Surprise -- Drug War Now Killing More People Than War in Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, more than 140,000 US and NATO are in the ninth year of a guerrilla war with thousands of Taliban fighters flush with profits from the opium trade, while in Mexico, more than 50,000 federal troops are engaged in the fourth year of a fight with the so-called cartels, who are also at war with each other.
In Afghanistan more than 10,000 died last year from 'war'
Mexican drug war : Definitive numbers are hard to come by, but Agence France-Presse put the year's death toll at more than 15,000 and CNN estimated 13,000.
WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us
Do you believe that it is in Americans' interest to allow a small group of U.S. leaders to unilaterally murder, maim, imprison and/or torture anyone they choose anywhere in the world, without the knowledge let alon
Image via Wikipediae oversight of their citizens or the international community? And, despite their proven record of failure to protect America -- from Indochina to Iran to Iraq -- do you believe they should be permitted to clandestinely expand their war-making without informed public debate?
- Why Aren't US Students Rioting Over Crazy Tuition Hikes Like College Kids in Europe?
, Campus ProgressImage by Fibonacci Blue via Flickr