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- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 29 minutes agoOur radio ads in NJ-7 and FL-24, exposing the gross hypocrisy of Leonard Lance and Sandy Adams-- each of whom tried to deceive their constituents by claiming to not taking government-subsidized healthcare...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 30 minutes agoGlenn Beck’s Secret *TheAlexJonesChannel* You Tube February 24, 2011 The truth Beck doesn’t want you to know. Glenn Beck is playing with fire by manipulating people's minds, and mixing lies with new wo...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 58 minutes agoCompared to other countries, America is 40 years behind reprocessing radioactive materials.
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 58 minutes agoThe quake has so far caused nearly 100 deaths, with 226 more people listed as missing.
- Around 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type - at least for the Europeans - and he began to print one copy of the Bible after another. This year, it turned out that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, ...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 hour agoGavin Schmidt has been fighting against Judith Curry for some time (on discussion pages of Curry's blog - Part I and Part II - Real Climate, Watts' blog, and other places); see e.g. Climate Progress. Th...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 hour agoA homeless resident of a tent city in Sacramento, CA, March 10, 2009 (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) ------------------------------ OP-ED COLUMNIST At Grave RiskBy BOB HERBERT Published: February 21, 2...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 hour agoFebruary 23, 2011 *Democracy And The Battle In Wisconsin* John Nichols: We don't elect kings with term limits, democracy is a struggle over public policy More at The Real News Go to original *B...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 1 hour agoBefore the Egyptian uprisings we were told that we in the West must support tyranny to maintain stability. After the uprisings we were told that our newly discovered duty is to oppose tyranny and support d...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoCats attach to humans, and particularly women, as social partners, and it's not just for the sake of obtaining food.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago*Sometimes they get worse as time goes by* Monarchies and family dynasties pretty much always devolve into kleptocracies supported by brutal extra-national forces loyal to the dictator personally rather t...
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoEmbedded in bank notes, these tiny trackers could be a potent anti-counterfeiting technology.
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 hours agoOn Saturday, February 19, Zimbabwean police raided a meeting of the International Socialist Organisation. 52 people were arrested - students, union members and workers - and are still being detained at Har...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoThe forest nitrogen cycle begins with 100-year-old trees and the moss that grows on them.
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 5 hours agoThe assaults aimed to push back a rebellion that have moved closer to Gadhafi bastion in the capital, Tripoli. The *revolution* has already broken away nearly the eastern half of Libya and unraveled part...
- posted by at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours agoAlex Soto: 602.881.6027 *Border Patrol Headquarters Occupation Protesters Stand Tria...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 8 hours agoWhen the CIA topple Sukarno in 1965 they gave the Indonesian military a list of people to be dealt with. *Up to one million people were then murdered. *CIA Support of Death Squads It could happen in Nor...
- posted by BKLim Independent Geohazards Specialist at Our Manmade Disasters - 8 hours agoby Jared Wade on June 16, 2010 ( ) Yesterday, Emily did a post recounting Aon’s list of the top five global hotspots for earthqua...
- posted by Elephant Buddy01 at Our Manmade Disasters - 9 hours ago*Shallow Quakes associated with the New Madrid Fault & BP's Mega Oil Spill.* - by BK Lim (23 Feb 2011) email: Is there a common factor between the quake off Fort Morgan on 1...