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- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 35 minutes agoWhile everyone is enduring yet another full day of BBC reporting negatively about the nasty cuts forced on the poorest by the Conservative-led Coalition, it's also necessary to check out the BBC's reportin...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 36 minutes agoA spacecraft will zoom within 125 miles of the comet at more than 24,000 miles per hour.
- posted by Jorge Ribas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 36 minutes agoThe Friday News Feedbag podcast pits Discovery News reporters James Williams and Jorge Ribas in a head-to-head match with only one science story at their disposal. Host Will Johnson keeps order. If this is...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 51 minutes ago------------------------------ February 13, 2011 *The History of Military Dictatorship in Egypt* Gilbert Achcar: Military rule in Egypt began with Nasser's overthrow of King Farouk and increasing in...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 59 minutes ago
Image via Wikipedia
When I was a kid I would spend the summers in Mount Freedom, New Jersey, a few minutes north of the district now represented by career politician Leonard Lance. I have a lot of friends and relatives in th... - A topic for Valentine's Day. Did you ever want to know how the/an average German woman or the/an average black American woman looks like? Those questions have already been calculated by Face Research. ...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 1 hour agoHappy Valentine's Day! If you are like me and are still looking to finish up some valentines, marshmallow flowers are a simple answer. After seeing them at a baby shower awhile back, I knew I had found an...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoThe volunteers are part of a 520-day experiment to test the readiness of humans for an extended mission to the Red Planet.
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoLocalized cyclone strike and flooding stress on the Great Barrier Reef likely to have far-reaching effects.
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 hours agoA plantation greenhouse where Frederick Douglass spent part of his childhood was not as uniquely European as once thought.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 2 hours ago. Brian Gerrish - The Quisling Plan For Change
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 hours agoIn March 2000, scientists at *The Independent* proved that there would never be any snow again: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past Researchers from world-renowned places such as the University ...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoAnalysis from a dating website offers surprising advice for those who really need to know.
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoFollowing the exit of Egypt's President Mubarak, the minister of antiquities reverses an earlier statement and reveals valuable objects were stolen during a recent break-in.
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 4 hours agoTwo weeks ago, Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed a new border "security" agreement with the United States. Completed without public input or Parliamentary debate, the agreement aims to bring Canada's se...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 4 hours agoEgypt's representative to the United States says *Hosni Mubarak* may be in "bad health," the first word on the 82-year-old oust president's health. Speaking Monday on NBC's "Today" program, *Sameh Shouk...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 4 hours ago*President Barack Obama* is sending parliament a $3.73 trillion spending blueprint that pledges $1.1 trillion in deficit investments over the next decade through spending cuts and *tax* increases. Obam...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago*As you probably know, Nicholas Ruiz is the first congressional candidate endorsed by Blue America for the 2012 cycle. He's running against a right-wing fanatic and egregious hypocrite, Sandy Adams, in FL...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 5 hours ago*I had read about this, and am pleased to see the 'no' vote. Last country in Europe with a militia. Even if it is a 'globalist' safe haven. * Swiss says 'no' to gun control vote Swiss voters have thrown ou...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 6 hours agoSilvio Berlusconi faces nation's women as a million protesters take to streets Marches were held in 200 towns and cities throughout the country as Italians voiced their anger and frustration at the 74-yea...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 6 hours agoFritz Zwicky, a top 20th century astronomer, was born on February 14th, 1898 - on Valentine's Day 113 years ago. He was actually born in Varna, Bulgaria - a city where I spent two weeks when I was approxi...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 6 hours ago"What on earth are you doing...you're worse than black people!" This guy always makes me laugh, but then kind of get serious when I realise he's right. h/t This is the kind of 'dialogue' that solves pro...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 6 hours agoThe 'white' sites claim 10000 were there. No media has reported this. They carry 'Celtic' crosses and apparently are protesting immigration. While I am against the race replacement currently going on in ...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 8 hours agoAttacking Israel with malice aforethought is one of this country’s favourite pastimes. From grave political misrepresentation emanating from MPs and broadcasters, to gossip and urban myth perpetuated by pr...
- Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnSl2VSviXc *Enjoy your Valentine's Day!* John
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 11 hours agoOn Friday, Jeremy Lovell of ClimateWire wrote the following article for the *New York Times*: Climate Change Skeptics Out-Dramatize Believers in London During the last month, two plays hit the stages of L...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 12 hours ago*Blogger's Note:* Most of my readers correctly infer that I am a progressive Democrat. But you might not be aware of my epiphany that, at the grass roots level, there are a number of things that honest f...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago*Pigeons walking in at my window and sneering at me* *"Anyone walking across the Yard (Campus to you, please) was beset by large birds who insisted on climbing up his waistcoat and looking about in his wa...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 16 hours ago*The US Embassy in Peru engaged in espionage of Indigenous activists, as it organized to promote mining* By Brenda Norrell Article copyright Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Photo credit: ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago*"Rummy's memoir, 'Known and Unknown,' is an unnerving reminder of how the Iraq hawks took crazy conditionals and turned them into urgent imperatives to justify what the defense chief termed 'anticipatory...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 17 hours agoBrookings Institute: "Which Path to Persia?" *The war has already begun, total war is a possibility.* Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post February 13, 2011 While the corporate owned media h...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 17 hours agoEngineered Economic Collapse Approaching Eric Blair Activist Post February 13, 2011 Ron Paul constantly reminds us that money is created out of thin air, which is to say it's an illusion. Therefore, the d...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 17 hours agoWill democracy in Egypt benefit the Palestinians? By Alan Hart February 13, 2011 For decades, and despite much rhetoric to the contrary, American-led Western policy has been to prefer Arab dictatorship (a...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 20 hours agoLast Sunday we met, or re-met, former Bush Surgeon General Richard Carmona, one of Jordan Rubin's "Health Legends" from his new book, The Raw Truth. This week, let's look at another of Rubin's Legends and...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 21 hours agoSee also http://www.digitalsurvivors.com/archives/communistbodycount.php http://www.youtube.com/user/axis4peace3
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 22 hours agoAnother Step Toward Mainstreaming Nonviolence By Ken Butigan WagingNonviolence.org Published: February 12, 2011 The movement that ended President Hosni Mubarak’s thirty year autocratic rule not only has ...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours agoIn December 2010, the CMS collaboration at the LHC released its bounds on supersymmetry: SUSY: CMS exclusion limits way beyond Tevatron but lower than expected The ATLAS collaboration is larger than the...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 22 hours agoWhy Bradley Manning Is a Patriot, Not a Criminal An Opening Statement for the Defense of Private Manning By Chase Madar TomDispatch.com Published: February 10, 2011 Bradley Manning, a 23-year-old from Cre...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 23 hours agoI think our American friend here is trying to be overly polite. He's right on the money as far as I am concerned. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/resistanceradio/2011/02/11/the-mistrbrit-show http://www.resis...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*The American Quartet plays the opening movement of Shostakovich's Third Quartet.* *by Ken* As I've been mentioning in Friday night's and last night's previews, next weekend the St. Petersburg Quartet, ...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day ago*I have found it odd for quite a while, just why it is that the Christian right tend to be the ones denouncing separation of church and state. I suppose they think the main influence is held by the church ...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 1 day ago*Echoes of history -- echoes from Germans tearing down a wall, *Mubarakobama-Pinocchio continues a proud American tradition: "declare victory and leave".... Muslim Brotherhood becoming party to power in...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoFor a moment there I thought Bez had woken up. LOL! Imagine that. Awesome. Don't worry though, we don't really have a curfew after 9. I'm sure ministers are working on it as we speak however. ;) Actua...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoMiddle class children suffering rickets Middle class children in the south of England are suffering from the '17th century disease' rickets as parents cover them in sunscreen and limit time outside in the...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoSo far there have been 34 votes in the House. Most of the votes have been symbolic nods to the Republican base. There has been no serious lawmaking or policy. On top of that Boehner and Cantor have let th...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoOoh that officer looks awkward. http://theintelhub.com/2011/02/12/port-officer-says-nukes-have-been-found-in-or-near-san-diego/ Hey does anyone remember this... *"Conclusion Six nuclear weapons disappea...
- *There are many things* one can tell me, but I keep verifying messages that appear hard to believe. The flurry of new earthquakes in the Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA) and the, at this very hour,...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*After its aborted earlier attempt at a recording of the 15 Shostakovich string quartets for Sony, the St. Petersburg Quartet began its eventually completed traversal for Hyperion -- one of the great proje...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoEgypt shows 'clash of civilizations' was a myth By Arun Kundnani CNN February 12, 2011 Since the end of the Cold War, conservatives have argued that the world should be seen through the lens of a clash be...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoDoes America Need an Egyptian-Style Non-Violent Revolution? By Washington's Blog February 12, 2011 Yesterday, I pointed out that the the Egyptian protesters are acting more like the free people which Ame...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 1 day agoIf you're not reading DownWithTyranny – a marvellous, thoughtful, progressive source from one of our friends to the south – then start now. KenInNY may not be the first to compare and contrast the ouste...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoLet's face it. People are sheep. This is true in America, and pretty much everywhere else. For most of the time, at least. This is just the way most of us are wired. Watch these fucking idiots chant "USA!...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 1 day ago*INTERNATIONAL LABOUR:* *GIVE HERSHEY A VALENTINE:* Valentine's Day is coming up on Monday, and now is a good time to look at the root of where a lot of our chocolate comes from ie child labour in the ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoIt was only to be predicted, of course: the Right taking credit for the "triumph of democracy" in Egypt. As if the righties had done anything at all to support the wide ideological spectrum of forces chaf...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day ago“Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the ...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day agoCante Tenza Okolakiciye - Strong Heart Warrior Society Free & Independent Lakota Nation Box 512, Hill City, South Dakota 57745 605-454-0449 or 605-517-1547 lakotaoyate.net Feb 13, 2011 Contact: Duane Martin...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day ago“Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoIt was just 4 months ago-- almost to the day-- when Alaska teabagger Joe Miller (the guy who ran for senator) explained how to deal with illegal immigration by babbling ''The first thing that has to be do...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoAh, the vacuous non-debate... Ken Clarke warns middle class over cuts The middle classes are unaware of the scale of government spending cuts that will hit them this year, Justice Secretary Ken Clarke has...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 1 day ago[image: Wallpapers y fondos de perritos y cachorros I] *ATENCIÓN:* Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamañ...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 1 day ago[image: Colección de wallpapers fantásticos I] *ATENCIÓN:* Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamaño y guar...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 1 day ago[image: Colección de fondos y texturas abstractos 1] *ATENCIÓN:* Para ver todas las fotos de esta serie, navegue usted hacia abajo y haga click sobre las imágenes que más le gusten para ampliar su tamaño ...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoThe CIA’s Culture of Impunity By Scott Horton Harper's Magazine Published: February 10, 2011 What happens to a CIA agent who authorizes the torture of an innocent citizen of a NATO ally, leaving a long tr...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day ago" In January 2011, the EU Observer stated that France stands to lose a case at the European Court of Justice over its neglect of the Great Hamster of Alsace, a species facing extinction. Sweden was about t...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 1 day agoThere is a clearer video by CNN on Youtube, however, they don't allow embedding. ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoA Long Road From Kilgallen To Casolaro By George Bailey Oswald's Mother Published: February 9, 2011 “The Octopus – Eight people who changed the course of the world, a real life “Mission Impossible” team ...
- posted by Gail at Wit's End - 2 days agoSince returning from the California desert I have been freshly shocked to see how quickly the trees in New Jersey are deteriorating, after only a week away. What makes me able to recognize how obviously wro...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 2 days agoForces Behind the Egyptian Revolution Submitted by Michael Collins on Fri, 02/11/2011 - 04:57 (Washington, DC) Two critical forces behind the Egyptian Revolution are missing from the front pages, or a...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days agoWhat a compelling, beautiful, inspiring speech. I wish he accurately described my country's policies. It doesn't. The world isn't that simple, straight forward and idealistic. It's still a nice speech an...
- posted by Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 2 days agoUnfortunately I'm going to have to slow down my rate of posting for the foreseeable future. I've been working since mid-November and after increasing my hours I am finding it very difficult to summon the ...
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 2 days agoWith the BC Libs up in the polls and the NDP self-imploding as only the NDP can, the BC Liberal leadership is, once again, a prize worth having. And it shows. From all reports, the party's membership has s...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoToday, people all over the world will celebrate the enormous victory of the Egyptian people. They have deposed a dictator! Join them in celebration. In Toronto, come to Dundas Square in the afternoon. S...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days agoYesterday, just as the psychopaths from the Tea Party Express were painting a target on Olympia Snowe's back, the mainstream conservative Maine senator joined a bipartisan coalition introducing the Curren...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoOriginally uploaded by Sarah Carr Journalist Sarah Carr has taken some amazing photos documenting the People's Revolution in Egypt: go here. Carr's website is here. Thanks to Allan for the send.
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoAs you may have heard, a former Resident of the White House recently cancelled a trip to Switzerland because he didn't want to be arrested - or humiliated. From *The Nation*: George Bush has done a pretty...
- posted by DB at Biased BBC - 2 days agoFrom Michael Buerk's intro to the Moral Maze this week (via Bishop Hill): "not long ago, to question multiculturalism... risked being branded racist and pushed into the loathesome corner with paedophiles a...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 2 days ago*HUMOUR:* *A CHILLING PROSPECT:* As I promised, another interesting and amusing cartoon from Stephanie McMillan.
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days ago*The final two and a half minutes of the Shostakovich Fourth Quartet (1949), played by the Emerson Quartet* The final pianissimo, like a last sigh, flew off into the hall and returned to us a barely audi...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days ago"A common refrain among pundits is that fear of radical Islam requires (reluctant) opposition to democracy on pragmatic grounds. While not without some merit, the formulation is misleading. The general t...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 days agoRED NATION CELEBRATION CONTACT Red Nation Media Public Relations Nadine Aragon 818.854.6078 info@rednation.com *AMERICAN INDIAN MUSIC CELEBRATED DURING GRAMMY AWARDS WEEK * By Red Nation Celebration** Cens...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoEgypt's Democratic Uprising Exposes the U.S. Corporate Welfare Scheme of Military 'Foreign Aid' By Ernest A. Canning Bradblog.com Published: February 3, 2011 "The problems the protesters are trying to ad...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days agoIf you've been following our Healthcare Hypocrites Campaign, you know that one of the Republican hypocrites we highlighted with our ads is New Jersey career politician Leonard Lance. The ad started runni...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoThe Egyptian Revolution: A Democracy Now! Special on Mubarak’s Resignation
- posted by Marianne English at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoSmall amounts of alcohol at an early age can have a long-lasting impact on fish and humans alike.
- posted by Craig at Biased BBC - 2 days agoReviewing a day's output (6.00am-10.00pm) of the* BBC News Channel* might perhaps give another perspective on the endemic problem of BBC bias. In the comments field below you will find a detailed run-throu...
- posted by Craig at Biased BBC - 2 days agoReviewing a day's output (6.00am-10.00pm) of the *BBC News Channel* might perhaps give another perspective on the endemic problem of BBC bias. In the comments field below you will find a detailed run-thro...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days agoFormer Blue Dog Steve Israel was appointed head of the DCCC by Nancy Pelosi, in her most boneheaded move since taking impeachment off the table. Israel is working hand-in-paw with Heath Shuler to recruit ...
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoNo one has figured out how to read the enigmatic Voynich Manuscript, but now we know how old it is.
- posted by Nicole Gugliucci at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoIt's looking like a rainy day in the Orion Nebula.
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 2 days agoToday is not a day for hand-wringing and fear, for asking and re-asking, What will come next. Today is a day for joy! Celebrating today will not hurt tomorrow. Celebrate this incredible victory by the ...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoGuy the Gorilla, described as a "superb specimen of masculinity," is just one of many animals featured in a London exhibit on sexual nature.
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 2 days agoTwo new polls to report in Alberta. First up comes the latest from Janet Brown, who has earned a solid reputation for projecting Alberta elections: PC 40% WAP 33% ALP 19% NDP 8% AP 0.1% I feel badly for ...
- posted by Craig at Biased BBC - 2 days agoThe old Open Thread has fled to Sharm el Shiekh. A new Open Thread has been installed. Let the protests against the reporting bias of the BBC continue! Click through to read and contribute comments on thi...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoMen: If you're looking to score points with that new phone, don't bother. Get a dog instead.
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 days agoThe main Google web page shows the following animated GIF image: Thomas Alva Edison was born 164 years ago. Congratulations to his fans! He had his main lab in Menlo Park, New Jersey - a place that all p...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 3 days agoCANADA/ENVIRONMENT - Deep underneath Niagara Falls a 4,000 tonne drill named "Big Becky" is drilling a 10.2 kilometre long tunnel, 14 meters wide, that is soon due to near its goal above the Niagara Falls....
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days agoBlue America has had a running battle with Wall Street shill Rahm Emanuel for as long as we existed as a PAC. Our enthusiasm for Carol Moseley Braun is not about Rahm Emanuel though. Yes, electing him may...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days agoPaul Owns the Sabre, 71, ready to walk for diabetes By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo by Brenda Norrell. Paul Owns the Sabre at the culmination of the Longest Walk in 2008. SAN FRANCISCO -- Paul Owns t...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago"[The Americans] woke up this morning, they got on the phone, and everything that was supposed to happen 24 hours ago, has happened now...it's like a re-run of yesterday, but with the outcome we expected."...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago" Signs to look for a Satanist can be things such as time-loss MPD/DID. This might be a sign of early childhood trauma. Research into this if you're not aware. Christ said you will know them by their deeds...
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 3 days agoA little bit more on the BBC promoting an exhibition of photographs by the German propagandist photographer with the chilling rictus grin and the “who, me?” shrug. I first heard it advertised on Radio 4’s ...
- posted by John D. Cox at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoSevere winter in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes are the result of a breakdown in the normal patterns of air pressure, winds, and the loss of sea ice in the Arctic.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoOkay so I'll play along for a moment. Is this a Racist video? Why no black baby in this video? Where is the Diversity? This video may Exclude Minorities. flashback - Newsweek: Is Your Baby Racist? Here...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 days agoLast night at 9 p.m., the BBC Radio 4 broadcast another 30-minute program about the psychology of deniers: In denial: climate on the couch (audio, HTML) I happen to be able to listen to it from the Czech ...
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoOcean modelers are tracking the denizens of the deep from the deluge of data collected during the Census of Marine Life.
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 3 days ago*February , 2011 -- Arab popular revolutions to spread south into sub-Saharan Africa* America has not seen the end of the loss of its puppets and client-dictators.... A source with close connections...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agohttp://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaulClassics Some people had 'got it' way back then. Was your correspondent as much as a zygote at that time? Not sure.
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoThe device delivers burn-like sensations but does not damage nerves or skin.
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 3 days agoBy John W. Whitehead 1/24/2011 full text here “Of course, there is no doubt that if we lived in a police state, it would be easier to catch terrorists. If we lived in a country that allowed the police...
- Url movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40TzpjCbx6g Good advertisement! Here is the address...- to buy a book about survival in the wilderness (for example). Question: Can we ever live without *fear* - ...
- posted by Cristen Conger at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAlmost a quarter of adult American couples are meeting online, but online dating is just an initial step toward building a lasting relationship.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days agoAbout a week ago I got a fundraising letter from Lynn Woolsey. I didn't realize at the time that she might be concerned because one of her patrons, well-connected conservative Big Business shill Jane Harm...
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 3 days agoWith Stelmach's announcement that he will stay on as Premier until this fall, there's plenty of time for his would-be-successors to put together campaign teams and sign up Albertans. Still, the field is st...
- posted by Williams Stephan at 24 Hours News Update - 3 days agoEgypt's military has thrown its weight at the back President *Hosni Mubarak's* decision not to resign but to transfer most of his powers to his vice president. Friday's statement is likely to further e...
- posted by Amy Dusto at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoSome design students are giving their creations a taste for flesh.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoA whopping 94 percent of global data is now stored digitally, up from 0.8 percent 25 years ago.
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 3 days ago*The Big Bang Theory* is always a lot of intelligent fun but the newest episode 04x15, *The Benefactor Factor*, was also addressing a serious topic, namely the funding of science. The president of the u...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoLast week, Dextre unpacked cargo from the Japanese HTV freighter, adding some helpful robotic hands to in-orbit activities.
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoSpace station flight engineer Cady Coleman isn't slacking on her music practice even though she's in orbit.
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 3 days ago*WRITE YOUR OWN CAPTION* AIPAC September 1, 1982 Today has been a day that should make all of us proud. It marked the end of the successful evacuation of the P.L.O. from Beirut, Lebanon. This peaceful...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days agoI always have to rummage around the Thurber books to find "The Letters of James Thurber," a piece of which I'm extremely fond. It first appeared in *The New Yorker* of Oct. 8, 1938, not long after Jim an...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days agoI don't watch much television news (except for CNN and CBC on some days), but I'm certain that Anderson Cooper is the best news anchor on television. He is emerging as a far more important voice in the med...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 3 days agoWe will probably see a follow up soon...by Paul Wolfowitz. I believe that John Bolton, Cheney, and probably Rummy have already put their 2 cents in. To be fair, james Woolsey is also the president of Bo...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days agoStruggles for land and justice: Splitting the Sky nominates professor Anthony J. Hall for peace award Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com ALBERTA, Canada -- Writing a peace prize nomination, S...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 3 days agoIt's quite possible that I'm investing this with more significance than it really merits. What can I say – sometimes my inner drama queen needs to get out. The context: Thursday evening, Queen car westbou...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 3 days ago*BLOGGING:* *REPORT FROM THE MOLLY UPDATE DEPARTMENT:* I did it ! I did it ! I did it ! After some rather humbling communication from a Bosnian comrade last December I set myself the task of editing the l...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 days ago*Behind the scenes at Charm City Cakes -- the first showing of the final episode of Ace of Cakes, "Charm City Cakes Goes Back to the Future" (with Michael J. Fox and Leah Thompson promised), airs on Food ...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 3 days agoLast Tuesday, I attended an IS forum entitled "Egypt and Tunisia: From Resistance to Revolution". There were two speakers: Dr. Mohammed Shokr, of the Egyptian National Association for Change and the Cana...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 3 days agoIf you are like me, then you think photographs make the perfect gift for many occasions. If you want to to spruce up some of your photos for Valentine's gifts, then look no further, Picnik makes this quick...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days ago"On 28 January the Washington correspondent Paul Adams declared, "The Americans are in a very difficult situation. They do want to see some kind of democratic reform but they are also conscious that they...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days ago
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days agoA Day in the Park Infowars February 10, 2011 A strong entry for “The Answer to 1984 is 1776″ Video Contest by fosterlaff. Continued. . .
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 3 days agoTECHNOLOGY - It really boils down to a battle for market share... Facebook and Google have been conducting "low level talks" concerning buying up Twitter (a website which has yet to make any money from adv...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days agoA People’s Uprising Against the Empire By Lew Rockwell Published: February 1, 2011 Those of the young generation, people too young to remember the collapse of Soviet-bloc and other socialist states in 198...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 3 days ago[image: Selecciones especiales de FotoFrontera I] A partir de hoy y como regalo especial para nuestros más de 2,280 suscriptores, *Fotofrontera* inicia una serie titulada '*Selecciones especiales de Fotofr...
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoWhat can a Japanese fishing net manufacturer do with all that space junk? The answer is obvious.
- posted by Ray Villard at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAn intergalactic communication scheme may be to leave a "Rosetta Stone" artifact for an emerging civilization to discover as it becomes astronomically capable.
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at www.FOTOFRONTERA.com - 3 days ago[image: Escenarios campestres I (Postales de Paisajes)] En esta ocasión, FOTOFRONTERA comparte con todos ustedes 6 bellísimas postales de paisajes con la naturaleza como principal protagonista. No olviden ...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoObamacare Advocate: Make Refusniks Wear Gold Stars...ahem, Stickers Beware the Neocon Advocacy of Egyptian Democracy Mubarak may resign today (RT said that the Egyptian media had changed its tune, see her...