EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Cities Confirm EWG Tap Water TestsContact: EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982; leeann@ewg.org Washington, DC – Testing by four municipal drinking water suppliers has confirmed the results of a study by the Environmental Working Group that detected widespread contamination by... [[ This is a content summar ...
- EPA Regulates Fuel Explosive in Tap WaterContact: EWG Public Affairs, 202-667-6982; leeann@ewg.org Washington, DC – Perchlorate, a common ingredient in rocket fuel and a potent thyroid toxin, will finally be regulated in drinking water, Environmental Protection Agency... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
- Congress Confirms Drillers Fracked with DieselContact: EWG Public Affairs, 202-667-6982; leeann@ewg.org Washington, DC -- The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commends the important investigation of hydraulic fracturing released today (Jan. 31) by U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
- NIH panel links Vitamin A in sunscreen to skin ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982 leeann@ewg.org A key independent science advisory panel has voted to confirm federal researchers' conclusion that retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A found in two-fifths of U.S. sunscreens,... [[ This is a content summary on ...
- Obama Speech Misfired on Ethanol, Ag PolicyContact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. – President Barak Obama’s call to “stop subsidizing yesterday’s energy” in his State of the Union speech last night was welcome, but the President missed an opportunity to focus... [[ This is a content summary ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Magnesium Can Reduce Your Risk of Sudden DeathNew research examined the association between magnesium, which has antiarrhythmic properties, and your risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). The study looked at more than 88,000 women, who were followed for 26 years. The results showed that the relative risk of sudden cardiac death was significan ...
- Health Claim Filed for Vitamin DThe Alliance for Natural Health USA is filing a Qualified Health Claim Petition with the FDA for vitamin D. For years, the FDA held that health claims could only be made if there was Significant Scientific Agreement (SSA) about the claim -- a standard almost impossible to reach in science. Follo ...
- Biggest Scam in World History Exposed The greatest scam in history has been exposed -- and has largely been ignored by the media. In fact, it’s still going on. The specifics of a secret taxpayer funded “backdoor bailout” organized by unelected bankers have been revealed. The data release revealed “emergency lending programs” that d ...
- When Organic Isn't Really Organic - - How You' ...The word "organic" is becoming little more than a money-maker for corporations who want to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, the FDA and USDA, which are the very agencies that are supposed to be protecting the organic food supply, are intensely active in its adulteration. A "certified organic" ...
- Close Look at Shoe Inserts Raises a Welter of ..."Orthotics" is the name for the shoe inserts many athletes use in an attempt to prevent injuries. But analysis shows that, while shoe inserts or orthotics could theoretically be helpful as a short-term method of preventing injury, it is not entirely clear how to make inserts that work. The noti ...
- Little Bang for Bucks? [Capitol Health Call]
- Outsourcing Questioned [Capitol Health Call]
- Incense of a New Church [The Cover]
- Life Imitates Work [A Piece of My Mind]
- Dragonfly [Poetry and Medicine]
Survival - tribal peoples
- Indians call on Brazil’s President to halt Bel ...Amazon Indians protesting in BrasÃlia against the Belo Monte dam © Amazon Watch Hundreds of people, including over 80 Amazonian Indians, gathered yesterday outside the Brazilian Congress and Presidential Palace to protest at the proposed Belo Monte dam in the Amazon rainforest. A delegat ...
- Hundreds protest against Ecuador leader’s arre ...Pepe Luis Acacho, Shuar leader, Ecuador © Survival Pepe Luis Acacho, an indigenous Shuar leader, has been arrested just two days after he was chosen as leading candidate for the presidency of CONAIE, Ecuador’s main indigenous organization. Acacho was arrested along with two other Shuar men ...
- India’s policy of ‘integrating’ tribal people ...The MP of India's Andaman Islands has called for Jarawa children to be 'weaned' away from the tribe in order to 'drastically mainstream' them. © Salomé/Survival India’s Minister of Tribal Affairs, Kantilal Bhuria, has announced that he supports the ‘integration’ of India’s tribal communitie ...
- Gillian Anderson narrates unique film of uncon ...A still from new aerial footage of an uncontacted Amazon tribe in Brazil © BBC/FUNAI/Survival Movie star Gillian Anderson has launched Survival’s new campaign to protect some of the world’s last uncontacted tribes with an extraordinary new film. The film shows uncontacted Indians on the Br ...
- Success: Peru acts to save uncontacted tribesGlobal coverage of the newly-released photos has pushed the Peruvian government into action © Gleison Miranda/FUNAI/Survival Peru’s authorities have announced that they will work together with Brazil to stop loggers entering isolated Indians’ territory along the two countries’ joint border. ...
Montreal Gazette
- Don't rush into repeal of early-release provis ...It was galling to see mega-fraudster Vincent Lacroix walk out of prison after serving just over 15 months of the 13-year sentence he was slapped with after pleading guilty to 200 charges of bilking investors of more than $100 million.
- Press freedom wins a measured victoryGlobe and Mail reporter Daniel Leblanc had appealed to the Supreme Court a lower-court ruling ordering him to divulge the identity of a source who had provided him with confidential information about an aspect of the federal sponsorship scandal.
- Crown prosecutors have a good caseQuebec's crown prosecutors who walked off the job this week have aprima facie case in their contract dispute with the provincial government. They are overworked and underpaid relative to their counterparts in the rest of the country.
- Editorial: Crown prosecutors have a good caseThey might or might not be justified in throwing a major spanner into the province's judicial system by resorting to a strike, but the government is decidedly to blame for letting the situation deteriorate to this sorry pass.
- Wanted: A made-in-Canada solution to nuclear w ...In the view of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, there is a negligible risk of radioactive contamination of the world's biggest source of fresh water -the Great Lakes together with the St. Lawrence River -from transporting 16 steam generators from Ontario's Bruce Power nuclear plant thr ...
Food World Order
- fda official: "just eat a goddamn vegetable"from onion news network: During the Daily Briefing, Tucker Hope reports that the FDA is urging Americans to put something green in their dumb mouths.
- animal farms get bigger & biggerfrom allgov: The last two decades witnessed the continued disappearance of small- and medium-sized farms, thanks to the ever-expanding presence of corporate-owned “factory” farms, according to Food and Water Watch. In a new report, the agricultural watchdog organization found the number of d ...
- 12/31 binge & purge: prices, crisis & new year ...global food prices in 2011 face perilous rise* inflation may become a bigger worry in 2011 for food companies* food stamps to be spread out in 2011: michigan to change its food stamp distribution policy in 2011* food safety news naughty list 2010* with food safety bill, US govt will spe ...
- bad food makes kids dumber, study saysfrom grist: A new study says 3-year-olds who mostly eat processed foods have lower IQs five years later. (So Pop-Tarts and Sunny-D are why we're "falling behind" China in math and science?) The study, cited in The Guardian, examined the diets of 14,000 wee Britlets, based on what their parents r ...
- usda admits involvement in south dakota mass b ...from allgov: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has assumed responsibility for the deaths of more than 300 birds in Yankton, South Dakota. But the USDA insists it had nothing to do with other mass die-offs of birds recently in Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama and Kentucky. The South Dakota ...
- Suggested gift ideas for a missionary departin ...source: Helium.com, by Katerina Nikolas When Gladys Aylward set off on her train journey from England with the hope of becoming a missionary in China, she would probably have appreciated some nice gifts to send her on her way. A book about the Chinese prison system would have been ...
- Anti-Missionary Groups Gather in Jerusalemsource: Worthy news, September 14, 2010 By George Whitten, Worthy News Jerusalem Bureau Chief JERUSALEM, Israel (Worthy News)-- Anti-Missionaries from across Israel will be meeting today in Jerusalem at the nations largest conference center to discuss the growing problem of "missi ...
- Swami to stop Dalit religious conversionsource: Times of India, Aug 27, 2010 MYSORE: Seeking to curb religious conversion and encourage Dalit communities to join the mainstream, Pejawar mutt seer Vishwesha Teertha Swami on Friday visited a Dalit colony and promised to champion their cause.
- Indian Dalits find no refuge from caste in Chr ...source: BBC News, 13 Sept 2010 By Swaminathan Natarajan, BBC Tamil Till death do us part: Dalits are buried on the other side of the wall in this cemetery Many in India have embraced Christianity to escape the age-old caste oppression of the Hindu social ord ...
- The Greatest Christian Warmonger of All Timesource: Lew Rockwell.com, February 3, 2011 by Laurence M. Vance I had never heard of Ellis Washington until I saw his recent WorldNetDaily article titled "Nation-building? No, Christian-building" and did some digging. Besides being a weekend commentator for WorldNetDaily, Washingto ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6JLgar45sU
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel ...
- Robert Green Speaking at Truthjuice Llangollen ...Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 7pm Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down’s Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland. Rob ...
- Mary Rodwell The New Human Vers. 02
- Robert Green, Hollie and Ann Greig at The R ...Robert Green, Hollie and Anne Greig have confirmed they will be appearing at the Child Snatching By The State conference being held on April 10th in Stafford, UK. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in media reports concerning Mothers and Fathers, Grandparents and Families reporti ...
The Economic Collapse
- Is Ben Bernanke A Liar, A Lunatic Or Is He Jus ...Did you see Ben Bernanke's testimony before the House Budget Committee on Wednesday? It was quite a show. Bernanke seems to believe that if he just keeps on repeating the same mantras over and over that somehow they will become true. Bernanke insists that the economy is getti ...
- 10 Reasons Why It Has Become So Soul-Crushingl ...Have you been unemployed lately? If so, then you probably know how frustrating it is to try to find a job in the United States today. It now takes the average unemployed worker about 33 weeks to find a job. There are millions of Americans that have not been able to find a full ...
- Find A Job? Good Luck In This Economy – ...The U.S. government is telling us that the unemployment rate fell all the way down to 9.0% in January. Should we all cheer? Is it now going to be a lot easier to find a job? Has the economy finally turned around? Are happy days here again? Well, it is a good thing to have [ ...
- Pissed Off!: 67 Percent Of Americans Are Dissa ...The American people are becoming increasingly angry about the extraordinary amount of power and influence that corporations have in the United States today. A new Gallup poll found that 67 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the size and influence of major corporations i ...
- Even Donald Trump Is Warning That An Economic ...In a shocking new interview, Donald Trump has gone farther than he ever has before in discussing a potential economic collapse in America. Using phrases such as "you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon" and "we could end up being another Egypt", Trump explained ...
- Obama Steps onto Slippery SlopeBrian Czech offers a vision of Obamanomics that values people and planet over profit and production.
- Remembering HistoryLisi Krall warns that even in a steady state, we could become half crazy for want of a diverse and magical natural world.
- Sustaining Our Commonwealth of Nature and Know ...How can we get a sustainable, fair, and efficient economy? Herman Daly breaks it down.
- What if We Stopped Fighting For Preservation?Tom Butler defends land preservation as a critical strategy for dealing with the downsides of economic growth.
- Might As Well Face It, We’re Addicted to Growt ...Dave Gardner examines how to get growth-addicted nations into a growth rehab.
The Talking Clock
- British 'Democracy' in Action: Ken Clarke says ...You've got to laugh, really. EU-loving Ken 'Bilderberg' Clarke has pre-empted the vote in the House of Commons tomorrow which will decide what is to be done - if anything - to allow prison inmates to vote at elections. The Daily Telegraph quotes him as telling BBC Radio Four's Today progra ...
- Interview of the week: UKIP's Godfrey Bloom ca ...If you want to hear from UKIP, don't watch the BBC or Sky News. They only deal in the LibLabCon. If you want to hear from patriotic, non-treason committing British politicians, switch to Russia Today. Here's UKIP's Godfrey Bloom delivering this week's interview of the week:
- Will no-one pack off to France the troublesome ...Over my dead body (and Diana's)... The Daily Express today splashes on the front page the nightmare, vomit-inducing headline of 'Camilla 'Will Be Our Queen''. Well no, actually, she will not. The Constitution is quite clear on this matter - she cannot be Queen. True, the establishmen ...
- How predictable. A spin doctor has become the ...Well, this has all backfired a little on Downing Street. No doubt they were hoping that the resignation of Andy Coulson during Tony Blair's evidence to the Iraq inquiry might have meant he could slip off silently back into the shadows. However, this is Britain - land of The X Factor. "W ...
- Dear world, if Britain's Foreign Secretary (Wi ...As Foreign Secretary, part of William Hague's job will be to ponce around the world stage pontificating and lecturing the rest of the world about 'democracy' and 'the will of the people'. If he lectures YOUR country, read on for our view on why you should ignore this particular Foreign Secret ...
Facing South
- How Texas conservatives are manipulating a bud ...By Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer "While some are worried, conservatives should be excited. This challenge should be viewed as an opportunity." - Andrew Kerr, executive director of Empower Texans, a conservative group.What's Kerr so excited about? Oh, just Texas' little old $27-billion budget h ...
- 2010 Census reveals lingering scars of KatrinaThe release of Louisiana's 2010 Census data last week had little in the way of surprises for those who live there, but it did provide confirmation -- and affirmation -- for what they've been saying the last five years: Despite inspiring progress, Katrina's devastation is still deeply felt throug ...
- Grand Isle businesses battered by BP oil disas ...By Rocky Kistner, Bridge the Gulf For more than 30 years, Sarah and her daughter Annette Rigaud�owned one of the most popular eateries on�Grand Isle, La. Sarah's Restaurant is�a cozy place filled with mementos of sun-splashed beach vacations and fishing trips. It was a prosperous business, pa ...
- Virginia uranium mining panel meets as concern ...A special panel of the National Academy of Sciences is meeting in Richmond, Va. today to gather information for its study on whether uranium can be mined and milled safely in the state. This will be the NAS panel's last town hall-style meeting in Virginia for public comment, and dozen ...
- Gulf oil spill claims czar under fire for rosy ...BP oil spill paymaster Kenneth Feinberg released a draft plan this week for deciding payments on final claims for damages for the disaster, and it's drawing fire for being too optimistic about the pace of recovery. Feinberg released the proposed methodology on Feb. 2 and said he would ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsHouse Fails to Pass Patriot Act Extension The U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a short-term extension of certain provisions of the Patriot Act Tuesday, according to reports. Republicans fell seven votes short of a fast-track extension of three … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsChechen Militant Claims Responsibility for Moscow Airport Attack In a video released late Monday to a site frequented by Chechen Islamists, Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov claimed responsibility for directing the suicide bombing at Moscowâs Domodedovo Airport that killed 36 … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsLawyer for Deceased Gitmo Detainee Disputes Military’s Portrayal The lawyer for Guantanamo detainee Awal Gul, who died of an apparent heart attack at the prison last week, has lashed out at the militaryâs portrayal of his client, saying Gul had … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsDetainee Dies at Guantanamo The U.S. military announced Thursday that Awal Gul, a 48-year-old ex-Taliban commander, died of an apparent heart attack after exercising at Guantanamo. Gul had reportedly been working out on an elliptical machine inside the prisonâs Camp … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsStudy: Fewer Muslim-American Terror Suspects in 2010 than Previous Year A new study by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security says that the number of Muslim Americans suspected of terrorism in 2010 fell by half compared to 2009, … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- EPA chief survives first Congressional climate ...Lisa Jackson lands some blows of her own as Republican members attack the science and economics of climate change, says Jim Giles.
- Australian cyclone would cover most of USThe tropical cyclone bearing down on Australia's north-east coast is a storm on a continental scale
- Today on New Scientist: 2 February 2011All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: tobacco plants that detect explosives, prophets of doom and incestuous ants
- Climate sceptics and scientists attempt peace ...In Lisbon last week, 28 climate scientists, bloggers and professional contrarians discussed reconciliation over the science of climate change
- Colliding galaxies spawn dazzling black hole r ...A collision between two galaxies triggered the birth of a ring of stars, some of which exploded to become black holes
Tech Drive In
- Top 12 Useful Opera Extensions You Might Want ...The latest Opera 11 release introduced a slew of new features which included the support for third party extensions. There is nothing new about it though, since Firefox had addons support like for ever. �And Opera gradually became the most awesome browser that nobody uses. Let's just hope that t ...
- XPlanetFX - Incredible Tool for Rendering Real ...XPlanetFX is an incredible tool for rendering�high quality�real time earth wallpaper in Ubuntu. XplanetFX comes with a handy GTK interface which makes things a whole lot simpler. I never knew such a tool even existed until one of our readers mentioned us about it. Real Time Earth Wallpaper ...
- 6 Awesome Conky Configs That Just WorksBeautiful Conky configurations have always been an integral part of all kinds of�Linux desktop eyecandy. With that in mind, we had featured here before an awesome collection of 13 Conky configs from around the web. Now, its time for a few more. Here are 6 more eyecandy conky configs for your Lin ...
- Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal - First ImpressionsAt the time of writing this article, Ubuntu 11.04 codenamed "Natty Narwhal" is still very much in its nascent stages of development. I really wanted to take it for a spin and write about my first hand impressions on latest build Ubuntu Natty. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Alpha 1 in my ...
- Last.fm Free Music Player Google Chrome Extens ...Tech Drive-in has covered several posts on useful Google Chrome extensions before, the most prominent being the one where we featured useful Chrome extensions for a more secure browsing experience. But this one is special. A Last.fm music player extension for Google Chrome that�does exactly what ...
Case About Bird Flu
- ALL WAGES, PENSIONS, WELFARE AND TAXES IN EURO ...*Germany and France to control all wages, taxes, pensions and welfare benefits across the eurozone under new plan unveiled in Brussels *Economic coordination will result in a planned economy and ineficiency, economic experts say *People of Europe will have no say in the transfer of control over ...
- Dr Andrew Wakefield says BMJ has been hijacked ...[Personel note: soon after I found out that Baxter had contaminated 72 kilos of vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus in their biosecurity lab in Austria in 2009, I contacted the BMJ and offered to write a report since I had written for them regularly before. Knowing how the media op ...
- French regulators who allowed deadly drugs ont ...French patients, pols attack gov’t over Mediator January 12, 2011 â 11:02am ET | By Tracy Staton Think FDA gets lots of flak from U.S. critics? Take a look at the blowback in France. Patients are suing and politicians are calling for public inquiry over the withdrawn diabetes drug Mediator. Crit ...
- HOW TO BEAT THE GLOBALISTS: THE LESSONS EGYPTI ...The people of Egypt have protested for twelve days against the brutal oppression and corruption of the regime of Hosni Mubarak propped up by the US and European allies, including Germany, which supplied Mubarak with weapons. http://twocircles.net/2011feb04/german_weapons_used_quell_antimubarak_p ...
- Dictator Mubarak might flee to strong ally and ...According to The New York Times, Vice President Omar Suleiman and top Egyptian military officials have been urging Mubarak to move to his home at the seaside resort of Sharm el-Sheikh or to go to Germany for his annual medical checkup on a one-way ticket to placate protestors. Germany supplies s ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Mike Rivero on the dangers of Islamic StatesIsrael and the US fear an Islamic State in Egypt if new elections are held, but their fears may be unfounded based on the history of Iran since the Islamic state was formed… By Mike Rivero It really is too bad these articles in the corporate media have stopped allowing comments, because I woul ...
- USDA Allows GMO Sugar Beet Planting Even After ...Sara Novack Planet Green In the past few months it has seemed, maybe if only a little bit, that the USDA had begun to see the danger in GMO seeds. Though in the end GMO alfalfa was approved, Tom Vilsack had this to say about it: “We have an obligation to carefully consider…the potential of [...]
- Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 President ...Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Political pundits are speculating that Ron Paul could be on the verge of announcing his much awaited 2012 presidential run, after the Texas Congressman agreed to give a speech in Iowa at an event entitled “presidential lecture series ...
- Why can’t the US legalize drugs? There’s ‘too ...By Daniel Tencer In what will likely be seen as something of a Freudian slip by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said recently in a Mexican news interview that the United States cannot legalize drugs as a means of fighting the black market because “there is just too much money in it.” ...
- Egyptian bomb drops – Interior Minister ...by ne plus ultra Mon Feb 07, 2011 at 07:32:17 PM PST A story is developing that will bring a decisive end to the old regime in Egypt, and leave decades of Middle Eastern policy in flames. The cynicism and the horror will blow you away. Sadly, it did in fact blow 26 innocents away. [...]
Veterans Today
- US Politics & the Myth of the Pendulum SwingPacified & Lulled, Still Waiting for the Pendulum to Swing It was a rainy April day in 2004, and I was in the office of one of my professors at the university’s Public Policy Graduate Department. I was having one of those defeated and disillusioned moments that kept recurring during that time pe ...
- Murder in Tampa studied by Russian President M ...What could be so interesting about a murder in Tampa that Russian President Medvedev would have the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences study it? There have been more horrible cases around the world involving a parent killing children. Julie Schenecker said she killed them because they were talk ...
- Spy Trade: How Israel’s Lobby Undermines ...Israel and its American lobby have committed audacious but generally unknown crimes against the United States. The government has long kept files about Israeli espionage, weapons smuggling, and covert operations on American soil classified...until now. Spy Trade begins on the trail of a vast smu ...
- Gilad Atzmon: Left and IslamThe following is an updated edition of a paper I published eighteen months ago. The current edition includes new references to the unfolding events in Egypt. In front of our eyes, a gigantic regional Arab uprising is taking place. It is evident that until the last few days Western Left had very ...
- Egyptian Intifada: In Tahrir Square, Muslims, ...CAIRO, Feb 9 (IPS) — In recent years, Egypt has witnessed mounting tension between its Muslim majority and its sizeable Coptic Christian minority. But in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the site of ongoing mass protests against the ruling regime, members of both faiths chant in unison: “Muslim, Christian ...
electric politics
- The Story of Our LivesWe need to pay more attention to the world around us. It's not easy. We're constantly bombarded by interruptions, in large part due to the way we've organized ourselves around technology. But if we can't stay focused we lose the ability to create and follow narrative threads, especially those r ...
- Good Sense and NonsenseNeoliberal economics lacks imagination. And the story it tells of greedy individuals maximizing their self-interest is — or should be — an insult to decent people everywhere. The fact that we can accept such a preposterous story so uncritically raises a big, red warning flag that society has so ...
- From Boom to Bust and Back AgainIt's no accident that the White House won't regulate the banks. In our plutocratic system the White House is their wholly owned and fully brain-washed subsidiary, the only question being how best to pretend otherwise. To discuss various matters involving American and world high finance I turned ...
- Inflection PointsWhat's the attraction of trying to remake the world so that everybody becomes like us? My answer is it's the logical extension of a terrifying, still very much alive American system of slavery but whatever your favorite explanation, the project itself is doomed. When will we ever learn? To talk ...
- Trench WarfareIt's not just morally unconscionable that a tiny minority of Americans have almost all the money, it's a terrible thing in policy terms, especially if what you want is democracy. A plutocracy — let's not kid ourselves about this — is basically a slave system. To talk about how we got into our p ...
PR News
- WagEd hires Bloomberg's OlmosSAN FRANCISCO: Waggener Edstrom Worldwide tapped David Olmos as director of the the firm's healthcare editorial strategy, starting February 7.
- Rosenstein returns to MWW as CFOEAST RUTHERFORD, NJ: Seth Rosenstein, former senior director of finance at Polo Ralph Lauren, rejoined MWW Group as VP, CFO. He was previously CFO at the firm from 2004 to 2009.
- PR hiring and recruitment on the upswing Talent recruiters say the rebound in the job market for PR pros has already started, with much of the strength coming from the senior management level.
- Ooyala names Horn Group AORMOUNTAIN VIEW, CA: Ooyala, the online video platform for publishers and marketers, hired digital communications firm Horn Group as its AOR.
- Rutgers hires McDonoughNEW BRUNSWICK, NJ: Rutgers University tapped Peter McDonough as VP of public affairs, starting March 1.
The Story Behind the Story
- IMPORTANT CORRECTIONS ON PREVIOUS POST!!Earlier, I posted a communication I received concerning the January 28 event over Jerusalem. The post was incorrect, and had been changed from its original form. Today, I was notified of the alterations in the text, and I have indeed verified these subtle changes. I do not know exactly HOW th ...
- Jane Stillwater Tells it Like it Is on $17.5 T ...America’s 17.5-trillion-dollar loss: Time to move Tahrir Square to Wall Street? By Jane Stillwater http://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2011/02/americas-17.html I’m really really glad to be leaving for Antarctica in a few days — because America’s undemocratic financial system is really really star ...
- Rothschilds Now Own Control of Weather Central ...Please note my underlined text and personal given in parenthesis in this “Business Wire” article —- Ott NEW YORK – (Business Wire) E.L. Rothschild LLC, a private investment company led by Chairman Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and CEO Lynn Forester de Rothschild, today announced the signing of a de ...
- “Event Contracts”?? Are You Kiddi ...Recently, a female caller phoned in to Alex Jones’ radio show as he was interviewing George Noory. She was obviously excited about sharing a government CFTC website link. Unfortunately, Jones ignored her story – so she persevered and called into Noory’s Coast to Coast show. Here is the cal ...
- ET Craft Makes Story of the Decade? You Decid ...I have been sitting on this story since January 29.  At first, I wasn’t going to post it, but now I see that it is important in the extreme. It doesn’t matter what I personally believe or disbelieve. What matters is that the story gets exposure so that the public can make up their own [.. ...
k2p blog
- Solar Cycle 24 forecast reduced yet againCurrent prediction for the next sunspot cycle maximum gives a smoothed sunspot number maximum of about 58 in July of 2013. We are currently two years into Cycle 24 and the predicted size continues to fall.
- Very fishy: Dismissed from Cambridge, PhD from ...The latest revelations about the chequered career of Jatinder Ahluwalia show that he was dismissed from Cambridge for falsifying data but was later awarded a PhD by Imperial College before his misconduct was discovered at University College London.
- The E-type turns 50The Design Museum celebrates 50 years of the iconic Jaguar E-Type with a display in the Design Museum Tank.
- La Niña and NAO driving current stormy weatherRecent extreme weather events as far as Australia and Africa are being fueled by a climate phenomenon known as La Niña.
- Aero India 2011 kicks off tomorrow: MMRCA and ...Over 600 vendors from over 60 countries are expected to participate in the 5 day Aero India 2011 air show in Bangalore from 9th - 13th February.
Left Foot Forward
- True multiculturalism acts as a bulwark agains ...The lack of concrete proposals for change or a credible alternative vision suggests multiculturalism is a convenient whipping boy rather than the real problem.
- Time to move away from spreadsheets and look a ...Location is crucial to understanding the full impact of the cuts; it is time to move away from spreadsheets and look at the real implications of the cuts in context.
- Boris’s relish for cuts means London is ...When it comes to standing up to David Cameron and George Osborne on behalf of the vast majority of Londoners - whose average income is just £21,800 - Boris Johnson’s record is woeful.
- Coalition fails “moment of truth” ...Last month, Lord Oakeshott describe Project Merlin as "a real moment of truth for the coalition on fairness". The peer has tonight resigned over the Government's deal on banking.
- PMQs: Prime Minister’s (selective) Quota ...David Cameron endured one of his worst Prime Minister's Questions today, under fire over the 'Big Society' and Sure Start, and now shown to have misquoted John Healey.
- Please, Please, Don't Buy Mobile Phone Minutes ...Sure, you can buy minutes for your prepaid mobile phone at Radio Shack. But that doesn't mean that you should. Reader Adam's source for this information: a Shack employee, who told Adam that he should get his minutes elsewhere, claiming that employees get in trouble for selling them. Wha? This ...
- Activision Blizzard Halts Guitar Hero Franchis ...Gamers who buy the annual Guitar Hero releases will have some extra spending money this year, because publisher Activision Blizzard announced it will release no music games in 2011. It also canceled True Crime: Hong Kong and revealed it will lay off 500 people. Gamasutra reports the moves ar ...
- Dead Woman's Parents Told To Repay Her Wells F ...Many young adults complain that they will be trapped in student loan debt for the rest of their lives. It could be worse: yes, really, worse. A young woman in Kansas died of cancer shortly after graduating from college, and the lenders of her $45,000 in student loans decided to come after the b ...
- Morning DealsClothingAshford: [Accessories] [Seiko Women's Bracelet Watch $79 shipped]Under Armour: [Athletic Apparel] [Save up to 50% at Outlet Sale]Lord & Taylor: [Clothing & Accessories] Save 20% Off Sitewide with coupon code BIG.Shoes.com: [Shoes] Save 20% Off Sitewide + Free Shipping use coupon code HE ...
- Angry Super Bowl Ticket-Holders Sue NFL, Dalla ...Unhappy Super Bowl ticket-holders, including some of the 400 who were forced to stand during the big game because their seats were deemed unsafe, have filed a lawsuit claiming they were misled by the NFL, the Dallas Cowboys and that team's owner Jerry Jones. The suit alleges breach of contrac ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Development Agencies Fail to Take On Corruptio ...Canadian Press: Darling of Development World, Stung by Corruption Problems, Says Others in Worse Shape The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a $21.7 billion health fund backed by prominent celebrities – is responding to allegations that the fund has lost up to $34 millio ...
- Feds Subpoena Lawyer in CIA Leak Case: Whistle ...St. Louis Beacon: Feds Take Unusual Step of Subpoenaing Sterling's Lawyer The lawyer representing Jeffrey Sterling – the former CIA officer charged with leaking national security secrets to the press – was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in order to discuss Sterling’s case. Fed ...
- Teresa Chambers Case Highlights Limitations of ...Last week, the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ordered the National Park Service to reinstate whistleblower Teresa Chambers as Chief of the U.S. Park Police, as well as to reimburse her for back pay and legal costs. Her case garnered national attention when she was removed by the Bush ...
- Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator ...By Wikimedia user Markus Schweiss Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Killed Whistleblower Bill? This article details how the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) – a bill that would have strengthened protections for federal employees – was killed by one senator’s d ...
- Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. ...Three months ago, journalist Michael Isikoff noted the disturbing "Double Standard" in White House Leak Inquiries. But now it's not just the Executive Branch. Josh Gerstein of Politico just published an article on how a judge ruled that the Justice Department can keep secret names of its own ...
UK Progressive
- Are We Fracking Around With Our Drinking Water ...Actor Mark Ruffalo, inadvertently, increased the public’s awareness of hydraulic fracturing when Pennsylvania’s Office of Homeland Security placed him on a terror watch list while he was promoting âGaslandâ a documentary by Josh Fox, on the purported dangers of hydraulic fracturing or âfrackingâ ...
- Fired-Up Anderson Cooper Calls Out Egypt’s VP ...Forget nuance, loose the weasel words. Anderson Cooper had been beaten up by Suleiman’s Secret Police thugs, saw fellow journalists treated like prisoners of war and had had enough. He came out swinging the other night and set a real and direct tone calling the new Administration of Vice Preside ...
- Democrats and Gun ControlRepresentative Mike Pence (R-IN) says, âI maintain that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens makes communities safer, not less safe.â Yeah, right, Rep. Pence. Have you tried telling that to your Democratic colleague Gabrielle Giffords? And, after the carnage in Arizona, Rep. Peter King ...
- Obama’s Deal with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce“We can, and we must, work together,” the President told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today. “Whatever differences we may have, I know that all of us share a deep, abiding belief in this country, a belief in our people, a belief in the principles that have made America’s economy the envy of the ...
- The Super Bowl of Advertising – The Best of 20 ...The US NFL Football Super Bowl is dubbed as the world championship of American football. It is a corporate entertainment orgy where the face value of tickets starts at $900 per seat and many pay touts in excess of $50,000 for top seats. The game, often an afterthought was very exciting as the Gr ...
- Iconic 'Guitar Hero' video game gets the axAP
- Dem accuses witness invited by Ron Paul of 'ha ...The Hill
- White House says no to emergency AK-47 regulat ...AP
- Introduction to Libertarianism- Professor Walt ...
- 1968-75: How 'X-Rated' Became Synonymous With ...The Atlantic
- The Urban Heat Island effect: Could Africa be ...The mystery: We know when we drive through a city that temperatures warm from the fringe to the middle. We know UHI is real, but how much does it affect the official records? Is a 2010 city 0.3 K hotter than a 1960 city? How would we know? Frank Lansner has come up with a [...]
- Questions real journalists ought to be asking ...When “experts” say that cyclones and extreme storms will be more common in a warmer world, and are “linked”, “connected”, “expected”, or “definitely” due to man-made CO2 emissions, journalists could try asking some real questions. … 1. If storms are getting worse thanks to man-made CO2 emissions ...
- The SOI still rulesWho would have thought that if you knew the air pressure in Darwin and Tahiti in June, you could figure out that the start of 2011 might be a Stalingrad Winter up North and a cooler wetter summer down south (Not that people in Sydney feel all that cool right now). But the air pressure [...]
- The money is leaving the roomThere is still billions invested in research, billions circling in carbon markets, and billions tossed as government subsidies. But there are a few less billion available now than there was before Christmas. Reality bites and Green Energy is left to face the music. Austerity pulling plug on Euro ...
- Climate sceptics and scientists attempt peace ...Fred Pearce from New Scientist thinks that there was a real meeting between climate skeptics and “scientists” last week in Lisbon, but therein lies the problem right from the start. The climate skeptics are the scientists, and in the end, hardly anyone else turned up. The unskeptical “scientists ...
ReNew America
- Judge Vinson's bittersweet ObamaCare ruling(Monte Kuligowski) - Ruling that the ObamaCare insurance mandate is unconstitutional is like saying that water is wet. Of course it's an unconstitutional abuse of federal power. If the feds can force people to buy health insurance, there is virtually no limit to the reach of federal meddling int ...
- Cantor: GOP will defund health care law(Politico) - House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says the bill to fund the government for the rest of the year will have language to withhold funding from the health care law by the time it passes the House next week...
- Same-sex marriage issue resurfaces in flurry o ...(Associated Press) - Lawmakers in Rhode Island and Maryland are taking up bills to legalize gay marriage, advocates in New York are making a renewed push, and opponents are fighting for constitutional bans in Indiana and Wyoming and to re-impose bans in Iowa and Hampshire...
- Scientists publish letter blasting global warm ...(Newsmax) - Taking a group of fellow scientists to task for alarmism and flawed analysis, a leading group of scientists published an open letter to Congress this week refuting much of the data indicating that the earth is warming...
- Sabato: GOP in best position in decades to tak ...(Newsmax) - The GOP is poised to put the Senate in the win column in 2012 after securing its best starting position in decades as a result of state and national wins last year, University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato tells Newsmax.TV...
Truth Offering
- Poll - Week Ending February 6, 2011So what's going on in Egypt? Is it the CIA doing their dirty work? Is it a legitimate uprising? Is it a sign of things to come in the US? What exactly is happening? Further still, should we be getting involved? Well, we don't know what's going on there just yet, but here's what you guys think:
- Interpreting Ted Rall's "The Anti-American Man ...Let me start by saying that I really hate using political terms like "left-wing" and "right-wing." It's lazy, small mindedness to do so, in my opinion. It allows us to summarize a person's entire belief system with a tiny little definition, and I don't like that. No one -- well, not most people ...
- Poll - Week Ending January 31, 2011This past week, we asked you guys to tell us what you think is of most concern with our drinking water. Is it the fluoride government puts into the water that we consume? Is it the fact that there are increasing amounts of pharmaceuticals in our water supply? Or is it the fact that some policy m ...
- Chemtrails from Indianapolis, IndianaRight now, Indianapolis is expecting a huge winter storm. And under normal conditions, that'd seem totally normal, right? I mean, Indiana gets snow. But what do you make of these chemtrails; these photos were taken this morning by a TruthOffering.com Contributor (Click to Enlarge): � Note that ...
- Must-Read Articles From Around the Web - Janua ..."All is not what it seems in Egyptian Clashes" by Tony Cartalucci Before It's News - Go to the George Soros/Zbigniew Brzezinski International Crisis Group's website and you will see that the Egyptian clashes have hit surprisingly close to home for them. That's because none other than their own ...
2012 Blog
- Another Icelandic Volcano ThreatensThis time the volcano is called Bárdarbunga, and a scientist has warned that the odds of it erupting are high. If it does, it could be substantially worse for Europe than Eyjafjallajökul which erupted in 2010, creating air traffic chaos: … there was “every reason to worry” as the sustained ear ...
- Chinese Air Raid Shelters / LHC in 2012 / Mzor ...This CNN video lets us know that there are lots of Chinese folk living in old, underground shelters. The question – is this a sign that the Chinese Govt. deems shelters unnecessary, or is it true that they plan on evicting the residents? http://edition.cnn.com/video/?/video/world/2011/02/07/yoon ...
- Power Grid Disinformation??If you have been following 2012 in the broadest sense, you’ll know that: 1) A Coronal Mass Ejection (from the Sun) could wipe out the electrical grid in the USA and potentialy elsewhere. 2) The next solar maximum (and therefore heightened odds of a CME) is in 2012/2013. 3) The recent solar min ...
- Amazing Scottish Bunker For SaleNot too far from where the majority of Scots live, a bunker is now for sale at a very reasonable price of £400,000: The complex at Cultybraggan Camp near Comrie, Perthshire, was completed in 1990 and is believed to be one of the most advanced structures of its kind. It was built to house 150 [. ...
- New California Risk: SuperstormAs if supervolcanoes and earthquakes weren’t enough to worry about, add floods to the list of natural events that could be catastrophic for Californians. A group of more than 100 scientists and experts say in a new report that California faces the risk of a massive “superstorm” that could flood ...
Facing South
- How Texas conservatives are manipulating a bud ...By Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer "While some are worried, conservatives should be excited. This challenge should be viewed as an opportunity." - Andrew Kerr, executive director of Empower Texans, a conservative group.What's Kerr so excited about? Oh, just Texas' little old $27-billion budget h ...
- 2010 Census reveals lingering scars of KatrinaThe release of Louisiana's 2010 Census data last week had little in the way of surprises for those who live there, but it did provide confirmation -- and affirmation -- for what they've been saying the last five years: Despite inspiring progress, Katrina's devastation is still deeply felt throug ...
- Grand Isle businesses battered by BP oil disas ...By Rocky Kistner, Bridge the Gulf For more than 30 years, Sarah and her daughter Annette Rigaud�owned one of the most popular eateries on�Grand Isle, La. Sarah's Restaurant is�a cozy place filled with mementos of sun-splashed beach vacations and fishing trips. It was a prosperous business, pa ...
- Virginia uranium mining panel meets as concern ...A special panel of the National Academy of Sciences is meeting in Richmond, Va. today to gather information for its study on whether uranium can be mined and milled safely in the state. This will be the NAS panel's last town hall-style meeting in Virginia for public comment, and dozen ...
- Gulf oil spill claims czar under fire for rosy ...BP oil spill paymaster Kenneth Feinberg released a draft plan this week for deciding payments on final claims for damages for the disaster, and it's drawing fire for being too optimistic about the pace of recovery. Feinberg released the proposed methodology on Feb. 2 and said he would ...
One News Page
- Duke Energy And SunEdison Announce Completion ...Beltsville MD (SPX) Feb 01, 2011 Duke Energy and Sun Edison have announced the activation of the final phases of a 17.2 megawatt (MW) solar farm in Davidson County, N.C. Constructed in five phases and covering over 200 acres of land, the project is comprised of more than 63,000 photovoltaic . ...
- Lindsay Lohan Now A ThiefLindsay Lohan has got herself into trouble once again. This time the reason is not drugs or a fight, the reason is more gruesome, it's a theft. Lindsay Lohan has been accused of stealing a necklace. Lindsay Lohan had stole a
- Kiwi schools ban phones to fight 'sexting'
- NYC hookers 'selling sex on Facebook'
- El-Baradei was 'too soft on Tehran', says Wiki ...London, Feb. 10 (ANI): Former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed El-Baradei, now a key leader of the Egyptian opposition, was seen by both the United States and Israel as being too soft on Iran and becoming 'part of the problem' in the Middle East, diplomatic cables leaked . ...
Global Research TV
- Obama Criticized for Meeting with Corporate Ba ...
- Scores Wounded in Bangladesh Clashes
- Obama Blocks US Torture Probe
- Punchlines for Progress: Freedom of Speech Exp ...
- Egypt: Revolution in the Making
Daily Tech
- Amazon Privacy Lawsuit Settled Between NC Depa ...North Carolina Department of Revenue has agreed to discontinue requesting the personal information of its residents that shop through Amazon
- UPDATE: Verizon iPhone 4 Sales Now Open to Eve ...Orders placed today will ship by Feb. 18
- Apple Stores Rumored to Be Ditching Boxed Soft ...Love Apple or hate it, the company appears to be leading the industry in a new direction
- Sony "PlayStation Phone" is Now OfficialXperia Play is unveiled in a 30-second Super Bowl ad
- UPDATE: Verizon iPhone 4 Sales Now Open to Eve ...Orders placed today will ship by Feb. 18
Oriental Review
- Reagan’s Secret LegacyPeter Chamberlin (USA) On this, the one-hundredth birthday of Ronald Reagan, the Reagan worshippers are coming out of the woodwork. It seems that the self-appointed leaders of the “Tempest in the Teapot” party (or whatever they call themselves), even Obama himself, are trying to ride Reagan’s fa ...
- The United States Must Take Russia’s Interests ...Andrei Pravov (Russia) A recent interview with the American political scientist Ariel Cohen produced a feeling more of déjà vu than anything else. We have seen these arguments before. In the early 1990s, Russian newspapers loved to publish the opinions of numerous Western politicians and politic ...
- Egypt Leaving an Epoch BehindDmitry Sedov (Russia) The Anglo-Saxon globalization ran into a major roadblock: at the moment the Egyptian regime which the West has propped up for decades is on the verge of collapse. Even if Mubarak’s nominee Omar Suleiman manages to cling on, the global centers of power will have to face a di ...
- Tragedy at Domodedovo Airport and Bias of the ...Stanislav Ivanov (Russia) The new terrorist attack in Russia on January 24, 2011 justifiably angered Russians and the entire world community. About 200 people suffered (35 of whom were killed) an attack by a suicide bomber in the passenger arrival lounge at Domodedovo airport. Hardly anyone coul ...
- Egypt in Fire: Statehood Wisdom Put to TestYuri Tyssovski (Russia) The tide of popular protests in Egypt shows no signs of subsiding. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Cairo, Alexandria, Asyut, Port Said, and Suez to demand the immediate resignation of the current Egyptian leader H. Mubarak dubbed Egypt’s last Pharaoh by ...
- A Month of Movies: Miss Representation -- Not ...Jennifer Siebel Newsom's Miss Representation is proving itself a force to be reckoned with. It was high on my list of movies I desperately wanted to see but missed out on at Sundance -- the list of interviewees reads like a who's who of women in Media, and listening to Siebel Newsom speak about ...
- 14 Days of Chocolate, Day 9: The Crepes of Wra ...Every day from February 1-14, food bloggers in the BlogHer Publishing Network are sharing their very favorite chocolate recipes -- from chocolate gravy (!) to fondue, cookies, and cake. Sign up to get 14 Days of Chocolate in your inbox, and see all the chocolate in the series. ****************** ...
- Why I'm Not Leaving AT&T for Verizon's iPhoneFirst off, the truth: my iPhone dropped three calls yesterday. Three! I am actually so used to the phone cutting me off mid-sentence, I now have no problem picking up EXACTLY where I left off, once I can get the person (usually my husband, who also has an iPhone) back on the line. For the l ...
- Getting Involved on the Anniversary of Let's M ...We've seen time and time again how fixing one problem can cause a different one. We fret about test scores, so we cut physical education out of the school day so we can work more academics in. We take a chunk of land that was only used by some neighbourhood kids to play touch football and turn i ...
- (INTERVIEW) Erin Bried, Author of "How to Buil ...For scrappy upcyclers and would-be renaissance women alike, Erin Bried's DIY book, How to Sew a Button and Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew, serves as a savvy guide to financially savvy, self-sufficient, and sustainable living. But why would a girl stop at just learning just what her gra ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- To End World Hunger, End Factory Farms: Worldw ...The struggle to feed the world has created frustration with its failure, especially for the ones who are hungry and especially because we live in a time where food production is at its highest. Government ...
- Soy Based Infant Formula May Cause InfertilitySoy has penetrated the food supply in a bad way. It can be found in nearly three quarters of processed foods used as a filler for meats, in vegetable oil, mac and cheese, salad dressings ...
- Bioengineered Salmon: California Bill Seeks Cl ...The FDA announced it was beginning the approval process for bio-engineered salmon in August last year. The agency determined the fish are safe for consumption based on research done by the very company selling it, ...
- Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials For ReliefGulf residents are fighting for their lives. There are no jobs, nothing to fish and no support for those exposed to receive the medical care that is so desperately needed. All the while, tarballs continue to ...
- USDA Fully Deregulates GMO Alfalfa:Open Pollin ...Organic farmers have suffered a loss as the USDA has announced that they are allowing Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GM alfalfa to be planted without restrictions. Â The news comes as a blow to the organic industry ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” Proporti ...The worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
- Why won’t OSMRE Director Joe Pizarchik t ...When we last left our friends at the U.S. Office of Surface Mining, they were struggling to avoid talking about the leaked version of the Environmental Impact Statement on their changes to the stream “buffer zone” rule. OSMRE Director Joe Pizarchik did issue a strange “Dear editors and publisher ...
- Rep. McKinley gets it wrong on the Spruce MineI’m still watching the House Commerce and Energy Committee hearing on efforts to block action on global warming, and finally they got around to giving Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., a chance to ask questions. We’ve seen before that Rep. McKinley doesn’t have a very firm grasp on the state of the ...
- Rep. Rahall joins in GOP attacks on EPAThere I was this morning, watching the Republican leadership on the House Energy and Commerce Committee go after EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson for trying to enforce the Clean Air Act … Now, West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall is a Democrat, and he’s not even on the Energy and Commerce Committee. ...
- A different take on coal pollutionWe talk a lot on this blog about the impacts coal causes because of our addiction to using it to fuel our industrial society here in the United States. But every once in a while a story out there catches my eye that reminds of coal’s importance — and impacts — in our parts of [...]
- Judge tosses Aracoma widows’ case agains ...U.S. District Judge John T. Copenhaver yesterday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the widows of coal miners Don Bragg and Ellery Hatfield against the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration. Copenhaver ruled that MSHA could not be held liable, despite the clear failure of MSHA to do its job a ...
Daniel Miessler
- Facebook HTTP Headers: No P3P AquiI’ve been doing a lot of server optimization lately, and thus have been checking out what HTTP stacks the major sites are running. I found Facebook’s HTTP headers to be interesting for a different reason (see screenshot above). So they actually take the time and resources to send out a no-p3p he ...
- Married Republican Gets Sacked for Flirting Wi ...Rep. Chris Lee of New York abruptly resigned Wednesday evening, hours after a gossip Web site reported that the married Republican had allegedly sent flirtatious e-mail messages and a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he met online. via washingtonpost.com The surprising part here isn’t that ...
- Star Wars Facebook Exchangevia imgur.com Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsObama and Jesus | ImgurHalley’s CometAnatidaephobiaReaganomicsThis is my Favorite Picture
- Varnish and NginxOk, so I’m sporting Varnish and Nginx now on the site, and I’ve made a number of tweaks since yesterday. I’m no longer running Apache at all. Good riddance. I’m highly enthused about software that performs well and has simple configurations. Nginx conf files are so clean compared to those of Apa ...
- Good Times With Varnish, Nginx, and Apache Ben ...I learned some web server Kung Fu this weekend. I now know how to set up both Nginx and Varnish, and I’ve been messing around off and on with optimizations of Apache, Nginx, and Varnish–using Apache Bench to test from another Linode system I own. It’s pretty fun, and I came up with some fun [... ...
- Legal Advice Drop-In for Student/Anti-Cuts Arr ...From LDMG: Legal Defence & Monitoring Group (LDMG) and Offmarket Infoshop in Hackney, London will now be offering a regular legal drop-in session for all those arrested on the Student Demonstrations or Anti-Cuts Actions. We will be able to offer: * Entirely free, confidential legal advice coming ...
- Manchester demo – police use s50 powers ...We have received this account from an eye-witness in Manchester. Police have abused ASBO legislation to obtain the personal details of anti-cuts demonstrators. Manchester police ended a day of orderly rallies and breakout groups of protesters by abusing legislation on anti-social behaviour in or ...
- Protesters sprayed as Hugh Orde advocates extr ...Three days after head of ACPO, Hugh Orde, promised the use of more extreme tactics on protesters, ten people have been cs/pepper sprayed at a London UKUncut protest outside Boots, with three needing hospital treatment. During the protest on Oxford Street, an activist tried to post a leaflet thro ...
- Statement by activist security collective on L ...The following is a statement from the ActivistSecurity.org collective following discussions with individuals involved in the expose of 'Lynn Watson' as an undercover police infiltrator. The original of this, including photographs, can be found at their website http://www.activistsecurity.org/lyn ...
- Schnews repostedIn the interests of completeness, we reprint (with permission!) the Schnews article that broke the news about cop/govt trolling on activist websites.... INTER-NETCU AS GOVERNMENT AGENCY CAUGHT INFILTRATING ACTIVIST MEDIA OUTLET “No - stuff that - SHUT the place: Let’s not all stand around like l ...
Worldwide Hippies
- The Latest Republican Sex ScandalRep. Chris Lee resigns after reports of Craigslist flirtation | Washington Post Rep. Chris Lee of New York abruptly resigned Wednesday evening, hours after a gossip Web site reported that the married Republican had allegedly sent flirtatious e-mail messages and a shirtless photo of himself to a ...
- The New First Family: Palins In The House!Bristol Palin to run for office? | CNN Forget about Sarah. The next Palin to hold elective office just might be Bristol Palin. The famous daughter of the former vice presidential candidate told E! News she “probably” will run for office some day if a pressing problem needs to be addressed. “If I ...
- Oh Yea it was Toxic: Oh Yea – Feds collu ...by Mike Adam
- Glenn Beck is walking toward a cliff — o ...Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop? | Politics Daily For years, Beck has pitched various conspiracy theories with a rather predictable thrust: The left is out to take over and/or destroy the United States. (The relationship between assuming control of the country and scheming its de ...
- Collapse of Capitalism, Part III: Sustainabili ...WWH – I first heard the word âsustainabilityâ in reference to âecosystems.â A sustainable ecosystem is one where there is no need for any interference from outside that system in order for it to survive. Like the diverse species in a terrarium, they interact productively to satisfy each others n ...
reference frame
- Liberal parents believe the autism-vaccination ...Paul Nurse, the boss of the Royal Society, recently compared climate skeptics to the people who reject modern medicine, or those who doubt the relationship between HIV and AIDS, and who prefer alternative medicine instead. I have always thought that this analogy is mostly upside ...
- The enigmatic cosmological constantThe cosmological constant remains one of the most mysterious players in the current picture of the world. A building of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University in Albertov. In those buildings, where the Velvet Revolution began on November 17th, 1989, Einstein sp ...
- Congress: 35+36 climate scientists clarify mis ...A week ago, a radical group of 18 climate bullies has tried to scare the U.S. Congress: Eighteen hardcore AGW alarmists threaten U.S. CongressMichael Mann, Kevin Trenberth, Ben Santer, and 15 additional combative climate crackpots have argued that the doomsday is imminent and they denied ...
- China working on thorium reactorsOrdinary nuclear power plants use uranium, Z=92, as their fuel. Nuclear fission has done and is doing a great service to the mankind. However, the uranium still has several disadvantages. The waste products remain radioactive for thousands of years. And the world's reserves of uranium ...
- Stabilized heterotic Calabi-Yau shapesLara Anderson, an expert in Japanese martial arts and an ex-Rhodes scholar, and three collaborators - James Gray, Andres Lukas, and Burt Ovrut - have released a very interesting preprint called Stabilizing All Geometric Moduli in Heterotic Calabi-Yau VacuaYour humble correspondent belongs ...
No Frakking Consensus
- John Holdren’s IPCC MythsPresident Obama's science advisor says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change bases its conclusions on source material that has been vetted in excruciating detail. According to IPCC insiders, this is bunk.
- Is Everything Really Getting Worse?David Suzuki says the planet is in "far worse shape" today than 50 years ago. But a growing library of exhaustively researched books claim the opposite.
- Climategate 2.0I regard a recently-released 700-page document containing candid IPCC insider comments as Climategate 2.0. This gold mine confirms some of our worst fears.
- How Does the IPCC Safeguard Against Bias?According to insiders, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change selects its authors via a secretive process. Nothing prevents scientists belonging to certain schools-of-thought from dominating the reports that get produced.
- NASA, Climate Change, and ChildrenNASA used to be about the right stuff. It used to be about knowledge, human ingenuity, and the triumph of sheer brainpower in the face of unfavourable odds. Now, rather than seeking to inspire kids, NASA tries to frighten them.
- Speeches and LecturesFrom Guy Fawkes to 9/11 – 400 Years of State Sponsored Terrorism London — November 5, 2007 Note: this video just became available, so we are temporarily displaying it at the top of the page. —webmaster download file | link here Webster Tarpley Speaks at 10/23 DC Obama Eligibility Rally ...
- MK-Ultra Minion Assange of Wikileaks Targets ...Webster G. Tarpley on The Alex Jones Show Infowars December 5, 2010 download file
- Emergency Call to Congress: Stop the Destructi ...Webster G. Tarpley TARPLEY.net December 12, 2010 Dear Senator/Congressman – American voters are shocked and outraged by Obama’s latest betrayal of the FDR New Deal heritage. Most alarming in his dirty deal with the Republicans is the proposed sabotage of Social Security. We will work hard to def ...
- December 23, 1310: Emperor Henry VII of Luxemb ...Webster G. Tarpley TARPLEY.net December 23, 2010 Henry VII of Luxemburg Today, December 23, 2010, marks one of the most important world-historical anniversaries of all time. Seven hundred years ago this evening, the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxemburg passed through the city gates of ...
- Media InterviewsEnglish Deutsch Français Italiano Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >| page: 1 of 7 total items: 68 Moscow Airport Bombing – Prime Suspects Include Chechens, Saakashvili, Steered by NATO Intelligence after Karzai Moscow visit, Khodokhovsky Verdict, Impotence of US-Backed Russian Oppo ...
Modern Survivalism
- Marine Landing Force, Ismailia EgyptBased on the fact that the USS Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group has sped it’s way into the Suez canal, and is now waiting in Suez Canal’s ‘Great Bitter Lake’ nearby Ismailia Egypt, is telling in that it’s specific function is to carry Marine’s and equipment designed for beach landing and lan ...
- Marine Landing Force, Ismailia EgyptBased on the fact that the USS Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group has sped it’s way into the Suez canal, and is now waiting just offshore of Ismailia Egypt, is telling in that it’s specific function is to carry Marine’s and equipment designed for beach landing and land deployment operations. W ...
- Sunspot 1153 Brilliantly Explodes!Sunspot 1153 has been transitioning the earth-facing surface of the sun for about a week, and today at 1852 UT it exploded into a brilliant wavelength of light, so bright that it looks to have overloaded the SDO systems which can be seen in one of the slides. One image from the SDO AIA channel [ ...
- 2011 EarthQuake Statistics, YTD methodStatistics can be analyzed in quite a number of ways, many of which are neither right nor wrong, but simply different ways of looking at the data. Similarly, while using USGS earthquake data, we can choose to view statistics in a number of ways. One interesting method is to view year-to-date sta ...
- Emergency Alert System, Direct from PresidentThe familiar emergency alert system, the one where we in the U.S. occasionally hear a radio or television broadcast interruption that reassuringly reminds us that ‘this is only a test’… well, it has just been upgraded to enable emergency alert messaging direct from the President, or FEMA, and is ...
Fast Company
- iFive: Chinese Web Spying, Twitter on Sale At ...On this day in history in 1962 Gary Powers, captured pilot of the revolutionary U-2 spy-plane was exchanged by the USSR for a Soviet spy who'd been caught in the U.S. Two year's later on this day Bob Dylan's iconic "The Times They Are A-Changin'" album was released, and in 2005 North Korea publi ...
- Why Coca-Cola Fell Short on a Key Sustainabili ...Corporate sustainability goals require a tricky balance between ambition and realism. Sometimes, even realistic sustainability goals fall flat. Consider Coca-Cola's recent sustainability report, which details a slew of successes, and one failure: The company missed out on its goal of returning ...
- GE, EPA Team Up to Keep Appliances Out of Land ...It's bad enough to fill up landfills with recyclable food packaging, but it's even worse when people start piling on the remains of hulking appliances. That's why GE partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency this week to work on refrigeration appliance recycling best practices. It doe ...
- Smurfberrygate: Timeline to a Congressional Pr ...Two members of Congress have asked regulators to look into reports of exorbitant in-app purchase bills that may have smeared the good name of the Smurfs forever. A look at how the scandal evolved. Representative Edward Market, a Democrat from Massachusetts, has taken an interest in Smurfs. He's ...
- A Mobile Banking Powerhouse Born From Bus Fare ...A microfinance pilot project pioneered in Africa turned into one of the world's most successful mobile banking systems thanks to one woman's bus fare getting stolen. Now the service could make its way to the United Kingdom. M-PESA, one of the world's most rapidly expanding mobile banking system ...
- From the Blogosphere to the Street: The Role o ...While the uprising in Egypt caught most observers of the Middle East off guard, it did not come out of the blue. The seeds of this spectacular mobilization had been sown as far back as the early 2000s and had been carefully cultivated by activists from across the political spectrum, many ...
- Recuperating the Democracy Narrative: Fareed Z ...On February 8, 2011 Secretary of Defense and ex-CIA chief Robert Gates urged â governments in the regionâ to âtake measures to begin moving in a positive direction toward addressing the political and economic grievances of their people."[1] The mantra has droned out of Obama administrat ...
- The Arab Pro-Democracy Movement: Struggles to ...We are witnessing a historic moment in Egypt and the Arab world. The youth of the region have a revolutionary opportunity to enfranchise citizens---this is the antithesis of the entire post-colonial formula. I am trying to identify the tangible but radical changes that can take place. ...
- Tahrir's Other SkyThe Earth is closing on us pushing us through the last passage and we tear off our limbs to pass through. Where should we go after the last frontiers? Where should the birds fly after the last sky? -- Mahmoud Darwish Egypt�s exhilarating call for freedom, as Elliot Cola recently ...
- إلى أين تتجه الثورة المصرية؟ [Where is the Egy ...� ��دم ا��ظام ا�حا�م �� مصر ت�از�ات ��م�ة �بر� �� ��م ��ا�ت�اضة ا�مصر�ة� ا�ت� �جحت �� تثب�ت أ�دام�ا ع�� ا�أرض. ما ح��ت� ا�ا�ت�اضة حت� ا��حظة �م ��� �ح�م ب� أحد: تع�د مبار� بعدم ا�ترشح� إ��اء مشر�ع ا�ت�ر�ث� ا�س��ط ا�س�اس� ��حزب ا�حا�م ب�� ع���� �ا�تخ�ص م� ��ادت� حرس� ا��د�م �ا�جد�د� ا�اع ...
- Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer (Wall Street ...Wall Street Journal: Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer — As Internet valuations climb and bankers and would-be buyers circle Silicon Valley in an increasingly frothy tech market, many eyes are on one particularly desirable, if still enigmatic, target: Twitter. — Executives at both Facebook ...
- The Politics of the New Huffington Post at AOL ...Jay Rosen / Pressthink: The Politics of the New Huffington Post at AOL — Is ideological innovation possible in online journalism? I think it is. My suggestion: Drop the View from Nowhere and go with transparency throughout the reborn AOL. — These are the top five questions journalists hav ...
- WJLA-TV re-assumes control of "its" website (T ...Terry Heaton / Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog: WJLA-TV re-assumes control of “its” website — According to reports out of Washington, Albritton Communications is transferring control of its experimental news start-up, TBD.com, back to its TV station in the market, WJLA-TV, where GM and News Directo ...
- Reddit Turnaround Shows How Big Companies Can ...Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry / SAI: Silicon Alley Insider: Reddit Turnaround Shows How Big Companies Can Get M&A Right — Of all the storied properties owned by Condé Nast, which one is generating the most pageviews? — It's not Vanity Fair, it's not Vogue, and it's not GQ. It's none of the usual ...
- Tea Party Creates Own Magazine to Reflect Move ...Steve Peoples / Roll Call: Tea Party Creates Own Magazine to Reflect Movement's Values — The tea party movement, known for its regular attacks on the media, is formally joining the media business. — Activists have created a magazine, Tea Party Review, to be launched this week at the Conser ...
Chemtrail News
- CBS Outlet Calls for Chemtrail Pics--Fi ...Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:58 How long will we be polluted and blocked from the sun? It's enough!!! by Zen Gardner OK, they want photos. So, let's.unhypnotize.com/.../47034-cbs-outlet-calls-chemtrail-pics-fire...
- Chemtrails? How many chemtrail b ...Chemtrails? How many chemtrail believers are there here? in the HubPages Politics & Social Issues Forum.hubpages.com/forum/topic/67015
- Chem Trail footage page 1The above video comes from TankerEnemy an Italian chemtrail proponent It very clearly shows aerodynamic contrails coming from the wings of a KC10 The pilots ...www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread661420/pg1
- PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: CHEMTRAILS Slo ...How To Train Your Dragon dominates Annie awards · Former FBI Chief Says Chemtrail Death Dumps In USA... Thousands Of Dead Fish Found In Florida (VIDEO) · U.S. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictato. ...PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2 - http://chimpplanet.blogspot.com/
- ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC All Want Your Chemt ...We believe that the U.S. has bullied the rest of the world into following their chemtrail-geoengineering agenda. If the U.S. stops spraying, the rest of the nations will quickly follow suit. Therefore, we are asking everyone who reads ... - http://theintelhub.com/
World News - Top Stories
- School uniform bomber kills Pakistan troo ...A young suicide bomber in a school uniform attacked soldiers during morning exercises at a Pakistani army training camp today, killing 27 troops and wounding 40 others, police and the military said. The attack in the north-west town of Mardan showed that despite years of army operations aga ...
- Garuda Indonesia to move to new home at C ...Indonesia’s national airline, Garuda Indonesia, will move from Singapore Changi International Airport Terminal 1 to Terminal 3 on 22 February this year, providing new enhanced check-in, departure and arrival facilities for its passengers. The airline currently operates eight direct...
- Labor strikes erupt in Egypt; anti-Mubara ...Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Thousands of Egyptian workers went on strike Thursday to demand better compensation, adding pressure to a government buckling under massive protests calling for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. Various agencies launched strikes nationwide, including employees in ...
- Explosion in Pa. city causes fires, evacu ...ALLENTOWN, Pa. - A natural gas explosion Wednesday in the eastern Pennsylvania city of Allentown leveled two houses, spawned fires, and prompted the evacuation of two city blocks. Police Chief Roger MacClean said at least two people were unaccounted for after their two-story row house in a ...
- BLACK/LIGHT curated by ROBOTS BLACK/LIGHT. curated by ROBOTS>>>> 25th Feb - 6th Mar 2011 The Bussey Building, Peckham Rye SE15 4ST A Site specific installation by International Street Art Sculptors ROBOTS>>>> (UK). Extensive new painting and Mural works by two leading international street artists ROA (Belgium) and Phleg ...
no frakking consensus
- John Holdren’s IPCC MythsPresident Obama's science advisor says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change bases its conclusions on source material that has been vetted in excruciating detail. According to IPCC insiders, this is bunk.
- Is Everything Really Getting Worse?David Suzuki says the planet is in "far worse shape" today than 50 years ago. But a growing library of exhaustively researched books claim the opposite.
- Climategate 2.0I regard a recently-released 700-page document containing candid IPCC insider comments as Climategate 2.0. This gold mine confirms some of our worst fears.
- How Does the IPCC Safeguard Against Bias?According to insiders, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change selects its authors via a secretive process. Nothing prevents scientists belonging to certain schools-of-thought from dominating the reports that get produced.
- NASA, Climate Change, and ChildrenNASA used to be about the right stuff. It used to be about knowledge, human ingenuity, and the triumph of sheer brainpower in the face of unfavourable odds. Now, rather than seeking to inspire kids, NASA tries to frighten them.
- Immoderate moderation at the DTMy friend Locusts has just put up a piece at his place about the decline of debate at the Daily Telegraph to “just above the level of public toilet graffiti.” I left it shortly after Disqus was rushed into service and a bizarre censorship regime imposed, leaving the comment below. Sadly, occasio ...
- Why Climategate was not a computer hack.Why Climategate was not a computer hack. In the year since the Climategate material became public, I’ve read many articles on the effect the publication has had on the AGW debate. When it is referred to as a hack in them, I usually don’t bother reading any further. If the writer of the article i ...
- The MSM and Climate AlarmismThe supine coverage by the MSM (Main Stream Media) of all things anti-alarmist is completely in tune with their complete failure to cover the Climategate scandal. Itâs in line with what the late journalist Walter Cronkite observed (I believe it was him). Of all the kinds of censorship, the mos ...
- Why Multiculturalism failed.Multiculturalism has not only failed âutterlyâ, it has created a climate in which Racism can flourish, which is the complete reverse of what it was supposed to engender. The central and fatal flaw at the heart of it was a misapprehension of what a culture actually is. It is not a certain style o ...
- On a fine woman, swans and a moment long ago.On a fine woman, swans and a moment long ago. My mother passed away suddenly but peacefully in January of this year. It didnât make the Timeâs obituary columns so Iâll do it for her but in my own way which helps me take my leave, though she and my father, as the greatest influences … Read more
Journalists' Toolkit
- New tutorial: Windows Live Movie MakerAs an aid to a journalism training session I agreed to give, I created a short PowerPoint that is aimed at journalism students. Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Windows Live Movie Maker is quite different from its predecessor — Windows Movie Maker (not “live”). It is less versatile in several w ...
- Convert WMA files with SwitchSwitch Sound File Converter is a free program from NCH Software. You can download it here (Mac or Windows). I have been using this program and recommending it widely for about two years. It’s easy to use, and it’s especially useful for converting WMA format files to WAV so that we can edit them ...
- Use Kuler, Photoshop to make a quick paletteWhat’s the quickest way to whip up a beautiful color palette for a new website? 1. Start with Kuler, a free online tool from Adobe. 2. Register and sign in so you can download a color swatch for your chosen palette(s). Not signed in? Then you can’t download. (Pay attention to WHERE you save the ...
- New resource: Page Design BasicsThis resource — Page Design Basics — provides a very simple overview of how to lay out a Web page. Students new to using CSS often make a mess of it because they do not grasp the utility of DIVs. By introducing these four regions of a Web page, an instructor can help students understand [...]
- iMovie 09 tutorials for journalism studentsFor journalism students just starting to learn video, I created two compact, illustrated handouts in fall 2010: Basic iMovie 09 Tutorial — PDF, 9 pages, 1 MB More iMovie 09 Tips (Part 2) — PDF, 6 pages, 552 KB The reason I made two handouts instead of one: In the first video editing class, I [.. ...
IPS - Inter Press Services
- SOUTH AFRICA: Rising Leader With Her Feet on t ...Zanele Magwaza-Msibi is a woman with a mission: to serve the people of South Africa. She is poised to become leader of South Africa's newest political party, the National Freedom Party (NFP), after breaking away from the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), where she served as national chairperson.
- Pakistan Sinking Into Water CrisisPakistan is still reeling from flooding that caused one of the world's costliest natural disasters in 2010, with millions of people lacking shelter, infrastructure in ruins and donations falling short of appeals. But worse may come.
- INDIA: Agitation Challenges Asbestos ImportActivists hope that a popular agitation against the setting up of a factory to manufacture asbestos products in the eastern Bihar state will result in a nationwide ban on the large-scale import into this country of the deadly mineral fibre.
- Jordan Feels a JoltThe wave of political protests that has struck parts of the Middle East and North Africa over the past few weeks has also affected the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The protest movement here, initiated in the wake of the Tunisian Jasmine revolution, underscores the population's demand for ...
- SRI LANKA: Garment Industry Woos Women WorkersSri Lanka's garment industry has launched a multi-million rupee campaign to bring in female workers shunning the country's most profitable sector for better paying jobs.
Scoop - NZ
- Egypt’s leaders in waiting EGYPTIANS are renowned for having a strong and cutting sense of humour – perhaps a comic approach to life is an essential tool for surviving in a country with so much promise but so many constraints – but one joke stands out. Varieties of it exist across the Arab world – it’s a good joke, after ...
- WikiLeaks: Saudi oil reserves 40% over-statedUS diplomat convinced that Saudi Arabia's reserves may have been overstated by 40%, meaning oil price could start going out of control from 2012
- Fisk:The regime digs in deeper Blood turns brown with age. Revolutions do not. Vile rags now hang in a corner of the square, the last clothes worn by the martyrs of Tahrir: a doctor, a lawyer among them, a young woman, their pictures strewn above the crowds, the fabric of the T-shirts and trousers stained the colour of mud. B ...
- WikiLeaks on Australia’s leaders What the WikiLeaks cables are progressively revealing are patterns of behaviour on the part of our political leaders that involve very substantial breaches of trust. This is a matter of the highest importance. Democracy both depends on trust, and thrives on it, as many great examples of democrat ...
- Suleiman: CIA's man in Cairo - Al Jazeera Suleiman has long been favoured by the US government for his ardent anti-Islamism, his willingness to talk and act tough on Iran - and he has long been the CIA’s main man in Cairo.
Independent - London
- Six dead in Cork Airport crashSix people died today and six others were injured after a plane crashed in fog at Cork Airport.
- Three dead in Cork Airport crashAt least three people died today and two others were trapped in wreckage after a plane crashed in fog at Cork Airport.
- Video: Vatican bans 'iPhone God app'An iPhone app that allows Catholics to confess their sins has been banned by the Pope.
- Video: Suicide bombing in Iraq caught on camer ...A large blast at a security centre in Iraq, that killed seven people, has been caught on camera.
- Video: Anti-farting law sparks anger in MalawiResidents in Malawi have called their government's attempts to ban farting in public 'a waste of money'.
Rogue Government.com
- Ron Paul Considering 2012 Presidential Run: Re ...Before Sarah Palin, there was Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) whose name in a blog headline could generate a googol of Web clicks. Here's hoping his Internet magic hasn't worn off.
- Obama seeks longer PATRIOT Act extension than ...Faced with a looming vote on a planned one-year extension of special powers authorized in the USA PATRIOT Act, the Obama White House did not object or propose reforms, as the president vowed to do as a candidate.
- At CIA, Grave Mistakes, Then PromotionsIn December 2003, security forces boarded a bus in Macedonia and snatched a German citizen named Khaled el-Masri. For the next five months, el-Masri was a ghost. Only a select group of CIA officers knew he had been taken to a secret prison for interrogation in Afghanistan.
- Fear: Terror Threat 'Most Heightened' Since 9/ ...
- Omar Suleiman: Egypt’s torturer-in-chief threa ...Under the Bush administration, in the context of “the global war on terror”, US renditions became “extraordinary”, meaning the objective of kidnapping and extra-legal transfer was no longer to bring a suspect to trial – but rather for interrogation to seek actionable intelligence.
Innovation Canada
- What’s love got to do with it?Toni Tennille promised “Love Will Keep Us Together,” and while it may be true that she and Daryl “the Captain” Dragon have stayed together for 40 years, it’s unlikely love was the only glue. Lasting relationships require commitment, satisfaction and trust, says Lorne Campbell, a social psycholog ...
- Tackling the cancer conundrumCarol Cass has seen cancer from all sides. The internationally renowned cancer researcher has spent four decades pioneering the study of special proteins called nucleoside transporters that help cancer-fighting drugs work their way inside cancer cells. She has also been an administrator at resea ...
- Picturing Alzheimer’sThe numbers tell a startling story. According to a 2009 study by the Alzheimer Society of Canada, 500,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Of those, more than 71,000 are under 65, and approximately 50,000 are under 60. And 72 percent are women. An estimated ...
- Quitting timeDespite the best intentions of a 34-year-old National Non-Smoking Week, which starts on Jan. 16, one of the most disheartening things for anyone trying to quit smoking is the extremely high likelihood that his or her efforts will end in failure. “Even with proper treatment, around 70 to 80 perce ...
- Discoveries of the deepOceans cover more than 70 percent of the planet. Hidden beneath them is an entire world we know very little about, a world of undersea mountain ranges and ocean basins that play host to hundreds of thousands of underwater species. In the late 1990s, marine scientists expressed their concern with ...
Signs of the times
- Disasters ravaging Earth: the food crisis of 2 ..."Strained by rising demand and battered by bad weather, the global food supply chain is stretched to the limit, sending prices soaring and sparking concerns about a repeat of food riots last seen three years ago. Signs of the strain can be found from Australia to Argentina, Canada to Russia. On ...
- Bright Fireball Seen Over ItalyA bright fireball has was seen on the night of February 8th 2011:
- Reel Wisdom: Lessons from 40 Films in 7 Minute ...I made this video because I love films and I think there is great wisdom inherent in the film medium. This video represents some of the best film wisdom I could find, edited together as a single, coherent piece of advice. In creating this video, I wanted to focus on a few key themes, while feat ...
- Mr. Fish on AljazeeraHere's a screen shot from Aljazeera.net showing a cartoon of mine being waved about in the streets of Cairo. Just goes to show that I am a terrible judge of my own crap. The Egyptian Che graphic was done in about 30 minutes with little expectation that it would even get posted anywhere, let al ...
- NASA Spacecraft Closes in on Comet Tempel 1"For the first time, we'll see the same comet before and after its closest approach to the sun," explains Joe Veverka, principal investigator for NASA's Stardust-NExT mission. The comet is Tempel 1, which NASA's Deep Impact probe visited in 2005. Now another NASA spacecraft, Stardust-NExT, is c ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Pretty little luxuriesThis country is sick. An NDP private member's bill to protect transgender people from discrimination was passed by the House of Commons, but could face a roadblock in the Conservative dominated Senate.Of course it could. The Harper Cons and their supporters are a living hate crime. There are ...
- Canary in the supermarketPaul Krugman's latest column describes part of the problem . We’re in the midst of a global food crisis — the second in three years. World food prices hit a record in January, driven by huge increases in the prices of wheat, corn, sugar and oils. These soaring prices have had only a modest ef ...
- Hell on Earth . . .Women meet in Port-au-Prince to discuss ways to protect themselves amid growing sexual violence. Several women's rights leaders died in the January 2010 earthquake. (Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times / February 4, 2011) THE L.A. TIMES HAS A SAD AND DISTURBING ARTICLE by Tracy Wilkinson, "Rape ...
- Whither math departments?On top of the recent lunacy at the Universities of Alberta and Manitoba math units, there's this from Cal State Northridge: A Cal State Northridge math professor has been charged with urinating on a colleague's office door during a dispute between the two men.Awesome. I have to wonder whether ...
- Tuesday night...
Media Matters for America
- Beck Follows Goldberg In Cropping Quote About ...Following in the footsteps of Jonah Goldberg, Glenn Beck has repeatedly taken a quote from a 1923 New York Times article out of context and portrayed the newspaper as praising Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In fact, the Times was quoting a magazine writer, and immediately following the port ...
- Glenn Beck's Bircher Bona FidesIn panning Glenn Beck's "hysteria" over the Egypt protests, the Weekly Standard's William Kristol recently wrote that Beck "brings to mind no one so much as Robert Welch and the John Birch Society." Beck has many ties to the fringe right-wing anti-communist group, and the John Birch Society has ...
- O'Reilly's Officially In Denial About Fox News ...Following his February 6 interview with President Obama, Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly insisted that Fox News is "not in business to demean the President," not "invested in hurting him" and "not on a crusade to harm the administration." But Fox News has repeatedly attacked Obama's religious fait ...
- Right-Wing Media Fearmonger That TSA Collectiv ...Right-wing media have responded to the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) decision to grant collective bargaining rights to TSA workers by fearmongering that it would harm national security.Right-Wing Media Fearmonger Over TSA Collective Bargaining Rights Wash. Times: "Instead Of W ...
- Fox Falsely Suggests Off-Shore Drilling Will P ...The co-hosts of Fox & Friends and their guest, Fox Business host Stuart Varney, falsely suggested that domestic oil drilling could prevent gas prices from rising. In fact, economists and experts, including some in the Bush administration Energy Department, have admitted that offshore drilling w ...
Global Research.ca
- Pakistan: Another "Important Ally" at Risk?For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Student Loan SwindleFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- America’s Strategic Repression of the ‘Arab Aw ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Britain’s Prime Minister Whips Up Anti-Muslim ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Omar Suleiman—Longtime Collaborator With Israe ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Needed in Egypt: A Potluck, Not a Hosted Dinn ...Egyptians are still in the streets. There is violence in some parts of the country. The demands for Mubarak to go are still echoing through Tahrir Square. And Vice President Soleiman seems to be scrambling to find the point of equilibrium between the ego of his former (and current) master, ...
- UN Bashing ReduxIn the category of right wing retreads, guess what's near the top of the agenda for the House Foreign Affairs Committee under its new Republican management. Did you guess witholding the dues our country pays to the big bad anti-American United Nations (subject of a January 25 hearing)? No? Well, ...
- Presented By:
- Obama's Deal with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce"We can, and we must, work together," the President told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today. "Whatever differences we may have, I know that all of us share a deep, abiding belief in this country, a belief in our people, a belief in the principles that have made America's economy the envy of the ...
- Good & Bad News on Jane Harman: Why Her Voice ...Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) is resigning her House seat in favor of succeeding Democratic foreign policy icon Lee Hamilton as the next president of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. For Harman personally, this may be great news. The job running the Wilson Center ...
- Disappearing the Word "Rape"The Super Bowl is over, and although the Pittsburgh Steelers lost a record-setting seventh victory, star quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is still grabbing a lot of media space with little chance of disappearing. read more
- Administration Pitches Big Rail ProjectsThe Obama administration, whose efforts to bring high-speed rail to the United States were sidetracked by Republican governors in a couple of states, pressed ahead with its vision of building a national rail network on Tuesday when it called for spending $53 billion on passenger trains and high- ...
- Protest in Egypt Takes a Turn as Workers Go on ...Cairo - Protesters demanding the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak appeared on Wednesday to have recaptured the initiative in their battle with his government, demonstrating a new ability to mobilize thousands to take over Cairo’s streets beyond Tahrir Square and to spark labor unrest. read ...
- David Swanson | Why Did the President Cross th ...To kneel before the corporate throne of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. And here's what he had to say there on Monday. President Obama again stressed that he wanted to freeze non-war/military spending well into the next president's tenure:read more
- Rabbi Michael Lerner | Jewish Prayers for Egyp ...Jews recount at Passover their own history with the Pharaoh of Egypt - so sympathies to the current Egyptian struggle run deep.read more
- Quest for ‘God Particle’ Will End for Fermilab ...…And with it, our chance to beat the Europeans to the quantum punch: the confirmation of the Higgs Boson — the mysterious particle that bestows mass unto all other particles. It’s one of physic’s biggest “prizes”, but, it seems that our Dept. of Energy couldn’t come up with the extra 35 mi ...
- Tax Filing Season: Don’t Forget Your $7,500 EV ...If you missed out on the $7,500 tax credit for your new Electric Vehicle, itâs probably because your neighbor that just bought a Hummer got the tax credit instead. Are you wondering why the guy that just rode by on his new bicycle is smiling, maybe he’s the one who got your tax credit? I know.. ...
- Chinese Records Shed Light on Earthquake Mecha ...The Chinese have been recording and describing the earthquakes that rumble underneath their country for the past two-thousand years. Using this data, University of Missouri researcher Mian Liu, professor of geological sciences in the College of Arts and Science, has theorized that mid-continent ...
- Weather Extremes Could be a Growing Trend for ...Northern Australia has suffered its fair share of trials and tribulations these past few months, with floods burying huge swathes of Queensland under water only to be hit by one of the most powerful cyclones ever to hit the country. Extreme rain events such as these may be a growing trend though ...
- Decreasing Sea Ice Risk for Pregnant Polar Bea ...Researchers from the University of Alberta have shown a linkage between declining polar bear litter sizes and the declining sea ice. Using data collected since the 1990s, University of Alberta researchers Péter Molnár, from the Department of Biological Sciences and colleagues Andrew Derocher and ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- A win for environmentalists! EPA revokes hillt ...A “major victory” was won on Thursday when the EPA revoked Archer Coal’s license f
- Lake Washington Water Quality“In the first half of the 20th century water supply and sanitation were a local government responsib
- Protecting Valuable Ecosystems at UniverCity.Mid November while attending the UniverCity Stormwater Committee as a representative from Stoney Cre
- Nigeria: UN urges clean-up following acute lea ...Over 18,000 people have been affected and 200 children have reportedly died as a result of lead pois
- WaterWater via Water. We have just created our our online newspaper about water. Please feel free to cont
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Corey Pein: Privatizing war inevitably prolong ...by Peter B. Collins and Sibel Edmonds Featured Writer Dandelion Salad originally published by Boilin
- An American Suicide Terrorist by William John ...by William John Cox Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.thevoters.org January 12, 2011 The shooter o
- The Fed Has Spoken: No Bailout for Main Street ...by Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad webofdebt.com January 12, 2011 The Federal Reserve wa
- Facing the horror of needless Afghan Warhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ photo by Dandelion Salad joefriendly | January 10, 2011 Back fr
- Close Gitmo, End Torture Demonstration at U.S. ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Image by futureatlas.com via Flickr liamh2 | January 11, 2011 O
Axis of Logic
- Polar bears having fewer cubs due to global wa ...Polar bears numbers could plummet with climate change, according to a new study that showed females are giving birth to fewer cubs due to the loss of sea ice. Researchers at the University of Alberta looked at how melting sea ice in the 1990s effected the breeding success of polar.. ...
- Kabul confirms US bases in Afghanistan - World ...Afghan President Hamid KarzaiAfghan President Hamid Karzai has confirmed US plans to set up permanent bases in his country, enabling its troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 deadline. The decision comes after negotiations between Karzai and US officials and senators on a range of st ...
- Documents Show FBI Warned Of Murrah Bombing - ...The federal government attempted in 2005 to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table in his Oklahoma murder trial if he admitted to making a warning phone call to the FBI the day before the 1995 bombing, according to new documents released...
- Egypt's Berlin Wall Moment - EgyptSince the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, four transformative events have reshaped the global setting in enduring ways. When the Soviet empire collapsed two years later, the way was opened for the triumphalist pursuit of the American imperial project, seizing the opportunity for geopolitical ex ...
- Brave women of Egypt against Mubarak - EgyptCarlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Will KY Repugs Let Crazy People Keep Buying Gu ...It's the state Senate, it's a rethuglican majority, its leader is running for governor - what do you think? From the Herald: A House committee on Wednesday approved a bill that would add some mentally ill Kentuckians to a national list of people who can't buy guns. SNIP On the gun bill, the comm ...
- Nightowl NewswrapU.S. a step ahead of the Mubarak government, but too far behind the protesters. "The US administration has stepped up its criticism of Egypt's leadership after a 16th consecutive day of protests against the rule of President Hosni Mubarak. Spokesman Robert Gibbs said they had yet to take the "ne ...
- A New Day in Egypt; A New Aljazeera Live BlogDay 17 of pro-democracy, anti-Mubarak protests began an hour ago. Follow events as they happen here. 12:05am Protesters remain camped out on the streets of Cairo�as worker walk-outs contribute to the wave of discontent in Egypt. From yesterday's live blog, just over two hours ago: 10:44pm There ...
- Wrong question, putz[What they want you to believe about Fire Fighters...] Pontificating cable gasbag: Police and fire are not in the top dozen dangerous jobs. Most of the time they do, don't have very much to do. John Stossel: It's like you unions are robbing our future. Glenn Beck: How many fire fighters do you ...
- People Need To Rethink This Privatization Thin ...A few days ago, a Facebook friend commented on something I had said to push his belief that the privatization of virtually every government function was the only answer to our economic woes, pushing the old and lately almost totally discredited meme that anything government can do, private enter ...
Care 2
- Are human rights really in decline? Look how f ...In the face of reported global abuses, it's tempting to bemoan the lack of human rights progress. But even before protesters in Egypt and the Middle East took a historic stand for freedom, human rights has actually made big gains. Here are four key...Submitted by Mary Patricia E. to World �|� � ...
- 5 Things Progressives Should Doand Not DoOrganize the unemployed of all collar colors�white, pink and blue. The unions aren�t doing it, or at least not very much of it, for the simple reason that the unemployed can�t pay dues. You can either support existing organizing efforts like the UnemployeSubmitted by Norm C. to US Politics & Gov ...
- ACTIVIST'S TARGET DOG SLED RIDESThe slaughter of 100 dogs has activist's working torwards boycotting dog sled rides.Submitted by Brittany Valdes-pages to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Vision: How Small, Mostly Conservative Towns H ...As the Right pushes privatization as a solution to the economic collapse, one organization is teaching communities how to defeat corporations. Submitted by Bonnie B. to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Doggy Tetherball (video) PLEASE TAKE ''AWW'' A ...Martin and Aston are having a ball, literally.Submitted by BarbCat Sunshine Lady to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- The Egyptian Question
- Porn and other atrocities: Once upon a time, j ...
- Joint Chiefs offer fresh targets to bomb the h ...
- Too Much Tolerance?
- The Resurrection of Ted Haggard as Orchestrate ...
Paul Krugman
- Johnny Reb EconomicsNothing secedes like success, or something.
- Gimme an A! Gimme an E! Gimme an R!A century of economics, celebrated.
- Why Expectations MatterLeapfrogging is the problem.
- Ideas Are Not The Same As RaceAcademics are mostly liberal. So?
- Speaking of Extreme WeatherBig trouble in Big China.
No Quarter
- Why the CIA is TroubledAdam Goldman is not a popular guy inside the CIA. He wrote a terrific, detailed piece today exposing the CIA’s culture of not holding anyone accountable for anything. No one gets fired for incompetence. Basically you have to rape several foreigners or get caught spying for the Russians or the Ch ...
- Groupon Fails History� Groupon, the energetic coupon start-up, falls down the steps of history with a series of feckless ads for the Superbowl that manage to offend everyone who knows, for example, about Tibet�as trivialized by Timothy Hutton. �They achieved the same crisis silliness with the rainforest by Elizabeth ...
- Obama’s ConundrumCut the deficit? Promote jobs? Stimulate the economy? Get re-elected? What’s a President to do? In the short term, is there any doubt that Barack is fully supportive of Ben Bernanke’s ongoing backdoor bailouts and bubbling up of the market via his quantitative easing programs? Ben made no bones ...
- When It Comes to Egypt, Obama Needs to Shut Hi ...Man, does Obama have a flat learning curve? The crisis in Egypt has exposed his inexperience and incompetence in a big way. Yes, I know some Republicans, like Arizona’s McCain and Graham of South Carolina, are singing Obama’s praises, but they are off-base. Obama has not had a consistent, steady ...
- Limp Bizkit Meets Austin Texas Democracy (& Op ...Let the people have a vote, and you never know what will happen. It seems that Austin’s Solid Waste Services Department wants a new name, something with a little more, er…color. So they asked us citizens to come up with ideas and then to let everyone vote for their favorite. That’s asking for so ...
Environmental Graffiti
- How Big Is Your Clothing Footprint?Do you know what a clothing footprint is and why it is very important for a green environment? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- How the Human Body Clock Dates Back Millions o ...A breakthrough in science: a 24-hour clock has been found in human cells, giving important insights into various bodily functions. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Images of the Last Uncontacted Tribe on EarthIncredible images of an uncontacted tribe that could slide out of existence if illegal logging is not stopped in their protected area of Peru. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Most Beautiful National Birds on EarthLet us meet some of the most beautiful national birds in the world, before they too disappear due to human encroachment upon their territory. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Cruel and Bizarre Traditions of Chinese He ...Chinese medicine practices the cruel and unusual tradition of using the body parts of endangered animals. But why? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Military Spending Cuts: Depends on what the Me ...Let's define budget cuts as spending less next year than this year. Nothing else should qualify.
- Fiction Blossoms into Tunisia's Jasmine Revolu ...A literary novel from 1990 becomes a historical reality on the streets of Tunisia in 2011.
- Washington's Support for Another Military Lead ...Washington's idea of stability will only sow more instability.
- Using Islamophobia as a Pretext for Withdrawin ...If the two cultures genuinely dislike each other, cooperation between the United States and the Middle East in stamping out terrorism is doomed.
- The S WordWill South Sudan, now on the verge of becoming a new country, make secession acceptable?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in t ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare p ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government ...
Al Jazeera
- Workers to continue Egypt strikesThousands of doctors are among those expected to join workers' strike as anti-Mubarak demonstration enters its 17th day.
- US escalates pressure on EgyptEgyptian foreign minister says Washington seemed to be trying to impose its will on Cairo.
- The youth of Tahrir SquareAl Jazeera meets the newly formed "youth coalition" who are speaking on behalf of a broad array of voices in the square.
- Many die in Pakistan suicide blastAt least 30 soldiers killed after bomber dressed as a schoolboy struck an army recruitment centre in the northwest.
- Big stock exchanges in merger talksTakeover moves seen as way of cutting costs amid competition from electronic rivals.
Green Inc. - NYT
- E.P.A. and Carbon Dioxide: The PrequelDocuments show that President's Bush's E.P.A. also felt that the Clean Air Act required regulation of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Take a Number, Mr. WalrusThe walrus will be designated a "candidate" species for listing under the Endangered Species Act, but it will be near the end of the list, the government says.
- For New Yorkers, a Leak Alertthe city agency would automatically e-mail property owners whose water use spikes or otherwise deviates from normal patterns so that they can fix the leak before it becomes a bigger problem. For a small fee, it will even repair private service lines.
- Teaming Tenants and Landlords for Energy Savin ...Under a lease with a sustainability clause, tenants can divide the savings from energy efficiency with the landlord, and those savings in turn can be used to pay for heating or cooling upgrades.
- E.P.A. Chief Faces House GrillingA bill introduced by lawmakers for an "Energy Tax Prevention Act" asserts that the Clean Air Act was not intended to allow the E.P.A. to regulate the greenhouse gases associated with climate change.
Dot Earth News
- A Role for Gaming in LearningA host of experiments are under way using games to advance learning and global progress.
- Walrus on Endangered Species Waiting ListGovernment biologists conclude that the Pacific walrus deserves protection under the Endangered Species Act, but has to wait awhile for that protection.
- Egypt, Inkblots, Agendas and Feeding 9 BillionGetting beyond issue-centric approaches to feeding humanity.
- The Man Behind Spore Explores Gaming as Learni ...The creator of The Sims and Spore lays out a role for games in fostering learning and science literacy.
- Can Entertainment Renew American Inquiry?Exploring whether and how entertainment skills can foster understanding, and involvement, in science and innovation.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- House Tea Party momentarily blocks "PATRIOT" A ...It's not all bad news out there. The slip-by-night extension of expiring Patriot Act measures got knocked down mainly by liberal Dems and some Tea Party Republicans (Bachmann of course sided with the corporatist centrist squad behind all of this)... Bi-Partisan Alliance Beats Back PATRIOT Act Sn ...
- From the Internet Archives: My 2003 Interview ...Here's a nice find. In October 2003 I interviewed Rashid Khalidi for the Mac Weekly. It wound up on the website and eventually got deleted around 2006, but it was still in the Internet Archives Wayback Machine at http://web.archive.org/web/20060612202355/http://www.macalester.edu/week... Overall ...
- 9/11 FBI warning from key informant of "Kamika ...Caught an interesting item on Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post about a team of FBI agents who had key clues into the 9/11 conspiracy, serious and specific prior warnings from an Iranian informant and ex-SAVAK officer who was himself a major handler with a deep network of informants around the P ...
- Rock the CasbahBeen watching somewhat in awe, a bit suspicious of the usual suspects & color revolution schemes, but with warmest regards to Egyptians fighting for their rights & giving their lives on the streets. One song says it all: Rock the Casbah This vid is probably the winner though the music is schma ...
- The Kids Ain't All Right: FDA: Vitamin C illeg ...“It’s like an epidemic, in the sense that they’re infected with these wrong ideas, and they’re spreading it to other researchers through journals.” -- Dr. John Ioannidis I can't recommend NaturalNews.com enough. For excellent info that has helped me quite a bit thru a still-dubious diet but now ...
Daily Censored
- The gap between the top 1% and everyone else h ...A More “Equal” Inequality: The falling tide. By KOBI ABAYOMI Kobi Abayomi is an Asst. Professor in ISYE-Statistics at Georgia Tech To see more graphs depicting the race to the bottom go to:... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] ...
- Universal Rights – A Response to Soraya UlrichMichael Collins I wrote Revolutions Know No Color to make a few basic points. The first was that when people are pushed against the wall and their government aligns with big business and foreign governments leaving them with nothing, the people are more than capable of recognizing this and prote ...
- Post-Mubarak Egypt – Conflict and OpportunityBy Brian M. Downing Hosni Mubarak’s thirty-year rule in Egypt is nearing an end and though the denouement of events there is still unclear, the new polity is almost certainly to be shaped by the military institutions and popular sentiments. This is causing considerable dismay in Jerusalem and Wa ...
- “The Stupids”We have a new epidemic in this country and itâs not obesity. This country is experiencing an epidemic of “Stupids.” Apart from the fact that our new generation of congressional representation does not have a clue as to how government and the economy work, we have another really big problem, ...
- Lessons in Education from South Carolina?My home state of South Carolina has achieved a regrettable pop-culture status as the focus of recurring jokes on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. But as I discussed in a scholarly piece in the late 1990s, criticism of SC is not uncommon; in fact, part of my discussion over a decade ago centered on ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- New US jobless claims tumble to 2-year low
- Abortion roars back into US political debate
- S. Korea, US sign revised free trade deal
- Twitter acquisition talk with Facebook, Google ...
- Activision Blizzard ends 'Guitar Hero' gig
Institute for Policy Studies
- Military Spending Cuts: Depends on what the Me ...Let's define budget cuts as spending less next year than this year. Nothing else should qualify.
- Egypt on the Brink - And the U.S. on the Wrong ...The people of Egypt have an enormous task challenging their own government. Our job is to challenge ours.
- Corporate Lobby Launches Weak Counter-Attack o ...As more than 250 economists call on Obama to allow capital controls on trade agreements, the corporate lobby responds with distorted facts.
- Corporate Lobby Groups Issue Weak Attack on Ec ...IPS and GDAE rebut U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, and other big business critics against capital controls.
- Highlighting New Issues in Ending Violence Aga ...Congressional leaders will participate in ad-hoc hearing examining violence against immigrant women this Thursday on Capitol Hill.
Equality Trust
- The Wrong Cure - alternatives to the cuts The False Economy website is an excellent and still-developing resource exploring the alternatives to cuts. False Economy includes: a discussion of why the cuts are not progressive details of campaign actions a comprehensive further reading list ... and this short film [youtube:ynUCYo ...
- Why we need a Fairness Test of the cutsA group of charities, including the Equality Trust, Child Poverty Action Group, Barnardo's and the TUC are asking the coalition government to commit to a Fairness Test on any tax rises or spending cuts they introduce. Full details...
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently s ...
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/ ...Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- Salmonella Victims to Call for Criminal Charge ...On February 11th, at the American University Washington College of Law, Salmonella victims and their families will be sharing their stories and calling for criminal charges to be brought against former Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) CEO Stewart Parnell. The press conference will be held c ...
- Mexico warns about U.S. grown Salmonella-taint ...Yes, the headline is against the conventional wisdom that imports are poisoning us – especially those from south of the border. However, in two decades of foodborne illness litigation, the vast majority of outbreaks in the U.S. were caused by U.S. grown, raised or manufactured products. It is ...
- FDA 483 Inspection - Tiny Greens and Jimmy Joh ...During the FDA investigation at Tiny Greens, the FDA made the following findings (tinygreens483.pdf): • growing sprouts in "soil from the organic material decomposed outside" without using any monitored "kill step" on the material (kind of eliminates the ruckus raised by Tiny Greens' owner Bill ...
- FTC Approves Final Order Settling Charges That ...Per the Federal Trade Commission News Release: Under the terms of the settlement [announced in December, 2010], the company has "...agreed to stop claiming that Activia relieves temporary irregularity, unless the representation is non-misleading and the ad conveys that eating three servings a d ...
- What to do with Fugu? Should it be treated li ...The FDA and a variety of states limit the sale of raw milk and raw milk cheese due to bacterial health risks. Other foods, like sprouts, hamburger, cookie dough, etc., on the other hand sicken and/or kill hundreds if not thousands yearly with not nearly the governmental oversight. My “friends” ...
- Report: $33M in EV tax credits went to buy unq ...Filed under: Car Buying, Government/Legal Is a bicycle an electric vehicle? How about a Hummer H3? These are some of the things that Americans claimed were hybrids, alternative-powered or plug-in electric vehicles on their tax forms, reports USA Today. What's more, the false claimants managed ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.04.11Top Gear host wants electric vehicles powered by bumper car technology Watch out! Italian designers envision amazing Solar Wind bridge It looks like the future, that's for sure. Agility Saietta electric m ...
- First full month sales show Chevy Volt leads w ...Filed under: Hybrid, Sedan, Hatchback, Chevrolet, GM, Nissan, Electric So, how are the first two mainstream plug-in vehicles in the U.S. selling? Both the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf had their first deliveries in December, which means January of 2011 was the first full month of sales f ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.03.11Meet (again) the first three-plug-in vehicle household Felix Kramer, of all people, certainly deserves this. All-electric Myers Motors Duo on target for April 2011 deliveries Can a small electric trike find a home in the Volt/Leaf era ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.02.11One million plug-in vehicles by 2015 How reasonable is Obama's goal? Newt Gingrich shows strong support for ethanol subsidies And the knives come out at the Wall Street Journal. Analyst: It's time for a T ...
Rafe's Radar
- Path changes course with comments, e-mail acce ...The weird little photo-sharing site, now flush with VC cash, begins to layer necessary features into its service. Is it enough?
- Backupify is more than a backup serviceCloud backup service is much more than that. It can also be a smart, searchable tool for social-media discovery.
- The Daily: A good morning paperThe new iPad-only newspaper, The Daily, is a strong online news journal, well worth the reasonable subscription fee.
- eBay building niche, mobile apps to grow user ...Mobile apps that do more than drive buyers to buy auction items are key to eBay's growth.
- CloudCrowd: An assembly line for contentNew "wide-sourcing" apps lower cost, improve timeliness of rote text jobs like translation and proofreading.
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Hayne ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- Breaking News in Egypt on Twitter: Follow Demo ...Democracy Now! is following reporters, bloggers and activists on the ground in Egypt who are reporting live on Twitter. Let our Twitter list "Reporting on Egypt" be your best source of breaking news in Egypt. Follow Our Twitter List Here new TWTR.Widget({ version ...
- Egyptian Youth Activist Speaks with Democracy ...Democracy Now! senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous speaks with Alaa Abd El Fattah, an Egyptian activist and blogger, about youth organizing efforts as they stand on the 15th day of the uprising. ALAA ABD EL FATTAH: I’m Alaa Abd El Fattah. I am a blogger and an activist. And we’re here in ...
- "Egypt's Youth Will Not Be Silenced"“In memoriam, Christoph Probst, Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl” reads the banner at the top of Kareem Amer’s popular Egyptian dissident blog. “Beheaded on Feb. 22, 1943, for daring to say no to Hitler, and yes to freedom and justice for all.” The young blogger’s banner recalls the courageous group ...
- Photojournalist Shot by Egyptian Police Recoun ...Wally Nell is a Cairo-based photojournalist who works with ZUMA Press. On January 25, Nell was shot by the Egyptian police while photographing protests on the October 6 Bridge. "We were very deliberately targeted... The guy drove up, saw us, and then fired," he says. WALLY NELL: My name is ...
- "We Became One in the Street": Leading Egyptia ...Renowned feminist and human rights activist Nawal El Saadawi was a political prisoner and exiled from Egypt for years. Now she has returned to Cairo and is participating in the protests in Tahrir Square. She spoke to Democracy Now! about the feeling of community that emerged in Tahrir Square ...
Digg Green
- Ancient teeth raise new questions about t ...Eight small teeth found in a cave near Rosh Haain, central Israel, are raising big questions about the earliest existence of humans and where we may have originated, says Binghamton University anthropologist Rolf Quam. Part of a team of international researchers led by Dr. Israel Hershovitz ...
- Scientists Plan New Protocol to Contact E ...Scientists will enlist the public's help to come up with new ways to successfully reach out and contact possible alien civilizations in space.
- Fetal surgery better for kids with spine ...Pregnant women were afraid to have it. Doctors were afraid to do it. Hospitals stopped performing the surgery because the government wanted evidence it was safe and worth doing.
- Europa's Icy Chill is Getting Astronomers ...Astronomers have a new view of the chaos brewing beneath Jupiter’s cloud belt, thanks to some help from its icy moon Europa. Astronomers wanted to use Keck’s thermal-sensing eyes to peel back the cloud layers. To get sharp pictures of the sky, Keck shines a laser on the sky to create a fake ...
- Surviving heart attack now more likely th ...Heart attacks kill. But not as often as they used to. In fact, you might say heart attacks can start life anew.
Invisible Opportunity
- Mike Rivero on the dangers of Islamic StatesIsrael and the US fear an Islamic State in Egypt if new elections are held, but their fears may be unfounded based on the history of Iran since the Islamic state was formed… By Mike Rivero It really is too bad these articles in the corporate media have stopped allowing comments, because I woul ...
- USDA Allows GMO Sugar Beet Planting Even After ...Sara Novack Planet Green In the past few months it has seemed, maybe if only a little bit, that the USDA had begun to see the danger in GMO seeds. Though in the end GMO alfalfa was approved, Tom Vilsack had this to say about it: “We have an obligation to carefully consider…the potential of [...]
- Ron Paul On Verge Of Announcing 2012 President ...Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Political pundits are speculating that Ron Paul could be on the verge of announcing his much awaited 2012 presidential run, after the Texas Congressman agreed to give a speech in Iowa at an event entitled “presidential lecture series ...
- Why can’t the US legalize drugs? There’s ‘too ...By Daniel Tencer In what will likely be seen as something of a Freudian slip by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said recently in a Mexican news interview that the United States cannot legalize drugs as a means of fighting the black market because “there is just too much money in it.” ...
- Egyptian bomb drops – Interior Minister ...by ne plus ultra Mon Feb 07, 2011 at 07:32:17 PM PST A story is developing that will bring a decisive end to the old regime in Egypt, and leave decades of Middle Eastern policy in flames. The cynicism and the horror will blow you away. Sadly, it did in fact blow 26 innocents away. [...]
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Clip from Family Feud Is an Instant Pot Humor ...A hilarious and strong indicator for how mainstream marijuana use has become in American society.
- Which Dangerous Toxins Are in Your Marijuana?Grown under the radar of legal authorities, even "medical" cannabis can be covered in toxic mold or coated in commercial-grade synthetic fertilizers and insecticides.
- Which Dangerous Toxins Are in Your Pot?Grown under the radar of legal authorities, even "medical" cannabis can be covered in toxic mold or coated in commercial-grade synthetic fertilizers and insecticides.
- Saving Lives: Contest to Create Jobs for the F ...An innovative project to address the question of how ex-offenders can make a life once they return to the real world.
- Is This the Year America Wakes Up to Its Priso ...As states' budgets bleed, some of them are shifting from "tough on crime" to "smart on crime."
Twilight Earth
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Ec ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon ...US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Governmentâs Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: The USDA cav ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leak ...Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable). Dea ...
- Official Release of “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward ...An important part of thinking about building a sustainable future for ourselves is considering that some of the premises and paradigms which brought us to this point need to be discarded. Maybe even most of them. But because we don’t talk about that, we can’t get out of the trap we find ourselve ...
- Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin’s lifeguardRonald Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine, thus spawning the one-sided, fear-mongering, bs-fest that is Rush Limbaugh and inevitably, FOX News. Now I think I see why Palin called him “America’s lifeguard” (referring, of course, to Sarah Palin’s America). Wondering what the Fairness Doctrine has ...
- Mesmerizing Cube Pavillion Made from Mundane P ...The B (h) uis is one of those projects that seems to magically transform humble waste materials into an elegant and useful architectural space. Made entirely of short lengths of PVC pipe Dutch based Hoogte Twee Architect Studio’s cube shaped pavilion makes for a sweet place to kick back. The PVC ...
- Old Garage Transformed into a Cool Co-op Offic ...Read the rest of Old Garage Transformed into a Cool Co-op Office In Central Madridhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architectur ...
- Design By Them Transforms Used Milk Containers ...Have you ever sat on a milk container? The innovative Australian design team at Design By Them have made this possible! Apart from designing one very funky minimalist piece of furniture named the Butter Stool and Butter Bench, they have also done so using post consumer waste derived almost entir ...
- John Patrick Organic’s Fall 2011 Collection is ...John Patrick of Organic gave us lots of reasons to actually not mind the NYC chill this afternoon with his cozy knit-filled Fall/Winter 2011 collection. We were on the scene as he unveiled pretty paisley-print silk dresses, vegetable-tanned leather shorts and indigo-dyed organic-cotton poplin sh ...
- Super Intricate Sheep Sculpture Made Out of Ol ...Here’s a case of designers behaving baaaaa-dly. James Corbett from Australia makes superbly detailed sculptures mostly out of vintage old car parts. This one, a cute but not cuddly sheep made of spark plugs is so filled with energy that it actually seems like it might move. Shear genius, if you ...
Pogue's Posts
- Page Numbers for Kindle Books an Imperfect Sol ...With electronic books, neither page numbers nor "location numbers" are the perfect solution.
- A Loophole in a Verizon iPhone RuleBecause of a technical limitation, the Verizon iPhone will not let you talk and use the Internet at the same time -- unless you're on Wi-Fi.
- The Commuter Bike Redesigned and ElectrifiedIt's no Segway, but the new YikeBike has been designed for safety, ease of riding and it's foldable. The biggest problem: The price.
- On Google's Bing StingGoogle says it caught Microsoft copying its search results and incorporating them into its own Bing service, in a move reminiscent of some earlier Microsoft tactics.
- Quora Raises QuestionsHere is a question for Quora: Why not make this thing easier for normal people to figure out?
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Gibbons Sing With Regional AccentsBy Liat Clark, Wired UK Regional accents have been discovered in the songs of crested gibbons, our closest relatives after great apes. The small apes (genus Nomascus) — found in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and southern China — were already known to communicate in species-specific song when defining ...
- Animal Kingdom Gains Phylum But Loses Link          runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience783039263001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); A new rearrangement of the animal kingdom has expanded a little-known offshoot into a major branch, and opened a gap between relatively simple and highly co ...
- Jupiter’s Moon Helps Peek Below Planet’s BeltAstronomers have a new view of the chaos brewing beneath Jupiter’s cloud belt, thanks to some help from its icy moon Europa. This new image, captured Nov. 30, 2010 with the 10-meter Keck II telescope in Hawaii, shows heat escaping from Jupiter’s interior, giving astronomers a peek into the roil ...
- Astronomers Suggest Crowdsourcing Letters to A ...Before trying to contact aliens, maybe we should test the messages on ourselves. In a new paper in the journal Space Policy, three alien hunters suggest designing a standard protocol for writing intelligible letters to extraterrestrials, and building a website where teams can decode candidate m ...
- Video: Vacuum Tubes Implode in the Name of Phy ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience782226326001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); To design stronger vacuum tubes for a proposed high-stakes physics experiment, researchers first need to understand their weaknesses — so they blew up the ...
- American Warships Heading to EgyptConnecticut National Guard Detachment 2, Company I, 185th Aviation Regiment of Groton has mobilized and will deploy to the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The unit will provide an on-demand aviation asset to the Multinational Force and Observers commander to support its mission of supervising the securi ...
- Egypt – Creative Destruction For A ‘Greater Mi ...Fast on the heels of the regime change in Tunisia came a popular-based protest movement launched on January 25 against the entrenched order of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak. Contrary to the carefully-cultivated impression that the Obama Administration is trying to retain the present regime of Mubarak, W ...
- Muslim Brotherhood- Illuminati ToolsIn his book "Hostage to Khomeini," Robert Dreyfuss gave a pretty accurate rendering of the MB in 1980, which as I have witnessed, is common knowledge in high government, diplomatic and Intelligence circles: "The real Muslim Brotherhood is not the fanatical sheikh with his equally fanatical fo ...
- VIDEO: THE EURO & U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE & DEVAL ...Trunews discuss the coming devaluation of the U.S. Dollar and the collapse of the Euro currency marked for an April 2011 time frame.This was confirmed by Pastor Lindsey Williams , the dollar is going to crash one hundred per cent it cannot sustain itself and it is going to collapse , the Euro wi ...
- NATO Surrenders Europe To U.S. Global Missile ...On January 27 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization took the most decisive step yet toward the implementation of the decades-old project first proposed by the Ronald Reagan administration for a Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly known as Star Wars.
Andy Worthington
- In Afghanistan, 5,000 Attend Funeral of Prison ...Following the death at Guantánamo last week of Awal Gul, an Afghan held for nine years without charge or trial, his body was returned to his home country, where 5,000 people attended his funeral on Monday in the Najmul Jihad area of Jalalabad. With typical insensitivity, the US authorities resp ...
- The “Save Shaker Aamer” Tour: Eigh ...“‘Outside the Law’ is a powerful film that has helped ensure that Guantánamo and the men unlawfully held there have not been forgotten.” Kate Allen, Director, Amnesty International UK “[T]his is a strong movie examining the imprisonment and subsequent torture of those falsely accused of anti-Ame ...
- Bringing Guantánamo to Poland — and Talk ...Last Monday, Moazzam Begg (former Guantánamo prisoner and the director of the NGO Cageprisoners) and I flew out to Poland to take part in a week-long tour of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (which I co-directed with filmmaker Polly Nash) to raise awareness of t ...
- The 11-Year Old American Girl Who Knows More A ...I’m posting below an essay about Guantánamo, written as a school project by Sammie Killmer, a sixth-grade schoolgirl in Denver, Colorado, who understands more about Guantánamo and the men held there than most adults in a position of influence in the United States. This is not coincidental, as ...
- Guantánamo Prisoner Dies After Being Held for ...The Second World War lasted for six years, and at the end of it prisoners of war were released to resume their lives. At Guantánamo, on the other hand, the prison has just marked the ninth anniversary of its opening, and on Thursday the Pentagon announced that Awal Gul, a 48-year old Afghan pris ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Wolverine to Vanish From U.S. Due to Warming?Built for the cold, the fierce wolverine may retreat from the mainland U.S. due to global warming, a new study says.
- Pictures: Kickoff Time for Green StadiumsNoneAs Green Bay and Pittsburgh face off Sunday in Super Bowl XLV in the NFL's newest and largest stadium, a drive for greener design and cleaner energy is under way at arenas worldwide.
- "Extinct" Salmon Discovered in Japanese LakeA Japanese TV host helped identify a fish from a Mount Fuji lake as the kunimasu salmon, thought to have gone extinct 70 years ago.
- "Killer" Winter Storm Seen From Space; U.S. Bl ...A new NASA picture shows just how big the current U.S. winter storm is. Hitting at least 30 states, it's among the worst in 50 years.
- Oil Markets Churn Over Egypt’s Potential as Ga ...World oil prices hit their highest level since 2008 due to concerns over Egypt—not due to its role as a commodity route, but as a potential vector for political instability.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- HT Gives "Thumbs Up" to NM School BudgetHere are a few snippets from the 2/4/11 editorial in The Housatonic Times. "...all those who assemble the proposed education budget went into the current process with new resolve to craft a package that met all the needs and would also be politically palatable. Better communication was establi ...
- G! E! T! S! (bud) GETS! (bud) GETS! (bud) GE ...(Oh, was that too soon, Jets fans? Suck it up. Love, The Patriots Nation.) Forget football, it’s budget season again! And even though we paid all those pesky teachers last year, they want money again this year. So, of course, it will be controversial. There are several things in play this y ...
- A Real Public Option In Connecticut?And so it would seem.The other day for an open thread at ePluribus Media I commented on "the intended public option that should be Sustinet in Connecticut," and it would seem that is to be the case if the Sustinet Health Partnership Board of Directors get their way according to the report they h ...
- Dan Malloy scores first in DanburyDan Malloy jumping off of the bench of the Danbury Whalers shortly after scoring the first goal in Whalers' history. [update] I have an interview from after the game at TK's. Let me say, in advance, that he was a bit reluctunt to give it since I am a political blogger... But as a hockey fan I ...
- Still All That I WantSomething that gets lost in the news about the unemployed is the fact that much of what used to be the backbone of this nation's economic prowess, the middle class, is now the working poor: Imagine That: Working Poor On The Rise After the Republicans crashed to economy in 2008 one thing became ...
SPL Center
- Remember the Good Ol’ Days of Caning? The Raci ...As if the public record for the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) needed anything more to sully its already disreputable name, the group’s Alabama chapter has highlighted in the “Reminder From The Past” section of its bimonthly newsletter a deceased politician who championed a bill to cane ...
- Professor: Leaders Should Condemn Extremist Rh ...Editorâs Note: After publishing a professorâs article Friday about the effect of heated rhetoric on political violence, Hatewatch was contacted by another professor who similarly argued that the toxic political environment was a factor in the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffor ...
- Ron Paul Invites Neo-Confederate Witness to Te ...This morning, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) hosted his first hearing as chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank. Paul wants to look at the institution’s impact on job creation and the unemployment rate. Paul, a vicious opponent of the Fed, i ...
- American Family Association Official Has New T ...Bryan Fischer, the director of issue analysis for government and public policy at the American Family Association (AFA), has expanded his astounding bigotry to include not just Muslims and LGBT people, but Native Americans as well. In a post published Monday on the Rightly Concerned blog â a pro ...
- Invited White Nationalist to Speak to Federali ...The Dallas chapter of the conservative legal group, The Federalist Society, is holding a debate Friday on âBirthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants.â Participating on the panel is prominent white nationalist Peter Brimelow, who runs the anti-immigrant hate site VDARE.com. Also o ...
change: org.
- Tell Congress to Continue Supporting the World ...Hunger is the number one health problem in the world, affecting nearly a billion people and leading to a needless 3.5 million deaths each year. Many of those deaths are of children, whose parents simply cannot afford to feed them. With one tenth of one percent of the entire U.S. national budget, ...
- Walmart Protesters Greatly Outnumber Walmart S ...The much-ballyhooed New York City Walmart hearing has finally taken place. This is the hearing which Walmart itself refused to attend, but which was expected to draw such a large anti-Walmart crowd that organizers had to reschedule so they could find a larger venue. Turns out the organizers were ...
- Advocates Hope for Retrial in Case of Dog Set ...The trial of Travers and Tremayne Johnson, the Baltimore twins accused of burning a dog alive, ended in a mistrial last week. In 2009, the pit bull named Phoenix by her rescuers, had been doused in gasoline and set on fire. A Baltimore city police officer used her sweatshirt to put out the flame ...
- Victory! Manhattan, Kansas Passes Non-Discrimi ...Touchdown! Tuesday night, Manhattan became the second city in Kansas to include sexual orientation as a protected class, and the only city to include those same protections for trans people. Woot! The City Commission voted in favor of the non-discrimination ordinance 3-2. Commissioners Bob Stra ...
- Advocates Hold Rally to Push for Smoke-Free Ke ...Will one of the smokiest states in the country finally clear its air? Advocates are hoping so. Yesterday, the American Heart Association and citizen activists staged a rally at Kentucky's state capitol, urging lawmakers to pass proposed legislation that would ban smoking in all indoor public pla ...
Common Dreams -News
- The Insurers’ Real Agenda for Changeby Wendell Potter The media had lots of health care news to obsess about last week. A federal judge ruled the health care reform law unconstitutional, and Senate Republicans tried in vain to repeal the law. But most of the press paid virtually no attention to a potentially much more impor ...
- Vermont Governor Lays Out Details for Single P ...by Nancy RemsenThe Shumlin administration released the legislative details of how to move the state to a single payer health care system, with the first steps beginning this summer."We are committing to reforms that get us as many of the benefits of a single payer as possible under current feder ...
- Protests Swell at Tahrir Square read more
- 'Sheik al-Torture': Washington's New Man in Ca ...by Pepe EscobarCAIRO - The Egyptian revolution is being dissolved right in front of the world's eyes by an optical illusion. The protesters who have been on the streets for two weeks still want President Hosni Mubarak out. Now. Yet United Stat ...
- Virginia Debates Opening Largest Uranium Mine ...by Scott HarperVIRGINIA - The National Academy of Sciences on Monday took up the controversial issue of possible uranium mining in Virginia, with experts testifying for hours and environmentalists protesting what they say is a dangerous business idea.The all-day hearing came less than a week aft ...
- Don't Apply to Multiple Jobs at One Firm, but ...You might think that in big firms, applying to multiple openings at once ups your chances of getting a nibble. Career counselor Brian McCullough suggests that every firm has someone looking over resumes, and they're not going to like seein ...
- Exclude Spammy Sites from Google with This Cus ...We've shown you how to create site-specific search engines in Chrome and Firefox, and reader isaaclyman reminds us you can also use that to exclude spammy sites from your search results. More��
- Boing Boing Editor's Five Essential Mac Apps ( ...Mark Frauenfelder decided to start fresh with a new iMac and make apps "earn their place." The first five to make it back? Xmarks and 1Password for bookmarks/passwords, Dropbox, Growl notifications, and Evernote, paired with a ScanSnap. [Boing Boing] More�� ...
- What Hardware Do I Need for a Personal Media S ...Dear Lifehacker, I want to set up a small home server to store and stream music and other files. Every hardware option I see seems like too much; are there any good alternatives to a loud, power-sucking machine? What do you recommend? ...
- What Are Your Goals for Retirement and How Do ...Retirement is coming for you some day, and we believe in having a good plan. That plan differs depending on your goals and your situation. When do you plan to retire? What do you want to do? How are you going to get there? More�� ...
Water Privatization
- Water’s Monopoly Game — Public? Private?Food and Water Watch, a group linked to Ralph Nader, opposes privatization of water. "You want to privatize my water? This isn’t Bolivia, Pal. We’re not going to let you thieve from us so you can get a seat on the board of directors of the winning firm. Take a leap Sanders.”
- Privatization: How much is too much?Even those who champion contracting-out city services acknowledge that if not handled properly, the savings won’t be there
- SWCC launches i-Supplier PortalThe program, "i-Supplier Portal," connects SWCC SWCC real-time with all its suppliers inside and outside the Kingdom. It automates some of SWCC SWCC 's core and supporting business processes to allow the organization to provide faster services and better products.
- USF Highlights Global Water Shortage at Film E ...The films showcase the importance of water and the growing crisis around the globe.
- USF Highlights Global Water Shortage at Film E ...The films showcase the importance of water and the growing crisis around the globe.
- Six killed in plane crash at Cork airport�� Six killed and six injured as small plane crashes at Cork airport �� Plane crashed in third attempt to land in heavy fog �� A casualty information bureau has been set up at the airport on +353 (0) 21 4428 820. �� Details from Cork as soon as they come in12.58pm: The Health Service Executive ...
- Jim Devine guilty of expenses fraudCrown court jury says former Labour politician illegally took thousands of pounds for cleaning and printing servicesThe former Labour MP Jim Devine has been convicted on two counts of falsely claiming thousands of pounds in expenses for cleaning and printing services.Devine, 57, who held the sea ...
- Commons debates prisoner votingRolling coverage of all the day's political developments as they happen12.47pm: For the record, here's the full wording of the motion being debated.That this House notes the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v the United Kingdom in which it held that there had been no substan ...
- Clegg hits back at Lib Dem criticismLib Dem leader says letter from 17 Lib Dem council leaders and 71 local party heads condemning coalition cuts is 'unhelpful'Nick Clegg has accused nearly 90 senior Liberal Democrats of conducting a "megaphone" debate by publicly declaring their opposition to the coalition government's cuts.The d ...
- Phone hacking 'big issue for the Met'Former deputy prime minister has been named by the Met as a potential victim of phone hacking by the News of the WorldLord Prescott, the former deputy prime minister, has described the revelation by Scotland Yard that he was a potential victim of phone hacking by News of the World journalists as ...
- Texas Gov. Perry looks to suspend arts, histor ...AUSTIN — Declaring that there are "no sacred cows" in state government, Gov. Rick Perry outlined proposals to suspend two state agencies and consolidate others while renewing his call for lawmakers to balance the state budget without new or increased taxes as they confront a multi-billion-dollar ...
- Ellmers support criticizes health care law's 1 ...WASHINGTON &mdash: A Clinton business owner and supporter of U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers testified Wednesday before the House Small Business Committee at her invitation, saying the health care overhaul that passed last year threatens small companies such as his.
- Egypt's working class joins anti-government re ...CAIRO, Egypt — Thousands of workers throughout industry, education and transportation joined Egypt's popular revolt Wednesday by staging strikes or protests that raised the specter of a general strike, an ominous sign for U.S.-backed President Hosni Mubarak's regime.
- Guantanamo detainee gets 2-year sentence in Pe ...A former al Qaeda cook who pleaded guilty to war crimes at Guant�namo could go home to Sudan in the summer of 2012, under a secret deal just approved by a senior Pentagon official and made public Wednesday by the Defense Department.
- Egypt's vice president resists calls for immed ...WASHINGTON — Three years ago, Egyptian officials assured U.S. diplomats that they were doing their best to strangle supplies to the Gaza Strip after Hamas militants seized control of the territory, but they couldn't be seen as helping the Israeli blockade.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Palm oil deal points to corporate greeningThis week's announcement of a new partnership aimed at curbing deforestation in Indonesia should give succour to anyone who thinks consumers and companies, rather than governments, hold the key to curbing environmental decline. � Essentially, the world's second biggest (and Indonesia's biggest ...
- Climate change: Contrary motion?� One issue, two reports, two different conclusions. In short, a recipe for confusion - at least, on the surface. Last week the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the London-based think-tank, published a report suggesting that fears of mass migration caused by clim ...
- Oysters clear seas for local remediesThis week saw formal scientific publication of a report that produces one of the starkest conclusions I've seen about humanity's relationship with the oceans. Globally, 85% of oyster beds have basically disappeared. The paper, in the journal BioScience (though not apparently on its website yet) ...
- UN sticks with climate agenda - but what prosp ...Reports suggesting that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is retiring from the climate change agenda have had commentators wondering a) what it means for prospects of a new global climate agreement and b) whether the UN remains committed to the issue. � What appears to be happening is that two ...
- Arctic canary looking sicker than everIf the Arctic really is the "canary in the coal mine" for climate change impacts, as it's often been labelled, then it's a canary about which we know a little more following a spate of scientific papers coming out over the last week or so. And looking at what they say, as well as readings from ...
The Wonk Room
- Judge Vinson Mangled The Constitution So Badly ...
- $11 Million Price Tag Causes Utah Rep To Delay ...
- NEW REPORT: Alternatives To Mandate Cover Fewe ...
- House Republican Spending Cuts Target Programs ...
- GOP Announces New Climate Strategy: Abandon Ea ...
thwap's schoolyard
- "I support the Mubarak dictatorship."There. Now, if only all those sober, serious, geo-political analysts like Sean Hannity, David Warren (I simply can't resist saying what an arrogant display of ignorance his editorial is!), Vice President Joe Biden, and all the others hedging their bets on the mass protests against a 30-year dic ...
- Stealing the CommonsMaybe I'll be too sick and tired to post today. So I'll share this animated communist vision with you for now: Ta-ta!
- Working Class Shit-Headery and Current ReadingSo, as some have pointed out, Toronto's disgusting rancid blob of pork Rob Ford is now moving against unionized city garbage workers. As others have pointed out, the supposed savings and efficiencies of privatization are generally non-existent. But, no doubt, there are some working Canadians wh ...
- Leftists are Nicer Than RightistsJust my contribution to our political tribalism! I'm sure that deluded right-wingers will take issue with this, but the reason why David Neiwert is able to find so many documented instances of far-right violent whack-jobs and why there have been so few documented left-wing, murder ...
- Spending $50 Billion Just to Stand StillMy talking point for the day. Flaherty's fifty-billion dollar deficits were incurred to preserve the status-quo. Before 2008, we always heard how spending on the environment or on infrastructure for the 21st-Century was unaffordable. Supposedly, today we need a "steady hand on the tiller" whic ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- NWC Board Member Returns to Court TomorrowDr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, a member of the National Whistleblowers Center’s Board of Directors and founder and leader of the No FEAR Coalition, will be appearing before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) tomorrow, February 9, 2011, objecting to her removal from the Environmental Protecti ...
- CNBC Airs Whistleblower Series "Bounty Hunters ...CNBC is airing a special series by Eamon Javers entitled "Bounty Hunters" this week. You can watch Mr. Javers' report on Tuesday, February 8 and Wednesday, February 9, on "Squawk Box", "Squawk On The Street", and "Power Lunch." On Thursday, February 10 and Friday, February 11, he will rep ...
- Former Special Counsel Sentencing Postponed Ag ...Today, Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia postponed Scott Bloch’s sentencing once again until Thursday, March 10, 2011. Prosecutors urged the judge to reconsider her ruling last week that the charge of lying to Congress carries a one-month m ...
- Immigrant whistleblowers don't have to answer ...One of the most pernicious forms of exploitation today is the abuse of undocumented immigrant workers. It has been a long time since our immigration laws matched the aspiration of the Statue of Liberty, and millions of immigrant workers are forced into an undocumented status that leaves them vul ...
- More interns working on whistleblower casesWe are pleased to have even more interns joining us this semester. You can see our first group of interns (who are still with us) here. �Standing are Christopher, Jesse, David, David, Zach, Shane, Milan and Naoki. Seated are Sabeen, Karen, Ryan, Sabrina and Whitney. Thank you all for your de ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plum ...If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' v ...A team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Leaked HBGary Documents Show Plan To Spread Wi ...Sometimes reality can be more entertaining than fiction. You may have followed the recent story involving a security firm called HBGary Federal, in which the company's CEO, Aaron Barr, told the Financial Times this weekend that he had secretly "infiltrated" the non-group Anonymous and identifie ...
- FCC Planning To Crack Down On Cellular & GPS J ...Over the years, we've noted that mobile phone jammers were getting more popular in the US, even though they're completely illegal. However, it looks like the FCC has had enough and has announced plans to start cracking down on both mobile phone jammers and GPS jammers. The initial crackdown ap ...
- Time Warner Cable Whining About How It's Not A ...A few years back, we noted that Verizon -- who has a history of misleading ads itself -- had sued Time Warner Cable for a series of ads that implied that Verizon's FiOS fiber-to-the-home offering was just "catching up" to TWC's own "fiber" offering. Of course, that was blatantly misleading. Ti ...
- Expendables Producers Begin Process Of Shaking ...As was widely expected, the producers of the big budget Hollywood movie, The Expendables have joined the coalition of the clueless with the producers of Hurt Locker in deciding to shakedown some of the movie's fans. Once again, using law firm Dunlap, Grubb & Weaver under the name US Copyright G ...
- EFF, ACLU Fighting Gov't Attempt To Troll Twit ...At the beginning of January, thanks to Twitter pushing back against a gag order and request from the feds to hand over info of people connected to Wikileaks, it came out publicly that the government was seeking such info. Of course, the government almost certainly sent similar requests to a bun ...
- Jared Lee Loughner: Psychotic or Vaccine Induc ...Dismissing Jared Loughner's bloody murders in Arizona as the work of a madman is easy; people like him clearly seem deranged. Yet, shouldn't we demand better answers? Vactruth.com
- Multiple Vaccines May Have Triggered Disease a ...March 2, 2003 Army Specialist Rachel Lacy was given five vaccinations at once: anthrax, hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella, smallpox, and typhoid. She also was given a tuberculin skin test on the day that. She died on April 4, 2003.Vactruth.com
- Vaccinated Sibling Transmits Rotavirus to Unva ...In January of 2010, vaccine-derived rotavirus was transmitted from the vaccinated infant to his older, unvaccinated sibling that lead to 'symptomatic rotavirus gastroenteritis'.Vactruth.com
- Fearful UK Healthcare Workers Refuse Flu Vacci ...The side effects of the flu vaccine have been causing many UK healthcare workers to question its safety. In the US, a nurse was fired for refusing hers.Vactruth.com
- US Airman Developed Inflamed Heart After Small ...In 2003, an airman proceeded to go to the emergency room eight days following the administration of a smallpox vaccine. It was determined the airman developed myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, as a consequence of the smallpox vaccination.Vactruth.com