Blacklisted News
- Israel said it would keep Gaza near collapse: Wiki ...Israel told US officials in 2008 it would keep Gaza's economy "on the brink of collapse" while avoiding a humanitarian crisis, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by a Norwegian daily on Wednesday.
- US sets up center for 'secret war'According to incumbent and former US officials, the center, run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), keeps an eye on the growing use of special operation strikes against individuals.
- Shift of Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Closes Main R ...The Federal Aviation Administration required the runway designation change to account for what a National Geographic News report described as a gradual shift of the Earth's magnetic pole at nearly 40 miles a year toward Russia because of magnetic changes in the core of the planet.
- FCC challenges app makers to protect open Internet�U.S. regulators are asking software developers in an "Open Internet Challenge" to create apps that let Internet users know when their service provider -- fixed or mobile -- is interfering with content.
- 40,000 crabs have been found dead on England beach ...The Star reported Wednesday that more than 40,000 dead Velvet swimming crabs have appeared on the Thanet shoreline in England. Dead starfish, lobsters, sponges and anemones were also found.
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter: December 31, 2010Note: I wish the best of luck to all the readers of A special thank you goes to...
- Washington Uses Arms Sales To Achieve Global Supre ...By Rick Rozoff In its Yearbook 2010, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)...
- The Haybox FactorBy John Michael Greer Like any other movement in contemporary society, the peak oil scene now and...
- In 2011 The Baby Boomers Start To Turn 65: 16 Stat ...By Michael T. Snyder Do you hear that rumble in the distance? That is the Baby Boomers –...
- America’s Gulf: New Report Says It’s DyingBy Stephen Lendman Concerned Citizens of (CCF) believe efforts must be made now...
My AntiWar
- Pilot’s Coffee Spill ‘Caused Hijack Al ...
- Navy Intel Chief: Chinese Missile Is Effective
- Report Says Army Cut Corners on Body Armor Tests
- Head Scratching Over Chinese Stealth Jet Pictures
- France Confirms Explosion at Its Embassy in Mali
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Us Steps Up Spying On Brazil, Turkey Due To Their ...Summary: TEHRAN, Jan 5 (Bernama) -- The U.S. has intensified its espionage on Turkey and Brazil after these two countries adopted an independent policy in the nuclear standoff between Iran and the West, Mehr News Agency quoted some intelligence sources as saying. source: Bernamaread more
- Leading conservatives openly support a Terrorist g ...Summary: Saddam-RajaviImagine if a group of leading American liberals met on foreign soil with -- and expressed vocal support for -- supporters of a terrorist group that had (a) a long history of hateful anti-American rhetoric, (b) an active role in both the takeover of a U.S. embassy and Saddam ...
- Iran invites nations to tour its nuclear sitesSummary: Iran has invited Russia, China, the EU and its allies in the Arab world and developing world to tour its nuclear sites, in an apparent move to gain support prior to a fresh round of talks with six world powers. source: Associated Press in Vienna read more
- THE WAR PARTY PUSHES OBAMA FOR EVEN MORE IRAN SANC ...Summary: The first issue of The Weekly Standard for 2011 includes an article by Reuel Marc Gerecht and Mark Dubowitz, entitled “The Logic of Our Iran Sanctions: Accelerate Them Now”. Gerecht and Dubowitz are both affiliated with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and are prominent voic ...
- Rudy Giuliani Proudly Supports Iranian Terrorist G ...Summary: A group of prominent Bush-era Republicans, including former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former White House adviser Frances Townsend and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, flew to Paris to speak in support of an Iranian exile group there ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Epic Discovery: Ancient Light from a Massive Black ...Cambridge University astronomers have discovered the 'missing link' in the evolution of the universe following the Big Bang, it was claimed today. For years scientists have known nothing about the 'dark ages' of space - a period between the Big...
- 104.3 on Your Radio-Galaxy Dial: "Centaurus A" -Mu ...This image of the relatively nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A, showing its giant lobes of radio emission in violet; the main galaxy and its nucleus are at the center. The inset shows a multiwavelength (including optical) image of the central...
- New Theory About Mars' Mystery Moon Phobos -Create ...The origin of Mars' moon, Phobos (fear in ancient Greek), is a mystery, but three theories are considered plausible. The first is that the moon is a captured asteroid; the second is that it formed in-situ as Mars formed below...
- Evolutionary Cycles of Andromeda Galaxy's Several ...The Andromeda Galaxy, our nearest large galactic neighbour, contains several hundred billion stars. The images at bottom of page show all stages of the stellar life cycle. The infrared image from Herschel shows areas of cool dust that trace reservoirs...
- Unlocking Your Inner Pufferfish: Science Traces DN ...Have you ever felt like you're really a fish? That you love the water, you want to swim forever, that you should don an artificial tail and eat kelp for the rest of your life? Then congratulations, you're crazy. But...
Natural News
- Urgent action needed to help stop fluoridation of ...(NaturalNews) There's good news on the fluoride front in New York City this week, but your help is needed there (and also in San Diego). Councilor Peter Vallone is introducing a bill to the New York City Council that would end fluoridation in NYC. We need help from all our New York City readers to s ...
- Vitamin supplements could save children from measl ...(NaturalNews) According to UNICEF, about two million children die each year from diarrhea. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 200,000 people -- mostly children -- also die annually from measles. But there's an effective way to reduce childhood sickness and death from these ...
- China to impose new GMO regulations, but will anyt ...(NaturalNews) The National People's Congress of China, also known as the Chinese parliament, seems poised to make some sweeping changes concerning genetically-modified organisms (GMO). China, which has typically been far more cautious about GMOs than Western countries like the U.S., may soon enact w ...
- The most evil corporation of the year? Vote now on ...(NaturalNews) Which corporation deserves to win the "Most Evil Corporation of the Year" award for 2010? NaturalNews readers can voice their views on this question by voting in our online survey (below).The candidates for the "Most Evil Corporation of the Year" award include Monsanto, Pfizer, the Fed ...
- If given a fair choice, most consumers would choos ...(NaturalNews) As a strong proponent of free market economics, I have long wondered why free markets don't seem to be operating in the health care industry. Today, it finally hit me with great clarity, and I'll share that with you here. But first, a primer on free market economics:As the free market ...
Threat Level
- WikiLeaks’ Assange Threatened Lawsuit Over Leaked ...Just weeks prior to unveiling a giant cache of leaked U.S. State Department cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange threatened to sue the Guardian newspaper in Britain over publication of the documents, according to a fascinating Vanity Fair article published Thursday that explores in detail the o ...
- Women Sue Over Secret Camera in Tanning SalonTwo Pennsylvania women are suing the owner of a tanning salon for invasion of privacy after discovering videos of themselves disrobing on online porn sites. The lawsuits, filed in Westmoreland County court in Pennsylvania, alleges that there was a camera in the ceiling of the salon that captured num ...
- Dubai Assassination Followed Failed Attempt by Sam ...The successful assassination of a high-ranking member of Hamas early last year in Dubai followed an unsuccessful attempt by the same hit team two months earlier, according to a magazine story out this month. The elite team suspected of orchestrating the kill tried to poison Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in N ...
- Transcending the Human, DIY StyleBERLIN — Lepht Anonym wants everyone to know the door to transcending normal human capabilities is no farther away than your own kitchen. It’s just going to hurt like a sonofabitch. Anonym is a biohacker, a woman who has spent the last several years learning how to extend her own senses by putting t ...
- Hacking the Hacker StereotypesBERLIN, Germany – On the wall at the front of a basement room here, Agnes Meyder is explaining a complicated diagram depicting enzymes and cell walls, an example of a cancer database with which she is illustrating a talk on her field of bioinformatics. An hour later, and it is sentences that are bei ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- No Surprise, Republicans to Break Promise on Spend ...In September, future House Speaker John Boehner unveiled the GOP Pledge to America, which among its other warmed-over Republican nostrums promised to save "at least $100 billion in the first year alone" from the federal budget. On the eve of the election (around the 1:50 mark of the video), Boehner ...
- The Top 15 Moments from the Darrell Issa Hall of S ...As the Washington Post, Politico and others reported, new House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa has announced a long list of investigations designed to "embarrass the Obama administration." Of course, when it comes to embarrassment, Issa knows more than most. After ...
- Rasmussen Poll, Media Misrepresent Obama Health Ca ...On Monday, The Hill reported on a new Rasmussen poll under the provocative title, "Nearly half of voters don't believe key healthcare promise by Obama." That supposed pledge, as The Hill described it, was that "the law would not require individuals to change their coverage." But absent from this i ...
- GOP Offers Insanity - and Hypocrisy - on U.S. Debt ...Turning to the Republican Party for lessons on fiscal discipline is a lot like taking advice on abstinence from Bristol Palin. But unlike Ms. Palin's one known failure to practice what she now preaches, Republicans are repeat offenders. After all, the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan, onl ...
- Who's Not Honoring Me Now?Among the most consistent silly recurring segments on The Colbert Report is "Who's Not Honoring Me Now," in which Stephen complains about all the organizations passing him up for awards. While Perrspectives isn't exactly raking in the hardware, it is getting some notice. As it turns out, Perrspec ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Great Tax Cut Debate - Myths and FactsIn the lame-duck Congress agenda, perhaps the most substantive debate is over whether to continue tax breaks for the rich. President Obama and most Congressional Democrats want to extend the Bush tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans, everyone making under $250,000. Republicans want to extend the tax ...
- What Landslide?: A Closer Look at the Midterm Elec ...By now, everyone has heard of the conservative "tidal wave" that has overtaken Congress and most gubernatorial seats throughout the U.S. Indeed, anyone who has watched mainstream media coverage probably understands the midterm election results as a "rebuke of Obama's policies," with the "Tea Party m ...
- INS Targets Community Leaders, Not CriminalsWhen people the world over think of Arizona nowadays, they generally think of Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio or state representative Russell Pearce – the poster children of the state's move toward legalized discrimination and racial profiling. If they are closely following the politics of t ...
- Dancing with Dynamite:How Citizens Can be More Tha ...Two years ago, President Obama sailed into the White House on the winds of voters’ desire for widespread social change and their disgust with two wars and a massive recession associated with George W. Bush. Only two years into his presidency and the concurrent Democratic takeover of Congress, howeve ...
- Pope Says Condoms Acceptable 'In Certain Cases'Until now, the Vatican had prohibited the use of any form of contraception -- other than abstinence -- even as a guard against sexually transmitted disease.
Consortium News
- The Coming War over the ConstitutionThe Tea Party claims to both revere the Constitution and want to rip it up, a new test for American sanity, says Robert Parry. December 30, 2010
- Birth of Pakistan's Islamic ExtremismWhile helping the CIA fight Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s, Pakistan adopted Islamic extremism, notes Alvaro Vargas Llosa. December 31, 2010
- The US Media Hit on Helen ThomasAfter an off-hand blast at Israel, journalistic icon Helen Thomas became a pariah with her colleagues, notes Danny Schechter. December 29, 2010
- Argentina's Dapper State TerroristFrom the Archive: Argentina has finally brought ex-dictator Rafael Videla to justice, but America still honors his protector, Ronald Reagan.
- Hungary's Embrace of PropagandaAfter a right-wing victory, Hungary embarks on a familiar path toward nationalistic propaganda, observes Abby Martin. December 29, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Waving a gun, settlers threaten Palestinians (Taa ...
- Israeli Leftists Show Alliance in Wake of Palestin ...The news of Abu Rahmah's death has highlighted a new alliance emerging between a small number of Israeli leftists and Palestinians engaged in unarmed mass-protest action. Scores of Israel ...
- Crippling Gaza is part of 'Israeli strategy' (The ...Israel deliberately maintained the economy of the Gaza strip "on the brink of collapse" without "pushing it over the edge", leaked US diplomatic cables from 2008 showed yesterday. Critics ...
- Palestinians look for early vote on UN resolution ...A Palestinian resolution condemning Israel's settlement building could be voted on at the UN Security Council as early as next week, the Palestinian representative to the UN said Wednesda ...
- Knesset approves investigation of Israeli human ri ...The funding of Israeli human and civil rights groups is to be investigated amid claims they are acting against the country's interests, members of the Israeli parliament decided today - a ...
Water - AlterNet
- Obama to Let 13 Oil Companies Drill Offshore With ...The companies get to skirt the full environmental review Obama promised offshore drilling projects would have to face, and mostly due to political reasons.
- Do We Have to Live Like Peasants to Be Truly Susta ...There has to be a happy medium between living as a poor peasant in an adobe hut and living in a McMansion while driving a Hummer. But how do we find it?
- How South America's Rainforests Are Being Sacrific ...A project to construct five hydroelectric dams in Peru will mean massive environmental destruction.
- 11 Things You Need to Know About the Carcinogen Di ...When you see news reports about a cancer-causing chemical in drinking water everywhere you turn, you probably have a few questions.
- Two Years After the Largest Toxic Spill in the Nat ...EPA identified 431 containment units for coal slurry and has labeled 49 of them "high hazard"—meaning they pose a risk to human health and the environment.
Public Citizen in Texas
- WCS press conferance 103 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Don’t you pour radioactive waste on my blue suede ...The Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission (TLLRWDCC) approved rules yesterday that pave the way for 36 states to export low-level radioactive waste to a remote landfill along the Texas-New Mexico border. The 5-2 vote by the TLLRWDCC came after last-minute legal maneuvering on ...
- Judge orders halt to Compact Commission meeting: d ...UPDATE: Hope you’ve been keeping an eye on this, but just needed to point out there have been major developments on this which make this post now completely false. We don’t believe in just dumping things down the memory hole here, but do believe in making sure we get things right. The updates ...
- WCS press conferance 102 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- WCS press conferance 101 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
Unexplained Mysteries
- Warners return from anaconda research tripsMike and Greg Warner have returned from their latest search for evidence of the giant anaconda. The two Warners believe that the Giant Anaconda ( or B...
- Scientists: man-made climate change is realOver 97 percent of scientists are convinced that man-made global warming is very real indeed. The debate over whether human activities are contributin...
- Why are our brains shrinking ?Over the last 20,000 years the human brain seems to have been getting smaller, but why ? For two million years it is believed our brains got increasin...
- Can we find trees on other planets ?Two scientists have come up with a method to detect forests on extrasolar worlds. Christopher Dougherty and Adam Wolf are working on the idea that a p...
- Sabretooth cats threatened ancient humansOur ancestors would have likely been under constant danger from huge sabretooth cats. Primitive humans would have needed to give these predators a wid...
- Gaza: Stories of Strength amid Assault and Siege3407229255_9879b60da3_b.jpg �Year before last, I was sitting in the living room of my childhood home sharing a cup of morning coffee with my mother and musing over the holidays. We laughed over kitschy Christmas gifts from well-meaning relativ ...
- Petitioning the Israeli High Court for Justicecast.jpg Our partner, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), works to protect human rights and promote the rule of law. They have been recognized as an effective voice of the Palestinian people through awards such as the Human Rights ...
- Building food sovereignty and economic justice2010_brazil_site_visit_026.jpg �read more
- Traveling with The Vía Campesina’s Caravans for Li ...soberania_ya.jpg ��¡La Tierra No Se Vende � Se Ama y Se Defiende!� (English translation: �The Land is Not for Sale � It must be Loved and Defended!�) � A change from woman fighting against a large dam in Alpuyeca, Mexico read more
- Brazilian referendum seeks limits to land concentr ...plebiscito_popular_logo.jpg Members of the Brazilian National Forum for Agrarian Reform and Justice announced this week the results of a non-binding referendum about whether the Brazilian government should limit the concentration of land held ...
- BP Cost-Cutting Blamed for 'Avoidable' Deepwater H ...Source:� Guardian read more
- UK Lawmakers: No Need to Stop Deepwater DrillingSource:� AP A deepwater oil spill in the North Sea would be more difficult to handle than the Gulf disaster, but a moratorium isn't necessary because Britain has tougher safety standards, lawmakers said.
- Lawmakers Protect Natgas from New Drilling Regulat ...Source:� Reuters A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers pressed the Obama administration on the first day of the new Congress not to impose regulations curtailing the controversial drilling technique of fracking.
- State Dept. Defends Climate ApproachSource:� Politico The Obama administration remains committed to plowing ahead with talks to address global warming, although it realizes that a legal deal similar to Kyoto isn't possible, the State Department said.
- Boxer: EPA Climate Delay Bill Could Pass, but Woul ...Source:� The Hill One of the Senate�s most liberal lawmakers signaled Wednesday that there may be enough support there to pass legislation delaying the EPA's efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.
- Why New Federal Leasing Rules are Good for Green B ...New rules require federal agencies to sign leases only in energy efficient buildings, which is good news for landlords at green properties, companies that specialize in energy efficiency improvements and the green job market.
- Italy Dumps Plastic Bags with World's First Nation ...Italy has joined the ranks of San Francisco and Mexico City in banning the use of plastic shopping bags. �
- The Social ROI of Green, Affordable HousingWhile green has become the new black and cleantech is now viewed as sexy, affordable housing -- as fundamental to societal well-being as energy security -- maintains a reputation as a dowdy old aunt. But that can change as new views emerge of the social return on investment provided by green, afford ...
- Fireclay Turns Toilets Into Tiles�With the recent addition of recycled porcelain, ceramic tile maker Fireclay Tile has developed products with more than 70 percent recycled content.
- Nordstrom Opens New Chapter in Its Sustainability ...For years, Nordstrom has had a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. But until recently the firm had been so low key in telling its sustainability story that it was a challenge to find.
Reuters Global
- In Pakistan, a death foretoldThe killing of provincial governor Salman Taseer for opposing Pakistan's blasphemy laws is likely to deter further those few who dare challenge them
- In India-Iran oil spat, nuclear row trumps Afghan ...India's oil row with Iran is a continuation of a shift away from traditional India-Iran, Saudi-Pakistan alliances in Afghanistan
- Pakistan’s political crisisUntil the political crisis, the PPP-led government looked like it might become the first in Pakistan to serve a full term.
- India, Pakistan nuclear arsenal – whose is b ...India and Pakistan, even more so, are expanding their nuclear weapons programmes, adding another level of instability in one of the world's most volatile regions.
- An address for the Taliban in Turkey ?Afghan President Hamid Karzai has supported a proposal to open an office for the Taliban in Turkey to help facilitate talks.
Booman Tribune
- A Tale of Two ChambersThe next three weeks are going to be a tale of two chambers. The Senate will be in recess, The House will be an absolute circus. On Friday, the House Republicans will get their first real thrill when they vote to repeal "ObamaCare." The Democrats won't care though, because Harry Reid isn't going ...
- Disloyal Democrats Here's a list of disloyal jerkoff Democrats who didn't vote for Pelosi as Minority Leader: Conservative Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC), who announced his run for Minority Leader before Pelosi even made her decision, garnered 11 votes, including his own. Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire (PA), Dan Boren (O ...
- Shakeup RumorsRobert Gibbs is leaving the White House and will most likely be replaced by either his deputy Bill Burton, or by Joe Biden's communications director and former Time correspondent Jay Carney. I liked Gibbs. I like Burton more. I don't really know Carney very well, although I occasionally mocked hi ...
- More Unexplained Dead Birds & Fish They have dead birds falling from the skies (twice in the last week) in Arkansas. They have
- Big Boehner Day Are you ready to welcome Speaker Boehner to the Capital today? Do you have any choice words of encouragement or advice for the man? And wisdom that you want to impart? No? Discuss
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 6 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1745 - birth of...
- Wednesday Open ThreadWhat's an open thread?...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - Ja ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1900 - John Edward...
- Tuesday Open ThreadTuesday!...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 4 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1809 - birth of...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
Therapy News
- Breaking the Bridge Between Childhood Anxiety and ...A News Headline The connections between childhood anxiety (particularly social anxiety) and adult depression have been repeatedly documented in studies and by therapists and counselors who treat depressed adults. As a child feels disconnected from his or her peers, loneliness leads t ...
- New Year’s Resolutions, Imperfection, and Resilien ...A News Summary New Year’s resolutions are a popular way to pursue self-improvement goals in the context of a collective fresh start. 2011 is upon us, so if you’re among the 40-45% of Americans who’s resolving to improve yourself starting now, take a step back. Consider whether your r ...
- Is California’s Prison Therapy Doing Any Good?A News Headline Nationwide, a large portion of state prison inmates suffer from mental health issues and personal traumas. Not providing needed therapy and counseling to inmates who need it has been declared a form of cruel and unusual punishment, and makes rehabilitation even less l ...
- Connecting Hollywood with Real Life Ups and DownsA News Headline The personal lives of Hollywood movie stars can be hard to relate to; this is an understatement. But the movies they make are full of complex characters that, while larger than life, embody psychological patterns that many of us can recognize in our own lives. Psychce ...
- A Secret Thread: The Story of a Family’s Trauma. C ...By Gretta Keene LCSW and Bill Murray PhD, Post Traumatic Stress/Trauma Topic Expert Contributors Click here to contact Gretta and/or see her Profile Click here to contact Bill and/or see his Profile Use Who You Are to Change How You Are A Keene Murray Therapy Approach ...
Mountaintop Removal
- WV environmental activist Judy Bonds dies - West V (blog) WV environmental activist Judy Bonds dies West Virginia Public Broadcasting A waitress turned activist, Bonds was known for her passionate opposition to mountaintop removal coal mining. In a 2003 interview, she told former West ... W.Va. Mountaintop Mining Foe Judy Bonds Dies at 5 ...
- Representatives ask President Obama to review hand ...Representatives ask President Obama to review handling of mountaintop removal ... ... Guthrie and Geoff Davis have requested that President Barack Obama review the federal government's handling of a permit for a mountaintop removal mine. ... Congressional delegation asking for Presiden ...
- As Coal King Retires to $12 Million, Mine Safety S ...Washington Post As Coal King Retires to $12 Million, Mine Safety Struggle Goes On Massey, according to the Post, is also the nation's largest mountaintop removal mining company, meaning it produces more coal than any other company through ... Coal firms resisting new push for reform ...
- It's party time for Nashville celebrities; Does mo ...It's party time for Nashville celebrities; Does mountaintop removal really ... Kingsport Times News Backers of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia say the technique creates much-needed expanses of flat land for economic development. ... and more��
- Newscast for Wednesday, January 5, 2010 - Free Spe ...Newscast for Wednesday, January 5, 2010 Free Speech Radio News A West Virginia native who grew up in an area being polluted by mountain top removal, Bonds began her activist career later in life. ...
- Goldman Flooded With Facebook Orders (Wall Street ...Wall Street Journal: Goldman Flooded With Facebook Orders — Inundated with demand, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. plans to stop taking orders for shares of Facebook Inc. on Thursday, and has told some would-be investors to expect just a small fraction of the shares they requested, according to people f ...
- Julian Assange's sex-crime accusers deserve to be ...Naomi Wolf / Guardian: Julian Assange's sex-crime accusers deserve to be named — The shielding of sex-crime accusers is a Victorian relic. Women are moral adults and should be treated as such — As Swedish prosecutors' sex-crime allegations against Julian Assange play out, one aspect of the cas ...
- Here it is: The filibuster reform package! (Greg S ...Greg Sargent / The Plum Line: Here it is: The filibuster reform package! — Here's a copy of the filibuster reform resolution that Senate Democrats will introduce later today, sent over by an aide to Tom Udall, one of the key Senators driving this campaign. — While the broad outlines of the prop ...
- Retracted autism study an 'elaborate fraud,' Briti ...CNN: Retracted autism study an ‘elaborate fraud,’ British journal finds — Editor's note: Watch Anderson Cooper's interview with the author of the discredited study, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, on “AC360°” at 10 p.m. ET tonight. — (CNN) — A now-retracted British study that linked autism …
- Obama's Winter White House an Illegal Rental (Adri ...Adrienne LaFrance / Civil Beat: Obama's Winter White House an Illegal Rental — President Barack Obama's two-week stay at his Hawaii Winter White House was illegal under a long-standing Honolulu ban on short-term rentals. — Obama did not break the law by staying at the house, but the property ow ...
Energy & Environment News
- India and Iran Try to Keep Energy Link OpenAbout $11 billion in oil and natural gas trade has been imperiled after India's central bank declared that a clearinghouse could no longer be used to settle such transactions.
- A Battle Over Uranium Bodes Ill for U.S. DebateA conflict over a plan to process uranium ore in Colorado highlights the difficulty of moving away from fossil fuels.
- Uranium Mill in Colorado Gets LicensePiñon Ridge would be the first new rock-crushing uranium mill to be built in the United States in more than 25 years.
- Green: Extreme Weather Drives Up Food PricesLast month food prices were at the highest level since a United Nations index originated -- partly because of crop failures associated with drought, floods and fires -- and by extension, many suggest, global warming.
- Green: Errors Multiplied Before Gulf Spill, Panel ...The commission warns that without major changes, another such accident would be likely.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.2, Vanuatu regionThursday, January 6, 2011 06:07:38 UTCThursday, January 6, 2011 05:07:38 PM at epicenterDepth: 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, offshore Bio-Bio, ChileSunday, January 2, 2011 21:10:19 UTCSunday, January 2, 2011 06:10:19 PM at epicenterDepth: 26.60 km (16.53 mi)
- M 7.1, Araucania, ChileSunday, January 2, 2011 20:20:18 UTCSunday, January 2, 2011 05:20:18 PM at epicenterDepth: 25.10 km (15.60 mi)
- M 5.0, Molucca SeaThursday, January 6, 2011 03:01:37 UTCThursday, January 6, 2011 11:01:37 AM at epicenterDepth: 45.10 km (28.02 mi)
- M 5.5, New Guinea, Papua New GuineaThursday, January 6, 2011 00:24:00 UTCThursday, January 6, 2011 10:24:00 AM at epicenterDepth: 111.00 km (68.97 mi)
China Dialogue
- Shifting sandsUnchecked pumping of scarce water resources from beneath Siem Reap is putting the stability of Cambodia’s ancient Angkor temples at risk, writes Ben Doherty. Millions of litres are being extracted daily.The five-star hotels around the ancient temples of Angkor are oases of green; sleek new buildings ...
- A wilder futureCaroline Fraser has travelled the world to learn about rewilding – an ambitious approach to conservation explored in her new book. Here, she tells Jared Green why species protection means thinking big.Jared Green: In your book, Rewilding the World: Dispatches from the Conservation Revolution, you sa ...
- On the Mekong, a better way (3)Concluding his three-part article about hydropower in south-west China, Qin Hui argues there is opportunity in friction. China must learn lessons from its regional dealings – and then apply them at home.As well as plenty of finger-pointing, this year has seen positive developments in the regional co ...
- On the Mekong, a better way (2)China is shooting itself in the foot as far as river management is concerned – attracting unnecessary suspicion through lack of openness, says Qin Hui.If it became clear that China has indeed been impounding water during the dry season, then a wave of criticism would likely follow. But there might a ...
- On the Mekong, a better way (1)Dam-building in south-west China has provoked fury downstream. In the first instalment of a three-part article, historian Qin Hui criticises Beijing’s response.The Cambodian prime minister is in China’s good books. In a recent – and friendly – speech, Hun Sen said that this year’srecord low water le ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Why Wikileaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning's Soli ...The physical and psychological effects experienced by people held for extended periods in solitary confinement, says prison expert Dr. Atul Gawande.
- Japan Pressured U.S. to Hassle Famed Whale Protect ...According to cables released by Wikileaks, the Japanese government asked the U.S. to revoke Sea Shepherd's tax exempt status.
- Obama to Let 13 Oil Companies Drill Offshore With ...The companies get to skirt the full environmental review Obama promised offshore drilling projects would have to face, and mostly due to political reasons.
- The GOP Is Spreading a Big Fat Lie About the Econo ...Only the President has the bully pulpit. But will he use it to tell the Big Truth that government is the only way we're going to get out of this mess?
- Is Congress More Progressive Than Hollywood?Now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed, isn't it time for tinseltown to let its A-listers come out of the closet?
Threat Level
- WikiLeaks’ Assange Threatened Lawsuit Over Leaked ...Just weeks prior to unveiling a giant cache of leaked U.S. State Department cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange threatened to sue the Guardian newspaper in Britain over publication of the documents, according to a fascinating Vanity Fair article published Thursday that explores in detail the o ...
- Women Sue Over Secret Camera in Tanning SalonTwo Pennsylvania women are suing the owner of a tanning salon for invasion of privacy after discovering videos of themselves disrobing on online porn sites. The lawsuits, filed in Westmoreland County court in Pennsylvania, alleges that there was a camera in the ceiling of the salon that captured num ...
- Dubai Assassination Followed Failed Attempt by Sam ...The successful assassination of a high-ranking member of Hamas early last year in Dubai followed an unsuccessful attempt by the same hit team two months earlier, according to a magazine story out this month. The elite team suspected of orchestrating the kill tried to poison Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in N ...
- Transcending the Human, DIY StyleBERLIN — Lepht Anonym wants everyone to know the door to transcending normal human capabilities is no farther away than your own kitchen. It’s just going to hurt like a sonofabitch. Anonym is a biohacker, a woman who has spent the last several years learning how to extend her own senses by putting t ...
- Hacking the Hacker StereotypesBERLIN, Germany – On the wall at the front of a basement room here, Agnes Meyder is explaining a complicated diagram depicting enzymes and cell walls, an example of a cancer database with which she is illustrating a talk on her field of bioinformatics. An hour later, and it is sentences that are bei ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- High school principal dies after school shootingOMAHA, Neb (Reuters) - The son of a police detective shot two administrators at his high school on Wednesday and one of them later died in hospital, authorities said.
- Motorola gadget to make smartphones like computersNEW YORK (Reuters) - It's dumb and it's called a lapdoc but Motorola Mobility bets consumers will want to use this gadget to make their smartphones work more like real computers and help Motorola stand out from the crowd.
- Starbucks cuts name and "coffee" from logoLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Starbucks Corp , the world's biggest coffee chain, unveiled a new logo on Wednesday that omits its name and the word "coffee", infuriating loyal customers.
- Microsoft sold over 8 million Kinects in 60 days: ...LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp sold more than 8 million of its Xbox Kinect motion-sensing game system in its first 60 days since launch, outpacing its target of 5 million and outshining Sony Corp's competing Move.
- LinkedIn plans to go public in 2011: sourcesNEW YORK (Reuters) - LinkedIn, the social networking site for professionals, plans to go public in 2011 and has selected its financial underwriters, three sources familiar with the process told Reuters.
- News you may have missed #465WikiLeaks reveals France leads industrial spying in Europe. Was Iranian nuclear defector tortured? Germany denies secret spy collaboration with the US. Continue reading →
- US denies Ivory Coast coup claimThe United States has emphatically rejected assertions by officials in the Ivory Coast that it is plotting to overthrow the government of the West African country. On December 29, the Ivory Coastâs Minister of the Interior, Emile Guirieoulou, told a press conference that the United States had dispat ...
- News you may have missed #464 (Mossad edition)Mossad may apologize for use of UK passports. NZ halted Mossad probe to safeguard secrets. Did Israel abduct and kill Iranian ex-deputy defense minister? Continue reading →
- 2010: The year that was in espionageI was interviewed yesterday by Australian National Radioâs Julian Morrow on the major espionage stories of 2010. Fortunately or unfortunately, there has been no shortage of spy-related news this past year, and one is forced to be selective in reviewing the subject. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #463Iranian spy minister admits hacking emails. Details on CIA officer killed in Afghanistan. China jails South Korean alleged spy. Continue reading →
War is a
- Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan ...Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket - by Stephen Lendman An earlier article compared the 1950s to today, saying: It was a different time, good and bad. Elected in 1952, Eisenhower was still president. Unemployment was low. Anyone wanting work found it. Most years the economy gr ...
- Audio: Marc Steiner and David Swanson on War LiesThe Marc Steiner Show Synopsis:� Interview with writer and political activist David Swanson David Swanson joins us to discuss his new book War Is A Lie.� He is also the author of Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union and blogs at and ...
- Upcoming Events1/10/11 Baltimore: David Swanson, Andy Worthington, Debra Sweet, Cindy Sheehan DETAILS 1/11/11 Washington, D.C., Witness Against Torture DETAILS 1/15/11 Washington, D.C., 20 Years of War on Iraq DETAILS 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment ...
- Udall-Harkin-Merkley Rules Reform PackageWe need to demand elimination of the filibuster so that the following becomes the compromise position if we don't get it: Blocking a vote with a filibuster used to be rare and reserved for extreme situations. Today, major bills, non-controversial bills, sometimes multiple steps on the same piece of ...
- Wall Street Is Told Military Budget Will Go Up in ...Source: Defence Stocks - U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates has received approval from the White House for a small increase in the Pentagon's budget for 2012 compared with 2011. Although the administration is looking for a 2.67% cut in defence spending over five years, Gates plans to shift savings ...
Grist - News
- California approves first broad U.S. climate planby Agence France-Presse. SAN FRANCISCO -- California has approved the most sweeping U.S. plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, acting on its own against climate change as proposed nationwide plans flounder in Washington. The largest U.S. state, which would be the world's eighth largest econom ...
- U.S. sues BP, nine others over Gulf oil spillby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The United States filed suit Wednesday against BP and nine other companies for damages stemming from this year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the worst in U.S. history. The complaint was filed by the Justice Department with a federal court in New Orlean ...
- Climate talks make progress as Bolivia demands mor Agence France-Presse. CANCUN -- The world's climate negotiators on Thursday inched toward compromise on fighting deforestation and assisting poor nations, even as Bolivia's firebrand leader demanded more aggressive action. With one day left for the U.N.-led talks in Mexico, South African Pres ...
- Guarded hope at U.N. climate talksby Agence France-Presse. CANCUN, Mexico -- Negotiators on climate change were raising their hopes Sunday after signs of modest progress in Mexico, but a dispute over the future of the Kyoto Protocol threatened to derail momentum. The 194-nation talks at the Caribbean resort city of Cancun were ...
- Cancun climate talks hit bump thanks to Japan and Agence France-Presse. CANCUN, Mexico -- World climate talks struck a sour note on their third day Wednesday as Japan was accused of weakening the campaign for a post-2012 treaty by retreating from the landmark Kyoto Protocol. With negotiators laboring to unblock a complex, interlinked two-tr ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- LG G-Slate coming to T-Mobile USAT-Mobile USA announces LG G-Slate, the first 4G tablet.
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- Oscar & Emmy Watch: Musings & Misgivings: Odd & En ...Check Your Calendars!
- The Other 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All TimeThe Other 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time, you know cause if the first 100 weren't enough.
- "Carol Of The Belts" by Here Come The Mummies Here Come The Mummies perform Christmas carols with bells, on their belts. Weird.
Time - Top Stories
- Where the Jobs Are: Finding the Right Spots in a N ...It's true -- employment is finally growing again. But this won't be a recovery as you've known it. Here's a bird's-eye look at where the best new opportunities for work will be
- After Taking Power, Republicans Start Playing By N ...After the ceremonies and standing ovations died down, the new Republican House majority did get around to some crucial business today. By a straight party-line vote, the House approved a new rules package for the 112th Congress, 240-191.
- Why Travelers Could Lose in American's Online Tick ...The battle between American and online travel agents could reduce your shot at finding a bargain fare
- What It Will Take to Finish the Job in AfghanistanNeeded: security, development and a stable Pakistan
- Fool's Gold: Giant Tuna Sold for Nearly $400,000 i ...A behemoth bluefin tuna sold for a record 32.49 million yen -- or about $396,000 -- in Tokyo's famed Tsukiji fish market, smashing the 2001 record when a bluefin auctioned for 20.2 million
Farming Pathogens
- Fearful SymmetryA colleague, genuinely perplexed, even outraged, asked me what the fuck was going on with all those dead birds in Arkansas. And, tongue-in-cheek, what would Mulder and Scully say? Scully: Mulder, it’s me. I got your message. Really, Beebe, Arkansas for a flock of dead birds? Does Skinner approve? Mu ...
- The Great Recession FluSwine flu is so 2009. Like La Roux and v-neck t-shirts. And yet the United Kingdom is presently suffering a swine flu attack worse than anything it faced in 2009. The number of flu patients in intensive care has risen by 60 per cent in the past week to 738, four times greater than at [...]
- Alien vs. PredatorDallas: [looks at a pen being dissolved by alien's body fluid] I haven’t seen anything like that except, uh, molecular acid. Brett: It must be using it for blood. Parker: It’s got a wonderful defense mechanism. You don’t dare kill it. –Alien (1979) NASA announced earlier this month one of its resear ...
- That’s the ThickeThe logistics of a just, equitable and healthy agricultural landscape here in the United States would remain a problem if Michael Pollan himself, Wendell Berry, or better yet Fred Magdoff were appointed Secretary of Agriculture. Decades-long efforts pealing back agribusiness both as paradigm and inf ...
- Farming Pathogens SemifinalistThanks to your votes Farming Pathogens piece ‘The Alan Greenspan Strain’ is a semifinalist in 3 Quarks Daily’s search for best political blog post of the year. Those posts remaining will be judged as early as today by 3 Quarks Daily editors. The final six will then be judged by Harper’s and Lapham’s ...
- Report: CIA Drones Killed Over 2,000, Mostly Civil ...Three Quarters of Deaths in Two Years Since President Obama Took Office by Jason Ditz,, January 02, 2011 A new report from the Conflict Monitoring Centre (CMC) has reported that 2,043 Pakistanis have been slain in CIA drone strikes in the past 5 years, with the vast majority of them inn ...
- P.C. Roberts: 2011by Paul Craig Roberts, Foreign Policy Journal, Dec 31, 2010 ”Dissent is what rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.” –Lewis H. Lapham The year 2011 will bring Americans a larger and more intrusive police state, more unemployment and home foreclosures, no economic recovery, more di ...
- 2010 In ReviewThe stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter⢠reads Wow. Crunchy numbers The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 170,000 times in 2010. If ...
- Happy New Year – 2011!!
- Cyber Wars the movieThe corporate government is not satisfied with having the ability, enabled by Homeland Security, to snoop anywhere they seem fit, but now find the need to control the innertubes. or even shut it down .
- Food-Safety Funding Battle Looms as Obama Prepares ...By Molly Peterson President Barack Obama will sign a $1.4 billion food-safety bill today that marks the biggest change to oversight of the food industry since 1938 and sets up a funding fight with Republicans poised to take over the House. The House subcommittee that monitors the U.S. Food and Drug ...
- The New Speed of Money, Reshaping MarketsBy Graham Bowley A substantial part of all stock trading in the United States takes place in a warehouse in a nondescript business park just off the New Jersey Turnpike. Few humans are present in this vast technological sanctum, known as New York Four. Instead, the building, nearly the size of thre ...
- Bank of America Seeking Help From CIA Connected Fi ...By Sam Smith The day after Julian Assange of WikiLeaks threatened to “take down” a major American bank, the shares of Bank of America fell 3 percent. . . Since then, a team of 15 to 20 top Bank of America officials, led by the chief risk officer, Bruce R. Thompson, has been overseeing a broad [...]
- Precious Metals - Week of 1.2.11James Turk: Gold Rises in 2010 to End a Stellar Decade GATA (4 Jan 11)
- Catherine on Mortgage Market Bubbles & FraudWe have had requests for a history of our warnings on the housing and mortgage markets. Here are some of the most popular articles, audios and blog posts over the last decade. “The Myth of the Rule of Law”, by Catherine Austin Fitts published in the fall of 2001 was one of Catherine’s efforts to [. ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lanka Gu ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- A Hearing-by-Hearing Look at the GOP's Immigration ...Expect an abundance of crazy in the new Congress.
- Why Wikileaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning's Soli ...The physical and psychological effects experienced by people held for extended periods in solitary confinement, says prison expert Dr. Atul Gawande.
- Congress's Plans to Alter the Espionage Act Are Cl ...Congress's proposed SHIELD Act tramples over well-established 1st Amendment rights.
- Vast Homeland Security Network Fuels Arab and Musl ..."It is disturbing that the intelligence community equates Michigan as a location for potential terrorists simply because of our large Muslim population."
- Who Guards Corrections Corporation of America as i ...A federal prosecutor is likely investigating claims that CCA used inmate violence to force prisoners to snitch on one another or be moved to extremely violent units.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- We were participants in one of the great battles o ...Summary: Some of the “great battles” were nothing of the kind. This is easily seen by comparing them with a truly great battle, one that looks to have decisive effects: 9-11. For centuries western historians described the Battle of Tours (aka Poitiers) as one of the world’s decisive battles. ...
- For the holiday season, here are some comforting t ...Summary: As the sky darkens over America we find comfort in logical but incorrect beliefs, ignoring the horrifying nature of our core problem. Here are two comforting examples. (1) Our leaders have bad advisors In both national security and economics we have well-funded think-tanks advocating ...
- Second thoughts by 2 major boosters of the Af-Pak ...Summary:  Guest author Bernard Finel discusses yet another think-tank report giving prescriptions for the Af-Pak War. But this one is a surprise, a serious walk-back by one of the powerful institutional advocates of our foreign wars. Perhaps they’re cutting their losses and gearing up for t ...
- The insight that must precede reform of America: t ...Summary: The last few weeks have produced news confirming that the Constitution is dead, the still heart of the Republic. Realistic planning for reform must start with that grim fact or remain pie-in-the-sky fantasy. From the mailbag: “There is only one peaceful solution to our great crisis, f ...
- The story of the early 21st century: the future a ...Summary:  This is the first in a series looking at the US and global situations.  Here we look at one of the large processes ending the post-WWII era — the leveraging and deleveraging of the developed nations. It’s as much a psychological and political process as an economic one. It’s a ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Britons begin popping polypillsPressTV – It is the first trial of the [combination] drug among over-50s in the UK, The Guardian reported. The idea was first put forward by two British professors in 2003. Prof. Sir Nicholas Ward and Prof. Malcolm Law, from the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary, University of L ...
- With the P.K.K. in Iraq’s Qandil MountainsNew York Times – It is not easy to visit the mountainous borderlands of northern Iraq where the Kurdistan Workersâ Party operates, but it is not impossible either. Such is the peculiar position of a group of committed insurgents against Turkish rule in Kurdish lands â even as Turkey and Iraq seek de ...
- Ivory Coast: UN plans more peacekeepersBBC – UN peacekeepers in Ivory Coast are sending a request to the Security Council for 1,000 to 2,000 more troops amid the continuing political crisis. UN peacekeeping chief in Ivory Coast Alain Le Roy said he hoped the troops would be available in a few weeks. UN peacekeepers have been protecting a ...
- Italian Banks Upset with Level of Cash Use; Underg ...Bloomberg – Cash is king in Italy, a lesson Massimiliano Romano learned when he tried to pay for a cab with a credit card at Romeâs main train station. âI thought my cards would be enough,â said Romano, head of research at brokerage Concentric Italy in Milan. âBut I had to let 10 people go [...]
- Legal highs: the dark side of medicinal chemistryNature – Synthetic chemist David Nichols describes how his research on psychedelic compounds has been abused â with fatal consequences. Read article
The Progressive Realist
- Thoughts on the Salman Taseer AssassinationI spent yesterday reading about the murder of Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province in Pakistan, but I haven’t time to blog about it until now. Taseer was a high-ranking member of the most powerful Pakistani political party and he was the governor of the political and cultural center of t ...
- On the Brink of CollapseWikileaks has shed some light on the controversial blockade of Gaza,�a subject that�recveived rare (and fleeting) attention in US media when a flotilla of aid to that besieged region was attacked by Israeli soldiers in the Spring/Summer of 2010. At the time,�there was some discussion of the purpose ...
- A Last Word on Afghanistan (For Now)I’ve been getting some questions about why I have not written more on Afghanistan recently. Well, to be honest, I don’t have much to say. I think as a practical matter, the situation is now set in stone. I think we’re looking at another decade or so of relatively large scale involvement, thoug ...
- China, the US and Pakistan: A Question of Friendsh ...Money usually talks, and big money is usually very persuasive. As between the U.S. and Pakistan that doesn’t seem to be the case, although the U.S. has allocated billions to Pakistan's military plus so many billions more to so many projects and contractors that no one knows how it’s been spent. Th ...
- Inspiring Story of Tunisian Protests Ignored by Wa ...1. They Just Don't Stop Protesting Not even torture, which is rampant, or live bullets, which the Tunisian authorities are using with greater frequency, stop them. It is more than two weeks since a distraught and unemployed young university graduate, Mohammed Bouazizi, sat down in front of the ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Republican Vanguard Edition.It's no wonder conservatives are in love with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie -- he's the embodiment of conservative Republican leadership. He has total contempt for actual governance and zero compassion for his constituents. Blizzard hit Jersey? Tough s**t -- I'm in Florida with my kids. Second, he ...
- Auf Wiedersehen, Tim!We at TAPPED bid a fond farewell to Tim Fernholz, who leaves us for National Journal today. Tim's dogged reporting and trenchant analysis of the financial crisis and congressional politics has been invaluable -- he is one of the talented voices people come to TAP for, and he'll be missed. Here's a h ...
- More on Judicial Confirmations.As an addendum to the earlier post on nominations, here is a nifty graph from The Monkey Cage on the declining confirmation rate for judicial nominations: Sarah Blinder offers an explanation: Who is to blame for the frequent impasse over judges? Today, Republicans argue that too many of Obama's ...
- A Feature, Not a Bug!To follow up on what Jamelle says below, I think it would be an excellent idea for Barack Obama to start praising conservatives, precisely because it would alienate them from their fellows. There's little point in giving a shout-out to those who are actually working with him in good faith. When they ...
- Not So Different From the Old Rich.If you're looking for some midday feature reading, you can't do much better than Chrystia Freeland's piece on the "new global elite" in The Atlantic. The whole thing is very good, though I have a small quibble with this passage: What is more relevant to our times, though, is that the rich of today ...
- Why is the Tea Party Targeting the Methodist Churc ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips puts United Methodist Church in his crosshairs. In 1983, when folks at the Institute for Religion and Democracy helped convince producers at CBS' "60 Minutes" to run a segment on the National Council of Churches and the United Metho ...
- Bewitched: Feds Probe Christine O'Donnell's Having ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH The investigation proves she's not a witch This fact is undeniably clear Because if she were, she'd wrinkle her nose And these charges would all more
- The Tea Party GOP Gets Ready to Talibanize the US ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT So, the GOP will pander to their Tea Party brethren next month by reading the US Constitution out loud and declaring that any bill proposed by a member of Congress contain a personal guarantee that the bill corresponds with the US Constitution. I have two ...
- To Fix Education: Fire Human Teachers, Hire Hologr ...ADAM BESSIE FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT "50 years later, our generation's Sputnik moment is back," President Obama declared at a recent speech at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; this time, however, we aren't just losing to the formidable U.S.S.R., but now are b ...
- Would You Have Preferred to Experience the Politic ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT It was the year of Sarah Palin, Tea Parties, an intractable Republican Party, BP's oil spill in the Gulf and profound disappointment with Obama. In a year that Sarah Palin (or familia) appeared to be everywhere, Tea Partiers continued providing the strange an ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- John Burns' "ministering angels" and "liberators"A new investigation of the media's false reporting of the Saddam-statute story reveals ugly truths about the press
- Leading conservatives openly support a Terrorist g ...How can CNN continue to employ Fran Townsend in light of her pro-terrorism advocacy?
- Wired's refusal to release or comment on the Manni ...The website finally addresses issues about its conduct but still conceal key information
- Response to Wired's accusationsThe magazine's editors launch a fusillade of ill-founded to distract from the core issue
- Response to Wired's accusationsThe website's editors launch a fusillade of accusations to distract attention from the core issue
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Invisible hairs cause baldnessA topic close to my scalp: male-pattern baldness. Regular readers will be aware of my long, wavy locks from teenage years. But, as I got older, it all waved goodbye (my Dad’s joke! He’s even less than cranially hirsute too). Now, scientists in Pennsylvania reckon they have shown that faulty stem cel ...
- Science books for the New YearThese are my recent science book finds for the New Year The science of kissing – When did humans begin to kiss? Why is kissing integral to some cultures and alien to others? Do good kissers make the best lovers? And is that expensive lip-plumping gloss worth it? Sheril Kirshenbaum, a biologist and s ...
- A lethal Christmas starThere was an ugly rumour that the giant red star, Betelgeuse, that is the right shoulder (on the left as you look at it) of the constellation Orion is “about to” go supernova. The rumours seemed to have started earlier in the year when observations suggested that Betelgeuse had changed shape, a sure ...
- Sciencebase person of the year 2010Anyone can pick someone famous, a Zuckerberg, a Jobs, a Gaga, and call them their person of the year. But, how about a personal person of the year? Here’s my pick of the people who have had the biggest impact on me this year, whether through their retweet efforts on Twitter, their comments on my [.. ...
- Periodic table of videos at the moviesRegular Sciencebase followers will by now know only too well the Periodic Table of Videos from Nottingham University and my good friend Martyn Poliakoff. The creators of the video series recently ran a competition for viewers to create a movie-style poster to promote the videos and had an astounding ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- California Moves to Protect Public from Notorious ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 3, 2011Environmental Working Group (EWG)For years, California officials have been working to set the nation's first-ever safety standard for the carcinogenic metal hexavalent chromium (chromium-6), commonly found in the state's drinking water. Last week (Dec. 31), af ...
- WikiLeaks Documents Expose Boeing DealingsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 3, 2011Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)Secret U.S. diplomatic cables are continuing to be released via WikiLeaks ; only about 2,000 of the reported 250,000 documents have been released thus far. read more
- National Lawyers Guild Calls for End of 21-Year So ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 3, 2011National Lawyers Guild (NLG)The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) called on Superintendent Louis S. Folino to support the Program Review Board's recommendation to release Russell Maroon Shoatz into general population at SCI Greene in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. read m ...
- Recount and Review of Haiti’s Election Tally Shows ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 30, 2010CEPRAn independent recount and review of 11,171 tally sheets from Haiti’s November 28 election shows that the outcome of the election is indeterminate. The review, conducted by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), found massive irregularities and ...
- Amnesty International Reveals Details of Deadly Ra ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 5, 2011Amnesty International - USAAmnesty International today called on Côte d'Ivoire security forces to stop attacks on political opponents as new information was revealed about a deadly raid on political allies of Alassane Ouattara, the internationally recognized win ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Don't Just Close Guantánamo, Return Itby César ChelalaTo restore good relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, damaged by several years of neglect, is one of many difficult tasks facing the Obama administration. A measure that could have far-reaching consequences and notably improve the U.S.' battered image in the continent would ...
- At Year’s End, A Tale of Two Citiesby Michael WinshipWe probably should have stayed in New Orleans. read more
- The For-Profit Con to Criminalize Immigrantsby Catalina NietoThe only time four-year-old Logan got to play hide-and-seek with his dad this year was through a Plexiglass window at the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia, nine hours from his more
- The Big Lieby Robert ReichRepublicans are telling Americans a Big Lie, and Obama and the Democrats are letting them. The Big Lie is our economic problems are due to a government that’s too large, and therefore the solution is to shrink more
- From Bilin to Tel Aviv, Outrage at Killing of Jawa Joseph Dana"I am in shock, we are in shock," Hamde Abu Rahmah told me as we stood outside the small cemetery in Bilin where 36-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahmah was buried on Saturday. One day earlier, on 31 December, Jawaher was killed after inhaling US-made tear-gas fired by Israeli soldiers at d ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- CNN Poll: 63% of Americans Want Out Of AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd You can fool some of the people all of the time...especially if they vote Republican. More than six in ten Americans oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan, according to a new national poll. And a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday also indicates that 56 percent of t ...
- Pakistan's PM Has Political WoesBy Steve Hynd News today that the second largest party in Pakistan's governing coalition, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has withdrawn it's support for the government, ostensibly due to "a hike in gasoline prices and new taxation measures" but more likely because the government won't use it's pa ...
- Quote Of The DayCommentary By Ron Beasley The quote of the day comes from Dave Cohen: As 2010 winds down, I am reminded that there is no Imperial policy more reprehensible and shameful than the war in Afghanistan. This war is constantly presented to Americans as an integral part of the War On Terrorism, but it is n ...
- The Real Third RailCommentary By Ron Beasley There are many who say Social Security is the third rail of American politics. If you were talking about the average American voter they are probably right but if you are talking about the people who actually direct policy they are wrong. One of the groups that make policy ...
- Guest Post: Coming Home Homeless Our Guest Voice today is Blue Girl, who blogs at They Gave Us A Republic. There is a group of people who have done their part, stepped up, served, gone to war and done everything that has been asked of them without question or hesitation, only to find themselves homeless once that DD-214 is in hand. ...
Water Wars
- EPA approves water quality plan for Klamath RiverThe Klamath River -- which has seen its salmon runs gradually decline for a century -- now has a formal plan for restoring the purity of its waters.
- India Dispatch: Thriving Development Spawns Water, ...Boy drinks from water tanker in India. (Photo by Nicole See) NEW DELHI, India | If there are water wars in the future, conservationist Jyothi Sharma thinks they'll happen just outside her apartment in an upper-middle class enclave in Delhi's Vasant Kunj neighborhood. Right across her street is a spr ...
- Marine parks next wave of water warsBEYOND the crystal ocean surrounding the Abrolhos Islands off the WA coast, a storm is brewing for the federal government.
- Researchers: Water wars brewing in SoutheastAlthough a water dispute between North and South Carolina has been settled, this may only be the beginning for Southeastern states.
- Researchers: Water wars brewing in SoutheastAlthough a water dispute between North and South Carolina has been settled, this may only be the beginning for Southeastern states.
WordPress | Economics
- Health Care RationingOpposition to health-care rationing is a little like opposition to growing up. It sounds great. It’s
- Salary and Opportunity CostThe pay of the typical American is probably not the benchmark President Obama (and indeed Mr. Gibbs
- YouTube - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradig ...YouTube – RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms. “the current system was desi
- POOR OL’ BITCHIN’ GERRYMy letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald … Shopping is not an act of flag-twirling self-sacrifice.
- U.S. Home Foreclosures May Top 100,000 In Januaryby Tamara Keith Over the holidays, many lenders put foreclosures on hold. But that temporary freeze
Electronic Intifada
- A New Year's song of hope for GazaOn New Year's Eve, my family and I planned to escape the immense pressure we and everyone else in Gaza continue to endure. We ended up at a party that contradicted the noti ...
- The return of the Mavi MarmaraFaiz Ahmed witnessed the Mavi Marmara's return to a hero's welcome at Istanbul's Sarayburnu port late last month.
- Facts contradict Israel's assertions in Bilin deat ...The facts of the circumstances of Jawaher Abu Rahmah's death -- which are supported by the testimony of eyewitnesses, as well as by the ambulance driver who evacuated her t ...
- Israel further institutionalizes racism toward Pal ...RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - A number of recent incidents discriminating against Israel's Palestinian minority has prompted Israeli Knesset members to debate whether Israel ...
- From Bilin to Tel Aviv, outrage at killing of Jawa ..."I am in shock, we are in shock," Hamde Abu Rahmah told me as we stood outside the small cemetery in Bilin where 36-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahmah was buried on Saturday. One day earl ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Pak assures support to Afghan Govt's reconcil ...Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan has assured Pakistan's full support to the Afghan Government's reconciliation efforts with the Taliban to ensure lasting peace in the war-torn country.
- Obama "to send more troops" to occupied ...The United States plans to send 1,400 additional Marines to occupied Afghanistan to boost its combat forces ahead of the spring fighting season, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. The Unite
- Mission Essential Personnel Names Wesley Taylor as ...Mission Essential Personnel, LCC (MEP) today announced it has hired Wesley B. Taylor Jr. as its new theater director in Afghanistan, where he will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the co
- Soldier Charged In Afghan Case Pleads GuiltyJOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- One of a dozen Washington state-based soldiers charged with misconduct in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty. Cpl. Emmitt Quintal, of Weston, Ore., was accused of drug u
- Airman in Afghanistan watches wife give birth live ...-- An Airman stationed in Afghanistan, recently watched the birth of his son via Skype. St. John's Mercy Medical Center made it possible for Nick Frederick to see his wife, Sarah, deliver via C-
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Morning Smoke: SIGAR Fires Two Top DeputiesWhere there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the previous day's investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor. Afghanistan watchdog...
- On POGO's Radar: The PMSC ObserverLooking for good coverage of national security issues, government contracting, and international affairs? A great new resource is The PSMC Observer, David Isenberg’s new blog. Back in the day, Isenberg served as a research associate for the Project on Military...
- Morning Smoke: Contract Extended Sans Competitive ...Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the previous day's investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor. Agency extends...
- 2010 Ends with Contracting Ethics DefeatLast week, the Department of Defense (DoD) did a complete 180-degree turn on an ethics regulation that would have prevented contractors from becoming too entrenched inside the Pentagon. DoD gutted a proposed rule on organizational conflicts of interest, publishing a...
- Littoral Combat Ship: Looking for Congressional Ov ...Among the final acts of the last Congress was approving a continuing resolution that authorized the Navy to buy 20 sea frames of both the Lockheed Martin and Austal USA versions of the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). In a letter...
Digital Journal
- Pilot's coffee spill causes hijacking alertA hijacking alert and emergency landing resulted from a pilot spilling coffee during a United Airlines flight on Monday.
- Police: Sexual assault reporting important to stop ...In Toronto the numbers are down for reported sexual assault cases overall but for each and every victim the statistics mean little. The crime is one of the most difficult ones to get over with cultural and personal stigma attached.
- Two sexual assaults in Toronto this weekendTwo separate sexual assaults took place on the first day of 2011 in Toronto against women reports the Toronto Police Service.
- TAVIS Unit in Toronto naps man with gunDuring a routine patrol Friday in the Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue area members of the TAVIS Rapid Response Team investigated a man who was allegedly found to be in possession of a pistol.
- Canadian girl, 10, youngest ever to discover super ...A young 10-year-old girl from Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada is now the youngest person to have discovered a supernova. Kathryn Aurora Gray made the discovery with her father on January 2, 2011.
End Homelessness |
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homelessnes ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe and st ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling the Tr ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have whil ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demeaning, ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 su ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of the Do ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high; it ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unpunis ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a school ...
- “Wordle” of members’ comments
- How NATO came to AfghanistanHistorian and journalist Gareth Porter on the process that led to NATO being in Afghanistan (Gareth Porter, “How Afghanistan became a war for NATO,” Inter Press Service, 3 January 2011): The official line of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO command in Afghanistan, is that ...
- Trainers will be mostly away from Kabul?CTV News reports that the trainers that the Harper government has promised to keep in Afghanistan following the end of Canada’s combat mission are not likely to be mainly in Kabul, despite the government’s earlier promises (“Canadian trainers likely to be sent across Afghanistan,” CTV News, 31 Decem ...
- Take our annual survey!Help set out's plans for 2011.
- U.S. ratifies New START treatyThe U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to accept the New START strategic nuclear disarmament treaty between Russia and the United States (Peter Baker, “Senate Passes Arms Control Treaty With Russia, 71-26,” New York Times, 22 December 2010). U.S. ratification of the treaty, signed by presidents Obama an ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Monsanto Connected To At Least 200,000 Suicides In ...January 5th, 2010 Natural News By: Ethan A. Huff When India’s seed economy was forced by the World Bank to become globalized in the late 1990s, economic conditions within the nation’s agricultural sector almost immediately took a nosedive for the worst. Much of the common Indian seed stock turned fr ...
- Is Coconut Oil the Secret Sure for Alzheimer’ ...January 5th, 2010 Natural News By: David Gutierrez A doctor says that taking just four teaspoons of coconut oil per day reversed her husband’s dementia. Mary Newport is the medical director of the neonatal intensive care unit of Spring Hill Regional Hospital in Florida. In 2003, her husband Steve be ...
- Children Exposed to Far Too Much RadiationJanuary 5th, 2010 Natural News By: Jonathan Benson The amount of radiation-emitting imaging scans administered to children is on the rise, and many experts are worried about the long-term negative effects of this toxic exposure. A new study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolesc ...
- EPA Knowingly Approved Bee Killing PesticideJanuary 5th, 2010 Natural News By: Ethan A. Huff A Colorado beekeeper recently obtained a leaked document revealing that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knows a popular crop pesticide is killing off honey bees, but has allowed its continued approval anyway. Despite opposition from its ...
- Breast Cancer Foundation Sues Charities Over The W ...January 5th, 2010 The Huffington Post By: Laura Bassett In addition to raising millions of dollars a year for breast cancer research, fundraising giant Susan G. Komen for the Cure has a lesser-known mission that eats up donor funds: patrolling the waters for other charities and events around the cou ...
Pambazuka News
- Africa: Angola hosts 3rd African meeting on Cuba s ...The third African meeting on Solidarity with Cuba was held in Luanda, Angola, 11-12 September, to consolidate the friendship between the African and Cuban people and contribute to strengthening African solidarity towards the Caribbean island nation. ...
- Global: Afro-Colombian women fight prejudice by em ...On an improvised stage “Bombón de chocolate” (Chocolate Candy) is being performed. The play, which narrates the story of an African-Colombian girl who feels rejected because of the colour of her skin, is one of the events at a special day on drug add...
- Global: May for the Cuban 5The month of May started with a great number of activities in support of the Cuban 5. On May 1st hundreds of thousands of Cubans marched on International Workers Day in Havana and other cities. They were joined by hundreds of internationalists in de...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
War in Context
- What Iranians really thinkAbbas Milani writes: The failure of American and British governments to predict the fall of the shah in 1979 was one of the biggest intelligence failures of the twentieth century. In the aftermath of that monumental mess, the British government ordered a policy review to learn what went wrong. They ...
- Troubling trends in the Middle EastIn an examination of the “five mostly troubling trends from 2010 that will probably define and plague the Middle East for the year ahead,” Rami G Khouri writes: The transformation of the formerly localized Arab-Israeli conflict into the fulcrum of a much wider regional confrontation with strong rel ...
- In Iraq, Turkey demonstrates the effectiveness of ...Anthony Shadid reports: A Turkey as resurgent as at any time since its Ottoman glory is projecting influence through a turbulent Iraq, from the boomtowns of the north to the oil fields near southernmost Basra, in a show of power that illustrates its growing heft across an Arab world long suspicious ...
- Another step towards fascism — Israeli parliament ...Haaretz reports: The Knesset plenum voted Wednesday to establish a parliamentary panel of inquiry to investigate left-wing Israeli organizations that allegedly participate in delegitimization campaigns against Israel Defense Forces soldiers. The initiative, brought forth by Foreign Minister Avigdo ...
- Israeli media acting like North Korean mediaDidi Remez, whose blog is Coteret, provides a translation of an interview with the Israeli human rights attorney, Micheal Sfard, who appeared on Israel Defense Forces Radio yesterday morning. Niv Raskin, IDF Radio: Now we turn to the IDF investigation on the death of protester Jawaher Abu Rahma. Ac ...
Watts Up With That?
- Yes, Virginia, you do have to produce those ‘ ...Published on Washington Examiner ( By: Christopher C. Horner, David W. Schnare and Robert Marshall Reprinted with permission from the authors. Yes, Virginia, you do have to produce those ‘Global Warming’ documents Today, Virginia taxpayers, a state lawmaker and a … Con ...
- Demented thinking: Copenhagen didn’t work &# ...This is from a press release embargoed until 00:01 today (it says). I don’t know why, there’s nothing new here, because Nordhaus said the same thing well over a year ago in this Guardian article where he says “taxation is … Continue reading →
- Union of Concerned Scientists – Unwarranted ...Guest post by Alan Cheetham The Union of Concerned Scientistsâ (UCS) Climate Choices web site (published in 2006) says: “here in the Northeast, the climate is changing. Records show that spring is arriving earlier, summers are growing hotter, and winters … Continue reading →
- On “Trap-Speed”, ACC and the SNRGuest post by William McClenney âTrap-Speedâ: We will initiate this discussion by looking at some of the early, and then later, recognitions of some of climate changeâs âbest lap timesâ in terms of sheer speed. Perhaps one of the more … Continue reading →
- Sea Ice News #33I’ve held the normal Sunday Sea Ice news until NSIDC released their monthly report, which they did today. I’m repeating it here verbatim. The main issue with Arctic extent has to do with the persistent Arctic Oscillation induced high over … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- The Corporate Power vs. National Interest Capitali Steven Jonas, MD, MPH Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted on January 6, 2011 Otto von Bismarck was known as the “Iron Chancellor,” first of Prussia, then after 1871 and the Prussian victory over the French in the Franco-Prussian War, of the unified German state. Shortly ...
- U.S. Employs Afghan War To Build Global NATO by Ri Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism January 5, 2011 In an article entitled “How Afghanistan Became a War for NATO,” American journalist Gareth Porter argued that, contrary to the official position that an estimated 52,000 non-American tr ...
- Kucinich Calls On Issa to Examine Wasteful Spendin ... by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich Washington, Jan 4, 2011 Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today wrote to the incoming Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform requesting that Congressman Issa examine a âglaring omissionâ in his stated oversigh ...
- Illnesses linked to BP oil disaster by Dahr Jamail by Dahr Jamail January 5th, 2011 | Inter Press Service Doctor attributes widespread sickness to toxic chemicals from the Gulf of Mexico catastrophe. Despite BP having capped its well in the Gulf of Mexico in July, the health-related afte ...
- I would like to amend my words by Bruce Gagnonby Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes January 5, 2011 Some in my household have asked me to think about and clarify a rant I did earlier this week. It is the one about a meeting I attended on January 1 where I critiqued some of the discussion in that meeting. It appears [. ...
Your New Reality
- No titleThere's so much to say about this wonderful, brilliant lecture by Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy author Douglas Adams, but I'm not going to spoil any of it. Just get through the first 10 minutes or so and you'll find it almost impossible to stop listening. I had to tear myself away from it at 3am, ...
- No titleExtraordinary.
- No titleRon Paul : In a society where truth becomes treason...we are in big trouble. The truth is that our foreign spying, meddling and outright military intervention in the post-World War 2 era has made us less secure, not more, and we have lost countless lives and spent trillions of dollars for our t ...
- No titleA Christian South Korean Christmas Greeting To Atheist North Korea If war between South Korea & North Korea breaks out soon, you will seen footage from this Live War Rehearsal passed off in the mainstream media as footage from the actual conflict.
- No titleFuck The War Fuck The War : The Movie is coming to DVD and torrents in November, 2010. In 2003, during anti-War On Iraq protests, the Australian prime minister was kidnapped by an activist and interrogated for 24 hours. The disappearance of the prime minister was officially covered up as an " ...
Wired - Science
- Clever Crows Use Tools in New WayrunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience739268601001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); With the simple act of using twigs to poke a rubber spider, New Caledonian crows may have become the first birds to join an exclusive cognitive class. Using tools in mult ...
- Toxic Oceans May Have Poisoned Early AnimalsSoon after complex animals made their first great strides onto the stage of life, the oceans brewed up a toxic chemical mix that put the brakes on evolutionary innovation, suggests a paper in the Jan. 6 Nature. The culprits? Too little oxygen and too much sulfur dissolved in coastal waters, repo ...
- Moon and Space Station Eclipse the SunTuesday morning’s partial solar eclipse produced a gorgeous crescent sunrise in Europe, Africa and Asia as the moon blocked most of the sun’s disk. But for a split second, the sun was also partially blocked by another satellite: the International Space Station. French astrophotographer Thierry Lega ...
- Ancient Birds Clobbered Rivals With Clubbed WingsBy Mark Brown, Wired UK Paleontologists at Yale University have discovered that a prehistoric bird with club-like bludgeons for hands likely used its powerful wings to beat up monkeys, snakes and other predators. The fowl, named Xenicibis xympithecus, lived in Jamaica about 10,000 years ago, and wa ...
- Nanoparticles in Sewage Sludge May End Up in the F ...Plants and microbes can absorb nano-sized synthetic particles that magnify in concentration within predators up the food chain, according to two new studies. Nanoparticles can be made of countless different materials, and their safety isn’t well-understood. Yet the minuscule specks are infused int ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- ‘Dangerous’ political websites blocked from viewin ...Breaking the Silence director: "This is an extremely absurd and stupid policy, because whoever wants to block Internet access to people at an airport will ultimately have to consider preventing them... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Knesset votes to probe Israeli groups accused of ‘ ...Panel of inquiry will primarily look into these groups' funding sources, particularly to examine whether foreign state or terror-linked organizations are involved. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the I ...
- Rashid Khalidi and Aluf Benn on Charlie RoseRashid Khalidi: "Palestinian statehood is 62 years overdue. It should have happened at the time of the partition plan, a Jewish state, an Arab state. That’s what the U.N. mandated. It’s 44 years... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- Tears and gas: a call to mobiliseAs 2010 came to a close in the West Bank under the regular, weekly cloud of teargas experienced among the villages bordering Israel's 1967 Green Line, 2011 started with the death of Palestinian woman... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Noam Chomsky: Breaking the Israel-Palestine Deadlo ...While intensively engaged in illegal settlement expansion, the government of Israel is also seeking to deal with two problems: a global campaign of what it perceives as “delegitimation” – that is,... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russian Air Force to receive Ka-52 helicoptersThe Russia's Defense Ministry plans to start procuring Ka-52 Alligator helicopters for the national Air Force in 2011, ministry's official spokesman Col. Vladimir Drik said on Sunday.
- Russian Air Force to receive up to 100 Sukhoi figh ...The Russian Air Force will receive up to 100 Sukhoi fighter jets by 2015.
- Russia to pay over 700 million euros for first Mis ...Russia will pay France approximately 720 million euros for its first Mistral-class helicopter carrier for its Navy, a source close to the negotiations process told RIA Novosti on Thursday.
- Putin hails Medvedev over New START treatyRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called on Wednesday a new strategic arms reduction treaty with the United States a foreign policy victory for President Dmitry Medvedev.
- Russian missile maker to build two plants, expand ...Russia's Almaz-Antei conglomerate will receive a government loan to build two new production facilities to expand the export of missile defense systems, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Wednesday.
- Mesothelima Cases Likely Are Significantly Underre ...For every four to five reported cases of mesothelioma worldwide, at least one case goes unreported, according to estimates published online January 6 ahead of print in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). This study is the first to provide a global estimate of unreporte ...
- AERA Appoints New Editors for Top-Ranked JournalTwo accomplished scholars--Zeus Leonardo and Frank C. Worrell--have been appointed to serve as coeditors of the Review of Educational Research (RER). Leonardo and Worrell are both faculty members at the University of California-Berkeley Graduate School of Education.
- AMGA Reports 10th Straight Year of Substantial Gro ...The American Medical Group Association (AMGA) announced significant growth in 2010, during which it added 44 new member groups, representing more than 14,800 physicians. In addition, AMGA reports that 2011 has started strongly with 11 additional new members representing 2,200 physicians joining.
- IVF Breakthrough to Hit the World MarketA University of Adelaide reproductive biologist has achieved a major breakthrough in IVF technology that is expected to help millions of women around the world who have suffered previous miscarriages after IVF treatment.
- 'Chosen Peoples' Explores Role of Religion in Civi ...In the new book, "God's Almost Chosen Peoples: A Religious History of the American Civil War," Dr. George C. Rable, Charles G. Summersell Chair in Southern History at The University of Alabama, examines how Americans used their faith to explain and deal with the enormous costs of the Civil War.
Natural Health News
- Sir Isaac the Bowler -- Cat of DestructionCats reduce your attachments to material possessions -- by destroying them.
- Tragically, Average Child in U.S. Gets Seven Radia ...An average child in the United States will undergo more than seven radiation scans by the age of 18.� Most of the scans involve X-rays, and some children also get CT scans, which entail far more radiation and can raise the risk for cancer. A recent large study found that X-rays of the chest, hand a ...
- Time Warp -- Water Balloon to the FaceWhat exactly is going on when the water balloon hits?� Now you can see in slow motion!
- Now the FDA is Going After Vitamin C!The U.S. FDA has recently notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C. With at least one pharmacy, the FDA may also be banning injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B-complex 100. �These two substances are often ...
- Most Americans are Delusional About Healthy EatingIn a recent poll of more than 1,200 American adults, close to 90 percent said their diet was either �somewhat�, �very�, or �extremely� healthy. However, 43 percent of the survey respondents said they drank at least one sugary soda or sweetened drink every day.� A third also said they were at a heal ...
- Dead-Enders In The Fight Against Full Civil Rights ...The Nuns used to say that doing the right thing was its own reward. If they were indeed right it is a good thing, as in this political climate there have been very few rewards for doing the right or just thing. Specifically I am talking about the Justices of the Iowa Supreme Court. Back in April of ...
- Social Security: Beyond Red and BlueGeorge Carlin said it bluntly a few years ago, and it was dismissed as comedy by more than a few who saw that it wasn't - who saw that he he was using the comedic stage as a platform to deliver a serious warning, to pass on the truth as he saw it clearly: They own you. They own everything. They own ...
- Blasphemy And Assassination - The Cost Of A State ...Yesterday the Governor of Punjab province was gunned down by one of his own bodyguards. The reason given by the assassin was that Salman Taseer was killed was the fact that he spoke out against Pakistan’s very strict blasphemy laws. As a secular and liberal politician he was a rarity in recent Pakis ...
- Get Set For 5 Years Of Civil War RevisionismIn three days we will move on to a historic anniversary year, the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. 150 years ago this year, the States that comprised the Confederacy seceded from the Union and eventually attacked Fort Sumner which began the Civil War. Time has a way of softening the rough edges o ...
- China's "Secret" War Plan China's “SECRET WAR PLAN” (Be amazed!) has leaked out and fallen into the hands of none other than “Popular Mechanics”(PM) magazine, which plastered it on the cover of its December issue. How this TOP SECRET info got into the hands of the intrepid editors at Hearst Publishing in New York on west 57t ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres.
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Merry Christmasby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson To all OJers everywhere who celebrate it, Merry Christmas, and to everyone a joyous holiday season. Â It is snowing large wet flakes here in DC on Christmas morning. Â In my case, my wife and I drove down on Thursday to Chapel Hill, North Carolina and drove ...
- And Kenya Moves a Step Back…by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller True to James Gathii’s comment to my last post, the Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga, has made it clear that Kenya won’t be withdrawing from the ICC anytime soon: Kenya’s prime minister on Thursday dismissed as futile a motion by lawmakers to withdraw ...
- Artistic Death Penalty for Iranian Director Jafar Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller A stark reminder that freedom of expression is indeed a precious thing: Jafar Panahi is one of the most acclaimed film directors in the world. Admirers like myself were horrified and astonished at the news, announced yesterday, that Jafar Panahi had been ...
- More from Jack Goldsmith on WikiLeaksby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Today at Lawfare: If DOJ tries to prosecute Assange, we will see more and more scrutiny of double standards in the treatment of traditional media leak solicitors (NYT etc.) v. Assange, and of double standards in the treatment of high-level U.S. governmen ...
- Sovereigntism in a Nutshellby Peter Spiro by Peter Spiro From a new pamphlet, Why Does Sovereignty Matter to America? Merry Christmas from the folks at the Heritage Foundation: [T]oday, our sovereignty faces new threats. International organizations and courts seek to reshape the international system. Nations are to give up ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- New study says CO2 rise a result of warmer tempera ...A new peer reviewed study supports another contention I raised in Air Con: that CO2 increase follows temperature increase, and that there appears to be no correlation between fossil fuel emissions and temperature. The paper is available in full in...
- RIP Chris Carter, Investigate columnistIt's an odd thing, finding out on the radio news that your magazine's longest serving opinion columnist has passed away. What turns out to be his last column only hit the newsstands yesterday in the latest Investigate magazine: Chris Carter...
- Climate scientists go feral, begin wearing cammo g ...Utah survivalists infiltrate climate science community. Whodathunkit?: It might surprise, and hopefully disturb you, to hear that in my short time at AGU, I discovered four scientists who are already creating some form of survival retreat for their family, and...
- Admission: climate science IS stalking horse for g ...Slate magazine calls it: For 20 years, evidence about global warming has been directly and explicitly linked to a set of policy responses demanding international governance regimes, large-scale social engineering, and the redistribution of wealth. These are the sort of...
- BREAKING: Hottest year ever claims based on fake d ...You hear it trotted out so often it's tiresome, but for those who still believe the climate scientists who claim 2010 is "the hottest year ever", here's a wake-up call: the data is fake. (another perspective here) It's a similar...
My Care2 Picks
- Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Te ...Report prepared for Prime Minister Putin states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Go ...
- What Triggers Mass Extinctions? Study Shows How In ...An influx of invasive species can stop the dominant natural process of new species formation and trigger mass extinction events, according to research results published December 29 in the journal PLoS ONE. The study of the collapse of Earth's marine life Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment �|� � ...
- What Do Afghans Think of the War? Ask Them! | War ...ARTICLESubmitted by joan rodriguez to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Our Dick CheneyDec 31 'Language warning'...but funny regardlessSubmitted by John Farnham to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Gulf of Mexico is DyingThe fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance. After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months,we can now disseminate the following with the authority of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene.Submitted by John Farnham to Environment �|� �No ...
Angry Indian News
- Pan-African News Wire: Egyptian Police Arrest Chri ...Pan-African News Wire: Egyptian Police Arrest Christians In Aftermath of Church Bombing: "Egypt's Copts complain the authorities have not done enough to protect themEgyptian authorities have charged... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Pan-African News Wire: United Nations Seeks Troops ...Pan-African News Wire: United Nations Seeks Troops for Ivory Coast: "Gbagbo has refused for more than a month to step down after a decade in powerThe UN is calling for up to 2,000 peacekeepers to... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Battery factory poisons 24 children in China | Wor ...Battery factory poisons 24 children in China | World news | "Twenty-four children, aged between nine months and 16 years old, have been hospitalised for lead poisoning caused by... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Get me Bill Clinton, says Hugo Ch�vez after vetoin ...Get me Bill Clinton, says Hugo Ch�vez after vetoing US ambassador | World news | The Guardian: "Washington withdrew the visa of Venezuela's ambassador last week after Ch�vez rejected Barack Obama's... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Coalition of state lawmakers target birthright cit ...Coalition of state lawmakers target birthright citizenship | Raw Story: "A coalition of state lawmakers is collaborating on legislation to 'correct' the 14th Amendment and deny citizenship to... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Truth Squad Radio – On Wednesdays Now!We will be discussing the USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame, as well as getting updates on other important issues.
- USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neot ...Let me make this perfectly clear. Neotame does not have to be included in ANY list of ingredients! So, if you buy processed food, whether USDA Certified Organic or not, that food most likely will contain Neotame - a neurotoxin worse than Aspartame.
- Report from Iron Mountain; Using fear to make peop ..."The final candidate for a useful global threat was pollution of the environment. This was viewed as the most likely to succeed because it could be related to observable conditions such as smog and water pollution– in other words, it would be based partly on fact and, therefore, be credible. Predict ...
- USDA GMO PolicyMonsanto, Vilsack, and the USDA GMO juggernaut.
- The Vote Is In: Congressional Mafia Rams Food Safe ...Food Safety legislation passes! Codex, here we come...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- 3 US-led soldiers killed in AfghanistanShareThis3 US-led soldiers killed in Afghanistan 05 Jan 2011 Three US-led NATO troops have been killed in separate attacks in Afghanistan, raising the death toll for foreign soldiers to six only five days into 2011. Two soldiers were killed in a bomb explosion in the east and the third died in a sim ...
- Body of Former Federal Official Found at LandfillShareThisBody of Former Federal Official Found at Landfill 03 Jan 2011 (DE) A military expert who served three Republican presidents and helped get the Vietnam Veterans Memorial built as part of his dedication to those who fought in that war was found dead in a landfill, and authorities were trying ...
- Son of Omaha Police Detective Kills Assistant Prin ...ShareThisSon of Omaha Police Detective Kills Assistant Principal, Self --Robert Butler Jr. Also Wounds Principal in School Shooting Rampage 05 Jan 2011 A high school student who was the son of a police detective shot two school officials at Millard South High School in Omaha today and then shot hims ...
- US sets up center for 'secret war'ShareThisUS sets up center for 'secret war' 06 Jan 2011 The US administration is ramping up a "secret war on terror groups" in hot spots around the globe by establishing a new military targeting center, officials say. According to incumbent and former US officials, the center, run by the US Joint Sp ...
- Scalia: Constitution Doesn't Protect Women or Gays ...ShareThisScalia: Constitution Doesn't Protect Women or Gays from Discrimination 04 Jan 2011 Neither women nor gays are promised protection against discrimination under the Constitution, Supreme Court [in]Justice Antonin Scalia said in an interview with the publication California Lawyer. Scalia's rem ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- New study says CO2 rise a result of warmer tempera ...A new peer reviewed study supports another contention I raised in Air Con: that CO2 increase follows temperature increase, and that there appears to be no correlation between fossil fuel emissions and temperature. The paper is available in full in...
- RIP Chris Carter, Investigate columnistIt's an odd thing, finding out on the radio news that your magazine's longest serving opinion columnist has passed away. What turns out to be his last column only hit the newsstands yesterday in the latest Investigate magazine: Chris Carter...
- Climate scientists go feral, begin wearing cammo g ...Utah survivalists infiltrate climate science community. Whodathunkit?: It might surprise, and hopefully disturb you, to hear that in my short time at AGU, I discovered four scientists who are already creating some form of survival retreat for their family, and...
- Admission: climate science IS stalking horse for g ...Slate magazine calls it: For 20 years, evidence about global warming has been directly and explicitly linked to a set of policy responses demanding international governance regimes, large-scale social engineering, and the redistribution of wealth. These are the sort of...
- BREAKING: Hottest year ever claims based on fake d ...You hear it trotted out so often it's tiresome, but for those who still believe the climate scientists who claim 2010 is "the hottest year ever", here's a wake-up call: the data is fake. (another perspective here) It's a similar...
- In the ‘Forward,’ Pogrebin condemns th ...As an admirer of Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a founding editor of Ms. Magazine, for nearly 40 years, I was dismayed by her fervent defense of Hillary Clinton in a debate over the 2008 election with her daughter, Abigail Pogrebin, who supported Barack Obama. I was disappointed that someone who'd helped t ...
- Arab countries can’t compete globally becaus ...Latest Wikicable, from 2006: U.S. businesses allege that corruption by Israeli officials at Karni crossing is impeding their access to the Gaza market. As of late May 34 shipments of American goods, amounting to nearly USD 1.9 million dollars, have been waiting three to four months to cross in ...
- Signs of desperation in the lobbyA bunch of jobs are being advertised by the rightwing shoppe, The Israel Project, Lanny Davis's old outfit that is Israel-right-or-wrong. Why are they hiring so many people? I believe because they're flailing, because public opinion is changing fast on the special relationship, and even the elites a ...
- The invisible world inside IsraelIn a dream world, I would write about Palestinians in Israel. I would write about my experiences working and living in Israel, why I care and why it matters. I would talk about the myriad of perspectives, the layers and layers and layers of complications, melanges of heritages and cultures [... ...
- Collective punishment: Wikileaks doc says Israel k ...The Wikileaks cable first reported by Aftenposten and mentioned by Amy Goodman this morning on Democracy Now (and picked up by Robert Mackey at the Times and Andrew Sullivan too). The assault on the banking system was documented in November 2008, a few weeks before Cast Lead. And all justified by st ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: GlaxosmithKline Implicated In Systemic Clinic ...‘A psychiatrist on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after pleading guilty to committing research fraud in clinical trials for antidepressant Paxil. Palazzo enrolled children who did not actually suffer from major depressive or obsessive compulsive disorder ...
- VRM: California Institutes Mandatory DTaP Vaccinat ...âFor the 2011â12 school year only, children entering 7thâ12th grade will need proof of a DTaP (Diphtheria,Tetanus & Pertussis) shot before starting school. For 2012-13 and beyond, only students entering 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap shot.â California Depât of Public Health ‘The law will ap ...
- VRM: Health Matters Part 2BISPHENAL A PLASTIC is deadly. It leaks a synthetic hormone which mimics Estrogene & is present in most common store-bought products, also found in the lining of all soup cans. Long term effects include Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Androgeny. It should be noted that in the original tests th ...
- VRM: Health Matters Part 1A compromised immune system is more susceptible to infection. Some areas of concern - Anyone with Hyper/Hypothyroidism needs to redouble their efforts to rapidly cleanse the system. The Thyroid Gland is key to overall health. Produces T3 & T4 hormones (Iodine Atoms). Iodine helps regulate metabol ...
- VRM: The Dark Side of The Vitamin K ShotApart from the trauma inflicted on a newborn of getting the shot, the amount of Vitamin K injected into newborns is 20,000 times the needed dose. The injection also contains a preservative, Benzyl alcohol, that can be especially toxic for your babyâs delicate, young immune system. A parent has to k ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner for ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- For My Thai Friends04 January 2011 Was walking by the water.� There were thousands of birds and so I wanted to send this snapshot back to Thailand.� Thai people are welcome in Florida!� Y'all get over here. Michael {loadposition user8}
- Winter Haven Native's War Dispatches Have Worldwid ...Please click here to view entire article in the Lakeland Ledger. {loadposition user8}
- The Jungle Twins01 January 2011 In October 2010, a rare set of elephant twins was born in Thailand, leading to vibrant media interest.� The birth was a happy surprise partly because it had been the second set of twins born in Thailand in 2010.� Many Thais consider this auspicious, and two sets of twins in one ye ...
- Hostages Press Please Click here to view the entire story. {loadposition user8}
- Shooting Star16 December 2010Six years ago this week, I was packing for my first trip to Iraq.� Been a long road. Earlier this week, the annual Geminids meteor shower was a beautiful sight to behold.� Using 4 cameras, I made about 3,600 photos over the Andaman Sea.�� Due to computer issues, I�ve been able to re ...
The Killing Train
- Raj Patel's "Value of Nothing"For various reasons I found myself with several hours on public transit and with Raj Patel's fine book "The Value of Nothing" in hand. I really liked a few things about it. First, it's a very readable summary of a lot of economic theories (and ideologies) that guide policies today. For a more mathem ...
- A short video on Toronto Star's recent G20 coverag ...Three minutes on technology and protests, focusing on the Toronto Star's recent G20 coverage, especially Rosie DiManno's articles.
- Thoughts on Nicholas Carr's "The Shallows" After a couple of recommendations from a couple of different directions, I read Nicholas Carr's "The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains". It combines neuroplasticity research (which I read about in Norman Doidge's "The Brain that Changes Itself") with ideas about a literary, print-ba ...
- "Santa" Ford just stole 1000 jobs from the futureYesterday's headlines in Toronto newspapers were about how Rob Ford and City Council repealed the $60 vehicle registration tax. The Toronto Sun went as far as painting a beard on a picture of Ford, calling him Santa, and referring to the tax repeal as a christmas gift to Toronto. Another advance aga ...
- Spinning the leaksMy daily routine these days includes going to the Wikileaks twitter feed (, which took me to this story in the UK Guardian about how Saudi Arabia proposed an Arab force to invade Lebanon. The Guardian is definitely the best site on the Wikileaks, and for data in general - they ...
- The Trials and Tribulations of Adélie Penguins in ...Photo credit: Fen Montaigne The iconic Adélie penguin is one of only two species to live and breed exclusively in Antarctica. Known for its "tuxedo" patterned coloration and their annual migrations of thousands of miles across the Antarctic, the penguins number in the millions—but this large p ...
- Survey Reveals French are the Saddest People on Ea ...Photo: imdb If you are feeling very sad about the coming year, you are probably French. If the thought of the new year fills you with hope and optimism then you may be from Nigeria, Vietnam or even Kosovo. So where does that leave North Americans? The new "Global Barometer of Hope and Des ...
- Ferran Adrià's elBulli Restaurant Aims for Zero Em ...Image credit: El País According to El País on sunday, celebraty chef Ferran Adrià is plotting a zero emission premises for his restaurant elBulli on the coast of Catalonia, Spain. The 2010 chef of the decade (nominated by The Restaurant magazine) closed his three Michelin stars restaurant last ...
- Bikes for the World Need a Storage Site. Can You H ...Photo credits: Bikes for the World Bikes for the World donates used bicycles to non-profit community programs in Africa and Central America "to enable the poor to hold jobs, attend school, and obtain health services." To date they've processed about 50,000 bikes valued at over $2 million USD. B ...
- Istanbul Residents Vote On Two Ugly Tram DesignsThe voting website for Istanbul's new tram design. Screenshot: Istanbul Ulaşım A.Ş. Sigh. Just when I was feeling optimistic about the latest developments with Istanbul's public transportation system, the municipality goes and announces that it's running an online poll to let the public choose ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- DKBA soldier takes Thai citizen hostageThai hostage
- Arakanese rebels attack Burma armyFour Burmese troops killed in rare attack by Arakan Liberation Army, which warns that resistance efforts will step up in 2011
- Burma army expands in Kachin, Shan statesAdditional military zones created by junta as concerns over clashes between border-based ethnic armies continue to mount
- Burma warns against foreign meddlingState media carries message from junta chief Than Shwe urging Burmese to guard against 'aggressive countries' seeking political control
- Two decades behind bars (Pt. 3)Thiha Yarzar spent nearly 18 years as a Burmese political prisoner, moved between five different jails where he was tortured and placed on death row
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Inflation flies up, up and away Thanks to the rise of the developing world, things won't be getting better any time soon, says Jeremy Warner.
- Inflation flies up, up and away Food prices, utility bills, clothing and other costs are soaring, and thanks to the rise of the developing world, things won't be getting better any time soon, says Jeremy Warner.
- What we need in 2011 is an oppositionOn all the most important issues effecting our lives, our politicians are in deluded agreement, says Christopher Booker
- As we count the cost of the freeze, Government pre ...The authorities continue to prepare for 'rising temperatures' despite a succession of unprecedentedly cold winters, says Christopher Booker.
- Environment preview of 2011The 'greenest government ever' has an opportunity to live up the title while climate change will be back in the spotlight as hope grows once again for a global deal.
National Geographic | Environment
- "Bodies" Make Up Fake Coral ReefHundreds of life-size human sculptures were recently installed as part of a new underwater sculpture garden off Cancun, Mexico. Video.
- Pictures: "Bodies" Fill Underwater Sculpture ParkNoneA new underwater sculpture garden off Mexico is to help lure tourists away from fragile natural reefs, says the project's creator.
- On China's Roads (and Rails), a Move Toward Greene ...The market for cars in China is booming, posing severe traffic problems for a country once nicknamed the "bicycle kingdom."
- Bumblebees Taking a Nosedive in North AmericaA European fungus may be to blame for the rapid decline of four once common bee species in North America, experts say.
- World's Biggest Cave Found in VietnamStretching more than 2.7 miles long and soaring as high as 460 feet, a cavern in Southeast Asia is the biggest single cave passage yet found, British explorers say.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Federal appeals court finds California memorial cr ...[JURIST] A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] unanimously Tuesday that California's Mount Soledad cross, a 43-foot cross erected as a Korean War veterans' memorial, is unconstitutional under the First Amendment [text]. Justice M ...
- Federal judge blocks government's Microsoft e-mail ...[JURIST] A judge for the US Court of Federal Claims [official website] has issued a preliminary injunction preventing the US Department of Interior (DOI) [official website] from accepting a bid from Microsoft [corporate website] to overhaul its e-mail system, according to a ruling made public Tuesda ...
- Ninth Circuit seeks guidance on same-sex marriage ...[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [official website] on Tuesday asked [order, PDF] the Supreme Court of California [official website] to weigh in on whether supporters of Proposition 8 [text, PDF; JURIST news archive], California's same-sex marriage ban, have standing to defend ...
- Milwaukee Catholic diocese to file for bankruptcy ...[JURIST] Archbishop Jerome Listecki announced Tuesday that the Archodiocese of Milwaukee [official website] will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection [press release] as a result of financial strain from lawsuits over the clergy sex abuse scandals [JURIST news archive]. The archdiocese's purpose ...
- Spain judge launches probe into Iraq refugee killi ...[JURIST] Spanish National Court judge Fernando Andreu [JURIST news archive] on Tuesday issued a writ to pursue an investigation against Iraqi Lieutenant General Abdol Hossein Al Shemmari for allegedly ordering a July 2009 strike against Iranian exiles at Camp Ashraf in which 11 unarmed civilians wer ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Who's Staffing Obama 2.0: An UpdateAs many as eight senior staff positions could open up within the next few weeks, as the Washington Post noted today, leaving President Obama with a different -- but strangely familiar -- cast of advisers, some playing new roles. And Team Obama generally plays well together, but anticipated fric ...
- Daley Emerges as Possible Obama ChiefWilliam M. Daley, the former Commerce secretary and early adviser to President Obama's campaign, has emerged as a serious contender to become Obama's next chief of staff, a White House official said Monday. The official said that Obama spoke twice with Daley in December: once on the telephon ...
- A Primary Challenge to Obama?The apoplexy of loud liberals probably won't be enough to spur a credible primary challenge to President Obama. That's because Obama enjoys extremely high approval ratings among African Americans, who are not likely to desert him for anyone else, because the White House and the Democratic National C ...
- WikiLeaks: One Analyst, So Many DocumentsTo date, Bradley Manning stands accused only of providing a classified video of U.S. operations in Iraq to WikiLeaks. But U.S. government officials say they consider Manning the prime suspect behind the flood of documents that have wound up being promulgated by the group determined to bust U.S. secr ...
- After North Korean Attack, Obama Waits for BeijingIn the wake of North Korea's artillery fusillade, President Obama's foreign-policy team is looking to see whether China, which has the most leverage with the isolated regime, responds in a way that the administration considers productive. MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL: Ostrich Oversight? ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Canada at War in Iraq! New 54-page COAT re ...
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Eltana: New Seattle Bagel CafeIf you live in Seattle or ever plan to visit and love bagels as I do, I wanted to recommend a new bagel shop/café that’s opened in Capitol Hill (12th & Pine in the Packard Building), Eltana. The owner, Stephen Brown, is a Montreal native and grew up noshing on the city’s European style wood-fired ...
- Mossad, Iranian Jews Peddle Asgari Counter-Narrati ...I’ve been struck by the pushback against my story about Ali Reza Asgari and Prisoner X in Ayalon Prison. Â The Mossad, sympathetic journalists and Iranian exiles doing its bidding (purposely or not) have each chimed in with varying levels of disinformation over the past few days. Â I’ve already writ ...
- Links for 2010-04-03 [Digg]Anat Kam-Uri Blau Top Secret Israeli Leak Case The foreign media continue to open up the gagged Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National.
- Israeli Settler Peace Rabbi Froman Ill With CancerRabbi Menachem Froman, a settler rabbi who is also a confidant of Hamas and thorn in the side of the Shabak, has received a cancer diagnosis. Â His doctors decided the illness was so advanced they would not operate. Â As a result, his family arranged for a massive celebration in song and Torah study ...
- Links for 2010-08-17 [Digg]Israel Wakes Up and Discovers Its Soldiers Abuse Palestinian Yesterday, a major scandal erupted in Israel over an IDF soldier, Eden Aberjil, who posted pictures on her Facebook account of her abusing bound Palestinian...
Ode Magazine
- Q&A: Jay WalljasperBy: Marco Visscher In All That We Share, veteran journalist Jay Walljasper, a former editor at Ode, presents the ultimate guide to save ‘the commons,’ which he defines as “everything we inherit or create together and must pass on.” What is the commons exac ...
- Celebrating the return of the bald eagleBy: In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, "a farmer’s dreams are narrow." In January, as temperatures drop to -20 Celsius (4 degrees Fahrenheit) and my garden lies buried somewhere under a foot of snow, I sometimes feel like life has been ban ...
- Running across EthiopiaBy: Gertiser Ten runners, ten marathons, ten days. Can a small group of runners make a difference in a country where only one third of its citizens are able to read? The runners will run village to village across a 250-mile trail route in southern Ethiopia ...
- Positive activism with a twistBy: akazdi Many years ago when I lived in Naperville, Illinois and working as a special education teacher in the neighboring town of Bolingbrook, Illinois a proposal to build a large incinerator less than half a mile from where I lived and roughly two mile ...
- Child moralityBy: Jeremy Mercer The other day, a rather traumatic scene unfolded at my daughter’s day care. A group of three children, two toddlers and one baby, were playing with a set of wooden play tools. The toddlers were busily hammering fake nails when, suddenly, ...
OpEd News
- Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan ...Another undiscussed government sanctioned racket
- The Drug War: A Roller-Coaster To HellThe US War On Drugs is a disastrous assault on supply outside the US; it is a war that will never end. What we really should be doing is addressing the incredible demand for drugs we have in the US.
- Our war for energy independence and economic susta ...Our war for energy independence and economic sustainability
- The Real Reason Fannie and Freddie Lost So Much Mo ...Fannie and Freddie lost money because they ignored the guidelines set by the Clinton Administration to avoid predatory loans.
- CHANGE COMES TO THE NEW YORK STATE SENATE: TONY AV ...This article focuses on a true "maverick" in politics, Mr. Tony Avella, an independent-minded Democrat who generated an important upset by defeating a very entrenched conservative Republican to be elected to the New York State Senate, representing a district in Queens, the most ethnically diverse bo ...
- Sanction Iceland, the world's whaling outlawWeighing up to 80 tons and almost twice the length of a school bus, the massive fin whale — known as the greyhound of the sea for its swimming speed — was the victim of decades of commercial slaughter that killed the whales by the tens of thousands each year. Then, in 1986, with the sp ...
- Cuomo announces green jobs, local food initiatives ...In his first State of the State speech as governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo focused heavily on the obvious issues – New York’s crushing budget and economy problems. But he also introduced important initiatives on local food, green jobs, and smart growth, three issues that NRDC is dev ...
- Congress, the Constitution and the Polluter Bill o ...House Republicans plan to kick off the 112th Congress with a demonstration of their fealty to the rule of law by reciting the U.S. Constitution on the chamber floor. As the lawmakers read the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution tomorrow, it is important to remember the inh ...
- Gas Driller Cabot in Trouble AgainOft-penalized gas driller Cabot Oil & Gas - the company responsible for the contamination of private water wells in Dimock, PA - has gotten in trouble with the authorities again.� This time it is the Delaware River Basin Commission, which regulates activities in the�Delaware River wate ...
- Wildlife Services' Wolf Management Plan for Idaho: ...Last month Wildlife Services, a little-known federal agency that we’ve written quite a bit about here at Switchboard, issued a “revised” analysis of its plan to help reduce Idaho's wolf population by roughly 40% -- from around 843 wolves to about 500. As NRDC’s Matt Skoglund explai ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Constitution-Revering Republicans Propose Unconsti ...As if to provide a perfect example for Dahlia Lithwick’s demonstration of the superficial and selective nature of Tea Party reverence for the Constitution, Steve King has decided to open the new Congress by introducing a flagrantly unconstitutional law. And by “unconstitutional,” I don’t mean “con ...
- Blowing up slowlyI put the word “slow” in the title of the course with the unsatisfactory title because it’s defining feature of menace: if something is stationary, it’s unthreatening; if something is celeritous, it’s frightening. For something to be menacing requires pacing. Tension does not “build” in films: i ...
- Alomar and Blyleven elected to the HOFAlomar was a slam dunk once the idiot “first ballot” convention was dispensed with, and his name was on 90% of the ballots. Blyleven’s election (79.8%) is a bit of a tribute to the power of saber-knowledge. Others: Larkin 62%, Morris, 53.5%, Lee Smith 45%, Bagwell 41.3%, Raines 37%, Trammell 24.3 ...
- Changing the Rules of the Gameis undemocratic and evil, unless it suits your agenda. Both houses of Congress tweak their rules on the first day of a new session. Â The rule changes for the 112th Congress, while not revolutionary, are more sweeping than usual. Â In the Senate, the Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) hopes to ever so slightl ...
- Now That’s RestraintIn pointing out that it’s hard to square Antonin Scalia’s assertions that the 14th Amendment provides no protection for gender equality with the rest of his jurisprudence, I didn’t even haul out the heaviest artillery. I think it’s safe to say that none of the framers or ratifers of the 14th Amendme ...
Desert Research Institute
- Building Concepts for ClarityTodd Mihevc has a knack for finding the right tools for the job, but he’s no handyman for hire. For 25 years, Mihevc, an Assistant Research Hydrogeologist at DRI, has been instrumental in developing equipment that surveys, studies, and samples water systems in Nevada. His latest research concerns th ...
- Top Cited Article in the Journal of Human Evolutio ...Dr. Glenn Berger is lead author in top-cited article in Journal of Human Evolution. The article "Luminescence chronology of cave sediments at the Atapuerca paleoanthropological site, Spain" was the top-cited article published in the Journal of Human Evolution for the period of 2008 to 2010.
- DRI Researcher Published in Nature GeoscienceThe atmosphere over the Dead Sea, researchers have found, is laden with oxidized mercury. Some of the highest levels of oxidized mercury ever observed outside the polar regions exist there.
- Taking Your Home’s Energy TemperatureAn article authored by DRI Associate Research Professor Emeritus Charles “Fred “Rogers, Ph.D., outlines the best practices for homeowners who are looking to save money on their home heating and cooling bills.
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
Earth Techling
- CES 2011: Eton Raptor Adventure Tool
- CES 2011: Oregon Scientific Weather Lab
- A Solar Billboard To Display Content
- CES 2011: Green Plug Power Processor
- CES 2011: Maytag Maxima Washer & Dryer
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Expert: Prosecution of Michael Jackson's doctor wi ...Prosecutors provided the first glimpse of their criminal case on Tuesday against Dr. Conrad Murray, who faces charges that his actions in June 2009 contributed to the death of pop star Michael Jackson. Ellyn Garofalo, who represented the doctor acquitted of illegally providing prescriptions to Anna ...
- 1st Circuit weighs company's response to allegatio ...The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit recently heard oral arguments about whether a company responded appropriately to a worker's allegations of a racially hostile environment.
- Ex-media executive accuses Proskauer of conflict, ...A former media executive has filed a lawsuit against Proskauer Rose, claiming the law firm mishandled arbitration matters and had a conflict of interest while representing him.
- 1st Circuit considers whether family feud undercut ...Bad blood between two a Maine deputy sheriff and his half brother has led to a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit about the limits of qualified immunity — at least that's how the plaintiff brother sees it.
- Government moves to halt appeal in Don't Ask, Don' ...Lawyers for the Justice Department have asked a federal appeals court to halt indefinitely any future action in the Log Cabin Republicans' challenge to Don't Ask, Don't Tell in light of last month's legislative repeal of the ban on military service by open gays.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Waterdog Training January 10th 2011Waterdogs Training Monday, January 10th, 2011 7:00-9:00pm Jersey Shore Middle School Library Registration Fee $10 Additional $20 if you would like a TDS Meter Registration is due by January 3rd, 2011 Please make checks payable to: LCCD Lycoming County Conservation District 542 County Farm Road, Suit ...
- Pittsburgh Sets Model to Reject Corporate-Imposed ...November 30, 2010 By S.B. Thompson Chambersburg, PA – Edited for length * The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) is actively involved in many issues to help prevent corporations from raping America’s land and resources, including speaking out against uranium mining and mountaintop re ...
- Investigating the US Gas BoomI know many of you are becoming very aware of the natural gas boom happening in the Mid Atlantic area. This video covers some old ground but it also discusses some very current issues and is a great intro for anyone who is trying to learn about the problems with the fracking process. http://www.thee ...
- Under the Influence of Fracking?In addition to the environmental and health threats posed by gas drilling, driving on PA roadways is also becoming more dangerous. The Pennsylvania State Police and the Department of Environmental Protection announced that during an October three-day joint safety enforcement operation, three out of ...
- Speaking Out on Water IssuesTiadaghton Audubon Society is pleased and privileged to have Sean Saville, National Field Director of the National Audubon Society speak on the Gulf Oil Spill at our annual meeting on Wednesday November 17 at 7:30PM in Mansfield Pa at the Holy Child Church, 242 South Main St. He has extensive and in ...
News Blaze
- UN Announces Upcoming Asian Cup Matches to Highlig ...The three matches - the opening match between Qatar and Uzbekistan, as well as two subsequent matches played by the host nation - are part of the Asian Football against Hunger campaign.
- Purely Humanitarian Obligation Urges Palestine to ...When a major forest fire broke out in the Carmel Forest in northern Israel last month, the Palestinian Authority sent fire fighters and equipment to help.
- 'Redemption in America' PPV Show Headliner in West ...'Redemption' will fuse world class boxing and entertainment; showcasing a production that includes high-energy music presented by Broadway performers, along with dancers and aerial artists.
- Independence Referendum in Southern Sudan in Final ...A helicopter from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) this week airlifted ballot papers, voting screens and other material into the road-less Tali region in Central Equatoria State, for distribution to a dozen voting centres for the 9-15 January referen
- Nancy Cartwright -The Rise of a LegendBruce Edwin of The Hollywood Sentinel gives here an exclusive interview with Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart Simpson.
environment 360
- Size of Pacific Garbage Patch Is ‘Grossly’ Exagger ...Claims that a patch of plastic debris and other trash in the Pacific Ocean is twice the size of Texas are “grossly exaggerated” and misleading, according to a new study. Following a literature review and an expedition to better understand the abundance of plastic in the North Pacific, Oregon State U ...
- EU Will Surpass 20 Percent Green Energy Goal by 20 ...The European Union will exceed its target of meeting 20 percent of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2020, according to a new report. Twenty-five of the 27 EU nations will meet or exceed their national targets, according to the analysis by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). About ...
- Interview: On Leaving Congress, Reflections on U.S ...One of the many Democratic casualties of the recent U.S. elections was Congressman Rick Boucher, who played a key role in the passage of cap-and-trade legislation by the House of Representatives. Representing a coal-producing region in southwestern Rick Boucher Virginia, Boucher insisted on sever ...
- Honeybee-Destroying Mites Are Targeted Using Genet ...UK scientists have developed a genetic technique to cause the self-destruction of a deadly mite that has played a role in the decimation of honeybee populations worldwide through so-called colony collapse disorder. In laboratory tests, researchers at the University of Aberdeen and the UK’s National ...
- Interview: As Arctic Ocean Melts, Can Ice Refuge S ...With the Arctic Ocean heading toward a largely ice-free state in summer by mid-century, scientists are looking closely at areas that may retain remnant sea ice and help preserve ice-dependent creatures. Researchers have identified a key spot north of Canada and Greenland, which they say could be a k ...
Red Ice Creations
- Lightning Captured by X-Ray Camera - A FirstThe first x-ray images of a lightning strike have been captured by a, well, lightning-fast camera, scientists say. The pictures suggest a lightning bolt carries all its x-ray radiation in its tip. During recent thunderstorms in Camp Blanding, Florida, the camera's electronic shutter "froze" a lightn ...
- 10 New Year's Re-Solutions For Non-violent Rebelli ...As the United States edges closer to becoming a third world country; anger, frustration, and cynicism continue to mount in the minds of the American population. In fact, a recent Pew Research poll showed that 80% of baby boomers are pessimistic about America's future. This pessimism seems warranted ...
- Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and g ...Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers who voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all becomes. For example, did you know there's a global FDA power grab agenda hidden in the Food Safety M ...
- CNN: 10 ways a digital Big Brother can be good for ...The opening passage from George Orwell's "1984" depicts a guy hustling up a stairwell that's plastered with giant posters of a man's face staring at him. "It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move," Orwell writes in the classic dystopian novel. ...
- Winter Solstice, Total Lunar Eclipse & Ursid Meteo ...An extremely rare astronomical event is slated for this coming Tuesday, as a total lunar eclipse occurs on the same day as the winter solstice. The last time this occurred was in 1638 and it won't happen again until 2094. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through Earth's shadow. The ...
Russia Today
- Sign of the times: Palestinian city’s streets hono ...The West Bank city of Ramallah is naming its streets to mark its 100th anniversary, but some of the choices are causing controversy as they honor people involved in planning terrorist acts.
- My mission is to help in troublesome times – Yakut ...The belief in the power of the shaman is very much a part of the Yakutian way of life. Although there are few shamans left, they are still very important to people in the region.
- Moscow area struggles to cope with severe weather ...Electricity supplies in the Moscow region are set to be fully restored by 10pm on Friday as emergency teams are said to be making great progress following blackouts that began on December 26.
- Europe sees surge in terror-related arrests among ...Several European countries are seeing a spike in the number of people arrested for planning terror attacks – and there is concern that it's the EU's insufficient background checks on asylum-seekers which are to blame.
- What will 2011 bring? New York on the New YearTime to get out the crystal ball and think about what lies ahead for the next 12 months. Lori “The Resident” Harfenist asks people in New York what they expect to happen in 2011.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Tectonic Movement on Mars?Tectonic plate movement, which is the main source of Earth’s geologic energy, earthquakes and volcanoes, has been discovered on Mars. Mars? When one looks at the surface of that planet, evidence of any geologic activity is hard to find. But the largest dead volcano in the Solar System is Olympus Mon ...
- Non-Copernican Milky Way?In an attempt to quantify the Anthropic Principle (IMHO), one of Canada’s leading astrophysicists, Sidney van den Bergh tries to explain in a short paper that the Milky Way Galaxy is indeed a unique formation in the Universe for the fact that it carries along two companions; the Lesser and Greater ...
- Binnall of America: Christmas Annual With Stanton ...Tim Binnall, that most erudite host of Binnall of America “dot com”, broadcasted his Christmas Annual with guest Stanton Friedman on December 23rd and discussed the usual fare; UFOs, MJ-12, nuclear physics, mainstream science his new book and takes email questions from the audience. Tim outdoes hims ...
- The Paracast: “In Search of the Men In Black ...This past Sunday (12/26/10) Gene Steinberg and co-hosts Chris O’Brien and Greg Bishop speak with Tim âMr. UFOâ Beckley , Claudia Cunningham, and T. Allen Greenfield about the ubiquitous “Men In Black” (not the movies) and the role they play in the paranormal. As a subject, I know very little abou ...
- Faster Not Better?When talking about interstellar probes in the mainstream, the matter of speed always come up. Usually that speed is the speed of light, and how at the present we can’t obtain that with our current state of rocket technology. But at Paul Gilster’s Centauri Dreams blog, ideas flow like clear, clean wa ...
Tippers News
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against human ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The real terrorist was me - US Soldier -The Truth from a American Soldier who fought in an Unjust WAR in Iraq; thankfully his conscience willed him to admit that it was just a war for the rich elite few to get richer and had nothing to do with Patriosm or Security of Americans.He is a True HeroSubmitted by Mary P. to US Politics & Gov't ...
- BRUTAL TRUTH Of IRAQ WAR'War' on any country is a 'Terrorist Act.' How can it be anything else?? People sit in their cosy homes; happy and Falsely believing that the soldiers are in a Patriotic War; Well see for yourself and ask Whats Patriotic about Suffering of Human Beings?Submitted by Mary P. to US Politics & Gov't � ...
The Freeman
- Consumption, Innovation, and the Source of WealthInnovation by producers, not consumption, is what creates wealth in a market economy. Sometimes the simplest truths are the hardest for the self-proclaimed elite to understand.
- New Congress to Focus on Jobs“Republican and Democratic leaders will launch the new Congress Wednesday pledging to make job creation their No. 1 priority.” (CNN) Free the market and the jobs will take care of themselves. FEE Timely Classic “Creating Jobs vs. Creating Wealth” by Dwight R. Lee
- Anti-Immigration Lobby Targets Babies“The next big immigration battle centers on illegal immigrantsâ offspring, who are granted automatic citizenship like all other babies born on American soil. Arguing for an end to the policy, which is rooted in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, immigration hard-liners describe a wave of migran ...
- Do We Need the “Next Level” of State S ...The longer the TSA exists the more likely it and other government “security” agencies will engage in abusive spying on innocent Americans.
- Oil Prices Expected to Rise through New Year“Oil and gasoline prices have risen to their highest levels in two years, and analysts say prices could shoot up dramatically this year as the thirst for fuel grows in the U.S. and around the world.” (Washington Times) The free market would fix this â if there was a free market. FEE Timely Classic “ ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Teaching online with WordPress.comIn the fall semester of 2010, I taught a graduate course called New Media and a Democratic Society using a blog as both syllabus and the means of delivering all assignments. The class did meet face to face once a week for presentations and discussions, but otherwise, everything about t ...
- Skills for journalists: Again, the questionWhat skills does today’s journalist need to have? I do not think this question has only one answer. In a comment on a blog post by Robert Hernandez, Michael Grimaldi wrote: The highest skill of journalism is knowing the number of questions to ask, how many people of whom to ask them, and then rep ...
- Data journalism and programmer journalistsSome good stuff on this topic: Debate over journalism’s required skills gets heated, by Robert Hernandez: I do not believe you need to master programming to succeed in journalism. I do believe you need to respect and understand the power of each and every craft, not just programming, but photog ...
- Nitpicking some myths about digital journalismAndy Boyle wrote a response to Mark S. Luckie’s blog post 5 myths about digital journalism, and because I left a comment on Mark’s post, Andy called me out on Twitter. Now, I know Mark a little and Andy not at all (except via his tweets), but I think they are both bright and sincere young journalist ...
- Online video, audiences, sharing: Putting it all t ...I thought about titling this post “Another stupid way news sites waste time and effort by failing to understand the Web and how people use it,” but I thought maybe that was far too broad, since it covers so many things. This post is really about how journalism organizations could use video intellig ...
Facing South
- Born Fighting: An interview with Judy BondsBy Taylor Lee Kirkland In October 2009, I spent a Saturday afternoon talking with Julia "Judy" Bonds at her house along the Coal River in Boone County, W.Va. as part of an oral history project called "Radical Roots: Cultural and Political Resistance in the Appalachian South." A daughter, granddaugh ...
- NC groups backed by top political benefactor push ...Nationally and especially in the South, government reform advocates view North Carolina as a trend-setter. Over the last decade, the state's "good government" groups have pushed through tough ethics legislation, same-day voter registration and a Voter Owned Elections program aimed at lessening the ...
- VOICES: Why Mississippi governor's sudden show of ...By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media Last week, NAACP President Ben Jealous called Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour "a shining example" of how governors should use their clemency powers, following Barbour's release of Jamie and Gladys Scott. The two sisters had been serving life sentenc ...
- Serious flaws found in EPA's coal ash rule cost-be ...When the federal Environmental Protection Agency prepared a cost-benefit analysis for the two coal ash regulatory options it released last year for public comment, it overestimated the benefits of recycling coal ash and underestimated the benefits of safe disposal -- thus hurting the chances for an ...
- The BP oil spill saga: Where things stand nowBy Marian Wang, ProPublica The BP oil spill in the Gulf killed 11 workers in April, released nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and triggered multiple government investigations and an overhaul of the nation's offshore drilling regulatory agency. Federal scientists estima ...
Worldpress - Africa
- U.S. Dual-Track Policy in SomaliaIn a country with layers of complexity, clan warfare and a broken state, the Obama administration is taking an appropriately complex approach to stabilizing Somalia, one that may or may not bear fruit.
- Preventing Maternal Deaths in West AfricaDr. Fredanna M'Cormack and her Bele Uman Project are working in Sierra Leone to save the lives of pregnant mothers and their babies.
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Zimbabweans Still SufferingOn a daily basis, the people of Zimbabwe face starvation, poverty, corruption and oppression, and their government is highly unlikely to bail them out anytime soon.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- War of 1812The war of 1812 was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded a number of times by the Americans. The process of calling
- Mowat, FarleyFarley Mowat, author (b at Belleville, Ont 12 May 1921). Mowat has been writing since his pre-teens. He recalls composing "mostly verse" while living with his family in Windsor (1930-33) and then publishing a regular
- HydroelectricityHydroelectricity is obtained from the ENERGY contained in falling water; it is a renewable, comparatively nonpolluting energy source and Canada's largest source of ELECTRIC-POWER GENERATION . In N America in the 1850s the
- Champlain, Samuel deSamuel de Champlain, cartographer, explorer, governor of New France (b at Brouage, France c 1570; d at Qu�bec City 25 Dec 1635). The major role Champlain played in the St Lawrence River area earned him the title of
- Physiographic RegionsPhysiography originally meant "the study of natural phenomena," but later usage limited its application to PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY in particular and, more recently, to landforms alone. Physiographic regionalization is here
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle old duvets?We’ve covered sheets & valances and feathers & down – but not intact duvets themselves. I was thinking about duvets last week – not just because I spent much of Thursday wrapped up in one and the rest of the week wishing I was wrapped up in one, but also because I saw this insulating [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle parts of wooden toys?We’ve had an email from Sarah P: Cleaning out my boys toy box before Christmas, found lots of pieces of wooden toys from when they were little, sorting blocks, building blocks that sort of thing. Tried to get them into original sets to give away but either too many pieces missing or just not knowing ...
- How can I reuse or recycle whiteboard marker pens?We’ve had an email from Julie asking: Can I recycle whiteboard marker pens? What plastic are they? I don’t know what plastic they are. I’ve spent about an hour this morning reading the “about our products” page of all the marker pen manufacturers I can think of but no one mentions that – and no [... ...
- Revisited: How can I reuse or recycle old wellingt ...A bit of a blast from the past – GaryLamontL has asked @recycle_this on Twitter about reuses for wellies: Just wondering if you have any ideas on what to do with 3 old pairs of wellies I have. They leak and I have enough planters! We’ve covered this before but a lot of the ideas [...]
- What one thing would you like to see everyone redu ...Happy New Year everyone! Last year, at the start of 2010, I asked everyone what they were going to reduce, reuse and recycle in 2010. I said I hoped to cut back on buying clothes & do more cooking/baking at home to cut down on pre-packed food packaging (which I’ve done), and set up dedicated [...]
- In the ‘Forward,’ Pogrebin condemns th ...As an admirer of Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a founding editor of Ms. Magazine, for nearly 40 years, I was dismayed by her fervent defense of Hillary Clinton in a debate over the 2008 election with her daughter, Abigail Pogrebin, who supported Barack Obama. I was disappointed that someone who'd helped t ...
- Arab countries can’t compete globally becaus ...Latest Wikicable, from 2006: U.S. businesses allege that corruption by Israeli officials at Karni crossing is impeding their access to the Gaza market. As of late May 34 shipments of American goods, amounting to nearly USD 1.9 million dollars, have been waiting three to four months to cross in ...
- Signs of desperation in the lobbyA bunch of jobs are being advertised by the rightwing shoppe, The Israel Project, Lanny Davis's old outfit that is Israel-right-or-wrong. Why are they hiring so many people? I believe because they're flailing, because public opinion is changing fast on the special relationship, and even the elites a ...
- The invisible world inside IsraelIn a dream world, I would write about Palestinians in Israel. I would write about my experiences working and living in Israel, why I care and why it matters. I would talk about the myriad of perspectives, the layers and layers and layers of complications, melanges of heritages and cultures [... ...
- Collective punishment: Wikileaks doc says Israel k ...The Wikileaks cable first reported by Aftenposten and mentioned by Amy Goodman this morning on Democracy Now (and picked up by Robert Mackey at the Times and Andrew Sullivan too). The assault on the banking system was documented in November 2008, a few weeks before Cast Lead. And all justified by st ...
Media Consortium
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvision ...
- The Media Consortium: Weekly Diaspora: After DREAM ...
- Mobile TV Coming to 20 U.S. Markets by 2011The Mobile Content Venture (MCV), a joint effort by U.S. broadcasters, recently announced its roadmap for its mobile TV network. The roll-out plans to have 20 U.S. markets covered by the end of 2011. And we should see mobile TV-compatible devices by the second half of 2011. Could it be true? A real, ...
- Clyde Bentley updates his timeline for newspapers ...Three main points from this post that are important. 1) "For newsrooms that are behind on mobile—and the vast majority of them are,” said Bentley, “the mobile web site is most important thing they need to catch up on. When you’re using a mobile device, you should get taken to mobile site. Technicall ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- A load of carpFear the Asian carp. The fish jump several feet into the air. And they are big--up to 80 pounds. They'll slap a fisherman in the face with their tails, and leave him with a black eye…if he's lucky. They've been known to break jaws. But it isn't for their man-slapping prowess that Great Lakes e ...
- Drilling for oil in the ArcticOil exploration in the Arctic was a controversial subject in 2010: this summer, expect to see the issue rear its head again. On Tuesday, Cairn Energy – which last year drilled for hydrocarbons in offshore Greenland – confirmed that it had hired two ships to drill up to four exploratory gas and oil w ...
- China's nuclear breakthrough gets lost in translat ...A few days ago, China Central Television announced a breakthrough in nuclear fuel technology. The China National Nuclear Cooperation (CNNC) has developed a way of recycling old nuclear fuel, it claims. The method is “100 percent original,” says Wang Jian, chief engineer on CNNC's fuel reprocessing p ...
- Report reveals missteps in Duke cancer trial revie ...A report obtained by Nature under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) sheds light on the handling of a case of alleged misconduct at Duke University. Duke continues to investigate the work of Anil Potti, a cancer genetics researcher whose publications formed the basis for three clinical ...
- Report urges NIH to adapt to a new scientific revo ...A scientific revolution is underway that, if harnessed effectively, will transform everything from health care, to energy production to food. So says a new report issued today by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and discussed in a members forum hosted by the American Association fo ...
new geography
- Yes, We Do Need to Build More RoadsRoad are clearly out of fashion in urban planning circles. Conventional wisdom now decries roads in favor of public transit, walking or biking in developments designed to mimic traditional 19th century urbanism. Common refrains are “we can't build our way out of congestion” or “widening roads to cu ...
- Faith-Based City Planning: Exorcising the Suburba ...We're coming to the end of the season when we focus a great deal of attention on faith. What is faith? The Biblical definition calls it the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1, KJV). Humans have the capacity to firmly believe in something that cannot be exp ...
- California’s Third Brown EraJerry Brown�s no-frills inauguration today as California governor will make headlines, but the meager celebration also marks the�restoration of one of the country�s most illustrious political families. Save the Kennedys of Massachusetts no clan has dominated the political life of a major state in mo ...
- Overselling Transit A recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times eloquently illustrated the limits of mass transit in modern societies. This is not to imply that that transit does not have its place, nor that it does not provide a most useful service where it can. The problem has been the overselling of a mode that has very ...
- The NFL: Running the Numbers in the Football Bus ...Why does America — and I include myself — invest so much psychic energy, not to mention hard dollars, in professional football, a sport that on many levels combines the worst aspects of roller derby and professional wrestling? Sometimes when I am watching Dan, Boomer, Phil, Chris, Rod, Coach Cowh ...
GM Watch
- The Poison of the Pampas - Must-see video on GM so ...
- WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops
- GM R&D too slow for climate change
- Urgent action (UK): Keep our poultry GM-feed-free
- Non-GM drought resistant corn races to the finish ...
- How humankind was liberated from localismThe eco-worriers promoting a Mao-style return to local energy and food production overlook how destructive ‘local living’ has traditionally been.
- Australia: flooded by gloomy reportersFor all the disaster porn about a Biblical-style flood, Queenslanders have demonstrated real resilience.
- Virtual petitions are no substitute for real ...In trying to connect with the public via the web, the Lib-Cons have only exposed how utterly cut-off from us they are.
- Can the police solve a murder on Facebook?The media circus surrounding the Joanna Yeates case reveals what can happen when a murder inquiry gets mixed up with a PR campaign.
- Doing the terrorists’ dirty work for themNathalie Rothschild reports from Sweden where lawmakers are exploiting people’s fears to curtail liberty.
- Shift of Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Closes ...Via: Tampa Bay Online: Scientists say the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia and the fallout has reached — of all places — Tampa International Airport. The airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to repaint the numeric designators at each end and change taxiway signage to accoun ...
- Fed May Keep Easing Until Jobless Rate FallsVia: Bloomberg: Federal Reserve officials signaled they’ll probably push ahead with unprecedented stimulus until the recovery strengthens and many of the 15 million unemployed Americans find work. The jobless rate hasn’t fallen below 9.4 percent since May 2009 and will probably average that figure t ...
- Joe Bageant Is Very Ill; Inoperable CancerVia: Joe Bageant: A note from Joe Dear friends, associates and fellow travelers, As you may or may not know, I have been struck down by an extremely serious form of cancer. Presently I am back in the United States receiving treatment through the U.S. Veterans Administration hospital system. Due to t ...
- Almost 60% of New Zealanders Are Maintaining Veget ...I was at Pak n Sav (Godzilla scale supermarket chain in New Zealand operated by public menace FoodStuffs) today and I just laughed at the prices for the whole range of vegetables. Although, I bought a kilo of those South Island cherries that were on special. The Farmlet website is woefully neglected ...
- George Soros Openly Discusses the New World OrderVia: Financial Times / YouTube / InfowarsCanada:
The Economic Collapse
- Derivatives: The Quadrillion Dollar Financial Casi ...If you took an opinion poll and asked Americans what they considered the biggest threat to the world economy to be, how many of them do you think would give "derivatives" as an answer? But the truth is that derivatives were at the heart of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, and ...
- Start A Business? In The United States? Are You Ki ...Many of you have decided that you are going to attempt to start a business in the United States today. Many of you are still convinced that this is "the land of opportunity" and that starting a business is fairly easy. Are you sure about that? Are you certain that you have consid ...
- In The Future You May Not Be Able To Provide The B ...Today, millions of American families are extremely stressed out because they are working as hard as they can and yet they find at the end of the month they still haven't been able to pay all of the bills. Unfortunately, things are only going to get rougher in the years ahead. The ...
- Everything Is Falling Apart: 20 Facts That You Wil ...If you haven't noticed lately, America is literally falling apart all around us. Decaying infrastructure is everywhere. Our roads and bridges are crumbling and are full of holes. Our rail system is ancient. Our airports and runways have definitely seen their better days. Aging ...
- Economic WarMost Americans have no idea what an "economic war" is, and even fewer realize that economic warfare is being waged against the United States right now. For generations, it has been drummed into our heads that "free trade" is always a good thing and that truly free trade will always ...
- Genetically modifying crops to resist drought and ...Read at : Are GM crops Africa’s path to food security? by Aida F. Akl For decades, Africa has suffered the ravages of an unpredictable climate, repeating cycles of drought, diminished harvests, hunger and poverty. N ...
- Widespread and sustained successes in African agri ...Read at : Successes in African agriculture: Lessons for the future Edited by Steven Haggblade and Peter B.R.Hazell Published for IFPRI by The John Hopkins University Press Website: 2010, 436pp, ISBN 978 0 80189 503 6(Pb), US$45 To … Con ...
- Fifty-two unanticipated rain showers in a Middle E ...Read at : Rainmaking in Middle Eastern Desert: Success or Scam? By Jeremy Hsu and Jeanna Bryner Fif ...
- African cabbage / Cat’s whiskers, an African ...Read at : Spider Plant: A Hardy and Nutritious African Native by: NourishingthePlanet Crossposted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet. Spider plant (Cleome gynandra)-also known as African ...
- A new farming technology for breeding multiple dis ...Read at : Kenya to adopt soil-less, mid-air potato-breeding technology by James Karuga The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari) has introduced a new farming technology for breeding multiple disease fre ...
The Paper Trail
- The Center’s Impact in 2010The true value of an investigative story is not measured in Web hits, media partners or awards – it’s whether our reports help improve the world. By that yardstick, the Center for Public Integrity’s work showed clear impact in 2010:
- Health Care Fraud Cases Drop Despite Bigger BudgetThe official line at the Department of Justice is that investigators are battling Medicare and Medicaid fraud like never before. But the most recent data on the agency’s activities show that its efforts and ballooning budget have actually produced fewer results.
- Public Insight Network Offers New Opportunities fo ...In early November, the Center for Public Integrity launched our partnership with American Public Media's Public Insight Network or PIN — a group of over 90,000 people (and counting) that have signed up to be "citizen sources" to help journalists all around the country.
- DuPont Penalized For Hiding Chemical Health Risks ...When the Environmental Protection Agency settled on Dec. 6 a major enforcement action against DuPont Co., for failing to report possible health risks involving its chemicals, it wasn’t the first time. In 2005, the company also resolved EPA assertions that it hid the dangers of a toxic chemical, agre ...
- EPA Reminds Republicans Cap-and-Trade Used to be G ...The Obama administration is turning the tables on Republican foes of climate regulation, demonstrating not only that cap-and-trade works — it significantly reduced acid rain — but that the program was started by one of their own, George H. W. Bush.
- In 2011, less tech is moreBy Mark Evans In 2011, less is going to be more . . . and that’s a good thing. It’s a decision that comes on the heels of a happily hectic 2010 in which my business surged ahead, and a number of other projects (including the mesh conference) consumed time. It was ...
- Justin Bieber does his bit for the Canadian econom ...By Frank Moher My New Year's resolution for 2011 is to like Justin Bieber. I'm quite serious. My first reaction to the news that The Bieber caused a near-riot when he appeared at a Kitchener, Ont. mall on Boxing Day, there to buy some shades (because, after all, his future really is so ...
- Battle of the BigotsA white supremacist group called The Council of Conservative Citizens is outraged that Marvel has cast Idris Elba as Heimdall in Thor, because he is foxy. I mean, black. They probably don’t appreciate that foxy black men exist in the world, but it is definitely the blackness that they are ...
- WikiLeaks’ Canadian secrets not all that sec ...By Frank Moher I can tell from our logs that a lot of people are still looking to find out what Wikileaks' purloined cables have revealed about Canada, but the answer remains: Not a whole lot. Little enough, in fact, that it's possible to run the Canadian content all in one ...
- Hang the holidaysBy Bev Schellenberg What has happened to our celebratory schedule? It seems it was only a few weeks ago I bought a witch hat and cape for my daughter, a baron costume for my son, and carved a pumpkin. In fact, it was only a few weeks ago. Now here I ...
- After Sonia push, NREGA wages revised in tune ...New Delhi, Jan 6 (PTI) Thursday, January 06, 2011 --> With UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi pushing for increased wages for labourers, the government today came out with a new structure for payment of wages under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) that will be linked t ...
- Maoists have links with Trinamool Congress: Y ...New Delhi, Jan 6 (ANI): Communist Party of India -Marxist (CPI-M) leader Sitaram Yechury on Thursday said he had enough evidence to prove links between the Maoists and the Trinamool Congress.� Talking to reporters here after submitting a memorandum to Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram,...
- Inflation jumps to 18.32 pct on rising onion, ...Soaring onion and other vegetables' prices led to a sharp rise in inflation at 18.32 per cent for the week ended December 25, a development that may prompt the Reserve Bank to tighten monetary policy to check further escalation in commodity costs. Food...
- India crawl to 53 for one in second innings ...Chasing a daunting target of 340 for victory, India crawled to 53 for one in their second innings at lunch on the final day of the series-deciding third cricket Test against South Africa in Cape Town today. The Indians lost Virender Sehwag (11) during the session which saw runs come a slow pace ...
- Julia Roberts promotes Bardem's 'Biutiful' ...Javier Bardem's powerful performance in " Biutiful" has been overlooked during the awards season, so his fellow actor...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Colder temperatures, more heart attacksWhen temperatures dip during cold snaps, your body notices.
- PROGESTERONEinjection [Hikma Farmaceutica]Updated Date: Dec 16, 2010 EST
- ABILIFYtablet [REMEDYREPACK INC. ]Updated Date: Dec 16, 2010 EST
- Well: Tim Gunn's Advice for Making It WorkIn his role as mentor on the fashion reality show "Project Runway," Tim Gunn listens, consoles, advises and motivates the contestants. Now the fashion guru is offering his sage advice on how the rest of us can "make it work." (Source: NYT Health)
- Observatory: Humans, Like Animals, Behave Fearless ...A patient with rare brain damage is unafraid and incautious.
Common Dreams
- Dems Accuse GOP Of 'Enron-Type Accounting' And Ass Sam SteinWASHINGTON -- Congressional Democrats, removed from their rhetorical shackles by the coming Republican control of the House, are accusing the GOP of resorting to "Enron-type accounting" in their efforts to push legislation in the next more
- Greenwash: Walmart's "Love, Earth" Jewelry Line Do Jean Friedman-RudovskyA few blocks from the jewelry factory's entrance in La Paz, Bolivia, Julia and Maria look over their shoulders to see if the night guards are watching. The two young Aymara Indian women shiver in the cold night air and lower their heads as they speak. "It's a horrible exper ...
- Bees in Freefall as Study Shows Sharp US Declineby Alok JhaThe abundance of four common species of bumblebee in the US has dropped by 96% in just the past few decades, according to the most comprehensive national census of the insects. Scientists said the alarming decline, which could have devastating implications for the pollination of both wild ...
- Rep. Issa to Big Business: What Regulations Should ...In news from Capitol Hill, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) has asked the oil industry, drug manufacturers, healthcare providers and telecom firms to tell him which government regulations he should target this year as the new chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. According to ...
- Most Americans Say Tax Rich to Balance Budget: Pol ...Most Americans think the United States should raise taxes for the rich to balance the budget, according to a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll released on Monday.President Barack Obama last month signed into law a two-year extension of Bush-era tax cuts for millions of Americans, including the wealthiest, ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Fail-Proof Love - A Devotion http ...ExamineReligion: Fail-Proof Love - A Devotion
- ExamineReligion: Starbucks’ logo revision si ...ExamineReligion: Starbucks’ logo revision simplifies cup: Will simplicity create more mindfulness
- ExamineReligion: Brad Kronen's Societal Prediction ...ExamineReligion: Brad Kronen's Societal Predictions Of Prosperity For 2011 Part II - Not Quite Just Yet
- ExamineReligion: Authoritarian Sociopathy: Part Th ...ExamineReligion: Authoritarian Sociopathy: Part Three: Power and Compassion
- ExamineReligion: Florida Health Department shuts d ...ExamineReligion: Florida Health Department shuts down some at Orange Park Mall
Energy Collective
- David Livingston - The Science Behind Obama's Legi ...Given President Obama’s recent declaration that the new course of energy policy may come in the form of “chunks” rather than comprehensive legislation, we must ask ourselves which chunks to push for first if we want better emission outcomes?
- The Results of Energy PolicyThe combination of an energy event yesterday in Washington, DC that I was unable to attend and a comment I received on Monday's posting got me thinking about energy policy in the context of the new year and the start of the new Congressional session today.
- Does Nuclear Energy Really Equate to Nuclear War? In a previous post I looked at Mark Z. Jacobson's decision to exclude nuclear power as an future energy source in a recent paper. In that post I reviewed Jacobson's assertions that the global spread of nuclear generated electrical power would cause nuclear proliferation and nuclear war.
- The Economic and Social Benefits of CCSCarbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a vital tool in the global fight against climate change. With its important application to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions from power stations, CCS has a crucial role to play in tackling greenhouse gas emissions whilst maintaining security of s ...
- A Bright Future for Europe’s Power Sector in 2011?At POWER-GEN Europe 2010, we conducted a poll of 60 power equipment and service providers and their customers and found that the majority (75 per cent) see a strengthening in market demand next year, despite the uncertainty surrounding international climate change regulation.
Green House - USA Today
- USA TODAY blog picks 2010's best green homes Despite a weak housing market, 2010 saw the completion of many innovative, energy-efficient homes. Green House profiles a nifty project every week, and before we get too far into the new year, I'd like to highlight the best of 2010 -- in seven categories -- and pick an overall winner.
- U.S. company, China partner on massive solar proje ...A U.S. company said Wednesday that it plans to begin construction this year in northern China of one of the world's biggest solar power plants.
- California seeks to slash chromium-6 in tap waterCalifornia, often an environmental trendsetter, is proposing a strict public health goal to reduce chromium-6, a probable carcinogen, in tap water following a recent report about its prevalence in 31 U.S. cities.
- EPA revises cleanup tips for broken CFL bulbsHow do you safely clean up a broken compact fluorescent light bulb? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has revised its guidelines for the mercury-containing bulbs, which are gaining in popularity as incandescents face a Congress-mandated phaseout beginning next year.
- Italy joins growing global push to ban plastic bag ...Italy has joined an increasing number of countries and U.S. cities that ban stores from handing out plastic shopping bags.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- Commonsense MoneyJeff Gates Since 1913, debt has been the only way that we in the U.S. have known to create money. Choking on debt yet short on money, Americans are reeling from too much monetary theory and too little commonsense. Those who sold us the theory also ensured recurring recessions. Each debt-induced cy ...
- Of course, Israel is Egypt's enemyBy Khalid Amayreh Egyptians protesting sale of gas to IsraelSome Israeli officials have voiced surprise at revelations published by Wikileaks showing that the Egyptian military continues to view the apartheid Israeli regime as the primary strategic threat facing Egypt. This is despite the pas ...
- Fracking the life out of Arkansas and beyondBy Rady Ananda The last four months of 2010, nearly 500 earthquakes rattled Guy, Arkansas. [1] The entire state experienced 38 quakes in 2009. [2] The spike in quake frequency precedes and coincides with the 100,000 dead fish on a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River that included Roseville To ...
- Annabel Melongo: Victimized and ImprisonedBy Stephen Lendman In May 2006, Melongo was bogusly charged and arrested for computer tampering and eavesdropping without consent - the former accusation based solely on Save-A-Life Foundation (SALF) founder, Carol Spizzirri, a woman exposed as a liar. More about her and SALF below. Melongo ...
- Besieged Gaza Two Years After Cast Leadby Stephen Lendman December 28 was Cast Lead's second anniversary, a three week onslaught inflicting an appalling human, destructive and environmental toll. The war ended. Regular attacks continued, and Gaza remains suffocating under siege. Yet world leaders are doing nothing to end it or hold I ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Federal budget takes center stageIt appears as though this year's federal budget will be particularly important in the parliamentary calendar as it may be what brings down the government. �Ignatieff appears to be planning to vote against Flaherty's budget unless there are some radical changes. �This will also increase the relevance ...
- Economists unite. You have nothing to lose but dat ...CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan writes in today's Globe and Mail about how "economists on both sides of the political spectrum point to an unsettling truth" about the federal government's decision to scrap the mandatory long form census. She writes: "What’s at stake is the integrity of Statis ...
- National Post editor concludes income inequality i ...Jonathan Kay, managing editor of the National Post's Comment section, read Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks' book The Trouble With Billionaires and came away convinced that income inequality is a "real problem" worthy of public debate in Canada. The book argues extreme income inequality can destabilize ...
- Unease grows over inequalityToronto Star columnist Carol Goar weighs in on worsening income inequality in Canada, pointing to CCPA research, saying there is "dawning recognition" that it's a problem. She writes: "The stirrings of a national debate are there, if there’s a leader who can speak for the slipping majority." Read he ...
- Deep cuts to BC's Forest Service put our publicly- ...Our province's Forest Service has been seriously damaged by reckless cuts and changes. In a study released today, resource analyst Ben Parfitt analyses government data to determine the extent of the damage, and concludes that it's high time for a public inquiry into the state of our Forest Service. ...
World Wide Hippies
- Endangered Species: Investigative Journalists(gulp). Many Journalists Killed In 2010 Covered Corruption | The Wall Street Journal Of the 44 journalists killed in 2010 for whose deaths a key advocacy group was able to find a motive, almost a third of them covered corruption. The Committee to Protect Journalists, or CPJ, which defends media work ...
- For years Republicans have shown no aptitude for r ...Republicans: good at theatre, dreadful at governing â as we’ll see tomorrow | The Guardian It’s often said in Washington that Republicans are better in opposition than at governing, and the last two years have borne out this observation with a vengeance. It sure looks like it’s been fun being a Repu ...
- PhilibusterWWH-I really don’t have a lot to say, except I wish that this new year of 2011 is very sweet and kind to all of us. Well not to all of us, but to those of us who could use some sweetness and kindness. Certainly not to those who would, piece by piece, through lies, [...]
- After campaigning against D.C.’s ways, new R ...If we outlaw lobbyists, only outlaws will have lobbys. Or something. Like it is now. You know what I mean. ‘Tea party’ freshmen embrace status quo | LA Times Reporting from Washington â The new class of Republican lawmakers who charged into office promising to shun the ways of Washington officially ...
- No Good Weed Goes Unpunished…Ingham Co. judge refuses dismissal of medical marijuana case | LSJ A judge has refused to dismiss drug charges against a 61-year-old man accused of illegally dealing medical marijuana. In a Dec. 30, 2010, ruling released Monday, now-retired Ingham County Circuit Judge James Giddings ruled that the s ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- The Tyranny of Defense Inc.American politics is typically a grimy business of horses traded and pork delivered. Political speech, for its part, tends to be formulaic and eminently forgettable. Yet on occasion, a politician will transcend circumstance and bear witness to some lasting truth: George Washington in his Farewell Ad ...
- War Is a DrugIf, as 2011 begins, you want to peer into the future, enter my time machine, strap yourself in, and head for the past, that laboratory for all developments of our moment and beyond.Just as 2010 ended, the American military�s urge to surge resurfaced in a significant way.� It seems that �leaders� in ...
- The Rise of the New Global EliteIf you happened to be watching NBC on the first Sunday morning in August last summer, you would have seen something curious. There, on the set of Meet the Press, the host, David Gregory, was interviewing a guest who made a forceful case that the U.S. economy had become “very distorted.” In the wake ...
- Higher Taxes on Top 1% Equals Higher Productivity
- Why EL PAÍS chose to publish the leaks1. The leak and its consequences. When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called my cellphone on a Friday afternoon in November, I could barely hear him. The conversation, held amid the usual tumult of Rome's airport on a weekend, was strangely short. Assange talked slowly, making sure to pronounce ea ...
- Did immigration law cost Arizona a seat in Congres ...Many predicted that Arizona's crackdown on immigrants would cost the state in dollars and reputation. It may have also cost the state an extra seat in Congress.
- Weep softly, carry a big gavelHouse Speaker John Boehner grabbed for the biggest gavel he could find before he gave a speech hailing his own "humility" on Wednesday as he took on his new leadership role. Boehner pledged to be open to dissent, debate and discussion from the Democratic side of the aisle – even as his first legi ...
- Alaska court upholds homeless property rightsAn Alaska judge has ruled that the municipality of Anchorage's policy of raiding homeless camps is unconstitutional.
- Court rules against Calif. autism "regulation"State regulators shouldn't have sent health insurers a memo on how to handle complaints about autism treatments because it was tantamount to issuing a regulation without it being properly vetted, a judge has ruled.
- Accounting agency: December best jobs month in a d ...Companies added nearly 300,000 jobs in December, according to an unofficial count by a private payroll firm -- more than in any month in the past decade. The news raised hopes that the government's official report Friday on last month's job creation could be a blockbuster.
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits cam ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metre (9 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Robbie Alomar: A well-deserved pickThe selection of Robbie Alomar to baseball’s Hall of Fame comes one year later than it should have, but better late than never. And the vote of the baseball writers was so overwhelming – 90 per cent of them put Alomar’s name on their ballots – as t ...
- Pakistan killing: Martyr to toleranceMumtaz Qadri faces murder and terrorism charges for killing one of the nation’s bravest political figures. But in a Lahore courtroom on Wednesday, he was hailed as a hero. Lawyers showered him with rose petals. Well-wishers kissed him and gave him ...
- Looking ahead: Issues loom for 905 citiesExpect heated debate in 2011 on key issues affecting the Greater Toronto Area.
- Whaling wars: Japan’s cynical ploy Playing chicken with Japanese whalers is a risky way to preserve vulnerable species. Paul Watson’s Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is notorious for harassing whalers with water and noise cannons, rancid butter bombs, and close calls. And the whal ...
- Heritage buildings: Demolition by sheer neglectWhen it first opened in 1889, the Empress Hotel was considered one of Toronto’s finest. But this year it took a six-alarm fire to draw attention to the historic building in city’s downtown core.
Energy Collective
- David Livingston - The Science Behind Obama's Legi ...Given President Obama’s recent declaration that the new course of energy policy may come in the form of “chunks” rather than comprehensive legislation, we must ask ourselves which chunks to push for first if we want better emission outcomes?
- The Results of Energy PolicyThe combination of an energy event yesterday in Washington, DC that I was unable to attend and a comment I received on Monday's posting got me thinking about energy policy in the context of the new year and the start of the new Congressional session today.
- Does Nuclear Energy Really Equate to Nuclear War? In a previous post I looked at Mark Z. Jacobson's decision to exclude nuclear power as an future energy source in a recent paper. In that post I reviewed Jacobson's assertions that the global spread of nuclear generated electrical power would cause nuclear proliferation and nuclear war.
- The Economic and Social Benefits of CCSCarbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a vital tool in the global fight against climate change. With its important application to the capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions from power stations, CCS has a crucial role to play in tackling greenhouse gas emissions whilst maintaining security of s ...
- A Bright Future for Europe’s Power Sector in 2011?At POWER-GEN Europe 2010, we conducted a poll of 60 power equipment and service providers and their customers and found that the majority (75 per cent) see a strengthening in market demand next year, despite the uncertainty surrounding international climate change regulation.
EU Times
- NASA: Approaching space object ‘artificial, not as ...NASA authorities report that an unknown object approaching the Earth from deep space is almost certainly artificial in origin rather than being an asteroid. Object 2010 KQ was detected by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona earlier this month, and subsequently tracked by NASA’s asteroid-watching serv ...
- 2 million fish mysteriously die in MarylandThe Maryland Department of the Environment is investigating the deaths of tens of thousands of small fish that have died in the Chesapeake Bay in the past week. “An estimated 2 million fish have been reported dead from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier Sound, according to the Maryland Department of th ...
- Hungary, Ireland and others snatch retirement acco ...The avalanche of failing governments in Europe has left many legislators with no choice but to seize European taxpayer savings and pension accounts to cover the governments’ bills. The seizure of pension accounts is easily accomplished in Europe as the state organizes and is in charge of said accoun ...
- Obama ready to deploy executive powers against GOP ...President Obama challenged congressional Republicans to embrace the “shared responsibility” of governance even as the White House appears ready to use unilateral executive powers to battle Capitol Hill. With Republicans taking over the House and increasing their number in the Senate, Obama faces the ...
- Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province assassinate ...The governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province was assassinated by his own security guard Tuesday, according to Interior Minister Rehman Malik, apparently because he spoke out against the country’s controversial blasphemy law. The security guard was arrested, Malik said. The shooting occurred at Islamab ...
Stonecipher News
- Special Education High School Transition ServicesFrom my Factoidz page: 1414(d) and in Findings about “effective transition services to promote successful post-Students typically start transition services at the age 14 if educational services are still required as determined by the school district and the IEP team. However, Washington State’s Offi ...
- Don't Quit Your Day JobThis is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine. With approximately 4,000,000 students today, more than 20 percent of all students enrolled in higher education are taking at least one course online. Self paced online courses all ...
- Breast Cancer Gene May Raise Men’s Risk, TooSource: HealthDay News: "A faulty gene that greatly increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer also boosts a man’s risk for the disease, a new study finds. While most people think of breast cancer as a woman’s illness, in rare cases men can develop breast tumors as well. The new study found that me ...
- Diabetics Urged to Confer With Their Doctor About ...According to Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter, "THURSDAY, July 15 (HealthDay News) -- One day after a U.S. advisory panel recommended that the controversial diabetes drug Avandia stay on the market -- albeit with added restrictions -- several medical organizations are urging patients not to change ...
- Top Five Cleaning MistakesThis is a short video about the common mistakes when cleaning. You may still be sleeping with bugs after cleaning.
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Motorola shows off XOOM tabletWe had been talking about it for ages and now it has been spotted officially. Motorola has shown off the XOOM tablet, the first tablet with a dual core processor and running Android 3.0 at CES. It comes with a 10.1 inch display, supports 1080p HD video and HDMI output to display content on larger H ...
- Sony Ericsson Officially Announces Android powered ...Yesterday at the CES 2011 in Las Vegas, Sony has officially announced an another smartphone to its Xperia series, the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) powered Xperia Arc . The Sony Ericsson Xperia arc is a curve-styled smartphone with a very thin profile featuring Sony’s latest technology. It is powered b ...
- New Ballgame for ObamaSince Pres. Obama took office he’s been moving the Democratic Party rightward. With the completion of the midterms, with a Tea Party House ensconce along with Speaker Boehner, he not only succeeded in getting the voters to move that way too, but now he’s actually got a Congress that fits his core m ...
- BlackBerry 4G PlayBook for Sprint !The BlackBerry Playbook is one impressive tablet atleast from what we have seen so far. When RIM announced this tablet few months ago , it spoke only about WiFi versions but hinted at 3G/4G versions for the future. And today at CES Sprint and RIM announced the BlackBerry 4G PlayBook for the Sprint ...
- Wacko lawyers shower Pakistan assassin with rosesImage via Wikipedia Dawn: Lawyers showered the suspected killer of a prominent Pakistani governor with rose petals when he arrived at court Wednesday and an influential Muslim scholars group praised the assassination of the outspoken opponent of laws that order death for those who insult Islam. Mum ...
- Development of the Right to PrivacyLouis Brandeis and the Development of the Right to Privacy, ACS [American Constitution Society], November 10, 2009. - JURIST
- Hedge Funds Bet Heavily on Republicans at End of E ...A prime example is Rep. Scott Garrett, a little known Republican from northern New Jersey who has been a staunch defender of the hedge fund industry and will now chair the House financial services subcommittee on capital markets. As it became increasingly clear late last summer that Republicans were ...
- What Have Been Entering the Public Domain on Janu ...Current US law extends copyright protections for 70 years from the date of the author's death. (Corporate "works-for-hire" are copyrighted for 95 years.) But prior to the 1976 Copyright Act (which became effective in 1978), the maximum copyright term was 56 years (an initial term of 28 years, renewa ...
- Open Source community building: a guide to getting ...What can go wrong? What are the most common, and the most deadly errors which companies make in their community engagement strategies? And how can you avoid them? Avoiding these does not guarantee success, but failing to avoid them may be sufficient to guarantee failure....If you find that you can w ...
- A Sneak Peek of Android 3.0, HoneycombHoneycomb is the next version of the Android platform, designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes, particularly tablets. We've spent a lot of time refining the user experience in Honeycomb, and we've developed a brand new, truly virtual and holographic user interface. Many of A ...
- The Banker’s Private Police NetworkHow a regular citizen was raided by anti-terror police because his wife had an affair.
- January 04, 2011, WideShut Webcast On Resistance R ...Keelan Balderson discusses nearly being arrested for Breach of the Peace, and the rise in VAT in the UK.
- The Awakening and 2011Something big is coming; no matter how deep you go in to researching world issues, we are all in this together and need to offer each other support.
- An Economic Assassin: The Blog You Should FollowEconomic Assassin Graham Sharkey explains what's really going on, how we got here, and where we are headed.
- Growth Halts, Inflation To Rise, House Prices To D ...Third quarter growth down, Bank of England fears inflation, and property value continues to fall.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Showdown nears over Indian Point plant futureShowdown nears over Indian Point plant future
- Owner of metal recycling plant to pay for study of ...Owner of metal recycling plant to pay for study of Santa Clara River estuary pollution
- Another Setback for a West Coast Coal PortAnother Setback for a West Coast Coal Port
- Gradual decline in Suffolk's drinking waterGradual decline in Suffolk's drinking water
- Oil spill stories for children: 'The Boat House Bu ...Oil spill stories for children: 'The Boat House Buddies'
Politics in the Zeros
- That $100 billion the Republicans want to slash fr ...It’s chump change. The federal budget is $3.4 trillion. Jumping up and down like an angry orangutan and demanding cuts of $100 billion is merely political theater and posturing and will accomplish nothing of substance.
- Ikea stops selling incandescent light bulbsInstead, they will be selling CFL, LED, and halogen lights. Halogens put off so much heat they are banned in some retirement homes as fire risks. CFLs are, I think, a transitional product that will be replaced by LEDs.
- Off with our heads! On the delusions of many Ameri ...From Bill Gross, managing director of Pimco, who manages over $1.2 trillion in assets, mostly bonds. He’s definitely not perky about the finacial and debt catastrophe he sees looming for the US. Like George Soros, another billionaire, he clearly sees the inequities and stress fractures in our societ ...
- Electric scooter morphs into unicycleThe Uno electric scooter is a unique beast: an electric scooter that looks like a mini-motorcycle and folds up into a Segway-like scooter balanced on two wheels. And you can switch modes while driving it. Whee!
- California’s massive budget problemsFrom an in-depth Reuters article on California’s dismal financial situation. California faces an identity crisis. If the world’s eighth largest economy has any chance of restoring its former glory, it will have to reverse course drastically and quickly, becoming less socially progressive and more fr ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Interpol hunts New Zealander in Spanish probeInterpol is hunting a former Auckland man and his British wife suspected of masterminding a European property scam.
- Campers bail out, crops ruined by rain in Sth Isla ...Rain has ruined southern camping holidays, and fruit, and there are warnings over rising lake levels.
- US buyer fails to meet deadline to buy SkyhawksThe Air Force's 17 mothballed Skyhawk jet fighters look likely to end up as museum pieces or spare parts after a Christmas deadline passed with no sign of any money from the American buyer
- Hotpool park to add more warning signs following b ...Sixty more warning signs will be installed at Rotorua's popular Kuirau Park after a 10-year-old boy fell into a hotpool and died from burns
- Van driver dies in Taranaki crashThe victim of a fatal motor vehicle crash in Taranaki today was a 21-year-old man.
Just World News
- Israel security official in 2007, 'Sooner or late ...The Norwegian daily Aftenposten has been posting a lot of new Wikileaks material. In there is this cable from 26 July, 2007-- just a few weeks after the elected Hamas leaders of Gaza rebuffed a U.S.-backed coup attempt led by Fateh strongman Mohamed Dahlan. It's a record by a U.S. diplo in Tel Aviv ...
- IDF (IOF) lies about Bil'in tear-gas killingCareful Israeli reporter and eye-witness Noam Sheizaf skilfully deconstructs all the lies the IDF/IOF told about last Saturday's death from poison gas of Jawaher Abu Rahmeh of the West bank town of Bil'in. As with the IOF's killing of eight unarmed Turkish citizens and one unarmed Turkish-American ...
- M. Paraipan: Another informative Hamas-leader inte ...Following up on the interview she conducted with Hamas Secretary-General Khaled Meshaal in Damascus in early November, Romanian researcher Manuela Paraipan conducted another one in Beirut recently with Hamas's representative in Lebanon, Osama Hamdan. Her institution in Bucharest, MEPEI, has publishe ...
- Israel's 'New' peace wave protests IOF violence in ...Israel's peace and justice movement has been reborn. Ten years after the body blow that (current War Minister) Ehud Barak delivered to it when he said the Palestinians had "turned down a generous offer" (which wasn't generous at all), and that there was "no-one to talk to" among the Palestinians, a ...
- Jawaher Abu Rahmeh dies from tear-gas inhalationI am sorry to report that 36-year-old Bil'in resident Jawaher Abu Rahmeh died last night from the after-effects of the poison gas the IOF uses against the nonviolent demonstrations that the village's residents have been organizing against the Apartheid Wall every Friday for more than five years. Mo ...
First Truths
- The State's Corporate WastelandCorporations, while they are celebrated as paragons of innovation and efficiency, suffer from the same slow reaction time, waste, and lack of creativity that defines government agencies. Taking into account the fact that the state and the corporation are pieces of the same coercive puzzle, a system ...
- Statist "Private Property" Is TheftIn a commentary piece for the Center for a Stateless Society, I contend that the state's bogus property rights fly in the face of the genuine sort based not on violent edict but on legitimate moral claims.
- The Elephant(s) in the Room for the GOPFor C4SS, I argue that anyone hoping that the freshman Republicans who entered Congress on the Tea Party wave will bring change to government is going to be disappointed.
- Renting Our Lives from the StateInstitutions like Bank of America, little more than arms of the state, have consumers of lending services over the barrel. I comment on Bank of America's settlement with Fannie and Freddie for C4SS.
- Bribery, Thy Name Is GovernmentFor the Center for a Stateless Society I criticized governments for their amenability to bribes even while they prosecute the same.
Media Co-Op
- North Montreal's New Year's NoiseAnti-Prison Demo A Success As twenty-ten comes to an end celebratory cheer is not mutual for those unfortunate enough to be held prisoner of the state. Refugees, impoverished and marginalized peoples-- all political prisoners entrapped in t ...
- How Hollywood De-fanged Potter’s Radical Politics Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1: more than a movie review The Harry Potter novels include a significant political subtext, which is at least as important as the teen romance or coming-of-age aspects. In Deathly Hallows the novel, the po ...
- Pitch for Pay: HMC seeks pitches for next paid fea ...The Halifax Media Co-op is seeking pitches for our next paid feature. We are actively looking for pitches on underreported topics from a grassroots perspective that are relevant to Halifax and the surrounding community. To pitch an article, s ...
- 2011 and Reflecting on 11 Social Movement Successe ...2011 and Reflecting on 11 Social Movement Successes It is hard to characterize 2010 as one of victories amidst unprecedented police arrests, relentless military occupation, daily state and oppressive violence in the streets and in homes, mas ...
- Media Co-op Investor: Quarterly ReportOur Theoretical Profit After 3 Months; Company Updates Media Co-op Investor celebrates its 3 month anniversary! The Media Cop-op Investor Series is a project of the Toronto Media Co-op aiming to help the general public understand the stock m ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Poor United States, so far from God and so close t ...The lesson of the past few years: Watch out for things that can go massively wrong. What could go massively wrong in 2011? Let's start next door, with Mexico.� Mexico drug war a nightmare scenario - CNNDavid Seaton's News LinksI put the quote above, one that I have taken at random from CNN, to avoid ...
- Myth destroying chartDavid Seaton's News LinksNo comment. DS
- Ending the First Decade of the 21rst CenturyDavid Seaton's News LinksSometimes after writing a long, rather ponderous piece like my last one, I like to follow it with a shorter and lighter version of more or less the same thing. This is some sort of a parallel text that grows out of its predecessor. We are at the end of the first decade of ...
- New Year's 2011... singing in Grover Norquist's ba ...Singing in the bathtub Happy once again Watching all my troubles Go swinging down the drain Singing through the soap suds Life is full of hope You can sing with feeling While feeling for the soap. "Singing in the Bathtub" David Seaton's News Links It's New Year's; this is when we are supposed to lo ...
- North Korea or Murdoch: the art is knowing how to ...Korean strongman, Kim Jong-il and his son and successor, Kim Jong-un David Seaton's News LinksThere is a lot of speculation, and practically no hard intelligence, as to why North Korea is behaving so strangely of late. Sinking a South Korean ship and killing 45 sailors, showing off their advanced at ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- EPA Should Require Clear Labels and Warnings for A ...January 05th, 2011 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved a partial waiver last year to allow the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol (E15) in flexible-fuel or Model Year 2007 and newer vehicles. Most gasoline... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- Teflon chemical PFOA – Comments on Draft Screening ...January 04th, 2011 Click here to download full comment PDF, including detailed analysis that follows the cover letter below. December 24, 2010 Mr. David Morin, Executive Director Program Development and Engagement Division Science and... [[ This is a content summary on ...
- What’s In Your Bottled Water – Besides Water?Contact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982 or Washington, D.C. – A survey of websites and labels of more than 170 bottled waters sold in the U.S. found only three – and only one of the top 10 domestic brands –... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- California Moves to Protect Public from Notorious ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Oakland, Calif. -- For years, California officials have been working to set the nation's first-ever safety standard for the carcinogenic metal hexavalent chromium (chromium-6), commonly found in... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- EWG Applauds Obama Administration Plan to Address ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 Washington, D.C. — Just two days after the release of Environmental Working Group's (EWG) analysis of chromium-6 (hexavalent chromium) contamination in the drinking water of 31 U.S. cities, the... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Problems with Digestion? This Type of Food May Be ...By Dr. Mercola Entire books are written about the subject of digestion. The current science of how your body breaks down and specifically utilizes nutrients is still in its infancy. This article is meant as an overview, talking about the physical process at work in the act of digestion, and so ...
- Red Wine and Cranberries are Good for Your TeethCompounds found in red wine and cranberries can prevent cavities and plaque build-up.� The wine compounds, which are called polyphenols, do this by blocking a molecule made by the bacteria streptococcus mutans. These molecules break down sugar to make sticky molecules called glucans, which let bact ...
- Dogs are Awesome Too Dogs can do amazing things!
- People are AwesomeTake a look at this compilation of amazing people doing incredible things.
- Probable Carcinogen in Tap Water of 31 U.S. CitiesA new analysis has shown the presence of hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen, in the tap water of 31 cities across the U.S.� Bottled water may not be an alternative, because it is often drawn from municipal water systems and can still contain hexavalent chromium or other contaminants. Basic ...
- Reexamining the Physical Examination for Obese Pat ...
- The 2011 Cancer Theme Issue: Call for Papers [Edit ...
- This Week in JAMA [This Week in JAMA]
- Non-Evidence-Based ICD Implantations in the United ...Context Practice guidelines do not recommend use of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) for primary prevention in patients recovering from a myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass graft surgery and those with severe heart failure symptoms or a recent diagnosis of heart failure. ...
- Gait Speed and Survival in Older Adults [Original ...Context Survival estimates help individualize goals of care for geriatric patients, but life tables fail to account for the great variability in survival. Physical performance measures, such as gait speed, might help account for variability, allowing clinicians to make more individualized estimates ...
Survival - tribal peoples
- Disease kills 15% of recently contacted tribe in p ...Marubo woman & children, Javari Valley, Brazil © Fiona Watson/Survival 15% of the recently contacted Korubo Indians in Brazil have died since the year 2000, as a result of inadequate health care. The alert has been raised by the Brazilian NGO the Center for Indigenous Work (Centro de Trabalho ...
- WikiLeaks: US renewed Indonesia military ties afte ...Footage of Indonesian soldiers torturing two Papuans caused widespread outrage and revulsion. © Survival US government cables released by WikiLeaks have revealed that Indonesia threatened to derail President Obama’s visit to Jakarta this year unless America reversed its ban on military assistan ...
- Nukak’s desperate plea to return homeMany Nukak have been forced to flee their forest homes, and now live in refugee camps outside the forest. © Arnau Blanch/Survival A leader of the Nukak tribe from the Colombian Amazon has made a desperate appeal for his people’s survival before the country’s top human rights committee. ’We wan ...
- Borneo tribes under threat from massive palm oil e ...Penan mother and child, Sarawak, Borneo. © Survival International The hunter-gatherer Penan and other tribes are under threat from new plans to expand palm oil plantations massively in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. The Sarawak government has announced plans to double the area used for palm ...
- Tribe reveals new evidence of uncontacted Indians ...Kayapó Indians dance at a protest against the Belo Monte dam © T Turner A tribe in the Brazilian Amazon has revealed new evidence showing that there are uncontacted Indians living in the area of the planned Belo Monte mega-dam, and has warned that these Indians are seriously threatened by the p ...
Montreal Gazette
- When neighbours turn badFew things are as irritating as an obnoxious neighbour. Whether it's because of deafening noise at 3 in the morning or disagreements over a property line, your home is no longer a sanctuary, it's a battleground.
- Easing the pressure on the city's ERsMieczyslaw Figiel died last February in the corridor of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital emergency ward, right beside the triage nursing station. His daughter banged on the station window while her father gasped for breath, but it was not until Figiel stopped breathing that medical staff ca ...
- We should listen to our kids when it comes to cros ...The Montreal Urban Ecology Centre deserves a shout-out for involving schoolchildren in discussions of how to make their neighbourhood greener, safer and more conducive to people walking, cycling and using public transit.
- Editorial: We should listen to our kids when it co ...The Montreal Urban Ecology Centre deserves a shout-out for involving schoolchildren in discussions of how to make their neighbourhood greener, safer and more conducive to people walking, cycling and using public transit.
- We should listen to our kids when it comes to cros ...The Montreal Urban Ecology Centre deserves a shout-out for involving schoolchildren in discussions of how to make their neighbourhood greener, safer and more conducive to people walking, cycling and using public transit.
Food World Order
- despite massive protests, senate passes 'food safe ...from natural news: The new Food Tyranny Act - called the "Food Safety Modernization Act" in the U.S. Senate - has been passed by the senate today. It would give the FDA vast new powers to criminalize and imprison farmers and food producers while doing absolutely nothing to address to real root of th ...
- mcdonald's & pepsi to help write uk health policyexclusive: dept of health putting fast food companies at heart of policy on obesity, alcohol & diet-related disease from guardian: The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers such as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars an ...
- leaked document: epa knowingly approved bee-killin ...from natural news: A Colorado beekeeper recently obtained a leaked document revealing that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knows a popular crop pesticide is killing off honey bees, but has allowed its continued approval anyway. Despite opposition from its own scientists, EPA officials ...
- pennsylvania allows gas fracking waste to be dumpe ...from activist post: It was revealed today by the AP that the state of Pennsylvania is allowing "wastewater so salty, and so polluted with metals like barium and strontium" to be flushed into local waterways. This wastewater is a result of natural gas extraction method called "fracking" which has ...
- animal farms get bigger & biggerfrom allgov: The last two decades witnessed the continued disappearance of small- and medium-sized farms, thanks to the ever-expanding presence of corporate-owned “factory” farms, according to Food and Water Watch. In a new report, the agricultural watchdog organization found the number of dairy ...
- "Crorepathy" Fr. Jegath Gasper Raj main ...source: Asian Tribune The Sri Lankan Catholic Church, the Catholic Radio Veritas based in Phillipines, the Tamil Catholic hierachy and its priests have been the main links of the global network of the Church to protect, promote, provide succor and cover to the internationally banned T ...
- Sex, lies and money in the churchsource: Indian Express, October 24, 2010 Shevlin Sebastian It was midnight. Fr Jose George could not sleep because there was no fan in his room. Jose knocked on Anna Jacobs door. When she opened it, he told her he could not sleep. She invited him inside, because there was a fan. ...
- Denigration of Buddhism & conversion of the vu ...source:, Oct 25, 2010 Christianisation was the third force of colonialism as best expressed by Jomo Kenyatta, the late Kenyan leader, who said: When the white man came he had the bible we had the land. Then he said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ris ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- .Lies, Damned Lies and Scottish JusticeRobert Green, the man who was brave enough to speak out about the horrific paedophile rapes of Hollie Greig, the most probable murder of her uncle Robert Greig to “shut him up”, and the sickening wall of silence by the Scottish establishment, has been arrested. We believe the charge is Breach of th ...
- Child Rapists Protected By The StateIn the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planni ...
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is s ...
- Robert Green Speaking at Truthjuice Llangollen, Ma ...Wednesday 24th March 2010 at 7pm Reporter Robert Green was arrested in Aberdeen for the crime of seeking justice and an investigation into the case of Down’s Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who says she was serially-raped over a decade by an establishment paedophile ring operating in Scotland. Robert ...
- Mary Rodwell The New Human Vers. 02
The Economic Collapse
- Derivatives: The Quadrillion Dollar Financial Casi ...If you took an opinion poll and asked Americans what they considered the biggest threat to the world economy to be, how many of them do you think would give "derivatives" as an answer? But the truth is that derivatives were at the heart of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, and ...
- Start A Business? In The United States? Are You Ki ...Many of you have decided that you are going to attempt to start a business in the United States today. Many of you are still convinced that this is "the land of opportunity" and that starting a business is fairly easy. Are you sure about that? Are you certain that you have consid ...
- In The Future You May Not Be Able To Provide The B ...Today, millions of American families are extremely stressed out because they are working as hard as they can and yet they find at the end of the month they still haven't been able to pay all of the bills. Unfortunately, things are only going to get rougher in the years ahead. The ...
- Everything Is Falling Apart: 20 Facts That You Wil ...If you haven't noticed lately, America is literally falling apart all around us. Decaying infrastructure is everywhere. Our roads and bridges are crumbling and are full of holes. Our rail system is ancient. Our airports and runways have definitely seen their better days. Aging ...
- Economic WarMost Americans have no idea what an "economic war" is, and even fewer realize that economic warfare is being waged against the United States right now. For generations, it has been drummed into our heads that "free trade" is always a good thing and that truly free trade will always ...
- The Financial Crisis Is the Environmental CrisisEric Zencey suggests reforming the monetary system to avoid future economic and ecological calamities.
- Homo Economicus Versus Person-in-CommunityHerman Daly takes aim at a major flaw of neoclassical economics, along with the wrong-headed policies of globalization.
- Steady State Economics and the New CongressBrent Blackwelder has some interesting ideas for the fight against corruption.
- Top 10 Songs for the Steady StateCheck out this list of top songs with thematic elements of the steady state economy.
- Ecosystem Services: Pricing to PeddleMarkets are good for several things, but allocating ecosystem services is not one of them.
The Talking Clock
- Shock news! Fired Santa Claus is latest victim of ......funny how appropriate this Spitting Image festive offering seems today, huh?
- The saddening case of Nikki SinclaireIt really saddens me to have to write this blog post but the whole corporate media has the story so it would be pathetically obvious if I were to simply ignore it. In the words of the (very typical) coverage at The Guardian: "A former UK Independence party MEP has won her claim that the party dis ...
- Wikileaks: UKIP go to courtThe Talking Clock hears that a group from UKIP are planning to make their presence felt at court on Tuesday 11th January when Wikileaks frontman Julian Assage goes before the beak to answer to the evil European Arrest Warrant that has been signed in his name. We hear that one very high profile UK ...
- This deliberate economic vandalism against the UK ...So, figures announced today reveal that: "Borrowing jumped to a record £23.3billion in November despite the Chancellor’s austerity drive, according to the Office for National Statistics." The Daily Mail also reveals how: "The national debt rose to £971billion at the end of November, or 65.2 per c ...
- Just tell the British people the truth about the V ...Rows, lies and spin are nothing unusual from the clueless political goons and their mouthpieces. However, the representation of the rise in VAT to 20% is a masterclass example. Our 'Quote of the Day' for yesterday came from John Redwood MP who explained: "VAT is of course an EU required tax, and ...
Facing South
- Born Fighting: An interview with Judy BondsBy Taylor Lee Kirkland In October 2009, I spent a Saturday afternoon talking with Julia "Judy" Bonds at her house along the Coal River in Boone County, W.Va. as part of an oral history project called "Radical Roots: Cultural and Political Resistance in the Appalachian South." A daughter, granddaugh ...
- NC groups backed by top political benefactor push ...Nationally and especially in the South, government reform advocates view North Carolina as a trend-setter. Over the last decade, the state's "good government" groups have pushed through tough ethics legislation, same-day voter registration and a Voter Owned Elections program aimed at lessening the ...
- VOICES: Why Mississippi governor's sudden show of ...By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media Last week, NAACP President Ben Jealous called Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour "a shining example" of how governors should use their clemency powers, following Barbour's release of Jamie and Gladys Scott. The two sisters had been serving life sentenc ...
- Serious flaws found in EPA's coal ash rule cost-be ...When the federal Environmental Protection Agency prepared a cost-benefit analysis for the two coal ash regulatory options it released last year for public comment, it overestimated the benefits of recycling coal ash and underestimated the benefits of safe disposal -- thus hurting the chances for an ...
- The BP oil spill saga: Where things stand nowBy Marian Wang, ProPublica The BP oil spill in the Gulf killed 11 workers in April, released nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and triggered multiple government investigations and an overhaul of the nation's offshore drilling regulatory agency. Federal scientists estima ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsReport: Obama Not Likely to Challenge Gitmo Transfer Ban on Legal Grounds Following up earlier reporting by ProPublica that the White House is exploring ways to bypass recent congressional limitations on transferring detainees from Guantanamo, the New York Times reports … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsWhite House Considers Signing Statement to Counter Gitmo Transfers Ban ProPublica reports that the White House is currently considering whether to attach a signing statement to a massive defense spending bill passed by Congress late last year that includes a … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsCar Bomb at Egyptian Church Kills Nearly Two Dozen After a car bomb outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt, killed 21 people and injured nearly 100 at a New Yearâs mass, Egyptian authorities say they have detained seven people … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsTrio of False Alarms Put New York on Edge Today’s Terrorism News will be on hiatus until January 3. We’d like to wish all of our readers a happy and healthy holiday season, and we hope to see you in … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsLawyers for Ghailani Urge Judge to Dismiss Single Conviction On Friday, lawyers for Ahmed Ghailani, who was acquitted of more 280 counts of murder and conspiracy in November in connection with the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa, urged … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- 2010 review: 10 most popular physics storiesThe most-read physics stories of the year include a round-up of seven "theories of everything" and a creature replicating in a mathematical universe
- Today on New Scientist: 27 December 2010All today's stories from, including scientific fairy tales, immortality and the periodic table written on a single hair
- California court allows police to search cell phon ...A ruling by the state Supreme Court now allows police to search arrested suspects' cell phones without a warrant.
- Today on New Scientist: 24 December 2010All today's stories from, including titanic turkeys, smoked jellyfish and a robot that can solve Rubik's cube in just 15 seconds
- Today on New Scientist: 5 January 2011Today's stories on, including iPads on the brain, the revenge of robo-deer, Greenland's tipping point, and more
Tech Drive In
- 5 Important Changes that Reinvented Ubuntu in 2010Yet another year is coming to an end. As far as Ubuntu and Canonical are concerned, 2010 is perhaps *the* most eventful year in their history. Let us take a quick flashback and analyse the most important changes Ubuntu has made during the year. [image via ubuntu wallpapers]Ubuntu in 2010 - How Thi ...
- Clementine 0.6 is Packed With Brand New Features, ...Clementine music player will not be known as yet another Amarok 1.4 fork anymore. It has grown much beyond that. Latest Clementine 0.6 release is packed with new feature additions and other improvements which makes it as good or even better than any other music player out there. Read more about the ...
- YafaRay [Blender 3D's Open Source Raytracing Engin ...YafaRay is a free and open source raytracing engine. Raytracing is a rendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path of light through a 3D scene. I have no idea what a raytracing engine means or how critical a client it is to Blender. But this video showcasing different capab ...
- Evolution of Ubuntu Over the Years - A Brief Histo ...Ubuntu has touched the lives of many among us in different ways. I can't speak for everyone here and hence I will share a few of my experiences with Ubuntu. For me, Ubuntu was the gateway to Linux and the whole open source way of thinking. Ubuntu taught me that computers are not all about Windows OS ...
- 3 Awesome Ubuntu/Linux Multi Touch Demo VideosHere are a bunch of interesting video demos showcasing native multitouch support in Linux. I especially liked the one which demoed a good looking Dell touch pad running Ubuntu Unity. Edit: A new video has been added taking the total count to 4. [image via ubuntu wallpapers] Ubuntu Multitouch ...
Case About Bird Flu
- EU INTRODUCES EUROBONDS THROUGH THE BACK DOOR- EU issues â¬5 billion of bonds through the European Financial Stabilisation Fund in spite of rejection by European leaders at key Brussels summit in December - Ireland’s borrowing costs lower but Germany’s increase - Eurobonds will deepen the eurozone’s chronic debt problems caused by the banks, ...
- China buys up eurozone debt, expands political inf ...[Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained in a recent interview in Der Standard ("Banks create money out of air") that China's government prints money without creating a debt and so has a huge economic advantage over the USA and Europe. Cash-rich China is able to buy up large chunks of chr ...
- Bizarre article in German newspaper calls Nazi mas ...A bizarre report in Germany’s Die Welt today appears to suggest that Nazi mass murderer Adolf Eichmann was an idealist. Alan Posener argues that Hannah Arendt misunderstood Eichmann when she said ev ...
- Hungarian opponents of new media law use it agains ...Opponents of Hungary’s draconian new media laws are using the new rules to charge close friends and promoters of the Prime Minister Viktor Orban, according to a report in the ORF. Szilard Kalmar slapped a charge against one of Orban’s friends Zsolt Bayer after he wrote a newspaper report, complainin ...
- Birds fall from the sky in Sweden: is an electroma ...Swedish birds ‘scared to death’: veterinarian Published: 5 Jan 11 12:43 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation Updated: 5 Jan 11 13:15 CET Online: A county veterinarian has speculated that the birds that fell from the sky in central Sweden on Tuesday ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Te ...A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of ...
- Why are the animals dying? Birds, fish wiped out i ...By Mike Adams In the last week, nearly 100,000 fish washed up on the shores of the Arkansas River, dead. Also in Arkansas, thousands of red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky and plummeted to the ground where they were also found dead. The scene repeated itself in Southern Louisiana where 500 red-w ...
- Italian Banks Wage ‘War on Cash’ as Co ...Cash is king in Italy, a lesson Massimiliano Romano learned when he tried to pay for a cab with a credit card at Rome’s main train station. “I thought my cards would be enough,” said Romano, head of research at brokerage Concentric Italy in Milan. “But I had to let 10 people go in front [...]
- ‘Fed up’ 82-year-old held alleged thie ...An 82-year-old retired high school math teacher and business owner with diabetes and leukemia shot out a tire on a pickup truck loaded with stuff allegedly stolen from his house near here and held two men at gunpoint until police arrived. New Castle County police took William G. Rafter, 41, of Clayt ...
- John P. Wheeler III: The Neighbors’ TwistBy Radell Smith U.S. Army veteran, MADD supporter, a regular at the Pentagon, former Securities and Exchange Commission insider…the list goes on and one about the esteemed–now deceased–John P, Wheeler III. But as much as is known about the man who got things done; no one knows who killed him and lef ...
Veterans Today
- The return of the Mavi MarmaraIn a powerful invitation to all to see for themselves the nature of Israeli “self-defense,” Turkish authorities again opened the Mavi Marmara for visitors to board its decks and examine the blood stains, bullet holes and, most poignantly, the exact locations where the nine civilians were slain. By F ...
- Israeli Oppression—’It Isn’t Nice,R ...“No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking to help the oppressed.” - Clarence Darrow Via Norman Finkelstein
- U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contra ...DoD CONTRACTS: No. 006-10 NAVY Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors, Owego, N.Y., is being awarded a $72,618,815 advance acquisition contract for long lead materials and support associated with the manufacture and delivery of 24 mission avionics systems and common cockpits for the Lot 10 MH-6 ...
- Zahir Ebrahim–The Omnipotent Rothschilds: Wh ...From Zahir Ebrahim | Project Continuing from Part-2, where Baron David de Rothschild was quoted proclaiming: Caption World Governance By The Rothschilds, 2003 – Click to view GOVERNING BY NETWORKS (Image via bibliotecapleyades-net via bureaudetudes-org large 3 MB) ‘We provide ad ...
- LILA RAJIVA: THE VULTURE THAT CAME IN FROM THE COL ...The BBC , Spectator, Telegraph, and other main stream outlets are carrying a story about the Saudis “detaining” a vulture with a tag. Is it coincidental that this incident happens just after the ADL targets journalists who (rightly or wrongly) suggest that Wikileaks might have a connection to the ...
electric politics
- PrioritiesTo be honest, the shrimp fishermen don't matter. The Gulf coast tourist traps don't matter. The economic effects of the spill. Don't matter. It's not about the money. What matters is that we're destroying the environment, killing countless innocent creatures. I keep hoping things may not be quite a ...
- Regime Change PoliticsWe tell ourselves that humans are sentient animals. Yet here in the U.S. our politics seem rather more directed by delusion, or denial, than reason. Collectively, we not only do not know that our political system does not produce democratic results, we pretend the results are democratic no matter h ...
- The Death and Life of Intelligence AnalysisMagical thinking drives the Neocons' perpetual efforts to start a war with Iran. Politicians, by and large, fail to apprehend the danger. If it weren't for analysts like Dr. Thomas Fingar — and many others — who have held the line on explaining the real costs of war, we would by now be well and tru ...
- (Unlawful) Targeted KillingThe U.S. government should not murder people abroad. A simple enough rule, yet in a bizarre, barbaric, and cold-blooded fashion Washington now not only claims the right to murder anyone it wants, anywhere it wants, abroad, including American citizens, but actively carries out such intent with drone ...
- The Power of ImaginationHarkening back to an earlier age, the prolific and brilliant author and anthologist Michael Sims helps us to understand science, natural history, literature, and all manner of other things. A Renaissance man. In Dracula's Guest he explores through Victorian eyes the universal human fear of the dark ...
PR News
- PR hiring and recruitment on the upswing Talent recruiters say the rebound in the job market for PR pros has already started, with much of the strength coming from the senior management level.
- PR image still improving after ethics issuesSeveral instances of questionable PR and public affairs practices became public this week, reflecting the industry's somewhat shaky definition of ethical PR.
- Ford increases promo investment at CES DEARBORN, MI: Ford is investing in its most significant promotional activation at this week's Consumer Electronics Show.
- Racepoint Group acquires PPR Greater ChinaWALTHAM, MA: Racepoint Group acquired PPR Greater China to form Racepoint Group Asia.
- Turner appoints new VP of corporate commsATLANTA: Amy Cohn has been appointed to VP of corporate communications at Turner Broadcasting System, where she will manage internal communications and corporate messaging.
The Story Behind the Story
- NATIONAL INFLATION ASSOCIATION PREDICTIONSThe National Inflation Association is pleased to announce its top 10 predictions for 2011. 1) The Dow/Gold and Gold/Silver ratios will continue to decline. In NIA’s top 10 predictions for 2010, we predicted major declines in the Dow/Gold and Gold/Silver ratios. The Dow/Gold ratio was 9.3 at the time ...
- Understanding the Nine VeilsUnderstanding the Nine Veils By A. True Ott, PhD Nearly a decade ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine named Don Harkins authored a wonderfully thought-provoking piece entitled “Slavery and the eight veils. Prior to Harkins’ untimely death, we discussed this “Eight-veils theory” for literally h ...
- Is there hidden messaging in The Simpson’s c ...Today, a friend named Alex sent me this post: Watch this video to understand how hollywood has given us early indications of foreknowledge of falseflag events including 9/11 and Katrina. Consider the series “V” coming up on Jan 4 such predictive programming, and liken the “red rain” to chemtrails. ...
- The Bursting Debt Bubble – Power PointTo see Dr. Ott’s newest power point – and to follow along with his radio broadcast, click here: Â The Bursting Debt Bubble This is clearly THE BIGGEST STORY in American History. Spread the word — and Merry Christmas – (no thanks to the treasonous traitors at Goldman Sachs.)
- UTAH SOUND MONEY ACT (Brilliant!!!)Today I was introduced to Mr. Larry Hilton, JD, MBA – the author of a brilliant piece of much needed legislation that hopefully will pass the Utah legislature, and then each and every other state in this union. Here is his introduction to me for the “Utah Sound Money Act” —- Click here:Â Sound Mone ...
k2p blog
- Swedish jackdaws died of external traumaJackdaws found dead in Sweden died of external trauma.
- Frigid December 2010 was no local phenomenonThe frigid December of 2010 was widespread across the Northern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere was wet and cool during its summer.
- Now it’s green vs. green: Sierra Club files ...A leading environmental advocacy group is suing the state of California's Energy Commission over its approval of a giant solar plant, underscoring the growing challenge to the nation's renewable-energy goals from within the environmental community.
- UK Met Office fears ridicule from public more than ...The UK Met Office claims that they correctly forecast the weather for December 2010 but only secretly informed the UK Government about this because they were afraid of public ridicule if they were wrong!
- Rescue operation in Sea of Okhotsk begins but one ...The Admiral Makarov icebreaker that took the Mys Yelizavety to the clear waters is now moving at full tilt to help the icebreaker Magadan, which took part in the escorting effort but got stuck in the ice itself.
Left Foot Forward
- Ed Miliband is right to expose the Tory “dec ...Ed Miliband has come out fighting in today's Times pointing out Tory "deceit" on the deficit. The truth is uncomfortable for the Government.
- Simon Hughes has a huge responsibility to ensure f ...National Union of Students president Aaron Porter writes about the huge responsibility facing the govt's new 'Advocate for Access to Education' Simon Hughes.
- BNP’s Oldham candidate shows the party’ ...A racist video from the BNP candidate in Oldham East and Saddleworth, Derek Adams, shows that the party are still as racist as ever, reports Chris Tarquini.
- Shameful incapacity benefit consensus between main ...Hundreds of thousands of people who are too ill or disabled to work have often been unfairly, and often mistakenly, deprived of incapacity benefit.
- Labour offers “open door” to disaffect ...On the day the Indy’s poll of polls put the Liberal Democrats on just 11 per cent, Welsh Labour welcomed its first defection by a Lib Dem councillor since May.
- Sony Shows Off Enough 3D Stuff To Make Your Head E ...Here at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, just about everyone is showing off 3D TVs. But at Sony's oversized press conference on the eve of the big expo, the company went far beyond TVs, hyping up everything from 3D cameras and handicams to laptops and self-contained 3D headsets. Chief ...
- Hold On To Your Wallets, 3D TVs Are Going To Be Ge ...A little bit of pricing news out of CES: LG told Dow Jones Newswires that their 3D TVs will be getting cheaper by 20% this year, as "production costs have been dropping with improved technology." "Prices for 3-D TVs will definitely go down this year as our production costs have been dropping with ...
- Photos: Behind The Scenes At CES 2011While most of the reporters here spent this day before the official launch of CES 2011 going from press conference to press conference, I managed to convince a security guard that it was perfectly okay for me to walk around taking photos of the big booths being constructed. Alas, no huge revelatio ...
- New Starbucks Logo Is Just Old Starbucks Logo With ...Starbucks has a new logo! It's basically just the same one they currently have, minus those pesky words that say Starbucks Coffee. Coffee, we assume, was the primary problem. Why? Because Starbucks is a fast food joint. We'll let Howard Schultz, chairman, president and chief executive officer, ta ...
- Cops Can Search Your Cellphone Without Warrant, Ca ...Cops don't need a warrant to go through your text messages when you've been arrested, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday. The case stemmed from a guy who bought drugs from a police informant where a subsequent search of his cellphone uncovered text messages linking him to the deal. A Deput ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- New Bill in Congress a Threat to Free Speech: Whis ...By Brett Tatman The New York Times: A Clear Danger to Free Speech A new bill aimed at curtailing the release of classified information and prompted by the recent WikiLeaks disclosures has been introduced in Congress. The so-called SHIELD Act (Securing Human Intelligence and Enforcing Law ...
- Democrats Rallying for Rule Changes in Senate: Whi ...By Chris Watkins Boston Herald: Democrats Hoping to Change Way US Senate Works Democratic senators are rallying for the legislative body to adopt rule changes that would bolster its efficiency and speed up the legislative process. The changes would reform the filibuster process and elimina ...
- Casualties of Justice: William Welch Leaving Ruine ...The New Yorker's lead article this week is on the tragic suicide of one of the attorneys. Nicholas Marsh, in the botched prosecution of the late-Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska. As the article notes, the senior people in the Stevens investigation, did not receive, in Marsh's mind, equal punish ...
- Whistleblower Bill Fails in Senate Due to Secret H ...By Victoria Pickering Washington Post: Bill to Empower Whistleblowers Fails to Pass Senate The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (S. 372), which passed unanimously in the House on December 22, was ultimately killed in the post-election session of Congress due to one anonymous sena ...
- The Reporter Online - WikiLeaks Proves Stronger Wh ...By Louis Clark Hysteria and anger over WikiLeaks have led to calls in Congress to widen the scope of espionage law violations. Essentially, this serves as a warning shot to future whistleblowers. But the experiences of other truth-tellers show why this is a mistake. Information is power. Theref ...
UK Progressive
- Massachusetts Sets Highest Possible Carbon Reducti ...By Theodora Filis Contributing Editor The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has set the highest possible reduction requirement for greenhouse gas emissions allowed under state environmental legislation. Massachusetts will seek to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 25 percent below 1990 levels over t ...
- Cries the Land, Who Will Listen?In the furore of the past week’s ‘he said, she said’ disputes over Camp Ashraf, the mindless labels thrown loosely about where even those most firmly ‘against’ terrorism are labelled as such by association and reporters are muzzled for taking a stand, the death toll in a land that was once the cradl ...
- The Big Lieby Robert Reich Republicans are telling Americans a Big Lie, and Obama and the Democrats are letting them. The Big Lie is our economic problems are due to a government that’s too large, and therefore the solution is to shrink it. The truth is our economic problems stem from the biggest concentration ...
- What To Worry About in 2011The Atlantic website published an interesting 2000 vs. 2010 ‘at a glance’ graphic table. Prepared by Stephanie Fox of, it was simultaneously scary and encouraging. Most times I just glance and move on but this was compelling. What jumps out is that in 10-years’ time, planet earth added nearl ...
- Right Wing Forgets Numbers Don’t Lie, Bash Latinos ...This amazing exchange between the FOX Newsactress and people on both sides of the immigration issue show that the Republican/Tea Party is in total denial about the impact of their campaign to slash and burn all illegal immigrants. This is not just a river in Egypt, this is Rove-ian KoolAid brought t ...
- The Failed Predictions of ApocalypseDynamist
- Gym newcomers should resolve to follow etiquetteUSA Today
- Darrell Issa Reveals Investigation List From Fanni ...Press Release Mag
- Goldman Flooded With Facebook OrdersThe Wall Street Journal
- Suit alleges Chicago police hold back info on Powe ...The Chicago Tribune reports: The Better Government Association filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Chicago Police Department alleging that the agency wrongfully denied the nonprofit's Freedom of Information Act request for records related to Ald. Edward Burke's security detail. The organizatio ...
- A willing victim of a false faith… Craven’s soluti ...You have to feel sorry for him. He’s genuine. He’s stressed to the point of mania. And it’s all for nothing. But as Brice Bosnich says, Hilarious;Â bring the back to front canvas jacket, rubber spoon… Greg Craven posted his infamous AGU speech and asked us to share it. Craven is absolutely right in ...
- Eleven Principles to advance us to a Third World N ...Here in Australia we’re copying techniques from tin-pot tyrannies. When the government wants a “consensus” that they know they have no way of achieving, they fake it. People in suits declare (with no hint of irony) that Business Needs Certainty (which means: certain-taxes, guaranteed imposts, global ...
- The Truth Wears Off: Is there something wrong with ...The New Yorker has such an interesting article it’s already generating discussion here, so it deserves a thread of it’s own. It describes a true modern paradox, namely that so many good studies can show interesting “significant” results, yet very few of these turn out to be genuine repeatable findin ...
- Busted predictions from brazen prophetsWhat is most astounding about the human race is that people like Erhlich, who predicted vast coastlines would be evacuated due to rotting fish by 1980, or Oppenheimer with a black blizzard of sand covering a continent (by 1995), people who have long proven to be arrant failures at making predictions ...
- What does it take for a worldwide consensus? Just ...It’s true, 97%-of-experts agree the world is going to hell in a handcart. It’s part of the frontline toolkit used by the Big Scare Campaign. Do a google search on “97% of climate scientists agree” and 3,920,000 links turn up. Like everything in the Big Scare Campaign, a tiny semi-dried kernel of tru ...
ReNew America
- Ready to start cutting(Robert Costa) - Eighty-seven Republican freshmen stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday, bringing with them an unbridled enthusiasm for conservative reform. Rep. Allen West, a former Army lieutenant colonel from Florida's southeast coast, tells National Review Online that he and others are more than rea ...
- How to defeat Obama(Dick Morris) - The pas de deux between the Republican Congress and the Democratic president and Senate can get old pretty quickly. The Republican House passes repeal of Obamacare. The Senate either kills it or Obama vetoes it. The Republican House passes spending cuts. The Senate ... you get the dr ...
- Gibbs to step down as Obama spokesman(Fox News) - Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is stepping down as the chief spokesman for the White House to become an outside adviser to the president and his re-election campaign. Gibbs will leave after Obama delivers his State of the Union address at the end of this month, a senior administration off ...
- Light-bulb banning begins(Washington Times) - The cost of illuminating your home is about to go up significantly. Most Americans take for granted that when they flip a switch, darkness immediately gives way to a warm, natural light. That's no longer possible in California, where a regulation that took effect Jan. 1 only all ...
- Boehner takes reins in House(Washington Times) - The 112th Congress gaveled open Wednesday with Republicans taking control of the House and immediately rewriting the chamber's rules, making it easier to cut spending and taxes, harder to add new spending, and more open to voters who want to keep tabs on what lawmakers are doing ...
Truth Offering
- Latest Poll - Week Ending 1/2/11Happy New Year! We've been away for a bit, but we're back with the results from our holiday poll. We asked you, "Do you think the large influx of Tea Party members and Republicans will help restore our liberty in 2011?" Quite the apropos question considering that today is the day the new members of ...
- The Mainstream Media: In the Pocket of the Global ...For the record, I'd like to state that I believe in climate change; I believe that during any given period of time, the planet is either warming or cooling. Factually speaking, that is the nature of weather and climate: it's constantly in flux. To deny climate change is to deny reality. I think we c ...
- Podcast: Truth Offering w/ Matt Gordon - December ...Check out our first Podcast featuring's Matt Gordon. Topics range from WikiLeaks and Internet censorship, to food freedom and the Federal Reserve. Being that it's our first Podcast, it's a work-in-progress. So, please leave any and all feedback. Thanks...and enjoy: �
- Latest Poll - Week Ending 12/19/10This week, we asked visitors, "Where do you think the economy is going in 2011?" An overwhelming majority said they believed it was heading toward difficult times, but some still hold on to the hope that we're through the tough part and headed toward better times. Here are the results: What do we t ...
- Chemtrails: Scars in the SkyGeoengineering is a relatively new idea to the world. According to�Wikipedia,�"The modern concept of�geoengineering�(or�climate engineering) is usually taken to mean proposals to deliberately manipulate the�Earth's�climate�to counteract the effects of�global warming�from�greenhouse gas�emissions. Th ...
2012 Blog
- Child Says Doomsday Will Be FunThis was in The Age a few days ago: Of course, the film 2012 also helped to put this ”end of the world” idea into people’s mind. Jordan Murnane, 10, Jake Drummond, 11, and Benjamin Dear, 10, haven’t seen the film but they have heard the rumours. And they have considered what they would do before [. ...
- Keeping an Eye on EarthquakesI’m not a fan of “Earth Changes”, because in the last decade I have not seen a year in which any forces of nature have occurred outside the range of probability. But because of the recent eclipse/earthquake connection, which I was alerted to by Mitch Battros (and which I refined from 2 weeks either ...
- Space News Items in BriefGamma Rays have been detected from a nova (not to be confused with a supernova) for the first time, something that has surprised scientists. I’m guessing that unlike supernovae, we are unable to tell if a nova event is likely to occur any time soon from a nearby star. This is the latest in a [...] ...
- More 2012 BunkersI have three different sources regarding bunkers being built for 2012: Hush-hush, where my contacts give me details, but I am sworn to secrecy Conspiracy forums and blogs – usually unsubstantiated From the builders themselves An example of conspiracy information is the bunker that the Walmart Walton ...
- New Year Earthquake?The two earthquakes which had the most fatalities in the last 5 years occurred within 5 days of a solar eclipse: Haiti Earthquake January 12, 2010 230,000 deaths Solar Eclipse January 15, 2010 Kashmir Earthquake October 8, 2005 79,000 deaths Solar Eclipse October 3, 2005 The next (partial) eclipse i ...
Facing South
- Born Fighting: An interview with Judy BondsBy Taylor Lee Kirkland In October 2009, I spent a Saturday afternoon talking with Julia "Judy" Bonds at her house along the Coal River in Boone County, W.Va. as part of an oral history project called "Radical Roots: Cultural and Political Resistance in the Appalachian South." A daughter, granddaugh ...
- NC groups backed by top political benefactor push ...Nationally and especially in the South, government reform advocates view North Carolina as a trend-setter. Over the last decade, the state's "good government" groups have pushed through tough ethics legislation, same-day voter registration and a Voter Owned Elections program aimed at lessening the ...
- VOICES: Why Mississippi governor's sudden show of ...By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New America Media Last week, NAACP President Ben Jealous called Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour "a shining example" of how governors should use their clemency powers, following Barbour's release of Jamie and Gladys Scott. The two sisters had been serving life sentenc ...
- Serious flaws found in EPA's coal ash rule cost-be ...When the federal Environmental Protection Agency prepared a cost-benefit analysis for the two coal ash regulatory options it released last year for public comment, it overestimated the benefits of recycling coal ash and underestimated the benefits of safe disposal -- thus hurting the chances for an ...
- The BP oil spill saga: Where things stand nowBy Marian Wang, ProPublica The BP oil spill in the Gulf killed 11 workers in April, released nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and triggered multiple government investigations and an overhaul of the nation's offshore drilling regulatory agency. Federal scientists estima ...
One News Page
- Average American StatisticsThe Average Joe, or Average American, has some interesting statistical characteristics. For example, did you know that the average American has six hours of sleep each day? Other than that, the average American spends 46 hours a week at work. Another interesting aspect is the consumption ... ...
- City noises have forced songbirds to sing a differ ...Melbourne, Jan 6 (ANI): Urban noises have created such disturbance that songbirds have been forced to change the pitch and pace of their song, a study has found. However, their country counterparts who deal with background noise between 35 and 40 decibels, haven't done any such thing. Reported by ...
- US official in China for Korean Peninsula solution ...Beijing, Jan. 6 (ANI): US Special Representative for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Stephen Bosworth is in Chinese capital Beijing as part of a flurry of diplomatic activity to defuse tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Reported by Newstrack India 44 minutes ago, received via One News Page ...
- Cops believe LiLo was 'under the influence' in reh ...Washington, Jan 6 (ANI): Palm Desert Police Department officials believe Lindsay Lohan was under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at Betty Ford, according to sources. Now sources have told TMZ that the cops believe Lindsay was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which would be a ... Re ...
- Judicial commission to probe Salman Taseer's assas ...Lahore, Jan 6(ANI): The government has decided to form a judicial commission to investigate the murder of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, a TV channel has reported. Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Iqbal Hameed-ur-Rehman's name has been proposed as the head of the commission, and Justice ... Repo ...
Global Research TV
- Julian Assange Speaks: Secrets, Leaks and Extradit ...
- CNN Missing Basic Concepts of Journalism
- Stigmatizing & Drugging Children with Bogus Mental ...
- Investigate Building 7 Collapse, 9/11 Ad Campaign ...
- 9/11: Time to take a Second Look
Daily Tech
- Microsoft's Ballmer: ARM? There's a Windows PC OS ...Microsoft makes ARM support official; Intel surely is regretting parting with its ARM unit
- Oregon State Researcher Says Media "Grossly Exagge ...Media says the "Great Garbage Patch" is twice the size of Texas while an Oregon State researcher says it is less than one percent of the size of Texas
- Corsair Announces Performance 3 6Gbps SSDs, Delive ...Performance 3 SSDs offer up to 480MB/sec reads, 320MB/sec writes
- Consumer Reports Hates on Ford MyTouch Due to Dist ...All your touch screens are belong to us?
- Ancient/Modern Bird Brains Reconstructed to Unders ...A powerful CT scanner is being used to recreate bird brains using bird skulls and fossils
Oriental Review
- A Brief Survey of NATO’s Intelligence Services in ...By Nikita Mendkovich (Russia) The activities of NATO’s intelligence services in Afghanistan have long been the subject of conjecture and supposition, and that has sometimes made it difficult to analyze events in the country, forcing us to look for traces in various events and practices. My goal in w ...
- What Is Khodorkovsky Doing His Time For? (I)By Gregory Tinsky (Russia) Case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky — not long ago, one of the wealthiest men in Russia — broke not just Russians but rather an entire world apart. Khodorkovsky — still being quite a young man — seemingly became the most famous prisoner in the world. Some people believe him to be ...
- Episode 6. Leon Trotsky, Father of German Nazism ( ...Nikolay Starikov (Russia) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 About a year before Hitler organized the Beer Hall Putsch, some curious personalities appeared in his entourage, and historians have still been unable to determine the origin of the sums of money that they brought with them. The cash flowed in from many ...
- US State Department Defends Russian SodomitesOn November 17, 2010 the US State Department published another annual International Religious Freedom Report. Naturally, one of the chapters is devoted to Russia. While explicitly advocating the interests of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, Seventh-day Adventists, non-authorized âIslamicâ preach ...
- The Great Game TodayKonstantin Penzev (Russia) The Great Game obviously did not end in 1907 with the signing of the Anglo-Russian Convention. Given that, we should adjust the definition of the term, i.e., move away from its narrow meaning of the Anglo-Russian conflict in Central Asia during just the 19th century. In a ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Industrial Worker - Issue #1730, November 2010Headlines: ...
- Fire to the Prisons #10-Winter 2010-2011//Out Now!Fire to the Prisons Issue #10 is available now to order in printed form or be downloaded online. We are continuing.... Time to get it out there!...
- Anarchy Radio Special Episode, November 9Anarchy Radio is a live broadcast radio show on Eugene, Oregon's KWVA 88.1 FM, normally hosted by the anarcho-primitivist stalwart John Zerzan o...
- Pacifica death watch (cont.): Gary Null editionPerhaps the wider world does not share my interest in the internal goings-on at Pacifica. I do have a personal interest. I grew up listeni...
- Class War in Barcelona: "Anarchism and the Ci ...Anarchism is more than just the idea of stateless socialism, and the movement is always shaped by the environment where it grows. In Anarchism a...
E U Times
- NASA: Approaching space object ‘artificial, not as ...NASA authorities report that an unknown object approaching the Earth from deep space is almost certainly artificial in origin rather than being an asteroid. Object 2010 KQ was detected by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona earlier this month, and subsequently tracked by NASA’s asteroid-watching serv ...
- 2 million fish mysteriously die in MarylandThe Maryland Department of the Environment is investigating the deaths of tens of thousands of small fish that have died in the Chesapeake Bay in the past week. “An estimated 2 million fish have been reported dead from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier Sound, according to the Maryland Department of th ...
- Hungary, Ireland and others snatch retirement acco ...The avalanche of failing governments in Europe has left many legislators with no choice but to seize European taxpayer savings and pension accounts to cover the governments’ bills. The seizure of pension accounts is easily accomplished in Europe as the state organizes and is in charge of said accoun ...
- Obama ready to deploy executive powers against GOP ...President Obama challenged congressional Republicans to embrace the “shared responsibility” of governance even as the White House appears ready to use unilateral executive powers to battle Capitol Hill. With Republicans taking over the House and increasing their number in the Senate, Obama faces the ...
- Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province assassinate ...The governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province was assassinated by his own security guard Tuesday, according to Interior Minister Rehman Malik, apparently because he spoke out against the country’s controversial blasphemy law. The security guard was arrested, Malik said. The shooting occurred at Islamab ...