Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of All Humanity
- ALERT: CBS Wants Your Chemtrail Photos – Send them NOW!
- Ted Gunderson Warns of Possible Martial Law to Come
- Ted Gunderson Blasts FBI and Asks Chemtrial Pilots to Come Forward
- Report on Death-Air Trails from Central-Florida
- Documented Plans of US Military to Use Weather as a Weapon
- The Planetary Population Protection & Atmospheric Air Purity Act
- Video of Chemtrails & Fibers Over Whangarei, New Zealand
- Cargolux Identified As Another Chemtrail Fleet
- Chemtrails over Sofia, Bulgaria – All Day Long!
- Sofia, Bulgaria Chemtrail Photos
- Chemtrails Over Sedona, Arizona
- Teenage Girl to Chemtrail Pilots: I Want the Bloody Mucus and Constant Pain to Stop
- Chemtrails Over Wakayama, Japan
- Hong Kong Chemtrail Video
Image via Wikipedia
Breaking Chemtrail News
- Video by The Individualist - Chemtrail TruthGoogle Alerts - chemtrail
- Alert: CBS Outlet Calls for Chemtrail Pics--Fire Away!Google Alerts - chemtrail
- The Toxic Chemtrail ControversyGoogle Alerts - chemtrail
- CBS Atlanta Reports on the Chemtrail Issue: Courage Award for ...Google Alerts - chemtrail
- How To STOP Chemtrails: A DIY Solution | iT-DiY.COMGoogle Alerts - chemtrail
- Stacy Young's View of the Universe: Chemtrail Proof - German ...Google Alerts - chemtrail
- ALERT: CBS Wants Your Chemtrail Photos - Send them NOW! | AirCrap.orgGoogle Alerts - chemtrail
- bay area chemtrail activity log - please log chem trail flights ...Google Alerts - chemtrail
- YouTube - Chemtrail Morgellons ConnectionGoogle Alerts - chemtrail
- Proof of chemtrails - straight from the horses mouth , page 1Google Alerts - chemtrail
New Zealand Government Connects Chemtrails to Illnesses
Source: consciouslifenews.com. According to an article in infonews.co.nz, the formation of chemtrails...Is Geoengineering the Cause of Over 10,000 Cattle Dying In Vietnam?
In the latest of a string of mass animal deaths, 10,000 cows and buffalo have died in Vietnam....Did Barium from Chemtrails Cause Sudden Death Syndrome in China?
By Karen Stephenson, suite101.com. After five years of investigations, a cause has been determined for Yunnan Sudden Death...Study Shows Respiratory Deaths on the Rise
Source: naturalasthmatreatment.org A new study shows death rates from chronic respiratory disease have doubled in the last 30...The Whole World Has Chemtrail Alzheimer’s
Source: fourwinds10.com The ‘Why’ is because the criminal leaders of the world...Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death
Source: EUTimes.net A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states...