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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

5 February - AirCrap

Whangarei Falls in New Zealand. Photo by Simon...Image via Wikipedia
Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of All Humanity

New Zealand Government Connects Chemtrails to Illnesses

Source: consciouslifenews.com. According to an article in infonews.co.nz, the formation of chemtrails...

Is Geoengineering the Cause of Over 10,000 Cattle Dying In Vietnam?

In the latest of a string of mass animal deaths, 10,000 cows and buffalo have died in Vietnam....

Did Barium from Chemtrails Cause Sudden Death Syndrome in China?

By Karen Stephenson, suite101.com. After five years of investigations, a cause has been determined for Yunnan Sudden Death...

Study Shows Respiratory Deaths on the Rise

Source: naturalasthmatreatment.org A new study shows death rates from chronic respiratory disease have doubled in the last 30...

The Whole World Has Chemtrail Alzheimer’s

Source: fourwinds10.com The ‘Why’ is because the criminal leaders of the world...

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death

Source: EUTimes.net A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states...

View of Sedona from the Airport Rd. lookout at...Image via Wikipedia

Symptoms Resulting From Chemtrail Spraying

Source: OkanaganChemtrails.blog.ca Over the past ten years, through research and the personal...
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