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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

16 February - News From the Fast Lane

A commemorative half dollar issued in 1936 for...Image via Wikipedia

Reader Supported News ‎'At this point, the Tahrir Square occupation is to be suspended. We have to take Tahrir to the factories now. As the revolution proceeds, an inevitable class polarisation will take place. We have to be vigilant.

We hold the keys to the liberation of the entire region, not just Egypt. Onwards we must go, with a permanent revolution that will empower the people of this country with direct democracy from below.' Hossam el-Hamalawy, Guardian UK
'Merscorp Inc, a private company known as MERS and owned by large banks and mortgage processors, cannot act as an agent of the banks that own mortgages, wrote Judge Robert Grossman of the US bankruptcy court in Central Islip, New York, located on Long Island.' Reuters
alleges that the military's repeated failures to take action in rape cases created a culture where violence against women was tolerated, violating the plaintiffs' Constitutional rights.' Jesse Ellison, The Daily Beast

Reader Supported News ‎'Predictions and hopes for the rest of the court's stand on the health legislation abound. The justices decide law, not their own personal, political preferences - as conservative commentators so correctly remind us. They are not members of Congress, pursuing partisan, ideological goals;

Lagoon Flax pond in Old Field, Long Island.Image via Wikipedia
rather, they are members of the nation's highest court, one deeply steeped in respect for a Constitution encased in precedent and history - a district judge in Florida and a partisan, puny attorney general in Wisconsin notwithstanding.' Stanley Kutler, Truthdig

The cyberweapon that could take down the internet

'Sacred' rules of engagement defeat rationality in war

 Abductors were threatening to violate the sacred rule against killing innocent people. That rule was so strong for the participants that they felt morally obliged to meet violence with violence, regardless of the outcome.

A reliance on sacred rules may have been beneficial in humans' distant past, which might explain how the rules emerged, says Dominic Johnson, who studies global conflict and cooperation at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Early groups of humans who cemented themselves together with a shared set of such sacred rules would have had an advantage over less cooperative groups, he thinks.

Introducing B.I.F.F

The MILF may have lost sight of its original intent: “to liberate the Moro people from the local colonisers which are the Filipino people, and the Philippine government.. Whether the government allows it or not – we will implement our Islamic system in our areas."

"It really doesn’t matter who governs us anymore," a weary warrior said to us. "We just don’t want trouble anymore… what we need is peace, freedom and no more killings. We just want to earn a proper living, for our families to be safe."

Many Muslims here say they feel like second-class citizens, treated with disdain by the Christian majority who “misunderstand” them. And there are those who feel the only way for them to be heard, or taken seriously, is through the volume of their weapons. 

Live Blog - Bahrain

St. Leonard's Hall in Pollock Halls of Residen...Image via WikipediaIran confirms deaths in protest
MPs call for execution of opposition leaders who called for Monday's marches in several cities that turned deadly.Al Jazeera's Dorsa Jabbari, reporting from Tehran, said that there are reports of dozens of injuries in Tehran, although it is unclear if there were any fatalities in other cities, such as Isfahan and Shiraz, where protests and clashes also took place on Monday.
Meanwhile, the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, an Iran-based rights group, published an article on its website on Tuesday, saying that Iranian officials "declared a list of 1500 detainees".
The story also said that all were transferred to Evin prison. Prior to that, Iranian authorities had told state media that 150 people had been arrested, and that nine security personnel were injured on Monday.
Karroubi and Mousavi are under house arrest [there are reports that his house was surrounded on Tuesday afternoon] and were unable to participate in the protests, for which  Ali Larijani, speaker of the parliament, blames the US.  Barack Obama, the US president, announced his support for the protesters.

The toxic residue of colonialism
The overt age of grand empires gave way to the age of covert imperial hegemony, but now the edifice is crumbling.
by means seen and unseen, external actors, especially the United States, with a distinct American blend of presumed imperial and paternal prerogatives are seeking to shape and limit the outcome of this extraordinary uprising of the Egyptian people, long held in subsidised bondage by the cruel and corrupt Mubarak dictatorship. What is the most defining feature of this American-led diplomacy-from-without is the seeming propriety of managing the turmoil, so that the regime survives and the demonstrators return to what is perversely being called "normalcy". I find most astonishing that President Obama so openly claimed the authority to instruct the Mubarak regime about how it was supposed to respond to the revolutionary uprising. I am not surprised at the effort, and would be surprised by its absence - but merely by the lack of any sign of imperial shyness in a world order that is supposedly built around the legitimacy of self-determination, national sovereignty, and democracy.
And almost as surprising, is the failure of Mubarak to pretend in public that such interference in the guise of guidance is unacceptable - even if, behind closed doors, he listens submissively and acts accordingly. This geopolitical theatre performance of master and servant suggests the persistence of the colonial mentality on the part of both coloniser - and their national collaborators.
The only genuine post-colonial message would be one of deference: "Stand aside, and applaud." The great transformative struggles of the past century involved a series of challenges throughout the global south to get rid of the European colonial empires. But political independence did not bring an end to the more indirect, but still insidious, methods of control designed to protect economic and strategic interests. Such a dynamic meant reliance on political leaders that would sacrifice the wellbeing of their own people to serve the wishes of their unacknowledged former colonial masters, or their Western successors - the United States largely displacing France and the United Kingdom in the Middle East after the Suez crisis of 1956.
And these post-colonial servants of the West would be well-paid autocrats vested with virtual ownership rights in relation to the indigenous wealth of their country, provided they remained receptive to foreign capital. In this regard, the Mubarak regime was a poster child of post-colonial success.
Western liberal eyes were long accustomed not to notice the internal patterns of abuse that were integral to this foreign policy success - and if occasionally noticed by some intrepid journalist, who would then be ignored, or if necessary discredited as some sort of "leftist". And if this failed to deflect criticism, they would point out, usually with an accompanying condescending smile, that torture and the like came with Arab cultural territory - a reality that savvy outsiders adapted to without any discomfort.
there is an inevitable to-ing and fro-ing as the United States tries to bob and weave, celebrating the advent of democracy in Egypt,complaining about the violence and torture of the tottering regime - while doing what it can to manage the process from outside, which means preventing genuine change, much less a democratic transformation of the Egyptian state. Anointing the main CIA contact and Mubarak loyalist, Omar Suleiman, to preside over the transition process on behalf of Egypt seems a thinly disguised plan to throw Mubarak to the crowd, while stabilising the regime he presided over for more than 30 years.  
I would have expected more subtlety on the part of the geopolitical managers, but perhaps its absence is one more sign of imperial myopia that so often accompanies the decline of great empires.
AfterWorld War I, for Woodrow Wilson, self-determination was merely a convenient means to arrange the permanent breakup of the Ottoman Empire through the formation of a series of ethnic states. Hard power realism dominates our imagination, and historical agency belongs in the end to the generals and their weapons, and not to the people in the streets

Last November, as Mother Jones reported, Greenpeace went into federal district court in Washington, seeking an injunction against Dow Chemical Company and Sasol North America for meddling in its internal affairs.' James Ridgeway, Guardian UK

New cyclone threatens Australia 

Tropical Cyclone Carlos dumped a total of 339.6mm of rain over Darwin during the 24 hour period ending midnight GMT on Wednesday. This is an all-time record for the city over a 24 hour period and eclipses anything that Yasi produced over any town in a single day.
In fact, Darwin has now had a staggering 470mm of rain over a 48-hour period and there is more to come. The storm is moving very slowly and that is why we are seeing such huge rainfall totals over a similar area. In the case of Yasi the wind was as much a damaging feature as the rain. Typical rainfall totals were nearer 160mm of rain over a 24 hour period.
The other concern is the strength of the winds.In Australia the scale is based on the strength of the maximum wind gusts. If it were to be categorised on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of maximum sustained winds., it would currently be classed no higher than a tropical storm. 
Dirty, expensive, unnecessary" Mississippi coal plant taken to court www.bridgethegulfproject.org
On Monday, February 14th, the Sierra Club took Mississippi Power’s proposed lignite coalmine and power plant to court, as part of its ongoing attempt to stop the project from being built. In a morning press conference, the environmental group and a diverse range of residents and advocates voiced th
Senator A.G. Crowe Clean Our Gulf Petition
I took a walk along the beach Feb. 09, 2011. I had seen the many ads placed on your TV and news outlets all over the world paid for by BP proclaiming “The oil is gone and our beaches are clean”. The one that really gets me is how safe the seafood can be when this is what our beaches look like.
By Dahr Jamail and Erika Blumenfeld. Crossposted from Truthout. Residents who live along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, all the way from Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, to well into western Florida, continue to tell me of acute symptoms they attribute to ongoing exposure to toxic chemicals bein
 CHSL is working with a law firm who is willing to file HEALTH related claims against BP and we will be making a list of interested participants from Feb 14 -Feb 28. It is open to people from  Florida, Alabama, Mississippi & Louisiana.  ...
800 people answering phones in Ohio while Feinberg and 4 other people in DC decide which of the 500,000 claims get paid...
Getting answers about the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. Florida representative Doug Broxson took a trip to Dublin Ohio to find out what really goes on at that branch of the GCCF. The unannounced visit was not welcomed by folks at the facility or Kenneth Feinberg.
LA STATE SENATOR DEMANDS STOPPAGE OF TOXIC CHEMICALS IN THE GULF OIL CLEAN UP - Press Conference TODAY, 3pm Hale Boggs Federal Government Building in downtown New Orleans
Dulac and Cocodrie: Thursday, February 17, 6pmDulac Community Center125 Coast Guard RoadDulac, Louisiana 70353Grand Isle: Saturday, February 19, 3 p.m.Grand Isle Community Center3811 Highway 1Grand Isle, Louisiana 70358St. Bernard: Monday, February 21, 6pmLos Islenos Museum1357 Bayou RoadSt. Bernard
The Mobile County Commission has an additional $354000 for victims of Hurricane Katrina still needing repairs to their homes.
An open letter to members of the national media: I know many of you with national voices read this blog, because you've been kind enough to tell me so. I've
In coastal Louisiana we have many seasons…. No, I am not talking about the big four that are evident in the rest of the world - Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter. I am referring to Shrimp season, oyster season, hunting season, festival season, Mardi Gras season and the list goes on and on. ...
Five years after the Orleans Parish School Board shut down dozens of hurricane-damaged public schools, New Orleans residents continue to live alongside the wreckage, with no certainty when the blight will be eradicated.
Kindra Arnesen http://www.bridgethegulfproject.org/node/255
Hurricane Felix near peak intensity, as seen f...Image via Wikipedia
By Kindra Arnesen. I want to tell you about the Gulf Claim 20 Billion $$$$$ BP paid fund. Now I am no writer so please forgive the incorrect spelling & or improper use of english Thank You. Ok, so 20 billion. I am going to address the fishries & a few other things keeping it as simple as possible.
Document says safety agency recommended by spill commission could conflict with current drilling policies
Tracks of all tropical cyclones in the southwe...Image via Wikipedia
NEW YORK, Feb 10 (Reuters Legal) - Kenneth Feinberg, the formerly freewheeling administrator of BP Plc's fund to compensate victims of last year's oil spill, could be forced to revamp dramatically how
By Ada McMahon and Liana Lopez, videos by Bryan Parras. Alarming levels of toxic chemicals from the BP disaster have entered the blood of some Gulf Coast citizens, who are showing symptoms like internal bleeding, kidney infection, muscle atrophy, pain, headaches, and bleeding from the ears. At a
We want to make sure that the people of the Gulf Coast communities are going to be taken care of with the health effects
http://www.bridgethegulfproject.org/node/253 from Louisiana Justice Institute
Crossposted from Justice Roars. Since the loss of many of its manufacturing jobs since the 1960s, New Orleans has become synonymous with low-wage work in the service industry.

Justice Roars - Louisiana

New Orleans Workers' Center for Racial Justice http://www.bridgethegulfproject.org/node/252 crossposted from Louisiana Justice Institute
Community Condemns Intimidation of Community Leaders During Prayer Vigil. Demand to Gusman: Guarantee Sheriff’s officers will not retaliate against Day Laborers Exercising their First Amendment Rights. Crossposted from Louisiana Justice Institute, originally posted by the New Orleans Workers’ Cent
When I first saw Paul Doomm at a health forum of Gulf residents in New Orleans, he was flat on his back, gasping for air from a seizure that had suddenly overcome him. His mother, father and 11-year old brother were at his side consoling him in the meeting hall of the First Unitarian Church, trying 
Member of Parliament of the Hungarian nationalist and patriotic Jobbik [pron: Yobbik] party, the Movement for a Better Hungary, confirms Hungary's best interests do not lie with the "passing West" more...
source: mathaba
The Soros and global elite sponsored unrest and "Twitter Revolution" continues across the Arab world, so that new regimes can be ushered in whilst deflecting attention from the New World Order project. Karen Dabrowska reports for Mathaba. more...
source: mathaba
ECOTERRA Intl. urges The South Korean government as well as the authorities of the Republic of Kenya to fully investigate the case of "GOLDEN WAVE 305" and hold the owner, captain, manager and agent responsible for endangering the lives of 39 Kenyan seamen, aiding Somali pirates
source: mathaba
Mathaba has been shown the proofs: China, and also some Australian industries, are getting rid of poisons including arsenic, lead and other industrial waste products, by placing it directly into the water supply in many parts of Australia. Saving money for big business, by slowly
source: mathaba
Australia has an appalling history of abuse of children and adults, black and white, of forced abductions, neglect, turning a blind eye to physical, mental, sexual abuse. Independent MP Ann Bressington speaks for some of the victims. more...
source: mathaba
Men in Black: Rewarded by "Judge" for Bashing, resulting in 11 steel plates in victims skull. Brendan Harkin and John Harkin (right), of Hope Valley, outside the District Court. Pic: Greg Higgs more...
source: mathaba
Russia Today interviews F. William Engdahl: Pentagon`s grand strategy behind the creative destruction of the Middle East for a `New World Order`. more...
source: mathaba
Major media reports, of course, won't explain. Real journalism and analysis are essential. more...
source: mathaba
Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman keeps a watchful eye on events in Egypt and comments on the toppling of Hosni Mubarak, part of the "color revolutions" financed by George Soros and his globalist elite associates more...
Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman hopes Egyptians realize that the ousting of Mubarak was simple, because Washington wanted him to go. The plan for everything to "change but stay the same" has long been in place. more...
Hints but No Confirmation of Coming Changes more...
source: mathaba
Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman reports on the reality unfolding as Mathaba analysts had predicted and warned of in Egypt at the start and throughout the so-called January 25 uprising more...
source: mathaba
Repression throughout the Middle East is largely ignored except some reporting on protests in Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, and Algeria, but they've faded with focus mainly on Egypt. more...
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism: "Bush does not enjoy immunity as a former head of state, and he has command responsibility for the decisions that were taken." more...
source: mathaba
Mathaba Author Dr. Walter Brasch is author of the critically-acclaimed America's Unpatriotic Acts, the first book to look in-depth at the PATRIOT Act and its effect upon American citizens. more...
source: mathaba
 Atlantic Multidecadal Cycle since 1950, using ...Image via Wikipedia
The Era of the Masses approaches and democracy will finally become a reality and not just a theory when enough people are educated in what it actually means and are willing to enact it from the bottom up, using the Internet to share their experiences - Mathaba. Image: Diagram of
source: mathaba
Everyone has the right to go home. Photo: Jean-Bertrand Aristide, former popular democratically elected President of Haiti. Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman reports on his right to do so. more...
source: mathaba
 All Hands Volunteers, Paycheck Not Required
"All Hands stands at a crossroad; they can play it safe and continue to do an okay job or they can take some risks, stick their necks out, cut their own path and forsake the well trodden way to mediocrity, that many others are entrenched in, and do some great things." more...
source: mathaba

Obama Proposes Cuts To Democracy-Promoting Programs Abroad, Despite GOP Rebukes Over Egypt

 In its first year made major cuts to programs promoting democracy and governance in Egypt.

The White House slashed those funds by 60 percent, from $50 million to $20 million, during 2009, though Congress added another $5 million in funding to the programs. Hit hardest by those cuts were civil-society programs and nongovernmental organizations, whose funding dropped 78 percent, from $32 million to $7 million.

Those cuts were backed by diplomats in Cairo, who told the White House that democracy-promotion programs harmed relations with recently-deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Notwithstanding their frequent calls for across-the-board budget cuts, however, Republicans are criticizing Obama for slashing those programs.
"There are nongovernmental institutions that could have been building democratic capacity over the last three, five, essential years," former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday. "The Obama administration proposed and Congress enacted a cut to institutions that build democracy in Egypt over the last two years. That wasn't a good decision."
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on "This Week" that he recommends a direction opposite to that of the White House -- increasing aid to such nongovernmental organizations operating in Egypt.
"I would certainly look at rethinking the current foreign-aid program and shifting a great deal more out of government bureaucracies into the NGOs and frankly, into investments," Gingrich said.
Of course, nothing is safer from cuts than the issue of the moment. On NBC's "Meet the Press," prominent neoconservative Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution likewise called for more funds to Egypt, arguing that democratic groups were needed to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from becoming too powerful during Egypt's transition to a new government.
"When the administration came to office, the mantra of foreign policy was, whatever Bush did, we're not doing," Kagan said. "Bush had had going into democracy organizations. The first thing the Obama administration did was cut that off. Our aid needs to be channeled to make up for the deficiencies that Mubarak created."

The global aid racket is no cause for pride (DE) « Ethiopia: A ...

29 Dec 2010 ... But at a time of national austerity the foreign aid racket is an unforgivable indulgence. Daily Express · Brutal rulers (PDF) ...

The Food-Aid Racket. By Michael Maren

The country's economy adapted to foreign aid--not to production. ... Not the host government, whose officials often profit from the aid racket. ...

Why, with public spending cuts, is MORE being lavished on foreign ...

19 Jun 2010 ... Truly, international aid would seem to be the Tories' .... they would be well advised to give the international aid racket a miss and donate ...

That's just another protection racket. | Message 95 of 139 ...

9 Feb 2011 ... That's just another protection racket. US foreign aid money will be withheld if those states do not toe the line set by the US executive. ...

Foreign Aid Follies
 A Moro rebel standing in front of a sign descr...Image via Wikipedia

The foreign aid racket, though, is not confined to the machinations of multilateral vehicles like the IMF and the World Bank. The U.S. taxpayer also pays ...

Ann Jones "Kabul in Winter: Life Without Peace in Afghanistan ...

21 Nov 2009 ... Her description of the aid racket is priceless. ... US foreign aid has been privatized and in 2001 Andrew Natsios said U.S. aid is ...
Andrew Natsios said U.S. aid is self-serving to "help nations prepare for participation in the global  trading system and become better markets for U.S. exports."  USAID hires American-only contractors, usually from a short list of very profitable private US corporations. Usually USAID money moves from one US bank to another. The USAID  seems designed to aid U.S. corporations and no one else. There were many international and U.S. aid projects to improve Afghan education 2001-2006 which Jones describes as spectacular failures.  Julia Stein's Blog | The Red Room

Russ Feingold Launches 'Progressives United' To Combat Corporate Influences In Politics

 Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold, who lost his re-election bid in November, is continuing on his principled -- and often lonely -- path by starting an organization to combat corporate influence in politics, an effort he hopes will spark "a new progressive movement" that will truly hold elected officials accountable. Launching on Wednesday, Progressives United is an attempt to to build a grassroots effort aimed at mitigating the effects of, and eventually overturning, the Supreme Court's infamous Citizens United decision that opened the floodgates to corporate spending in the U.S. electoral system. In addition to online mobilization, the political action committee (PAC) will support progressive candidates at the local, state and national levels, as well as holding the media and elected officials accountable on the group's key priorities.
Investment banker Michael Butler on how the Northwest can get back in the energy game. 
The Northwest's big limitation, as anyone working in energy here will tell you, is the super-cheap hydropower that makes other electricity sources comparatively expensive.Butler says the next biggest problem is red tape and the difficulty of getting permitting approval, especially in Washington. As an example, he mentioned Prometheus Energy, a Redmond, Wash., client that makes liquefied natural gas out of waste gases from landfills. It closed a $10 million deal with Shell Technology Ventures Fund (part of the Dutch oil giant) and has built plants in Utah and California in recent years. Butler said it passed on building a Tacoma plant largely out of concerns of permitting delays.
"It's a shame," he said. "When you factor in the delays of getting permitting, that eats into the returns."

House GOP Poised To Introduce Bill Cracking Down On Illegal Workers

  A bill that would mandate use of an illegal-worker detection system, which critics say would cripple U.S. agriculture by depriving farmers of cheap labor.

House immigration subcommittee chairman Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) said Thursday that he plans to introduce the bill to mandate the use of E-Verify within the next month. The program is already mandatory for government agencies and contractors and used voluntarily by nearly 250,000 businesses to check the legal status of potential hires. But Gallegly said he hopes making it a requirement for all U.S. enterprises will drive out illegal workers entirely.

 Farm owners say few U.S. citizens want the type of jobs taken by undocumented workers, including fruit-picking and similar low-paying, backbreaking work. Since a bill to create more agricultural work visas died in Congress last session, critics say mandating E-Verify would abruptly cut off the supply of agricultural workers, leading to higher food prices and creating more demand for cheaper imported foods.

"Pressing harder on the gas without fixing the vehicle will only hurt our economy," Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the immigration subcommittee, said Thursday. "Particularly in agriculture, mandating the use of E-Verify would reverse the polarity of the magnet, shipping millions of jobs overseas."
Richard Stana of the Government Accountability Office cautioned the committee. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Chief John Morton has estimated that the agency can deport about 400,000 people per year under its current funding, leaving millions of undocumented immigrants in the country. "They don't have the resources now to enforce the I-9 system, much less E-Verify," Stana said.
Other problems with the program, including the possibility for American citizens and legal workers to wrongfully come up as undocumented, were listed in a recent GAO report.

 ( There goes the workforce - many of whom are 'natives' with Treaty Rights guaranteeing free passage past white man's borders. 
I'm getting old. I remember when borders restricted trade and people travelled freely..  the US was known for hospitality...and I don't mean cavity searches. 
One thing about this. It'll be hard to get harvesters for poisoned strawberries and cropland growing Monsanto's weeds and GM poison. LOL on that. The link at Corporate Farming had been hacked to show Monsanto HQ's propaganda...not a YouTube link.
Even I got disgusted with regulation proliferation in a time of depleted demand and walked on a job I had held for almost ten years moving round bales.
.Water intensive crops make no sense in the desert anyway. If water shortage doesn't get you, depleting the aquifer and alkali buildup in the soil will finish the job. 
And there's the  bonus. Instant food shortage and poverty in a time of rampant inflation of the cost of necessities. .)

Why the Media is Usually Wrong about Health Information

What if wrong answers in medical research aren’t an exception, but actually the rule? Many scholars who scrutinize health research are saying that it isn’t just an occasional individual study that has flaws, but the entire framework of medical research itself. Over and over, major pillars of conventional medicine are toppled when the research is [...]
Read more


Some eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide, more than half a million in the United States alone. The global number is predicted to rise to twelve million by 2030.

Cancer is the biggest cause of death for people under 85 and in the US one in four people die from cancer - one in four.
Cancer is a fungus caused by Candida, a yeast-like organism that lives in the body in small amounts even in healthy people. The immune system keeps it under control normally, but when the Candida morphs into a powerful fungus some serious health problems can follow – including cancer.
Simoncini realised that all cancers acted the same way no matter where they were in the body or what form they took. There had to be a common denominator. He also observed that the cancer ‘lumps’ were always white.
What else is white? Candida.
Simoncini realised that what mainstream medicine believed to be cell growth going wild – ‘cancerous growth’ – is actually the immune system producing cells to defend the body from Candida attack. He says the sequence goes like this:

  • Candida is normally kept under control by the immune system, but when that becomes undermined and weakened the Candida can expand and build a ‘colony’.
  • The Candida eventually penetrates an organ and the immune system has to respond to the threat in another way.
  • This ‘way’ is to build a defensive barrier with its own cells and this growth is what we call cancer.
 There has been a calculated war on the human immune system that has got more vociferous with every decade. The immune system is weakened and attacked by food and drink additives, chemical farming, vaccinations, electromagnetic and microwave technology and frequencies, pharmaceutical drugs, the stress of modern ‘life’, and so much more.
What defences are today’s children going to have when they are given 25 vaccinations and combinations of them, before the age of two – while their immune system is still forming for goodness sake?
This is how the Illuminati families are seeking to instigate a mass cull of the population. By dismantling the body’s natural defence to disease.
Anti-fungal drugs don’t work because the fungus quickly mutates to defend itself and then even starts to feed off the drugs that are prescribed to kill it.
The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and Indian books going back a thousand years actually recommend ‘alkaline of strong potency’ for treating cancer : sodium bicarbonate. 
( This common chemical also came up elsewhere in suggestions for treatment of conditions caused by chemical toxicity reactions by the Gulf of Mexico area residents )

Salvestrols are the natural defence system in fruit and vegetables against fungal attacks and that’s why you only find them in those species subject to fungus damage, like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, blackcurrants, redcurrants, blackberries, cranberries, apples,  pears, green vegetables (especially broccoli and the cabbage family), artichokes, red and yellow peppers, avocados, watercress, asparagus and aubergines.
What’s more, the Big Pharma/Big Biotech cartels know all this and they have done two major things to undermine this natural defence from the fungal attack that is cancer.

  1. The chemical fungicide sprays used in modern farming kill fungus artificially and this means the plants and crops do not have to trigger their own defence – salvestrols. You only find them in any amount today in organically grown food.
  2. The most widely-used fungicides are very powerful blockers of CYP1B1 and so if you eat enough chemically-produced food it wouldn’t matter how many salvestrols you consumed they would not be activated into the cancer-destroying agent they are designed to be.
  3.  ( Before fluoride-enriched sugary toothpaste, people would brush with baking soda and a bit of salt to mask the taste  )
  4. Even as the Obama administration is starting to look like the Monsanto administration, we can still fight back.

    Newt Gingrich CPAC Speech: EPA Should Be Scrapped

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is criticizing President Barack Obama's policies as a "war on American energy."

    ( Why not Food and Drug and Agriculture while listing the agencies that do nothing the public should be interested in funding - their Mission Statements perverted past recognition . Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco can join that parade. 

    There are 2 L.E.A.P.  initiatives needlessly unrecognized in the media

    Law Enforcement Against Prohibition 

    Colorado LEAP - Low Income Energy Assistance Program

    Indians have the second largest state prison incarceration rate in the nation. ... Many families cannot afford heating oil, wood or propane and many residents use ovens to ...
    Woodland Indians Forum ... Why: These families cannot afford to heat their home. While the spirit and heart of the ...
  5. Many families cannot afford the utilities they need and the well ... Running Strong provides utility assistance to American Indian families to help them meet their heating ...
    Citizens Energy heat assistance programs give financial help to low-income Massachusetts residents who cannot afford to pay their heating bills.

    Not that the US  has not accepted Foreign Aid

    September 22, 2006 by the Los Angeles Times
    Chavez to Double Energy Subsidies to Needy in U.S.
    by Maggie Farley
    NEW YORK - A day after he called President Bush "the devil" from the podium at the United Nations, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stood at the altar of a Harlem church and presented himself as an angel, offering 100 million gallons of subsidized heating oil to needy Americans.

    Venezuela's Chavez shuts off free oil program for U.S.

    Not that the problem is restricted to the US
    1. Hundreds of elderly Cantabrians spend their days freezing in dangerously low temperatures of less than 10deg because they cannot afford to adequately heat their homes ...
      Soaring energy prices have forced elderly people to put their health at risk by not heating their homes, according to a large-scale report from the In
    1. Tens of thousands of pensioners could die this winter because they cannot afford to heat their home, charities for the elderly said today.
    1. Almost two-thirds of older people in Northern Ireland cannot afford to heat their home through the winter, it has been revealed.

    'Americans are cold, hungry and unemployed. By increasing military spending, already greater than all of the world's military budgets combined, we are only spreading that misery abroad. We should get our priorities straight.' Amy Goodman, Truthdig
  6. http://nwoandsecretsocieties.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/women-children-of-bedouin-village-el-araqib-beaten-as-they-silently-protest-16th-demolition-of-their-homes/
  7. 'The Watchdog': Do Regulations Protect Jobs?

    A new blog, "The Watchdog," will keep a close eye on regulatory agencies and how their actions impact the lives of everyday Americans. Though the rules and regulations they write -- from determining how much arsenic is allowable in your drinking water to whether your favorite TV show can drop the F-bomb in primetime -- affect all of us, their deliberations and the way that lobbyists influence their decisions receives very little coverage.

    To make sense of these debates, follow the implementation of health care reform and financial reform and decipher the minutia of the Federal Register, "The Watchdog" is on the case. If you have any tips or suggestions, send them to marcus@huffingtonpost.com.

    John Edwards Indictment Could Come Within Days: NBC News

    ( I don't know about you, but to me this reeks of C.I.A. techniques such as those used against Julian Assange....or Bill Clinton !  The state has no mercy when people do one thing it has no business getting its big fat ugly butt-fucking nose into : sex. Rape is a favourite technique of the state terrorists BTW  'Rape, Pillage and Steal' ; the rewards of warriors from time immemorial. That's HYPOCRISY written extra large and Jumbo.  ) 

      Small Modular Reactors - No Solution for the Cost, Safety and Waste Problems of Nuclear Power - PDF
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