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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23 January - Doomblogging

CourtyardImage by Adventures in Librarianship via Flickr

'Extraordinary' ice comets crash into sun

SOTT Focus: Pole Shift? Look to the Skies!

High-ranking members of US military part of 'Knights of Malta,' 'Opus Dei,' reporter claims

ROME - NOVEMBER 04: Reverend Bishop Javier Ech...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Seymour Hersh has broken some massive stories in his day, but uncovering secret societies within the highest echelons of America's military would probably be the biggest of his career.

Well, get ready for the media storm, because that's essentially what Hersh told an audience in Doha, Qatar recently, according to a report published earlier this week by Foreign Policy.

Earth Changes

More Recent News

Fire in the Sky

More Recent News

Battle about The Weather ?

The main issue currently being the aftermath of the global warming hoax promoted by Mr. Al Gore and members of the United Nations. They predicted a disastrous warming of our planet, whereas the measurable and verifiable signs then already stood on global cooling! The latter -in a way- being truly disastrous for all of us in due course, if indeed some new mini-Ice Age turns up. To establish that will take another 5-8 years or so. Many times I wrote about this, because I find it irresponsible (and costly) to deny verifiable facts as to continue policies for our future based on (a) ignorance, (b) using tampered and selective data, (c) causing misplaced fears. Now we see promoters of the climate hoax crawling backwards, or finding themselves entangled in contradictions. Yet, weather remains hardly predictable. I rely for my opinion on experts like AccuWeather weatherman Joe Bastardi and WeatherAction's Piers Corbyn, a British scientist who has his very own Sun-Moon related strategy to predict the air circulation. Bastardi follows the path of physics and what we know about the Earth and its history. Why is weather important? Because it is a factor for your future planning, where to live, to work, to prosper. What if you no longer could live in Northern-America; where to go to? Doom-thinking? I believe it isn't. It is reality thinking! Now hear and see what both experts have (not) in common about our mutual global weather future...

Haramein - the Rise of a new Prophet?

 Nikola Tesla - the forgotten Wizard

How to Predict an Earthquake?

Tutankhamun, Tunguska,... Tomorrow?

 Beams of Doom from times before Time?

The non-linearity of Science

The Paracast: Jerome Clark

This week’s Paracast with Gene Steinberg and co-host Chris O’Brien features Jerome Clark, author of “The UFO Encyclopedia” and “Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds.”
After listening to this interview, I was kind of surprised by a researcher in present day ufology who still adhered to the “nuts and bolts” theory of UFOs. To him, paranormal activities are a separate animal to be explained differently.

Tau Zero and Breakthrough Spaceship Propulsion
In the mainstream, propulsion science does not recognize UFO propulsion technology per se, (Bob Bigelow not withstanding), but there are several theories being bandied about and while interstellar travel just might occur before we become a Kardashev Level One Civilization in around two hundred years (approx. 2200 ACE) , the chances of practical interstellar propulsion being found soon are nil.
From Centauri Dreams:
Notice that the space drive is fundamentally different from what is more and more known as a ‘warp’ drive, the point being that the space drive interacts with spacetime rather than warping spacetime.
....The primary issues are conservation of momentum and net external thrust, with the concept raising huge questions about the sources of inertial frames, the nature of the quantum vacuum energy, and the physics of photon momentum in media.

Tectonic Movement on Mars?

In an attempt to quantify the Anthropic Principle (IMHO), one of Canada’s leading astrophysicists, Sidney van den Bergh tries to explain in a short paper that the Milky Way Galaxy is indeed a unique formation in the Universe for the fact that it carries along two companions; the Lesser and Greater Magellanic Clouds:
Astronomers have long known that the Milky Way’s two closest neighbours are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, giant clouds of stars, gas and dust called irregular galaxies.
This is strange for two reasons. These galaxies are much younger than ours and may have even formed together. It looks as if they may just be passing by, on their way to somewhere else. Most other galaxies like ours, such as Andromeda, don’t have a single companion like this, so having two seems rather fortunate.
But there’s something else as well. The Large Magellanic cloud is unusually luminous. In fact, there are only two other irregular galaxies in the entire local universe that come close. “In other words the Large Magellanic Cloud seems to be close to the upper luminosity limit for irregular galaxies,” says van den Bergh. That’s unusual too.
In recent years, astronomers have begun to work out just how rare this is. Sky surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey allow astronomers to work out the distribution of various types of galaxy. They’ve looked at 22581 galaxies like the Milky Way and found that 81% have no satellite galaxies as bright as the Magellanic Clouds, 11% have one such satellite, and only 3.5% host two such satellite galaxies.
That makes the Milky Way very unusual. As van den Bergh puts it: “That the Galaxy should have an irregular companion as luminous as the Large Magellanic Cloud is almost a miracle.”
One of the central tenets of cosmology is the Copernican principle: that we live on an ordinary planet, in an average galaxy, in a mediocre part of the Universe.
But it’s beginning to look as if the Milky Way, or at least its neighbourhood, doesn’t follow that rule at all. So the question for astronomers and cosmologists is why this has come about and what its significance should be. An interesting conundrum.
Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1012.3492: A Strange Mènage Á Trois

 Posts tagged ‘Singularity’


Now for a little “Pro” Singularity Tech

Last week I showed a couple of points against a technological singularity happening, but today I’ll show how a Singularity is being actively pursued by governments and corporations via the Internet. From Red Ice Creations: This is an interesting commercial for BBC’s “Superpower” about “The Extraordinary Power Of The Internet”. Showing how humanity is being [...]

The Anti-Singularity

Definition of Technological Singularity from Wikipedia: “A technological singularity is a hypothetical event occurring when technological progress becomes so extremely rapid, due in most accounts to the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligences, that it makes the future after the singularity qualitatively different and harder to predict. It has been suggested that a singularity will occur during the 21st [...]

The Quantum Entanglement of Energy

When it comes to the discussion of quantum entanglement, you might as well be speaking Mandarin Chinese to myself and most folks (not a bad language to learn right now IMHO). The concept is alien and is far from the classical Newtonian physics we understand on a daily basis as the distance from Earth to [...]

Duck and Cover, Quantum Computing and Kurzweil Interview

Duck your head! Astronomers say it may be space junk or it could be a tiny asteroid, too small to cause damage even if it hit. It’s 33 to 50 feet wide at most. NASA says that on Wednesday at 7:47 a.m. EST, it will streak by, missing Earth by about 80,000 miles. In the [...]

The Hundred Paths of Transhumanism

What is Transhumanism? The term itself has many definitions, depending on who you ask. The stock meaning is that transhumanism is a step toward being ‘posthuman’, and that term is subject to many iterations also. One definition of  being transhuman is using advanced technology to increase or preserve the quality of life of an individual. And [...]

Cyclical Singularity  **

Could zodiacal precessional cycles of our Solar System mark the ascensions and declensions of ‘Singularities’ throughout human history? And if we do experience a technological singularity within the next 20 years, is it just a repeat of what mankind experienced before? Discoveries like the ancient Greek Antikythera computer (1500 years before the invention of precision [...]

The Undesigned Brain is Hard to Copy (Science Not Fiction, blog)

Psychology and more wrote 5 days ago: “The brain is hardware, the mind is software. Therefore, to run the mind on different hardware … more →

Vernor Vinge on the Technological Singularity at #alamw112 comments

mryanhess wrote 2 weeks ago: It was an otaku-ramma at the Vernor Vinge interview at ALA Midwinter 2011, hosted by LITA. The subje … more →

Reading and listening to

robotman wrote 2 weeks ago: Robin Hanson of GMU talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the idea of a technological singular … more →

Partly Cloudy, Chance of Brain

Mel wrote 2 weeks ago: In You Are Not A Gadget, Jaron Lanier characterizes the cloud computing/singularity enthusiasts as b … more →

PhD Exam Reading List9 comments

anarchistwithoutcontent wrote 1 month ago: Area 1: Non-linear Historical Materialism Examined by Eugene W. Holland   Revolutions in theory … more →

From Commune to Commun-ication in the Heat of Insurrection

anarchistwithoutcontent wrote 1 month ago: From Raúl Zibechi, Dispersing Power, p 60-4: Maturana and Varela argue that in communication there i … more →

Maybe There is Hope for Silicon Valley (and the World) After All

Vivek Wadhwa wrote 1 month ago: Living in Silicon Valley, one gets used to meeting people who are optimistic and who talk about chan … more →

What The Hell is SingularityU Anyway?1 comment

divabiotech wrote 1 month ago: This week I am experiencing one of the most mind bending, eye opening, future looking weeks of my li … more →

Humanity Plus: Session 1 Thoughts6 comments

Lisa wrote 1 month ago: Session one explored the theme of “Re-imagining humans: Mind, Media and Methods.”  Of th … more →

Futurology. Table of Contents.

Maria Konovalenko wrote 1 month ago: Futurology studies the implementation probability of various scenarios of possible and disirable fut … more →

The Technological Singularity: A brief explanation

Odd wrote 1 month ago: The phenomenon that is being called the ‘Technological Singularity’, if or when it happens, will cha … more →

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