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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

14 August - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

To Do

The only biomass renewable generator on SCE&G's net metering program burns solid waste wood from timber and logging operations. Just minutes from the Atlantic Ocean on St. Helena Island near Beaufort is Little Gem Tree Farm, a wholesale tree ...
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The Corbett administration is de-emphasizing renewable energy and energy conservation, eliminating programs created by previous Democratic and Republican administrations as it focuses on natural gas energy from ...
Care2.com (blog)
The EIO will serve the central managing office for developing large-scale Army renewable energy projects, and will be in operation fully by September 15, 2011. This is significant, since the federal government uses two percent of all the energy in the ...
The Citizen Daily
The renewable energy (RE) sector continues to perform well despite continuing economic recession, incentive cuts, and low natural-gas prices, the Renewables 2011 Global Status Report (GSR) released last month has shown. In 2010, renewable energy ...
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Human Habitat

News & Observer
Wilson, who gives "urban ecology" as one of his research interests, said he went into the planning with "high hopes," but as time went by found it was lacking in definite goals. That may be about to change. The Planning Department called off a meeting ...
New York Times (blog)
Below you can read what Hawken, the author of the book mentioned above (“The Ecology of Commerce“) had to say in Atlanta. We, who were so fortunate to know Ray Anderson, were in awe. He was many people, a father, executive, colleague, brother, speaker, ...
EurekAlert (press release)
Here is just some of the research on microbial and disease ecology to be presented at ESA's 2011 meeting in Austin, Texas: "The food-webs inside the human body" led by Carmen Lia Murall, University of Guelph, Canada; "Human oral microbiota as an ...
Irish Weather Online
Craig A. Carlson, professor of biology with UC Santa Barbara's Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, is the senior author of a study of marine viruses published this week by the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal, ...
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Water Power

The nearby EV Spence Reservoir has less than 1 percent of its water left. (Source: CNN) BIG SPRING, TX (CNN) - Severe drought conditions in West Texas have led to a unique plan to recycle wastewater to the drinking faucet. More than 100 years ago, ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Bob Andres bandres@ajc.com Keith Boozer of Monroe has been a large-scale poultry farmer for 20 years and is proud of his record in complying with state and federal environmental rules that safeguard water. Bob Andres bandres@ajc.com Large-scale poultry ...
Los Angeles Times
Rights groups have taken on trainers who worked on 'Water for Elephants,' 'Zookeeper' for a giraffe's death and 'The Hangover Part II' for not using monitors and depicting a monkey smoking. “The Hangover Part II” couldn't use the “No animals were ...
Chicago Sun-Times
A Crestwood water tower is reflected in a rain puddle. | Joseph P. Meier~Sun-Times Media If people didn't like the way he ran Crestwood, he wouldn't have been mayor for 38 years, Chester Stranczek used to boast. A federal grand jury now claims that for ...
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