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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 February - RSS SnapShot! Pt 1

Egyptian MuseumImage via Wikipedia




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San Francisco Chronicle
Since 2002, California's utilities have committed to spend about $6 billion more onrenewable power contracts than they would have paid to buy the electricity from new power plants burning natural gas, according to a state report issued Friday. ...
Omaha World-Herald
By Erin Golden Green Plains RenewableEnergy has acquired a Minnesota ethanol plant, expanding the company's production capacity to about 715 million gallons per year. The Omaha-based company is the fourth-largest ethanol producer in the United States. ...
(AP) — Legislative Republicans have quickly shot down an attempt by Democrats to increase Montana's renewable energy standard Montana utilities are required to procure a certain percentage of retail electricity sales from renewable resources such as ...
Power-Gen Worldwide
Renewable Energy Generation (WIND.L) traded between an intraday low of GBX53.0 and a high of GBX54.50. The price range has expanded in the last two days (from GBX1.40 two days ago to GBX1.50 today) which, accompanied by a price rise, ...
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Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Washington state Ecology Department says it has responded to a fatal crash involving a delivery truck and a car on US Highway 12 in Rochester, Wash. State Patrol Trooper Guy Gill says a car crossed the center line and crashed into a 1995 ...
Huffington Post (blog)
Is there an ecology that includes vampires in realistically facing our own extinction? Probably not. But as long as we're using our imaginations, why not expand our story lines? Maybe in all of this apocalyptic fervor about the end of the Earth and us, ...
Water World
The plan contains water quality conditions required by the federal Clean Water Act. Bellevue must submit a stormwater management plan each year to the state Department of Ecology, which describes actions the city will take in the upcoming year to ...
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
By Sam Cross Don Sim '11 has spent his four years in Cornell's College of Human Ecologypaying out-of-state tuition. As a result, Sim has worked as a barista in Libe Cafe as part of his federal work-study on top of a rigorous pre-med course load. ...
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San Jose Mercury News
Federal water managers plant to boost deliveries to farms, industry and cities this year thanks to this winter's abundant rainfall. US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Friday that agriculture contractors south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin ...
Louisville Courier-Journal
The state auditor has recommended that the Jefferson County Soil and WaterConservation District do a better job of documenting its human resources policies and tighten up check-writing procedures. But a review by the auditor's office of allegations of ...
Water World
Ross Tolleson (R-Perry) has introduced a bill that creates new options for financing waterprojects in communities throughout the state. The Georgia Public/Private Water Supply Act of 2011 (Senate Bill 122) will allow state and local governments to ...
Gather Celebs News Channel
Reese Witherspoon isn't holding much back when talking about her Water for Elephants costar, Robert Pattinson. The two had some pretty intense make out sessions in the film and Reese had nothing but great things to say about RPattz. "I am so lucky. ...
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