereigntist camp fractures.
- The Jobs revolutionSteve Jobs is leaving Apple. His company has so influenced our daily lives it is hard to imagine Apple without him.
- Layton’s journey should continueReaders suggest ways to commemorate Jack Layton’s life and work.
- Libya’s victors need restraintLibyans didn't depose Moammar Gadhafi's brutal regime to usher in a bloodbath of reprisals.
Energy Collective
- Political Will Prevents the Dawning of the Lon ...
- Climate, Risk and UncertaintyIt's peculiar that Judith Curry is criticizing the IPCC and climate community for understressing uncertainty. It's something one can imagine from the Wattses and McIntyres with their narrow focus on data, but it's incomprehensible from a member of the community.
- Irene, Climate Change, Flooding and Public HealthNRDC’s “Climate Change Threatens Health” webpages map five major climate-health vulnerabilities across the US. One of these is Flooding, which much of the East Coast is now bracing for because of the approach of Hurricane Irene.
- Thoughts On The Green Scissors ReportThe most recent Green Scissors report is out, recommending hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies that could be cut to reduce the budget deficit and improve our environment.� Green Scissors provides a host of useful proposals to save tens of billions of dollars annually by eliminating unne ...
- Exports A Big Opportunity for U.S. Advanced Ba ...The U.S. government is waking up to this possibly good news story. At the 2011 NAATBatt Annual Meeting and Conference on September 7-8, 2011 in Louisville, representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce, The Export-Import Bank of the United States and the International Finance Corporation ( ...
EU Times
- Tripoli: Media blackout, why?The NATO approach to freedom of expression is threatening independent journalists, closing social network accounts, blocking Twitter and hacking into websites. For some reason it must be. Despite these Fascist policies, those who have felt millions of people gathering around us, desperate for in ...
- Brightest supernova in 40 years appearsBerkeley scientists this week discovered a new supernova, closer to Earth than any seen in the last 40 years, and believe they’ve spotted it within hours of its explosion. Astronomers are now scrambling to observe it with as many telescopes as possible, including the Hubble Space Telescope, and ...
- France and Italy Compete over Libyan PrizeThe race for Libya’s vast oil wealth is gathering momentum. States who worked together during the NATO airstrikes are now working against each other in the battle to secure lucrative energy contracts. ÂMeanwhile, fears are rising that a new regime in Libya could easily slide into corruption. Ha ...
- Giant rat killed by pitchfork in Marcy Houses ...It sounds like an urban legend: giant mutant-looking rats roaming a city housing project. Only there’s a picture. A photo making the rounds shows Housing Authority worker Jose Rivera minutes after he speared the humongous rodent with a pitchfork at the Marcy Houses. It’s covered in white fur and ...
- Steve Jobs steps down as Apple CEO, remains Ch ...Less than an hour ago Apple’s Board of Directors announced that Steve Jobs resigned as the company’s Chief Executive Officer. His place will be taken by Jobs’ trusted Tim Cook, who up until now was Apple’s Chief Operating Officer. Steve Jobs’ stepping down as Apple’s CEO doesn’t mean he is quitt ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- President Convenes Meeting on Hurricane IrenePresident Barack Obama receives an update on Hurricane Irene in the Situation Room of the White House, August 27, 2011. Clockwise from left, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood; Richard Reed, Special Assistant to the President for Homeland Security; Nick Shapiro, senior policy advisor to John B ...
- Daily Twitter LinksThese are some of the things I've been tweeting today: when it comes to porn, are we sexually schizophrenic?: " Salvation for Civilians: Porn as a Way of Life" http://j.mp/nuOGu9 all because @slate let @jackshafer go?: "Now Can We All Agree That The 'High Quality Web Content' Experiment Has Fai ...
- What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid?Mark Follman, Mother Jones , Aug. 26, 2011 A US Army soldier and his dog jump off a helicopter ramp during water training in March 2011. Manuel J. Martinez/U.S. Air Force Handout Details of the story don’t add up. Footage of the raid either exists or doesn’t. The tale of that night in Abbotta ...
- 24/7 Ideology Battle Continues as It Is Seriou ...First we had Republican Ron Paul questioning whether FEMA is necessary and now via the Fox News website here’s this piece asking whether we need a National Weather Service. I strongly feel that these kinds of stories and removing the “givens” that most mainstream Americans assumed where there t ...
- Five Guys to Watch in the Steelers’ Preseason ...Marcus Gilbert is getting the nod at LT today, Image Courtesy of bleacherreport.com The Steelers will be matching up against the Atlanta Falcons and Mike Mayock’s favorite QB in Week 3 of the preseason at Heinz Field. With the regular season looming in the immediate future, playing well in ton ...
- "DOJ pharmacy investigation undermines Google ...Ben Edelman is an assistant professor at Harvard Business School. His writings are posted on benedelman.org along with a listing of selected consulting clients (including some adverse to Google). [PJ: Microsoft is a client, I see. Are they pushing this story to the hilt, by any chance?] - Ben Ed ...
- Patent Wars Could Dull Tech's Cutting Edge"It does affect more than just these big companies," she says. "So you, as a consumer, first off, may pay more. Secondly, it may slow down innovation. There are a variety of ways in which this is also being used to stop the next cool thing from happening. Because you can just try and sue not onl ...
- How Free Software Contributed to the Success o ...The foundation for the ground-breaking and still strong Mac OS X was a version of BSD based on NetBSD and FreeBSD but incorporating some unique elements. Adopting BSD brought numerous advantages: it permitted the Mac to multitask, and it made simple the porting of a huge range of Unix-based and ...
- Tech marches on...Tech marches on: A woman in my coffee shop used her iPad's camera to do makeup. Video of herself instead of a mirror. [PJ: Incidentally, this is why open source development and open source legal research works so well. People think of things you didn't and never would have. I know you guys th ...
- ATandT adds 'minimum use' fee for those who do ...You're dinged if you call and dinged if you don't. AT&T has added a new $2-a-month "minimum use" fee to the phone bills of landline customers who don't have long-distance calling plans. In other words, customers who rarely, if ever, make long-distance calls are the ones most likely to pay the ...
- August 22, 2011, WideShut WebcastGovernment announces curfew powers, banks banning cash machines, cops moving next door? And much more.
- Cameron’s Crackdown: 08/15/2011 WideShut ...On this week's WideShut Webcast Keelan looks at some of the fallout from the riots.
- Perfect Storm: The England Riots DocumentaryA look at the wider context surrounding the recent England Riots from those that experienced them.
- Has Facebook Censorship On Riots Already Begun?Facebook appears to be censoring certain posts that contain the word riots.
- Parliament: Social Networking Is To Blame For ...More CCTV, electronic tracking and shutting down of communication, Big Brother will save us as Britain collapses.
Politics in the Zeros
- The Resilient Community WikiMiiU is a collection of all the resources and places that make personal, family, and community resilience possible. Resilience isn’t only about surviving global failures, it’s about building a better life for you and everyone around you. Join in. The more who contribute, the more everyone benef ...
- Only 17% say U.S. government has consent of th ...At a shocking 17%, the number of likely voters who believe that the federal government has the consent of those it governs– a principle on which the United States was founded– has reached a new national low, reflecting a widespread and transpartisan discontent with Washington. We the public kn ...
- Feline feeding frenzy!Our friends give their cats a snack at 10 pm every night. The cats know when it’s 10 pm. Much excitement ensues. Video on Posterous.
- I, for one, hail our new computer overlords“We’re already creating the superior beings, I think we lost the battle to the machines long ago. We’re going to become the pets, the dogs of the house,” says Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple.
- Chicago gangs join together to deal heroinFormerly rival gangs in Chicago have joined together to sell heroin in certain areas. This essentially makes the dealers independent contractors, and they keep more of the money too. The areas are also used as distribution points to the suburbs. Not surprisingly, the heroin comes from Mexican dr ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- Libya: The longer viewThe NATO-assisted uprising in Libya is now in the last phases of taking the whole country. These phases may well be marked by some major rights abuses-- conducted in the name of "mopping up" operations and motivated by some combination of vengeance and triumphalism. I hope that such excesses a ...
- I've been on vacation...... with the whole family. It proved ways harder to pay attention to the news than I'd expected. Something to do with having three grandchildren to pay attention to, and very limited web access. Anyway, lots to blog about. Watch this space.
- Israel's 'J14': New potential for Jewish-Pales ...As I have chronicled here and elsewhere many times, over the past decade the once-vibrant movement of Israelis actively working for an end to the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza had become increasingly moribund. Yes, a small number of brave Jewish-Israeli souls participated in the weekly p ...
- Syria, authoritarianism, war, and peaceI regret that I haven't had much time in recent months to blog and write about the many developments in the still-unfolding 'Arab Spring.' However, I think that much of what I was writing back in March and April-- especially on the extremely upsetting and complicated series of events in Libya an ...
- Remembering Qana, five years onOn this day five years ago, at 1:30 am Lebanon time, Israel's U.S.-supplied warplanes attacked houses in the south Lebanese village of Qana, killing more than 60 civilians, 37 of them children. Go watch this soberly reported video clip from Britain's Channel 4 to get a measure of the horror. Th ...
- General debate, August 28, 2011
- Nationwide protests against SkynetTomorrow there are protests planned in our big cities against the controversial Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Act, the so-called Skynet law that comes into force from 1 September.
- Wellington flyover submission due tomorrowConsultation on the Basin Reserve flyover, doubling the Mt Victoria tunnel and widening Ruahine St and Wellington Rd closes tomorrow. This project has huge implications for inner-city Wellington transport and it is vital the public have their say. Wellington needs urgent investment in public tra ...
- Riding the first of the on-road Cycle TrailsThis weekend, I got to ride big parts of the 180km route from Taumarunui to New Plymouth. The ride was a celebration of the opening of the first on-road component of Nga Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail. The weekend had a bit of everything: gorgeous scenery, local hospitality, wide-eyed chi ...
- General debate, August 24, 2011
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- The Shamans among us: A World of Perpetual Con ...Economic models are mere policy proposals; they are not the consequences of any economic system based on "natural law or even good theory, " they are not scientific; they are merely ad hoc. Furthermore, deleterious consequences often result from these models. Economists also routinely simpli ...
- Disintegrating Economic RecoveryThe word 'recover' always has the connotation of "getting back." But who is going to get back what when the economy "recovers"? Few at most. So what does an economic recovery look like? No one knows. The word 'recovery' can not be applied to objects willy-nilly. A sick person goes into the ...
- Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and JobsWhat's known as the economy has not only had horrid consequences, it is ultimately unsustainable. In two centuries, it has turned human beings into beasts of burden and their rulers into mere teamsters, it has polluted the Earth, extinguished uncounted species and exterminated millions of people ...
- (Land of the Fee and the Home of the Knave) Mo ...President Obama has said that he will not allow people-programs to be cut so that the wealthy can receive tax cuts because our nation is "better than that." But what America is cannot be distinguished from its economy which exists merely to accumulate money. It's why the maxim is let the buy ...
- The Supreme Court, the Constitution and the Fi ...The Supreme Court's First Amendment opinions result not from interpreting the First Amendment but from deliberately and insidiously changing its diction in ways that make the Amendment unrecognizable. The Court's arguments in these opinions are pure cant and do nothing but turn the Justice ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Why is the Media Ignoring this Presidential Ca ...Story at-a-glance This week Ron Paul is running within 2 points of Barack Obama in Gallup poll. Congressman and Republican GOP candidate Ron Paul (TX) is a medical doctor with ...
- What You Must Know - if You're Diagnosed With ...By Dr. Mercola What if you'd thought for years that you were in danger of dying from heart disease because of your high blood pressure? And what if you were taking powerful blood pressure drugs � which come loaded with dangerous side effects And then what if several years later you found out ...
- Deficiency of This Vital Mineral May Result in ...Low serum magnesium levels have been connected with the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. This link exists independently of other common cardiovascular risk factors, according to research. A recent study postulated that, since left ventricular hypertrophy has significant prognostic i ...
- Probably the Best Way to Enhance Your Baby's G ...A vast amount of research has reported that breast-feeding plays an important role for the development of a newborn. Non-breast fed premature infants have higher risk of developing infantile diarrhea and necrotizing enterocolitis. In a recent study, the content of brain cell growth factors and ...
- This Almost Perfect Natural Oil Could Slow Dow ...By Dr. Mercola I was one of the first to promote krill as an exceptional source of animal based omega-3 dietary fats. Many have, and some still criticize me for recommending this over fish oil, for the lack of studies to back it up, but the bulk of the new emerging studies are confirming that ...
- Body Adiposity Index, Body Mass Index, and Bod ...
- Medical Kits for In-flight Medical Emergencies ...
- Association of ICU or Hospital Admission With ...Context Patients discharged from acute care hospitals may be at risk for unintentional discontinuation of medications prescribed for chronic diseases. The intensive care unit (ICU) may pose an even greater risk because of the focus on acute events and the presence of multiple transitions in car ...
- Effect of a Dietary Portfolio of Cholesterol-L ...Context Combining foods with recognized cholesterol-lowering properties (dietary portfolio) has proven highly effective in lowering serum cholesterol under metabolically controlled conditions. Objective To assess the effect of a dietary portfolio administered at 2 levels of intensity on percent ...
- Psoriasis [JAMA Patient Page]
Survival - tribal peoples
- UN more worried about its logo than human righ ...A Totobiegosode woman after she was forced out of the forest, Paraguayan Chaco. © Ruedi Suter/Survival Ayoreo Indians in Paraguay have been left amazed by the UN’s reaction to a formal complaint they issued against cattle ranching company Yaguarete Pora. In May, Ayoreo leaders issued a for ...
- Gunmen destroy indigenous camp, BrazilGuarani man. Gunmen have invaded a Guarani camp in Brazil. © Joaó Ripper/Survival Gunmen have invaded an indigenous Guarani camp in Brazil. The invaders are reported to have destroyed the Guarani’s houses and threatened the Guarani of Pueblito Kuê community, who were forced to flee into th ...
- Peru approves ‘historic’ indigenous rights lawAshéninka girl in south-east Peru © David Hill/Survival On Tuesday night, Peruâs Congress unanimously approved a âhistoricâ new law that guarantees indigenous peopleâs right to free, prior and informed consent to any projects affecting them and their lands. President Ollanta Humala says ...
- Beef barons hold government to ransomVast blocks of the Ayoreo's forest have been cleared by BBC S.A. and River Plate S.A. © Survival Brazilian beef barons are holding Paraguay’s government to ransom over land inhabited by uncontacted tribes. Ayoreo Indians were granted legal title to the land last year, but ranchers have ref ...
- Worldwide protests against Amazon mega-damBrazilians protest against Belo Monte dam in the Amazonian city of Belém © Sue Cunningham Thousands of people have taken to the streets in dozens of cities worldwide, to protest against the Belo Monte mega-dam being built in the Brazilian Amazon. Groups across Brazil called on Brazil�s Pre ...
Montreal Gazette
- Quebecers may have burned a political bridgeOn May 2, Canada went to the polls. Quebec went wholeheartedly New Democratic Party. The rest of the country voted into power a majority Conservative government.
- The future of N.D.G.'s Empress TheatreThe uncertain future of the old art deco Empress Theatre on Sherbrooke St. is one of the longest-running stories in Notre Dame de Gr�ce.
- Your Views: In defence of Christie Blatchford’ ...Although it’s inappropriate to speak ill of the dead, elected officials must still be subject to public scrutiny, even if this isn’t the ideal time to examine Jack Layton’s political legacy.
- The Gazette's View: The future of N.D.G.’s Emp ...he uncertain future of the old art deco Empress Theatre on Sherbrooke St. is one of the longest-running stories in Notre Dame de Gr�ce.
- End the 'Engineering for Dummies' approachAn elected official, or the official's representative, announces that hitherto-secret reports on Montreal's roads, overpasses and bridges will be made public.
Food World Order
- usda signs with rockefeller's council of found ...from food freedom: On Friday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA has signed an agreement with the Council on Foundations “to provide new sources of capital, new job opportunities, workforce investment strategies,” and, last on the list but the heart of it: “identification of a ...
- ban on using food stamps to buy soda rejected ...from nytimes: Federal officials on Friday rejected Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s proposal to bar New York City’s food stamp users from buying soda and other sugary drinks with them. The decision derailed one of the mayor’s big ideas to fight obesity and poor nutrition in the city. Mr. Bloomberg a ...
- blue plastic chips found in ground beeffrom food safety news: A North Carolina-based company has issued a recall of its ground beef product after a consumer found an unexpected ingredient in the product - blue plastic chips. Vantage Foods of Lenoir, North Carolina is recalling 1,642 pounds of ground beef that may contain the foreig ...
- 8/18 binge & purge: profit, problems & poopvideo: somalia, famine-for-profit & east-african food crisis* audio: arizona among worst states for family food hardship (PDF)* expert says gmo to blame for problems in colorado plants, animals* hepatitis a shot class action filed against n. carolina olive garden (PDF)* suit filed ag ...
- honey laundering: tainted & counterfeit chines ...asian honey, banned in europe, is flooding US grocery shelves* from grist: A third or more of all the honey consumed in the U.S. is likely to have been smuggled in from China and may be tainted with illegal antibiotics and heavy metals. A Food Safety News investigation has documented that mil ...
- Andhra Pradesh: Church priest rapes minor girl ...source: India today, July 1, 2011 A Christian priest has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl and setting her ablaze in his house at Nadendla village of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh.
- The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has bee ...
- Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of m ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 � In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort � S Shyam Prasad �
- Pastor arrested for murdering minor girlsource: MSN India, 30 June, 2011 � Guntur (AP), Jun 30 (PTI) A local pastor was arrested for allegedly murdering a teenager after she became pregnant with his child, police said today. The victim, identified as Monica (17) from Nadendla village in the district was working ...
- Conversation with a Convertsource: The Undercurrent, 26 March, 2011 Somewhere in Tamil Nadu The cab was waiting at the end of the road waiting to take us to our destination. The driver was a 50 something man and there was a picture of the Christian prophet Jesus on his dash board. After a few kilometeres of dr ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans for mankind? H ...
- The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
- Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators travel ...
- COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6JLgar45sU
The Economic Collapse
- 34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Midd ...Do you ever get the feeling that the middle class in America is shrinking? Well, you are not imagining things. A confluence of very troubling long-term economic trends has created an environment in which the middle class in America is being absolutely shredded. Today, most Am ...
- 3, 2, 1: Global Debt MeltdownWe are steamrolling toward a massive global debt meltdown, and at this point world leaders seem to be all out of solutions. Over the last 30 years or so, the greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet has produced unprecedented prosperity in the western world. But now t ...
- Wake Up America! 10 Very Obvious Reasons Why T ...Do you have friends, neighbors and relatives that can't find work? Well, unfortunately the current U.S. jobs famine is about to get a whole lot worse. Right now there are approximately 13.9 million unemployed Americans. That does not count those that "are not looking for work ...
- Bad NewsThe bad news about the economy just keeps rolling in. If this is an economic recovery, what in the world is the next "recession" going to look like? Today there was another huge truckload of bad economic news. The stock market had another 400 point "correction", applications ...
- Taxed Into OblivionIn the United States today, we are being taxed into oblivion, yet it is being done so stealthily that most Americans don't even realize what is happening. Most people are fixated on federal income tax rates, but the federal income tax is only one of the dozens of different taxe ...
- The New Congressional Debt Panel: An Opportuni ...Brent Blackwelder describes why now is the time to put pressure on the media and the 12 members of the Congressional debt panel.
- ¡Buenas noticias! ¡La recuperación económica s ...Traducción al Español - Dave Gardner perspectivas sobre la economía se estancó.
- Growth, Debt, and the World BankHerman Daly wonders how the World Bank got in the business of increasing the debt of poor countries.
- President Obama’s (Hoped For) “Amaze Speech”What if President Obama rose above political expedience and leveled with the American people?
- Good News: Economic Recovery Stalls!Dave Gardner is looking forward to the economic metamorphosis, and maybe you can help him get it started.
The Talking Clock
- Britain shamed as 'Free Norman Scarth' campaig ...RT, again, doing the job that the BBC should be doing, were the BBC not part of the subversive problem. British freedom... being fought for by the Russians. See also: Captain Ranty who has been covering this story in some depth.
- Did an alleged CIA-front tell totalitarian The ...With previous Home Secretary 'Jackboot' Jacqui Smith of the much feared authoritarian Labour Party back in the news headlines for all the wrong reasons, her Conservative counterpart in the one-party state that is Britain is trying to not be outdone. Theresa May - hereafter to be known as 'Tot ...
- Thought for the Day: 23rd August 2011In order to awake fully, do not say 'it is'. As yourself: "Why?" or "What does it mean?".
- Are Kellogg's Frosties more lawful than an Act ...This is essentially a follow-up post to yesterday's much read intrigue - and thank you for your support on that one. Part of what we did afterwards, as you'll see from the updates, was to look at coats of arms and emblems. And then we noticed something. Have a look at this. This is the ...
- The Crown vs. THE CROWNWe know we have a few readers who are interested in lawful rebellion, freemen on the land, and fellow English constitution supporters who pop by this blog. So, for you, mind the occasional F-word, but get this: Don't skip this. It's an hour out of your life. But listen. Download. So, ques ...
Facing South
- Hurricane Irene: Why failing to evacuate inmat ...As Hurricane Irene makes its way up the Atlantic seaboard, officials in New York are coming under growing fire for failing to authorize an evacuation of Rikers Island, the city's main jail complex housing about 12,000 inmates. Unlike North Carolina, which evacuated over 1,300 inmates before Ir ...
- VOICES: Crime pays for the private prison indu ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South It all started in Mississippi. Of course. Deprived of his slaves by the Confederacy's loss in the War Between the States, wealthy, politically connected cotton grower and railroad magnate Edmund Richardson needed cheap labor for the 25,000 acres of cotton spread ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: States' weak coal ash oversig ...When a massive coal ash pond at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston power plant in eastern Tennessee failed back in December 2008, it dumped a billion gallons of coal ash -- the toxic waste left over after burning coal -- into a nearby community and waterways. The disaster spurred calls fo ...
- VOICES: Obama skewers the immigrant justice mo ...By Kung Li The Obama administration announced last week it will be reviewing pending immigration deportation cases in order to prioritize people with criminal records for deportation over "low-priority" immigrants. Individuals eligible for the DREAM Act, veterans, and victims of crime who are c ...
- Buying 2012: Nearly two-thirds of House campai ...As the role of big money in elections steadily grows, the 2012 Congressional elections are on track to shatter all earlier records for campaign cash. According to data released by the Federal Election Commission this week, U.S. House and Senate candidates raised more than $287 million so far fo ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsToday’s Terrorism News post will be the last one for the summer. Along with the staff here at the Center on Law and Security, and with particular thanks to The Soufan Group for its generous support and to Carolyn O’Hara … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group At Radicalization Hearing, Rep. King Says al Shabab Poses Threat Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a third congressional hearing on Islamic radicalization in the United States Wednesday, this one focused on the threat of … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group 93 Dead in Twin Attacks in Norway; Suspect to Appear in Court The suspect accused of killing 93 people in twin terror attacks in Norway on Friday is due in an Oslo courtroom Monday, … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Today on New Scientist: 26 August 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Photons made to change colour and shape, new wave power, and heat-seeking snakes
- Irene from space: covers Atlantic coastlineAs Irene churns in the Atlantic – seen here from the International Space Station – the northeast braces for impact
- Exploding star coming to a telescope near youOver the next few days, you will have the rare chance to watch a star explode over the northern hemisphere
- Say hello to a brand new species of monkeyResearchers discovered a new species of titi monkey on a recent expedition to the Brazilian amazon
- Today on New Scientist: 25 August 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Electric ice a shock to the solar system, stupid robots, and elephant seal sex at sea
Tech Drive In
- 12 Things New in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric[Screensho ...Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot is marching ahead. Through our detailed reviews of Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 releases, we followed Ubuntu 11.10 in its each and every developmental phase so far. A lot of things have changed since the third alpha release and as we had promised, here is a preview of lates ...
- Awesome Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet for BeginnersGot a mail recently from freeworld's Raphael where he introduced me to his recent creation - a Linux bash shell cheat sheet meant for beginners. Very useful list of commands and keyboard shortcuts for Terminal with descriptions, more relevant if you are an avid Ubuntu/Debian user. ...
- How Open Source is Android After all?Google, the maker and manager of the Android platform, has claimed that Android is the world�s best open source software system. How true are these claims? A report based on a recent study by market research firm VisionMobile about several popular open source projects. How Ope ...
- Ubuntu Software Center Overhaul in Full SwingUbuntu Software Center is seeing its second round of upgrades, this time changes are even more dramatic. Good to see Canonical putting so much thrust on Software Center which has the potential to become Ubuntu's major money spinner in the near future. Brand New Ubuntu Software Cent ...
- Ubuntu Software Center Overhaul in Full SwingUbuntu Software Center is seeing its second round of upgrades, this time changes are even more dramatic. Good to see Canonical putting so much thrust on Software Center which has the potential to become Ubuntu's major money spinner in the near future. Brand New Ubuntu Software Cen ...
Case About Bird Flu
- German judges to face legal action over role i ...Fifty-five companies in Germany are bringing legal action against the judges of the country’s highest constitutional court for the support they have given the government in running roughshod over the rule of law and in ruining the public finances of the country for the profit of the banks. http ...
- German President Questions Legality of ECB Bon ...Germany’s President Christian Wulff has vigorously defended the rights of parliament, and also emphasised the need to defend freedom, democracy and human rights. His criticism today of the illegal ECB bond purchasing programme — which is ruining public finances not just in Germany but across the ...
- Will ECB sterilisation of bond purchases aggra ...The European Central Bank’s decision to sterilise purchases of Italian and Spanish bonds could wreck havoc with the money supply in the eurozone and exacerbate the economic downturn. Sterilising the bond purchases means that the ECB takes the equivalent amount of money out of the eurozone centra ...
- Is the eurozone set to collapse like the Sovie ...Rubble of Rouble as a Precedent for the EZ EUR? HSBC’s King and RGE’s EZ Does It Author: Arnab Das, Economonitor · August 10th, 2011 · We’re no longer alone in having drawn a broad compare/contrast between the EZ existential crisis and the latest major monetary disintegration on the Eurasian l ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Battle for the California Desert: Why is the G ...
- Monsanto GM Corn in Peril: Beetle develops Bt- ...Rady Ananda, Contributing Writer Activist Post Nature herself may be the best opponent of genetically modified crops and pesticides. Not only plants, but insects are also developing resistance. The Western rootworm beetle – one of the most serious threats to corn – has developed resistance to Mo ...
- BMJ admits that fraud claim against Dr. Andrew ...by: PF Louis (Natural News) Big Pharma, the FDA, AMA and other medical associations falsely accuse conscientious healers of crimes that they themselves routinely commit or cover up. Unfortunately, they get away with it since they are the “authority”, and the mainstream media (MSM) usually favors ...
- Hospital patients now being microchipped with ...by: Christina Luisa (NaturalNews) Being microchipped is now being spun as a method of protecting the health of hospital patients. To help mask the practice of this bodily invasion with a trendy, high-tech appearance, microchipping sensors are being referred to as “electronic tattoos” that can at ...
- Skateboarding with a Bent Wheel in VisibilandiaBy Les Visible Welcome to my world; Visibilandia stretches as far as the horizon permits, according to the reach of my consciousness on any given day. I don’t know how big or small it is. I’ve never attempted to measure it and have no tools to do it with anyway, because the boundaries are always ...
Veterans Today
- America’s Libyan RebelsTwenty years ago, three hundred and fifty Libyans - trained by the CIA to topple President Ghaddafi, arrived in the United States. This year, they returned to "liberate" Libya.
- Follow-Up Comments on Palestinian Statehood VoteIn September, the General Assembly will vote on granting full statehood recognition and de jure UN membership, what only it can grant, not the Security Council. The above linked article explained.
- The Dream That Still Inspires USMLK National Monument Inspires Calls to Continue Civil Rights Leader’s Work to End Poverty and War. Forty eight years ago we marched, hoped and prayed…. Today we still have that hope.
- Libyan KabukiWhen hundreds of thousands of Israelis began protesting their own government, that had to be stopped. The timing was all wrong. How was it dealt with? Perfectly timed attacks hit Israel, exactly enough when backed by a barage of propaganda to clear demonstrators off the streets, out of their ...
- Revising HistoryFairly recently a new group of historians are giving a positive meaning to revising history. Their goal is to go back and do new research to correct the historical errors.
electric politics
- Where's the Strategy?It's disappointing, to say the least, that after ten years in Afghanistan we seem not to have a strategy, or at least a strategy people can easily discern, one that's related to known U.S. national security interests. Whatever U.S. policy is, if it can't be put into a single, simple, declarativ ...
- Permanent Aridification Transforms the America ...It's happening now but we won't be able to say with absolute certainty that it's happened for probably another couple of decades. Thanks to anthropogenic climate change the American Southwest is entering a new, and permanent, condition of increased aridity. It's not a "drought," it's the new no ...
- Debt DoldrumsBarack Obama and John Boehner probably worked out most of it over golf. What political theater! And why is it you never hear of Nancy Pelosi on the links? To talk about the so-called "debt ceiling" crisis I turned to Charles Tiefer, a former General Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives, ...
- The Art of CourageA little voice in your conscience tells you something. You listen. You start to think maybe you're right and everybody else is wrong. You do something about it. Next thing you know you're in a life and death struggle against evil forces bent on world domination. Well, maybe that's a slight exag ...
- The Wild DollarBecause the public hasn't had what's happening properly reported, the Republicans think that, in the debt ceiling standoff, they can trample democratic norms and perhaps even go so far as to trigger another collapse of the world economy. What a bizarre strategy to pursue (supposedly) on behalf ...
PR News
- Media intelligence firm VMS shuts downNEW YORK: Integrated media intelligence provider VMS went out of business today with the loss of up to 200 jobs, the company confirmed.
- HP's Bill Wohl shifted sideways in comms reshufflePALO ALTO, CA: Hewlett-Packard CCO Bill Wohl is relinquishing his corporate communications responsibilities and taking on a special assignment for the company's software business following a tumultuous week at the IT giant.
- Sears goes digital for back-to-school pushHOFFMAN ESTATES, IL: Sears Holdings Corporation is using more digital media than ever before for its new back-to-school initiatives.
- Same sex marriage opens up PR opportunitiesThis year's LGBT Media Summit comes at an interesting juncture in the gay rights movement, with new opportunities for PR firms in the kind of media coverage they can generate for their clients.
- Ticketmaster pushes sharing through FacebookLOS ANGELES: Ticketmaster has linked up with Facebook for a "See who's sitting where" feature that enables customers to tell friends what they are attending and where they are sitting.
The Story Behind the Story
- Chuck Baldwin Hits the Nail SQUARELY!!� �Come Out Of Her, My People� By Chuck Baldwin August 18, 2011 Archived column: http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/home/?p=3859 It is no hyperbole to say that the vast majority of today�s churches do not remotely resemble the New Testament pattern. In the first place, the Church was never intended to ...
- Things That Make You Say HMMMMMMM!He served 10 presidents, but died alone in squalor: What happened to Theodoric C. James? White House Photo – Theodoric James Jr. worked in the White House for almost 50 years. His Northwest Washington neighbors never knew he catalogued important, sometimes sensitive, documents. By Christian Dave ...
- A Message to Horowitz and Kane – the Ill ...You indeed are the masters of spin – the masters of lying hypocrisy – the masters of obfuscation and calling evil good and good evil. As Khazarian Double Agents, I highly doubt you have ever read The Bible – have you? I doubt you have read Isaiah – so let me share his words: “WOE [...]
- Zombie Apocalpyse – What Others Are Now ...I first reported on this immediately after the CDC issued its report. Now others are also writing on this topic. GREAT NEWS!!! A. True Ott, PhD THE MEANING OF CDC “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE” PART 2 By Dr. Stephen C. L’Hommedieu August 17, 2011 NewsWithViews.com CDC Creating a âZombie Horrorâ Conscio ...
- The Amazing TRUE STORY of Susan Lindauer. EXT ...Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq Susan Lindauer
k2p blog
- “Hurricane” Irene or just a severe ...Wind speeds experienced and forecast in New York city are those of a severe tropical storm and not those of a hurricane. The expected fury of hurricane Irene has been somewhat muted and many who are used to much stronger winds may wonder what all the fuss was about.
- “Top 11 examples” of US academic d ...A list of the 11 most egregious examples of academic dishonesty at US colleges and secondary schools.
- Jatinder Ahluwalia – End-game in progressThe Jatinder Ahluwalia story is reaching its end game as Imperial College announces that his results can not be replicated and they are reviewing the award of his PhD.
- When plagiarism is not plagiarism: University ...To protect their Vice Chancellor who was found guilty of plagiarism the University of Peshawar has redefined a threshold for plagiarism to be 19% such that the Vice Chancellors offence of copying 18% of his book from another author can no longer be considered plagiarism!!
- My medicinal chilliesA nasal spray containing an ingredient derived from hot chili peppers (Capsicum annum) may help people "clear up" certain types of sinus inflammation.
Left Foot Forward
- Spanish and Italian strikes show the growth in ...Rich Hook looks at the strikes that have gripped Italian and Spanish football and the US NBA and NFL and says sporting socialism is alive and well in those states.
- Cable should concentrate on promoting growth n ...Goan sausages rather than growth seem to be on business secretary Vince Cable’s mind, with only one of 50 Regional Growth Fund projects green lighted by BIS.
- Phone hacking: Questions over Coulson’s Murdoc ...For Andy Coulson, a man more used to putting others in the media spotlight, his sustained presence in the press must be uncomfortable, writes Sara Ibrahim.
- Clegg’s defence of Human Rights Act as welcome ...Liberals of all hues should welcome wholeheartedly Nick Clegg’s defence of the Human Rights Act, for a host of reasons, writes Dr Prateek Buch.
- New rights for agency workers point to a bette ...New protection for agency workers should lead to better jobs, helping turn back the tide of lagging lower pay and a better economy for all.
- Verizon Takes Away FTP Access, Charges For ItStar commenter GitEmSteveDave contacted me this morning with a relatively minor but still irritating problem: he didn't have FTP access to his webspace anymore. While all customers with Verizon as their Internet service provider have a small amount of storage space to put an entire web page or ...
- 14 Borders Stores To Be Reborn As Books-A-MillionLoyal customers of some Borders stores in the Northeast and Midwest, rejoice: you may not have to go long without a book superstore once Borders closes. According to bankruptcy court documents filed yesterday, Alabama-based chain Books-A-Million has agreed to take over the leases for 14 Border ...
- PayPal: You Owe Us $38.41 From 2004 Because We ...Did you know that there's a seven-year time limit on PayPal chargebacks? Yeah, neither did we, and neither did Dan. He still had to fork over $38.41 owed to PayPal from an an unknown account belonging to him, even though he didn't recognize it. What? So I got an email from Paypal that my acco ...
- OpenTable Rewards Loyalty, Refunds Loyalty Poi ...As a frequent user of online reservation service OpenTable, Ben's girlfriend had earned a fair number of loyalty points. She turned these in for a $50 voucher, which she promptly forgot to use. Oh, well, her loss, right? Not exactly. Hey guys, love the site. Thought I'd write in to tell you ab ...
- Options To Save Money For Your Kids To Blow In ...Once you spawn younglings, your mind starts to drift toward their future. Because it's tough to make the circus and the New York Jets only employ so many placekickers, your thoughts will inevitably drift to college, and how much it will cost to help your kids pay to sleep through classes in the ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Development Agencies Fail to Take On Corruptio ...Canadian Press: Darling of Development World, Stung by Corruption Problems, Says Others in Worse Shape The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a $21.7 billion health fund backed by prominent celebrities – is responding to allegations that the fund has lost up to $34 millio ...
- Feds Subpoena Lawyer in CIA Leak Case: Whistle ...St. Louis Beacon: Feds Take Unusual Step of Subpoenaing Sterling's Lawyer The lawyer representing Jeffrey Sterling – the former CIA officer charged with leaking national security secrets to the press – was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in order to discuss Sterling’s case. Fed ...
- Teresa Chambers Case Highlights Limitations of ...Last week, the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ordered the National Park Service to reinstate whistleblower Teresa Chambers as Chief of the U.S. Park Police, as well as to reimburse her for back pay and legal costs. Her case garnered national attention when she was removed by the Bush ...
- Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator ...By Wikimedia user Markus Schweiss Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Killed Whistleblower Bill? This article details how the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) – a bill that would have strengthened protections for federal employees – was killed by one senator’s d ...
- Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. ...Three months ago, journalist Michael Isikoff noted the disturbing "Double Standard" in White House Leak Inquiries. But now it's not just the Executive Branch. Josh Gerstein of Politico just published an article on how a judge ruled that the Justice Department can keep secret names of its own ...
UK Progressive
- Get This Empathy Monkey Off My BackGuest Column by Chris Gelken, CEO, Ridealist A couple of weeks ago British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about Britain’s “slow-motion moral collapse” and “Broken Britain”. There are pockets of our society, he said, that are frankly “sick”. “For me it is clear that the root cause of this mi ...
- This Labor Day We Need Protest Marches Rather ...Labor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be more appropriate than a parade. Not only are 25 million unemployed or underemployed, but American companies continue to cut wages and benefits. The median wage ...
- Calls for Boycott of Abercrombie & Fitch Over ...By Andrea Defusco-Sullivan Prospective buyers of Abercrombie & Fitch clothes should boycott the chain until it decides to market its clothing to everyone, no matter what their color, creed or lifestyle. The retailer’s offer to pay cast members of the popular hit “Jersey Shore” TV series not to w ...
- Why Can’t Muppets Bert and Ernie Marry?“Sesame Streetâs” most famous duo Bert and Ernie first appeared in 1969, the same year as the Stonewall Riots, which to the nationâs surprise catapulted the LGBTQ Liberation Movement. And at that time, the idea of partnering these two lovable striped-sweater-wearing puppets as gay was as inconce ...
- Taxpayers Should Stop Subsidizing WalmartWalmart is the biggest retailer in the world. It boasts of having 1.2 million Americans on their payroll. Its reported annual profits are around $13 billion. So it’s safe to say since it is so big – and so ubiquitous – and so obviously successful – the government can now stop subsidizing it. Let ...
- California to make it a felony for MDs to trea ...Activist Post
- Revisiting the 2nd Amendment's right to bear armsThe L.A. Times reports:So far the courts have limited guns mostly to the home. But the National Rifle Assn. is asking the Supreme Court to clarify that the right extends further.
- Perry calls Social Security 'monstrous lie'The Houston Chronicle reports:Riding high in the polls, Gov. Rick Perry rode into Iowa on Saturday with tough talk on President Obama, the economy and foreign policy and a declaration that Social Security is not only a Ponzi scheme but a "monstrous lie" for younger people. "If you're for the st ...
- Expect to Pay More for Health Coverage Through ...Kiplinger
- Apple all-star alumni recall Steve Jobs' lessonsThe San Francisco Chronicle
- Conspiracy Theories in the Australian: Not by ...It’s nice to know Christian Kerr of The Australian reads my site and wants to quote me, but really Christian, where’s the conspiracy? “Science broadcaster turned climate-sceptic blogger and convoy backer, Jo Nova, let loose. “The ABC coverage is so shamefully biased, a government PR agency could ...
- That Australian sense of humour: not the Tea P ...G.R.O.G. = Get Rid Of Gillard ... … H/t:  Just Grounds, Jeff, Craig. Thanks Please, will the original artist comment so I can give credit and a link? UPDATE #1: Could be Alex Werchon on CAN-Do?  4-Mar-2011? (h/t Dave N if so). UPDATE #2: Andrew Bolt describes the Thomson meltdown as “out of ...
- Solar Power costs less than Coal, and the Wish ...Finally, a new day has dawned and solar power is cheaper than coal fired electricity! Gadzooks! It must be true, the Sydney Morning Herald says so. “Solar energy cost hits par with coal fuel“ Who knew they conquered the low energy density, high maintenance, poor performance, bad weather, and gen ...
- Andrew Pitman cries poor and rich, says climat ...Well which way is it then? Last year Professor Andrew Pitman said the science was settled, he was a poor volunteer, and skeptics were rich (which was why they were winning). …climate scientists are losing the fight with climate sceptics. That the sceptics are so well funded, so well organized, h ...
- Giant PR machine swings into gear against the ...It’s important for the big-government-dependent parties to deny the power of the Convoy. Less than a week ago, there was a rally at Parliament House with around 3,000-5,000 people. And today there was another one, this one with around 600 vehicles according to Matt and Janet Thompson, and this o ...
ReNew America
- Irene is Obama's punishment(Washington Times) - Before Hurricane Irene made landfall, environmental extremists were spouting off three certainties about the storm: It is catastrophic; it was caused by global warming; and it is all President Obama's fault. On Thursday, climate alarmist Bill McKibben wrote, "Irene's got a m ...
- Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: 'Go to hell!'(Larry Elder) - "I'm not afraid of anybody. ... And as far as I'm concerned, the tea party can go straight to hell." -- Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. Waters' list of insults, vulgarities and blame-whitey scapegoating easily makes her the Al Sharpton of Congress...
- Environmental enforcement leaves musicians in fear(Wall Street Journal) - Federal agents swooped in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday, raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars. The Feds are keeping mum, but in a statement yesterday Gibson's chairman and CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz ...
- Excluding prayer from 9/11 memorial compounds ...(Washington Examiner) - Do you remember what things were like in the hours and days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Evidently New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg does not...
- China outgunning the Pentagon(Washington Times) - Beware, the PLA is coming. On Wednesday, the Pentagon released its annual report on Chinese military operations. It is full of mealy-mouthed wording to try to put the best possible spin on the rapid rise of the People's Republic, but one scary conclusion is unavoidable: Chin ...
Truth Offering
- Fact: You Have Rights Because Government Says ...Here's a quick follow-up article to the one posted a few days ago about the Rawesome Food Club raid. Feast your eyes on the following statements released by the Food and Drug Administration regarding the raid. Note: Below, 'Plaintiffs' refers to James Stewart, Rawesome's founder, Sharon Palmer, ...
- Another Unlawful Raid On RawesomeWant an undeniable truth? Our government is out of control. To deny that is to deny all sense of reason and logic; to regress to your simple-minded, consensus trance thought (un)process. To me, this is the fatal flaw in the argument of all those who support government, or in this case, BIG gover ...
- Diet Myths THEY Don’t Want You To KnowMyPyramid.....of DEATH!I've been studying health and nutrition for about six years now. In fact, I credit my nutritional awakening with spurring on my awakening in all other aspects of life, from economics to politics. And I'll tell you the crux of what sparked my craving for the truth: Going ba ...
- Today's Quote"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." - George Orwell
- Poll: Are the Current E.coli Outbreaks False F ...This week, we wanted to get your thoughts on the current E. coli outbreaks. Are they random, unfortunate events? Or is there a depopulation agenda being carried out by the eugenicist global elite? Here's what you thought (click to enlarge):
2012 Blog
- Dreams About 2012As a child I had a few recurring dreams. One of them could’ve been a nightmare but wasn’t. I was standing in the front yard of my home in cookie-cutter suburb. My parents and siblings were ...Dreams About 2012 is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:2012 Forum – Becoming Very Internation ...
- Tornado vs BasementThose who study survivalism will come across many opinions, a few anecdotes, and virtually no facts. 2012ers therefore have no certainty of what will occur, and no certainty on how to survive it. So it ...Tornado vs Basement is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:More Tornado Survivors ...
- Easter Island DNA Shows Interesting MixIf you look at the DNA of the natives of Easter Island, and exclude whose ancestors interbred with Europeans (who arrived in 1722), then you’ll find most of the genes point to a colonization from Asia. But ...Easter Island DNA Shows Interesting Mix is a post from: 2012 Blog Related post ...
- Two Earthquakes in USA TodayMost notably there was an earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Virginia today, with a magnitude of 5.8. At this stage damage and injuries do not appear to be widespread, but a nuclear power plant at ...Two Earthquakes in USA Today is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:California ...
- When Fiction Becomes RealityAfter 9/11 it was freaky to see that the tragedy had been predicted in popular culture, for example the debut episode of The Lone Gunmen. The most under-appreciated disaster scenario facing the USA and the ...When Fiction Becomes Reality is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:NASA: Impac ...
Facing South
- Hurricane Irene: Why failing to evacuate inmat ...As Hurricane Irene makes its way up the Atlantic seaboard, officials in New York are coming under growing fire for failing to authorize an evacuation of Rikers Island, the city's main jail complex housing about 12,000 inmates. Unlike North Carolina, which evacuated over 1,300 inmates before Ir ...
- VOICES: Crime pays for the private prison indu ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South It all started in Mississippi. Of course. Deprived of his slaves by the Confederacy's loss in the War Between the States, wealthy, politically connected cotton grower and railroad magnate Edmund Richardson needed cheap labor for the 25,000 acres of cotton spread ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: States' weak coal ash oversig ...When a massive coal ash pond at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston power plant in eastern Tennessee failed back in December 2008, it dumped a billion gallons of coal ash -- the toxic waste left over after burning coal -- into a nearby community and waterways. The disaster spurred calls fo ...
- VOICES: Obama skewers the immigrant justice mo ...By Kung Li The Obama administration announced last week it will be reviewing pending immigration deportation cases in order to prioritize people with criminal records for deportation over "low-priority" immigrants. Individuals eligible for the DREAM Act, veterans, and victims of crime who are c ...
- Buying 2012: Nearly two-thirds of House campai ...As the role of big money in elections steadily grows, the 2012 Congressional elections are on track to shatter all earlier records for campaign cash. According to data released by the Federal Election Commission this week, U.S. House and Senate candidates raised more than $287 million so far fo ...
One News Page
- UPDATE: 9 Deaths Reported from Hurricane Irene
- 'Jersey Shore' Cast Members -- Escape the Hurr ...Filed under: Jersey Shore, MTV, MTV Video Music Awards MTV couldn't have its biggest stars miss tomorrow night's *Video Music Awards* due to the hurricane sweeping the East Coast -- so they chartered a private jet to take 'Jersey Shore' stars *Snooki*, *Vinny*, *Deena* and *Sammi* to Los ...
- Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine slams MTV in Twitt ...Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine has spoken out about his dislike of MTV.
- 'Always Sunny in Philadelpia' Star -- Stalker ...Filed under: Thesy Surface, Celebrity Justice *Thesy Surface* -- the actress who plays the creepy *Margaret McPoyle* on '*Always Sunny in Philadelphia*' -- has turned to police for help, claiming a stalker's been harassing her online ... even emailing her pics of an animated finger spelling ...
- Kim Kardashian on Honeymoon in CapriKIM Kardashian has jetted off for a short honeymoon to Capri in Italy. The socialite and her new husband Kris Humphries left Los Angeles’ LAX airport for the European destination yesterday following their nuptials in California on Saturday. However, the couple will be back in the US by the ...
Global Research TV
- PETROLEO: The Oil War Agenda in a Minute
- La vérité sur le bombardement de la Yougoslavie
- NATO's Secret Armies
- Federal Reserve Admits "We Have No Gold"
- Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of ...
Daily Tech
- Facebook, Twitter Could Compromise Undercover ...The problem with a police officer's identity being displayed on these networks is that it can compromise a covert operation and ultimately the safety of the officers involved
- Neanderthal Sex Gave Europeans and Asians Stro ...Turns out Europeans and Asians may be the least "genetically pure" homo-sapiens
- Newspaper Catches a Bug, Doctors Say It's a Ca ...Bacteria digests cellulose to make motor friendly butanol
- 8/26/2011 Daily Hardware ReviewsDailyTech's roundup of hardware reviews from around the web for Friday
- IBM Builds 120 Petabyte Storage Array120 petabytes is 120 million gigabytes!
Oriental Review
- It Is Going to Be Syria’s TurnThe visuals beamed from Tripoli last night had an eerie familiarity. Cars blowing horns, Kalashnikovs firing into the air, youth and children aimlessly wandering on streets littered with heaps of debris, western cameramen eagerly lapping up the precious words in broken English by any local fello ...
- NATO Land Operation in Libya Carried Out at Fu ...A source from Libya reports that early morning August 23, 2011 a commando unit from British Special Air Service (SAS) was disclosed and eliminated in Tripoli. Their local guide was captured and will be prosecuted shortly. An anti-subversive team of the Libyan 32nd Special Force Brigade responsib ...
- NATO’s Planned Bloodbath in TripoliNATO intends to get the bloodbath it wants through intensified terror bombing and low-level strafing of civilians and nonmilitary sites. No matter that it grossly violates international and constitutional law, what Washington-led member states long ago trashed. Through August 22, air operations ...
- Strange Days in LondonLet’s begin by noting that isn’t the first time England has had the kind of unrest we’re seeing now. The first racially motivated mass riots happened in London’s Notting Hill area in 1958. It was decided afterwards to hold an annual carnival in Notting Hill, a sign, as it were, of racial peace, ...
- Libya on the BrinkThe fall of M. Gadhafi’s regime will come as a huge success of the globalization forces seeking to establish a new world order. The proportions of the campaign the West launched in Libya and the level of sophistication of the technologies employed were impressive regardless of the accompanying p ...
- Quick and Easy Baked Chicken With Artichokes[Editor's Note: This dish takes a shortcut toward fast preparation, but is long on flavor and interest, thanks to jarred, marinated artichokes. Des of Life's Ambrosia has developed a recipe that's great for weeknights when you don't have a lot of time to devote to dinner, but you still want a di ...
- I've Lost My iMindDusty Earth Mother wants to find her iMind, her iPhone, maybe even her iKeys. She knows an app for at least on of those. She writes, Boy oh Boyardee, wouldn't it have been easier if I had a newfangled iPhone thingamajiggy and that hotsy totsy "Find My iPhone" whichamacallitabob? Sure woulda. In ...
- Should Your Kids Walk to School This Year?Growing up, I lived in the middle of nowhere and walking to school wasn’t an option. We now live less than a mile from my son’s elementary school. I’ve been toying with walking on these still warm summer days, but I’m dealing with a back injury that has been slow to heal. And, you know, walking ...
- Mango Smoothie With Cucumber and Mint[Editor's Note: This cooling and refreshing smoothie is packed with nutrients. It's also a great way to use summer cucumbers and fresh mint from the garden. It's a healthy treat for August's hot days. --Genie] Mango, Cucumber and Mint Smoothie But if you’re a stranger to drinks made from vege ...
- I Quit Drinking and Expected ApplauseWhen I first quit drinking and told people about it, I had three typical responses: Apathy: many people really didn't care either way. Either they weren't close enough to me to realize I had a problem, or were unaffected by it. For the most part, their own relationships to alcohol were such that ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- Toxins Found in Brand-Name ClothesWould you be surprised to find out that the highest caliber clothing brands are tainted with toxic chemicals? Dad always advised, “You must wash clothes before wearing them for the first time.” Greenpeace shares why in its ...
- You Appointed Who? Say It’s Not So!Who was made our food safety czar? You know it, the absolute most ridiculous unqualified person ever! And who was up for top food safety position at the USDA? Another one that will sure to bring ...
- Easy Apple Mint Skin TonerToners are great for polishing and priming the skin after washing and before makeup if wearing. They remove soap and dirt residue and refresh and moisturize the complexion. Conventional toners allow chemicals to absorb into the ...
- Prozac For PetsWow, why didn’t Big Pharma tap this market before?? After all, there are natural products for pets…cha-ching! That must be when it hit them. So, Fluffy is sad and suicidal? There’s a drug for that! Just ...
- Honey, What A Scandal – We Eat Smuggled ...This will perhaps be the most compelling arguing point yet to buy local! The menacing food hazards continue to grow worse. If you buy honey from the store, there’s a good chance you are consuming smuggled ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...