As we look back on the horrors of the dictatorships and autocracies of the past, one particular question consistently arises; how was it possible for the common men of these eras to NOT notice what was happening around them? How could they have stood ...
Afghanistan: Kandahar caught in the crosshairs
A series of high-profile assassinations has again thrust Afghanistan’s second-largest city toward the edge of chaos.
A series of high-profile assassinations has again thrust Afghanistan’s second-largest city toward the edge of chaos.
Al Jazeera English Arrives on N.Y. Cable
Russian Solar Probe to Predict Earthly Cataclysms
U.S. government allowing growing of Geneticall Engineered Crops on Wildlife Refuges
Obstacles to Capturing Carbon Gas
With Default Seven Days Away, House GOP Fixates On Repealing Environmental Regulations
Climate Activist Tim DeChristopher Given Two-Year Sentence For Derailing Bush Oil Auction
Who’s a Climate Extremist?
I see my comments came through - so let's see if I'm at least interesting
Climate change far less serious than 'alarmists' predict says NASA scientist
Land Destroyer Report
Globalist Imperial Network
As explained by a globalist.The US State Department, supporting NGOs funded directly by both US taxpayers' money as well as funds from the Fortune 500 corporations they serve, alone constitute a global spanning, incessantly meddling homogeneous network working to undermine both personal and national sovereignty while replacing national governments around the world.
This is far from a conspiracy theory - it is stated fact admitted to by the US State Department itself who regularly announces its funding of subversive activities around the globe from training, equipping, and funding hordes of youth activists years before the "Arab Spring" unfolded, to helping dupes in China circumvent national cyber defenses, to forming brigades of youth fodder to take to the streets in Belarus and Malaysia, to propping up pro-globalist propaganda outlets like Prachatai in Thailand.
"Foreign policy" is moving beyond governments and being put into the hands of unelected organizations, corporations, NGOs, and "social movements."
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July 30th, 2011 at 11:38 pm There are ‘energy’ experts around : not all of them are in love with coal or petroleum. Deep oil from offshore drilling would not have been attempted were it not for the enticement of tax relief : it’s really past the boundary of known tech and reliable theorizing with conflicting ideas about oil formation and no clear ‘winner.’ But radioactive deep oil is under horrendous pressure and wellheads are problematic : with Halliburton cementing having a ridiculous failure rate and salt domes not seeming a smart place to drill.
High pressure pockets complicate drilling in a situation where the partial pressure produced at the tip should be roughly equal to mass of a water column the depth of the hole : given twice the density of water in the solid being drilled.
With nukes all is not a ‘scientific’ or even an engineering problem. The government has never been candid nor helpful in either choice of nuclear technological type nor design parameters. Power is a military consideration best appreciated by a look at the NPT TRAP.
It also helps to realize that the Fukushima design team lost 2 GE engineers who quit over implications of the design they considered unsafe – 35 years ago. Things are so crazy there are tales of nuclear explosions causing the tsunami and wondering if HAARP’s resonance patterns were no implicated in some attempt to ‘lubricate’ things in a time of instability caused by space/orbital causes of related stresses or. pole shift
Coal is not just more radioactively dirty than nuclear power ( though exploratory holes and mines seem conveniently ignored in such calculations ) : a check at SourceWatch will reveal an infosite revealing coal ash dangers.
Wind power doesn’t seem efficient except in large installations : and those are panned harshly in mostly unreported sources. It isn’t just the killing of bats and birds and subsonic causes of diseases either : vibration and wind gusts are not reliably dealt with by any known tech. Magnet production has left a Chinese pool of poison of quite an extent.
The rush to global taxation on the use of fire by the usual band of thieves does not recommend itself to me as a likely ‘cure’ for a problem which is really not quantifiable as a known variable against a static background. Certainly not without tripping over an obvious snag : future predictions are not verifiable.
Nor have I dealt with the knottiest problem of all : patent law. Check the story ‘Who Killed the Electric Car’ for the backstory on batteries for electrical transportation being unavailable because Chevron is sitting on the tech.
Thinking the comment lost, I tried again
opit Says:
July 31st, 2011 at 6:34 am “With the proviso that humans are capable of competently managing the nuclear enterprise, certainly so, in my opinion”
It’s a political football because weaponization is always at the forefront of research….even when making things that don’t go bang ! Then the specter of alleged menace is raised.
I recall a story where a 12 year old managed the feat of using all the spectrum in solar collection for a science project. That was a year or more ago only – but the efficiency increases which looked possible were impressive.