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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

27 January - Morning Notes

Blackpool Tower. Photographed by Rich Daley (O...Image via Wikipedia

 There is a principle which is the bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This is the principle of contempt prior to examination - Archdeacon William Paley, D.D. 1743-1805

 The Harmonising of Supplements is Bringing Anything but Harmony

Stringent EU Regulations, will threaten to drastically reduce the effectiveness of many essential herbs, vitamins and supplements. These regulations will come into full force by April 2011 and in the months to come, under the guise of ‘consumer protection’, the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will execute a ‘one-size-fits-all' approach to all vitamins, supplements and herbal remedies. The Food Supplements Directive (EUFSD) will legally implement the harmonised, maximum permitted levels (MPLs) for food supplements and fortified foods throughout Europe... which inevitably will put peoples health at risk. 

Monday, 27 September 2010

The cost of one wind-farm to taxpayers

In all the publicity given to the opening of "the world's largest wind farm" off the Kent coast last week, by far the most important and shocking aspect of this vast project was completely overlooked. Over the coming years we will be giving the wind farm's Swedish owners a total of £1.2 billion in subsidies. That same sum, invested now in a single nuclear power station, could yield a staggering 13 times more electricity, with much greater reliability.
The first all-too-common mistake in the glowing coverage accorded to the inauguration of this Thanet wind farm by the Climate Change Secretary, Chris Huhne, was to accept unquestioningly the claims of the developer, Vattenfall, about its output. The array of 100 three-megawatt (MW) turbines, each the height of Blackpool Tower, will have, it was said, the "capacity" to produce 300MW of electricity, enough to "power" 200,000 (or even 240,000) homes.
This may be true at those rare moments when the wind is blowing at the right speeds. But the wind, of course, is intermittent, and the average output of these turbines will be barely a quarter of that figure. The latest official figures on the website of Mr Huhne's own department show that last year the average output (or "load factor") of Britain's offshore turbines was only 26 per cent of their capacity.
Due to its position, the wind farm's owners will be lucky to get, on average, 75MW from their windmills, a fraction of the output of a proper power station. The total amount of electricity the turbines actually produce will equate to the average electricity usage not of 240,000 homes, but of barely half that number.
A far more significant omission from the media reports, however, was any mention of the colossal subsidies this wind farm will earn. Wind energy is subsidised through the system of Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs), unwittingly paid for by all of us through our electricity bills. Our electricity supply companies are obliged to buy offfshore wind energy at three times its normal price, so that each kilowatt hour of electricity receives a 200 per cent subsidy of £100.
This means that the 75MW produced on average by Thanet will receive subsidies of £60 million a year, on top of the £30-40 million cost of the electricity itself. This is guaranteed for the turbines' estimated working life of 20 years, which means that the total subsidy over the next two decades will be some £1.2 billion. Based on the costings of the current French nuclear programme, that would buy 1 gigawatt (1,000MW) of carbon-free nuclear generating capacity, reliably available 24 hours a day – more than 13 times the average output of the wind farm.
The 100 turbines opened last week cost £780 million to build, which means that the £100 million a year its owners hope to earn represents a 13 per cent return on capital, enough to excite the interest of any investor. And these turbines are only the first stage of a project eventually designed to include 341 of them, generating subsidies of £1 billion every five years.
A final claim for the Thanet wind farm (which Mr Huhne boasts is "only the beginning") is that it will create "green jobs" – although the developers say that only 21 of these will be permanent. These are thus costing, in "green subsidies" alone, £3 million per job per year, or £57 million for each job over the next 20 years. The Government gaily prattles about how it wants to create "400,000 green jobs", which on this basis would eventually cost us £22.8 trillion, or 17 times the entire annual output of the UK economy.
If all this sounds dizzyingly surreal, the fact remains that we must begin to grasp just what the green fantasies of Mr Huhne, the EU and the rest are costing us. Even the Queen, we learn, tried to claim a "fuel poverty" allowance for her soaring electricity bills, which have risen 50 per cent in the past year. But a crucial first step towards getting some grip on reality must be for those who report on these wind farms to stop hiding away the colossal price we are all now having to pay for one of the greatest scams of our age.


The Sneaky, Not-So-Secret Purpose of the IPCC

According to scientists who’ve helped write its reports, the IPCC is not a scientific body first and foremost. Rather, its primary purpose is to lay the necessary groundwork so that an international climate change treaty can be negotiated.
Continue Reading January 26, 2011

The press and media is generally woeful all over the World. Economies with the truth leave people unable to join up their thinking. Being an expert in a certain field, the West's Great division of labour, leaves most people as ignoramusses about many topics until their latter years - if they ever learn at all. Some of the greatest frauds perpetrated on people are by their governments, often for 'hidden' agendas of short term profit and gain. Mentioning Pearl Harbour, The Kennedies, 911, Waco - even the recent freedom and rights Judge shot dead whilst the Arizona politician (supposedly the target) lives on - brings up a whole haze of What Really Happened. This is perpetuated with revisionist history in schools and the demise of investigative reporting (and reporters) in the media. Chuck in a little PsyOps (Psychological Operations) and a few well placed red herrings, and many people throw their hands up - and come close to giving up.


Finding a body of knowledge that puts things in plain sight for people can be a relief in itself. Many people turn to the Bible for relief, and I'd like to say this isn't a bad thing. But how many people realise it is the old hidden wisdom and knowledge they're looking for. How many people research further avenues of such knowledge - other Gospels that no longer appear in the Bible since The Vatican tampering and King James's tampering. The Apocrypha is probably easier to read and understand than starting a paddle through the 'accepted' Gospels. (Accepted by Who? and Why? - By a poisoned, desperate 3rd Century Rome, to keep wisdom in the hands of the priests, and keep the Wars ticking over). The Tibetan Gospel anyone? The Koran (with it's old testament Timothy). The Essenses.. Zorastrian.. Finding time to even contemplate such things is a challenge in itself unless you're willing to accept a lifestyle change and find time for what you need.
 UAB first:3-D nano scaffolding can regrow organs
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) published a news report of the development of a successful 3-D nano scaffold by engineers and scientists at UAB on January 26, 2011.

The sap from a plant known as petty spurge or milkweed - found by roadsides and in woodland - can 'kill' certain types of cancer cells when applied to the skin.

It works on non-melanoma skin cancers, which affect hundreds of thousands of Britons each year.
Coal Fires May Have Contributed to Biggest-Ever Extinction
 Massive coal fires may have been the cause for the extinction of more than 90 percent of marine species 250 million years ago, say Canadian geologists.

Volcanic eruptions in what is now Siberia may have caused coal seams to ignite explosively, sending large amounts of highly toxic coal fly-ash into the atmosphere, according to research published online this week in Nature Geoscience.

The resulting fallout would have poisoned the oceans and changed Earth's chemistry.

Lead author Stephen Grasby of the Geological Survey of Canada and colleagues write that they discovered charred particles in Permian aged deep-sea sediments in the high Arctic. They say the particles strongly resemble coal fly ash, created when coal is burned.

At the same time, a large body of volcanic rock, known as the Siberian Trap basalts, was deposited. Grasby and colleagues believe the basalt eruptions may have set fire to coal seams, sending fly ash into the atmosphere in massive quantities.


WHY THIS PAGE LOOKS DIFFERENT: Sometimes we hear from people who think McSweeney’s is only a daily humor website. We’ve created this portal page to make you aware of the array of things that happen here, all in pretty much one office. The classic site can still be accessed behind the Internet Tendency icon.


… the submarine as the weapon of the last resort remains an important concept and an awkward problem in command and control because, by definition, the submarine ought logically to be able to launch its missiles without receipt of explicit orders.
Read the rest of this entry »


The genetic code of wheat

N.Z. Climate Science.net

 daily Kos

Judicial emergency declared in Arizona

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 at 06:48:03 AM PST

Judge John Roll went to Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's town meeting on January 15 to talk about the overload of cases the federal judiciary in Arizona is experiencing. He was assassinated at that event, resulting in an even greater problem for the Arizona judiciary.
The issue has become a full-blown crisis in the wake of his death. Judge Roslyn O. Silver, who took Roll's place as chief judge for Arizona, on Friday declared a judicial emergency to allow statutory time limits for trying accused criminals to be temporarily suspended in the district because of an acute shortage of judges. On Tuesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals extended Silver's temporary order for a year....
Several factors have contributed to the emergency. Federal felony caseloads are at an all-time high in Arizona amid the political clamor over tougher enforcement of border immigration and drug laws. Yet partisan wrangling in the nation's capital has slowed the flow of judicial appointments to many states, not just Arizona, leaving the federal bench overwhelmed by caseloads.

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