What They Said About the Climate Models
Meteorologist Roy Spencer has spent 40 years studying climate.
He’s one of those big bad climate skeptics you may have heard of
– and the recipient of NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achieve-
ment Medal for his work on temperature-monitoring satellites.
Back in 2009 he wrote a great blog post titled How Do Climate
Models Work? In his words:
He’s one of those big bad climate skeptics you may have heard of
– and the recipient of NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achieve-
ment Medal for his work on temperature-monitoring satellites.
Back in 2009 he wrote a great blog post titled How Do Climate
Models Work? In his words:
Generally speaking, a climate model is a computer program
mostly made up of mathematical equations.
Climate modellers attempt to simulate the real world in order to
gain insight. But Spencer warns that these simulations have
profound limitations:
…even if a climate model handled 95% of the processes in thegain insight. But Spencer warns that these simulations have
profound limitations:
climate system perfectly, this does not mean the model will be
95% accurate in its predictions. All it takes is one important
process to be wrong for the models to be seriously
Freeman Dyson – who happens to be one of the world’s most
eminent physicists (in addition to being a climate skeptic):
I have studied the climate models and I know what they can do.eminent physicists (in addition to being a climate skeptic):
The models solve the equations of fluid dynamics, and they do a
very good job of describing the fluid motions of the atmosphere and
the oceans. They do a very poor job of describing the clouds, the
dust, the chemistry and the biology of fields and farms and forests.
They do not begin to describe the real world that we live
The real world is muddy and messy and full of things that we do not
yet understand. It is much easier for a scientist to sit in an
air-conditioned building and run computer models, than to put on
winter clothes and measure what is really happening outside in the
swamps and the clouds. That is why the climate model experts end
up believing their own models.
With regards to climate models, their deficiencies are
airbrushed. We never see the actual temperatures simulated by
the models, only their deviations, hiding fundamental problems
of the model temperature simulations. There are no agreed upon
metrics for evaluating climate models.
airbrushed. We never see the actual temperatures simulated by
the models, only their deviations, hiding fundamental problems
of the model temperature simulations. There are no agreed upon
metrics for evaluating climate models.
( Another quip comes to mind. It's difficult to get a chap to admit to
something when his continued employment requires he support
the opposite. )
something when his continued employment requires he support
the opposite. )
Climate sceptics and scientists
attempt peace deal? As if.
Pearce still sees the world through his “greenhouse”
mirror–and so he reports things back-to-front:
mirror–and so he reports things back-to-front:
His [Ravetz] dream of an instant rapprochement in Lisbon
didn’t come off. The eventual make-up of the workshop,
paid for by the European Commission, was too lopsided
in favour of the sceptical camp.
Lopsided in “favour” of skeptics? That’s a funny way to
describe a meeting where the other team was invited,
but was too scared to turn up. Nothing is more important
than climate change, right, but for the most part, the
volunteers made the time to come unpaid, and the paid
hacks found excuses to stay away.
describe a meeting where the other team was invited,
but was too scared to turn up. Nothing is more important
than climate change, right, but for the most part, the
volunteers made the time to come unpaid, and the paid
hacks found excuses to stay away.
One day Pearce will realize that the skeptics almost universally
have little financial vested interest, and that this is the largest
whistleblowing groundswell of scientists ever, and he’s not
only missed the biggest science communication news in decades.
have little financial vested interest, and that this is the largest
whistleblowing groundswell of scientists ever, and he’s not
only missed the biggest science communication news in decades.
Telecrap Urinal

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February 7th: The House is trying to ram through a sneaky renewal of the PATRIOT Act this week! They’re doing it without debate, and without including any meaningful reforms.
Provincial News


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A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism: TerrorStorm
The following full-length in full HD documentary, TerrorStorm, chronicles a history of government sponsored terrorism. To all Denialists, you are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. You are in love with your captors.
This video removes all doubt that our governments have been and continue to be involved in false flag terrorism on its own people.