L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Caltech's Frances Arnold wins Draper Prize for bio ...Frances H. Arnold, a California Institute of Technology researcher, has won the 2011 Draper Prize, often described as the Nobel Prize for engineering, for her pioneering work on “directed evolution.” The technique, a way to use evolution to engineer biology,...
- Polar bear makes marathon swim 426 miles across Ar ...A polar bear in Alaska swam nine days across the Beaufort Sea before finding a piece of ice to haul out on, scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Wyoming have learned....
- Franciscan manzanita, once thought extinct, now re ...Cuttings from a native San Francisco plant once thought to have been extinct in the wild are now yielding hundreds of new seedlings. The Franciscan manzanita was rediscovered in 2009 when a botanist driving home from work spotted a shrub...
- Californians to protest against Koch brothers in R ...Environmentalists, labor union members and liberal activists across Southern California are mounting a protest Sunday in Rancho Mirage against billionaire "tea party" funders Charles and David Koch and their semiannual confab of conservative activists. The brothers, who own oil refineries...
- West Coast senators push Pacific shore drilling ba ...“One of the lessons learned from the disastrous BP oil spill is that without a fundamental transformation of the oil industry, another spill is possible, even likely,’’ said Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), one of the sponsors.
- Water.org ensuring the right to clean water (ABC)Ensuring the Right to Clean Water, One Bottle at a Time: Matt Damon and water.org team up to end the global water crisis (ABC News) – Water.Org gives grants in 14 countries (with Haiti most recently added) utilizing the innovation of a micro-finance model called âwater creditâ. Using the power of th ...
- Votes are in from Lowe’s Giving Campaign (Bu ...The Votes Are in: America Shows Its Love for National Parks, but Everyone Wins in Loweâs First Online Giving Campaign (Business Wire) MOORESVILLE, N.C. – Loweâs and the Loweâs Charitable and Educational Foundation are distributing grants totaling $1 million to the four charities that participated in ...
- Hult Global Case Challenge video (Hult)Official Hult Global Case Challenge video 2011 (Hult) - The Hult Global Case Challenge is an international case competition that is open to all university and college students from around the world. On March 5th 2011 in partnership with Water.org, we will hold Regional events in five major cities ac ...
- Matt Damon recognized for Water.org (MTV)Matt Damon Recognized At Critics’ Choice Awards For Water.org Charity (MTV) – Damon was given the fourth annual Joel Siegel Award for Service to the Community. While Kimmel provided comic relief, joking that the Oscar winner is “the greatest guy in the world,” the actor received serious accolades fo ...
- Matt Damon receives Joel Siegel Award (VH1)Joel Siegel Award – Matt Damon (VH1) – Video of Matt Damon receiving the Joel Siegel Critics Choice Movie Award. Video Link. Critics’ Choice |Movie Awards |Critics’ Choice Video |Celebrity News
Before It's News
- 5_Minutes_ago,_Egypt_latest_Police_apprehend_journ ...
- Grandich_Client_Curis_Resources
- Grandich_Client_Donner_Metals
- David_Axelrod_Reflects
- Please_take_it_Easy_on_Michael_Yon
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Al Jazeera leaks: Who are the winners and losers?Netanyahu�s government is the most immediate loser. Nobody on the international scene believed their adage that the Palestinians are the peace refuseniks to begin with.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Huge protests in Egypt: nationwide curfew declare ...Protesters poured from mosques into the streets of several Egyptian cities after midday prayers on Friday, demanding regime change and clashing with police who used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse massive crowds that appeared to be growing by thSubmitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �No ...
- Clinton on day four of protests: Egypt must reform ...Clinton urged calm on both sides and said the government must investigate and prosecute any allegations of brutality by security forces.. She called on Egypt to restore access to the Internet and social media sites that have been been blocked.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� � ...
- Palestinian killed after settlers open fire in Wes ...According to preliminary Palestinian reports, the incident occurred after dozens of settlers from the settlement of Bat Ayin descended on the village of Khirbet Safa in the early morning hours and confronted some of the locals.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Egypt clashes continue for fourth day as country-w ..."Leave, leave, Mubarak, Mubarak, the plane awaits you," people chanted. One car was set ablaze and some police cars were surrounded and attacked by protesters, witnesses said.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- IKEA Continues to Grow SolarFurniture manufacturing giant IKEA is known for providing affordable furnishing. Its global presence has been marked by big blue warehouse sized stores with yellow trim. The Swedish company is working to also be known for its sustainabl ...
- Second Largest Solar PV Installation On U.S. East ...Fifteen months after signing a power purchase agreement with Duke Energy Corp., in August 2009, SunEdison LLC began construction on a photovoltaic (PV) solar farm in Davidson County, North Carolina. read more
- U.S. DOE Campus Going SolarOver the last two weeks the United States Department of Energy (DOE) has been busy dolling out loan guarantees for renewable energy projects including its most recent loan guarantee offer of US$967 million for what will be the largest p ...
- E•BOOM CAPITAL: Solar Stocks Continue to Leave Bro ...Solar tech company GT Solar International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOLR) Solar power technology companies continued this week to lead the overall green indices and ETFs as well as t ...
- U.S. Government Backs Largest PV Solar Installatio ...Last month NRG Energy Inc. (NYSE: NRG) conditionally agreed to acquire the Aqua Caliente Solar project in Arizona from First Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR). read more
News Blaze
- Was Early Menopause Hormone More Pharma Spin?At the 2009 American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Orlando, researchers announced that women who take hormone therapy (HT) are 60 percent more likely to die from lung cancer if they develop it.
- Christiane Amanpour of ABC's This Week Interviews ...Perhaps no one is watching this situation more closely than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and she joins us this morning from the State Department.
- UN Partners With Global Transport Union to De-Min ...The challenge of ridding Afghanistan of the landmine problem will require an estimated $900 million, according to Dmitry Titov, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
- New Set of Presenters to Honor Actors At The 17th ...Taye Diggs, Tina Fey, Dennis Haysbert, Susan Sarandon, Donald Sutherland to Present at the 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.
- Ban Reiterates Concern Over Ivorian Crisis At Meet ...Mr. Ban also welcomed the decision by the African Union Peace and Security Council to reaffirm previous decisions of ECOWAS and the African Union and reiterate its support for the work of the UN.
- Total personnel chaos in DHL (Russia)dhl_main_en.jpg This story started at the end of 2008. I was resigning from one company that deals with transportation between Russia and Ossetia. As many others – I was looking for a better job and I wa ...
- Go Slow Strike at FagorMastercook (Mondragon capit ...Workers fight for wage increase. A work-to-rule strike in underway in Wroclaw's FagorMastercook factory. Despite exceptionally good output, increased exports and a healthy profit, most workers are still taking home a meager 350 euros a m ...
- Student struggle in the NetherlandsLast Friday, January 21, the Netherlands saw student action on a massive scale. Fifteen thousand students and sympathisers, maybe more, came together for a protest rally on the Malieveld in The Hague, the city in which the Dutch government is located. The acti ...
- Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are?Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are? The State and its enlightened commentators were first selling us that it was about: • a little obstacle in the smooth running of business, to get round as soon as possible; • an expression of brutality peculiar to countries not well civilized; read more
- Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Post ...Announcement of new book that develops a truly global history of the anarchist movement. Book Announcement: Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940 URL: http://labourhistory.net/news/i1012_6.php "Anar ...
Free Range International
- What Is the Problem Here?One of the Chim Chims’ has asked to put up a guest post on a topic near and dear to both our hearts for different reasons: Â the continuing efforts of the New York Times to kill a program I doubt was that big of a deal to begin with. Â Chim Chim is a member of [...]
- The Start of a Long YearA few weeks back home we’re a blessing and also a time to partake in my favorite thing to do which is doing nothing. Â I’m an expert. Â While I was away a few articles caught my attention and they serve as a useful point of departure to evaluate where we are at the start of [...]
- You Can’t Handle the TruthThe efforts of the international community to bring aid to Afghanistan, help develop the infrastructure with the goal of allowing Afghanistan a chance at self sufficiency are failing dismally. That should not be a surprise to anyone with more than a passing knowledge of the international aid racket ...
- Afghanistan’s Forgotten ProvinceThere are a couple of recent articles in the flood of coverage about Afghanistan which caught my eye last week. The first is factually wrong but I understand what the author was saying and he is, in a sense correct. The second is factually correct, I understand what that reporter was saying too an ...
- Rules of EngagementI have written in the past about night raids and aggressive ISAF convoy tactics causing unnecessary civilian casualties. I have also written on the importance of not allowing enemy fighters who attack ISAF units to live and fight another day. Counterinsurgency requires adaptation and my annoyance ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Oops!! Now Where Did I Put that Vial of VX???????Dugway Proving Grounds, west of Salt Lake City, is the home of some very nasty neighbors. No run-of-the-mill “civilian” really knows what is stored there, and in what amounts. The average citizen of Utah can only speculate and guess what is actually there, and so, when Hollywood churns out a dis ...
- The Story Behind the Story of Chinese Delegation&# ...Good Morning Friends: I submit this is exactly what Comrade Clinton promised Comrade Ju in her visit back in January 2009. REMEMBER?? (She was literally hours into her Secretary of State position, when Hillary heads to Bejing!!!) I absolutely love what Donald Trump had to say to CNN’s Wolf Blitz ...
- Activity on the “New Madrid Fault”.Connecting the dots, folks, is what I try to do. Remember the “Swine Flu Pandemic” last winter? Is that event somehow connected in any way with the Gulf oil spill and the dueterium laser attack on Deepwater Horizon? Are the dead birds and animals in Arkansas and Kentucky connected as well? I t ...
- Will the REAL “Jared Lee Loughner” Ple ...
- Is A. True Ott “Sorcha Faal”? Not Eve ...I have recently had a dozen or so people e-mail me concerning what I believe to have been an honest mistake — a patriot blog identified me, A. True Ott, with being “Sorcha Faal”. The author even posted my picture. He quickly apologized to me for his error, claiming that his “information” came fr ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Ed Clark, TD Bank President and CEO (Dec 11, 2010)It's now one of the biggest, most powerful banks anywhere -- and it's Canadian. Leading it, a former Ottawa bureaucrat, who walks into the boardrooms of Bay Street and Wall Street with a confidence reserved for the world's most influential business leaders. Ed Clark is our guest this week - and you ...
- Elvis Costello, singer/songwriter (Nov 27, 2010)His music captures the times we live in and its been doing so for forty years. He's never been shy about issues, and Elvis Costello isn't today. He's here to talk music, politics and activism.
- Naheed Nenshi, Calgary Mayor (October 23, 2010)He's made the news in countries around the world - the main reason? He's Canada's first major city Muslim mayor. Does that matter? We'll ask Calgary's new mayor himself.
- Lyndsay Greene, Author -- encore (Oct 19, 2010)Peter talks about planning and preparation for the retirement years with the author of "You Could Live a Long Time: Are You Ready?"
- Rick HansenHis courage and determination are known around the world - while his commitment to spinal cord research has raised millions. He is a remarkable Canadian and one we're excited and proud to have as our guest this week.
Scotts Contracting
- Sen McCaskill Response about Nuclear Energy Power ...the following post is a response I received from an email (Provided in Full) I sent to Senator McCaskill about: Re: Senate Bill 50- Missouri Nuclear Agenda Just Say NO From: senator@mccaskill.senate.gov To: scottscontracting@gmail.com Dear Mr. Scott, Thank you for … Continue reading →
- Rubbermaid Cherry Finish Shelving Inferior Product ...READ THIS-Before Installing a Rubbermaid Decorative Shelving Board in your Home or Office. Product Warning: Rubbermaid Decorative Shelving Units Will Not Stand Up to Normal Wear and Tear Item Number: Decorative Shelving: fg4b8200 cherry- [Home Depot ] After Installing the … Continue reading →
- Old Man Winter Batters the USA- Tips for Saving Mo ...Reduce your Energy Imprint, Carbon Foot Print, UN-Needed and Wasteful Energy Consumption by Winterizing your Home and Business. The Money You Spend on Weatherization will come back to you in real time savings on your Heating Bills!!! Step 1: Check … Continue reading →
- Senate Bill 50- Missouri Nuclear Agenda Just Say N ...Collection of Examples for Solar vs. Nuclear- Energy Production Debate and Proposed Bill Missourians, Don’t let the TV Ads on Senate Bill 50 Fool You. Read the Information for yourself-I’ve supplied all the web links where I found the Info. … Continue reading →
- You Can Save 500 Million Barrels of Oil with One C ...On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Environmental Defense Fund
wrote: Having trouble using links or viewing images? View the web version. Dear Scotts Contracting, Please add your comments in support of new fuel economy and pollution standards … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Hypocrisy of U.S. Foreign Policy Produces Terroris ...U.S. support of tyrants betrays our principles and contributes to terrorism.
- Putting Things in PerspectiveThe shooting in Tucson should make all Americans rethink our tragic War on Terror policies.
- Last Words Worth Acting UponRichard Holbrooke knew we should end the war in Afghanistan.
- Logic, Not Emotions, Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
- Logic Not Emotions Should Rule the DayUnemployment benefits meant to help the unemployed actually do more harm than good.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- As Egypt Protesters Look to U.S. in Vain, Remember ...U.S. support for dictators is nothing new, of course.
- Iran, the New York Times and the Laws of PhysicsAccording to the Times, Iran is on the threshold of producing weapons-grade fuel.
- Discouraging Civilian Cooperation With Counterterr ...The cure may be worse than the disease.
- Palestine Papers Cause More Heartburn in Washingto ...Newly released documents are likely to destroy the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
- Will Stuxnet Leave as Much Collateral Damage as An ...Even a computer virus like Stuxnet can cause nasty side effects.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Policy ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight With ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Discus ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ensu ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Internation ...
- يارانه نقدي اسفند و فروردين يكجا واريز ميشودسيد شمس الدين حسيني وزير اقتصاد ايران گفت: پرداخت يارانه نقدي به صورت دو ماهه علاوه بر كاهش هزينههاي اداري ، حجم قابل مديريتتري از منابع را در اختيار خانوارها قرار ميدهد.
- اعدام یک فرمانده سابق سپاه دراهواز به اتهام”ادعای ...دستگاه قضایی ایران یک فرمانده محلی سابق سپاه پاسداران در استان خوزستان را به اتهام ادعای ارتباط با امام دوازدهم شیعیان اعدام کرده است. read more
- Iran to execute record numbers in 2011—rights grou ...NEW YORK, United States—Iran, which set off a diplomatic storm by hanging a Dutch-Iranian woman, is on target to execute a record number of over 1,000 people this year, rights groups said Sunday. And the execution of Zahra Bahrami is just the latest case of a "serious lack of transparency" in Ira ...
- Iran's Weapons Smuggling Ring Tehran will face renewed international pressure over its involvement in arms smuggling when a trial scheduled to start today in Nigeria is set to reveal details of a botched Iranian operation to supply weapons to guerrillas in West Africa.read more
- I Am Free; My World Is FreeI am those who are free and have no fear. I am determination that doesn't die. I am the voice of those who do not give in.
Most Revolutionary Act
- The IMF Protection RacketThere seems to be strong consensus – at least in the streets of Europe – that the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is a protection racket. Here is the Wikipedia definition of protection racket: An extortion scheme whereby a criminal group or individual coerces other less powerful entities to pay m ...
- China and Japan Bail Out the EuroChina, Japan and “Middle East” investors bailed out the Euro on January 25th. This hopefully will spare Portugal and Spain from IMF intervention and the harsh structural adjustment “austerity” cuts the IMF has recently imposed on Greece and Ireland. According to Klaus Regling, the head of the Europ ...
- South Africa: from Political to Economic ApartheidThe corporate controlled media lies about everything else. Thus I had no logical reason to assume they told us the truth about the fall of South Africa’s apartheid regime in the 1990s. I should have known the fairy tale about local activism and international sanctions (driven mainly by campus acti ...
- CO2 Emissions Affect Company Stock ValuesAccording to a recent study by Professor Paul Griffin (University of California-Davis), Associate Professor David Lont (University of Otago, New Zealand) and Yuan Sun (University of California-Berkeley), the amount of greenhouse gasses a company produces has a significant effect on its stock price ...
- ElectrosmogIn the US, it appears that the cellphone and wireless industry is working hard to shut down research about EMR health risks. Scientists like Dr Henry Lai at the University of Washington risk having their careers destroyed by publishing studies about the health hazards of cellphones, cellphone towers ...
Doug's Darkworld
- We Are All Egyptians NowWell, the uprising continues in Egypt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s very possible we are entering a watershed period in world history where all sorts of things are going to unravel in the next few years. There’s so much going on that it’s hard to even focus on what’s important. [. ...
- Tunisia, Lebanon, and now Egypt?As I type Egyptians are taking to the streets to demand reform and the end of the Mubarak regime. And they are continuing to do so in ever greater numbers despite ever more desperate measures to end the unrest, including a curfew, shutting down the Internet, and dismissing the entire upper governmen ...
- The McMartin Preschool Trial: Grown Ups Behaving B ...My post on the Lawndale Thunderbird case has inspired me to write a series a series of blogs on how people deceive themselves and other oddities of the human mind. Or more accurately, the oddities of human perception and how setting and beliefs and preconceptions can colour, and sometimes wildly dis ...
- What is outside the Universe revisited: “The ...One of the side effects of trying to write thought provoking blog posts is that often they provoke a lot of thoughts, expressed in the form of comments. And unfortunately I often do not or cannot take the time to address them all properly. Hell, I could write a book on my responses to the [...]
- The 1977 Lawndale Illinois Thunderbird AttackIn 1977 a giant bird attacked and tried to carry away a ten year old boy in central Illinois in front of multiple witnesses. Actually, two giant birds attacked, but only one tried to carry the kid away. The mother witnessed the attack and chased after the bird yelling, the bird released the boy and ...
- 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter ...The US military is responsible for the most egregious and widespread pollution of the planet, yet this information and accompanying documentation goes almost entirely unreported. In spite of the evidence, the environmental impact of the US military goes largely unaddressed by environmental organizat ...
- The Search for BP's Oil"Dolphins off the bow!" � I race to the front of the WeatherBird II, a research vessel owned by the University of South Florida. There they are, doing their sleek silvery thing, weaving between translucent waves, disappearing under the boat, reappearing in perfect formation on the other side. fter t ...
- THE GULF OF MEXICO IS DYING - A Special Report on ...
- Consequences of the BP Oil SpillThe BP oil disaster might end up shifting the entire global energy paradigm -- IF the public is aware of the situation and its consequences. Here are some of the long term effects of the disaster. � Dr. Mercola's Comments: � It's been just over seven months since the Deepwater Horizon exploded, lead ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- What the RAND Report on Biofuels Really SaidJoin the forum discussion on this post The just-issued RAND report Alternative Fuels for Military Applications has generated quite a bit of controversy. However, in my opinion many of the news stories covering the report got the gist of the message wrong. In essence, what has been reported is “RAND ...
- Vinod Khosla and the Gasification/Fermentation Deb ...Join the forum discussion on this post Vinod Khosla Prognosticates Vinod Khosla is once more offering up his prognostications on the future of the energy business: What Matters in Biofuels? Given the likely continued dominance of the internal combustion engine, cellulosic and sugar-derived fuels ...
- Great Green Fleet Neither Great Nor Green?Join the forum discussion on this post In my recent interview with Tom Hicks, who is the Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Navy (Energy), he explained some of the Navy’s energy initiatives. One of those is to sail the “Great Green Fleet.” The goal is that in 2012 they will put a carrier strike grou ...
- EPA Expands E15 DecreeJoin the forum discussion on this post This week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of 15% ethanol fuel blends (E15) for 2011-2006 model year cars: EPA Grants E15 Fuel Waiver for Model Years 2001 – 2006 Cars and Light Trucks WASHINGTON â The U.S. Environmental Protection A ...
- Marginal Land Produces Marginal BiomassJoin the forum discussion on this post The global potential for energy crops is a topic of great interest, and the media is often filled with reports of the potential for production on marginal land. Indeed, some of these reports go so far as to suggest that a substantial fraction or even all of cu ...
Discovery Educator Network
- QwikiTags: qwiki, search, Information, web2.0, web, Video, tools, searchengineby: Dean Mantz
- Free Technology for Teachers: 3 Clutter-free Ways ...Comments:3 options to use when wanting to show YouTube video's but remove all items around the video w/o embedding or downloading. - Dean MantzTags: technology, free, YouTube, adfreeby: Dean Mantz
- Many EyesComments:Create a visualization of data comparing 2 different views or even a word cloud. - Dean MantzTags: visualization, data, tools, graphics, presentation, statistics, IBM, manyeyesby: Dean Mantz
- Extreme Planet MakeoverComments:Create your very own planet. - Dean MantzTags: planet, makeover, science, NASAby: Dean Mantz
- What do Students Think of Using iPads in Class? Pi ...Tags: ipad, students, education, ipads, survey, technology, edchatby: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- Obama Believed to Be Behind GMO Alfalfa PushRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—On Thursday, the United States Department of Agriculture announced it would allow the unrestricted, nationwide planting of genetically engineered alfalfa, which is also known as GE, GMO, or Roundup Ready alfalfa. The decision to allow this genetically-manipulated crop into t ...
- Lead in Your Reusable Shopping Bag: Public Health ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Is your reusable shopping bag going to make you sick? It could. This past Monday, a Washington-based nonprofit released results of independent lab tests revealing that 25 percent of bags tested contained dangerous levels of lead. But the reasons they tested these bags in the ...
- 7 More Household Toxins You Should Banish from You ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Pollution is obvious when you see it belching out of factories and smokestacks, or even from the tailpipe of the car in front of you. But the sorry truth is, because of lax laws and many manufacturers' abandonment of the precautionary principle (making sure somethin ...
- USDA Approves Gene-Altered Alfalfa, Fails to Prote ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Thursday approved the genetically engineered alfalfa developed by chemical company Monsanto. read more
- 5 Fixes for Skiing's Hidden CostsRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Schussing down the side of a mountain on a set of skis is a sure cure for winter doldrums. But the sport can also have an unhealthy impact on the surrounding air and water. Researchers in Sweden and Norway have studied ski wax technicians who work for world-class ski teams, ...
big think
- Davos, The Death of Networking?The Tiger Mom went to Davos; of course she did. And what did she say? And why do we care? Has her Battle Hymn hit a tipping point, and will future historians consider its tipping point finely aligned with the tipping point of Davos itself? Both the book and the event propose philosophies of ...Read ...
- Tomb Raiders: Looting Antiquities During the Egypt ...Watching American media outlets attempt to cover the events happening in Egypt over the past few days reminded me of just how ignorant we are about the rest of the world. For many Americans, Egypt remains the land of pharaohs, mummies, and pyramids and not the modern state so connected to the rest . ...
- "Blue Valentine" on Personal Happiness These DaysBlue Valentine is a psychologically ambitious and impressively subversive effort by a new filmmaker. It is, in a subtle but clear way, a pro-life movie. It's quite jarring and claustrophobic; the psychological intensity and instability surely are meant to keep viewers from relaxing and just ...Re ...
- Black Swan: Uncovering Iranian Women ArtistsFor Americans, the name Iran conjures certain key images—the Shah, the Revolution of 1979, the hostages, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and black chador-clad women. Worn as part of the Islamic code of hijab, the chador became a kind of visual symbol of the religious fundamentalism that took hold of Iran .. ...
- Egypt Revolts: Al-Jazeera ReportsBack in the 1960s those in America who argued for military intervention in Indo China would often refer to the “domino theory”. If one pro Western Government fell to the Communists, the domino would fall, taking the next one with it and so on. The shakiest domino, after the fall of Dien Bien Phu and ...
Information Liberation
- Stefan Molyneux Critiques 'Zeitgiest: Moving Forwa ...The good, bad and mad of Marxism with Robots! http://www.freedomainradio.com...
- Egypt 2011 -- America, 2012?When they*re not beating people in the streets or hauling them off to be brutalized and killed, plainclothes thugs from Egypt*s Central Security Services are looting private businesses. Egyptians not employed in the coercive sector have responded by ...
- Egypt's New Dictator-in-WaitingFor 31 years, Hosni Mubarak has been a CIA sock puppet ruling through decree while maintaining a pretense of *legitimacy.* In the terminal crisis of his reign, he has tapped Omar Suleiman, the head of his secret police agency, to serve as vice presid...
- Man Subjected To Body Cavity Search At Traffic Sto ...[...] In an exclusive interview with Philips, the passenger in the car said members of the Red Dog unit pulled over his friend's vehicle and forced the driver, Shawn Venegas, to pull down his pants on the side of the road in broad daylight. He says o...
- Dallas Police Officer Charged With Stealing From C ...DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Dallas police Senior Corporal Theadora Ross * a 26-year department veteran * said nothing after being arrested Monday. But now we know what she*s accused of. Ross and another woman, Malva Delley, are accused of collecting ...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Ozboy’s Bar And Grill Is Closed For RepairsIt’s only temporary. A couple of weeks. But the recent shenanigans round here have forced me to do some thinking about how LibertyGibbert can run better in the future. I’ve spoken to a couple of you about this today, to … Continue reading →
- The Dragon’s Dissent Part III: Naked Nationa ...The emergence of China as the world’s new superpower has raised many questions in the international community and across the blogosphere regarding the longer-range agenda of the Middle Kingdom. In a recent discussion on this forum, the question of Chinese … Continue reading →
- U.S. Elections: Will Liberty Win?Well today’s the day. As just about every other blog in the sphere is covering the elections today, I thought I’d throw the forum open, and we can discuss the results as they come in, in real time. If as … Continue reading →
- Libertarianism And Drug LiberalizationG’day everyone, Just arrived back home safe and sound. Sorry there hasn’t been a new post in several days, but just at the moment my family needs me more than the Bar and Grill does. Dr. Dave has graciously stepped … Continue reading →
- Stealing Democracy?G’day everyone, Ozboy here. The United States mid-term elections are just one week away, and the mounting resentment many Americans feel about the way their country is being governed appears certain to be made clear at the polls. One of … Continue reading →
FAS - Secrecy News
Empty newsfeed.
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Seven slices of science stuffSeven slices of science stuff from David Bradley Vuja de – Thinking outside the box with new eyes? Haven't we see this managerial psychobabble before or is it just vuja de? Alchemist Newsletter – An element close to every Alchemist's heart, quicksilver, or more properly mercury, featured in the chem ...
- A tetralogy of science newsFour more picks from the latest science news by David Bradley Tales of the unexpected: a night with Tim Radford – My mentor at The Guardian, Tim Radford, told tales of science writing at a special event last week and warned the audience that the public can be very squeamish about new scientific prac ...
- Even more science newsScience news snippets from the net meanderings of David Bradley Fighting malaria without DDT = FAIL – Review suggests DDT essential in fight against malaria, despite claims for green approaches. A new research paper exposes allegedly false claims and misrepresentations of science by United Nations e ...
- Free chemistry dictionaryUPDATE: 2011-01-20 Version 3.0 of the chemistry dictionary is now available. Now, with crowd-sourced, user-submitted words and an OpenOffice.org dictionary extension. “It took me the better part of a month,” Azman told us, “but I’ve made my own and I want it to be as open-source as possible. Chemspy ...
- Social networking with research dataI’d previously used the phrase “Napster for Research Papers” when thinking about Mendeley. Mendeley lets you upload your own research papers to your personal library under publishers’ fair use agreements and to share them with their peers as you might share a traditional paper reprint. So, maybe Nap ...
RFF Library
- Benefits of Beyond BAU: Human, Social, and Environ ...Civil Society Institute, Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. http://www.civilsocietyinstitute.org/012511_Beyond_BAU_report.pdf [From Executive Summary] The existing coal fleet in the United States exacts an expensive toll on the US. The fleet itself is fairly inexpensive to operate, and for years has bee ...
- Mineral Commodity SummariesUS Geological Survey http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/mcs/ [From summary website] Published on an annual basis, this report is the earliest Government publication to furnish estimates covering nonfuel mineral industry data. Data sheets contain information on the domestic industry structure, Go ...
- Sustainable Development of the World’s Large Marin ...UN Development Programme http://tinyurl.com/5s5ruf2 [From UN Pulse posting] This report features papers that cover a range of key issues, from the impacts of climate change on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), to new policy and institutional tools for LME governance, to new policy and institutional to ...
- 2010 Urban Mobility ReportTexas Transportation Institute / by David Schrank, Tim Lomax, and Shawn Turner http://tti.tamu.edu/documents/mobility_report_2010.pdf [Summary] Congestion is still a problem in America’s 439 urban areas. The economic recession and slow recovery of the last three years, however, have slowed the seemi ...
- Biofuels and the Environment: First Triennial Repo ...US EPA http://oaspub.epa.gov/eims/eimscomm.getfile?p_download_id=500457 [From Report Background] The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA Section 204) directs EPA to conduct a study of the environmental impact associated with current and future biofuel production and use. The mandate asks for ...
Scientific American - News
- Diets Low In Omega-3 Linked to Depressive Behavior ...Although most people in developed countries get plenty of calories each day, their diets are often lacking in key nutrients that their bodies have evolved to expect. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids , such as those found in fish and walnuts , are one category of crucial ingredients that the bod ...
- Middle Eastern Stone Age Tools Mark Earlier Date f ...Just beyond a shallow, narrow sea lay an open topography of grassy savanna, populated by plentiful game and few predators. This watery barrier--likely not more than five kilometers wide--would have been but a small obstacle for a group of modern humans accustomed to navigating African lakes with boa ...
- Something to Chew on: Researchers Look Inside Cow ...You may have heard the proclamation before: The next generation of biofuels will be derived from cellulosic plant material. And, in theory, this makes sense. Whereas ethanol can be produced via the fermentation of simple sugars in food crops such as corn or sugarcane, it would be more economical t ...
- Olden Gaze: Galaxy in Hubble Image May Be the Most ...It was a long time ago, and it was a galaxy far, far away, but it's doubtful that any Ewoks, Hutts or Wookies would have had time to evolve there. In fact, the galaxy in question is so far away, and the distance its light must travel to reach Earth so vast, that astronomers see the galaxy as it appe ...
- Spruce Up: Researchers Pinpoint Genes That Give Pi ...In western North America the mountain pine beetle --the most destructive of the many species collectively known as bark beetles--is on a pine tree–killing spree. Since the 1990s swarms of the tiny killer, spurred in part by a streak of relatively mild winters that don't kill the insect, along with ...
- “Eid Gul was just one of 69 Afghan Civilians ...RAWA News: The Obama administration’s effort to persist in carrying out a deadly war in Afghanistan outside the public’s eye has been succeeding. Three means are employed: tight control over news flowing out of Afghanistan; vastly greater reliance upon secretive night raids by U.S. Special Forces; a ...
- AFGHANISTAN: Fears over child recruitment, abuse b ...IRIN: Pro-government militias in parts of Afghanistan are believed to be recruiting underage boys and sometimes sexually abusing them in an environment of criminal impunity, local people and human rights organizations say. In a bid to counter the intensifying insurgency, the Afghan government and US ...
- Corruption Consumes Much Afghan AidNewsmax: After no fewer than 10 quarterly reports to Congress, 40 percent of 56 billion USD allocated to civilian projects in Afghanistan, or 22.4 billion USD in U.S. taxpayer funds, cannot be accounted for by SIGAR, the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction. The original amount for ci ...
- Afghan protestors condemn Iranian regime chanting ...NCRI: A large number of Afghans took to the streets of Herat on Saturday to protest against the Iranian regime. The protest happened across from the regime’s consulate in Herat, with the protestors chanting, “death to Ahmadinejad” and “death to Khamenei,” referring to the mullahs’ President and Supr ...
- The Afghan village that’s been wiped from th ...Mail Online: The impact of coalition operations in Afghanistan is often bogged down in statistics and political manoeuvring. But these photos of a devastated village in the Arghandad River Valley show the horror of war in stark reality. Tarok Kolache, a small settlement in Kandahar, has been complet ...
- It’s Green Campaign Conference weekendBlogging might be a bit slow here this weekend, as the Green Party’s Campaign Conference is underway. This is the start of the democratic process under which aspiring and current Green MPs get to present their credentials to the Party membership. After the Conference there will be ...
- Free film for jailed Iranian filmmakerIf you’re in Wellington this Sunday night, there’s a free film showing at the Paramount in support of Jafar Panahi. The Iranian filmmaker was arrested in March 2010 for “plans” to make a film about the nationwide protests that followed the disputed 2009 presidential election in Ira ...
- Cool animated video of Auckland transportThere’s a cool video doing the rounds on the blogosphere right now which shows the Auckland public transport network working over a 24 hour period. An animated map of Auckland’s public transport network from Chris McDowall on Vimeo. Watching it really highlights to me how radial th ...
- 0800NEWCOPS: Fail in every possible wayI can scarcely believe this Police recruitment poster. In fact, I initially thought it was a photoshopped spoof when I saw it over at LudditeJourno a couple of days ago. But there’s a link to a NZ Herald story from a couple of weeks back that authenticates it. Cue in the “Clint R ...
- Wikileaks gives impetus to Waihopai protestIt was good to be part of the protest outside the Waihopai spybase on Saturday. It is a bit out of the way, so the numbers involved are never that large, but they do represent the concern of many New Zealanders that the presence of the base compromises the independence of New Zealan ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Can America Be Changed?If the American people ever hope to take back their country, they need to understand America's political economy so the parts of it that are morally offensive and economically ineffective can be repudiated. Only then will Americans be able to make the changes that are needed to make Lincoln's dr ...
- The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling it Ne ...America's journalists are not "newshounds" They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American "free" press ...
- America's Next Failure: the Police StateEvery police force in the nation has cold (unsolved) cases. The War on Drugs has been ineffective for more than forty years. No one knows where a vast number of illegal immigrants even are. The CIA has been unable to locate Osama bin Laden after more than ten years of searching. Your local police ca ...
- Western Civilization and Classical Economics: The ...When a civilization abandons its morality, no rationalization can be devised to justify its continued existence. It is likely that many reasons can be given for this abandonment in the Western world, although I am convinced that one predominatesthe expansion of law. Law once governed various kin ...
- The Mythical United States of America: Rushing int ...The mythical United States of America so highly lauded exists nowhere. It is a Shangri-la. The Preamble of the Constitution makes perfectly clear what kind of nation the United States was meant to be. What exists today fulfills none of those goals. Some have argued that the nation was a fraud fr ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Egypt in Real TimeI've been away all weekend or else I would have mentioned this earlier, but Nick Baumann has been following the events in Egypt for the past several days and posting a continuous stream of updates and links to some of the best posts on the subject. You can see it here. Just start at the top and scro ...
- Friday Cat Blogging - 28 January 2011On left, Inkblot is giving himself a good chin smooch after spending a few minutes in rapt concentration at a nearby hummingbird. He had obviously been hoping to sprout wings and fly over for a lunchtime snack, but when that didn't happen he decided to pretend nothing had happened and curl back up i ...
- Downgrading AmericaKarl Smith on the possibility that ratings agencies will downgrade U.S. debt from its current AAA rating: I am [] willing to take 50 to 1 odds that President Obama doesn’t understand what a downgrading of US Treasuries would mean. He could probably trot out some line about investor confidence but w ...
- Is Corporate Tax Reform Still Possible?The New York Times has a pretty good primer on corporate tax reform today, and it includes the chart on the right showing the different rates that various industries pay thanks to the tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes that they've lobbied for over the year. Jon Chait comments: Guess what? The in ...
- The GOP and the Tea PartyKathleen Hennessey of the LA Times reports that with the election safely out of the way, Republican senators are none too eager to associate themselves with the tea party movement: The first meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday attracted just four senators — out of 47 GOP members — wi ...
Insanity Report
- IC 225: Call a C.A.B.Topics for the show: Steve Harvey responds about his ex-wife’s claims Ted Haggard questions just how gay he is Bristol Palin is a “responsible sex” expert? Dylan watched the Jersey Shore… Kriss & Dylan scheme on another great movie/book idea Man has sex with show hogs….and gives them a vaginal infec ...
- Ted Haggard Making a Fool of Himself…AgainI swear Ted Haggard is the gift that keeps giving. Every time you think you’ve heard it all and this guy has finally fallen off the radar, he pops up in an interview somewhere and you’re left thinking “Man, he should have stayed home.” Last time we heard from Ted, he was part of a [...]
- Someone Tell Don Imus to ShutupI purposely avoided commenting on the news last Friday that Keith Olbermann and MSNBC split ways. I’ve made my feeling known about Olbermann rather frequently. However, let me say that I do appreciate Keith for what he did and his team spent on MSNBC. During the Bush years Olbermann seem to be th ...
- FacePalm of the Week: Assault with a Deadly DildoA woman who made news for attacking a police officer with a “clear, rigid feminine pleasure device” is claiming that she was acting in self-defense. Carolee Bildsten was found by a police officer lying in the grass down the street from a Joe’s Crab Shack in Gurnee, Illinois last November. She told t ...
- IC 224: It’s Not a Date When…Topics for the show: We had some technical difficulties with Dylan’s mic at the beginning of the show Keith Olbermann leaves MSNBC Steve Harvey’s ex-wife got a “Confindential” package from his mistress Pointless relationship advice It’s not a date when… how do you know he really loves you? Share wit ...
Simple Climate
- 2,000 year water temperature high underlines Arcti ...Average temperatures of water flowing into the Arctic since 1890 are 2ºC higher than they have been on average in the previous two millennia, Robert Spielhagen and colleagues show.
- Rain-soaked plants trudge downhillSurveys separated by 70 years show how climate change in Northern California has increased rainfall, causing plants to move to generally warmer, drier, lower altitude habitats.
- Ice melt poses dual sea rise and water access thre ...One-fifth of the ice held in the world's ice caps and glaciers will melt by 2100, affecting water availability, adding around 12 cm to sea levels and threatening some coastal regions, predicts University of British Columbia's Valentina Radić.
- Greenhouse gases break temperature-rainfall linkWhile warmer air can take up more water than colder air, the extra heat trapped in the lower atmosphere by gases like CO2 decreases how much of this is released as precipitation, explains Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research's Katja Frieler.
- Dust research polishes climate modelsThe smallest, cooling, particles are a lower proportion of all atmospheric dust than climate models assume, says the US National Center for Atmospheric Research's Jasper Kok, likely meaning there are more particles than previously thought overall and helping improve accuracy of climate predictions i ...
e!Science News
- Super Bowl losses can increase cardiac deathA new study published in the journal Clinical Cardiology reveals that a Super Bowl loss for a home team was associated with increased death rates in both men and women and in older individuals. read more
- Study finds little decline in hepatitis C infectio ...[EMBARGOED FOR JAN. 31, 2011] A recent 20-year study of injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore found a significant decline in new cases of HIV infection but only a slight decline in new cases of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The findings suggest that efforts to curb blood-borne transmission o ...
- Victor Chang scientists unlock the 'gates' on sudd ...Australian researchers have come one step closer to understanding how the rhythm of the heartbeat is controlled and why many common drugs, including some antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-psychotics, can cause a potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm. read more
- Salk researchers discover that stem cell marker re ...Among stem cell biologists there are few better-known proteins than nestin, whose very presence in an immature cell identifies it as a "stem cell," such as a neural stem cell. As helpful as this is to researchers, until now no one knew which purpose nestin serves in a cell. read more
- New transistors: An alternative to silicon and bet ...Smaller and more energy-efficient electronic chips could be made using molybdenite. In an article appearing online January 30 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, EPFL's Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures (LANES) publishes a study showing that this material has distinct advantages o ...
- Chevron Gives Up On Coal to Liquid FuelThree coal mines for sale Finally admitting the unprofitably of turning coal into motor fuel, Chevron announced on Friday that it is getting out of the business. ...
- Energy Efficiency Champ Scott Harris Leaving DOEReplacement must have Harris' commitment to enforcing efficiency standards Scott Blake Harris We at Earthjustice are dismayed that a champion of energy efficien ...
- Friday Finds: The Longest SwimTwelve bad men, Gasland spotlight, green spies Polar bears use ice floes, which are rapidly melting due to climate change, to search for food. Photo courtesy of Florian Schulz. ...
- And the Oscar Goes To…Fracking travels from the little screen to the big screen and back again Josh Fox's critically acclaimed documentary GASLAND was nominated this week for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. ...
- Reframing the Climate Change DebateObamaâs emphasis on clean energy future plays to Middle America Does it matter if climate change is addressed through the lens of a clean energy future? (Photo by Jeremiah Handeland) ...
Brave New Climate
- Two countries, two paths, one crucial lesson learn ...In the 1970s, two countries took two different paths in energy policy. Denmark pursued wind power, but failed to replace its fossil fuel power plants. It has among the highest carbon emissions per capita in Europe. France pursued nuclear power, and now has the lowest carbon emissions of any OECD cou ...
- New BNC podcast series and predict millionth page ...One of the new initiatives I’ll be trying in 2011 is an audio podcast series (I use the term ‘series’ loosely, as there’ll be no fixed schedule). This is now fairly straightforward to do, via my iPhone 4 and the Audioboo app. This type of media/blogging is quick and flexible to do on the fly. [...]
- The cost of ending global warming – a calcul ...Guest Post by Chris Uhlik. Dr Uhlik did a BS, MS, and PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford 1979–1990. He worked at Toyota in Japan, built robot controllers, cellular telephone systems, internet routers, and now does engineering management at Google. Among his 8 years of projects as an engineeri ...
- Livestock and Climate Change … Status updateGuest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published book is CSIRO Perfidy. The United Nations report Livestock’s Long Shadow (LLS) came out in 2006 with an estimate that 18 percent of anthropogenic greenhou ...
- QLD floods highlight the cost of climate extremesAfter a long, hot period of drought in eastern Australia, spanning much of the 1990s and 2000s and referred to as the worst in 1000 years (see also discussion on BNC on the drought here and the strange winter of 2009 here), the period 2010-2011 has seen record rainfall and rural flooding events in A ...
Indigenist Opinion
- The Crisis in Haiti'Baby Doc' Duvalier charged with corruption in Haiti | World news | The Guardian Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier was charged with corruption and the theft of his country's meagre funds last night after the former Haitian dictator was hauled before a judge in Port-au-Prince Two days after his return ...
- 75-Year Prison Sentence for Taping the Police? The ...75-Year Prison Sentence for Taping the Police? The Absurd Laws That Criminalize Audio and Video Recording in America | Civil Liberties | AlterNet: "Likewise, Moore, a 20-year-old Southside resident, did not know it was illegal to record a conversation she had with two police officers last August, an ...
- NYC Local of the Socialist Party USA: A Socialist ...NYC Local of the Socialist Party USA: A Socialist Response to the State of the Union: "A Call for More Corporate Globalization The President’s focus on “out competing” other countries, such as China and India, is a thinly veiled attempt to appeal to national patriotism made in order to disguise his ...
- Sick Sick Sick & OUTRAGEOUS- Fraternity Throws Pil ...Sick Sick Sick & OUTRAGEOUS- Fraternity Throws Pilgrims & Ndn party at UCIrvine on BJ Tuininga's TwitWall The American Indian Student Association at University of California Irvine (UCI) is asking for your support and solidarity with us in regards to an event that occurred on November 23, 2010. In l ...
- W.E. A.L.L. B.E.: "War Is A Racket" By Gen. Smedle ...W.E. A.L.L. B.E.: "War Is A Racket" By Gen. Smedley Butler: "Take our own case. Until 1898 we didn't own a bit of territory outside the mainland of North America. At that time our national debt was a little more than $1,000,000,000. Then we became 'internationally minded.' We forgot, or shunted asid ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Tea Party Founder Judson Phillips Lies on MSNBCOn “The Last Word” Judson Phillips said Social Security will be broke in 2037. Reality says that even if the trust fund currently 2.6 trillion dollars is exhausted in 2037 Social Security will still be able to pay out 80% of the benefits. Tell me Judson. If you want “respect” for your organization o ...
- Why I Can’t Watch CNNEven though I enjoy watching some shows on CNN, I find it ever more difficult to not change the channel. When I turn on CNN I get the opportunity to see right wing conservative guests and commentators spew outright lie after outright lie. It makes me sick to my stomach to watch right wing mouth piec ...
- Paul Ryan’s AmericaIn Paul Ryan’s America, your grandmother would already be dead. If she was lucky enough to survive, she would be pushing a shopping cart bagging for handouts, because someone on Wall Street churned her retirement into nothing, and her Social Security payouts would be $20 per month after “managers” p ...
- Impeach Clarence Thomas NowWhile Clarence Thomas ruled repeatedly for the benefit of the oligarchs, the Heritage Foundation paid his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mr. Thomas neglected to claim this income on his financial disclosure statements, which is a crime if I remember correctly. So here we have billionaires la ...
- Who Will Be Glenn Beck’s Next Target?So which “liberal” will be targeted for assassination on next on the Glenn Beck show? Which champion of the poor will be the next target of his rants? Which community organizer will Beck blame for all that is wrong in America? What leader of an organization that is empowering minorities, and attem ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a found ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-2688 o ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conference H ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachian ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind coalfi ...
Amped Status
- Horrific Arizona Massacre Is A Sign of Tragedies t ...Let This Tragedy Be A Wake Up Call. Given Socio-Political Conditions, Many More Violent Acts On the Way.
- AmpedStatus.com Hit By Mass DoS AttacksAs you may have noticed, for most of the day yesterday AmpedStatus.com was down. Shortly after posting our new report we were hit with a heavy barrage of DoS attacks...
- Obama Renews Commitment to Complete Destruction of ...Obama has just doubled down on the side of the financial terrorists. Meet Bill Daley and Gene Sperling - another JP Morgan-Goldman Sachs attack. Let's dig deep into their past and reveal everything that you need to know.
- I Will Not Participate In the Journalism of Appeas ...Don’t you get it? This is a war! This is a mass slaughter carried out by economic policy. This is the elimination of the existence of a middle class. These are financial terrorists committing crimes against humanity. Our country is under attack!
- The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In W ...The Global Banking Cartel has now been so blatantly exposed, you cannot possibly get away with pretending that we live in a nation of law based on the Constitution. The jig is up.
- Hope ends here: the children’s court at Ofer Milit ...“Courtroom number 2. The military court for Palestinian children. Every Monday. On the podium, judge Sharon Rivlin Ahai. From 9 a.m. until close to 6 p.m. Boy follows boy. A boy and then another child. Wearing brown prison garb. Chained feet. Shackled hands, one hand shackled to that of another b ...
- Can Israel survive only in a dictatorial Middle Ea ...The revelation of Israel’s attempt to strengthen Mubarak’s regime evokes a powerful parable. One work of art that strongly effected my world view as a teenager was a science fiction story: âThe Ones Who Walk Away from Omelasâ by American author Ursuala Q. Leguinn. Omelas, its setting, was described ...
- Grappling with intolerance at demonstrations: a di ...The authors of the following text both attended a demonstration on an issue that is close to their hearts, and it seemed to turn hostile towards them. What to do? Mairav Zonszein: The scene was both energized and serene on Kedem street in Yafo at sunset Saturday evening, overlooking the beach, as r ...
- Grappling with intolerance at demonstrations: a di ...The authors of the following text both attended a demonstration on an issue that is close to their hearts, and it seemed to turn hostile towards them. What to do? Mairav Zonszein: The scene was both energized and serene on Kedem street in Yafo at sunset Saturday evening, overlooking the beach, as ...
- Why is the Egyptian Army in Sinai?And why is the Chief of Military Intelligence still in office? Two comments on recent events Egyptian Forces in Sinai: Several reports indicate that Egyptian military forces have entered Sharm el-Sheikh, in Sinai. Rumors also say this is where Mubarak is at the moment. The entrance of Egyptian mil ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- New Lynton to Belair urban trail is open for busi ...Cyclists and pedestrians are already taking advantage of the recently completed Lynton to Belair Urban Trail.
- Emergency heritage protection for Jordan River le ...The Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has used emergency powers under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act to place the Jordan River Levee site, near Brighton in Tasmania, on the national heritage list.
- Sydney Theatre Company shows the world how to 'Sw ...The Sydney Theatre Company will officially open another innovative 'Green Precinct', jointly funded under the Gillard Government's Green Precincts Fund.
- Investing in Australia's desalination industry ...The National Centre of Excellence in Desalination has awarded nearly $3 million in funding to research projects investigating ways to advance desalination technology.
- Have your say on a sustainable population strateg ...The Sustainable Population Strategy Issues Paper has been released, calling for all Australians to have their say about Australia's changing population.
Matt Weidner Blog
- Standing/Owner/Holder Status- Another Chapter in F ...Increasingly the appellate courts are applying the kind of careful judicial thought and wisdom that careful intellectual analysis provides. This is a New Jersey decision, but the analysis applies all across America. Ford Decision Tweet this! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- Why Is The Florida Bar Offering Free CLE For Forec ...This world is a bizarre place and it’s getting even more bizarro. As we learn from Washington DC and New York City every day, the perpetrators of the financial crimes are not just not punished…THEY ARE REWARDED…..quite handsomely, thank you all very much. Not just thank you….THANK YOU….VERY, VER ...
- The Latest Example of Failure in Florida Fraudclos ...The Florida Supreme Court attempted to stand up for the rights of homeowners and tried to foster an environment of practical solution to the foreclosure problem when it ordered mandatory mediation in residential foreclosures, but the latest concrete example of the continued failures of the lenders a ...
- Fraudclosure- The Florida Legislature Wants to Hea ...One of the biggest problems in this Fraudclosure battle is the fact that those who are most directly impacted by the problems fail to speak out and fail to take any action. This simply cannot continue if we are to expect any change in this practice environment. With that in mind, I WANT TO IMPLORE ...
- The US Constitution, Foreclosures and Lee County&# ...The Constitution of the United States of America protects every American. Black, white, rich, poor, in foreclosure or not. We all need to recognize that long established rules and procedures are the backbone of the protections we are all given in the United States Constitution. If we stand aside ...
abelard - news
- tying a tie | fun news at abelard.orgJust the thing for school boys or anyone else who can't tie their tie.
- bush and clinton vindicated over muslim world | po ...Showing up Obama's lack of political complexity and moral judgement.
- two years after a forest's destruction | the Franc ...After two years, the assessment of the havoc wreaked by a freak hurricane-strength cyclone can be more complete, showing clearly the extensive ruination of Europe's largest industrial forest.
- 'progress' - shanghai | economics news at abelard. ...Visual example of the bludgeoning Chinese economy, but must we vaunt this growth?
- a new food report - highly publicised | ecology ne ...UK government report on feeding the ever-growing world population.
The Parallel Parliament
- Women Of The SunJohn Garang, deceased visionary and key political figure in south Sudan’s struggle for independence, once called them “the marginalized of the marginalized.” No more. Something is subtly changing in what will soon be the world’s newest nation and it’s not just statehood. It’s the millions of women w ...
- Who’s Watching Whom?We no sooner had descended from the Sudanese sky to a dirt airstrip than we were asked to immediately visit the commissioner in charge of the referendum process. It was something of a surprise because we’ve been going to that same village for over a decade delivering development programs and the req ...
- Winds of Change – Back to OttawaThis is the final video from our remarkable trip to Sudan for the historic referendum. Of all our dozens of trips, leaving on this occasion was perhaps the most difficult. The Sudanese we have known for over a decade – administrators, soldiers, exiles, slaves, religious and educational leaders, NGO ...
- Winds of Change – DepartureFiled under: Personal, The New Internationalism
- Winds of Change – ProjectsIt’s been difficult only getting to Sudan for one week a year because of my parliamentary schedule – visits used to be far more frequent. Yet we have been fortunate in having a good number of Canadians travelling with us each year. Some have been coming for the last five years. That leaves my wife, ...
Vaccine Awakening
- New Vaccine Science Can Help Bridge the Divideby Barbara Loe Fisher Fear of the unknown is what terrifies us the most, fear of being unable to have control over what the future holds. At the root of that fear is knowing that the choices we make today could have a profound impact on what happens tomorrow. 1 Fear is a strong emotion tha ...
- Counting Blessings, Remembering the Childrenby Barbara Loe Fisher Every Christmas and New Year, when I give thanks for the people who have blessed my life, I remember the mothers and fathers of severely vaccine injured children, who have taught me the most about love and courage. I know that my son, Chris, who developed brain inflammation ...
- Thousands Of Americans Register for NVIC's New Adv ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Thousands of Americans living in all 50 states took action and registered for the new NVIC Advocacy Portal at www.NVICadvocacy.org during Vaccine Awareness Week (Nov. 1-6, 2010) co-sponsored by the National Vaccine Information C ...
- Vaccine Science: A Search for Truthby Barbara Loe Fisher February 2009 turned out to be a month when vaccine science was put on trial in the U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C., in mainstream media and on the internet, in the British Medical Journal and in vaccine safety research initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health and ...
- Talking Vaccine Science with Government: Why Do It ...by Barbara Loe Fisher After the historic election in November that saw Barack Obama elected President, I wondered what he and his Administration would do about addressing the question that is on the minds of many parents: Why are so many vaccinated children today chronically ill, suffering with lea ...
2020 Science
- Davos 2011 – physics superstar meets music superst ...I don’t usually write about personal interactions here, but this is one I couldn’t resist – physics superstar Lawrence Krauss talking cosmology with music superstar Peter Gabriel. I was with Lawrence at a World Economic Forum dinner when he bumped into Peter – as one does! He immediately launched ...
- Davos 2011: Desperately seeking GoogleIt’s that time of year again – 2000+ of the worlds top movers and shakers are beginning to descend on the Swiss ski town of Davos for this year’s Annual World Economic Forum meeting. Political heavyweights like Clinton, Annan, Sarkozy and Cameron will be intermingling with the likes of Gates, Bono ...
- Obama’s 21st century regulatory system will demand ...Cross posted from the Risk Science Center Blog: There’s a lot to like in President Obama’s perspective on 21st century regulation. Writing in today’s Wall Street Journal, Obama outlines his thinking behind his new executive order to review and revise a convoluted and potentially disruptive federal r ...
- NOVA Making Stuff, nanomaterials and a web-lactati ...Next week sees the debut of the PBS science program NOVA’s new series Making Stuff – a four part special “exploring the materials that will shape our future”, hosted by NY Times technology columnist David Pogue. You may recall that I expressed some reservations over the program’s approach to bioengi ...
- Nanoparticle Toxicity dropped from the World Econo ...As I report on the Risk Science Blog, the latest iteration of the World Economic Forum Global Risks Report has dropped “Nanoparticle Toxicity” as an emerging and significant risk. Instead, the far more generic “Threats from New Technologies” takes its place. This is a welcome move – but I do have ...
Reader Supported News
- Fannie and Freddie's Big Foreclosure BacklogThe report begins: "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are trying to sell their huge backlog of foreclosed homes in an orderly way to avoid flooding the market and depressing prices. As foreclosures mount, though, analysts say the companies may be forced to reconsider that approach." A gate to a foreclos ...
- Who Is Omar Suleiman?Jane Mayer begins: "One of the 'new' names being mentioned as a possible alternative to President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is actually not so new to anyone who has followed the American policy of renditions for terror suspects." In this still image taken from video, Egypt's Presiden ...
- In the Streets of Cairo, a StandoffThe report begins: "Thousands of anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square are standing their ground, despite troops firing into the air in a bid to disperse them. The show of defiance came as Egypt entered another turbulent day following a night of deadly unrest, when looters roamed the s ...
- GOP Pushes to Dismantle Health Law, Obama Shoves B ...The report begins: "The congressional battle over health care entered a new, more sharply partisan phase this week, as Republicans began building a case for dismantling the law while Democrats and President Barack Obama fought back hard." President Obama fields questions at the White House, 11/03 ...
- Who Is Omar Suleiman?Jane Mayer begins: "One of the 'new' names being mentioned as a possible alternative to President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is actually not so new to anyone who has followed the American policy of renditions for terror suspects." In this still image taken from video, Egypt's Presiden ...
War Resisters League
- Anti-war Activists to Grand Jury: “We will not par ...Tuesday, January 25th was the day that 23 anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists were made to appear before a Federal Grand Jury in Chicago. It was also the day that all of them refused to testify. In solidarity with those targeted by government repression, several rallies were held in cities a ...
- The other “Afghanistan Report”Whose stories are we telling about the war in Afghanistan? On the day following the White House report on the war in Afghanistan that names the war as a qualified success and calls for the U.S. to “stay the course,” we must lift up the alternative stories and reports of this near-decade of occupatio ...
- Join the Online Demonstration for Peace in Korea - ...President Obama is sending the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (carrying 75 warplanes and a crew of over 6000) and other warships for additional war-games with the South Korean military beginning Sunday, November 28.� This only escalates the already tense situation on the Kore ...
- IVAW Women’s Retreat this weekend!Dear Supporters, My name is Joyce Wagner. I am a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, and I am a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. This Labor Day, IVAW women will hold our first ever retreat in support of women veterans. Your donation today will help us make [...]
- Protest nuclear warhead test launch tomorrow!Protest September 14, 11:55 pm (midnight) missile launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base: NOTE 09/14/10: THIS LAUNCH AND PROTEST HAVE BEEN CANCELED– More info to come! Join the protest of the test launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) thermo-nuclear warhead delivery system ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Again Ethanol and Food are in ConflictCorn prices have risen dramatically in the last 6 months and now food prices are following. This may be driving revolutions world-wide. And it will affect your grocery shopping soon.
- Shovel ready: Cuban urban agriculture as job creat ...Iâve just returned from eight days in Cuba studying their sustainable agricultural system — especially their urban agriculture sector — and I have several key take-aways. One of the biggest insights was the untapped potential of urban agriculture as a creator of good jobs. The Cuban system was re ...
- New kit can help farmers reduce pesticide impactA Farmer Information Kit released recently by the Maryland Pesticide Network (MPN) seems to show that concern about the impacts of pesticides on our environment and health is becoming more widespread, judging by the organizations and disciplines that were part of the kit’s production. The kit is a ...
- Leading U.S. Food Service Provider Introduces Meat ...The national non-profit Meatless Monday campaign is proving to be “The Little Engine That Could” in the environmental public health world. In just the last two years national awareness of Meatless Monday more than doubled. According to a commissioned survey by FGI Research more than 30 percent of Am ...
- Cuban Pesos: A Farmer’s Market ExperienceCLF’s Sr. Research Program Coordinators Jesse Kurtz-Nicholl and Sarah Rodman are visiting Cuba as part of a Natural Environmental Ecological Management delegation. Members of the group will see first hand large-scale Cuban infrastructure developed to support its 18-year-old, world-renowned sustainab ...
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
- How to Whip the Afghan Army Into ShapeMuch of President Barack Obama's strategy rests on the creation of a new, more competent Afghan military. Here's what he'll need to know to get the job done.
- Obama's Indecent IntervalDespite the U.S. president's pleas to the contrary, the war in Afghanistan looks more like Vietnam than ever.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Approval of Total oilsands mine deeply flawedPembina Institute Toxics Watch Fort McMurray Environmental Association Ecojustice ...
- Pembina Reacts: Genesee III coal power plant must ...Pembina Institute 28 Jan 2011 EDMONTON, AB — Simon Dyer, policy director of the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Alberta Utilities Commission decisio ...
- COMMENT: Sierra Club Prairie on approval of Total ...Sierra Club Prairie 27 Jan 2011 Sheila Muxlow, Director with the Sierra Club Prairie had the following to say about the approval of Total's Joslyn�Mine. "Merely minutes after cele ...
- COMMENT: Sierra Club Prairie on Rob Renner's appoi ...Sierra Club Prairie 27 Jan 2011 Dustin Johnson, Energy Campaigner with the Sierra Club Prairie had the following to say about Environment Minister Rob Renner’s tar sands monitoring ann ...
- Pembina reacts to the new Canada-U.S. climate repo ...Pembina Institute 25 Jan 2011 Clare Demerse, associate director of the Pembina Institute's climate change program, made the following statement in response to today's release of the�"P ...
- Washington Intensifies Push Into Central AsiaStop NATO January 29, 2011 Washington Intensifies Push Into Central Asia Rick Rozoff A recent editorial on the website of Voice of America reflected on last year being one in which the United States solidified relations with the five former Soviet republics in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, T ...
- Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Without Co ...Stop NATO January 27, 2011 Afghanistan: War Without End In A World Without Conscience Rick Rozoff The largest foreign military force ever deployed in Afghanistan is now well into the tenth year of the longest and what has become the deadliest war of the 21st century. Some 154,000 occupation troops, ...
- Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed Africa ...Stop NATO January 23, 2011 Ivory Coast: Testing Ground For U.S.-Backed African Standby Force Rick Rozoff The announcements of presidential election results last month in West Africa and Eastern Europe have served as the pretext for the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organi ...
- Britain Spearheads “Mini-NATO” In Arct ...Stop NATO January 22, 2011 Britain Spearheads “Mini-NATO” In Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea Rick Rozoff On January 19 and 20 British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted his counterparts from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at the first Nordic Baltic Summit to conso ...
- Washington To Rearm Georgia For New ConflictsStop NATO January 14, 2011 Washington To Rearm Georgia For New Conflicts Rick Rozoff Recent reports in the Russian news media have detailed plans by the U.S. to provide the Mikheil Saakashvili government in Georgia with tens of millions of dollars worth of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. The Ru ...
Before It's News
- 5_Minutes_ago,_Egypt_latest_Police_apprehend_journ ...
- Grandich_Client_Curis_Resources
- Grandich_Client_Donner_Metals
- David_Axelrod_Reflects
- Please_take_it_Easy_on_Michael_Yon
Intel Hub
- 9/11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer On Life In a Mil ...The Intel Hub Listen to part two of our ongoing series here. Two weeks ago we welcomed former U.S. asset Susan Lindauer to the show. Susan worked extensively with the Libyan and Iraqi Embassies and after 9/11 worked to secure a peace deal with Iraq. Little did she know that she would be charged as [ ...
- W O R L D W I D E : r E V O L U T I O NSGTbull07 THIS IS A FIXED re-post. I fixed the music and the sound bite of the man at 2:55 who says “Whether you are a Christian, whether you are a Muslim, whether you are an Atheist…” also, REVOLUTION is r E V O L U T I O N . The world wakes, the slave [...]
- Cairo Citizen Guards Protect HomesAlJazeeraEnglish Police appear to have withdrawn from many parts of the Egyptian capital and it is the people who now own the streets. Locals armed with sticks and knives are setting up their own neighbourhood security groups to protect their homes and property. Al Jazeera’s Jacky Rowland reports fr ...
- Valerie Plame Confronted Over New 9/11 Investigati ...The Intel Hub Alex Thomas Valerie Plame, a supposed whistleblower and activist who was outed by Dick Cheney minion Scooter Libby seems to contradict herself when asked multiple times whether she supports a new 9/11 investigation. At one point she actually says she CAN’T support a new investigation. ...
- Amazing Video Of Egyptian Protests – Egyptia ...Credits to Tamer Shaaban who made this video. Important message to youtube and people who flag this video : If it gets flagged or removed , it will be uploaded 10 more times. ________________________________________ ÂÂ_____________________ Created by Tamer Shaaban. Another Egyptian who’s had enoug ...
- Israel’s role in the “Save MubarakR ...31.01.11 Israel urges world to curb criticism of Egypt’s Mubarak Jerusalem seeks to convince its allies that it is in the West’s interest to maintain the stability of the Egyptian regime. By Barak Ravid Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries over the weekend to curb th ...
- Nepal: Maoist Rival Factions In Media Warmyrepublica.com KATHMANDU, Jan 30: In a clear manifestation of boiling intra-party turmoil, the rival factions of the UCPN (Maoist) have intensified their media war against each other – attacking the rivalsâ characters and ideological positions. The deepening animosity between Chairman Pushpa Kamal ...
- January 22, 2011: Nepali Maoist army handover cere ...(http://www.myrepublica.com/portal/index.php?action=news_details&news_id=27450) CHANDANI HAMAL CHITWAN, Jan 22: Amid a special program on Saturday, People´s Liberation Army (PLA) fighters and their cantoned arms will be formally handed over to the Special Committee on Integration and Rehabilitation ...
- Egypt’s Uprising And Its Implications For Pa ...By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada 30 January, 2011 We are in the middle of a political earthquake in the Arab world and the ground has still not stopped shaking. To make predictions when events are so fluid is risky, but there is no doubt that the uprising in Egypt — however it ends — [...]
- Sudanese police clash with students in KhartoumSunday January 30, 2011 By Khaled Abdelaziz KHARTOUM, Jan 30 (Reuters) – Sudanese police beat and arrested students on Sunday as hundreds protested throughout the capital demanding the government resign, inspired by a popular uprising in neighbouring Egypt. Heavily armed police patrol Khartoum’s mai ...
Ken O'Keefe
- Revolutions & ManipulationsWhile millions of Egyptians are in the streets, in one of the most dramatic spontaneous uprisings in recent years, in an attempt to overthrow 30 years of Mubarak rule, a regime propped up by Israel and the United States, an undercurrent of opportunist plots threaten to turn this hopeful situation in ...
- Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution is ...Let us realize once and for all, that we the people are one, that we are human, that our most precious gift is that of our humanity. Let us never sacrifice it again. Together we are unstoppable. We are the sleeping giant, we are the waking lion, we are fierce and we are fearless.
- The Samouni Family Children – Survivors of t ...January 12, 2011 is a day I will never forget, visiting the Samouni family could not possibly be anything but a life-changing event. Words simply cannot describe the devastation wrought upon this family by a marauding band of Israeli psychopaths, otherwise known as the Givati Brigade of the Israeli ...
- On the verge of Cast Lead II, a look backToday our team in Gaza met the Awaja family from Thabat. There were nine members of this family, seven children aged 1 to 12 years old, but one son was murdered during Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), so seven children is now six. Today we visited a few days in the life of this family, courtesy [. ...
- Egyptian Blockade of Gaza – Blocking Ramsey ...Egyptian Blockade of Gaza – Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General Of the US but long time enemy of US imperialism is being blocked by Egypt (under US orders) into entering Gaza at this moment. All required protocols were followed on the Egyptian side, but once again Egypt plays its role in collabora ...
- "Out of Cordoba" at Hartford Seminary tonightThe documentary, "Out of Cordoba: Averroes and Maimonides in Their Time and Ours" will be shown at 6:30 p.m. today at Hartford Seminary, 77 Sherman St., in Hartford. The documentary explores religious faith, and whether we're capable of getting along. The evening will include a discussion with the ...
- When work and family obligations tugI read this -- which in the print version was titled "For an Astronaut And a Husband, Tough Choice Ahead" -- about Mark E. Kelly, who is scheduled to fly the shuttle Endeavour in April. Kelly is the husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was seriously wounded in a mass shooting in Tucson earlier t ...
- The Marines and transitioning from the DADT policyAnd here's one recent poll on how Americans feel about gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.
- Will you be my friend, part I-forget-whichIn which we chart our correspondent's entering that "awkward" stage, and this fine gentleman say he'll let us know when he comes out of it. His father's caption to this picture was "All Business." G'head. Guess who is this intrepid member of the Still Small Voice family. And for all you other gent ...
- Replace road rage with road sageI read this over the weekend, a story about tax drivers in yoga classes, and loved this slogan: "No more road rage. Become a road sage." Flickr photo
Associated Content
- Egypt Uprising Affecting TourismHow the continued civil unrest and chaos in Egypt is affecting tourism, a major industry in a country that had the pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Dead, rather depends on who one asks.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Jan 30, 2011
- Australian Open Men's Final 2011 Caps Djokovic Dom ...Novak Djokovic did the nearly impossible, and stole the spotlight from both Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer in Melbourne. After falling just short in the U.S Open, Djokovic took the next step by sweeping Andy Murray in straight sets.Contributor: Robert Dougherty Published: Jan 30, 2011
- Sarah Palin Addresses Safari Club on Consevration ...Sarah Palin addressed the Safari Club International and, even though her remarks were closed to the media, by accounts she was well received by the hunters, fishermen, and outdoorsmen who paid a $100 each to attend her speech.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Jan 30, 2011
- Omar Suleiman Named Egyptian Vice PresidentOne of the more interesting decisions by Hosni Mubarak was to fill the hitherto vacant post of Egyptian Vice President with Omar Suleiman, the long term chief of Egyptian Intelligence and a diplomat without portfolio.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Jan 29, 2011
- FCIC Says We're All to Blame (Nearly)The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has concluded its 18-month study of what triggered the financial melt down the United States experienced in 2008.Contributor: R.B. McNEIL Published: Jan 29, 2011
Popsci - Science
- This Week in the Future, January 24-28, 2011According to a certain President's certain yearly speech, we're in for a great future of scientific progress (not that he looks too confident in this picture). But we say, pshaw! Anyone who's been reading PopSci over the past week--specifically, the five stories hidden above--would have come to the ...
- Researchers Call For Creation of Standardized METI ...Since the first binary code sent from Puerto Rico in 1974, our messages to aliens have been increasingly complicated and cryptic, possibly so much that extraterrestrials won’t get what we’re saying. A trio of astrophysicists from the US and France hope to change that by building an extraterrestria ...
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Genetically-Modified ...Genetically engineered mosquitoes could even spread genes to other insects As carriers for diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever, mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures on the planet, responsible for millions of human deaths every year. And as the planet warms, the insects are bro ...
- A Smart Pill Box Uses Face Recognition Tech to Ens ...For people with memory-degrading conditions like Alzheimer’s, it’s not always easy, or even possible, to remember to take one’s medicine. Yet forgetting to take your meds—or perhaps worse, forgetting that you already took them and doubling up—can derail a dosage schedule and in worse cases be detri ...
- Malaysia Releases 6,000 Genetically Modified Mosqu ...Over the protests of environmental groups and NGOs, Malaysia has released 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild, hoping to drive down incidents of mosquito-borne dengue fever. It’s the first experiment of its kind in Asia, but naturally everyone isn’t thrilled with the idea of releasi ...
Veterans Today
- THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, THE UNITED STATES, A ...Iranians believe U.S. foreign policymakers, by closing their eyes to Saudi support for hardliner Salafi groups worldwide, are making things more difficult for themselves. This is in addition to the tragic situation brought about as a result of what Iranians see as the foolish invasion of Iraq and th ...
- A Hezbollah-Run Lebanon Poses Little Threat to US ...If the first principle of foreign policy is “do no harm,” Israel and the United States, over the years, have done quite enough By Ivan Eland / Antiwar.com With the rise of a Hezbollah-backed government in Lebanon, hand-wringing seems to be the order of the day in the American and Israeli governments ...
- Letters Home from Vietnam, Chapter 3 – Incom ...Four guys were killed when a rocket hit the chow hall. I don’t remember how many were wounded, that didn’t seem to matter. I can’t write home about the guys getting killed, that would be too upsetting. I need to say something humorous in my letters. Humor here seems to fill the gaps between absolute ...
- Muslim Brotherhood and ElBaradei Unite as Military ...What is occuring in Egypt is nothing short of a template for all future revolutions against the ruling elites in the region. Protesters have accomplished a quantum leap in thinking and perception that has put the staid ideas on state repression and political stability of the think tanks and Western ...
- MARINE CORPS GUIDLINES ON DADT (VIDEO)A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT AND SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE MARINE CORPS [There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]
War is Business
- Military Cooperation Goes Both Ways: Egyptian Gift ...President Hosni Mubarak gave Joe Biden a silver box. First Lady Suzanne Mubarak gave Michelle Obama an alabaster bowl. Defence Minister Hussein Tantawi gave Robert Gates a shotgun. Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- Egypt Protest Pictures Highlight The Arms Trade ...Those 60-ton American-made Abrams tanks on the streets of Cairo are elephants in the room.Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- Egyptian President’s Private Jets Have Cost ...The US government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the years to equip the Egyptian security forces with high-tech military hardware.Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- Sure, ‘Buy Afghan’—But Get The Extende ...Petraeus failed to state what everyone must know: Karzai himself is tied to one of the biggest criminal patronage networks in Afghanistan.Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
- 60 Years Of American Arms Exports To The Muslim Wo ...The table here offers a simple comparison of US arms sales worldwide and to what the Pentagon calls "the Near East and South Asia." This super-region corresponds roughly with the Islamic world.Thanks for subscribing to War Is Business. Join the investigation and register for free, or
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Global temperature forecast for 2011Last year, according to the Met Office Hadley Centre, was the second warmest on record with a temperature anomaly of 0.50C above the 1961-1990 average. This was very close, but slightly below their forecast which was issued at the Copenhagen climate summit in December 2009. It stated global temper ...
- Met Office: 2010 Globally second warmest on recordLast week, researchers at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, where temperature records extend back to 1880, announced that global surface temperatures in 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest on record. This was similar to data released by National Oceanic and Atmospheric A ...
- The Met Office DID forecast a cold winter.There's been much in the news over the last week or so, regarding the issue of whether or not the Met Office did forecast a cold winter, and if so was this communicated to the government. You can read one version of events in the Independent newspaper by clicking here. Readers of this blog will kno ...
- Coal takes the strain...again.On BBC Look North on friday I reported that during the recent intense cold weather, it's been our traditional coal and gas fired power stations that have been working flat out to keep our homes and businesses warm. And for the third winter running, the intense cold has gone hand in hand with per ...
- December 2010 update: Second coldest since 1659Met Office provisional figures show that December 2010 with a mean CET temperature of -0.7C was the second coldest since records began in 1659, beaten only by December 1890 which had a mean of -0.8C. The diagram below shows how the month ranks with other cold Decembers, a truly memorable month cli ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Does China Lend More to LDCs Than World Bank?In case you missed it, here's further proof of how far China has come in terms of winning friends and influencing people. Paramount Leader Hu Jintao pretty much came, saw, and conquered (veni, vidi, vici) his obsequious, occasionally backstabbing lodgers renting the PRC's subprime North American rea ...
- Are Brits Dumb Enough to Hold $511B in Treasuries?(OK, so that's an obviously loaded question. But hey, this is a blog for crying out loud.) With apologies to our Chinese colleagues, I generally hold one's Treasury holdings as a yardstick for one's gullibility. If you're dumb enough to own so much stake in a sunset nation like America, then you r ...
- Welcome to London, World's Most Open CityAnd now for a news flash from the clash of metropolises. Here's a consolation prize of sorts for London after receiving a beating during the "selection" process for the 2018 World Cup: a study commissioned by the British Council and the European Commission finds that, based on a range of criteria, L ...
- Why Remittances Matter So Much More Than AidThis Thursday, Labour MP and Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Harriet Harman is going to give a talk at the LSE on the moral imperative for rich countries like the UK to devote 0.7% of their GDP to development aid. While the history of why we have this 0.7% aid target is an in ...
- On Today's Menu: US Federal & State DefaultSimply put, Americans have money management issues. By any conventional accounting standard, the US is bankrupt. Democrats are generally reluctant to reduce benefits that cost a lot but would probably result in Main Street USA looking like downtown Cairo if removed. Meanwhile, Republicans' understan ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- The Internet Kill Switch – One Of The Favori ...This past week was a perfect example of how the "Internet kill switch" is rapidly becoming one of the favorite new tools of tyrannical governments all over the globe. Once upon a time, the Internet was a bastion of liberty and freedom, but now nation after nation is cracking down o ...
- The Riots In Egypt And The Price Of OilAs if the world economy did not have enough problems already, now the riots in Egypt threaten to send the price of oil soaring into the stratosphere. On Friday, the price of U.S. crude soared 4 percent. A 4 percent rise in a single day is pretty staggering. The price of Brent cru ...
- Doom And GloomHave you noticed that most Americans seem to know far more about American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Justin Bieber and their favorite sports teams than they do about world affairs? Most Americans cannot even find Tunisia and Algeria on a map, and if you told them that food riots ...
- Warning SignsDo you see all of the warning signs that are flashing all around you? These days it seems like there is more bad economic news in a single week than there used to be in an entire month. 2011 is already shaping up to be a very dark year for the world economy. The price [...]
- Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Ba ...How do we fix the economy? That is a question that tens of millions of Americans are asking right now. Republicans are harshly criticizing the empty economic proposals being put forward by Barack Obama and the Democrats, but the Republicans don't seem to have any real solutions ei ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- California: Announcing a monthly anarchist sound e ...TCN Radio is a new montly anarchist sound event from the East Bay of California. It features commentary, interviews and performance. The first...
- Philadelphia: Seeking submissions for defenestrato ...It's cold! A good time to stay in and write that piece you keep meaning to for Philly's radical paper of optimism and refusal defenestrator. Our...
- NYC Anarchist Book Fair Table and Presentation App ...The 5th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be held Saturday, April 9, 2011, at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, NYC. Present...
- New Issue: Anarcho-Syndicalist Review #55The Winter 2011 issue of Anarcho-Syndicalist Review (#55) is now available. This issue features a special section on workers' culture and marks ...
- Some Anarchists Discuss What We’re ReadingInstead of a book review column written by one person, we invited several folks to review their favorite recent books. Three responded: Cindy ...
E U Times
- Malawi set to make breaking wind a crimeBreaking wind is set to be made a crime in an African country. The government of Malawi plan to punish persistent offenders ‘who foul the air’ in a bid to ‘mould responsible and disciplined citizens.’ But locals fear that pinning responsibility on the crime will be difficult – and may lead to miscar ...
- Rampant Speculation Inflated Food Price BubbleBillions of dollars are being made by investors in a speculative “food bubble” that’s created record food prices, starving millions and destabilising countries, experts now conclude. Wall Street investment firms and banks, along with their kin in London and Europe, were responsible for the technolog ...
- China blocks “Egypt” searches on micro-blogsChina blocked the word “Egypt” from micro-blog searches in a sign that the Chinese government is concerned that protests calling for political reform in the country could spill into China’s internet space. Skip related content Searches on Sunday for “Egypt” on micro-blog functions of Chinese web por ...
- Thousands to protest in Sudan todayAs street protests sweep Egypt, neighbouring Sudan watches nervously, faced with its own political and economic malaise, opposition calls for popular uprisings and the likely secession of the south. 10,000 people have so far joined a Facebook group calling for anti-government protests across Sudan t ...
- Russian investigators uncover identity of Moscow b ...Attacker who killed 35 is 20-year-old man from troubled Caucasus region. Russian investigators have said they now know the identity of the suicide bomber who claimed the lives of 35 people in an attack on Moscow’s busiest airport last Monday. The attacker is a 20-year-old man from the unsettled Cauc ...
Voiceless Victim
- How Much More Evidence Do You Need Before You Stop ...Documentary evidence was revealed in Ireland this week proving that Catholic officials do not report sex crimes against children to the police, and that this is official Church policy originating from Rome. Such disclosures should have been answered with judicial inquiries, charges being laid, and i ...
- Bill Zeller and others must not die in vainThe tragedy of Bill Zeller’s lifetime of suffering from the effects of childhood sexual and physical abuse, which finally resulted in his recent suicide has touched people around the world. Bill was obviously a very special person and a great loss to those who knew him, and the rest of the world. Bi ...
- Please Explain Why Catholic Bishops Get Away with ...I read with horror this week that a youth worker in the Northern Territory of Australia is facing charges under mandatory reporting laws. Her crime? While she did eventually report her concern about the possible sexual abuse of a five-year old child, she has been summonsed to appear before a magistr ...
- “Apostolic Visitation” another Papal P ...Will the "apostolic visitation" result in any real, concrete action, or is the Church driven PR resulting from the event an end in itself? Will the Church be held accountable for producing any changes or do they expect the smoke and mirrors of the "apostolic visitation" to obscure the fact that once ...
- Child Sexual Abuse Victims Abandoned by their Fami ...I have discovered a disturbing thing about children abused by Catholic Church sponsored sexual predators. I’ve met a lot of other victims recently and heard their histories, each one shocking in its own way. Each victim has their own twist of the knife that makes their story truly heart wrenching, s ...
WL Central
- 2011-01-07 EFF: The Best of Cablegate: Instances W ...TweetEFF has chosen the cables they feel have "been critical to understanding and evaluating controversial events." Their choices: “Dancing Boy” Scandal Alleges Child Prostitution, Possible Drug Use among U.S. Private Contractors Pfizer Allegedly Sought to Blackmail Nigerian Regulator to Stop Lawsu ...
- Twitter Details & Messages of Birgitta Jónsdóttir ...TweetThe US Department of Justice has issued a subpoena on Twitter for material related to Birgitta Jónsdóttir, including her personal details and, it can be assumed, all her private direct messages. Ms Jónsdóttir twittered thus: department of justice are requesting twitter to provide the info - i ...
- 2011-01-08: Peter King: Zeal of HypocritesTweetA month ago, on the 7th of December, a week after Peter King made his controversial Wikileaks Is Terrorism" comments, I posted this rather lengthy article to my blog, and linked to it from WL Central, documenting both King's hypocrisy and the possible motives he might have for taking such a rad ...
- 2011-01-08: U.S. DOJ Twitter Subpoena UpdatesTweetShortly after news of the subpoena issued to Twitter by the The U.S. Department of Justice emerged, an electronic copy of the subpoena surfaced and was, of course, circulated via Twitter. (A copy of the subpoena can be found here in pdf format.) Birgitta Jónsdóttir, one of 63 members of Iceland ...
- 2011-01-08: Twitter on censorship: No censorship o ...TweetIt was December 14 when Twitter first received the sealed order to turn over information on several of its users. Twitter could simply have provided the information requested, instead of acting, on January 5, to have the order unsealed. The unsealing of the subpoena allowed the Twitter users in ...
U N News
- UN agency welcomes Mexico's new refugee lawThe United Nations refugee agency today welcomed the entry into force of a new law in Mexico on the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers that now gives the country a legal framework that complies with international standards in this area.
- UN: Number of cholera deaths in Haiti shows signs ...The number of people dying from cholera in Haiti has been on a downward trend or has stabilized in all ten of the country's departments affected by the outbreak, the United Nations humanitarian office reported today, adding that the number of hospitalized people has also been decreasing.
- Latin American and Caribbean unemployment dropped ...The economic upturn in most Latin American and Caribbean countries in 2010 fuelled a 0.6 percentage point drop in unemployment - from 8.1 per cent in 2009 to 7.5 per cent - and is expected to lead to a further decrease of between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points this year, the United Nations reported t ...
- UN human rights chief voices concern over migrants ...The United Nations human rights chief today voiced deep concern over the fate of a group of about 40 migrants who have been missing since they were abducted in Mexico last month, and death threats to a prominent human rights defender assisting other migrants who escaped the kidnapping ordeal.
- Haiti must respect international mission's elector ...Haiti's electoral council must take full account of an international mission's findings, reportedly eliminating the Government candidate from the presidential run-off, or face the prospect of considerable unrest, the United Nations peacekeeping chief warned today.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- Mystery Missile Launch, Big Pharma Begins Microchi ...Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.
- 7/7: Seeds of DeconstructionThe British Government's story of what happened, how, and why is contained in three reports comprising just over 200 pages. There is virtually no forensic physical evidence in the public domain. The first two reports were published simultaneously in 2006, ten months after 7/7. One was a home office ...
- The Absurdity Of Starting A Small Business In The ...In the 1950s only about 1 in 20 Americans needed the government blessing to do their job. Today, that number is more than 1 in 3. And government puts all kinds of requirements on would be entrepreneurs making it harder for these entrepreneurs to start and grow small businesses.
- CIA Whistleblower: “Heart Attack Gun”Senator: Does this pistol fire the dart? CIA Dir: Yes, it does, Mr. Chairman, and a special one was developed which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
- Naked Truth Behind Body ScannersHe's abusing his relationship with the public by pretending to be a public servant and talking about how these back-scatter scanners are going to make us safer? He stands to benefit because he's getting payed by the manufacturing companies to go all over the networks saying that these scanners are T ...
Rewilding Institute
- Conservation News BriefCaptain Paul Watson to arrive in Australia for final preparations for Operation Musashi Friday Harbor, WA – Just days after reaffirming that they will head to the Southern Oceans alone to defend the whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary, even after Greenpeace and the Australian government have ...
- Whaling Opponents Collide at SeaOn board the Steve Irwin in the Ross Sea –February 6th, 2009, 0800 Hours (Sydney Time)Â February 5th, 2009 1300 Hours (PST), 75 Degrees 44 Minutes South and 165 Degrees 39 Minutes West The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin collided with the Yushin Maru No.2 this morning in the Ross Sea as the harpoon v ...
- Dave Foreman’s Recent Speech At Nebraska Wesleyan ...Here’s a great speech Dave did in Nebraska recently. Fetzer Lecture Rewilding North America THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Click Here To Listen In!
- New Website All About Mexican Gray Wolves!There are only 52 Mexican gray wolves in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico. The Rewilding Institute has joined with local, regional, and national conservation, scientific, and sportsmen’s organizations, and concerned citizens in launching a new website, mexicanwolves.org, to help save this highly ...
- Follow Rewilding On TwitterWe’ve gotten with the times and signed up for a brand new Twitter account. Now you can follow TRI on Twitter and get updates when we have new posts on the site. Follow Rewilding on Twitter!
Asia Sentinel
- The Karmapa and the Cash Huge foreign currency seizure from a Dharamsala monastery puts Tibet's 3rd highest lama in question
- Dalai Lama's 1959 Flight from TibetTrance and artillery shells pushed the religious leader to leave Lhasa
- Book Review: Wine Book of the Year (Asia) & Best W ...108 Great Chinese Dishes Paired. By Ch'ng Poh Tiong. Published by Wine Review, available in good bookshops, HK$380 and online at www.108chinesepairings.com
- US, South Korea: Dangerous Policy Toward the NorthSunset for South Korea's Sunshine Policy
- Burma: End of an Era or a Dynasty's Beginning ?The Burmese Road to Socialism it isn't…
We Know the Lies
- MAN BEATS BANK... Lost Paperwork Means Free Homes ...Very interesting story, and not without ramifications for other states... Walter Keane poses for a portrait at his office. Keane filed and recently won a lawsuit that resulted in several homeowners in Utah getting title to their property, even if they owed the full mortgage,... ~ Videos read ...
- The (Shocking) Takeover Of America... 45 Declared ...You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 39 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. ~ Greg Swank read more
- The Deindustrialization Of America... 19 Shocking ...The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. ...
- The Power of the Purse Volume 1� From ancient times to present day, money has been used by the elite as a tool of enslavement over the masses. ~ Parts 1 and 2 - Documentary read more
- The Great Depression was Deliberately Created� This evidence suggests that The Great Depression was artificially created so the larger Wall Street firms, which control the stock market, could eliminate competition and make profits out of lending America money to recover from it. read more
Tatumba 2.0
- Egyptian protests organized by the USA?Hmmph, it figures that the USA is involved in this uprising in Egypt. This may have backfired though because the Egyptian government thugs pulled the plug on all of the Internet so the USA could not interfere with their virtual reality through their co-opted social networks. Protests inspired by the ...
- US COLLAPSE INEVITABLEJoin ‘The WAVE’ today at www.GreeneWave.com Video Rating: 0 / 5 BUY SILVER AT WHOLESALE This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Economy Stage 4 Cancer Patient ~ Stocks Rigged Join the WAVE at www.GreeneWave.com www.todaysthv.com banksterbus ...
- Keiser Report: Bono money stealing inspiration (E1 ...This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about accounting tweaks and super cycles. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Michael ‘Woody’ O’Brien about the gold standard and silver. RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com RT on Twitter: twitter.com Video Rating: 0 / 5 RT.com AND http On ...
- Growing Edible Plants : How to Grow SteviaGrowing stevia is easy to do outdoors by planting it in a sunny spot in the late spring, and the leaves can be used to naturally sweeten a variety of dishes. Find out how to successfully grow this sugar alternative plant withhelpful information from a sustainable gardener in this free video on growi ...
- Euro on way to a crash?Jayati Ghosh: The future of the eurozone itself is now at stake This post is courtesy of Robbie the Robot Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:BREAKING NEWS: Major dip in gold & silver prices expected. Recently I became a subscriber to Porter Stansberry’s newsletter from... Bob ...
Blacklisted News
- Julie Powers Schenecker: Russian Linguist, Previou ...
- Sarkozy says IMF should supervise global imbalance ...The International Monetary Fund’s mandate should be expanded to measure, monitor and enforce new rules on global economic imbalances, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday.
- Communist Group Claims Responsibility For Explosio ...Left-wing activists claimed responsibility for a minor explosion on Thursday at a hotel in�Davos, close to where top executives and world leaders were meeting, but nobody was hurt.
- Bill Would Protect Big Sis’ Citizen Spies From Law ...A top US lawmaker unveiled legislation on Wednesday to protect individuals who tip off authorities to potential extremist threats from lawsuits, in the event that they turn out to finger innocents.
- Food speculation: 'People die from hunger while b ...The explanation offered by the UN and food experts was that a "perfect storm" of natural and human factors had combined to hyper-inflate prices. US farmers, UN agencies said, had taken millions of acres of land out of production to grow biofuels for vehicles, oil and fertiliser prices had risen stee ...
The Intelligence Daily
- Washington Intensifies Push Into Central AsiaBy Rick Rozoff A recent editorial on the website of Voice of America reflected on last year being...
- What Lies behind Egypt’s Problems? How do They Aff ...By Gail Tverberg We have all been reading about Egypt in the newspapers, and wonder what is behind...
- Razor blades and the limits of complexityBy Kurt Cobb A friend of mine once remarked that if current trends continue, razor cartridges will...
- Chicago’s Mayoral Election: Rahm Emanuel’s Eligibi ...By Stephen Lendman On February 22, Chicago’s mayoral primary will be held. If no candidate...
- The Internet Kill Switch – One Of The Favorite New ...By Michael T. Snyder (The Economic Collapse Blog) This past week was a perfect example of how the...
My AntiWar
- Netanyahu Urges World to Tone Down Mubarak Critici ...
- As Sudan Makes Split Official, Popular Anger Sweep ...
- As Lawlessness Grows, Egyptians Improvise Security
- Oman Uncovers ‘Spy Network’, UAE Denie ...
- Mubarak Orders State Subsidies
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Egypt Protests Show American Foreign-Policy FollySummary: Never has it been clearer that the U.S. needs to reassess its long-term Middle East strategy. It needs new approaches and new partners. Listening more closely to Turkey, the closest U.S. ally in the Muslim Middle East, would be a good start. A wise second step would be a reversal of po ...
- Medvedev: No sign Iran making nuclear weaponsSummary: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says the international community has no proof that Iran is building nuclear weapons. source: China Dailyread more
- WITH “ENGAGEMENT” FAILING, WASHINGTON VOICES URGE ...Summary: Rajavi and SaddamPredictably, the Istanbul talks have ended without positive results. And, it seems clear that the discussion came to a dead end over two issues: –the Islamic Republic wanted explicit recognition of its right to enrich uranium which the United States (at least) was not ...
- Iran to P5+1: Stop following up ZionistsSummary: A day after multifaceted talks between Iran and the P5+1, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad advises the six major world powers to stop following up the path of Israel. source: Press TVread more
- 'Iran open to talks, no preconditions set'Summary: A senior Iranian official says Tehran is ready for further talks with major world powers provided that its rights are not violated, refuting claims that it has set preconditions. source: Press TVread more
The Daily Galaxy
- Enigma: Black Holes Glow with a Hot Ring of LightStephen Hawkings great discovery was that the mysterious regions in space we call black holes radiate heat through quantum effects. Hawking has said that "black holes are not really black after all: they glow like a hot body, and the...
- Has Dark Matter Altered the Universe as It Exists ...In the early Universe clumps of dark matter are thought to have attracted gas, which then coalesced into stars that eventually formed the galaxies we see today. In their efforts to understand galaxy formation and evolution, astronomers have spent a...
- Will a New Object in Andromeda Predict Milky Way's ...A laser-like spot of light could predict the eventual collision of the Milky Way with the Andromeda Galaxy. Loránt Sjouwerman of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, New Mexico, and colleagues have glimpsed a bright, laser-like spot of microwave...
- When Did Proto-Life Emerge in the Universe?Three of Europe's cosmologists believe that the key to understanding the origin of life lies in identifying the time onset and the conditions which prevailed in our universe when life was first fashioned. Based on recent cosmological measurements complex life...
- Image of the Day: A Stunning Fossil of the Early ...At first, like an opening scene scene out a scifi classic, there didn't seem anything odd or unusual about the tiny point of light blinking in the southern Californian night sky in early April 2007. Only the robotic eyes of...
Natural News
- Common houseflies threaten to spread deadly superb ...(NaturalNews) Infection by deadly "superbugs" like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is no longer limited to just hospitals, according to a new report published in the journal BioMed Central Microbiology. Dr. Ludek Zurek from Kansas State University (KSU) and his colleagues say that ...
- Malaysia unleashes 6,000 genetically-modified mosq ...(NaturalNews) Malaysian officials recently set loose thousands of "Frankenbugs" into the forests of Asia, purportedly to help curb the spread of dengue fever. Scientists programmed the 6,000 genetically-modified (GM) Aedes aegypti male mosquitoes in such a way that when they breed with females, the ...
- Plastics chemical BPA reduces sperm health(NaturalNews) Exposure to the ubiquitous industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) has once again been linked to decreased sperm health, this time in humans, in a study conducted by researchers from Kaiser Permanente and published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.The findings are of particular con ...
- The top four nutritional super food bars you won't ...(NaturalNews) Browsing through the food bar section of a local health food store the other day, I found myself extremely disappointed in the selection. Most of the food bars available at retail fall into either the "energy" category (made with excessive sweeteners), or the "protein" category (made w ...
- Era of leaded gasoline still poisoning vegetable g ...(NaturalNews) Vegetable gardens across the United States are contaminated with lead, even those using presumably safe soil from newly made compost, according to a study conducted by researchers from Wellesley College and presented at a meeting of the Geological Society of America.The most common sou ...
Threat Level
- Hacker Challenging Court Order to Surrender Comput ...The lawyer representing a hacker who published the first major PlayStation 3 jailbreak on the internet said Sunday he would challenge a federal judge’s order requiring his client surrender his computer gear to console-maker Sony. New Jersey’s George Hotz, well-known in the jailbreaking community for ...
- Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in PlayLegislation granting the president internet-killing powers is to be re-introduced soon to a Senate committee, the proposal’s chief sponsor told Wired.com on Friday. The resurgence of the so-called “kill switch” legislation came the same day Egyptians faced an internet blackout designed to counter ma ...
- Egypt Shut Down Its Net With a Series of Phone Cal ...Egypt’s largest ISPs shut off their networks Thursday, making it impossible for traffic to get to websites hosted in Egypt or for Egyptians to use e-mail, Twitter or Facebook. The regime of President Hosni Mubarak also ordered the shut down of mobile phone networks, including one run by the U.K.-bas ...
- Amazon.com Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That Ar ...An Amazon.com security flaw allows some customers to log in with variations of their actual password that are close to, but not exactly, their real password. The flaw lets Amazon accept as valid some passwords that have extra characters added on after the 8th character, and also makes the password ...
- Assange: ‘We Have to Survive This Leak’Three weeks before WikiLeaks and several media outlets began publishing a massive trove of U.S. diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange expressed fear that the content of the cables was too explosive for his organization to withstand. “We have to survive this leak,” he told newspaper ed ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Cantor Gives GOP Credit for Improving U.S. EconomyThis week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) became the latest Republican to give his party credit for the improving U.S. economy. After the Commerce Department reported American gross domestic product (GDP) jumped by 3.2% in the fourth quarter of 2010, Cantor attributed the gains to the Dec ...
- Sarah Palin and the Homer Simpson EconomyIn a 1999 episode of "The Simpsons," theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking says to Homer, "Your theory of a donut shaped universe intrigues me." Sadly, the same can't be said of Sarah Palin's call for a donut-based economy for the United States. Palin's boost for the American break ...
- Iranian Martyrs Book Found on Mexican Border as Be ...They say it's better to be lucky than good. But on Thursday, Fox News host Glenn Beck may have been both. The night before, his pay-for Insider Extreme web site premiered "Rumors of War," an incendiary pseudo-documentary designed to drum up support for conflict with Tehran by claiming, among other ...
- Palin Declares Soviet Union Won the Space RaceFrom war taxes and the First Amendment to Reagan's Iran/Contra scandal, how much energy her home state of Alaska produces and so much more, Sarah Palin doesn't know what she doesn't know. As her response to President Obama's State of the Union address showed, that long and growing list now includes ...
- Waiting for Krauthammer on EgyptAs the Washington Post and the New York Times reported, the rapidly developing unrest in Egypt is just as quickly posing a major challenge to U.S. foreign policy in the region. On Tuesday, Secretary of State declared "the Egyptian government is stable" even as tens of thousands of protesters poured ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Great Tax Cut Debate - Myths and FactsIn the lame-duck Congress agenda, perhaps the most substantive debate is over whether to continue tax breaks for the rich. President Obama and most Congressional Democrats want to extend the Bush tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans, everyone making under $250,000. Republicans want to extend the tax ...
- What Landslide?: A Closer Look at the Midterm Elec ...By now, everyone has heard of the conservative "tidal wave" that has overtaken Congress and most gubernatorial seats throughout the U.S. Indeed, anyone who has watched mainstream media coverage probably understands the midterm election results as a "rebuke of Obama's policies," with the "Tea Party m ...
- INS Targets Community Leaders, Not CriminalsWhen people the world over think of Arizona nowadays, they generally think of Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio or state representative Russell Pearce – the poster children of the state's move toward legalized discrimination and racial profiling. If they are closely following the politics of t ...
- Dancing with Dynamite:How Citizens Can be More Tha ...Two years ago, President Obama sailed into the White House on the winds of voters’ desire for widespread social change and their disgust with two wars and a massive recession associated with George W. Bush. Only two years into his presidency and the concurrent Democratic takeover of Congress, howeve ...
- Pope Says Condoms Acceptable 'In Certain Cases'Until now, the Vatican had prohibited the use of any form of contraception -- other than abstinence -- even as a guard against sexually transmitted disease.
Consortium News
- America's History of IntoleranceInstead of "the land of the free," the U.S. often has been the home of hostility toward "immoral" behavior, says Robert Higgs. January 29, 2011
- Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time BombsAs the U.S. prepares to celebrate Ronald Reagan's centennial birthday, Robert Parry assesses the damage from Reaganism. January 28, 2011
- Reagan-Bush Legacy of Political AbuseUnder the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and the Bushes, key government institutions were politicized, reports Michael Winship. January 28, 2011
- New Hope in Russian Nuke ProposalsRussian proposals for expanding nuclear cooperation offer the U.S. a way to save money and boost safety, asserts Ivan Eland. January 27, 2011
- New Republican Misconduct IgnoredHouse Republicans take aim at the Obama administration, but evidence of GOP wrongdoing is ignored, observes Don Monkerud. January 26, 2011
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- From Jaffa to Cairo all people power is revolution ...As Egypt continued its revolution on the streets, the citizens of Jaffa held a passionate march thorough the city against racism and settlements. About 800 Palestinian and Israeli residen ...
- Video footage of an Israeli settler killing a Pale ...
- Israel shows its anxiety at protests in Egypt (Vi ...The anti-government protests in Egypt are prompting concerns in neighbouring Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, last week ordered his cabinet to refrain from commenti ...
- Cyprus backs state within 1967 borders (Agence Fr ...The Palestinian foreign minister said Sunday that EU-member state Cyprus has formally recognized an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. Riyad al-Malki said the move was ...
- Palestinian citizens of Israel: We won't be guinea ...Hundreds of representatives of the Arab sector gathered in the northern city of Baqa al-Gharbiyye on Saturday afternoon and clarified that they would not agree to be transferred to the Pa ...
Water - AlterNet
- Why One Community's Cries for Help Against Cancer ...Residents claim a coal waste dump is poisoning water, polluting air, and causing asthma and cancer among those who live nearby. But no one will help.
- Peak Water: What Is it -- and Are We There Yet?Increasingly, around the world, in the U.S., and locally, we are running up against peak water limits.
- Big Coal's Watergate? Nation Watches as Clean Wate ...Extraordinary investigative work turned up over 20,000 incidences of Clean Water Act violations by three coal companies. Now will they finally be held accountable?
- New Evidence Finds the Clean Energy Benefits of Na ...When taking into account emissions from extraction and piping, gas may be as little as 25 percent cleaner than coal, or perhaps even less.
- 4 Surprising Places You Should Never Buy Seafood F ...Here is a quick-and-dirty list of four seafood retailers that have adopted reprehensible practices in their quest for fish-driven profit.
Public Citizen in Texas
- State of the Union (LOL)Check out the State of the Union address as seen through the eyes of editorial cartoonists. Click here to get to MSNBC’s slideshow. Filed under: Good Government Tagged: Editorial Cartoonists, State of the Union
- Where’s the Outrage? TCEQ Approves Las Brisas Poll ...In a completely un-shocking and saddening display of administrative arrogance, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) commissioners Brian Shaw and Buddy Garcia granted an air permit for the proposed Las Brisas coal plant. Commissioner Carlos Rubinstein abstained from voting due to bein ...
- “GASLAND” NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARD“Gasland,” the documentary film by Josh Fox, that examines whether hydraulic fracturing of shale formations threatens water supplies and poses other environmental hazards, was nominated today for an Academy Award. The movie is a cross-country tour that included visits to people who live near several ...
- Wind still making in roads into the Texas energy p ...When Texans turn on their lights, run their air conditioning, charge thier cell phones or even plug in their plug-in hybrid cars, they are getting an increasing amount of power from the wind. Figures released by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the pseudo state agency that regulat ...
- Stop TransCanada From Bringing Dirty Oil to Your B ...It’s been a while since a status update has been given on the Keystone XL pipeline project here at Public Citizen so the time has come! The Keystone pipeline project is Canadian initiated undertaking involving both TransCanada and ConocoPhillips. The pipeline is set out to be about 1380 miles long ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Great Pyramid has two secret chambers ?French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin believes the Great Pyramid contains chambers yet to be found. Houdin who has been campaigning for a new exploratio...
- "Unluckiest man" struck by lightningJohn Wade Agan is gaining a reputation for misfortune after being struck by lightning in his own home. Within the last four years Agan has been at the...
- Stone tools suggest earlier Africa exitA cache of stone tools is calling in to question the timeline during which early humans left Africa. Discovered along the east coast of the Arabian Pe...
- Former policeman has encounter with big catMichael Disney came across a large black cat as it crossed the road in front of his car in Wales. Black panthers and other large cats have long been b...
- Woman attacked by her own handA woman who lost control of her left hand after surgery to cure her epilespy shares her story. Karen Byrne, a 55 year old New Jersey woman, has purpor...
- Manifest Haiti: U.S. Food Aid and Monsanto4681874221_9aa39475ec_b.jpg Make no mistake; Haiti needs seeds and food. Following last January�s devastating earthquake, it�s been all hands on deck in the small island nation�but decision making on rebuilding�is very often�in all hands but H ...
- Man-made disasters need human solutions: Honduras ...45215_124975520882877_100001112887609_128997_8228661_n.jpg read more
- One Year on in HaitiPrevious Publication Info Previous publication:� Huffington Post Outside Link:� One Year on in Haiti oneyear.jpg Shee ...
- God Willing and the Creek Don’t Rise…Subheadline:� Planning for disaster is part of responsible development river-haiti.jpg Those living on the margins have very little wiggle room for survival even in good times.�But ...
- Gaza: Stories of Strength amid Assault and Siege3407229255_9879b60da3_b.jpg �Year before last, I was sitting in the living room of my childhood home sharing a cup of morning coffee with my mother and musing over the holidays. We laughed over kitschy Christmas gifts from well-meaning relativ ...
- Ariz. Pulls Support for EPA's Greenhouse Gas Endan ...Source:� Greenwire Arizona, which had supported EPA's decision that greenhouse gases are a threat to human health and the environment, has dropped out of the court battle over U.S. EPA's new climate regulations.
- Sen. Inhofe Shapes Major GOP Bills to Fight EPA's ...Source:� The Hill The Senate's most vocal climate skeptic has taken a key role in crafting two bills to be introduced next week that would stop U.S. EPA from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.
- New Canada Environment Minister Offers No New Plan ...Source:� Reuters Canada's new environment minister said he plans to work closely with the U.S on new policies, and that no new legislation is needed to carry out the Conservative government's environmental plan.
- Quebec to Crack Down on Leaky Shale Gas WellsSource:� Montreal Gazette Quebec will "require" shale gas developers to ensure that leaking wells in Quebec are repaired as quickly as possible, Quebec's environment minister said Friday morning.
- Obama Touts Clean Energy Firm as Way of FutureSource:� Reuters President Obama on Saturday touted gains made by a Wisconsin renewable energy firm as the kind of innovation that will bolster the United States.
- How the Chevy Volt Became the Heartbeat of GMThe second part of an in-depth look at how GM took its electric vehicle from concept to prize-winning machine, and the seven steps the program's leader used to shepherd it across the finish line.
- Best Practices for New Wave of Green Certification ...More and more, non-manufacturing tech companies are seeking certification of their operations and products under the international standard for environmental management systems. Executives at Blue Coat Systems talk about how the firm's headquarters attained certification in half the time it usually ...
- USPS Green Team Projects Rake in $27M�Green teams in the United States Postal Service saved $14 million by using less and recycling more, and also made an additional $13 million from selling recyclables.
- InterContinental Lands a Green Building 'First' in ...A bid by the InterContinental Hotels Group to make its existing properties more environmentally responsible has earned the company a green building first in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program.
- Climate Earth to Shed New Light on Water's Supply ...The San Francisco-based company said Tuesday it has added a new layer of analysis to its environmental intelligence system. Organizations can now measure water use in their operations and supply chains in order to identify mitigation opportunities and make more informed business decisions.
Reuters Global
- Army, Allah and America: on Pakistani pitfalls and ...All countries are unique, but the challenges Pakistan has faced in the past, over Army, Allah and America, provide a guide to those which need to be addressed in Egypt.
- Pop star freed but Mexican attitudes still on tria ...Mexican pop star Kalimba avoids prosecution after rape accusations but his case says a great deal about racism and justice in Mexico.
- Will Pew Muslim birth rate study finally silence t ...A new report by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life debunks the "Eurabia" claim that Muslims will become the majority in Europe within a few decades.
- Pakistan, blasphemy, and a tale of two womenTwo very different women have stood up to Pakistan's religious right at a time when their political leaders are afraid to speak out.
- Pakistan and Mullah Omar: who knows where he is?The New York Times has an intriguing story about the sourcing for a report that did the rounds last week saying that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) rushed Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar to Karachi last week after he suffered a heart attack.
Booman Tribune
- Wanker of the Day: Rep. Stephen LynchI think it is safe to say that progressives did not cause the loss of a single seat in Congress through the use of primary challenges to incumbents or moderate candidates. But that isn't stopping some people from whining. Clearing primaries for members and discouraging liberal groups from spendi ...
- Gov't Hating Terrorist Foiled in Bomb PlotA white male Californian named Roger Stockham was arrested earlier this week when he was caught by police in Dearborn, MI with explosives. Stockholm has been charged with "one count on a threat of terrorism or false report and one count of explosive-possession of bombs with unlawful intent for poss ...
- We're Never Introspective Because the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by a group of anti-Saudi Royal Family and anti-Mubarak terrorists, we felt like having any kind of introspection about the shortcomings of those regimes, or our relationships with them, would be tantamount to appeasing terrorists and rewarding al-Qaeda for ...
- A Doughboy Nation I know that some people live in lily-white towns and villages, and they want things to stay that way, but America relies on immigration in so many ways: Immigration invigorates the U.S. economy from top to bottom. Immigrants value education and economic innovation: In southeast Michigan, they a ...
- Casual SuggestionMaybe one of you could help explain why the overuse of antibiotics is related to the theory of evolution. Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia is clueless as the why anyone would make such a connection. Discuss
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 31 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1942 - birth of...
- Sunday Open ThreadAll for you....
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 3 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europe on this date in history:1826 - opening of...
- Saturday Open ThreadWhere else would you like to see a revolution?...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1885 - Karl Benz...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
Therapy News
- Motherhood Lowers Risk of Suicide Among WomenA GoodTherapy.org News Headline While postpartum depression affects more than one in ten pregnant women and new mothers, new research suggests that over the long-term, motherhood is protective of a woman’s mental health. This idea has been around since the turn of the twentieth century, when Émile D ...
- When Sympathy Cards May be Appropriate for Valenti ...By Yvonne Sinclair, MA, MFCC, Relationship Enhancement Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Yvonne and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Valentine’s Day is traditionally for couples. The premise is to proclaim your love and polish up the love connection you have with another pers ...
- Mindfulness Meditation Proves People Can ChangeA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Some people avoid finding a therapist because they believe they are too flawed, that they can never change, that they are ‘stuck’ with elements of themselves they resent with no hope for change or improvement. “I’m wired this way,” they might say, and to some extent t ...
- Psychotherapy and Science Go Hand in HandA GoodTherapy.org News Summary A good therapist wouldn’t treat his or her clients like a science project. Though there is a scientific basis for how brain chemistry and feelings correspond, we don’t experience our world through chemicals. We experience it through pain and sadness, joy, and relief. T ...
- Depression and Acne, Acne and DepressionA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Struggling with acne can put puts people at a higher risk for suffering depression. Studies in the past have supported this link, often speculating that depression is a result of prescription medications used to treat acne. But a new report from the British Medical Jo ...
Mountaintop Removal
- VOICES: EPA veto of mountaintop removal mine spark ...WOWK VOICES: EPA veto of mountaintop removal mine sparks coal industry backlash Facing South In the wake of EPA's veto last week of the largest mountaintop removal mine permit ever proposed in West Virginia, ... Rally for Coal pushes back against EPACharleston Gazette MTR Mining Update: Watching th ...
- Green vs jobs: the two can coexist - Twin Cities P ...Green vs jobs: the two can coexist Twin Cities Planet (blog) Last week the Environmental Protection Agency revoked the permit for West Virginia's largest mountain top removal ...
- Sundance 2011: Bobby Fischer Against the World and ...Sundance 2011: Bobby Fischer Against the World and Page One Vanity Fair Any diehard wine-sipping liberatti could find himself in doc heaven, theater-hopping from topic to topic: mountaintop-removal coal mining in The Last ...
- REPORT: Environmental Impact of Mountaintop Remova ...West Virginia Public Broadcasting REPORT: Environmental Impact of Mountaintop Removal Could Be Much Less WSAZ-TV (AP) -- An engineering report on what would have been West Virginia's largest mountaintop removal mine says Arch Coal could have reduced its environmental ... Corporate HyperboleHuffingt ...
- Submit this story - Huffington PostHuffington Post Submit this story Huffington Post Mountain top removal and strip mining, "has destroyed 500 Appalachian mountains, decimated 1 million acres of forest, and buried 2000 miles of streams. ... and more��
- California man arrested with explosives outside De ...Jennifer Chambers / Detroit News: California man arrested with explosives outside Dearborn Islamic center — Dearborn - A California man, accused of being in possession of explosive materials outside the Islamic Center of America on Ford Road, has been charged with making a terrorist threat.
- An Open Letter to President Barack Obama (Journali ...Journalist / Accuracy.Org: An Open Letter to President Barack Obama — Dear President Obama: — As political scientists, historians, and researchers in related fields who have studied the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy, we the undersigned believe you have a chance to move beyond rhetoric to ...
- White House quietly prepares for a post-Mubarak er ...Peter Nicholas / Los Angeles Times: White House quietly prepares for a post-Mubarak era in Egypt — The White House stance has been even-handed as officials have suggested President Hosni Mubarak might stay in power if freedoms, competitive elections are allowed. But an insider says the U.S. is ...
- Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers Billionaire's ...David Dayen / Firedoglake: Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers Billionaire's Caucus; 25 Arrested — Twenty-five protesters were arrested in Rancho Mirage, California today, at a protest in front of the Rancho Las Palmas resort, site of the “Billionaire's Caucus,” an annual meeting put on by the ...
- Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood eyes unity gov't withou ...Haaretz: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood eyes unity gov't without Mubarak — Opposition group says excludes reigning President's National Democratic Party from talks; Mohammed ElBaradei: I have been mandated by the people. — By News Agencies — The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition gro ...
Energy & Environment News
- News Analysis: Despite Politics, Oil Companies Are ...A deal reached Thursday commits Exxon to spend about $1 billion looking for oil on the Black Sea coast, and holds the promise of sharing in the prize if it is discovered.
- Solar Firms Frustrated by PermitsThe solar permit process varies widely from municipality to municipality, which the industry says adds to its costs and delays its expansion.
- Pipeline in Alaska to Restart SoonThe latest temporary shutdown, which began early Saturday morning, would allow workers to install a bypass line that will route oil around the leaking section.
- New Meters Stir Fears for Health and HomeSmart meters are essential to the Obama administration’s “green grid” vision. But in Northern California, critics cite health to privacy concerns.
- After Move to Cut Subsidies, Bolivian Ire Chastens ...Bolivia’s situation reflects those faced by governments in energy-rich countries: the drain fuel subsidies put on public finances, and the political risks involved in curtailing them.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 6.0, TongaMonday, January 31, 2011 06:03:26 UTCMonday, January 31, 2011 07:03:26 PM at epicenterDepth: 68.60 km (42.63 mi)
- M 5.1, Guam regionSunday, January 30, 2011 02:04:55 UTCSunday, January 30, 2011 12:04:55 PM at epicenterDepth: 61.60 km (38.28 mi)
- M 5.0, New Ireland region, Papua New GuineaFriday, January 28, 2011 16:35:39 UTCSaturday, January 29, 2011 02:35:39 AM at epicenterDepth: 138.40 km (86.00 mi)
- M 5.0, Nias region, IndonesiaFriday, January 28, 2011 15:45:42 UTCFriday, January 28, 2011 10:45:42 PM at epicenterDepth: 19.30 km (11.99 mi)
- M 5.2, Fiji regionFriday, January 28, 2011 12:37:18 UTCSaturday, January 29, 2011 12:37:18 AM at epicenterDepth: 563.70 km (350.27 mi)
China Dialogue
- Lessons from the TigerRather than their cleaning up their own act in the Year of the Tiger, China’s environmental authorities have tried to shift the burden onto the public, writes Tang Hao. If one word could sum up China’s environmental events of the Year of the Tiger, it would be “leak”. At the beginning of 2010, a die ...
- Talking tactics China’s performance in Cancún points to a new, more conciliatory climate diplomacy from a country that knows the sharp end of the blame game, write Angel Hsu and Zhao Yupu.Last month’s UN-led climate talks in Cancún, Mexico, were largely touted as a success, as countries reached near consensus on cr ...
- The wrong direction westBeijing has renewed its efforts to drive development in western China but, amid the fanfare, environmental risks are being ignored, write Dong Zhenguo and Zhang Guilin.Last year, Beijing boosted its decade-long campaign to develop the economically backward regions of western China by launching a fre ...
- Apple's darker sideA new study from three Chinese campaign groups reveals the hidden face of America’s trendiest technology giant. He Haining and Yuan Duanduan report on Apple’s supply-chain secrets.On January 20, a report entitled “The other side of Apple” was published in Beijing. Compiled by three civil-society org ...
- Power to the people?As winter power shortages shroud Nepal in familiar darkness, Deepak Adhikari unravels the country’s hydro debate.With winter in full swing, the spectre of planned power cuts, euphemistically called “load shedding”, is haunting Nepal's electricity consumers. The country’s citizens dread this time of ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism: It ...Author Ha-Joon Chang dismisses the idea that any capitalist market is free and questions whether it can ever really be fair.
- Twenty-Five Arrested, Thousands Converge on Koch B ...Sunday's protest against the Koch brothers' right-wing pow-wow in Rancho Mirage demonstrated a growing boldness by progressive causes and activists.
- Ethos: New Documentary Calls for Consumers to Recl ...In his new documentary, Pete McGrain details the ever-expanding systemic quandaries that plague our society and the steps necessary to resolve them.
- How Much Longer Can Autocrat Mubarak Cling on to P ...Reports from Cairo on the growing confidence of the country's citizens who want an end to Mubarak's despotic rule.
- Legalizing Pot -- Is It Just a Matter of When?Why California may have broken the prohibition barrier.
Threat Level
- Hacker Challenging Court Order to Surrender Comput ...The lawyer representing a hacker who published the first major PlayStation 3 jailbreak on the internet said Sunday he would challenge a federal judge’s order requiring his client surrender his computer gear to console-maker Sony. New Jersey’s George Hotz, well-known in the jailbreaking community for ...
- Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in PlayLegislation granting the president internet-killing powers is to be re-introduced soon to a Senate committee, the proposal’s chief sponsor told Wired.com on Friday. The resurgence of the so-called “kill switch” legislation came the same day Egyptians faced an internet blackout designed to counter ma ...
- Egypt Shut Down Its Net With a Series of Phone Cal ...Egypt’s largest ISPs shut off their networks Thursday, making it impossible for traffic to get to websites hosted in Egypt or for Egyptians to use e-mail, Twitter or Facebook. The regime of President Hosni Mubarak also ordered the shut down of mobile phone networks, including one run by the U.K.-bas ...
- Amazon.com Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That Ar ...An Amazon.com security flaw allows some customers to log in with variations of their actual password that are close to, but not exactly, their real password. The flaw lets Amazon accept as valid some passwords that have extra characters added on after the 8th character, and also makes the password ...
- Assange: ‘We Have to Survive This Leak’Three weeks before WikiLeaks and several media outlets began publishing a massive trove of U.S. diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange expressed fear that the content of the cables was too explosive for his organization to withstand. “We have to survive this leak,” he told newspaper ed ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Egypt protesters camp out, Mubarak turns to armyCAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian protesters were camped out in central Cairo on Monday and vowed to stay until they had toppled President Hosni Mubarak, whose fate appeared to hang on the military as pressure mounted from the street and abroad.
- Governments scramble to fly citizens out of EgyptFRANKFURT (Reuters) - Governments started arranging for planes on Sunday to bring home citizens stuck in Egypt, where violent protests of the rule of President Hosni Mubarak have given way in some parts of Cairo to looting.
- Analysis: Is Mubarak's time up after 30 years in p ...CAIRO (Reuters) - Is Hosni Mubarak's time up after 30 years as Egypt's undisputed and internationally legitimized leader?
- Investors face risks however Egypt plays outLONDON (Reuters) - If President Hosni Mubarak clings to power, investors will reprice Egyptian and regional assets to brace for weeks, months or possibly years of heightened political risk.
- House Speaker Boehner warns against debt defaultWASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Sunday said that the United States must continue meeting its obligations to fund government debt or risk a global financial disaster.
- Emirates authorities deny Oman spy ring allegation ...The government of the United Arab Emirates has denied operating an espionage network in the neighboring Sultanate of Oman, saying that spying goes against the countryâs values. The official denial was issued in response to a news report by Omanâs state news agency, which said that Omani authorities ...
- Analysis: What is the CIA doing in Egypt?Every time there is a popular uprising anywhere in the Muslim world, the minds of American intelligence planners go immediately to 1979, when the Iranian Revolution tore down almost overnight one of Washington closest allies in the Middle East. By ignoring the immense unpopularity of the Shahâs brut ...
- News you may have missed #472French spies become embroiled in Renault's espionage saga. Palestinian Authority documents leaked by ex-MI6 agent. NY Times editor calls Assange 'spy-like'. Continue reading →
- Revelations continue in ex-CIA agent’s trial in Te ...A United States government informant testifying at the immigration trial of a former CIA agent has described how he was smuggled into the US from Mexico onboard a luxury boat. It was believed that the former agent, Cuban-born Luis Posada Carriles, had arrived in the US from Honduras in 2005 using a ...
- News you may have missed #471 (ex-spy edition)Interview with ex-CIA analyst David Kanin. New book by ex-CIA agent Everett. Ex-MI5 officer questions UK spying priorities. Continue reading →
War is a Crime.org
- Political Prisoner Ameer Makhoul UpdatePolitical Prisoner Ameer Makhoul Update - by Stephen Lendman A previous article discussed him in detail, accessed through the following site: http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2010/10/israels-persecution-of-ameer-makho... Following former prime minister Ariel Sharon's dictum that, "This is our land, and ...
- Revolutionary Change in Egypt: Internal or Made in ...Revolutionary Change in Egypt: Internal or Made in USA? - by Stephen Lendman US imperial policy includes regime change, affecting foes as well as no longer useful friends. Past targets included former Philippines leader Ferdinand Marcos, Iran's Shah (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi), and Iraq's Saddam Hussein ...
- 60 Minutes: Putting the BS in CBSBy David Swanson The reason people in Tunisia, Egypt, and other parts of the world have been influenced to some extent by the work of Wikileaks is that they have read or heard about the material that Wikileaks has helped to make public. The CBS program "60 Minutes" has just published video of an in ...
- Demonstrations on February 7 Supporting Julian Ass ...In conjunction with the opening of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing this date, an emergency demonstration is being planned at the United Kingdom Consulate at 800 Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis, Minnesota on February 7 (from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm). Demonstrations are also currently scheduled for Lond ...
- Thousands Converge on Koch Brothers Billionaire’s ...Twenty-five protesters were arrested in Rancho Mirage, California today, at a protest in front of the Rancho Las Palmas resort, site of the “Billionaire’s Caucus,” an annual meeting put on by the Koch Brothers and other corporate entities and conservative movement operators. READ THE REST. read more
Grist - News
- U.N. Chief Ban Ki-moon shifts focus from climate f ...by Agence France-Presse. LONDON -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is shifting his focus away from involvement in international climate change talks and toward new areas in the fight against global warming. Ban is to redirect his efforts from trying to push forward the international climate ...
- New Senate bill aims to avoid next oil spillby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- Senators plan to introduce in the coming weeks new legislation aiming to prevent another disastrous oil spill like last year's massive gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) said Wednesday. A similar bill that would revise offshore dri ...
- Big cities are not always the biggest pollutersby Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- Big cities like New York, London, and Shanghai send less pollution into the atmosphere per capita than places like Denver and Rotterdam, said a study released Tuesday. Researchers examined data from 100 cities in 33 nations for clues about which were the ...
- 2010 warmest ever year, says U.N. weather agencyby Agence France-Presse. GENEVA -- The U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization said Thursday that 2010 was the warmest year on record, confirming a "significant" long-term trend of global warming and producing exceptional weather variations. The trend also helped to melt Arctic sea ice cover t ...
- Apple under fire for pollution and poisoned Chines ...by Agence France-Presse. SHANGHAI -- Chinese environmental groups on Thursday singled out Apple for failing to tackle concerns over pollution and the health of workers at plants making parts for trendy gadgets such as its iPhone. In a new report, the groups said the U.S. giant ranked last in a ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Conviction Does Not Stick to the FormulaHow far would you go to help your brother?
- Album Review: Chase & Status No More IdolsGlobal stardom, global recognition and this is only their second album being released.
- Wordpress Censoring Blogs?My Wordpress blog was censored today; I guess there are limits to the First Amendment that I didn't know about.
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Time - Top Stories
- What the U.S. Loses if Mubarak GoesThe strategy of relying on authoritarian moderates to back Washington's confrontation with Iran and its allies may become untenable as Arab publics demand a say in matters of state
- Egypt's Uprising: Why the U.S. Needs to Embrace Ch ...The events unfolding in Cairo represent the most significant popular uprising in the Middle East since the 1979 Iranian revolution. What should the U.S. do?
- Superbowl: Cardiac Risk for Losing Team FansPassionately following a team to a climactic event like the Super Bowl championship may be stressful enough to trigger heart attack or heart disease
- View from Davos: How Would Clinton Create Jobs?There is a debate about how much government can do to boost employment
- Michael Vick: Eagles QB's Journey from Prison to t ...He was once an imprisoned pariah. Now, after an MVP-caliber season, he's playing in the Pro Bowl. What lessons has Michael Vick taught us?
Farming Pathogens
- The Scientific AmericanScience is the business right now. If the science works, the business works, and vice versa. –Craig Venter Bird flu marinates a chicken in its own juices, a satay best avoided whatever the menu special. In such short an order better for the bistro than the barn, infected birds rapidly bleed from the ...
- Fearful SymmetryA colleague, genuinely perplexed, even outraged, asked me what the fuck was going on with all those dead birds in Arkansas. And, tongue-in-cheek, what would Mulder and Scully say? Scully: Mulder, it’s me. I got your message. Really, Beebe, Arkansas for a flock of dead birds? Does Skinner approve? Mu ...
- The Great Recession FluSwine flu is so 2009. Like La Roux and v-neck t-shirts. And yet the United Kingdom is presently suffering a swine flu attack worse than anything it faced in 2009. The number of flu patients in intensive care has risen by 60 per cent in the past week to 738, four times greater than at [...]
- Alien vs. PredatorDallas: [looks at a pen being dissolved by alien's body fluid] I haven’t seen anything like that except, uh, molecular acid. Brett: It must be using it for blood. Parker: It’s got a wonderful defense mechanism. You don’t dare kill it. –Alien (1979) NASA announced earlier this month one of its resear ...
- That’s the ThickeThe logistics of a just, equitable and healthy agricultural landscape here in the United States would remain a problem if Michael Pollan himself, Wendell Berry, or better yet Fred Magdoff were appointed Secretary of Agriculture. Decades-long efforts pealing back agribusiness both as paradigm and inf ...
- US Defense Dept. urges restraint as Egyptian milit ...Herald Tribune U.S. tests its influence with Egypt’s military By ELISABETH BUMILLER The New York Times Herald Tribune Published: Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 1:00 a.m. Last Modified: Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 10:34 p.m. WASHINGTON – The officer corps of Egypt’s powerful military has been educated ...
- Davos 2011: Two WorldsDavos: Two Worlds, Ready or Not Huffington Post Simon Johnson MIT Professor and co-author of 13 Bankers Posted: January 29, 2011 09:50 AM On the fringes of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this week, there was plenty of substantive discussion — including about the dangers posed by our “too ...
- A senior review of Sarah Palin’s book Going ...Well, My signifigant other bought me a copy of Going Rogue,so I guess I’d better do a critique. She found it in the Goodwill bins for a buck. I checked on Abebooks, and there were some on there for a buck, but it was three bucks to ship. I noticed that Goodwill was listing quite [...]
- Egypt’s President Mubarak Refuses To Step Do ...Egypt Protests: LIVE Updates As Opposition Fills The Streets AP/The Huffington Post First Posted: 01/28/11 08:13 AMÂ Updated: 01/28/11 04:50 PM CAIRO (AP) – The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted po ...
- Gun Rights Battle Heads To Bars, Churches, Doctors ...Gun Rights Battle Heads To Bars, Churches, Doctors’ Offices And Day Care TPM Muckraker Ryan J. Reilly and Melissa Jeltsen | January 28, 2011, 9:40AM After ignoring the issue of gun control for his entire presidency to date, aides to President Barack Obama said Wednesday he’d take up the issue within ...
- More Icelandic Bankers ArrestedIceland’s special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed that raids have taken place today and that arrests have been made. The Central Bank of Iceland is among the institutions under investigation. Special Prosecutor, Olafur Thor Hauksson told Visir.is that house searches are taking pla ...
- Hope for 1099 Rule RevisionPresident’s Speech Offers Hope for Some Relief; Exceptions for Rental Income Reporting Remain Vague For small businesses that were dreading the thought of having to produce a Form 1099 for every payee to which they paid at least $600, President Barack Obama offered the prospect of relief in his Sta ...
- Updated List Of Animal Die-OffsHere’s your list of 60+ of the recent animal die-offs. I didn’t include the honeybees, earthworms, or most insect life, as they’re a subject all by themselves. I also skipped most frog die-offs. Of course, everything in the Gulf of Mexico is dying; i skipped that entirely. The media’s expl ...
- Nanoparticles - More Terrifying Than GMO?The European Food Safety Authority has launched a public consultation on its draft guidance document for engineered nanomaterial (ENM) applications in food and feed. The guidance document, prepared by the Scientific Committee in response to a request from the European Commission, outlines that in t ...
- Money & Markets - Week of 1.30.11Detroit Looks East: GM Sells More Cars in China Than in The US Guardian.co.uk (2 July 10) Trader Racks Up a Second Epic Gain The Wall Street Journal (28 Jan 11)
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lanka Gu ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Twenty-Five Arrested, Thousands Converge on Koch B ...Sunday's protest against the Koch brothers' right-wing pow-wow in Rancho Mirage demonstrated a growing boldness by progressive causes and activists.
- Media Frenzy Aids Wrongful Jailing for Child Murde ...The inside story of how a man coerced into confession for murder was totally exonerated 5 years into his jail sentence.
- Legalizing Pot -- Is It Just a Matter of When?Why California may have broken the prohibition barrier.
- The Media Were Quick to Call Jerry Hobbs a Child-M ...The inside story of how a man coerced into confession for murder was totally exonerated 5 years into his jail sentence.
- Mubarak to Dissolve Govt in Wake of Mass Protests: ...Mubarak responded to unrest by promising to replace his cabinet, but gave no indication of leaving himself. After Mubarak's remarks, Obama issued a warning.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- Will food prices continue to rise, destabilizing t ...Summary:   Riots around the world in 2008 and this year show the effect of rising food prices. There are many drivers of prices — increasing consumption, under-investment, pests/disease, weather. And despite the propaganda, cool cycles usually cause more harm than warm cycles. Today and tom ...
- Why do we fear the rioters in Egypt?Summary: The previous post provided important information about the riots in Egypt. This post gives guesses about America. Our reaction to the riots, often disproportionate to any likely geopolitical effects, reveals much about us. America’s relationship with the world has become increasing ...
- Important information about the riots in EgyptSummary: The events in Egypt are complex; accurate forecasting is not possible. We can look through the fog generated by the news media to see some simple and important facts, and make some likely guesses. Contents Background of the riots Yes, the ‘Islamist Menace’ is overblown. And no, it is not ...
- Recovering lost knowledge about exhaustion of Eart ...Summary: One of the saddest aspects of the Internet is how it fails to make us smarter. In a mutant version of Gresham’s Law, loud amateurs too-often drown out the voices of experts. Here we an excerpt from a 1975 book that tells us more about Peak Oil than a typical dozen posts on most [...]
- More jobs, bought at a dear cost (to be paid for i ...Summary:   The US economy continues its slow “recovery.” It’s not an organic recovery, as it results from three years of massive fiscal and monetary stimulus — powerful medicine, with serious side-effects (to be felt in the future). Lost in our delusions, we confuse this with actual health. ...
Open Your Eyes News
- South Korea Deports Falun Gong Refugees for Politi ...Epoch Times – The South Korean government quickly and quietly deported three Chinese refugees on Jan. 22; there, they face jail and torture. The individuals were all practitioners of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice that is persecuted on the mainland. The Korean Falun Dafa Association believes the d ...
- Cocaine Production Increases Destruction of Colomb ...Science Daily – Scientists from Stony Brook University are reporting new evidence that cultivating coca bushes, the source of cocaine, is speeding up destruction of rainforests in Colombia and threatening the region’s “hotspots” of plant and animal diversity. The findings, which they say underscore ...
- Stroke Drug May Prevent Dialysis Catheter Infectio ...Health Day News — Replacing the commonly used blood-thinner heparin with a clot-dissolving stroke drug in dialysis catheters once a week may reduce the incidence of catheter malfunctions and infections, according to new research. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is a medication norma ...
- Protestors and government supporters clash in Yeme ...Google - SANAA â Dozens of activists calling for the ouster of Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh clashed on Saturday with the regime’s supporters in Sanaa, an AFP journalist reported. Plainclothes police also attacked the demonstrators who marched to the Egyptian embassy in Sanaa chanting “Ali, ...
- US National Guard detachment is heading to EgyptThe Day – Connecticut National Guard Detachment 2, Company I, 185th Aviation Regiment of Groton has mobilized and will deploy to the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, to support the Multinational Force and Observers. The unit left Connecticut Jan. 15 for Fort Benning, Ga., for further training and validation. ...
The Progressive Realist
- Americans in EgyptAs Egypt unfolds, and I presume everyone is watching the civilian protests in some way (I recommend Al Jazeera over the web, but Twitter is great too). It is worth remembering there are some 90,000 Americans in Egypt. Nothing has been decided, but preparations are being made just in case. The U.S. ...
- Afghanistan Mourns Rights Advocate Killed in Super ...Prominent human rights advocate Hamida Barmaki and her entire family were among at least 14 people killed when a Taliban suicide bomber blew up a crowded supermarket in Kabul on Friday. Barmaki was a commissioner at the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, a passionate activist for the r ...
- New Complaints about Iraqi Prison AbuseOn January 23, 2011 the Los Angeles Times ran a story about a prison at Camp Honor in Baghdad. The paper claimed that the Baghdad Brigade and the Counter-Terrorism Bureau ran the facility, both of which are under the direct control of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. It went on to say that prisoners ...
- Revolutions: The Egyptian CaseA number of outside observers (including me) have put the events in Egypt in the context of other revolutions, particularly the experience in Iran — in 1978 but also in the failed protests by the Green Movement in 2009. Although the Israeli government is officially remaining absolutely silent, some ...
- Egyptian "People Power," Civil Society and the US�The prospect of a new government in Egypt opens huge uncertainties for the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. �At this point, no one can predict what that new government will be. �But it is clear that there will be substantial change, even if Mubarak hangs on. �A military regime is possible. �A ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The Davos Syndrome.It's Friday, so time for some more irresponsible 2012 election blogging. Apropos of this Jonathan Bernstein post and Steve Kornacki's counterexample on the importance of Iowa and New Hampshire, I'd add a point. Since delegates are awarded proportionately in the Republican primaries, skipping the ea ...
- The Little Picture: Egyptian Protests.Anti-government protests continued in Egypt on Friday and the crackdown became increasingly violent. Above, protesters were sprayed with a water canon in Cairo. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
- Libertarians and Social Oppression.Radley Balko tells the story of Belmont University, a soccer coach, and the power of private action to fight prejudice and discrimination: It all began last month, when the private Christian college Belmont University fired women�s soccer coach Lisa Howe shortly after Howe revealed to her players t ...
- Gov. Kasich Doesn't Need You, and He Doesn't Need ...Over at ThinkProgress, Tanya Somanader tells us that when asked by state Sen. Nina Turner, a Democrat, whether he needed help diversifying his all white, mostly male Cabinet, newly elected Gov. John Kasich replied, "I don't need your people." Turner is African American and, out of an abundance of ca ...
- Relegating Race to a Side Plot.I finished Marilynne Robinson's 2008 novel Home last night. Robinson's one of my favorite writers -- her first novel, Housekeeping is so good that I compulsively pick up copies to gift to friends. She has a particular way of describing place that reveals more about the characters inhabiting the spac ...
- Republicans Want to Tear Down the Statue of Libert ...MARK KARLIN, BUZZFLASH EDITOR FOR TRUTHOUT Senators David Vitter and Rand Paul are introducing legislation to deny US birthright status, guaranteed under the 14th Amendment, to children born on American territory to "illegal immigrants." What's missing from the proposed law - if passed - is that it ...
- Sarah Palin's "Spudnut" Moment on FOX as She Procl ...MARK KARLIN, BUZZFLASH EDITOR FOR TRUTHOUT In a FOX interview, Sarah Palin reveals herself to a be a "Spudnut" and calls President Obama's State of the Union a "WTF" moment. In a rant that, even by Sarah Palin standards, straddled from the profane to the farcical to the illogical to the economical ...
- Obama and Our Disney NukesHARVEY WASSERMAN FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Barack Obama is about to address a nation whose greatest potential liability is its Disneyesque illusion of atomic power. Despite the nation's huge debts and fears of foreign terror, America's 104 licensed reactors are the most dangerous threat to our f ...
- Common Cause Says Two Supreme Court Justices Have ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Nothing all that unexpected; Just one of our watch dogs Accusing Scalia & Thomas Of being corporate lap dogs. With a little (or a lot) of luck This may reveal how blighted The landmark decision was Regarding Citizens United.read more
- Laura Flanders: Free Trade Is Not the Answer!LAURA FLANDERS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (This is an adaptation of Tuesday's F Word: the daily commentary from GRITtv.) President Barack Obama delivered his take on the State of the Union last night and while Congress has bragged about bipartisan seating, it doesn't matter where anyone sat because t ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Bipartisanship pop quizIdentify the "Republican strategist," the "Democratic strategist," and the "Washington insider"
- Various mattersPlus: More on Manning's detention, and the politicization of Scalia/Thomas
- America's treatment of detaineesAmnesty denounces the conditions of Bradley Manning's detention, while new documents shed light on detainee deaths
- Bipartisan praise for Joe LiebermanHe's spent decades advocating for violent, brutal, repressive policies, but that's no impediment to Beltway love
- Obama officials caught deceiving about WikiLeaksA Reuters report details that private statements and reports contradict administration's public claims
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Seven slices of science stuffSeven slices of science stuff from David Bradley Vuja de – Thinking outside the box with new eyes? Haven't we see this managerial psychobabble before or is it just vuja de? Alchemist Newsletter – An element close to every Alchemist's heart, quicksilver, or more properly mercury, featured in the chem ...
- A tetralogy of science newsFour more picks from the latest science news by David Bradley Tales of the unexpected: a night with Tim Radford – My mentor at The Guardian, Tim Radford, told tales of science writing at a special event last week and warned the audience that the public can be very squeamish about new scientific prac ...
- Even more science newsScience news snippets from the net meanderings of David Bradley Fighting malaria without DDT = FAIL – Review suggests DDT essential in fight against malaria, despite claims for green approaches. A new research paper exposes allegedly false claims and misrepresentations of science by United Nations e ...
- Free chemistry dictionaryUPDATE: 2011-01-20 Version 3.0 of the chemistry dictionary is now available. Now, with crowd-sourced, user-submitted words and an OpenOffice.org dictionary extension. “It took me the better part of a month,” Azman told us, “but I’ve made my own and I want it to be as open-source as possible. Chemspy ...
- Social networking with research dataI’d previously used the phrase “Napster for Research Papers” when thinking about Mendeley. Mendeley lets you upload your own research papers to your personal library under publishers’ fair use agreements and to share them with their peers as you might share a traditional paper reprint. So, maybe Nap ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- When Political Money is Too Hard to Track, Follow ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Sunlight FoundationFor the second consecutive year, President Obama’s State of the Union remarks included support for posting congressional lobbying information online. While this theme was familiar and commendable, the speech failed to address a key point he ...
- Greenpeace Airship Sends Message to Secretive oil ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011GreenpeaceGreenpeace today flew an airship with a banner reading “Koch Brothers: Dirty Money” over Rancho Mirage, California as oil billionaires David and Charles Koch convened their latest secret political strategy meeting. The aerial message to arriving att ...
- Egypt: Demonstrators Defy Riot Police, CensorshipFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Human Rights Watch (HRW)Thousands of protesters in Cairo and Alexandria defied a heavy deployment of riot police and other security forces and government warnings not to participate in demonstrations on January 28, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The gov ...
- BP Oil Spill Bills Revive the Reforms Needed to Pr ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Project On Government OversightReps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), George Miller (D-Calif.), and colleagues introduced two bills this week that include essential reforms aimed at correcting many of the systemic problems that led to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of ...
- Sierra Club Launches Effort to Expose the Koch Bro ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Sierra ClubIn anticipation of a “secret” meeting to be hosted in Palm Springs this weekend by two infamously anti-environmental billionaire brothers, the Sierra Club will launch a social media campaign with its 1.4 million members and supporters to expose the ...
Common Dreams-Views
- The Bush Legacy Strikes Out American Justiceby Michael WinshipThe Detroit Tigers are retiring the great baseball manager Sparky Anderson's number 11 this season. "It's a wonderful gesture," Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg wrote. "I just wish Sparky could see it."read more
- One US Corporation's Role in Egypt's Brutal Crackd ...by Timothy KarrThe open Internet's role in popular uprising is now undisputed. Look no further than Egypt, where the Mubarak regime today reportedly shut down Internet and cell phone communications -- a troubling predictor of the fierce crackdown that has followed. read more
- Reheating the Climate Change Storyby Jules BoykoffHere's a climate conundrum: while scientists declared 2010 to be the hottest year on record, media mavens have been afire with the fact that US media coverage of climate change dropped precipitously, or as the popular Daily Climate blog put it, "fell off the map".read more
- ElBaradei, Muslim Brotherhood Offer Political Path ...by Robert NaimanEgyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Essam el-Eryan said today that Egyptian opposition groups have agreed to back former IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei to negotiate with the government, Al Jazeera reports: read more
- The Torture Career of Egypt's New Vice President: ...by Stephen SoldzIn response to the mass protests of recent days, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has appointed his first Vice President in his over 30 years rule, intelligence chief Omar Suleiman. When Suleiman was first announced, Aljazeera commentators were describing him as a "distinguished" ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- After 2014 In AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd I wrote yesterday that all the happy talk on the war in Afghanistan is just that, and that 2014 is not the end of the story by a long chalk. It's a theme taken up by the respected expert Martine van Bijlert of the Afghanistan Analysts Network today in a talk at the Davos 2011 Open Foru ...
- Happy Talk On The Afghan War Is Just Spin & 2014 I ...By Steve Hynd President Obama had some happy-talk on the Afghan occupation last night, saying: In Afghanistan, our troops have taken Taliban strongholds and trained Afghan security forces. Our purpose is clear: By preventing the Taliban from reestablishing a stranglehold over the Afghan people, we w ...
- The disconnect (again)By Dave Anderson I'm dittoing Bernard Finel's argument on the COIN tactical to strategic disconnect: By trying to suggest that local, operational successes can be assessed independently of strategic outcomes he is reinforcing the main problem in our discussions of COIN. Look, good COIN is COIN that ...
- The Private CIA That's Been Driving Af/Pak AgendaBy Steve Hynd Today, the NYT's Mark Mazzetti decided to burn what appears to have been one of the newspapers - and the U.S. government's - prime sources on all things lurid in Af/Pak. Ex- Iran/Contra liar Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, a former head of the CIA’s Latin American operations who was the first ...
- Obama's War, One Year Later: 195 Million Say No to ...By Robert Greenwald Next month will mark the one-year anniversary of the launch of President Obama's escalated military campaign in Afghanistan. One year later, violence is still getting worse and costs are skyrocketing. After more than nine years, it's time to end this war. Take a strong p ...