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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, February 14, 2011

14 February - News From the Fast Lane

BRISTOL, UNITED KINGDOM - SEPTEMBER 12:  Peopl...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

 Ecuador court orders Chevron to pay $8 billion

 The lawsuit had originally demanded $27 billion.

Residents of Ecuador's Amazon region have said that faulty drilling practices by Texaco, which was bought by Chevron in 2001, caused damage to wide areas of jungle and harmed indigenous people in the 1970s and 1980s.

 Farm Wars

USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame

Just when we thought that buying “Organic” was safe, we run headlong into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame. NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved version of this neurotoxin called Neotame
Neotame has similar structure to aspartame — except that, from it’s structure, appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. This potential increase in toxicity will make up for the fact that less will be used in diet drinks. Like aspartame, some of the concerns include gradual neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage from the combination of the formaldehyde metabolite (which is toxic at extremely low doses) and the excitotoxic amino acid. (Holisticmed.com)
The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the list of ingredients, for:
Let me make this perfectly clear. Neotame does not have to be included in ANY list of ingredients! So, if you buy processed food, whether USDA Certified Organic or not, that food most likely will contain Neotame because it is cost-effective, and since no one knows it is there, there is no public backlash similar to what is happening with Aspartame. A win/win situation!
But that’s not all. Just love chowing down on that delicious steak? Well, that cow most likely will have been fed with feed containing…..you guessed it…..Neotame! A product called “Sweetos,” which is actually composed of Neotame, is being substituted for molasses in animal feed.

The Tearful Reunion of Peng Gaofeng and His Long-Lost Son (Updated)

Seal of the United States Department of Agricu...Image via Wikipediawww.youtube.com
US Government cocaine shipments, money-laundering and gun-running, all in and around the Mena airport in western Arkansas
Don't worry though the Government says its the right thing to do, just sit back take some Prozac and watch American Idol. I Strongly Encourage you to copy repost and share this video with everyone you know. video credit: HOSSER420
In a recently released budget proposal, House Republicans announced plans to zero out all funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the nonprofit responsible for funding public media including NPR, PBS and more. Take action now to stop Republicans from destroying public media.
This poor carriage horse wants a drink of water so badly that he has resorted to drinking the disgusting, contaminated, filthy water that he has no choice but to stand in. The water trough that is supposed to provide him with fresh drinking water is dry and filled with garbage. These horses are de
Economics professor Antony Davies illustrates the size the U.S. federal government's debt and unfunded obligations. He breaks down U.S. debt and obligations into constituent parts and compares them with the size of the GDP of countries around the world, showing the magnitude of America's fiscal situOrganic food melaImage by Hari Prasad Nadig via Flickr
Washington — The Obama administration's Justice Department has asserted that the FBI can obtain telephone records of international calls made from the U.S. without any formal legal process or court oversight, according to a document obtained by McClatchy.
watch the entire footage closely. 911 was a goverment coverup. A missile was shot before the plane hit. The US gvt was the only people who could've done that. non?
Documentary uncovering The Illuminati and New World Order showing the control of the world today and who is behind it. Looks into The Freemasons and Illuminati in detail. Skull and Bones Society, Golden Dawn, George Bush, corrupt government, Tony Blair, al...estair crowley, queen elizabeth grand patroness of freemasonry, secret society. A Feature Length Documentary Exposing The Global Network of Secret Societies & Royal Satanists Featuring DAVID ICKE, CHRIS EVERARD, TED GUNDERSON, JORDAN MAXWELL & ANTHONY HILDER Subjects Covered Include: Aleister Crowley, 33 degree Freemasonry, Albert Pike, The Ku Klux Klan, Tony Blair, The 1591 Studholme Masonic Lodge, Footage from inside the Skull & Bones Tomb, Winston Churchill, The Order of Druids, Masonic Lodges inside the British Parliament, The OTO, The Golden Dawn, British Royal Family Members of Hitler?s SS, Satanic Possession, Devil Worship Amongst Hollywood Stars, How The 2004 US Presidential Election Was Fixed Marcus Allen of Nexus Magazine describes The Illuminati DVD as "Mind Blowing!" - and it is. The entire political system of the United States and Britain is being controlled by a small group of elite occultists who have all sworn allegiance to the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer. For more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain and America have been involved in Satanic Secret Societies which have seeded all the major positions of power in Politics, the Media and the Military. THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery - it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two Gulf 'Wars', and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections. THE ILLUMINATI takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club's annual rituals and mock sacrifices - ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO's from the world's largest corporations. THE ILLUMINATI journeys to TIBET where China - the nation which George Bush describes as 'America'a Most Favored Nation' are routinely beating and torturing innocent. {Part 2}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPxfdGI6KfI&feature=related {Part 3}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmvvc-qitVc&feature=related {Part 4}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_7Q7nFIWIM&feature=related {Part 5}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3wXS8ctN24 {Part 6}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5R7jviXKcI&feature=related {Part 7}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmulpob8s9k&feature=related {Part 8}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0slMqe4L4M&feature=related {Part 9}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdsi3VqzNbk&feature=related {Part 10}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfOa1wjaeJ4&feature=related {Part 11}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rShJj7cAo9k&feature=related See More
Length: 9:59
ALERT! Let anyone you know with stocks or investments know this VITAL / CRUCIAL information!! Today, Sunday, it is CONFIRMED that NYSE is going to most likely sell to the EU run "german stock exchange" aka The Deutsche Borse . Also.. the IMF (different story entirely) has announced that th
Professor Richard Wolff discusses the cause of the budget-cut fever that's sweeping Washington, DC: "Austerity is the last thing that should be done in this situation. And it should be resisted by all people with even an elementary sense of fairness."
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can quietly become a power no government can suppress, a power than can transform the world.” -The late people’s historian Howard Zinn (August 24, 1922 – January 27, 2010)

Geneva - For decades, European bank accounts and trusts and the real estate market were havens for dictators seeking safe places to deposit billions of dollars they were stealing from their countries of origin.
The Egyptian military, for the first time publicly laying out the terms of its rule, said Sunday that it had dissolved the country’s parliament, suspended its constitution and called for elections in six months, according to a statement by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces read on state televi...
Egyptian civilians and military celebrate the announcement that President Hosni Mubarak is stepping down in Cairo, on Feb. 11, 2011. (Photo: Ed Ou / The New York Times)
‎"To the palace!" chanted the thousands of protesters who'd already besieged state television offices in Cairo and were beginning a perilous march on the presidential residence in the final hours of Hosni Mubarak's regime.
Algiers — Algerian demonstrators, inspired by popular protests in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East, protested in the capital, Algiers, on Saturday before security forces moved in to break up the demonstration.
The movement that ended President Hosni Mubarak’s thirty year autocratic rule not only has created a spectacular breakthrough for Egyptian democracy, it has bequeathed a priceless gift to the rest of us in every part of the planet.
Last month, the world was shocked as the Tunisian autocrat Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had ruled his country for 23 years, was overthrown in a protest movement that lasted only 29 days. The event was soon dubbed the “Jasmine Revolution,” a symbolic reference to a blooming flower. While many doubted...
Are the movements who inspire the "colour revolutions" catalysts or saboteurs ... last frontier, the single largest buffer on the Russia-Nato "border". The orange revolution ...

The colour revolution was vital in pressing US and NATO interests forward in the region; gaining control over Central Asia’s gas reserves and keeping Russia from ...
Go to main page News Middle East protests follow color revolution scenario – expert ... NGOs like Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy to create pro-NATO ...
... to please Western exporters, and signing up to integration into Nato to please the Pentagon. For all their boasting about being pro-democratic, color revolutions haven ...
Articles about WikiLeaks are thick on the ground, but we’ve heard little from inside the citadel. Now for the first time we’re getting an insider’s story. “Inside WikiLeaks” is a fun book, full of anecdotes about the website’s wacky set of fellow travelers, and it suggests that the hacking undergrou...
President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao of China on the South Lawn of the White House, Jan. 19, 2011. (Photo: Pete Souza / whitehouse.gov)
It is an asymmetrical struggle, an endless round of Whac-a-Mole with a network of fundamentalist groups that would otherwise level the wall separating church and state with the help of supine, if not complicit, Pentagon top brass. In the battle over the meaning and implications of the First Amendmen...
‎'US progressive media has had a tough few weeks. First, Keith Olbermann, the pioneer for liberal programming during MSNBC's evening hours, was sent packing. Then, Arianna Huffington allowed AOL to subsume her Huffington Post into AOL's right-of-center content for the price tag of $315 million.
Leftist bloggers who had provided free content to Huffington Post, enabling it to become a valuable property, found themselves quite literally sold out, with Huffington pocketing $18 million while making clear that she won't battle for the liberal banner inside AOL.' Robert Parry, Consortium News
While the eyes of the world are on Haiti’s illegitimate elections and the return of the deposed dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, about 1.5 million displaced earthquake survivors continue to live in sub-human conditions. In the absence of large-scale or systemic responses by the government, internation...

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Spontaneous Evolution: New Scientific Realities Are Bringing Spirit Back Into Matter

  A culture's character is determined by answers to the perennial questions, Why are we here? How did we get here? How do we make the best of being here? The answers to these questions are now changing.

Those of us looking for new answers are the future of a new evolution. We are experimenting and investigating how we might create a better life. The only way out is an evolution, and an evolution means undoing the previous structure. So don't be afraid of the current structure falling apart; it's a necessary step to get us to the next level. Don't go into the future with fear but with the promise and reality of fractal geometry. We are returning to the original condition of wedding spirit with matter, the immaterial and material planes, and we will live in this garden with peace and harmony.
2008 Food Taipei: Organic Food Area.Image via Wikipedia
New U.S. Army recruits wait in line for their initial haircut during basic combat training at Fort Jackson, S.C., Jan. 16, 2008. (Photo: Senior Airman Micky M. Bazaldua / US Air Force)
Bob Burnett, in today's Chimp: "The new Republican House majority had no sooner settled into their offices than they proposed savage restrictions of women's reproductive rights. Americans might question the GOP actions, since the new laws have nothing to do with Republican campaign promises to create jobs and reduce the Federal deficit. But it's consistent with their archconservative ideology."
Asked what most viewers and observers of Fox News would be surprised to learn about the controversial cable channel, a former insider from the world of Rupert Murdoch was quick with a response: “I don’t think people would believe it’s as concocted as it is; that stuff is just made up.”
Arizona is sick of being a defendant in lawsuit after lawsuit challenging the state’s harsh anti-immigration policies. On Thursday Gov. Jan Brewer announced that the state is turning the tables and suing the federal government in a countersuit to the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against SB 1070.
Liberal attacks on Social Security are the unkindest cut of all. The Center for American Progress’s Matt Miller has argued that liberals can learn a valuable lesson from NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposed budget. With his state facing a fiscal crisis, the Governor has proposed to cap growth of sta..
Are you ready to build the progressive movement that America desperately needs? This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. We’ve finished writing the Progressive Strategy Handbook that you — the community — paid for last fall through a crowdfunding campaign.
President Obama, who is proposing his third annual budget on Monday, will say that it can reduce projected deficits by $1.1 trillion over the next decade, enough to stabilize the nation’s fiscal health and buy time to address its longer-term problems, according to a senior administration official.
From AFP via Discovery News: A vast network of high-tech surveillance cameras that allows Chicago police to zoom in on a crime in progress and track
Dean Baker: The celebrations surrounding the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth overlooked an important part of Reagan's success: his ability to craft an image to serve as the focus of his political argument. When he was running for president in 1980, Reagan invented two great tales that hig...
http://www.infowars.com/obama-launches-total-takeover-of-media/ Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell's 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda 
Vid about the real zombies among us ...vid inspired by this recent vid from Mark Dice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIB4Bar_DBw I'm sure a lot of people may get offended by this vid but it's how a lot of us feel about this country of ours. Still free enough to have a voice at least, it's that voi
see book "FLUORIDE THE DEVILS POISON", HIGER the Dose of FLUORIDE different effects on BRAIN, Soldiers get High Dose Called SoftPeter, General Patton Refused to give it to His Soldiers, People React Different to DRUGS, CHEMICALS, make sure You watch all the FILMS at ww.FLUORIDEALERT.org, New World O
The Zetas answered Questions about China ghost cities, Norwegian summit, Internet future, Guarani Aquifer, New Mexico gas outages, Chemtrails, India tar pit, Pennsylvania blast http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/12fe2011.htm
Over the past decade, China has built several new, state-of-the-art cities, but huge sectors of these cities, and in some cases, whole cities, remain unoccupied. Could it be that Chinese leaders are planning to evacuate China's coastal cities in the event of disastrous earth changes? Is China pl
LIBRARY campaigners are pressing for Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole to merge their library service managers, saving up to £250,000 and sparing 20 rural libraries threatened with closure.
Chris Hedges: The writer and philosopher Wendell Berry, armed with little more than a copy of William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and his conscience, has been camped out for three days with a handful of other activists in the governor’s outer office in Frankfurt, Ky. 
A great clip from a documentary regarding the past and present efforts to suppress public Free Energy technology. Dear Fellow Truth Supporter, My name is Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez, and I am a medical student. Throughout my rigorous undergraduate science and medical science coursework, I have had
This documentary exposes a vast conspiracy to contaminate and control the world's food supply through genetic engineering of food crops. Leading scientists and activists present the facts that you need to know about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Eighty percent of food sold in North America
Global warming? Global Cooling? They don't give a damn what you call it; they just want your quiet consent!
According to its official website, the Bilderberg group is composed of "leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic" from the spheres of government and politics, finance, industry, labor, education and communications. Closely working together since...
‎"Today Obama poured gas on the Republican flame," writes Robert Reich, by releasing a budget that reflects all of the wrong thinking about our current economic predicament. At this perilous moment, we need renewed stimulus fueled by progressive taxation, not regressive austerity aimed at the working class and the poor.
President Obama has chosen to fight fire with gasoline. Republicans want America to believe the economy is still lousy because government is too big, and the way to revive the economy is to cut federal spending. Yesterday, Republican Speaker John Boehner even refused to rule out a government shut-do
David Michael Green, in today's Chimp: "...almost every penny of that growth has gone to the already rich, while the middle, working and poor classes continue to sink. Did that maldistribution of wealth occur by accident? No, it is precisely the result of the public policies we adopted, on issues ranging from taxation to trade to labor relations to regulation to bailouts to spending priorities to corporate welfare."
Presenting political news, and the actual political positions of the parties and candidates, as well as disclosing how much campaign money they have raised and where it came from.
Documentary uncovering The Illuminati and New World Order showing the control of the world today and who is behind it. Looks into The Freemasons and Illuminati in detail. Skull and Bones Society, Golden Dawn, George Bush, corrupt government, Tony Blair, al...estair crowley, queen elizabeth grand patroness of freemasonry, secret society. A Feature Length Documentary Exposing The Global Network of Secret Societies & Royal Satanists Featuring DAVID ICKE, CHRIS EVERARD, TED GUNDERSON, JORDAN MAXWELL & ANTHONY HILDER Subjects Covered Include: Aleister Crowley, 33 degree Freemasonry, Albert Pike, The Ku Klux Klan, Tony Blair, The 1591 Studholme Masonic Lodge, Footage from inside the Skull & Bones Tomb, Winston Churchill, The Order of Druids, Masonic Lodges inside the British Parliament, The OTO, The Golden Dawn, British Royal Family Members of Hitler?s SS, Satanic Possession, Devil Worship Amongst Hollywood Stars, How The 2004 US Presidential Election Was Fixed Marcus Allen of Nexus Magazine describes The Illuminati DVD as "Mind Blowing!" - and it is. The entire political system of the United States and Britain is being controlled by a small group of elite occultists who have all sworn allegiance to the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer. For more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain and America have been involved in Satanic Secret Societies which have seeded all the major positions of power in Politics, the Media and the Military. THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery - it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two Gulf 'Wars', and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections. THE ILLUMINATI takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club's annual rituals and mock sacrifices - ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO's from the world's largest corporations. THE ILLUMINATI journeys to TIBET where China - the nation which George Bush describes as 'America'a Most Favored Nation' are routinely beating and torturing innocent. {Part 2}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPxfdGI6KfI&feature=related {Part 3}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmvvc-qitVc&feature=related {Part 4}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_7Q7nFIWIM&feature=related {Part 5}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3wXS8ctN24 {Part 6}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5R7jviXKcI&feature=related {Part 7}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmulpob8s9k&feature=related {Part 8}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0slMqe4L4M&feature=related {Part 9}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdsi3VqzNbk&feature=related {Part 10}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfOa1wjaeJ4&feature=related {Part 11}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rShJj7cAo9k&feature=related See More
Length: 9:59
Around two-dozen high school students come home, in the middle of winter with what looks like... Get this--- a sunburn. Now, parents and teachers want to know how this happened. It's a mystery in the community of Hathaway and it has people burning to know the answers. "We don't know what caused i
Failed I-wall at site of Industrial Canal's east side north breachJeff Duncan, sportswriter for the Times Picayune has earned himself a Seal of Approval from Levees.org for an important assertion in his article today...
As pro-democracy demonstrations sweep across the Middle East, ousting dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, many in the West have expressed surprise that such a strong, sophisticated vision of a democratic future is being articulated by ordinary citizens and grassroots movements in the Arab world.
Women’s shelters in Afghanistan, long under fire from conservatives in the country, now face their toughest battle yet for survival. A government proposal now being considered would bar non-governmental organizations from running private safe houses and bring the 14 women’s shelters opened over the 
KABUL, Afghanistan — Four would-be suicide bombers attacked police headquarters in the southern city of Kandahar on Saturday, killing at least 19 people, most of them police officers, in a complex attack involving three car bombs and a battery of rocket-propelled grenades, according to Afghan offici
The Web Browsers section of the 2011 About.com Readers' Choice Awards honors the year's best browsers and browser-related software. The nine categories, each containing five finalists from January's nomination period, are as follows: Best Major Desktop Browser, Best Small Market Desktop Browser, Bes
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