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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, January 24, 2011

24 January - Morning News Picks

Erta Ale is an active shield volcano located i...Image via Wikipedia

Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two

Seismic activity has accelerated
Erta AleImage via Wikipedia
in northeastern Africa as the continent breaks apart in slow motion. Researchers say that lava in the region is consistent with magma normally seen on the sea floor -- and that water will ultimately cover the desert.

Cynthia Ebinger, a geologist from the University of Rochester in New York, could hardly believe what the caller from the deserts of Ethiopia was saying. It was an employee at a mineralogy company -- and he reported that the famous Erta Ale volcano in northeastern Ethiopia was erupting. Ebinger, who has studied the volcano for years, was taken aback. The volcano's crater had always been filled with a bubbling soup of silver-black lava, but it had been decades since its last eruption.

The earth is in upheaval in northeastern Africa, and the region is changing quickly. The desert floor is quaking and splitting open, volcanoes are boiling over, and seawaters are encro
MODIS satellite image of the Afar depression a...Image via Wikipedia
aching upon the land. Africa, researchers are certain, is splitting apart at a rate rarely seen in geology.

In the Danakil Depression, in the northern part of the valley, the ocean could arrive much sooner. There, low, 25 meter (82 foot) hills are the only thing holding back the waters of the Red Sea. The land behind them has already dropped dozens of meters from previous levels and white salt deposits on the desert floor testify to past encroachments of the sea. But lava soon choked off its access.

For now, no one can really say when the sea will finally flood the desert. But when it does, it could go quickly. "The hills could sink in a matter of days," Tim Wright, a fellow at the University of Leeds' School of Earth and Environment, said at a recent conference hosted by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco.
In the last five years, the geologic transformation of northeastern Africa has "accelerated dramatically," says Wright. Indeed, the process is going much faster than many had anticipated. In recent years, geologists had measured just a few millimeters of movement each year. "But now the earth is opening up by the meter," says Loraine Field, a scholar at the University of Bristol who also attended the conference.

America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change

Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political and financial pressure. After all, aspartame was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent!

Ball-and-stick model of the aspartame molecule...Image via Wikipedia
Sold commercially under names like NutraSweet, Canderel and now AminoSweet, aspartame can be found in more than 6,000 foods, including soft drinks, chewing gum, table-top sweeteners, diet and diabetic foods, breakfast cereals, jams, sweets, vitamins, prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Aspartame producer Ajinomoto chose to rebrand it under the name AminoSweet, to "remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it's made from amino acids -- the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet."
There have been more reports to the FDA for aspartame reactions than for all other food additives combined .
In fact, there are over 10,000 official complaints, but by the FDA's own admission, less than 1 percent of those who experience a reaction to a product ever report it.
Unfortunately, aspartame toxicity is not well-known by doctors, despite its frequency. Diagnosis is also hampered by the fact that it mimics several other common health conditions, such as:

For example, researchers have discovered that drinking diet soda increases your risk of metabolic syndrome, and may double your risk of obesity -- the complete opposite of the stated intention behind these "zero calorie" drinks.
The sad truth is that diet foods and drinks ruin your body's ability to count calories, and in fact stimulate your appetite, thus boosting your inclination to overindulge.
The aspartic acid in aspartame is a well-documented excitotoxin. Excitotoxins are usually amino acids, such as glutamate and aspartate. These special amino acids cause particular brain cells to become excessively excited, to the point that they die.
Excitotoxins can also cause a loss of brain synapses and connecting fibers. A review conducted in 2008 by scientists from the University of Pretoria and the University of Limpopo found that consuming a lot of aspartame may inhibit the ability of enzymes in your brain to function normally, and may lead to neurodegeneration.
For those times when you just want a taste of something sweet, your healthiest alternative is Stevia. It's a natural plant and, unlike aspartame and other artificial sweeteners that have been cited for dangerous toxicities, it is a safe, natural alternative that's ideal if you're watching your weight, or if you're maintaining your health by avoiding sugar.
It is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar and truly has virtually no calories.
( Side note : despite the cautions here, I have also seen honey/cinnamon recommended for weight loss/sugar balancing ; plus stevia also associated with sugar balancing )

Main Stream News covers Global FOOD SHORTAGE, New currency, and NWO with CHINA at HELM!!! 

Indonesia Space Agency Pooh-Poohs Idea that Aliens Behind Crop Circle

Earth Changes and the Pole Shift 

North-west of Australia's Victoria state Flooding

Posted by Jakub Srnec on January 24, 2011 at 3:08pm
Rick Rickster

Magnetosphere going haywire

Posted by Rick Rickster on January 24, 2011 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments
clyde Scorgie

Earthquake hits west of Scotland

Posted by clyde Scorgie on January 24, 2011 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments
Lothar Schwarz

Manila flood 10 feet

Posted by Lothar Schwarz on January 24, 2011 at 11:19am — 15 Comments
Nancy Lieder

FEMA Prepares for HAARP Earthquake on New Madrid Fault Line

The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center maintains a data set of annual magnetic north pole coordinates going back to the year 1590, derived from early measurements from ships logs to modern day techniques. Noting that there has been lots of reportin...

Study assesses changes in Earth’s magnetic field

RyanX notes the recent spike in public awareness of the role that Earth's magnetic field(s) play in all kinds of events, then brings in Prof Jim McCanney's electric comet theory and wonders if Gurdjieff was talking plainly when he stated that humanity is "food for the moon"...

In my previous article And They March..., I touched on the possibility that the mass death of blackbirds over Beebe, Arkansas was caused by the shockwave from an airbursting bolide or comet fragment. While that explanation seemed to fit with the fact...
MAKE THIS VIRAL!! Please download and re-upload to your channels EVERYWHERE!! Food investors considered EXTREMISTS by DHS department of Homeland security http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf George soros Orderly decline of the dollar http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/georg
So now we are back in another phase of sharply rising global food prices, which is wreaking further devastation on populations in developing countries that have already been ravaged for several years of rising prices and falling employment chances. The food price index of the FAO in December 2010 su
‎"Survival Doc" of TheNewSurvivalist.com web site talks about saving money when stocking up on food for disaster preparedness by using canned foods
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Survival! Guide to Camping - Part 1 - on Dailymotion www.dailymotion.com
Vital information and common sense instruction to better prepare you to face natural or man-made emergencies, including finding food, water and shelter, wilderness navigation and basi
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CAIRO, Jan 23, 2011 (IPS) - Upset over a policy that prevented him from buying subsidised food, Egyptian restaurant owner Abdou Abdel Moneim travelled to Cairo to find someone in parliament to help. When security officers prevented him from submitting his complaint to MPs entering parliament, the 49
There is a breach between the fields of physics and psychology. Indeed, between physics and psychology there is a whole abyss. That is understandable if we take into account the different histories and different goals of each of these disciplines. But...
America's journalists are not "newshounds." They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American "free" press is 

Alex Jones: How The Elite Control Politics

Gaza aid flotilla raid: Turkey criticises Israel report

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the report had neither value nor credibility. The Free Gaza Flotilla, which had more than 600 pro-Palestinian activists aboard several aid ships, was trying to break Israel's blockade of the territory when it was intercepted by Israeli navy commandos on 31 May.

Activists on board the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara say the commandos started shooting as soon as they boarded the vessel.
The Turkel Committee report said Israel's actions had "the regrettable consequences of the loss of human life and physical injuries".

None of the military personnel directly involved in the raid was authorised to provide testimony.

After its own inquiry, Turkey described the attack - which took place in international waters, about 130km (80 miles) from the Israeli coast - as a violation of international law, "tantamount to banditry and piracy", and described the killings as "state-sponsored terrorism".
Results of Turkish post-mortem examinations have suggested that a total of 30 bullets were found in the bodies of the nine dead activists, including one who had been shot four times in the head.

( North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
Turkey is a signatory : Israel is not. )


A list compiled by Afghan officials cites 16 companies, including several American and British firms, for unspecified serious violations and seven others for having links to high-ranking Afghan officials 

You don't agree? Well, then obviously you are churlish or malevolent. If I were serious about such a claim of superiority, now would be the time to stop reading - on the reasonable assumption that I'm a dull-witted bore with no capacity for critical self-reflection. What applies to individual declar


Emerging countries, and even some low-income ones, are being flooded by short-term capital flows which they do not need; much of this money originates via the carry trade from the second wave of US quantitative easing (QE2). The intent of the US Federal Reserve is to expand the supply of credit in t

Esoteric Agenda FINAL Version 1/13

Corporate crime and wrongdoing is an everyday fact of life in the United States and around the world. Still, the last year has been remarkable for a series of high-profile, deadly corporate disasters: the BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe that killed 11 workers and spewed millions of gallons of oil i

The Mystic vs Hitler

If we suppose that our present time under the Bush Reich has any similarity to the Third Reich of Hitler, it would be nice to have some concrete material that was written in real time, at the time, on which to base comparisons.

  Fritz Gerlich and the Munich Post.
The heroic anti-Hitler Munich journalists who, from 1920 to 1933 (when many were jailed or murdered) bravely went about the daily task of attempting to tell the world about the strange figure who had arisen from the Munich streets to become leader of a movement that would seize power.
, I felt simultaneously a growing awe at what they'd accomplished, how much they'd exposed, and how completely they'd been forgotten. Theirs was the first sustained attempt to fathom the depths of the Hitler phenomenon as it began to unfold.... The vision of the First Explainers was the vision of the men and women who were critical witnesses to the now-lost spectacle of Hitler becoming Hitler. In addition to the courageous reporters and editors of the Munich Post, there were others such as Rudolf Olden, Konrad Heiden, Walter Schaber... and Fritz Gerlich. The iconoclastic editor of a conservative anti-Marxist, anti-Nazi opposition paper called Der Gerade Weg (The Right Way, or Straight Path), celebrated as a journalistic nemesis of Hitler in his time, largely forgotten now. Gerlich was murdered in Dachau for attempting to print a damaging expose of Hitler five weeks after the Nazis had seized power and crushed the rest of the opposition press. A fascinating figure, Gerlich, a scathing Swiftian satirical scourge of Hitler, he possessed an uncanny insight into the racial dynamics of Hitler's pathology.
On March 9, 1933, storm troopers burst into Gerlich's newspaper office, ripped his last story from the presses, beat him senseless, and dragged him off to Dachau, where he was murdered on the Night of the Long Knives in June 1934.
Washington - Duane R. Clarridge parted company with the Central Intelligence Agency more than two decades ago, but from poolside at his home near San Diego, he still runs a network of spies.

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Massive new leak lifts lid on negotiations...

The biggest leak of confidential documents in the history of the Middle East conflict has revealed that Palestinian negotiators secretly agreed to accept Israel's annexation of all but one of the settlements built illegally in occupied East Jerusalem. This unprecedented proposal was one of a string
As Sacramento prepares to inaugurate governor-elect Jerry Brown next month, the main focus has been on the state’s looming budget deficit and how the legislature and Brown plan to bridge that gap.

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