- America’s Most Dangerous Extremists:The Mudd ...By Sam Smith One of the greatest myths draped over this land is that the so-called wing nuts mainly come from the far right and left. And that there is, however, a wise and moderate establishment that will save us from their madness. In fact, the real wing nuts are to be found in the middle. Mistak ...
- The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now ...By Ronnie Cummins The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well. True coexistence is a must.” -Â Whole Foods Market, Jan. 21, 2011 In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation’s 25,000 ...
- The Housing Bubble was GlobalBy Joe Weisenthal Today the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission releases its full report on the crisis. [click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . .
- The Solari Report Digest ~ New Podcast Available!Solari has produced a new free podcast—The Solari Report Digest #20. Listen to Solari Report Digest #20 The Solari Report Digest is a podcast featuring highlights from the live one-hour Solari Report briefings. In the rapidly changing political and economic landscape the Solari Report Digest pro ...
- Money & Markets Charts ~ 2.17.11View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report next Thursday, February 3, 2011. Click here to view all charts as a pdf file. See previous Money & Markets Charts blog posts here. Currency chart ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lanka Gu ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Mubarak to Dissolve Govt in Wake of Mass Protests: ...Mubarak responded to unrest by promising to replace his cabinet, but gave no indication of leaving himself. After Mubarak's remarks, Obama issued a warning.
- Republicans Say Everything the Dems Pass Is Uncons ...The individual mandate was long championed by the GOP, but since it was passed by a Democratic Congress they've decided it violates the Constitution.
- 75-Year Prison Sentence for Taping the Police? The ...The growing accessibility of recording devices is prompting officials to dig up dusty old eavesdropping laws that are being used to intimidate the nation's citizens.
- Why Women Who Pick and Process Your Food Face Dail ...We all benefit from a hugely exploitative system, in which our dinner is now directly linked to violence against women.
- How Long Before Facebook Hands Over Your Personal ...It may only be a matter of time until social networking sites are forced to relinquish your personal information to the government.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
Image via Wikipedia
- Recovering lost knowledge about exhaustion of Eart ...Summary: One of the saddest aspects of the Internet is how it fails to make us smarter. In a mutant version of Gresham’s Law, loud amateurs too-often drown out the voices of experts. Here we an excerpt from a 1975 book that tells us more about Peak Oil than a typical dozen posts on most [...]
- More jobs, bought at a dear cost (to be paid for i ...Summary:   The US economy continues its slow “recovery.” It’s not an organic recovery, as it results from three years of massive fiscal and monetary stimulus — powerful medicine, with serious side-effects (to be felt in the future). Lost in our delusions, we confuse this with actual health. ...
- We were participants in one of the great battles o ...Summary: Some of the “great battles” were nothing of the kind. This is easily seen by comparing them with a truly great battle, one that looks to have decisive effects: 9-11. For centuries western historians described the Battle of Tours (aka Poitiers) as one of the world’s decisive battles. ...
- For the holiday season, here are some comforting t ...Summary: As the sky darkens over America we find comfort in logical but incorrect beliefs, ignoring the horrifying nature of our core problem. Here are two comforting examples. (1) Our leaders have bad advisors In both national security and economics we have well-funded think-tanks advocating ...
- Second thoughts by 2 major boosters of the Af-Pak ...Summary:  Guest author Bernard Finel discusses yet another think-tank report giving prescriptions for the Af-Pak War. But this one is a surprise, a serious walk-back by one of the powerful institutional advocates of our foreign wars. Perhaps they’re cutting their losses and gearing up for t ...
Open Your Eyes News
- U.S. farmers get approval to plant GMO alfalfaReuters – The United States said on Thursday farmers could proceed with planting genetically altered alfalfa without any of the restrictions that opponents say are crucial to protect organic and conventional farm fields from contamination. The decision, closely watched by supporters and protesters a ...
- Sarkozy says IMF should supervise global imbalance ...Reuters – The International Monetary Fund’s mandate should be expanded to measure, monitor and enforce new rules on global economic imbalances, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday. He told bankers and business leaders at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos the first task was to de ...
- Australia’s human rights record scrutinised by UNABC – Australia has had its human rights record scrutinised in an international peer review at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. The Universal Periodic Review was initiated in 2007, with each of the 192 member states agreeing to have their record examined every four years. Australia ...
- Doctors reject ‘fear campaign’ on generic drugsABC – Pharmaceutical company Nycomed says it has conducted a survey into pharmacy-recommended generic drugs which shows evidence of customer confusion which could lead to overdoses. Nycomed also says generic medicines might not always be cheaper than brand-name medications. But AMA vice-president St ...
- Israel conducts massive controlled blastUPI — Israel conducted a massive controlled explosion to calibrate instruments at seismic monitoring stations worldwide, officials said. The Geophysical Institute of Israel detonated 100 tons of explosives at a site in the Negev Wednesday. It registered 2.7 on the Richter scale, and created a mushro ...
The Progressive Realist
- Rescuing Democracy Promotion From CynicsFormer Bush administration “democracy czar” Elliott Abrams thinks that “The revolt in Tunisia, the gigantic wave of demonstrations in Egypt and the more recent marches in Yemen all make clear that Bush had it right”: In November 2003, President George W. Bush laid out this question: “Are the peoples ...
- Basic Research in a Multipolar WorldKevin Drum writes about the role of government in fostering basic research: It was the private sector that turned these inventions into multi-billion dollar businesses, but it was government that provided either the basic research, the initial market, or both. Acknowledging this isn’t an endorsement ...
- The Afghanistan Weekly Reader—Week of January 24Petraeus Skips Drawdown Talk in New Letter to Troops Wired by Spencer Ackerman Need another indication that July 2011 is going to come and go without substantial troop reductions? Take a look at Gen. David Petraeusâ brand new letter to his troops and civilians in Afghanistan about the state of the ...
- What Does Oil Cost?Right on time, just as DC recovers from the salmon-induced hangover of the president’s State of the Union address, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce begins calling the administration’s plan to shift the country’s energy mix away from oil and coal “unrealistic” and insisting it’s too costly. Is the Chambe ...
- Negotiations Over Sudan’s Dissolution Begin TodayNegotiations resumed today in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum between top officials from Sudan’s north and south. These leaders, representing two regions of the same country, will soon begin relating to each other as diplomats from two different nations. That’s precisely the reason for the current ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The Davos Syndrome.It's Friday, so time for some more irresponsible 2012 election blogging. Apropos of this Jonathan Bernstein post and Steve Kornacki's counterexample on the importance of Iowa and New Hampshire, I'd add a point. Since delegates are awarded proportionately in the Republican primaries, skipping the ea ...
- The Little Picture: Egyptian Protests.Anti-government protests continued in Egypt on Friday and the crackdown became increasingly violent. Above, protesters were sprayed with a water canon in Cairo. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
- Libertarians and Social Oppression.Radley Balko tells the story of Belmont University, a soccer coach, and the power of private action to fight prejudice and discrimination: It all began last month, when the private Christian college Belmont University fired women�s soccer coach Lisa Howe shortly after Howe revealed to her players t ...
- Gov. Kasich Doesn't Need You, and He Doesn't Need ...Over at ThinkProgress, Tanya Somanader tells us that when asked by state Sen. Nina Turner, a Democrat, whether he needed help diversifying his all white, mostly male Cabinet, newly elected Gov. John Kasich replied, "I don't need your people." Turner is African American and, out of an abundance of ca ...
- Relegating Race to a Side Plot.I finished Marilynne Robinson's 2008 novel Home last night. Robinson's one of my favorite writers -- her first novel, Housekeeping is so good that I compulsively pick up copies to gift to friends. She has a particular way of describing place that reveals more about the characters inhabiting the spac ...
- Are Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas the Bonnie ...MARK KARLIN, BUZZFLASH EDITOR FOR TRUTHOUT Are Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas the Bonnie and Clyde of judicial ethics? There isn't a law that prohibits Supreme Court justices from speaking on controversial issues, but there has been a code of conduct that generally minimizes public appearance ...
- Too Big to Go to Jail? Wall Street Swindle Officia ...MARK KARLIN, BUZZFLASH EDITOR FOR TRUTHOUT Why do you go to jail for bouncing a couple of grocery checks, but get bonuses for cratering the American economy? That's a good question, particularly now that an "official" inquiry has found that the Wall Street casino gambling that nearly collapsed our ...
- The Democratic Party's "Far Left" Used to be Consi ...STEVEN JONAS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Political commentators ranging from those of the Propaganda Channel (otherwise known as the Fox"News"Channel) to Chris Matthews are enamored of referring to the "Far Left" of the Democratic Party. It is also known among that ilk as the "Pelosi Wing" of the Par ...
- The Corporate Power Grab: Big Government vs. Smal ...STEVEN JONAS FOR BUZZFLASH And so, the "small government" folks are now firmly entrenched in the House of Representatives. As they were in the last Congress, through the filibuster rule they are never too far from the levers of power in the Senate either. But boy, since the last election they ...
- Get Carried Away with the Truth: Now, More Than Ev ...MARK KARLIN FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT In an age when politics and public policy have become more entertainment than serious debate and deliberation, Truthout provides a substantive alternative. It offers readers an opportunity to get carried away with the truth: a truth that is free of corporate a ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Bipartisanship pop quizIdentify the "Republican strategist," the "Democratic strategist," and the "Washington insider"
- Various mattersPlus: More on Manning's detention, and the politicization of Scalia/Thomas
- America's treatment of detaineesAmnesty denounces the conditions of Bradley Manning's detention, while new documents shed light on detainee deaths
- Bipartisan praise for Joe LiebermanHe's spent decades advocating for violent, brutal, repressive policies, but that's no impediment to Beltway love
- Obama officials caught deceiving about WikiLeaksA Reuters report details that private statements and reports contradict administration's public claims
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- A tetralogy of science newsFour more picks from the latest science news by David Bradley Tales of the unexpected: a night with Tim Radford – My mentor at The Guardian, Tim Radford, told tales of science writing at a special event last week and warned the audience that the public can be very squeamish about new scientific prac ...
- Even more science newsScience news snippets from the net meanderings of David Bradley Fighting malaria without DDT = FAIL – Review suggests DDT essential in fight against malaria, despite claims for green approaches. A new research paper exposes allegedly false claims and misrepresentations of science by United Nations e ...
- Free chemistry dictionaryUPDATE: 2011-01-20 Version 3.0 of the chemistry dictionary is now available. Now, with crowd-sourced, user-submitted words and an OpenOffice.org dictionary extension. “It took me the better part of a month,” Azman told us, “but I’ve made my own and I want it to be as open-source as possible. Chemspy ...
- Social networking with research dataI’d previously used the phrase “Napster for Research Papers” when thinking about Mendeley. Mendeley lets you upload your own research papers to your personal library under publishers’ fair use agreements and to share them with their peers as you might share a traditional paper reprint. So, maybe Nap ...
- Even more science newsScience news snippets from the net meanderings of David Bradley Sir David King on climate change – King said, “We hear enough from the climate change skeptics that I have to repeat some fundamentals that you’ve probably heard before.” Fifty-five million years ago, atmospheric CO2 concentrations stoo ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- When Political Money is Too Hard to Track, Follow ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Sunlight FoundationFor the second consecutive year, President Obama’s State of the Union remarks included support for posting congressional lobbying information online. While this theme was familiar and commendable, the speech failed to address a key point he ...
- Greenpeace Airship Sends Message to Secretive oil ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011GreenpeaceGreenpeace today flew an airship with a banner reading “Koch Brothers: Dirty Money” over Rancho Mirage, California as oil billionaires David and Charles Koch convened their latest secret political strategy meeting. The aerial message to arriving att ...
- Egypt: Demonstrators Defy Riot Police, CensorshipFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Human Rights Watch (HRW)Thousands of protesters in Cairo and Alexandria defied a heavy deployment of riot police and other security forces and government warnings not to participate in demonstrations on January 28, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The gov ...
- BP Oil Spill Bills Revive the Reforms Needed to Pr ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Project On Government OversightReps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), George Miller (D-Calif.), and colleagues introduced two bills this week that include essential reforms aimed at correcting many of the systemic problems that led to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of ...
- Sierra Club Launches Effort to Expose the Koch Bro ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2011Sierra ClubIn anticipation of a “secret” meeting to be hosted in Palm Springs this weekend by two infamously anti-environmental billionaire brothers, the Sierra Club will launch a social media campaign with its 1.4 million members and supporters to expose the ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Honduras Human Rights Abuses Worse One Year After ...by Bill Quigley and Pam SpeesIn recent remarks on U.S.-Latin American relations made at the Brookings Institute, Arturo Valenzuela, a State Department official with responsibility for the region, commented that Honduras, two years removed from a coup that U.S. officials on the ground called illega ...
- Egypt's Day of Rage Goes On. Is the World Watching ...by Amira NowairaTens of thousands of Egyptian demonstrators took to the streets on 25 January, young and old, Muslim and Christian, rich and poor, educated and not so-educated. They all chanted "Long live Egypt", "Life, liberty and human dignity" and "Down with the Mubarak regime".read more
- US Chamber Attacks FCIC as "Job-killing" Wikileake ...by Mary BottariIn a response to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission releasing its final report on the financial crisis today, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce pitched a classic hissy fit calling the report an “abuse of the process” that would create “more job-killing lawsuits.” (So much for the ...
- Defining a Dictatorship: The US Role in Egyptby Peter HartYesterday (FAIR Blog, 1/27/11) the Washington Post tried to argue that U.S. policy under the Obama administration has shifted to one of open support for pro-democracy movements in Egypt and Tunisia. There was little, if any, evidence to support this idea.read more
- The Bush Legacy Strikes Out American Justiceby Michael WinshipThe Detroit Tigers are retiring the great baseball manager Sparky Anderson's number 11 this season. "It's a wonderful gesture," Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg wrote. "I just wish Sparky could see it."read more
Newshoggers - AfPak
- After 2014 In AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd I wrote yesterday that all the happy talk on the war in Afghanistan is just that, and that 2014 is not the end of the story by a long chalk. It's a theme taken up by the respected expert Martine van Bijlert of the Afghanistan Analysts Network today in a talk at the Davos 2011 Open Foru ...
- Happy Talk On The Afghan War Is Just Spin & 2014 I ...By Steve Hynd President Obama had some happy-talk on the Afghan occupation last night, saying: In Afghanistan, our troops have taken Taliban strongholds and trained Afghan security forces. Our purpose is clear: By preventing the Taliban from reestablishing a stranglehold over the Afghan people, we w ...
- The disconnect (again)By Dave Anderson I'm dittoing Bernard Finel's argument on the COIN tactical to strategic disconnect: By trying to suggest that local, operational successes can be assessed independently of strategic outcomes he is reinforcing the main problem in our discussions of COIN. Look, good COIN is COIN that ...
- The Private CIA That's Been Driving Af/Pak AgendaBy Steve Hynd Today, the NYT's Mark Mazzetti decided to burn what appears to have been one of the newspapers - and the U.S. government's - prime sources on all things lurid in Af/Pak. Ex- Iran/Contra liar Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, a former head of the CIA’s Latin American operations who was the first ...
- Obama's War, One Year Later: 195 Million Say No to ...By Robert Greenwald Next month will mark the one-year anniversary of the launch of President Obama's escalated military campaign in Afghanistan. One year later, violence is still getting worse and costs are skyrocketing. After more than nine years, it's time to end this war. Take a strong p ...
Water Wars
- Arguments set in tri-state water wars caseAn appeals court will hear arguments on the state of Georgia's request to overturn a ruling that could severely restrict metro Atlanta's water supply.
- Hearing Set in Water Wars CaseThe 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta will hear arguments March 9 centering a long-running water dispute between Georgia, Alabama and Florida.
- Arguments set in tri-state water wars caseAn appeals court will hear arguments on the state of Georgia's request to overturn a ruling that could severely restrict metro Atlanta's water supply.
- Ga. Court Arguments Set In Water WarsAn appeals court will hear arguments on the state of Georgia's request to overturn a ruling that could severely restrict metro Atlanta's water supply. Lawyers said the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta will hear arguments March 9 centering a long-running water dispute between Georgia,...
- Salazar sails through ag hearingDENVER Former U.S. Rep. John Salazar passed an easy confirmation hearing to be the states new commissioner of agriculture Wednesday, even though uneasy feelings about future water wars colored the discussion.
WordPress | Economics
- Policy Proposals on TaxationFor some time I had to endure caustic comments -on virtual and real life- on how my speech can be bo
- A Major Factor Driving Political InstabilityThings fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world - W.B. Yeats Here
- Mike Ruppert: The Beginning Of Global Systemic Col ...
- OPUS DEI ARMED SUDAN’S CHRISTIAN SOUTHErle Frayne D. Argonza Sudan is undergoing a schism, the dividing line being the north-south axis. N
- ERLE ARGONZA SUSTAINS SURGE IN WORLD TOPBLOGS! Good day to all endeared readers, friends, fellow global citizens! � A truly gladdening news ha
Electronic Intifada
- Mubarak regime shuts down Internet in futile attem ...CAIRO (IPS) - Twitter was an early casualty. Then Facebook access became spotty. But when the Internet itself went down, Egyptian pro-democracy activists knew their protest ...
- Egypt protesters defy curfew despite brutal repres ...CAIRO (IPS) - Tear gas and smoke wafted through the air of the Egyptian capital on Friday as police moved swiftly to disperse anti-government demonstrations throughout the ...
- Golan Heights activist: "We dream of freedom"Since the Syrian Golan Heights were occupied during the June 1967 War, the indigenous Arab population has resisted Israeli control. The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwho ...
- PA undermined accountability for Gaza victims, pap ...Among some of the latest Palestine Papers revelations are agreements to push the United Nations Human Rights Council to delay a vote on the Goldstone report, the fact-findi ...
- The Palestine Papers and the "Gaza coup"An initial reading of the Palestine Papers provides details of hitherto unknown secret, high-level "Quadripartite" meetings among Israeli, American, Egyptian and Palestinia ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Suicide bomber on motorbike kills Afghan leaderKandahar in the southern part of Afghanistan was the scene of the ...
- Experts urge US not to make 'hasty' retr ...The U.S. should maintain a robust U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan until it is clear that the recent progress is sustainable, two experts on South Asian and Middle Eastern affairs have ...
- Prince Charles pays tribute to Gurkha soldiers& ...Prince Charles has paid tribute to the Gurkha soldiers who lost their lives while fighting in Afghanistan, and also presented medals to the critically injured ones during their combat operations ...
- Taliban maybe ready for peace talksSenior Taliban commanders could be preparing to enter peace talks to end their insurgency in Afghanistan, it has been ...
- Deputy governor killed in an Afghan attackA deputy governor of one of Afghanistan's southern provinces was killed Saturday in a roadside attack, officials ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Don't Let Review of Classified Information Safegua ...By Bryan Rahija POGO and other good government advocates are urging the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to be careful about infringing upon the constitutional rights of employees as it moves forward with a review of procedures to safeguard...
- 5 Notable Excerpts from the Unposted SEC IG Report ...By Michael Smallberg Last week, POGO unveiled a resource page with over twenty investigative reports by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) that you won’t find anywhere on the websites of the SEC or OIG....
- Fun Friday Fact of the DayBy Bryan Rahija Apprently, Glenn Fine, the outgoing Inspector General (IG) for the Department of Justice (DOJ), once had other career options available to him besides public service. From an NPR profile on Fine released this morning: A lot of...
- Morning Smoke: Commission: Regulators Partly to Bl ...Where there's smoke, there's fire. POGO's Morning Smoke is a collection of the previous day's investigations, scoops, and opinions related to the world of government oversight. Have a story you'd like to see included? Contact POGO's blog editor. Harsh Words...
- It's O-Fish-al: POGO Thinks Past Performance Infor ...By Neil Gordon Notice anything strange about this Government Accountability Office (GAO) bid protest decision? In this decision, involving a protest over the award of a Department of Defense (DoD) commissary supply contract, GAO reveals past performance information about a...
Digital Journal
- Nominations announced for 31st annual Golden Raspb ...From box office smash hits to Academy Award winners, the Golden Raspberry Awards nominates the absolute worst over the course of the year. Who was the worst actress? What was the worst film? What was the worst 3D movie?
- Toronto police looking for sexual assault suspectA young teenage boy was allegedly sexually assaulted Tuesday at The East Mall Park. Toronto Police Services would like to make the public aware of the investigation.
- Will Toronto subways be a function of the Ontario ...There are various reports throughout the Toronto media that representatives of Mayor Rob Ford are discussing the possibility of uploading the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to the Government of Ontario.
- Freedom to Read Week set for February 20 to Februa ...The freedom to read is a fundamental right for all Canadians. Freedom to Read week highlights the fight against censorship.
- Five charged with defrauding Toronto schoolToronto Police Service have charged five people in connection to a fraud investigation for misappropriating $700,000 from the Bloorview School Authority.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homelessnes ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe and st ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling the Tr ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have whil ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demeaning, ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 su ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of the Do ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high; it ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unpunis ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a school ...
- F-35 purchase: What do Canadians think?The debate over the purchase of the F-35 continues, with Conservative and Liberal rhetoric on the issue growing increasingly heated. But does either party really care what Canadians think? An Ekos poll taken in November suggests that 54% of Canadians are opposed to the planned purchase. Other polls ...
- Activist coalition vows to oppose Obama as long as ...An American activist coalition, War is a Crime, is circulating a petition opposing President Obama’s renomination until he ends the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, reverses a number of draconian war policies, and drastically cuts military spending. The list has grown to include the names of many act ...
- Winslow Wheeler on F-35 purchaseIn this written statement to the Standing Committee on National Defence, Director Winslow T. Wheeler of the Straus Military Reform Project uses his American experience to offer valuable insight to the Canadian government on the purchase of F-35 stealth fighters. (Winslow T. Wheeler,"Canada's Next Ge ...
- Ernie Regehr awarded Pearson Peace MedalCongratulations to Project Ploughshares’ co-founder Ernie Regehr on being awarded the Pearson Peace Medal! The medal is awarded by the United Nations Association in Canada to a Canadian who has personally contributed, through his or her working life and voluntary commitments, to causes to which Lest ...
- Protesters in Halifax speak out against F-35The Halifax Peace Coalition held a protest against the Conservative government’s decision to buy the F-35 fighter-bomber on January 17th, which was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and also the 50th anniversary of U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower’s speech warning of the dangers of the military-industrial ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Deadly MedicineJanuary 27th, 2011 Vanity Fair By: Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele You wouldn’t think the cities had much in common. Iaşi, with a population of 320,000, lies in the Moldavian region of Romania. Mégrine is a town of 24,000 in northern Tunisia, on the Mediterranean Sea. Tartu, Estonia, with a po ...
- Top Blood Pressure Drug Receives Low MarksJanuary 27th, 2011 AOL Health By: Deborah Huso About 74.5 million Americans over the age of 20 suffer from high blood pressure, a health concern that is a silent killer and has been on the rise over the past fifteen years. And a study, published in this week in the Journal of the American College of ...
- Harry Reid Meets With ‘Dictator’ Hu Ji ...January 27th, 2011 Politics Daily By: Alex Wagner Two days after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Chinese President Hu Jintao a “dictator” on a Nevada talk show, the two men met face to face in the Capitol on Thursday morning. On the heels of Hu’s joint press conference with President Obama ...
- Just 1 Percent of WikiLeaks’ Files ReleasedJanuary 27th, 2011 AOL News By: Raphael G. Satter Nearly two months after WikiLeaks outraged the U.S. government by launching the release of a massive compendium of diplomatic documents, the secret-spilling website has published 2,658 U.S. State Department cables – just over 1 percent of its trove o ...
- Constitution is VoidJanuary 27th, 2011 Yahoo! News The U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that serves to allow judges to void the Constitution in their courtrooms. The decision was issued on January 18, 2011, and the Court did not even explain the decision (Docket No. 10-632, 10-633, and 10-690). One word ...
Pambazuka News
- Africa: Angola hosts 3rd African meeting on Cuba s ...The third African meeting on Solidarity with Cuba was held in Luanda, Angola, 11-12 September, to consolidate the friendship between the African and Cuban people and contribute to strengthening African solidarity towards the Caribbean island nation. ...
- Global: Afro-Colombian women fight prejudice by em ...On an improvised stage “Bombón de chocolate” (Chocolate Candy) is being performed. The play, which narrates the story of an African-Colombian girl who feels rejected because of the colour of her skin, is one of the events at a special day on drug add...
- Global: May for the Cuban 5The month of May started with a great number of activities in support of the Cuban 5. On May 1st hundreds of thousands of Cubans marched on International Workers Day in Havana and other cities. They were joined by hundreds of internationalists in de...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
War in Context
- Lessons from EgyptIn its complacency, America views the democratic aspirations of others as the desire to possess what we already enjoy. Little do we imagine that these aspirations reveal what we have discarded or perhaps never even possessed. President Obama packages what has driven Egyptians onto the streets withi ...
- Egyptians rising up to bring down the Mubarak regi ...WATCH AL JAZEERA LIVE NOW 11.29 — Al Jazeera — Loud explosions heard, but protesters still chanting loudly. 11.00 — As curfew begins, army deployed to take control of streets of Cairo. Smoke rising from the vicinity of the National Democratic Party HQ. 10.32 — Curfew announced to begin at 6pm ...
- Biden shows his contempt for the people of EgyptVice President Joe Biden was asked on PBS this evening whether he views Egypt’s president as a dictator. Noting that President Mubarak has been a US ally and has normalized relations with Israel, Biden said: “I would not refer to him as a dictator.” When asked whether the time has come for Mubarak ...
- On the eve of Egypt’s day of reckoning“No internet, no SMS, what is next? Mobile phones and land lines? So much for stability. #Jan25 #Egypt” tweets CNN’s Ben Wedeman. The shutdown came shortly after the release of this AP video showing a protester being gunned down. With major protests just hours away, scheduled to follow Friday mo ...
- Mark Perry: Inside the Palestine Papers debateBefore publishing the Palestine Papers, Al Jazeera invited a group of experts and journalists to Doha to study the documents. The group included political and military analyst, Mark Perry, who provided analysis in this week’s special report and the following background for War in Context. He is the ...
Watts Up With That?
- New paleo reconstruction shows warmer periods in A ...For those worried about tundra melt and methane outgassing, this study might dampen those worries a bit. A new peer-reviewed study by Clegg et al. demonstrates that modern global warming is significantly less than the global warming experienced in the … Continue reading →
- Frequency of Big Snows: Northeast U.S. and Colorad ...Guest post by Richard Keen, PhD I’m sure by now every snow freak in the Northeast U.S. has pored over the “Billboard Top 40″ (actually, 41) list of major snow storms since 1955. If you haven’t, go to “The Northeast … Continue reading →
- PokéMobile -vs- LisbonI had to make an important choice this week, one that I don’t regret: Attend the Lisbon conference or stay at home and attend to my business and do something very important with my son. See below. We think it … Continue reading →
- The Met office and the BBC- caught coldFrom the blog autonomous mind, a cold ill wind blows from Britain. At least this time, FOI requests weren’t quashed like they were with CRU. Below are excerpts. The photocopy of the email from the FOI request is telling. ====================================== … Continue reading →
- Metrology crisis – the grand kilo loses massFrom the Wall Street Journal – By JEANNE WHALEN In a vault beneath a 17th-century pavilion on the outskirts of Paris sits a platinum cylinder known as Le Grand K. Since 1889 it has been the international prototype for the … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- NASA’s Culture Kept Safety from Forefront by Richa ...by Richard C. Cook Featured Writer Dandelion Salad richardccook.com crossposted at OrlandoSentinel.com January 29, 2011 A little more than a minute after Challenger was launched at the Kennedy Space Center on a frigid winter morning 25 years ago, the shuttle broke to pieces when an o-ring joint in o ...
- The Democratic Party’s “Far Left” ...by Steven Jonas, MD, MPH Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted on Buzzflash.com January 29, 2011 Political commentators ranging from those of the Propaganda Channel (otherwise known as the Fox”News”Channel) to Chris Matthews are enamored of referring to the “Far Left” of the Democratic Party ...
- Washington Intensifies Push Into Central Asia by R ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism January 29, 2011 A recent editorial on the website of Voice of America reflected on last year being one in which the United States solidified relations with the five former Soviet republics in Central ...
- Egyptian Uprising and the Middle East + Egyptian p ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ TheRealNews | January 28, 2011 Egyptian People Shaking Foundations of US Policy in the Middle East Egyptian Uprising and the Middle East *** AlJazeeraEnglish | January 28, 201 Egyptian police hold fire during prayer Riot police holding fire to allow worshipers to ...
- Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution ...by Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad January 28, 2011 North Africa and the Global Political Awakening, Part 1 For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The resulting global political act ...
Your New Reality
- No titleThe 2nd shooter got a real early start in the business. Via Reddit .
- No titleIt's Propaganda, Yes, But Maybe It's From Our Side, To Reassure Us North Korea Can't Defend Itself As war appears to be about to dawn between North & South Korea, if it didn't actually already begin two or three days ago, this very strange video appears on the UK Telegraph site. The Telegraph stor ...
- No titleVery soon, this could be what you find when you go to your favourite independent news site to load up on truth to help fight the daily barrage of lies. Piracy prosecutions can and will be used to close down news sites. Not CNN or FoxNews of course. I mean the ones that carry actual, real news. ...
- No titleThe "structure" discovered at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy :
- No titleWhere icebergs are 'born' : From the Earth Observatory
Wired - Science
- Scopes Weeps: Evolution Still Struggling in Public ...Despite 80 years of court battles ousting creationism from public classrooms, most public high school biology teachers are not strong advocates for evolution. While vocal advocates of intelligent design and similar non-scientific alternatives to evolution are a minority, more than half the teachers ...
- That Ain’t No Jackal: New African Wolf Species Ide ...By Duncan Geere, Wired UK Conservationists in Egypt have discovered a new species of wolf, which shares DNA with Indian and Himalayan cousins. The “Egyptian jackal”, as it’s known, is not in fact a jackal at all, despite the visual similarities it bears to another local species, the golden jackal. ...
- Hidden Fractals Suggest Answer to Ancient Math Pro ...Researchers have found a fractal pattern underlying everyday math. In the process, they’ve discovered a way to calculate partition numbers, a challenge that’s stymied mathematicians for centuries. Partition numbers track the different ways an integer can be divvied up. The number 3, for example, ha ...
- Genetic History of Pneumonia-Causing Superbug Unra ...Sometimes natural selection gets a helping hand from humans. A new study tracing the genetic history of a nasty strain of pneumonia-causing bacteria shows that antibiotics and vaccines helped shape the microbe’s evolution. In a technical tour de force, an international team of researchers decip ...
- Seahorse Shape Explained as Stealth-Attack Adaptat ...According to a new explanation of seahorse shape, those distinctive S-curve bodies let them reach further than straight-bodied ancestors. Compared to tube-shaped pipefish, their closest relatives, seahorses extend their snouts an extra 30 percent. The difference is only a few millimeters, but for an ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Remembering Howard ZinnWe remember Howard Zinn, our friend and teacher (and among the first members of the IOA Advisory Board), who passed away on 27 January 2010, leaving a formidable legacy. In the words of his friend,... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Erekat: US, British citizens are responsible for l ...Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Wednesday in an interview with the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television that a U.S. citizen, who worked in the U.S. State Department, and a British citizen,... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Ma’aleh Adumim mayor demands Netanyahu build West ...Ma'aleh Adumim Mayor Benny Kasriel has demanded Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explain reports that he had secretly promised the US that Israel would not build new neighborhoods in E1, a... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
- ‘Demolition of Palestinian homes in West Bank’s Ar ...A B'Tselem report reveals that as a result, 472 Palestinians, including 223 minors, lost their homes last year, up from 217 - including 60 minors - in 2009. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA webs ...
- Amira Hass: The real Palestinian concessionBoth Palestinian rivals know how to use the resilience and creativity of their people in the face of the daily torture that is foreign rule. But they do not help translate this personal and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia says too early to talk tactical nuclear wea ...It is too early to discuss limiting tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) with the United States.
- Russia-U.S. arms reduction treaty could enter into ...The Russian-U.S. strategic arms reduction treaty could enter into force in early February, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday after signing off on the new START treaty ratification documents.
- Russia-U.S. arms reduction treaty could enter into ...The Russian-U.S. strategic arms reduction treaty could enter into force in early February, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday after signing off on the new START treaty ratification documents.
- Iran's nuclear program
- Russian answer to U.S. reusable robotic spacecraft ...Russian researchers are working on an unmanned spacecraft similar to the U.S. Boeing X-37 Orbital Test Vehicle, Space Troops chief Oleg Ostapenko said on Thursday.
- Genetic Clues to Rare Childhood DisorderResearch from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine provides new clues for the compulsive behavior and cognitive defects associated with a rare childhood neurological disease called Lesch-Nyhan Disease (LND). Two pathways found to be defective in LND are known to be associated w ...
- Pre-Surgical Stress Management Boosts Immune Funct ...Practicing stress management techniques before prostate cancer surgery may help activate the body's immune response leading to quicker recovery, as well as aid in lowering mood disturbance, according to a new study by researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
- Approximately Five Percent of Seniors Report At Le ...Slightly over over 5 percent of the nearly 39 million Americans age 65 and older in 2007 reported one or more cognitive disorders, such as senility or dementia.
- To Negotiate or to Retaliate - Conflict Resolution ...Observers of the recent suicide bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo airport were surprised that despite the carnage, the airport remained open for business. While some claimed that this response was an example of Russian toughness and stoicism in the face of a crisis, Lisa Baglione, Ph.D., chair and prof ...
- Drug May Help in Managing Morphine ToleranceA drug called etanercept can restore responsiveness to the pain-relieving effects of morphine in rats that have developed morphine tolerance, reports a study in the February issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS).
Natural Health News
- Bonobos are Smarter than You ThinkCan these animals actually understand English?
- Talking AnimalsThese pets really speak!
- Fluoride is a Poison -- Says Top Researcher on Aus ...An expert speaking on an Australian TV news show reveals fluoride for what it is -- a poison.
- Whole Foods -- Major Betrayal of Organic Movement Organic consumers and producers in the U.S. are facing betrayal. A self-appointed group of �Organic Elites�, including Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farm, are surrendering to Monsanto. Top executives from all of these companies have publicly stated that they no longer oppos ...
- Media Finally States Reversing Diabetes is Possibl ...More than 25 million people in the U.S. suffer from diabetes. �Most have type 2 diabetes, which usually develops later in life. �But type 2 diabetes can be reversed.� CNN reports what some of us have known for a long time now -- by making changes to such as adding exercise and improving their diets, ...
- Popular Culture 20110128: Left and Right TeeVee A ...This piece was partially inspired by a conversation that I had with Kossack smileycreek in the comments after my most recent Pique the Geek installment. That commentor's sig line included words to the effect that all that the Republicans have is fear. To a point I agree with that, but I would also ...
- Chaos Erupts In Egypt As Police Fire Tear Gas Into ...Guardian video via Real News Network - January 28, 2010 Egypt gripped by violent protests Chaos as Egyptian police fire teargas to control demonstrators in mass protests in Cairo and Suez following Friday prayers Meanwhile, David Swanson reports from warisacrime.org that he has "just phoned T ...
- Republican Jethros's Shocked That Cutting Taxes In ...More Jethro Bodineism from the Republican Party. It kind of comes down to basic math here. If you cut the revenue of the nation, and you don’t cut the spending at the same time, you get a higher deficit, capisce? There is nothing radical about that, you collect less money, you have less money to s ...
- Bradley Manning's Torture Commonplace in U.S. Pris ...The corrosive, solitary confinement being inflicted upon PFC Bradley Manning in the Quantico, Va., brig is no exceptional torture devised exclusively for him. Across the length and breadth of the Great American Prison State, the world's largest, with its 2.4-million captives stuffed into 5,000 overc ...
- The Heck With SOTU, Let's Talk Milk Testing! So, this morning everyone is talking about the State of the Union which means I am going to talk about…milk. And no, it is not Harvey Milk. The FDA is looking at testing milk for antibiotics. There is actually nothing new in that, currently there are six antibiotics that are commonly tested for i ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Thoughts on the CMCR’s Questions in al-Bahlulby Kevin Jon Heller As Bobby Chesney noted at Lawfare a few days ago, the Court of Military Commission Review (CMCR) has issued the following order in al-Bahlul: Upon consideration of the record of trial and pleadings of the parties and amicus curiae, the following issues are specified and oral ...
- Covington and Burling and the Cote d’Ivoireby Peggy McGuinness by Peggy McGuinness According to the Washington Post, Covington and Burling has filed with the Department of Justice to represent Alassane Ouattara, the recognized winner of the presidential election in Cote d’Ivoire. Why would a U.S. law firm be representing (pro bono no le ...
- Ben Wittes’ New Book, ‘Detention and Denial’by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson OJ’s friend and frequent interlocutor, Ben Wittes (of Lawfare blog, the Brookings Institution, and member of the Hoover Task Force on National Security and Law), has a new book out of Brookings Institution Press, Detention and Denial: The Case for Candor a ...
- Even More States Follow Oklahoma’s Prohibition on ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku It turns out that Oklahoma’s anti-international law/ sharia law amendment has started a trend. Â According to this report, six states –Â Alaska, Arkansas, Indiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and Wyoming-Â are considering similar legislation. The National Center on State Co ...
- No Right to Same-Sex Marriage in Franceby Julian Ku by Julian Ku My French is pretty rusty, but I think that is the upshot of this decision from the Conseil Constitutionnel, France’s highest body for reviewing questions under the French Constitution. Â As Maggie Gallagher, a leading opponent of same-sex marriage in the U.S. notes, thi ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- New-look Investigate magazine HIS and HERS goes on ...As of Sunday...with more exclusive revelations about the Pike River disaster and police bungles in the rescue operation...and HERS features new poll results showing support for National is wide but shallow, and that a large number of voters want Winston...
- Investigate Political Poll 2011 - No1Investigate magazine's first big omnibus and political poll in more than five years is underway. If you want to fill in the survey form (takes less than two minutes on average) online, you'll find it here.
- BREAKING NEWS: Arizona shooter of Gabrielle Giffor ...The young gunman who shot and killed six people, and left Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, appears to have borne a grudge against Giffords after meeting her in 2007 at the age of 19. According to reports, former...
- New study says CO2 rise a result of warmer tempera ...A new peer reviewed study supports another contention I raised in Air Con: that CO2 increase follows temperature increase, and that there appears to be no correlation between fossil fuel emissions and temperature. The paper is available in full in...
- RIP Chris Carter, Investigate columnistIt's an odd thing, finding out on the radio news that your magazine's longest serving opinion columnist has passed away. What turns out to be his last column only hit the newsstands yesterday in the latest Investigate magazine: Chris Carter...
My Care2 Picks
- All under-fives should take vitamin D pills to avo ...All children under five are at risk of developing rickets because of their couch potato lifestyles, the government's Chief Medical Officer said today.Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Unbearable Triteness of Whiteness & Why The Te ...Political Correctness : Throughout the 1970s and most of the 1980s it was something that one should aspire to. American language is becoming -- dare we say it? -- more politically correct.Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The Sneaky, Not-So-Secret Purpose of the IPCCThe IPCC actually serves a political purpose.It is the process by which the nearly 200 governments who belong to the United Nations agree on a single, official climate science perspective.Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- New Zeland Climate Science CoalitionI'm still adding to opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2010/03/climate.html Climate in Contention Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Businessmen in major metropolitan hotels in china ...It is unknown just how deeply the Chinese government has penetrated such small operations, especially through the internet systems of widely known western hotels. But it appears that if you're a western businessman doing business in China, you may well atSubmitted by Rick M. to World �|� �Note-it! ...
Angry Indian News
- Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel ...Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising - Telegraph: "The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York,... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Anonymous hacking suspects released on bail | Tech ...Anonymous hacking suspects released on bail | Technology | guardian.co.uk: "The five people arrested in the UK in connection with a spate of online attacks in support of WikiLeaks were today released... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- PressTV - Egyptian army attacks demonstratorsPressTV - Egyptian army attacks demonstrators: "On Friday, demonstrators stormed the national television building in Cairo, but broadcasts there continued as normal.President Mubarak sent troops and... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Tear-Gas Producer Flies Israeli Flag Over Business1/21/11, Update: Tear gas death triggers mobilization against Israel’s lethal tear gas | Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel: "Combined Systems Inc. of Jamestown, Pennsylvania... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Why African American men shun doctor visitsWhy African American men shun doctor visits: [emaxhealth.com] "A majority of African American men questioned say physicians don't give enough information on how to make changes in behavior and... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- USDA Vilsack Turns Unregulated GMO Alfalfa Loose o ...USDA's Monsanto poster boy Vilsack approved deregulated genetically modified (GM) Alfalfa today, January 27, 2011. This is a case precedent for the GM Sugar Beets case coming up next, as well as for all other biotech crops.
- Truth Squad Radio: Hydrolic Fracture Mining and th ...People are getting sick, and are having to walk away from their homes because property values have plummeted due to environmental poisoning from these operations.
- Food Freedom Betrayal!Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma! Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within. The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex ...
- Truth Squad Radio: No Child Left Behind?JS Rugg joins the show to discuss the sad state of education in this country. When third world countries produce children who are better educated than our children....we need to ask "why?" No Child Left Behind has been a disaster for the nation and our children are paying the price.
- “Trusted” Activist Groups Try to Regulate Silver a ...Not all groups supposedly fighting for our food freedom are who we think they are. If you really want an eye-opener, read the following article, and check out this link, which notes organizations on the Merck Pharmaceuticals dole.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- 'Police open fire as protesters re-gather in Cairo ...ShareThis'Police open fire as protesters re-gather in Cairo' --Eyewitnesses claim that security forces shot at protesters in Egyptian capital angry at President Mubarak's refusal to step down; Mubarak sacks gov't, defends police crackdown on protesters. 29 Jan 2011 Hundreds of Egyptians gathered in ...
- Anonymous: UK arrests are a 'declaration of war'ShareThisAnonymous: UK arrests are a 'declaration of war' 28 Jan 2011 Anonymous has issued a warning to the UK government after five young men suspected of being connected to the group were arrested on Thursday. The group, which has claimed responsibility for a series of distributed denial-of-servic ...
- Suicide bomber kills Kandahar deputy governorShareThisSuicide bomber kills Kandahar deputy governor 29 Jan 2011 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed the deputy governor of Afghanistan's southern Kandahar province on Saturday, a NATO official and the governor's spokesman said. Deputy Governor Abdul Latif Ashna was killed inside Kandahar city ...
- Minot police: 'Multiple homicides' at 2 residencesShareThisMinot police: 'Multiple homicides' at 2 residences 28 Jan 2011 Police say they're investigating "multiple homicides" [four dead] at two Minot residences in north central North Dakota. A Friday statement from police says the homicides appear to be related and that a "person of interest" is b ...
- Bombings kill 4, injure 19 in PakistanShareThis*Blackwater:* Bombings kill 4, injure 19 in Pakistan 29 Jan 2011 Twin truck bombings in Pakistan's northwest have claimed the lives of at least four people, including two women, and left 19 others injured, Pakistani officials say. The attacks took place late Friday night in and outside a ke ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- New-look Investigate magazine HIS and HERS goes on ...As of Sunday...with more exclusive revelations about the Pike River disaster and police bungles in the rescue operation...and HERS features new poll results showing support for National is wide but shallow, and that a large number of voters want Winston...
- Investigate Political Poll 2011 - No1Investigate magazine's first big omnibus and political poll in more than five years is underway. If you want to fill in the survey form (takes less than two minutes on average) online, you'll find it here.
- BREAKING NEWS: Arizona shooter of Gabrielle Giffor ...The young gunman who shot and killed six people, and left Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition, appears to have borne a grudge against Giffords after meeting her in 2007 at the age of 19. According to reports, former...
- New study says CO2 rise a result of warmer tempera ...A new peer reviewed study supports another contention I raised in Air Con: that CO2 increase follows temperature increase, and that there appears to be no correlation between fossil fuel emissions and temperature. The paper is available in full in...
- RIP Chris Carter, Investigate columnistIt's an odd thing, finding out on the radio news that your magazine's longest serving opinion columnist has passed away. What turns out to be his last column only hit the newsstands yesterday in the latest Investigate magazine: Chris Carter...
Empty newsfeed.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Medical Industry Data Proves Influenza Vaccin ...The Influenza virus itself is constantly mutating from year to year. While mainstream doctors are traditionally divided, several prominent Studies have come forward in recent years challenging the Status Quo on the efficacy of the sacrosanct Flu shot & awakened an increasingly distrustful ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synt ...For centuries humankind has depended on an inherent natural immunity to survive; adapting to environmental changes while overcoming mutable diseases, viruses, bacterial or biological threats & inter-species cross contamination. With the 21st Century advancement of high-tech laboratory scie ...
- VRM: GlaxosmithKline Implicated In Systemic Clinic ...‘A psychiatrist on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after pleading guilty to committing research fraud in clinical trials for antidepressant Paxil. Palazzo enrolled children who did not actually suffer from major depressive or obsessive compulsive disorder ...
- VRM: California Institutes Mandatory DTaP Vaccinat ...âFor the 2011â12 school year only, children entering 7thâ12th grade will need proof of a DTaP (Diphtheria,Tetanus & Pertussis) shot before starting school. For 2012-13 and beyond, only students entering 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap shot.â California Depât of Public Health ‘The law will ap ...
- VRM: Health Matters Part 2BISPHENAL A PLASTIC is deadly. It leaks a synthetic hormone which mimics Estrogene & is present in most common store-bought products, also found in the lining of all soup cans. Long term effects include Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Androgeny. It should be noted that in the original tests th ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner for ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- Night Into DaySangin, Helmand Province Afghanistan 29 July 2009 Orders are given before every operation.� The orders filter down through various unit levels involved, until each platoon finally recieves its specific mission.� The concept for this mission came down from the 2 Rifles Battlegroup (battalion) to ...
- Tactics in CounterinsurgencyPlease Click here to download. {loadposition user8}
- Resurrection03 August 2009 Sangin, Afghanistan The bugs are not bad in this part of Afghanistan.� The scorched terrain is biologically boring.� Mice and ferret-like creatures dash around in the evenings when sparrows and doves and a few other sorts of birds flutter through the cool air.� But even at sunrise, ...
- COMISAF AssessmentPlease click here for pdf. {loadposition user8}
- Common Scenes & Common ThoughtsCommon Scenes & Common Thoughts from Common Days & Nights 05 August 2009 The helicopter pilot wearing night vision goggles roared in so fast it looked as though he were crashing.� The four green Cylums (Americans call them Chemlights) mark the HLS.� While the helicopter is above the dust cl ...
The Killing Train
- More such philanthrocapitalism we shall be utterly ...Philanthrocapitalism, a book by Bishop and Edwards, argues that philanthropy will help the public accept a new age of plutocracy (the rule by wealth). The rich are giving their money away so effectively, they say, that the public won't mind increasing inequality. read more
- I am not a gadgetJaron Lanier, author of "You are not a gadget", is very well-informed about what he is writing about, which is some of the social consequences of the internet, and some of the implicit ideologies that are built into the internet as we are living with it today. Lanier was one of the early minds behin ...
- Raj Patel's "Value of Nothing"For various reasons I found myself with several hours on public transit and with Raj Patel's fine book "The Value of Nothing" in hand. I really liked a few things about it. First, it's a very readable summary of a lot of economic theories (and ideologies) that guide policies today. For a more mathem ...
- A short video on Toronto Star's recent G20 coverag ...Three minutes on technology and protests, focusing on the Toronto Star's recent G20 coverage, especially Rosie DiManno's articles.
- Thoughts on Nicholas Carr's "The Shallows" After a couple of recommendations from a couple of different directions, I read Nicholas Carr's "The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains". It combines neuroplasticity research (which I read about in Norman Doidge's "The Brain that Changes Itself") with ideas about a literary, print-ba ...
- Get Back to the Basics of Cooking with Handle Me C ...Image: Angell Wyller Aarseth Kitchens these days are filled with more and more gadgets, designed to save time, to make things easier, from chopping to frying to cleaning. It's a trend that Norwegian design studio Angell Wyller Aarseth is fighting against with their debut project, the Handle Me ...
- Your Ski and Snowboard Wax Could Be Seriously Harm ...Photo by bobaliciouslondon via Flickr.com. Guest bloggers Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer are co-founders of NaturallySavvy.com. We're in the thick of ski and snowboard season, and if you've been hitting the slopes a lot, you've probably had to wax your skis or board at least once. But have yo ...
- What is Biodynamic Gardening? (Video)You'll have to watch the video to find out what that is... Image credit: Permaculture Media When I asked how vegetarians can avoid animal-based fertilizers, I noted that some people suggested exploring biodynamics instead of organics. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Biodynamic ...
- With a Hybrid Diaper, a French Designer Greens Bab ...Photo: Alex Davies At the Meet My Project design exposition in Paris this week, French designer Florence Hallouin presented her latest work. Hallouin, a graduate of the prestigious Ecole Nationale Superieure de Creation Industrielle and a working mother with a passion for sustainability, decide ...
- Pants & Bike Lights. Don't Leave Home Without ThemStrategies for Getting Around Without Bike Lights (or Pants) from BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE on Vimeo. Would you leave home without pulling on some pants? That's the question being asked by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and the Portland Mercury (Oregon) in this video. Their simple argu ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Burma’s health woes traversing bordersPreventable diseases spilling over into neighbouring countries as medical experts warn of impending headache for regional health system
- Burma to create SEZ, spur growthChina's success story in Shenzhen seen by many as a possible benchmark for new business growth in Burma's southern Tavoy area
- Media laws obscuring parliamentForeign and domestic reporters unclear about access to first session as laws ban all electronic devices from entering parliament building
- Court rejects Suu Kyi party appealSupreme Court take only minutes to brush aside appeal against dissolution of National League for Democracy party
- Burma blasted at UN meetingSweden calls Burma's human rights record 'alarming' as 47-nation assembly holds its first regular review of conditions in the pariah
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Caroline Spelman loses her way in the woods Forestry Commission sell-off might actually double the Government's bill, says Geoffrey Lean
- Climate change: the top conspiracy theories Conspiracy theorists agree the data purported to show our planet is warming has been fabricated - but can't agree on whether to blame the East, the West, the Left or the Right.
- Himalayan glaciers spell trouble for climate scien ...The abject admission by the official Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a year ago that it made a mistake, in its latest report, in predicting their disappearance by 2035 marked the lowest point in their reputation - and they have still far from recovered.
- Himalayan glaciers not melting because of climate ...Himalayan glaciers are actually advancing rather than retreating, claims the first major study since a controversial UN report said they would be melted within quarter of a century.
- Pole to pole: Daniel J Cox photographs Arctic pola ...Daniel J Cox photographs Arctic polar bears and penguins in Antarctica.
National Geographic | Environment
- UFO-Like Clouds Linked to Military Maneuvers?Three "hole-punch clouds" recently appeared close together, sparking suspicions of a military connection—and they may not be all wrong.
- Gulf Spill Dispersants Surprisingly Long-lastingMassive amounts of chemical dispersants pumped into the Gulf of Mexico to break up the BP oil spill lingered in the deep ocean for months, new research shows.
- Humans Left Africa Earlier, During Ice Age Heat Wa ...An Ice Age heat wave gave early humans a route out of Africa much earlier than thought, an ancient tool kit and climate evidence suggest.
- Pictures: 40-Mile "Drape" to Cover U.S. River?NoneSee artist Christo's vision for a giant art installation over a Colorado river that has drawn opposition from a river-protection group.
- "Gooey" New Mud Volcano Erupts From Arabian SeaThe "gooey" dot of land off the coast of Pakistan appeared in November but will likely wash away within a few months, experts say.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Spain judge seeks US government response to Guanta ...[JURIST] Spanish judge Eloy Velasco on Friday set a March 1 deadline for the US government to indicate whether Guantanamo abuse allegations will be investigated by US lawyers before deciding whether to allow a controversial lawsuit against former Bush administration officials to move forward. The la ...
- UN officials urge Egypt to respect rights of prote ...[JURIST] UN officials including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay [official websites], on Friday urged the Egyptian government to exercise restraint [press release] and respect the rights of protesters. Navi Pillay acknowledged reports of tactics inclu ...
- Russia president signs bill ratifying New START nu ...[JURIST] Russian President Dmitri Medvedev [Guardian profile; JURIST news archive] on Friday signed into law a bill that ratifies the New Start treaty [materials, PDF; JURIST news archive], an agreement between Russia and the US intended to reduce nuclear arms in both countries. The Russian Federati ...
- Wyoming Senate advances amendment banning same-sex ...[JURIST] The Wyoming Senate [official website] on Thursday voted 20-10 [vote details] in favor of Joint Resolution 5 [text, PDF], the first step to a constitutional amendment that would prevent the state from recognizing same-sex marriages [JURIST news archive] from any jurisdiction. The decision, w ...
- DRC war crimes suspect denies allegations at initi ...[JURIST] Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) [GlobalSecurity backgrounder] leader Callixte Mbarushimana [case materials] made his initial appearance [press release] before the International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] on Friday and denied the charges against him, which ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Dennis Kucinich Settles Olive Pit CaseNot sure if this qualifies as a Friday news dump, but we now know more than I, for one, ever expected to about what went on in Dennis Kucinich's mouth. In announcing today he was settling the lawsuit he launched against the operators of the Longworth House Office Building cafeteria for serving hi ...
- Forecast: What the Economy Will Look Like on Elect ...The economy will be better on Election Day 2012, according to he Congressional Budget Office. How much better? Unemployment, currently at 9.4 percent, will have fallen to a fourth-quarter 2012 average of 8.2 percent. Real GDP will have increased 6 percent over its fourth quarter 2010 level Consumer ...
- University Students Protest Plans for Bristol Pali ...Bristol Palin was invited to appear at Washington University in St. Louis,speaking to students about abstinence as part of Sexual Responsibility Week (which is ironically celebrated--or celibated?--by some puritan souls during the week of Valentine's Day), but the plans were shut down after an ...
- Egypt's High-Powered D.C. Lobbying TiesAs the world's attention turns to protests and unrest in Egypt, it's worth noting that the U.S. ally has employed some of the most powerful and high-profile lobbyists in the District of Columbia. Since 2007, the government of Egypt has signed contracts with Tony Podesta, president of the Podesta Gr ...
- Obama and Clinton on Egypt Is anyone else ashamed so far by the U.S. response to the protests in Egypt? So far, we have Secretary Clinton making a statement about Egypt's stability, and -- just a few minutes ago -- a tweet from Press Secretary Gibbs asking the Egyptian government to reverse their restrictions on Internet and ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Canada at War in Iraq! New 54-page COAT re ...
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Links for 2010-03-30 [Digg]Overseas Media Begins Reporting Kam Case An Israeli journalist disappears into the maw of the intelligence services. A gag order prevents newspapers reporting the story. Only overseas media can do so, but they hesitate since so little is known. That's why blogs exist and that's the role that ...
- Links for 2010-03-18 [Digg]Shin Bet Secretly Detains Reporter Leaking Top-Secret Docume I was the first blogger or journalist to break this story outside Israel. Anat Kam, a young Israeli reporter was secretly arrested and imprisoned for allegedly leaking top secret IDF documents about targeted assassinations.
- Israel Decries Militant Arms Caches in Schools, Mo ...You know the drill: Hamas and Hezbollah commit the cowardly and unpardonable sin of hiding weapons caches in sites like schools, hospitals, mosques, ambulances. Â This not only justifies attacking sacred sites and any collateral damage to civilians (cf. if only they fought fair), it also serves to r ...
- ‘Iranium’ Heritage Foundation Premiere, Iranian St ...Now, the moment so many of you have all been waiting for: the première of Clarion Fund/Aish Hatorah’s latest magnum opus in its epic trilogy of Islamophobia.  Iranium is coming.  It will be premiered (where else) at the Heritage Foundation and introduced by one of the great neocon charlatans, Ric ...
- Kahanist Orthodox Right Seeks to Make Israeli Comm ...In Germany, Nazis were proud to empty important segments of society of Jews and make them Judenrein.  Ridding the nation of the noxious influence of Judaism became an idée fixe, an obsession and ideological underpinning of the fascist movement.  I’ve noted here in the past, most recently with the ...
Ode Magazine
- Reading, writing and revelationHow the written word helps refresh body, mind and soul. Photo: istockphoto.com/xaviarnau Whenever the stabbing pain in her knee becomes unbearable, 17-year-old Mackenzie Bearup picks up a book and starts to read. Usually, it’s a teen novel or a mystery. But Bearup will read “a ...
- All you can eatAuthor Jonathan Bloom offers fresh thinking on how to reduce food waste. Salad bars are big waste makers, according to Jonathan Bloom: "If food is served by someone else, it can be donated. If it's self serve, you can't. Buffets are a killer.Photo: Mario Savoia/Dreamstime.com ...
- How the Stirling engine worksA Stirling engine uses internal gas that’s alternately heated and cooled to produce energy. Hydrogen, for instance, is sealed in a chamber connected to a series of pistons. When the hydrogen is heated, it expands, driving the pistons through the chamber. When the hydrogen is cooled, it ...
- Flower power (no, not that kind...)Why a 19th-century invention is only now finding its place in the sun as a 21st-century energy source. The SunCatcher is an enormous solar dish made of mirrors and metal, but it’s best thought of as a giant silver flower. At thirty feet (11 meters) tall, the SunCatcher is almost ...
- How to let your own light shineBy: moneville There’s the real you, and your mistress - the work you. Sure, some folks are lucky enough to have manifested a real passion into their daily work lives; claiming no desire to tip toe around town in a wig and glasses, pretending to be something o ...
OpEd News
- Middle East IntifadasRevolutionary change engulfing the Middle East.
- Could 51 Votes Trigger the Real Constitutional Opt ...The US Senate Majority and Minority leaders have reached a compromise on Senate Rules changes over the filibuster and delaying tactics. But junior Senators are decrying the move as taking away their Constitutional rights.
- Mohamed ElBaradei: "If Not Now, When?"What does it say that ElBaradei, a Nobel Prize winner, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a former assistant to the Egyptian foreign minister, not to mention a 68-year-old man -- is not allowed to peacefully raise his voice in protest against the Egyptian government?
- Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time BombsMany other trends set during the Reagan era continued to corrode the U.S. political process in the years after Reagan left office. After 9/11, for instance, the neocons reemerged as a dominant force, reprising their "perception management" tactics, depicting the "war on terror" -- like the last days ...
- Deadbeats Bush and Gingrich Say "States Better Off ...Jeb Bush and Newt Gingrich say that states should declare bankruptcy. What about the obligations to the people. They don't care, they don't have to. But we do and there are alternatives.
- 2 op-eds, 2 views of future of biomass, only 1 is ...Two Boston Globe op-eds Wednesday offer divergent appraisals of EPA’s decision last week to defer regulating carbon dioxide emissions from the biomass industry for three years. The first by Mary Booth and Richard Wiles discusses just how damaging this decision is for the environment an ...
- Tears for Bears: Polar bear swims for 9 days searc ...I cried when I read this BBC article yesterday. Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey have outfitted polar bears in the Arctic with GPS tracking collars, discovering that they are swimming exceedingly far distances in search of disappearing sea ice. One mother bear “swam contin ...
- Climate, Energy and Environment News from Latin Am ...Chile: United States President Barack Obama announced an upcoming visit to Chile during his State of the Union address this week. (The Santiago Times, 1/27/11) In March, Obama will meet with President Piñera to discuss clean energy which Obama has defined as natural gas, “clean coal”, ...
- Can Chicago be Electrified by Electric Vehicles?This week President Obama reiterated his goal of deploying one million electric vehicles (EVs) on America’s roads by 2015. On the one hand, this is a pretty modest goal, considering that north of 11 million vehicles are sold each year in the U.S. On the other hand, it is far from c ...
- Diving Business in FLA Keys did not escape oil's i ...The Florida Keys are home to the world’s third longest barrier reef. Each year, more than a million people travel there to go diving and snorkeling, making it one of the most popular dive spots on Earth—and one you can easily drive to. Had the Deepwater Horizon spill sullied the region ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- And Yet People Keep Asking…I would like to second Dr. Krugman’s sentiments: Egypt: I donât know anything, have no expertise, havenât even ever looked at the economic situation. Hence, no posting. If there comes a point when I have something to say, I will. Actually, that’s not quite true. I do have some thoughts on the Egypt ...
- The Internet is a Double-Edged Sword for Revolutio ...As the pundits were busy celebrating the contribution of Twitter and Facebook to protests in Tunisia and Egypt, most of them ignored the terrifying news from Iran, where on Monday two activists were hanged for distributing video footage on the Internet from the country’s 2009 âTwitter Revolution.â M ...
- Good news and bad newsThe good news is that the web is awash in reports that Hosni Mubarak has fled Egypt. (Update: Mubarak is currently on TV claiming he’s not going anywhere). The bad news is that the New York Times is quoting Donald Douglas on the subject. I thought it was bad enough when it was LGM giving this [...] ...
- A disaster of technologyFor somewhat obscure reasons the Challenger disaster became, in the USA, what (much more understandably) the assassination of JFK had been for a previous generation: a shocking event whose symbolic resonance was such that, as the cliche has it, everyone can remember where they were when they first h ...
- House GOP: Not All Rape Victims Were Really Raped, ...I wouldn’t say that anything House Republicans could do would surprise me at this point, but this is appalling even by contemporary Republican standards. Nick Baumann: With this legislation, which was introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Republicans propose that the rape exemption be ...
Desert Research Institute
- 2010 DRI Annual ReportThe 2010 annual report is now available for download. This issue includes an interview with Executive Vice President for Research Dr. Terry Surles, our involvement with a large NSF grant to study climate change, an overview of the work in our divisions and centers, select researcher profiles, and a ...
- Tracking the Air Quality at Lake Tahoe In order to better understand the pollutant sources that are affecting Lake’s Tahoe’s water quality, Research Professor Hampden Kuhns, began studying Lake Tahoe in 2003 when he assembled the areas first emissions inventory. The inventory included local measurements using his TRAKER road dust ...
- Building Concepts for ClarityTodd Mihevc has a knack for finding the right tools for the job, but he’s no handyman for hire. For 25 years, Mihevc, an Assistant Research Hydrogeologist at DRI, has been instrumental in developing equipment that surveys, studies, and samples water systems in Nevada. His latest research concerns th ...
- Top Cited Article in the Journal of Human Evolutio ...Dr. Glenn Berger is lead author in top-cited article in Journal of Human Evolution. The article "Luminescence chronology of cave sediments at the Atapuerca paleoanthropological site, Spain" was the top-cited article published in the Journal of Human Evolution for the period of 2008 to 2010.
- DRI Researcher Published in Nature GeoscienceThe atmosphere over the Dead Sea, researchers have found, is laden with oxidized mercury. Some of the highest levels of oxidized mercury ever observed outside the polar regions exist there.
Earth Techling
- EarthTechling Earth Videos: Green Cars
- Hot Three Wheeler Wants To Go Hybrid
- Arizona Solar Plant Gets $967M DOE Loan
- IceCard MP4 Player Concept Solar Powered
- Georgia Gets On Solar Power Bandwagon
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Obama's diverse benchObama's successful nominees for district and circuit courts make up the most diverse group ever along racial, ethnic and gender lines, according to an analysis of Federal Judicial Center data.
- The death knell for capital punishment?Death penalty opponents are allowing themselves to contemplate that a major Midwestern state, not known as light on crime, is about to take a dramatic stand against the death penalty.
- LABOR & EMPLOYMENT: Courts split over calculating ...At issue is whether to divide by total hours or first 40; a petition is pending before the high court.
- Who needs the LSAT anyway?The American Bar Association is contemplating making the Law School Admissions Test voluntary rather than mandatory for accreditation.
- Little Love in Twitter tiffLawyers for Courtney Love are close to settling a defamation suit filed by a fashion designer who became the subject of rants on the singer's Twitter account — denying litigators long-sought guidance regarding damaging comments on social media.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Changes Made to DEP’s WebsiteFYI - DEP has made a change to their website, making it a little harder to find violations of Oil & Gas drillers. From the DEP main page, you now have to click on “Latest News” tab - Violations are listed there now, along with the production data. Not hidden, just moved. You can also go there [. ...
- Become a Waterdog!Become a Pine Creek Waterdog!! It’s simple and could make a huge difference in protecting our environment and assisting the DEP in enforcing compliance with our regulations. The Pine Creek Headwaters Protection Group is holding a training and registration for Waterdogs on February 8, 2011 from 7 to ...
- Waterdog Training January 10th 2011Waterdogs Training Monday, January 10th, 2011 7:00-9:00pm Jersey Shore Middle School Library Registration Fee $10 Additional $20 if you would like a TDS Meter Registration is due by January 3rd, 2011 Please make checks payable to: LCCD Lycoming County Conservation District 542 County Farm Road, Suit ...
- Pittsburgh Sets Model to Reject Corporate-Imposed ...November 30, 2010 By S.B. Thompson Chambersburg, PA – Edited for length * The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) is actively involved in many issues to help prevent corporations from raping America’s land and resources, including speaking out against uranium mining and mountaintop re ...
- Investigating the US Gas BoomI know many of you are becoming very aware of the natural gas boom happening in the Mid Atlantic area. This video covers some old ground but it also discusses some very current issues and is a great intro for anyone who is trying to learn about the problems with the fracking process. http://www.thee ...
News Blaze
- Banadir-Savana Clash Ends in 0-0 DrawBanadir telecom lost to Somali police-owned club 'Heegan' last Friday. While the Savana boys were given a 1-0 defeat by Elman on Monday and as the result each team was struggling to win in today's match.
- NASA Administrator Speaks To Richmond Middle Schoo ...STEM education is the foundation of NASA's learning initiatives, such as the Summer of Innovation (SoI) project. Begun in 2010, the project engages middle school students in STEM studies and hands-on, or participatory, exploration during the summer
- UN Reparations Panel for Invasion of Kuwait Pays O ...The vast majority of funds for compensation payments have come from the sale of Iraqi petroleum under the so-called Oil-for-Food programme, which came to an end in 2003, and later within the scope of arrangements made under Security Council resoluti
- EPA Solicits Public Input on Using Vapor Intrusion ...Vapor intrusion describes the migration of volatile chemicals from contaminated groundwater or soil into the atmosphere, and is a particular concern if vapors enter an overlying building.
- Kabul Supermarket Bombing Kills Six CiviliansMedia reports say a suicide bomber struck in the early afternoon at the supermarket, which is located in the Wazir Akbar Khan district of the Afghan capital, near several Western embassies.
environment 360
- A Veteran of the Climate Wars Reflects On U.S. Fai ...One of the many casualties of the recent U.S. elections was Congressman Rick Boucher, a Virginia Democrat who played a key role in passage of cap-and-trade legislation by the House of Representatives. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Boucher discusses the bitter failure of the Senate to pa ...
- In China, a New Transparency On Government Polluti ...The Chinese government has begun to make environmental records available to the public, empowering green groups and citizens as they try to force factories — and the Western companies they supply — to comply with the law. BY CHRISTINA LARSON
- Did Cancun Prove the UN Irrelevant in Tackling Cli ...The Cancun conference is being credited with keeping international climate talks alive. But the real potential for bringing emissions under control may lie in a Plan B, with nations acting on their own in moving toward a low-carbon economy. BY FRED PEARCE
- ‘Perverse’ Carbon Payments Send Flood of Money to ...To offset their own carbon emissions, European companies have been overpaying China to incinerate a powerful greenhouse gas known as hfc 23. And in a bizarre twist, those payments have spurred the manufacture of a harmful refrigerant that is being smuggled into the U.S. and used illegally. BY MAR ...
- Is the End in Sight for The World’s Coral Reefs? It is a difficult idea to fathom. But the science is clear: Unless we change the way we live, the Earth's coral reefs will be utterly destroyed within our children's lifetimes. BY J.E.N. VERON
Red Ice Creations
- Birds use quantum theory to literally 'see' Earth' ...Birds may be able to ‘see’ the Earth’s electromagnetic field as they fly through the sky, scientists have suggested. Many creatures, including all birds, navigate by sensing the direction of the magnetic forces around our planet to guide them. But now researchers have found that different reactions ...
- Live Coverage of the Egypt Riots - Al Jazeera Engl ...The 2011 Egyptian protests or the Youth Revolution, are a series of street demonstrations, protests, and civil disobedience acts that have taken place in Egypt since 25 January 2011, with organisers counting on the Tunisian uprising to inspire the crowds to mobilize. The demonstrations and riots wer ...
- Lightning and fire: Japan on alert after volcano’s ...A one-mile cordon has been established around a volcano on Mount Kirishima after it erupted scattering rocks and ash across southern Japan and sending smoke billowing 5,000ft into the air.A small evacuation center was set up overnight in the town of Takaharu’People told us their windows were rattlin ...
- Egypt unplugs Internet as protests loom; "unpreced ...About a half-hour past midnight Friday morning in Egypt, the Internet went dead. Almost simultaneously, the handful of companies that pipe the Internet into and out of Egypt went dark as protesters were gearing up for a fresh round of demonstrations calling for the end of President Hosni Mubarak’s n ...
- Police trained that FEMA camps are perfectly norma ...Picture it: You are sound asleep next to your spouse. Your children are safely tucked away in their bedrooms. Despite the chaos in the world which surrounds you -- the riots, the food shortages, the deadly pandemic, the nationwide power outage, and the apparent societal collapse -- you are safe and ...
Russia Today
- Stopping terror: how? NY has a sayConsidering the recent surge of terrorism around the globe, Lori “The Resident” Harfenist asks people in the Big Apple what more the world should be doing to stop terrorism.
- US planned uprising in Egypt - WikiLeaksThe US government had been planning to topple the Egyptian President for the past three years – that is according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.
- Possible Domodedovo blast suspect named Russia's Kommersant newspaper says police have named a suspect behind the terror attack at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, which killed 35 people.
- Domodedovo blast pushes Russia and NATO closer tog ...After the bombing at Domodedovo Airport, NATO and Russia have vowed to work together to fight terrorism.
- The US should leave the Caucasus alone – Chechen l ...Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of Russia’s Chechen Republic, says in an exclusive interview with RT that the West is consciously building a negative image of the restored Chechnya.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- The Paracast: Clifford Clift of MUFONThis week’s Paracast with Gene Steinberg and Chris O’Brien is a conversation with MUFON International’s Clifford Clift. Subjects range from the nuts and bolts aspects of UFOs to the possible paranormal links with ghosts, angels, demons and Sasquatch. This was a down to earth and civil interview, eve ...
- Bizarre Beachcoming: Review of the Codex Seraphini ...Dr. Beachcoming, that eccentric collector of all things of an exotic historical nature, reviews The Codex Seraphinianus, a book written by Luigi Serafini that is purportedly about an alien world complete with language, customs, architecture, flora and fauna. Luigi Serafini, Codex Seraphinianus (num ...
- Quantum DNAIt’s been written that photosynthesis might be a quantum process. Now a paper appears that claims DNA itself is a quantum process: A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to ‘teleport’ or imprint itself be ...
- The Paracast: Jerome ClarkThis week’s Paracast with Gene Steinberg and co-host Chris O’Brien features Jerome Clark, author of âThe UFO Encyclopediaâ and âHidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds.” After listening to this interview, I was kind of surprised by a researcher in present day ufology who sti ...
- Tau Zero and Breakthrough Spaceship PropulsionIn the mainstream, propulsion science does not recognize UFO propulsion technology per se, (Bob Bigelow not withstanding), but there are several theories being bandied about and while interstellar travel just might occur before we become a Kardashev Level One Civilization in around two hundred years ...
Tippers News
- Why Did Aggie Boys Buy Sex at the Chicken Ranch?The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, the Texas A&M football team celebrates a win with a visit to their local brothel, the Chicken Ranch. The Aggie Boys are fSubmitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Two survivors of human trafficking share their sto ...She fiddles with her cell phone. In mid conversation, she holds it out, showing off who�s on the screen. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Trip to India inspires Everson woman to help victi ...EVERSON - Touched by her own memories of being adopted as an orphan, Sue Ann Heutink took her first overseas venture to help victims of human trafficking. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Free Human Trafficking Victim Sara Kruzan From Lif ...Sixteen-year-old human trafficking victim Sara Kruzan was sentenced to life in prison without parole when, in a desperate act to escape captivity, she shot her pimp. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Evidence Refutes Bp's and Fed's DeceptionIn August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. [extremely high]Submitted by Ellyn S. to Environment �|� �No ...
The Freeman
- Obama Faces Obstacles in Revamping Government“If you want to know what President Obama is up against with his pledge to reorganize the federal government, consider what happened to the last such endeavor.” (Washington Post) Donât reorganize it. Shrink it. FEE Timely Classic “Unrestrained Appetites, Unlimited Government” by Jeffrey R. Snyder
- Arizona Anti-Immigrant Bill Aimed at Young Citizen ...“Arizona lawmakers are again diving into the national debate over illegal immigration by proposing a bill that challenges automatic U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.” (Washington Times) They still donât get it. FEE Timely Classic “Absorbing Immigrants” by Donald J. Boudreaux
- Obama’s Corporatist Big PlansWe should reject the false choice between corporate statism and stagnation, and say no thank you to the “big things” Obama and his business cronies have in store for us.
- Deficit on Track for Record Height“The still-fragile economy and fresh tax cuts approved by Congress last month will drive the federal deficit to nearly $1.5 trillion this year, the biggest budget gap in U.S. history, congressional budget analysts said Wednesday.” (Washington Post) Good thing there’s a debt ceiling. FEE Timely Class ...
- Social Security to Go Broke in 26 Years“Social Security’s finances are getting worse as the economy struggles to recover and millions of baby boomers stand at the brink of retirement. New congressional projections show Social Security running deficits every year until its trust funds are eventually drained in about 2037.” (Associated Pre ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Can journalism education rise to the challenge?Most journalism programs face the same challenges: How to find, employ and retain faculty who are comfortable teaching new skills and techniques. How to provide equipment and software to students (especially with shrinking budgets). How to keep up with a rapidly changing field. Perhaps most im ...
- HTML and CSS Resources for TeachingEvery year around this time, I update the resources I use in teaching my advanced online design class. I know there are a million lists like these online. I try to keep mine short, simple and current. Also, I’m not teaching programmers or graphic design majors. My students are journalists. CSS B ...
- Visual narratives: Empirical dataFrom a research study by two scholars at Stanford: In this paper, we investigate the design of narrative visualizations and identify techniques for telling stories with data graphics. We take an empirical approach, analyzing visualizations from online journalism, blogs, instructional videos, and vi ...
- Teaching HTML and CSS to journalism studentsI’ve been looking at the open-source course materials for Web Design 1, from the WaSP InterACT curriculum project. I think these materials can easily be adapted for use in a journalism curriculum. The idea is to acquaint our students with the building blocks of the Web they use every day. For stude ...
- A stupid way to handle online videoGreat post from Jerry Lazar, posted Sunday: … a lot of newspapers — perhaps cowed by their own clueless attorneys — similarly do not allow their videos to appear anywhere but on their own Websites, essentially guaranteeing that nobody outside their own geographic area will stumble upon it. This ...
Facing South
- 'Billionaires club' of wealthy conservatives gathe ...For years the Koch brothers from Kansas (reportedly worth $21.5 billion each) have been hosting a secret gathering of conservative businessmen, operatives and politicians to with little fanfare. But this year's pow-wow at the Ranchos Las Palmas Resort and Spa in Rancho Mirage, California is draw ...
- What if executives feared prison time for health a ...By Jenny Brown, Labor Notes In the U.S., owners and managers of companies like BP, responsible for 11 deaths and 17 injuries in last year's Gulf oil rig explosion, never face jail time for the workers they kill. That's not the case everywhere: Steelworkers in Canada are pressing a prosecution of ...
- Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strap ...In 2010, Republicans campaigned on the issues of jobs, taxes and the economy -- and with� states still reeling from scarce jobs and tight budgets, GOP leaders have pledged to keep that focus. In North Carolina, incoming House Speaker Rep. Thom Tillis (R) opened the 2011 session this week by puttin ...
- Scientists found chemical dispersants lingering in ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Chemical compounds from the oil dispersants applied to the Gulf of Mexico didn't break down as expected, according to a study released this week. Scientists found the compounds lingering for months in the deep waters of the Gulf, long after BP's oil had stopped spewing ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Starving the unionsRate of union membership in the U.S. in 2010: 11.9 percent Number of years since the union membership rate was that low: 70 Number of U.S. workers who belonged to unions in 2010: 14.7 million Decline in union membership over the previous year, attributable in part to the recession eroding employm ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators don't know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
- World Cup Crime in South AfricaWhile South Africa boasts understandable pride and excitement to be hosting the World Cup, its citizens are fearful. An already disordered country will see crime escalate substantially when the crowds arrive.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyZimbabwean diamonds mined with complete disregard for basic human rights are currently being sold in jewelry stores with
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- Physiographic RegionsPhysiography originally meant "the study of natural phenomena," but later usage limited its application to PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY in particular and, more recently, to landforms alone. Physiographic regionalization is here
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle a broken plastic sledge ...We were walking in the woods down the road the other day when we got a bit overexcited – there was a plastic sledge in the undergrowth under a holly bush! We’re far too grown-up to buy a sledge for us to play with but a found one? weeeeeee! When we pulled it out, we [...]
- Reducing waste after Christmas – our top tip ...So the big day is nearly upon us again. Hopefully you’ve already been busy upcycling random stuff into Christmas presents and recycled Christmas decorations – it’s easy to keep the green theme going after Christmas too. Give away unwanted gifts & replaced items Don’t wait until you spring clean – de ...
- Reducing, reusing and recycling links round-upIt’s been a while since I did a round-up of some of my favourite reducing, reusing and recycling links so without further ado… I’m often amazed what fab things people can make from old toilet roll tubes and these are no exception – fake wrought iron artwork. A great idea – I’m going to make [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle old brooms, brushes & r ...Following on from last week’s plastic dustbins and Monday’s broken ironing boards, Philip also suggested Brooms and rakes. I don’t know why, but people often throw out orphaned handles and heads of various garden tools. I simply play match maker. You can’t have too many garden tools on a farm. Recon ...
- How can I freshen up a tired winter coat?A couple of weeks ago, I spotted an article someone was promoting on Twitter about “sprucing up your tired winter coat“. Ooh! I thought, I like sprucing! It’s a great way to upcycle & reduce after all — but when I clicked over to the article, I found the sprucing involved the addition of various [.. ...
Empty newsfeed.
Media Consortium
- 1.4 million fans can’t be wrong: NPR’s Facebook pa ...But Carvin also emphasized the importance of audience expectations. “They still see our site as mainly dedicated to consuming news,” he said. Facebook, on the other hand, is a web venue in which people are used to chatting with their family and friends. ..NPR’s Facebook page is a complement to, not ...
- The Newsonomics of 2011 news metrics to watch » Ni ...
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvision ...
- The Media Consortium: Weekly Diaspora: After DREAM ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Duke cancer trials allegedly lacked proper clearan ...After starting a misconduct investigation, suspending three clinical trials, and triggering an expensive Institute of Medicine probe into the use of genomics technology in clinical trials, Duke University does not yet seem to be anyways near to moving on from the legal and ethical quagmire surroundi ...
- Gates, UK government pledge to eradicate polio at ...The $720 million funding gap this year for eradicating polio is a bit closer to being closed. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government announced funding today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, of $102 million and $63.7m (£40m) respectively. Their announcements f ...
- UN secretary general to quit climate diplomacyBan Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), is reportedly leaving the arena of international climate politics. Ban has in the past passionately warned world leaders of the threat of global warming. He was involved in the UN climate talks in Bali in 2007 and in Copenhagen in 200 ...
- LHC will run to end of 2012Scientists at CERN are planning to run the world's most powerful particle accelerator an extra year in a bold bid to find the Higgs particle, a critical part of the mechanism believed to endow other particles with mass. The decision, which we anticipated in December, means that the Large Hadron C ...
- Letters to Congress confirm fate of NIH research r ...Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius minced no words in notifying Congress recently of the demise of the research resources institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to pave the way for a new centre dedicated to translational research. In a one-paragraph letter sent o ...
new geography
- Pimp My Stripmall, Please!If anything characterizes the face of Florida’s landscape, it is the proliferation of shopping malls of all types. Generation by generation, as population swelled, country roads widened into highways and each intersection seemed to blossom into four parking lots framed by strip centers decorated wi ...
- Shrinking City, Flourishing Region: St. Louis Regi ...Throughout the high income world, in this age of cities, many urban centers continue to shrink. This is particularly true in municipalities that have been unable either to expand their boundaries or to combine with another jurisdiction, subsequently running out of new developable land. For example, ...
- Chicago: The Cost of CloutThe Chicago Tribune has been running a series on the challenges facing the next mayor. One entry was about the Chicago economy. It described the sad reality of how Chicago�s economy is in the tank, and has been underperforming the nation for the last few years. I�ll highlight the part about challe ...
- Forged in Pittsburgh: The Football Industry & The ...When will the Labor Department come up with a statistic (GEP or Gross Entertainment Product) to measure to extent to which the economy is dependent on fun? The Pittsburgh Steelers are, at the very least, the emotional heart of Pittsburgh. In season on Sundays, the faithful wear their jerseys to ch ...
- Why Affordable Housing MattersEconomists, planners and the media often focus on the extremes of real estate � the high-end properties or the foreclosed deserts, particularly in the suburban fringe. Yet to a large extent, they ignore what is arguably the most critical issue: affordability. This problem is the focus of an importa ...
GM Watch
- Court challenges stall GM biofuel trees / Algae bi ...
- Shortchanged: Biotechnology and the emerging clima ...
- Animal feed lobby targets zero tolerance
- Vilsack greenlights Monsanto's alfalfa
- GM food is answer to hunger and cloning is route t ...
- The Human Rights Act: a crime against libertyThe current debate about control orders shows how human-rights legislation actually aids the state in its attacks on our freedom.
- Being bedded by a cop is not sexual assaultThe female activists claiming that they were violated by undercover police are doing women’s lib no favours.
- Let’s take a mature attitude to young boozer ...Laura Hall, the tabloid’s favourite binge drinker, epitomises society’s incapacity to socialise young adults.
- 10 O’Clock Live: the saviour of satire?Channel 4’s new show is flawed, but occasionally manages to rise above the usual cynical fare that passes for topical comedy.
- Israel and Palestine: more divided than everDaniel Ben-Ami reports from the Holy Land on the key achievement of the so-called peace process: the intensified partitioning of Arabs and Jews.
- Egypt: Mubarak Dismisses Government, Deploys Army, ...Via: Wall Street Journal: President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year grip on power hung in the balance Friday as protesters massed around Egypt and overpowered the police, prompting the army to deploy on the streets of the nation for the first time in 25 years. As rumors swirled early Saturday morning local ...
- Russia to Adopt Universal ID Card in 2012It’s somewhat funny that articles like this mock conspiracy theorists and then go on to report that what some of us have been saying for years is now actually occurring. Via: Singularity Hub: For all those conspiracy theorists out there, 2012 just got a little more ominous. As required by legislatio ...
- Believe it or Not: Senior Egyptian Military Leader ...Awkward timing… Via: Politico: Awkward timing — or a potentially restraining influence on the behavior of Egyptian security forces? Asked about anti-government protests sweeping Egypt, and recent unrest leading to government change in Tunisia and Lebanon, Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell told ...
- Britain: Intelligence Agencies Urged to Track Soci ...This is ridiculous. The implications of the Internet for radical political movements were well known to the Pentagon at least as far back as 1995 (Strategic Assessment: The Internet, 1995). Britain and the U.S. are joined at the hip. So, are we expected to believe that this is somehow news to the Br ...
- Syria Further Restricting Internet Use; Preventing ...In Syria, Internet freedom ranges from bad to worse, so this definitely isn’t a surprise. Via: Reuters: Syrian authorities have banned programmes that allow access to Facebook Chat from cellphones, tightening already severe restrictions on the Internet in the wake of the unrest in Tunisia, users sai ...
The Economic Collapse
- The Riots In Egypt And The Price Of OilAs if the world economy did not have enough problems already, now the riots in Egypt threaten to send the price of oil soaring into the stratosphere. On Friday, the price of U.S. crude soared 4 percent. A 4 percent rise in a single day is pretty staggering. The price of Brent cru ...
- Doom And GloomHave you noticed that most Americans seem to know far more about American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Justin Bieber and their favorite sports teams than they do about world affairs? Most Americans cannot even find Tunisia and Algeria on a map, and if you told them that food riots ...
- Warning SignsDo you see all of the warning signs that are flashing all around you? These days it seems like there is more bad economic news in a single week than there used to be in an entire month. 2011 is already shaping up to be a very dark year for the world economy. The price [...]
- Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Ba ...How do we fix the economy? That is a question that tens of millions of Americans are asking right now. Republicans are harshly criticizing the empty economic proposals being put forward by Barack Obama and the Democrats, but the Republicans don't seem to have any real solutions ei ...
- 20 Shocking New Economic Records That Were Set In ...2010 was quite a year, wasn't it? 2010 will be remembered for a lot of things, but for those living in the United States, one of the main things that last year will be remembered for is economic decline. The number of foreclosure filings set a new record, the number of home reposs ...
- Grow ‘blue-beard’ shrub as anti-desert ...Read at : http://www.bestlongislandmasonry.com/planning-for-desert-gardening http://www.finegardening.com/caryopteris-x-clandonensis-longwood-blue-blue-mist-shrub.aspx Caryopteris à clandonensis ‘Longwood Blue’ Blue bluebeard This is a shrub, itâs deciduous and it will grow back every and every spri ...
- Planning For Desert Gardening (Google / bestlongis ...Read at : Google Alert – Desert Gardening http://www.bestlongislandmasonry.com/planning-for-desert-gardening If you live in a dry and arid climate then your desert landscaping is going to take just a little much more planning than some other parts of the country. desert … Continue reading →
- MEA Bulletin – Issue No. 108 (IISD)Read at : Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre
IISD RS is pleased to announce that the newest issue of MEA Bulletin is now available. To access the 108th issue directly, visit: http://www.iisd.ca/mea-l/meabulletin108.pdf . To read past issues and … Continue reading → - Charcoal production in Somalia is continuing to ri ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://news.mongabay.com/2011/0123-somalia_kirkland.html Deforestation continues in Somalia despite charcoal ban Emily Kirkland, mongabay.com IRIN News, a news service operated by the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs, has reported that charcoal production i ...
- China taking firm steps to protect and nurture its ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://www.groundreport.com/Media_and_Tech/Kanas-National-Park-an-example-for-India_1/2933175 Kanas National Park – an example for India by Proloy Bagchi China is generally known for the environmental degradation that it has wrought in its various regions in ...
The Paper Trail
- Potential 2012 GOP Slow to Enlist Big-Dollar Lobby ...One strong sign of a politician’s interest in the presidential race is always the amount of early money raised. New rules for identifying lobbyist-bundlers show just two potential GOP candidates for the 2012 nomination reporting large bundled contributions from registered lobbyists in the 2009-2010 ...
- WikiLeaks More Effective Than SEC, Says Enron Whis ...A former Enron accountant who blew the whistle on fraud at the energy giant says she doesn't trust the Securities and Exchange Commission to handle tips from company insiders, even though the agency plans to offer a generous new bounty for information about fraud.
- Treasury Can Sketch Out Rulemaking Areas Before Co ...Before the controversial Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) officially opens its doors on July 21, the Treasury Department may issue preliminary notices to the public about some rulemaking areas the new bureau will tackle, according to a government memo.
- Treasury Dept. Anti-Foreclosure Program “Aby ...Desperate homeowners beware: Getting help from the federal government to lower your monthly mortgage bill may actually force you into foreclosure.
- Internal E-mails Suggest Doctoring of Oil Spill In ...The White House may have ignored expert advice from government officials and pressured scientists to make changes in a report about the BP oil spill cleanup in order to suit a public relations agenda, according to internal e-mails obtained by the Project on Government Oversight.
- Stelmach resignation leaves old-school media in th ...By Brian Brennan Can the mainstream print media successfully reinvent itself to become as relevant to news consumers in the digital age as it used to be back in the days when readers looked to their morning newspapers for authoritative coverage of the previous day's events? The question arise ...
- Mike Farnworth: gay mattersBy Dave Brindle Is BC ready for a story asking if it's ready for a gay leader? It's the story that Mike Farnworth, a leading contender to replace the deposed Carole James as leader of BC’s NDP, knew would be told before he announced his candidacy. A story that I, along with ...
- The guy’s jobBy David Bitonti This morning, as I completed picking up after my Boston Terrier in the back yard, I looked down at my plastic-wrapped hand and thought, “Why am I doing this?” I only had to remember the conversation — more like protest — with my wife the last time pooper-scooping ...
- Stephen Harper and the Kingdom of the NumbOur regular Politics blogger, Alison@Creekside, is under the weather. While we eagerly await her return, we offer you posts from some of our other favourite Canadian political bloggers, beginning with: Montreal Simon Gawd. What an awful day. Work was hell. It was rainy and slushy. The brand ne ...
- Gervais’ Gay Joke Goes AwryBy Rachel Krueger I don’t think Ricky Gervais is a homophobe. But in his Golden Globes opening monologue he delivered a right zinger that was entirely predicated on "gay" being an insult. Referring to Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor in I Love You, Phillip Morris, he quipped, ‘Two heterosexual act ...
- At midterm, Obama tries can-do slogan, detail ...NANCY BENAC Associated Press= WASHINGTON (AP) — There's a new slogan in town, and it's a winner. At least that's what President Barack Obama has in mind. The president unveiled his "Winning the Future" mantra in his State of the Union address, and now the upbeat but amorphous phrase is part of ...
- Obama determined to 'spark innovation' in US ...US President Barack Obama gives a high-five to a girl named Malia, like his... US President Barack Obama gives a high-five to a girl named Malia, like his... US President Barack Obama expressed his determination on Saturday to "spark the minds of innovators" in the United States, making the cou ...
- Obama Calls for Reforms in Egypt, an End to V ...Following days of increasing unrest in Egypt, President Barack Obama Friday called on President Hosni Mubarak to take "concrete steps" to enact political, social and economic reforms and urged demonstrators and the government...
- Michelle Obama to campaign for husband in 201 ...Washington, Jan 29 (ANI): US First Lady Michelle Obama has said she is committed to campaigning for her husband Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential elections. � "Whenever it's time to campaign and...
- How to improve your sleep Can't sleep? Sleep expert Colin Espie shows how most sleep problems can be alleviated with a few simple changes to�your bedtime routine �� During the day �� During the evening �� During the night Sleeping on the couch Photograph: Guardian During the day The purpose of sleep is to make us effect ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Colder temperatures, more heart attacksWhen temperatures dip during cold snaps, your body notices.
- PROGESTERONEinjection [Hikma Farmaceutica]Updated Date: Dec 16, 2010 EST
- ABILIFYtablet [REMEDYREPACK INC. ]Updated Date: Dec 16, 2010 EST
- Well: Tim Gunn's Advice for Making It WorkIn his role as mentor on the fashion reality show "Project Runway," Tim Gunn listens, consoles, advises and motivates the contestants. Now the fashion guru is offering his sage advice on how the rest of us can "make it work." (Source: NYT Health)
- Observatory: Humans, Like Animals, Behave Fearless ...A patient with rare brain damage is unafraid and incautious.
Common Dreams
- Protests in Cairo Forgotten by Obamaby Laura FlandersIn the State of the Union speech, Barack Obama did get applause for saying that the US stands with the people of Tunisia. Now, he didn't mention the two decades of support the US had given the dictatorship.read more
- Gaza War Report Was Stalled by Palestinian Authori ...by Seumas Milne and Ian BlackPalestinian Authority leaders co-operated with US officials in a bid to postpone the reference of the Goldstone report into war crimes in Gaza to the UN security council, leaked papers reveal. The PA, who have denied they made the decision under US pressure, later revers ...
- Shell, Slammed Over Human Rights and Environmental ...Environmental groups have accused oil giant Shell of abusing human rights and the environment in the Niger Delta at a Dutch parliamentary hearing.Amnesty International and environmental NGOs have accused the Anglo-Dutch company of failing to clean up oil spills and continuing the hazardous practice ...
- Plans for NATO Withdrawal Could Be Hit by Base Con ...by Ben Farmer in IslamabadArnold Fields, the government inspector who oversees American contracts in the country, said hundreds of new Afghan outposts, barracks and garrisons are "seriously behind schedule, making it doubtful that the construction efforts would keep pace with recruitment and trainin ...
- Tunisia Calls on Interpol to Arrest Ousted Preside ...by James MeikleTunisian authorities have asked for international arrest warrants to be issued for ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and members of his family following his flight abroad this month.The country's justice minister, Lazhar Karoui Chebbi, who also revealed that 11,000 prisoners, a ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Jesus Will Reveal Hearts http://e ...ExamineReligion: Jesus Will Reveal Hearts http://exm.nr/e26EiB
- ExamineReligion: New Music Ministry in Columbus ht ...ExamineReligion: New Music Ministry in Columbus http://exm.nr/f7duFa
- ExamineReligion: Two kinds of crazy at Sundance Fi ...ExamineReligion: Two kinds of crazy at Sundance Film Festival http://exm.nr/i3m0AQ
- ExamineReligion: Dr. D. James offers an observatio ...ExamineReligion: Dr. D. James offers an observation concerning the sbs, vbv, comparison study http://exm.nr/f4zXoX
- ExamineReligion: Islamic Awareness Week http://exm ...ExamineReligion: Islamic Awareness Week http://exm.nr/dOMNzQ
Energy Collective
- The Rise of Innovation HawksTwo nights ago, President Obama crystallized a new moment in U.S. political and economic history. The president is declaring it the “new Sputnik moment,” but whatever the label, it represents a major development in U.S. politics.
- USEC seeks future operations at PaducahUSEC (NYSE:USU) announced Jan 11 it plans to extend the operation of the Paducah, KY, Gaseous Diffusion uranium enrichment plant beyond May 2012. The firm said it would make a final decision to go forward by May 2011. The future operation of the plant would use depleted uranium (UF6) inventory from ...
- Carbon Trading Grows UpWhen someone robs a bank, nobody challenges the legitimacy of banks. They suggest instead that the bank find better security. Why should carbon markets be any different?
- An Electric Vehicle in Every Garage: What Does $19 ...I see in the Washington Post that two members of Michigan's Congressional delegation have proposed more than doubling the current federal purchase subsidy for electric vehicles to around $19 billion. They would do that by increasing the numbers of vehicles from each manufacturer eligible for the $7, ...
- A Clean Energy Future: A Shared Vision of Presiden ...Two days ago here in China, I listened attentively to President Obama’s State of the Union address, where he set forth an ambitious new economic agenda based on innovation and clean energy. Notably, the President proposed a goal of obtaining 80% of America’s electricity from clean energy sources by ...
Green House - USA Today
- My green house project leads to hospital ER visit Who knew my green house project could be dangerous? It recently landed me in a hospital emergency room, where I was given oxygen for carbon monoxide poisoning.
- New Mexico court OKs state cuts in greenhouse gase ...New Mexico's push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, challenged by its new GOP governor, has won backing from the state's Supreme Court.
- LED replacements for Edison's light bulb expandToday, 131 years after Thomas Edison was granted a patent for the incandescent light bulb, the push for more efficient lighting expands with an LED replacement touted to have Edison-like quality.
- Study: Mercury pollution concentrated in four stat ...Power plants in just four states—Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia—are responsible for more than 35% of all mercury pollution from U.S. power plants, an environmental group reports Wednesday.
- The most polluting cities? Study finds surprisesCities are often blamed for exacerbating climate change, but their emissions of greenhouse gases vary widely in some surprising ways, reports a new study of more than 100 cities in 33 countries.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- Palestine Looks Abroad for Rational UnderstandingMahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. “What one misses in Arab and Palestinian culture is a moral and intellectual standard by which truth and falsehood can be distinguished and according to which intellectuals act regardless of profit or patronage.” “We Palestinians must still reconcile ourselves with our ...
- Hezbollah is the New Government of Lebanon. Now Wh ...FRANKLIN LAMB Beirut This observer tends to get a haircut about every four months whether I need it or not. But this morning I got more than a trim from my Hezbollah friend and barber, Abass, named after Abass ibn Ali, the brother of Hussein, both martyrs and heroes of the epic 680 a.d. interneci ...
- Middle East Intifadasby Stephen Lendman Initially in Tunisia, popular revolt spread regionally across North Africa and the Middle East, erupting in Algeria, Jordan, Egypt and Yemen. On January 27, Al Jazeera reported revolutionary fervor in Egypt, saying: "On Thursday, protesters hurled petrol bombs at a fire st ...
- Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution is ...Ken O'Keefe The Global Revolution - EgyptI have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peaceniks, the communists, the anarch ...
- The Great Dictator: Heil HynckelBy Katherine Smith, PhD December 10, 2010 AP NewsBreak, Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War bring the events of Nazi Germany back into the headlines: The 600-page report, the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, confirms what the report re ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Five economic reasons to say no to more corporate ...With debate over more corporate tax cuts dominating pre-budget speculation, CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan lays down five economic reasons to say no to more tax breaks to corporations this year or next: jobs, investment, costs, opportunity costs, and the need for working capital. In this G ...
- Saskatchewan's Potash: Who Benefits?The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Saskatchewan Office today released�Exploiting Saskatchewan�s Potash: Who�Benefits? by John W. Warnock. The new report considers the history of potash exploitation in the province with an eye to answering the question of whether the people of Saskatchewan ...
- Amy Goodman will be the featured speaker at CCPA-B ...We're very pleased to announce that Amy Goodman will be the featured speaker at our 2011 Gala Fundraiser on Friday, April 29. You can buy your tickets online now: buy individual tickets ($75 each) or reserve a group table for eight ($600). Amy is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now! ...
- Ending Our Addiction to Coal: The Wind and Solar P ...The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Saskatchewan Office released today�Transforming Saskatchewan�s Electrical Future: The Potential for Wind and Solar Power, by Mark Bigland-Pritchard, a member of Green Energy Project Saskatchewan. The report offers a practical and workable set of integrate ...
- Why are Canadian corporate taxes so low?PricewaterhouseCoopers and the World Bank published their "Paying Taxes 2011" study. �Among other things it examines the total tax rate paid by a hypothetical flower pot corporation in 183 countries around the world. �Canada is in the top 10 countries in terms of how easy it is to pay taxes. What i ...
World Wide Hippies
- the sixtiesthe sixties the sixties were about death, hope, and revolution that went belly up it was a flower spoiled with too much of everything shat upon by everyone lost to the meek in us who shall inherit the earth glorious, destructive, and drug induced sixties a black hole still sucking in historians tryi ...
- Egypt turned off the internet: “It can’ ...Aljazeera | AP- Egypt goes off the digital map as authorities unplug the country entirely from the internet ahead of protests. About a half-hour past midnight on Friday in Egypt, the internet went dead. Almost simultaneously, the handful of companies that pipe the internet into and out of Egypt went ...
- Johnny Rotten Hates HippiesJohn Lydon’s latest noise | LA Times Music is in the background, but the former Sex Pistols singer has stories to tell. On a recent weekday morning John Lydon was riding passenger side on Venice Boulevard toward downtown L.A., and the day seemed full of possibility. “I don’t get out much, so I’m thi ...
- Weekly Hippie TriviaA new Trivia Question will be posted every Friday at 8:00 pm (EST). You can post your answer in the comments section below the question and be entered into a chance to win a WWH Bumpersticker! American award winning television and theater actress and singer. God mother to a famous “spoon”-player. ...
- Islamic HippieI guess Cat Stevens wasn’t the only one, huh? John Mohammed Butt: The hippy who became an imam | Saudi Gazette FORTY years after following the hippy trail to South Asia, John Butt is still living in the region, and still spreading a message of peace and love â though now as an Islamic scholar. As ou ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- "I Shall Not Hate": Gaza Doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish ...AMY GOODMAN: Yesterday marked the second anniversary of the end of Israel’s assault on Gaza. Dubbed "Operation Cast Lead," up to 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in the 22-day assault between December 28th, 2008 and January 18th, 2009. More than half the Palestinians killed were civil ...
- Fox News: The No. 1 Name in Murder FantasiesBill O'Reilly's recent "joke" about decapitating Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank was only the latest example of a demented Fox News culture that permits on-air personalities to fantasize about assassination and other forms of violence against those deemed enemies of the station, its personali ...
- Robert Greenwald on the Ed Show -- January 6, 2011 ...
- The Tyranny of Defense Inc.American politics is typically a grimy business of horses traded and pork delivered. Political speech, for its part, tends to be formulaic and eminently forgettable. Yet on occasion, a politician will transcend circumstance and bear witness to some lasting truth: George Washington in his Farewell Ad ...
- War Is a DrugIf, as 2011 begins, you want to peer into the future, enter my time machine, strap yourself in, and head for the past, that laboratory for all developments of our moment and beyond.Just as 2010 ended, the American military�s urge to surge resurfaced in a significant way.� It seems that �leaders� in ...
- Obama: Mubarak must deliver on democracy promisePresident Barack Obama says he's spoken to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and told him he has a responsibility to take concrete steps to deliver on promises of better democracy and greater economic opportunity
- Backlash over firing of pro-Palestinian professorA watchdog group that defends academic freedom has now weighed in on the case of a Brooklyn College professor who was fired after complaints from a local politician about his pro-Palestinian views.
- That's a wrap: Kucinich settles olive-pit-in-sandw ...Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) has settled a lawsuit against a Capitol Hill cafeteria over a split tooth he says he suffered when he bit into an olive pit in a sandwich wrap.
- Pro-Israel groups cool to Egyptian protestsIt's hardly a secret that Israel is worried about the events in Egypt, which signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state in�1979�under the leadership of Hosni Mubarak's predecessor, Anwar Sadat.�More recently, Egypt has cooperated with Israel on the blockade of Gaza.
- The blogger who still loves MubarakWhile some conservatives fancifully imagine that George W. Bush's foreign policy misadventures led to these demonstrations in the Arab world, and while others acknowledge that Mubarak is awful but the rest of those Muslims are even worse, one prominent conservative blogger is openly rooting for t ...
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits cam ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metre (9 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Rep by pop: Ward sizes need a fixToronto needs to redraw its ward boundaries to ensure fair representation.
- City budget: Ford keeps gravy train rolling alongWhen it comes to Toronto’s budget, city hall’s Ford Team is so far like a losing sports franchise — promising to do better next year.
- Darts & Laurels TONY CLEMENT: For feeding Canadian stereotypes. The federal industry minister couldn’t resist tweeting his enthusiasm for having BeaverTails on offer at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Really? This greasy treat, along with red-jacketed Mounties ...
- Niagara school board: Poor students deserve betterThe Niagara board’s idea to put struggling students from the poorest neighbourhoods into their own school is misguided.
- Egypt’s turmoil: Support Arab reformersThe Canadian government should speak up and support the Arab activists who are challenging their autocratic leaders.
Energy Collective
- The Rise of Innovation HawksTwo nights ago, President Obama crystallized a new moment in U.S. political and economic history. The president is declaring it the “new Sputnik moment,” but whatever the label, it represents a major development in U.S. politics.
- USEC seeks future operations at PaducahUSEC (NYSE:USU) announced Jan 11 it plans to extend the operation of the Paducah, KY, Gaseous Diffusion uranium enrichment plant beyond May 2012. The firm said it would make a final decision to go forward by May 2011. The future operation of the plant would use depleted uranium (UF6) inventory from ...
- Carbon Trading Grows UpWhen someone robs a bank, nobody challenges the legitimacy of banks. They suggest instead that the bank find better security. Why should carbon markets be any different?
- An Electric Vehicle in Every Garage: What Does $19 ...I see in the Washington Post that two members of Michigan's Congressional delegation have proposed more than doubling the current federal purchase subsidy for electric vehicles to around $19 billion. They would do that by increasing the numbers of vehicles from each manufacturer eligible for the $7, ...
- A Clean Energy Future: A Shared Vision of Presiden ...Two days ago here in China, I listened attentively to President Obama’s State of the Union address, where he set forth an ambitious new economic agenda based on innovation and clean energy. Notably, the President proposed a goal of obtaining 80% of America’s electricity from clean energy sources by ...
EU Times
- British scientists ‘invent artificial petrol’ that ...Artificial petrol that costs 19p per litre could be on forecourts in as little as three years. British scientists are refining the recipe for a hydrogen-based fuel that will run in existing cars and engines at the fraction of the cost of conventional petrol. With hydrogen at its heart rather than ca ...
- Boom in immigration helped cause the economic cris ...David Cameron today identified immigration as being partly responsible for the economic crisis gripping the country. The Prime Minister said ‘unsustainable levels of public spending and immigration’ were among the problems inherited by the Coalition when they won the keys to Downing Street. In a spe ...
- Internet and text messaging switched off in EgyptEgypt’s decision to turn off the Internet last night, denying users access to Twitter, Facebook, and text messaging, couldn’t stop thousands of protesters from taking to the streets of Cairo Friday morning, with similar demonstrations in Suez, Alexandria, and Al Arish in northern Sinai. Supporters o ...
- New secret UFO Wikileaks cable revealedA source from within the inner circle of the Wikileaks team has confidentially leaked to All News Web the content of a State Dept cable, concerning UFO affairs, that Wikileaks has declined to upload onto their website. The cable states: “It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not ...
- Yemen protests: Thousands call on president to lea ...Thousands of Yemenis are demonstrating in the capital Sanaa, calling on Ali Abdullah Saleh, president for more than 30 years, to step down. This comes after mass protests in Egypt and a popular uprising in Tunisia that ousted its long-time leader. Yemeni opposition members and youth activists gather ...
Stonecipher News
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actuality ...
- Special Education High School Transition ServicesFrom my Factoidz page: 1414(d) and in Findings about “effective transition services to promote successful post-Students typically start transition services at the age 14 if educational services are still required as determined by the school district and the IEP team. However, Washington State’s Offi ...
- Don't Quit Your Day JobThis is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine. With approximately 4,000,000 students today, more than 20 percent of all students enrolled in higher education are taking at least one course online. Self paced online courses all ...
- Breast Cancer Gene May Raise Men’s Risk, TooSource: HealthDay News: "A faulty gene that greatly increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer also boosts a man’s risk for the disease, a new study finds. While most people think of breast cancer as a woman’s illness, in rare cases men can develop breast tumors as well. The new study found that me ...
- Diabetics Urged to Confer With Their Doctor About ...According to Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter, "THURSDAY, July 15 (HealthDay News) -- One day after a U.S. advisory panel recommended that the controversial diabetes drug Avandia stay on the market -- albeit with added restrictions -- several medical organizations are urging patients not to change ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Motorola Milestone XT800 Price in India â Stylish ...Motorola Milestone XT800 is a stylish Dual Sim Android mobile phone having outstanding features available in India at affordable price. The Motorola Milestone XT800 runs on Android 2.2 OS and powered by a TI OMAP3430 550 Mhz processor. The Motorola Milestone XT800 Dual SIM Android phone supports a ...
- Angry Birds Cases for iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4GAngry Birds Cases for iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4G is a post from: Gadgets DNA We have already seen Angry birds on the plush dolls, on the t-shirts, on costumes and on cakes. But now, game fanatics have developed protective cases for iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G , available in three colors; red, yellow a ...
- Google preparing for an Android event on Feb 2Google have sent out invitations for an Android event next Wednesday headlined “A Taste Of What’s new from Android”, which would feature their first tablet oriented operating system, Honeycomb. We’ve seen a bunch of pictures and videos of the OS in motion already, but this event could help give us ...
- Charlie Sheen Goes To HospitalSo Charlie Sheen lives next door to some ho from the Real Housewives BH and Charlie was having some stomach pains Thursday morning and was rushed to Cedars Sinai. "We did receive a call from Charlie's house this morning, asking for medical assistance and advice," the couple tell PEOPLE in a stateme ...
- FBI Arrests 40 Wikileaks HacktivistsA report from mcclatchydc mentions that the FBI said Thursday it had served more than 40 search warrants throughout the United States as part of an investigation into computer attacks on websites of businesses that stopped providing services in December to WikiLeaks. The FBI statement announcing th ...
- "Bullies": P2P lawyers demand sanctions against th ...Late last year, Massachusetts resident Dmitriy Shirokov teamed up with a pair of young lawyers to file a class-action lawsuit against attorneys from Dunlap, Grubb & Weaver-the firm operating as the US Copyright Group. ...Yesterday, DGW fired back with both barrels. Barrel number one was the claim th ...
- Wyden pledges to delay Internet anti-piracy billThe EFF said that tools are already in place to fight piracy and that new rules won't give Web sites due process. "Under current law, Hollywood already has powerful tools to police online infringement, such as the DMCA takedown process, that were the result of years of negotiation and include prote ...
- The Document Foundation, LibreOffice and OOXMLIf you thought we were all back to sleep after the release of LibreOffice 3.3, think again! The Steering Committee is at work and today we wanted to publish our opinion on a touchy subject, the support of OOXML in LibreOffice. LibreOffice offers the ability to export documents in the Microsoft Offic ...
- The Tweets Must FlowOur position on freedom of expression carries with it a mandate to protect our users' right to speak freely and preserve their ability to contest having their private information revealed. While we may need to release information as required by law, we try to notify Twitter users before handing over ...
- 3 Projects to Create a Government-less InternetThe OLPC's XO has meshnetworking capabilities. And some gaming systems, such as the Nintendo DS, have mesh networking built in. But we want to look at projects that are specifically aimed at replacing or augmenting the public Internet. - Klint Finley, ReadWriteWeb
- Economic Assassin Talks With WideShutUKKeelan interviews the Economic Assassin Graham Sharkey about the recession, China, Ireland's bailout, the cuts, silver and much more.
- Homeland Security Say Using Cash Might Be Terroris ...DHS propaganda video claims using cash is weird and might be a sign of terrorism.
- Blair Uses Iraq War Inquiry To Push Anti-Iran Prop ...Iran is the new Iraq, and Blair is using the Iraq Inquiry to push the propaganda of a nuclear threat. We take a look at the facts.
- Hackers Target EU Carbon TradersCzech Hackers steal EU carbon credits, reopening the debate on CO2 trading.
- Mainstream Admit Oil Could Hit $200 Barrel HighLindsey Williams proven right by the BBC on $200 a barell oil, but is there really an oil shortage?
Waterkeeper Alliance
Empty newsfeed.
Politics in the Zeros
- Michael Vicks’ dogs make a comebackSue and I do cat rescue and fostering. Currently we are fostering two kittens that were found abandoned by a road. They were traumatized and starving when we got them. Now they are happy and playful, as well as best friends forever. They are totally bonded. After all they’ve been through Hell and ha ...
- Really Bad Idea of the DayShining laser beams into the eyes of pilots landing at airports. Imagine the surprise of the pranksters doing it when they get arrested and discover it’s a federal offense. Kids: leave those laser pointers at home when you go near an airport!
- Egypt, and the reaction of the US and IsraelWouldn’t it be nice if the U.S. could figure out whether it prefers the democracy it’s always talking about publicly or the “stability of dictatorships” it has always funded with military aid, though? The US (and Israel) are totally in favor of democracy except when they aren’t. In fact, Israel just ...
- Egypt. No turning backProtesters will either topple the government or the resultant repression from the current government will be vicious. They only thing that really matters now is whether the police and military stay loyal. Continuing coverage at FDL , Juan Cole, and The Guardian.
- Polizeros Radio. SOTU, Egypt, organizing tactics, ...Tonight’s discussion was free-ranging. The SOTU address seemed mostly banal. Also, Utah revamped their state pension plan in just one year, potentially saving 50%. Can this be a model for other states? It shows that change can happen, and quickly too. Egypt is erupting. Will the protests succeed in ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Bay of Plenty river set for 50-year peakSandbags have been placed around properties in a Bay of Plenty town to protect against the threat of flooding.
- Lucky escape after house collapsesTwo women are lucky to be alive after their clifftop home came crashing down after Cyclone Wilma hit the North Island
- Marine reserves to be created around the sub-Antar ...Three massive marine reserves are to be created around the sub-Antarctic Islands.
- Bay of Plenty river set for 50-year peakThe Waimana River in the Bay of Plenty is expected to peak tonight at a 50-year level.
- Egypt's Mubarak sends in army, resists demands to ...Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak refused to bow demands that he resign.
Just World News
- Obama's know-nothings discuss EgyptVia TPM's intriguing new "Egypt wire", this: President Obama was reportedly briefed for 40 minutes on the situation in Egypt today. Here, a photo of his meeting with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon; Chief of Staff Bill Daley; Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication Ben Rh ...
- Note on the term 'imperium'A friend asked why I used that term in my big post yesterday. It was a semi-conscious reference to the (heavily British-dominated) "Anglo-Egyptian Condominum" that controlled the governance of Sudan from 1899 through 1956. Of course, if you want to look at the many woes assailing the people of Suda ...
- Wiklileaks, EgyptIs here. H/T Adam Horowitz. I hope some JWN readers have time to peruse and post highlights (with links) in the comments section here? Sadly, I don't. Got a publishing business to run...
- Jonathan Wright's great reporting from CairoI learned from Issandr that Jonathan Wright, former long-time Reuters newsman now living and working in Cairo as a translator (hey, we former Reuters people end up doing the darnedest things!), has now gotten a return of the journo-adrenalin itch and has started a blog. Excellent, well-informed stu ...
- Agents provocateurs in Cairo?Issandr's reporting on this from 1 a.m. Friday Cairo time is very worrying: I have received eyewitness reports from three people that Central Security Forces (the riot control police) are pulling out of multiple locations in Cairo. Plainclothes security has been seen at various locations pouring g ...
First Truths
- Speed Bumps on the Information SuperhighwayFor the Center for a Stateless Society, I raise objections to IP law and praise networks of free individuals within the context of Facebook.
- Corporate Welfare Disguised As "Free Trade"Beware of "free trade agreements," statist pacts that fix the rules for Big Business and cheat consumers. My commentary here.
- Organized Crime Fights Organized Crime?At the Center for a Stateless Society, I write: The rudiment of anarchism's canon "no masters," its starting point, is an unambiguous attention to basic and widely-accepted moral values, not an involved, scholarly rationale but an affirmation of principles that almost all of us adhere to anyway. In ...
- The Revolving-Door Polity of CorporatismIn a C4SS commentary regarding the appointment of Jeffrey Immelt to the Economic Recovery Advisory Board, I write: And regardless of the sound bites they direct at the public, politicians and CEOs understand full well that the myth is just that, a handy piece of rhetoric intended to obfuscate what's ...
- The Pretense of "Austerity"For C4SS, I write: The truth of state capitalism, though, is that it harnesses and exploits the labor and aptitude of the many to fatten a parasitic few. Working people lay the foundational infrastructure of state-capitalism, allowing its top-heavy imbalances to carry on in the face of countervailin ...
Media Co-Op
- Personal Testimony of Police Brutality during Cair ...An account from Mona Prince, Egyptian writer and university professor, Cairo january 27 2011 Around 6.30 pm down town Cairo, i joined the demonstration on qasr el nil street along with some friends and other people whom i don't know. The prot ...
- SFU Board nailed on Goldcorp dirty moneyVANCOUVER - More than 100 activists and students showed up outside a Simon Fraser University Board of Governors meeting ìn downtown Vancouver today to protest the university`s involvement with notorious human rights abuser Goldcop. The Canadian mining company has donated millions of dollars to SFU i ...
- A chat with Alanis ObomsawinAbenaki filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin on Indigenous resistance and documentary filmmaking in post-Oka Canada After her presentation at the University of King's College in Halifax this week, I sat down with pioneering Abenaki�filmmaker Alanis Obom ...
- Vancouver Community Television AssociationThis video gives a brief history of community television and the impact that media has on creating our environment. This a call out to anyone wanting to get involved with a n ...
- Dene Rally Against Devil-ution YellowknifeDene representatives and members from several First Nations held a rally against the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)'s "Devil-ution" initiative, denouncing it ...
David Seaton's News Links
- A fairy tale as grim as Grimm could ever be (a fab ...David Seaton's News LinksOnce upon a time in a far off and pleasant land, during the reign of King George the Idiot, there lived a young man who dreamed of fame and greatness. He yearned so long and so deeply, that the Good Fairy was moved by his constant pleading and praying and appeared before him ...
- The "Sputnik Moment": One nation with paranoia for ...� David Seaton's News Links I remember once reading an Indian guru, who said that if the water buffalo had a god, it would probably look like a very large water buffalo. He believed that there is only one god, formless and all pervading, but that he/she/it responds to intense worship by taking on t ...
- Where is China headed?China's high speed train system David Seaton's News Link I heard a talk over a year ago at a meeting of the Madrid Fulbright association: the speaker was professor Fisac, the head of Chinese studies at Madrid University.� She said that in the course of conversation with an official of the Chinese C ...
- Speaking of ChinaDavid Seaton's News LinksI am in awe of the Chinese and have been since I was a child. I think Napoleon's famous phrase, "Let China sleep for when she awakes, she will shake the world" is an understatement. The only mystery was their decadence. So finally, my intuition that China is behind Wikileaks ...
- Wikileaks (my latest theory)David Seaton's News LinksAfter my waltzing around ever so long with trying to figure out who's behind Wikileaks, the penny finally dropped. It is so glaringly obvious to me now, that I'm surprised it never occurred to me before. The good news is that it isn't Israel.(Hillary) Clinton likened online ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- NIH panel links Vitamin A in sunscreen to skin tum ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982 leeann@ewg.org A key independent science advisory panel has voted to confirm federal researchers' conclusion that retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A found in two-fifths of U.S. sunscreens,... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- Obama Speech Misfired on Ethanol, Ag PolicyContact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. – President Barak Obama’s call to “stop subsidizing yesterday’s energy” in his State of the Union speech last night was welcome, but the President missed an opportunity to focus... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- New York State: 85 chemicals to avoidJanuary 24th, 2011 By Olga Naidenko, EWG Senior Scientist When someone with $8 billion a year in purchasing power tells the world what they don’t want, marketers and manufacturers pay attention. That’s what’s happened... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my web ...
- EPA Unveils Plan to Help Identify ‘Brockovich’ Che ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promised to help local water utilities address public concerns over the possible presence of hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) in... [[ This is a content summary only. V ...
- EPA to Bar Fluoride-Based PesticideContact: EWG Public Affairs, 202-667-6982 leeann@ewg.org; Beyond Pesticides: Jay Feldman, 202-543-5450 Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today proposed to grant three environmental groups’ petition to end the use... [[ This is a content summary onl ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Is a College Education Still a Good Investment?The United States may have a college education bubble that could soon start to burst, possibly as soon as mid-2011. While college may be worth attending if you plan on actually learning something, going to college simply to get a better job is becoming a poor choice, if it ever was a good one -- wor ...
- The Single Most Important Element for Your HealthDr. Gerald Pollack is one of the few expert researchers in the area of water and what it means to your health. He's a professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, whose theory of water is nothing short of ground-breaking.
- The Smoking Time Bomb Sitting Next to Your Brain - ...At the end of the two-day hearing to evaluate the safety of amalgam, the FDA's own scientific panel � including neurologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, and environmental health specialists � told the agency to stop amalgam use in children, pregnant women, and hypersensitive populations.� Afte ...
- The Secrets of Never Getting SickGene Stone spent several years of investigating why some people never get sick. One thing he found was that all of them consciously follow a preventive regimen with consistency and conviction. He interviewed more than 100 people who seemed never to fall ill, and wrote about the 25 techniques that s ...
- Staticky Cat vs. Balloon This cat is really attached to his balloon!
- Meaningful Disparities Reduction Through Research ...
- Improving the Science and Politics of Quality Impr ...
- Preventing Death One Stroke at a Time [Editorial]
- Blood Transfusion and Cardiac Surgery [Letters]
- Blood Transfusion and Cardiac Surgery [Letters]
Survival - tribal peoples
- Anti-mining activist shot dead in PhilippinesNickel mining threatens to devastate the Palawan tribe's land. © Dario Novellino An anti-mining activist has been murdered in the Philippines. Dr Gerry Ortega was shot dead four days ago on Palawan island. Local mayor Edward Hagedorn told journalists, ‘From the initial findings, we know that t ...
- Cartoon book satirizing ‘development’ launched in ...Survival's 'There you go!' can be read in two minutes. © Oren Ginzburg/Survival Survival has launched in the United States a biting critique of how tribal peoples are being destroyed in the name of âdevelopmentâ. The critique is presented in a cartoon book called âThere you go!â that can be re ...
- Victory for Kalahari Bushmen as court grants right ...The ruling means that the Bushmen can finally use a vital well. © Survival In a momentous decision, Botswanaâs Court of Appeal today quashed a ruling that denied the Kalahari Bushmen access to water on their ancestral lands. With support from Survival, the Bushmen appealed a 2010 High Court j ...
- Bushman arrested while helping tribe’s lawyer visi ...The Bushmen's lawyer Gordon Bennett also represented them during their 2006 High Court victory. © Survival The high profile Bushman activist Jumanda Gakelebone was arrested and held overnight while travelling through his homeland in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve over the weekend. The ...
- Derisory sentences for torture video soldiersFootage of the torture was released on the internet in October. © Survival Three Indonesian soldiers who were captured on video torturing two Papuan villagers last May, were sentenced on Monday to between eight and ten months in prison. Human rights organizations have condemned the short senten ...
Montreal Gazette
- A new hospital is worth a few traffic woesThe next few months will be a trying time for commuters who live in Notre de Grace and surrounding neighbourhoods. The St. JacquesSt. exitoff thewestboundVilleMarie Autoroute is scheduled to close this coming Tuesday. As well, Decarie Blvd. has been closed to traffic between St. Jacques St. ...
- Promise and peril in the Middle EastIn Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria and Jordan, protesters have taken to the streets in a movement that, while it threatens Middle East stability, could prove the long-awaited step toward greater democratization and freedom in the region.
- Nurse-practitioner program must be made to workQuebec's effort to bring 500 new nurse practitioners into its health-care system by 2018 got off to a rocky start last month. A full 40 per cent of 33 student specialists failed their final provincial exam in December. Without a pass in that exam, the nursing students cannot graduate -or pra ...
- Nurse-practitioner program must be made to workQuebec's effort to bring 500 new nurse practitioners into its health-care system by 2018 got off to a rocky start last month. A full 40 per cent of 33 student specialists failed their final provincial exam in December. Without a pass in that exam, the nursing students cannot graduate -or pra ...
- Editorial: What's good for Duceppe isn't good for ...Gilles Duceppe is the most fortunate of federal party leaders in some respects. As leader of the Bloc Quebecois, whose presence in a single province consigns it to perpetual opposition, he doesn't have to appeal to the broad spectrum of Canadian voters or advocate responsible policies that h ...
Food World Order
- cdc admits dc water may still be contaminatedhead of dc water says cdc report 'not new news' from washington post: The water in almost 15,000 DC homes that were repaired during a massive effort to remove lead pipes may still be contaminated by dangerous levels of the metal, according to a report released [Dec1] by the CDC. If those residenc ...
- 1/6 binge & purge: food banks, no-bids & drinkify- ...millions in US heading to foodbanks for first time* usda certified organic's dirty little secret: neotame, from the makers of aspartame* food supply company, employing fmr head of defense contracting agency, wins $4b no-bid contract* pepsi puts an end to chewing by 'drinkifying' food* an ...
- despite massive protests, senate passes 'food safe ...from natural news: The new Food Tyranny Act - called the "Food Safety Modernization Act" in the U.S. Senate - has been passed by the senate today. It would give the FDA vast new powers to criminalize and imprison farmers and food producers while doing absolutely nothing to address to real root of th ...
- leaked document: epa knowingly approved bee-killin ...from natural news: A Colorado beekeeper recently obtained a leaked document revealing that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knows a popular crop pesticide is killing off honey bees, but has allowed its continued approval anyway. Despite opposition from its own scientists, EPA officials ...
- 1/27 binge & purge: fake food futureyo quiero weird ingredients: lawsuit vs taco bell's fake beef* fox covers fake blueberries story uncovered by natural news* the naked truth about kids' food advertising* 'bug mac' & lovely 'grub': food of the future* US makes record soybean sale to china* pick your poison: the amer ...
- Readers' Forum: Predatory conversions send a messa ...source: Contra Costa Times, 22-Jan-2011 By Samir Kalra and Mihir Meghani Guest Commentary Posted: 01/22/2011 12:01:00 AM PST THE RECENT Bay Area News Group coverage of Bhutanese refugees highlighted the experiences of Hindu and Buddhist Bhutanese refugees in the Bay Area, and ra ...
- Indian missionaries prepare to evangelize Bhutansource: Catholic Culture, January 28, 2011 (an example of Wolf in Sheep's clothing) Authorities in Bhutan have signaled that they will permit the registration at least one Christian organization in the landlocked Asian nation. Currently, Christians are permitted to worship in their homes ...
- "Crorepathy" Fr. Jegath Gasper Raj main ...source: Asian Tribune The Sri Lankan Catholic Church, the Catholic Radio Veritas based in Phillipines, the Tamil Catholic hierachy and its priests have been the main links of the global network of the Church to protect, promote, provide succor and cover to the internationally banned T ...
- Sex, lies and money in the churchsource: Indian Express, October 24, 2010 Shevlin Sebastian It was midnight. Fr Jose George could not sleep because there was no fan in his room. Jose knocked on Anna Jacobs door. When she opened it, he told her he could not sleep. She invited him inside, because there was a fan. ...
- Denigration of Buddhism & conversion of the vu ...source: Vijayvaani.com, Oct 25, 2010 Christianisation was the third force of colonialism as best expressed by Jomo Kenyatta, the late Kenyan leader, who said: When the white man came he had the bible we had the land. Then he said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- No titleWe Need Your Help Urgently Please so That Robert Green Can Stand for Parliament on the Hollie Greig Establishment Abuse Case Do you live in the constituency of Aberdeen South? The wards are: Queens Cross, Gilcomston, Langstane, Hazelhead, Peterculter, Murtle, Cults, Mannofield, Ashley, Holburn, Gar ...
- Please join the Hollie Campaign during the UK Gene ...What is the point of knowing what is going on if we then do nothing about it! ‘Paedophilia within the British establishment is rife. Up and down the country, innocent children are being sexually abused by people holding positions of trust in ways that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary dece ...
- With Regard to Maureen Spalek’s Arrest in Li ...In case you would like to phone Cheshire police’s, main switchboard to ask about Maureen Spalek’s welfare, the number you need to call is 0845 458 0000. And in case you would like to also give Merseyside police a call, their number is 0151-709-6010 - Maureen is a resident of Liverpool even though sh ...
- Why isn’t this being used on the Gulf Coast ...The Texas Land Office and Texas Water Commission successfully used ‘oil eating’ microbes to clean up large oil spills in just weeks. Microbes hunt down and eat the toxic oil and leave only a biodegradable waste that is non-toxic to humans and marine life. Marshland and beaches were pristine again in ...
- Truthjuice Summer Gathering
The Economic Collapse
- The Riots In Egypt And The Price Of OilAs if the world economy did not have enough problems already, now the riots in Egypt threaten to send the price of oil soaring into the stratosphere. On Friday, the price of U.S. crude soared 4 percent. A 4 percent rise in a single day is pretty staggering. The price of Brent cru ...
- Doom And GloomHave you noticed that most Americans seem to know far more about American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Justin Bieber and their favorite sports teams than they do about world affairs? Most Americans cannot even find Tunisia and Algeria on a map, and if you told them that food riots ...
- Warning SignsDo you see all of the warning signs that are flashing all around you? These days it seems like there is more bad economic news in a single week than there used to be in an entire month. 2011 is already shaping up to be a very dark year for the world economy. The price [...]
- Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Ba ...How do we fix the economy? That is a question that tens of millions of Americans are asking right now. Republicans are harshly criticizing the empty economic proposals being put forward by Barack Obama and the Democrats, but the Republicans don't seem to have any real solutions ei ...
- 20 Shocking New Economic Records That Were Set In ...2010 was quite a year, wasn't it? 2010 will be remembered for a lot of things, but for those living in the United States, one of the main things that last year will be remembered for is economic decline. The number of foreclosure filings set a new record, the number of home reposs ...
- What if We Stopped Fighting For Preservation?Tom Butler defends land preservation as a critical strategy for dealing with the downsides of economic growth.
- Might As Well Face It, We’re Addicted to GrowthDave Gardner examines how to get growth-addicted nations into a growth rehab.
- Opportunities for a Different Economy in 2011Brent Blackwelder wants to crush corruption, tame tax dodgers, and spread the word about the transition to a sustainable and fair economy.
- What If We Stopped Fighting for Preservation and F ...Tim Murray has a fresh idea for achieving conservation over the long haul.
- Fictitious “Facts” Spur Students to Liquidate the ...Are our colleges and universities sending students to work on a misguided mission?
The Talking Clock
- Biased BBC: How the opinions of the 'Question Time ...Sometimes, the things that you really should know are hidden in plain view - carefully left planted for the observant to notice and signpost. And so it is with this gem regarding the Biased BBC and it's flagship political programme Question Time. Over on Conservative Home, Alex Deane is lettin ...
- ...but the people everywhere they've kept faith wi ...Apologies for light blogging this week. Normal service will now resume. One thing about blogging is that you need to feel inspired enough by a story in order to want to comment. One subject - one person is guaranteed to get us back to the computer... --------------------------------------- ...
- Quote of the Day: 'What time are you free, Nigel?' ..."I have written extensively on Europe, so I won’t repeat it all. But the fact remains that we’re handing new powers to Brussels faster than Labour did before us. We’ve failed to make a stand at any point. And now we have the effrontery to bring forward this “Sovereignty Bill”, which is no more than ...
- As the mainstream media insist on talking about ph ...The mainstream media is - again - dominated by talk of phone hacking. So, here's the thoughts that are drifting through my mind on the subject. You and I might not have the technical knowledge or know-how to have a clue about phone hacking or how it might be achieved. However, if at the tim ...
- Old and Sad people vote LibLabConThe people of Oldham & Saddleworth have voted for one of the three people from the one party state that is the LibLabCon. Voting for one of the three faces of the same old one party state nation... that'll change things. Turnout was just 48% - so the majority of people voted for nobody at all. ...
Facing South
- 'Billionaires club' of wealthy conservatives gathe ...For years the Koch brothers from Kansas (reportedly worth $21.5 billion each) have been hosting a secret gathering of conservative businessmen, operatives and politicians to with little fanfare. But this year's pow-wow at the Ranchos Las Palmas Resort and Spa in Rancho Mirage, California is draw ...
- What if executives feared prison time for health a ...By Jenny Brown, Labor Notes In the U.S., owners and managers of companies like BP, responsible for 11 deaths and 17 injuries in last year's Gulf oil rig explosion, never face jail time for the workers they kill. That's not the case everywhere: Steelworkers in Canada are pressing a prosecution of ...
- Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strap ...In 2010, Republicans campaigned on the issues of jobs, taxes and the economy -- and with� states still reeling from scarce jobs and tight budgets, GOP leaders have pledged to keep that focus. In North Carolina, incoming House Speaker Rep. Thom Tillis (R) opened the 2011 session this week by puttin ...
- Scientists found chemical dispersants lingering in ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Chemical compounds from the oil dispersants applied to the Gulf of Mexico didn't break down as expected, according to a study released this week. Scientists found the compounds lingering for months in the deep waters of the Gulf, long after BP's oil had stopped spewing ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Starving the unionsRate of union membership in the U.S. in 2010: 11.9 percent Number of years since the union membership rate was that low: 70 Number of U.S. workers who belonged to unions in 2010: 14.7 million Decline in union membership over the previous year, attributable in part to the recession eroding employm ...
- Online Open Forum: Increasing Unrest in EgyptWith developments in Lebanon, Yemen, Tunisia, and especially, Egypt, rapidly evolving with increased protests and unrest, CLS has asked a few of its colleagues to comment on the activities that are shaking the Arab and North African world. The latest … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsColor-Coded Terror Alerts Will Be Scrapped The Obama administration announced Thursday that the Department of Homeland Securityâs color-coded terror alert system will be phased out over the next 90 days, according to reports. In its place will be a new … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsUK Unveils Counterterrorism Reforms The British government released its review of the countryâs counterterrorism laws Wednesday, with recommended changes to the detention and surveillance system for terrorism suspects known as âcontrol orders.â The 2005 system applies to suspects, eight British … Co ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsGhailani Receives Life Sentence for Role in Embassy Bombings Ahmed Ghailani, the first former Guantanamo detainee to be tried in U.S. civilian court, was given a life sentence Tuesday for his role in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in East … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsSuicide Bombing at Moscow Airport Kills at Least 35 A suicide bomber, and perhaps two, struck Moscowâs Domodedovo Airport just after 4:30pm local time, killing at least 35 and wounding 180 people, according to reports. The NYT reports that â[t]he … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Mum's stem cells could stop defects before birthTransferring maternal stem cells to the fetus could be the key to curing genetic diseases in the womb
- Today on New Scientist: 24 January 2011All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: aerobatic robots, an ancient puzzle and the many meanings of life
- Dragonfish nebula conceals giant star clusterInside the nebula's dark, gaping maw sits the Milky Way's most massive cluster of baby stars
- Hands off my host! Why worms turn larvae redA parasitic worm infests moth larvae and turns them a vivid shade of red – apparently to warn off predators that would otherwise pose a threat
- Today on New Scientist: 21 January 2011All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: perfect tortellini, a pterosaur egg, infectious depression, King Tut, and more
Tech Drive In
- Bodhi Linux Review - An Incredibly Good, Lightweig ...Bodhi Linux is NOT yet another Ubuntu based Linux distro. Bodhi Linux is among a very few number of Ubuntu based distros that run Enlightenment window manager instead of the popular alternatives like GNOME or KDE. I had never used anything other than GNOME, KDE and XFCE desktops before and I have to ...
- Android Overtakes iPhone in U.S. for the First Tim ...In line with the predictions by Gartner some months ago, open source Android OS is indeed winning the war against Apple's iOS in the great fight for U.S. smartphone market dominance. For the first time ever in U.S. smartphone history, more people are using Google's Android OS powered smartphones tha ...
- How About Something Similar to Ubuntu Control Cent ...Ubuntu Control Center is a nice simple application to sort things out easily and�intuitively in Ubuntu. It is originally inspired from Mandriva Control Center and�aims to centralize and organize the main configuration tools available in Ubuntu. Ubuntu Control Center Ubuntu Control Center aims ...
- LibreOffice 3.3 Released, Download Candidates Avai ...LibreOffice 3.3 stable is released finally with enormous amount of bug fixes and other major improvements. OpenOffice has already become memory and LibreOffice is the new name for revolution. As Mark Shuttleworth himself stated�before, LibreOffice is already a default in ongoing Ubuntu Natty release ...
- Human Love, Probe - Two New Short Films Using Blen ...Here comes even more movies and short films made using Blender for visual effects. For starters, Blender is a free and open source 3D content creation application. If you have seen the brilliant collection of Blender made videos we have featured here before, you probably don't need any more lecturin ...
Case About Bird Flu
- CONCERNS OVER GERMAN MILITARY GROWThe scandals on the German navy’s flagship Gorch Fock suggest a military that is *not effective *not under political control *not in alignment with civilian culture. These scandals are provoking a much needed debate about what kind of army is likely to emerge out of the radical reforms being pushe ...
- Irish resistance gathers on the internetCheck out these three Irish resistance websites www.isf.me peoples-parliament.com and save planet1.com.
- EGYPT SHUTS DOWN INTERNET BUT PROTESTS CONTINUEEgypt’s Internet Shutdown Can’t Stop Mass Protests By Spencer Ackerman January 28, 2011 | 8:48 am | Protesters have flooded the streets of Alexandria and Suez. In Cairo, they’re publicly praying in the thoroughfare. And the Egyptian government can’t seem to stop them, despite the crackdown on in ...
- Obama Administration Expresses Support For Mubarak ...Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com January 28, 2011 The Obama administration expressed its support for under fire Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak even as footage emerged of a protester being shot dead by Mubarak’s security forces in Cairo, as the government shut down the Internet, land lines and the mo ...
- Egyptian army financed by USA will hold key to dic ...ANALYSIS-Egyptian army could hold key to Mubarak’s fate Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:22pm GMT Â * Egypt’s military aloof from protest drama so far * Armed forces at heart of power for 60 years * Military “ready to intervene” – security source By Alistair Lyon, Special Correspondent BEIRUT, Jan 28 (Reuters) – ...
Invisible Opportunity
- We’ve Made our Bed and we’re Sleeping ...By Les Visible Alright people, if you can’t see it you’re not looking very closely. The dominoes are starting to tumble. All around the world, that unrest we have been expecting is rearing its revolutionary head. What will the outcome be? It’s going to be something different than the corpse feeding ...
- No Private Central Banks (Michael Rivero)
- Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution ...By Andrew Gavin Marshall An uprising in Tunisia led to the overthrow of the country’s 23-year long dictatorship of President Ben Ali. A new ‘transitional’ government was formed, but the protests continued demanding a totally new government without the relics of the previous tyranny. Protests in Alge ...
- Video – Drug catapult discovered on border
- The 25-Year ‘Foreclosure From Hell’ &# ...Patsy Campbell could tell you a thing or two about fighting foreclosure. She’s been fighting hers for 25 years. The 71-year-old retired insurance saleswoman has been living in her house, a two-story on a half acre in a tidy middle-class neighborhood here in central Florida, since 1978. The last time ...
Veterans Today
- Gilad Atzmon: Liberating the American PeopleIn his latest Newsweek article Stephen Kinzer wonders who America is betting on to counter the popular rising forces in the Middle East : “The same friends it has been betting on for decades” he answers. “Mubarak’s pharaonic regime in Egypt, Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority, the Saudi ...
- Tucson: Memories and the impact of unspeakable tre ...Tucson… By Mike Harris STAFF WRITER Today is the 25th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger disaster. I will never forget where I was that tragic afternoon. It is a remarkable human trait that we benchmark tragic events and remember precisely where we were and what we were doing. Who can forge ...
- Kashmir: A dangerous nuclear flashpointBy Brig Asif Haroon Raja Sixty three years have lapsed but Kashmir dispute remains unresolved. During this period, besides several military standoffs, two full fledged Indo-Pak wars and two localised conflicts in April 1965 and in summer of 1999 took place on account of Kashmir issue. India has been ...
- Ken O’Keefe: Rise People Rise – The Global ...“…..once in a generation…we get a chance for freedom…this is our chance..” “I have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peace ...
- Updated – Even VFW Opposes Tea Partier Miche ...“I want her to look those disabled veterans in the eye and tell them their service and sacrifice is too expensive for the nation to bear,” says angry veteran Update: Veterans for Common Sense executive director Paul Sullivan, said “cutting veteransâ health care spending is an ill-advised move at a t ...
electric politics
- Good Sense and NonsenseNeoliberal economics lacks imagination. And the story it tells of greedy individuals maximizing their self-interest is — or should be — an insult to decent people everywhere. The fact that we can accept such a preposterous story so uncritically raises a big, red warning flag that society has someho ...
- From Boom to Bust and Back AgainIt's no accident that the White House won't regulate the banks. In our plutocratic system the White House is their wholly owned and fully brain-washed subsidiary, the only question being how best to pretend otherwise. To discuss various matters involving American and world high finance I turned onc ...
- Inflection PointsWhat's the attraction of trying to remake the world so that everybody becomes like us? My answer is it's the logical extension of a terrifying, still very much alive American system of slavery but whatever your favorite explanation, the project itself is doomed. When will we ever learn? To talk abo ...
- Trench WarfareIt's not just morally unconscionable that a tiny minority of Americans have almost all the money, it's a terrible thing in policy terms, especially if what you want is democracy. A plutocracy — let's not kid ourselves about this — is basically a slave system. To talk about how we got into our prese ...
- PrioritiesTo be honest, the shrimp fishermen don't matter. The Gulf coast tourist traps don't matter. The economic effects of the spill. Don't matter. It's not about the money. What matters is that we're destroying the environment, killing countless innocent creatures. I keep hoping things may not be quite a ...
PR News
- Bausch & Lomb moves vision care business to ZenoROCHESTER, NY: Bausch & Lomb awarded Zeno Group its vision care business in North America, after working with sister agency Edelman since late 2009.
- LiveOps selects Burson-Marsteller SANTA CLARA, CA: Call center cloud-computing company LiveOps hired Burson-Marsteller as its AOR.
- PR hiring and recruitment on the upswing Talent recruiters say the rebound in the job market for PR pros has already started, with much of the strength coming from the senior management level.
- MRM Worldwide hires SVP, corporate commsNEW YORK, NY: Marla Aaron was named SVP of corporate communications at MRM Worldwide, where she will lead strategy for the company's 33 offices worldwide.
- APCO launches new healthcare divisionWASHINGTON: APCO Worldwide hired Chrystine Zacherau to lead a new healthcare research division, effective January 1.
The Story Behind the Story
- Oops!! Now Where Did I Put that Vial of VX???????Dugway Proving Grounds, west of Salt Lake City, is the home of some very nasty neighbors. No run-of-the-mill “civilian” really knows what is stored there, and in what amounts. The average citizen of Utah can only speculate and guess what is actually there, and so, when Hollywood churns out a dis ...
- The Story Behind the Story of Chinese Delegation&# ...Good Morning Friends: I submit this is exactly what Comrade Clinton promised Comrade Ju in her visit back in January 2009. REMEMBER?? (She was literally hours into her Secretary of State position, when Hillary heads to Bejing!!!) I absolutely love what Donald Trump had to say to CNN’s Wolf Blitz ...
- Activity on the “New Madrid Fault”.Connecting the dots, folks, is what I try to do. Remember the “Swine Flu Pandemic” last winter? Is that event somehow connected in any way with the Gulf oil spill and the dueterium laser attack on Deepwater Horizon? Are the dead birds and animals in Arkansas and Kentucky connected as well? I t ...
- Will the REAL “Jared Lee Loughner” Ple ...
- Is A. True Ott “Sorcha Faal”? Not Eve ...I have recently had a dozen or so people e-mail me concerning what I believe to have been an honest mistake — a patriot blog identified me, A. True Ott, with being “Sorcha Faal”. The author even posted my picture. He quickly apologized to me for his error, claiming that his “information” came fr ...
k2p blog
- 25 years since Challenger exploded; almost 8 years ...NASA is marking the 25th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger accident that killed seven astronauts on 28th January 1986.
- And Mount Kirishima in Japan is also spewing ashMount Kirishima continued erupting Thursday on the border between Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures, spewing columns of smoke up to more than 2,500 meters.
- Mount Bromo in the Tengger Caldera ejects ash clou ...Several international flights to and from the resort island of Bali were cancelled or diverted Thursday to avoid dangerous ash spewing from Mount Bromo in the Tengger Caldera on Java.
- European commission extends carbon market freeze i ...The European commission's emergency suspension last week of trading in carbon allowances to put a halt to rampant theft of credits by hackers has been extended indefinitely.
- The never ending wonders of CarbonEvidence is mounting that a new crystal form of carbon - body-centered tetragonal (bct) - something between diamond and graphene must exist.
Left Foot Forward
- Look Left – The Murdoch MenaceIt was a week to forget for everyone's favourite real-life Bond villain, Tory-supporting media magnate Rupert Murdoch, with sexism, phone-hacking and a new row with Ofcom.
- Egyptian protests show no sign of abatingThe overthrow of President Ben Ali in Tunisia has started an unprecedented chain reaction in the Middle East and North Africa, writes ippr's Alex Glennie.
- Lanlsley’s latest sop to private health shou ...News that private health companies could be paid much more than their public sector NHS competitors under Andrew Lansley’s health reforms should come as no surprise.
- Government pushes through new powers to sell off o ...The government has opened its consultation today on plans to sell-off the national forests, writes David Babbs, executive director of 38 Degrees.
- Fiddling at the edges on control orders not good e ...Shami Chakrabarti, the director of Liberty, says the innocent may be still be punished without trial and the guilty will continue to evade prosecution and imprisonment.
- This Is Why You Need To Double Check Your Statemen ...For those who try to prepay their mortgages, here's a cautionary tale from reader RM. Basically every single time that he's prepaid his mortgage, there's been a big problem. The bank keeps applying it to the future interest instead of the existing principal. The future interest is calculated based ...
- Airline Bumps Us Off Flight, Doesn't Bother To Tel ...Danielle said she and her friend were stuck in London without a flight back to Boston after their original flight was canceled. She said American Airlines, on which the original flight was scheduled, told them it booked them on a British Airways flight, but the latter airline said that wasn't the c ...
- Track Your Tax Return Status With IRS2Go AppThe IRS has an official app called "IRS2Go" for iOS and Android that lets you keep track of your tax return's status after you've filed it. Unfortunately there is no function for "ABOLISH IRS, LIVE OFF THE GRID AS SOVEREIGN CITIZEN OF MY BUNKER STATE." Sorry, people who would like that. To log i ...
- We Have To Pay $300 For Contraceptive We Didn't Us ...Dustin and his wife are out $300 because they decided not to have a doctor set his wife up with an intrauterine contraceptive after they ordered it. He says that insurance would have paid for the procedure had they decided to go through with it, but now must pay for something they don't want to use ...
- On A Hot Date But Low On Cash? Don't Steal The Con ...A man in Hungary found himself banned from a bar after he got caught attempting to exit the establishment with an entire condom vending machine under his coat. The reason for the theft? According to Metro UK, the man told police he was low on cash and "met a hot girl at the bar and needed condoms ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Development Agencies Fail to Take On Corruption: W ...Canadian Press: Darling of Development World, Stung by Corruption Problems, Says Others in Worse Shape The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a $21.7 billion health fund backed by prominent celebrities – is responding to allegations that the fund has lost up to $34 million to ...
- Feds Subpoena Lawyer in CIA Leak Case: Whistleblow ...St. Louis Beacon: Feds Take Unusual Step of Subpoenaing Sterling's Lawyer The lawyer representing Jeffrey Sterling – the former CIA officer charged with leaking national security secrets to the press – was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in order to discuss Sterling’s case. Federal ...
- Teresa Chambers Case Highlights Limitations of Whi ...Last week, the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ordered the National Park Service to reinstate whistleblower Teresa Chambers as Chief of the U.S. Park Police, as well as to reimburse her for back pay and legal costs. Her case garnered national attention when she was removed by the Bush adm ...
- Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Kill ...By Wikimedia user Markus Schweiss Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Killed Whistleblower Bill? This article details how the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) – a bill that would have strengthened protections for federal employees – was killed by one senator’s decis ...
- Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. Get ...Three months ago, journalist Michael Isikoff noted the disturbing "Double Standard" in White House Leak Inquiries. But now it's not just the Executive Branch. Josh Gerstein of Politico just published an article on how a judge ruled that the Justice Department can keep secret names of its own law ...
UK Progressive
- @UKProgressive Saturday Morning Cairo Tweet UpdateContinuing from yesterday evening… The situationin Cairo continues to be fluid and changing. UKProgressive DenisCampbell Cabinet has officially resigned. | Angry relatives gathering outside of morgue in Cairo. Disturbing pictures, don’t see security uniforms. 1 minute ago UKProgressive DenisCampbell ...
- @UKProgressive’s Live Twitter Feed on Egyptian Cri ...This is my UK Progressive Egypt live tweet stream from Friday night. Coverage began around 22:00 GMT with an Al Jazeera feed showing Antiquities museum in Cairo ablaze. You are wise to scroll all the way to the bottom and read this bottoms-up. Apologies in advance for spelling errors as I was trying ...
- Cairo is Burning and Uneasy Corporate Heads are Ju ...CrooksandLiars.com reported on the general sense of uneasiness many in Davos, Switzerland are feeling watching the riots in Cairo. Apparently a boiler in one of the VIP hotels blew up near where top executives were staying. Left wing groups claimed responsibility but no one is sure and no one was hu ...
- Finally, Black Civil Rights Movement is DyingLast week, Martin Luther King tributes were taking place across the nation. And the spirit of MLK and the courageous acts of our foremothers and forefathers of the civil rights movement are etched indelibly in many of our hearts. But the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King’s era of the 1960’ ...
- Shoq vs Hamsher vs Greenwald: The Twitter UFC Cage ...Get out your pitchforks, torches, dog whistles and scorecards sports fans, this could take awhile. Twitter lit up around 2:00 am EST with two UFC cage battles between three prominent progressive Web personalities, the intriguing but mostly anonymous @Shoq (10,400 followers), @JaneHamsher (8,700 fol ...
- Stanley Cup-winning puck has been missing since Ka ...The Chicago Tribune reports:They usually spend their time analyzing drug dealers' cell phones or child traffickers' laptops for evidence, but Chicago FBI forensic experts recently lent their expertise to an altogether different kind of caper: finding the puck scored by the Blackhawks' Patrick Kane t ...
- Trustee Seeks Hundreds of Millions from Mets Owner ...The New York Times reports:The trustee representing the victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme is seeking hundreds of millions of dollars from the owners of the Mets, alleging that they, as longtime and successful investors, knew or should have known Madoff was operating a f ...
- How a spot of morning passion can make you glow al ...The Daily Mail
- Thomas DiLorenzo "The Unholy Alliance: State and C ...PFS09 Thomas DiLorenzo "The Unholy Alliance: State and Central Bank" from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.
- CME nixes report that had exchange leaving Chicago ...Crain's Chicago Business
- Hackers throw EU carbon market into intensive care ...The EU carbon market is in trouble again. Shucks. Who would have guessed? Hackers have created so much disarray the EU market has been shut down. (Reuters) – The European Commission has frozen spot carbon trade in its 72 billion euro ($97.1 billion) emissions trading scheme after carbon permits we ...
- Freak January 2011 continues — cyclone coming our ...With wild blizzards in the Northern Hemisphere, and mass floods across the whole Eastern seaboard of Australia, it’s good that Perth is not being entirely abandoned by freak forces of nature. We were starting to feel left out. Perth is 32 degrees South of the Equator. We rarely get cyclones but they ...
- Freak January 2011 continues — cyclone comin ...With wild blizzards in the Northern Hemisphere, and mass floods across the whole Eastern seaboard of Australia, it’s good that Perth is not being abandoned by freak forces of nature. We were starting to feel left out. Perth is 32 degrees South of the Equator. We rarely get cyclones but they do spin ...
- Dellers is on fire todayJames Delingpole hits the spot. Rarely do you see someone reply to a petty put-down with such equanimity, clarity, and ultimately, a devastating trump. If Ben Goldacre thinks I’m a ***** what does that make him? The BBC spent 3 hours trying to catch Delingpole out so they could paint him a fool. Obv ...
- On bloggingWith Jeff ID sadly shutting down the Air Vent, it’s worth a comment on comments, on blogging, and on the strange lifestyle that this is. But given that it’s 11:22pm 12:35pm here, and my office is still full of packed boxes (thanks to the marvellous newly laid wooden floor) tonight is not the time to ...
ReNew America
- The old Obama in new clothing(Charles Krauthammer) - The November election sent a clear message to Washington: less government, less debt, less spending. President Obama certainly heard it, but judging from his State of the Union address, he doesn't believe a word of it. The people say they want cuts? Sure they do -- in the abs ...
- Obama's WTF presidency(Washington Times) - President Obama seems to have cribbed his new campaign theme from Newt Gingrich, or maybe Saddam Hussein. In his State of the Union address, Mr. Obama rolled out "winning the future" as his latest signature theme and political brand...
- Bachmann speech raises her conservative profile(Associated Press) - Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann took another leap in her remarkable climb to national attention and tea party prominence with her freelance response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech. The tea party champion insists she is not positioning herself as a rival t ...
- Hope, change, and 'invest'(Ann Coulter) - I missed the middle section of Obama's State of the Union address when I took a break to read "War and Peace," but I gather he never got around to what I was hoping he'd say, which is: "What was I thinking?" The national debt is $14 trillion, the Democrats won't stop spending, and Pr ...
- DeMint aims to repeal 'Obamacare'(McClatchy) - Sen. Jim DeMint planned to introduce a bill on Wednesday that he said will serve as the main Senate Republican legislative vehicle for repealing Barack Obama's signature health care law...
Truth Offering
- US Falls In Level of Overall Economic Freedom -- D ...The Heritage Foundation just released its annual Economic Freedom List. The list "measures ten components of economic freedom, assigning a grade in each using a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 represents the maximum freedom. The ten component scores are then averaged to give an overall economic freed ...
- Did J.P. Morgan Sink the Titanic!?1st Row: JP Morgan, Joseph Bruce Ismay, John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim. 2nd Row: The Federal Reserve and the TitanicAs youngsters, we're all told the infamous story of the Titanic, the supposedly indestructible ship that sunk on its maiden voyage. We're all familiar with the story: the shi ...
- Our Diet Is Killing Our DNA!Few people are aware of this simple fact: what you eat directly impacts your DNA. This likely seems like a strange new concept to most, considering we're all brought up with such an incorrect understanding of human health and wellness. Five years back, I was no different -- well, I always cared abou ...
- Chemtrails: Scars in the SkyGeoengineering is a relatively new idea to the world. According to�Wikipedia,�"The modern concept of�geoengineering�(or�climate engineering) is usually taken to mean proposals to deliberately manipulate the�Earth's�climate�to counteract the effects of�global warming�from�greenhouse gas�emissions. Th ...
- The Mainstream Media: In the Pocket of the Global ...For the record, I'd like to state that I believe in climate change; I believe that during any given period of time, the planet is either warming or cooling. Factually speaking, that is the nature of weather and climate: it's constantly in flux. To deny climate change is to deny reality. I think we c ...
2012 Blog
- New California Risk: SuperstormAs if supervolcanoes and earthquakes weren’t enough to worry about, add floods to the list of natural events that could be catastrophic for Californians. A group of more than 100 scientists and experts say in a new report that California faces the risk of a massive “superstorm” that could flood a qu ...
- George Lucas UpdateLucasFilm has responded to the recent story about George Lucas being a 2012er, as told by Seth Rogen on TV show Ellen: [Lucas] was not serious when he talked about the end of the world in 2012, but he is an adamant believer that the world is flat, that Stonehenge was built by aliens, and [...] Rel ...
- Sea Rise Ark / Irish Giant Gene / BetelgeuseExperts are saying the sea levels will rise by 13 feet in the next thousand years. This is the first time such a long-range forecast has been made, and presumably the authors will never see their work disproved. I presume this work, which focuses on climate change, does not consider that the long-te ...
- Doomsday DriverA woman who claimed the world was going to end in an apocalyptic earthquake Friday was arrested in the Marin Headlands on allegations of abducting four people off the streets of Berkeley and San Francisco, a federal spokeswoman said. Lark Ann Freeman, 36, of Fairfield was booked into Marin County Ja ...
- George Lucas: 2012 BelieverJust in, via a news report quoting Seth Rogen on a meeting he had with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg: He recalls, “George Lucas sits down and seriously proceeds to talk for around 25 minutes about how he thinks the world is gonna end in the year 2012, like, for real. He thinks it. “He’s [...] ...
Facing South
- 'Billionaires club' of wealthy conservatives gathe ...For years the Koch brothers from Kansas (reportedly worth $21.5 billion each) have been hosting a secret gathering of conservative businessmen, operatives and politicians to with little fanfare. But this year's pow-wow at the Ranchos Las Palmas Resort and Spa in Rancho Mirage, California is draw ...
- What if executives feared prison time for health a ...By Jenny Brown, Labor Notes In the U.S., owners and managers of companies like BP, responsible for 11 deaths and 17 injuries in last year's Gulf oil rig explosion, never face jail time for the workers they kill. That's not the case everywhere: Steelworkers in Canada are pressing a prosecution of ...
- Voter ID laws carry hefty price tag for cash-strap ...In 2010, Republicans campaigned on the issues of jobs, taxes and the economy -- and with� states still reeling from scarce jobs and tight budgets, GOP leaders have pledged to keep that focus. In North Carolina, incoming House Speaker Rep. Thom Tillis (R) opened the 2011 session this week by puttin ...
- Scientists found chemical dispersants lingering in ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Chemical compounds from the oil dispersants applied to the Gulf of Mexico didn't break down as expected, according to a study released this week. Scientists found the compounds lingering for months in the deep waters of the Gulf, long after BP's oil had stopped spewing ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Starving the unionsRate of union membership in the U.S. in 2010: 11.9 percent Number of years since the union membership rate was that low: 70 Number of U.S. workers who belonged to unions in 2010: 14.7 million Decline in union membership over the previous year, attributable in part to the recession eroding employm ...
One News Page
- Danny Glover Defends Mel Gibson: 'That's My Friend ...
- Two held for duping girls via matrimonial adsTwo men were arrested in Delhi for duping money from girls on the pretext of marriage after contacting them through matrimonial advertisements, police said.
- 4-yr-old Indian girl wins 'fortune bag' in DubaiA four-year-old Indian girl has won half a kilogramme of gold at a promotional draw lined up for the Dubai Shopping Festival. Jase Elma Mathew won the prize in the ongoing 'Bag of Fortune' campaign launched by Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group during the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF).
- Bristol Palin won't give a speech at Washington Un ...
- Wills-Kate romance to get movie treatmentLondon, Jan 29 (ANI): American TV network Lifetime is all set to make a film about the romance between Prince William and Kate Middleton. The movie's producers said it would chart 'the ups and downs of their nine-year courtship complicated by social and royal family pressures'.
Global Research TV
- La souveraineté monétaire de l'Afrique
- Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy
- How Much will we Sacrifice for War?
- CIA's Dirty Secret: US Turns Blind Eye on Notoriou ...
- Spy Services Keep Whistleblowers Online
Daily Tech
- Fuel Efficiency is King: Turbo Four to Replace BMW ...New engine to offer more power and torque than the naturally aspirated inline-6
- Global Cell Phone Sales Soar, Apple, Android OEMs ...Nokia continues to slump
- Microsoft Blocks Former Exec from Fleeing to Sales ...Microsoft says former worker has a non-compete in effect for a year
- U.S. Marines "Green" Test Base Gets High MarksGreen systems reduced the need for fuel by up to 90%
- New Technique Renders T-Cells Resistant to HIVT-cells are made resistant without any harmful effects to their activity or growth
Oriental Review
- The Prague Treaty Has Been Ratified: Now What?Vladimir Yevseyev (Russia) On January 26, 2011, the Federation Council of Russia’s Federal Assembly ratified the New Russian-American Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). It shows that the “restart” of relations between our countries is on track. The US Senate consented to the Treaty in Dece ...
- Who Has Blown Up Moscow Airport?Any terrorist attack immanently pursues a certain political goal. Clear understanding of this goal and an analysis of the whole set of available facts about the horrific explosion in Domodedovo earlier this week may bring us closer to the answer to the key question: who are the perpetrators and who ...
- Russia In The Mirror Of World PolicyBy Tatyana Tallerova (Russia) Last year Russia not only managed to establish and consolidate its positions at the international arena, but also set the foundation for the further growth of the state authority in 2011. The most important event was the creation of the Customs Eurasian Economic Union o ...
- Dmitry Medvedev’s Baptism in the Middle EastBy Elena Suponina (Russia) The New Year began with a remarkable visit by Dmitry Medvedev to the Middle East. Russia’s President visited Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, and his trip coincided with the Christian holiday of Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 18-19. John the Baptist baptized ...
- Russia And The Oil-Gas Diplomacy In Arctics (I)By Vadim Truhachev (Russia) Dem. Edward Markey — Chair Deputy of the House Committee for the Natural Resources — claimed that agreement between Rosneft and BP may threaten American national security. According to his opinion, stock exchange may complicate the procedure of fee recovery from the Engli ...
- BlogHer Conference Update -- January 28, 2011Hello friends - another week is coming to an end and more exciting announcements to share with you -- let's start! BlogHer Food '11 We have announced our Call for Volunteers -- wahoooooo!Come one, come all and join the BlogHer Food '11 fun. Are you a great candidate for live blogging? Have a knack ...
- BlogHer Network Member News, Jan 28: Morgan Shanah ...Morgan Shanahan (aka Morgan Schechter) from The818.com wrote a screenplay, Perfect Match (since re-titled We're Not Dating) that was named to the 2010 Hollywood Blacklist in December - which is actually a good thing! It was voted on by approximately 300 entertainment industry executives who selected ...
- "My Dad Was the Pilot of the Space Shuttle Challen ...Twenty five years ago today, I was a gangly 14 year old 8th grader at Kleb Middle School in Spring, Texas. At 11:39 a.m., I was standing in the lunchroom with my friends eating greasy french fries, rectangular pizza, and drinking Mr. Pibb. My best friend's birthday had been the day before and we wer ...
- Morals and Ethics of Travel Photography: When Shou ...Ever find yourself in a situation where you want to snap a photo, but for some reason, you hesitate? Perhaps something about the subject or the situation doesn't feel quite right and after quick consideration, you turn off your camera. Or perhaps, despite feeling that it's wrong on some level, you g ...
- My Ex-Husband Is Gay: The Pink Elephant in the Roo ...Writing whether it is fiction, non-fiction, poetry or prose, the whole point of reading or writing is to tell the truth. Even street signs tell the truth. I have signs that do not lead anywhere because I cannot tell you where to go if I do not tell you where I have been. So, in an effort to not furt ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- Politicians Ignoring Citizens Call for Freedom of ...Who will speak for the citizens of the United States if not our elected officials? Last year, anyone concerned about their health and access to nutritious food and natural medicine watched in horror as the government passed ...
- Politicians Ignoring Citizens Call for Freedom of ...Who will speak for the citizens of the United States if not our elected officials? Last year, anyone concerned about their health and access to nutritious food and natural medicine watched in horror as the government passed ...
- Confirmed: Mercury Cancels Out the Health Benefits ...Omega oils have seen a lot of attention for their greatly important benefits to brain functions, eating fish is one of the ways to get the nutritional benefit from food. But there is a problem ...
- Raw Milk Dairy Farm Fights Back and Wins!Armend Bechard defended himself during his appeal after being criminally charged over the sale of raw milk. The judge rules there is no case! With all the troubles that raw milk producers have had recently ...
- 7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won’t Eat ThemWe’ve all been told that there are foods that should be avoided, things like high fructose corn syrup and white bread, that cause serious issues from weight gain to cancer. But have you taken the ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Needed T ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was about ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Shootin ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to authoritie ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s Sho ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a tha ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By Youn ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery store ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this week. ...
Coal Tattoo
- Friday roundup, Jan. 29, 2011Caterine Zapata, wife of miner Jorge Lara, reacts at La Preciosa mine in Sardinata, northeastern Colombia, Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011. Lara is among 20 miners feared dead when an explosion believed caused by a methane gas buildup rocked the underground coal mine early Wednesday. Methane gas was also ...
- Massey continues to dispute MSHA on UBB causeThat’s a photo of the longwall shearer at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Mine, and it’s probably the most interesting piece of new argument Massey made today during a media briefing on the company’s investigation of the April 5, 2010, mine disaster. We’ve heard a lot of what Massey had to say tod ...
- 19-year-old is first U.S. coal death of 2011The bad news came yesterday: The first U.S. coal-mining death of 2011. The accident happened at Baylor Mining’s Jims Branch No. 3a Mine in Wyoming County, W.Va., according to the state Office of Miners Health, Safety and Training. We don’t have many details, except that the accident occurred at abo ...
- AP reports on leaked OSMRE report on job losses ex ...Well, the rumors had been floating around for more than a month now that parts of the federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s EIS on its stream protection rule had been leaked, so the story was bound to show up somewhere sooner or later … and Tim Huber over at The Associated ...
- Natural gas vs. Coal: A new wrinkleWell site during active drilling to the Marcelllus Shale formation in Upshur County, West Virginia, in 2008. Photo copyright West Virginia Surface Owners Rights Organization. We’ve talked many times here on Coal Tattoo about the prospects for coal as it tries to compete with the rise of natural gas ...
Daniel Miessler
- The Republican Response to the SoTUSo I saw Obama’s SOTU speech last night. I have been avoiding political news for the most part lately, so it was interesting to see what he had to say. I liked it, basically, but that’s not what got my attention. What forced me to write this was the Republican response. The guy who gave [...]
- Cookie Stealing With Cross-Site Scripting Explaine ...�One of the most common questions I receive when doing appsec consulting revolves around�cross-site scripting. Specicially, I am asked constantly why it is that stealing a cookie via reflected cross-site scripting has so many steps. If the goal is to get a victim to run a malicious script that steal ...
- Guy Captures Millions of HTTP Headers and Analyzes ...First of all, yes, HTTP headers form something like a long tail: In particular, hapax legomena (one-offs) make up over half of the headers found. I expected this. Unfortunately for me, however, a lot of the really interesting stuff is over on that long flat section of the long tail. Which means I sp ...
- Guillaume Nery Underwater Base Jumpvia youtube.com Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsJan-Ove Waldner ServesEuler’s DiskThe Parrot AR.DroneThe GiftI’m Playing a Bit of SC2
- Communicating Optimally in EmailThe fundamental source of poor email style is the practice of quoting the entire message you’re replying to. If that’s what you do, then it doesn’t matter whether you put your response at the top or bottom. In fact, if you’re going to quote the entire message, top-posting probably is better. But bot ...
- Statement by activist security collective on Lynn ...The following is a statement from the ActivistSecurity.org collective following discussions with individuals involved in the expose of 'Lynn Watson' as an undercover police infiltrator. The original of this, including photographs, can be found at their website http://www.activistsecurity.org/lynn_wa ...
- Schnews repostedIn the interests of completeness, we reprint (with permission!) the Schnews article that broke the news about cop/govt trolling on activist websites.... INTER-NETCU AS GOVERNMENT AGENCY CAUGHT INFILTRATING ACTIVIST MEDIA OUTLET “No - stuff that - SHUT the place: Let’s not all stand around like lemmi ...
- Met’s published photos – info for stud ...Once again the Met have released a set of images of people they want in connection with the student protests last Thursday. If you or one of your mates is one of them, you’ll be worried and unsure about what to do. Before you do anything, read this first. The dilemma is this - if [...]
- Oppose intelligence led policingAaron Porter, the NUS leader who has consistently condemned violence and property damage on demonstrations, has now joined ex cop Brian Paddick in calling for the Met to improve its intelligence gathering. The best case scenario is Mr Porter is ignorant and should talk to a few of the activists and ...
- Police refuse to make public the role of undercove ...Once again the story of Mark Stone / Kennedy has hit the press, this time after he has apparently offered to give evidence on behalf of the defendants in the Ratcliffe trial. The trial was ultimately dropped by the prosecution after the police declined to provide disclosure relating to the former un ...
Worldwide Hippies
- the sixtiesthe sixties the sixties were about death, hope, and revolution that went belly up it was a flower spoiled with too much of everything shat upon by everyone lost to the meek in us who shall inherit the earth glorious, destructive, and drug induced sixties a black hole still sucking in historians tryi ...
- Egypt turned off the internet: “It can’ ...Aljazeera | AP- Egypt goes off the digital map as authorities unplug the country entirely from the internet ahead of protests. About a half-hour past midnight on Friday in Egypt, the internet went dead. Almost simultaneously, the handful of companies that pipe the internet into and out of Egypt went ...
- Johnny Rotten Hates HippiesJohn Lydon’s latest noise | LA Times Music is in the background, but the former Sex Pistols singer has stories to tell. On a recent weekday morning John Lydon was riding passenger side on Venice Boulevard toward downtown L.A., and the day seemed full of possibility. “I don’t get out much, so I’m thi ...
- Weekly Hippie TriviaA new Trivia Question will be posted every Friday at 8:00 pm (EST). You can post your answer in the comments section below the question and be entered into a chance to win a WWH Bumpersticker! American award winning television and theater actress and singer. God mother to a famous “spoon”-player. ...
- Islamic HippieI guess Cat Stevens wasn’t the only one, huh? John Mohammed Butt: The hippy who became an imam | Saudi Gazette FORTY years after following the hippy trail to South Asia, John Butt is still living in the region, and still spreading a message of peace and love â though now as an Islamic scholar. As ou ...
reference frame
- Hardy's paradox kills all "realistic" models of qu ...There exists a widespread misconception among the readers of popular physics books - and sometimes even unpopular physics books - that Bell's inequalities have only falsified "local realist" models of quantum phenomena but some "nonlocal realist" models could still be true and replace the proba ...
- BBC Horizon: What is reality?Last week, the BBC TV aired another one-hour program from its Horizon collection, What is reality?. It's a brand new show - one that already carries the year 2011. Here it is: You will meet people such as Lenny Susskind, Seth Lloyd, Frank Wilczek, Anton Zeilinger, Max Tegmark, and ot ...
- Intel Sandy Bridge is hereIn recent years, I was disappointed by the rate at which the speed of microprocessors was increasing. While Moore's law describing the total number of transistors worked very well - the number of transistors in a computer is doubling every two years - and the memory (and flash disk) capacity wa ...
- Sino-American renewable energy trade warBenny Peiser has sent us - subscribers of his GWPF mailing list - some articles about a newly emerging trade war between China and America. This civil war inside the de facto Sino-American currency union is kind of incredible. Let us start in the "good old days" before the trade war. As Th ...
- AGW vs phishers: a thief robbed another thiefRichard Black of BBC brought us an amusing report about one group of scammers that decided to rob another group of scammers. Some climate "scientists" have already been robbed by their colleagues who are smaller fish, however: the phishers. Click the picture for a website of the ...
No Frakking Consensus
- Mr. Chairman, Your Carriage AwaitsThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is dysfunctional and unaccountable. That Rajendra Pachauri remains as its chairman - despite widespread calls for his resignation - is proof of this.
- If IPCC Meetings Were TelevisedThe IPCC documents most likely to be read by outsiders - the Summaries for Policymakers - are not scientific statements at all. Rather, they are the result of a messy, arduous political negotiation that pits scientists against politicians.
- Is a Meteorologist a Drought Expert?Why does the media keep interviewing a meteorologist about droughts & floods instead of those with genuine expertise?
- The Silent TreatmentShould AGW proponents acknowledge critics? Or should they avert their eyes and block their ears?
- Is the IPCC a Scrutiny-Free Zone?A senior author thinks the IPCC should take a stand by declaring Freedom of Information requests a form of harassment.