Kucinich: GOP Healthcare Bill Repeal Brings Us Closer To Single Payer !
Massive fish kill blankets Arkansas River
Arkansas town puzzled after thousands of dead birds fall from the sky
It's going to take a few years, but as I have predicted every time there is a great world wide financial calamity over the last century plus world war follows! The elite of this world are already in the game big time, selling weapons around the world making sure the playing field for this war will be a little more level to keep such a war going for a decade or so. This skirmish is just another step towards all out war on the Korean peninsula, China will of course back the North and we will back the South. Taiwan is of upmost importance to China who has long time declared their Independence illegitimate. Wait and see what new rhetoric comes of Taiwan in the near future. So far unlimited unchecked trade imbalance with the Indo-China region of the world, has brought a pure economic calamity to the west. Our projected trade war with China and the U.S. military staging of hundreds of thousand of troops in the mideast was to protect our nations largest oil reserves. The road back to financial solvency involves a world war, don't believe me? Read your history lesson of the early 1900-1912 era when the robber barons were in charge and the economic hardships brought the world to it's knees. What followed was world war 1, and then in the late 1920's and 1930's the great depression changed the landscape of the world again and Fascism rose to become the great threat to the world and the seeds of world war 2 sown. Why is our President jetting all over the world? Why are there so many meetings of the so called G20 country's? I believe the rules of this coming world war are being negotiated as we speak. The 7 billion people on the planet are too many for the limited resources of our Earth and global warming is real, this is widely known by the elites and something must be done about the ever growing population!
Latham Says No Money For Food Bill
The rules are meant to mimic the successful* HACCP rules put in place years earlier in the U.S. meat industry.
The bill was estimated to cost $1.4 billion over the next five years and authorizes the FDA to hire 18-thousand new field staff.
( * Successful in replacing actual inspection with paper shuffling - a bonus for large plants and a harassment for small operations...at the expense of operations less damaging to the aquifer because of limited pollution quantities in a given location. Aug 13 2009 I wrote two posts on the hazards of unsustainable and chemically prolific operational models.
The hidden link between factory farms and human illness )
China Official Says More Corn Imports Likely
Iowa Farmers Use Loan Fund For Millions In Water Improvements
Automakers Sue EPA Over E15 Decision
Automakers say 15 percent ethanol will damage engines and cause confusion at the pumps.
( FlexFuel engines are especially modified to use 15% ethanol. They are a handy North American evasion to escape mpg regulations on motor vehicles. But hey, European vehicles couldn't pass 'North American standards'....while achieving superior power and efficiency ratings ! )

China Approves First GM 'Phytase' Corn
The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) reports that the transgenic corn is the product of a seven-year study by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
( Note : this then appears NOT to be a Monsanto initiative falsely representing frankenfoods as the 'hope for the future' )
GM safety is a hot issue at the NPC and CPPCC sessions, under way in the capital.
In November, the Ministry of Agriculture granted bio-safety certificates to two pest-resistant GM rice varieties and corn - a major step in promoting the research and planting of GM crops. It has became major news given the sensitivity of the issue, coupled with the fact that China is a major rice producer.
China is also the first country in the world that has given a nod to GM staple food, which experts say will pave the way for large-scale commercial cultivation of GM crops.
China has never approved GM seed imports, he stressed, despite the fact that the country's traditional soybean industry is getting seriously damaged due to huge GM soybean imports.
"Other farm produce like GM papaya, soybean oil, tomatoes and potatoes, however, began to hit the market around 2000 after government approval, many without proper labeling, which is required by the law,"
On March 2, the European Commission, which boasts the strictest laws on GM application, approved a GM potato to be grown, though not for human consumption. It was only the second GM product to be given a green light in Europe.
GM grain still 'long distance away'
Genetically modified (GM) foods still have a long way to go before they reach the Chinese market even though the Ministry of Agriculture has certificated two strains of GM rice. The products need to be certified by government agencies from the health and quality inspection sectors .
German Lawmakers Mull a Frankenfood Ban
German agriculture minister Ilse Aigner will announce in the coming weeks whether her office will impose a ban on the commercial use of a type of genetically modified corn produced and marketed by the American biotech giant Monsanto.
Aigner told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper that the GE "has so far not yielded tangible benefits for the people." She has an ally in German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabrial, of the rival Social Democrats. "I don't see why we should pursue the interests of a single American corporation," Gabriel has said.
He was one of the majority of EU environment ministers who successfully blocked a move by the European Commission in early March to force Austria and Hungary to lift their bans on genetically modified corn.The Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Economics and Environment discontinued field trials of GM corn after its fields were destroyed.
China and the U.S. war in the field of genetically modified agricultural
Department of Agriculture refused to grant Monsanto genetically modified corn to try to grow in China, caused the U.S. government to intervene
4-5 years ago the Rockefeller Foundation has stopped China's rice biotechnology in this project. The money went to Africa. In other words, scientists in China over the past 5 years without a penny with the Rockefeller Foundation.
We are dedicated himself to the work of these scientists to stop the U.S. occupation of China's grain market
Perhaps we now eat more than just the United States genetically modified soybean oil, we may be eating genetically modified U.S. corn (maize market in India and the Philippines have all basically been the United States captured the GM maize).
Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in 2008 10 years ago has not approved a single case of commercialization of transgenic crops.
Ministry of Agriculture will become a strangle China's national industry, to help the U.S. occupation of the Chinese market of genetically modified staple food of sinners.
GMO-free news from Greece
Greece extends ban on US biotech corn seeds
data concern a potential threat to human health and to the beekeeping industry
Dispute boils over GM rice
Overall performance in China Flying Leopard fighter planes over the European wind
Parliamentary Monitoring Group
South African Parliamentary Committees
Maize Surplus & Livestock Recording & Improvement Scheme with Minister of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
The maize surplus had arisen as a result of continuous good production over the past three years and a decrease in exports to other African countries.
The Minister urged the Committee to engage with the Department of Energy on Bio-fuels, as Green Energy – solar and wind- was currently its focus.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries could lobby for farmers but could not affect legislation on Bio-fuel and Bio-diesel.
Members asked why there was a surplus of maize at a time when South African people were going to sleep hungry and how the sector could assist with feeding hungry citizens; if maize for bio-fuels would increase the price of maize for food consumption; for thorough detail to be presented in the future meeting on all the functions involved with the Food Banks; and on the Department’s involvement with the Food Banks. Members also asked why the African Market was reluctant to buy food of genetically modified nature from South Africa
Negotiations with alternate markets in China, Egypt and Tunisia were not successful
Ministry says will cultivate GM corn en masse in 2011 Vietnam
In Vietnam, seven strains of GM corns have been successfully experimented by the Vietnam Agricultural Genetics Institute and will be cultivated widely from next year. These strains are highly resistant to pests and herbicide
( That sounds familiar - and ominous )
VND2,310 billion for upgrading dykes in Mekong Delta - VOV News English
Vietnam leads the field in its efforts to reach the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to cut poverty and increase public health care.
WHO experts attend regional tobacco workshop - Nhân dân English