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Learn moreThere's a trashy trend for capped landfills: turning the into solar or wind farms.
The finding could help explain the often observed association among people in developed countries.
Czech (nominally) right-wing prime minister, Mr
Petr Nečas, has vetoed the candidacy of Mr Ladislav Bátora, a deeply conservative intellectual, who was expected to become a deputy education minister of ...
After watching the first two episodes of “The Promise” on
Channel Four, I was sure
Peter Kosminsky’s advertising-savvy, cinematographic trickery would whip the audience into a passionate frenzy of Israel b...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 54 minutes ago
Here, miracle of miracles you might at first think, the
BBC website has reported a survey from the respected consultancy Verso Economics showing that the obscene rush to create renewable energy (mainly win...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 hour ago
In light of the new scathing report on G20 police abuse, and continued calls for an independent inquiry, this seems like a good time to post an update on my own relatively minor police complaint. I've jus...
Remains of the Husky-like dog, buried 7,000 years ago in Siberia, suggest people saw it as a thinking, social being.
*Navajo Vincent Yazzie, US Navy veteran, said John McCain takes sport in killing old men, women and children in Vietnam and the relocation of Navajos in Arizona *. Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogsp...
A new robot rover would move by firing downward and sideways-facing rocket nozzles.
Wolves are suspicious that what we are looking at, is not really what's in sight.
So I finished watching the fifth estate documentary about the G20 (kindly posted by Dr. Dawg), and now that the initial rush of rage has subsided, let's talk Godwin for a minute. I'm fastening on Liar-...
I had never heard of dress designer John Galliano, don't follow the fashion world-- went out of my way to stay in *another* part of town when music business brought me to Milan (i.e., the Principe di Savo...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 5 hours ago
*"Free expression has its limits!"* That said US Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton as *WikiLeaks* came forward with (a.o.) its known revelations about diplomacy. A loud *'booh!'* was heard almost ev...
Julia Gillard, a sickly five-year-old girl (chronic pneumonia) whose life was probably saved when her parents relocated from the cold, cloudy, windy, and rainy Wales to Australia where she became a prim...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
The Long Walk 3 northern route has only eight runners and walkers, and needs more to join them to walk and run into Lapwai, Idaho, on Monday, Feb. 28, 2011. Contact coordinator Chris Francisco: 503-515-6...
*On Friday I voice the opinion that people like Roger Ailes just aren't held to account for crimes like the one he now seems clearly to have committed in pressing Judith Regan to lie to federal investigato...
Can lead Cassini imaging scientist Carolyn Porco get a cameo on the next Star Trek movie? If this online petition works, director J.J. Abrams might have to give science democracy a chance.
*"Pliny the Elder says pearls are formed by drops of dew falling into the Oyster when he is yawning. Can't something be done about that man?"* *-- Will Cuppy, in "The Oyster" (from How to Attract the Wombat...
What could be worse a meteorite hitting you? Two meteorites hitting you! At the same time!
*HUMOUR:* *HUNGARIAN TOXIC SPILL:* * *Another cartoon from Stephanie McMillan.
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
*CONFEDERACY OF INDIGENOUS ARAB NATIONS *By Mohawk Nation News MNN. Feb. 24, 2011. If the Arab Indigenous nations can bring down the dictators, can they unite? Indigenous a...
*William Casey was Director of the CIA from 1981-87. Hours before he was due to testify before Congress about **Iran-Contra**, he was rushed off to hospital where he died. Casey would have known about hero...
*Chirs Lee likes transvestites; too bad he was a couple decades late for DC's most notorious Republican one* *- by Noah* But wait, there’s more, more than meets the eye, too! Remember when Congressman Ch...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 20 hours ago
Today is being called the second anniversary of the Tea Party movement in the US. The genesis of the movement actually began with a small taxpayer protest against the Democrat's massive "Stimulus Bill" spe...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 20 hours ago
If you have a long post, put some of it above the foldand split it with a "Read More..." under here Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
* Amr Moussa* Ashraf *Marwan* was Sadat's chief of staff. In 2002, the London-based Israeli historian Ahron Bregman alleged that * Marwan* was Israel's "master spy" in Cairo. Reportedly, Marwan may have b...
York Stop the Cuts Protesters Storm Council Budget Meeting Ah, the spectacle. Oh don't get me wrong, I support them. George Osborne is a coke snorting Rotschild servant. But no denunciation of the Masonic...
From Christy Clark's victory speech last night: "*Our party is a coalition, it is a great coalition, and I am proud of the support that I have received from all elements of that coalition*." Clark's tal...
*The Amadeus Quartet (Norbert Brainin and Siegmund Nissel, violins; Peter Schidlof, viola; Martin Lovett, cello) plays Schubert's Quartettsatz at Aldeburgh, 1977.* *by Ken* As I mentioned at the end of ...
It's been a fortnight since I last sat down in front of my computer and wrote something for this here blog. And, if I'm honest, I don't know when my next foray into topical commentary is going to be. For t...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
I spent a fair amount of Reading Week reading, but not a word of it was for school. I did not achieve my goal of getting caught up to the current post of Disunion, but I did start at the beginning and make...
I haven't heard anything about Darrell Issa investigating this-- probably the only thing he isn't investigating-- but perhaps he should get rid of the staff full of partisan hacks and hire some *Rolling S...
Censored News** *Photo: Long Walk 3 northern route by Christina Akaquiqui ***O'odham and other Border Patrol protesters continued protesting the militarization and occupat...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 1 day ago
From IVAW, on Common Dreams: Iraq Veterans Against the War to Troops: “We Are Public Employees Too!” Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) calls on all U.S. military service members to refuse and resist a...
Karim Pakradoni is part and parcel of the Infamous White House Murder INC, since 1997.... and ALL the documentary evidence is in a safe place...... ** كريم بقرادوني والموساد ** ** *القذافي والموساد...
In recent days, the BBC has been leading the charge against what it alleges is our evil arms trade. Nicky Campbell is currently running such a debate on his dreadful Big Question programme. The meme is tha...
*SAS enters Libya (Mail on Sunday).* Libya, once one of the poorest countries in the world, now has the highest Human Development Index score in Africa. (Wikipedia.) It is well ahead of certain countries ...
The BBC application on my iPod Touch led me to the following article: Dark matter theory challenged by gassy galaxies result This stuff is based on a preprint by McCaugh. This paper chooses some "gassy ...
Was watching Peter Mandelson on the Marr programme. Now the Marr sofa's prime purpose is to provide a platform for a series of leftists to come on and attack the Coalition but Mandelson, as ever, pushed th...
From the air, a pilot tells his passengers to look out the right-hand side of the aircraft. What they saw next was caught on camera.
*CANADIAN LABOUR MANITOBA:* *'MANITOBA MIKE' MAYBE:* American film maker Michael Moore has a long history of supporting the cause of labour, and some of his support has been to Canadian unions such as du...
*The "middle period" Borodin Quartet (Mihail Kopelman and Andrei Abramenkov, violins; Dmitri Shebalin, viola; Valentin Berlinsky, cello) plays the Andante cantabile from Tchaikovsky's First String Quartet...
"Long before quantum mechanics, the German philosopher Husserl said that all perception is gamble. Every type of bigotry, every type of racism, sexism, prejudice, every dogmatic ideology that allows peop...
"Long before quantum mechanics, the German philosopher Husserl said that all perception is gamble. Every type of bigotry, every type of racism, sexism, prejudice, every dogmatic ideology that allows peop...
On Feb. 27, 2010, the 8.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Chile sent seismic waves circling Earth's surface several times and caused microquakes in California.
Photos copyright Preston J. Arrow-weed, published with permission by Censored News. Preston J Arrow-weed, on behalf of the Pipa A-Koots Quechan elders, honored Long Walkers from the southern route 3 f...
Watch the full episode. See more Masterpiece. *The final episode of Any Human Heart airs this week on most PBS stations. In the New York area, for example, it's tomorrow night on channel 13 and Monday...
Contact: Red Nation Media, Nadine Aragon, 818.854.6078, *THE COEN BROS 'TRUE GRIT' SHOWS AMERICAN INDIAN IN HANGMAN STAND AS THE 83RD ACADEMY AWARDS APPROACHES *By Red Nation Media *Phot...
The main thing I worry about personally with climate change and ecosystem collapse is the fate of my three beloved daughters, because it has been demonstrated throughout human history that women are the firs...
The Real News: Egyptian Military Supports US Dominance In Region
*10 Democratic congressmen signed... which is just fine with the DCCC* Once again, the DCCC-- now run by military brainwashing victim/"ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel-- has the hypocrisy flag unfurled and flappi...
In this video, Terence McKenna, (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000), reminds us that the individual is the center of the universe. Not government, not culture, not religion, but your own individuality and ...
“Day of Rage” in Iraq: 23 Killed by Government February 26, 2011 Obama has not condemned the Nouri al-Maliki regime in Iraq for killing at least 23 people during the country’s “Day of Rage” o...
[image: Casas, castillos y jardines de ensueño I (7 fotos)][image: Las mejores imágenes, en un solo lugar.] Me encanta ver las casas con *hermosos jardines cubiertos de flores*. Quizás a usted también y po...
[image: El Coliseo en Roma - Rome Coliseum]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para compartir nuestras im...
[image: Hermoso paisaje en la playa - Amazing beach landscape]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para co...
[image: Expedición de fantasía - Fantasy expedition (1920x1200px)]*Haz click aquí* o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook par...
February 25, 2011
February 24, 2011
February 23, 2011
February 22, 2011
February 18, 2011
February 17, 2011
February 16, 2011
February 15, 2011
February 14, 2011
February 11, 2011