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Learn morePreparations are underway at the shore and on water to try and minimize damage from the Gulf oil spill.
Because the sun is awesome! Actually, it's more than that. Living with a star impacts our daily lives and the new Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will help us predict its next temper tantrum.
CANADA - The United States and Canada could see their economies hurt if interest rates go again in the near future. Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney is warning G20 countries to keep that in mind when tr...
Some animals receive priority care at oil spill wildlife rescue sites, while other animals are euthanized. Find out how experts make these life and death decisions.
Experts and volunteers are streaming to Louisiana, eager for direction to help wildlife that may be affected by the Gulf oil spill.
Underreported Struggles #37, April 2010 http://intercontinentalcry.org/underreported-struggles-37-april-2010 In this month's Underreported Struggles: Paramilitaries attack peaceful caravan in Oaxaca; Kayan ...
The author of the best-selling book "The World Without Us" thinks that global warming has caused the recent spate of devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Don't believe him.
Senior adviser David Axelrod says that authorities must first determine the cause of the explosion before moving forward.
One of the first signs of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill reaching shore will be the smell of petroleum in the air.
** *ARIZONA LAW: On Suspicion of Being Brown* Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Here is how senators voted on the final version of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, Arizona's new racial cleansing la...
Just imagine if all the plastic around us was made from algae. We'd have thoroughly green car parts, bottles, containers, keyboards. In several years, this could be real. A California-based company is curr...
Debate on the Canada-Colombia FTA resumed at the International Trade Committee today with the Chair stating he wasn't going to allow a whole lot of witnesses to testify just so they could put it on their r...
ENTERTAINMENT - Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the rest of the “Peanuts” gang has been sold for $175 million to Joe Boxer owner Iconix Brand Group Inc. In the deal Charles Schulz's family will receive 20% of re...
CARS - The future of cars is in China and India... Why? Because as their economies grow, China and India's population guarantees an age of freeways, expressways, super highways the likes of which will make...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 19 hours ago
*As of now you can download Ubuntu 10.04* here and detailed there. About 700 Mb as *.iso* file to simply be burned on a CD as *Live-CD* for testing (without changing anything on your computer) or installat...
If the walls could talk, they'd say, "I think an airplane just landed on me." This unmanned vehicle from a research team at the University flies straight toward a wall and then at the last second raises it...
New geological maps reveal another level of California's enchanting natural wonders.
Kady has been trying to get some answers on how Justice Frank Iacobucci's inquiry into the Afghan detainee documents is coming along, given that Speaker of the House Peter Milliken ruled on Tuesday that ...
Look mom, no hands! Can you imagine driving a car by using just your eyes? A group of researchers at the Freie Universität Berlin developed the eyeDriver software, which steers a car with eye movements. Ca...
Could a little motivation help you to focus your eyesight?
New research argues that wildlife documentaries may deny animals their right to privacy.
Why did the rattlesnake cross the road? It didn't, and that's a problem, say conservationists.
Government officials are racing to the scene, but time may be running out.
The Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) was being prepared for launch in Australia, but the wind changed direction, dragging the NCT across the launch site, smashing into a parked SUV. No injuries are reported.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*The planet Mars keeps intriguing us* the more high definition images of it become available. The best resolution reveals details well below 10 meter/32 feet. Are there trees on Mars, or are that traces of...
The discovery of fossils in gypsum on Earth may help scientists zero in on fossils containing past life on Mars.
Tom Goldtooth, director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, describes the work carried out by the working group on Forests at the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother ...
Early Americans tinkered with the forests by wielding the most powerful tool they had available: fire.
Are we inadvertently sending microbes to Mars? A new study suggests this idea isn't so far fetched, recommending we do a better job of cleaning our spacecraft.
A 40 year-old law is having some pleasant, unintended consequences on carbon dioxide in the northeastern U.S.
People have become addicted to social media sites, so that begs the question: are those sites good or bad for you?
Ice and organic compounds, essential ingredients for life, have been found for the first time on an asteroid.
The offshore wind farm, if built, will be the nation's first and will encompass 130 turbines.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Disaster struck again for Mr. Gordon Brown*, on election tour through the UK. A widow, Mrs. Gillian Duffy, 66, encountered the Prime Minister and told him (a.o.) about her concern regarding too many immi...
Amid the violence and chaos of one war, Afghanistan marks the 18th anniversary of the end of another.
The dirt produced by comets can actually be a hazard for visiting spacecraft, what efforts are under way to understand this cosmic pollution? For starters, you could build your own "dirty snowball."
Oh Eun-Sun was the first woman to scale the world's 14 highest peaks, a claim that has been met with skepticism by fellow climbers.
For the first time, the World War II diary will return to the house where Frank first wrote it.
For the first time, researchers have developed an iPhone app that translates the Iraqi dialect of Arabic to English and vice versa. The app, which was developed by researchers from Carnegie Mellon Universi...
The Pentagon wants to develop a flying car not unlike the one envisioned in the space-age TV show "The Jetsons."
The worm has achieved a near mythic status after scientists presumed it was extinct for decades.
The Pentagon wants to develop a flying car not unlike the one envisioned in the space-age TV show "The Jetsons."
Humble snails are helping to prevent Cross River gorilla poaching in Nigeria, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. (Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society) The WCS has just launched a new program...
Panda fans hoping to experience the joy of parenthood once again will have to wait it out another year. That's because Smithsonian's National Zoo staff confirmed Tuesday that Mei Xiang is not pregnant, fol...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Tariq Ramadan*, Oxford Professor and grandson of the founder of the Egypt 'Muslim Brotherhood', is a controversial public figure, amongst muslims themselves and for others not adhering to Islam. Some call...
A new video shows how a squirrel reacts when it encounters a dead squirrel.
Mei Xiang, a giant panda at the National Zoo, is not pregnant, as had previously been thought. Over the past several weeks, she instead experienced what is known as a pseudopregnancy.
The Dallas-Fort Worth skies were once dominated by Aetodactylus halli, a new toothy genus and species of pterosaur.
An array of weapons dating as far back as 2,400 years is found as ice patches melt away in Canada's Mackenzie Mountains.
Fictional TV crime dramas can influence real-world crimes and juries.
Nimpkish to Sayward, Day2-Day4 of the Wild Migration from Alexandra Mortonon Vimeo. BC: A Mission Statement from Alex Morton: The Get Out Migration is a call to action to make government aware that we w...
These mounds of asphalt have been leaking oil for tens of thousands of years.
CANADA - Stephen Harper's Conservative government will no longer fund clinics which offer safe abortions overseas in third world countries. This breaks a long standing agreement that Canada has held for de...
Speaker of the House Milliken ruled today that Parliament is supreme and Steve is not the President of Canada. Milliken ruled that government was in breach of parliamentary privilege by refusing to comply ...
*Protest Barrick Gold! Rally outside Barrick's Annual Shareholder's Meeting, Wed. April 28 **Once a year, the board of directors for the world's most powerful gold miner converge in downtown Toronto. Be th...
The fledgling Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) is teaming up with other radio telescopes to probe the beams of intense radiation emitted by pulsars, potentially answering the mystery as to how they are generated.
Thomas Hagan served 44 years for gunning down the civil rights leader.
*Bolivia: Life lessons from Alaskan Native Women* *Alaskan Native Women describe what is happening to Alaska and what must be done for the future Seven Generations * *By Brenda Norrell/Censored News * htt...
Scientists zero-in on the chemicals in smoke that seemingly magically trigger seeds to sprout and become more resilient.
Another Soviet-era lunar rover has been found on the moon. This time, using Earth-based lasers to bounce off Lunokhod 1's retroreflectors, researchers managed to shine some light on the robot's final resti...
What do asteroids and geckos have in common? More than you'd think! The same force that allows geckos to climb walls also helps asteroid rubble piles stick together.
Shoes are already magical--they can light up, sprout wheels, and tone your thighs. Now an assistant professor of electrical engineering at Louisiana Tech University is taking them to the next step with a v...
The kite-shaped sails on this unusual spacecraft are propelled by sunlight.
A mini magnetic field has been detected on the surface of the moon, making it a rare lunar refuge from the harsh solar wind.
As responders work to contain oil from a sunken oil rig in the Gulf, researchers point out what was learned from one of the worst spills in history.
Smoking, excessive drinking and other bad habits can dramatically shorten your lifespan.
Chimpanzee mothers continue to carry and care for their infants, even after the infants have died and their bodies have mummified. Learn more by reading an interview with Oxford University zoologist Dora B...
A new measure signed into law last Friday by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer would make it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. The bill would allow local police to question people about the...
Scientists zero-in on the chemicals in smoke that seemingly magically trigger seeds to sprout and become more resilient.
One man's road trip with a mobile Wi-Fi device.
*While Indigenous Peoples gathered in Cochabamba, Bolivia, for the protection of Mother Earth, the Navajo Nation Council continued to negotiate with Peabody Coal to dig out the liver of Mother Earth* Ph...
The Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) has done it again, this time imaging the Cat's Paw Nebula with stunning clarity.
The Large Binocular Telescope is a seriously big piece of kit being readied for use in Arizona and an instrument called LUCIFER will use it to probe deep into the cauldron of stellar nurseries.