Natural Remedies (Food as Medicine)
New Vaccine Science Can Help Bridge the Divide
Fear of the unknown is what terrifies us the most, fear of being unable to have control over what the future holds. At the root of that fear is knowing that the choices we make today could have a profound impact on what happens tomorrow. 1 Fear is a strong emotion that helps people take action but fear does not help people think clearly and make well informed choices. 2, 3
Fear has dominated the public debate about the risks of infectious diseases and the risks of vaccination during the past three decades. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Now it is jeopardizing the urgent need to create a supportive environment for researchers to conduct well designed studies to answer outstanding questions about vaccine safety, questions that the Institute of Medicine pointed out in 19919 and 1994 10 needed to be answered and that the National Vaccine Advisory Committee outlined in 2009 and 2010 during a public engagement initiative. 11.....On January 3-7, 2011, a vaccine safety conference was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica that included a diverse groups of delegates from around the world, including senior scientists and physicians, editors of scientific journals, experts in vaccine regulation, social science and health policy, consumer child health advocates, legal experts and members of the media. 23 Public observers in the audience included Jamaican physicians, wellness practitioners, graduate and medical students in public health programs and parents.
The international meeting was underwritten by individuals and private family foundations and co-sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center. The goal was to further evaluate vaccine safety science and vaccine policy in light of the fact that 89 percent of recently polled American parents put vaccine safety at the top of their list of medical research priorities, 24 while health consumers in other developed countries are also questioning the quality of vaccine science. 25, 26
All of the delegates expressed concern about increases during the past three decades in the numbers of children and adults affected by immune and inflammatory diseases, ranging from asthma 27 and neurodevelopmental disorders 28, 29, 30 to the emergence of previously rare but serious autoimmune health conditions.31, 32 Many delegates presented information from the peer reviewed scientific literature and pointed out gaps in knowledge about the biological mechanisms for vaccine induced brain and immune dysfunction, 33 as well as the fact there is inadequate information about:
One: Genetic and biological high risk factors 34, 35 for vaccine injury and death;
Two: Vaccine safety data, especially for delayed or chronic health outcomes;
Three: Vaccine additives, including aluminum adjuvants, which are immune stimulating agents, as well as mercury preservatives;
Four: Multiple vaccinations given simultaneously or repeatedly over time;
Five: Bias in reporting of vaccine risks and benefits; and
Six: Novel vaccine-associated autoimmune diseases.
Cherchez la Verite
Webster G. Tarpley
Awareness is growing around the world that the Wikileaks-Julian Assange theater of the absurd is radically inauthentic – a psyop. Wikileaks and its impaired boss represent a classic form of limited hangout or self-exposure, a kind of lurid striptease in which the front organization releases doctored and pre-selected materials provided by the intelligence agency with the intent of harming, not the CIA, nor the UK, nor the Israelis, but rather such classic CIA enemies’ list figures as Putin, Berlusconi, Karzai, Qaddafi, Rodriguez de Kirchner, etc.
In Tunisia, derogatory material about ex-President Ben Ali leaked by Wikileaks has already brought a windfall for Langley in the form of the rare ouster of an entrenched Arab government.
NSC, State, and CIA believe that the color revolution has a new lease on life, thanks to their estimate that the United States, because of Wikileaks and Assange, has captured the imagination of a new generation of young nihilists across the globe who are described as the post-9/11 generation, estranged from governments and opposition parties, and thus ready to follow Langley’s peroxide Pied Piper.
With the third document dump, this time involving State Department cables, we found out much derogatory gossip about such classic CIA targets as Russian prime minister Putin, Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, the Russian-Italian strategic alliance, President Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina, and President Karzai of Afghanistan, along with jabs at supposed US allies who need to be kept off-balance and dependent, including the Saudi Arabian royal family, French President Sarkozy, and others. Wikileaks thus directs the vast majority of its fire against figures who are part of the CIA’s enemies list.
Assange also provides a splendid pretext for draconian censorship and limitations on the freedom of the internet
It is wrong to capitulate to the demagogic power of these media by making it appear that there might be some legitimate value to Assange. Up to now, the CIA has been organizing color revolutions using Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and so forth as vehicles. Now they think they have a cult figure whom they can sell to the youth bulge in the Arab world and other developing countries, where most of the population is under 30. This is an operation which must be exposed.
Wikileaks was apparently founded in 2006. Originally, the group was programmed to attack China, and its board was heavily larded with fishy Chinese dissidents and “democracy” activists from the orbit of the Soros foundations. Interestingly, the first big publicity breakthrough for Wikileaks in the mainstream US media was provided by an infamous totalitarian liberal today ensconced in the Obama White House – none other than Cass Sunstein. In Sunstein’s op-ed published in the Washington Post of February 24, 2007 under the title “Brave new Wikiworld,” we read: “Wikileaks.org, founded by dissidents in China and other nations, plans to post secret government documents and to protect them from censorship with coded software.” How interesting that Sunstein was present at the creation of the new Wikileaks psywar operation!
In his January 2008 Harvard Law School Working Paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” Sunstein infamously demanded that the United States government deploy groups of covert operatives and pseudo-independent agents of influence for the “cognitively infiltration of extremist groups” – meaning organizations, activists and Internet websites who espouse beliefs which Sunstein chooses to classify as “false conspiracy theories.”
US Diplomats in Wikileaks, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
There's some very important new information leaked in the Wikileaks diplomatic cables. There's also another category of ravings based on the US diplomats tainted view of the world and their imagined truths. These involve a great deal of insults to world leaders in Bolivia, Venezuela, Libya and elsewhere.
There's still another category and these are lies, based on gossip, misinformation and US imperialism.
When it comes to the profiteering from war and weapons sales, there's plenty of new info, like how Peru is concerned over US arms sales to Chile.
What Wikileaks has given us in the diplomatic cables is an inside look into the dark recesses of the minds of US diplomats. It is not always a pretty place to be, or an honest one.
There's also plenty of smut there, along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's now famous command: Get DNA, e-mail passwords, credit card accounts and frequent flyer numbers, on world leaders.
ZETAS CABLE released by Wikileaks on Wed., Jan. 26, 2011:
Ellen Brown, January 12th, 2011
The Federal Reserve was set up by bankers for bankers, and it has served them well. Out of the blue, it came up with $12.3 trillion in nearly interest-free credit to bail the banks out of a credit crunch they created. That same credit crisis has plunged state and local governments into insolvency, but the Fed has now delivered its ultimatum: there will be no “quantitative easing” for municipal governments.
On January 7, according to the Wall Street Journal, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed had ruled out a central bank bailout of state and local governments. "We have no expectation or intention to get involved in state and local finance," he said in testimony before the Senate Budget Committee.
The states "should not expect loans from the Fed."
So much for the proposal of President Barack Obama, reported in Reuters a year ago, to have the Fed buy municipal bonds to cut the heavy borrowing costs of cash-strapped cities and states.
The credit woes of state and municipal governments are a direct result of Wall Street’s malfeasance. Their borrowing costs first shot up in 2008, when the “monoline” bond insurers lost their own credit ratings after gambling in derivatives. The Fed’s low-interest facilities could have been used to restore local government credit, just as it was used to restore the credit of the banks. But Chairman Bernanke has now vetoed that plan.
Why? It can hardly be argued that the Fed doesn’t have the money. The collective budget deficit of the states for 2011 is projected at $140 billion, a mere drop in the bucket compared to the sums the Fed managed to come up with to bail out the banks. According to data recently released, the central bank provided roughly $3.3 trillion in liquidity and $9 trillion in short-term loans and other financial arrangements to banks, multinational corporations, and foreign financial institutions following the credit crisis of 2008.
The argument may be that continuing the Fed’s controversial “quantitative easing” program (easing credit conditions by creating money with accounting entries) will drive the economy into hyperinflation. But creating $12.3 trillion for the banks -- nearly one hundred times the sum needed by state governments -- did not have that dire effect. Rather, the money supply is shrinking – by some estimates, at the fastest rate since the Great Depression. Creating another $140 billion would hardly affect the money supply at all.
Why didn’t the $12.3 trillion drive the economy into hyperinflation? Because, contrary to popular belief, when the Fed engages in “quantitative easing,” it is not simply printing money and giving it away. It is merely extending CREDIT, creating an overdraft on the account of the borrower to be paid back in due course. The Fed is simply replacing expensive credit from private banks (which also create the loan money on their books) with cheap credit from the central bank.
So why isn’t the Fed open to advancing this cheap credit to the states? According to Mr. Bernanke, its hands are tied. He says the Fed is limited by statute to buying municipal government debt with maturities of six months or less that is directly backed by tax or other assured revenue, a form of debt that makes up less than 2% of the overall muni market. Congress imposed that restriction, and only Congress can change it.
That may sound like he is passing the buck, but he is probably right. Bailing out state and local governments IS outside the Fed’s mandate. The Federal Reserve Act was drafted by bankers to create a banker’s bank that would serve their interests. No others need apply. The Federal Reserve is the bankers’ own private club, and its legal structure keeps all non-members out.
Resistance is Futile, Christians
This is just an example of how some Christian figures are essentially telling their flock that yes, the NWO is real, but it's God's plan and you should let it happen.http://kenraggio.com/KRPN-Four-Beasts-Of-Daniel.html
January 06, 2011
Crackdown on Organized Labor: States Call for Wage & Benefits Cuts, Urge Laws to Curb Union Influence
In states across the country, elected officials and right-wing pundits are calling not just for cuts to wages and benefits in the name of austerity, but even proposing laws to undermine labor unions’ influence, and in fact, their very existence.
WIKI: US investigates Indigenous Peoples and trains police in Chile
The United States trains Chilean police and the FBI investigates Indigenous Peoples in Chile, according to a Wikileaks cable. Chile expresses concern over the “radicalization” of Chile’s Indigenous Peoples and whether they are funded by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, in the cable dated 2008.
The US training of Chilean police came under scrutiny after Chilean forces attacked Indigenous Peoples, Rapa Nui, on their ancestral lands on Easter Island in December of 2010. The violent and brutal attacks by Chilean police left Rapa Nui wounded.
US Ambassador Paul Simon wrote that Chile’s Minister of Interior Edmundo Perez Yoma asked the US to “follow the money,” to see if it leads to Chavez, or FARC, and to help with Chile’s “Mapuche issue.”
Ambassador Simons said the US has experience “integrating Indigenous Peoples into the broader society.”
“The U.S. has experience at both national and state levels on the integration of indigenous peoples into the broader U.S. society.”
Ambassador Simons, of course, did not state the path of this integration in the US involved first the murder, rape and genocide of American Indians, followed by the destruction of culture and families by forced attendance in abusive boarding schools, and finally, the continued oppression of Indian people and obliteration of Indian human rights in the United States.
A Tale of Two Kitties - The Modern Failure of Natural Human Selection and what it Means for Mother Earth
For a long time, the problem with the cat society in the Wood household was that originally, the psychopath ruled the roost. Knowing he could be subjected to a brutal attack without provocation, the more mild mannered Snowball submitted at every confrontation. Wasabi Jones claimed all the choice turf (like the master bedroom) for himself and dominated at the food dish. With the introduction of the bold and beautiful Stinky, who is unwilling to take any shit from anybody, and the benefit of numbers, Stinky and Snowball have managed to turn the tide of power. Stinky has not only liberated herself from the tyranny of Wasabi Jones, but in doing so has freed Snowball from his life of subjugation. Sanity has been restored.
While compelling in its own right, the above narrative of my three cats has a telling parallel in the human world. Anthropologist Ruth Benedict once theorized that throughout history the world has had “good” cultures and “bad” cultures, with the good cultures, being peaceful and ecologically sustainable and bad cultures being warring and environmentally-destructive.
Benedict’s research found that good cultures were characterized by egalitarian and communal rather than hierarchical and individualistic social and economic structures. In the good societies, people who blatantly accumulated resources and who were prone to violence and greed were ostracized. In the “bad” societies, those individuals who dominated through violence and accumulation were exalted to positions of authority in the hierarchy. Western culture today would fall into the “bad” category here.
In the modern world, he who possesses the most weapons of mass destruction and the most predatory economic model wins. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Peace-loving, sane people who really don’t want more than their fair share of resources are a majority. The problem is that the few aggressive psychotics have intimidated everyone else into submission. Like Snowball and Stinky, we need to take the Earth back from the lunatics and restore sanity before it is too late.
Climate litigation: hundreds of billions of dollars
The AFP is writing about the emerging field of climate lawsuits:
Climate change: Dogs of law are off the leashWhile no court has awarded anyone a single cent for climate-related damages yet, some people are getting ready for the possible explosion of such lawsuits in the future. At hundreds of billions of dollars, the damages could humiliate all the cancer-related tobacco and asbestos lawsuits. So it makes sense for many people to dream about these "opportunities" and to get ready.
Transfers of hundreds of billions of dollars justified by hot air - an omnipresent and harmless trace gas - could throw the global economy into havoc.
An Atmospheric Time Machine
Pick a day during the past 138 years -- during the "Dust Bowl" say, or the 1938 New York Hurricane, or the blizzards in the Prairies in 1899 -- and now scientists can tell you pretty much what the atmosphere was up to at the time.
Using measurements of air pressure on land and sea going back into the 19th century and powerful supercomputers, a big international team of researchers have built a set of data that describes what Earth's atmosphere -- from the surface to the Jet Stream -- has been doing every six hours since 1871.- Renegade Star Rips Through Space
- Great Pyramid May Hold Two Hidden Chambers
- Space Shuttle Challenger: 25 Years Later: Slide Show
- Faces of Our Ancestors
- Humans Left Trees 4.2 Million Years Ago
- Synthetic Gasoline For $1.50/Gallon and No Emissions
- Sizing Up the Daedalus Interstellar Spacecraft : Slide Show
- Sky's the Limit in Space Real Estate Monopoly
- Humans Would Beat Neanderthals in Marathon
- Holographic Princess Leia Nears Reality
Warm North Atlantic Heating Arctic
Not only is the water the warmest its been in the past 20 centuries, report German scientist Robert F. Spielhagen and colleagues, but the flow known as the Arctic Atlantic Water Layer (AAWL) is carrying more water."Both effects -- a temperature rise as well as a volume transport increase -- introduce a larger heat input into the Arctic Ocean," they write. "Although there is no direct contact of the AAWL with the ocean surface in the Arctic, such an increased heat input has far-reaching consequences."

Water from the Fram Strait has warmed about 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past century, a rise which Spielhagen called "significantly different from all climate variations in the last 2,000 years." Overall, air temperatures in Greenland have risen about 7 degrees F in the past several decades.
In a statement issued by the University of Colorado-Boulder, the National Snow and Ice Data Center estimates the loss of Arctic sea ice from 1979 to 2009 was an area larger than the state of Alaska.
UC researcher Thomas Marchitto, a co-author of the study, noted that cold seawater "is critical for the formation of sea ice, which helps to cool the planet by reflecting sunlight back to space.
"Sea ice also allows Arctic air temperatures to be very cold by forming an insulating blanket over the ocean," he said. "Warmer waters could lead to major sea ice loss and drastic changes for the Arctic."
( Funny. You mean to tell me this wasn't predicted by Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas modeling ? Oh...it's not the atmosphere that changed. That's o.k. Global Mean Change isn't necessarily in play here...but albedo change will presumably cause greater rates of warming. )
comments pliny the elderAt the time of the Norse settlement, the inner regions of the long fjords where the settlements were located were very different from today. Excavations show that there were considerable birch woods with birch trees up to 4 to 6 meters high in the area around the inner parts of the Tunuliarfik- and Aniaaq-fjords, the central area of the Eastern settlement, and the hills were grown with grass and willow brushes. This was due to the medieval climate optimum. The Norse soon changed the vegetation by cutting down the trees to use as building material and for heating and by extensive sheep and goat grazing during summer and winter. The climate in Greenland was much warmer during the 1st centuries of settlement but became increasingly colder in the 14th and 15th centuries with the approaching period of colder weather known as the Little Ice Age
Eric the Red devised a plan where they would name the country the exact opposite from what it was in order to recruit additional settlers.
Firey Buddha

sadly, good journalistic writing, at least online, is a thing of the past, for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is getting the story out before anyone else. and also, sadly, i fall into the category of not reading a story i've already read - albeit poorly written or researched.
Czech climate change boss: it's nonsense to dramatically reduce emissions
In the newest interview for Ekolist.CZ ("Ecopaper"), he explains that climate mitigation plans are nonsensical:
Climatologist Jan Pretel: It's nonsense to drastically reduce emissions (automatic translation from Czech)First, he is asked what he imagines under the term "climate change". He says that it's a fallacy to attribute e.g. traffic accidents to the climate change - the weather is the culprit - and it's nonsense to talk about catastrophes e.g. in the Czech context where they can't occur. The tropical zone requires a closer scrutiny.
Friendly Fire: The American Empire, Before the Fall (Featuring Bruce Fein)
From YouTube:In this episode of Friendly Fire, John Whitehead goes head-to-head with constitutional scholar Bruce Fein about the fall of the American empire.
citizen's arrest: dick cheney, officer bubbles, you're coming with me
So the Harper government thinks we need a a vigilante law. Since tough-on-crime legislation, no matter how silly and unnecessary, is always popular, let's assume this will pass handily. How can we make this law work for the greater good? Will it be easier to arrest Tony Hayward? Dick Cheney? Tony Blair? All the taser-happy cops?The fact that the NDP and the Liberals have put forth similar private member's bill only proves that pandering is nonpartisan.
Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity
New York Republican Peter King has introduced a bill that would protect the army of citizen spies Homeland Security hopes to recruit under Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” snoop campaign from lawsuits brought by innocent people wrongly accused of being terrorists or extremists.“A top US lawmaker unveiled legislation on Wednesday to protect individuals who tip off authorities to potential extremist threats from lawsuits, in the event that they turn out to finger innocents,” reports AFP.
House Homeland Security Chairman King, who is pushing the “See Something, Say Something Act,” wants to shield “good citizens who report suspicious activity” from facing the consequences of misidentifying innocent behavior as extremism or terror.
Continued. . .
( What is a Police State ? Just askin' )
Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution?
For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive... The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination... The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening... That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing... The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches...
...in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.[1]
An uprising in Tunisia led to the overthrow of the country’s 23-year long dictatorship of President Ben Ali. A new ‘transitional’ government was formed, but the protests continued demanding a totally new government without the relics of the previous tyranny. Protests in Algeria have continued for weeks, as rage mounts against rising food prices, corruption and state oppression. Protests in Jordan forced the King to call on the military to surround cities with tanks and set up checkpoints. Tens of thousands of protesters marched on Cairo demanding an end to the 30-year dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. Thousands of activists, opposition leaders and students rallied in the capitol of Yemen against the corrupt dictatorship of President Saleh, in power since 1978. Saleh has been, with U.S. military assistance, attempting to crush a rebel movement in the north and a massive secessionist movement growing in the south, called the “Southern Movement.” Protests in Bolivia against rising food prices forced the populist government of Evo Morales to backtrack on plans to cut subsidies. Chile erupted in protests as demonstrators railed against rising fuel prices. Anti-government demonstrations broke out in Albania, resulting in the deaths of several protesters.
During the anti-government protests following Iran’s 2009 election it was reported that protestors were using social networking sites, such as Twitter, to muster their forces. Iran accused Western powers of having a hand in the rebellion and coordinating these activities via the internet. The same social networks played a role in ‘color revolutions’ in Europe and elsewhere.
Allegations that Facebook, Twitter, and Google in particular, serve the interests of intelligence agencies abound; Twitter serving primarily in rapid communications of short messages and instructions.
Social networking played a role in ousting Tunisian president Zine Al Ben Ali. So much so, in fact, that Egyptian authorities quickly shut down the internet at the onset of the uprising there this week.
As a former law enforcement officer I see the investigative advantages of social networking sites, particularly Facebook.
British Israelism
Much like the Zionists also like to do, the American/Western media is saturated with 'Anglophile' propaganda, glamourising royalty, glamourising the English bluebloods (here is a little of the hidden reality), and of course glamourising the B'rithish Empire, making Americans out to be the big bad guys while poor England/Britain has to go along and follow whatever they do, for instance see the Iraq war. That is a vicious lie, it is quite the opposite.
Notice how the antiwar sites are all ready to discuss Iraq being a war for oil, or to control oil, yet are very very wary of talking about how the Afghan war is a war to spread the opium trade? Or, if they do touch the opium issue, they will say it's the CIA. Oh, sure, the CIA has been involved with drugs in S America. But opium dealing is an English Crown speciality. The British Empire fought a war with China solely to force them to accept the Crown's opium crop, and lest we forget, they have been to war in Afghanistan several times before. Today the crop coming out of Afghanistan is primarily directed at Russia, as the long term geopolitical UK-USAROG strategy has been to suppress and encircle Russia.
(For more on the war against Russia, see this documentary, "Death of a Nation", with Louis Theroux's brother hosting. If you can't recognise this as Meye6 gloating, there is no hope for you...)
BBC Hypocrisy: Context Edition
As a main topic of the leaked documents concerns East Jerusalem, it's only right that the BBC sets the scene. We're told that Israel "captured" East Jerusalem in the Six Day War, but are provided zero context (remember that word for later) as to why they were in a position to do so. All we're told is: "For the Palestinians and many in the Arab world this was a disaster." Yes, it's Arabist Gospel that Israel was an unprovoked aggressor in that war, but the BBC needs to be dealing in facts, not fiction. Israel's move into East Jerusalem is presented in a vacuum, and the reader is left to assume whatever they like.
In 1967, there was no such thing as Palestinians, outside of Arafat's little activist group. The people of East Jerusalem were Jordanians then. So the BBC creates a little alternate history. The propaganda is so deeply entrenched in their minds - and, most likely, in BBC editorial policy on the subject - that they write it as fact. But after being educated by the BBC, the average BBC audience member must find it very distasteful to learn that many Israelis viewed this "disaster" as a "miracle". I think we can see the Narrative taking shape.
Now for the bit where Jonathan Marcus explains how these documents make Israel look bad. First, he carefully explains the Palestinian position on East Jerusalem, the Settlements, and some of the larger picture. There is no mention of any Israeli concerns, as if it's unimportant, although there's a lone subheading about 'holy places'. We'll get to that shortly. Then Marcus writes this:
While the main thrust of these documents is to show a Palestinian Authority far more willing to offer compromises than the Israelis have ever been willing to admit, the story is not entirely one of sharp divisions and unbridgeable gulfs.Now we see how Israel is made to look the villain even here. Nasty old Israel has been dishonest and lying about Palestinian negotiations, right? Who's really not the valid partner in the peace process, eh, BBC?
As those who look to the BBC for their information wouldn't know, Jews are not allowed to pray at the only actual holy site in the entire religion: the Temple Mount. They are permitted to worship only at the base of a retaining wall around the perimeter of the compound. Jews are not permitted to worship or even dress too orthodox on the actual premises. Only Muslims are permitted. The fact is, this is tolerated by the Israeli government because all hell would break loose if they did anything about it. The BBC never honestly addresses this issue. No special segments on any religion programmes about how Judaism is the only major religion in the world not in control of its own holy site. (This always begs the question of how this situation could exist if Jews really had so much power over world affairs. They control everything except that? But that's for another time.)
Melanie Phillips: Marketing Bigotry
In her latest broadside against The Permissiveness Undermining Our Nation and Endangering Your Children, Mel uncovers a secret plot hatched by the cunning homosexualists who pull the government's strings. As "part of the ruthless campaign by the gay rights lobby to destroy the very concept of normal sexual behaviour" the biggest threat to kids are no longer the perverts hanging round the school gates, but the gay propaganda infiltrating exercise books and course content. Witness the shocking imminent changes to the curriculum:
"In geography, for example, they will be told to consider why homosexuals move from the countryside to cities. In maths, they will be taught statistics through census findings about the number of homosexuals in the population.
In science, they will be directed to animal species such as emperor penguins and sea horses, where the male takes a lead role in raising its young."
Trigonometry exercises illustrated by pink triangles, crafts geared around the production of soft furnishings, French replaced by Polari, and Year Ones not progressing until they've learned how to spell 'tribadism' can only be a fey handclap away. In short, unless we stop this sick filth now our schools will become madrassas for queer fundamentalism. People will stop having babies, Britain as we know it will vanish and this sceptered isle will be open to colonisation by the Allah-worshipping hordes.
In the real world and not the one existing inside Mel's bigoted brain, it is entirely proper the curriculum normalises trans, lesbian, bi and gay folk. The Tories especially have a historical debt to pay as Section 28 was introduced on their watch - a debt Dave himself has acknowledged and apologised for - and any positive moves to making good on that should be welcomed. But despite the massive strides made in gay acceptance legally, culturally, and socially these last 30 years, homophobic bullying remains an unwelcome rite of passage for LGBT and straight kids alike. As this BBC Report from 2007 shows, far from schools being the gay-friendly spaces Mel imagines them to be bullying remains endemic.
Misandry - Men Are Disposable
Following the foolish comments of Andy Gray, that were off-air but have cost him his career, the media machine took the chance to remind us all about the rampant Sexism that is everywhere in society. EMOINT media PSYOPS against women, to remind them that all men are bastards. Well that's a self fulfilling prophecy, if you have that attitude.
I am opposed to all Victimology. It's not good to encourage the victim mentality, which again is self fulfilling.
Feminism and Misogyny are a feedback loop, a duality. Both ought to go.
Looking at history, the argument that women were oppressed by evil men is only part of the picture. (Was Lady Macbeth oppressed by her husband?) What about hard labour, and wars? Were not men also oppressed? Were not women mostly, and men mostly, both oppressed?
The duty of men is to protect the women and children. This is not slavery any more than womens' duty is slavery, as feminists say. I don't think feminists would be complaining that women and children are the first ones off a sinking boat. Or would they? Depends how consistent they are in their androgynous principles.
It's worth noting that the 'illuminati' are overwhelmingly male; look at the occult orders that only let men in, they have to have seperate groups for the 'witches'. Yet behind the scenes you see these people pushing feminism. Warum? Ulterior motive? Aaron Russo told us the truth.
Windows Live Writer table plugin
For many bloggers creating HTML tables are a nightmare, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that all changes with ComputerJy's free Windows Live Writer (WLW) table plug-in.