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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1February - Morning News

Current CRTC insigniaImage via Wikipedia

Reverse internet billing decision

Many smaller internet service providers rent network access from large ISPs such as Bell and use it to create retail internet service packages to sell to their own customers.
Until now, some of those packages have included unlimited internet access — something that isn't offered by Bell, Rogers or Shaw to their retail customers. Others have offered much higher download limits than Bell, allowing their customers to stream more video or other services that use a lot of bandwidth.
Large ISPs like Bell and Rogers said usage-based caps are necessary to prevent heavy internet users from hogging too much bandwidth and causing congestion.
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission agreed that usage-based billing addresses the problem.
The new usage-based billing should be implemented starting March 1.
As of Monday, 160,000 Canadians had signed an online petition created by the open communications advocacy group OpenMedia.ca, calling for the government to "Stop the Meter."
Last Thursday, a Montreal man filed a petition to the federal government, asking it to reverse the CRTC decision. Small business, students, people trying to set up online businesses — they're getting hammered.
Angus :  large ISPs are "wearing way too many hats on this file."

Severe Weather due to Monster Winter Storm to bring Snow based on NWS Weather Forecast

 U.S. Severe Weather MapView on tier 1 and 2 ISP interconnectionsImage via Wikipedia

Severe Weather Information Centre - World Meteorological Association

Chilean-born Montreal busker facing deportation despite 32 years in Canada

( Hm. In practice, how much different from exile ?

Immigration scam unveiled in a California university

-based Tri-valley University a sham, alleging that the institution was merely a facade used by the authorities to run a racket that facilitated illegal student immigration status for foreign nationals and authorized them to remain in the United States.Subscribe to The Economic Monitor to get the day's most relevant news, data and anlaysis .has reported that the Tri-Valley University founded by Susan... Source : International Business Times

US Visa fraud: Indian students face threat of deportation

Duped by the authorities of Tri-Valley University, which has now been shut down, hundreds of Indian students, mostly from Andhra Pradesh, faced the threat of being deported back home after having lost their student visa status. 

 High Court at Hyderabad, the main judicial bod...Image via Wikipedia

US defends use of ankle monitors on students

The US embassy in New Delhi has defended the use of ankle monitors on Indian students who were duped by the California-based Tri-Valley University in the US.
In a statement it said: “Use of ankle monitors is widespread across the United States and standard procedure for a variety of investigations, and does not necessarily imply guilt or suspicion of criminal activity.”
It explained that an ankle monitor sends a radio frequency signal containing location and other information to a receiver and it allows for freedom of movement and “is a positive alternative to confinement during a pending investigation”.
The US embassy statement came the day after the Indian government said that the use of ankle monitors is “inhuman and unacceptable”, and they should be removed from the person of all the Indian students.
Speaking to journalists in Bengaluru, external affairs minister S.M. Krishna said on Sunday that the US government should take action against its officials responsible for putting the Indian students through hardship.
“There are one lakh Indian students in the US. It must realise the tremendous stakes involved for both the countries in higher education and interaction,” Mr Krishna had added when asked for his reaction to the matter. The US embassy statement went on to state that a legitimate student who is a fraud victim should have little trouble re-applying and enrolling in a different, fully-accredited educational institution.
It further said that the department of state is following this case closely and is in regular communication with Indian officials.

 (   10-4 : use of slavery procedures to provide update on status of demockracy  in farcial 'Land of the Free'  : Police State 101 Let's encourage foreign students. )
Indian School of BusinessImage via WikipediaIndian Consulate to the Rescue of Indian Students 

The Real 'Palestine Papers' Scandal

The same editorial instructs us that the only way forward is for the U.S. to recognize the terror organization Hamas, which is sworn to Israel's destruction and incorporates the most primitive anti-Semitism in its founding charter. By presenting the Palestinian Authority's compromises as nothing less than treasonous, the Guardian has helped to undermine Palestinian moderates and bolster the extremists.

 ( Defending the role of the imperial authorities in arbiting 'fair treatment' for the people who were driven from their homes - and starved and deprived of water... the weapons makers arming the oppressor. Oh! The sincerity ! )

Anyone can tweet by simply leaving a voicemail on one of these international phone numbers (+16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855) and the service will instantly tweet the message using the hashtag #egypt. No Internet connection is required. People can listen to the messages by dialing the same phone numbers or going to twitter.com/speak2tweet.

Muslim Brotherhood

Report From Cairo

A Guide: How Not To Say Stupid Stuff About Egypt

I have heard so many stupid things from friends, blogs, pundits, correspondents, politicians, experts, writers that I want to pull my hair.  So, I will not beat around the bush, I will be really blunt and give you a handy list to keep you from offending Egyptians, Arabs and the world when you discuss, blog or talk about Egypt.  Honestly, I would think most Progressives would know these things, but let’s get to it.

Why Are Americans Blocked From Watching Al Jazeera English?

Canadian television viewers looking for the most thorough and in-depth coverage of the uprising in Egypt have the option of tuning into Al Jazeera English, whose on-the-ground coverage of the turmoil is unmatched by any other outlet. American viewers, meanwhile, have little choice but to wait until one of the U.S. cable-company-approved networks broadcasts footage from AJE, which the company makes publicly available. What they can't do is watch the network directly.    Read more
Protests in Egypt continued for a seventh day today, and pro-democracy demonstrators are organizing a “march of millions” to take place tomorrow. As financial markets dip across the Middle East, financial prognosticators are trying to divine what continued unrest will mean for the economies of the Middle East and the price of oil.
One of the driving factors behind the protests is the decades-long stagnation of the Egyptian economy and a growing sense of inequality. “They’re all protesting about growing inequalities, they’re all protesting against growing nepotism. The top of the pyramid was getting richer and richer,” said Emile Hokayem of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the Middle East.    Read more

By Pat Garofalo | ThinkProgress

On the seventh day of protest in Egypt, organizers planned for a 'mega-march' in Cairo tomorrow, which would involve rolling general strikes and over a million people marching in the streets, reports Al-Jazeera. President Hosni Mubarak swore in his new cabinet today; it includes three senior officials from the last cabinet. Protesters all over Egypt have declared they will not stop until Mubarak steps down or is forced out.
The White House apparently believes regime change is imminent, and is taking steps to prepare for the next phase. Hillary Clinton has called for 'an orderly transition,' and an anonymous government source spoke to the LA Times about the delicate diplomatic nature of the situation:    Read more

By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd | AlterNet

Factbox: Omar Suleiman, new Egyptian vice-president

Suleiman was  in charge of the country's most important political security files, and was the mastermind behind the fragmentation of Islamist groups who led the uprising against the state in the 1990s.

Protesters have already said they won't accept Suleiman, even for a transitional period. 

Torture in Egypt rampant amid impunity for security forces

 ( What would  New Rome know about 'Human Rights' violations ? Oh, right. They instigate them.)

Blue Girl Daily


Blue Girl



learning.blogs.nytimes.com - Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world and has often been its leader. But this month, the spark of revolution in Tunisia seemed to set fire to decades worth of smoldering grievances a...

about 21 hours ago x
The Learning Network: Teaching About Egypt http://nyti.ms/fOp7Bs
economist.com - IN A small village north-west of Bangalore, peasants queue for identities. Each man fills in a form with his name and rough date of birth, or gets someone who can read to do it for him. He places h...

economist.com - Jan 31st 2011, 21:17 by W.W. | IOWA CITY THE POPULAR uprising in Egypt has me, like many of you, scrambling to understand what's going on and what we might expect to happen. The question that comes...

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

 New Bin Laden "Confession" Tape: Fake Like The Rest?

Creeping sickness: Our epidemic of diagnosis

As definitions of diseases broaden, so do the risks to healthy people

Hypochondriacs have never had it so good - or should I say, so bad? Medical diagnostics have advanced to the stage where if you look for a disease you will find it.


cnn.com - Part of health care law struck downSTORY HIGHLIGHTS"Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority," the judge saysThe ruling focuses on requiring most Americans to buy health insurance by 2014Flori...

Of cognitive dissonance and having it both ways

Let me get this out of the way first and say this about yesterday's ruling by Judge Vinson in Florida in which he declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional: "Good! Bring on the Medicare Part E!" Now, do I think that will happen? No.

That is because I have read the ruling, and it's a mess. I actually had to sleep on it and come back to it this morning in order to even attempt to post about it. I can't imagine any of the Romans on the high court, save that smug little prick Alito, casting their vote to uphold it. It's a ruling that begs for evaluation by a mental health professional, embracing as it does, at various turns, the "tea party" and diametrically opposed viewpoints that are mutually exclusive to a healthy mind.
Here is the bit I read and reread over and over, trying to reconcile the striking disconnect, but I just couldn't, because in my mind, words have set meanings, not Humpty Dumpty "words mean exactly what I say they mean, nothing more and nothing less" meanings.
"... the mere status of being without health insurance, in and of itself, has absolutely no impact whatsoever on interstate commerce (not 'slight,' 'trivial,' or 'indirect,' but no impact whatsoever) -- at least not any more so than the status of being without any particular good or service. If impact on interstate commerce were to be expressed and calculated mathematically, the status of being uninsured would necessarily be represented by zero. Of course, any other figure multiplied by zero is also zero. Consequently, the impact must be zero, and of no effect on interstate commerce."
That's just nuts.
Does his ruling strike down EMTALA as well?
Before 1986, when Reagan signed the act into law, there was no mandate that a hospital treat you if you were injured, ill or in labor if you could not prove you had the ability to pay. If you showed up in the ER of a private or for-profit hospital, they could dump you off to a public facility -- or just "street" you -- and if you suffered irreversible harm or disability, tough. Now, the second that a facility takes one penny of federal money, be it research grants or Medicare assignments, they have to comply with EMTALA.
Older readers might remember that before 1986, we used to hear a lot more news stories about babies born along the side of the road as the parents were rushing to the hospital. That happens a lot less now because any facility has to admit a woman who shows up in active labor, they can't just send her down the road to the nearest charity hospital.
That care rendered in Emergency Rooms, under the threat of losing all federal monies if it is not, affects interstate commerce by driving up the cost of healthcare for the rest of you. And this is why the republicans embraced the individual mandate for health coverage and no one questioned the constitutionality of it -- right up until the moment that President Obama embraced it.
Then it was a threat to freedom and liberty and it was downright fascist and tyrannical.
Or something.
Last night, after I read the ruling the first time, I looked at my husband and said "this looks to me like he had his mind made up before he ever heard the first word of argument, he just shoehorned in whatever he could come up with to rationalize his pre-drawn conclusion."
After I slept on it, I will say that out loud, and in public. What we say yesterday come out of Vinson's courtroom was the most blatant act of partisan, judicial activism that we have ever seen in this country. Bar none.

Rockmelt : Browser Reimagined

 The Next Version of Windows is Coming

A Worthy Social Experiment: Abstain from Plastic for a Month

China's big hydro wins permission for 21.3GW dam in world heritage site

Hydroelectric power company Huadian will build a cascade of 13 dams in the spectacular "Grand Canyon of the Orient"
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