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- When is an oil spill a good thing? How about when it helps fight malaria?
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 20 minutes agoInjectable, glowing nanoparticles bond to cancer cells, and could deliver chemo drugs.
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 27 minutes agoThe desert agave plant has all the makings for a smooth biofuel.
- Dana1981 is a 30-year-old Prius driver and the owner of several other alternative vehicles who has mistakingly received a bachelor degree in astrophysics and a master degree in physics, so he or she bec...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 39 minutes agoThe Last Word on Terrorism By James Corbett The Corbett Report 22 February, 2011 TRANSCRIPT: Welcome. This is James Corbett of corbettreport.com with the last word on terrorism. In an interview with Bl...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 45 minutes ago[image: Flores de primavera color púrpura - Purple Spring Flowers]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook par...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 51 minutes ago[image: Hermoso Lincoln Continental con efecto vintage (1920x1200px)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook ...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 57 minutes ago[image: Avión en el aire - Aircraft in the air (1920x1200px)]*Haz click aquí * o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para com...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 59 minutes ago[image: Sólo frutas frescas - Only fresh fruits (1920x1200px)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para co...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 1 hour ago[image: Jardín con plantas - Garden with plants (1920x1200px)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper. [image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para co...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 1 hour agoFebruary 20, 2011 Libya Conquered in the Dark BBC's Breathtaking Propagandizing. by Tony Cartalucci Shut down the Middle East, you shut down China and Russia, then you rule the world. The current Middle Ea...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago*The great Pat Bagley understands class warfare when he sees it. (Don't forget to click to enlarge.)* *by Ken* This morning on the radio I caught some chatter about the imminent release of New Jersey Gov...
- posted by David Teeghman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoIn this case, "hands-free" driving really means no hands on the steering wheel.
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoWhen Discovery arrives at the space station, a European freighter, Japanese and Russian cargo ships and two Soyuz capsules will already by parked there.
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 3 hours agoDue to swinging boodget coots, the local council has had to close a library, a swimming pool, and a community garden, as well as put several adorable puppies to sleep in order to afford to put up this new...
- posted by Gail at Wit's End - 3 hours ago(function(){var s=function(){__flash__removeCallback=function(i,n){if(i)i[n]=null;};window.setTimeout(s,10);};s();})(); I loved this entire interview! The topic of this blog - ozone killing trees - didn't...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 3 hours ago*Fighting the 5 fascisms in Wisconsin & Ohio* by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman February 21, 2011 go to original The escalating confrontations in Wisconsin and Ohio are ultimately about preventin...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoNotoriously wasteful, it's time for OR's to get eco-friendly.
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoThe same parts of the brain fire up when someone reads braille and visual letters on a page, suggesting it doesn't break tasks down by senses.
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 4 hours ago------------------------------ Sun Feb 20, 2011 at 11:00 AM EST Union is the measure by Mark Sumner for Daily Kos There's a word in the very first line of the Constitution of the United States that de...
- posted by Cristen Conger at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoAlthough Internet use surveys indicate that e-mailing is down, it’s certainly not down for the count.
- posted by Jessica Marshall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoGot allergies? Bad news, they may get worse as the planet warms.
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 5 hours agoEven mild-mannered chaps such as Johnny Ball get angry when they meet children at schools who have been brainwashed by the AGW crackpottery and who are scared of the future instead of being excited by th...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago[*Don't forget to click to enlarge.*] *by Ken* With Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida only the lead battlegrounds for a return to a political stone age, we do well to remember how the forces of the Far Right ...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 5 hours agoAt Least 65 Dead, More Than 100 Feared Trapped in *Collapsed Buildings* Two aftershocks have sent survivors scramble for safety in Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city, after a powerful earthq...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 6 hours agoThe bodies of slain protesters were absent on the streets of the *Libyan capital* Tuesday and frightened residents hunkered down in their home as forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi sought to crush revolutio...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 8 hours agoHave you seen this? I love it! From Slate, via Politico: In an act of intercontinental solidarity, an Egyptian has ordered a pizza for Wisconsin protesters, reports Politico. The call from Africa is just o...
- posted by Robert Lamb at Discovery News - Top Stories - 8 hours agoThis 1967 short "Cosmic Zoom" by Eva Szasz takes us on an animated, wordless journey from the farthest reaches of space to the smallest corners of innerspace.
- posted by Ray Villard at Discovery News - Top Stories - 8 hours agoImagine strapping a giant rocket engine onto the International Space Station (ISS) and flying to other planets.
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 10 hours ago*The CIA's Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959. The CIA secretly bombed Christians in Indonesia, in order to topple President Sukarno. On 15 May 1958, a CIA plane bombed the Ambon mark...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 10 hours agoThe world's 700 best LIGO scientists ;-) have gathered and published new upper bounds: Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspiral, merger and ringdown (PDF) No gravitational waves h...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 11 hours agoThe Daily Mail today notes that more than 3m legal immigrants were allowed into the UK under new Labour, with the total swelled by a further 1m illegals. This, it observes, has been the biggest invasion fo...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 13 hours ago*AMERICAN LABOUR:* *STAND WITH WISCONSIN WORKERS:* The standoff in Wisconsin continues as the Governor refuses to negotiate concerning his anti-worker legislation, and the people protesting the Bill co...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago*Drawings by William Steig* *"The public in general may of course decide that I've already done enough for the animals. This nasty thought occurred to me the other day on the street when an old friend came...
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 15 hours agoSo we're running out of helium-3, who's up for some lunar prospecting?
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoPolice report multiple fatalities in a city still recovering from a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Sept. 2010.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 17 hours agoAmerica is a Military State By Timothy Gatto Published: February 17, 2011 Americans are walking around with blinders. The current government is no different than the government that preceded it. The count...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 17 hours agoSometimes the connections between history and current events aren't that easy to see. Sometimes, however, they're hard not to see – especially when they're framed in the context of the widening gap betw...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 17 hours agoAs a board member of People For the American Way, one of the organization's groups I've been most proud to be associated with is Young Elected Officials and we've featured some of their activities here at...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 20 hours agoI love fresh fruit. It is one of my favorite things to serve at luncheons and showers but I don't always like the way fruit looks just heaped onto platters because, like Iron Chef America says, at least ...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 21 hours agoAccording to Alan Hart, a former BBC presenter and a former Middle East Chief Correspondent for Britain's Independent Television News, President Barack Obama should be impeached and tried for treason. On...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago*Even before this latest bit of news, Raymond Davis wasn't exactly the most popular fellow in Lahore. Now, says the U.S. "official" who gabbed anonymously to the *Washington Post*, "I think this is just go...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours agoI recommend the U.S. and other readers who are interested in the Middle East to watch Iranium, a 60-minute movie by pro-democratic Persian folks and conservative pundits: Full movie at YouTube It present...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 22 hours agoThe subject may be unpalatable, but animal research has improved the quality of human life.
- Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QD7Pp-bnhM *Nokie Edwards* (born 1935) from the famous 'Ventures' showing that old wine is always BEST...! Enjoy! John
- posted by Lola Heavey at Network for Church Monitoring Blog - 1 day agoWith the exception of one blog on the bringing down of our website, all my blogs this month have been about Action for Employment (A4E), and this trend seems set to continue. Yesterday Declan came home t...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 1 day ago*Gaddafi.* *Website for this image* It is as if there were two Gaddafis. Maybe the original one was replaced by a double? *1.* In Libya, in 1911, the Italians bombed innocent civilians from the air. (...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*Alan Arkin, LaTanya Richardson, Paula Devicq, Joseph Lyle Taylor, and Manny Perez were among the regulars on the regrettably short-lived A&E series 100 Centre Street, depicting judges, prosecutors, and pu...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 1 day agoThe UN wants to rob £800bn every year from the global economy to tip down the chute of eco-worship and send us back to the stone age. The BBC faithfully reports this mania , without a word of dissent or co...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago------------------------------ RobertReich.org / *By Robert Reich* Exposing the Republicans' 3-Part Strategy to Tear the Middle Class Apart -- Let's Stop Them in Wisconsin *GOP forces are trying to def...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoLast year, I highlighted a story about a study proving that "almost nothing we do with our brains that is hard-wired. Every skill, attribute and personality trait is moulded by experience." This inspired o...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*If he gave me $800,000, I might give him a handjob under the table too... or maybe not* Yesterday I tweeted directly to Boehner asking how many scandals does woman beater David M. Rivera (R-FL) have to p...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 1 day agoStalemate Over Funding Could End up in a Repeat of 1995 Crisis that Set Back GOPWith Democrats and *Republicans* at a stalemate over how on the road to fund the government, there is a real threat that go...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 1 day agoLibya's *Moammar Gadhafi* briefly plunge into crowds of his countrymen near Tripoli's Green Square last Friday, riding atop a truck bounded by supporters. It was likely an attempt to portray the hoards t...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoMy filter is malfunctioning. My trusty filter, the one that makes possible my total ignorance of celebrity relationships, reality TV and big-budget science fiction movies, appears to be broken. This filt...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoIcelanders to Have Final Say on British, Dutch Depositor Debt Iceland’s President Olafur R. Grimsson will give his country’s voters the final say on repaying about $5 billion in debts owed to the U.K. and ...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 1 day agoThe biblical mandate for just behavior extends to all of humanity... As the great Rabbi Hillel teaches, “ That which is hateful to you do not do to another..the rest (of the Torah) is all commentary, now ...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 1 day ago...on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. A major party political broadcast on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood has appeared on the BBC website. The BBC are committed followers of the Brotherhood, but any ind...
- posted by BKLim Independent Geohazards Specialist at Our Manmade Disasters - 1 day ago- by BK Lim, Trisha Springstead et al (14 Feb 2011, updated 20 Feb 2011) *Three things you can't hide: The Sun, The Moon and The Truth." ~ Buddha. * *All that is needed for evil to succeed is t...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoWith a predicted population of 9 billion, food production and competition for resources could change the face of our planet.
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 1 day ago*According to the Dutch newspaper De Gay Krant, the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, is gay. Mohammed went to college in Brussels and regularly hung out in gay bars there, De Gay Krant said. Mohammed VI is sa...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoR.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson (July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005).
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 1 day ago*HUMOUR:* *MCDONALD'S MICROSCOPIC CUSTOMERS GIVE A THUMBS DOWN:* ** * *Yet another item from Stephanie Mcmillan. **
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*"My philosophy of life can be summed up in four words: It can't be helped." * *-- Will Cuppy, quoted by Thomas Maeder in his afterword to The Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody* It was my college r...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoCol. Robert Bowman Calls For Arrest of Bush, 9/11 Investigation (Video) By Gordon Duff VeteransToday.com Published: February 20, 2011 DEFINES PATRIOTISM AND DUTY FOR VETERANS, “TRUTH AND HONOR” Foreword b...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoWhite House Support For Middle East 'Uprisings' Depends On How And Whether They Can Be Used Against Iran By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett RaceForIran.com Published: February 19, 2011 Our friend...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Censored News* *http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com* *Navajos on Black Mesa describe the disease and death that Peabody Coal has brought. As Navajos continue to live without running water and electricity, ...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 1 day ago*AMERICAN LABOUR WISCONSIN:* *THE IWW ON THE STRUGGLE IN WISCONSIN:* The struggle in the American state of Wisconsin continues as the Governor attempts to destroy the public sector unions there. He is, ho...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoWisconsin Representative Gordon Hintz lets off a little steam. You gotta love his passion.
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*"Fun With Flambé"* *this clip is called. Let's see a show of hands: Who believes that flambé-ing is among the top 200 skills a novice cook needs to learn? 300? 400? The sad thing is that Chef Robert's de...
- posted by Mark Thompson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoEver looked up at the night sky and wondered: What is up there?
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*La Luche Sigue, the Struggle Continues!* By Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Censored News A diplomatic cable from Peru released by Wikileaks once again exposes the US Embassy's bias towar...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoThe veto and the case for impeaching President Obama By Alan Hart Published: February 20, 2011 Never before has an American President’s fear of offending the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress been...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoThe United States Stands Alone with Israel in the UN Security Council [or How (Dis)honest is the Honest Broker?] By Richard Falk Published: February 19, 2011 *In what appears to be as close to a consensu...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoDonor cells could be cultured and then sprayed layer-by-layer to print "skin."
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoYou can't force someone to do business against their will. It is immoral, no matter who is involved. There are no 'special groups', just individual rights. This violation of some homosexuals' individual ri...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Summary and Update* *Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council Meeting of the Great Sioux Nation held on January 28, 29, 30, 2011, Pine Ridge Territory of the Lakota Oyate * Photo Chief Oliver Red Cloud From...
- posted by Laban at Biased BBC - 1 day agoLefty blogger (and New Zealander) Kate Belgrave : At the start of last week, I was surprised by what I felt was a relatively quiet national political and press response to the battles that were raging at ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*"The G.O.P. has already reached its praying-for-a-miracle phase -- hoping some neo-Reagan will emerge to usurp the tired field. Trump! Thune! T-Paw! Christie! Jeb Bush! Soon it'll be time for another Fred...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoI will try not to overdo the Disunion posts, but I can't promise anything. This entry is worthy of Howard Zinn: "Jim Crow on West Broadway". There was always resistance! Meet Charles Sanders and Elizabeth ...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 2 days ago(The original 'jasmine revolution' was in Tunisia.) While these 'colour revolutions' tend to be Soros type affairs, there also seems to be a genuine nature to them, especially this protest in Communist Ch...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days agoI read yesterday that Qadaffi had used anti-aircraft missiles, as well as trained snipers, against Libyans demonstrating in favor of democracy. Hundreds are dead and Qadaffi no longer has any legitimacy ...
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 2 days agoI'm sorry to keep making posts about this, but this time the BBC has really gone too far in their deceitfulness. Wisconsin budget cuts: Madison rally attracts thousands On the fifth day of such protests, ...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoI don't know if Freedom To Read Week is purposely timed to coincide with Reading Week, the mid-winter break for university students, but I'm celebrating my own freedom to read by diving headlong into "Disu...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 2 days agoOn 19 February 2011, at Global Research, K R Bolton has an article entitled *"Colour Coded" Egypt; Did US-backed NGOs Help to Topple Mubarak* According to Bolton *1.* The American organizations which hav...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoThis week is Freedom To Read Week, the Canadian cousin of the ALA's Banned Books Week. FTRW is sponsored by the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council. They say: Freedom of e...
- *Leonid Yelenin could never have dreamt* that his observation[1] of a new comet, the night of December 10th, 2010, from the Russian ISON observatory in *New Mexico* would cause so much consternation lately...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 2 days ago*AMERICAN LABOUR:* *SOLIDARITY RALLIES IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC SERVICE WORKERS ACROSS THE USA:* In recent days the State of Wisconsin has seen what may be the most significant labour rebellion in decades as...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 2 days ago*Bloggers Suggestion:* First watch the short video. Then read the article below if you wish to know all of the shocking evidence. miketaylor1253 ------------------------------ *Why Isn't Wall Street i...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days ago*The baritone in Gounod's Faust, Marguerite's brother Valentin, has some fabulous music but had no aria until the composer added one for an early London production for the baritone Charles Santley. "Even ...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoMajor congratulations are in order! Our friends and fellow expatriates "Gito and Mrtew" are now Canadian citizens! Or soon will be: they've passed their test and are scheduled to take their oath. These gu...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 2 days ago*A mind-bending general moment affects the beloved kingdoms?* * * ** All the while Lebanon is mesmerized with forming a new Government and the Constitutionality issues.... The constitution is NOT th...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 2 days agoWell before the debates whether Egypt has allowed the two ships to get through abated, Iran used the chaotic situation in the largest Arab country and sent these two friendly looking ships to Syria - aroun...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 2 days ago*Spotlight on CERN has been reformatted in 2011. Aside from some not-too-shocking answers that Rolf Heuer gave the lady, Anna Cook, in the TV News Studio, two chaps show you the 15 km of service tunnel...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoGod bless Lupe Fiasco. He delivers on this song. "I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets How much money does it take to really make a...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoWatch this disturbing video of the Bahrain government killing peaceful protesters: Full video of the incident: In a confrontation between non-violent protesters and violent oppressors, the later will a...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoIn a Youtube message, Emmy award-winning actor and 9/11 truth activist Ed Asner asks actors and producers to help make a new ground-breaking mainstream film that dramatically depicts the official story abo...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days ago*This is what happens when you have a director too lazy, stupid, dishonest, or just plain contemptuous of the work he's staging. From a 1985 Vienna State Opera production we have Marguerite's "*Roi de Thu...
- posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoUsing Kepler observations, an estimate of the number of exoplanets populating our galaxy has been made.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoThe Earth just dodged a solar bullet, but what about next time? Sensitive technology could be mankind's Achilles heel.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 2 days agoBoy, 16, 'attacks mother with claw hammer before cremating her in oven'... because she took away his Playstation A 16-year-old son has allegedly confessed to killing his mother because she took away his P...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days ago*The U.S. military's historically pervasive straight-horny-boys-will-be-horny-boys attitude doesn't bode well for its commitment to protecting non-straight servicefolk from discrimination and harassment.*...
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoA shortage of a specific type of helium has caused a physics and engineering scramble across the United States.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days ago“We also condemn in the strongest terms attacks on peaceful demonstrators, human rights activists, foreigners, and diplomats. Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are pill...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 days agoPhotos by Forgotten People Forgotten People, Navajo Nation, Arizona: Friday, February 18, 2011, Pastor Jimmy Bowling and Operation Compassion delivered a semi with 80,000 lbs. of safe drinking water, pr...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 2 days agoIs it just me or has the BBC been going *out of it's way* to ensure that Red Ed Miliband gets a rebuttal in every time the Coalition so much as opens its mouth? I was looking at this page concerning the R...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 2 days agoI had the misfortune earlier today to listen to what the BBC allege is a "topical panel quiz show". I refer, of course, to the News Quiz. The panelists were* Jeremy Hardy, Paul Sinha, Imran Yusuf* and *Fr...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoPhoto by Lucas Oleniuk for The Toronto Star. For more, go here.
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 3 days ago* Hannah Tan from Penang.* Malaysia is mainly Moslem. And it is a wildly successful country, with good schools, good hospitals, and a standard of living way above that of most of its Asian neighbours. Th...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 3 days agoHere, Richard Black sets out to mount what he sees as a balanced discussion of the much-mulled-over disagreement between Eric Steig and Ryan O'Donnell about the Antarctic climate record. He fails miserably...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 3 days ago[image: Las imágenes más bonitas de Internet][image: Las mejores imágenes, en un solo lugar.] Como el título o permalink de este post lo indica, en esta colección pretendo reunir *las imágenes más bonitas ...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 3 days ago[image: Ángeles, hadas, cupidos y otros seres fantásticos III][image: Las mejores imágenes, en un solo lugar.] Desde hace mucho, las *imágenes de Ángeles, hadas, cupidos y demás seres fantásticos*, han sid...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days ago*FRANK OBJECTS TO REPUBLICAN EFFORTS TO MAKE WIDESPREAD CHANGES TO U.S. GOVERNMENT IN ONLY THREE DAYS OF DEBATE* *by Ken* No, don't bother trying to click on anything in the above image. There actually *...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days agoObama administration rejects Israel resolution, using U.N. veto for first time By Colum Lynch ForeignPolicy.com Published: February 18, 2011 The Obama administration on Friday cast its first ever veto in ...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 3 days agoFive tourist hotels have been attacked in Cairo. According to the manager, 'about 1,000 young guys' attacked Cairo's *Europa Hotel* on 15 February 2011. WND reported that the Egyptian Islamist terrorist ...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 3 days agoFebruary 17, 2011 at 23:18:22 *Obama's FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Class War* By Paul Craig Roberts opednews.com Obama's new budget is a continuation of Wall Street's class war against the poor and mi...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 days agoAlarmist blog Climate Science Watch reports that the lower chamber of the U.S. Parliament has voted 244-179, largely separated by parties, to stop the U.S. contributions to the IPCC. Dr Robert Austin of P...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 3 days agoI don't watch award shows and I don't care about the Grammys (i.e., I care about music), but I love this footage of Mick Jagger and Raphael Saadiq rehearsing for this year's Grammy show. It swings like cra...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days agoYesterday the League of Conservation Voters released their 2010 scorecardrating every Member of the House's record on environmental issues. Considering that Big Oil and Big Coal now dominate Congress utter...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 3 days agoThe BBC views the eruptions throughout the Arab World as one homogeneous, righteous, peoples’ call for democracy. To them ‘democracy’ can only mean ‘Western Style’ democracy. Legitimate doubts about that a...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days ago*Photos copyright by Christina Akaquiqui, published with permission.* The Longest Walk 3 northern route for the reversal of diabetes, walked and ran through the snow in the mountains of Oregon this week, ...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days ago*In the news:* *Native American Youth walkers, Mohawk Nation News, Subcomandante Marcos, Wikileaks and Native Music* By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Photo by Christina Akaq...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoAncient Britons were cannibals. So now we can admit the truth: that other 'gentle native peoples' ate each other Ancient Britons stand accused today of ritually killing each other, boiling and eating huma...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 3 days agoThe MSM is dying, Good Riddance ! My wife subscribes to The Economist and the IHT...., but I swear I don’t read any of it. Every time I pick them up, I burst into peals of laughter.... These MSM rags......
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago" You're a libertarian because you abhor violence . . . When a neighbor isn't willing to contribute as much to a social project as you are, you'd never think of: Using a gun to force him to contribute; H...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 3 days agoThe Daily Mail claims today that culture secretary Jeremy Hunt has recommended that Lord Patten should become the next chairman of the BBC, and that this is now almost certain to happen. It's a horrific pr...
- posted by DB at Biased BBC - 3 days agoJames Naughtie, discussing internships and work experience on this morning's Today programme: "You've raised the point about companies getting people to work for them for nothing. That's one side of it. T...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago(caution - not pretty) Press TV - 'Army massacring Bahraini protesters'
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoAll recorded nuclear explosions in the modern age are mapped here. Please, don't ask difficult questions like what kind of impact this and (since 1991) DU may have had on human cancer rates. (oh sh- I ju...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoI just heard Alex Jones say she has been diagnosed with cancer. While I only encountered what Katherine had to say after waking up, those who have been around this blog long enough to remember *'Art, Freed...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 3 days agoMarc *Ravalomanana* said aviation authorities in Madagascar had written to South African Airways to say he was not welcome. Ravalomanana had be book on the carrier's regular Saturday journey to Antananar...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 3 days agoWisconsin's *Republican* governor vowed on top of Friday to press ahead with legislation to curb the union bargaining rights of public employees as fraction of a deficit-cutting plan even as protests aga...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 3 days ago* Indonesian fishermen* What will happen to Egypt? "The similarities between Indonesia a decade ago and Egypt today are striking: a Muslim majority, a popular uprising, and the ouster of a long-running...
- Sunday Classics preview: In which we tune into the sound world of Gounod's "Faust," via Faust's ariaposted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days ago*For next season's new production of Faust at the Met: "Tony Award-winning director Des McAnuff updates the story to the first half of the 20th century with a production that won praise in London last seas...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days ago*Would you buy a used constitution from this man?* *by Ken* From Al Kamen's *Washington Post* "In the Loop" column today: *Hold the salsa* Speaking of [former Virginia Sen. George] Allen, it is time once...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 3 days agoI've been breathlessly following the news from Wisconsin for a week, and it just keeps getting better. Canadian readers may not know that the capital of this once (and future?) liberal US state has been a ...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoDogs appear to empathize with us, to the point that some therapy dogs even seem to take on the emotions of their sick or distressed human charges.
- posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoNew clues are being found as to how violent exoplanetary atmospheres can be.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days agoCensored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days ago*The St. Petersburg Quartet:* *unflappably poised and probing founding first violinist Alla Aranovskaya, violist Boris Vayner (with the quartet since 2005, and an ear-opener in last night's performance of ...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago*Excellent analysis here, be sure to click on the phrase "Anglo-American" on their version of the article.* : ) " Contemplate the larger pattern. The Anglosphere has built up militant Islam piece by piece...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days agoAlthough we featured it the other day, I bet you haven't heard too many prominent Democratic politicians railing against Republican state legislator Gregory Sorg's bill to deny New Hampshire students the ...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoBattles are brewing for where the retiring space shuttles should be located.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoRon Paul Is A Vicious Anti-Semite and Anti-American and Conservatives Need To Wash Their Hands of Him by David Horowitz Long ago Bill Buckley drummed the anti-Semites out of the conservative movement, an...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoTake the online quiz and see how a Cornell researcher would categorize your app usage.
- posted by John D. Cox at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAnother year of major spring flooding is on its way to the upper Midwest.
- posted by Jorge Ribas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoOn this week's Friday News Feedbag, we talk to Kory Stamper, an Associate Editor at Merriam-Webster about how the modern English language came to be. And what makes it so difficult to learn. Here's a clip ...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoUnlike birds, plants are doing fine in Chernobyl despite the high radiation level of the soil.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoOverfishing has culled larger fish from the world's oceans, leaving smaller fish to thrive.
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 4 days agoI am always hesitant to join in on confessional posts, when I get truthful, people tend to get upset. Not my bloggy friends, because most of the time you have been there, but family. So family, if you don'...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoElectromagnetic pulses can detonate explosives from out of harm's reach.
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 4 days agoJohnny Ball has been a great popularizer of mathematics, especially among the British children. Even these days, at the age of 72, he can spontaneously, vigorously, and meaningfully answer any general sc...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoThree generations of Russian scientists have been keeping track of the world's largest and deepest lake and they're finding some surprising climate change connections.
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 4 days ago*HUMOUR:* *WHY LEAVE A JOB HALF DONE:* Here's another winning item from the pen of Stephanie McMillan.
- posted by Amanda Onion at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoSerene Branson's odd Grammy night appearance is linked to a migraine -- revealing how complicated the condition can be.
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoStretching may not be the best way to enhance athletic performance and reduce injury, research concludes.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 days agoI was in London for New Years Eve and Buckingham Palace was between our hotel and the Tate Gallery and its Francis Bacon collection, our destination one day. We decided to walk the 2-3 miles to the Tate ...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 4 days ago" Raw Milk Is Living, Alive – Lactic Acid Bacteria Raw milk contains an abundance of what are called lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria populate the gut and are fundamental to the immune system. In fact, ...
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 4 days agoUPDATE to my post yesterday about the union protests in Wisconsin. The BBC has dramatically changed the news brief since I wrote the post. They've clearly updated it to reflect the Dems going AWOL. I think...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 4 days ago*Gene Sharp *The Father of the Egytian Revolution is a friend of the CIA called Gene Sharp. According to Thierry Meyssan *(**The Albert Einstein Institution: the CIA.** ):* Gene Sharp "helped NATO and th...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 days agoFrom *Coquitlam Now*, with heartfelt thanks to Jeff Schutts. Canada's conscience 'in limbo' by Jeff Schutts Old news: American soldiers living in Canada seek sanctuary from the Iraq War. When you heard t...
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 4 days agoAfter a look at the PC leadership contenders last week, I turn to the Liberal field. The last three Liberal leaders have all come from within caucus, so any conversation about the next leader should start...
- posted by Benjamin Radford at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoA year after runaway Toyotas scared the country, a government report clears faulty electronics.
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 4 days agoNew Day of Rage. Rise up! Protest! Demand impartiality from the despotic BBC! Express your outrage here. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- *What would you do* when you read: *"patchlet with handler whacked"*? [1] To be honest I frowned, until I noticed that Ubuntu 11.04, also known as "Natty Narwhal", could get a new, patched kernel. A new ke...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 days agoDespite my complaints, there is some good news. Nothing solid like a job offer - too early for that - but hope is beginning to take shape on three different fronts. *Volunteering.* At the iSchool, we are ...
- posted by Eric Niiler at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoFossils of the fabrosaur, about 190 million years old, were found at 12,500 feet elevation.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 days agoThe Pentagon (Defense Secretary Gates and the Joint Chiefs) and the Air Force were clear as a bell: they do not want a second engine for the F-35 fighters, which already has an engine. But congressmen in ...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 days agoA new list thread is coming soon, but first I must use my poor, neglected blog to complain about why my blog is neglected. This is not a participatory list - it's an extended whine. I am *very* glad I am ...
- posted by Raed Jarrar at Raed in the Middle - 4 days agoI found this video on a Kurdish facebook page. It shows how the guards of Barzani's party opened fire and killed Rijwan Ali, a young Iraqi protester, in Sulaymaniyah yesterday. The same facebook page p...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 4 days agohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxtGzm84R7o Jusqu’à quand cela sera-t-il exclu de la Constitution Européenne...? On se souvient du fameux débat au sein de l’Union européenne : faut-il ou non signaler d...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 4 days agoNewly elected *Republicans* in state capitols launching strongest challenge to unions in decades Republicans who swept keen on power in state capitols this year with promises to cut spending and bolster ...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 4 days agoA plan to increase production from *Canada's* last asbestos mine near this town named for the deadly mineral has beside yourself physicians and public health workers around the globe. They say the fiber...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 4 days agoThere has been a lot of havoc in the media world about two recent papers in *Nature* whose authors argued that bad rainstorms are caused by humans (Min et al.) and that the British 2000 floods were caused ...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 4 days ago*Justin Bieber* is being *used* by the politicians. "Campus Progress - which is a youth outreach arm of the *Soros*-funded non-profit powerhouse Center for American Progress - is trying to say that if yo...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoRegistration for a $30 million competition to land a spacecraft on the moon is closed, with a total of 29 teams officially in the running.
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 4 days agoI agree with Mr Littlejohn that it's time for the chop, though a replacement for Question Time would undoubtedly be much worse. BBC producers are so obsessed by their own lefty agendas that they are no lon...
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoCould spinning black holes be detected by the light they're twisting? If Einstein was right, then yes.
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 4 days ago*Bloggers Note:* Play the video above and/or read the transcript below. If you'd like to know more about Speaker of the House John Boehner, go here. ------------------------------ DemocracyNow! / By...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 4 days ago*"I don't suppose that anyone would be sending me a bbl. of beer, because it is pretty well known around France that I don't drink. Certainly not French beer."* *-- Benchley, in "One Set of French Dishes"*...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoBarbara Hollingsworth writes: When did demonstrating at the private homes of politicians or corporate executives become an acceptable way to voice one’s political opinions? Nearly two dozen activists from...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 4 days ago*INTERNATIONAL LABOUR PHILIPPINES:* *SUPPORT WORKERS AT DOLE PHILIPPINES:* For over four years workers at Dole in the Philippines have been struggling against both the agribusiness company and the Filipi...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 days agoTwo autocracies have fallen in North Africa, Tunisia's and Egypt's. Down With Tyranny! Tremors are being felt all over the world, particularly the Muslim world, although I loved that the right-wing regime...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 4 days ago*Longest Walk 3 northern route for the reversal of diabetes, through the snow. Photos by Christina Akaquiqui. (Double click on images to enlarge.) . Longest Walk northern route: The snow hasn't dampened th...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoThe recent X-class eruption on the sun caused disruption to radio communications across southern China.
- posted by *C* at The Web (Untangled) - 4 days ago*By Dennis Kucinich* *Editor's Note: Nine years ago today Rep. Dennis Kucinich offered a "Prayer for America" at an event sponsored by the **Southern California Americans for Democratic Action** in Los An...
- posted by Peter @ Enviroman at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks - 4 days agoThis request to make all hyperlinks pops up every now and then so might as well make a post for it. To make all links open in new window is amazingly simple. Just sign into DASHBOARD > DESIGN > EDIT HTML ...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoA must read. The Back Story on Iran's Clashes By Robert Parry (A Special Report) Consortium News February 17, 2011 Iranian parliamentarians presented an ugly scene on Tuesday with raucous chants calling...
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoAlthough the environmental impacts of the spill are considerable, scientists still know little about the disaster's effects on mental health.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoBears can slow their metabolic rates far more than their body temperatures would predict.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days ago
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoReal America: Ray McGovern Fake America: Hillary Clinton Ray McGovern: McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech 1/2 2/2
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 4 days agoFor the last couple of days, there have been major events in Wisconsin involving state government legislation intended to curtail public sector union entitlements in order to save money. Like several other...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 days ago*But not the Republican one* I'm a member of KCRW, my local public radio affiliate. I listen whenever I'm in the car and every year I send them a check for $365. This week they sent all their members this...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 4 days agoIncompetent Establishment | by Guest Blogger on Feb 15th, 2011 Green Bay Packers Criticize WI Gov: ‘Right To Negotiate Wages And Benefits’ Is ‘Fundamental’ To Middle Cl...