- 47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stre ...Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown? Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe. All of the crazy money printing that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been doing is putting inflationary p ...
- The Struggle for Self-Determination in the Ara ...Is 1848 Repeating Itself in the Arab World? Is history repeating itself? Have the events of 1848 in Europe repeated themselves in the Arab World? Will 2011 see the same outcomes as 1848? Only the Arab people can decide. Their fate is in their hands, but they should learn from the mistakes of 18 ...
- EGYPT COUP TO COUNTER RUSSIA, CHINA & BRAZIL?Was the coup in Egypt partly about putting into power people who would promote the business and military interests of the USA? Paul Amar is a Jewish journalist of French origin and an Associate Professor of Global & International Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. He has writ ...
- Lady Gaga: Harbinger of Chaos?The usual pop culture crass promiscuity, transhumanism and occult symbolism is rife in her work. The eye of Horus and Anubis imagery and Masonic and demonic symbolism get featured regularly. All occult Illuminati messages. These are now practically standard fare in the pop music industry. The in ...
- Video: Significant Solar Flare – Potential Ear ...On Feb. 13th at 1738 UT, sunspot 11158 unleashed the strongest solar flare of the year so far, an M6.6-category blast. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an intense flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation
Andy Worthington
- Hiding Horrific Tales of Torture: Why The US G ...At Guantánamo on Tuesday, following hints last week, Noor Uthman Muhammed, a 53-year old Sudanese prisoner, and formerly a trainer at the Khaldan training camp in Afghanistan, accepted a plea deal in his trial by Military Commission. He is only the sixth prisoner convicted since the Commissions ...
- George W. Bush, War Criminal, Is Not Welcome i ...Last week I returned from Poland, where I had been touring the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (which I co-directed with filmmaker Polly Nash), and discussing the importance of an ongoing investigation into the complicity of the Polish government in the establishmen ...
- Battle for Britain: Resisting the Privatizatio ...On Saturday, I published an article, Battle for Britain: Fighting the Coalition Governmentâs Vile Ideology â and Praise for UK Uncut, in which I summarized many facets of the coalition governmentâs “unprecedented assault on almost every aspect of British society — hard-pressed middle class and w ...
- Compelling New Evidence About Aafia Siddiqui&# ...Regular readers will know that I have long been concerned by the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani neuroscientist whose story is one of the murkiest in the whole of the “War on Terror.” Dr. Siddiqui disappeared with her three children in Karachi in March 2003, and for five years neither ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses His Polish Tour of ...Last week, I had the pleasure of talking to Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio about my recent week-long visit to Poland, with former Guantánamo prisoner Moazzam Begg, to tour a sub-titled version of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo,” which I co-directed with filmmake ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Protecting Health and the Planet With Clean Co ...A small Ghana business is part of a wave of efforts to address the staggering global toll of death and disease from cooking smoke.
- Presented By:
- Best News Pictures of 2010: World Press Winner ...NoneWhooper swans, a victim of the Taliban, and Bolivian wrestlers are among the winners of the 2010 World Press Photo Contest.
- Wolverine to Vanish From U.S. Due to Warming?Built for the cold, the fierce wolverine may retreat from the mainland U.S. due to global warming, a new study says.
- Pictures: Kickoff Time for Green StadiumsNoneAs Green Bay and Pittsburgh face off Sunday in Super Bowl XLV in the NFL's newest and largest stadium, a drive for greener design and cleaner energy is under way at arenas worldwide.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- HT Gives "Thumbs Up" to NM School BudgetHere are a few snippets from the 2/4/11 editorial in The Housatonic Times. "...all those who assemble the proposed education budget went into the current process with new resolve to craft a package that met all the needs and would also be politically palatable. Better communication was establi ...
- G! E! T! S! (bud) GETS! (bud) GETS! (bud) GE ...(Oh, was that too soon, Jets fans? Suck it up. Love, The Patriots Nation.) Forget football, it’s budget season again! And even though we paid all those pesky teachers last year, they want money again this year. So, of course, it will be controversial. There are several things in play this y ...
- A Real Public Option In Connecticut?And so it would seem.The other day for an open thread at ePluribus Media I commented on "the intended public option that should be Sustinet in Connecticut," and it would seem that is to be the case if the Sustinet Health Partnership Board of Directors get their way according to the report they h ...
- Dan Malloy scores first in DanburyDan Malloy jumping off of the bench of the Danbury Whalers shortly after scoring the first goal in Whalers' history. [update] I have an interview from after the game at TK's. Let me say, in advance, that he was a bit reluctunt to give it since I am a political blogger... But as a hockey fan I ...
- Still All That I WantSomething that gets lost in the news about the unemployed is the fact that much of what used to be the backbone of this nation's economic prowess, the middle class, is now the working poor: Imagine That: Working Poor On The Rise After the Republicans crashed to economy in 2008 one thing became ...
SPL Center
- New Leaders at Tanton’s Nativist Network, But ...The Social Contract magazine, the most overtly white nationalist organ of John Tanton’s network of anti-immigrant organizations, so outdid itself with its fall 2010 edition calling for a ban on Muslim immigration that even some of its readership reacted with distaste. The 68-page volume was pack ...
- Remember the Good Ol’ Days of Caning? The Raci ...As if the public record for the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) needed anything more to sully its already disreputable name, the group’s Alabama chapter has highlighted in the “Reminder From The Past” section of its bimonthly newsletter a deceased politician who championed a bill to cane ...
- Ron Paul Invites Neo-Confederate Witness to Te ...This morning, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) hosted his first hearing as chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank. Paul wants to look at the institution’s impact on job creation and the unemployment rate. Paul, a vicious opponent of the Fed, i ...
- Professor: Leaders Should Condemn Extremist Rh ...Editorâs Note: After publishing a professorâs article Friday about the effect of heated rhetoric on political violence, Hatewatch was contacted by another professor who similarly argued that the toxic political environment was a factor in the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffor ...
- Pamela Geller’s New Film: The Next Wave of Ant ...Anti-Muslim zealot Pamela Geller’s new film starts with a thud – literally. It’s the sound of a body striking a ground-level roof after plunging from lower Manhattan’s World Trade Center towers shortly after Islamic terrorists flew two jetliners into them in 2001. Just in case that gratuitously ...
change: org.
- Tell Minnesota: 10-Year-Olds Don't Belong in A ...A bill pending before the Minnesota legislature would allow judges in the state to try 10-year-olds as adults for offenses involving murder, manslaughter, assault, aggravated robbery or sexual conduct. This is a mistake for so many reasons, and we need to tell Minnesota lawmakers why. Strong evi ...
- Alaskan Youth Rally for Wild Salmon Day, Confr ...Last week, four high school students working with Alaskan Youth for Environmental Action (AYEA) challenged corporations and lawmakers to defend the iconic Alaskan wild salmon from unsustainable mining and genetic modification. Next week, they are gathering communities from all across the enormou ...
- Success: Nashville Advances Nondiscrimination ...Good news on the Nashville front: despite a bit of opposition from the city's Chamber of Commerce, as well as an organized anti-gay group of faith leaders and conservative politicians, the Metro Council in Nashville voted last night to extend the city's nondiscrimination ordinance -- inclusive o ...
- Investigations Still Haven't Answered Major Qu ...As investigations start and new details come out about the murder of prison guard Jayme Biendl, more questions are being raised about why Jayme's concerns over the dangerous nature of working in the chapel weren't met. There are still several investigations to be conducted in this case. The Monr ...
- Birmingham Schools Mace Students, Bull Connor ...In the early 1960s America was shocked by images of Birmingham, Alabama's notorious and bigoted Police Commissioner Theophilus Eugene 'Bull' Connor turning water hoses and dogs on school students to keep them in line. While Birmingham and the rest of the nation has progressed mightily in the ens ...
Common Dreams -News
- The Insurers’ Real Agenda for Changeby Wendell Potter The media had lots of health care news to obsess about last week. A federal judge ruled the health care reform law unconstitutional, and Senate Republicans tried in vain to repeal the law. But most of the press paid virtually no attention to a potentially much more impor ...
- Vermont Governor Lays Out Details for Single P Nancy RemsenThe Shumlin administration released the legislative details of how to move the state to a single payer health care system, with the first steps beginning this summer."We are committing to reforms that get us as many of the benefits of a single payer as possible under current feder ...
- Protests Swell at Tahrir Square read more
- 'Sheik al-Torture': Washington's New Man in Ca Pepe EscobarCAIRO - The Egyptian revolution is being dissolved right in front of the world's eyes by an optical illusion. The protesters who have been on the streets for two weeks still want President Hosni Mubarak out. Now. Yet United Stat ...
- Virginia Debates Opening Largest Uranium Mine Scott HarperVIRGINIA - The National Academy of Sciences on Monday took up the controversial issue of possible uranium mining in Virginia, with experts testifying for hours and environmentalists protesting what they say is a dangerous business idea.The all-day hearing came less than a week aft ...
- CyanogenMod 7 RC Brings Gingerbready Goodness, ...Android: If you've rooted your Android phone and flashed a custom ROM, you're probably running the ever-popular CyanogenMod. Today, they released the Gingerbread-based CyanogenMod 7, complete with everything we love about Gingerbread, plus ...
- Tax Write-Off "Cheats" That You Won' ...Write off "business pet" expenses, deduct the costs of volunteering your time, and expense home improvements: a former IRS officer lists at Get Rich Slowly quite a few clever ways to "cheat" on your taxes. [Get Rich Slowly] More��
- Send Us Your Ask Lifehacker Questions for a Vi ...Got a question about tech, gadgets, productivity, or anything we've covered on the site (or intriguingly haven't covered)? We've got a video project coming up, and the staff is looking to answer your question on-camera. If you'd like to pi ...
- Why Fancy Salts May Be Worth the Price [Cookin ...Salt is salt, you might think, and that's 98 percent true. But specialty salts, especially flavored and infused varieties, can work as shortcuts in giving flavors, textures, and other qualities to your home-cooked meals. More�� ...
- Be Aware of the "Unit Effect" to Avo ...We've shown you one way in which numbers can play tricks with our heads, and researchers have just found another, that shows we prefer larger numbers—even when they're equal to a smaller number of a different unit. More » ...
Water Privatization
- Summit Series Films ContinueKENT—Two more films remain in the 2011 Kent Environmental Summit film series. Feb. 15 brings “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” which describes the privatization of water in an era when water is becoming more and more scarce.
- Summit Series Films ContinueKENT—Two more films remain in the 2011 Kent Environmental Summit film series. Feb. 15 brings “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” which describes the privatization of water in an era when water is becoming more and more scarce.
- New group in NJ warns of privatization perilsA coalition of labor, environmental and community groups says the weak economy is stoking a rush to privatize operations and services traditionally performed by governments, despite some well-known potential pitfalls.
- Group pushes privatizationChicago’s new mayor should consider privatizing everything from the city’s water system, garbage collection and curbside recycling to building management and the 311 non-emergency center to resolve a structural deficit that literally has the city on the brink of bankruptcy, according to the Civi ...
- Summit Series Films ContinueKENT—Two more films remain in the 2011 Kent Environmental Summit film series. Feb. 15 brings “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” which describes the privatization of water in an era when water is becoming more and more scarce.
- Minimum alcohol price would hit 0.025% of deal ...Exclusive: Guardian investigation confirms health groups' fears that government proposals will not stop supermarket offers Datablog: see the full investigation figuresThe government's proposed minimum price for alcohol has been set so low it would have stopped only one cut-price drink deal out ...
- PM condemns sex offenders rulingPM says he will do 'minimum necessary' to comply with ruling that people on sex offender register have right to apply to have their names removed from databaseDavid Cameron has confirmed that the government will comply with a supreme court human rights ruling giving thousands of sex offenders th ...
- Curveball 'deserves permanent exile'Defector Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi's hope of a political career met by scorn following admission he lied about Saddam Hussein's weapons programmePoliticians in Iraq have called for the permanent exile of the Iraqi defector, codenamed Curveball by his US and German handlers, who admitted to the ...
- Cameron signals U-turn on forestsGovernment set for another major U-turn over plans to dispose of Forestry Commission landDavid Cameron is to back away from plans to change the ownership of 258,000 hectares of state-owned woodland in England after admitting to MPs he is unhappy with the policy.The prime minister indicated that ...
- King dampens early rates rise talk�� Mervyn King says MPC is divided over inflation �� Markets expect interest rates to hit 1% by end of 2011 �� Economic recovery to be bumpy, Bank warnsThe Bank of England's governor, Mervyn King, has dampened expectations of an early interest rate rise in the battle to curb inflation. Presentin ...
- Rubio, Menendez amendment would block new Cuba ...It took only a month for backers and critics of President Barack Obama's decision to ease restrictions on U.S. citizens' trips to Cuba to come out of their corners and start swinging.
- 'Texas on the Brink' report says state lags in ...AUSTIN — Countering Republicans' portrayal of Texas as a land of opportunity, Democratic lawmakers released a compendium of statistics Tuesday showing that the state lags behind much of the nation in providing needed services to its residents.
- 'Financial Crisis Inquiry Report' book is a be ...Phil Angelides, best-selling author?
- Congress might see Colombia, Panama trade deal ...A senior U.S. working group is in Bogota this week to assess progress Colombia has made in labor law reform and in protecting labor union leaders from violence issues that have been stumbling blocks in winning congressional approval for a U.S./Colombia free trade agreement.
- Obama, DeMint agree on something: No funding f ...WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim DeMint may be one of the biggest critics of President Barack Obama, but both took heat from South Carolina lawmakers Tuesday over their refusal to seek funding for the first phase of a project to improve the port of Charleston.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Whaling: Beginning of the end?Is this the beginning of the end for Japanese whaling in the Antarctic? Clashes have been dramatic - enough to cause a U-turn? That is the biggest question arising from Wednesday's announcement in Tokyo that this season's whaling programme was being suspended. The Fisheries Agency (FAJ) hasn't ...
- Palm oil deal points to corporate greeningThis week's announcement of a new partnership aimed at curbing deforestation in Indonesia should give succour to anyone who thinks consumers and companies, rather than governments, hold the key to curbing environmental decline. � Essentially, the world's second biggest (and Indonesia's biggest ...
- Climate change: Contrary motion?� One issue, two reports, two different conclusions. In short, a recipe for confusion - at least, on the surface. Last week the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the London-based think-tank, published a report suggesting that fears of mass migration caused by clim ...
- Oysters clear seas for local remediesThis week saw formal scientific publication of a report that produces one of the starkest conclusions I've seen about humanity's relationship with the oceans. Globally, 85% of oyster beds have basically disappeared. The paper, in the journal BioScience (though not apparently on its website yet) ...
- UN sticks with climate agenda - but what prosp ...Reports suggesting that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is retiring from the climate change agenda have had commentators wondering a) what it means for prospects of a new global climate agreement and b) whether the UN remains committed to the issue. � What appears to be happening is that two ...
The Wonk Room
- The WonkLine: February 16, 2011
- GOP Budget Amendments Would Destroy Health, Ec ...
- House GOP Cites Discredited Chamber Of Commerc ...
- In Fox News Breastfeeding Debate, Obama Critic ...
- Group Of Utah Latinos Ask Mexico To Curb Mormo ...
thwap's schoolyard
- A Little StoryMy father owned a couple of buildings in the east-end. Three-storey walk-ups. One fall Sunday he took me with him to inspect the building. I was about seven years old. As we approached the first building, we could see a lot of commotion in front. I saw a woman and her three children on the sidew ...
- Hillary Clinton Goes to Haiti During Egyptian ...Mark Weisbrot from Common Dreams: It didn't get much attention in the media, but US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did something quite surprising on Sunday. After taping interviews on five big Sunday talkshows about Egypt, she then boarded a plane to Haiti. Yes, Haiti. The most impoverish ...
- The First Election Since the First Prorogation ...If so, it'll be the first opportunity to pay the asshole back for spitting on our democracy!
- Let's Make a Deal! You give me $150 Billion, I ...I don't really have much time to blog these days but I gotta do something. So today's effort is simply to remind everyone how revoltingly stupid our present political-economy is. You know, the media, the political parties, most sources of opinion are working to normalize the atrocities we're for ...
- A Newspaper of Uneven QualityThe Globe & Mail stinks. There's too much deluded, stupid crud. However, they also featured stellar reporting on Canada's torture scandal in Afghanistan. On that and other stories, the Globe makes you think it could have been a real newspaper. It's the same thing with the Toronto Star. The prob ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- DOL proposes increase in whistleblower protect ...The U.S. Department of Labor, for the first time, has proposed making its whistleblower protection program a separate line item. The Department released its proposed budget yesterday. It includes $21 million in a separate line for the whistleblower program. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis answe ...
- NWC Board Member Returns to Court TomorrowDr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, a member of the National Whistleblowers Center’s Board of Directors and founder and leader of the No FEAR Coalition, will be appearing before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) tomorrow, February 9, 2011, objecting to her removal from the Environmental Protecti ...
- CNBC Airs Whistleblower Series "Bounty Hunters ...CNBC is airing a special series by Eamon Javers entitled "Bounty Hunters" this week. You can watch Mr. Javers' report on Tuesday, February 8 and Wednesday, February 9, on "Squawk Box", "Squawk On The Street", and "Power Lunch." On Thursday, February 10 and Friday, February 11, he will rep ...
- Former Special Counsel Sentencing Postponed Ag ...Today, Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia postponed Scott Bloch’s sentencing once again until Thursday, March 10, 2011. Prosecutors urged the judge to reconsider her ruling last week that the charge of lying to Congress carries a one-month m ...
- Immigrant whistleblowers don't have to answer ...One of the most pernicious forms of exploitation today is the abuse of undocumented immigrant workers. It has been a long time since our immigration laws matched the aspiration of the Statue of Liberty, and millions of immigrant workers are forced into an undocumented status that leaves them vul ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plum ...If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' v ...A team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...( -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Did Homeland Security Seize... And Then Unseiz ...Over the weekend, we started getting a bunch of reports from folks claiming that the dynamic DNS service had been seized in the latest DHS/ICE domain seizures, and that all of the sites associated with had been replaced with a notice that they had been seized over child por ...
- Murdered Over Autocorrect? Or Just Because So ...I have to admit that has become a regular visit for me -- especially when I need a good laugh. While I get the feeling a bunch of them are faked these days, some of them are amazingly funny (this one seems to be a popular one). However, now there are some (slightly sketc ...
- Hillary Clinton Talks The Talk On Internet Fre ...A year ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech about the importance of "internet freedom" that many of us later pointed out appeared to be in stark contrast with the federal government's (including Secretary of State Clinton's) reaction to the publishing of various State Department cables. So a lot ...
- UK Law Enforcement Also Looking To Be Able To ...Ah, the power of censorship. It appears that some other countries may be jealous of Homeland Security getting to seize all those domain names, or the proposed COICA law that would allow even more domain seizures in the US. drew points out that, over in the UK, law enforcement is also asking fo ...
- Cable And Hollywood Fight Having Their Gatekee ...Matthew Lasar has a nice writeup about how the big cable lobbyists, NCTA, and movie studio lobbyists, MPAA, are fighting as hard as possible to stop an FCC proposal to create a standard, called AllVid, that would allow any consumer electronics maker to tap into their content (legally, and for th ...
- What Do Vaccines & McCarthyism Have In Common?Why do the blacklist hearings of Senator Joe McCarthy in the 1950s remind me of what’s going on with vaccinations today?
- Fact: Evidence in Vaccine Induced Injury Cases ...There has been reports that experts who give evidence in SBS cases are being sent home and discredited. This has been particularly evident in cases involving children with a vaccine injury. This total lack of regard is making a mockery of the legal justice system, giving parents and care givers ...
- Jared Lee Loughner: Psychotic or Vaccine Induc ...Dismissing Jared Loughner's bloody murders in Arizona as the work of a madman is easy; people like him clearly seem deranged. Yet, shouldn't we demand better answers?
- Multiple Vaccines May Have Triggered Disease a ...March 2, 2003 Army Specialist Rachel Lacy was given five vaccinations at once: anthrax, hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella, smallpox, and typhoid. She also was given a tuberculin skin test on the day that. She died on April 4,
- Vaccinated Sibling Transmits Rotavirus to Unva ...In January of 2010, vaccine-derived rotavirus was transmitted from the vaccinated infant to his older, unvaccinated sibling that lead to 'symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis'
- Things You Might Have MissedSo these people don’t have a chance in hell of pulling off a free school at Guy Ritchie’s house, but I do love them for trying. Apparently, it is attack women’s shelters week. Â In Afghanistan, the state is trying to take them over. And in Canada, the border services/gestapo are now entering she ...
- On Facts and TruthOur book group just finished reading The Whites of Their Eyes by Jill Lepore. Lepore is a historian and spends a lot of time focusing on historical facts that contradict the tea party narrative. So the group spent some time discussing whether or not there is such a thing as verifiable fact, whet ...
- Things You Might Have MissedGuess what guys? Â If some prison guard fucks you up the ass, the FBI says it ain’t rape. DC as a tax free zone? These Russian artists are ballsalicious and I am seriously afraid for them. These pics of makeshift helmets in Egypt are pure awesome. Â This letter is pretty funny too. Â And as long ...
- On Snow and RelationshipsWe have had a couple good snows this winter. Â That means that I’ve had to navigate snow and ice covered sidewalks without breaking my neck. Â Bad enough for me, who is generally steady on her feet when sober, but others really just have to forget about going anywhere until the snow melts. It is ...
- Things You Might Have MissedAccording to the Bureau of Justice, 7,225,800 people were under some sort of “correctional supervision” at the end of 2009.  That means they were either incarcerated or on parole.  How depressing is that? The beginning of these videos on anarchist economics was interesting.  I’ll be looking ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The LaRouche Show, February 12, 2011The Science of the Extended Sensorium: Creativity Per Se, Part II
- New Evidence for a Non-Particle View of LifeBy Laurence Hecht Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, February 11, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 6
- The Global Truth About the ‘Egypt’ CrisisBy Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, February 11, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 6
- How Can Europe Be Saved?By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, February 11, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 6
- The Angelides Report Tells the Truth: LaRouche ...By Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, February 11, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 6
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division estab ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابي ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرع ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوام ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة اÙستة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙ Ùسخة Ù…Ùررة Ù… ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of w ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an ac ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace fo ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Op ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircra ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal governmen ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll f ...
food and water watch
- By: Rich's coworkerIn an effort to de-spin your story, the real reason there were no muffins or treats of any sort was because the bearer of treats was absent, and had been gone for the past few days. Perhaps if you "wish real hard" again, parabens can turn into magical antioxidants that are part of a complete ...
- By: Top 50 Global Food Security Blogs[...] Food and Water Watch: Food & Water Watch works to ensure the food, water and fish we consume is safe, accessible and sustainable. [...]
- By: Online Degree 30 Best Water Conservation B ...[...] Food & Water Watch: The Food & Water Watch site advocates strong conservation measures, promoting policies that'll result in quality drinking water for everyone. [...]
- By: Food and Water | Roland's Ramblings[...] would also like to suggest you go over to read the blog of Food & Water Watch. You should find that to be very [...]
- By: Ecocentric’s Best of the Ecoblogosph ...[...] Food and Water Watch: The latest info about food and agriculture policy from our favorite beltway insiders. [...]
- Now Energy Companies are Spying on Green Activ ...Photo: Doesn't anyone in Britain have a straight job? Last month we heard about the undercover agents who had infiltrated the eco activist groups. This week we have large energy companies hiring private investigators to snoop on environmentalists. It turns out that ...
- California Proposes Ban on Sale of Shark FinsPhoto: PlanetSave California legislators just introduced a bill that would ban the sale and distribution of shark fins. Shark fins are most popularly used in Chinese soup that's considered a delicacy. But, as you're likely aware, shark fins are most often procured as the result of a particu ...
- After Almost 20 Years of Legal Battles, Chevro ...Image: Chevron in Ecuador It's been a long battle: people of the Ecuadorean Amazon against Chevron, which is accused of dumping more than 18 billion gallons of toxic waste sludge into the Amazon, leaving people sick with cancer and suffering miscarriages and birth defects. But the BBC repor ...
- A Space-Age Apartment For a Couple That Sees C ...Images Credit Dash Marshall From our friends at Fast Company, "bridging the fuzzy border between design and business." Children dream about being astronauts. Adults dream about... orderliness. Architect Dash Marshall has managed to merge the two to create the ultimate big-kid fantasy: a ...
- GOP Moves to Slash 29% of EPA's FundingImage:, CC I know, I know -- I already penned a post with a very similar headline last week. The GOP wants to gut the Environmental Protection Agency, stripping out a huge chunk of its funding. So what's the news? Well, that chunk just got a lot bigger. As in, twice as hug ...
- Woman’s voice restored after larynx tran ...A woman in the US is able to speak for the first time in 11 years after a pioneering voicebox transplant.Brenda Jensen said the operation, which took place in California, was a miracle which had restored her life.Thirteen days after the surgery she said her first words: “Good morning, I want to ...
- Shingles Vaccine Cuts Disease Risk 55%The herpes zoster vaccine, better known as the shingles vaccine and recommended for adults 60 and older, cuts the risk of getting the painful disease by 55%, new research finds. “Compared to childhood vaccines, people would [probably] think 55% is not too impressive, because many childhood vacci ...
- Delivering a potent cancer drug with nanoparti ...Researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have shown that they can deliver the cancer drug cisplatin much more effectively and safely in a form that has been encapsulated in a nanoparticle targeted to prostate tumor cells and is activated once it reaches its target. Using the new parti ...
- The Deadliest DietsTwo specific eating patterns increase the risk of death for older adults, a 10-year study finds. Compared to people who ate healthy foods, men and women in their 70s had a 40% higher risk of death if they got most of their calories from high-fat dairy foods or from sweets and desserts. Universit ...
- Toxic House Cats?Toxoplasmosis is a serious disease when transmitted from a pregnant mother to the unborn fetus, potentially resulting in stillbirth, brain damage, or long-term eye damage that can lead to blindness. Even worse, it’s extremely common in a most common animal, the house cat—and it’s easily transmis ...
- Capitol Hill eyes cuts to federal land purchas ...Facing ballooning federal deficits, the House of Representatives is preparing to take the knife to a variety of programs, including those aimed at bringing more land under Washington̢۪s ownership.
- New report casts more doubt on temperature dat ...
- New study affirms natural climate changeA new paper affirms the earth̢۪s long, moderate, natural climate cycle. Dr. U.R. Rao, former chair of India̢۪s Space Research Organization, says solar variations and cosmic rays account for 40 percent of the world̢۪s recent global warming.
- National Geographic's sea level rise projectio ...National Geographic made a serious error when it said that a 1-m sea level rise could occur if the polar ice caps melted.
- Is the world food chain stretched to the limit ...The U.S. could ease the current global food price spike with one administrative action--limiting the amount of U.S. corn that gets turned into corn ethanol.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Sam’s Exchange: Vladimir Putin - exit stage le ...The first time I heard Vladimir Putin’s name was when I was trading commodities out of London in 1999. What I remember is that Putin was the fifth prime minister of Russia in the space of 18 months. As far as I could tell, President Boris Yeltsin was re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
- Belarus parliament not to discuss recognition ...The Belarusian parliament will not discuss the possible recognition of the former Georgian republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a senior MP said on Wednesday.
- Russian Press - Behind the Headlines, February ...Damning verdict on Russia’s outdated criminal law / Power vacuum takes South Ossetia to the brink of chaos / Journalists’ murders go unsolved in Russia
- Russian, U.S. generals to discuss nuclear terr ...Russian and U.S. generals will meet in Lisbon in June to discuss cooperation between the two countries in fighting nuclear terrorism, the head of the Russian Military Commanders Club said on Wednesday.
- Australian fisherman falls from boat and survi ...An Australian fisherman who was knocked overboard by a rogue wave survived a six-hour swim to shore without a life jacket, local police said on Wednesday.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Mars mission participants walk on 'Red Planet'Participants in the simulation of a manned mission to Mars completed on Monday the first of three scheduled walks on a mock-up of the surface of the Red Planet.
- International Space Station
- Mars500 stimulated mission 'lands' on Red Plan ...The crew of the Mars500 stimulated mission on Saturday landed on the "surface" of the Red Planet.
- 520-day simulation of Mars mission
- Mars-500 crew to simulate landing on Red Plane ...
Pruning Shears
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post“6:09pm: No point any of our presenters trying to speak over the roar of Egyptians celebrating.”Combat operations have concluded for:Lance Cpl. Aaron M. SwansonSgt. Patrick R. CarrollCpl. Lucas T. PyeattSpec. Ryan A. Gartn ...
- Cairo puts popular opinion back on the mapNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postAlmost a year ago - February 21, 2010 - I wrote “Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing Muslims.” Almost every week since, something like those words have been part of my Sunday posts. I eithe ...
- Patriot Act roll call review: can you do more ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post So a few provisions of the Patriot Act failed to get renewed because some Republicans voted against it. It looks like just a speed bump on the way to passage; the original vote was done on a fast track “no debate” schedule (wond ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.There was some propaganda this week trumpeting the fabulous news that “drone strikes do appear to becoming less lethal for civilians as tim ...
- The unstoppable dumbassery of James TarantoOnce more, with feeling: Eliminationist rhetoric among prominent commentators and high ranking elected officials is almost exclusively the province of the right. See here if you haven’t already. And here. And here. And here. Now that we’re up to speed, it seems that James Taranto has managed ...
- Over 9,900 Upset Consumers Tell Fair Trade Cer ...WASHINGTON, DC - North America's largest consumer advocacy organization, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), which represents over 850,000 consumers, announced last month a new campaign to oppose the name change of the fair trade certifier TransFair USA to "Fair Trade USA". TransFair has ap ...
- Spotlight on Land O' Lakes - Doing Monsanto's ...If Monsanto is the devil, as many would say, then there has been little if any mention of those doing the devil's bidding here, in this case that disciple being Forage Genetics International (FGI). FGI is a wholly (or rather "unholy") owned subsidiary of Land O' Lakes. While Monsanto owns the pa ...
- Millions Against Monsanto ChaptersList of existing OCA Truth-in-Labeling Chapters.Click here to read this article
- Company Pays Government to Challenge Pesticide ...In an unusual scenario that raises questions of conflict of interest, a company that conducts research on behalf of the pesticide industry has paid a U.S. government agency to help prove some controversial chemicals are safe.Click here to read this article
- New Tests Reveal Many Pesticides Block Male Ho ...Many agricultural pesticides - including some previously untested and commonly found in food - disrupt male hormones, according to new tests conducted by British scientists. Click here to read this article
Image via Wikipedia

- Regalos y postales para el Día del Amor y la A ...Especialmente para usted que hoy nos visita, tenemos a continuación 33 postales de corazones, flores, peluches y un sinfín de regalos que le darán grandes ideas de lo que usted puede obsequiar a ese ser querido. De igual forma, puede editar las imágenes en línea a través de PicNik de Google y co ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes X ...Para ver todas nuestras entregas, navegue entre los siguientes números. [1][2][3][4][5]-[6]-[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39] [40][41][42][43][44] ATENCIÓN: Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, na ...
- Del crepúsculo al amanecer VIII (Imágenes Fant ...Para ver más imágenes fantásticas, revise usted los números siguientes. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] ATENCIÓN: Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamaño y guardarlas en su computadora si así lo desea. ...
- Texturas, fondos y backgrounds abstractos part ...Para ver más Fondos, Texturas y Backgrounds Abstractos, navegue por los siguientes números. [1][2][3][4][5] ATENCIÓN: Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamaño y guardarlas en su computadora si así ...
- Imágenes, frescos y pinturas católicas V (5 ar ...Para ver más imágenes católicas, escoja un número. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) ATENCIÓN: Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamaño y guardarlas en su computadora si así lo desea.
Center for a Livable Future
- Jackson touts 50-year plan to ‘perennialize’ l ...The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture was celebrating its 20th annual conference Feb. 2-5, but it seems that keynote speaker Wes Jackson wasn’t there to celebrate. Instead, he was on a mission to gather allies for his proposal of a 50-year farm bill, which could supplement th ...
- Bills banning arsenic take shape in MD General ...Dr. Keeve Nachman, Director of the Farming for the Future Program at CLF, spoke at a press conference yesterday in the Maryland House of Delegates. The press conference was organized by Montgomery County Delegate Tom Hucker and Prince George’s County Senator Paul Pinsky. Senator Pinsky and Del ...
- A Former Teacher’s Take on The New Dietary Gui ...Every five years, the United States Departments of Human Health Services and Agriculture jointly release the Dietary Guidelines for America in the hopes of encouraging every American to eat a healthy diet, however, chances are the average person will never set eyes on the report. As a former tea ...
- Oprah Enthusiastically Throws Her Support Behi ...Talk show host Oprah Winfrey may have just encouraged a large segment of her 30 million viewers to join the Meatless Monday movement following her latest show which gave us a rare glimpse into where some of our meat comes from. The Meatless Monday campaign’s national awareness has more t ...
- Understanding foodborne microbial hazards for ...One in six Americans contracts a foodborne illness each year (CDC). Such illness can mean an unpleasant day of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and/or worseâ hospitalization or death in rare cases. âThere’s something that can be said about the problem of foodborne illness, that can’t be said of many o ...
- More links to stuff other people made upI haven’t linked to much on the Chamber of Commerce’s thuggish agitprop, but Big Daddy Malcontent has been on top of it (post with Jane Hamsher video, and a very good comment), as well as more from emptywheel. FDL has an interactive relationship map. Glenn Greenwald, one of the targets, has more ...
- ClickerattiThe NYTimes has just published a long story about J.C. Penney gaming Google’s search rankings. Except J.C. Penney didn’t (apparently) do it. A curious article made all the more curious by the fact that the NYTimes makes tons of money (all of their money, actually) from running ads from companies ...
- Banksters, Trolls, Cpackers & Breitbart, LLCI got into an0ther comment fight at the Strib. This time it was the Brodkorb-Rosemary Woods story, and after a huge pile of anti-Brodkorb comments, the trolls came out. They’ll insult you, demean everything you hold dear, but when push comes to shove, they can’t even tell you the name of the gro ...
- Links got ate by the dogwareHUGE FUCKING WORDPRESS FAIL THIS MORNING. WHEN I CLICKED TO POST THIS ONE IT DEMANDED MY LOG IN DATA AND THEN DUMPED HALF THIS POST. HERE’S WHAT’S LEFT OF WHAT WAS AN OUTFUCKINGSTANDING POST. [about ten links gone from this section] Ten years after Chandra Levy’s brutal murder, the real killer i ...
- Unpacking CPACMichele Bachmann did her usual baby-jesus-wants-us-to-smite-the-taxman hysteria mongering [more] [more] at CPAC, but Pawlenty’s turn comes today and the Strib says he’ll say this: It wasnât easy. I set a record for vetoes in my state. Vetoed billions of dollars of tax and spending increases. Had ...
Public News Service
- National Challenge Issued for Senior AZ Word L ...National Challenge Issued for Senior AZ Word Lovers Phoenix, AZ – The challenge has been officially issued for this year’s AARP National Spelling Bee. Registration is now open for the June 18 event, which draws competitors ages 50-plus from all over the country. Comments from Tim Summers, AARP W ...
- Will Obama Budget Cause More Pain for Hurting ...Will Obama Budget Cause More Pain for Hurting Arizonans? Phoenix, AZ – President Obama’s budget proposal would cut federal funding for community action programs in half. Managers for Arizona’s community action agencies say such a drastic cut will cripple efforts to provide critical assistance fo ...
- All Things Considered: No Love for "Car Talk," ...All Things Considered: No Love for "Car Talk," Educational Programs? Phoenix, AZ - Despite public media having the most politically and geographically diverse audience in the country, some members of Congress are looking to pull the plug...again. There are six new bills on Capitol Hill that woul ...
- Free Tax Filing Assistance for Many ArizonansFree Tax Filing Assistance for Many Arizonans Phoenix, AZ – Tax season has begun – and filing tax returns can be can be a confusing and expensive proposition. But there is free help for Arizonans through the AARP Foundation. There are several sites now set up around the state staffed with volunt ...
- National Park Service Rethinks Grand Canyon Fl ...National Park Service Rethinks Grand Canyon Flyovers Phoenix, AZ – Peace and quiet can be tough to find nowadays, even at a place as big and wild as the Grand Canyon. The National Park Service is proposing "substantial restoration" of the natural quiet in Grand Canyon National Park, with a new ...
Center for Food Safety
- World’s First Genetically Engineered Biofuels ...Impacts on Human Health, Environment, and Farmers Not Fully Assessed DESPITE RISING GLOBAL FOOD PRICES, OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CONTINUES MISGUIDED BIOFUELS AGENDA The Center for Food Safety criticized an announcement today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that it will approve the world ...
- Farmers And Conservationists Challenge Latest ...In defiance of earlier court ruling, USDA allows continued growing of controversial, illegally planted crop Today the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) issued a new decision to allow the U.S. sugar beet industry to continue growing Monsanto’s “Roundup Ready,” genetically ...
- Donate to CFS’s Legal FundFiled under: Uncategorized
- Organic Industry Supports CFS in GE Sugar Beet ...Leading organic businesses and trade groups have filed a joint brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in support of the Center for Food Safety and opposed to Monsanto in the ongoing case regarding planting of Roundup Ready, genetically engineered sugar beets. Support from the o ...
- Fighting a Common Enemy on the GMO BattlefieldYesterday’s announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that it will once again allow unlimited, nation-wide commercial planting of Monsanto’s genetically-engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa, despite the many risks to organic and conventional farmers, is deeply disturbing, but no ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Palinisms: Did she really say that? - By Jacob ...Palinisms: Did she really say that? - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine: "And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak, and I'm not real enthus ...
- What Would Marx Say about Cairo? - By David Ar ...What Would Marx Say about Cairo? - By David Armitage | Foreign Policy: "At least since the American Revolution, revolutionary actors at home anticipated a broad following: The Declaration of Independence spoke of the 'Powers of the Earth' and 'a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind.' The Am ...
- In Response to Michael Lucas’"Democracy in Egy Daily Hot Topics: In Response to Michael Lucas’"Democracy in Egypt a Myth?": "As a naturalized gay adult who immigrated from Egypt, I can tell you from first-hand experience that Egyptians, whether gay or not, were not any safer under Mubarak’s regime. In 2001, after many years in Egypt ...
- Egyptian Activists Inspired by Forgotten Marti ...Egyptian Activists Inspired by Forgotten Martin Luther King Comic - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews: "While the world's political pundits debate the role the United States has played in the historical events presently occurring in Egypt, one activist is cred ...
- THE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY � DesertpeaceTHE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY � Desertpeace: "Throughout history mankind’s existence has been threatened by various plagues, usually in the form of infectious diseases. Modern times call for modern threats, not necessarily of the viral type, but as uber nationalism, zionism in particular. One of th ...
- More on EgyptReading that now, a few days after the military pressured Mubarak to step down, the Egyptian parliament has been dissolved, and the Constitution invalidated by the Egyptian military. This fills me with fear. The mainstream media are treating these acts as a good thing, and the Egyptians they int ...
- Update: Mubarak Not Stepping Down TonightRelated posts:Celestial Show Tonight Update on March Update, Perverse Justice
- US involved in an Egyptian “military coup”?Photo by adaptorplug A CNN news story says that Hofni Mubarak will likely relinquish power to the Egyptian military tonight. This is what their source, âa senior Egyptian officalâ is quoted by CNN as saying: He said the process — which included dialogue between the government and opposition repr ...
- President LlorensI’ve reconsidered my position about posting Wikileaks articles. This article not only discusses classified material disclosed by Wikileaks, but actually quotes it. I know some of my readers work for the US government, thus the warning. I am not an enemy of the United States of America. I simply ...
- MagnificentThis movie brought me to tears. It is the story of a man whose lack of limbs from birth relegated him to life as a circus side-show freak. It tells of how he was recognized by the owner of a rival circus as “magnificent”. After overcoming his bitterness, the man transformed from freak to hero. [ ...
Green Times
- Giraffe in the cityThe best place to see giraffes is Serengeti in Northern Tanzania… More close to home, here at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, giraffes can be seen in front of the Sydney city skyline. Discover facts about the giraffe in Green Times’ article “The last giraffe” (wildlife/the-last-giraffe.html)and wat ...
- Mobile relaxing chairs - RickshawRickshaw is a model of transport operated by human power. Nowadays people don’t use Rickshaw anymore, as they are particularly slow and they are only used as tourist attractions. Rickshaws are a good way to have fun and relax when you are on a holiday with your family or on a date. If you ...
- Organic BreadsMany organic food markets and bakeries offer a great variety of organic (glossary/food-drink/organic-food.html) baguettes and wholemeal breads. Wholemeal is high in fibre, which reduces your appetite for a longer time and keeps your digestive system healthy. It also keeps your blood sugar level ...
- Plastic bottles coming to lifePeople use plastic bottles all the time: bottled water, soft drinks, and all sorts of containers from the food industry to the health and beauty industry, plastic bottles are all around. It is commonly known that plastic bottles (food-drink/the-story-of-bottled-water.html) will not degrade fo ...
- Ground Water1. DEFINITION Ground water comes from rain and snow that goes into the ground due to gravity, and move through the ground. The water in lakes, rivers, or streams is called surface water ( Ground water and surface water (http:// ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Free Movie tickets: CONVICTIONThe kind folk at 20th Century Fox have made available some double passes for our TBR, Twitter and Facebook readers to see the new movie CONVICTION, based on the true story of Betty Ann Waters who studied to become a...
- New-look Investigate magazine HIS and HERS goe ...As of Sunday...with more exclusive revelations about the Pike River disaster and police bungles in the rescue operation...and HERS features new poll results showing support for National is wide but shallow, and that a large number of voters want Winston...
- Investigate Political Poll 2011 - No1Investigate magazine's first big omnibus and political poll in more than five years is underway. If you want to fill in the survey form (takes less than two minutes on average) online, you'll find it here.
- BREAKING NEWS: Arizona shooter of Gabrielle Gi ...The young gunman who shot and killed six people, and left Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, appears to have borne a grudge against Giffords after meeting her in 2007 at the age of 19. According to reports, former...
- New study says CO2 rise a result of warmer tem ...A new peer reviewed study supports another contention I raised in Air Con: that CO2 increase follows temperature increase, and that there appears to be no correlation between fossil fuel emissions and temperature. The paper is available in full in...
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Please Help Rebuild 13 Water Cisterns Destroye ...crossposted from the Villages Group blog) The situation of the Palestinian cave-dwellers in South Hebron Hills continues to be difficult. They suffer from permanent harassment carried out by the military and settlers. This year, however, has been even more difficult, due to a severe drought. As ...
- Al Arakib update: Four consecutive days of dem ...From the Negev Coexistence Forum (NCF) Last week brought four consecutive days of demolitions in Al Arakib. For the first time on February 9 we witnessed bulldozers clearly marked as belonging to the Jewish National Fund (JNF-KKL), destroying tents that had been erected overnight by the resident ...
- Report from Sheikh Jarrah’s 65th weekly ...By David Shulman February 11, 2011 Sheikh Jarrah It took the Planning Committee of the Jerusalem City Council less than fifteen minutes to approve plans for the next wave of evictions in Sheikh Jarrah. We knew it was coming. Six large Palestinian familiesâsome fifty souls– are to be expelled f ...
- Videos of women protestors and other recommend ...One of my sources sends the following recommendation for on-the-ground reports from Egypt. Here are three of the many women of the Egyptian Revolution – that will counter some of those images of passive Muslim women. Change in the Middle East is being pushed forward by women like Mona, Asma, Sa ...
- Interview with Hamas spokesman about Egypt rev ...By Jesse Bacon Ashley Bates continues her excellent reporting by interviewing Hamas spokesman Ahmed Youssef. The story is an interesting variant of the “Is it good for Israel?” that we have been subjected to such a barrage of. While obviously I don’t support Hamas’s views or their actions, I thi ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Just another stomach-turning coverup by the Ca ...Hundreds of children were raped and abused in Philadelphia and the monsignor in charge of investigating it instead shuffled priests around putting more children at risk. And of course they continue to stonewall. It occurs to me that the only accusations and convictions so far have been against p ...
- Bill introduced to ban open carry of handguns ...What’s that you say? You didn’t even know open carry was legal in California? Why yes it is. The gun must be in clear view at all times and be unloaded. You may also legally carry ammo on a clip next to the holstered gun. You don’t need a license. (However, as one who lived [...]
- US Postal Service may defaultRetiree health care benefits are a major part of the problem as is declining mail volume. Why mail a letter when you can email or text someone? They are threatening to default if Congress doesn’t allow them to put less than the mandated amount into their health care fund. This is a California-st ...
- HBGary. Down the rabbit hole. And don’t mess w ...I’ve been remiss on posting about the escalating HBGary scandal. They’re a shadowy cybersecurity company who pitched clients like BofA on how they could destroy Wikileaks for them. Their CEO boasted they could take down Anonymous and instead the company got their head handed to them on a platter ...
- Mubarak and senior military ordered protesters ...Robert Fisk on The Independent Mubarak ordered the Egyptian Third Army to crush the demonstrators in Tahrir Square with their tanks after flying F-16 fighter bombers at low level over the protesters. Many of the senior tank commanders could be seen tearing off their headsets – over which they ha ...
- Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan shared wi ...
- “Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of  Israeli government spokespeople. Here’s the latest example, fro ...
- New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. Note that th ...
- Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
- Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers and the ...
Deadline Live
- FOX Deceives, Swaps CPAC Straw Poll Footage
- Police Work For Us! So We Can Film Them Whenev ...
- Ron Paul “Believe Me Desire For A Warfar ...
- This Is Giving A Green Light To Police Officer ...
- Deadline Live – February 15 2011
The Air Vent
- Liars and Knucklehead ReviewersWhen Steig went off the deep end the other day, I told people I wasn’t going to let it go. Not after all that time work and abuse we took in getting this paper done. He’s actually screaming that we are liars, and the reviewers that let our math pass are Knuckleheads. Let’s see if [...]
- SI 1 ImagesThere is a lot of silliness going on in the believer community about which reconstructions are correct. It should be rather obvious by now and Ryan has some more work on that soon, but this image was one of my favorite from the initial submission. Of course it’s about the only one I contributed ...
- Matters of FactRyan ODonnell Subsequent to my post on Feb 7, 2010 here, Steig informed me by email that he had not seen our Response to his Third Review, as I had previously assumed. I apologize for my misunderstanding on this point, which was, however, incidental to the major concerns expressed in my post. A ...
- Wrong is Wrong – A reply to the Real Noi ...UPDATE: This was left in the comment thread at WUWT � GeorgeGr says: February 7, 2011 at 2:48 pm The html tags did not work. Here is the post from Realclimate that I was trying to cite: RE: Vernon at 42 says: ��Why are responses from one of the co-authors not being posted? That seems [...]
- Still Not Qualified for Real ClimateNo I’m not back blogging, still way too busy but I am going to let you guys know that although I am a coauthor of the critiqued paper at a recent RC post here, my comments are unworthy of the great and all seeing climatologists there. I’ve had a nice conversation with Dr. Steig off-line [...]
Focal Point
- World's Only Superpower Has 32 Legislators Liv ...Well, not everyone can live at C Street... Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is demanding an investigation into reports that at least 32 members of Congress are living out of their D.C. offices, Jay Newton Small explains: Sure, most congressmen earn more than $10 ...
- A Former TSA Agent Speaks Out On Collective Ba ...Last week TSA Administrator John Pistole bestowed very limited collective bargaining rights on the nation's 40,000 Transportation Security Officers. Even if the TSOs vote to unionize, they will be barred from negotiating on basic issues like disciplinary standards, ostensibly in the interest of ...
- Heavier Kids: Blame Working Moms...or Lazy Dad ...A new study of 900 kids reports a correlation between the number of hours a woman works outside the home and the BMI* of her children. "For a third grader of average height, the increase in BMI was equivalent to an extra one and a half to two pounds over what that child would normally gain i ...
- Surprise! Lila Rose's Planned Parenthood "Stin ...Media Matters reveals that Lila Rose's undercover "sting" videos of Planned Parenthood have been doctored: -Why is Live Action Doctoring Its Planned Parenthood Audio? -Latest Lila Rose Video Ends Her Credibility Once and For All For more on anti-abortion extremist Lila Rose and her misbego ...
- Bloomberg Badmouths Groundhog Who Bit Him 2 Ye ...Mayor Mike Bloomberg isn't the type to forgive and forget. Two years ago, New York's official Groundhog Day groundhog, Staten Island Chuck, bit the mayor during the annual weather forecasting ceremony. This year, the Staten Island zoo equipped the groundhog hutch with a special plunger to ...R ...
Inside Facebook
- Personera Receives $1.4 Million in Funding to ...Personera is a free Facebook application that allows Pages to create and sell custom calendars and other physical merchandise that integrates user content. Today it announced that it has received $1.4 million in funding from Hasso Plattner Ventures Africa, a South African firm backed by SAP’s co ...
- TrialPay Partners with Facebook to bring DealS ...TrialPay has partnered with Facebook to offer its new DealSpot in-game offers API to developers using Facebook Credits. With the new integration, developers place a custom icon within their game that when clicked shows users a targeted offer to make a purchase or watch a video in exchange for Cr ...
- Facebook Makes Its Presence More Deeply Felt A ...Being the most downloaded app in the world by a longshot is not enough for Facebook. A suite of innovative partnerships unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week is pushing the company’s social networking features deeper into mobile devices at all price points. This will not only ...
- Featured Facebook Campaigns: Taco Bell, Boeing ...Free food, free trips and free cars were on our list of Featured Facebook Campaigns this week. Taco Bell began giving away tacos on their Facebook page while Boeing’s Page has begun doing fan outreach. The Israel brand of Cadbury’s Time Out candy, Pesek Zman, launched a new social game designed ...
- Inside Network Happy Hour Today – Washington D ...Will we see you at an upcoming Inside Network Happy Hour? The Inside Network Happy Hours are a casual way to meet and get to know the community of developers, investors, and entrepreneurs who read our news and research. These events are free to the public and all are welcome. Drinks are on us fo ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Feds Approve Monsanto Herbicide-Resi ...truthout: Feds Approve Monsanto Herbicide-Resistant Crops #p2 #p2b #p21
- truthout: Economic Turmoil Has Preceded Revolu ...truthout: Economic Turmoil Has Preceded Revolutions, Though Not Egypt’s #p2 #p2b #p21
- truthout: Chevron Runs From Judgment in Ecuado ...truthout: Chevron Runs From Judgment in Ecuador #p2 #p2b #p21
- truthout: How Courts Avoid Doing Justice http: ...truthout: How Courts Avoid Doing Justice #p2 #p2b #p21
- truthout: News in Brief: Protests Erupt in Bah ...truthout: News in Brief: Protests Erupt in Bahrain, and More ... #p2 #p2b #p21
ReDress News
- Maybe Gaza should paddle its own canoeAs the prospects of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict vanishes thanks to Israel's land grabs and willful failure to honour agreements it has signed up to, Stuart Littlewood considers the possibility of what is to many Palestinians currently unthinkable: a Palestinian state ...
- Universal Jurisdiction: a major tool for justi ...Lawrence Davidson assesses the value of Universal Jurisdiction. He argues that it is "the best hope the world has to … hem in the criminal leaders of great power states who everyone had assumed were untouchable", and urges citizens to protect it against attempts by Western leaders to undermine i ...
- Will democracy in Egypt benefit the Palestinia ...Alan Hart considers how a truly representative, democratically-elected government in Egypt could redefine the political and strategic equation in the Middle East in a manner that would deliver peace with justice.
- The Egyptian army's weapons problemChristopher King argues that there is a high probability that weapons supplied by the USA to Egypt, among others, contain trojans - hidden and malicious circuits in microchips or programs in software - that can be activated by the US or Israel at will to ensure that they will not work if used ag ...
- On the wrong side of history: Obama’s wavering ...Uri Avnery argues that US President Barack Obama should have trusted his instinct and placed the US on the right side of history by supporting the people’s revolution in Egypt, rather than give in to the “small people” – politicians, generals, “security experts”, diplomats, pundits, lobbyists, b ...
Amazon Rainforest
- BREAKING: Chevron Guilty of Amazon Rainforest ...Amazon Watch and Rainforest Action Network just announced a major victory for the Amazon rainforest. An Ecuadorean judge today found Chevron guilty of one of the largest environmental crimes in history and ordered the company to pay a whopping $8 billion to clean up its damage in the Amazon. Che ...
- First film footage of uncontacted Amazon TribeThe footage was filmed by the BBC’s Human Planet series shows a Tribe known as the Panoan, who live in virtual isolation from the outside world. The team needed too get footage of the Tribe as proof of their existence so as the government could protect them from illegal logging and mining operat ...
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government o ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts h ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Obama Administration’s Neocon EasterResurrecting the Neocons: Marc Grossman in … Richard Perle & Douglas Feith in Queue Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has chosen a new special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan: a long-time controversial neocon, a man who has been famous for parading as a foreign agent in the lobby circuit, the ...
- Podcast Show #38The Boiling Frogs Presents Nick Merrill Nick (Nicholas) Merrill joins us to recount his ‘surreal’ experience as the first American to stand up and challenge the FBI’s National Security Letters, living under FBI gag orders for the past six years, and being identified only as ‘John Doe’ in court ...
- US Politics & the Myth of the Pendulum SwingPacified & Lulled, Still Waiting for the Pendulum to Swing It was a rainy April day in 2004, and I was in the office of one of my professors at the university’s Public Policy Graduate Department. I was having one of those defeated and disillusioned moments that kept recurring during that time pe ...
- Let It Cut Both Ways: US Foreign Aid & State S ...Material Support to Dictators Who Inflict Terror In June 2010 our rights and liberties suffered a major setback. The United States Supreme Court upheld the broad application of a federal law making it a crime to provide “material support” to designated “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTOs). ...
- US Media & Egypt Coverage: Dodging the Real Is ...$60 Billion US Aid to Egypt=$60 Billion Current Net-worth of Mubarak Family With all eyes and attention on Egypt, the unsavory ‘US Foreign Policy’ has become the topic of choice among the intelligentsia, journalists, and the overly populated US analyst colony. There are scores of analyses out th ...
Afro Spear
- Is South Saharan Africa reading Egypt’s ...Dramatic-cum-nicely-choreographed fall from grace of former Egyptian strong man, Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, was unprecedented though what happened in Tunisia tells it all. Defiant and arrogant as the tyrant has always been, nobody thought he would easily be toppled. Day-dreaming as it was seen in 1 ...
- “Trust for us” by Dr. B.B. Robinso ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 There is a lot of discussion of the black community’s problems: poverty, crime, high incarceration rates and high unemployment. But there isn’t much discussion of “trust.” An absence of focus on the trust deficit in the black community obscures an unfortunate cause ...
- “Do you know Africa’s hidden presi ...What transpired in Tunisia recently, sadly though, unearthed a great rot in upper echelons of power in Africa. The strength in this, albeit, is the fact that this domino effect did affect Egypt and Yemen where every eye is on to see what will happen. And thereof, maybe, many casualties will foll ...
- The Herd Mentality…To What Extent Are We ...I have recently become fascinated by the idea of the “Herd Mentality” which is the phenomenon of people in crowds or groups who blindly sometimes mindlessly follow the “lead” of certain persons within the same group who appear to be better informed than the rest of the group. In a related manner ...
- “The Vick Comeback: More Than Just On Th ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 Stories of redemption are common. Drug addicts kick their habits to rejoin civil society; corrupt investors become charitable. But rarely is there a story of someone overcoming their demons in which people not only want to watch, but want to cheer. Michael Vick’s ...
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well. Gr ...
- Memorial Tribute to Hugh MacDougallMemorial Tribute to Hugh MacDougall “We are sending the power of love, peace and compassion, which can change the world.” â Hugh MacDougall, Australia, SEN Honorary Advisor Hugh was more to Suzanne and I than SEN’s Honorary Spiritual Advisor. He was the beloved friend we called brother, and he w ...
- No to Monsanto and GMO: Action Central"SEN is greatly concerned that Monsanto and GMO give rise to a threat that if unchecked could eventually prove as catastrophic to mankind and the sustainability of all life on earth as global warming. We must scream bloody murder, and do so with facts." -- Gregory Hilbert, Co-Founder Sustainabil ...
- Bill Gates On Climate Change & Energy: We Must ...Whether you know a little or a lot about Climate Change (aka Global Warming), SEN urges you to watch this one-hour video, because you will learn a great deal either way. Gates lays out a sweeping set of ideas for reducing CO2 emmissions to zero. Gates is no fool when it comes to matters of [...]
- Week 2 – Worldwide Campaign to Save the ...The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most pristine and majestic treasures. Mother Nature needs our help to save it. We all need to act to protect the Grand Canyon. Pledge to do your part. Help us by adding your signature to the petitions and ask everyone you know and who cares for earth to do ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
If Americans Knew
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Cli ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again o ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
David J. Gregory
- CUT PENTAGON BUDGET: ACT NOWTheir current proposal includes cuts in domestic spending, diplomacy, development, and international assistance but allows the Pentagon budget to continue to rise.
- SAY NO to Patriot EXTENSIONS!Together, these provisions make a mockery of our civil liberties: They let government officials spy on whomever they want, for any reason, without ever letting them know or giving them a chance to challenge the order in court.
- Secretariat the Horse, the MovieTo be witness to history from afar is one thing, to be up close is another, and to have the wisdom to know the difference is the icing on the cake, of course, I am referring to great moments in history, of excelling in any endeavor, being human, or otherwise, of the bright spots and not of man’s ...
- I understand and now you do, too!Why do they hate us? Is it really that hard to understand? 1st collector for I understand and now you do, too!Follow my videos on vodpod
Image via Wikipedia
- I understand, now you do too!A lot of people ask the question, why do they hate us so? This trailer from a new movie explains it in simple terms, it is a sociologist outlining the thinking that has emerge around the world in their views of the Empire. As with every Empire that has ever existed, conquered people will never [ ...
Unsuitable Blog
- say “Hello Business, Goodbye Gra ...For a while it wasn’t certain which side would blink first: the grassroots or the corporate loving heirarchy. Turns out that the grassroots blinked before the heirarchy had even been established. When, like you have a full time staff of just half a dozen people then you have a pretty eas ...
- Friends of the Earth, iPods and The Competitio ...It was a windy Thursday evening at the beginning of 2011. An office in north London buzzed with anticipation at the launch of something exciting; something that would appeal to a new breed of eco-conscious consumers who want that extra something to keep them feeling good about their fast-pased, ...
- A Story About Banks [Guest Post]A few weeks back I had a revelation. Many years ago I opened an account with the Midland Bank in Ipswich. Lots of the people that worked there used to come into the pub that I worked in at lunch-time and they all seemed very nice. Actually there was also a very affable man, a [...]
- Nature Conservancy Embrace Dow Chemical Busine ...Below is a long list of chemical compounds and elements. This is not just an ordinary list, for it is special in all sorts of ways – not least of all to anyone who is a supporter of our old friends The Nature Conservancy. The list contains just those substances that the US Environmental Protecti ...
- Sudden Oak Death – It’s News Becau ...It’s commonly called Sudden Oak Death, so why the picture of a stand of larch trees? That’s a question well worth asking, but a far more important question is: why has Phytophthora ramorum, the name of the fungus responsible, become such big news in the UK? Ever since P. ramorum started blowing ...
Subalternate Reality
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlanticâs Jeffrey Goldberg â one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq â has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement thatâs taken over the streets of Egypt. âI support democratization, but,â he cautions, âthe democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
- All That Happens In The Middle East Can’ ...Uncertainly rules the day in Tunisia. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the countryâs strong-armed and authoritarian ruler since 1987, is in Saudi Arabia while the interim government struggles to restore some semblance of order. âConfusion, fear and horror in Tunisia as old regime’s militia carries on ...
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constr ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgage ...crossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, in ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- People of Color Must Innovate or Die in Digita ...In December in this space I asked about the lack of minorities at new media conferences -- both as participants and as speakers. The blog post generated a lot of comments; a Twitter discussion, and the start of a list of wonderful experts -- all persons of color -- who can help make your next ne ...
- 'Data and Cities' Conference Pushes Open Data, ...When I entered Stamen's offices in the Mission district of San Francisco, I saw four people gathered around a computer screen. What were they doing? Nothing less than "mapping the world" -- not as it appears in flat dimension, but how it reveals itself. And they weren't joking. Stamen, a data vi ...
- Knight, Mozilla Partner to Boost Tech-Journali ...I'm excited to announce the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, a Mozilla Drumbeat project supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation's Journalism Program. For the next three years, we will have the opportunity to engage a huge community, bring people together for trainin ...
- Lawyers Voice Concerns About Live-Streaming Co ...One of the first things First Justice Mark Coven told us when we went down to the Quincy District Court to start talking about our project, Order in the Court 2.0, was that we had to hold an all-court meeting to introduce the project to everyone to get their input. This seemed like an excellent ...
- Why Huffington Post's 'Predict the News' Game ...Fellow Knight News Challenge winner Chris O'Brien recently posted on this site about "gamifying" the news. The idea behind the� movement O'Brien is speaking of, which Brad Flora touched on in another recent Idea Lab post, involves adding incentives -- pop-up achievements for tasks completed, pro ...
Cutting Edge News
- Foggy Bottom Blues - U.S. Diplomat Raymond Dav ...The Pakistani Muslim extremist organization known as Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) on February 15 protested in Mardan against the government of Pakistan, warning against the release of Raymond Davis.JUI chief Maulana Samiul Haq demanded that a blasphemy case should be registered against Raymond Dav ...
- Inside Latin America - Latin America Faces a N ...In the sixteenth century, the Spanish conquistadors were drawn to the Americas by a quest for riches; in their pursuit they were soon exploiting the land of its resources. Today, remarkably little has changed. Like the conquistadors, foreign companies today are seeking the fabled deposits of ore ...
- Campus Disruption - Charges in UC Irvine Speec ...Conventional wisdom and law, too, has dictated for so long that you cannot yell �Fire!� in a crowded theater where there is no fire, and even when a fire sparks, there is an appropriate way to alert and manage the crowd.� What we rarely have seen in routine United States society and particularly ...
- Obama's War - Welcome to Dienbienphu, Afghanis ...In December 2009, President Barack Obama announced an increase in the U.S. military effort in Afghanistan, arguing that the additional troops would break the Taliban's momentum and deny al Qaeda a safe haven. The strategy was based on how small the effort had been compared to Iraq, and the fact ...
- Edge of Climate Change - Media Shows no Linkag ...The February 2011 freeze�has left a path of crumpled crops, pummeled harvests and dashed dreams in the countryside of northern Mexico. Hardest hit was the northwestern state of Sinaloa, known as the "Bread Basket of Mexico," where about 750,000 acres of corn crops were reported destroyed after u ...
High Country News
- Make my state gun a popgunNow that Utah's aiming to designate an Official State Gun, what firearms will the other Western states decide to honor?
- Online dating in a small mountain townA not-quite-hopeless romantic in a small mountain town decides to try Internet dating.
- Consider slaughterhouses for unwanted wild hor ...With so many unwanted horses abandoned to starve these days, it’s time to reconsider slaughterhouses.
- The latest: Biomass emissions The EPA will not regulate greenhouse gas emissions from biomass facilities for the next three years.
- Presidential styleObama's nonconfrontational approach to life underlies his slow-but-steady approach to Western environmental issues.
- Counterrevolution 101By Dave Fryett The wretched of the Earth have seen what is possible. Power has been shown to be powerless in the face of determined mass opposition. And in every corner of our world the immiserated rejoice, because they know the day of liberation draws near
- No One Curious What CIA Is Working On At The ...By Jay Janson What does the CIA have in store for Egypt? What chores will it assign its agents both American and Egyptian? American socialists and progressives are overly cooperative with mainstream media and Congress in hardly ever asking after our secret CIA shadow government
- Lessons Learned In The Streets Of CairoBy William A. CookIf the streets of Cairo have taught us anything, they have demonstrated that vigilance against those who would control out of arrogance, oppress with indifference, deceive with impunity, and humiliate without feeling, have abandoned all natural sympathies and become , in fact ...
- What Is True Sustainability?By Matthew SteinIf we are to develop an effective plan and roadmap for creating a sustainable world, we must first have a clear idea of what it truly means to be sustainable
- Egypts Army Dissolves ParliamentBy Al Jazeera Military rulers say they will remain in charge for six months until elections are held as some protesters vow to remain
Contagious Love Experiment
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young people. ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. � Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber � Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The main thing o ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out:Â Rhetoric and Re ...
- Slate Interview: My Country Right or Wrong: Co ...Interview I did with a fascinating writer for SLATE whose special interest is on transformation and how people come to admit they’re wrong: Address to article: ...
- Dangerous Activity Thwarted in Afghanistan!
Yid With Lid
- General David Petraeus Leaving Afganistan By E ...In a stunning report, the (London) Times reported today that General David Petraeus will be removed from his position as commander of the troops in Afghanistan by the end of the year.� According to the report the search for a new commander in Kabul is already under way. Apparently the President ...
- The 800 Pound Debt Gorilla Looms Larger With P David Bossie President and Chairman of Citizens United President Obama’s FY-2012 budget shows a failure of leadership by a man who claimed that he would change the way Washington works. Red ink continues to be spilled at record rates with no end in sight and yet President Obama continues ...
- President Obama Tells President Obama: YOU LIEBased on the universally lousy reception to the budget offered yesterday, the President had an emergency press conference this morning to deflect the criticism and try to take control of the narrative. He was unsuccessful.� One would wonder why the White House Press corps would rush the Presiden ...
- What is the Real Meaning of Egypt's Revolution ...By Barry Rubin "The People Toppled the Government,� is al-Ahram's headline, and the general interpretation of the Egyptian revolution around the world. That's true but only partly true. Mubarak's pedestal was shaken by the people but he was pushed off it by the army and the establishment ...
- Muslim Brotherhood To Form Political Party-Fir ...Our Islamic religion is not a religion of priests and monks, who worship their Lord individually without taking interest in others but rather it is a complete religion which organizes peoples' lives in this world as well as in the next life: It organizes the economic, social and political matter ...
The Real Agenda
- USDA deregulates GMO corn to produce fuelMike Adams February 16, 2011 Right on the heels of the USDA’s decision to deregulate GM alfalfa (…), the U.S. Department of Agriculture has now decided to completely deregulate genetically engineered corn used for ethanol production. This is jus ...
- Agricultural pesticides disrupt male hormonesScientific American Many agricultural pesticides – including some previously untested and commonly found in food – disrupt male hormones, according to new tests conducted by British scientists. The scientists strongly recommended that ...
- U.S. Customs Officer May Have Prevented a R ...Mail Online A port official has admitted that a ‘weapon of mass effect’Â has been found by ‘partner agencies’ in the U.S., raising major questions over a possible government cover-up. The disturbing revelation came in an interview with San Diego’s assistant port director screened by a televisio ...
- El Flúor Reduce el yodo en el CuerpoLa deficiencia de yodo causa el hipotiroidismo y debilita el Sistema Inmune Adaptación Luis R. Miranda El flúor que es usado en el agua potable se ha ganado una mala fama en estos días, y por buenas razones: se trata de una molécula tóxica que provoca un amplio, a menudo irrevers ...
- Fluoride depletes iodine in the bodyIodine depletion causes hypothyroidism and immune deficiency February 14,2011 Fluoride is getting a lot of bad press these days, and for good reason: it is a toxic molecule that wreaks extensive, often irreversible, havoc on the body. The thyroid is particularly affected by fluor ...
Wind Watch
- Wind turbine impacts revealed at community mee ...BOULEVARD â A standing-room-only crowd got an earful on the property and health impacts of industrial wind turbines last Wednesday, when experts flew in from Illinois and Canada to speak at an informational meeting held at the Boulevard Fire Station. Speakers included appraisal consultant Mike M ...
- Opinions differ on wind power’s pollutio ...(Host) Supporters and opponents of commercial-scale wind energy projects on Vermont’s ridgelines use a lot of statistics and facts to argue their very different sides of the debate. So it’s difficult to sort out how much carbon pollution might be cut if there were big wind turbines in the mounta ...
- Wind turbine fight escalates, BRSA files suitA clash over the siting of a 1.5- megawatt 380-foot-high industrial wind turbine will now be in the hands of the state Superior Court in Freehold. The Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority (BRSA) in Union Beach has filed a complaint against the borough�s Planning Board for unanimously voting down ...
- Wind burn: Electrical problem expected as caus ...MILLSVILLE � Trenton resident Doug Stewart knew something was wrong early this morning when he pointed his binoculars towards his sister�s house in Millsville and saw nothing but black smoke. Stewart, who lives near the Trenton Airport, said he is often bird watching and looking at the windmills ...
- Mont St Michel could lose world heritage statu ...Environmental campaigners fear Mont St Michel could have its status as a Unesco world heritage site revoked if plans to build a group of wind turbines nearby continue. Alternative energy firm Epuron has planning permission to construct three turbines near Argouges (Manche), about 15km up the Cou ...
Not My Tribe
- American tv viewers outraged at rape of white ...You’ll think I’m minimizing the rape of CBS reporter Lara Logan at the hands of a mob of Egyptian “celebrants” at the height of the Mubarak-departure delirium, as reported so far, but I want to point out that hers is not even representative of the rapes suffered by the victims of America’s wars, ...
- Bush/Blair have a fall guy!Iraqi Defector gave defective evidence deliberately, US/UK Defective Detectives failed to notice See? The Bush, Blair and other governments who launched the blatantly profit-driven war weren’t actually Lying to us in any way, oh, no… They were Misled by a bad ol’ Iraqi. That makes all better, th ...
- Mississippi set to honor Klan Founding Father ...With “heritage” license plates. “It’s not Hate, it’s Heritage… a heritage of hating people so badly that we would deny them liberty from before they’re born and tear our nation apart, slaughter all together a half million Americans, in order to keep them as Slaves.” This is the guy whose orders, ...
- News from Imperial Rome, Crusades 2.0, and Rac ...Italy is warning the rest of Europe about Tunisian refugees and others from the wave of rebellion against the Empire in their home Vassal States, coming to Europe and taking over. Like they haven’t been doing exactly that same thing to North Africa since the Punic Wars. Guess it’s different when ...
- Rep. Doug Lamborn wants to squeeze more lives ...More helicopters, more soldiers, more domestic violence, more social ills, more crime, more rape, more injuries, death, PTSD, birth defects, cancer, medical ailment “syndromes,” suicide, homelessness, all conclusively linked to war. You don’t even have to have the IQ to admit Global Warming to m ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- Mike Adams on the invocation of 'Science' by d ...The downfall of science and the rise of intellectual tyranny (NaturalNews) The very reputation of so-called "science" has been irreparably damaged by the invocation of the term "science" by GMO lackeys, pesticide pushers, mercury advocates and fluoride poisoners who all claim to have science on ...
- Pumpitout Radio: Foreknowledge and Lack of Air ...Jeff Hill's Pumpitout radio show featuring John Michael Talboo detailing his research into the many pre 9/11 warnings of terrorist attacks using planes as weapons. Also, the UNBELIEVABLE LACK of response from NORAD and other facilities equipped to defend our air space on the morning of Septem ...
- Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bomb ...New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City bombing warning that the attack was imminent, and that the feds tried to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table if he ad ...
- Mike Adams & Andrew Wakefield on Scientific Re ...An excellent discussion on the history of science and how revolutionary figures are often savagely attacked, despite being correct. The stuff about cold fusion was interesting. Steven Jones was also a leading name in cold fusion, but his work was separate from Fleischmann and Pons. In 2009, U ...
- Debunking the Debunkers on Pumpitout RadioJeff Hill's Pumpitout radio show featuring Adam Taylor and myself. We discuss the undeniable evidence which proves that the public has not been told the truth concerning the atrocities that took place on September 11, 2001. We also discuss the numerous errors made by so-called 9/11 "debunkers." ...
- The V8 Health HaloFor years, V8 was a quirky vegetable drink sold by the Campbell soup company. But in the past few years, the brand has greatly expanded its offering, and now even includes a tea blend. Today we’ll take a look at the V8 Fusion line, which combines the perceived health of veggies with the sweetnes ...
- Meet your Meat – Whole Foods Market’s 5-Step A ...Pushing the boundary on what foods are right to eat – from health, moral, and ecological perspectives – has been John Mackey’s mission since he opened the first Whole Foods Market over 30 years ago. Earlier this month, the grocery retailer took another step to encourage consumers – and suppliers ...
- Show Your Valentine Some Love – With Beans…Valentine’s Day is all about romance. But it’s also a big industry. A guy can’t afford NOT to buy flowers, choose expensive designer chocolates, and RSVP a table for two in a classy restaurant (which incidentally jacks up the rates for the special Valentine’s menu). And a gal needs to reciproc ...
- Betty Crocker’s Mashed Potatoes in a Box [Insi ...Who doesn’t love mashed potatoes? The smooth and creamy texture of hot potatoes mixed with salt and some butter. Unfortunately, this sidedish requires some preparation, and many people have resorted to industrial solutions. Here is an example of a relatively new product from Betty Crocker, “Load ...
- Betty Crocker’s Mashed Potatoes in a Box [Insi ...Who doesn’t love mashed potatoes? The smooth and creamy texture of hot potatoes mixed with salt and some butter. Unfortunately, this sidedish requires some preparation, and many people have resorted to industrial solutions. Here is an example of a relatively new product from Betty Crocker, “Load ...
- Culture Vulture: Social Strategies for Differe ...Social media campaigns are becoming more integrated into the overall online marketing mix. And as with anything on the Web, you need to think global to succeed in the long term. To succeed with social media marketing for different cultures, you need to familiarise yourself with what’s happening ...
- Internet Marketing and Social Media Degree Pro ...Guest post by Brian Jenkins Over a billion and a half people use the Internet, and this has created a plethora of opportunities for talented Internet marketers. Specialized knowledge in Internet marketing and social media is vital for many businesses. Yes, there are successful, self-taught Inte ...
- How to Find Great Communities, Forums, and Blo ...To market your company effectively, you need to find out where your target audience is. In this post I’ll show you how you can do this. I like using examples, so in this case, I’ll assume you sell Star Wars merchandise.
- Blogging Event Ideas to Spice Up Your BlogIf you've ever gone to an industry conference, film festival, grand opening, or author signing, then you can appreciate the energy such events can create. Industry conferences gather together the best and brightest minds in order to share ideas and plan for the future. Film festivals celebrate g ...
- Increasing Your Blog’s Interactivity: 10 Tips ...Guest post by Alexis Bonari Success in attracting and retaining readers is often influenced by a blog’s level of interactivity. Many readers are more active than passive and want to feel like they have a role in affecting a blog’s content, design, structure, and overall ongoing conversation. Po ...
Survival International
- Alaskan mine site to be investigated following ...Open cast mines such as this one in West Papua have devastated local indigenous communities © Daniel Start/Survival A huge open-pit mine planned for Bristol Bay in south-west Alaska is to be investigated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) following mass opposition from local i ...
- Uncontacted Amazon Indians face annihilationAn Awá man stands amidst the burnt remains of his tribe's forest © Fiona Watson/Survival A shocking report obtained by Survival International reveals that the home of the nomadic Awá tribe suffered more deforestation than any other indigenous territory in the Amazon in 2009. Around 60 t ...
- Six indigenous children die of malnutrition in ...Wichí girls, Pilcamayo River, Argentina. © Survival International An eighteen-month-old Wichí boy was one of six indigenous children in the past week to die of malnutrition in Argentina’s northern province of Salta. Julián Darío Pérez was re-admitted to hospital having been discharged the ...
- Indians call on Brazil’s President to halt Bel ...Amazon Indians protesting in BrasÃlia against the Belo Monte dam © Amazon Watch Hundreds of people, including over 80 Amazonian Indians, gathered yesterday outside the Brazilian Congress and Presidential Palace to protest at the proposed Belo Monte dam in the Amazon rainforest. A delegat ...
- Hundreds protest against Ecuador leader’s arre ...Pepe Luis Acacho, Shuar leader, Ecuador © Survival Pepe Luis Acacho, an indigenous Shuar leader, has been arrested just two days after he was chosen as leading candidate for the presidency of CONAIE, Ecuador’s main indigenous organization. Acacho was arrested along with two other Shuar men ...
Greg Palast
- Chevron Runs from Judgmentin Ecuadorby Greg Palast Chevron petroleum Corporation is attempting to slither out of an $8 billion judgment rendered yesterday by a trial court in Ecuador for cancer deaths, illnesses and destruction caused by its Texaco unit. I've been there, in Ecuador. I met the victims. They didn't lose their sh ...
- Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-manThe Observer London by Greg Palast You're not going to like this. You shouldn't speak ill of the dead. But in this case, someone's got to. On the 100th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, as we suffer a week of Reagan-kitcheria and pukey peons, let us remember: Reagan was a con-man. Rea ...
- Shake your head and throw something at your TVfrom Bush Family Fortunes is a documentary that will make you shake your head and want to throw something at your TV. If even half of what BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast reveals is true and you happen to be an American you may or may not be calling for a revolution depen ...
- Peak Oil and a Changing Climatefrom The Nation The scientific community has long agreed that our dependence on fossil fuels inflicts massive damage on the environment and our health, while warming the globe in the process. But beyond the damage these fuels cause to us now, what will happen when the world's supply of oil ru ...
- Palast ArrestedBusted by BP in Azerbaijanby Greg Palast BP's Azeri police arresting Palast for filming BP oil rig - Baku, Azerbaijan, December 2010"Here in Azerbaijan we believe in human rights. PLEASE GIVE US YOUR FILM." Oh, no, no, not good. The enforcers here come in three colors: the military police still wearing their old Rus ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle a mattress frameOn the Suggest an Item page, Wendy recently explained: We recently bought a new mattress after our Sleep Number bed (piece of junk, don’t get one) malfunctioned. We’ve saved the frame, which is made of black plastic and a lot of the cloth-like stuff that went around the air part. I was wondering ...
- Five fantastic things to do with overripe frui ...“Overripe” is a bit of a euphemism – I mean fruit that’s past its raw eating prime. Fruit that’s going off a bit, frankly. I don’t mean mouldy or otherwise rank fruit, just fruit that’s just not as fresh as it once was. Bake fruity breads, cakes and muffins I’m pretty sure everyone knows that [. ...
- Fantastic reducing, reusing & recycling ideas ...Last month one of the biggest discussion points was how to get into the habit of taking packed lunches; this month it’s how to freshen up a tired winter coat. I only asked the question on Tuesday but we’ve already had some great responses – and an impromptu confessional session about the size of ...
- How can I reuse or recycle a broken plastic sl ...We were walking in the woods down the road the other day when we got a bit overexcited – there was a plastic sledge in the undergrowth under a holly bush! We’re far too grown-up to buy a sledge for us to play with but a found one? weeeeeee! When we pulled it out, we [...]
- What can I reuse or recycle to make seedling/p ...It might still be February but our 2011 growing season is already off and running here. In addition to the eight fruit trees John planted a couple of weeks ago, I planted out eight fruit bushes at the weekend and I started my first batch of cauliflower, greenhouse tomatoes and lettuce the weeken ...
Age of Autism
- An Autism Mom Discusses Recovering From Recove ...By Ann. A. Mom I cringe a bit lately when I read stories about recovered children. I'm ashamed to admit that these stories conjure up an enormous amount of self-pity and just plain jealousy in me. This hasn't, however, always...
- Why Is IACC's Sharon Lewis Against Protecting ...By Katie Wright Sharon Lewis continues to astonish me. In the history of IACC I have never before heard from such an insensitive and compassionless member as she. Ms. Lewis, who is not a scientist, not a clinician, not an...
- WA State Vaccination Exemptions Under Threat & ...Managing Editor's Note: Vaccine exemptions are under scrutiny in Washington State, and your state may be next. You might be a parent who chooses to fully vaccinate your child from the birth dose of Hepatitis B. Perhaps you just don't...
- The Absent-Vaccinationist By Julie Obradovic I read once the opposite of heat is not cold and the opposite of light is not dark, and that in fact, there actually is no such thing as either. Cold is what we call the absence...
- BMJ: Ad Hominen Attacks on ScientistsBelow is a comment at BMJ's Editorial: Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent Fiona Godlee, Jane Smith, Harvey MarcovitchBMJ 342:doi:10.1136/bmj.c7452 (Published 5 January 2011)from University of British Columbia's Neuroscience Professor Christopher Shaw. Link to the B ...
Global BDS Movement
- JNF eBook 3 now availableThe third volume of the JNF eBook Series (http://jnfebook read more
- Palestinian Civil Society Statement on the dr ...Professor John Ruggie, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) on transnational corporations and other Business enterprises is currently preparing his final report to the UN Human Rights Council, due in June 2011. The report will include Guiding Principles for the implement ...
- On the Second Anniversary of Israel’s Bloodbat ...Occupied Palestine, 27 December 2010 – On the morning of 27 December 2008 Israeli forces initiated a 23-day military offensive against the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip killing more than 1400 and injuring over 5000 Palestinians, predominantly civilians and refugees since 1948. read more
- Palestinian Civil Society reiterates call for ...Occupied Palestine, 22 December 2010 - We, the undersigned Palestinian civil society organizations, including farmers’ unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees, reiterate the call of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) for a full boycott of Carmel-Agrexco due to its com ...
- Derail Israel's Unlawful A1 Train Project– End ...Occupied Palestinian Territory, 16 December 2010 - Israel’s A1 high-speed train project designed to connect Jerusalem and Tel Aviv violates international humanitarian law and human rights law. The A1 rail project forms a component of Israel’s ongoing plans to cement its regime of occupation, col ...
Farm Wars
- Truth Squad Radio: Eric Herm – Son of a FarmerEric Herm joins us this Wednesday evening to discuss the ravages of commercial agriculture, including the GMO blight.
- Farmers Against Monsanto!Do you want to make a real difference in the fight against GMO alfalfa? If you do, then please download this poster and share it with farmers, feed stores, and anyone who might have an impact on alfalfa farmers' seed choices. It's time to take this to the streets.
- Playing the Global Warming CardThe global warming myth is thriving internationally, on the federal level and in state and local governments.
- Directing Public Energy 101: The Petitioning S ...Real Power of the People lies in our everyday choices, and how we influence others by the lives we live. That is real power. It is the 'trickle up' effect as applied to activism. Instead of working from the top down, begging for the execs at Corp USA to show mercy, you work from the bottom up, s ...
- Food Bank LocatorEnter your zip code to find the nearest emergency food bank.
Open Your Eyes News
- Hillary Clinton: Internet repression ‘wi ...BBC – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned repressive governments not to restrict internet freedom, saying such efforts will ultimately fail. She said the US was committed to global internet freedom, in her first major address since the Egyptian uprising. The speech comes as online a ...
- Internet Freedom Under Attack – WikiLeak ...Guardian – Civil rights lawyers fight order to reveal Twitter accounts linked to WikiLeaks â on the same day Hillary Clinton praises role of social networks in promoting freedom. The US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, praised the role of social networks such as Twitter in promoting freedom ...
- Genetic Evidence That Antioxidants Can Help Tr ...ScienceDaily â Researchers from Jefferson’s Kimmel Cancer Center have genetic evidence suggesting the antioxidant drugs currently used to treat lung disease, malaria and even the common cold can also help prevent and treat cancers because they fight against mitochondrial oxidative stress — a cul ...
- Saudi Arabia sending troops to BahrainPresTV – Saudi Arabia is sending troops to Bahrain to help King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa crack down on pro-democracy protesters who took to the streets in the capital Manama, a political analyst says. He made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday. Bahraini police have been using ...
- Bahrain Takes the Stage With a Raucous ProtestNYTimes – Thousands of protesters poured into this nationâs symbolic center, Pearl Square, late Tuesday in a raucous rally that again demonstrated the power of popular movements that are transforming the political landscape of the Middle East. In a matter of hours, this small, strategically impo ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Rainwater Capture Act of 2011 could help quenc ...When it comes to water management, California Assemblyman Jose Solorio focuses on three C's: capture, conservation and conveyance. Of those, the state has been most successful with conservation, Solorio says, but it hasn't been nearly as adept at capturing rain...
- Greenest cars: natural gas Honda Civic GX, Nis ...For a list of the greenest 2011 model-year vehicles, there sure are a lot of traditional gasoline engines among the top 12 cars ranked by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. The council's 14th annual ratings of the most...
- Oscar voters tackle gas 'fracking' controversyAdd one more unlikely group to the list of people debating the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" -- Oscar voters. Energy in Depth, a group representing oil and natural gas producers, has sent a letter to the Academy...
- Ex-astronaut out as New Mexico Energy czarFormer astronaut and state legislator Harrison Schmitt has withdrawn his nomination to become New Mexico's head of the department of Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, the latest setback as the state's new Republican governor tries to reverse her Democratic...
- EPA diving into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Del ...Urban water agencies and Central Valley irrigation districts hit by pumping cutbacks in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have long groused that federal regulators are obsessed with the effects of the big pumps that send water south and haven't paid enough...
- and KAMEKO partnership bring clean w has teamed up as a charity partner with the new pop/rock/soul artist KAMEKO and his “Tired of Being Broke” Musical Stimulus Gift Package Tour, which will kick off in Liberia March 19, 2011 at ATS stadium. This partnership will raise funds from the tour’s concert ticket sales and other ...
- Rita Marley, KAMEKO partners with (M ...Matt Damonâs Partners With Rita Marley And KAMEKO For âTired Of Being Brokeâ Tour (Mi2N) –, a non-profit organization co-founded by Oscar winning actor Matt Damon and executive director Gary White, has teamed up alongside music legend Rita Marley to support the new pop/rock/s ...
- powering microfinance for water (CFI ...Whatâs Matt Damon Got to Do With Microfinance? (Center for Financial Inclusion) – Reeta Roy, the president and CEO of The MasterCard Foundation, penned the post for the foundationâs blog many weeks ago. But the storyâs still fresh: an organization called is powering a âmarket-driven an ...
- ensuring the right to clean water (A ...Ensuring the Right to Clean Water, One Bottle at a Time: Matt Damon and team up to end the global water crisis (ABC News) – Water.Org gives grants in 14 countries (with Haiti most recently added) utilizing the innovation of a micro-finance model called âwater creditâ. Using the power o ...
- Votes are in from Lowe’s Giving Campaign ...The Votes Are in: America Shows Its Love for National Parks, but Everyone Wins in Loweâs First Online Giving Campaign (Business Wire) MOORESVILLE, N.C. – Loweâs and the Loweâs Charitable and Educational Foundation are distributing grants totaling $1 million to the four charities that participate ...
Before It's News
- European Sovereign Debt Crisis Deepening - Ris ...
- Masimo Beats on Higher Sales - Analyst Blog
- Feb 16: PPI up 0.8% - Economic Highlights
- Aarons Profits Up on Lease Sales - Analyst Blo ...
- Inflation watch
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- Why there's no revolution in IsraelFor 40 years now, Israeli governments have worsened our situation through the continued occupation, the recurrent wars, and - in more recent years - eroding democratic rights and personal freedoms, and growing government corruption.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a C ...
- The IDF's most dangerous enemy is withinUnfortunately for the IDF, it has become clear over the past year that its most dangerous enemy is neither to the left nor the right, nor to the north or the south, but rather within.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Arab protests show hunger threat to world - ec ...Uprisings across the Arab world are just a foretaste of the instability facing other poor states unless a global food crisis is tackled, leading development economist Jeffrey Sachs said Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- FOX NEWS INSIDER: Stuff Is Just Made UpAsked what most viewers and observers of Fox News would be surprised to learn about the controversial cable channel, a former insider from the world of Rupert Murdoch was quick with a response: �I don�t think people would believe it�s as concocted as-->Submitted by Kit B. to Society & Culture � ...
- **PLEASE SIGN** Protect Women's Rights **TAKE ...For 25 years, hospitals have been required to provide the emergency care necessary to save a patient�s life. Now, under new legislation in the House of Representatives, hospitals could put the lives and health of women at risk. Submitted by Kit B. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Hertz Continues Ambitious Sustainability PlansThe Hertz Corporation (NYSE: HTZ), one of the world’s largest rental car companies in the world, announced that it will undertake its first phase of installing solar electric systems at its rental locations, starting with sixteen lo ...
- U.S. Aims for $1 per Watt Solar Power to Compe ...Solar innovation at the heart of SunShot program. U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu Friday announced that $27 million will be awarded to nine new projects ...
- E•BOOM CAPITAL: Power-One Guidance for 2011 Sc ...Power inverters are necessary to convert DC electricity from solar and wind installation into usable AC electricity. Shares of solar and wind power inverter company Po ...
- Princeton's Impressive New Solar Plans: A Mode ...Princeton University not only plans to be home to one of the largest solar installations on any U.S. college campus by 2012, but it also aims to create a successful renewable energy business model for other schools to follow. read ...
- E•BOOM CAPITAL: MEMC Shares Up 10% on 2010 Res ...MEMC’s SunEdison subsidiary “simplifies solar” by developing, financing, operating and monitoring solar power plants for commercial, industrial and utility customers. ...
News Blaze
- Secretary Hillary Clinton's Remarks on Serbia' ...The United States and Serbia have a partnership based on mutual respect and built upon more than a hundred years of relations between our people and our governments. As you celebrate your National Day, know that the United States stands with you as
- NASA Award Recognizes Air Force Remote-Sensing ...The award was presented to James G. Clark, Air Force director of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Innovations and deputy chief of staff for ISR. NASA Chief Scientist Waleed Abdalati and Anne Castle, Interior's assistant secretary
- Pennsylvania Governor Fires Abortion Clinic Em ...Seven employees from the Department of Health, Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs, branch of the Department of State are no longer employed by the state, either resigned or was terminated since the situation came to light, per Corbett'
- Medications and Family Support Help Women Over ...Seema is almost cured thanks to the medicines and her family's unflinching support. But there are many women who suffer mental breakdowns - mood disorders like anxiety and depression.
- U.S. Committed to Advance Internet Freedom-The United States is playing a leading role in a global coalition of governments committed to advancing Internet freedom. This commitment was highlighted at the Internet Governance Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania in September 2010 and in a cross-region
Historical Notes
- Fidel Castro
- Fidel Castro History ArchiveTab seemed to migrate to others !
- Castro Speech database
- Indecorous and Free! Womyn's protests in Italy ...In this latest phase of widespread political and economic crisis, the subject of sexuality has become crucial. In this context the role of women is once again determined and exploited by those in power, within an old traditional ideological perspective. We ...
- Wisconsin: war declared on state workersWalker.jpg The Governor of the State of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has just dropped the anvil on public sector workers statewide. This is the start of a nationwide offensive to wipe out public sector u ...
- Egyptian military tortured, “disappeared” thou ...Army.jpg Now that the wave of riots, demonstrations and strikes has toppled Mubarak and the military has taken over, this report examines the supposedly "neutral" role of the military so far. ...
- Sabotage in Fiat TychyFIAT-Tychy.jpg 300 cars were damaged last night by ticked off workers in Poland's Fiat plant. Workers in the FIAT factory in Tychy, Poland sabotaged 300 cars last night. The sa ...
- Working, thinking, fighting, bleeding in Tahri ...Nigel Gibson reflects on the Egyptian Revolution. What makes the lid blow off? Fanon asks in The Wretched of the Earth reflecting on the revolution against French colonialism in Algeria fifty years ago as he thought about the futur ...
Free Range International
- Naw ZadI just did something which would have been suicidal 10 months ago. My colleague Little Mac and I, in the company of a Marine tank officer and Naval surface warfare officer (he’s a fires guy by trade) just strolled around the town of Naw Zad with no body armor, no helmets, no riflemen escorting ...
- Ride For The BrandWhen I first started this blog I used to hammer away on a couple of themes which really bothered me. The first was Provincial Reconstruction Teams which I maintain are, by design, unable to accomplish their assigned mission. The second theme had to do with the reason we remain in Afghanistan. O ...
- Shifting SandsWith most of the world’s attention focused unfolding events in the Mideast now is a good time to shed some light on the current ground-truth in Afghanistan.  Sami the Finn is always a good place to start and he provides interesting perspective on the suicide bombing at Kabul’s at  the Finest s ...
- What Is the Problem Here?One of the Chim Chims’ has asked to put up a guest post on a topic near and dear to both our hearts for different reasons: Â the continuing efforts of the New York Times to kill a program I doubt was that big of a deal to begin with. Â Chim Chim is a member of [...]
- The Start of a Long YearA few weeks back home we’re a blessing and also a time to partake in my favorite thing to do which is doing nothing. Â I’m an expert. Â While I was away a few articles caught my attention and they serve as a useful point of departure to evaluate where we are at the start of [...]
The Story Behind the Story
- QDDR — Comrade Clinton’s Globalist ...On Wednesday, February 2, 2011, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton convened the “first-ever” QDDR Meeting at Washington D.C.  This involved bringing in MOST of the 260 U.S. “Ambassadors” (now referred to as “Global Chiefs of Mission” by Clinton) at an unknown cost to taxpayers. ...
- Sarah “Airhead” Palin Does it Agai ...Comic Relief: Sarah Palin on Egypt Robert Dreyfuss | February 6, 2011 Sarah Palin, in her first comments on Egypt, managed to make no sense at all. None. I especially liked her “not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done [in DC].” Here’s the full quote, which sounds like it w ...
- ABC News On Davis’ Pakistan Story vs. &# ...The only real difference in these stories, to me, is the “Project Northwoods” twist and of course the nuclear and/or biological weapons-to-be-deployed allegations, which are unsupportable, of course. Keep in mind that Davis shot 7 times and killed the two Pakistanis. It is not known how the ...
- OPERATION NORTHWOOD? Could this be reason for ...� CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists Posted by EU Times on Feb 11th, 2011 While all eyes in the West are currently trained on the ongoing revolution taking place in Egypt, Russia�s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned �g ...
- Judge Roll Murder Motive? You Decide!!John McCarthy Roll was a federal judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. He joined the court in 1991 after being nominated by President George H.W. Bush. Roll was shot and killed on January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona, in a SUPPOSEDLY random shooting by a crazed, ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Elvis Costello, singer/songwriter (Nov 27, 201 ...His music captures the times we live in and its been doing so for forty years. He's never been shy about issues, and Elvis Costello isn't today. He's here to talk music, politics and activism.
- Malalai Joya, Afghan activist (October 30, 201 ...She is a hard core activist in Afghanistan and has paid the price for it. Her life constantly threatened, banished from her seat in the Afghan parliament, Malalai Joya never stops. She wants foreign troops, including Canada's, out of her country and warlords out of government. This week she's ...
- Naheed Nenshi, Calgary Mayor (October 23, 2010 ...He's made the news in countries around the world - the main reason? He's Canada's first major city Muslim mayor. Does that matter? We'll ask Calgary's new mayor himself.
- Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Opposition (S ...Sounds like fun - all summer touring the country going from one barbecue to another. But for Michael Ignatieff it had to be more than fun - it had to be redefining moment. This week we find out if it was.
- Colm Feore (encore)His acting career is prolific, his roles varied, his talent immeasurable. Whether on the Shakespearean stage or the big or small screen, he's one of the most recognizable Canadian faces in the business. In this encore broadcast from 2001, Colm Feore discusses "acting is acting is acting".
Scotts Contracting
- Tell Congress to restore the solar project fun project funds – H.R. 1 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Michael Rader, SEIA
wrote: Share on Facebook Scotts, In documents released this weekend, members of the House of Representatives have proposed cutting billions of dollars … Continue reading → - Updated Web Page LinksSt Louis Renewable Energy Updated Web Pages Find the Latest Web Page Additions at the Links Below Scotts Contracting Job Site Photos Solar Web Page
- Conservation Lobby Day in Missouri CapitalJoin us at CONSERVATION LOBBY DAY Tuesday March 29, 2011 in Jefferson City Dear Scotts Contracting, Join others who care about Missouri’s environment at Conservation Lobby Day on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at the Capitol Building in Jefferson City. We … Continue reading →
- Latest Technologies Place but Don’t Win ...On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 6:05 AM, ACEEE News
wrote: NEWS RELEASE For further information, contact: Shruti Vaidyanathan or Solar Panel Manufacturing Environmental Costs ... On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Scott’s Contractingwrote: Article Highlights: An average 5 kW solar electric installation … will produce an equivalent of 10 to 12 barrels of oil each year… save about 10,000 pounds of … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Hypocrisy of U.S. Foreign Policy Produces Terr ...U.S. support of tyrants betrays our principles and contributes to terrorism.
- Putting Things in PerspectiveThe shooting in Tucson should make all Americans rethink our tragic War on Terror policies.
- Last Words Worth Acting UponRichard Holbrooke knew we should end the war in Afghanistan.
- Logic, Not Emotions, Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
- Logic Not Emotions Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Before There Was a Curveball There Was "Saddam ...There were forerunners to Curveball in greasing the skids to war with Iraq.
- A War Israel Is Ill Equipped to FightIsrael watches as one Arab ally after another begins its death spasms.
- "I'm Taking You Out With a Drone to Save You F ...Drone strikes "tidier" than torture.
- WikiLeaks: U.S. Advises Bulgaria on Modernizin ...Washington seeks to beat Europe to the punch on the sale of jets to Bulgaria.
- The Egyptian Army: Make Money, Not WarConstrained from war by the Camp David accord, the Egyptian army lords it over the economy instead.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- مشاور موسوی: ۲۵ بهمن یک پیروزی بزرگ بودread more
- مبارک رفته است ژنرال ها مانده اند!مناسبات آمریکا با هیچ موسسه ای در مصر به خوبی ارتباطاتش با نظامیان نیست. آمریکا برای مبارزه با تروریسم سالی 1،3 میلیارد به بودجه نظامی همکار نزدیک خود کمک می کند.
- Egypt echoes across region: Iran, Bahrain, Yem ...DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The possible heirs of Egypt's uprising took to the streets Monday in different corners of the Middle East: Iran's beleaguered opposition stormed back to central Tehran and came under a tear gas attack by police. Demonstrators faced rubber bullets and birdshot to de ...
- The False Anxiety of Influence Comparisons between Egypt's current uprising and Iran's 1979 revolution have become something of a cliché. The mass demonstrations in Egypt against a US-backed dictator have reminded many observers of similar scenes from the Iranian Revolution of 1979, leading some to believe that another "Is ...
- سفرهای رهبر انقلاب به قم ادامه داردبنایی همچنین پیشبینی کرد سفرهای رهبر انقلاب به شهر قم برای بازدید از مراجع و علما تداوم داشته باشد.
Most Revolutionary Act
- The Common Misfortunes of CapitalismObviously there is both an upside and a downside to living in New Zealand. All developed and developing countries are forced to operate under the same global capitalist system, which is under near absolute control of multinational corporations, via the WTO, the Global Agreement on Tariff and Tra ...
- Bernie Sanders’ Filibuster and the Secr ...For those who haven’t seen the YouTube coverage of Senator Bernie Sanders 8½ hour filibuster on December 10, 2010, I highly recommend it: The whole speech is available on C-SPAN Maria Gilardin, host of TUC Radio, has also record ...
- Cheap Coffee vs Health CareIt only became clear once I left the US the immense sacrifices Americans make for their cheap gasoline and consumer goods (see Feb 10 blog). The most obvious is a range of domestic programs that other developed countries take for granted. These include publicly financed universal health care (in ...
- American Ambivalence Towards EmpireIt took moving overseas for it to sink in that Americans owe their high standard of living to US military domination of third world resources. I have always understood the theory of “economic imperialism” – that the US maintains a monopoly on cheap third world labor and resources via military su ...
- My New Expatriate IdentityFor people over fifty, starting over in a new country is like dropping a lab rat in a complex maze. Like the rat, you suddenly find yourself in a totally unknown environment that constantly confronts you were new decisions and dilemmas. For example, learning to use a new phone system. It took me ...
Doug's Darkworld
- One Million Hits and Thanks for all the Commen ...TUNISIA ââââââââââââââââ : 100% done EGYPT ââââââââââââââââ : 100% done ALGERIA ââââââââââââââââ: in progress YEMEN: ââââââââââââââââ: in progress PALESTINE: âââââââââââââ: VIRUS DETECTED Well, I recently passed a million hits on Doug’s Darkworld. Kinda of a strange feeling. A million people h ...
- Is it War Yet?I apologize for not being able to blog recently, there’s lots going on in the world, but alas, my Internet service as failed me miserably. We may very well be seeing the beginning of a world revolution on the streets of Cairo, and the only source of “news” I have most days is my television. [... ...
- We Are All Egyptians NowWell, the uprising continues in Egypt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s very possible we are entering a watershed period in world history where all sorts of things are going to unravel in the next few years. There’s so much going on that it’s hard to even focus on what’s important ...
- Tunisia, Lebanon, and now Egypt?As I type Egyptians are taking to the streets to demand reform and the end of the Mubarak regime. And they are continuing to do so in ever greater numbers despite ever more desperate measures to end the unrest, including a curfew, shutting down the Internet, and dismissing the entire upper gover ...
- The McMartin Preschool Trial: Grown Ups Behavi ...My post on the Lawndale Thunderbird case has inspired me to write a series a series of blogs on how people deceive themselves and other oddities of the human mind. Or more accurately, the oddities of human perception and how setting and beliefs and preconceptions can colour, and sometimes wildly ...
- Gulf of Mexico Women Cry Out in Alarm!Kendra Andresen and Vickie Perrin were our guests this past Sunday night Jan 30th. It was a very revealing show. They reported about what is and isn't going on in the Gulf. The Gulf is Dead..
- ALERT: Louisiana Senator Concerned that Corex ...I emailed the Senator to confirm he wrote the letter and got this response: Yes it is my letter. I am deeply concerned about the health and welfare of our citizens. I have been collecting data and research since the disaster began. Since the commission did not adequately address this “second” ma ...
- Videos of the âtoxicâ black sludge coating ...VIEW THESE HERE video-toxic-black-sludge-coating-ocean-floor-video
- âFirstâ Dispersant Study Funded by Feds: T ...To combat last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill, nearly 800,000 gallons of chemical dispersant were injected directly into the oil and gas flow coming out of the wellhead nearly one mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, as scientists begin to assess how well the strategy worked at breaking up ...
- Oil leak shuts down BPâs largest onshore fie ...BP suffered an oil leak in the Dorset countryside late last year, causing such concern that its biggest onshore field in Western Europe has been shut down for the past two months. … Wytch Farm has not been producing its 25,000 barrels per day since November and the pipeline where the leak was di ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,00 ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After t ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to eco ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The follo ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This ar ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 ...No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Butanol Q&A With Cobalt Technologies CEO Rick ...Join the forum discussion on this post In the previous story — Butanol 101 — I provided readers some background on the production of butanol, including my own background on working with butanol. This story is about one company’s efforts to commercialize bio-butanol. The interview originated fr ...
- Reintroducing ButanolJoin the forum discussion on this post This story was initially intended to cover a recent interview that I did with Cobalt Technologies CEO Rick Wilson. However, the introduction and background on butanol became long enough that I felt it was a standalone story. The interview with Rick Wilson ...
- The Natural Gas DebateJoin the forum discussion on this post The Economist just finished hosting an online debate on natural gas. The resolution was an interesting one: This house believes that natural gas will do more than renewables to limit the world’s carbon emissions. At first glance, the statement may seem pre ...
- The World’s Most Fuel Efficient CarJoin the forum discussion on this post This likely blows previous fuel efficiency records out of the water: VW to roll out 313mpg car in Germany and UK Last week at the Qatar Motor Show saw the world debut of Volkswagen’s XL1, a diesel-electric hybrid two-seater that can do 313mpg (0.9 l/100 ...
- Oil Price Could Doom ObamaJoin the forum discussion on this post The following guest post is from Normally I don’t add any of my own commentary to these guest essays, but in this case I would say that the idea that oil prices are manipulated by speculators is by no means limited to “left-wing blogs.” I wou ...
Discovery Educator Network
- My Noah | Project NoahTags: noah, science, nature, project, social_networking, scieneby: Jackie Gerstein
- Tuesday's Tech Tip 02/15/11 - Technology Integ ...Comments:Using Mac's Preview application to separate or merge PDF files - Dean MantzTags: tech, technology, tuesday, PDFby: Dean Mantz
- Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Centur ...Tags: media, digital, education, pbs, digitalmedia, newmedia, 21stcenturylearningby: Dean Mantz
- BookLending.comComments: Book Lending - Borrow and Lend Kindle Books for Free. - Heather HurleyTags: ebooks, booklending, kindle, borrow, libraryby: Heather Hurley
- poppletTags: collaboration, tools, web2.0, visualization, mindmap, ipad, sharing, poppletby: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- How Video Games Benefit Dads and DaughtersRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Video games draw a lot of criticism, and it's undeniable that too much time in front of the TV or computer screen contributes to childhood obesity. But the games are likely here to stay and, if used thoughtfully, they may even provide some benefits. An example of this wa ...
- USDA Approves Yet Another GMO Crop…This One fo ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—In what seems to have become a routine this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved yet another biotech crop late Friday afternoon. This time, it's a new variety of genetically modified (GMO) corn intended specifically to produce ethanol fuel for our car ...
- Like Lead, Common Bug Killer Lowers Child IQ RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—A popular insecticide used in many household bug sprays, including the popular Raid spray, has been shown to significantly decrease a child’s IQ, according to a new study p read more
- Gov't Calls on Auto Makers to Help Curb Distra ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—If you're tired of drivers swerving into your lane while they check their email or adjust their GPS, the government feels your pain. In January, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood made the rounds with automakers and the media, hoping to combat the rising incidence of di ...
- Walking Reduces Alzheimer’s SymptomsRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Adults with Alzheimer’s disease, or with mild cognitive impairment, have healthier brains when they walk five to six miles a week, according to a study presented in Decembe read more
big think
- Bookmakers v. the experts: who is right?After Mubarak who is the next Middle Eastern leader to go? Some people have been pointing to President Salih and Yemen, but experts on the country have been pouring cold water on that line of thinking.� According to Victoria Clark's op-ed in the NY Times, "Yemen won't fall." Not everyone, it ...
- A Question and a NoteThere has been much talk about facebook and twitter revolutions in the Middle East, but given the internet's rather low infiltration rate in Yemen - I think roughly 200,000 lines* - this begs a question: can you have a revolution without the internet? There is, as I said yesterday, still much ...
- Mankind Has Stopped EvolvingEvery Wednesday, Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section below and check back on Wednesdays to see if he answers it. Today, Dr. Kaku�addresses a question posed by Kiran Uttark ...
- Thinking Long Term: To Sell, or Not to Sell, a ...“In the long run, we’re all dead,” John Maynard Keynes once said in defense of his brand of economics featuring an array of short-term solutions. It seems like the state legislature of Iowa feels the same way. Faced with a budgetary shortfall, the Iowa House is considering forcing the University ...
- 501 - Mississippi Metro MapRivers are magical, liminal places. Prehistoric man, in awe of their transportational qualities, threw in swords and other valuables as votive offerings to fluvial deities. The Greeks provided their dead with coins as fare for Charon, who ferried them across the river Styx to the Underworld . ...
Information Liberation
- POLICE STATE - Atlanta Police Conducting Publi ...See the license plate at ~00:55....
- Ron Paul to U.S. Government: Stop Propping Up ......
- Ron Paul: CPI Is Rigged, QE2 Is a Total Failur ......
- The Economic Twilight ZoneYou unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. It is the middle-ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. And it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. You've j...
- 'We Are Going To Do It on the Sly': Homicidal ...Matt Mitchell was driving 126 mph, talking with his girlfriend on his cell phone, and e-mailing his employer on November 23, 2007 when he plowed into a vehicle carrying* 18-year-old Jessica Uhl and her 13-year-old sister Kelli . The sisters were kill...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Ozboy’s Bar And Grill Is Closed For Repa ...It’s only temporary. A couple of weeks. But the recent shenanigans round here have forced me to do some thinking about how LibertyGibbert can run better in the future. I’ve spoken to a couple of you about this today, to … Continue reading →
- The Dragon’s Dissent Part III: Naked Nat ...The emergence of China as the world’s new superpower has raised many questions in the international community and across the blogosphere regarding the longer-range agenda of the Middle Kingdom. In a recent discussion on this forum, the question of Chinese … Continue reading →
- U.S. Elections: Will Liberty Win?Well today’s the day. As just about every other blog in the sphere is covering the elections today, I thought I’d throw the forum open, and we can discuss the results as they come in, in real time. If as … Continue reading →
- Libertarianism And Drug LiberalizationG’day everyone, Just arrived back home safe and sound. Sorry there hasn’t been a new post in several days, but just at the moment my family needs me more than the Bar and Grill does. Dr. Dave has graciously stepped … Continue reading →
- Stealing Democracy?G’day everyone, Ozboy here. The United States mid-term elections are just one week away, and the mounting resentment many Americans feel about the way their country is being governed appears certain to be made clear at the polls. One of … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- The perils of rankingToday, I discovered I was listed on a Top 100 of UK Twitter users by The Independent newspaper based on the algorithm from PeerIndex. I was #47, since you ask, same as Armando Iannucci. It’s not that long since I made it on to a similar PeerIndex list published elsewhere. It’s all very flatterin ...
- Heptastic science newsThe full list: The Twitter 100 – Its 200 million users share 110 million messages a day – and if you don't know who rules the twittersphere, you don't understand the 21st-century world. This guide is a definitive who's who of the UK's tweet elite. Although for some reason they included me on the ...
- Count envy, satisfaction and achievementA friend of mine, András Paszternák, runs a thriving online nanotech community called Nanopaprika (he’s in Hungary, hence the name). He started the community (for which I am a Scientific & Advisory Board member) when he was doing his PhD and it has grown rapidly into one of the most targeted n ...
- An octet of science newsPerfect Perfume – a video for Valentine’s Day – A bit of fun for Valentine's Day as the team combinesto make our very own "perfect perfume"! The lingering risk of thirdhand smoke – As Dubowski suggests, the notion of thirdhand smoke putatively being hazardous to health is controversial. Research ...
- Breaking down technology transfer barriersBreaking down the technical and legal barriers are essential if technology transfer from academia to industry is to be done efficiently and effectively, according to researchers in Spain. Antonio Hidalgo, Professor of Technology Strategy at the Technical University of Madrid and José Albors, Pro ...
RFF Library
- The Influence of Rising Commodity Prices on th ...USDA, Economic Research Service / by Daniel Hellerstein and Scott Malcolm This report considers how increased commodity prices might influence enrollment in and benefits from the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) using two complementary mod ...
- State of the World’s Forests 2011UN Food and Agriculture Organization The publication reports on the status of forests, recent major policy and institutional developments and key issues concerning the forest sector. Filed under: The Natural World Tagged: Forestry, Forests, Inter ...
- State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010 ...UN Food and Agriculture Organization [UN Pulse] The publication discusses fisheries and points out that fisheries production has been relatively stable in the past decade. However, it voices concern about the state of stocks exploited by marine c ...
- Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity ...Circle of Blue [From Website] …Chinaâs surging economic growth is prompting the expanding industrial sector, which consumes 70 percent of the nationâs energy, to call on the government to tap new energy supplies, particularly the enormous reserves of coal in the dry no ...
- The Principal Rare Earth Elements Deposits of ...US Geological Survey / by By Keith R. Long, Bradley S. Van Gosen, Nora K. Foley, and Daniel Cordier [From Summary] …The objective of this study is to provide a nontechnical overview of domestic reserves and resources of REE and possibilities for utilizing thos ...
Scientific American - News
- Is a U.S. Nuclear Revival Finally Underway?The first new nuclear reactor ordered in the U.S. in roughly three decades is beginning to take shape in the red clay near Augusta, Ga. Southern Co. and its partners have dug 27.5 meters down into that soil to reach bedrock and are now filling up the hole to provide a stable foundation for what ...
- Pesticides May Block Male HormonesMany agricultural pesticides – including some previously untested and commonly found in food – disrupt male hormones, according to new tests conducted by British scientists.The scientists strongly recommended that all pesticides in use today be screened to check if they block testosterone and o ...
- Twisted Light Could Enable Black Hole Detectio ...Black holes, as their name suggests, are dark. Perfectly dark. A black hole's gravity is so intense that beyond a certain boundary in its vicinity, known as the event horizon, nothing can escape. Not a rocket with its boosters on full blast nor a photon of light. Nothing. [More] ...
- Wireless Heart Monitor Fine-Tunes Cardiac-Fail ...A new pressure-sensing technology is helping doctors to read some of the innermost secrets of the heart. This cardiac monitor uses electromechanical dynamics to detect crucial pressure levels in a patient's pulmonary artery and relay those readings to physicians wirelessly, obviating the need fo ...
- Down in the Data Dumps: Researchers Inventory ...Data is the common currency that unites all fields of science. As science progresses data proliferates, providing points of reference, revealing trends, and offering evidence to substantiate hypotheses. Decades into the digitization of science, however, data is proliferating exponentially, at ti ...
Empty newsfeed.
- Bad telecommunications call by JoyceSteven Joyce is noted more for ramming motorways through and manipulating public consultations than for following fair process and he has given the nation a week to read, analysis and prepare submissions on his re-writing of the Telecommunications Act. It’s a bad call. He introduced it as a Supp ...
- Government Beamer contract optional, no penalt ...Well done Metiria, for breaking the story of the Government’s BMW limousine purchase for its Ministers. When Bill English is encouraging everyone else to cut back, spending $6.8 million on new limousines for Ministers to swan about in when the existing fleet is less than 3 years old is indeed a ...
- someone has been having a bit of fun with the Koastal Koalition Klowns‘ billboards: And just to dispel a couple of bits of disinformation being promulgated by the rednecks: The Koastal Koalition Klowns are being totally deceptive on this issue. The foreshore is the bit of land that is ...
- TEC worried about funding cutsThere seems to be a disconnect between the expectations and assumptions of the Tertiary Education Commission and what is actually happening in the sector, when it comes to the so-called ‘performance based’ component of tertiary institutions’ funding . We heard from the Commission in select commi ...
- Something stinks in iconic Southland lagoonRecent monitoring of the Waituna Lagoon in Southland has revealed high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, largely attributed to dairy farming in the region. Environment Southland Chairwoman Ali Timms said it was at high risk of irreversible damage because of intensification of land ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- A Revolting WorldMany in many lands are demonstrating against their governments. Some claim that people everywhere are revolting and that a worldwide revolution is imminent. Even both the orthodox and heterodox presses are all atwitter. But it is far easier to bring about a successful revolution than it is t ...
- Demented DemocracyAn addiction to opinion, each person being entitled to his own, and the unwarranted notion that those who fight for their beliefs are "principled" is the reason that democracies teeter between antagonistic belief systems and are unable to resolve any social problems. Each party strives to re ...
- Pity the Poor EconomistsThe first thing a judicious reader notices is how much disagreement exists among economists on almost every, perhaps every, matter. Then it becomes clear that much of this disagreement is acrimonious. Some of these people appear to hate each other. Now ask yourselves, how likely would it hav ...
- Can America Be Changed?If the American people ever hope to take back their country, they need to understand America's political economy so the parts of it that are morally offensive and economically ineffective can be repudiated. Only then will Americans be able to make the changes that are needed to make Lincoln' ...
- The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling i ...America's journalists are not "newshounds" They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American "free" pr ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Means Testing Social SecurityAtrios says there's not much point in trying to save money by cutting Social Security benefits for rich people: There's No Money In Means Testing You just can't save any money worth the additional administrative burden by depriving a few rich people of their Social Security and Medicare benef ...
- Understanding Social Security in One Easy Less ...Over at the Economist, Erica Grieder has given up on Social Security: Every so often I get a document from the Social Security Administration in a green-edged envelope, and I open it straight away, thinking it might be important. Instead, I find that it's just a statement of my Social Sec ...
- Your Questions AnsweredJamelle Bouie is puzzled: By disposition, I'm not that worried about the debt. But even if I were, I have yet to hear a compelling reason for why now is the time to be hyper-concerned about the debt. Because a Democrat is president, that's why. Any other questions? Comments | Post C ...
- Fighting Back Against the Noise MachineLast year, as I'm sure you'll recall, Andrew Breitbart posted an edited videotape of a speech by Shirley Sherrod. He presented this video as proof positive that Sherrod, the USDA's Georgia Director of Rural Development, was herself a racist and, furthermore, executed her job in an overtly ...
- The Birthers Take OverI was channel surfing last night when Inkblot jumped into my lap and trapped me on the couch. As a result I ended up watching most of Bill O'Reilly's show,1 one segment of which was dedicated to Bill flipping out over the nerve of NBC's David Gregory asking John Boehner to unequivocally deno ...
Insanity Report
- IC 228: Black Twitter & the Idiots Who Write ...Topics for the show: Slandering Olive Garden Lady Gaga and her attention whoring Tyrese writes a book and Jesus wept Black Twitter and the ignorant dumbasses who write about it The genders aren’t equal so just man the fuck up Allen West and other idiotic black republicans Share with your friends ...
- Are Parents Really This Clueless?From the UKDailyMail: A desperate mother has condemned Microsoft after her 11-year-old son racked up a £1,000 debt on her debit card – through his Xbox. Brendan Jordan racked up a bill of £1,082.52 on his Xbox without realising all the purchases were being charged to his mum Dawn Matthews’ car ...
- Dumbass of the Year ContenderThere’s several different levels of stupid. There’s the first level which is just random forgetfulness and absent mindedness. You know, you accidentally put your hand on a hot stove or salt in your tea. Or maybe you have a brain fart and you forget the name of a friend. This is the everyday l ...
- IC 227: FedEx’in PuppiesTopics for the show: Fuck Valentines Day Woman decides to it would be wise to mail her son a puppy Violent video games make your kids rape? wait what? Kid runs up mom’s credit card on Xbox Live and she blames………..Microsoft Michelle Obama wears a $35 dress…why is this news? Christopher Lee is the ...
- FacePalm of the Week: Another Cheating Politi ...I mean…seriously folks. First let me give my standard response to this type of thing: I don’t care that this man was trying to cheat on his wife. I don’t. To me committing adultery (or attempting to) doesn’t mean you can’t do your job. If it did, then hell, this entire country would come to [... ...
Simple Climate
- Atlantic cold tongue tells of humans’ cl ...Aerosol emissions are more responsible than global warming for weakened trade winds, but pollution controls look set to show how government rules can reverse changes we have caused.
- Climate researchers warn of food and forest ti ...With food prices reaching record highs, worsening droughts in east Africa will add to agricultural problems, while a parched Amazon could speed rather than fight global warming.
- 2,000 year water temperature high underlines A ...Average temperatures of water flowing into the Arctic since 1890 are 2ºC higher than they have been on average in the previous two millennia, Robert Spielhagen and colleagues show.
- Rain-soaked plants trudge downhillSurveys separated by 70 years show how climate change in Northern California has increased rainfall, causing plants to move to generally warmer, drier, lower altitude habitats.
- Ice melt poses dual sea rise and water access ...One-fifth of the ice held in the world's ice caps and glaciers will melt by 2100, affecting water availability, adding around 12 cm to sea levels and threatening some coastal regions, predicts University of British Columbia's Valentina Radić.
e!Science News
- Therapy for depression can be delivered effect ...Depression can be treated effectively with psychotherapy by mental health nurses with minimal training, according to new preliminary research findings. read more
- A mental retardation gene provides insights in ...Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have uncovered clues to memory and learning by exploring the function of a single gene that governs how neurons form new connections. The finding may also provide insights into a form of human mental retardation. read more
- Whole genome sequencing used to help inform ca ...Whole genome sequencing — spelling out a person's entire DNA genetic code — has moved one step closer to being a medical option for direct patient care. read more
- Study finds racial disparities in hospital rea ...Elderly Medicare black patients have a higher 30-day hospital readmission rate for several conditions including congestive heart failure and pneumonia compared to white patients, that is related in part to higher readmission rates among hospitals that disproportionately care for black patients, ...
- Zinc reduces the burden of the common coldZinc supplements reduce the severity and duration of illness caused by the common cold, according to a systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. The findings could help reduce the amount of time lost from work and school due to colds. read more
- Massive Attacks on Environment Launched in Con ...Legislative amendments target air, water, public lands and wildlife Teabag by teabag, the anti-environment faction in the House of Representatives has filled i ...
- Declare Your Right to BreatheJoin the campaign for clean air Do you think that all Americans have the right to clean air? Then sign the Right to Breathe Declaration! The Clean Air Act—sig ...
- Attorneys General Defend Our Right to BreatheFive state AGs send letter urging support for cement plant health protections Cement kiln near Midlothian, TX. Photo: Samantha Bornhorst Attorneys general f ...
- Wash. Judge Rejects Attack on New Building Ene ...Increased efficiency of new homes will save money, energy, and helps climate On Feb. 8, a federal judge in Washington State sided with conservationists, energy ...
- Are National Forests and Drinking Water Suppli ...Obama's draft plan for forests is well-intentioned, lacks real protective measures Anyone who likes to hike, camp, fish, hunt, or view wildlife in our national ...
Brave New Climate
- Gas aplenty, but UAE opts for nuclear – ...Dr Ziggy Switkowski (former CEO of Telstra, Optus and Kodak, recently retired Chairman of ANSTO, and now Chancellor of RMIT University) recently had an excellent article published in the Australian Financial Review. Unfortunately, there is no online version available, so for those who missed the ...
- Climate Change – it’s complicated, but i ...I was recently invited to provide a response to an opinion article on climate change that was offered to “The Punch” website. The lead article can be read here:Â Itâs just too hard to understand climate change. My response, reproduced below (original here), should be read with this context in mi ...
- ABC Counterpoint radio on nuclear costs, and n ...Many have seen/listened to this already, but for completeness, here are the details of my recent interview with the ABC Radio program Counterpoint on the cost of nuclear energy. It is based on a discussion of the recent Energy peer-reviewed paper authored by Nicholson, Biegler & Brook. Should Au ...
- Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on ...Guest Post by Luke Weston. Luke is a Melbourne-based physicist and occasional freelance electronic engineer, with a strong interest in educating the community about nuclear energy and related issues. Just this week, Martin Ferguson has been actively stepping up his efforts to keep nuclear energ ...
- An environmentally sound, energy-rich future ( ...Here is a blog-post version of the poster to accompany the AMS paper discussed in the previous post. You can download a printable, high rez (11 MB) version of the poster here, or a low rez (1 MB) version here. ————————— ————————— In the part III, I’ll publish the conference paper that provides t ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Palinisms: Did she really say that? - By Jacob ...Palinisms: Did she really say that? - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine: "And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak, and I'm not real enthus ...
- What Would Marx Say about Cairo? - By David Ar ...What Would Marx Say about Cairo? - By David Armitage | Foreign Policy: "At least since the American Revolution, revolutionary actors at home anticipated a broad following: The Declaration of Independence spoke of the 'Powers of the Earth' and 'a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind.' The Am ...
- In Response to Michael Lucas’"Democracy in Egy Daily Hot Topics: In Response to Michael Lucas’"Democracy in Egypt a Myth?": "As a naturalized gay adult who immigrated from Egypt, I can tell you from first-hand experience that Egyptians, whether gay or not, were not any safer under Mubarak’s regime. In 2001, after many years in Egypt ...
- Egyptian Activists Inspired by Forgotten Marti ...Egyptian Activists Inspired by Forgotten Martin Luther King Comic - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews: "While the world's political pundits debate the role the United States has played in the historical events presently occurring in Egypt, one activist is cred ...
- THE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY � DesertpeaceTHE PLAGUE OF THE CENTURY � Desertpeace: "Throughout history mankind’s existence has been threatened by various plagues, usually in the form of infectious diseases. Modern times call for modern threats, not necessarily of the viral type, but as uber nationalism, zionism in particular. One of th ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Fox NewsThe more you watch, the less you know…
- CPAC Wraps UpWhat a great week for conservatives who attended CPAC. We got to listen to one “conservative” nut job after another describe their “plan” for America. The sad truth is if America tried to implement any of their “ideas” our country would fail even faster than it is now failing. They all seem to w ...
- Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday! America& ...So today is the day that all the inhabitants of right wing fantasy land praise Ronald Reagan, and his trickle down legacy. In my opinion, Ronald Reagan was America’s greatest traitor. Why would I say Ronald Reagan was a traitor? Because he was the most prolific person in America’s history to ope ...
- Tea Party Founder Judson Phillips Lies on MSNB ...On “The Last Word” Judson Phillips said Social Security will be broke in 2037. Reality says that even if the trust fund currently 2.6 trillion dollars is exhausted in 2037 Social Security will still be able to pay out 80% of the benefits. Tell me Judson. If you want “respect” for your organizati ...
- Why I Can’t Watch CNNEven though I enjoy watching some shows on CNN, I find it ever more difficult to not change the channel. When I turn on CNN I get the opportunity to see right wing conservative guests and commentators spew outright lie after outright lie. It makes me sick to my stomach to watch right wing mouth ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-26 ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- Welcome to the New AmpedStatus.comWe're back with a redesigned site and three new features! Introducing the AmpedStatus Social Network and two new Amped Coverage wires.
- Time to Fight Back! Join The MovementAs a broad-based network representing people across the political spectrum, we are working together to reach common ground and fight for pivotal political reforms. As long as the economy and government are rigged in favor of the top economic 0.1%, we will all lose.
- Horrific Arizona Massacre Is A Sign of Tragedi ...Let This Tragedy Be A Wake Up Call. Given Socio-Political Conditions, Many More Violent Acts On the Way.
- Hit By Mass DoS AttacksAs you may have noticed, for most of the day yesterday was down. Shortly after posting our new report we were hit with a heavy barrage of DoS attacks...
- Obama Renews Commitment to Complete Destructio ...Obama has just doubled down on the side of the financial terrorists. Meet Bill Daley and Gene Sperling - another JP Morgan-Goldman Sachs attack. Let's dig deep into their past and reveal everything that you need to know.
- Cairo in Ramallah: A disaster scenario?by Michael Omer-Man With popular uprisings pushing for democracy and an end to oppression sweeping their way through the Middle East, many Israelis are pondering if the democratic fever will reach Palestine. The general fear is that – especially in the wake of the Palestine Papers, which destro ...
- Thomas Friedman’s latest column drove th ...In his latest column, New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman attacks Jerusalem’s response to the Egyptian revolution. Friedman’s bluntly expressed opinions were the catalyst for a torrent of angry comments. “Court Jew” was just one of the expressions used For about a year now, Thomas Friedm ...
- Illegal for Israelis to support BDS?The Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement endorsed by Palestinian civil society organizations in 2005 has become one of the most controversial issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the spirit of the boycott movement against Apartheid South Africa, BDS activists have r ...
- Keep your eyes on the prize: A Palestinian ana ...When the Egyptian people went to the streets to demand their freedom, they stuck to one message: Mubarak must go and the regime must fall. By keeping their eyes on the prize, the protesters succeeded in achieving their goal. What lessons can the Palestinian people learn from the Egyptian revolut ...
- A Palestinian boy’s Kafkaesque trial in ...On a sunny day people usually stand outside or sit in the direct sun in the waiting area at the Ofer military court. To observe a trail at Ofer, one must enter the facilities and, in a way, become a prisoner. Visiting diplomats and human rights officials alike, are allowed to bring only money an ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Impacts of Coal Seam Gas Activities on Water ...Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has today released an independent expert report into recently approved coal seam gas operations in South East Queensland.
- Winners of the Australia's World Heritage Pla ...Tony Burke, Minister for the Environment, today announced Larrakeyah Primary from Darwin and William Ross High School in Aitkenvale, Queensland as the winners of Australia's World Heritage Places competition.
- A new celebration of our national heritage Federal Heritage Minister, Tony Burke, is urging all Australians to get involved in celebrating our nation's unique heritage by taking part in Australian Heritage Week, which will be held for the first time in 2011.
- Round Two for On-farm Irrigation Efficiency Irrigators in the southern Murray-Darling Basin will benefit from Government investment under the On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency program.
- Esperance gets state-of-the-art weather obser ...A new purpose-built Bureau of Meteorology weather observation office has been opened today in Esperance, Western Australia, by Senator Don Farrell, Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water.
Matt Weidner Blog
- The Automatic EarthPost from Automatic Earth Merscorp Inc., operator of the electronic-registration system that contains about half of all U.S. home mortgages, has no right to transfer the mortgages under its membership rules, a judge said. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert E. Grossman in Central Islip, New York, in a ...
- History repeats A lesson from the past is bein ...This is an excellent post from a friend who reads this blog, I really appreciate the time he put in and his efforts to share this with all of us….much to think about: âAnd the great owners, who must lose their land in an upheaval, the great owners with access to history, with eyes to [...]
- Controversial Article On David J Stern….From Mandelman Matters: Stern is emblematic of everything that’s ugly and wrong with the mortgage banking and finance industries in this country. Whether all the allegations about him are true is irrelevant. In my view, he’s an unethical, arrogant, abusive and callous piece of itinerant garbag ...
- Texas Sheriff to Seize JPMorganChase Property- ...Banks cannot just just break into homes. This shouldn’t be earth-shattering stuff, but they’re doing it all across this country. This has got to stop! Why has this country just laid down for this? What will it take to make this right? Bloomberg Tweet this! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- EVERYTHING- EVERYTHING you need to know about ...I find it so disheartening to continue fighting to protect the basic rights that are already provided for by law. The right to have a foreclosure complaint verified is a right. A RIGHT. Not a privilege. And still, the foreclosure mills are able to continue violating consumer’s rights by igno ...
abelard - news
- chinese know those perfidious brits are lying ...How paranoia and projection leads to the wrong conclusion.
- the breakaway - cycling tactics | France zone ...Why a rider breaks away from the main pack in a cycle road race.
- super smart sumptuous limousines | fun news at ...The wit, wealth and charm of real collectors of cars.
- alleged link between swine flu vaccine, a gene ...Interesting, a link between a human gene and an environmental trigger, leading to a neurological problem.
- binary for computers, it's all ones and nought ...Why bits and bytes are used if 'talking' to computers, and how the relate to counting in the binary number system.
The Parallel Parliament
- The Two WelcomesMarshall McLuhan saw modern media and the pursuit of images as a restless machine, exciting us in so many ways but wearing us down in others. One of the dangers of so many things assaulting our senses at the same time, he believed, was that they could slowly erode our ability to remember. “We li ...
- Those Things That Outlast UsLyndon Johnson was a master politician, especially in comprehending the Congress and its inner workings. He was quoted later in life as saying, “It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ample room for the rich fertility o ...
- The Tub UnpluggedWe don’t consider the private lives of journalists much – a good thing because it’s called “private” for a reason. I’ve been fortunate enough, however, to know many in the media who apply their limited spare time to many charitable causes. Brian Lilley, senior correspondent for Sun Media is one ...
- Knick KnacksYou bring your life with you – at least parts of it. MPs and Senators almost universally experience loneliness and a sense of detachment from those parts of their lives they possessed before coming to Ottawa. We compensate by filling our offices with memories and mementos from home or travel. Fo ...
- Tribalism, Canadian Style“Things seem a bit better, eh?” The observation from a Conservative colleague as we fought our way through the cold winter blast along Wellington Street this week stuck in my craw. He believed MPs were treating one another better during Question Period. “But we’re still not getting anything seri ...
Vaccine Awakening
- WA State Vaccine Law Threatens Exemptions & Vi Barbara Loe Fisher If you are a resident of Washington state, you should know that there is a bill quietly sailing through your state legislature that violates your privacy and threatens your right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination. House Bill 1015 1 and Senate Bill ...
- New Vaccine Science Can Help Bridge the Divideby Barbara Loe Fisher Fear of the unknown is what terrifies us the most, fear of being unable to have control over what the future holds. At the root of that fear is knowing that the choices we make today could have a profound impact on what happens tomorrow. 1 Fear is a strong emotion ...
- Counting Blessings, Remembering the Childrenby Barbara Loe Fisher Every Christmas and New Year, when I give thanks for the people who have blessed my life, I remember the mothers and fathers of severely vaccine injured children, who have taught me the most about love and courage. I know that my son, Chris, who developed brain inflamma ...
- Thousands Of Americans Register for NVIC's New Barbara Loe Fisher Thousands of Americans living in all 50 states took action and registered for the new NVIC Advocacy Portal at during Vaccine Awareness Week (Nov. 1-6, 2010) co-sponsored by the National Vaccine Informati ...
- Vaccine Science: A Search for Truthby Barbara Loe Fisher February 2009 turned out to be a month when vaccine science was put on trial in the U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C., in mainstream media and on the internet, in the British Medical Journal and in vaccine safety research initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health ...
2020 Science
- International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechn ...Here’s an offer I’m sure you won’t be able to resist: The opportunity to read the first and last chapters of the just-published International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechnologies – for free! Due to the farsightedness of my co-editors, the publishers have agreed to let authors post their chapt ...
- The New Toxicology of Sophisticated Materials: ...Cross-posted from The Risk Science Blog Several months ago, I was asked by a colleague if I fancied co-authoring a review on nanotoxicology for a copy of Toxicological Sciences celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Society of Toxicology (coming out later this year). Fool that I am, I agreed. ...
- Small gods and the art of technology innovatio ...There’s something rather liberating about being asked to give a no-holds talk on your perspective on life, the universe and everything. So when the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center asked if I would speak as part of their “Where do we go from here?” series, I jumped at it. No holds barred is ...
- Reviewing the National Nanotechnology Initiati ...Here’s a bit of trivia: with the 4000 character limit on comments on the National Nanotechnology Initiative Draft Strategic Plan, you might as well ditch the official portal, and tweet your comments to the Office of Science and Technology Policy – 28 tweets would do it! As you can probably guess ...
- Lost in the MaizeIâm writing this at Detroit airport, en route to Dubai via Heathrow. By rights, I should be writing the usual stuff about how traveling to exotic places isnât all itâs cracked up to be – the mantra of the seasoned traveler. But as itâs the day after Thanksgiving, I thought I would suck it up ...
Reader Supported News
- Anti-Government Protests Spread to LibyaMaggie Michael reports: "Hundreds of Libyans calling for the government's ouster clashed with security forces early Wednesday in the country's second-largest city as Egypt-inspired unrest spread to the country long ruled by Moammar Gadhafi." An anti-government protester in Libya holds a sign, ...
- Gates, Rumsfeld Sued Over US Military's Rape E ...Intro: "A landmark lawsuit filed Tuesday against Defense Secretary Robert Gates and his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, alleges that the military's repeated failures to take action in rape cases created a culture where violence against women was tolerated, violating the plaintiffs' Constitutional ...
- CBS News' Lara Logan Was Attacked, Sexually As ...The rather disturbing report begins: "CBS News' correspondent Lara Logan suffered 'a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating' last Friday in Cairo and is now in a US hospital recovering, the network says." CBS correspondent Lara Logan in Cairo's Tahrir Square shortly before she was br ...
- FOXLEAKS: How Bill Sammon Slanted Fox's Cairo ...The report begins: "On June 4, 2009, a couple of hours after President Obama delivered his much-anticipated speech in Cairo regarding America's relationship with the Muslim world, Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon sent an email to Fox staff pointing out that Obama did not use 'the ...
- Revealed: How Energy Firms Spy on Environmenta ...Intro: "Leaked documents show how three large British companies have been paying private security firm to monitor activists." Protesters at Ratcliffe-on Soar power station, operated by E.ON, which says it has hired security firms to gather information on climate activists, 02/11/11. (photo: T ...
War Resisters League
- Stepping up the Resistance to U.S. Islamophobi ...As Peter King, the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, steps up the U.S. government attack against Muslims living in the U.S., saying that he will “rely on Muslims to make his case that American Muslim leaders have failed to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the effo ...
- Mubarak Ousted! Two Down, Twenty To Go . . .“The people have brought down the regime!” was a cry heard around the world when on Friday, February 11th, 18 days of unrelenting non-violent protest finally forced the end of Hosni Mubarak’s 30 year, US backed rule over Egypt. Ecstatic jubilation filled Cairo’s Midan al-Tahrir (Liberation Squar ...
- The Egyptian Revolution and Police Tools ̵ ...As of this writing, the Egyptian revolution has entered its 16th day and is gaining ground and momentum: spreading to new regions, evolving into strikes and civil disobedience and clarifying its demands. What started as an impressive series of demonstrations on January 25th’s ‘Day of Wrath’ has ...
- Anti-war Activists to Grand Jury: “We will not ...Tuesday, January 25th was the day that 23 anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists were made to appear before a Federal Grand Jury in Chicago. It was also the day that all of them refused to testify. In solidarity with those targeted by government repression, several rallies were held in citi ...
- The other “Afghanistan Report”Whose stories are we telling about the war in Afghanistan? On the day following the White House report on the war in Afghanistan that names the war as a qualified success and calls for the U.S. to “stay the course,” we must lift up the alternative stories and reports of this near-decade of occup ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Jackson touts 50-year plan to ‘perennialize’ l ...The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture was celebrating its 20th annual conference Feb. 2-5, but it seems that keynote speaker Wes Jackson wasn’t there to celebrate. Instead, he was on a mission to gather allies for his proposal of a 50-year farm bill, which could supplement th ...
- Bills banning arsenic take shape in MD General ...Dr. Keeve Nachman, Director of the Farming for the Future Program at CLF, spoke at a press conference yesterday in the Maryland House of Delegates. The press conference was organized by Montgomery County Delegate Tom Hucker and Prince George’s County Senator Paul Pinsky. Senator Pinsky and Del ...
- A Former Teacher’s Take on The New Dietary Gui ...Every five years, the United States Departments of Human Health Services and Agriculture jointly release the Dietary Guidelines for America in the hopes of encouraging every American to eat a healthy diet, however, chances are the average person will never set eyes on the report. As a former tea ...
- Oprah Enthusiastically Throws Her Support Behi ...Talk show host Oprah Winfrey may have just encouraged a large segment of her 30 million viewers to join the Meatless Monday movement following her latest show which gave us a rare glimpse into where some of our meat comes from. The Meatless Monday campaign’s national awareness has more t ...
- Understanding foodborne microbial hazards for ...One in six Americans contracts a foodborne illness each year (CDC). Such illness can mean an unpleasant day of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and/or worseâ hospitalization or death in rare cases. âThere’s something that can be said about the problem of foodborne illness, that can’t be said of many o ...
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
- How to Whip the Afghan Army Into ShapeMuch of President Barack Obama's strategy rests on the creation of a new, more competent Afghan military. Here's what he'll need to know to get the job done.
- Obama's Indecent IntervalDespite the U.S. president's pleas to the contrary, the war in Afghanistan looks more like Vietnam than ever.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- ALSA Does Not Extinguish Property Rights Alberta Wilderness Association 14 Feb 2011 �� An important clarification about the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) and property rights by University of Calgary law professor N ...
- Polluter Harmony — #1 matchmaking site for po ...Just in time for Valentine's Day, Greenpeace Canada has launched PolluterHarmony— "the #1 matchmaking site for polluters, industry lobbyists, & politicians!" Watch the video, and check out the site. While you're there, you can send a Valentine to the Minister of the Environment. ...
- Oilsands Visionaries Speakers SeriesFebruary 17 • March 3 • March 17 University of Alberta Oilsands Visionaries, is an unprecedented, three part speakers series that invites the world's leading experts on the Alberta Oilsands to share their perspectives on the future of the resource. Presenting before a multi-stakeholder pan ...
- ELC Comments on environmental assessment of sk ...Environmental Law Centre The Environmental Law Centre has posted its comments on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency's "Proposed amendments to the�Comprehensive Study List Regulations�under the�Canadian Environmental Assessment ...
- Conservatives Re-Re-Re-announcement on renewab ...Without strong regulations on the Tar Sands and other large industrial polluters, no plan to fight climate change will be effective Sierra Club Canada ...
- NATO Surrenders Europe To U.S. Global Missile ...Stop NATO February 5, 2011 NATO Surrenders Europe To U.S. Global Missile Shield Project Rick Rozoff On January 27 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization took the most decisive step yet toward the implementation of the decades-old project first proposed by the Ronald Reagan administration for a S ...
- Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez I ...Stop NATO February 2, 2011 Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez Intervention? Rick Rozoff On February 1 General James Mattis, commander of United States Central Command whose area of responsibility includes Egypt on its western end, stated that Washington currently has no plans to reinfo ...
- Washington Intensifies Push Into Central AsiaStop NATO January 29, 2011 Washington Intensifies Push Into Central Asia Rick Rozoff A recent editorial on the website of Voice of America reflected on last year being one in which the United States solidified relations with the five former Soviet republics in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzsta ...
- Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Withou ...Stop NATO January 27, 2011 Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Without Conscience Rick Rozoff The largest foreign military force ever deployed in Afghanistan is now well into the tenth year of the longest and what has become the deadliest war of the 21st century. Some 154,000 occupation troo ...
- Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed Af ...Stop NATO January 23, 2011 Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed African Standby Force Rick Rozoff The announcements of presidential election results last month in West Africa and Eastern Europe have served as the pretext for the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Or ...
Before It's News
- European Sovereign Debt Crisis Deepening - Ris ...
- Masimo Beats on Higher Sales - Analyst Blog
- Feb 16: PPI up 0.8% - Economic Highlights
- Aarons Profits Up on Lease Sales - Analyst Blo ...
- Inflation watch
Intel Hub
- National Academies of Sciences: FBI Failed to ...Washington’s Blog February 15th, 2011 As I pointed out last year: Vaccine expert Dr. Meryl Nass shreds the FBI’s case against Bruce Ivins: Federal Bureau of Invention: CASE CLOSED (and Ivins did it) But FBI’s report, documents and accompanying information (only pertaining to Ivins, not to the re ...
- Senator Rand Paul’s Letter of Opposition to th February 15th, 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) released the following Dear Colleague letter to his fellow Senators this morning regarding the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. (2/15/2011) Dear Colleague: James Otis argued against general warrants and writs of assistanc ...
- Wisconsin Governor Threatens To Call Out Natio ...February 15th, 2011 Wisconsin Governor Threatens To Call Out National Guard As Union-Busting Tactic Wisconsin Governor Threatens To Replace Union Workers With National Guard WI National Guard says it has not been mobilized for state active duty Wisconsin Governor Threatens to Use National Guard ...
- Confirmed: Coming Food and Financial Crisis of ...Food/Financial Crisis of 2011 IMVA By Dr. Mark Sircus February 15th, 2011 World food inflation is smashing down on the world’s populations as prices rise precipitously in the face of increasing shortages and absurd monetary policies. Prices are rising everywhere. It is not millions but billions ...
- WeAreChange Confronts Dick Cheney On 9/11 Stan ...Luke Rudkowski and James Lane of We Are Change confront Dick Cheney in Wahsington D.C. at CPAC 2/10/2011. Please help support Luke Rudkowski by donating to in order to fund future journalistic actions. James Lane is from check out his angle of the c ...
- A Warning for Egyptian Revolutionaries: Courte ...[Many have noted some similarities between the "People Power" revolt which removed the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, and the February 2011 revolt which pushed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak from power. Some have even proposed that this kind of revolt is the 21st century method ...
- Whose Media? How “Egypt Leaders Found ‘O ...New York Times February 15, 2011 by JAMES GLANZ and JOHN MARKOFF Epitaphs for the Mubarak government all note that the mobilizing power of the Internet was one of the Egyptian opposition’s most potent weapons. But quickly lost in the swirl of revolution was the government’s ferocious counteratta ...
- Protester killed in Bahrain “Day of Rage ...12:40am IST By Frederik Richter MANAMA (Reuters) – Police in Bahrain fired teargas and rubber bullets to break up pro-reform demonstrations on Monday and one protester was killed, witnesses said, in a “Day of Rage” stimulated by popular upheaval in Egypt and Tunisia. Helicopters circled over the ...
- Egypt: The revolution continues after Mubarak ...Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 12 February 2011 Egyptians protest at Tahrir Square on the day Mubarak left office, 11 February. (Matthew Cassel) Yesterday evening, after it was announced that Hosni Mubarak had met the first demand of the revolution and left office, I headed toward the Eg ...
- Puerto Rico: 15,000 March to End Police Occup ...Maritza Stanchich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English, University of Puerto Rico February 14, 2011 Student protests at University of Puerto Rico have broadly mobilized the public against the police occupation of the campus with about 15,000 marching along the main thoroughfares around the urb ...
Ken O'Keefe
- The Egyptian Blockade of Gaza – February 26, 2 ...Is there any sane, right-minded person who supports the blatant and brutal collective punishment of the people of Gaza? So why would it carry on? There is only one reason, because we allow it. I say we carry on with what the people of Egypt started, they got rid of the dictator, let us, people ...
- Global Revolution 2011I believe the time has come to unite, those of us who are sane, who can see that the masses are comprised of so many cultures and vastly different ways of life, yet we all demand essentially the same things. We demand to be treated with respect. We demand the right to a decent way of life. We ...
- Revolutions & ManipulationsWhile millions of Egyptians are in the streets, in one of the most dramatic spontaneous uprisings in recent years, in an attempt to overthrow 30 years of Mubarak rule, a regime propped up by Israel and the United States, an undercurrent of opportunist plots threaten to turn this hopeful situatio ...
- Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution ...Let us realize once and for all, that we the people are one, that we are human, that our most precious gift is that of our humanity. Let us never sacrifice it again. Together we are unstoppable. We are the sleeping giant, we are the waking lion, we are fierce and we are fearless.
- The Samouni Family Children – Survivors ...January 12, 2011 is a day I will never forget, visiting the Samouni family could not possibly be anything but a life-changing event. Words simply cannot describe the devastation wrought upon this family by a marauding band of Israeli psychopaths, otherwise known as the Givati Brigade of the Isr ...
- If you've nothing better to do...The Spiritual Life Center in West Hartford sponsors monthly Reader's Retreats, and at 11 a.m. tomorrow, we're talking about� "Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism, and the American Girl." The moderator is the Rev. Sara Jane Munshower. You can find out more about the retreat right ...
- RIP, Lois LaneJoanne Siegel, the model for Lois Lane, Girl Reporter, has died. She was 93.
- What Would Jesus Not DoYou can see the list here. And thanks, Sharon, for the link. Flickr photo
- Has anyone been to see it?The Memorial at Harborview Park, the tear drop 9/11 monument in New Jersey? I have not, but after reading about it, I kind of want to. And thanks, Bob, for the link.
- Where is Al Qaeda on Egypt and Tunisia?Because they've been awfully quiet about the recent revolutions. Writes Brian Fishman at Foreign Policy: The danger is not that al Qaeda will come to control or dominate contemporary opposition movements in the Middle East. Its ideas and murderous campaigns are too radical for that. The real d ...
Associated Content
- President Obama: A Budget of Innovation and Ou ...Calling for green energy, better education and more research and development, President Obama's budget clearly commits to investing in America's future.Contributor: Nancy Moberly Published: Feb 15, 2011
- Protests in Tehran Met with Extreme ForceWith the fall of President Hosni Mubarak last week, other countries are inspired. Already this week, protests are taking place in Tehran, Iran. What are these demonstrations about and how is the Iranian government responding?Contributor: Melissa Matters Published: Feb 15, 2011
- Billy Ray Cyrus Concerned About Miley: Will Mi ...Billy Ray Cyrus spoke to GQ magazine recently about Miley Cyrus' recent stints in the tabloids, saying "I'm scared for her." Will Miley follow in the footsteps of famous children like Drew Barrymore, Nicole Richie or the Osbourne children?Contributor: Renata Yvonne Published: Feb 15, 2011
- Broadcast Emergency: 3 Reporters Who Suffered ...CBS Los Angeles reporter Serene Branson's Grammy report turned from light-hearted to scary after she inexplicably slurred her words while reporting live.Contributor: Meagan Morris Published: Feb 15, 2011
- Iranian Regime Attempts to Crush ProtestersWhile Egypt struggles with its newfound freedom, protesters in Iran have begun rioting.Contributor: Nancy Moberly Published: Feb 14, 2011
Popsci - Science
- Russia Is Ready to Plunge Into Risky Arctic Dr ...What could possibly go wrong? “One beaten man is worth two unbeaten men.” This is not the reasoning Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave to explain why Russia is green-lighting a dicey project to drill for undersea oil in the forbidding Arctic Ocean. It’s the justification he gave for Russia’s ch ...
- Your Nose Could Use Quantum Tunneling to Disti ...The olfactory sense has long been thought to stem from the way a battery of chemical receptors in the nose interact with molecules based on their physical shapes. But a collaboration between MIT researchers and their Greek colleagues is nosing out a far more complex and potentially useful mecha ...
- By Shining a Laser From the Ground, Researcher ...Satellites, step aside To map the earth’s magnetic field, scientists usually take readings from one of a number of satellites, a process that is expensive and often less-than accurate. Physicists at UC Berkeley have a better idea: measure the earth’s magnetic nuances using a single ground-based ...
- New NASA Designs for a Reusable Manned Deep-Sp ...Nautilus includes a centrifuge and inflatable parts This tubular spacecraft could serve as a reusable vehicle for lunar and deep-space missions, holding a crew of six and enough supplies for a two-year expedition. Dubbed Nautilus-X, for “Non-Atmospheric Universal Transport Intended for Lengthy ...
- Fragment of Human DNA Found in Genome of Gonor ...Happy V-D! For the first time, scientists have discovered evidence of a human DNA fragment in the genome of bacteria, shedding light on why this particular bug is so adept at surviving in human hosts. The bacteria in question is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is one o ...
Veterans Today
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s NewsVeterans! Hereâs your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you needâ¦.. Dominguez, Henderson to Lead “Pivotal” Task Force. The former chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity ...
- STUART LITTLEWOOD : Maybe Gaza should paddle i ...And who can blame them? Last time, I hear, President Abbas and his gruesome crew wouldn’t allow Hamas to contest the elections under their own party name… and they still lost, went into a sulk, turned quisling and deeply shamed the Palestinian people.
- GORDON DUFF: CAUGHT! FOX NEWS-RON PAUL MEDIA ...MEDIA GIANT FALSIFIES COVERAGE OF REFORMER Pro-War Network Switches Video, Cuts Cheers, Inserts Booing By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Fox News, the network of Hannity, Beck, O’Reilly and Limbaugh, the voice of Wall Street (they own the Wall Street Journal) and the Israeli lobby, was c ...
- A Viable Solution for the Afghan ProblemBy Khalil Nouri STAFF WRITER / EDITOR The success of scientific methodology is due primarily to its objectivity. In politics, unfortunately, there is little objectivity and a lot of emotion that makes visibility of reality on-the-ground very difficult. The unprecedented terrorist act of 9/11 by ...
- CIA, Pentagon Knew “Enhanced Interrogation” Wa ...The CIA and Pentagon used “enhanced interrogation techniques”(EIT) on Middle East prisoners knowing they were illegal and considered to be torture by the United Nations, according to an article published in the January issue of the American magazine “Science.”
War is Business
- War Game! A special crossword-puzzle edition o ...Dave Maass here, stand-in for Corey Pein, who is away, doing lord-of-war knows what in a faraway land … When I was a kid, I remember teachers using homemade crossword puzzles to help us study our vocabulary words. I ran with that concept this week, and here’s the resulting military-industrial-co ...
- Inside A Las Vegas Gun Show, In PicturesBuy false sense of security
- Earn Merit Badge In Decapitation At ‘Fam ...Sell UzbekiDisney
- Storytime At The PentagonBuy Claude Lévi-Strauss
- Russia: Why Reinvent The Rudder?Buy French ingenuity
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Lowest January Arctic ice on satellite recordOne of the questions that I'm often asked is how can global temperatures have reached near-record levels, when here in the UK we have had record breaking cold? It's an issue that many people have great difficulty in accepting. Of course the answer is that the UK represents a tiny fraction of t ...
- A wild start to February - back to square one ...Severe gales and heavy rain have battered Yorkshire in the last few days. The highest wind speed was recorded at Fylingdales on the North York Moors with 70mph on Friday. Pennine areas have had a month's worth of rain since Thursday. 79.2mm of rain was measured at Bingley in West Yorkshire sinc ...
- Global temperatures continue to fall.The January Global temperature, according to UAH satellite data, was 0.009C below the 1981-2010 average. The previous month, December 2010, was 0.181C above average A year ago, in January 2010, the global temperature was 0.542C above the 1981-2010 average. If the more standard 196 ...
- February: Westerlies come roaring backJanuary 2011 turned out to be drier and colder than average. The provisional Central England Temperature (CET) mean for the month was 3.7C, compared with the average of 4.2C. It was a month again dominated by high pressure, with north and east winds more frequent than normal. Rainfall was ther ...
- Global temperature forecast for 2011Last year, according to the Met Office Hadley Centre, was the second warmest on record with a temperature anomaly of 0.50C above the 1961-1990 average. This was very close, but slightly below their forecast which was issued at the Copenhagen climate summit in December 2009. It stated global te ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Hedge Fund Attack Hits France, Germany [Shh]No one knows what it's like to be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes... It's pretty safe to say that those working in the financial services industry are the usual suspects when things go awry in the world economy: Erratic market movements? Betting on commodities driving up the cost ...
- Eurosceptics & UK-Baltic 'Anti-French Alliance ...$acre bleu! While the IPE Zone doesn't do conspiracy theories, the above post title was suggested by none other than the Financial Times, not some Eurosceptic rag which are a dime a dozen here in the UK. Alas, there is always a vocal bunch of Euro-haters perpetually voicing their opposition to U ...
- Let the PRC Fund (Broke) US Primary SchoolsWe see in China things we used to see in ourselves...can do, initiative...that used to be us! - Thomas Friedman I've been watching the BBC's interesting series The Chinese are Coming documenting the effects of China's rise on the continents of Africa [episode 1], South America and North America ...
- How Obesity is Reshaping Ambulances to Airline ...A few weeks ago, I admittedly pigged out on the globalization of American-style obesity. While it may be a laughing matter to some, you can chalk it up as another dubious American export alike the subprime mess that's being inflicted on the rest of the world in the name of "progress." Besides, i ...
- Home Prices Show London, Not NY is World Capit ...With apologies to a gangsta rapsta: New York! Concrete cesspool nightmares are made of There's nothing to raise house prices You're subprime in New York! Word up, it's the real estate posse in effect. In the past, I've argued that the volume of financial transactions in London far exceeds that ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- Barack Obama’s Budget For 2012: A Comple ...Is Barack Obama trying to play a joke on all of us? The budget that the Obama administration has submitted for fiscal 2012 is so out of touch with reality that it may as well be a budget for "Narnia", "Fantasy Island", "Atlantis" or some other mythical land. You can view the h ...
- 21 Signs That The Once Great U.S. Economy Is B ...Once upon a time, the United States was the greatest industrial powerhouse that the world has ever seen. Our immense economic machinery was the envy of the rest of the globe and it provided the foundation for the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world ...
- Is Ben Bernanke A Liar, A Lunatic Or Is He Jus ...Did you see Ben Bernanke's testimony before the House Budget Committee on Wednesday? It was quite a show. Bernanke seems to believe that if he just keeps on repeating the same mantras over and over that somehow they will become true. Bernanke insists that the economy is getti ...
- 10 Reasons Why It Has Become So Soul-Crushingl ...Have you been unemployed lately? If so, then you probably know how frustrating it is to try to find a job in the United States today. It now takes the average unemployed worker about 33 weeks to find a job. There are millions of Americans that have not been able to find a full ...
- Find A Job? Good Luck In This Economy – ...The U.S. government is telling us that the unemployment rate fell all the way down to 9.0% in January. Should we all cheer? Is it now going to be a lot easier to find a job? Has the economy finally turned around? Are happy days here again? Well, it is a good thing to have [ ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Call Out for Submissions for Fire to the Priso ...We are currently beginning to compile issue 11 of Fire to the Prisons magazine. If you are not familiar with this project you can check out pre...
- "No Tears for the Fallen" -- flyer f ...This text is transcribed from a leaflet found in Central Indiana, presumably regarding recent events. Last August a drunken policeman, respo...
- California: Announcing a monthly anarchist sou ...TCN Radio is a new montly anarchist sound event from the East Bay of California. It features commentary, interviews and performance. The first...
- Philadelphia: Seeking submissions for defenest ...It's cold! A good time to stay in and write that piece you keep meaning to for Philly's radical paper of optimism and refusal defenestrator. Our...
- NYC Anarchist Book Fair Table and Presentation ...The 5th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be held Saturday, April 9, 2011, at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, NYC. Present...
E U Times
- Another Cyclone hits northern AustraliaA tropical cyclone Wednesday hit Australia’s northern city of Darwin, prompting authorities to issue evacuation notices and close the airport, a media report said. People have been told to prepare for a huge tidal surge late Wednesday, with dozens of homes already damaged by the cyclone Carlos, ...
- Italy declares state of emergency over influx ...A state of emergency has been declared by the Italian government after 5,000 illegal immigrants fleeing riot-torn Tunisia arrived in just five days. Coastguard officials said that in just one 12-hour period 977 had arrived, with many more boats seen on radar screens approaching from north Africa ...
- Obama reassures Jordan King of US support agai ...The president made a weekend call to Jordanian King Abdullah II to assure him of U.S. support, but also to say that Washington wants Jordan to move toward reform. With protests rocking the Middle East, the Obama administration is reaching out to King Abdullah II of Jordan, trying to reassure a b ...
- China wealth linked to obesityOver the next few days, Al Jazeera will be looking at the impact of rising food prices around the world. With increasing wealth in China, expensive culinary tastes have grown in popularity. And as Al Jazeera’s Melissa Chan now reports from Beijing, it is also impacting waistlines. Related posts: ...
- Russia: Destination Mars!A new word is launched in Russia: a Marsonaut. The six members of the simulation programme for a visit to Mars have started the third phase of the experiment, namely a Mars landing followed by the first Mars walk. The Russian flag now flies firmly and proudly on the Red Planet! Work is under way ...
Voiceless Victim
- Why Is Anyone Still A Catholic?On the day the Egyptian people succeeded in ousting an oppressive and controlling regime noted for abuse of power and human rights abuses, it is worthwhile to evaluate the refusal of ordinary Catholics to consider the consequences of their own selfish, mindless and cowardly support for the paed ...
- The Pope Calling The Berlusconi BlackI’ve heard some pretty obvious cases of the pot calling the kettle black, but the recent controversy over the Pope ticking off Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for child sexual exploitation shows how complete is the lack of self-awareness demonstrated by the psychopaths who surround and ...
- Let The Pope Try and Claim This Letter Was Mis ...Since the recent emergence of a secret letter from the Papal Nuncio to Ireland written to the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, which squashes any attempt by Irish Bishops to report child sexual abuse to the local police, the Vatican has predictably whined about the letter being “misunderstoo ...
- How Much More Evidence Do You Need Before You ...Documentary evidence was revealed in Ireland this week proving that Catholic officials do not report sex crimes against children to the police, and that this is official Church policy originating from Rome. Such disclosures should have been answered with judicial inquiries, charges being laid, a ...
- Bill Zeller and others must not die in vainThe tragedy of Bill Zeller’s lifetime of suffering from the effects of childhood sexual and physical abuse, which finally resulted in his recent suicide has touched people around the world. Bill was obviously a very special person and a great loss to those who knew him, and the rest of the world ...
WL Central
- 2011-01-07 EFF: The Best of Cablegate: Instanc ...TweetEFF has chosen the cables they feel have "been critical to understanding and evaluating controversial events." Their choices: “Dancing Boy” Scandal Alleges Child Prostitution, Possible Drug Use among U.S. Private Contractors Pfizer Allegedly Sought to Blackmail Nigerian Regulator to Stop L ...
- Twitter Details & Messages of Birgitta Jónsdót ...TweetThe US Department of Justice has issued a subpoena on Twitter for material related to Birgitta Jónsdóttir, including her personal details and, it can be assumed, all her private direct messages. Ms Jónsdóttir twittered thus: department of justice are requesting twitter to provide the info ...
- 2011-01-08: Peter King: Zeal of HypocritesTweetA month ago, on the 7th of December, a week after Peter King made his controversial Wikileaks Is Terrorism" comments, I posted this rather lengthy article to my blog, and linked to it from WL Central, documenting both King's hypocrisy and the possible motives he might have for taking such a ...
- 2011-01-08: U.S. DOJ Twitter Subpoena UpdatesTweetShortly after news of the subpoena issued to Twitter by the The U.S. Department of Justice emerged, an electronic copy of the subpoena surfaced and was, of course, circulated via Twitter. (A copy of the subpoena can be found here in pdf format.) Birgitta Jónsdóttir, one of 63 members of Ice ...
- 2011-01-08: Twitter on censorship: No censorsh ...TweetIt was December 14 when Twitter first received the sealed order to turn over information on several of its users. Twitter could simply have provided the information requested, instead of acting, on January 5, to have the order unsealed. The unsealing of the subpoena allowed the Twitter user ...
U N News
- UN official urges Latin American nations to ca ...The United Nations climate change chief today called on Latin American nations to fully capitalize on opportunities to take climate change action to the next level, building on the achievements reached at last year's conference in Cancún, Mexico.
- UN special envoy calls for overhaul of Haitian ...The Special Envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for Haiti is calling for an urgent overhaul of the country's education system, which she says is the cornerstone of the impoverished nation's future prosperity.
- Ban commends Ecuador's efforts on democracy, h ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today commended the efforts undertaken in Ecuador to consolidate democracy following last year's unrest, while also lauding advances related to indigenous issues, human rights and the environment.
- Haiti: UN joins national police in anti-crime ...The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti is conducting a two-pronged campaign to combat crime and violence, tracking down gangs while providing job training for youths in the impoverished country's two largest cities.
- UN chief to visit Ecuador and Peru next weekSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon will at the weekend travel to Ecuador and Peru for official visits during which he will confer with the leaders of the two countries, the United Nations announced today.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- Mystery Missile Launch, Big Pharma Begins Micr ...Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.
- 7/7: Seeds of DeconstructionThe British Government's story of what happened, how, and why is contained in three reports comprising just over 200 pages. There is virtually no forensic physical evidence in the public domain. The first two reports were published simultaneously in 2006, ten months after 7/7. One was a home off ...
- The Absurdity Of Starting A Small Business In ...In the 1950s only about 1 in 20 Americans needed the government blessing to do their job. Today, that number is more than 1 in 3. And government puts all kinds of requirements on would be entrepreneurs making it harder for these entrepreneurs to start and grow small businesses.
- CIA Whistleblower: “Heart Attack Gun”Senator: Does this pistol fire the dart? CIA Dir: Yes, it does, Mr. Chairman, and a special one was developed which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
- Naked Truth Behind Body ScannersHe's abusing his relationship with the public by pretending to be a public servant and talking about how these back-scatter scanners are going to make us safer? He stands to benefit because he's getting payed by the manufacturing companies to go all over the networks saying that these scanners a ...
Rewilding Institute
- Conservation News BriefCaptain Paul Watson to arrive in Australia for final preparations for Operation Musashi Friday Harbor, WA – Just days after reaffirming that they will head to the Southern Oceans alone to defend the whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary, even after Greenpeace and the Australian government h ...
- Whaling Opponents Collide at SeaOn board the Steve Irwin in the Ross Sea –February 6th, 2009, 0800 Hours (Sydney Time)Â February 5th, 2009 1300 Hours (PST), 75 Degrees 44 Minutes South and 165 Degrees 39 Minutes West The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin collided with the Yushin Maru No.2 this morning in the Ross Sea as the harpo ...
- Dave Foreman’s Recent Speech At Nebraska Wesle ...Here’s a great speech Dave did in Nebraska recently. Fetzer Lecture Rewilding North America THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Click Here To Listen In!
- New Website All About Mexican Gray Wolves!There are only 52 Mexican gray wolves in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico. The Rewilding Institute has joined with local, regional, and national conservation, scientific, and sportsmen’s organizations, and concerned citizens in launching a new website,, to help save this hig ...
- Follow Rewilding On TwitterWe’ve gotten with the times and signed up for a brand new Twitter account. Now you can follow TRI on Twitter and get updates when we have new posts on the site. Follow Rewilding on Twitter!
Asia Sentinel
- Indonesian Islamist Delivers Rant in CourtUnrepentant Islamic Defenders Front leader warns Christians
- China's "Fake News" CampaignFake, that is, except for government propaganda, which is okay
- China's Media Crackdown GrowsInfluential journalist is sacked in Guangdong
- Bhutan: Free Treatment, Complete DOTS Coverage ...
- Top Guns Tussle For India DealDefense firms seek new ways to win a massive fighter contract
We Know the Lies
- Just Like 1984... Total Media System Takeover� Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell�s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event. ~ Kurt Nimmo read more
- Montana... HB 278 Introduced to Remove US From ...A Montana Republican has introduced a bill that would create a volunteer armed militia called a "home guard," that would answer directly to the governor or local sheriffs during emergencies. ~ Video read more
- Obama Signs Martial Law Executive Order� One must read this one closely, when it dawns on you that the 10 Governors to be appointed by the President will perhaps soon correspond to the 10 FEMA REGIONS, effectively will be under the Secretary of Defense, hence the President in a system of Regional Military Governors over al ...
- HR 514... Patriot Act 'Short-Term' Extension F ...A plan that would have seen the House of Representatives extend controversial provisions of the Patriot Act with little debate failed Tuesday night, as a group of Republicans joined a majority of Democrats in voting no. ~ (See how they voted) read more
- FBI Memo... 'Disarm the People Though Bureauc ...President Obama is following George Soro's advice ruling by decree if he can not get his way with the new congress.One of the issues is gun control. No anti gun bill will never make it out of committee with a Republican dominated House of Representatives. He can not outright call for ban on t ...
Tatumba 2.0
- Message to HBGary From AnonymousTRANSCRIPT OF ANONYMOUS MESSAGE TO HBGARY: Greetings HBGary (a computer “security” company), Your recent claims of “infiltrating” Anonymous amuse us, and so do your attempts at using Anonymous as a means to garner press attention for yourself. How’s this for attention? You brought this upon your ...
- A Wikileaks for the Federal Reserve?12/02/2010 Please like, share, subscribe & comment! Ron Paul comments on the recent revelations about the Fed’s emergency loans and muses about a potential “Wikileaks for the Federal Reserve”. — –Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxe ...
- Obama/Cheney – Policy differences or high crim ...More at Swanson: Obama allowing Cheney to play offense; constitution demands prosecution This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Alex Jones:The Fall of the Republic The Presidency of Barack H. Obama (High Quality) Full A ...
- The crisis of neoliberalismDumenil: Neoliberalism imposed a new discipline on worker, cutting the progress of purchasing power. Watch Pt.2 of this story at Video Rating: 0 / 5 This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:The Broker Who Warned of the Cr ...
- Black Americans Still Face Higher Unemployment ...Black Americans Still Face Higher Unemployment, Incarceration Rates, and Lower Wages. The statistics do not lie. To me this is institutionalized societal racism. The Real News On ace with Jared Ball talks with Empower DC about the fight for affordable housing Video Rating: 5 / 5 This post is cou ...
Truth About Our World
- CANCER IS A FUNGUS … … AND IT IS ...By David Icke The figures are fantastic. Some eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide, more than half a million in the United States alone. The global number is predicted to rise to twelve million by 2030. Cancer is the biggest cause of death for people under 85 and in the US o ...
- David Icke – Get Off Your Ass – Ti ...
- Hogwash Alert: One Flu Shot To Protect All Hum ...The epitome of pseudoscientific research has just been raised a notch by influenza scientists. The claim which was recently brought to light earlier this year in lesser known publications, has now made its way to mainstream media to further infect the masses with a different brand of hogwash. Ac ...
- Why the Media is Usually Wrong about Health In ...What if wrong answers in medical research aren’t an exception, but actually the rule? Many scholars who scrutinize health research are saying that it isn’t just an occasional individual study that has flaws, but the entire framework of medical research itself. Over and over, major pillars of con ...
- Ron Paul: US to Blame for Egypt Chaos
- Why Qualcomm Has Its Wallet OutThe Elata and Flarion acquisitions reflect the outfit's need to keep abreast of tech's latest trends. Expect more of the same
- The Driving Force of DividendsJeffrey Kleintop of PNC Advisors sees dividend growth as a positive force for the current market -- and even some tech stocks
- Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
- Do Online MBAs Make the Grade?Their popularity is soaring, but some are diploma mills, making recruiters wary of virtual degrees. Here are tips for picking a good program
- Don't Count the U.S. Consumer OutDespite higher energy prices, we expect consumers to continue spending and the U.S. economy to grow
- What's Inside: Clorox Shares a Little By Rebecca Sutton, EWG Senior Scientist Last week (Feb. 9), Clorox surprised me when it took a small step along the path to complete disclosure - and real consumer empowerment - by releasing a list of all the fragrance ingredients... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for f ...
- Stewart to Pickens: "Is it horribly unsafe, is ...By Emily Ion, Dusty Horwitt, and Elaine ShannonOn a recent episode of Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show," Texas oil and gas executive T. Boone Pickens, proudly declared, "I have fracked 3,000 wells in my life. I have never seen... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website ...
- Plastic Pollution Is Everywhere. Including Yo ...By Lisa Frack, EWG Social Media Manager Unless you've been living under a rock, you're aware that plastic creates pollution. And if you've been paying any attention at all to the state of our planet, you've heard of the Great... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full l ...
- Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drin ...By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water everywhere you turn, you probably have a few questions. Of course you can read EWG's full report, but on the off... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website fo ...
- French law informs, protects cell phone usersBy Olga Naidenko, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist France will soon become the first nation anywhere to require merchants to inform consumers of the radiation levels of cell phones at the point of sale. The new French cell phone statute, part... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go high ...MANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said motorists would ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia Uprising ...Wellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom
Capital - NYC
- Subway planners present the No. 7 extension, w ...The thing about the planners and engineers and architects whose job it is to create municipal infrastructure—for example, the extension of the No. 7 subway line from 34th Street to 11th Avenue—is that they tend to think of people as problems to be solved. P ...
- 'Post' goes for heart with Yelena Bulchenko, ' ...Each day, the New York tabloids vie to sell readers at the newsstands on outrageous headlines, dramatic photography, and, occasionally, great reporting. Who is today's winner? More
- Williamsburg's Spectacle puts on a Valentine's ...Williamsburg’s Spectacle Theater is currently showing an exceptional survey of films for Valentine’s Day. The program, which runs the gamut from Hal Ashby’s Harold and Maude to Andrzej Zulawski’s Possession, proves why the relatively new theater’s in-house ...
- The fall of the Nassau Republican machine and ...To the casual observer of national politics, Peter King, whose Homeland Security committee will soon launch what amounts to a Congressional inquest into the loyalty of Muslim-Americans, probably seems like a perfect caricature of a Tea Party-era Republican. ...
- The fall of the Nassau Republican machine and ...To the casual observer of national politics, Peter King, whose Homeland Security committee will soon launch what amounts to a Congressional inquest into the loyalty of Muslim-Americans, probably seems like a perfect caricature of a Tea Party-era Republican. ...
Views & News from Norway
- No celebration over Chinese relationsJust before flying off to Brazil this week, Trade Minister Trond Giske addressed a seminar in Oslo on Hong Kong as a bridge to China, and managed to entirely avoid the issue of Norway’s tense relations with the Chinese following last fall’s Nobel Peace Prize controversy. Nor did any other speake ...
- ‘Treasure chest’ for tracing rootsData from the 1910 Norwegian census has recently been published by a new state genealogical website, making it easier for people to search for and find information on Norwegian relatives – a development described as a “treasure chest” by newspaper Aftenposten. Tracing family roots has recently b ...
- Svindal credits others for comebackNorwegian skiing star Aksel Lund Svindal hasn’t been having the gold-medal-drenched season his fans had expected, but now he’s roared back onto the winners’ platform, flashing his characteristic smile and reviving hopes for more medals. After failing to win either the downhill or super giant sla ...
- Shipowner: ‘Shoot the pirates’A 79-year-old veteran of Norway’s shipping industry thinks the international community and his own country are being much too kind in their dealings with today’s sea pirates off Somalia. He wants to shoot them on the spot. Jacob Stolt-Nielsen, patriarch of the Stolt-Nielsen shipping empire, wrot ...
- Norwegian remains in custody in the Philippine ...A 49-year-old Norwegian man remained in police custody in the Philippines on Tuesday, suspected of murdering a six-year-old girl on the island of Cebu. He insists there’s been a serious misunderstanding and that he has nothing to do with the girl’s disappearance or murder. Svein Erik Berger and ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
- Permaculture Design for Horses, People & Habit ...Click for larger view Introduction I want to share with you a few things about a permaculture design project I finished in late October 2010. Details of the design, some details of working with clients on design projects, basic costing and what to be aware of when doing so. I also outline how ...
- World One Poor Harvest Away From Chaosby Lester R. Brown, Earth Policy Institute Today there are three sources of growing demand for food: population growth; rising affluence and the associated jump in meat, milk, and egg consumption; and the use of grain to produce fuel for cars. In early January, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Org ...
- Final Frontier?Courtesy: Marc Roberts Digg this! Share this on Reddit Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon Share this on Share this on Facebook Post this to MySpace Add this to Google Bookmarks Post this on Di ...
- Advanced Solar, and Independence, at PRI’s Zay ...Zaytuna Farm, home of the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia, sets up an advanced solar electric system to demonstrate the best example of stand-alone solar electric power we can find. Here at Zaytuna Farm we have endeavored to demonstrate the efficiency and advantage of a stand alon ...
- How We Designed Our Solar Greenhouseby Rob Avis We live and garden on an urban lot in Calgary, Canada, located on the 51st parallel north and approximately 80 km east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. This northern climate presents many design challenges, including less than one hundred frost-free days, an annual mean t ...
Telecrap Urinal
- US Soldier Waterboards His 4-Year Old DaughterCan you believe this? A US soldier, upset that his 4-year old daughter could not recite the alphabet, waterboarded her. He knew that she was afraid of water and that is why he chose this form of punishment. Related posts:Cops Bust Up Frail 84-Year Old Woman With Alzheimers Local Blogger Catche ...
- Fish Hat Pope – Wake Up SoonStudio version of Fish Hat Pope' song 'Wake Up Soon' (altered lyrics to sunny afternoon by The Kinks!) Fish Hat Pope performed this live at the British Constitution Group meeting in London on Oct 31st 2009. Related posts:A little sniff for the dog mate? – Everything is OK Whistle Blowers W ...
- US Government: Why we let the Underwear Bomber ...The US Government now admits that they allowed the Underwear Bomber to board the Christmas Flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. Related posts:BREAKING NEWS: US Government Admits It Helped Underwear Bomber Board Plane Extensive Interview with Kurt Haskell – Witness to Underwear Bomber Flight 253: ...
- United Breaks Guitars – Don’t mess ...Well the United Airlines baggage handlers broke the guitar in to two pieces. Then Mr. Carroll complained to United and it fell on deaf ears. Because of that he vowed to write three songs about their callous disregard and uncaring attitude. Related posts:United We Fall – Canada is a figment of ...
- Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth by Ric ...9/11 was an inside job. Nano thermite and thermate were used to pulverize these buildings, and in the process murdered thousands of innocent people. Related posts:Nigerian Man is a Al-CIA-Duh Terrorist – USA Caught in False-Flag Terror Plot National Security Alert from the CIT Climategate Scan ...
Anna's News
- After 257 days two astronauts successfully lan ...After 257 days in a locked steel capsule, six researchers on a 520-day mock flight to Mars have finally �landed� on the Red Planet. The all-male crew - three Russians, a Chinese, a Frenchman and an Italian-Colombian - has been inside a windowless capsule Submitted by Anna Smith to Science & Tech ...
- Eating more fiber could mean longer lifeEat more fiber and you just may live longer.That's the message from the largest study of its kind to find a link between high-fiber diets and lower risks of death not only from heart disease, but from infectious and respiratory illnesses as well. Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Wellness �| ...
- China limits smoking in films, TV showsChina is ordering makers of films and TV shows to limit the amount of smoking depicted on-screen, the latest effort to curb rampant tobacco use in the country with the largest number of smokers in the world. Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 70 Excellent Links for Dyslexia SupportLiving as a dyslexic can be a difficult experience, especially when it comes to college courses. However, you should know that you�re not alone in your journey. With these helpful links, you can find resources including learning tools, communities,Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Wellness �| ...
- King Tut Statues Stolen From Egypt MuseumSad news was announced about some of the treasures kept at the Egyptian National Museum just after Hosni Mubarak stepped down as Egypt's president. Submitted by Anna Smith to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Medical Marijuana
- 2/14/11 - Health Care Reform Opinion Polls/Sur - NEW: Health Care Reform Opinion Polls/Surveys - A Jan. 15-19, 2011 poll by CBS and the New York Times found that 40% of Americans want to repeal the March 2010 health care law while 48% want to let it stand. A Dec. 14-15 FOX News poll found that 59% of respondents ...
- 2/14/11 - Help Win $5, - Help Win $5,000: Write a short review of by Feb. 28 for a contest at The most-reviewed nonprofit wins, so please take a few minutes and help us compete for the prize!
- 1/06/11 - Are the new health care reform laws - UPDATED: Are the new health care reform laws constitutional? - A Virginia federal court ruled on Dec. 13, 2010 that the mandatory insurance provision was unconstitutional. At least 24 other legal challenges to the laws have emerged. Read pro and con statements about ...
- 1/07/11 - Percentage of Men (by Country) Who P - NEW: Percentage of Men (by Country) Who Paid for Sex at Least Once: The Johns Chart - Studies have found that 80% of men in Cambodia, 45% in Italy, and 15-20% in the United States have paid for sex at least once in their lifetimes. Results from 15 countries are availabl ...
- 1/11/11 - 23 Constitutional Challenges to the - NEW: 23 Constitutional Challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) - The individual insurance mandate of the PPACA has been judged constitutional twice and unconstitutional once. Read the date filed, case name, PDF of the case itself, distri ...