- The Cairo CommuneReflections On the Cairo Commune by the Fanon scholar Nigel Gibson. by Nigel Gibson Quite remarkable (but not surprising) that after less than two weeks Tahrir square has developed a system of participatory. While constantly worryi ...
- Roots of the Egyptian revolutionary momentEgypt-manifs-NEW-m.jpg Transcript of an interview with an Egyptian student and activist, describing the strikes and social movements that preceded the present rebellion. A vide ...
- Total personnel chaos in DHL (Russia)dhl_main_en.jpg This story started at the end of 2008. I was resigning from one company that deals with transportation between Russia and Ossetia. As many others – I was looking for a better job and ...
- Go Slow Strike at FagorMastercook (Mondragon c ...Workers fight for wage increase. A work-to-rule strike in underway in Wroclaw's FagorMastercook factory. Despite exceptionally good output, increased exports and a healthy profit, most workers are still taking home a meager 350 euros ...
- Student struggle in the NetherlandsLast Friday, January 21, the Netherlands saw student action on a massive scale. Fifteen thousand students and sympathisers, maybe more, came together for a protest rally on the Malieveld in The Hague, the city in which the Dutch government is located. The ...
Free Range International
- Shifting SandsWith most of the world’s attention focused unfolding events in the Mideast now is a good time to shed some light on the current ground-truth in Afghanistan.  Sami the Finn is always a good place to start and he provides interesting perspective on the suicide bombing at Kabul’s at  the Finest s ...
- What Is the Problem Here?One of the Chim Chims’ has asked to put up a guest post on a topic near and dear to both our hearts for different reasons: Â the continuing efforts of the New York Times to kill a program I doubt was that big of a deal to begin with. Â Chim Chim is a member of [...]
- The Start of a Long YearA few weeks back home we’re a blessing and also a time to partake in my favorite thing to do which is doing nothing. Â I’m an expert. Â While I was away a few articles caught my attention and they serve as a useful point of departure to evaluate where we are at the start of [...]
- You Can’t Handle the TruthThe efforts of the international community to bring aid to Afghanistan, help develop the infrastructure with the goal of allowing Afghanistan a chance at self sufficiency are failing dismally. That should not be a surprise to anyone with more than a passing knowledge of the international aid ra ...
- Afghanistan’s Forgotten ProvinceThere are a couple of recent articles in the flood of coverage about Afghanistan which caught my eye last week. The first is factually wrong but I understand what the author was saying and he is, in a sense correct. The second is factually correct, I understand what that reporter was saying to ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Full-Body Scanners at Airports – THIS WI ...Make sure you understand this, all you bleating sheeple out there who think for one second that Full-body Scanners at airports are justified. Just in case you don’t remember, or don’t even know, an international flight (Delta Airlines Flight 235) originating in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (hom ...
- Carnicom Institute and Dr. Ilya Perlingieri Pa ...Vitally important updates on Chemtrails can be found at: http://carnicominstitute.org/perlingieri.html A. True Ott, PhD
- Beware Kucinich and “American Monetary I ...Richard: Thanks for this post. It is right on point. Letting Congress and the Executive Branch control money creation and disbursal exclusively frightens me much WORSE than the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM as it now stands. Case in point – Obama and his demoncrats patting themselves on the back (d ...
- Is the U.S. and ISRAEL Behind the Uprising in ...My guest on The Story Behind the Story, Mr. Barry Chamish, says absolutely, YES. THE U.S. IS BEHIND THE FALL OF MUBARAK by Barry Chamish Elad Pressman, editor of a major Israeli political website, was my guest on my radio show and did he have news! The Daily Telegraph had dug into Wikileaks docu ...
- The Major Reason to “End the Fed” ...This is a chilling video. How can anybody be so full of lies and so clearly obfuscatory and evasive?? Watch the hook-nosed witch behind her telling Coleman what not to say while she is under the gun!! (Doesn’t she remind you of H.R. Puffenstuff’s “witchiepoo”??) Also, look closely at the p ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Pervez Musharraf, former President of Pakistan ...He's been a general and a president, leading Pakistan while wearing those both hats in the tense days following 9-11. Now Pervez Musharraf is out of office and exiled from his country. But that hasn't stopped him from wading into the debate about Pakistan, Afghanistan and how countries like C ...
- Mark B. Salter, Aviation security expert (Nov ...The shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, the ink cartridge bomber: those incidents have changed the way we fly. But have the precautions actually worked or are they simply too much? Today we find out with aviation security expert Mark Salter.
- Tim Cook, War Historian (Nov 6, 2010)Another year, another Remembrance Day and another chance to remind ourselves Canada's military past. This week we look back at some of that past that is often forgotten.
- Nancy Greene RaineShe was Canada's Olympic superstar in 1968, winning gold and silver medals in Grenoble. These days her life remains rooted in the mountains of BC, but she's also taken up new duties as a Senator in Ottawa. And this week she's our guest.
- Shawn Atleo, National Chief of the AFN (Dec 6, ...He is one of Canada's most influential and powerful aboriginal leaders, yet few Canadians know anything about him. He's a new face on the landscape and this week, he's our guest in his first major interview.
Scotts Contracting
- Britians Military- Fossil F to Green Energy So ...Green energy plan at military bases (UKPA) â 13 hours ago British military bases on the front line in Afghanistan could be run on solar and wind energy in future under Ministry of Defence plans. The move would cut the … Continue reading →
- NFLs Green Energy InitiativeNFL- National Football League- Green Energy Initiative. Kudos to the NFL and the On-going Green Initiative! Besides this years Super Bowl Game between the Green Bay Packers and the Pittsburgh Steelers is being advertised as the ‘Greenest Super Bowl of … Continue reading →
- 6 Trends That Will Shape Green HomesFrom energy efficiency to water conservation to density, here are the issues that will matter most to sustainable builders and consumers in 2011. 6 Trends That Will Shape Green Homes Brought to you via: St Louis Renewable Energy – Eco … Continue reading →
- Will the Bipartisanship Last?Roster Changes on Senate Energy Panel Could Threaten Emphasis Added by Scotty , KATIE HOWELL of Greenwire New York Times Feb 4, 2011 All eyes will be on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee this session as it attempts … Continue reading →
- 6 Trends That Will Shape Green HomesFrom energy efficiency to water conservation to density, here are the issues that will matter most to sustainable builders and consumers in 2011. 6 Trends That Will Shape Green Homes Brought to you via: St Louis Renewable Energy – Eco … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Hypocrisy of U.S. Foreign Policy Produces Terr ...U.S. support of tyrants betrays our principles and contributes to terrorism.
- Putting Things in PerspectiveThe shooting in Tucson should make all Americans rethink our tragic War on Terror policies.
- Last Words Worth Acting UponRichard Holbrooke knew we should end the war in Afghanistan.
- Logic, Not Emotions, Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
- Logic Not Emotions Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- U.S. Middle-East Policy: "See No Evil, Hear No ...It is not only Mubarak's regime which has been discredited, but 32 years of U.S. support.
- Revisiting the Neutered Medal of Honor Argumen ...In recent years, it's awarded for acts of life-saving, not war.
- Nuclear Disarmament Would Make U.S. Undisputed ...Does no nukes equal more might for the U.S.?
- You Can't Tell Egypt's Players Without a Score ...Egypt's ruling apparatus is beset with competing agendas.
- Three Possible Scenarios for EgyptHosni Mubarak is on his way out, but when and how remain open questions.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- جایگاه واقعی آقای خامنه ای در میان مردم کشورها ...به طور کل،نه جمهوری اسلامی در بین اعراب وجهه ای دارد، و نه آقای خامنهای «ولی امر» آنهاست.
- Netherlands Recalling Its Iran Ambassador Over ...The Dutch foreign ministry said the ambassador would return to The Hague on February 10. Iran's ambassador would also be summoned shortly to the Dutch foreign ministry. The Netherlands froze diplomatic contacts with Iran after Zahra Bahrami, a 45-year-old woman with dual Dutch-Iranian citizensh ...
- Foreign recipes banned on Iranian state TV TEHRAN, Iran — A state-owned news website says Iran's broadcasting authority has banned Iranian TV channels from showing cooking programs that present recipes for foreign cuisine. Jamejamonline reported late Saturday that the deputy head of Iran's state broadcasting company, Ali Darabi, anno ...
- Statement released by office of Egyptian Vice ...Following is the text of a statement released Sunday by the office of Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman following meetings with several opposition groups. � �
- استفاده از سلاح سرد حكم آن اعدام استدادستان عمومي و انقلاب ياسوج بيان كرد: با جرايمي كه در سطح استان اتفاق ميافتد به شدت و طبق قانون برخورد ميشود. read more
Most Revolutionary Act
- 10/14/02: The Day I Became an ExpatriateAs I blogged previously, the brutal extrajudicial murder of a patient in 1989 demonstrated in the most horrific way possible that ultimate power lay outside America’s democratic institutions. It forced me to accept that political control lay in the hands of a wealthy elite who employed an invisi ...
- The Murder of Oscar ManassaI neglected to mention in my last blog that Oscar Manassa, the African American postal worker who was murdered, experienced the same vicious harassment I did for four years before he was killed. In fact this is why his legal team brought him to see me. He, too, complained of relentless prank cal ...
- Of Blogs, Bloggers and BloggingThe end of January marked my one year anniversary blogging. I never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that blogging would be the main event of my sixties. When my publisher first suggested it, I thought blogging was something only young people did. That a blog was a public diary that announced to ...
- The IMF: Saved by the Economic CollapseIMF meeting Many people forget that the IMF was nearly bankrupt in 2007. Prior to the 2008 banking collapse, they only had outstanding loans to only a handful of countries (see http://www.nzherald.co.nz/guest-columnists/news/article.cfm?a_id=146&objectid=10396025). There was a move in the late n ...
- The IMF Protection RacketThere seems to be strong consensus – at least in the streets of Europe – that the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is a protection racket. Here is the Wikipedia definition of protection racket: An extortion scheme whereby a criminal group or individual coerces other less powerful entities to p ...
Doug's Darkworld
- Is it War Yet?I apologize for not being able to blog recently, there’s lots going on in the world, but alas, my Internet service as failed me miserably. We may very well be seeing the beginning of a world revolution on the streets of Cairo, and the only source of “news” I have most days is my television. [... ...
- We Are All Egyptians NowWell, the uprising continues in Egypt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s very possible we are entering a watershed period in world history where all sorts of things are going to unravel in the next few years. There’s so much going on that it’s hard to even focus on what’s important ...
- Tunisia, Lebanon, and now Egypt?As I type Egyptians are taking to the streets to demand reform and the end of the Mubarak regime. And they are continuing to do so in ever greater numbers despite ever more desperate measures to end the unrest, including a curfew, shutting down the Internet, and dismissing the entire upper gover ...
- The McMartin Preschool Trial: Grown Ups Behavi ...My post on the Lawndale Thunderbird case has inspired me to write a series a series of blogs on how people deceive themselves and other oddities of the human mind. Or more accurately, the oddities of human perception and how setting and beliefs and preconceptions can colour, and sometimes wildly ...
- What is outside the Universe revisited: “ ...One of the side effects of trying to write thought provoking blog posts is that often they provoke a lot of thoughts, expressed in the form of comments. And unfortunately I often do not or cannot take the time to address them all properly. Hell, I could write a book on my responses to the [...]
- A Dot on the Map, Until the Earth Started Shak ...GUY, Ark. — Everybody around here is getting used to the earthquakes, and that does not sit well with Dirk DeTurck. He sent out 600 fliers and made, well, had to be around 100 phone calls, trying to attract people to his meeting on earthquake preparedness. And yet on a recent Tuesday night, he s ...
- Unusual Black Oil PlumeIndian Creek Eastpoint, Florida � John Hutchison and I have been traveling the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, using his "special frequencies" to clean the polluted Gulf waters. I have joked with John about the radio frequencies becoming a "beacon" to "other enitites". � On January 28, 2011 "some ...
- 3,000+ foot long mysterious black blob of kill ...Big blob of gunk found in the Gulf, From a distance the toxic goo looks like oil, but up close it smells like rotten eggs and wiggles like jelly. Scientists have no idea what it is or how it wound up in the northern Gulf of Mexico… [j]ust off the Florida Panhandle coastline, within site of Perdi ...
- Naomi Klein: The Mystery of the Black GooWhen The Nation's Naomi Klein traveled to the Gulf of Mexico in December to report on the aftermath of BP's Deepwater Horizon spill, she saw disturbing signs of the oil's destruction. But after she left, the research crew aboard the Weatherbird II encountered a slimy substance made up of dead pl ...
- Mystery as greenish-yellow goo falls from the ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,00 ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After t ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to eco ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The follo ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This ar ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 ...No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- The Natural Gas DebateJoin the forum discussion on this post The Economist just finished hosting an online debate on natural gas. The resolution was an interesting one: This house believes that natural gas will do more than renewables to limit the world’s carbon emissions. At first glance, the statement may seem pre ...
- The World’s Most Fuel Efficient CarJoin the forum discussion on this post This likely blows previous fuel efficiency records out of the water: VW to roll out 313mpg car in Germany and UK Last week at the Qatar Motor Show saw the world debut of Volkswagen’s XL1, a diesel-electric hybrid two-seater that can do 313mpg (0.9 l/100 ...
- Oil Price Could Doom ObamaJoin the forum discussion on this post The following guest post is from OilPrice.com. Normally I don’t add any of my own commentary to these guest essays, but in this case I would say that the idea that oil prices are manipulated by speculators is by no means limited to “left-wing blogs.” I wou ...
- What the RAND Report on Biofuels Really SaidJoin the forum discussion on this post The just-issued RAND report Alternative Fuels for Military Applications has generated quite a bit of controversy. However, in my opinion many of the news stories covering the report got the gist of the message wrong. In essence, what has been reported is “ ...
- Vinod Khosla and the Gasification/Fermentation ...Join the forum discussion on this post Vinod Khosla Prognosticates Vinod Khosla is once more offering up his prognostications on the future of the energy business: What Matters in Biofuels? Given the likely continued dominance of the internal combustion engine, cellulosic and sugar-derived f ...
Discovery Educator Network
- Knoword | Expand your vocabulary!Tags: vocabulary, game, knoword, english, wordsby: Heather Hurley
- join.me – Free Screen Sharing and Online Meeti ...Tags: screensharingby: Heather Sullivan
- 2,000 New Archaeological Sites Found Using Goo ...Comments:2,000 archaeological sites in Google Earth. - Dean MantzTags: ReadWriteWeb, GoogleEarth, archeology, archaeologicalsitesby: Dean Mantz
- calibre - E-book managementComments:Create your own eBooks via ePub and PDFs. - Dean MantzTags: ebook, ebooks, software, opensource, converter, calibreby: Dean Mantz
- Publish Digital Magazines and More Online for ...Comments:Create your own eBooks via ePub and PDFs. - Dean MantzTags: publishing, ebooks, web2.0, Tools, pdf, yudu, publish, library, epubby: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- USDA Says Nation Suffering an Obesity Epidemic ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Last Monday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its new dietary guidelines, calling for Americans to avoid eating too many calories, including those coming from added sugars. Despite that call to cut back on eating that added sugar that's making Americans ...
- How to Get Cancer-Causers Out of Your Indoor A ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Winter isn't easy on most of us. Piles of ice and snow greet us weekly, and short days make brief periods of sunshine even harder to come by. That, combined with bitterly cold temperatures, means most of us wind up staying inside our well-sealed energy-efficient homes ...
- USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Sugar Bee ...RODALE NEWS, STATE COLLEGE, PA—In an unprecedented, and what some food safety groups call an illegal move, the United States Department of Agriculture Friday afternoon approved the planting and sale read more
- Growing GMO Threat Highlighted at Major Farmin ...RODALE NEWS, STATE COLLEGE, PA—More than 2,000 sustainable farmers, gardeners, registered dietitians, scientists, and consumer watchdog and food-safety advocates from around the country are attendi read more
- Are Our Kids Getting Too Much Medical Radiatio ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—High-tech imaging like CT and nuclear medicine scans, radiographic peeks into the heart, and even X-rays are medical miracles that can help save lives. read more
big think
- Glenn Beck: The Poor Man's Joseph GoebbelsSo what do you do? Do you respond to their bizarre, inane and frequently offensive attention seeking bombast, or do you deny them the oxygen of publicity? In Britain last week, as the motor mouth wife of the Speaker of the Houses of Parliament, Sally Bercow warbled on about “life between the she ...
- First Ever Panoramic View of the Sun Released ...For the first time, satellites positioned on opposite sides of the sun give us a complete�view of the sun's entire surface and atmosphere.�This will allow scientists to observe sunspots for solar flares and magnetic activity�on a level previously unavailable to Earth-based observations.�� In 2 ...
- Reading the Tea Leaves in YemenNote: I had one more Egypt dispatch in my notes to post, but as I left the country and bounced around my new (temporary) home events on the ground have passed it by, so Waq al-waq will now return to regular blogging on Yemen. � Over the weekend as I flew out of Cairo I read story after story ...
- How Can Autism Be Treated? As parents of children with autism know all too well, there is no cure for autism. But there are many types of treatment that mitigate the effects of the disorder, most of them behavioral rather than pharmaceutical.� "There are some drug treatments," explains Dr. Susan Bookheimer, "but behavio ...
- Estate Unsettlement: L’Affaire Wildenstein in ...The art collecting world remains as much about collecting name cache as it does about collecting art. Becoming a trusted dealer and banking on that brand name allows you to build your bank account. It’s that seemingly unbreakable circle of influence that makes the recent L’affaire Guy Wildenstei ...
Information Liberation
- Is This the Best Lawmaker of All Time?Ga. Lawmaker Proposes Doing Away With Driver's Licenses ATLANTA -- A state lawmaker from Marietta is sponsoring a bill that seeks to do away with Georgia driver's licenses. State Rep. Bobby Franklin, R-Marietta, has filed House Bill 7, calling it...
- Egypt: Let the Looting Begin!You know the drill: A formerly useful dictator outlives his usefulness to the U.S. government, becoming a public embarrassment, or maybe even a loose cannon who can no longer be relied on to follow orders. So * they suddenly discover he*s a dictator!...
- Egyptian protester shot to death in cold bloodGraphic footage has surfaced of what appears to be a protester shot in the streets of Alexandria, Egypt by secret police. The birds-eye view video shows seemingly peaceful activity until about 1:30, when what looks to be a tire on fire falls to the...
- This Revolution Will Do Until the Real Thing C ...Neoconservatives like Charles Krauthammer warn that the popular uprising against U.S.-financed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak could easily become a victory for radical Islamists. The neoconservatives scoff at assurances that the Muslim Brotherhoo...
- Everything Needs to Be AbolishedToday is the release date for my new book, Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse. It could just as easily have been called Everything Needs to Be Abolished, and Here*s Why. The book does two th...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Ozboy’s Bar And Grill Is Closed For Repa ...It’s only temporary. A couple of weeks. But the recent shenanigans round here have forced me to do some thinking about how LibertyGibbert can run better in the future. I’ve spoken to a couple of you about this today, to … Continue reading →
- The Dragon’s Dissent Part III: Naked Nat ...The emergence of China as the world’s new superpower has raised many questions in the international community and across the blogosphere regarding the longer-range agenda of the Middle Kingdom. In a recent discussion on this forum, the question of Chinese … Continue reading →
- U.S. Elections: Will Liberty Win?Well today’s the day. As just about every other blog in the sphere is covering the elections today, I thought I’d throw the forum open, and we can discuss the results as they come in, in real time. If as … Continue reading →
- Libertarianism And Drug LiberalizationG’day everyone, Just arrived back home safe and sound. Sorry there hasn’t been a new post in several days, but just at the moment my family needs me more than the Bar and Grill does. Dr. Dave has graciously stepped … Continue reading →
- Stealing Democracy?G’day everyone, Ozboy here. The United States mid-term elections are just one week away, and the mounting resentment many Americans feel about the way their country is being governed appears certain to be made clear at the polls. One of … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- The trouble with encryptionLots of us encrypt files using the likes of AxCrypt and TrueCrypt. If there’s a risk of losing a device carrying sensitive information such as contacts, email, bank statements, invoices etc, then it is worth using such a tool. The ease with which a file, folder or even complete hard drive or USB ...
- SpectroscopyNOW – February 1 issueValentine’s Day science – Spring may not quite be in the air, but Valentine's Day is on the way and love is certainly on the minds of researchers in the US. A small functional magnetic resonance imaging has been used to investigate love. The study revealed brain activity in 10 women and 7 men wh ...
- Six science snippetsSix science snippets from David Bradley What is entropy? – This property of all matter – this collapse into disorder – is given a name: entropy. Things that are disordered have greater entropy than things that are relatively more organized. A glass of water, in which the molecules of water itsel ...
- Seven slices of science stuffSeven slices of science stuff from David Bradley Vuja de – Thinking outside the box with new eyes? Haven't we see this managerial psychobabble before or is it just vuja de? Alchemist Newsletter – An element close to every Alchemist's heart, quicksilver, or more properly mercury, featured in the ...
- A tetralogy of science newsFour more picks from the latest science news by David Bradley Tales of the unexpected: a night with Tim Radford – My mentor at The Guardian, Tim Radford, told tales of science writing at a special event last week and warned the audience that the public can be very squeamish about new scientific ...
RFF Library
- Estimating the Social Cost of Non-CO2 GHG Emis ...US EPA, National Center for Environmental Economics / by Alex L. Marten and Stephen C. Newbold http://yosemite.epa.gov/EE/epa/eed.nsf/WPNumber/2011-01?OpenDocument [Abstract] Many estimates of the social cost of CO2 emissions (SCCO2) can be found in the climate economics literature. However, to ...
- Stressor Identification (SI) at Contaminated S ...US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/caddis/recordisplay.cfm?deid=189290 [From website] This report applies the U.S. EPA Stressor Identification (SI) methodology to evaluate impairments at a terrestrial contaminated site and to shed light on its utility ...
- Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation: Indust ...U.S. Congress, House Oversight and Government Reform http://tinyurl.com/4s9jfwt [From Chairman Darryl Issa's introduction to a linked list of government regulations that industry believes should be repealed] In his State of the Union Address, President Obama highlighted the importance of making ...
- Aiding Development: Assistance Reform for the ...Brookings Institution / Kemal Dervis, Homi Kharas, Noam Unger http://tinyurl.com/49rlyy9 [From publication website] Global development assistance efforts are experiencing a critical moment of change. This moment is not a week or month but a several-year period in which political scales are tippi ...
- Carbon Capital: Financing the Low-Carbon Econo ...Accenture, Barclays http://tinyurl.com/4to687q [Study Objectives] Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the global society today. Barclays and Accenture have partnered to produce this study to analyse the role of corporate and investment banks in accelerating the shift to a low ...
Scientific American - News
- Opposite Spins: The LHC Accelerates Higgs Sear ...There can be only one top-dog collider in physics, one ring-shaped machine to rule them all. Since late 2009 , when the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, started up outside Geneva and quickly became the most powerful collider in history , particle physicists' eyes have been wandering steadily t ...
- For Want of a Pollinator, a Flower May Be Lost ...Earth's last passenger pigeon--Martha--died in 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo, the final remnant of flocks that once darkened the sky. What's unknown, even nearly a century after this extinction, is how many of the plants in the eastern woodlands of the U.S. might have suffered as a result--or even ...
- Out with the Old: As Internet Addresses Run Ou ...After years of warnings that the Internet's predominant addressing system would run out of these numbers, the bottom of the barrel has finally been scraped. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) announced Thursday that it has delegated the final 300 million addresses available through ...
- Ant Harm: Can Genetic Weapons Roll Back the Ex ...In 1907 Argentine ants ( Linepithema humile ) arrived in Los Angeles via a cargo ship. Within just a few years of their arrival the six-legged stowaways formed a single, massive colony--known as a supercolony--that stretched through California from south of the Mexico border to San FranciscoA li ...
- Copious Genes of Tiny Water Flea Promise a Lea ...Not far from milepost 200 on a stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway near the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area is a humble water hole known in some biology circles as Slimy Log Pond. It was from this inauspicious pool that a water flea ( Daphnia pulex ) dubbed The Chosen One was plucked in 2 ...
- Afghan police “nearly as unpopular as Ta ...Reuters: Afghanistan’s police force is only slightly more popular than the Taliban in the insurgent heartlands of the south, according to a survey commissioned by the UN. The results of the poll, published today, portrayed a police force widely viewed by Afghans as corrupt and biased, underscori ...
- 2010: Worst Year for Civilian Deaths of the Af ...The Huffington Post: Last year was the worst year for civilian deaths in the war so far, and irregular armed groups backed by the U.S. and by the Afghan government are preying on the population while recruiting and abusing children. Go team. I'm almost numb from continually relaying reports like ...
- Secret report reveals new funding channels for ...CNN: In August last year, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was not happy with Saudi Arabia. He complained that the Saudis appeared to be funding an opposition candidate, Anwar Ibrahim, in upcoming elections. What's more, the Malaysian authorities suspected two senior Saudi princes of inv ...
- Young Girl Raped in Western Afghanistan by Pro ...TOLOnews.com: A young Afghan girl was abducted from her family and then raped by provincial security forces in western Herat province. Father of the raped girl told TOLOnews that around 20 days ago bodyguards of Chesht District Chief in Herat rushed into their home at night and kidnapped his dau ...
- AFGHANISTAN: Few health services for IDPs as w ...IRIN: ens of thousands of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan are vulnerable to cold-related diseases but have little or no access to health services, according to aid agencies. Over 350,000 IDPs, including about 155,000 people displaced by conflict since November 2009, are li ...
- Blue Greens addition to Lakes Ellesmere Te Wai ...One of the initiatives of National’s Blue Greens was to extend the length of time that one farmer could continue to graze the edges of Lake Ellesmere Te Waihora near Christchurch. This is what they are adding to the lake: Yep, that’s a lot of cow pats next to the lake (photo ...
- Govt too chicken to help hensThe government quietly released the Hen Code of Animal Welfare today (two years late) –probably hoping that no one would notice it amidst all the fuss about Hone and the opening of Parliament.
- For my FatherMetiria just delivered a powerful and tear jerking speech about her father and her journey into politics. Her personal story illustrates the need to build a fairer society in New Zealand for our children and grandchildren. Here are some of the highlights I used the training ince ...
- Minimum wage rise not enoughThe Government has announced that the minimum wage will go up by 25c an hour, to $13 an hour, on 1 April. This is not enough. A sole parent working 40 hours a week on $13 an hour will earn just $520 per week before tax – not much to pay rent, feed kids, and pay [...]
- On the ground in WaitangiI am always astonished by the contrast between the media reporting on Waitangi and the experience on the ground. This year was no exception. There has been a lot of media talk about Hone Harawira’s “State of the Maori Nation” speech. Actually, he was a member of a panel which in ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
Image via Wikipedia
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Demented DemocracyAn addiction to opinion, each person being entitled to his own, and the unwarranted notion that those who fight for their beliefs are "principled" is the reason that democracies teeter between antagonistic belief systems and are unable to resolve any social problems. Each party strives to re ...
- Pity the Poor EconomistsThe first thing a judicious reader notices is how much disagreement exists among economists on almost every, perhaps every, matter. Then it becomes clear that much of this disagreement is acrimonious. Some of these people appear to hate each other. Now ask yourselves, how likely would it hav ...
- Can America Be Changed?If the American people ever hope to take back their country, they need to understand America's political economy so the parts of it that are morally offensive and economically ineffective can be repudiated. Only then will Americans be able to make the changes that are needed to make Lincoln' ...
- The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling i ...America's journalists are not "newshounds" They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American "free" pr ...
- America's Next Failure: the Police StateEvery police force in the nation has cold (unsolved) cases. The War on Drugs has been ineffective for more than forty years. No one knows where a vast number of illegal immigrants even are. The CIA has been unable to locate Osama bin Laden after more than ten years of searching. Your local polic ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Warning: Smurfs Can Be Bad For Your Bank Accou ...The Washington Post reports today on problems with an iPhone game for children called Smurfs' Village, which allows kids to "build a complete Smurfs village from scratch": Over the winter break from school, 8-year-old Madison worked to dress up her simple mushroom home on the iPhone game Smurfs ...
- Bad News for Charter SchoolsThe New York Times reports today that not everyone who graduates from high school in New York is ready for college. That's no surprise. But the news for charter schools was pretty grim: Statewide, 77 percent of students graduate from high school....A state committee determined last year that a ...
- Gee, I Wonder Why People Think Obama Is a Musl ...A tweet from the editor of National Review: Wait a second. This can't possibly come as a surprise, can it? Has Lowry watched Fox or listened to some of his, um, less inhibited fellow righties at all lately? Hell, it's a miracle there are still a few conservatives left who don't believe Obama is ...
- Quote of the Day: Please Cut Someone Else's Ea ...From Steve Tribble, the county judge executive of Kentucky's Christian County, where a planned road project is now at risk thanks to the tea party-inspired ban on earmarks: I do agree we have to cut from somewhere. I am against some earmarks [But] not the good ones. I can promise you this is no ...
- Why Do Men Write All the Book Reviews?VIDA informed us last week that most major magazines publish a lot more book reviews by men than by women, as well as a lot more reviews of books by men than by women. Why? Ruth Franklin tallied up the books published by a sample of major publishers and concluded that the problem probably isn't ...
Insanity Report
- IC 226: True GritTopics for the show: Ain’t nothing wrong with a few manlaws Dan Snyder is a douchebag Halle Berry claims her ex used racial slurs…but do we believe her? Kim K is upset her titties are showing A woman takes her son out of school…to help rob a bank American Journalist show more care and grit [...] ...
- Mandatory Gun Ownership….wait what?After the horrific shooting of Congresswoman Gifford that killed 6 and injured 17, there was a lot of talk about how “Politics would change forever”. If you believed that then I have a case of glass hammers to sell you. Sure people temporarily quieted some of their most outlandish rhetoric. ...
- WTF Wednesday: An Image None of Us Want to Se ...Fresh off of her hilarious “What the Hell is she looking at?” Tea Party Express response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is back in the news giving us all another reason to hate her by implanting an image in our heads that will haunt us for etern ...
- FacePalm of the Week: How to Torpedo Your Cam ...Thanks to JDan over at MediaStrut, I think it’s safe to say I already have the FacePalm of the Week for this week…even though it’s Monday: Hold on…the President has something to say: Seriously, what the fuck is this about? I get it, politics gets testy sometimes. I’m pretty sure Carol Mosele ...
- IC 225: Call a C.A.B.Topics for the show: Steve Harvey responds about his ex-wife’s claims Ted Haggard questions just how gay he is Bristol Palin is a “responsible sex” expert? Dylan watched the Jersey Shore… Kriss & Dylan scheme on another great movie/book idea Man has sex with show hogs….and gives them a vaginal i ...
Simple Climate
- Climate researchers warn of food and forest ti ...With food prices reaching record highs, worsening droughts in east Africa will add to agricultural problems, while a parched Amazon could speed rather than fight global warming.
- 2,000 year water temperature high underlines A ...Average temperatures of water flowing into the Arctic since 1890 are 2ºC higher than they have been on average in the previous two millennia, Robert Spielhagen and colleagues show.
- Rain-soaked plants trudge downhillSurveys separated by 70 years show how climate change in Northern California has increased rainfall, causing plants to move to generally warmer, drier, lower altitude habitats.
- Ice melt poses dual sea rise and water access ...One-fifth of the ice held in the world's ice caps and glaciers will melt by 2100, affecting water availability, adding around 12 cm to sea levels and threatening some coastal regions, predicts University of British Columbia's Valentina Radić.
- Greenhouse gases break temperature-rainfall li ...While warmer air can take up more water than colder air, the extra heat trapped in the lower atmosphere by gases like CO2 decreases how much of this is released as precipitation, explains Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research's Katja Frieler.
e!Science News
- Elder law expert: Health care reform act a mix ...Although the effects of the controversial health care reform act will be somewhat muted for many older Americans, it will inevitably have enough of an impact that seniors will discover that there is plenty to like and dislike about the law, a University of Illinois expert on elder law cautions i ...
- Lack of sleep found to be a new risk factor fo ...An inadequate amount of sleep has been associated with higher risks of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and death. Now colon cancer can be added to the list. read more
- The success of male bustards is measured by th ...Up until now it was unknown whether males of the great bustard (Otis tarda), an emblematic bird in Spain and endangered at a global level, transmit information on their weight, size, and age through their plumage. For the first time a study shows that the 'beards' and the design of the neck are ...
- Malnutrition: A skeleton in the health care cl ...Many elderly Australians are either admitted to hospital suffering malnutrition, or become malnourished while in hospital, which increases hospital length of stay and health care costs. read more
- When worms stick together and swim on thin wat ...Nematodes, microscopic worms, are making engineers look twice at their ability to exhibit the "Cheerios effect" when they move in a collective motion. read more
- NY and LA Times Call for Clean AirEditorial pages make strong defense of clean air health protections Over the weekend, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times both ran editorials in defen ...
- EPA Reviewing Air Permit in Kansas Coal PlantRushed-through process finally gets scrutiny Tom Gross, an official with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, is frustrated with the U.S. Environme ...
- Congress V. The Environment: A Friend to Clean ...Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson refutes colleague's attacks Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Let’s hear it for the champions of clean air! We at Earthjustice have spe ...
- 'Keep Your Hands Off My Clean Air Act Standard ...Powerful op-ed from Alex Allred, mother of three, takes Rep. Carter to task Alex Allred. Alex Allred is a wife, mother of three, author, former Olympic bob ...
- California Supreme Court Stands Up For Consume ...Court approves case to stop falsely promoted âMade in the U.S.A.â products The California Supreme Court last week sided with consumers and their ability to rel ...
Brave New Climate
- Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on ...Guest Post by Luke Weston. Luke is a Melbourne-based physicist and occasional freelance electronic engineer, with a strong interest in educating the community about nuclear energy and related issues. Just this week, Martin Ferguson has been actively stepping up his efforts to keep nuclear energ ...
- An environmentally sound, energy-rich future ( ...Here is a blog-post version of the poster to accompany the AMS paper discussed in the previous post. You can download a printable, high rez (11 MB) version of the poster here, or a low rez (1 MB) version here. ————————— ————————— In the part III, I’ll publish the conference paper that provides t ...
- IFR: An optimized approach to meeting global e ...A few days ago, an important poster and written paper were presented at the 91st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, 23-27 Jan 2011, Seattle, WA; Second Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy. The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global E ...
- Two countries, two paths, one crucial lesson l ...In the 1970s, two countries took two different paths in energy policy. Denmark pursued wind power, but failed to replace its fossil fuel power plants. It has among the highest carbon emissions per capita in Europe. France pursued nuclear power, and now has the lowest carbon emissions of any OECD ...
- New BNC podcast series and predict millionth p ...One of the new initiatives I’ll be trying in 2011 is an audio podcast series (I use the term ‘series’ loosely, as there’ll be no fixed schedule). This is now fairly straightforward to do, via my iPhone 4 and the Audioboo app. This type of media/blogging is quick and flexible to do on the fly. [. ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Rep. Maxine Waters: Haiti's Doubtful Elections ...Haiti's Doubtful Elections Cloud Future Recovery: [blackstarnews.com] "Many Haitians and international observers have never felt Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) to be legitimately organized under the Prev�l government, and I remain convinced that the presidential election held on Nov ...
- Malik Sekou Osei : The U.S. Will Hijack Egypt' ...The U.S. Will Hijack Egypt's Revolution: [blackstarnews.com] "The tactics of the Obama Administration towards Egypt has flowed from two strategic aims at this point: defending the Egyptian capitalist neo-colonialist state and maintaining Egypt as the key player of American imperialist foreign po ...
- The View From Occupied Canada #230Revolution spreads to Egypt's deprived Sinai :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] SINAI (IPS) - A Bedouin youth casually spreads out a piece of cloth before a police headquarters in Sheikh Zwayyed town in Sinai, the vast desert area to t ...
- We Know How to Help Cut the Deficit -- End Aid ...US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : President Obama, We Know How to Help Cut the Deficit -- End Aid to Israel We agree with these goals and want to do our part to help. As the President prepares to send his FY2012 budget request to Congress next month, we recommend that he cut the defi ...
- US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation: Oma ...US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation: Omar Barghouti: "Why Is BDS a Moral Duty Today?": "by Omar Barghouti The Huffington Post February 1, 2011 In his angry attack on the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, Mr. Bernard-Henri Levy desperately attempts to smear t ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday! America& ...So today is the day that all the inhabitants of right wing fantasy land praise Ronald Reagan, and his trickle down legacy. In my opinion, Ronald Reagan was America’s greatest traitor. Why would I say Ronald Reagan was a traitor? Because he was the most prolific person in America’s history to ope ...
- Tea Party Founder Judson Phillips Lies on MSNB ...On “The Last Word” Judson Phillips said Social Security will be broke in 2037. Reality says that even if the trust fund currently 2.6 trillion dollars is exhausted in 2037 Social Security will still be able to pay out 80% of the benefits. Tell me Judson. If you want “respect” for your organizati ...
- Why I Can’t Watch CNNEven though I enjoy watching some shows on CNN, I find it ever more difficult to not change the channel. When I turn on CNN I get the opportunity to see right wing conservative guests and commentators spew outright lie after outright lie. It makes me sick to my stomach to watch right wing mouth ...
- Paul Ryan’s AmericaIn Paul Ryan’s America, your grandmother would already be dead. If she was lucky enough to survive, she would be pushing a shopping cart bagging for handouts, because someone on Wall Street churned her retirement into nothing, and her Social Security payouts would be $20 per month after “manager ...
- Impeach Clarence Thomas NowWhile Clarence Thomas ruled repeatedly for the benefit of the oligarchs, the Heritage Foundation paid his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mr. Thomas neglected to claim this income on his financial disclosure statements, which is a crime if I remember correctly. So here we have billionaire ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-26 ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- Welcome to the New AmpedStatus.comWe're back with a redesigned site and three new features! Introducing the AmpedStatus Social Network and two new Amped Coverage wires.
- Time to Fight Back! Join The MovementAs a broad-based network representing people across the political spectrum, we are working together to reach common ground and fight for pivotal political reforms. As long as the economy and government are rigged in favor of the top economic 0.1%, we will all lose.
- Horrific Arizona Massacre Is A Sign of Tragedi ...Let This Tragedy Be A Wake Up Call. Given Socio-Political Conditions, Many More Violent Acts On the Way.
- AmpedStatus.com Hit By Mass DoS AttacksAs you may have noticed, for most of the day yesterday AmpedStatus.com was down. Shortly after posting our new report we were hit with a heavy barrage of DoS attacks...
- Obama Renews Commitment to Complete Destructio ...Obama has just doubled down on the side of the financial terrorists. Meet Bill Daley and Gene Sperling - another JP Morgan-Goldman Sachs attack. Let's dig deep into their past and reveal everything that you need to know.
- Wild Card – Part XI: Southern Sudan as a ...U.S. President Barack Obama announces intent to formally recognize Southern Sudan in July The White House just released the following statement about recognizing Southern Sudan. The wording of this statement is very similar to what I imagine the future statement about recognizing Palestine this ...
- Haaretz labels Jewish Voice for Peace “a ...Haaretz published an article today about a Jewish Voice for Peace member being threatened for her involvement in the organization. A cursory look at the headline and sub-headline reveals the newspaper’s normative stance regarding JVP and its acquiescence to polarizing labels. Headline: Jewish Vo ...
- “Israeli Wikileaks”: Internal Secu ...Anat Kamm was convicted of divulging secret information – but the GSS smeared her as a dangerous spy Yesterday, a plea bargain was signed in the Anat Kamm case, and she pled guilty (Hebrew) to felonies she obviously committed: unauthorized possession of secret information and unauthorized delive ...
- What should Israelis be afraid of?Ikea burning down? Iran’s nuclear weapons? An Egypt-style revolution here at home? What’s a real danger for Israelis and what should they fear? By Roee Ruttenberg A few days ago, I woke up and went through my usual morning routine. I walked my dog, drank my mug of tea and read the headlines on ...
- Are Israelis Middle Eastern?How foreign to the martian soil is the NASA vessel that just landed there? About as foreign as Israel considers itself to be from the Middle East at large. At least this is the sense one gets recently from observing our inner discourse over the events in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere. Most of th ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Showerhead swap project helps Perth household ...Perth residents can save water and money by swapping old showerheads for free new water saving showerheads under an Australian Government funded project launched today.
- New Chair for Murray-Darling Basin Authority The Hon. Craig Knowles has been appointed as Chair of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
- New Lynton to Belair urban trail is open for ...Cyclists and pedestrians are already taking advantage of the recently completed Lynton to Belair Urban Trail.
- Emergency heritage protection for Jordan Rive ...The Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has used emergency powers under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act to place the Jordan River Levee site, near Brighton in Tasmania, on the national heritage list.
- Sydney Theatre Company shows the world how to ...The Sydney Theatre Company will officially open another innovative 'Green Precinct', jointly funded under the Gillard Government's Green Precincts Fund.
Matt Weidner Blog
- Does Law Enforcement Even Care One Bit About A ...I really wonder sometimes and can only believe that the problem is the problem is too big so they cannot figure out how to swallow the camel. But think about all the agencies that could do something. FBI, OCC, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Treasury, State Attorney Generals, Circuit Court Judges, ...
- Economic Collapse, Political Turmoil is… ...Tweet this! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- 5th DCA Opinion- Due Process Rights Violated W ...Think of how many things happen in foreclosure cases with no notice to the opposing party…..my biggest problem is ex parte motions to substitute party plaintiff, but their are others. This new opinion makes clear that our system justice is dependent on all sides being provided notice and the opp ...
- You And I Have A Rendezvous With Destiny- PLEA ...Turn this on during a quiet moment and listen to the words. Listen carefully. Remember what the world felt like then. Many of us may not have agreed with the politics or the policies, but The President and most importantly our country was treated with the utmost respect. I suggest the reason ...
- On Wall Street Pay Vaults Back Into the Strato ...One of the practical roadblocks to fairness in the courtroom is the perspective that recognizing homeowner defenses and forcing the Wall Street Wizards that caused this mess to pay for their misdeeds is the perception that doing so will ultimately cost taxpayers. This is simply not true, in fac ...
abelard - news
- binary for computers, it's all ones and nought ...Why bits and bytes are used if 'talking' to computers, and how the relate to counting in the binary number system.
- munich 2? hillary wants talks with muslim brot ...The errors that are made when history is not remembered.
- hanson: obama's 1979 moment | politics usa new ...Remember the American Embassy hostages after Jimmy Carter's appeasement in the Middle East. It looks like Obama hasn't learnt.
- red ed wants socialist/fascist 'new' labour to ...Ed Milliband's Progressive Labour is anything but.
- democracy in the caliphate | politics news at ...The instability caused by oppressive Middle Eastern dictatorships is hitting more than world fossil fuel supplies.
The Parallel Parliament
- The School of Hard Knocks“My faith is gone.” Four words that represent the disillusionment of the age. A brief phrase uttered through tears over the phone by a retired teacher from London, Ontario that spells trouble for the Canadian International Development Agency in ways it likely never imagined. When CIDA recently a ...
- The Fog of IdeologyAfter reading Known and Unknown - Donald Rumsfeld’s tome (815 pages) – I put the book back in the shelf, flummoxed that smart people can be so dumb. He would have been better to have just called it “Known” because he never admits to self-doubt through the entire book. It was a frustrating read. ...
- A World With No Crystal BallWhat to say about the happenings in Egypt? It is one of the most remarkable developments of the last two decades. Yet the very surprise of it – the sheer speed of its unfolding – providing just as many opportunities for rapid opinion as it did for democratic developments. Now is hardly a time fo ...
- Footsteps and FingerprintsI heard it everywhere I trekked yesterday: “So, are we going to have an election?” My reply that I didn’t have the foggiest idea was met with considerable disappointment, as everywhere people seemed to have an opinion on the matter. It was our first day back to Parliament following our Christmas ...
- Women Of The SunJohn Garang, deceased visionary and key political figure in south Sudan’s struggle for independence, once called them “the marginalized of the marginalized.” No more. Something is subtly changing in what will soon be the world’s newest nation and it’s not just statehood. It’s the millions of wom ...
Vaccine Awakening
- New Vaccine Science Can Help Bridge the Divideby Barbara Loe Fisher Fear of the unknown is what terrifies us the most, fear of being unable to have control over what the future holds. At the root of that fear is knowing that the choices we make today could have a profound impact on what happens tomorrow. 1 Fear is a strong emotion ...
- Counting Blessings, Remembering the Childrenby Barbara Loe Fisher Every Christmas and New Year, when I give thanks for the people who have blessed my life, I remember the mothers and fathers of severely vaccine injured children, who have taught me the most about love and courage. I know that my son, Chris, who developed brain inflamma ...
- Thousands Of Americans Register for NVIC's New ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Thousands of Americans living in all 50 states took action and registered for the new NVIC Advocacy Portal at www.NVICadvocacy.org during Vaccine Awareness Week (Nov. 1-6, 2010) co-sponsored by the National Vaccine Informati ...
- Vaccine Science: A Search for Truthby Barbara Loe Fisher February 2009 turned out to be a month when vaccine science was put on trial in the U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C., in mainstream media and on the internet, in the British Medical Journal and in vaccine safety research initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health ...
- Talking Vaccine Science with Government: Why D ...by Barbara Loe Fisher After the historic election in November that saw Barack Obama elected President, I wondered what he and his Administration would do about addressing the question that is on the minds of many parents: Why are so many vaccinated children today chronically ill, suffering with ...
2020 Science
- Nanotechnology – UnpluggedNext Tuesday, we’ll be launching a new series of occasional discussions on contemporary public health risk issues at the University of Michigan Risk Science Center. And the first topic is – no surprises – nanotechnology. Under the tagline “No PowerPoint, no script; just stimulating conversatio ...
- Davos 2011 – Committed to changing the state o ...Cross-posted from the Risk Science Blog. As it did last year, the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos has left me with a daunting task – how do I summarize the highlights of the meeting in a single, short post? The answer of course is that I canât – Davos is so complex, diverse [...] ...
- Davos 2011 – Partnering with teens to build a ...This is not a science and technology post – which is a bit odd for a science and technology blog. But I wanted to introduce five people who together shake up the whole idea of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos as being an elitist and increasingly irrelevant gathering of middle aged bal ...
- Davos 2011: Global Risks permeate conversation ...Cross-posted from the Risk Science Blog. Take a metaphorical slice through this year’s annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, and Global Risk would be writ large through every part of it. Hot on the heels of the sixth Global Risk report, this year’s meeting saw the launch of the Risk Re ...
- Davos 2011 – physics superstar meets music sup ...I don’t usually write about personal interactions here, but this is one I couldn’t resist – physics superstar Lawrence Krauss talking cosmology with music superstar Peter Gabriel. I was with Lawrence at a World Economic Forum dinner when he bumped into Peter – as one does! He immediately launc ...
Reader Supported News
- US Envoy's Business Link to EgyptThe report begins with a bombshell: "Frank Wisner, President Barack Obama's envoy to Cairo who infuriated the White House this weekend by urging Hosni Mubarak to remain President of Egypt, works for a New York and Washington law firm which works for the dictator's own Egyptian government." Th ...
- AOL's Purchase of Huffington Post, a Hail Mary ...Ken Auletta begins: "AOL's purchase of the Huffington Post is the equivalent of a fourth-quarter Hail Mary pass. The game clock was ticking down on CEO Tim Armstrong's pledge to demonstrate by the second half of this year that AOL could mount a comeback from the near dead." AOL CEO Tim Armstr ...
- Rep. Jane Harman of California to ResignJane Harman, a predictable Blue Dog pro-military Democrat, has apparently chosen to follow Joe Lieberman into retirement. -- ma/RSN Rep. Jane Harman, 08/05/10. (photo: AP) Sorry, your browser cannot display frames!
- US Envoy's Business Link to EgyptThe report begins with a bombshell: "Frank Wisner, President Barack Obama's envoy to Cairo who infuriated the White House this weekend by urging Hosni Mubarak to remain President of Egypt, works for a New York and Washington law firm which works for the dictator's own Egyptian government." Th ...
- AOL's Purchase of Huffington Post, a Hail Mary ...Ken Auletta begins: "AOL's purchase of the Huffington Post is the equivalent of a fourth-quarter Hail Mary pass. The game clock was ticking down on CEO Tim Armstrong's pledge to demonstrate by the second half of this year that AOL could mount a comeback from the near dead." AOL CEO Tim Armstr ...
War Resisters League
- Anti-war Activists to Grand Jury: “We will not ...Tuesday, January 25th was the day that 23 anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists were made to appear before a Federal Grand Jury in Chicago. It was also the day that all of them refused to testify. In solidarity with those targeted by government repression, several rallies were held in citi ...
- The other “Afghanistan Report”Whose stories are we telling about the war in Afghanistan? On the day following the White House report on the war in Afghanistan that names the war as a qualified success and calls for the U.S. to “stay the course,” we must lift up the alternative stories and reports of this near-decade of occup ...
- Join the Online Demonstration for Peace in Kor ...President Obama is sending the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (carrying 75 warplanes and a crew of over 6000) and other warships for additional war-games with the South Korean military beginning Sunday, November 28.� This only escalates the already tense situation on the ...
- IVAW Women’s Retreat this weekend!Dear Supporters, My name is Joyce Wagner. I am a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, and I am a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. This Labor Day, IVAW women will hold our first ever retreat in support of women veterans. Your donation today will help us make [...]
- Protest nuclear warhead test launch tomorrow!Protest September 14, 11:55 pm (midnight) missile launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base: NOTE 09/14/10: THIS LAUNCH AND PROTEST HAVE BEEN CANCELED– More info to come! Join the protest of the test launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) thermo-nuclear warhead delivery sy ...
Center for a Livable Future
- A Former Teacher’s Take on The New Dietary Gui ...Every five years, the United States Departments of Human Health Services and Agriculture jointly release the Dietary Guidelines for America in the hopes of encouraging every American to eat a healthy diet, however, chances are the average person will never set eyes on the report. As a former tea ...
- Oprah Enthusiastically Throws Her Support Behi ...Talk show host Oprah Winfrey may have just encouraged a large segment of her 30 million viewers to join the Meatless Monday movement following her latest show which gave us a rare glimpse into where some of our meat comes from. The Meatless Monday campaign’s national awareness has more t ...
- Understanding foodborne microbial hazards for ...One in six Americans contracts a foodborne illness each year (CDC). Such illness can mean an unpleasant day of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and/or worseâ hospitalization or death in rare cases. âThere’s something that can be said about the problem of foodborne illness, that can’t be said of many o ...
- Again Ethanol and Food are in ConflictCorn prices have risen dramatically in the last 6 months and now food prices are following. This may be driving revolutions world-wide. And it will affect your grocery shopping soon.
- Shovel ready: Cuban urban agriculture as job c ...Iâve just returned from eight days in Cuba studying their sustainable agricultural system — especially their urban agriculture sector — and I have several key take-aways. One of the biggest insights was the untapped potential of urban agriculture as a creator of good jobs. The Cuban system wa ...
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
- How to Whip the Afghan Army Into ShapeMuch of President Barack Obama's strategy rests on the creation of a new, more competent Afghan military. Here's what he'll need to know to get the job done.
- Obama's Indecent IntervalDespite the U.S. president's pleas to the contrary, the war in Afghanistan looks more like Vietnam than ever.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Minister’s decision to withdraw Bill 29: an en ...CPAWS â Northern Alberta CPAWS â Southern Alberta 7 Feb 2011 (Calgary, AB) The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is applaudin ...
- Bill 29 ‘Suspended.’ Is Alberta Parks Ministry ...Alberta Wilderness Association 7 Feb 2011 Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) congratulates Cindy Ady, Minister of Tourism, Parks and Recreation on her apparent decision to withdr ...
- Groups ramp up parks campaign as Minister puts ...Sierra Club Prairie 7 Feb 2011 CALGARY — “More parks now, not Bill 29” is the updated rallying cry of lead groups, such as Sierra Club Canada, in the public campaign that last Nove ...
- The Water Log— February 7, 2011Water Matters The February 7, 2011 edition of The Water Log�is out. Read it on the Water Matters website, or visit the eNews Archives to view past�issues. Contents Water quality, quantity important for residents of southern�Alber ...
- Edmonton Bicycle Commuters February 2011 Newsl ...Edmonton Bicycle Commuters (EBC) EBC have posted their February 2011 Newsletter to their website. In this�issue �Advocacy BikeWorks�News Bike Art Auction & Anniversary�Party! Partnerships with�EBC Education &�Media ...
- NATO Surrenders Europe To U.S. Global Missile ...Stop NATO February 5, 2011 NATO Surrenders Europe To U.S. Global Missile Shield Project Rick Rozoff On January 27 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization took the most decisive step yet toward the implementation of the decades-old project first proposed by the Ronald Reagan administration for a S ...
- Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez I ...Stop NATO February 2, 2011 Egypt: Will U.S. And NATO Launch Second Suez Intervention? Rick Rozoff On February 1 General James Mattis, commander of United States Central Command whose area of responsibility includes Egypt on its western end, stated that Washington currently has no plans to reinfo ...
- Washington Intensifies Push Into Central AsiaStop NATO January 29, 2011 Washington Intensifies Push Into Central Asia Rick Rozoff A recent editorial on the website of Voice of America reflected on last year being one in which the United States solidified relations with the five former Soviet republics in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzsta ...
- Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Withou ...Stop NATO January 27, 2011 Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Without Conscience Rick Rozoff The largest foreign military force ever deployed in Afghanistan is now well into the tenth year of the longest and what has become the deadliest war of the 21st century. Some 154,000 occupation troo ...
- Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed Af ...Stop NATO January 23, 2011 Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed African Standby Force Rick Rozoff The announcements of presidential election results last month in West Africa and Eastern Europe have served as the pretext for the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Or ...
Before It's News
- Today's featured video: Lubbock councilman fac ...
- Medallion Resources begins trading on OTCQX
- Ratigan and Fleck on the Fed and Food Prices
- Wind Stocks Company Profile for Clean Wind Ene ...
- "The Muslim Brotherhood and the Uprising in Eg ...
Intel Hub
- Flashback: Huffington Post Censors Jesse Ventu ...The Intel Hub Alex Thomas February 7th, 2011 The popular mainstream news site, The Huffington Post, has been sold to AOL. On the day that Arianna Huffington sold her website for 315 million to internet giant AOL, it is even more important to remember what has happened in the Huffington Posts “il ...
- U.S. Military Purchases Gulf of Mexico Seafood ...The Washington Post By Mary Foster Sales of Gulf of Mexico seafood are getting a boost from the military after being hammered by last year’s BP oil spill, which left consumers fearing that the water’s bounty had been tainted. Ten products, including fish, shrimp, oysters, crab cakes, and package ...
- Huffington Post Sale: ‘I Want to Stay Fo ...Editors Note: It is interesting to see the hands that some press agencies fall into. Arianna Huffington springs a surprise by pledging her liberal news website’s future to a merger with US internet giant Guardian.co.uk Feb. 7, 2011 Arianna Huffington says she has found her “last act”. The Greek- ...
- DHS Seizes Websites for Merely LINKING to Copy ...Eric Blair Activist Post Apparently the Department of Homeland Security is now authorized to rewrite and enforce copyright infringement laws. In a stunning precedent, the recent round of domain seizures to shut down websites that allowed illegal streaming of the Super Bowl also included a few ot ...
- Explosives Found in World Trade Center DustCommon Ground By Elizabeth Woodworth February 6th, 2010 For Dr. Niels Harrit, nanotechnology expert and a recently retired University of Copenhagen chemistry professor, it all began when he watched the collapse of the World Trade Center’s Building 7. Harrit watched it come down in amazement, not ...
- The Palestine Papers, Israel and BritainBy Gilad Atzmon 28 January 2011 Gilad Atzmon argues that more than anything, the leaked Palestine Papers show that Israel is not in the slightest bit interested in peace, and they demonstrate British deceitfulness and hypocrisy. I have a rule: I never intervene in Palestinian political matters. ...
- Protest threats nix Bush’s Geneva trip&# ...Monday, February 07, 2011 By James Risen, The New York Times WASHINGTON — A planned trip by former President George W. Bush to Switzerland this week has been canceled in the face of threatened large-scale protests and calls for an investigation into whether his administration committed human rig ...
- Big Brother and the Holding Company: Turning R ...OpEdNews February 5, 2011 By Ricardo Levins Morales The cold winds of political repression have begun to blow a little colder. The widening FBI probe of the anti-war and solidarity movements–launched with coordinated raids in Minneapolis and Chicago in September, 2010–attests to the expanding re ...
- Haiti Update: Electoral Runoff and Aristide ...February 6, 2011 by Stephen Lendman, on OpEd News With world attention focused on Middle East events, mainly Egypt’s, Haiti’s gotten little attention despite its compelling need for real change. So far, it’s nowhere in sight, nor openly discussed, or demanded like visible millions are doing abro ...
- Maoism, Azad and Binayak Sen a hit at Kolkata ...http://icawpi.org/en/india-news/725-maoism-azad-and-binayak-sen-a-hit-at-kolkata-book-fair 2011-02-06 Kolkata: A slew of pro-ultra publications, on killed Maoist ideologue Azad and jailed activist Binayak Sen, sold like hot cakes in the two-week long Kolkata Book Fair that concluded on Sunday. A ...
Ken O'Keefe
- Global Revolution 2011I believe the time has come to unite, those of us who are sane, who can see that the masses are comprised of so many cultures and vastly different ways of life, yet we all demand essentially the same things. We demand to be treated with respect. We demand the right to a decent way of life. We ...
- Revolutions & ManipulationsWhile millions of Egyptians are in the streets, in one of the most dramatic spontaneous uprisings in recent years, in an attempt to overthrow 30 years of Mubarak rule, a regime propped up by Israel and the United States, an undercurrent of opportunist plots threaten to turn this hopeful situatio ...
- Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution ...Let us realize once and for all, that we the people are one, that we are human, that our most precious gift is that of our humanity. Let us never sacrifice it again. Together we are unstoppable. We are the sleeping giant, we are the waking lion, we are fierce and we are fearless.
- The Samouni Family Children – Survivors ...January 12, 2011 is a day I will never forget, visiting the Samouni family could not possibly be anything but a life-changing event. Words simply cannot describe the devastation wrought upon this family by a marauding band of Israeli psychopaths, otherwise known as the Givati Brigade of the Isr ...
- On the verge of Cast Lead II, a look backToday our team in Gaza met the Awaja family from Thabat. There were nine members of this family, seven children aged 1 to 12 years old, but one son was murdered during Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), so seven children is now six. Today we visited a few days in the life of this family, courtes ...
- Gay and lesbian parents in the Bible beltIn fact, child-rearing by same-sex couples is more common in the South than anywhere else in the country, and they're finding solace in their local faith communities. Go figure. And thanks, Annie, for the link. Getty Images
- Demon rum on the Lord's DayForgive me if I revert to type. Connecticut legislators are holding a public hearing today to listen to testimony about whether to open package/liquor stores on Sundays. State law currently keeps them closed. Though it might sound odd, considering today's economy, many package store owners lik ...
- Faith-healing parents get 10 years' probationA Philadelphia couple who prayed over their�dying son rather than seek medical care has been sentenced to 10 years of probation. You can read more about the case here�or here. As part of their probation, Herbert and Catherine Schaible must agree to take their surviving children for regular medi ...
- From the mailbag:This just in. A reader has invaded my dreams and ferreted out my deepest questions: "You have a powerful position as a columnist. Can�I at least ask you, what are you doing that's� positive, with that? Why the heck did you choose to be born? What the heck are you on the planet for? When you do ...
- Got scars? Be careful about traveling.Jared sends this, an essay about traveling with scars. Flickr photo
Associated Content
- AOL Buys the Huffington Post for $315 MillionArianna Huffington has become a much richer woman, thanks to having sold her online magazine, "The Huffington Post," for $315 million to AOL. Huffington will become, at least initially, a powerful editorial force in Cyberspace.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Feb 07, 2011
- Christina Aguilera Joins Hillary Clinton on Li ...Add Christina Aguilera to the line of people who have botched the national anthem's lyrics, including Secretary of State and former First Lady Hillary Clinton.Contributor: Carol Bengle Gilbert Published: Feb 07, 2011
- Twitter Reacts to Sudden Death of Thin Lizzy G ...On Twitter, news of Gary Moore's untimely passing has triggered an outpouring of farewells and fond remembrances as fans reflect on what Moore's music and talent has meant to them.Contributor: Victoria K. Walden Published: Feb 07, 2011
- Best Super Bowl Commercials of 2011In addition to watching the football game, advertisers pay big bucks in order to promote their products during the game. The commercials during the Super Bowl are some of the most talked about in television advertising.Contributor: Paul Rados Published: Feb 07, 2011
- The World Reagan MadeWhen Ronald Reagan took the oath of office just over 30 years ago, there were two world conditions that every analyst had come to believe had become permanent. Those were economic stagflation and the Cold War.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Feb 06, 2011
Popsci - Science
- Abandoning One of its Founding Functions, NIST ...It’s the end of a long and fruitful era at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Beginning March 1, America’s source for instrument and unit calibration will no longer offer calibration services for mercury thermometers, a service it has provided since its creation as the standard ...
- Private Company Wants To Put a Robot on the Mo ...A private company aims to send a robotic lander and rover to the lunar surface as soon as December of next year on a Falcon 9 rocket. Astrobotic Technology Inc., a spinoff of Carnegie Mellon University, announced its contract with SpaceX Sunday. The Falcon 9’s upper stage will slingshot Astrobo ...
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Flying HummersBut they would be so cool Last April, Darpa proposed a novel solution to the problem of IED-strewn roads and otherwise impassable landscapes in Afghanistan and elsewhere: fly over them. The Pentagon agency’s $50-million-plus exploratory program for the Transformer (TX) calls for a “robust grou ...
- This Week in the Future, January 28-February 4 ...This week, we're doing things a little differently. Resident artist Baarbarian has captured five of our most eye-catching stories of the week in this picture, but to win a t-shirt adorned with it, you won't have to guess all five correctly. Instead, you'll have to tell us which story is your fa ...
- Water Flea Genome is the Most Complex Yet, and ...A microscopic, see-through water flea is the most complex creature ever studied, genomically speaking. Daphnia pulex is the first crustacean to ever have its genome sequenced, and it turns out it has about 31,000 genes — 25 percent more than we humans. Of all the invertebrate genomes sequenced ...
Veterans Today
- VA Secretary Shinseki Announces Innovation Awa ...In his State of the Union Address, President Obama made clear that innovation is vital to the American economy – and that government has an important role to serve in supporting innovators across the country. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to finding new technologies, proce ...
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s NewsVeterans! Here's your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources. W encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need.
- SIBEL EDMONDS: Let It Cut Both Ways-US Foreign ...Material Support to Dictators Who Inflict Terror By Sibel Edmonds STAFF WRITER In June 2010 our rights and liberties suffered a major setback. The United States Supreme Court upheld the broad application of a federal law making it a crime to provide “material support” to designated “foreign terr ...
- Franklin Lamb: As Tahrir Square goes so goes t ...As Tahrir Square goes so goes the Middle East? by Franklin Lamb, Al Manar Beirut It is difficult to overstate the potential for Egyptian citizens advancing universal aspirations for freedom, dignity and basic human rights now spreading from the determination of those who for more than a week hav ...
- Egyptian Intifada: A Timeline (Week 1)By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani CAIRO; Feb 8, 2011 (Veterans Today) — Whoever comes out on top after the dust settles in Egypt, one thing’s for certain: the political equation in the Middle East — characterized for decades by Israeli regional hegemony — will never be the same again. A ...
War is Business
- ‘Armed Humanitarians’ ReviewedBuy oxymorons| Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- Dispute Over French Assault Ship Deal In Russi ...Buy oligarch| Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- For Every 1,000 Seriously Mentally Ill People ...Map: Access to firearms dealers versus inpatient mental healthcare in Arizona.| Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- Korean Generals Meet In DMZLil' Kim| Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- ‘Corrupt’ Philippines General̵ ...Buy Le Carré| Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- A wild start to February - back to square one ...Severe gales and heavy rain have battered Yorkshire in the last few days. The highest wind speed was recorded at Fylingdales on the North York Moors with 70mph on Friday. Pennine areas have had a month's worth of rain since Thursday. 79.2mm of rain was measured at Bingley in West Yorkshire sinc ...
- Global temperatures continue to fall.The January Global temperature, according to UAH satellite data, was 0.009C below the 1981-2010 average. The previous month, December 2010, was 0.181C above average A year ago, in January 2010, the global temperature was 0.542C above the 1981-2010 average. If the more standard 196 ...
- February: Westerlies come roaring backJanuary 2011 turned out to be drier and colder than average. The provisional Central England Temperature (CET) mean for the month was 3.7C, compared with the average of 4.2C. It was a month again dominated by high pressure, with north and east winds more frequent than normal. Rainfall was ther ...
- Global temperature forecast for 2011Last year, according to the Met Office Hadley Centre, was the second warmest on record with a temperature anomaly of 0.50C above the 1961-1990 average. This was very close, but slightly below their forecast which was issued at the Copenhagen climate summit in December 2009. It stated global te ...
- Met Office: 2010 Globally second warmest on re ...Last week, researchers at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, where temperature records extend back to 1880, announced that global surface temperatures in 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest on record. This was similar to data released by National Oceanic and Atmospher ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Financial Wargaming: If China Dumps US Treasur ...Boo! Here's a fun feature you may have overlooked. Well, let's just say it's fun contemplating--I offer no guarantees that it will be enjoyable if it comes through. It is said that popular entertainment gains resonance from being not entirely disconnected with reality. In particular, resonating ...
- Robert Wade on De-Neoliberalizing the World Ba ...Here's yet another interesting article from the new LSE house journal Global Policy. It all started in the second issue of this publication when Robert Wade, a famously "heterodox" economist in our development department, envisioned post-crisis options for developing states. In particular, he me ...
- 'End of History' Fukuyama Raps US, Lauds ChinaWhile I try to be a conscientious scholar, a neat thing about academia is that you don't even have to be right to gain attention. Take Francis Fukuyama [please!] After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he gained notoriety for his now widely derided "End of History" thesis that all political-econ ...
- When Basel III Met the Yankee BubblemeistersIn German, weltmeister is the world champion in English. But, when it comes to inflating asset price bubbles, perhaps we can relax the rules of grammar and syntax and declare our American friends the global bubblemeisters. Not being content with one housing bubble and its demise, let's just say ...
- Eurosceptics & UK-Baltic 'Anti-French Alliance ...$acre bleu! While the IPE Zone doesn't do conspiracy theories, the above post title was suggested by none other than the Financial Times, not some Eurosceptic rag which are a dime a dozen here in the UK. Alas, there is always a vocal bunch of Euro-haters perpetually voicing their opposition to U ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- Ashley’s Tragic Story: A Heartbreaking E ...What you are about to read is perhaps the most heartbreaking story that I have ever come across. It is so tragic that I am not even quite sure how to introduce it. Some time ago, a reader named Ashley sent me an email that described the nightmare that she has been living [...]
- The Riots In Egypt And The Price Of OilAs if the world economy did not have enough problems already, now the riots in Egypt threaten to send the price of oil soaring into the stratosphere. On Friday, the price of U.S. crude soared 4 percent. A 4 percent rise in a single day is pretty staggering. The price of Brent ...
- Warning SignsDo you see all of the warning signs that are flashing all around you? These days it seems like there is more bad economic news in a single week than there used to be in an entire month. 2011 is already shaping up to be a very dark year for the world economy. The price [...]
- Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Bi ...How do we fix the economy? That is a question that tens of millions of Americans are asking right now. Republicans are harshly criticizing the empty economic proposals being put forward by Barack Obama and the Democrats, but the Republicans don't seem to have any real solution ...
- Empty Promises: 5 Reasons Why Barack ObamaR ...Barack Obama's State of the Union address sure sounded good, didn't it? There were lots of solemn promises, lots of stuff about America's "bright future" and a line about how we are now facing this generation's "Sputnik moment" that will surely make headlines all over the globe ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Call Out for Submissions for Fire to the Priso ...We are currently beginning to compile issue 11 of Fire to the Prisons magazine. If you are not familiar with this project you can check out pre...
- "No Tears for the Fallen" -- flyer f ...This text is transcribed from a leaflet found in Central Indiana, presumably regarding recent events. Last August a drunken policeman, respo...
- California: Announcing a monthly anarchist sou ...TCN Radio is a new montly anarchist sound event from the East Bay of California. It features commentary, interviews and performance. The first...
- Philadelphia: Seeking submissions for defenest ...It's cold! A good time to stay in and write that piece you keep meaning to for Philly's radical paper of optimism and refusal defenestrator. Our...
- NYC Anarchist Book Fair Table and Presentation ...The 5th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be held Saturday, April 9, 2011, at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, NYC. Present...
E U Times
- South Korean President warns Nation must prepa ...South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak called Monday for new strategies to help secure a stable supply of food amid growing concerns about a global food crisis. “The likelihood of a global food crisis is rising due to climate change. We need to set up national strategies and research to tackle the ...
- Young Kuwaitis call for anti-government protes ...A Kuwaiti youth group called Sunday for a mass rally outside parliament on Tuesday to protest the government’s “undemocratic practices” and to press for its ouster. The group, Fifth Fence, said it is using Twitter, the US-based microblogging service that allows people to use mobile phones and co ...
- China Makes Fake Rice from Plastic? Vietnam Re ...A number of Chinese companies have been involved over the years in various scandals involving fake or tainted goods. Perhaps the most dangerous of all involve food, including the now famous 2008 milk scandal in which Chinese-made milk was found to contain the toxin melamine. The end result was 2 ...
- New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Foo ...A grim report prepared by Russia’s Agricultural Ministry for Prime Minister Putin warns that our world’s ability to feed itself in 2011 has been ‘doomed’ due the latest Superstorms that slammed into the United States and Australia this past week. A Superstorm is an extremely large and powerful s ...
- Mars500 crew ‘arrives at Red Planet’ on simula ...The crew of the Mars500 simulated mission to the Red Planet have reached a key milestone. The six men, sealed since June inside steel containers representing a spacecraft, have “gone into orbit” at their destination. Three of the group will now “descend” to the planet, don real spacesuits and wa ...
Voiceless Victim
- The Pope Calling The Berlusconi BlackI’ve heard some pretty obvious cases of the pot calling the kettle black, but the recent controversy over the Pope ticking off Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for child sexual exploitation shows how complete is the lack of self-awareness demonstrated by the psychopaths who surround and ...
- Let The Pope Try and Claim This Letter Was Mis ...Since the recent emergence of a secret letter from the Papal Nuncio to Ireland written to the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, which squashes any attempt by Irish Bishops to report child sexual abuse to the local police, the Vatican has predictably whined about the letter being “misunderstoo ...
- How Much More Evidence Do You Need Before You ...Documentary evidence was revealed in Ireland this week proving that Catholic officials do not report sex crimes against children to the police, and that this is official Church policy originating from Rome. Such disclosures should have been answered with judicial inquiries, charges being laid, a ...
- Bill Zeller and others must not die in vainThe tragedy of Bill Zeller’s lifetime of suffering from the effects of childhood sexual and physical abuse, which finally resulted in his recent suicide has touched people around the world. Bill was obviously a very special person and a great loss to those who knew him, and the rest of the world ...
- Please Explain Why Catholic Bishops Get Away w ...I read with horror this week that a youth worker in the Northern Territory of Australia is facing charges under mandatory reporting laws. Her crime? While she did eventually report her concern about the possible sexual abuse of a five-year old child, she has been summonsed to appear before a mag ...
WL Central
- 2011-01-07 EFF: The Best of Cablegate: Instanc ...TweetEFF has chosen the cables they feel have "been critical to understanding and evaluating controversial events." Their choices: “Dancing Boy” Scandal Alleges Child Prostitution, Possible Drug Use among U.S. Private Contractors Pfizer Allegedly Sought to Blackmail Nigerian Regulator to Stop L ...
- Twitter Details & Messages of Birgitta Jónsdót ...TweetThe US Department of Justice has issued a subpoena on Twitter for material related to Birgitta Jónsdóttir, including her personal details and, it can be assumed, all her private direct messages. Ms Jónsdóttir twittered thus: department of justice are requesting twitter to provide the info ...
- 2011-01-08: Peter King: Zeal of HypocritesTweetA month ago, on the 7th of December, a week after Peter King made his controversial Wikileaks Is Terrorism" comments, I posted this rather lengthy article to my blog, and linked to it from WL Central, documenting both King's hypocrisy and the possible motives he might have for taking such a ...
- 2011-01-08: U.S. DOJ Twitter Subpoena UpdatesTweetShortly after news of the subpoena issued to Twitter by the The U.S. Department of Justice emerged, an electronic copy of the subpoena surfaced and was, of course, circulated via Twitter. (A copy of the subpoena can be found here in pdf format.) Birgitta Jónsdóttir, one of 63 members of Ice ...
- 2011-01-08: Twitter on censorship: No censorsh ...TweetIt was December 14 when Twitter first received the sealed order to turn over information on several of its users. Twitter could simply have provided the information requested, instead of acting, on January 5, to have the order unsealed. The unsealing of the subpoena allowed the Twitter user ...
U N News
- Ban welcomes release of final results of first ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the announcement by Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council of the final results of the first round of presidential and legislative polls, and encouraged all concerned to take advantage of the opportunity to proceed with the electoral process.
- Haiti: UN human rights chief offers help to a ...The United Nations human rights chief has offered Haitian authorities technical assistance for prosecuting crimes committed during the 15-year rule of former president Jean-Claude Duvalier, who returned to the country last month from exile.
- UN agency welcomes Mexico's new refugee lawThe United Nations refugee agency today welcomed the entry into force of a new law in Mexico on the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers that now gives the country a legal framework that complies with international standards in this area.
- UN: Number of cholera deaths in Haiti shows si ...The number of people dying from cholera in Haiti has been on a downward trend or has stabilized in all ten of the country's departments affected by the outbreak, the United Nations humanitarian office reported today, adding that the number of hospitalized people has also been decreasing.
- Latin American and Caribbean unemployment drop ...The economic upturn in most Latin American and Caribbean countries in 2010 fuelled a 0.6 percentage point drop in unemployment - from 8.1 per cent in 2009 to 7.5 per cent - and is expected to lead to a further decrease of between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points this year, the United Nations report ...
Conspiracy Reality TV
- Mystery Missile Launch, Big Pharma Begins Micr ...Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.
- 7/7: Seeds of DeconstructionThe British Government's story of what happened, how, and why is contained in three reports comprising just over 200 pages. There is virtually no forensic physical evidence in the public domain. The first two reports were published simultaneously in 2006, ten months after 7/7. One was a home off ...
- The Absurdity Of Starting A Small Business In ...In the 1950s only about 1 in 20 Americans needed the government blessing to do their job. Today, that number is more than 1 in 3. And government puts all kinds of requirements on would be entrepreneurs making it harder for these entrepreneurs to start and grow small businesses.
- CIA Whistleblower: “Heart Attack Gun”Senator: Does this pistol fire the dart? CIA Dir: Yes, it does, Mr. Chairman, and a special one was developed which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
- Naked Truth Behind Body ScannersHe's abusing his relationship with the public by pretending to be a public servant and talking about how these back-scatter scanners are going to make us safer? He stands to benefit because he's getting payed by the manufacturing companies to go all over the networks saying that these scanners a ...
Rewilding Institute
- Conservation News BriefCaptain Paul Watson to arrive in Australia for final preparations for Operation Musashi Friday Harbor, WA – Just days after reaffirming that they will head to the Southern Oceans alone to defend the whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary, even after Greenpeace and the Australian government h ...
- Whaling Opponents Collide at SeaOn board the Steve Irwin in the Ross Sea –February 6th, 2009, 0800 Hours (Sydney Time)Â February 5th, 2009 1300 Hours (PST), 75 Degrees 44 Minutes South and 165 Degrees 39 Minutes West The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin collided with the Yushin Maru No.2 this morning in the Ross Sea as the harpo ...
- Dave Foreman’s Recent Speech At Nebraska Wesle ...Here’s a great speech Dave did in Nebraska recently. Fetzer Lecture Rewilding North America THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Click Here To Listen In!
- New Website All About Mexican Gray Wolves!There are only 52 Mexican gray wolves in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico. The Rewilding Institute has joined with local, regional, and national conservation, scientific, and sportsmen’s organizations, and concerned citizens in launching a new website, mexicanwolves.org, to help save this hig ...
- Follow Rewilding On TwitterWe’ve gotten with the times and signed up for a brand new Twitter account. Now you can follow TRI on Twitter and get updates when we have new posts on the site. Follow Rewilding on Twitter!
Asia Sentinel
- End of a Philippine General's Ugly CareerFormer Armed Force chief of staff commits suicide amid a corruption investigation
- End of a Philippine General's Ugly CareerFormer Armed Force chief of staff commits suicide amid a corruption investigation
- Power Struggle in Brunei?Prominent Chinese businessman appears to be collateral damage
- Intolerance Turns Deadly A mob attack by religious hardliners kills three and exposes presidential weakness
- Fraudulent American UniversitiesOnline US schools actually appear to be visa mills
We Know the Lies
- Wal-Mart Exposed for Deceptive PracticesThe myth of Wal-Mart as an indispensable part of Americana that presents the poor with a wide selection of affordable products is coming unraveled. ~ John Galt read more
- Pennsylvania... Supreme Court Weighing Paren ...The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will be hearing a case on the state’s parental consent law that requires minor teens to get their parent’s permission for an abortion. ~ Steve Ertelt read more
- Several Sites SEIZED By U.S. Authorities Ahead ...� Together with several other sites, popular sports streaming and peer-to-peer website Rojadirecta has had its domain seized by U.S. authorities. ~ Bianca Bosker read more
- The Pathway to Death... Killing Off the Useles ...This is the master plan of the elites to reduce the population, firstly by going after those they consider ‘useless eaters’ due to the fact that the elderly, in the eyes of the elite, are simply consuming their resources and are therefore a burden to the rich. ~ Neil Foster read more
- 2004 USDA National Fluoride Database of Select ...Although this information is from 2004 I'm certain there is a current updated list 'hidden somewhere'... If you have been eating any of these foods since 2004, you are polluted with accumulating fluoride! Most of these figures listed are off the chart!!! Get this information out to everyone y ...
Tatumba 2.0
- HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED?Join the WAVE at www.GreeneWave.com Video Rating: 0 / 5 Stay tuned for the debut of www.GreeneWave.com BUY SILVER AT WHOLESALE This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Economy Stage 4 Cancer Patient ~ Stocks Rigged Join the WAVE at www.G ...
- Max Keiserism of the Day: You can not cram ten ...Max Keiser…I love this guy. He has a way with words. I am officially coining a new Goggle keyword phrase today in his honor. I am going to call his unique statements, words, and phrases Max Keiserisms. So my Max Keiserism of the day is: “You cannot cram ten pounds of shit into a five [...] ...
- The Establishment is Losing Control – GreeneWa ...Stay tuned for the debut of www.GreeneWave.com Video Rating: 0 / 5 BUY SILVER AT WHOLESALE This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Forecast 2011 ~ Debut of GreeneWave.com Stay tuned for the debut of www.GreeneWave.com WE NEED YOUR... HA ...
- A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism: T ...The following full-length in full HD documentary, TerrorStorm, chronicles a history of government sponsored terrorism. To all Denialists, you are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. You are in love with your captors. This video removes all doubt that our governments have been and continue to be i ...
- Why Nobody Trusts the Mainstream MediaDo you have faith that your news provider is reporting the truth? Always covering every side of the story? Never biased? Is your mainstream media source run by individuals with absolutely no conflict of interest? Who owns the company, that owns the company, that owns the TV or radio station? Is ...
Truth About Our World
- Government offers cash prizes to doctors who r ...Monday, February 07, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff The U.K. National Health Service (NHS) has decided to turn its health care system into a giant game where doctors who recruit the most new mental patients win cash prizes. The equivalent of over $243 million is set to be divied out based on which gener ...
- Ten Months Later…New Claims: BP Oil Disa ...
- E.L. Rothschild LLC Acquires a Majority Stake ...And the Rothchilds continue to dig in their tentacles into every industry… NEW YORK – (Business Wire) E.L. Rothschild LLC, a private investment company led by Chairman Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and CEO Lynn Forester de Rothschild, today announced the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire a ...
- TSA’s Homosexual MotivationThe TSA airport pat down is designed to desensitize society to sexual exploitation, part of our induction in the lowest rank of a satanic cult, the Illuminati. by Servando Gonzalez (for henrymakow.com) Complaints of sexual molestation by Transport Security Administration employees at U.S. airp ...
- Muslim Brotherhood- Illuminati Toolsby Former Intelligence Officer (for henry makow.com) ‘Iqhwan il Muslimoon’ In his book “Hostage to Khomeini,” Robert Dreyfuss gave a pretty accurate rendering of the MB in 1980, which as I have witnessed, is common knowledge in high government, diplomatic and Intelligence circles: “The real Musl ...
- No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
- S&P Keeps Hold Opinion on AutodeskAnalyst Jonathan Rudy says the company's July-quarter results beat his forecasts. Plus: analysts' opinions on Gap, AnnTaylor, and more
- IGN Entertainment: Where the Boys AreThe Web outfit has drawn a huge, male-dominated following and has an IPO in the works. But will a big Net player come calling?
- Do Online MBAs Make the Grade?Their popularity is soaring, but some are diploma mills, making recruiters wary of virtual degrees. Here are tips for picking a good program
- Don't Count the U.S. Consumer OutDespite higher energy prices, we expect consumers to continue spending and the U.S. economy to grow
- Plastic Pollution Is Everywhere. Including Yo ...By Lisa Frack, EWG Social Media Manager Unless you've been living under a rock, you're aware that plastic creates pollution. And if you've been paying any attention at all to the state of our planet, you've heard of the Great... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full l ...
- Hexavalent Chromium: 11 Answers for Water Drin ...By Rebecca Sutton, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water everywhere you turn, you probably have a few questions. Of course you can read EWG's full report, but on the off... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website fo ...
- French law informs, protects cell phone usersBy Olga Naidenko, PhD, EWG Senior Scientist France will soon become the first nation anywhere to require merchants to inform consumers of the radiation levels of cell phones at the point of sale. The new French cell phone statute, part... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website ...
- EWG's Worst Environmental Stories of 2010 By Nils J. Bruzelius, EWG Executive Editor We polled our staff to see what stories they thought had the biggest impact, for better or worse. Here are the results: We'll start with the worst today, so we can end on... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other ...
- EWG's Top 10 Good Environmental News Stories o ...By Nils J. Bruzelius, EWG Executive Editor Ok, our list of the "worst" environmental stories of the year was a bit of a downer. So here are EWG's Top 10 good environmental news stories. Yes, good things happened, too. And... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go high ...MANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said motorists would ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia Uprising ...Wellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- AOL-HuffPo: Acquisition of means of production ...It's not a marriage, this purchase of The Huffington Post by AOL. It's more like Arianna Huffington and Tim Armstrong have decided to bunk up so they can move to nicer real estate at lower prices. What Huffington Post started out as—a Drudge Report for the ...
- With the end zone beckoning, the 'News' takes ...Each day, the New York tabloids vie to sell readers at the newsstands on outrageous headlines, dramatic photography, and, occasionally, great reporting. Who is today's winner? More
- Losers, again: The Wilpons' struggle to hold o ...Two things we now know about a lawsuit by a trustee of Bernie Madoff's firm against the Wilpons and the Mets: It's going to be bad for the Mets, the only question being how bad; the longer the proceedings drag on, the worst things will get. More ...
- See 'The African Queen' with a crowd; marvel a ...The African Queen (1951), directed by John Huston, has endured as a classic with audiences who love the humorous sparring between the two middle-aged leads (Katharine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart), the adventurous obstacle-ridden plot involving a perilous tr ...
- F.A.Q.: How well did Cuomo do selling the new ...Jimmy: It's tougher this year [for Silver]. His normal tactic is Entish objection to undue haste. But he knows that Cuomo watched David Paterson's little trick of ramming through the substance of his budget in emergency extender bills with interest. And he ...
Views & News from Norway
- Blasphemy allegations hit NorwegiansTwo Pakistani-Norwegians are wanted by police in Karachi investigating an alleged act of blasphemy – and will issue an arrest warrant unless they return voluntarily to the country for questioning. Oslo newspaper Aftenposten reports the Norwegians are wanted in connection with their cousin, 17-ye ...
- Bishop worried over famed libraryThe recent massive demonstrations in Egypt are causing particular concern for Oslo’s former bishop, who sits on the board of Egypt’s famous library in Alexandria. He’s monitoring the situation in and around the Norwegian-designed library carefully. “I get frequent updates from the director of t ...
- Refugees seek refuge in cathedralAround 100 Ethiopian refugees whose applications for asylum in Norway have been rejected marched to the Oslo Cathedral (Domkirken) on Monday and many then sought refuge inside. They’ve since launched hunger strikes in the hopes of winning legal residence permission. More than 50 Ethiopians remai ...
- Sami Day marked as conflicts riseThe flag of the northern Sami people flew around Norway on Sunday, to mark the annual day celebrated as “Samefolkets dag” by the Sami in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. As festivities took place, though, all is not well, with conflicts continuing to erupt over reindeer grazing. The conflicts ...
- Fractures soar on slippery sidewalksOrthopedic specialists have their hands full these days, as scores of Norwegians limp into emergency rooms after falling on the ice. Oslo Legevakt, the public health emergency clinic for the capital, dealt with 110 fractures by 4pm one day last week. “We’ve had a lot to do since milder weather s ...
IPS - Inter Press Services
- EGYPT: Mubarak's Fate in Military HandsMake no mistake about it - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will stay in power only as long as his army generals deem it to be in their best interest.
- SUDAN: Rights Groups Fear Quid Pro Quo for Pea ...Amid renewed pockets of unrest throughout Sudan and continuing violence in Darfur, government officials in Khartoum announced Monday that a whopping 98.83 percent of southern voters – numbering more than 3.8 million in a country of over 42.3 million – cast their ballots in favour of se ...
- No More Immunity for George W. Bush – Ab ...Former U.S. President George W. Bush may have mostly vanished from the headlines since January 2009, but the alleged crimes committed by his administration are not forgotten.
- EGYPT-U.S.: Washington Fumbles MessagingOnly four days ago, the administration of President Barack Obama appeared to be siding with the hundreds of thousands of Egyptian demonstrators calling for a quick end to Hosni Mubarak's 30-year reign, even if it didn't call explicitly for the Egyptian president to resign.
- COLOMBIA: Increasingly Broad Social Movements ...Social mobilisation against gold-mining is growing in Colombia, which is now one of the world's biggest per capita polluters of mercury, used in artisanal mining, according to the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
Scoop - NZ
- Egypt: Let the Looting Begin! Guess who Obama’s sent as Imperial Plenipotentiary to that country? Frank G. Wisner, former director at Enron and AIG, and namesake son of a founding spook at the OSS and CIA (who helped overthrow Arbenz and Mossadeq). At Counterpunch, Vijay Prashad describes Wisner as "bagman of Empire, and ...
- Suleiman: From spy chief to international play ...In 2009, US magazine Foreign Policy ranked Suleiman the Middle East's most powerful intelligence chief, ahead of Meir Dagan, the head of Israel’s Mossad.
- Fisk: Mubarak on the cusp of departure The old man is going. The resignation last night of the leadership of the ruling Egyptian National Democratic Party – including Hosni Mubarak's son Gamal – will not appease those who want to claw the President down. But they will get their blood. The whole vast edifice of power which the NDP rep ...
- Re. Mubarak 'must stay': as private citizenThe US government has since said Wisner's comments were made as a private citizen.
- Welcome to the New Middle AgesImagine a world with a strong China reshaping Asia; India confidently extending its reach from Africa to Indonesia; Islam spreading its influence; a Europe replete with crises of legitimacy; sovereign city-states holding wealth and driving innovation; and private mercenary armies, religious radi ...
Independent - London
- Chechen rebel leader claims airport bombChechen warlord Doku Umarov has claimed responsibility for last month's suicide bombing at a Moscow airport and threatened more such attacks as a growing Islamic insurgency tries to force Russia to surrender control over its southern Caucasus region.
- Video: Australian PM fights back tearsAustralian Prime Minister Julia Gillard fights back tears as she remembers Queensland's flood victims, including 13-year-old Jordan Rice.
- Charles Taylor's lawyer storms out of courtCharles Taylor's lawyer has stormed out of court after judges refused to accept a written summary of the former Liberian president's defence case at the end of his war crimes trial in the Netherlands.
- Guardian journalist 'expelled' from RussiaA British journalist has been expelled from Russia in an apparent response to the reporting of WikiLeaks cables unfavourable to Vladimir Putin's rule.
- Spectator killed by bird during cockfightA US man attending a cockfight has died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to its own limb.
Rogue Government.com
- Why can’t the US legalize drugs? There’s ‘too ...In what will likely be seen as something of a Freudian slip by the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said recently in a Mexican news interview that the United States cannot legalize drugs as a means of fighting the black market because "there is just too much money in it."
- Birds use quantum theory to literally 'see' Ea ...
- Will Apophis Hit Earth in 2036? NASA Rejects R ...Now, reports out of Russia say that scientists there estimate Apophis will collide with Earth on April 13, 2036. These reports conflict on the probability of such a doomsday event, but the question remains: How scared should we be?
- Church of Scientology investigated over ‘slave ...The FBI is investigating the Church of Scientology over allegations its practices may have violated human trafficking laws, a news report states.
- FCC: Presidential emergency alerts to be teste ...The FCC is planning an upgrade to the tests by including presidential announcements in the system.
Innovation Canada
- Tackling the cancer conundrumCarol Cass has seen cancer from all sides. The internationally renowned cancer researcher has spent four decades pioneering the study of special proteins called nucleoside transporters that help cancer-fighting drugs work their way inside cancer cells. She has also been an administrator at resea ...
- Picturing Alzheimer’sThe numbers tell a startling story. According to a 2009 study by the Alzheimer Society of Canada, 500,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Of those, more than 71,000 are under 65, and approximately 50,000 are under 60. And 72 percent are women. An estimated ...
- Quitting timeDespite the best intentions of a 34-year-old National Non-Smoking Week, which starts on Jan. 16, one of the most disheartening things for anyone trying to quit smoking is the extremely high likelihood that his or her efforts will end in failure. “Even with proper treatment, around 70 to 80 perce ...
- Discoveries of the deepOceans cover more than 70 percent of the planet. Hidden beneath them is an entire world we know very little about, a world of undersea mountain ranges and ocean basins that play host to hundreds of thousands of underwater species. In the late 1990s, marine scientists expressed their concern with ...
- Shakin' all overAt the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ont., Richard Bathurst is a mover and a shaker. Literally. Over the past 20 years, Bathurst, a civil engineering professor who is cross-appointed to Queen’s University, has become an internationally recognized authority on earthquake-res ...
Signs of the times
- FCC: Presidential Emergency Alerts to be Teste ...Everybody has heard the national Emergency Alert System (EAS). Those familiar "duck calls" that reassure listeners "THIS is a test...this is ONLY a test..." The FCC is planning an upgrade to the tests by including presidential announcements in the system. Lisa Fowlkes, deputy chief of the Publ ...
- Junk Food Diet Linked to Lower IQToddlers who have a diet high in processed foods may have a slightly lower IQ in later life, according to a British study described as the biggest research of its kind. The conclusion, published on Monday, comes from a long-term investigation into 14,000 people born in western England in 1991 a ...
- Torture complaints hit Bush on ninth anniversa ...Nine years ago today, the Bush administration decided that international law does not apply to prisoners of war. It was a watershed moment in US history, resulting in a policy of torture that pervaded and darkened the Bush years, and inflamed anti-American sentiment abroad. To mark that grim ...
- Meteorite crater found on mount Ararat?Astrophysicists Vahe Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia and Sverre Aarseth from the University of Cambridge in the UK, discovered an unrecorded crater that raises the possibility that the biblical mountain Ararat was struck by a meteorite. A British scientific publication O ...
- US: FEMA preparing kids for aliens and mega-ea ...Here is the Link
The Galloping Beaver
- Making our own nightmares come trueIt occurs to me, as I'm sure it must have to many people, that if the Western democracies would walk the walk instead of just talking the talk and really supported efforts at democracy in North Africa and the Middle East instead of bankrolling dictators because they provide "stability" we would ...
- Perspectives . . ."Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end." — Tex ...
- Thetan theatrics . . .THE ELRONISTAS ARE CHUFFED, according to Lawrence Wright's account, "The Apostate", in the New Yorker. You see, Paul Haggis doesn't believe anymore, after climbing to the top of the Elronic dogma. Paul's not your average Elron, he's a 2-time Oscar winner, and the Hollywood Elrons are chuffed. Ca ...
- Academy Shift?Perhaps this is the same with each generation of PhD and masters grads who seriously considered a career in the academy, but I have yet to meet someone among my peer group who actually wants the job now. Views such as those expressed here, and here, I find ring true among these newly minted and ...
- Perspective change . . .Multi-Kulti success story POOR OLD MULTI-KULTI. It's been a hard winter. First, in October, Angela Merkel pronounces the death of that darling of the politically-correct, and now, David Cameron has delivered England's coup de gras on M-K: "State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron".A ...
Media Matters for America
- Beck Expands His Egypt Theory With Red-Baiting ...Glenn Beck expanded on his theory about Egypt by leveling a series of wild smears at labor unions, alleging that they are "led by communists" and that they are working to "help stomp out the free market and capitalism," which is "why they're rushing in to support the democratic revolution in Eg ...
- Beck Lashes Out At Bill Kristol And Breaks Dow ...Glenn Beck lashed out at Fox News contributor Bill Kristol after Kristol criticized Beck's "hysteria" over Egypt. Beck went on to detail how "the forces of evil have linked arms."Kristol Criticized Beck For "Rant[ing] About The Caliphate Taking Over The Middle East" Kristol: Beck Is "Marginali ...
- Fox's Johnson Doesn't Know The Facts On Egypt ...On Fox & Friends, Fox News legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr. claimed that "Shariah is the basis of all law in Egypt" and that "democracy and Islam" are "not compatible." In fact, Egypt is among the most secular countries in the Middle East, and several of the world's largest democracies are ...
- Right-Wing Media Falsely Claim Obama "Betraye ...The right-wing media have seized on a Wikileaks cable to claim the Obama administration "betrayed" the United Kingdom by revealing data to Russia regarding the sale of nuclear material. In fact, the information was passed in compliance with nuclear arms treaties and "with respect to the lo ...
- Beck's "Apocalyptic" Egypt "Hysteria" Triggers ...Bill Kristol and other media conservatives have recently denounced Glenn Beck for using "hysteria" and "apocalyptic conspiracy terms" in his commentary about the uprising in Egypt. This is the latest case in which Beck's violent rhetoric and conspiratorial fearmongering have triggered criticism ...
Global Research.ca
- Who is the Real Opposition in Egypt? For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Egypt's Social Crisis: Financial Bonanza for ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Egypt's Economy, Financial Deregulation and Pr ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Revolution: Is 1848 Repeating Itself in the Ar ...In 1848, revolutionary fervour broke across continental Europe. Is the same thing happening in the Arab World?
- Washington Faces the Arab Revolts: Sacrificing ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Good & Bad News on Jane Harman: Why Her Voice ...Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) is resigning her House seat in favor of succeeding Democratic foreign policy icon Lee Hamilton as the next president of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. For Harman personally, this may be great news. The job running the Wilson Center ...
- Third Way: Wrong Turn on Social SecurityThird Way, the Wall Street oriented think tank, is apparently feeling newly emboldened now that one of its board members, Bill Daley, is President Obama' chief of staff. Last week it sent out an "infographic" that purported to show why Social Security needed to be fixed. The punchline was it ...
- The Makings Of America's Peace Plan"The dramatic events of the recent period make it necessary for us to take the Israeli-Palestinian conflict off the regional agenda," Shimon Peres told the 11th annual Israeli security conference yesterday. "We must do this as soon as possible because the conflict is being exploited to the d ...
- Palestine is the key to Arab democracyCurrent events in Egypt and Tunisia have the entire region and beyond glued to their television sets. The all-too-spoken-about Arab street has risen, seemingly from the dead. But while it is satisfying to see a dictatorial head of state being ousted by his own people, it is far too early to rejo ...
- The Individual Mandate in the Health Care Bill ...The Republican vote to repeal the new health care law is purely symbolic. But there's one provision of the law that Republicans are likely to try to defund, and they may have the public with them on this. It's the so-called "individual mandate" - the requirement that everyone purchase health ins ...
- Eugene Robinson | Reagan's DemocratsWashington - As we mark the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birth, one of our major political parties has become imbued with the Gipper's political philosophy and governing style. I mean the Democrats, of course. The Republican Party tries to claim the Reagan mantle but has moved so far to the ri ...
- State Budget Cutbacks Lead to an Unexpected Si ...Over the past few years, states have acutely felt the pain of our nation’s economic woes. As some governors cope with revenue shortfalls by raising taxes and others enact deep cuts to education and other services, a silver lining has emerged out of the budget crunches: prison reform. Those advo ...
- What Can We Do to Support Egypt?: Address in S ...We have all been moved by the courageous actions of the Egyptian people in recent weeks. In response to their inspiring example, we might ask the following question: What effective steps can we take to support their struggle for liberation,�and to support similar struggles throughout the world?r ...
- Worker Productivity: The French ConnectionWorkers in the United States are more productive, per capita, than workers in European nations, according to 2009 federal government statistics. But does this mean that Europeans are doing something wrong, or do they simply have different priorities than Americans? This is a question that has ...
- Corporate Media Push Wrong Story on Obama's Re ...President Barack Obama is hoping to “mend ties” with big business by speaking to the US Chamber of Commerce (COC), Washington DC’s top lobbyist. That’s the frame we’re hearing in the corporate media even though the President has extended the Bush tax cuts, recently named JP Morgan Chase executiv ...
- Global Warming and Environmental Politics Stor ...From the last day or so, other than what we’ve covered, here are some top global warming and environmental politics stories: Monsanto and the USDA, Sittin’ in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G OK, maybe not the best way to start this, but it is almost Valentine’s Day & that did get your attention. The USDA ...
- Climate Science Stories of the DayFrom the last day or so, other than what we’ve covered, here are some top climate science stories: Former Astronaut & Global Warming Denier’s Excellent Cherry Picking Former astronaut Harrison âJackâ Schmitt has expressed numerous “concerns” about scientific findings  regarding global warming ...
- Video: What will climate change do to the ocea ...Via SkepticalScience (“Getting skeptical about global warming skepticism”), we were pointed to this excellent talk on the impact climate change will have on the oceans. (SkepticalScience is a great resource for debunking climate denier arguments.) John Bruno, one of the participants, posted the ...
- Green Living Stories of the Last Week (or So)OK, one more wrap-up this week. And perhaps our last weekly wrap-up, period. As I am thinking I will switch to daily wrap-ups instead. (Let me know if you have any objection.) As the title says, this wrap-up is of good or cool green living stories. Biking Biking is one of the greenest things you ...
- Climate Benefits of Natural Gas Overstated?Natural gas production has skyrocketed in the U.S. and elsewhere lately. And one big supposed benefit of this energy source is that it creates a lot fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal. However, new research from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that these climate change clai ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- 2011 Weed Control Update NoticeHappy New Year to you all. Welcome to 2011. The Society have spoken with Graeme Gale today regarding
- Otter Budget Proposes Funding For Water Qualit ...For all of our friends and members who wrote a letter, sent an email, or signed a petition, here’s s
- Valuing the Benefits of Superfund Site Remedia ...National Bureau of Economic Research / Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, Ralph Mastromonaco, Christopher Timm
- Challenges and opportunities for the San Joaqu ...Courtesy of SWRCB. Last week the State Water Resources Control Board held a two-day proceeding in Sa
- The Water Tanks DailyThe Water Tanks Daily via The Water Tanks Daily.  Read The Water Tanks Daily ⸠today’s top sto
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- The Case for Socialism by Rocket Kirchnerphoto by Dandelion Salad by Rocket Kirchner Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Rocket Kirchner (blog) R
- 2011: The year Lebanon Allows Palestinians Som ...by Franklin Lamb Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Shatila Camp, Beirut, Lebanon January 11, 2011 Imag
- How to Defeat American Fascism By Timothy V. G ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com January 10, 2011 Almost
- Won't You Stay Home, Bill Daley? by Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer January 10, 2011 News Item: William Michael Daley, you
- A Recipe for Political Violence by Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer January 10, 2011 1. Take a deranged person, preferably
Axis of Logic
- Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation - Ci ...The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at... ...
- About 16,654 people evacuated after Thai-Cambo ...BANGKOK, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- Somsak Suwansucharit, the governor of border Si Sa Ket province, said on Tuesday that about 16,654 people had been evacuated from their homes in villages along the Thai-Cambodian border. The evacuees were staying at 40 holding centers set up across Si Sa Ket provin ...
- 6th Annual CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program ...BOSTON CITGO Petroleum Corporation has announced the start of the sixth consecutive year of the CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program, which helps approximately 500,000 individuals every winter, including those in more than 250 tribal communities and 234 homeless shelters across 25 states and the ...
- Egyptian protesters face mounting violence and ...8 February 2011 Thousands of demonstrators remained camped in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square Monday night, defying threats of violence and a wave of arrests by the secret police of the Mubarak dictatorship. Some demonstrators lay down under the tracks of army tanks that surround the square ...
- Marine gets six years in prison for skimming $ ...Editor's Note: My question is what makes this guy so special to receive this much attention from the US government or for that matter, the LAT? He's a common thief, yes but there have been and are much bigger thieves and far greater thefts in Iraq over the last decade. When it comes down to... ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapBribery's not working, either - Egypt's protesters aren't teabaggers. "Egypt is increasing pay and pensions for public-sector workers by 15% as protesters defy attempts to return the country to normality. Banks have re-opened, but the stock exchange will not resume trading until Sunday 13 Februa ...
- A New Day in Egypt; A New Aljazeera Live BlogDay 15 of pro-democracy, anti-Mubarak protests began about 90 minutes ago. The live blog is here. 12:08AM Wael Ghonim, head of Google's Middle East operations, has been released by Egyptian security forces. He spoke to Mona al Shazly on DreamTV about his ordeal. Twitter user and journalist @Sul ...
- Manifesto Joe's Great Moments In Conservative ...OK, plus one day. Cut me some slack -- I had to work on Super Bowl Sunday. Ronald Reagan's presidency seems to have become bogus nostalgia for some people. I suppose that for some, it's appropriate. If you hate labor unions and love union-busting, you'd love Reagan. If you hate poor people and t ...
- In Honor Of The GipperWoke up this morning feeling guilty because I hadn't done anything to take part in the biggest day of the year. �Didn't watch the football game either. Here's my lame attempt at making up for missing the really big one. �From Bart's place: Really... no comment from me could ever say more tha ...
- Mubarak's crony capitalism not Egypt's aloneThis article by Salwa Ismail in today's The Guardian of London describes conditions in Egypt under Mubarak's dictatorship. �But it is indistinguishable in its details from dozens of countries across the globe whose governments have been taken over by rightest movements of one kind or another ove ...
Care 2
- Reagan:Killer, Coward, Con-ManYou're not going to like this. You shouldn't speak ill of the dead. But in this case, someone's got to. Reagan was a con-man. Reagan was a coward. Reagan was a killer. (Greg Plast) Submitted by Kit B. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chernobyl birds are small brainedBirds living around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident have 5% smaller brains, an effect directly linked to lingering background radiation.Submitted by Judy C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Hunger and food security: Is Africa selling th ...Foreign investors see Africa as a breadbasket. Done well, investment could help with African hunger but create food security for the rest of the world. Submitted by Mary Patricia E. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 'Alarming' Amazon Droughts May Have Global Fal ...The world's largest tropical forest, the Amazon, experienced something rare last year � a drought. It wasn't the earth-cracking kind of drought that happens in the American Southwest or the Australian outback, but it did stunt or kill lots of trees. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environm ...
- TAKE ACTION Obama Goes Rogue on GMOs - Tell h ...Over the past 12 days, the Obama administration has unbelievably chosen to approve two biotech crops, Roundup Ready GMO alfalfa and sugar beets .Tell President Obama that it's time to stand up to Monsanto and reject these GMO crops NOW!Submitted by Kenny V. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! ...
Smirking Chimp
- The F Word: Media Miss the Al Jazeera Story
- Evidence of 2002 Taliban Offer Damages Myth of ...
- MAGIC: Using Uncle $ugar's Own Numbers to Ques ...
- The Third Chamber: Why AIG's CEO and Jamie Di ...
- Harry Reid: Prime Minister
Paul Krugman
- Gradual Trends and Extreme EventsBeware the fattening tail.
- Slow FoodAbandoning the air.
- Signatures of SpeculationWe are living in a material world.
- Graph MetaQuick and dirty is good.
- The Joy of ResearchLearning new tricks, and why it's great.
No Quarter
- Larry Johnson and Patrick Lang on John Batchel ...This is the audio of the important conversation with Larry Johnson and his mentor Patrick Lang had last Sunday, hosted by John Batchelor on his nationally syndicated radio show. Larry’s description of Pat Lang on the many complex crises swirling in Egypt, in one word: “Brilliant.” Since it’s pos ...
- Frank Wisner on the CultLast weekend, POTUS Obama dispatched Wall Street major leaguer (AIG) Frank Wisner, veteran State, son of veteran CIA, to Cairo last Monday in order to speak man to man to Hosni Mubarak. Pat Lang, ex-DIA, remarked that Wisner is the right man to speak to Mubarak. It didn’t work the way the White ...
- Obama’s Egypt Debacle* Bumped Up * Winston Churchill. Battle of Britain. His finest moment. Barack Obama? Egypt? God save us!! What a debacle. In the last eleven days Obama has succeeded in creating doubts about America’s policy goals in Egypt, fueled uncertainty and fear in Israel, painted his Administration into a ...
- Bad Luck Cadet #17 – The Police PerspectiveThe Police Perspective is the seventeenth in a series of posts on my misadventures in becoming a police officer. The first in this series is Accidents Happen. I became a police officer while suffering a midlife crisis in my forties. I became a detective a few years later. Crime in my small town ...
- Obama Lectures Egypt On “Free And Fair Electio ...Is he for real? It isn’t enough that he is insisting upon the overthrow of Egypt’s leader, but oh-my-gosh, where does HE come off lecturing ANYONE about how they should “listen to their people” (Um, hello? Obamacare?), and what kinds of elections they should have. Don’t take my word for it – her ...
Environmental Graffiti
- How Big Is Your Clothing Footprint?Do you know what a clothing footprint is and why it is very important for a green environment? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- How the Human Body Clock Dates Back Millions o ...A breakthrough in science: a 24-hour clock has been found in human cells, giving important insights into various bodily functions. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Images of the Last Uncontacted Tribe on EarthIncredible images of an uncontacted tribe that could slide out of existence if illegal logging is not stopped in their protected area of Peru. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Most Beautiful National Birds on EarthLet us meet some of the most beautiful national birds in the world, before they too disappear due to human encroachment upon their territory. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Cruel and Bizarre Traditions of Chinese He ...Chinese medicine practices the cruel and unusual tradition of using the body parts of endangered animals. But why? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- WikiLeaks: Gambia's President Jammeh Conflates ...His Excellency President Professor Doctor adds threatening to behead gays to his other human-rights violations.
- Egyptian Riot GrrlsThe feminine face of fury has been on display in the public protests in Egypt.
- U.S. Middle-East Policy: "See No Evil, Hear No ...It is not only Mubarak's regime which has been discredited, but 32 years of U.S. support.
- Peru Trade Deal UnravelsDemocrats and civil society groups won important concessions on the free trade agreement with Peru. But politicians in both countries have undermined those gains.
- Revisiting the Neutered Medal of Honor Argumen ...In recent years, it's awarded for acts of life-saving, not war.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in t ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare p ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government ...
Al Jazeera
- Mass protests continue in EgyptPro-democracy supporters hold fresh rallies in Cairo, just hours after the release of a detained Google executive.
- Cables say Israel favours SuleimanPreference for Egypt's new vice-president to succeed Mubarak disclosed by leaked documents obtained by WikiLeaks.
- Shocking 'Egypt images' emerge New video footage shows violent confrontations between protesters and government supporters.
- Chechen claims Russia bomb attackSeparatist leader Doku Umarov says he ordered suicide bombing that killed 36 at Moscow's busiest airport last month.
- Assange resumes extradition fightWikiLeaks founder back in London court as his Swedish lawyer says case against him has a "hidden agenda".
Green Inc. - NYT
- Drought Imperils China's Wheat CropWorld wheat prices are already surging, and any effort by China to import large quantities of food could drive international prices even higher.
- Keep Courts Out of Climate Policy, G.O.P. Lawm ...A petition from three Republican lawmakers is novel: all three lawmakers have expressed skepticism about the reality of human-caused global warming, yet in their brief they say that the political system, not the courts, should deal with the problem.
- Does a Drilling Boom Beckon?Ensco's acquisition of Pride International creates a global behemoth, and stock shares of other oil drillers are rising in anticipation of an industrywide consolidation that will enable several companies to invest vast amounts of money in deepwater prospecting.
- Climate Scientist Sues Skeptic for LibelAn article described an expert who served as a lead author of a crucial 2007 report as lacking a basic understanding of climate science -- and incorrectly stated that he would not take part in the next United Nations climate-change panel because of concerns about its credibility.
- Washington Invests in Making Wind PayThe Obama administration plans to establish four "wind energy areas" off the mid-Atlantic states and provide information to potential investors about their geophysical attributes.
Dot Earth News
- Egypt, Inkblots, Agendas and Feeding 9 BillionGetting beyond issue-centric approaches to feeding humanity.
- The Man Behind Spore Explores Gaming as Learni ...The creator of The Sims and Spore lays out a role for games in fostering learning and science literacy.
- Can Entertainment Renew American Inquiry?Exploring whether and how entertainment skills can foster understanding, and involvement, in science and innovation.
- What If: On Uprisings, Oil Kingdoms and the En ...Experts explore the risks and consequences should Egypt's turmoil spill into Saudi Arabia.
- In Egypt, the Dawn of 'Sustainable Politics'?Does the tide toward democracy in Egypt represent a durable death knell for despots and unrepresentative government?
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- From the Internet Archives: My 2003 Interview ...Here's a nice find. In October 2003 I interviewed Rashid Khalidi for the Mac Weekly. It wound up on the website and eventually got deleted around 2006, but it was still in the Internet Archives Wayback Machine at http://web.archive.org/web/20060612202355/http://www.macalester.edu/week... Overall ...
- 9/11 FBI warning from key informant of "Kamika ...Caught an interesting item on Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post about a team of FBI agents who had key clues into the 9/11 conspiracy, serious and specific prior warnings from an Iranian informant and ex-SAVAK officer who was himself a major handler with a deep network of informants around the P ...
- Rock the CasbahBeen watching somewhat in awe, a bit suspicious of the usual suspects & color revolution schemes, but with warmest regards to Egyptians fighting for their rights & giving their lives on the streets. One song says it all: Rock the Casbah This vid is probably the winner though the music is schma ...
- The Kids Ain't All Right: FDA: Vitamin C illeg ...“It’s like an epidemic, in the sense that they’re infected with these wrong ideas, and they’re spreading it to other researchers through journals.” -- Dr. John Ioannidis I can't recommend NaturalNews.com enough. For excellent info that has helped me quite a bit thru a still-dubious diet but now ...
- Seize the Year!! It's ours!! Now with Fractal ...The last piece of litter I noticed in 2010 was a Four Loko can by the Hiawatha Franklin station. Had a nice New Years roundabout. Basement foursquare. Bonsai tree, Heatbox. Cabooze. Loud basement jamming. Wookiefoot. Igorrr. Stranvisky Conducts Firebird And the new Fractal microwave cloaking ...
Daily Censored
- “The Stupids”We have a new epidemic in this country and itâs not obesity. This country is experiencing an epidemic of “Stupids.” Apart from the fact that our new generation of congressional representation does not have a clue as to how government and the economy work, we have another really big problem, ...
- Lessons in Education from South Carolina?My home state of South Carolina has achieved a regrettable pop-culture status as the focus of recurring jokes on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. But as I discussed in a scholarly piece in the late 1990s, criticism of SC is not uncommon; in fact, part of my discussion over a decade ago centered on ...
- Oilpocalypse Now - Beneath the Surfacethere is a crisis of democracy in the United States that is becoming painfully obvious, as regulations and government continue to kowtow to corporate power.
- A response to Michael Collins “Revolutions Kno ...A response to Michael Collins “Revolutions Know No Color” Mr. Collins is absolutely correct in stating that “revolutions know no color” — indigenous revolutions that is. However, in referring to the Egyptian protests, Mr. Collins appears to confuse ‘revolution’ – a ‘fundamental change in the bal ...
- Like an Egyptian – Decline and Fall (Maybe) Fe ...Michael Collins Image Walk Like an Egyptian Better yet, imagine that you’re walking in their shoes and think about how you’d feel about the United States. If you’re 48 years old, Mubarak has been your “president”, read dictator since your 18th birthday. You have seen election after election st ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Black Eyed Peas Get Political at Super Bowl Ha ...
- State Dept Approved Sale Of U.S.-Made Tear Gas ...
- Palin: 'We Need to Find Out Who Was Behind' Eg ...
- Obama Says He's Targeting Barriers To Business
- Mubarak’s Adversaries Stand ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- The Lineup: Week of February 6-13, 2011Chris Toensing argues that Democrats and Republicans alike have long wished that Egypt and other U.S.-allied Arab states would forever remain docile dictatorships.
- Silencing Human Trafficking Victims in AmericaWomen should be able to access victim services, regardless of their immigration status.
- Interview with Juan ColeIn our special focus on Islamophobia, Foreign Policy In Focus interviews noted professor, writer, and blogger Juan Cole on Egypt, Islamofascism, and "America anxiety" in the Muslim world.
- We Need to Rethink, Not Rearm NAFTAWhile Canada and the US get ready to move bilaterally to beef up border security, we wonder who benefits from the proposed "security perimeter."
- Food, Egypt, and Wall StreetAs Egypt and the Middle East rise, Wall Street and congressional Republicans continue to ignore the financial reforms the world is demanding.
Equality Trust
- The Wrong Cure - alternatives to the cuts The False Economy website is an excellent and still-developing resource exploring the alternatives to cuts. False Economy includes: a discussion of why the cuts are not progressive details of campaign actions a comprehensive further reading list ... and this short film [youtube:ynUCYo ...
- Why we need a Fairness Test of the cutsA group of charities, including the Equality Trust, Child Poverty Action Group, Barnardo's and the TUC are asking the coalition government to commit to a Fairness Test on any tax rises or spending cuts they introduce. Full details...
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently s ...
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/ ...Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- FDA 483 Inspection - Tiny Greens and Jimmy Joh ...During the FDA investigation at Tiny Greens, the FDA made the following findings (tinygreens483.pdf): • growing sprouts in "soil from the organic material decomposed outside" without using any monitored "kill step" on the material (kind of eliminates the ruckus raised by Tiny Greens' owner Bill ...
- FTC Approves Final Order Settling Charges That ...Per the Federal Trade Commission News Release: Under the terms of the settlement [announced in December, 2010], the company has "...agreed to stop claiming that Activia relieves temporary irregularity, unless the representation is non-misleading and the ad conveys that eating three servings a d ...
- What to do with Fugu? Should it be treated li ...The FDA and a variety of states limit the sale of raw milk and raw milk cheese due to bacterial health risks. Other foods, like sprouts, hamburger, cookie dough, etc., on the other hand sicken and/or kill hundreds if not thousands yearly with not nearly the governmental oversight. My “friends” ...
- The Raw Milk Beat Goes On: A Look at the Liter ...It is great that the New York Times and Washington Post is following up on the research that I did several months ago. Since that post, I have updated (there have been a few more outbreaks and/or recalls). Here is the final that you can download.
- Just in time for the Super Bowl, the FDA is qu ...After the recent E. coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to Bravo raw milk gouda cheese that sickened 38 (one with HUS), the New York Times is quickly becoming the go to newspaper for cheese lovers. Bill Neuman wrote yet another article on cheese – “Raw Milk Cheesemakers Fret Over Possible New Rules” – ...
- Report: $33M in EV tax credits went to buy unq ...Filed under: Car Buying, Government/Legal Is a bicycle an electric vehicle? How about a Hummer H3? These are some of the things that Americans claimed were hybrids, alternative-powered or plug-in electric vehicles on their tax forms, reports USA Today. What's more, the false claimants managed ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.04.11Top Gear host wants electric vehicles powered by bumper car technology Watch out! Italian designers envision amazing Solar Wind bridge It looks like the future, that's for sure. Agility Saietta electric m ...
- First full month sales show Chevy Volt leads w ...Filed under: Hybrid, Sedan, Hatchback, Chevrolet, GM, Nissan, Electric So, how are the first two mainstream plug-in vehicles in the U.S. selling? Both the Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf had their first deliveries in December, which means January of 2011 was the first full month of sales f ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.03.11Meet (again) the first three-plug-in vehicle household Felix Kramer, of all people, certainly deserves this. All-electric Myers Motors Duo on target for April 2011 deliveries Can a small electric trike find a home in the Volt/Leaf era ...
- AutoblogGreen for 02.02.11One million plug-in vehicles by 2015 How reasonable is Obama's goal? Newt Gingrich shows strong support for ethanol subsidies And the knives come out at the Wall Street Journal. Analyst: It's time for a T ...
Rafe's Radar
- Backupify is more than a backup serviceCloud backup service is much more than that. It can also be a smart, searchable tool for social-media discovery.
- The Daily: A good morning paperThe new iPad-only newspaper, The Daily, is a strong online news journal, well worth the reasonable subscription fee.
- eBay building niche, mobile apps to grow user ...Mobile apps that do more than drive buyers to buy auction items are key to eBay's growth.
- CloudCrowd: An assembly line for contentNew "wide-sourcing" apps lower cost, improve timeliness of rote text jobs like translation and proofreading.
- How to hitch a ride to space (for your satelli ...Earth2Orbit will sell you the right to have your small satellite stow away on an Indian launch vehicle.
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Hayne ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- Photojournalist Shot by Egyptian Police Recoun ...Wally Nell is a Cairo-based photojournalist who works with ZUMA Press. On January 25, Nell was shot by the Egyptian police while photographing protests on the October 6 Bridge. "We were very deliberately targeted... The guy drove up, saw us, and then fired," he says. WALLY NELL: My name is ...
- "We Became One in the Street": Leading Egyptia ...Renowned feminist and human rights activist Nawal El Saadawi was a political prisoner and exiled from Egypt for years. Now she has returned to Cairo and is participating in the protests in Tahrir Square. She spoke to Democracy Now! about the feeling of community that emerged in Tahrir Square ...
- Democracy Now! Special Two-Hour Show On Saturd ...On Saturday, Feb. 5, Democracy Now! will broadcast a two-hour special from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST on the Egyptian uprising and the growing pro-democracy protests across the Arab world. The show will be hosted by Democracy Now! senior producer Sharif Abdel Koudouss in Cairo along with Amy Goodman ...
- Live From Egypt: The True Face of the Mubarak ...Cairo, Egypt—The Mubarak regime launched a brutal and coordinated campaign of violence today to take back the streets of Cairo from Egypt’s mass pro-democracy movement. Pro-Mubarak mobs began gathering near Tahrir square shortly after Mubarak’s speech on Tuesday night and held a rally in front ...
- When Corporations Choose Despots Over Democrac ...“People holding a sign ‘To: America. From: the Egyptian People. Stop supporting Mubarak. It’s over!” so tweeted my brave colleague, “Democracy Now!” senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous, from the streets of Cairo. More than 2 million people rallied throughout Egypt on Tuesday, most of them cr ...
Digg Green
- Google Earth Reveals Ancient Archeologica ...Almost two thousand potential archaeological sites in Saudi Arabia have been discovered from an office chair in Perth, Australia, thanks to Google Earth's 2.5-meter-resolution imagery taken from the SPOT 5 satellite.
- A Galaxy Fit for Superman It may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but from the looks of it, galaxy NGC 157 appears to have the stamp that belongs to the one and only Superman – a giant sweep of stars that resemble the letter "S".
- Video: Princess the Hamster Gets an Armor ...The Gakken miniature Strandbeest kit is a tiny upright walker bot that can be powered by a host of different sources: wind, solar, rubber bands, and more. I-Wei Huang took it upon himself to try the next logical source of energy: a small hamster named Princess.
- California's Climate Law Hits a Speed Bum ...A California judge has tentatively ruled that the state's air board didn't comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) when it adopted a plan to carry out the state's climate change laws.
- A change of heart keeps bears healthy whi ..."The atrium is pushing against a brick wall," Rourke said. "We thought there must be some kind of mechanism to keep the atrial muscle from wearing itself out."
Invisible Opportunity
- The Fundie Flu and the Chosen People TooBy Les Visible I’m picking up a wide net of depression and incipient despair that has its roots in too much information, juxtaposed with too much change. People handle change differently. The smallest group embraces it for whatever their reasons may be. The larger group exercises some degree of ...
- Sherri Tenpenny warns parents about safety of ...By Mike Adams Are vaccines really safe and effective? More and more credentialed health professionals are beginning to question that assumption, and what they’re finding out about the lack of real science behind the assumed safety and efficacy of vaccines is actually quite shocking. Today, Dr Sh ...
- How Climate Sanity Has Been GoredBy Larry Bell My new book, Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax, is dedicated to Al Gore, whose invention of the Internet made it possible–and whose invention of facts made it necessary. Beginning with the aggressively hyped 1988 U.S. Senate hearings he organi ...
- Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier Supports Sci ...By Dana Ullman Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine. In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine of December 24, 2010, (1) Prof ...
- Sick Brains in Teens – Is There A Root C ...By: Dr Sherri Tenpenny It’s been nearly a month since the nation’s attention was focused on Tucson, where five were killed and 13 injured , including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, several other shootings missed the mainstream news. Violence seems to be erupting among youths everywhere, from ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Clip from Family Feud Is an Instant Pot Humor ...A hilarious and strong indicator for how mainstream marijuana use has become in American society.
- Which Dangerous Toxins Are in Your Marijuana?Grown under the radar of legal authorities, even "medical" cannabis can be covered in toxic mold or coated in commercial-grade synthetic fertilizers and insecticides.
- Which Dangerous Toxins Are in Your Pot?Grown under the radar of legal authorities, even "medical" cannabis can be covered in toxic mold or coated in commercial-grade synthetic fertilizers and insecticides.
- Saving Lives: Contest to Create Jobs for the F ...An innovative project to address the question of how ex-offenders can make a life once they return to the real world.
- Is This the Year America Wakes Up to Its Priso ...As states' budgets bleed, some of them are shifting from "tough on crime" to "smart on crime."
Twilight Earth
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Ec ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon ...US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Governmentâs Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: The USDA cav ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leak ...Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable). Dea ...
- Official Release of “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward ...An important part of thinking about building a sustainable future for ourselves is considering that some of the premises and paradigms which brought us to this point need to be discarded. Maybe even most of them. But because we don’t talk about that, we can’t get out of the trap we find ourselve ...
- Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin’s lifeguardRonald Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine, thus spawning the one-sided, fear-mongering, bs-fest that is Rush Limbaugh and inevitably, FOX News. Now I think I see why Palin called him “America’s lifeguard” (referring, of course, to Sarah Palin’s America). Wondering what the Fairness Doctrine has ...
- Meltdown PP Tube 1: A Futuristic Chair Made fr ...Meltdown PP Tube 1 is a striking chair designed and created by British Designer Tom Price. The chair is made of recycled plumbing tubes that have been heated and pressed together to form a seat. The ends of the tubes melt and fuse together as they come into contact with the heat, leaving an arti ...
- BIG Unveils Pyramid Like West 57 Residential T ...Read the rest of BIG Unveils Pyramid Like West 57 Residential Tower in NYC Todayhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture" ...
- Toyota Will Debut Their New Yaris Hybrid and P ...After much talk, Toyota will debut its brand new Yaris HSD concept at the 2011 Geneva Auto Show this March, dedicating its entire stand at the show to the new hybrid technology. The Yaris will mark Toyota‘s initiative to bring full hybrid technology to the B segment – the biggest automotive vol ...
- Sarah Turner’s Recycled Plastic Bottle Lamp Li ...Read the rest of Sarah Turner’s Recycled Plastic Bottle Lamp Lights Up to Eco-Tweetshttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "green furniture", "su ...
- Japanese Space Agency to Use Fishing Nets to S ...In a fascinating use of time-tested technology to address uniquely modern problems, Japanese space agency JAXA is teaming up with Japanese fishing net maker Nitto Seimo to haul in some of the 100,000-plus objects of space junk orbiting the planet. A JAXA satellite will deploy and release a kilom ...
Image via Wikipedia