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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, January 21, 2011

21 - Some Korean Links

Countries with weapons-usable highly enriched ...Image via Wikipedia
Pyongyang November 2010

The North Korean Website List 

 North Korea 'enriching weapons-grade uranium at a number of sites'

North Korea has been enriching potentially weapons-grade uranium at up to four sites outside its main nuclear complex, South Korean intelligence has claimed.
The report of the secret additional enrichment facilities outside its Yongbon complex, first published by a South Korean newspaper, was confirmed by Seoul's foreign minister Kim Sung-hwan on Tuesday.
"It is a report based on what is still intelligence and let me just say that we have been following this issue for some time," Mr Kim said.
Earlier this month a U.S. nuclear scientist, Seigfried Hecker, said he was "stunned" by the sophistication of North Korea's uranium enrichment facilities at Yongbon where he saw hundreds of centrifuges linked to each other.
Mr Hecker later said the plant was most likely for civilian use, but warned in an article in Foreign Affairs magazine that it was "highly likely that a parallel covert facility capable of HEU [highly enriched uranium] production exists elsewhere in the country." North Korea has already tested two plutonium-based nuclear devices, but U.S. defence analysts fear that Pyongyang is racing to build a uranium-based bomb that would further buttress its international negotiating position.
( What I always say. Search 'The U.S. Suspects' and get an eyeful of Framing Arguments designed to cast suspicion on the innocent : a convenient ploy for the Guilty )
Pyongyang has claimed that its new program is peaceful, with an article in the ruling communist party's Rodong Sinmun newspaper saying the country was developing nuclear energy like other countries, adding: "Peaceful nuclear activity is a sovereign right of all nations."

Corporations, Unions and the Value of Opposition


( Why is this here ? The principle is the same between nations.  
Unlimited corporate power requires an effective counterbalance.
Corporation law had allowed individuals who were employers to collectively amass unchecked power. Employees, on the other hand, were mere individuals who lacked the power to bargain as equals with their employers. The result was depressed wages and working conditions that led to economic collapse and then economic unrest.
Today, we are reliving the dynamics of unchecked corporate power that led to the Great Depression. The Great Recession could not have been a surprise to anyone who was paying attention to the erosion of pay and working conditions and to the steady increase in poverty and unemployment.
North Korea has been living under Sanctions for decades ; as has Cuba, Iran and Iraq...which now has the 'Defenders of Freedom' as permanent murders and rapists in residence. Afghanistan has starved for decades : while the 'border' between it and Pakistan is a foreign invention - the Durand Line. )

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