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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

16 Feb - Yahoo! RSS

Nottingham Magistrates CourtImage via Wikipedia


Teacher's 'lazy whiners' blog strikes a nerve

A high school teacher suspended for her colorful remarks on students becomes an overnight sensation. » Defenders

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  • Tweet Heart Tehran - 2 hours agoVALENTINE’S DAY 2011 NOT. Speaking Melik Kaylan, WSJ, re how the Tehran regime bans Valentine’s day and anything else it can figure to ban — cheeseburgers, rock and rap music, holding hands in public,...
  • Congressional Humors Spawn Comic Cottage Industry (& Open Thread)_ - 15 hours ago* Bumped Up * My eyes honed in like laser beams at the  Breaking News .  President Obama’s advisor, and MIT economist, Jonathan Gruber was (via  AP ): “…turning to comic books to help...
  • Curveball Comes Clean and Rumsfeld Forgets - 17 hours agoYes America, you were lied into an unnecessary war in Iraq. The U.K.’s Guardian is out today (Tuesday) with news that the source of the intel used by Colin Powell to sell the U.N on the case for going...
  • Like I Said - 1 day agoNiall Ferguson’s appearance on Morning Joe is garnering lots of well deserved attention today. Here’s the full unedited appearance: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the ...
  • Mutilated Firewall (& Open Thread) - 1 day ago

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 Florida Oil Spill Law

  • The Worst Thing Ever Invented - 0 minutes ago"A central problem with the idea that wars are needed to combat evil is that there is nothing more evil
    This view of Earth's horizon as the sun sets o...Image via Wikipedia
    than war. War causes more suffering and death than anything war can be used to combat. Wars don'...
  • After Egypt: Arab Voices Matter - 0 minutes ago"Arabs have been inspired by Egypt and empowered to believe that their voices must be heard and respected. It will make life more complicated for Western and some Arab policy makers. But if this compl...
  • Setting Egypt on fire - 0 minutes agoThankfully, all the chatter about how Egypt's revolution would not have been possible without the (quick intake of breath) "new media", has been dampened by those who know it best. "Tunisians took to ...
  • US, Al-Qaida and the Arab Revolt - 0 minutes ago"Angry and frustrated, some Arabs will want to oppose their tyrannies by violent means. Others may swell the ranks of al-Qaida, convinced that they cannot defeat the ‘near enemy’ unless they first wea...
  • The Winds of Change should shift our sail too - 0 minutes ago




 BPS Research Digest
  • Milgram's obedience studies - not about obedience after all? - 4 hours agoStanley Milgram's seminal experiments in the 1960s may not have been a demonstration of obedience to authority after all, a new study claims. Milgram appalled the world when he showed the willingne...
  • Extras - 1 day agoEye-catching studies that didn't make the final cut : Tipping estimate/guidance on a restaurant bill increases diners' generosity . Pain helps assuage feelings of guilt . How workers...
  • Learning new faces - A mental ability that doesn't peak until the early thirties - 1 day agoCognition researchers should beware assuming that people's mental faculties have finished maturing when they reach adulthood. So say Laura Germine and colleagues, whose new study shows that face learn...
  • A week of sin - 1 day agoClick for full feature Welcome to the menu for Sin Week on the Research Digest blog, which started on 8 February 2011. Each day for Seven days (with a break on Sunday, naturally) we post...
  • Jesse Bering - my Lust - 2 days ago

 Top Documentary Films
  • The Computer Programme - 11 hours agoThis BBC documentary from 1982 tries to bring people closer to the - back then - just emerging micro computers by showing how computers already helped out creating a more efficient society. This do...
  • The Canary Effect - 23 hours agoThe Canary Effect is a 2006 documentary that looks into the effects of that the United States and its policies have on the Indigenous peoples (Native Americans) who are residents. It premi...
  • Contempt of Conscience - 1 day agoContempt of Conscience is a project started by Joe Jenkins before he joined the Peace Tax Seven and the ongoing campaign for a judicial review has become a major part of it. In early 2003,...
  • The Marvels of Madagascar - 1 day agoDiscover the unique cultures, places, landscapes and critters that make Madagascar one of the most marvelous places on earth! Aussie Adventurer and Award-winning Newsman, Greg Graingers passion for...
  • Outlaw Comic: The Censoring of Bill Hicks - 1 day ago

View of AstanaImage via Wikipedia
 Red Tape Chronicles
  • Car leases make comeback, with new traps - 1 day agoCar leasing is back. If you've watched any major sporting event on television recently, you've seen the evidence.  Advertisements constantly screech that drivers can get a new car for under $300, $2...
  • Survey: Consumers say ID theft down 28% - 1 week agoConsumers say the volume of identity theft crimes plummeted sharply last year, according to a survey released Tuesday by Javelin Strategy & Research.  The number of victims fell from an estimated 11 m...
  • Told in tweets, Egypt conflict riveting, confusing - 1 week agoOnce you look, it's hard to look away. The tweets seem to come right from the center of the conflict in Egypt: "Despite the blood and the pain, spirits here are sky-high. People singing the anthem &...
  • Lawsuit: iPhone users systematically overcharged - 2 weeks agoEver get the feeling that the itemized charges on your cell phone bill aren't quite right? A new class-action lawsuit filed against AT&T claims that often, they aren't -- and the mistakes could be cos...
  • Buy a new car and get $5,000? - 2 weeks ago

 Frontier Post


Cage Prisoners

Riki Ott

The first turn of the Yangtze (Changjiang) at ...Image via Wikipedia

China Digital Times
  • Afternoon light on the jagged grey mountains r...Image via Wikipedia
    Chinese Bear Bile Backlash - 9 hours agoThe furious response to a major bear bile producer’s proposed stock market listing may be indicative of changes in attitudes toward animal welfare. From The Telegraph : Gui Zhen Tang, a pharmaceut...
  • Controlling Yangtze Floods: A New Approach - 9 hours agoA new study for World Resources Report describes recent changes in approach to flood control along the Yangtze River: After nearly a millennium of efforts to control floods in the Yangtze River ba...
  • Chinese Officials Learn to Spin - 10 hours agoBulk orders from government offices have propelled “The Art of Guiding Public Opinion”, by journalist-turned-of
    A shipyard on the banks of the Yangtze buildin...Image via Wikipedia
    ficial Ren Xianliang, to sales several times higher than expected. From The Telegraph : ...
  • Reporters Roughed Up Near China Activist’s Home - 11 hours agoFollowing last week’s release of a secretly-filmed video of activist Chen Guangcheng, foreign journalists have been forcibly prevented from visiting him at his home in Shandong , where he is under hou...
  • Caijing Hits Bold with New Report - 21 hours ago

The upper reaches of the Yangzi River bearing ...Image via Wikipedia
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