IPS - Inter Press Services
- Cuba Calls Easing of US Restrictions "Limited" Mov ...The Cuban government welcomed the latest U.S. measures to ease restrictions on travel and remittances to this country, but said they had a "limited reach."
- MALI: Cotton and Food Security Closely LinkedMany Malian farmers are boycotting cotton this year, instead planting cereals. Cotton isn't edible, but observers say that the shift could weaken food security.
- Rainfall Patterns Can't Be Ignored in Climate Chan ...In discussions of human activities that affect the climate, there is relatively little talk about alterations in rainfall patterns, despite the enormous implications that such changes have on human survival.
- PAKISTAN: Militancy Takes On a Female FaceOn December 25, a female suicide bomber, not more than 18 years of age, blew herself up killing at least 47 people and injuring 105 others.
- PERU: Local Communities Protect Their AmazonSan Martín is one of the three most deforested Amazon regions in Peru. But now local residents and non-governmental organisations have joined with local and regional authorities to defend the flora, fauna and water resources and halt the destruction of the rainforests.
Scoop - NZ
- Brisbane homelessness threat loomsBrisbane faces a housing crisis amid fears bodies could be lying undiscovered in the flood-hit city. AS Brisbane residents were urged to "get back to work" amid food shortages, traffic chaos and mountains of rotting debris, Premier Anna Bligh will convene a special cabinet meeting this morning to ...
- Biggest Threat: Afghan youth unemploymentVirulent unrest in Northern Africa should be ringing alarm bells in Afghanistan. Widespread Afghan youth unemployment, not the Taliban, may soon become the largest of the US military’s worries as it delicately maneuvers itself out of the country.
- Brisbane Confronts Flood DestructionFlood-besieged Brisbane residents forced to watch the monster river consume their homes and livelihoods will today confront the devastating destruction and putrid, tar-like sludge left by the receding waters.
- Australian floods: Why were we so surprised? | Env ...Germaine Greer was among those trapped in Queensland, anxiously watching the torrid floodwaters rising outside her window. She argues forcefully that meteorologists had warned Australians six months ago to prepare for a soaking. But nothing was done.
- Pilger: The War on WikiLeaksThe attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders, in politics and journalism. The incitement to murder trumpeted by public figures in the United States, together with attempts by the Obama administration to corrupt ...
Independent - London
- 'Slow' government accused over Tunisia touristsBritish tourists in Tunisia have been placed in "an alarming position" because the Government was "slow off the mark" to respond to the crisis in the strife-torn North African country, Shadow Foreign Secretary Yvette Cooper said today.
- Video: Australia floods head southFloods have hit New South Wales and Victoria after spreading south from Queensland.
- Tunisia hopes new leaders will bring peaceTunisia's new national unity government was unveiled today in an attempt to halt the wave of violent protests that led to the overthrow of president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
- Video: Pets rescued from Brazil floodsThousands of animals whose owners have lost their lives or been made homeless by floods and mudslides in Brazil shelter in a warehouse.
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords making progressIn yet another sign of significant recovery during a remarkable week, the gravely wounded US Representative Gabrielle Giffords was upgraded from critical to serious condition after a procedure to remove her from a ventilator was successful.
Rogue Government.com
- Yemen: Students call for Arabs to rise upAbout 1,000 students marched through the streets of the Yemeni capital on Sunday urging Arabs to rise up against their leaders in the wake of Tunisian strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's ouster.
- Pope John Paul II's blood to be relic in Polish ch ...A vial containing blood drawn from Pope John Paul II� shortly before he died will be installed as a relic in a Polish church soon after his beatification later this year, an official said Monday.
- Egyptian, Algerian, Mauritanian set selves on fire ...Protesters set themselves on fire in Egypt, Algeria and Mauritania on Monday in apparent copycat self-immolation attempts inspired by the act that helped trigger a popular uprising in Tunisia.
- Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclea ...Over the past two years, according to intelligence and military experts familiar with its operations, Dimona has taken on a new, equally secret role — as a critical testing ground in a joint American and Israeli effort to undermine Iran’s efforts to make a bomb of its own.
- U.S. 2010 home foreclosures top 1 mln for first ti ...Banks seized more than a million U.S. homes in one year for the first time last year, despite a slowdown in the last few months as questions around foreclosure processing arose, a leading firm said on Thursday.
Innovation Canada
- Discoveries of the deepOceans cover more than 70 percent of the planet. Hidden beneath them is an entire world we know very little about, a world of undersea mountain ranges and ocean basins that play host to hundreds of thousands of underwater species. In the late 1990s, marine scientists expressed their concern with thi ...
- Shakin' all overAt the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) in Kingston, Ont., Richard Bathurst is a mover and a shaker. Literally. Over the past 20 years, Bathurst, a civil engineering professor who is cross-appointed to Queen’s University, has become an internationally recognized authority on earthquake-resista ...
- The year in reviewWelcome to 2011! Before we launch into a new year of covering cutting-edge Canadian research, we’re going to rewind and look back at some of the success stories we featured on InnovationCanada.ca in 2010. Some recurring themes in Canadian research this year were: biodiversity, aboriginal culture, a ...
- Celebrating Arctic researchWhen you turn 50, there’s a tendency to sit back and celebrate your accomplishments. But some 50-year-olds prefer to be bold and try new things. Such is the case for the University of Alberta’s Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI). Between building university-degree programs in the North and finding ...
- The bright side of E. coliMention the Escherichia coli bacterium, or E. coli, and many people immediately get anxious. After all, certain strains of E. coli, typically ingested through undercooked ground beef, have been associated with cases of severe diarrhea, kidney failure and even death. But a group of undergraduate stud ...
Signs of the times
- Single Worm Neurons Remotely Controlled with Laser ...Scientists have come a step closer to gaining complete control over a mind, even if that mind belongs to a creature the size of a grain of sand. A team at Harvard University has built a computerized system to manipulate worms - making them start and stop, giving them the sensation of being touched ...
- Story-telling May Help to Lower Blood PressureEveryone likes a good story, but can a compelling narrative save lives? Perhaps, according to an innovative study that tested the role of story telling in lowering blood pressure. Dr. Thomas Houston, of the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Bedford VA Medical Center, led a group of ...
- 'Explosive' Food Prices the Biggest Risk: AnalystOverheating emerging markets, in China in particular, pose the biggest threat to the market and political situation in 2011 according to Philippe Gijsels, head of research at BNP Paribas Fortis Global Markets. "These economies are clearly overheating and governments are putting measures in place to ...
- In Defense of Clear ThinkingThe ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. ~ Herbert Spencer My academic life in college was largely spent studying what were then referred to as the "liberal arts." History, geography, economics, philosophy, art, literature, music, psychology, ...
- Brazil Landslide and Flood Toll Reaches 665The death toll from flooding and mudslides in southeastern Brazil climbed to at least 665 people, as public outcry turned toward authorities' ongoing struggle to reach still-isolated areas and their failure last week to have warned residents of the danger of gathering storms. Relief workers continu ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Attention political strategistsThis is how a new media campaign is run. This is how you make a political point in a memorable way. I don't know who the brains are behind this. I'll be amazed if it is something that the provincial NDP came up with, since it lacks their usual earnestness, but if I were in charge of any of the media ...
- Hi fellas!House of Commons, via the crazyhouse. I wonder who's making a list?
- Pet peeves...I have an issue with people who talk a big line, but when push comes to shove they cower and look away, make excuses, anything really, to avoid addressing the problem at hand in active terms.� A few years ago I encountered a young woman being beaten with a metal pole by another young woman, in b ...
- Consult your schedule . . .Now, you know.
- The misery continues . . .IT'S BEEN FIFTY YEARS since Patrice Lumumba was murdered in the heart of darkness. A million murders later, the misery continues. RIP, Patrice. You can find a concise history in the NYT article by Adam Hochschild, "An Assassination’s Long Shadow". And the CIA was up to its neck in the slime:A slight ...
Media Matters for America
- Levin Threatens Matthews With Phony Defamation Sui ...Right-wing radio host Mark Levin is reportedly "threatening to sue Chris Matthews" for saying that radio hosts like Levin play a "role" in "fueling the heated language" because they "are furious" and regularly engage in "ugly talk." Levin, however, regularly engages in defamation of Media Matters, ...
- Right-Wing Media Refuses To Concede That White Hou ...Despite numerous reports debunking the claim that the White House was responsible for distributing t-shirts with the slogan "Together We Thrive" at the memorial for victims of the shooting in Arizona, the right-wing media continues to push the claim, now citing a three-year-old post on the public b ...
- Fox & Friends Hosts GOP Lawmaker To P ...Fox & Friends hosted GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) to suggest that more people carrying guns would deter crime, as well as falsely claim the District of Columbia is the "criminal capital of the country." In fact, numerous experts have argued that there is no link between laws allowing people to car ...
- Big Gov Distorts GM's Green Initiative As Taxpayer ...A recent Big Government post falsely claimed that General Motors' recently launched green initiative is a result of "leftists tak[ing] over" the company and is being funded by the taxpayers.�In fact, Chevrolet's greening effort was�launched�voluntarily, and is not funded by taxpayer money.BigGov: C ...
- Cavuto's Selective Outrage Over Energy Su ...On his Fox News show, Neil Cavuto hosted Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute to argue against the effectiveness of federal subsidies for the solar industry and claim that there would be no solar industry but for these subsidies. In fact, solar energy receives significantly fewer su ...
Global Research.ca
- Failure of the Globalization Model: The Arab Sprin ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld acc ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to Wor ...The expansion of American imperialism globally under the Obama administration
- US-NATO Killings of Civilians in AfghanistanFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Global Economic Slump: Dramatic Job Losses in ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Memories of TunisI'm traveling in Vietnam, and so cannot cast any light on the extraordinary events in Tunisia, but thought some readers might be interested in this excerpt from a letter I just received from a student I taught there in 2006. I wrote her to ask for her reactions to the upheaval. We've exchanged let ...
- You Mean We Don't Have To Bomb Iran After All?It is now about six months since the world was dramatically warned, in an Atlantic cover story, and by a reporter who claimed unprecedented access to the Israeli intelligence community, that while the Obama administration would not strike Iran militarily, Israel very well might within the year--and ...
- AIPAC's Man, Dennis Ross, Now In Charge of Middle ...If anyone was wondering why the Obama administration's policy on Israel-Palestine is such an epic fail, look no further than today's Forward. Nathan Guttman, one of the best reporters on all matters Middle East/Washington, reveals that the problem is that Dennis Ross -- former chief of AIPAC's t ...
- A More Civil Discourse -- Foreign Policy Wonks' Ed ...As the country gropes for ways to lower the temperature and make political disagreement less disagreeable, I thought I'd look back to a 2006-07 initiative that brought together a bipartisan group of 20 foreign policy experts. The Stanley Foundation's Bridging the Foreign Policy Divide project was th ...
- Presented By:
- Wal-Mart Is Not a PersonThe peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for ...
- National Insanity�
- MLK Was a Working-Class Hero"I AM A MAN," the signs proclaimed in large, bold letters. They were held high, proudly and defiantly, by African-American men marching through the streets of Memphis, Tennessee, in the spring of 1968. The marchers were striking union members, sanitation workers demanding that the city of Memphis f ...
- 21st Century Segregation: Inverting King's DreamBrian Jones has asked us to pause during the 2011 MLK Day to consider King's reaction to the achievement gap that persists well into the twenty-first century, suggesting that education policy begun under George W. Bush—No Child Left Behind (NCLB)—and accelerated under Barack Obama works against Kin ...
- America Not as Politically Conservative as You Thi ...Voters self-identify as conservatives for several reasons, only one of which is that it reflects their politics.read more
- Is Our Hot Past Representative of Our FutureAn analysis by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Jeffrey Kiehl published in the most recent edition of the journal Science in the ‘Perspectives’ section has concluded that the sheer scale of climate change during Earth’s ancient history points to temperatures rising far more ...
- Atlantic Ocean Capable of Dramatic ChangesScientists have long assumed that the long-lasting and severe cold spells in Europe that have taken place since the Last Glacial Maximum some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago have been the result of changes in the circulation of the Atlantic Ocean currents. New research led by Cardiff University has now s ...
- New Method to Calculate Continent FormationDetermining the age of Earth’s continental crust has been the primary method of determining conditions on Earth for the past 4.4 billion years. The crust modified the composition of the mantle and the atmosphere, supports all life on Earth that we know of, and is a massive sink for carbon dioxide. N ...
- Despite Subtle Differences, Global Temperature Rec ...Last week Zach reported on the announcements made by NOAA and NASA concerning the year 2010 and its place in the list of warmest years on record. The statistics placed 2010 as tying with 2005 as the warmest year in the 131-year instrument record. NASA’s Adam Voiland, a member of the Earth Science Ne ...
- Mount Etna EruptsOn the 11th of January, Mount Etna, in Sicily, Italy, Europe’s largest volcano, erupted briefly, spewing flames, ash and smoke into the atmosphere and lava down its slopes. The ESA’s Envisat MERIS captured an image of the volcano from above, a trail of smoke drifting to the east. And below is an ima ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Panel to expand network of stream monitors in Marc ...The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is expanding its network of electronic water-quality monitors
- Oil Budget Calculator: Deepwater Horizon Spill -- ...The Federal Interagency Solutions Group, Oil Budget Calculator Science and Engineering Team http://t
- Energy-Water Nexus: A Better and Coordinated Under ...GAO http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d1135.pdf [Summary] Oil shale deposits in Colorado, Utah, and Wyomi
- More fresh water on way to CaloosahatcheeMore fresh water on way to Caloosahatchee (News Press)
- Another lesson learnedWoke up today with one of our 1 week old spawns totally gone. There were only about a dozen of them.
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Chris Hedges: Obama is a "Poster Child for the Dea ...with Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad December 20, 2010 Image by Dandelion Salad via Fli
- Michael Parenti: The Panama Deception + US imperia ...with Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.michaelparenti.org December 20, 2010 Image
- Is Bradley Manning Being Held as Some Sort of “Ene ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 20 December, 2010 Imag
- Bitter Memories of War on the Way to Jail by Chris ...Image by Collin David Anderson via Flickr by Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig D
- Animal Factory - A Book Reviewby Guadamour Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Dec. 19, 2010 Image via Wikipedia In the book Animal Fa
Axis of Logic
- "Venezuela Says Oil Reserves Surpass Saudi Arabia' ...In the Reuters report republished in full below, the corporate media (CNBC/Reuters) overstepped itself - again - taking every conceivable opportunity to attack President Chávez in what should have been a simple, straight-forward news bulletin. They begin by raising questions about his character, the ...
- U.S. : 200 cows found dead in Wisconsin field - Wo ...STOCKTON, Wis., Jan. 15 (UPI) -- A Wisconsin farmer suspects a virus killed about 200 of his cows. Portage County sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a farm field in Stockton Friday after the department was notified of the dead cows, the Wausau Daily Herald reported. The sheriff's department ...
- The Slave Revolution that created a nation - Haiti...
- The War On WikiLeaks - Critical AnalysisThe attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders, in politics and journalism. The incitement to murder trumpeted by public figures in the United States, together with attempts by the Obama administration to corrupt ...
- Right-wing and liberal media fawn over Obama speec ...15 January 2011 President Obama’s Wednesday night speech at a memorial service for the victims of the Tucson massacre has been hailed by all sections of the corporate-controlled media, both liberal and conservative. Its main theme—opposing any political analysis of the attempted assassination of ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Another American Company Takes The Money and RunsAnother one of those stories that falls through the cracks or gets buried on page six of the financial news. �I've said all along that the real information as to what's happening to America isn't in the big stories that get blasted across the front pages or trumpeted on the network and cable bobbleh ...
- Those who lie about history deserve to be forgotte ...History is written by the winners. And so it is not surprising that in Tennessee the triumphant Republican Tea Party is demanding sweeping changes in state law governing school curriculums and textbooks that would have the effect of whitewashing history to ensure that nothing in the public record be ...
- New Tactic in the War on Drugs: Starve Addicts' Ch ...In the spirit of President Obama's call for civility in political discourse, I'll just say this: KY rethuglican oxygen-stealing excuse for a legislator Lonnie Napier is a vicious, mouth-breathing fucker and a disgrace to the human race. That IS the polite version. And infinite shame heaped on KY Hou ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapThe first shots of civil war in Tunisia. "Tunisian forces are exchanging fire near the presidential palace with members of deposed President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali's guard, reports say. Witnesses reported heavy gunfire in Carthage, north of the capital Tunis, where the palace is located. It comes a ...
- No Wonder The Corporatistas Want Him AssassinatedMary Bottari @ Truthout_ What Does WikiLeaks Have on Bank of America? Possibly the one company in the world more evil than Goldman Sachs and AIG and the three of them together make up an "axis of evil" that puts BushCo's to shame . �I can't help but think once in a while what a nice country we'd sti ...
Care 2
- More 2010 Victories for Animals�This is ONLY some of the thousands of 2010 victories for animalsSubmitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Senior Driving Laws From Around the World24 states have no vision exam required to renew a license, and 44 will renew the license of a senior driver online, or from mail. With so many senior drivers on the roads in the US, you may be wondering if it�s like this all over the world. Submitted by Manuel L. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
- Amazing rock formation The Wave, ArizonaThe Wave is a sandstone rock formation located in the United States of America near the Arizona and Utah border on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes, in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, on the Colorado Plateau. It is famous among hikers and phoSubmitted by Nena P. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it ...
- Found: Six Endangered Haitian Frogs, Feared Lost f ...Moore�s expedition set out in search of the La Selle Grass frog (E. glanduliferoides), which hasn�t been seen since 1985 and is feared extinct; the mission was part of Conservation International�s �Search for Lost Frogs� campaign.Submitted by Katie Miller to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
- Is Your iPod Putting You at Risk for an Accident?With visual, manual, and cognitive distractions while driving, it�s surprising that there are so few accidents. Nearly 11% of all drivers admit to using cell phones while driving, knowing cell usage delays response time as much as being over the blood alcSubmitted by Dustin B. to Offbeat �|� �Note- ...
Smirking Chimp
- Christina Green's Civics Lesson
- Tomgram: Stephan Salisbury, The Right Wing of Kill ...
- MLK Injustice Index 2011: Racism, Materialism and ...
- Momma Grizzly Mauls Smokey the Bear
- Sarah Palin and disturbing patterns
Paul Krugman
- Productivity Over the Business Cycle (Wonkish)Labor hoarding, gone with the wind.
- Health Care BasicsHow it works.
- Column CommentsNot my department.
- The Role of the Dollar: Who Cares?Who? Hu.
- When Logic and Proportion Have FallenPolicy? Go ask Alice.
No Quarter
- The Memorial Service That Wasn’t, And CelebrationsThis timely essay was written January 13, 2011: Wednesday night’s Memorial Service for the victims of Jared Loughner’s shooting rampage was widely framed as being a “defining” moment of Obama’s presidency. I am not sure why that was the meme, which continues to be perpetuated the day after, but ther ...
- Indigestible MarketingI love Jamie Lee Curtis. What’s not to love? The “Scream Queen,” who scared the peejeezus out of me during an earlier time before I was connoisseur of better movies, matured into a great actress with many fine films and awards to her credit. She’s beautiful, she’s smart, and she is aging the way we ...
- OPEN THREAD + Revealed: Hillary is now running the ...Bumped Up + Open Thread Bill finally convinced Michelle it was time to step aside and let the grownups take over. Plus. John Edwards and Dick Morris have discovered what is really under the skin of the Capitol Onion and philosophical leaders around the world are in awe.. “I think we can fix this..” ...
- While We Were Distracted This Week By Faux Outrage ...What did we miss in the news? Well, a bunch of things, actually. And perhaps this is why this whole ginned up “civility” discussion has been the primary focus of the talking heads. I hasten to add, the stories of the six victims in Tucson, Judge John Roll, Christina Taylor Green, Giffords Aide Gabe ...
- Detroit GovernanceEditor’s Note: Catch Larry Johnson on John Batchelor’s syndicated radio show TONIGHT at around 9:35 to 10:00 p.m. ET. You’ll find programming details and “how to listen” instructions at the end of this post. What’s the trouble in Detroit? The bailouts? The UAW? The weather? Not exactly. Governance i ...