Picture Of The Day
*Sniper Training Observation * U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observes members of the Iraqi special operation forces during sniper rifle training at Area VI training site in Baghdad, Jan. 7, 2016. The Iraqi special forces primarily conduct anti-guerrilla operations and are part of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Bureau. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique A. Pineiro
*From* *Jenna Orkin* A blistering report that claimed fracking was safe is now being disputed by its own scientists Martin Shkreli Secures Bail With $45 Million E*E*Trade Account, Demands Respect From Wu-Tang Clan "The Jihadists Will Attack Europe": Leaked Phone Call Shows Gaddafi Warned Tony Blair Of Terror Attacks It's Official: Bitcoin Was The Top Performing Currency Of 2015 "We Came, We Saw, He Died" – Revisiting The Incredible Disaster That Is Libya Slovak PM Closes The Door To Refugees: "We Don't Want What Happened In Germany To Happen Here" "Nowhere To Hide" As Baltic 'Fried' In... more »
Most Of The Oil In The Middle East Lies Under Predominantly Shiite Regions
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* The map shows religious populations in the Middle East and proven developed oil and gas reserves. Click to view the full map of the wider region. The dark green areas are predominantly Shiite; light green predominantly Sunni; and purple predominantly Wahhabi/Salafi, a branch of Sunnis. The black and red areas represent oil and gas deposits, respectively. Source: Dr. Michael Izady at Columbia University, Gulf2000, New York *Jon Schwarz, The Intercept*: *One Map That Explains the Dangerous Saudi-Iranian Conflict* The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia executed Shii... more »
Obama’s Gun Control Theater of the Absurd
[image: US President Barack Obama becomes emotional as he delivers a statement on executive actions to reduce gun violence on January 5, 2016 at the White House in Washington, DC.] In Superfudge, Judy Blume's well-loved and best-selling children's book from 1980, the title character -- Farley Drexel Hatcher, a wildly precocious and rambunctious 4-year-old who goes by the nickname "Fudge" -- acquires his dream pet: a chatty myna bird. Fudge... more »
2016-- Same Ole Dysfunctional GOP... Wasting Time Nurturing Their Same Petty Grievances
Yesterday Ryan passed his silly defund Planned Parenthood/repeal Obamacare bill and tried to make a big fuss with a seething right-wing base who already knows he sold them down the river. Not just Ryan, the whole GOP caucus was in on the charade. It passed 240-181 and there were only 3 Republicans present who didn't vote for it. Every other Republican Member of Congress is on record as wanting to kick around 15 million Americans off health insurance, bring back the donuts hole and revisit the glory days of preexisting conditions... as well as defunding Planned Parenthood for good ... more »
Former Libyan Dictator Gaddafi Warned Tony Blair On The Rise Of The Islamic State
British Prime Minister Tony Blair (L) shakes hands with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in a tent outside Tripoli, March 25. 2004. © Madeleine Chambers / Reuters *The Independent*: *Phone conversation transcript reveals Colonel Gaddafi warned Tony Blair about the rise of Islamic extremism* *Transcripts of phone calls between the pair have been released by the Foreign Affairs Committee as it investigates British intervention in Libya* Muammar Gaddafi accused Tony Blair of supporting al-Qaeda as he refused calls to stand down during the height of the Libyan uprising, newly-released tr... more »
Leonard Peltier Health Emergency 2016
. Dear Supporter, We received a message from Leonard this evening. An excerpt follows. "For months, if not at least a year now, I have been complaining about medical problems and that something is wrong with me… For the last few days, I have been on call out to go see the doctor. Today, I was called again and had my blood pressure taken and gave more blood for more tests. Apparently, they
Musical Interlude: Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”
Michael Jackson, “Earth Song” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU
"A Look to the Heavens"
“A mere 2.5 million light-years away, the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31, really is just next door as large galaxies go. In this (inset) scan, image data from NASA's Nuclear Spectrosopic Telescope Array has yielded the best high-energy X-ray view yet of our large neighboring spiral, revealing some 40 extreme sources of X-rays, X-ray binary star systems that contain a black hole or neutron star orbiting a more normal stellar companion. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, larger Andromeda and our own Milky Way are the most massive members of the local galaxy group. Andromeda is... more »
"We're All Mad Here..."
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here." - Lewis Carroll, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
The Universe
"You can "dance" with the illusions of time and space, choosing your "steps" based upon things and events as they now are, or you can dance with your dreams, choosing your steps based upon things and events as they will be. And I bet you can guess which steps will perpetuate today's illusions, and which ones will change everything... Daily, in some small way, dance with your dreams." "Shall we?" The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" - www.tut.com
Chet Raymo, “Salt And Nerves”
*“Salt And Nerves”* by Chet Raymo “I like to think that every day offers at least one unique revelation, some one thing seen or experienced that has not been seen or experienced before, at least not in the same emotional state, in the same context, in the same slant of light. So I walk wary, as the poet Sylvia Plath says, "ignorant/ Of whatever angel may choose to flare/ Suddenly at my elbow." Nature seldom disappoints. Let me introduce you to another poet, my colleague here at the college, Anna Ross. In the particular poem I want to share she is walking with a companion and comes... more »
The Man Who Became (He Thought) a Little Girl Because He Didn’t Want to be a Grown-up
[image: Paul Wolscht (little girl)] Human interest stories are like earthquakes. Readers love earthquakes, but they get bored with the small ones that flatten a single city. Editors need devastated provinces and tsunamis up to wind up their interest. So the lives of transgender people... more »
South Korea to Resume Broadcasting Against the North
[image: A South Korean protester burns the defaced pictures of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a rally in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, against North Korea's announcement that it had tested a hydrogen bomb. The United States, South Korea and Japan agreed to launch a “united and strong” international response to North Korea’s apparent fourth nuclear test, as experts scrambled Thursday to find more details about the detonation that drew worldwide skepticism and condemnation. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)] SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- South Korea is set to start broadcast... more »
Did A Russian Cyber-Attack Shut Down A Part Of Ukraine's Power Grid?
A mobile gas turbine generator, which was turned on due to recent power outages after pylons carrying electricity were blown up, is shown in the settlement of Stroganovka, Simferopol district of Crimea, Nov. 22, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/PAVEL REBROV *IBTimes*: *Did Russia Kill Ukraine's Electricity? Cyberattack Linked To Power Outage Has Global Implications* It wasn’t a normal power outage when the lights abruptly went out for tens of thousands of western Ukrainians in and around the regional capital city of Ivano-Frankivsk two weeks ago. The short-lived blackout was caused by malware... more »
Christie: Obama Has ‘Withdrawn America from the World’
[image: Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks at the World Values Network headquarters, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, in New York.] NEW YORK (AP) -- GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie criticized President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on a host of foreign policy issues Thursday, saying Obama’s Iran nuclear deal has hampered the fight against the Islamic... more »
RCMP Terror Sting Trial Continued...Part Two
*Canadian Terror Patsies, Nuttall and Korody* Recently, as I explained in yesterday's post, in a Vancouver courtroom, judicial proceedings re-commenced regarding the above two Vancouver unfortunates, John Nuttall and his wife, Amanda Korody. According to a Vancouver Sun Report, continued here, RCMP Sgt. Bill Kalkat was on the stand, explaining how the two defendants in the terror plot were *not* being exploited by the undercover sting operation, even though* both were socially and economically marginal and John Nuttal, at least, is developmentally delayed.* According to the most ... more »
Low Oil Prices And Sanctions Are Killing The Russian Economy
*VOA*: *Russian Economy Killers: Oil and Sanctions* NEW YORK CITY — Russian President Vladimir Putin gets a bad report card, even a failing grade, for his handling of the economic crisis in his country, according to 27 percent of analysts who participated in a major survey conducted by Bloomberg Business. These are hard times in Russia, with the collapse in oil prices, economic sanctions against the country for its actions in Ukraine, the collapse of the ruble and significantly impaired economic growth. Russia's growth started to decline rapidly in the first quarter of 2012, wel... more »
VA-09 Congressional Primary Pits A Bernie County Chairman Against The Hillary Backer Who Loves Japanese Internment Camps
You know those states where Democratic registration is higher than Republican registration but where the GOP wins all the time anyway-- states like West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee? Far-off VA-09 in the southwest corner of Virginia borders on all 4 of those states. It's been an economically populist area but culturally conservative. As late as the 90's the district was a Democratic bastion and gave Bill Clinton 63% of its vote both times he ran. Rick Boucher was congressman there from 1983 until he was defeated in 2010 by Republican Morgan Griffith 51-46%. The d... more »
CA-44-- There Are Good Democrats... And Then There Are The Other Kind
Just over three months ago, we looked at how Sacramento Democrats plan to get rid of their most corrupt member, state Senator Isadore Hall, by backing him for an open congressional seat. Hall, who just became a state senator last year, won a special election when just 7% of the voters in his district chose to participate. He heads one of the prime "juice committees" in Sacramento, which are committees that oversee lucrative industries, allowing politicians to foster relationships they can squeeze for campaign cash. And Hall's is the giant bicameral innocuously-named committee on g... more »
Roy Casagranda : ¡Oye ISIL! Aquí están unos consejos que no han sido pedidos
By Roy Casagranda | The Rag Blog | 16 de diciembre, 2015 Traducido del inglés por Cecilia Colomé Mis consejos para todas las fuerzas pro-ISIL en Estados Unidos: Seguir bombardeando a Iraq y Siria. Esta es la manera como ISIL … finish reading Roy Casagranda : ¡Oye ISIL! Aquí están unos consejos que no han sido pedidos
One Cheer for Ted Cruz
Up to now, I have been skeptical about Ted Cruz. Yes, he is smart and articulate, and he is a graduate of two of my favorite universities. But politics is a team sport, and based on his time as a member of the Senate, Cruz does not seem much like a team player. If he were ever to become president, he would need to become a team leader, not just an effective promoter of his own personal brand. He has a long way to go to convince voters like me that he is up to the job. But let's put that concern aside. I was much impressed by this article in today's Wall Street Journal, with the he... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
“Worth: An Unwavering Connection to the Infinite”
*“Worth: An Unwavering Connection to the Infinite”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “Your worth is not a product of your intelligence, your talent, your looks, or how much you have accomplished. Though much of who and what we are changes as we journey through life, our inherent worth remains constant. While the term self-worth is often used interchangeably with self-esteem, the two qualities are inherently different. Self-esteem is the measure of how you feel about yourself at a given moment in time. Your worth, however, is not a product of your intelligence, your talent, your looks,... more »
Giants Coach Coughlin Forced Out, Which Tells Us Something About Markets
[image: Tom Coughlin - 900] Sixteen weeks ago -- sixteen long and generally painful weeks ago -- I wrote about the Giants' horrifying loss to the Dallas Cowboys in the first game of the NFL season. You may remember it. (Boy, I do.) The Giants... more »
US Recruits Tech Leaders to Help Disrupt Islamic State Group
[image: In this Dec. 9, 2015, file photo, FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington before the Senate Judiciary Committee. With extremists finding fertile ground for recruitment online, the White House is dispatching top national security officials to Silicon Valley to seek the tech industry's help in disrupting the Islamic State group and other terrorists. At a high-level session on Jan. 8, 2016, leaders from major technology and Internet companies will discuss ways to use technology to stop terrorists from radicalizing people online and spurring them to viol... more »
Defy America, Pay No Price
[image: President Barack Obama, accompanied by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, speaks in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015, to brief the public on the nation's homeland security posture heading into the holiday season, following meeting with his national security team.] WASHINGTON -- If you’re going to engage in a foreign policy capitulation, might as well do it when everyone is getting tanked and otherwise occupied. Say, New Year’s Eve. Here’s the story. In October, Iran test-fires a nuclear-capable ballistic missile... more »
“What Death Taught Me”
*“What Death Taught Me”* by Katie Dreyer “Joan Didion said grief is never how you expect it will be. When I used to think of my mother dying, in the abstract, vague way people do, I imagined myself collapsing in a heap, burying myself in my bed for days. The world would be dark and I would bury myself in that darkness; I'd bury myself with her. I never saw how I would be weeks or months or years later. I was caught in that moment of agony. That is how I thought I would be: Immovable, incapable, ruined. Instead, I moved just fine. All my limbs still worked, and I opened the curtains... more »
The Poet: Rumi, “The Way Things Should”
*“The Way Things Should”* "What will our children do in the morning? Will they wake with their hearts wanting to play, the way wings should? Will they have dreamed the needed flights and gathered the strength from the planets that all men and women need to balance the wonderful charms of the earth so that her power and beauty does not make us forget our own? I know all about the ways of the heart – how it wants to be alive. Love so needs to love that it will endure almost anything, even abuse, just to flicker for a moment. But the sky’s mouth is kind, its song will never hurt you, f... more »
Words Mean Things: The Beginnings of De-Gendering Democratic Citizenship
This is a guest post by Kyleanne Hunter, PhD Student and Research Fellow at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver Yesterday it was discovered that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has ordered the Marine Corps to both integrate their enlisted training and to create gender-neutral job titles. This news comes on […]
Jan. 7: How time flies when you're having fun.
It is now 2 p.m., and my breakfast copy of the Moncton Times and Transcript has yet to arrive. However, there is enough news around so we can get along without it. We'll start with an issue the news media rarely mention. Israel as a Jewish state. I dislike the idea of that because the implication is that Jews are not only a nation, but a race. In fact, there is no such thing as a race. And the term is inevitably used as Hitler used it – to make it official that a certain people are intellectually and morally superior to others. In fact, all us white folks in the west – Britain, Fran... more »
The Rout In Oil Prices Continues
*FOX News*: *Oil Rout Resumes as Odds of OPEC Cuts Slide* The pressure on oil prices escalated on Wednesday amid persistently large stockpiles, while Middle East tensions are lowering the odds that OPEC will take action. U.S. crude tumbled 5.6% to $33.97, the lowest settlement price in seven years. Brent crude, the international benchmark, slipped below $35 a barrel for the first time since 2004. Concerns over a global oversupply have sent oil prices reeling for more than a year. West Texas Intermediate crude oil averaged $49 a barrel in 2015, a 53% decline compared to 2014. *WN... more »
New Study Indicates Existence of Eight Conservative Social Psychologists
[image: social psychologists] Just how much viewpoint diversity do we have in social psychology? In 2011 nobody knew, so I asked 30 of my friends in the field to name a conservative. They came up with several names, but only one suspect admitted,... Continue reading *“New Study Indicates Existence of Eight Conservative Social Psychologists”* at *heterodoxacademy.org*.
The Top US Military Official Arrives in Turkey. Who Greets Him?
*"Something’s happenin’ here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with a gun over there. Telling me I got to beware.. There’s a man with a gun over there. Telling me I got to beware"* You know that song "For What it's Worth"? It’s playin’ in my head right at this moment. Something is afoot. But what? Let's take a brief trip down memory lane shall we? Perhaps then you'll understand my trepidation? *Prior to the Russian jet shootdown- * *Nov.23/2015*: *Vice Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Paul J. Selva starts his visit to Ankara *reportedly to discuss t... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 7, 2016
*Mark Thompson, Time*: *North Korea’s Steady Quest for a Bigger Mushroom Cloud* North Korea’s purported H-bomb test Wednesday makes clear the cost-benefit analysis of dealing with what President George W. Bush called the “axis of evil” shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks. That was his shorthand way of describing North Korea, Iraq and Iran in his 2002 State of the Union address. Since then, the U.S. and many of its allies have dealt with the three so-called “rogue nations” in three very different ways. When Bush first declared the axis of evil on Jan. 29, 2002, he focused on Ira... more »
Corbett Report: Rage-clicking in the Divide and Conquer New Year - #NewWorldNextWeek
*Video Title: Rage-clicking in the Divide and Conquer New Year - #NewWorldNextWeek. Source: corbettreport. Date Published: January 7, 2016. Description:* Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
World News Briefs -- January 7, 2016 (Evening Edition)
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry votes at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan, New York, December 18, 2015. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz *Reuters:* *End 'business as usual' with North Korea, U.S. tells China* The United States called on China on Thursday to end "business as usual" with its ally North Korea after Pyongyang defied world powers by announcing it had tested a hydrogen bomb. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he made clear in a phone call with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that China's approach to North Korea has not succeeded. "China had a particular approa... more »
The Rape Allegation Against Bill Clinton, Explained
[image: Broaddrick - 400] On Wednesday, Juanita Broaddrick tweeted a reminder of her allegation that Bill Clinton raped her during his campaign for governor of Arkansas in 1978: I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried... Continue reading *“The Rape Allegation Against Bill Clinton, Explained”* at *vox.com*.
3 Powerful Ways to Cleanse and Recharge Your Energetic Body
*Ryan Mandell* - It is incredibly easy for your energetic body to become disturbed and imbalanced. The post 3 Powerful Ways to Cleanse and Recharge Your Energetic Body appeared first on Waking Times.
Report Says United States Set To Collapse After 2016 Civil War
A Russian Security Council (SCRF) report suggests that 2016 will be the year that the government of the United States completely collapses, following a civil war amongst its citizens. The report says that the collapse of both the United States and Saudi Arabia governments will occur in 2016 as a result of mass revolts against the corruption these governments rule by, which will then lead to a global era of “unprecedented instability”. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Of the many facts involved in fearing the collapse of the United States government, this report says, are the many warning... more »
Juanita Broaddrick Tweets “I was 35 When Bill Clinton Raped Me”
A former nursing home administrator has made a bombshell statement on Twitter on Wednesday, claiming that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 during a campaign visit to the home she worked at. Juanita Broaddrick took to Twitter on Wednesday, and tweeted “Bill Clinton raped me”, sending Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign into panic. In the Tweet, Broaddrick says: “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.“ She says that subsequent to her allegations in 1978, Hillary Clinton joined forces wit... more »
Feds Say Hillary Clinton Is ’Gravely ill’
Rumours of Hillary Clinton’s ill-health have circulated for years, but now they appear to be confirmed as law-enforcement officials have said that Clinton’s disappearance from the debate stage last month was due to a “health problem” stemming from a “serious brain injury”. According to a neurologist, Hillary Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which is likely to severely impact her ability to do her job as President. Breitbart.com reports: “Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary’s debate ‘bathroom break’ wasn’t that, but flare up of problems from ... more »
Venezuela Ban GMO Crops And Seeds
Venezuela have passed a new law in December 2015 that effectively bans GMOs from the country. The law imposes one of the toughest regulations on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the world. The anti-GMO law was approved by the National Assembly of Venezuela, and passed by popular demand. Ecowatch.com reports: Today, the new opposition coalition—the Roundtable of Democratic Unity—will take over. Venezuela Passes Law Banning GMOs, by Popular Demand https://t.co/DZNlE8Cy0u #GMO pic.twitter.com/v8AXQk5tKn — Fight Against GMOS (@FightAgainstGMO) January 1, 2016 The Seed Law seeks... more »
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
[image: Planned Parenthood and Hillary - 400] Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the advocacy arm of the nation's largest abortion provider, announced Thursday that it will endorse Hillary Clinton for president. According to the group, this is the first time in the organization's history that they have endorsed... Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Hillary Clinton for President”* at *theblaze.com*.
State to Dump Thousands of Clinton Emails
[image: Clinton emails] The State Department will release 2,900 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails on Thursday, after failing to meet a court-ordered deadline last week. Thursday's document dump is likely to be the second-to-last release of Clinton's emails by... Continue reading *“State to Dump Thousands of Clinton Emails”* at *thehill.com*.
Reports: AC-130 in Support of Trapped U.S. Special Forces Restricted Due to Fears of ‘Collateral Damage’
[image: An AC-130A Hercules gunship aircraft performs a pylon turn near Hurlburt Field, Florida during a training mission. The aircraft is from the 919th Special Operations Group, Eglin Air Force Base Auxiliary Field 3 (Duke Field), Florida.] An AC-130 gunship was allegedly prevented from providing air support to a group of U.S. special forces under heavy fire from the Taliban due to fears that it could cause collateral damage, according to a report from SOFRep.com and a... more »
June Sarpong OBE
*"The Sammy we knew was not the man who jumped off that bridge.* *He lost complete control."* June Sarpong's brother jumped off this bridge in Hollywood last October for no apparent reason. It can be shown that The Guardian apparently was afraid of June Sarpong and worried by what she might say, and who might listen to her and believe her - it identified her and personally singled her out for a direct attack. They were scared of her, as is clear by the dual-front character of their attack, symltaneously ridiculing her as an unserious, tabloidy presenter, whilst mounting a shame-ass... more »
Hillary Will Be Indicted, Says Former US Attorney
[image: NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 25: Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during the annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting on September 25, 2013 in New York City. Timed to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly, CGI brings together heads of state, CEOs, philanthropists and others to help find solutions to the world's major problems.] A former U.S. Attorney predicts a Watergate-style showdown in the Department of Justice if Attorney General Loretta Lynch overrules a potential FBI recommendation to indict Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clint... more »
Young Abortion Activists Upset at Democrat Chair: You’re Wrong, We Love Abortion
[image: young abortion activists] There's a rare fissure within the pro-abortion movement. Young abortion advocates are upset with recent candid remarks from the pro-abortion chair of the Democratic Party. As LifeNews reported yesterday, Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz sat down with the... Continue reading *“Young Abortion Activists Upset at Democrat Chair: You’re Wrong, We Love Abortion”* at *lifenews.com*.
Suspect in Cologne Sex Attacks: ‘I Am Syrian. You Have to Treat Me Kindly. Mrs. Merkel Invited Me.’
[image: German police2 - 400] I only half-believe this was actually said, for this reason: If you wanted to blow up Merkel's refugee policy, you could not write a single more effective line to do it. But two respected German papers, Bild and Spiegel, obtained the... Continue reading *“Suspect in Cologne Sex Attacks: ‘I Am Syrian. You Have to Treat Me Kindly. Mrs. Merkel Invited Me.’”* at *hotair.com*.
Cologne Mayor Under Fire Over Attacks Comment
[image: Cologne attacks - 408] Cologne’s mayor is under fire for suggesting women should protect themselves, after about 90 New Year revellers were sexually assaulted, robbed or threatened during the city’s celebrations. Henriette Reker is among politicians who urged Germans not to put foreigners and... Continue reading *“Cologne Mayor Under Fire Over Attacks Comment”* at *news.sky.com*.
Kate Braun : ¡Aquí está cómo pasar una navidad genial!
Durante el solsticio de invierno esperaremos mucha energía vertiéndose sobre nosostros. Por Kate Braun | The Rag Blog | 20 de diciembre, 2015 Traducido del inglés por Cecilia Colomé El lunes 21 de diciembre de 2015 es Navidad, lo cual … finish reading Kate Braun : ¡Aquí está cómo pasar una navidad genial!
Famous Actor Films UFO Chasing A Plane In Brazil
Brazilian actor Rodrigo Andrade has released video footage of a UFO captured on a flight between Rio de Janeiro and Campinas. The images were recorded on 12 October 2013, but were only released this week due to witnesses fears of repercussions in releasing the footage 3 years ago. The pilots contacted ground control to inform them of the unidentified object seen in the video, and were told that nothing could be seen on radar. The UFO follows the plane for 25 minutes before completely vanishing. According to experts the video is authentic. The video made by actor Rodrigo Andrade show...more »
Oklahoma: 26 Earthquakes Reported In 17 Hours
A series of small-medium earthquakes have rattled Oklahoma throughout Wednesday night, bringing a staggering 26 earthquakes to the region in just 17 hours. A 4.7 magnitude tremor was followed just moments later by another 4.8 earthquake in an area 20 miles from Fairview, Oklahoma. Weather.com reports: The quakes struck at depths of 2.1 and 3.7 miles below the surface. The twin earthquakes occurred at 10:27 p.m. CST Wednesday night and were felt from central Kansas to southern Oklahoma and the eastern Texas panhandle, including in Wichita, Kansas, and the Oklahoma City metropolitan ... more »
Tourists Film Video Of UFO And Vortex Above CERN
A group of American tourists have filmed what looks like a UFO next to a vortex of swirling clouds, above the CERN headquarters in Switzerland. The strange footage was captured above the the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and shows clouds swirling very fast above the nuclear research tunnels, followed by an eerie orb of light, which travels towards the vortex clouds. Dailymail.co.uk reports: The filmmaker, who could be heard expressing his amazement at the swirling clouds only moments earlier, fails to acknowledge the sudden appearance of this orb. But zooms in on it as it reaches the ... more »
Bu Dai Xi: Origins?
[image: Politics_68] *Haystacks in Chiayi* From "Puppets and Cultural Identity in Taiwan", Jean-Luc Penso, pp 169-178. In *Objects, Heritage, and Cultural Identity*, edited by Muyard, Frank, Chou Liang-kai, and Dreyer, Serge. Taiwan Historica, 2009: The first use of puppets was for divinatory purposes but their use became more secular over the centuries. Puppets played an essential role in the creation of the most respected and secular Chinese opera, since the art of puppets actually initiated opera. Many facts corroborate this argument. For example, the actors' gestures and particu... more »
Should the common core be the law of the land?
Sent to the New York Times, Jan. 7, 2016 Thomas Friedman ("Up with extremism," January 6) thinks that the Common Core standards should be the law of the land, a view he admits is "extremist." While advocates are quick to interpret any increase in test scores as support for the Common Core, there is no legitimate scientific evidence that the standards have helped students "meet ... higher level skill levels" nor has any plan been announced to see if the standards help students learn more. Friedman's view is not only extremist, it is uninformed. Stephen Krashen
Upsides and Downsides to the Use of the Cannabis Plant
*Wes Annac* - Cannabis can play a crucial role in evolution, but it also has its share of downsides. The post Upsides and Downsides to the Use of the Cannabis Plant appeared first on Waking Times.
A Guest Post, from Shaheer
This is an essay by a friend of mine, Shaheer. He documents his exploits into the world of climate change and activism, and relates the state of climate change as we stand today. My introduction to climate change came from Al Gore, in his 2006 award winning An Inconvenient Truth. I became aware of the issue, but never gave it much more thought. It wasn’t until I heard former head of NASA's Institute for Space Studies, *James Hansen*, on CBC in 2009 that I became really interested in the issue, and started researching it online and reading avidly about it on The Economist. Over... more »
The US Fertility Rate May (Finally) Be Recovering from the Recession
[image: fertility rate] Perhaps because the National Vital Statistics System, a branch of the CDC, released its latest report over the holidays, its findings about U.S. births in 2014 didn't hit many headlines. But several of their statistics are worth highlighting. Continue reading *“The US Fertility Rate May (Finally) Be Recovering from the Recession”* at *family-studies.org*.
Establishment Tribes Beat Drums Against Ted Cruz
[image: Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pauses as he listens to a reporters question at the Fort Worth Texas Chamber of Commerce office after he participated in a small business roundtable meeting with area business representatives, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013, in Fort Worth, Texas. Across the nation, the GOP is in the midst of an internal war pitting tea partyers like Cruz who argue for ideological purity against more mainstream Republicans advocating a more pragmatic, inclusive party approach to governing. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)] Simultaneously, as if signals from a council of sachems had su... more »
World’s First Passenger Drone Is Controlled By A Microsoft Surface
A Chinese company based in the culinary port city of Guangzhou has unveiled a single-passenger drone that can transport people up to an altitude of 11,000 feet. It can cruise at 62 miles per hour for over 20 minutes and is controlled with a Microsoft Surface. It is the most daring product to come out of the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The personal aerial vehicle is named EHANG 184 AAV and comes with a six figure price tag. EHang 184, the world’s first electric, personal Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) that will achieve humanity’s long-standing dream of easy, everyda...more »
The Economy: "The Domino Effect"
*"The Domino Effect"* by eric "When most people can’t afford to buy things outright, the cost of money – interest – becomes even more important than the cost of the things themselves. For the past eight years, interest rates have been held down to 3 or 4 percent (or even less, in some cases) such that it costs almost nothing to borrow money. The private banking cartel that controls interest rates – the (ahem) “Federal” Reserve – did this to “stimulate” the economy – which is built on debt and people’s ability and willingness to assume it – after the cratering of Wall Street (and wi... more »
Iran Severs All Commercial Ties With Saudi Arabia
*Reuters*: *Iran stops doing business with Saudi Arabia as Nimr execution rankles* Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia deteriorated even further on Thursday as Tehran severed all commercial ties with Riyadh and accused Saudi jets of attacking its embassy in Yemen's capital. A row has been raging for days between Shi'ite Muslim power Iran and the conservative Sunni kingdom since Saudi Arabia executed cleric Nimr al-Nimr, an opponent of the ruling dynasty who demanded greater rights for the Shi'ite minority. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan, Djibouti and Somalia have all broken off...more »
German Authorities Threaten Penalties for Critics of Islamic Colonization
[image: penalties for critics] BERLIN -- Donald Trump may be testing the boundaries of tolerance on the U.S. campaign trail. But here in Germany, the government is effectively enforcing civility, taking aim at a surge of hate speech against refugees and Muslims. As Western... Continue reading *“German Authorities Threaten Penalties for Critics of Islamic Colonization”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
‘Why The Stream?’
[image: James Robison — ‘Why The Stream?’] In a new video short, The Stream‘s founder and publisher, James Robison, shares his vision for freedom and renewal, and answers the question, “Why The Stream?” It’s a question that’s often been put to the evangelist, whose LIFE Outreach ministry focuses on feeding... more »
IRS Withdraws Controversial Rule After Charity Backlash
[image: IRS - 400] The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is backing down from a controversial rule that would have pressured nonprofits to collect the Social Security numbers of their donors. Nonprofits warned the rule would have a "chilling effect" on donations and make charitable... Continue reading *“IRS Withdraws Controversial Rule After Charity Backlash”* at *thehill.com*.
Ted Cruz, Natural Born Citizen
[image: Ted Cruz] Senator Ted Cruz is wise to laugh off Donald Trump's intimation that his constitutional qualifications to serve as president may be debatable. The suggestion is sufficiently frivolous that even Trump, who is apt to utter most anything that pops into... Continue reading *“Ted Cruz, Natural Born Citizen”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Rubio Steps up Focus on Faith, Religion in New Ad
[image: Marco Rubio ad - 400] Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is highlighting his Christian faith as he attempts to clip competitor Ted Cruz’s momentum in Iowa. Rubio on Thursday released a new 30-second ad that will hit the airwaves this weekend in Iowa that says... Continue reading *“Rubio Steps up Focus on Faith, Religion in New Ad”* at *usatoday.com*.
State Department Reveals Its Past Connection to Activist Who Made Video Promoting the Stabbing of Jews
[image: Lina Allan - 400] The State Department said Wednesday that a Michigan woman who recently posted a video supporting Palestinians who stab Jews once served as a volunteer on a State Department program that works to create positive change in the Middle East. Responding... Continue reading *“State Department Reveals Its Past Connection to Activist Who Made Video Promoting the Stabbing of Jews”* at *theblaze.com*.
Transcript Reveals Gaddafi Accused Blair Of Supporting Al-Qaeda
Newly released telephone transcripts reveal that Colonel Gaddafi accused Tony Blair of supporting al-Qaeda as he refused calls to stand down during the height of the Libyan uprising. Gaddafi also warned the former British prime minister about the rise of Islamic extremism On Thursday, the former British Prime minister submitted a transcript of the calls he made to Gaddafi on February 25, 2011, to MPs as part of their investigation into the UK’s policy on Libya. Records of two phone conversations between the pair on 25 February 2011 have been published by the Foreign Affairs Committ... more »
Do not fight the future when you know the past cause
Local battles have been one and beachheads of alliance will in the future be portrayed but the complete postdated is no where close to complete Terrorism is the symptom but Nihilism is the disease and if JT wants to save the world point him to this fact as the root cause Nihilism is the default reset for the lizard brain so when we cant connect we reset and the world goes to hell over and over again Nilisim is animal eating the last breeding pair of buffalo cause I am hungry today in the modern world expressed best by those in prison who really do not give a fuck I have traveled this w... more »
Trump gave Democrat Rahm Emanuel $50K in 2010
[image: Rahm Emanuel] Billionaire Donald Trump, who’s eyeing a run for the White House, gave a sizeable campaign contribution to President Barack Obama’s chief of staff as he ran to become Chicago’s mayor, a recent report highlighted. Continue reading *“Trump gave Democrat Rahm Emanuel $50K in 2010”* at *nbcchicago.com*.
Russia Bails Out Ukrainians Who Had No Gas
The puppet government in Kiev has destroyed Ukraine. It has become the Somalia of Europe. The US-NATO project has been to destabilize Ukraine because it borders with Russia and in the western part of the country the large supply of nationalists/Nazis have been willing to serve as the shock troops to wage war in the east. Washington-London-Brussels-Paris-Bonn don't give a damn about the people in Ukraine. The people are just tools - the goal is regime change in Moscow. Compliant corporate agents are preferred that will serve as vassals. Russia, China, Syria and Iran are all o... more »
China Stock Exchanges To Suspend Circuit Breaker Rules By Friday
China will suspend the newly implemented circuit breaker rules for the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges that came into place this week, as of Friday. On Thursday the circuit-breaker system kicked it when the index fell by 7 percent within minutes of the bourse opening. Share Cast reports: The new circuit breakers, which kicked in on Monday, have been criticised by analysts for exaggerating declines as investors rush to exit positions before getting locked in by the halts. Market participants said the move was good news as it removed the element of fear from trading. “At last, s... more »
Parts Of Syria Are Now Facing Famine And Mass Starvation
*The Guardian*: *Madaya: residents of besieged Syrian town say they are being starved to death* Activists in the mountain town, where 30,000 people have been trapped since July, speak of families eating leaves to survive Residents of a Syrian town a few dozen miles from the capital, Damascus, say they are dying of starvation as a result of a months-long siege by forces loyal to the government of Bashar al-Assad. Families are eating leaves, grasses and water flavoured with spices in the town of Madaya, where rice is sold by the gram because a kilogram costs as much as $250 (£170).... more »
The Only Half-Decent Republican Running for President
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) fresh from the campaign trail to talk haircuts, Trump, Christie, and the need to restrain US military interventions around the world. He says he is Libertarian-ish.
BREAKING: Massachusetts will hold a Republican primary!
*THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016Rachel Maddow informs the world about who's "very white:"* No one gets informed more quickly than viewers of the Maddow Show. Last night's program provided a good example of this general principle. Until last night, no one had the slightest idea why Candidate Trump would be staging campaign events in Massachusetts and even in liberal Vermont. On Monday evening, Maddow explained how weird it seemed that Trump was doing that. For our previous post, click here: MADDOW (1/4/16): This is a line to get into a Donald Trump rally in Lowell, Massachusetts. Lowell... more »
Israeli Reporter Stabbed Demonstrating Knife-Proof Vest
An Israeli TV reporter was stabbed and wounded while testing out a knife-proof vest. Eitam Lachover an Israeli reporter for Channel 1 news and was doing a segment to help promote a body armor company and agreed to get stabbed on camera, only things went wrong, much to the embarrassment of the manufacturer. RT reports: The experiment failed miserably as the protective body armor could not stop the cold steel blade. Luckily, Lachover suffered only a light injury to his upper back, much to the humiliation of the vest’s creators, who remain certain of the item’s safety features. In a st... more »
New Trump Ad Scolds Hillary for Palling Around with Sexual Predators; Others Target Her Treatment of Bill’s Accusers
[image: Hillary Clinton and Bill Cosby - 900] Donald Trump sent a new broadside at Democratic rival Hillary Clinton Thursday, tying her not only to the predatory escapades of her husband Bill Clinton, but to those of comedian Bill Cosby and disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner. The ad, released on... more »
Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to Government Demand to Censor 'Hate Speech'
Breitbart reports http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/07/cologne-google-facebook-twitter-yield-german-govt-demand-censor-anti-migrant-hate-speech/ the anti free speech news that: 'In a deal reached last December, major social media sites said they would work to delete any German anti-migrant sentiments distributed on their networks within 24 hours after a removal request has been made.' A German government being against free speech, who'd have thought it? As John F. Kennedy said: 'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.' The tro... more »
Quote of the Day: On kitchen design
*"The science of marketing has taken over to a large extent when it comes to the design of our kitchens today."* ~ Kitchen designer Johnny Grey, quoted in the post 'Sociable Kitchens' Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Knifeman With ISIL Flag Shot Dead At Paris Police Station
A man has been shot dead at a Paris police station wearing a fake explosive vest and carrying a sheet of paper featuring the ISIL flag. The man was killed as he tried to enter a police station in Paris, wielding a knife. The incident comes on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine Euro News reports: Reportedly shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’, meaning ‘God is great’, he was gunned down by officers in the northern 18th district, not far from Montmartre. Some reports said his weapon was a meat cleaver. The Paris Prosecutor François Molins has said the man was carr... more »
India - Pakistan Peace Talks Now On Hold?
An Indian security personnel stands guard on a building at the Indian Air Force (IAF) base at Pathankot in Punjab, India, January 5, 2016. REUTERS/MUKESH GUPTA *Reuters: **Talks uncertain as India says Pakistan must first hunt militants* India called on Pakistan on Thursday to take "prompt and decisive" action against militants it blames for an attack on an air base, days before fraught peace talks between the nuclear-armed neighbours are scheduled to resume. A meeting between the foreign secretaries of both nations had been tentatively scheduled for Jan. 15, but it is unclear if... more »
Iran Claims Saudi Arabia Bombed Their Embassy In Yemen
Saudi warplanes attacked Iran’s embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Wednesday nigh, injuring a number of embassy staff, according to Iran’s Foreign Ministry. Rudaw reports: “This deliberate and intentional act by the Saudi Arabian government is in violation of all international conventions and legal treaties regarding the protection and impunity of diplomatic compounds under all circumstances.” The spokesman of Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Hossein Jaberi Ansari told Iran’s state television. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari “Iran holds the government of Saudi Ar...more »
Yemen War News Updates -- January 7, 2016
*Reuters*: *Heaviest air strikes yet rock Yemeni capital Sanaa: residents* Dozens of air strikes hit the Yemeni capital Sanaa on Thursday, in what residents described as the heaviest aerial attacks yet in nine months of war, days after a Saudi-led coalition trying to restore a Saudi-backed government ended a fragile ceasefire. The strikes pounded the presidential palace and a mountain military base to the south of the city, causing children and teachers in several schools to flee for their lives. "My classmate and I were at recess when a huge explosion hit the neighborhood. We ra... more »
The Economy: "Why We’d Welcome a Depression"
*"Why We’d Welcome a Depression"* by Bill Bonner DUBLIN – "Dow down 252 yesterday – or 1.5%. Chevron, Apple, and Goldman Sachs leading the retreat... The press blamed China, North Korea, oil, and “geopolitical concerns.” So far this year, the Dow has lost 3% of its value. Let’s see… We believe it is headed for a 50% loss. So, at this rate… we’ll be there by June! *Connecting the Dots: *Readers frequently accuse us of being “negative” or “depressing.” Yesterday, one even charged us with fanning the fires of fear and fright to sell newsletter services. We deny it. Fear doesn’t sell ... more »
Retractions follow misconduct by biologist, one more on the way
Two journals have retracted papers by a biologist at the University of Tokyo who admitted to scientific misconduct, including data duplication and misrepresentation. Another journal is planning to retract one of the researcher’s papers later this month. Hyun Kim studies a protein known as the “ski protein.” However, one analysis of the role of ski protein in development was […] The post Retractions follow misconduct by biologist, one more on the way appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 7th January)
Nurse shortage hits dangerous levels in 90% of hospitals An analysis by the Health Service Journal (HSJ) of 232 hospitals in England found that 207, or 90%, were unable to meet safe levels during the day, while 81% could not hit targets for night cover and 79% missed both quotas. It marks a decline since January 2015, when 85% of hospitals were short-staffed during the day. Earlier this month
Lamar W. Hankins : METRO | The religious pretense of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
These imaginary violations of religious liberty allow Texas politicians to pander to the religious right. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | January 7, 2016 SAN MARCOS — It will come as no surprise to anyone who watches … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins : *METRO* | The religious pretense of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
My Prediction On What Will Be The U.S. And Chinese Response To North Korea's Nuclear Test
Kim Jong-un signs the order for the nuclear test. KCNA *The Guardian*: *North Korea nuclear test meets with familiar response from White House* *Obama administration greets fourth test in a decade with usual approach of ‘strategic patience’, as Republicans once again call for harsher measures.* Barack Obama’s administration has greeted North Korea’s fourth nuclear test in a decade with the same mix of condemnation, exasperation and pleas for collective action prompted by Pyongyang’s previous nuclear detonations. Once again, US officials said they refused to accept North Korea as a ... more »
Global Stocks Slide on China Volatility
[image: Chinese Stock - 400] U.S. stocks pared steep initial losses after a plunge in Chinese equities spilled over to global markets on Thursday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average recently declined 141 points, or 0.8%, to 16791, after earlier falling as much as 318 points.... Continue reading *“Global Stocks Slide on China Volatility”* at *wsj.com*.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On North Korea's Nuclear Test -- News Updates January 7, 2016
*Carole Lee, WSJ*: *North Korea Bomb Test Challenges U.S. Policy in Asia* Country’s nuclear test raises concerns about Pyongyang’s advances and questions about effectiveness of administration’s stance toward region North Korea’s fourth nuclear weapons test spread alarm through the U.S. and allied countries, reigniting concerns about Pyongyang’s advancements and thrusting the country back into the diplomatic spotlight. The Obama administration on Wednesday disputed North Korea’s declaration that it had detonated a hydrogen bomb, a thermonuclear device with far greater destructive p... more »
MoveOn Announces Presidential Endorsement Vote
*To go straight to the vote, click here.* *by Gaius Publius* Things like this can matter. Like DFA before it, the multi-million member organization MoveOn will hold a vote of its members to determine a possible 2016 presidential endorsement. Note that the vote starts *Thursday, January 7* and runs through essentially midnight on *Sunday, January 10* (technically, through 2:59 am Monday ET, 11:59 pm Sunday PT). That's a very narrow window, so if you're a member, you want to get your vote in now. Also, note that for an endorsement, a candidate must win a super-majority, or two-third... more »
Is war on PC enough to win the White House and be a great president?
*Maybe.* The term "political correctness" (shortened as PC below) was first used by Marxists-Leninists after the 1917 Russian Revolution, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, to describe "adherence to the policies and principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union". This phrase only expanded as a derogatory one during the U.S. of the 1990s but largely disappeared later. However, the 2016 U.S. presidential election season has greatly revived the terminology. (See also Google Trends.) For the Donald Trump, the leader of GOP polls, it's probably the #1 evil. Ben Carson seems... more »
After North Korea's Nuclear Test South Korea Now Wants U.S. Strategic Weapons
U.S. President Barack Obama visits U.S. military personnel stationed at Observation Post Ouellette along the Demilitarized Zone which borders North and South Korea, outside Seoul. 2012 REUTERS/Larry Downing *Reuters: **South Korea seeks U.S. strategic weapons after North's nuclear test* South Korea is in talks with the United States to deploy U.S. strategic weapons on the Korean peninsula, a South Korean military official said on Thursday, a day after North Korea said it successfully tested a hydrogen nuclear device. South Korea also said it would resume propaganda broadcasts by l... more »
Would North Korea's Leader Push The Bottom To Start A Nuclear War?
John Everard, a former British Ambassador to North Korea, says the country is dangerous whether it does or does not have a H-bomb (pictured, a mass rally in Pyongyang to mark Kim New Year Address) *Daily Mail:* *The spine-chilling question: could Kim press the button? * * Pyongyang claimed to have tested a thermonuclear weapon this morning * The explosion triggered 5.1-magnitude earthquake which was felt for miles * North Korean leader threatened 'merciless sacred war' against its enemies * Its nuclear capability is worrying, says former ambassador to the country The pressing quest... more »
Who Should Women Be More Scared of — Abuser Bill, or Enabler Hillary?
[image: On Jan. 26-27, 2007 at Gallaudet University in Washington DC, SEIU local union leaders individually questioned eight Democratic presidential hopefuls—Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC), Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM), and former Gov. Tom Vilsack (D-IA) —about where they stand on the issues that matter most to SEIU members: affordable health care, good jobs, and retirement security.] In the week between Christmas and New Year’s, Bill Clinton’s trysts as ... more »
Libya Truck Bombing Kills at Least 60 Policemen, Wounds 200
[image: Libya - 900] TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) -- A massive truck bomb exploded near a police base in the western Libyan town of Zliten on Thursday, killing at least 60 policemen and wounding around 200 others, officials said. No group immediately claimed responsibility for...more »
"Brain Finger Printing”- Brain Scanning for Terrorism
*Link* Highly questionable use of technology, being pushed by the marketer of said “product, in a typical will claim anything to make a buck fashion! It is a forensic science technique that uses electroencephalography (EEG) to determine whether specific information is stored in a subject's brain by measuring electrical brainwaves based on the brain's response to words, phrases or pictures presented to it on a computer screen. The brain responds differently when exposed to information it already knows, compared with unknown information. An electrical signal is emitted from an indi... more »
Iran Says Saudi Strike Hits Embassy in Yemen; No Damage Seen
[image: FILE -- In this Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016 file photo, Iranian demonstrators burn representations of the U.S. and Israeli flags during a demonstration in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran, Iran. Diplomatic tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which began with the kingdom’s execution of Shiite Sheik Nimr al-Nimr and later saw attacks on Saudi diplomatic posts in the Islamic Republic, have seen countries around the world respond. On Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, President Hassan Rouhani said Saudi Arabia’s move to sever ties with his country couldn’t “cover its crime” of exec... more »
THE YEAR OF THE LIBERAL: As seen in the Post!
*THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016Prelude—The year of liberal narrative:* Before he was president, did Bill Clinton have "an affair" with an actress named Gennifer Flowers? That's what it says in this news report in today's Washington Post. Late in their hard-copy report, Tumulty and Sellers refer to "Gennifer Flowers, an actress who had an affair with Clinton when he was governor." Did Clinton and Flowers have an affair? As always, everything is possible. But we know of no reason to make that assertion—no evidence to that effect. Still, the claim became part of treasured script at some ... more »
The U.S. Air Force's Radiation 'Sniffer' Jet May Be Headed To Korea
A WC-135 Constant Phoenix approaching a tanker. Wikipedia *CNN:* *Air Force radiation 'sniffer' jet may be headed to Korea* (CNN)A U.S. Air Force radiation "sniffer" jet may soon be flying off the Korean Peninsula to help determine if North Korea's claims of a hydrogen bomb test are true, a U.S. military official says. The White House said Wednesday it was skeptical of North Korea's claim that it successfully detonated a thermonuclear device. "The initial analysis is not consistent with the North Korean claims," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. But the Pentagon has a way t... more »
‘United States vs. North Korea’
[image: Ramirez - 010716 - US vs North Korea - 900]
Prostate cancer paper retracted after investigation can’t review original image
An article about how a COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) inhibits growth of prostate cancer in rats is being retracted after the authors were unable to provide an investigation committee at New York University with the backup they were asking for. When the paper was published in 2003, first author Bhagavathi Narayanan worked at the Institute for […] The post Prostate cancer paper retracted after investigation can’t review original image appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Knife-Wielding Man in Fake Explosives Vest Attacks Paris Police on Anniversary of Charlie Hebdo
[image: Paris police - 900] PARIS (AP) -- Police shot and killed a man wearing a fake explosive vest who threatened them with a butcher knife at a Paris police station Thursday, a year almost to the minute after two Islamic extremists burst into the... more »
State Department Gave ‘Inaccurate’ Answer on Clinton Email Use, Review Says
[image: Hillary Clinton-400] Two years before the public learned of Hillary Clinton's private server, the State Department gave an "inaccurate and incomplete" response about her email use when it told an outside group that it had no documents about Clinton's email accounts beyond... Continue reading *“State Department Gave ‘Inaccurate’ Answer on Clinton Email Use, Review Says”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Strait of Hormuz 2017
The internal disintegration of Saudi Arabia continues apace, with the monarchy attempting to hold on to power amid violence between radical Islamist movements spilling over from Iraq, Syria and moderate Saudis pushing for democratic reform. Troops with newly supplied Canadian-made armoured vehicles were filmed yesterday firing on unarmed protesters in what Twitter has rapidly coined the Riyadh
Colonel Gaddafi Warned Tony Blair of Islamist Attacks on Europe, Phone Conversations Reveal
[image: Blair and Gaddafi - 400] Colonel Muammar Gaddafi issued a ‘prophetic’ warning to Tony Blair that jihadists would attack Europe if his regime was allowed to collapse, phone conversations reveal. Gaddafi’s dire prediction was made in two desperate telephone calls with Mr. Blair on February... Continue reading *“Colonel Gaddafi Warned Tony Blair of Islamist Attacks on Europe, Phone Conversations Reveal”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
North Korea's Nuclear Test -- News Updates January 7, 2016
*Daily Mail: **South Korea retaliates to Kim Jong-un's hydrogen bomb tests by reinstating propaganda broadcasts as US launch spy planes in the region to see if Pyongyang DOES have nukes * * Pyongyang claimed to have tested a thermonuclear weapon on Wednesday * The explosion triggered 5.1-magnitude earthquake which was felt for miles * Footage said to show tremors in China, more than 100 miles from test site * Three US spy planes were seen taking off from air base in southern Japan * South Korea plans cross-border propaganda broadcasts from tomorrow South Korea is planning to retaliat... more »
Truck Bomb Attack Kills 65 In Libya
*The Guardian:* *Bomb kills dozens at Libyan police training centre* Apparent suicide attack strikes western town of Zliten, with bomb reportedly on fuel tanker driven into group of cadets Dozens of people have been killed in an apparent suicide bombing at a police training centre in the western Libyan town of Zliten. The bomb was on board a fuel tanker, which was driven into a large group of coastguard and police cadets gathering for their morning assembly, according to the Libya Herald. A Zliten hospital spokesman told Associated Press that 60 bodies had been pulled from the wr... more »
Those who believe US Government propaganda constantly repeated by the despicable mainstream media, must believe that Russia, with the finest army in the world, attacked Ukraine but somehow have not yet reached Kiev. Talk about gullible! The true story is that the US overthrew the freely-elected president and replaced him with a US-manipulated stooge, amounting to a literal coup d'etat. So while Americans take their "facts" from the mainstream medea, the Russian-speaking people of Ukraine have become subjects to ethnic cleansing ...and Russia is sanctioned for allegedly attacking Ukraine. How many lies can you swallow America?
------------------------------ Gallup: Ukrainians Loathe the Kiev Government Imposed by Obama By Eric Zuesse Region: Europe, Russia and FSU Global Research,December 24, 2015 Theme: US NATO War Agenda *On December 23rd, Gallup headlines “Ukrainians Disillusioned With Leadership,” and reports that “nearly nine in 10 Ukrainians (88%) say corruption is widespread in their government, and about eight in 10 (81%) see the same widespread problem in their country’s business... more »
Christian Candidates, Please Step Higher
[image: GOP Fox Business Debate - 900 000] I understand that politics is different than ministry and that running campaign ads is different than preaching from the pulpit. But is it too much for us to expect committed Christian candidates to step higher than some of their opponents? Shouldn't... more »
Catholicism at Year Zero
[image: divorce] I've taken a little time off from obsessive coverage of things Catholic since the invitation to argument (that sounds better than "declaration of war," right?) I issued to certain Catholic academics and my First Things lecture on conservative Catholicism's Francis-era crisis.... Continue reading *“Catholicism at Year Zero”* at *douthat.blogs.nytimes.com* .
Iraq Ends 2015 With A Surge In Oil Exports But At Lower Prices
Iraq finished 2015 on a good note with new highs in its oil exports. Unfortunately, that came at time when there was a glut in supply in the global petroleum market causing the country’s revenues to decline by almost 50%. In December Iraq exportedan average of 3.215 million barrels a day. That was down from November’s 3.365 million, which was a record post-2003 high. That figure was due to oil being released from storage because of bad weather the month before, which shut down the Basra ports. Otherwise, December might have had the highest average of the year. All of that oil ca... more »
Iran Accuses Saudi Arabia Of Bombing Its Embassy In Yemen
*Reuters:* *Iran accuses Saudi warplanes of attacking its embassy in Yemen* Iran on Thursday said Saudi warplanes had attacked its embassy in Yemen's capital, a development that would exacerbate tensions between the major Shi'ite and Sunni powers in the region, and Riyadh said it would investigate the accusation. "Saudi Arabia is responsible for the damage to the embassy building and the injury to some of its staff," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted as saying by Iranian state television news channel IRIB. Residents and witnesses in the capital Sanaa said ...more »
World News Briefs -- January 7, 2016
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, January 6, 2016. REUTERS/BRENDAN MCDERMID *Reuters:* *Wall Street shaken by China turmoil, oil slide* Wall Street was set to open sharply lower for a second straight day on Thursday after China allowed the yuan to fall further and oil prices slid to near 12-year lows, raising concerns over the state of the global economy. China allowed the biggest fall in the yuan in five months, and Shanghai stocks were halted for the second time this week after another brutal selloff. With Beijing accelerating the yuan's depre... more »
Inventors have a dust up over air sampling device
To climate scientist Pieter Tans, a “novel” air sampling device in a recent paper looked a little too familiar. Specifically, like a device that he had invented — the AirCore, which he calls a “tape recorder” for air. The journal editors came up with a unique solution to the disagreement that followed, which the editor in chief called […] The post Inventors have a dust up over air sampling device appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Actual Veterans Are a Scarce Sight in Top Veterans Affairs Hospital Jobs
[image: Veterans Affairs] Despite a long-running government-wide push to hire veterans, only 13 percent of the top officials managing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system medical facilities are veterans and only two of those facilities are run by doctors who served in... more »
For Hillary Clinton, Old News or New Troubles?
[image: Hillary Clinton] The ghosts of the 1990s have returned to confront Hillary Clinton, released from the vault by Donald Trump and revved up by a 21st-century version of the scandal machine that almost destroyed her husband's presidency. This is a moment that... Continue reading *“For Hillary Clinton, Old News or New Troubles?”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Hollande: Threat Continues Year after Charlie Hebdo Attacks in France
[image: President Francois Hollande delivers his New Year's speech to police forces charged with protecting the country against new attacks, at the Paris's police headquarters, Thursday Jan. 7, 2016, one year after the attack targeting the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.] PARIS (AP) -- French President Francois Hollande says what he calls a “terrorist threat” will continue to weigh on the country, which was struck a year ago by Islamic extremists. On Jan. 7, 2015, two French-born brothers killed 11 people... more »
AP Fact Check: Obama’s Gun Proposals
[image: In this Jan. 5, 2016, photo, and as tears flow from his eyes, President Barack Obama speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, about steps his administration is taking to reduce gun violence.] EDITOR’S NOTE: A look at political claims that take shortcuts with the facts or don’t tell the full story. WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama’s proposals to tighten gun control rules may not accomplish his goal of keeping guns out... more »
Peru: No "Ancient Aliens" Here
*Source: PLANETA UFO and Diario Correo (Peru)Date: January 5, 2016* *Peru: No "Ancient Aliens" Here* *The Miculla Archaeological Area in Tacna Promoted as a UFO-Influenced Area.Tour companies promote the area's petroglyphs as part of an "extraterrestrial visitation"* A lack of awareness and general knowledge among some tour companies is Tacna has given rise to confusion in disseminating the area's tourist potential. Archaeologist Jesús Gordillo Begazo cautioned that certain travel agencies are promoting the Miculla Archaeological Area's petroglyphs as part of an extraterrestri... more »
Courage Under Joystick
Finally acknowledging that drone attacks take a psychic toll on the people performing them from afar in airless little trailers, the Pentagon plans to recognize these operators with the same military honors accorded to soldiers who kill in more direct physical proximity to their targets. Since President Obama has made drone operators "increasingly important," according to the* New York Times, *it's only right that the folks fulfilling his Kill Wish List should be given some long-overdue recognition. Whether Obama and his successors will have the chutzpah to give out Medals of Honor t... more »
CCC : Crown corporate arms dealer
"There is no better trade show for defence equipment than a military mission," wrote Marc Whittingham, CEO of the Canadian Commercial Corporation five years ago. CCC is the crown corp stick-handling Canada's $14.8B arms deal with Saudi Arabia for an undisclosed number of Light Armoured Vehicles to be manufactured by General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), based in London, Ontario. The new CEO Martin Zablocki told an Abu Dhabi-based newspaper last year that he considers "the union of Arab states in the Persian Gulf one of the hottest markets in which to sell military wares." So we... more »
Wooden Heart Bouquet
This last year, a dream of mine came true. I finally have a fireplace mantel! I have been so excited to decorate it, that the second one holiday is over I am already onto the next one. Today I am going to share the beginnings of my Valentine's Mantel with you. It is probably my favorite mantel I have put together so far and I love all the little details. These wooden heart bouquets were the first thing I made. They are easy to pull together and the only time they take it drying time. You will need: - bamboo skewers - hot glue - red, pink and white paint - wooden hear... more »
How Will History Handle Herr Trumpf? Or Is He Already Destined For The Trash Heap Of History?
In the clip above, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka puts the whole Trumpf phenomenon that's been roiling the political waters since the summer into a perspective familiar to anyone who understands the history of the labor movement and the history of the divisiveness capital has always used to divide and conquer. I suspect the blue collar workers dancing to Trumpf's siren song are not unionized workers. The stunning historical film about plutocracy at the bottom of this post is a much longer version of what Trumka is telling his members. If you have a couple hours to spare, I high... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 7, 2016
*Ryan Faith, VICE News:* *Yes, North Korea Probably Tested an H-Bomb — Just Not the Kind You’re Thinking Of* The rumbling started early Wednesday morning when a small earthquake was detected near a known nuclear test site in North Korea. Not long after, North Korean state media broadcast the announcement that the country had successfully tested a small hydrogen bomb. The alarming headlines that followed could mostly be divided into two categories: The North Koreans are delusional and there's no way they have H-bombs, or we're all gonna die. Here are the facts as we now know them: ...more »
Consenting Minors? How to Read an Article about Pedophilia
[image: Under 18 Minor Sticker - 900] "Hawaii man's opinions on sex keep him from becoming teacher," states a recent headline from the Associated Press. Already one is inclined to sympathize with Mark Oyama, a University of Hawaii graduate student of secondary education who was denied certification... more »
Snitch vs. Snitches
[image: prisoners2 - 900] “They went to the toilet and they scraped the bowl,” defense attorney Tony Serra railed during his closing arguments for client Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, 56, who stands accused of murder and racketeering. Chow, you may recall, was caught up... more »
In 2016, Pope Francis Wants a Church on the Move
[image: Pope Francis] ROME -- Pope Francis closed out the holiday season Wednesday by calling Catholicism to a new sense of missionary hustle, urging the Church to reach out to all the peoples of the world and insisting that "mission is her vocation."... Continue reading *“In 2016, Pope Francis Wants a Church on the Move”* at *cruxnow.com*.
Exclusive: Lawyers Went to Rahm Emanuel, Then Quashed the Laquan McDonald Video
[image: McDonald dashcam video] CHICAGO -- City of Chicago lawyers, after meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, demanded the Laquan McDonald family bury the video showing the killing of their son by a police officer. Emanuel said last month that Stephen Patton, Chicago's corporation counsel,... Continue reading *“Exclusive: Lawyers Went to Rahm Emanuel, Then Quashed the Laquan McDonald Video”* at *thedailybeast.com*.
It Will Make Sure Its Interests Are Met
http://danahey.com/ Stephane Dion announced this week that the deal to sell armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia will go ahead as scheduled -- presumably because Canada wants to be known internationally as a country that keeps its word. But Crawford Killian reminds us that the Saudis have played us for suckers for a very long time now: Recall the Saudi oil embargo imposed on the West after the Yom Kippur War of 1973. America, Europe and Japan staggered under the soaring cost of oil and gasoline. Then we saw the Saudis spend their ... more »
Egypt Christians Celebrate Christmas Amid Tight Security
[image: Coptic Pope Tawadros II, left, looks at Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, as he speaks during Christmas Eve Mass at St. Mark's Cathedral, in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016.] CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Christians flocked to churches Wednesday night to attend Masses on Christmas Eve across the predominantly Muslim country, as the government continues to battle a burgeoning Islamic insurgency. Police painstakingly searched more than 300 churches... more »
Sanders Cracks Clinton’s Nevada Firewall
[image: Clinton and Sanders] LAS VEGAS -- Hillary Clinton has been on the ground in Nevada since last April. Bernie Sanders only began building up his organization here late in the fall. But the state that's been touted as Clinton's firewall against the Vermont... Continue reading *“Sanders Cracks Clinton’s Nevada Firewall”* at *politico.com*.
Imprisoned Republican Rick Renzi Was a Victim of Prosecutorial Wrongdoing, Judge Admits, But Refuses Retrial
[image: Judge Unbelievably Refuses to Grant a Retrial for Former Rep. Renzi Despite Finding Rampant Prosecutorial Wrongdoing] Tucson Federal District Court Judge David Bury issued a decision December 30 denying a retrial for imprisoned former Congressman Rick Renzi of Arizona, the latest in developments I've been tracking over the last six months. Strangely Bury issued this decision while... more »
Inside the Guest-Worker Immigration Expansion for Which No Republican Will Take Credit
[image: Speaker Paul Ryan] One of the shortest measures in the $1.15 trillion government-funding bill passed last month generated outsized controversy in conservative circles. Tucked away on page 701 of the 2,009-page spending bill is a provision that some say quadruples the number of... Continue reading *“Inside the Guest-Worker Immigration Expansion for Which No Republican Will Take Credit”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Why Grass-Fed Butter Is One of the Healthiest Fats on the Planet
*Kris Gunnars *- Butterfat is highly complex and contains about 400 different fatty acids. The post Why Grass-Fed Butter Is One of the Healthiest Fats on the Planet appeared first on Waking Times.
*'Unattractive' women get lower grades, study finds* *From Metropolitan State University of Denver* Grades students receive in class are supposed to be based on their academic merits, but a new study has revealed Unattractive women get lower marks in exams and coursework compared to their more physically appealing counterparts. “Is it that professors invest more time and energy into the better-looking students, helping them learn more and earn the higher grades? Or do professors simply reward the appearance with higher grades given identical performance?" Those awarding the low... more »
South Korea Announces Start of Anti-North Propaganda Broadcasts
[image: A South Korean protester with a wooden stick beats an effigy of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a rally against North Korea's announcement that it had tested a hydrogen bomb, in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. The United States, South Korea and Japan agreed to launch a “united and strong” international response to North Korea’s apparent fourth nuclear test, as experts scrambled Thursday to find more details about the detonation that drew worldwide skepticism and condemnation.] SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- In response to North Korea’s latest nuclear test, Sou... more »
2015 Only 3rd Warmest Year According To Satellites
By Paul Homewood Satellite temperature data is now in for December, and confirms, as expected, that 2015 was not the warmest on record, but only third warmest since 1979, well below both 1998 and 2010. http://www.drroyspencer.com/latest-global-temperatures/ http://data.remss.com/msu/monthly_time_series/RSS_Monthly_MSU_AMSU_Channel_TLT_Anomalies_Land_and_Ocean_v03_3.txt Indeed, despite the strongest El Nino conditions last year since 1998, temperatures have barely exceeded […]
*Earth Is Experiencing a Global Warming Spurt* *But it's not due to CO2!* Cyclical changes in the Pacific Ocean have thrown Earth’s surface into what may be an unprecedented warming spurt, following a global warming slowdown that lasted about 15 years. While El Niño is being blamed for an outbreak of floods, storms and unseasonable temperatures across the planet, a much slower-moving cycle of the Pacific Ocean has also been playing a role in record-breaking warmth. The recent effects of both ocean cycles are being amplified by climate change. A 2014 flip was detected in the slug... more »
New Mossad Chief: Iran Is Israel's Number One Enemy
Yossi Cohen, who on December 7 was named by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the new head of the secretive Mossad intelligence agency, speaks to the media outside his house in the Israeli town of Modiin the next day. REUTERS/YOSSI ZELIGER *Times Of Israel*: *New Mossad chief: Iran deal ‘significantly increases’ threat to Israel* Still, Yossi Cohen is confident spy agency able to counter Tehran, warns of spread of fanatical Islamist extremism The nuclear agreement signed between Iran and six world powers in July has “significantly increased” the threat to Israel posed b... more »
U.S. Vice President Biden: 'I Regret Not Running For President Every Day'
*The Hill*: *Biden regrets not running for president 'every day'* Vice President Biden said Wednesday he regrets not running for president in 2016, but stressed it was ultimately the right call. “I regret it every day but it was the right decision for my family and for me and I plan on staying deeply involved,” he said in an interview with Hartford, Conn., NBC affiliate WVIT. It’s one of the first times Biden has publicly conveyed remorse about not jumping into the race to succeed President Obama. Biden agonized over the decision for months during the late summer and early fall f... more »
... And Neither is Progress "Hard Right"
This time, it was John McDonnell turning up the rhetoric while drowning out the sense. On *Channel 4 News* last night, he said "there’s a group within the Labour Party who have a right wing conservative agenda. Within Progress itself, there are some who are quite hard right, and I think they’ve never accepted Jeremy’s leadership." I don't think this is particularly helpful, and it might be an idea if someone passed around the chill pills. Progress, of which - surprise, surprise - I'm not a supporter of, does receive generous funds from Lord Sainsbury, but I think people are mistaken... more »
The Met Office & The Civil Service Code
By Paul Homewood h/t Anonomeuse http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2016/december-records The Met Office has claimed that December 2015 was the wettest month since records began in 1910. As we know, they have records dating back to 1766 which totally demolish this claim. Of course, the Met Office statement has this footnote, which covers its back. […]
A New Cuban Refugee Crisis?
*Daily Mail*: *EXCLUSIVE: Obama's refugee crisis - thousands of Cubans flee Castro over fears US open-door policy will end but are now stuck in Central America, penniless, ill and blaming the White House* * Obama's decision to unfreeze relations with Cuba has prompted a panic to leave and claim refugee status in US * Cubans believe automatic 'dry foot' refugee status will be abolished soon and have paid traffickers to reach the Mexico-US border * But 8,000 are now stuck in Costa Rica where land borders have been closed - and they have run out of money * Red Cross is warning of new ... more »
Workings Of The CET
By Paul Homewood https://xmetman.wordpress.com/2016/01/07/the-quest-to-find-central-england/ For those interested in the Central England Temperature series, xmetman has written a good summary, including details on the three stations, which currently make the series up. It can be read here.
Duty of Good Faith in Contract
Data & Scientific Inc. v Oracle Corp., 2015 ONSC 4178: [10] I do not accept this submission. This is not what the Court said or intended, at least not in this decision. In *Bhasin,* an obviously important development in the continuing modernization of Canadian contract law, the Court in essence, did two things: one, it recognized that the 'situational' and 'relational' examples or pockets of a judicially recognized good faith doctrine were aspects of a broader organizing principle of good faith – "that parties generally must perform their contractual duties honestly and... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 7 , 2015 ) Europe in focus ( 1. Spanish New Election Looms . 2 . Refugee / Border Security concerns In focus . 3. Russia/ Turkey Sanctions Item. 4. Anti- Terror Measures In France On Charlie Hebdo Anniversary . 5. EZ Unemployment drops. 6. DAZ dropping faster today than EZ Unemployment amid markets in turmoil. 7. Bund safe haven bid , oil crushed again. ) Asia/ Emerging Nations ( 1. Saudi / Iran tensions in focus . 2. China yuan devaluation / market turmoil / policy disarray crushes Asia markets . 3 . Libya battlefield updates. 4. Yemen in focus . 5. Bitcoin price benefits from China turmoil. 6. South Africa Rand weakens to latest record low. 7. Nikkei drops 2.3%/ yen gains on China angst. )
Evening wrap...... War watch items.... *Alwasat* @alwasatengnews 4h4 hours ago #Libya's National Oil Corp. appeals for help from regional and intl companies w/ expertise in fire suppression [image: Embedded image permalink] *MintPress News* @MintPressNews 8h 8 hours ago #Belgium Refuses Arms Sales To #SaudiArabia, Germany May Follow http:// bit.ly/1PKSsKS #MiddleEast #SaudiExecutions [image: Embedded image permalink] Refugee / Border Security / *fred walton* @fredwalton216 39s 40 seconds ago fred walton Retweeted Ozer Khalid A plan for sexual haras... more »
AAVP: Outraged by Mexican Girl’s Death After HPV Vaccine by AAVP, Spain
*Ximena* AAVP: Outraged by Mexican Girl’s Death After HPV Vaccine Sane Vax, 29 December 2015 Last 21st December Ximena M, from Mexico, died when she was only 14 years old after two years of suffering that started when she received two shots of the HPV vaccine. It was at that moment when her ordeal began. The Spanish Association of Affected people for the HPV vaccine wants to express our most sincere sympathy to all her family and friends. Her death outrages us for several reasons. First, because Ximena has suffered adverse reactions that are listed in the EMA and VAERS databases, ... more »
Catching Up: Ads and other stories of the election
*ADDLED*: Kudos to my man Solidarity, who translated this sick KMT ad of a pathetic, resentful middle aged man contemplating the unfairness of it all. That's the Rational Party at work! Some of the comments from my Facebook.... Twisted. A eulogy for the ROC colonial enterprise. Well, they set the shit advertising bar pretty high with that Chinese sub one a couple of cycles ago. The politics of despair. Let's see how that works out for them! Bunch of whiners. Good Lord! Who would want to identify with that character? i thought this was an ad for the republican party in the US Cry me a r... more »
Lost in the Argument: Questions Unanswered
Lost in the Argument: Questions Unanswered [image: Picture] To all the "Flat Earthers" and "Globeists" out there..... I can NOT believe the amount of energy that is currently being expended on this argument. STILL. Do you get it? THIS is a DISTRACTION. This is a distraction BECAUSE of the argument. While everyone is arguing "it's flat!" or "It's a globe", they are missing the bigger and more important questions. ..... Besides that, what if the earth is a different shape entirely? What if the "Planet" isn't a "Planet" at all? Now, Please do not get mad and close this page. ... more »
AP’s Correspondent Calls Out The Obama Administration For Living In A Fantasyland When It Comes To Their Foreign Policy Failures
*WNU Editor*: This was brutal. And while the focus right now is on the Obama administration .... truth be told .... both political parties in Washington are guilty of a long string of forreign policy failures. But I am surprised that the AP is leading the charge .... IMHO .... for the past 7 years they have been more "supportive" of this White House than any other news wire service.
Shape dynamics and antirelativistic crackpottery in general
Crackpots may be classified to categories (or given time stamps) according to the first important discovery in physics that they hate. The closer this discovery is to the present, the more likely it is for the crackpots to impress many other people. The older this discovery is, the more visible the inadequacy of the crackpot should become to a larger portion of the public. For example, people who say that the Earth is at the center of the Universe don't enjoy too much support from the public (so far). In 2006, the mass media began to hype anti-string crackpots (their time stamp is a... more »
Gallop Explains Donald Trump
*Zero Hedge: **Gallup Explains Trump: "A Staggering 75% Of Americans Believe In Widespread Government Corruption"* Back in July, when the HuffPo was covering Donald Trump's campaign in its "Entertainment Section" (they are not laughing now), and when not a single political pundit thought Trump had any chance of winning the GOP primary (now most of them do), we said that "Donald Trump's Soaring Popularity "Is The Country's Collective Middle Finger To Washington." Here is what we said: *Donald Trump’s ascendance as the early GOP front-runner is symbolic of a greater global trend: ... more »
Washington Quietly Lifts Sanctions on Russian Rockets
*January 7, 2016* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - Washington, who leveled widespread sanctions against Russia in an increasingly tenuous bid to isolate and undermine the stability of Moscow, has found itself humiliated and backtracking as it lifts bans on Russia's RD-180 rocket engines. And even as Washington does so, the US media finds itself still painting Russia as a villain even as the US finds itself forced to buy rockets from a nation it claims invaded Crimea, is fostering a "hybrid war" in eastern Ukraine, and is bombing US-backed "rebels" in Syria. It is worth mentioning that Russ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 7, 2016
[image: Soldier Comes Home-900] A soldier returns from her deployment in December 2015. Welcome home, hero!
Donald Trump: Let China Deal With North Korea (And) South Korea Pays 'Peanuts' For U.S. Troop Presence
*CNN:** Trump: North Korea is China's problem to fix* New York (CNN)Donald Trump says he's sick and tired of the United States acting as the world's policeman. The day after North Korea claimed that it had conducted its first-ever successful hydrogen bomb test, the Republican presidential front-runner pointed the finger at China. His message: Pyongyang is Beijing's problem to fix. "China should solve that problem and we should put pressure on China to solve the problem," Trump said in a wide-ranging interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" Wednesday at Trump Towe... more »
Should President Obama Have Focused More On Making A Nuclear Deal With North Korean Than Iran?
*Washington Post:* *North Korea got less attention as Obama focused on Iran nuke deal* As President Obama focused intently on locking in a high-stakes nuclear deal with Iran, his administration pursued a decidedly less-clear strategy on containing North Korea, a rogue state that already possesses an atomic weapon. This week, Pyongyang rattled the United States and its Asian allies by claiming to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, an act that, if confirmed, would represent a major step for that nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal. Even if the bomb turns out to be less powerful... more »
(U.S. Economy On Edge of Recession?) Daniel Ellsberg: Top Military Brass Knew In Advance Vietnam War Would Fail (Same Guys Planned Iraq War?) Key Segments of Bernie Sanders' Speech on Wall Street Reform Disappear (Wall Street Ready To Elect Next President!)
Economy in 2016: On the Edge of RecessionBy Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog06 January 16conomic forecasters exist to make astrologers look good, but I’ll hazard a guess. I expect the U.S. economy to sputter in 2016. That’s because the economy faces a deep structural problem: not enough demand for all the goods and services it’s capable of producing.American consumers account for almost
Chocolate Weapons For That Special Someone On Valentines Day
*WNU Editor:* I cracked up when I accidentally saw this website .... *Chocolate Weapons.*
Oxford marks Hebdo attack with Voltaire per BBC News
Of course this BBC piece approving of free speech, and the Oxford University campaign for it, manages not to mention the Oxford students campaign to rid Oriel College of the statue of Cecil Rhodes. Nor of the campaign to ban Donald Trump from the UK that they have been happily promoting. The BBC are very capable of simultaneously holding two completely contradictory thoughts, George Orwell would be so unamazed.
Tweet For Today
North Korean bomb test a setback for arms control https://t.co/vKBFRuWjSM by @DaveClark_AFP pic.twitter.com/2FJmvv7L42 — Agence France-Presse (@AFP) January 6, 2016
The Hotline
*"Now then, Dmitri, you know how we've always talked about the possibility of something going wrong with the bomb. * *The BOMB, Dmitri. * *The hydrogen bomb."* ___________________________ *Treaty Text* *Memorandum of Understanding Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communications Link* *Signed at Geneva June 20, 1963Entered into force June 20, 1963* For use in time of emergency the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have agree...more »
The Cola Wars : The Politics of Pepsi in South East Asia
*"Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?* *You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company."* *“Hey, everyone knows Air America are moving dope. Flying high, right? You like Pepsi, Mike?” * *“I'm more of a Coke man..."* "Professor Alfred McCoy's 1972 classic, *The Politics of Heroin In South East Asia*, and his 1991 update, *The Politics of Heroin - CIA Complicity In the Global Drug Trade,* tell of how CIA helicopters in Vietnam were carrying drugs from the fields ... more »
Major Ships Evacuate Atlantic Ocean For First Time In History
Russian Naval Forces have reported that the entire Atlantic Ocean appears to be totally deserted of major freighter ships for the first time in recorded history. The Kremlin say that Panamax and New Panamax vessels, plus all types of wet carrier (oil/liquified natural gas) vessels including VLCC and ULCC supertanks are nowhere to be seen. Russia claim that the evacuation of the Atlantic ocean is a “clear” sign of a coming Western economic/banking collapse, with the world’s stock markets crashing during the first part of the year being another clear signal. Whatdoesitmean.com report... more »
Monsanto Forced To Cut Another 1,000 Jobs
Monsanto have announced that they going to cut a further 1,000 jobs amid a decline in worldwide sales and a blaming “sluggish farming economy”. The layoffs are in addition to the 2,600 already planned, which amounts to a staggering 16 percent of the company’s entire workforce. Bizjournals.com reports: The scope of the cuts will vary from country to country and will continue into 2018, they said. Additional cuts will also lead to increased restructuring costs, as the company pays severance and closes facilities, from the originally announced charges of up to $900 million to, now, as ... more »
UN To Seek Sanctions For North Korea Following Hydrogen Bomb Test
The UN have issued a statement saying that they “strongly condemn” the actions of North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test, and have threatened to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang. The president of the security council, Elbio Rosselli, told reporters that the UN had “previously expressed their determination to take further significant measures in the event of another North Korea nuclear test“. Sputniknews.com reports: “In line with this commitment and the gravity of this violation, the members of the Security Council will begin to work immediately on such measures in a new Security Counci... more »
Hillary Clinton Will Face FBI Criminal Indictment, Says Attorney
A former U.S. attorney has said that Hillary Clinton faces a very real possibility of a criminal indictment from the FBI in the next 2 months. Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney, said that Clinton’s biggest problem is the current FBI investigation into the contents of her private emails. He claims the investigation is about to explode wide open. Washingtonexaminer.com reports: “They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff,” DiGenova said Tuesday on the “Laura Ingraham Show” radio program. “And, it’s going to come to a h... more »
Super Bacteria Resistant To Antibiotics Spreading Around The Globe
A new type of super bacteria resistant to all forms of antibiotics has been discovered, and it’s making its way around the globe, according to scientists. The bacteria, containing the MCR-1 gene, first showed up in China last November hospitalising 1,322 patients. It then moved to Denmark when a patient was diagnosed with an untreatable form of salmonella. Now the superbug is spreading to other parts of the globe, and scientists don’t yet know how to treat it. Myscienceacademy.org reports: The superbugs were also detected in Africa, and are believed to have traveled to Laos and Mala... more »
ISIS Threaten Saudi Arabia Following Executions Of 47 People
ISIS have threatened to destroy Saudi Arabian prisons holding jihadists following the execution of 47 people by Saudi authorities on Saturday. The terrorist organisation have singled out the al-Ha’ir and Tarfiya prisons where many al Qaeda and ISIS supporters are being detained. Reuters.com reports: “The Islamic State always seeks to free prisoners, but we calculate that the ending of the issues of prisoners will not happen except with the eradication of the rule of tyrants, and then destroying their prisons and razing them to the ground,” it said in an article posted online on Tue... more »
Russia And China Increase Their Presence In Antarctica
Russia and China have both ramped up their presence in Antartica in order to increase their influence in the last remaining unclaimed part of the world. Russia are building off of existing Soviet bases in Antarctica and expanding its development of a global petitioning to rival American GPS. Businessinsider.com.au reports: Moscow has so far constructed a minimum of three satellite monitoring systems in the Antarctic, the Times reports, with future bases planned. Russia also has more long-term ambitions in the region. Moscow, for example, was the lone country to oppose the creation o... more »
Christopher Hitchens of MI6
*"Just because someone gets away with everything, doesn't mean they're not a rapist, a liar, a war criminal and a crook."* - Hitchens *"I think Hitchens somehow considers Clinton to be a kind of honorary woman; and so, on that basis, he qualifies for the same treatment..."* *Christopher Hitchens "Hitch Hike" Documentary* WHO IS LYNDON LAROUCHE? 11 APRIL 1986, Page 15 Christopher Hitchens on the fascist sect which is infiltrating the Democratic Party Washington AMONG the minor hazards of air travel in the continental United States is the airport lounge kook. Usually seated be... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Live Fire * U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Stephanie Drake fires a Mark 38 25 mm machine gun during a live-fire exercise on the USS Carney in the Mediterranean Sea, Dec. 31, 2015. The Carney is conducting a routine patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility to support U.S. national security interests in Europe. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Theron J. Godbold
India, Iran Drop The Petrodollar
Iran and India have made plans to ditch the petrodollar in favour of using rupees for future crude oil trades. Indianexpress.com reports: Since 2013, Indian refiners have been depositing 45 per cent of their oil payments to Iran in rupees with UCO Bank and withholding the remainder after a payment route through Turkey’s Halkbank was stopped under US and European sanctions. The payment agreement needs amendment as tax exemption is contingent on the pact notified by the Centre in January 2012 which allows only 45 percent of oil payments in rupees. Budget 2012-13 exempted Indian refin... more »
Obama — and FDR — Set Precedent for Trump’s One-Man Rule
[image: Obamacare] There has been a lot of talk -- almost all of it accurate -- about how Barack Obama’s presidency has fueled the rise of Donald Trump. The president’s fans hate this talk, for understandable reasons. They see the president as dignified and... more »
Out of (Gun) Control
[image: No Shooting Sign, Bullet Holes, Bullets, Hunting, Guns, Firearms] I’m still waiting; waiting for someone to show me how laws stop a person intent on breaking them. Daily on the roads I see people breaking speed limits despite the possibility that cameras will catch them and send a ticket... more »
China Has Shut Down Its Stock Exchanges (Again)
A logo of yuan is seen at a foreign exchange store in Shanghai, China, December 1, 2015. REUTERS/ALY SONG *Bloomberg:* *China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit Breaker* Chinese stock exchanges closed early for the second time this week after the CSI 300 Index plunged more than 7 percent. Trading of shares and index futures was halted by automatic circuit breakers from about 9:59 a.m. local time. Stocks fell after China’s central bank weakened the currency’s daily reference rate by the most since August. “The yuan’s depreciation has exceeded investors’ expectations... more »
Senator Palin?
Probably not, but stranger things have happened-- like that lady hog castrator from Iowa who's now a senator and there's Jim Inhofe, the climate change denier and Jeff Sessions, the KKK guy from Alabama. So who knows? Palin's Scottsdale home is on the market for $2.5 million and she's been mumbling about moving back to Alaska and taking on the more mainstream Murkowski, who's tenure has been anything but conventional. Murkowski's father, Frank, was a crooked senator and a crooked governor. His first act as governor was to resign from the Senate and appoint his daughter to the job ... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Macy's Massacre: Thousands Fired; Guidance Slashed (Again); Weather Blamed Yahoo is prepping to lay off 10% or more of its workforce China has shut down its stock market after a 7% meltdown in 15 minutes Eyewitness Account Of The "Monstrous" Migrant Attacks In Germany: "It's Like Civil War" Cologne Mayor Slammed For Telling German Women It Is Their Responsibility To Keep Rapists At "Arm's Length" Permaculture and Balance "We The People Are Pissed": New Poll Finds Whites And Republicans Are Angriest Americans "Pray For Us": Libya Issues "Cry For Help" As ISIS Advance... more »
Islamic State In Libya Continues Their Assault On Libya's Oil Ports
*Reuters*: *Fires rage at Libyan oil ports after Islamic State attacks* Three days of Islamic State attacks on Libya's biggest oil terminals have started fires that have spread to five massive oil storage tanks, a guards spokesman said on Wednesday. Ali al-Hassi said the Petroleum Facilities Guards were still in control of the neighbouring ports of Es Sider and Ras Lanuf, where at least nine guards were killed and more than 40 injured near the ports' perimeters on Monday and Tuesday. Hassi said guards had recovered bodies of 30 Islamic State fighters, and had captured two militar... more »
Colt’s Bankruptcy Exit Roiled by Sciens Default
[image: Sciens] Gun maker Colt Defense LLC's emergence from bankruptcy has been thrown into turmoil by a default on a $15 million funding commitment by private-equity owner Sciens Capital Management. After Sciens missed a December deadline to come up with the money... Continue reading *“Colt’s Bankruptcy Exit Roiled by Sciens Default”* at *google.com*.
NASA Photographs Reveal Unbelievable ‘Alphabet in the Sky’
[image: alphabet in the sky] In July 2012, NASA science writer and social media manager Adam P. Voiland enlisted the Internet in an ambitious project: to “help find an alphabet in the sky” based on photographs taken by NASA satellites and astronauts. Now, over three years... Continue reading *“NASA Photographs Reveal Unbelievable ‘Alphabet in the Sky’”* at *news.artnet.com*.
The REAL Queen Of England's Christmas 2015 Speech To Her Loyal Slaves
People who have been reading this blog for years know exactly how I feel about that slithering creature that sits on the throne in London England and rules over the "British Commonwealth" of nations.... Of course I am talking about the royal bitch whore pedophilic monster mass murdering freak of nature, Elizabeth Battenberg, aka.. "Queen" Elizabeth II...... Every year this foul creature has the nerve to get onto the BBC (British Jew spew Broadcasting Network) and give her fake "Christmas wishes" to her loyal servants (slaves) in the Commonwealth... It is a disgusting affair and noth... more »
China Launches A New 'Spy Ship'
China's third Dongdiao-class intelligence gathering vessel, Neptune (852), was commissioned into the PLAN's South Sea Fleet on 26 December 2015. Source: via PLA Daily *David Axe, Daily Beast*: *China Launches a New High-Tech Spy Ship* Neptune, the newly unveiled Type 815 surveillance vessel, is the latest addition to Beijing’s growing fleet—which has been deployed far and wide in recent years. The Chinese navy has just commissioned a new high-tech spy ship—at least its fourth since 1999. The Type 815 surveillance vessel Neptune, featuring sensitive electronic listening devices, c... more »
Guest Post: Relay Graduate School of Education: A Policy Brief
*Posted by the Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools on January 6, 2016. * *This year the Philadelphia School District used training videos on classroom management from The Relay Graduate School of Education as part of its New Teacher orientation. The principals of Blaine and Kelley Elementary School (recent turnaround schools) are enrolled in Relay’s principal training program.Relay Graduate School of Education is a teacher/principal training program based in New York and founded by people who had little experience or training in education. The school has opened a Philadel... more »
The Truth About The Standoff At The Hammond Ranch In Oregon, USA, That Everyone Must Be Made Aware Of
I have read some of the reports about that "stand off" at that ranch in Oregon that has been ongoing for the last week, and to me something does not seem right..... Yes, the US Government has indeed gone way overboard with their outlandish charges against the ranchers involved, the Hammond family, especially when it comes to the charges of them setting off "uncontrolled fires" on government owned land... But there is so much more that has been going on that simply has caused more questions than answers... I hope that this article helps everyone to understand the situation as it stan... more »
The Situation In Syria: Bashar al-Assad's Forces Are Definitely Winning - A Great Summary Of The Last 3 Months
I have continued to follow the Syrian "civil war" very closely these last few months, especially with the good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government forces and their allies, now basically having the fraud "terrorist" and "rebel" groups on the run.... And these last few months have seen these forces obtain victory after victory thanks to the successful intervention of Russian forces aiding Syria's cause.... To help understand exactly what has been happening in Syria, I want to present the following very important article from the Fort Russ website, at www.fortruss.blogspot.ru, that is... more »
U.S. Navy Report Outlines The Challenges The U.S. Navy Will Be Facing In The 21st Century.
*Franz-Stefan Gady, The Diplomat:* *US Navy: China and Russia ‘Focused on Taking the Lead’* In a new document, the Chief of Naval Operations outlines challenges the U.S. Navy will be facing in the 21st century. China and Russia, along with a number of other competitors, are “focused on taking the lead” in the maritime domain and will continue to challenge U.S. naval superiority, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, writes in a recently released U.S. Navy strategy document. The U.S. Navy “must pick up the pace and deny” foreign competitors their objectives, even... more »
Seek Out Signs God Offers Everyone for Finding Jesus, Pope Says
[image: seek out signs] VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Go out and seek the signs God is offering everyone today that will lead to Christ, Pope Francis said. The thirst for God is present in everyone, and it’s the church’s task to help those with... Continue reading *“Seek Out Signs God Offers Everyone for Finding Jesus, Pope Says”* at *catholicnews.com*.
Growing up Communist
[image: Communism - 400] Growing up Communist in post-War Britain must have been a strange experience. David Aaronovitch, now a columnist for The Times and soft-left supporter of Britain's recent foreign military interventions, was immersed in Communism from his birth in 1954. David's father... Continue reading *“Growing up Communist”* at *standpointmag.co.uk*.
Trooper in Sandra Bland Traffic Stop Indicted, Fired
[image: In this July 10, 2015, file frame taken from dashcam video provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia confronts Sandra Bland after a minor traffic infraction in Waller County,Texas. A grand jury indicted Encinia on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, with the misdemeanor charge. Encinia has been on desk duty since Bland was found dead in her cell in July. Her death was ruled a suicide.] HEMPSTEAD, Texas (AP) -- A Texas state trooper who arrested Sandra Bland after a contentious traffic stop last summer was fired Wednesday after being charged wit... more »
GOP Establishment Is Worried Trumpf Or Cruz Will Wreck Their Little Racket, Not So Concerned About America
Ted Cruz has a scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad (above) to compete with Herr Trumpf's scaremongery anti-immigration TV ad. The competition for the right-wing populist vote is on. Fiorina, now one of the margin-of-error candidates hoping to get a job in someone's cabinet-- though not Herr Trumpf's, apparently-- was asked on *Fox and Friends* about the new *Esquire* cover story, Hater-in-Chief. "[T]here is no doubt: Donald Trump is an extremely divisive candidate. That’s why he cannot win. That is why he cannot be our nominee. But honestly, Donald Trump reminds me of the Kim Kar... more »
Politicians’ Response to Transgenders Is Likely to Increase Suicides
[image: transgenders] It's nearly a year after the suicide of Josh Alcorn (who called himself Leelah), the 17-year-old Ohio transgender who stood in front of a moving tractor-trailer. Alcorn's death was a tragic failure on so many levels. Who knows what caused... Continue reading *“Politicians’ Response to Transgenders Is Likely to Increase Suicides”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Jan. 6: A very ugly world
“Grandmother in poverty lives with no heat, power or water.” That's the front page, lead headline in the Irving press. And so it should be. The provincial government hasn't answered her requests. The local MLA will contact the government department on this—um-- when he has time in a few days. I wonder how long premier Gallant would wait to return a call from JDIrving? The story is an important one. In this province, a senior executive with a large corporation already had almost $50,000, the average yearly salary in this province – and got it by working from nine to noon hour just y... more »
Was The U.S. Surprised By North Korea's Nuclear Test?
A sales assistant watches TV sets broadcasting a news report on North Korea's nuclear test, in Seoul, January 6, 2016. REUTERS/KIM HONG-JI *Nancy A. Youssef & Shane Harris, Daily Beast:* *U.S. ‘Tactically Surprised’ by North Korean Nuke* The North Korean nuclear test wasn’t exactly a shock—Kim Jong-Un’s cronies said they had developed an H-Bomb. But U.S. officials were still on the back foot when the Bomb went off. The U.S. military insisted Wednesday that it was was not surprised “strategically” by North Korea’s test of a nuclear device. But Pentagon and intelligence officials adm... more »
A Black Hole Can Be Spotted With The Naked Eye
Black hole activity can be witnessed by using a 20 cm amateur telescope, according to scientists. The great unknown can be distinguished through the effect it has on its surroundings, and the visible flickering light emitted from the energy created in its vicinity. International Business Times reports: A new study from Kyoto University, Japan, shows that optical rays, or visible light, is emitted from the gases surrounding black holes. Around every few decades, a black hole will have an outburst of energy from all of the substances that have fallen into it. The outbursts are as visib... more »
Free Download: Kahlil Gibran, "The Garden of the Prophet"
*"The Garden of the Prophet" * by Kahlil Gibran "Oftentimes we call Life bitter names, but only when we ourselves are bitter and dark. And we deem her empty and unprofitable, but only when the soul goes wandering in desolate places, and the heart is drunken with over-mindfulness of self. Life is deep and high and distant; and though only your vast vision can reach even her feet, yet she is near; and though only the breath of your breath reaches her heart, the shadow of your shadow crosses her face, and the echo of your faintest cry becomes a spring and an autumn in her breast. And... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind IV: Unity” (Full Album)
Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind IV: Unity” (Full Album) - https://www.youtube.com/
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 6, 2016
Japan Meteorological Agency's earthquake and tsunami observations division director Yohei Hasegawa points at a graph of ground motion waveform data observed in Japan during a news conference at the Japan Meteorological Agency in Tokyo. REUTERS/ISSEI KATO *Jack Kim and Fraincois Murphy, Reuters*: *Verifying North Korea hydrogen bomb claim may prove difficult* In the days and weeks ahead, nuclear experts will be hunting for airborne radioactive particles that could shed light on North Korea's assertion that it tested a hydrogen bomb, but drawing an independent conclusion could prove... more »
Musical Interlude: George Harrison, “What Is Life?”
George Harrison, “What Is Life?” Playlist: “All Things Must Pass” (Full Album) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_tj-CpIftI
World News Briefs -- January 6, 2016
*Daily Mail:* *It's NOT an H bomb: White House says evidence disproves Kim's claim to ultimate weapon* * The 'initial analysis is not consistent with the North Korean claims of a successful hydrogen bomb test,' press secretary Josh Earnest said * Earnest said the US came to that conclusion based on seismic data, as well as information obtained by its allies in the region * White House 'not prepared to list' potential retributive actions but asserted that the U.S. will 'consider a wide range of options' * Republicans are turning the news into a new assault on President Barack Obama's... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sometimes galaxies form groups. For example, our own Milky Way Galaxy is part of the Local Group of Galaxies. Small, compact groups, like Hickson Compact Group 87 (HCG 87) shown below, are interesting partly because they slowly self-destruct. Indeed, the galaxies of HCG 87 are gravitationally stretching each other during their 100-million year orbits around a common center. *Click image for larger size.* The pulling creates colliding gas that causes bright bursts of star formation and feeds matter into their active galaxy centers. HCG 87 is composed of a large edge-on spiral galaxy ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Peacocks and Magpies”
*“Peacocks and Magpies”* by Chet Raymo “Here's the deal. It's all about how much time and effort males invest in the next generation. Peacocks copulate and cop out. The peahen goes off to incubate her eggs and raise her offspring. So there are always more sexually active cocks than hens, which means greater competition between males, which favors the males who are best at fighting and looking good. And you know the outcome: a huge degree of sexual dimorphism. All that male strutting and aggression and showing off. What a tale! What a tail! By contrast, male magpies invest lots of en... more »
"Reconnecting with Friends: Special Messengers"
*"Reconnecting with Friends: Special Messengers"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When fate brings old friends back into our lives, there is always a reason. Every person that passes through our lives makes a contribution to our life stories. There are those who play large roles and make deep impressions, but sometimes a brief special appearance before life takes them in another direction creates a meaningful connection. It is a rare gift when they suddenly reappear in our lives after a long absence. Though the world may seem full of more people than we could ever know, we are ofte... more »
California Finally Declares Emergency Over Los Angeles Gas Leak
Governor Jerry Brown has finally declared a State of Emergency for the gas leak in Porter Ranch, southern California. It is the largest gas leak ever recorded, where a blown-out well has been spewing record amounts of methane gas since October last year. Environmental activist and lawyer Erin Brockovich says it is one of the most significant environmental disasters in recent history. Governor Brown has asked for expediency in plugging the well after the plug was left out by Southern California Gas Company. The Guardian reports: Ten weeks after the 23 October breach was detected, Brow... more »
As we shift - Fond Farewells & Open Arms
Our path could be called circular. As we watch ourselves, again and again, repeat habits to satisfy addictions. These are not addictions of the substance, but of the personality. We are no longer fed by these addictions; this kind of attention isn’t working for us today. Your ego is not running the show now. You’ve progressed such a long way and are right now transforming. You must feel this. It is your habit, your pattern of self-destruction that feels strange now. This is a result of your ongoing evolution. You recognize that life offers what it does and your entry into l... more »
Generational Conflict in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
I have seen *Star Wars: The Force Awakens*, and it was wonderful. That said, I'm not a huge *Star Wars* fan. There is something jarring about science fantasy that doesn't sit well with my own hard SF preferences. I guess that's what happens when, philosophically speaking, you're a miserable materialist. Yet sitting in the cinema this afternoon, I wasn't prepared for the emotional experience seeing the new film turned out to be. A story. *Star Wars* was one of the first films I remember seeing. My parents took me to watch *The Empire Strikes Back* on its *original release*. Not lon... more »
Congress Sends Obamacare Repeal to Obama for First Time
[image: House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., arrives for a closed-door Republican strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016. After dozens of failed attempts to undo President Barack Obama's health care law, the GOP-led Congress will finally put a bill on the president's desk striking at the heart of Obama's signature legislative achievement. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The GOP-led Congress sent legislation to President Barack Obama Wednesday repealing his signature health law, fulfilling a promise to Republican voters in a presidential... more »
This Is What It Looks Like When Five Oil Tanks Are on Fire in a War Zone
[image: Libya Fire - 900] An Islamic State attack on Libya's largest oil ports this week left at least five massive oil tanks aflame as of Wednesday. The attack began Monday at Es Sider, where at least four oil tanks were still burning Wednesday, a spokesman... more »
Waveforms and Sonifications
The Mainichi has a very interesting article on North Korea's probable nuclear explosion. The article explains how Japanese scientists used the explosion's waveform to distinguish it from a naturally occurring earthquake: Natural earthquake vs. nuclear test: waveform graphs tell the story. The Mainichi, January 6, 2016 (Mainichi Japan) http://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160106/p2a/00m/0na/011000c North Korea claimed on Jan. 6 that it had tested a hydrogen bomb. Before the official announcement, however, news agencies were already reporting a possible nuclear test after an "art... more »
RCMP Terror Sting Update: RCMP Sgt said he "absolutely" urged his officers to consider Nuttall developmentally delayed
*Defendants Nuttall and Korody in Vancouver Court* As reported by the Vancouver Sun, the *Kanadian Keystone Kops* *Kaper* has continued in a Vancouver courtroom after a long break. Just to bring my readers up-to-date: In 2013, two unfortunate denizens of the downtown east side...or poorer quarters...were co-opted *by CSIS and its vassal police force...the formerly prestigious Royal Canadian Mounted Police.*..to perform duties enabling a False Flag attack on the BC legislature in Victoria, BC. We will never know the scope of this nefarious activity...i.e., whether it was supposed t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Reedsburg, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “Sleeping in the Forest”
*“Sleeping in the Forest”* “I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens and seeds. I slept as never before, a stone on the river bed, nothing between me and the white fire of the stars but my thoughts, and they floated light as moths among the branches of the perfect trees. All night I heard the small kingdoms breathing around me, the insects, and the birds who do their work in the darkness. All night I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling with a luminous doom. By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times ... more »
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