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Learn moreBenny Peiser has sent us six interesting articles today: 1. Prince Charles on corrosive skepticism: according to the British queen's eldest son, skepticism is corrosive for the society. The heir ...
posted by All Seeing Eye at
Biased BBC - 1 hour ago
Tonight Question Time comes from Bristol, birthplace of failed singer
Nik Kershaw, failed comedian
Lee Evans and failed lesbian
Julie Burchill. It was also the destination of the final Concorde flight. O...
The device works by passing low levels of electricity through the brain to try and help wearers think more clearly.
Disappearing sea ice could mean fewer and fewer polar bear cubs.
A natural gas explosion in eastern *Pennsylvania* leveled two houses, spawned fires that burned for more than seven hours and provoked the evacuation of hundreds of people. At least six people were unacc...
Here’s what Fed chief
Ben Bernanke said to disbelieving *Republicans* at his appearance before the House financial plan *Committee* on Wednesday: No, it’s not yet time to take the punch bowl away from th...
On a neurochemical level, people in long-term relationships are just like those who are falling in love.
Last year, Jupiter lost one of its trademark stripes. But with a little help from a little moon, an infrared telescope has found where the stripe is hiding.
Former BBC newsreader Michael Buerk, quoted in the Telegraph: "If you’ve been hired because you are young and pretty, because you are mincingly camp, because you’ve ticked a particular ethnic box and then ...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 5 hours ago
*Making a photo collage* is made easy by 2 formidable software packages that can be downloaded and used for free: Fotowall and Shape Collage. The latter in its free version puts a watermark on the picture....
[image:] Bus drivers and other public transport employees in Egypt have gone on strike as spreading labor turbulence adds momentum to mass protests calling for Presi...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 6 hours ago
The Holy Grail of the warmists is to find proof that the Antarctic ice is going to melt. Most of the world’s ice covers the continent, and yet temperatures remain stubbornly locked at levels that suggest t...
Under construction Click to enlarge *Secret Millionaire Emma Harrison goes to Dagenham, one of Britain's poorest areas and home to Europe's largest council estate. A steel worker's daughter, 43 year ...
*CANADIAN POLITICS:* *DON'T LET THE CONSERVATIVES KILL CANADA'S CHANCE TO SAVE LIVES:* The following petition to the Conservative Party of Canada and our Conservative federal government comes from the Ava...
[image:] President Barack Obama harassed the need for a significant and lasting political changeover in Egypt in a phone call with key ally King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia...
"It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members and to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live." - Dalai Lam...
[image:] A suicide mugger attacked a group of soldiers through their morning aerobics at an army working out camp in northwest Pakistan on Thursday, killing as a minimum...
[image:] A married New York congressman accuse of sending a shirtless photo of him to a woman unexpectedly reconciled Wednesday, saying he be sorry actions that had harm...
[image:] Thousands of employees went on smack Wednesday crossways Egypt, adding a new length to the rebellion as public rage twisted to the vast riches President Hosni M...
Claims that the Iranian government attempted to ban the color green (which had been appropriated by those opposed to the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) have yet to disappear completely from t...
I'm not trying to go all Godwin here or anything, but maybe we need to re-evaluate old Adolf. Seriously, I almost pissed myself laughing at this. This is fucking genius. (H/t FightingInternet.)
I'm surprised that otherwise intelligent people continue to believe the myth that the media is "liberal." I think it's worth discussing what a liberal media would look like if we had one, so we can better un...
Let's face it. We astronomers like our telescopes BIG. And it doesn't get much bigger than a radio telescope spanning the whole of Europe!
And it's leaking plasma into space.
A reporter in Washington D.C. mistakenly connects the "V For Victory" campaign that was launched by two weeks ago to the political left, while saying that Homeland Security's "See Something, S...
Diet soda may have fewer calories, but there may be more risks, too.
Some want controls to be put in place to rein in surveillance capabilities available to law enforcement officials.
February 02, 2011 Cherchez la Verite
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
*Huffington Post slam-dunks writers, as journalists search for higher ground * By Brenda Norrell Censored News Just when you thought you knew your way around the Internet, everything changes. This includes ...
These ancient artifacts represent an imperial family that almost brought down the Roman empire.
The Muslim Brotherhood Myth By Christopher Anzalone Informed Comment February 9, 2011 Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood & the Demonstrations: Fact vs. Fiction Since the start of mass popular protests by Egyptian...
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS EGYPT - USA:* *EGYPTIAN POLICE TEAR GAS "MADE IN THE USA":* The following story and appeal is from the US based organization Human Rights First. They are calling for the United Sta...
Richard Gage can't get on U.S. propaganda channels, so he has to spread the truth about the 9/11 attacks on a Chinese propaganda channel.
Listen to Dr. Ali El Mashad in the video below:
The New York Times: A new generation of Egyptian revolutionaries, ensconced in a communal apartment, are trying to bring down President Hosni Mubarak's government by broadcasting the revolt in Tahrir Squa...
US House defeats anti-terrorism powers extension By Olivier Knox AFP – 1 day ago WASHINGTON — The US House of Representatives rejected a nine-month extension of counter-terrorism surveillance powers at ...
A new long-term temperature record of the Western Antarctic Peninsula shows a strong link to the El Niño-La Niña cycle.
*Nice find, UK Column.* Update - I guess the reaction of some people gives them away... " Yesterday [David Cameron] declared: “You have to say to the people in Birmingham Central Mosque, or wherever, *who ...
" Try your hand at investing While it may not be a short-term option, investing in equities over the long term is often deemed to be the most reliable method of gaining above-inflation returns on your mon...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 22 hours ago
The fragrant (flagrant?) Ms Fiona Fox has had her say about Peter Sissons; time for a new thread to express your views about matters of BBC bias. Have fun! Click through to read and contribute comments o...
Higher temperatures mean that grapes in Bordeaux may ripen earlier and become vulnerable to malnutrition.
A charity group wants to buy a telecommunications satellite reposition it over countries that currently lack Internet access.
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
Here are a few snippets from the 2/4/11 editorial in The Housatonic Times. "...all those who assemble the proposed education budget went into the current process with new resolve to craft a package that me...
The cosmological constant remains one of the most mysterious players in the current picture of the world. *A building of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Charles University in Albertov. In those...
Last week, I gave you my list of what to do before you click publish and asked you all what you would add. The overwhelming response? LINKS. Check your links. Double-check your links. Check your email link...
These new hybrid engines are green, cheap and easy to make.
A 1,238-year-long tree-ring chronology suggests drought may have had a hand in Mexico's history.
Wait one, isn't that the same preacher (the woman) as here? Maybe someone should tell them about how that flag is a hexagram from witchcraft (6 points 6 lines 6 triangles), or maybe that they are worshi...
The scientists used kerosene to keep a drilled hole open in the remote Antarctic Lake Vostok.
Intercontinental earthquakes, such as the ones that rattled New Madrid, may not strike the same place twice.
Hundreds of people owe their lives to the fact that homeopathy is completely ineffective.
Corals record flooding events in their skeletons and this last century has had the most since since 1685.
I've recently become aware, via some Facebook posts, that there are a number of people posting videos on youtube about an alleged coming Pole Shift in March of this year. It seems that these people are usi...
Vice President Joe Biden Tuesday future that the *US government* infuse $53 billion into a national high-speed rail network. The announcement was meet immediately by deep skepticism from two House *Repub...
Egyptian disagreement groups defiant over VP's warning that protests must end *Egypt's protesters* and opposition group be infuriated Wednesday by a warning from Vice President Omar Suleiman that if thei...
Old films are very popular. We love nostalgia, the costumes, the funny accents, lots of smoking, and we can observe with the benefit of hindsight, people going about their business in the 20s and 30s. We k...
Further to Robin's earlier post, here's another interesting blast from Fiona Fox's past: DISGRACED former Labour politician Jim Devine persuaded a friend to call his office manager pretending to be a jour...
Bishop Hill has blogged on the BBC's response to concerns about the Horizon programme which shamefully stitched up James Delingpole. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions. All I would add is that i...
[image:] US parliament members have threatened to stop aid to Pakistan if not it releases an American under arrest over gunfire deaths of two Pakistani men. As the US in...
[image:] Insurgents killed two members of NATO's mission to Afghanistan in the south of the country Wednesday, the multinational force said. NATO didn't let go the names...
"The UN can play a vital role in promoting the administration of justice, democracy and the rule of law around the globe." Those are the words from Hillel Neuer's address at the United Nations in Geneva, ...
[image:] A Salvadoran man jailed in Cuba in link with a string of 1990s lodge bombings says he told a U.S. prosecutor that he got explosive and money in a straight line ...
[image:] Egyptians have theatrical one of their main complaint yet insisting President Hosni Mubarak step down right away and pay no attention to a government plan to mo...
The content of Fiona Fox article on the BBC College of Journalism site has been ably and rightfully savaged in the comments that have been posted. There’s nothing I can add, except that it was shooting duc...
[image:] A young Google executive who helped ignite Egypt's rebellion eager a cheering crowd of hundreds of thousands Tuesday with his first look in their midst after be...
The Toxic Residue of Colonialism: Protecting Interests, Disregarding Rights By Richard Falk Published: February 8, 2011 *At least, overtly, there has been no talk from either Washington or Tel Aviv, the g...
Through a US-Europe rocket manufacturer partnership, could a launch vehicle with a strong likeness to the Ares I soon be carrying astronauts to the space station?
February 3, 2011 The Nile in Style Posted by Hendrik Hertzberg I took this picture almost thirty-two years ago—on March 9, 1979, to be exact. The scene is a ceremonial train ride from Cairo to Al...
CANADA/TECHNOLOGY - Bell Canada and Rogers Telecommunications have embarked on a mission to start charging Canadians more money for their internet services, namely by jacking up the prices on their interne...
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS EGYPT/ WINNIPEG:* *WINNIPEG DEMONSTRATES IN SOLIDARITY WITH EGYPT:* Last Saturday local Egyptians resident in Winnipeg and their supporters came out to demonstrate in solidarity wi...
Yeah, yeah, I know. A coherent policy framework may be too much to expect, given the Harper government's predilections. But one of the most important steps in *building* that framework is clearing away th...
*Three Native American Youths ready to walk across America -- again! * By Brenda Norrell Censored News It is a great honor to share the news that these three Native America...
The popular uprising in Egypt has been re-energized by a very powerful and emotional television interview of Wael Ghonim on Monday, February 7. Ghonim is the Google executive turned activist who was arrest...
02/08/11, Tuesday, on American Indian Airwaves *“Declarations for Freeing Peltier, Liberating Coca, and Practicing Sovereignty” * Photo: Alex White Plume by Standing Silent Nation film Listen to Tuesday's...
Elephants, dolphins, primates and now bats have been shown to form human-like friendships.
The BBC are running a series on the rise of the 'far right' in Europe, and leveraged their investment with a report on The World Tonight featuring the Danish People's Party*, and the hopes of human rights ...
In celebration of Jules Verne's birthday, the search giant is taking users on a virtual tour under the sea.
By Wayne Madsen;Dinkiedow Reporting Just when you thought you heard it All. We Have A President Barrack Hussein Obama With A Professional Male Whore on the White House pay roll to Literally play with hi...
A week ago, a radical group of 18 climate bullies has tried to scare the U.S. Congress: Eighteen hardcore AGW alarmists threaten U.S. Congress Michael Mann, Kevin Trenberth, Ben Santer, and 15 additional ...
As students get more popular, they're more likely to harass their peers, finds a study.
Lacking any kind of pilot, this drone flew for 29 minutes, landing perfectly on target.
These goons turned up to rob a jewllery store, and were chased off by a 70+ year old woman toting a handbag. Truly awe inspring stuff! At least the police didn't dampen this one with their usual complain...
Using oxygen as a cathode could give lithium batteries 10 times the energy.
A rare thundersnow event was recorded by NASA instruments, showing lightning traveled for 50 miles in low clouds.
"Only a nano-layer of your tooth absorbs fluoride, from surface contact, new research shows. Not only does fluoride not reduce tooth decay by being swallowed, it may not even help by brushing it on the sur...
As readers will doubtless be aware, Labour has instigated a two year root and branch review of party democracy and policy. This hasn't gone down well with everyone as there's a general unease that Labour ...
GM crops to be allowed into Britain under controversial EU plans Genetically modified crops will be allowed to enter the UK food chain without the need for regulatory clearance for the first time under co...
The illegal surveillance of our activities online hasn’t ceased one bit, despite Declan’s most recent letter just a couple of weeks ago to our MP, Lynne Featherstone, a minister in the Home Office, regar...
I went to the IoW probably about eight or so years ago. Silly me, it never occurred to me that it was a den of Satanic activity!
When it comes to piquing a woman's interest - make an ambiguous first impression.
I'm sure my fellow blogger Robin Horbury will have one or two things to say about this article by Fiona Fox at the BBC College of Journalism website, but in the meantime savour the comments underneath. Mar...
Okay, so she has a profit motive to say what she said. Okay, it may come across as being a bit 'know it all'. But that one can cut both ways. Maybe the critics ought to check into what she's saying, before...
BBC journalist Iain Mackenzie has returned from his stint in America. I've just stumbled across his newly-named Twitter account and was quite taken with this tweet from last month: Kudos for pointing it ...
This is a long movie, worth setting aside the time to watch, described as: A middle class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, ClimateChange, Mass Extinction, Population Overshoot and the demise of theAme...
"I kept getting asked, how can you be with a right wing extremist, racist group? - and I said, there's no racism here. Just walk a mile down the street to the *nearest synagogue* and you'll find it there!"...
If restrictions put in place during the 2008 Beijing Olympics became regular it would save 10,000 lives.
Lower amounts of the chemical that regulates stress and appetite can play a role in depression.
A modern aid for every penitent.
A reader sent me the following picture taken by his daughter. As part of some sort of school/youth project she has been transferring the results of a climate questionnaire onto computer. Being a big fan of...
February 8, 2011 *ETHNIC STUDIES IS A HUMAN RIGHT! Students Speak up * By Derechos Humanos WHAT: Press Conference supporting Ethnic Studies and condemning HB 2281 WHO: UNIDOS (United Non-discriminatory Indi...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 2 days ago
The US war on American women has escalated lately (as opposed to the US war on Afghan and Iraqi women, men and children, which continues at the same torrid pace). Please read below for important informatio...
This morning's Today programme devoted substantial time to allegations - scandalous if true - that the Metropolitan Police has undertaken an orchestrated campaign to discredit expert defence witnesses in S...
With the exception of Bernier rising to the defence of Tony Clement on the Census, it has been a very mavericky year for the former Cabinet superstar. Although I disagree with the bulk of what he has said,...
President *Hosni Mubarak* set up a committee Tuesday to recommend constitutional amendment to relax presidential eligibility rules and impose term limits seeking to meet longtime popular demands as a sta...
This has almost nothing to do with dying trees, but I saw it this morning at this terrific new blog - The Coming Crisis (Welcome to Humanity's Final Performance) - and I'm so horrified I had to post it. I c...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 2 days ago
What is this truck, you ask, and why does it warm the hearts of Red Sox fans the world over? This truck, my friends, is the first harbinger of spring. It leaves Fenway Park in the depths of coldest wint...
Chimps and other primates are willing to cooperate to maximize rewards.
A warmer Antarctica makes a hospitable home for these crabs, endangering an entire ecosystem that has no defenses against them.
This delicious treat is one my mom has been making for as long as I can remember. It is kind of like cheesecake, but it has a softer, more whipped cream type texture. My favorite thing about it is the ch...
***In May 2009, Clinton meets "Egyptian activists", prior to meetings at the State Department in Washington. * On 6th February 2011, in the UK's Mail on Sunday, PETER HITCHENS tells us about Egypt, Peop...
Sean Carroll asked his readers to quantify their confidence that various physical explanations or theories are right. The TRF readers don't have to be explained that polls don't mean anything in science...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 2 days ago
One of the areas I have reported on recently is the extent to which established concerns (blue chip corporations, professional bodies and so on) are tied up in the climate change scam. Their senior executi...
*...and other questions...* The Wigner-Eckart Theorem Wikipedia on the theorem is a formula that tells us about all "simple constraints" that group theory - the mathematical incarnation of the wisdom ...
[image:] The U.S. said Monday it would tell apart a sovereign Southern Sudan and evaluation its description of Sudan's government in Khartoum as a state pay for of viole...
[image:] Indonesia's president prepared an inquiry into a bother on members of an underground Muslim sect after a horrible video materialized of a mob beating quite a fe...
[image:] Afghanistan – Ten loud bangs that rocked Kandahar one day last week actually signal good news on the front line of the war next to the Taliban. The explosions o...
[image:] Echoing John F. Kennedy, President Barack Obama poked big business leaders Monday to "ask yourselves what you can do for America," not presently for company bot...
It's only Monday, but Jonathan Goldsbie's already taken the prize for Tweet of the Week. He's just that good.
Blackfire: Navajo Punk Rock Moshing for Mother EarthBy Take Part (Excerpt) We had...
What Israel Is Afraid of After the Egyptian Uprising By Peter Beinart The Daily Beast Published: February 7, 2011 *Israelis fear more Arab democracy means more hatred in their country. Peter Beinart on w...
Guest contributor Ian Crawford explains why the interstellar mission will have to be choosy about its first star system target.
If you wish to avoid becoming shark bait yourself, take particular care where you dive in, especially if you're a surfer.
Retired CIA Officer Ray McGovern: Israel - The Elephant in The Room 1/3 2/3 3/3
Damning New Report Shows U.S. Strategy Blocking Chance for Peace in Afghanistan
The Egyptian Mirror By Glenn Greenwald February 7, 2011 One of the most revealing journalistic genres is the effort by establishment media outlets to explain to their American audiences why Thos...
Cutting carbon emissions soon could help save mountain snowpack, and so wolverines, in the northwest United States.
The revolution in Tunisia was speedy in its conception and execution, serving as a catalyst for change in the Middle East, but change won't come tomorrow, or the day after, and if it is to be a lasting cha...
Were there any space-related Super Bowl ads this year? Kinda.
The Friday News Feedbag podcast pits Discovery News reporters James Williams and Jorge Ribas in a head-to-head match with only one science story at their disposal. Host Will Johnson keeps order. If this is...
America: Standing in the Way of Democracy By Dave Lindorff February 7, 2011 It is pathetic and even laughable to hear American leaders, and the leaders of the other Western democracies in Eur...
Go Down, Pharaoh By Jesse Walker Published: February 4, 2011 What a pathetic old brute Hosni Mubarak has become. Here he is telling ABC that he'd love to give up power, really he would, but he'...
Snakes used to have legs, so what happened to them?
Six people vandalized in minutes some 70 antiquities that had been preserved for thousands of years.
Fury Builds Over Blackouts Caused By De-Industrialization Of America The White House Blog: You Can't Believe Everything You Read White House Attacks Prison Report On Blackouts Ron Paul's Monetary...
Back to the Future: Progressives, Repression, and the Echoes of History By Chris Floyd Empire Burlesque Published: February 6, 2011 Hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens rise up in protest against a ...
The Empire's Bagman By Vijay Prashad Published: February 2, 2011 From inside the bowels of Washington's power elite, Frank Wisner emerges, briefcase in hand. He has met the President, but...
Democracy Now: "The Empire’s Bagman:" Obama Egypt Envoy Frank Wisner Says Mubarak Should Stay
Real-world gender differences translate to differences in Internet interaction.
Honest Reporting poses a significant question in its latest lament about Israel’s coverage in the media. Why does Israel’s every move get scrutinised, magnified, exaggerated and endlessly regurgitated thro...
The average size of the human brain has decreased by about 10 percent over the last 30,000 years.
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 3 days ago
I generally don't use this blog to chronicle the hundreds of anti-choice bills proposed in the US every year; I leave that to other bloggers more focused on that specific angle. But every so often, somethi...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 3 days ago
Dig this kid! A future leader, for sure. Perhaps he will grow up to see his homeland become a democracy. The video was taken in Toronto this past weekend. And meanwhile, in Egypt: Al Jazeera estimated ...
An app on Facebook demonstrates that your knowledge of global health issues is pathetic.
By Vi Waln Excerpt: "I believe the only people who will greatly benefit from this settlement, according to the notice I received, are the handful of plaintiffs who originally filed and their attorneys. The...
Shale gas is natural gas (NG) produced from shale i.e. from finely grained sedimentary rock composed of mud, flakes, and fragments of minerals. Czech readers may want to know that "shale gas" is "plyn z ...
Living and working within 100 meters (328 feet) of a gas station increases exposure to toxic chemicals.
Astrobotic Technology has reserved the private rocketship ride to deliver their lunar lander to the moon by 2013.
More than four years after leaving community life, former *Defense Secretary * Donald Rumsfeld continues to believe the war in Iraq was significance the effort, and has no apologies for his *administrativ...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 3 days ago
Search string of the day: bullshit my dr says i have to wait 6 months for a groin hernia operation vancouver island Perhaps look for doctors in Vancouver. Perhaps try omitting the word "bullshit" from y...
The *Egyptian government* pledged Monday to examine official corruption and election fraud but thousands of protesters swear not to move from the heart of downtown Cairo until leader *Hosni Mubarak *step...
I am sure you can't have failed to notice that* Dame Elizabeth Hoodlass* has been all over the BBC today (Radio and TV) criticising *"the cuts"*. The BBC * forgot* to mention that she is a long term Labour...
Blogger Help: What are the limits on my Blogger account? is overdue for updating as the number of blogs in a single Blogger/Google account is still stated as unlimited. In truth, has limited it...
Hosni says "OK, I admit I am a dictator but I do admire the way the UK allows a broadcasting tyranny to provide daily news and comment. Any chance of a job later this year?" Open thread for a new week...o...
This was posted a few days ago by B-BBC commentator Too True. "What do I think of the BBC today? I detect a speck of light in the darkness of that foul, propagandist, news-laundering organisation: Just af...
Sometimes, when I hear Jeremy Al Bowen talking about *"the Brotherhood"* I wonder if he has in fact mistaken the Egypt based bunch of Jew-Hating Islamic supremacists for the Eurovision winning Brit group ...
It's remarkable just how intense, frequent and predictable BBC attacks on the Coalition have become. This morning on Today we had the accusation that the evil Tories were cutting off supply of funds to the...
Hey, amateur astronomers: good news! A vast array of astronomical data is now just a mouse click away.
Protests next to President Hosni Mubarak continued on 14th day amid the government opened talks with resistance groups to resolve Egypt's deepest crisis in 30 years. On Sunday, the protesters noticeable '...
*INTERNATIONAL LABOUR TURKEY:* *REFORM TURKISH LABOUR LAWS NOW:* ** **For a long time now labour activists in Turkey have been fighting an uphill battle, hamstrung by repressive labour legislation. The f...
Adventure Capitalism - The Hidden 2001 Plan to Carve-up Iraq Wednesday, October 27, 2004 by Greg Palast Why were Iraqi elections delayed? Why was Jay Garner fired? Why are our troops still there? Inve...
*Amnesty International: Bush faces torture charges **Amnesty: Anywhere in the world that he travels, President Bush could face investigation and potential prosecution for his responsibility for torture a...
No, no - not Mike Roddy! He was host extraordinaire while I was in California for the demonstration against the Koch brothers. I planned the trip with extra days before and after, to leave plenty of time t...
This latest finding from the Kepler Space Observatory shows that nothing is the "norm" among stellar systems.
*HUMOUR:* *IT'S TO DIE FOR:* Molly has recently discovered an interesting cartoonist, Stephanie McMillan. This is the first is series of her cartoons that I will be presenting. I ufge the readers to go t...
February 6, 2011 *Reaganomics Sucked Wealth Up, Did Not Trickle It Down* Michael Hudson on Reagan Centennial: Creating an economy for predators is not respect for a "free market" More at The Real N...
Pop quiz: what does a sheet of two-dimensional carbon have in common with the early state of the universe?
*CANADIAN LABOUR:* *ORGANIZING IN THE RETAIL SECTOR:* The nature of employment has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Nowadays the classical industrial "proletariat" comprises a small minor...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 3 days ago
*Humans are creatures of habit*. My recent post about the *Unity* desktop interface from Ubuntu 11.04 showed that some were in favour of a side panel, others preferred the conventional menus and some liked...
On the surface Washington and Cairo seem to be worlds apart, but appearances can be deceiving. Both regimes rely on state terrorism, deception, propaganda, election fraud, the suppression of political part...
Sweet Pea is an exceptional chicken. Half Brahma and half blue-laced Wyandotte, she is the product of two other outstanding chickens, Mr. Peepers and Ms. Penelope (Mr. Peepers is okay for a rooster anyway)...
Here are the clutch of new left blogs that have crossed my desk this month. Enjoy! 1. .Zeitgizzed (Australia - Unaligned) 2. Clare Short (Unaligned) 3. Cllr Steve Reed (Labour) 4. Clydebank Trades Union Co...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 4 days ago
I've been working my way through a trio of long magazine articles, courtesy of our public library, that I must share with you. From a writer's perspective, these are exactly the kind of journalism I once ...
Nottingham. Home of Rock City, Robin Hood, and *The Pink Windmill Show*. And now a subject of a play by local boy and all-round good egg, Daniel Hoffman-Gill. *Our Style is Legendary* is about growing up i...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 4 days ago
Yesterday was Save Our Libraries Day in the UK: a massive national call to action to protest government austerity plans calling for the closure of 450 libraries, by demonstrating how much libraries mean to...
The statement below was first posted on Socialist Unity by johng here. The Revolutionary Socialists are a current unaligned with any international tendency but are influenced by and have friendly relation...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
Scratch the surface, and there lies yet another BBC climate change fanatic. They are everywhere; they are proliferating and they rule our lives. Yesterday, I reported that Roger Harrabin was off on a joll...
*Egypt's Revolution:* *Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'?* **** February 5, 2011 © *F. William Engdahl*, author *Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order ...
The North Magnetic Pole is the place on Earth where the magnetic field has a vertical direction. This place doesn't coincide with the Geographic North Pole, linked to the axis of the Earth's spin. Because...
Even though most of the champagne and reflection flowed on the 5th anniversary of his 2006 election night win, it was five years ago tomorrow that Stephen Harper was sworn in as Prime Minister. But today ...
So the cops are going to keep their sound cannons. The deal is done. Let's just leave aside the fact that they can cause intense pain and permanent hearing damage. Apparently the members of Toronto's Polic...
*Indigenous What?* ** ** *By Jose Matus, director Indigenous Alliance without Borders* *Feb. 5, 2011 **Photo: Jose Matus with Zapatistas in mountains of Chiapas 1995/photo Brenda Norrell * *. * Among the m...
Energetic Materials as a Potential Cause of the 9/11 First Responder Illnesses By Kevin Ryan Foreign Policy Journal February 4, 2011 The tragedy at the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11th, 2001 co...
10 ways I got sucked into buying the 9/11 cover story By Craig McKee Truth and Shadows Published: January 17, 2011 On Sept. 11, 2001, I was part of the majority. I believed that Osama bin Laden had led a...
Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign rally, New York City, Aug. 2004 .Policemen guard the Fox News building during the Shut-Up-A-Thon, NYC, Aug. 2004. ------------------------------ http://fubarandg...
[image: Cascadas de agua turquesa - 1920x1080px Turquoise waterfalls wallpaper]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.*[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comu...
[image: DESCRIPCION]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.*[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook para compartir nuestras imágenes][image: ...
[image: Verdes prados - Green Pastures (wallpaper de 1920x1080px)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.*[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Face...
[image: Río congelado - Icy River (Wallpaper de 1600x1200px)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.*[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad en Facebook ...
[image: Wallpaper de cascadas de agua clara - Clear waterfalls wallpaper]* Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para ampliar el tamaño de este wallpaper.*[image: Si lo deseas, únete a nuestra comunidad ...
Of course, it's bullshit. Manufactured narrative and straw men. Was all set to do a nice long policy-wonkish post about this Internet billing business, but I've pretty well been pre-empted by Michael Geist...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
Funny, isn't it, that Roger Harrabin's worries about climate change don't preclude jet travel? And funny, too, that he mostly turns up to demonstrate his knowledge at climate events organised and run by wa...
Center for Biological Diversity files public records request: Did NAU dupe the San Manuel Band into donating millions, concealing NAU's involvement in the telescopes on sacred Mount Graham February 4, 2...
For the last 56 years, the United States and Canada have failed to report Arctic fish catches to the FAO - Russia under-reported catches.
The website "Where's George" lets you track where your dollars have been.
An ingenious program used to rally fans could find its way into real world applications, like brewing coffee or turning on lights.
The army of BBC reporters who’ve been plonked in Egypt have one thing in common - unalloyed joy at the people’s uprising. We’ve heard people say, ‘Mubarak may be a monster, but he’s our monster,’ or, ‘ Car...
Via Conservative Home, this story from The Times (£): "In an interview with The Times, Paul Maynard, the Conservative MP for Blackpool North & Cleveleys, described an incident in which some Labour MPs mad...
The economic hit-men have hit Egypt? ....If Obama had really wanted Mubarak gone all he had to do was call PM D. Cameron in the UK an...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 5 days ago
Url movie: Have a good weekend, John
If you dipped into the pages of *The Daily Mail* yesterday, you might have caught this story about MPs' expenses. As you might expect they've all got their noses in the trough again, according to the anon...
"Louis Theroux spends time with a small and very committed subculture of ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers. He discovers a group of people who consider it their religious and political obligation to popula...
Well, he's had *his *say. What do *you* think of the BBC today? Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
Roy Spencer has addressed the following simple challenge to the climate research community: Show me one peer-reviewed paper that has ruled out natural, internal climate cycles as the cause of most of th...
------------------------------ Friday, February 04, 2011 *Video Report on the Battle for Tahrir: An Inside Look at How Pro-Democracy Activists Reclaimed Tahrir Square After Attacks by Mubarak Forces* O...
*(Kumeyaay singer Jon Mesa Cuero pictured in above video) Preserving Yuman language: 'Songs of the Colorado' features interviews and performances from Preston Arrow-Weed, Quechan Elder Vernon Smith, and D...
Ron Paul Enters Evidence of Bush War Crimes in Congressional Record Kurt Nimmo February 4, 2011 Rep. Ron Paul read the text below into the Congressional Record earlier this year. Paul’s state...
Nomi Prins - It Takes a Pillage: An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit, and Untold Trillions Author Nomi Prins: The Corporate Mugging of America- Alex Jones Tv 1/2 2/2
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS EGYPT:* *AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPS DETAINED BY EGYPTIAN REGIME:* As part of its generalized crackdown on all independent sources of information about the present situation in that...
"The Arab World Is on Fire" By Noam Chomsky Published: February 3, 2011 “The Arab world is on fire,” al-Jazeera reported on Jan. 27, while throughout the region, Western allies “are quickly ...
*By Kent Lebsock* *Owe Aku 'Bring Back the Way'* On Friday, March 18, 2011, the day prior to the commencement of the North American Indigenous Peoples Caucus Meeting at the Blue Lake Rancheria in Californ...
Police Brutality -- Americans Are Oppressed, Too By Paul Craig Roberts OpEdNews Published: February 3, 2011 Police in the US now rival criminals, and exceed terrorists, as the greatest threat to the Ameri...
The mummies have become the symbol of the world's concern for ancient Egyptian cultural heritage.
or Louis in Wonderland. I was wondering what all that fuss was about, so I put on my best Louis Theroux voice. I wanted to understand Louis, so I set off to enter Louis’s mind. I tried to think like Louis....
For most people on the planet, seafood is a critical part of their diet - so which fish should we choose to eat?
Thursday, February 03, 2011 *Eyewitnesses to a Massacre: Reports from Inside Tahrir Square as Pro-Mubarak Forces Open Fire on Protesters* Just before dawn in Cairo today pro-government forces opened f...
The Labour No2AV campaign launched today and thought I'd reproduce the below piece from their site while I muck around writing another blog post. Socialism is, among other things, about organising society...
Ongoing political unrest in Egypt has animal shelters in the country struggling for survival.
I love decorations that you change once a month. My mom has them all over her house and we loved helping her change the, every month. This tile decoration is one that I designed and my husband created af...
Action for Employment (A4E) is a private company that has received £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pens...
"The fall in UK GDP per capita in 2009 combined with the decline in sterling means that the UK has seen an even sharper decline in its relative living standards compared with other major economies," said A...
Two mummies vandalized at the Egyptian museum might be those of King Tut's great-grandparents.
Not all of the first stars were behemoths that burned brightly and died quickly.
Perhaps it has something to do with cheese, but several animals are picking the Packers to win.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Why is the GOP where it is? Simply --GOP fascists turned out!! Why are the Democrats where they are? Don't ask a Democrat! You are likely to get a denial that he/she...
Confident that his wife, Rep. Giffords, is on the road to recovery, NASA astronaut Mark Kelly, is returning to training for his upcoming shuttle mission.
NASA animation vividly portrays a warming Earth.
A magma event brought forth gold deposits that were overlooked in the early days of prospecting.
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 5 days ago
How could anyone take seriously a party that would say this out loud? And how could such a party come to govern this country for so long? “It’s the Liberals who wanted to ensure that parents are forced to...
Compatibility may not depend solely on saying the right things but rather whether they're said in a relatable way.
Etchings on a carved elk antler dating to nearly 11,000 years ago, suggest it may have been used as a fertility object.
Mass beachings have become a tragically common sight at this New Zealand coastline.
If plants had noses, these creations would sniff as well as a bloodhound.
The Kepler mission (NASA) has released several preprints but the most interesting one seems to be Characteristics of planetary candidates observed by Kepler, II: Analysis of the first four months of data ...
A new twist on old school forensics lets investigators lift prints from fabrics.
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 6 days ago
As part of Let Them Stay Week 2011, war resister Dean Walcott recently spokeat a screening of "War Resisters Speak Out". Dean served two tours of duty in Iraq, but it wasn't until he was stationed at a mili...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 6 days ago
From Toronto Coalition to Stop the War: *Stephen Harper backs Mubarak's 'transition' plan Contact your MPs to protest now! Canada must support Egypt's democracy movement, not a dictator!* Prime Minister ...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 6 days ago
*Gnome is a Linux 'desktop'-system*, used as a basis for popular Linux distros like Ubuntu 10.10 as well as Linux Mint. Many of us are already familiar with it and its somewhat "Windows XP" look and feel. ...
A few years ago, when this blog was getting started, there was a counter in the sidebar that was copied from (and created by) Steve Milloy's JunkScience.COM. It was showing the nanodegrees Celsius that th...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy I have not merely blogged. I would like to think that I spoke 'truth to power'. I literally petitioned, perhaps harassed, my congressman --John Culberson, representi...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 6 days ago
If you were interested in my recent post about Egyptian youth protecting the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, I have updated it with some beautiful video: here.
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 6 days ago
This week I handed in two assignments, due on consecutive days, one being the worst assignment for the worst class of my entire degree. I am feeling a huge sense of relief at having that behind me! Now I h...
** * * * * * * *تمر ذكرى مجزرة حماة هذا العام في وسط مخاض جديد في المنطقة يبشر بالإصلاح والتغيير والانعتاق من الأنظمة المستبدة المنتهكة لحقوق شعوبها في الحياة والحرية والعدالة والمشاركة * *في ظل ...
Under construction Click to enlarge
With a crowd topping 100,000 fans expected in attendance, security personnel at the Super Bowl is turning to a high-tech playbook.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 6 days ago
Barry Woods, in a long and thorough post on WUWT, asks whether the BBC has broken faith with the general public in its conduct in the production of the Horizon programme presented by Keith Nurse, in which ...
Multiple videos from multiple angles appear to show a UFO event that whipped the world into a frenzy. Alas, it's more likely to be an elaborate hoax.
Menacing gangs sponsorship President Hosni Mubarak attacked journalists and human rights activists Thursday in an ugly turn in Egypt's crisis as government opponents pushed supporters out of Cairo's main...
[image:] Australian saviors cut their way from side to side to towns fractured by an enormous cyclone, as officials urge people trapped by the tornado to stay tranquil u...
[image:] The Obama management is in talks with top Egyptian officials about the possible instantaneous acquiescence of President Hosni Mubarak and the configuration of a...
Someone has hacked Al-Jazeera's website in Arabic. The hackers managed to break into an MSF ad and replace it with a picture reading "together we'll bring Egypt down". Here is the original MSF picture: ...
I am in the process of sorting through hundreds of pictures from my trip to California, a good portion of which was spent in Joshua Tree National Park. I'm quite convinced that the trees there are dying, mo...
[image:] US President Barack Obama has greeting taking sides reorganizations in Yemen in a call with his complement Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had proclaimed not to seek re...
[image:] Threatening gangs backing President Hosni Mubarak attacked the media and human rights activists Thursday in an ugly twist in Egypt's crisis as government oppone...
*HOLIDAYS:* *HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARS:* Hopping along into the year of the Rabbit Molly wishes all her readers the best of luck this year. Festivities continue until the Lantern Festival on February 18. *...
*New Report Highlights Why Companies Need to Operate with Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous Peoples By Amazon Watch *SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3, 2011 -- Industrial resource extraction is posing gra...
These videos show 6 different incidents, in different Egyptian cities, where Mubarak's thugs run over protesters with their vehicles. One, two, three, four, five, and six.
*Clinton to US Ambassadors: Get DNA, fingerprints and iris scans on world leaders* By Brenda Norrell Censored News Wikileaks has laid bare the inner workings of the minds...
Kepler is revealing hundreds of exoplanet discoveries, what are the chances of finding extraterrestrial life on these alien worlds?
There are 2 methods depending on whether your Blogger template is pre-Template Designer or already using the new Template Designer templates. 1. Pre-Template Designer: How to split blog header into 2 (if ...
Kurt Haskell Exclusive: Christmas Day Bomber Assisted by U.S. State Dept. Official 1/2 2/2
This tiny crustacean has 31,000 genes -- more than any other creature.
I found another picture of us from Sunday's protest, on the web here. If this isn't enough to warrant being tracked by the Kochtopus, I'll be very disappointed! Koch Brothers Hired Goons to Track and Threa...
The frequency of severe drought conditions in the Amazon Rainforest indicates potential for accelerated climate change.
My name is Tracy. I'm from Wisconsin. And I'm a Green Bay Packers fan. Why?
Carbon dioxide ice is rapidly changing the surface of Mars, which scientists had believed to be rather frozen in time.
posted by All Seeing Eye at
Biased BBC - 6 days ago
Tonight Question Time comes from Workington which has been a Labour stronghold since its creation in 1918 except for a short lived Tory by-election win in 1976. It is represented in the House of Commons b...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 6 days ago
"Send him back to the fields!" "String him up!" "Torture" And the usual assortment of hate speech from the Left. The Tea Party is a racist movement, funded by the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch, etc....
A new sensor system can tell between someone simply leaning against a fence and a ne'er-do-well sneaking around.
Oysters are important because they filter impurities from water and provide food and employment for people living in coastal communities.
Test tube meat could help solve future global food crises, but will anyone eat it?
A key part of the climate panic methodology is to take the data and numbers out of their proper context. This procedure is being systematically applied to all quantities describing the atmosphere, all cl...
Sit instead of stand on this personal rider that moves forward or backward and side-to-side with a gentle lean.
How to protect your digital data before you die.
It seems the Ottawa police throw out complaints of sexual assault at a rate ten times that of any other crime. Now why do you suppose that could be? [cough] Stacy Bonds [cough]
Apparently the Egyptian security forces have started rounding up foreign journalists in Cairo. The Globe's Sonia Verma's last tweet, at the time of this post, was about two hours ago. She also tweeted abo...
I was listening to Today this morning when someone said: “Watch this - Louis Theroux is coming on BBC 1 to plug his Ultra Zionist programme, you’ve just missed the trail, and after it Bill Turnbull said “T...
A wild bald eagle has been making daily visits to a California zoo's 6-year-old female bald eagle, Olivia, for more than a week.
Invasive species are not necessarily the enemy - only a few have the potential to spread unchecked.
Unrest has triggered more unrest especially since mass communication has allowed word to spread quickly.
Like an oil reserve, Alberta politics tends to lie dormant for thousands of years, only to gush to the surface without warning. And when it does, it's usually messy. Like the last two weeks. For those of...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 week ago
I have just listened on Radio 4 to the latest programme in the eco-crazy strand Costing the Earth. I don't, unfortunately, have a transcript, but from beginning to end, this was a scare-fest about the dang...
Welcome to the Reservation Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
Rembrandt used wheat starch in some of his paint to achieve a thicker stroke.
As you face another slice of snowmageddon, you probably find yourself asking a simple question: Could I use a giant space mirror to concentrate sunlight down to melt my driveway free?
Dr Roy Spencer has released the January 2011 reading of their UAH AMSUglobal temperature. Ladies and Gentlemen, the anomaly is Delta T = -0.009 °C. Imagine that you're a global warming alarmist who has bee...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 week ago
I do need to scotch one particularly bizarre bit of blogbabble, though. Some bloggers depict me as a puppet for the BBC’s pension fund trustees trying to boost their investments in green technology. Thi...
*BLOGGING:* *THE CAT ON FACEBOOK:* OK, take a deep breath now. Here's a list of what is over at our sister site on Facebook ( ). Once more from oldest to...
[image:] The case of Raymond Davis has become the newest test of ties between the two countries with anti-U.S. Islamist groups hard Islamabad oppose U.S. calls to gratis...
[image:] The protest in Egypt is about free elections and overthrows a longtime dictator? Not according to China's state media, which is picturing them as the kind of ch...
[image:] Heavy habitual weapons fire crushed the anti-government protest camp in Cairo's Tahrir Square before dawn on Thursday in a dramatic appreciation of what come in...
*INTERNATIONAL POLITICS EGYPT:* *WINNIPEG SOLIDARITY RALLY FOR EGYPT:* As I write these words the issue of the protests in Egypt is very much in doubt. Protesters in Cairo's central square have been attac...
[image:] At the present, additional than two years after incompatible as campaign rivals, President Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain are putting their association on de... *Protesters: NAU Get Off Mount Graham! Winona LaDuke, 'It's Time to say NO' * Written by Klee Benally and MT Garcia FLAGSTAFF, AZ -- On Tuesday, February 1, a dozen people includin...
"The Buddha teaches this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity." - Buddha.
Is that the term for it? Could it be that he's throwing us a bone on usage-based internet billing so that the loosening of broadcast standards making it easier to lie on the airstays under the radar? Whic...
Obama and McCain, the 2008 *Republican* presidential contender, met privately for half an hour Wednesday hours of daylight in the Oval Office, the outcome of outreach between the two after the Arizona sh...
Supporters of President *Hosni Mubarak* charged into Cairo's innermost square on horses and camels brandishing whip while others rained firebombs from rooftops in what appear to be an orchestrated assaul...
Centenarians offer advice on how to live over 100 years, but how good are the suggestions?
A pack of pro-Mubarak dogs attack CNN's Anderson Cooper, a CNN cameraman, and a CNN producer.
Nearly a decade after the 9/11 attacks, the media's continual silence on the worldwide grassroots campaign to launch a new investigation into those attacks demand an explanation that are different from the...
*URGENT REQUEST Aloha to our families and friends* *The battle being fought by our Polynesian brothers and sisters on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) continues* On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, the Hitorangi Clan w...
Was Mona Lisa a Dude?
An art investigator poses a controversial theory about this mysterious masterpiece.
February 9, 2011
February 8, 2011
February 7, 2011
February 4, 2011
February 3, 2011
February 2, 2011
February 1, 2011
January 31, 2011
January 28, 2011
January 28, 2011