10 years of blogging updates as of Dec 10 , starting with opit.wordpress ( who don't like linkfarms )
Netvibes II III IV V oldephartteintraining
MacArthur Park, Los Angeles, California, USA. This view looks towards Westlake Theatre and the downtown skyscrapers. It is not a major attraction owing to its position close to deprived areas of the city. Picture taken by [wurzeler|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Wurzeller] (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Los Angeles skyline and San Gabriel mountains. Français : Le centre ville de Los Angeles et les Monts San Gabriel. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Downtown Los Angeles as seen from my American Airlines flight from Japan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:38pm MST
Netvibes II III IV V oldephartteintraining

Happy New Year 2016 From Victoria's Secret Angels
Hat Tip: American Power and Theo Spark
Happy New Year!!!
WNU Editor: Another year .... another 8,000 posts .... 2,000,000+ visitors .... 4,500,000+ page views .... reaching a worldwide audience that includes politicians, generals, diplomats, soldiers, intelligence officials, foreign governments and their military organizations, students, teachers, well known cartoonists, actors and actresses, journalists and bloggers, the average Joe and Jane, and (according to sitemeter IP address reader) a regular and daily visitor from someone in the White House who has been visiting this website for the past 5 years .... yup .... it's been an interest... more »
Happy New Year-- But Not In Dubai
You may know that I'm an inveterate traveler-- and have been since I first left my parents home in Brooklyn at age 16 and hitchhiked-- with $48 in my pocket; there were no credit cards back then (at least that I am aware of)-- to Los Angeles in order to stow away on a ship-- a series of ships-- to go make a new life on Tonga. I never got to Tonga, having been caught on the first ship, bound for Hawaii. But eventually I managed to travel to 100 countries-- theoretically a member of the Century Club-- normally just ones I want to visit. One country I visited that I didn't chose to w... more »
Star Trek World
I dream of a Star Trek world. This think tank will focus on creative actions designed to initiate a global paradigm shift towards a world where racism, poverty and war will be a thing of the past.
The Rise Of 'Gray-Zone' Wars And How Some Future Conflicts Will Not Be Decided On The Battlefield
Protests in Egypt. Photo from Bikyamasr *Peter Pomerantsev, The Atlantic:* *Brave New War* *A new form of conflict emerged in 2015—from the Islamic State to the South China Sea.* From China in Asia to Russia in Europe and the Middle East, and ISIS just about everywhere, 2015 has seen the flourishing of conflicts that exist in a gray zone, one which is not quite open war but more than regular competition, which is attuned to globalization, which liberal democracies are ill-equipped to deal with, and which may well be the way power is exercised and conflict conducted in the foreseeab... more »
Rahm Emanuel: Clinton Aide, Obama Insider, Chicago Mayor, Falling Star
[image: CHICAGO, IL - APRIL 22: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel attends the opening day event for Motorola Mobility headquarters at Chicago's Merchandise Mart on April 22, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois.] In politics, when your allies start saying that you were never really that good, you know you’re going down fast. Stars fall a lot faster than they rise. This seems to be the case of former Clinton and Obama behind-the-scenes maestro turned... more »
Remembering Four Generations of My Family for ‘Auld Lang Syne’
[image: Auld Lang Syne] Every year, as the hour grows late on Christmas night, my father's eyes become misty. He sits at the dining table after our holiday feast and stares off in the direction of the CD player, holding the remote in his... Continue reading *“Remembering Four Generations of My Family for ‘Auld Lang Syne’”* at *newyorker.com*.
Hiking Minimum Wage Poor Way to Fight Poverty, Says Fed Researcher
[image: minimum wage] Increasing the minimum wage is an inefficient way to reduce poverty, according to a Fed research paper that comes amid a national clamor to hike pay for workers at the low end of the salary scale. David Neumark, visiting scholar... Continue reading *“Hiking Minimum Wage Poor Way to Fight Poverty, Says Fed Researcher”* at *nbcnews.com*.
Homeland Understands ISIS Better that President Obama Does
[image: Homeland] The season finale of Homeland on December 20 wrapped up what was arguably the best season since the first. This season, Homeland took on a "ripped from the headlines" feel, with storylines similar to the real-life counterparts of Edward Snowden, Vladimir Putin, and more importantly,... Continue reading *“Homeland Understands ISIS Better that President Obama Does”* at *thefederalist.com*.
State Dept. Releases Clinton Emails on New Year’s Eve But Fails to Meet Court Order
[image: Clinton emails] State Department officials published roughly 5,500 pages of Hillary Clinton’s private emails Thursday afternoon in the eighth of nine court-ordered document releases slated for the end of each month. Continue reading *“State Dept. Releases Clinton Emails on New Year’s Eve But Fails to Meet Court Order”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
No Republican Professors Found Teaching Theology at Catholic University
[image: Creighton University] An analysis by The College Fix of political party registrations among Creighton University’s theology professors found zero registered Republican scholars in the group. Of the 19 theology professors teaching at the private Catholic university in Omaha, Neb., there are 13... Continue reading *“No Republican Professors Found Teaching Theology at Catholic University”* at *thecollegefix.com*.
Did Chuck Norris Bring Down Communism?
Chuck Norris. YouTube *Lewis Beale, Daily Beast*: *How Chuck Norris Helped Bring Down Communism* At a time when travel and video players were illegal in Romania, smuggled Chuck Norris tapes gave people a window to the West. In the 1984 Chuck Norris film Missing In Action, there’s a scene in which Norris, as a former POW who has returned to Vietnam looking for MIAs, is captured and strung upside down by Vietnamese soldiers. One ties a bag over his head with a rat in it. But when the bag is untied, they discover that instead of the rat chewing Norris’ head off, it’s Our Hero who has ... more »
The Best (Or Worst) News Media Corrections of 2015
[image: Spell Check, Dictionary, Art] It is the custom of this column to mark the end of each year with a compilation of the best, or worse, or most convoluted, or contrived, or outrageous, or downright silly media corrections. We used to focus exclusively on... Continue reading *“The Best (Or Worst) News Media Corrections of 2015”* at *pasadenastarnews.com*.
Heaven Alone Knows
ROMAN POPE AND MONGOL KHANCORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN ROMAN POPE AND MONGOL GREAT KHAN *A Letter from Pope Innocent IV to the King of the Tartars* Seeing that not only men but even irrational animals, nay, the very elements which go to make up the world machine, are united by a certain innate law after the manner of the celestial spirits, all of which God the Creator has divided into choirs in the enduring stability of peaceful order, it is not without cause that we are driven to express in strong terms our amazement that you, as we have heard, have invaded many countries belonging... more »
The Old World Order Is Being Challenged By Lower Oil Prices
Khaled al Otaiby, an official of the Saudi oil company Aramco, watches progress at a rig at the al-Howta oil field near Howta, Saudi Arabia, in this Feb. 26, 1997, photo. LJWorld *The Telegraph: **The collapse in the price of oil is a challenge to the old world order* *We’re awash with the black stuff – so we should celebrate the fact that the pessimists got it wrong* It is one of life’s mysteries that being wrong about everything has never been much of a barrier to success. Take Thomas Malthus, the British theologian: his big idea was that the number of human beings would necessa... more »
Where Does Trumpism Come From?
Writing at Vox yesterday, David Roberts has a classic explanation for the rise of fascism or, more particularly, explains where the hell Trumpism comes from and how it took over the Republican Party. His support comes the intersection of a group losing both its economic status *and* it's cultural status-- not an either/or proposition. As he explains, economic anxiety and racism can't be easily distinguished when looking closely at the hard-core Tumpists. It's very much a part of Us vs Them politics, rather than right vs left. Most politics is interest group politics, about secur... more »
The demand for economists is surging
Source. Click on graphic to enlarge.
ISIS Planning Worldwide 2016 Massacre In ‘Final Battle’
ISIS have announced plans to massacre thousands of people around the world in 2016, as its “final battle” draws to a conclusion. The group say they have hundreds of sleeper cells waiting to be activated in “dozens of countries”, that when active will completely destabilize western governments and cause untold chaos around the world. Alalam.ir reports: And next year will see a huge increase in both the number and scale of major terror attacks, according to Dr Theodore Karasik, a Gulf-based analyst of regional geo-political affairs who has extensively studied ISIS’s behaviour. He war... more »
Camping In Your Own Back Yard Is Now Illegal
All across the United States authorities are making it increasingly difficult for people to live off the grid, with some officials now clamping down on people who choose to go camping in their own back yard. The off-grid lifestyle is enjoyed by around 800 people, but their way of life is under threat as officials try to regulate and license the lifestyle into oblivion. Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: Tensions boiled over during a county commissioners’ meeting in San Louis, Colorado, devolving into a shouting match between homesteaders and police. One of the major points of conte... more »
156 Eyewitnesses Say 9/11 Twin Towers Collapsed Due To Explosives
This compilation of eyewitness statements on 9/11 say they witnessed explosions occurring shortly before the Twin Towers collapsed. There are eyewitnesses who perceived explosions very early on 9/11—near the time when the planes struck the North Tower. The great majority of witnesses in my compilation deal with later events, around the time of the complete destruction (“collapse”) of the North Tower and the South Tower. In other words, I have dealt with just one category of explosions witnesses. Early witnesses will have to be dealt with in a separate compilation. The criteria used ... more »
Christy Clark is a Godamn Lying Bitch, Just as Gordon Campbell was a LYING Socialpathic Piece of Shit
*This message screamed and shouted as loud as possible by Grant G* Today, December 31st/2015....The new BC Liberal education minister Mike Bernier had the audacity to blame the 20 year delay in seismically upgrading vulnerable brick and mortar schools on schoolboards ...Absolutely mindboggling that these BC Liberal can look themselves in the mirror...Effing asshole you are Mike Bernier ___________ *According to Education Minister Mike Bernier, in some cases the delays getting the work underway rest with the school districts.* *"I think this earthquake is a perfect example and a... more »
President Obama: 'Many World Leaders Are Completely Out Of Their Mind'
*Daily Beast*: *Obama Tells Jerry Seinfeld How He Blows Off Steam: ‘I Curse’* *President Barack Obama drives a Corvette, drinks coffee, and talks about nothing with Jerry Seinfeld.* As he does at the beginning of every episode of his popular Web series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Jerry Seinfeld gave his latest guest a call on the way to pick him up. “White House,” a familiar voice answered. “Yes, may I speak with the president please?” Seinfeld asked politely. “Speaking,” President Barack Obama said, delivering the first laugh of an entertainingly candid conversation betwee... more »
Space: The Visionaries Take Over
[image: SpaceX's Falcon 9 ORBCOMM 2 Launch on December 28, 2015.] WASHINGTON -- Fractured and divided as we are, on one thing we can agree: 2015 was a miserable year. The only cheer was provided by Lincoln Chafee and the Pluto flyby (two separate phenomena), as well as one seminal aeronautical... more »
Open Source Pioneer Murdered After Police Brutality Claims
The creator of the Debian project, Ian Murdoch, has been found dead after a series of public statements in which he claimed to be the victim of police brutality. The Open Source pioneer threatened to commit suicide in a series of Tweets, where he also claimed the police had “sent him to hospital”. Breitbart.com reports: Murdock’s untimely death was announced in a blog post on the website of Docker, an open source software project to which he contributed. The cause of death was not specified, but prior to his death, Murdock had made multiple tweets about committing suicide. In a swa... more »
Putin Revamps Russian Space Agency For Commercial Spaceflights
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced plans to abolish the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos, which will be replaced with a state-run space agency instead. The new agency will feature more advanced technology amid plans to launch commercial spaceflights in the future. Tass.ru reports: “Under the federal law of July 13, 2015 On the State-Run Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos the Federal Space Agency shall be abolished,” the decree said. All documents concerning the agency’s activity will now be applicable to the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos. Putin ...more »
Anonymous: ‘Making A Murderer’ Doc Proves Steven Avery’s Innocence
Hacktivist group Anonymous have claimed that they have evidence to prove that a convicted murderer, featured in the Netflix documentary ‘Making A murderer’, is in fact innocent. The documentary follows Steven Avery in a case involving the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department. According to Avery’s lawyers, much of the evidence against him was planted. Independent.co.uk reports: The group has set up a Twitter account to taunt the two police officers who are profiled in the film, claiming that they have found emails and phone records that support the allegations. Those behind the gro... more »
Paris Cancels NYE Celebrations Due To Terror Fears
Authorities in Paris cancelled New Year’s Eve celebrations on Thursday night amid fears of further terror attacks, copying Brussels example after they also cancelled NYE festivities. Traditional fireworks displays normally seen in the French capital were scrapped in favour of a five-minute video performance of the Arc de Triomphe in the countdown to midnight, playing on screens along the Champs Elysees, surrounded by heightened security. Sky News reports: About 11,000 soldiers, police and emergency workers are being deployed on the streets – 2,000 more than last year – seven weeks ... more »
Dubai Skyscraper Inferno Brings New Year Celebrations To A Halt
New Year’s celebrations came grinding to a halt in Dubai after a five-star hotel was engulfed in a fire just moments before a spectacular fireworks display was due to begin. The huge building caught fire at 9:30pm Dubai time, with flames engulfing over 40 stories of the 63 story building. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Those who escaped described how people climbed over each other in their rush to escape the burning building. One Briton was forced to carry his disabled mother on his back. A medic has revealed that at least 60 people were hurt, many with crush injuries, with officials say... more »
The Family That Preys Together : by Jack Colhoun, Covert Action Quarterly, Summer 1992
*The Family That Preys Together* by Jack Colhoun, *Covert Action Quarterly, Summer 1992* "This is an incredible deal, unbelievable for this small company," energy analyst Charles Strain told Forbes magazine, describing the oil production sharing agreement the Harken Energy Corporation signed in January 1990 with Bahrain. Under the terms of the deal, Harken was given the exclusive right to explore for gas and oil off the shores of the Gulf island nation. If gas or oil were found in waters near two of the world's largest gas and oil fields, Harken would have exclusive marketing and... more »
Dec.31 Getting past our prejudices and myths.
It's New Year's Eve, and I've been chauffering visitors all day. Fortunately, there is little to be said about the Irving press. There is nothing worth reading in Section A news. And there is only one opinion column worth reading. It's on A9, and it's about dementia and altzheimer's. (or maybe I'm just getting sensitive about the topic.) What is does have is an editorial cartoon that is well drawn – but spreads an ignorance that is already too well-spread. It shows a fighter-bomber flown by a grinning Putin. For many years, aircraft have carried decals to indicate how many of the en... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 31, 2015
*The Guardian*: *What will happen in 2016?* Space explorers, genetic scientists, US voters, terrorists and hackers look set to dominate our world next year – but don’t rule out the odd pleasant surprise Never make predictions, especially about the future. So said Mark Twain, Yogi Berra or Niels Bohr – or possibly all three. But if you must, there are really only two options: play safe and go for the obvious, or come up with forecasts so giddily optimistic that no one will take you seriously. Using the former approach, 2016 will produce more tragedy in Syria and Yemen, an uninter... more »
Outsourcing the Mentally Ill to Police
[image: Mental Hospital, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Mentally Ill, Healthcare] The latest police shooting to roil Chicago was all too familiar -- and not because it fits the poisonous narrative of rampant police racism alleged by Black Lives Matter. Quintonio LeGrier’s father called police after locking himself in a bedroom when... more »
Prison: A Sure Cure for ‘Affluenza’
[image: Prison, Teenager, Loneliness] In 2013, Americans learned about a new epidemic -- affluenza. As psychologist G. Dick Miller explained the phenomenon, children of wealthy parents are taught not the golden rule but “we have the gold, we make the rules.” The unsympathetic carrier... more »
Police in Munich Warn of ‘Imminent Threat’ of Terror Attack
[image: German police - 900] BERLIN (AP) -- Police in Munich are asking people to stay away from the city’s main train station and a second train station in the city’s Pasing neighborhood because of “serious, imminent threat” of a terror attack. Munich police say...more »
The Flood
By his strength he went distances to find faraway Utnapishtim /A He restored the flood- spoiled holy places to their former glory /A Establishing for the people the holy rituals of the mystic order /A Not one among the kings of the world could compare to him /A Who can rightfully avow himself as high king but Gilgamesh! /A For he was marked at birth to acquire for himself great fame /A He being one- third a mortal while the rest of him was divine /A Belet- ili, [§] it was who determined what form his body would take /A His facial features were rendered flawless by wise Nudimmud [*... more »
The Holocaust (Beta test version)
*"While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded..."* *Entry on 'Antisemitism' * *Encyclopedia Britannica **10th Edition **(1902)* *In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. * *Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. * *The prophesy then reads: "You will return, but with 6 million less."*... more »
Operation Sunrise
*by Stanley Kubrick (Aged 16)* *Look Magazine, April 1945* *House at Herrengasse 23, Bern, North facade. * *Built 1690 by Abraham I. Dünz for David Salomon von Wattenwyl, * *rebuilt around 1756 by Erasmus Ritter in late Louis XV style.* OPERATION SUNRISE: AMERICA’S OSS, SWISS INTELLIGENCE, AND THE GERMAN SURRENDER 1945 Stephen P. Halbrook Operation Sunrise was a cooperative effort of American and Swiss intelligence services which led to the unconditional surrender of the German Wehrmacht forces in Northern Italy and Western Austria on May 2, 1945. General Heinrich von Vietinghoff, C... more »
World News Briefs -- December 31, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*BBC*: *New Year: Celebrations mark start of 2016* Countries around the world are marking the New Year, with festivities currently under way in parts of Europe and Africa. Egypt, Greece and Turkey are among the latest countries to usher in 2016. Earlier in Japan, people released balloons by Tokyo Tower, while South Koreans celebrated with fireworks and traditional bell-ringing ceremonies. Revellers in Australia and New Zealand were some of the first to welcome the New Year. Crowds counted down at Auckland's Sky Tower in New Zealand, with a laser show and fireworks display. Firewo... more »
Netflix and Chew: How Binge Watching Affects Our Eating Habits
[image: binge watching] Bingeing has become many people’s favorite way to consume television. But marathon-viewing doesn’t just change how we watch -- it also affects how we eat. While the culture of the Netflix all-nighter is relatively recent, researchers have been studying the... Continue reading *“Netflix and Chew: How Binge Watching Affects Our Eating Habits”* at *npr.org*.
Why Women Pay More for Retail Goods
[image: toys - 400] A new study by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs reveals products for women were priced higher on average 42% of the time. What are women being charged more for? Continue reading *“Why Women Pay More for Retail Goods”* at *wsj.com*.
Check Out This Stunning Map of Republican State Dominance
[image: After 2014 elections.fw - 400] With upcoming special elections for four vacant legislature seats in Kentucky possibly going to Republicans, the Democrats are at risk of being wiped out in the south. 67 of 98 -- 68% -- state chambers are under Republican-majority control. Republicans also control... Continue reading *“Check Out This Stunning Map of Republican State Dominance”* at *dailywire.com*.
The Esoteric Kubrick : 1945
*by Stanley Kubrick (Aged 16)* *Look Magazine, April 1945*
Secret Service Made No Effort to Improve After 2011 White House Shooting
[image: White House Secret Service - 900] U.S. Secret Service officials missed a major opportunity to learn from their blunders and potentially save millions of dollars by failing to do an after-action review of their response to a 2011 shooting at the White House, according to a... more »
If Florida Voters Want More Of What George Bush And Marco Rubio Gave Them, Alan Grayson Isn't The Way To Go
Tuesday Paul Krugman was ruminating on how lucky the GOP establishment is that the noisy mess that is Herr Trumpf is keeping people from focusing on "the hard right turn even conventional Republican candidates have taken, a turn whose radicalism would have seemed implausible not long ago. After all," he wrote in his *Times* column, "you might have expected the debacle of George W. Bush’s presidency-- a debacle not just for the nation, but for the Republican Party, which saw Democrats both take the White House and achieve some major parts of their agenda-- to inspire some reconsider... more »
Hamas Bans New Years Celebrations In Gaza For Being Incompatible With Islamic Values
Palestinians celebrate New Year's Eve in the West Bank city of Ramallah in 2012 (AFP Photo/Abbas Momani) *IBTimes:* *New Year's Eve Banned In Gaza: Hamas Rules Holiday Celebrations 'Incompatible' With Islamic Values* The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas has reportedly banned all New Year’s Eve celebrations this year, the Agence France-Presse reported Wednesday. Hotels and restaurants that requested permits to hold public parties Thursday night were denied the right to do so, and the police have vowed to clamp down on unlicensed celebrations. Hamas leaders determined such celebr... more »
Best Wishes for 2016
*I don't want to get into predictions at this time. They are actually too easy. * *Instead I will make a list of changes I would like to see take place in 2016* *All equally important - Make an earnest contribution and it'll be added to the list* *1 - More people talking to one another- FACE to FACE- Not through anti social media* *Talk about important issues loudly so others can 'eavesdrop'* *2 - Less gadget uses- Dump the smart/pain/spy phones * *They are destroying the art of conversation as they suck your souls* *And enough of the narcissistic 'selfies', please!* *3 - Plant a f... more »
The Borders Of The Middle East Are Being Redrawn
*Liz Sly, Washington Post*: *How the battle against the Islamic State is redrawing the map of the Middle East* AMIRIYAT FALLUJAH, Iraq — Along the vast, zigzagging perimeter of the Islamic State’s self-styled state, the militants are steadily being pushed back as the forces ranged against them gain in strength. In the process, new borders are being drawn, new fiefdoms are being carved out and the seeds of potential new conflicts are being sown. A war seen by the United States as primarily aimed at preventing future terrorist attacks in America is being prosecuted for very differe... more »
After Retaking Ramadi The Next Battle For The Iraqi Government Will Be To Retake The City Of Falluja
*Reuters:* *Before Mosul, Iraqi army may face fight at the gates of Baghdad* BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi forces may face a big battle near Baghdad before they can try to retake the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul: Falluja, a long-time bastion of Sunni Muslim jihadists at the capital's western gates. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's government and the U.S.-led coalition backing it have been cagey so far in plans for Falluja, which lies between Baghdad and Ramadi, the capital of western Anbar province that the Iraqi military recaptured this week from the militants. Falluja was the fi... more »
Happy New Year 2016!
"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough 'Hello's' to get you through the final 'Good-bye.'" - Bob Perks Thank you all for stopping by! I wish you the very best in the new year! - CP
Musical Interlude: The Moody Blues, “Days of Future Passed," Full Album
The Moody Blues, “Days of Future Passed Full Album” - https://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's the closest active galaxy to planet Earth? That would be Centaurus A, only 11 million light-years distant. Spanning over 60,000 light-years, the peculiar elliptical galaxy is also known as NGC 5128. Forged in a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies, Centaurus A's fantastic jumble of young blue star clusters, pinkish star forming regions, and imposing dark dust lanes are seen here in remarkable detail. *Click image for larger size.* The colorful galaxy portrait is a composite of image data from space- and ground-based telescopes large and small. Near the galaxy's center, ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Scattered Leaves Of All The Universe”
*“The Scattered Leaves Of All The Universe”* by Chet Raymo “Dante Alighieri, the inestimable Florentine poet, carried in his head and gave expression in verse to pretty much the entire universe known to his 13th-century European contemporaries. From the dregs of the Earth to the highest heaven he journeyed in his imagination. His was a universe made expressly for humans, and nothing was in it that was not part of the human drama of sin and salvation. When at last he has ascended through the Great Chain of Being, he looks upon the Godhead itself. "And within its depths, I saw ingath... more »
Guidance to Unarmed Aviation Police: When Someone Shoots, Run and Hide
[image: aviation police] Chicago (CNN) -- Hundreds of police officers at one of the country’s busiest airports say in the case of an active shooter, they are instructed to run and hide. That’s because these officers are unique among the nation’s major airports: They don’t... Continue reading *“Guidance to Unarmed Aviation Police: When Someone Shoots, Run and Hide”* at *cnn.com*.
The 13 Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2015
[image: microaggression - 400] It seems like 2015 has just been so full of examples of extreme political correctness on college campuses that it might be easy to forget just how full of them it's been. Here, in no particular order, are the 13... Continue reading *“The 13 Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2015”* at *nationalreview.com*.
U.S. Mortgage Rates Increase
[image: House sold - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Average long-term U.S. mortgage rates crossed the 4 percent mark this week, a slight increase in the wake of the Federal Reserve decision this month to hike a key short-term interest rate. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said...more »
Why Democrat Cities Are Failing
[image: Rahm Emanuel] Rahm Emanuel, Chicago's tough-talking mayor who was elected to a second term just last spring, is facing a snowballing political crisis that now threatens to derail his mayoralty. The Wall Street Journal reports on the way a series of high-profile police shootings have rattled Chicago... Continue reading *“Why Democrat Cities Are Failing”* at *the-american-interest.com*.
California, Leading from Behind
[image: California - 400] California has given us three new truths about government. One, the higher that taxes rise, the worse state services become. Two, the worse a natural disaster hits, the more the state contributes to its havoc. And three, the more existential... Continue reading *“California, Leading from Behind”* at *nationalreview.com* .
The Daily "Near You?"
Springfield, Ohio, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"How To Cure A Hangover, Or Not"
*"How To Cure A Hangover, Or Not"* By Colleen Graham "Now you've done it and it's official, you have a hangover. Now what? No matter what you do sleep and water or juice should be included. There are many folk cures that are supposed to help cure a hangover. Many of them will help you cope by replenishing the vitamins and liquid you lost over night, while some like avoiding caffeine are very important to a quicker recovery. There is no one size fits all cure, find what works for you but the list below is a good place to start. There are also a few suggestions from readers who found... more »
"Be Careful What You Wish For"
"It hurts to find out that what you wanted doesn't match what you dreamed it would be." - Randy K. Mulholland
TCU Quarterback Charged with Assaulting Officer, Suspended Before Alamo Bowl
[image: Boykin - 900] SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- TCU quarterback Trevone Boykin was arrested early Thursday and charged with felony assault of a police officer after fans at a bar were allegedly heckling the one-time Heisman Trophy contender. He was swiftly suspended for the... more »
FBI: ISIS Terror Suspect Planned New Year’s Eve Attack on Upstate New York Bar
[image: Rochester-900] ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- An ex-con seeking to prove he was worthy of joining the Islamic State group planned to carry out a New Year’s Eve attack at an upstate New York bar using a machete and knives provided by... more »
Hasta La Vista, 2015
*So*, I was having this *problematic* *conversation* with my fellow *stakeholders* of the gene pool about the *price point* of all the food gracing the holiday dinner table, and Donald Trump was in the background *vaping* his own fumes in his latest *presser* and *breaking the Internet* in the process, and I was doing my pathetic best to avoid the awful* physicality* of my *manspreading* drunk cousin who only succeeded in dribbling the *secret sauce* out of his flapping maw as he tried to *walk back* his insults by spewing inanities that he thought would *give me life.* Phew. So... more »
Isn't It A Pity?
"Isn't it a pity Now, isn't it a shame How we break each other's hearts And cause each other pain How we take each other's love Without thinking anymore Forgetting to give back Isn't it a pity Some things take so long But how do I explain When not too many people Can see we're all the same And because of all their tears Their eyes can't hope to see The beauty that surrounds them Isn't it a pity"
Teenage ISIS ‘Poster Girl’ Was Turned Into a Sex Slave Before Being Beaten to Death as She Tried to Escape, Former Prisoner Reveals
[image: sex slave] A teenage Austrian girl who fled home to join ISIS was used as a sex slave by the terrorist group before she was beaten to death, a former prisoner has revealed Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15,... Continue reading *“Teenage ISIS ‘Poster Girl’ Was Turned Into a Sex Slave Before Being Beaten to Death as She Tried to Escape, Former Prisoner Reveals”* at *dailymail.co.uk*.
Ramadi Residents Fleeing ISIS: ‘They Wanted to Use us as Human Shields’
[image: Ramadi] Habbaniyah, Iraq (CNN) -- Standing in the entrance of her tent on a chilly winter night in the Iraqi desert, Nada Saleh describes the terrifying moment her family almost became part of ISIS’ last stand in Ramadi. As government forces mounted their... Continue reading *“Ramadi Residents Fleeing ISIS: ‘They Wanted to Use us as Human Shields’”* at *cnn.com*.
Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study on Whether Mommy Boo-Boo Kisses Really Work
[image: boo-boo] An esteemed scientific journal appears to have been conned into publishing what appears to be a fake study on the effects of mommy kisses on their children's boo-boos. Kisses from mommy are not an effective way of remedying children's boo-boos,... Continue reading *“Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study on Whether Mommy Boo-Boo Kisses Really Work”* at *thefederalist.com*.
New Year Honours 2016: Lynton Crosby knighthood criticised by Labour per the Labour Party media arm the BBC News
The BBC's lead report on the New Year's honours http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-35201149 leads on Labour's faux outrage about Lynton Crosby. '... Mr Burnham said the strategist's knighthood suggested "the Tories think they can get away with whatever they like"." It is a timely reminder that Labour must make it a new year's resolution to stop facing inwards and expose them for what they are," he added. Fellow Labour MP Graham Jones added: "The honours system is supposed to recognise dedicated public service, not simply be a vehicle to reward Tory cronies and donors."' Of cou... more »
Flooding on Mississippi River: Are Nuclear Power Plants Endangered?
The flooding in the US Midwest caught my attention this morning because of its scale and the number of fatalities. For example, see here for discussion of record flooding here: http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/29/us/severe-weather-us/ After reading about the flooding I wondered whether nuclear plants located on the Mississippi river might be at risk given the National Weather Forecast is predicting still MORE flooding: National Weather Forecast for December 31, 2015 http://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=MOZ050&warncounty=MOC027&firewxzone=MOZ050&local_place1=Fulton%20MO&produ... more »
Las mejores imágenes de Año Nuevo 2016 están aquí...
[image: Imágenes de Año Nuevo 2016 con mensajes] [image: Imágenes de Año Nuevo 2016 con mensajes] [image: Imágenes de Año Nuevo 2016 con mensajes] [image: Postales de año nuevo con mensajes] Haga usted click sobre las imágenes pequeñas y descubrir todas nuestras colecciones de imágenes sobre *Año Nuevo 2016* que hemos diseñado en exclusiva para todos ustedes... Muchas Felicidades y que Dios los bendiga a todos. Ha sido un honor poder compartir con ustedes todas estas postales hermosas que usted puede compartir a través de las diversas redes sociales. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2016!
Retraction published for nutrition researcher Marion Nestle
Following her request last month, a public health journal has retracted a paper co-authored by prominent nutrition researcher Marion Nestle, after revelations of multiple factual errors and her co-author’s ties to one of the subjects of the article. The article, an opinion piece, critiqued the supposed relationship between the biggest beverage distributor in Guatemala and the […] The post Retraction published for nutrition researcher Marion Nestle appeared first on Retraction Watch.
“Walking Through Your Fear: Emerging Courageous”
*“Litany Against Fear”* “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” - Frank Herbert *“Walking Through Your Fear: Emerging Courageous”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “Frequently, in walking through our fear, we discover that the strength of our fright was out of sync with reality. The situations, activities, and individuals th... more »
Iran Warns The U.S. On Any New Sanctions
*Reuters*:* Iran says any U.S. sanctions on missiles illegal* Iran condemned on Thursday as arbitrary and illegal reported U.S. plans for new sanctions on international companies and individuals over Tehran's ballistic missile program. "As we have declared to the American government ... Iran's missile program has no connection to the (nuclear) agreement," state television quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari as saying. In Washington, sources familiar with the situation said on Wednesday the U.S. government was preparing the sanctions, which the Wall Street Journa... more »
Two Weeks after Release, Arab Girl Tries to Stab Again
[image: stabbing attacks] An indictment was filed Monday against a 15-year-old Arab girl for two counts of attempted murder and two counts of possession of a knife, after she tried twice to carry out deadly stabbing attacks against Jews in Jerusalem. According to... Continue reading *“Two Weeks after Release, Arab Girl Tries to Stab Again”* at *israelnationalnews.com*.
Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law by Feeding the Homeless
[image: feeding the homeless] When feeding the homeless becomes an act of civil disobedience, Americans have been asleep for far too long. Luckily, however, there are still good people who are willing to defy such arbitrary and ill-conceived laws and ordinances. The folks over... Continue reading *“Well-Armed Activists Openly Defy Texas Law by Feeding the Homeless”* at *thedailysheeple.com*.
Ayahuasca Can Relieve Serious Depression Faster than Antidepressants
*Anna Hunt* - Even a mild dose was effective for volunteers in this new study. The post Ayahuasca Can Relieve Serious Depression Faster than Antidepressants appeared first on Waking Times.
Top Carson Staffers Resign
[image: Carson] Ben Carson's top aides have resigned, casting the retired neurosurgeon's campaign into chaos just a month before the Iowa caucuses. Carson's communications director Doug Watts told The Hill in a statement that he and campaign manager Barry Bennett will step... Continue reading *“Top Carson Staffers Resign”* at *thehill.com*.
State Dept. to Fall Short of Court Order on Clinton Email Release
[image: Hillary Clinton2 - 400] State Department officials will fall short of a court order compelling them to produce nearly 9,000 pages of Hillary Clinton’s private emails by the end of December. Instead, the agency will publish 5,500 pages of Clinton’s emails Thursday and make... Continue reading *“State Dept. to Fall Short of Court Order on Clinton Email Release”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Has The UK Had Exceptional Winter Rainfall Or Is It Just Weather As Normal?
By Paul Homewood https://oldgifford.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/has-the-uk-had-exceptional-winter-rainfall-or-is-it-just-weather-as-normal/ After the wet winter of 2013/14, Oldgifford posted an analysis of winter rainfall trends, using the sort of proper statistical methods that I missed out on in College (having bunked off lessons!) His conclusion is that, apart from that one winter, nothing unusual has been happening at all. […]
Iran Denies Firing Rockets Near The U.S. Aircraft Carrier Harry S. Truman
IRGC's Brig. Gen. Ramezan Sharif dismisses US claims of a rocket test by Iran in the Strait of Hormuz. *FARS News Agency:* *IRGC Denies US Claims of Firing Missiles in Strait of Hormuz* *TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps which is in charge of Iran's security in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz denied US claims that its naval forces have fired missiles and rockets near the US warships in the waterway in recent days.* "The IRGC Navy has staged no drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the current week and the time claimed by the Americans and hasn’t fired any mis... more »
The Latest GOP Civil War Is About Stopping Ted Cruz In Iowa. Or Is That Just A Rubio Sneak Attack?
Something that's been circulating on the fringes of the political right, a new plan to undermine progressive accomplishments-- everything from consumer protections, health care, safe air and water, marriage equality... you name it-- is a crackpot scheme, called Convention of States to rewrite the Constitution. Someone told Marco Rubio about it and he endorsed it yesterday, hoping that can help him win over extremists in Iowa next month. Rubio isn't the first to sign on to this crackpot scheme, which has been embraced by the whole panoply of right-wingers including all the usual s... more »
Cruz Soaring, Raises Nearly $20 Million Over Last 3 Months of 2015
[image: Ted Cruz5 - 900] NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s campaign said Wednesday it has raised nearly $20 million over the last three months, a large haul that further cements the Texas senator’s status as a serious contender for the nomination... more »
Court Halts Utah’s Planned Parenthood Defunding
[image: Planned Parenthood2 - 400] A federal appeals court’s injunction late Wednesday night temporarily halted Utah’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood as the year comes to an end. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court decision comes less than a week after a federal judge ruled Republican... Continue reading *“Court Halts Utah’s Planned Parenthood Defunding”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Martin O’Malley Fails to Qualify for Ohio’s Ballot
[image: US-POLITICS-IAFF-OMALLEY] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley has failed to qualify for Ohio’s primary ballot, falling short of the signatures needed to appear before the state’s voters. A spokesman for Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (HYOO’-sted) tells... more »
Mother of ‘Affluenza’ Teen is Jailed in Los Angeles
[image: affluenza mom - 900] LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The mother of a fugitive Texas teen known for using an “affluenza” defense in a fatal drunken-driving accident is jailed in Los Angeles on Thursday after being deported from Mexico, police said. An LAPD fugitive task...more »
Penny: the highest paid TV actress in the world in 2015
For the investors, the year 2015 was a year when nothing worked ® (the phrase "nothing works" is copyrighted by Arvind Rajaraman). Stocks, bond, and cash went nowhere and sophisticated investments strategies such as Warren Buffett's ones lost over 10%. I am sure that many TRF readers were actually affected. Someone did better, however. We don't live in a scientific world. A top NHL player earns almost $20 million a year while you can find numerous string theorists who have less than that. Perhaps closer to $5,000. But the Belfast Telegraph, in As TV goes, *The Big Bang Theory* i... more »
Ho, ho, ho - Happy New Year...
*our toilets are overflowing and the tubs are backed up.* Plumber will be here in a few hours. Till then? Bucket on the deck? It's 3°. Maybe inside would be better. *Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve everyone.*
2016: Thoughts, Nightmares....and predictions
*2016 HAPPY NEW YEAR!* As the final hours of 2015 tick down to the New Year 2016, it is time to ask....h*ow did my predictions for 2015 go? Looking at the relevant blog post it appears I made only one prediction:* 2015 Prediction: More Agent Provocateurs, Double Agents and Triple Double-Crossers Admittedly, that was a very safe prediction. And it certainly did come true. There was a lollapolooza of False Flags this past year, so many that I finally gave up on reporting them in depth...so many other truthers were doing a great job of that...some in real time. There were double ... more »
A Look At Why The SR-71 Was Retired
Image: Flickr/Matt Morgan. *Dave Majumdar, National Interest:* *SR-71: Why Is the World's Fastest Plane in a Museum?* Capable of cruising at speeds in excess of Mach 3.2, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird was the fastest air-breathing manned aircraft to ever to see operational service. But even though its performance has never been matched, the SR-71 was retired as the Cold War drew to a close. The Blackbird was initially retired in 1990, even before the fall of the Soviet Union. Eventually, however, three of the jets were reactivated by the Air Force—at the insistence of Congress—for ... more »
7 of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and What Can be Done About Them
*Sofia Adamson* Many individuals are not getting enough important nutrients from their diet. The post 7 of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and What Can be Done About Them appeared first on Waking Times.
Overwhelmed by Immigrants, Even Humanitarian Sweden is Now Turning Them Away
[image: Sweden refugees - 400] MALMO, Sweden -- When the small, crumpled body of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi washed up on the Aegean coast Sept. 2, Europe's humanitarian superpower sprang into action. Sweden's prime minister headlined gala fundraisers, Swedish celebrities starred in telethons, and a country... Continue reading *“Overwhelmed by Immigrants, Even Humanitarian Sweden is Now Turning Them Away”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Slingo Admits Floods Mainly Due To Natural Variability
By Paul Homewood http://blog.metoffice.gov.uk/2015/12/31/whats-been-happening-to-our-weather/ Has Julia been listening to me? For once, there is a slightly more balanced explanation for our bad weather from her! This is a quick post, I’ll be doing a fuller job when all the month’s data is in. December 2015 will go down in meteorological history […]
Autumn 2015 Iraq Opinion Poll The Security Front
The latest Iraqi public opinion poll covered three major topics, the second of which was the security situation in the country. Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research conducted the poll from August to September 2015 querying 2,000 Iraqis from all parts of the country. The war was by far the most important issue according to the Iraqis questioned. Confidence in the security forces was split along ethnosectarian lines, and most believed that the conflict would last at least another year. When asked what were the most important issues facing the government security was number one. Nearly... more »
The Poet: John O'Donohue, "In These Times"
*"In These Times"* "In these times when anger Is turned into anxiety, And someone has stolen The horizons and mountains, Our small emperors on parade Never expect our indifference To disturb their nakedness. They keep their heads down, And their eyes gleam with reflection From aluminum economic ground, The media wraps everything In a cellophane of sound, And the ghost surface of the virtual Overlays the breathing earth. The industry of distraction Makes us forget That we live in a universe. We have become converts To the religion of stress And its deity of progress; That we may have co... more »
"The 12 Rules of Survival"
*"The 12 Rules of Survival"* by Laurence Gonzales "As a journalist, I've been writing about accidents for more than thirty years. In the last 15 or so years, I've concentrated on accidents in outdoor recreation, in an effort to understand who lives, who dies, and why. To my surprise, I found an eerie uniformity in the way people survive seemingly impossible circumstances. Decades and sometimes centuries apart, separated by culture, geography, race, language, and tradition, the most successful survivors–those who practice what I call “deep survival”– go through the same patterns of ... more »
In Two Years Russian President Putin's Son-In-Law Became A Billionaire
PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: Russian leader Vladimir Putin inspects a Sibur plant in Voronezh, Russia, in May 2013. On the far right is Kirill Shamalov, a major shareholder in Sibur and son-in-law of Putin. REUTERS/Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/Kremlin *Reuters*:* Putin's son-in-law boosted by $1.75 billion Russian state loan* The son-in-law of Vladimir Putin stands to benefit from $1.75 billion in cheap finance from the Russian state, a Reuters examination of public documents shows. The money will help fund a petrochemical project at a company in which Kirill Shamalov, husband of Katerina Tik... more »
Corruption In Ukraine Is Now Reaching Unbelievable Levels
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko attends a joint news conference with European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (unseen) at the EU Council in Brussels, Belgium, December 16, 2015. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir *Josh Cohen, Reuters*: *Corruption in Ukraine is so bad, a Nigerian prince would be embarrassed* United States Vice President Joe Biden has never been one to hold his tongue. He certainly didn’t in his recent trip to Kiev. In a speech before Ukraine’s Parliament, Biden told legislators that corruption was eating Ukraine “like ... more »
Top Ten Dance Songs 2015
You know this is the real reason why you come here: for 2015's iteration of the annual chart of the finest tunes. Yo DJ pump this party, as they say: 10. *Love's Got Me High* by SCALES 9. *King* by Years & Years 8. *How Deep Is Your Love* by Calvin Harris & Disciples 7. *Go* by The Chemical Brothers 6. *Don't Be So Shy* by Imany feat. Filatov & Karas 5. *Ocean Drive* by Duke Dumont 4. *About You* by Sebastian Weikum 3. *Foolish Dreams* by Frozen Plasma 2. *Opus* by Eric Prydz Like last year, 2015 has been a pig of a year and, if truth be told, that held true for dance music as w... more »
Supplemental: The elderly viewers of Fox News!
*THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015The New York Times does it again:* Journalistically, we'd say that 2015 has been The Year of the Liberal. We don't exactly mean that as a compliment. At any rate, we plan to explore this theme next week in an award-winning set of reports. Today, a news report in the New York Times should be of interest to liberals. Apparently using data from Nielsen, the report attempts to quantify "cable news" viewership during this past year. The famous newspaper bungles horribly as it attempts to do this. First, though, consider a basic framework which emerges from o... more »
California Shooter’s Friend Indicted on Gun, Terror Charges
[image: Marquez - 900] RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) -- A grand jury has indicted the man who provided the guns used in the San Bernardino massacre on counts that include lying on documents when he bought the assault rifles and helping to plan earlier terror... more »
Neuroscience paper retracted after colleagues object to data publication
A paper published this October in the journal Frontiers In Neuroscience was retracted the following month because the authors’ collaborators did not give them permission to publish some of the data. The paper detailed how and why the authors use the software program Nengo to test large simulations of nervous system networks. As part of […] The post Neuroscience paper retracted after colleagues object to data publication appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Transpicuous New Years Report
Well my friends, the year has come to an end, with not so much of a bang... more of a whisper and a whimper it would seem. While on the Surface the "News" has been devoid of anything even remotely interesting, in the back ground, while everyone was distracted by egg nog and leftover turkey sandwiches, there was a few very interesting things that almost slipped by unnoticed. Today we look at the War between Canada and Denmark, the "real" space review that isn't, the Chinese question, and whether or not the Pentagon has any clue what they are doing. News Links for December 2... more »
Donald Trump’s Strongest Supporters: A Certain Kind of Democrat
[image: Trump supporters2 - 400] Donald Trump holds a dominant position in national polls in no small part because he is extremely strong among people on the periphery of the Republican coalition. He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely... Continue reading *“Donald Trump’s Strongest Supporters: A Certain Kind of Democrat”* at *nytimes.com*.
The West Grapples for a Response to ISIS
[image: Commemoration against terrorist attacks, on November 18, 2015 at Republique place in Paris, France.] Feeling the pressure on its home turf in Syria and Iraq, Islamic State has taken the war to its enemies' homes by launching terrorist attacks overseas--and promised more such carnage in 2016. How to respond to the threat is becoming... Continue reading *“The West Grapples for a Response to ISIS”* at *google.com*.
Claim of Consent Amid Wine, Pills to be a Key Question in Cosby Rape Case
[image: Cosby and Accuser__1451575064_173.71.16.53] ELKINS PARK, Pa. (AP) -- Bill Cosby has long maintained that his extramarital conquests over the years were all consensual. A jury may ultimately decide if that’s true after the 78-year-old actor was arrested Wednesday on felony assault charges in... more »
US Reportedly Preparing Fresh Sanctions over Iran Ballistic Missile Program
[image: Iran - sanctions - 485] The U.S. is preparing to impose financial sanctions on Iran for the first time since this past summer’s agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program, according to a published report. The Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. officials, reported that the sanctions would... Continue reading *“US Reportedly Preparing Fresh Sanctions over Iran Ballistic Missile Program”* at *foxnews.com*.
Stocks Fall With Commodity Currencies as Oil Ends ’15 Below $37
[image: Markets Open After A Day Of Major Gains] Oil retreated near the lowest level since 2009 and European equities pared an annual gain as trading wound down at the end of a year dominated by rising U.S. interest rates, slumping raw materials prices and Chinese stock-market volatility. The... Continue reading *“Stocks Fall With Commodity Currencies as Oil Ends ’15 Below $37”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Trump Rejects Ex-Aide’s Claim His White House Bid is Doomed
[image: Trump2 - 400] Donald Trump is rejecting a former political adviser's assertion that he can’t win the White House. Trump noted that Sam Nunberg, the former aide, was fired. He also claimed Nunberg “makes routine calls begging for his job back.” "Sam Nunberg... Continue reading *“Trump Rejects Ex-Aide’s Claim His White House Bid is Doomed”* at *thehill.com*.
Republicans Scramble to Pick Up Graham’s Supporters in South Carolina
[image: Bloomberg, outbound only. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush answers a question as South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley looks on on March 17, 2015, in Columbia, South Carolina. Photographer: Richard Ellis/Getty Images] Aside from the One Eared Cow Glass gallery and a shuttered Grice's fruit basket shop, there is little in a half-mile stretch of South Carolina's capital city that separates the state headquarters of Republican presidential rivals Marco Rubio and Jeb... Continue reading *“Republicans Scramble to Pick Up Graham’s Supporters in South Carolina”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Russia Expects To Sell $16 Billion In Arms Exports For 2016
© Sputnik/ Artem Zhitenev *IBTimes*: *Russia Arms Exports Crossed $15B In 2015, Moscow Plans Similar Sales For 2016* Russia exported over $15 billion worth of arms in 2015 and plans to sell similar volumes of military equipment in 2016, an official from the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation reportedly told Ria Novosti on Wednesday. The sales figures come despite several economic sanctions against Russian companies by Western powers over the Ukraine conflict. “The plan for 2015 has been completed with the production of military equipment delivered with a t... more »
Yes. I used the forbidden phrase. But let’s use those two words as if CCSS had never existed. In fact let’s ask what the true common core of teaching should be. Young children, as in the forest schools covered in this NYT article ( http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/31/fashion/outdoor-preschool-in-nature.html?login=email&_r=0&mtrref=query.nytimes.com), are free to ask and discover as their natural curiosity drives them. Shouldn’t that be at the common core of teaching from pre K all the way through grad school? I am not advocating living in the forest all ones life. I am advocating tha... more »
The underlying problem with teacher diversity initiatives
There is a great deal now being written about the lack of diversity in the teacher workforce. It is typically boiled down to a black-white issue even though “teachers of color” can be defined more broadly to include other races and/or ethnicities. The simple binary of this debate also does not include the intersectionalities of […]
photorealist art - Christiane Vleugels - Timeless Abundance
*Timeless finds a new home.*regular readers of this blog know what a photorealism fanboy I am, and I've been meaning to feature the stunning photorealist portraiture of Belgian artist Christiane Vleugels for a long time... well, now the opportunity has arisen in the form of the finished and sold painting *Timeless.* Christiane Vleugels has an impeccable eye for photorealistic detail and you can find many examples of her large scale portraits on her Raipun page, but for now, and uniquely, let's concentrate on the one piece that I've been obsessively following the progress of through ... more »
Belgium Arrests 10th Suspect in Paris Attacks Investigation
[image: Belgian military on patrol in Brussels during a high-level alert because of the Paris attacks.] BRUSSELS (AP) -- Belgian authorities on Thursday announced the arrest of a 10th person in connection with last month’s bloodbath in Paris and said six others have been detained for questioning over a suspected plot to stage new attacks in... more »
No, Not Every Millennial Is Drowning in $200k+ Debt
[image: Businessman with Money, Budgeting, Debt, Finances, Tax, Sale, Customer Service Representative] Amanda Oliver wishes to tell us what every millennial wishes we understood about student loan debt. Not some millennials. Every millennial. And what exactly is that? Oliver wishes to dispel the myth that "we (millennials) all just went joyfully, hand... more »
7 Bible Verses for the New Year
[image: Bible Verses for the New Year - 900] With a new year before us, we look to the Bible for direction. Fortunately, the Bible is rich in stories and words of renewal and of God’s loving plan for each and every one of our lives. Here are seven verses... more »
The U.S. Knows How To Sell Weapons To The World
The US accounted for more than half of the global arms market last year. (file photo) *Ben Norton, Salon:* *Nothing to be proud of: The real American exceptionalism is selling the most weapons in the world — by far* *By selling weapons at alarming levels, the U.S. is further fueling the extremism it purports to be fighting* American exceptionalism — the notion that the U.S. is somehow an exceptional country, with no parallels in the world — is largely a myth. There is, however, one way in which it is absolutely true: The U.S. sells more weapons than any other country. The U.S. ha... more »
Doing Things Multilaterally
http://slideplayer.com/ Donald Trump and Stephen Harper may not have noticed, but multilateralism is back. Velma McColl writes: In 2009, many claimed the chaos surrounding COP15 in Copenhagen marked the end of multilateralism — a fatal blow to the UN. It seemed to speak to the futility of trying to bridge so many interests, so many regional voting blocks, that no agreement could possibly be crafted to meet all the multilateral conditions for a global climate deal. For many, it was a final proof, after years of experimentation and ... more »
Stem cell researcher that sued Harvard failed to disclose conflicts on 6 publications
Piero Anversa, a stem cell researcher who we recently learned is leaving Harvard and Brigham & Women’s Hospital after suing them, has added a disclosure statement to six publications. The four papers and two letters were published in Circulation, and all bear identical corrections: Piero Anversa, MD, discloses that he is a member of Analogous, LLC. The author […] The post Stem cell researcher that sued Harvard failed to disclose conflicts on 6 publications appeared first on Retraction Watch.
World News Briefs -- December 31, 2015
A Belgian soldier on patrol in Brussels, where official New Year’s Eve celebrations have been cancelled. Photograph: Francois Lenoir/Reuters *The Guardian:* *Cities around world tighten New Year's Eve security amid terror attack fears* London, Paris, Moscow, Brussels, Ankara, Madrid and New York among cities taking extra precautions for end-of-year celebrations Brussels has cancelled its official celebrations, Paris called off an annual fireworks display on the Champs-Élysées and London increased the numbers of firearms officers on the streets as authorities across the world stepp... more »
Finding Hope in the New Year
[image: 2016, New Year, Finding Hope, Sunrise, Sunset,] In his 2015 Year in Review, humorist Dave Barry writes that some people have criticized him in the past for being too negative, for focusing entirely on "the stupid, the tragic, the evil, the disgusting, the Kardashians." His solution is... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* A powerful cyclone has pushed the North Pole 50 degrees above normal to melting point *And this won't help*: Massive Los Angeles county gas leak is spewing 110,000 pounds of methane an hour Isis Operative Confesses to Receiving Funding from US (*January 2015*) Police and soldiers allegedly had an orgy during the Brussels terror lockdown America’s recent storms are causing historic flooding in Missouri The CIA's EarthViewer was basically the original Google Earth You have successfully emailed the post. The list of missing Chines... more »
The Year It's Been
I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions but I do like to take a look back and evaluate things as I move forward. December 31, as it has been rather arbitrarily chosen to end the year seems to be just as good of a time to take a look back as any other day, so here goes... The price of oil falling quite substantially has obviously been a big story this year, affecting not only our economy but my community. It's certainly given me a few moments of angst and I find myself checking the price of oil on an almost daily basis once I get home from work. I count myself among the fortu... more »
Herr Trumpf And The Iowa Evangelicals
Would even *one* evangelical anywhere fall for a candidate pandering to them this way? This is how Herr Trumpf, waving around a Bible and claiming "plenty of pastors" support him, opened his rally in Council Bluffs Tuesday night: "I even brought my Bible-- the evangelicals, ok? We love the evangelicals and we’re polling so well. This Bible was given to me by my mother, going to Sunday school… So, we love the Bible. It’s the best. We love *The Art of the Deal*, but the Bible is far, far superior, yes." How offensive is that to someone who patterns their life, on some level and wi... more »
It’s Time for a ‘Persecuted Christians First’ Foreign Policy
[image: Copts-min-1] A debate is raging right now among Republicans about the appropriate foreign policy for that party. Should we continue the movement to promote majority rule across the world that George W. Bush announced in his Second Inaugural Address, and tried... more »
New Year Revelers Unfazed by Terrorist Attack Worries — in Most Places
[image: Indonesian children in costumes gather during a parade for this year's last sundown in Bali island, Indonesia Thursday, Dec. 31, 2015. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati)] In Bangkok, police-flanked partygoers will ring in the new year at the site of a deadly bombing that took place just months ago. In Paris, residents recovering from their city’s own deadly attacks will enjoy scaled-back celebrations. And in Belgium’s... more »
President Obama’s Recent Vetoes were Unconstitutional. Congress Should Sue Him.
[image: President Obama-400] President Obama's vetoes earlier this month of two bills that would have blocked administration efforts to blunt climate change surprised no one. The vetoes came after Congress passed resolutions that even Republican leaders admitted were largely symbolic -- precisely because... Continue reading *“President Obama’s Recent Vetoes were Unconstitutional. Congress Should Sue Him.”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
BBC Says Its Websites Taken Down By Cyber Attack
The BBC said that its main news website and other online services were taken down on Thursday by a large web attack. The service went down at 7.00 GMT and was out for more than three hours on Thursday. Users received an error message and the broadcaster said on Twitter that the outage was due to technical problems. The BBC website is down – this is the first sign of the apocalypse right? #Error500 — Dai (@DaiTheBay) December 31, 2015 According to Reuters: The broadcaster itself reported it had been hit by a “distributed denial of service (DDoS)” attack, citing sources within the ... more »
Iran Denies Firing Rockets Near US Aircraft Carrier In Persian Gulf
Calling the allegation an act of “psychological warfare”, Tehran officially denied that its Revolutionary Guards’ patrol vessel launched rockets in close proximity to the USS Harry S. Truman and its convoy entering the Persian Gulf. It had been reported that the US aircraft carrier was intimidated after missiles were test fired from an Iranian patrol vessel on Saturday with the U.S. military accusing Iran of “highly provocative” actions. RT reports: “The naval forces of the Guards have not had any exercises in the Strait of Hormuz during the past week and the period claimed by the A... more »
HAPPY NEW YEAR From Northerntruthseeker To All My Readers
[image: Picture of Computer Controlled Fireworks Display] I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the best in 2016.... I have not made any predictions for this upcoming year... But from what I am seeing happening in the slow train wreck that is the financial markets and our economies, we could be in for a real mess very soon....In the meantime, I am still crossing my fingers and hoping for the best...I am trying to be optimistic, but again we must be prepared for the worse.... So raise a toast and welcome in the new year.... This could yet be the year that we finally have t... more »
Economic News & Views ( December 31 , 2015 ) In Focus Today (1. Refugee / Migration Items Of Note . 2 Greece Items Of Concern . 3 Spain Political Items Of Interest . 4 Terror Concerns Influence New Years Celebrations . 5 Frank Batters Scotland & Northern UK . 6 Turkey Items Of Note . 7 Russia In Focus . 8 Ukraine In Focus . 9 Commodities in Focus for 2015 . 10. China In focus . 11. Odds & Ends Catch-All ! )
New Year's Eve - Be safe out there , folks ! Around The Horn Today ....... *RT* @RT_com 2m 2 minutes ago Munich police on Facebook: Emptied stations will not be operating, will be kept sealed off http://on.rt.com/70s5 [image: Embedded image permalink] *BNO News* @BNONews 21m21 minutes ago BREAKING: Munich threat may involve several groups of attackers in various locations - local broadcaster http://bit.ly/1YUMZDB *KolHaolam* @KolHaolam 4m 4 minutes ago *GERMANY*: UPDATE - Police say current info indicates that a terrorist attack has bee... more »
A Crisis Worse than ISIS? Bail-Ins Begin by Ellen Brown
A Crisis Worse than ISIS? Bail-Ins Begin by Ellen Brown Web of Debt Blog, 29 December 2015 *While the mainstream media focus on ISIS extremists, a threat that has gone virtually unreported is that your life savings could be wiped out in a massive derivatives collapse. Bank bail-ins have begun in Europe, and the infrastructure is in place in the US. Poverty also kills. * At the end of November, an Italian pensioner hanged himself after his entire €100,000 savings were confiscated in a bank “rescue” scheme. He left a suicide note blaming the bank, where he had been a customer for... more »
Defending the Sacred
Holding Their GroundThe Unist'ot'en Camp are blocking pipelines from crossing their land in British Columbia. Posted by AJ+ on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Great courage and determination shown by the First Nations people as they resist giant resource extraction corporations in western Canada.
House Intel Chair: Congress to Investigate Report That Obama’s NSA Spied on Congress, Israel
[image: NSA] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Wednesday his committee will look into a report the U.S. spied on the Israeli prime minister and in the process swept up communications with Congress. Republican Rep. Devin Nunes...more »
Mississippi River Flooding May Hit Record Levels, ‘Freezing Cold’
[image: Missouri Flooding] The Mississippi River flung refrigerators, cars and tree trunks past Andrew Dallwitz as he tried to save what he could of his marina and his home in the bay of Portage des Sioux. The river was still rising next to... Continue reading *“Mississippi River Flooding May Hit Record Levels, ‘Freezing Cold’”* at *cnn.com*.
After Daunting 2015, EU Faces Year of Living Dangerously
[image: FILE - In this Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015 file photo, a street vendor walks past a giant greek flag which reads " Greece I love you, I will never sell you out "outside the Greek Parliament during a 24-hour nationwide general strike in Athens. If the year that was turned out to be daunting, 2016 should really be the European Union’s year of living dangerously. The cliffhanger to keep Greece from bankruptcy and in the euro currency during high summer was chilling enough before the rhetoric from nations like Hungary over the treatment of migrants and the pictures of razor wire bor... more »
Taking Stock
[image: Taking Stock, Building, Counting, Currency, Coins, Finances] Taking stock is a tradition observed by Jews at Yom Kippur and others who examine their lives at the end of a year and vow to improve in the new year. One group needs to take stock perhaps more than... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 31, 2015
*Dan Lamothe and Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Washington Post:* *Why success against the Islamic State in Ramadi hints at U.S. military strategy to come* As the red, white and black flag of the Iraqi government was raised over the government compound in Ramadi, Iraq, on Monday, leaders of the U.S.-led military coalition against the Islamic State faced a new question: How do they and the Iraqi military recapture that success in other cities, some of which could be even tougher to win? Ramadi, a city of about 220,000 people, fell to the Islamic State in May 2015, after months of the militan... more »
Are China's Drones Based On Stolen US Blueprints?
CH-4 in flight. Sinodefense *Asia Times*: *China’s armed drones appear built from stolen data from US cyber intrusions* China’s vibrant military blogosphere presented a video this month revealing a missile-firing unmanned aerial vehicle in action, dropping bombs against ground targets. The Caihong-4, or CH-4, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a testament to the remarkable success of China’s military in copying vital high-technology weapons that currently are considered among the most cutting edge arms systems used in modern combat operations for both ground strikes and intelligenc... more »
*It always was and always will be "Entrepreneur Week" ~Library Chronicles*
*Controversial job ad at the University of Louisville: Whites, Asians Need Not Apply* Many colleges want more ethnically and racially diverse faculty members. But should searches be limited to underrepresented groups? One university just tried. Even before the recent, widespread student protests over campus climate issues, many colleges and universities were working to make their faculties more diverse. But can a department specifically reserve a position for an underrepresented minority candidate? That’s what some are asking after a job ad for an assistant professorship reserved... more »
New Obama Executive Action to Give Work Permits to Foreign College Grads — “Could Be Over 100,000″
[image: President Barack Obama power plant emissions__1438862196_70.119.142.63] As the nation prepares to ring in the New Year, President Barack Obama is preparing a colossal new executive action that could print-up work permits for a huge number of foreign white-collar graduates every year, above and beyond the levels... Continue reading *“New Obama Executive Action to Give Work Permits to Foreign College Grads — “Could Be Over 100,000″”* at *breitbart.com*.
*NYT: Global Warming Could Be Causing Malformed Babies In Brazil* *This is all just speculation -- and speculation that is demonstrably wrong. There has been no warming for many years now so it cannot be causing anything* The New York Times reported Wednesday that a virus spreading throughout Brazil causing brain damage and malformations in infants could be the result of man-made global warming. The paper notes that researchers have suggested the Zika virus, which has stoked widespread panic in pregnant women in Mexico and Brazil, is likely the result of an upsurge in the mosqui...more »
China Confirms That It Is Building A Second Aircraft Carrier
China's first aircraft carrier, which was renovated from an old aircraft carrier that China bought from Ukraine in 1998, seen docked at Dalian Port, in Dalian, Liaoning province, in 2012. *Bloomberg*: *China Building Second Aircraft Carrier With Domestic Technology* China is building a second aircraft carrier, with the new ship being designed and constructed domestically, the Defense Ministry said, marking the first time the government has confirmed the long-rumored project. The vessel is being built in the northern port of Dalian and will carry Chinese-made J-15 fighter jets, the... more »
China Prepares For Space Warfare
*Washington Times*: *China preps for space warfare* Following recent tests of anti-satellite missiles and near-space hypersonic vehicles, China’s military will soon create a new Space Force within the People’s Liberation Army, a sign Beijing is preparing for future space warfare. Military analysts say there has been no official announcement of the new space warfare unit; however, unofficial sources in China revealed the unit will be part of a new Strategic Support Forces service that will include nuclear missiles — currently under the Second Artillery Force — along with an electr... more »
China Preparing To Manufacture Its First Stealth Fighter (Ahead Of Schedule)
Wikimedia Commons/ Alexandr Chechin *The Diplomat*:* China's First Stealth Fighter Is About to Enter Production* *Chinese media reports suggest the J-20 is ready for production, ahead of schedule.* A report posted online by China’s Xinhua News Agency suggests that the J-20 – China’s fifth-generation stealth fighter jet – has entered the mass production stage. The evidence is a photograph of a J-20 on the tarmac, coated with yellow primer paint and bearing the serial number “2101.” Previous versions of the J-20 have been numbered in the 2000s (with the first prototype labeled 2001 ... more »
Layman’s Guide To El Nino
By Paul Homewood http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ Given that El Nino is making big news at the moment, I thought it would be useful to publish this short resume from NWS on ENSO processes: Effects of ENSO in the Pacific Normal Conditions Normally, sea surface temperature is about 14°F (8°C) higher in […]
Military Photo of the Day: December 31, 2015
[image: Holidays in Afghanistan-900] U.S. Army soldiers celebrate Christmas around a fire in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Dec. 25, 2015. As we celebrate the dawn of 2016, let’s also keep the thousands of Americans spending the holidays overseas in our prayers. We owe everything to the... more »
Tracking Global Migration Trends
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Zero Hedge*: *Tracking People Flows: Global Migration Summarized In 7 Charts* With the topic of global (im)migration getting increasingly more prominence as we get ever closer to the presidential elections, not to mention Europe's ongoing plight with the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, here is a handful of factual, and bias-free, charts summarizing the key aspects of global human mobility. *WNU Editor*: I concur with the Zero Hedge's analysis .... global migration is going to be a big news story for the next few years (if not longer).
Marine Corps Cancels Robotic Dog/Mule Project
*Washington Times*: *Marines shelve Google’s $42M robot ‘AlphaDogs’ because they are too noisy* Marines will not be using robotic mules called “AlphaDogs” any time soon because the machines were deemed too noisy to be useful in a combat situation. Boston Dynamics, the robotics company owned by Google’s parent Alphabet, has been working with DARPA, the Pentagon’s research division, to build the robots designed to carry supplies for troops. The AlphaDog robots, also called the Legged Squad Support System (LS3), were designed to carry up to 400 pounds and provide much-needed relief ... more »
Eve, a woman, was created out of Adam's penile bone
Ziony Zevit, a professor at the American Jewish University, has finally fixed a mistake that has made Judaism and Christianity more illogical and less intriguing than necessary in the recent 2,000 years. Eve was created out of Adam's baculum, the penile bone, he figured out. The Book of Genesis, a pillar of both religions, was written in Hebrew some 500 years before Christ. In Genesis 2, God created a man named Adam out of dust, along with a luxurious garden somewhere in Iraq [or Armenia or Azerbaijan] for Adam to enjoy. Adam could have been lonely so there was a fix: The Lord... more »
Photo Gallery (And Video) Of The U.S. Navy Salvaging A Sunken F/A-18
U.S. Navy *Popular Mechanics*: *Stunning Pics of the Navy Salvaging a Sunken F/A-18* Well, technically half a Super Hornet. The Aviationist blog has found a great series of images of the U.S. Navy salvaging one of its own aircraft from the Arabian Sea. On May 12, 2015 a F/A-18F Super Hornet from the USS Theodore Roosevelt crashed into the Arabian Gulf. The two crewmen ejected and were safely rescued. The Super Hornet and the Roosevelt had been participating in anti-Islamic State operations as part of Operation Inherent Resolve. According to reports at the time, the crash was "not... more »
New Alzheimer’s Treatment Fully Restores Memory Function
This is of course incredibly promising as it is a form of micro surgery that leaves no scars either. The result is to potentially completely remove the developed buildup of waste material in the brain causing most of the damage if not possibly all of it. I can imagine an out patient service in which the victim sits down and has a helmet placed over their head. With a number of repetitions, the problem is resolved. We may even run preventive sessions as well as low level problems surely exist. It would be an important blessing if this can work as it will simply eliminate most ... more »
Calls For Switzerland To Arm Itself In Response To World War III Fears
Switzerland’s Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General André Blattmann, has advised that Swiss people arm themselves due to fears of “hybrid wars” escalating to a World War III scenario. Blattmann says the very real threat of a World War III primarily stem from Turkish President Erdogan, and his recent declaration of being leader of the entire Islamic world. The Lieutenant says this has the potential to cause a global conflict between Russia and the West, and if Erdogan gets his way, the Ottoman Empire will be resurrected. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Curiously echoing General ... more »
Paris Attacker Is Planning UK New Year Bomb Massacre, Police Say
British authorities are on high alert today over fears that the Paris attacker, Salah Abdeslam, will bomb London during the New Year celebrations. The ISIS militant, currently on the run, is suspected to be hiding out in Europe with an accomplice after fleeing Morocco after last month’s massacre. Thesun.co.uk reports: Capitals across the continent are braced for an outrage amid concerns Abdeslam, 26, is crossing borders on a false passport. A French judicial source probing the Paris attacks told The Sun: “Abdeslam could easily be back in France. “He is a dangerous IS operative with... more »
Huge Solar Storm To Hit Earth On New Years Eve
A powerful solar storm is currently hitting the Earth which will make for a spectacular Northern Lights show just before New Year’s Eve. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center said the strong storm may allow the Northern Lights to dip as far south as Oregon and Illinois. Yahoo News reports: NOAA classifies solar storms on a scale of one to five (one being the weakest; five being the most severe). Today’s storm is forecast to be a G3 event, meaning it could have the strength to cause fluctuations in some power grids, intermittent radio ... more »
Syria Accuses Turkey Of Assisting ISIS To Further Its Own Agenda
Syria have accused Turkey of deliberately supporting ISIS by providing covering fire for ISIS militants, and doing business with the terrorist organisation by purchasing illegally smuggled oil. Political analyst Stuart Rollo told Russian media why he thinks Turkey is continuing to support ISIS in the Middle East. Sputniknews.com reports: “I think Turkey thought they could shape the Syrian conflict in their favor. They thought the Syrian government would fall within a month like it did in Egypt and Tunisia but it didn’t turn out that way. Turkey found itself supporting the groups th... more »
New Year North Pole Storm Causing Ice To Melt At Disturbing Levels
The recent storms that have devastated the United States over the Christmas holiday period have moved towards the North Pole, where experts say they are continuing to cause problems. Temperatures at the North Pole have risen to above freezing, with temperatures sitting at around 50 degrees in the last 24 hours, creating what scientists call a “bomb cyclogenesis”. Thedailysheeple.com reports: The Washington Post reports: From Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning, a mind-boggling pressure drop was recorded in Iceland: 54 millibars in just 18 hours. This triples the criteria for “bomb”...more »
Study Proves Fluoride Does Not Promote ‘Healthy Teeth’
A new study by Harvard and University College London has found that Brits have healthier teeth than Americans due to Britain having less fluoride in the drinking water. With a fluoridation rate of of 74%, Americans find it hard to escape the dangers of fluoride. Britain’s water supply, on the other hand, only has 10% of its supply fluoridated. Naturalblaze.com reports: “Contrary to popular belief, our study showed that the oral health of U.S. citizens is not better than the English, with Americans having significantly more missing teeth,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Richard W... more »
800-Year-Old ‘Alien’ Cell Phone Found In Austria
Archaeologists in Austria have claimed that they have discovered an 800-year-old cell phone of alien origin. The object has cuneiform writing engraved on the keys and look eerily like an old Nokia phone. UFO enthusiasts have claimed that the object proves that aliens once visited the Earth with superior technology, or that time travel does exist. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Conspiracy website tothedeathmedia.com reported: ‘According to reports, during archaeological excavations at Fuschl am See, (in Salzburg), Austria, researchers unearthed a mysterious artefact from the thirteenth ce... more »
Gods of Our Fathers launch
Cities aren't built in a day but they *can* be destroyed in one. When fugitive slave Anthony Burns is arrested in Boston in May 1854 for violating the Fugitive Slave Act, it unwittingly touched off a wildfire of once dormant abolitionist fervor. Far beyond the confines of the "city on a hill", abolitionists up and down the northeast corridor unite in protesting Burns' arrest and trial. Among them is infamous radical John Brown, whose presence in Boston is contributing to the chaos and mayhem engulfing the city. Stepping into the maelstrom of madness is mulatto Constab... more »
How 3D Printing Will Revolutionize The Military
Image via Wikimedia Commons. *T.X. Hammes, War On The Rocks:* *3-D Printing Will Disrupt The World In Ways We can barely Imagine* In the last few years, additive manufacturing, also known as 3-D printing, has transformed from an interesting hobby to an industry producing a wide range of products. It is on the path to causing major disruptions in global trade — and changing the international security environment. The explosion of additive manufacturing means it is virtually impossible to provide an up-to-date list of materials that can be printed, but a recent top ten list includes... more »
Study Finds MDMA Helps PTSD Victims
Clinical studies have found that MDMA (otherwise known as ecstasy or molly) can benefit people suffering from PTSD symptoms. Researchers have also found that the psychedelic drug speeds up the extinction of the conditioned fear response in mice. Psypost.org reports: But Matthew Young of Emory University and his colleagues wanted to understand the psychological mechanism behind these results. “Given that reported improvements in PTSD symptoms following MDMA-assisted psychotherapy last for years after the intervention, we hypothesized that acute MDMA affects fear learning and molecul... more »
North Korea Has Its Own Computer Operating System
A North Korean operating system is seen in this screen shot taken in Seoul December 23, 2015. REUTERS/JAMES PEARSON *Reuters:* *Paranoid: North Korea's computer operating system mirrors its political one* North Korea's homegrown computer operating system mirrors its political one, according to two German researchers who have delved into the code: a go-it-alone approach, a high degree of paranoia and invasive snooping on users. Their research, the deepest yet into the secretive state's Red Star OS, illustrates the challenges Pyongyang faces in trying to embrace the benefits of com... more »
AEC 17, ASEAN economic integration cemented today
Today, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), one of three pillars of the regional grouping, materializes. It further cements what has been initiated several decades ago, to have a single production base, a single market, moving towards a single rate of tariff (zero for member-states) and low rates for imports from non-ASEAN countries. Despite bureaucratism that delays real free trade, the region and the rest of the world is generally marching towards global free trade. I like this photo, colorful and it shows the cultural and national diversity among the people of the 10 member-count... more »
Who Lets The Rich Get Away Without Paying Their Fair Share Of Taxes?
Earlier this evening, we looked at how the rich and politically-connected have used their wealth and power to lower their tax rates and we looked at a Robert Reich video about how they've undermined the concept of inheritance taxes. This morning Reich had an interesting Facebook post up that explains the chart above. One of the major feats of the American oligarchy has been to use their political power to reduce their tax rates, so they can accumulate even more while contributing even less. The chart below shows how effective they've become since 1990. Bear in mind that in the 19... more »
Top 10 good news about the world, Happy new year
Despite all the negative news, stories and analysis of the world and many countries, the world is actually getting better, more peaceful, have less famine-related problems. Human progress continues, human prosperity expands, despite climate alarmism and health worryism that also expands in many sectors of the planet. Here's my quick top 10 good news about the world. Thanks to this article, *Two cheers for 2015* for some leads. If I have more time to search, this list can have minor change but this is fine already. ------------ 1. Proportion of the world’s population that is undernou... more »
U.K. Army To Form A Special Unit That Will Be Dedicated To Saving Treasures From War-Zones
*The Telegraph*: *Army sign up 'Monument Men' to save treasures from warzones* *Army sign up 'Monument Men' to save treasures from warzones.* Expert team to travel to warzones to advise on how locating and saving cultural treasures in echoes of George Clooney film. The Army aims to recruit a ‘Monuments Men’ team of art and archaeology experts to help protect priceless cultural treasures in war zones and choke off terrorist funding from antiquities smuggling. The specialist unit of up 40 advisers will be staffed by expert reservists with backgrounds in museums, archaeology, the ar... more »
Banned Driver Dies after Crashing into Secret Service Car
[image: Secret Service] CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- An unlicensed driver trying to pass a car on a snowy New Hampshire road died after crashing head-on into a car carrying four Secret Service agents on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s protective detail, police said... more »
How Tocqueville Schooled Bernie Sanders 200 Years Ago
[image: Tocqueville] Since a self-described democratic socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders, is a major contender for the Democratic Party's nomination for president, and polls suggest one-third of American millennials and over 40 percent of self-described Democrats view socialism favorably, perhaps it's time to... Continue reading *“How Tocqueville Schooled Bernie Sanders 200 Years Ago”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Why Hillary Clinton Keeps Calling on Kids at Town Halls
[image: Hillary Clinton] The questions they ask If you're under the age of 14, you'll probably never get a chance to vote for Hillary Clinton. But you might get a chance to ask her a question. In recent months, the Democratic frontrunner has... Continue reading *“Why Hillary Clinton Keeps Calling on Kids at Town Halls”* at *time.com*.
North Carolina Hospital Celebrates ‘One of the World’s Smallest Babies Ever Born’
[image: smallest babies ever born] The Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C., is marking a major milestone for baby E’Layah Faith Pegues, the smallest surviving premature baby ever born at the hospital and “one of the world’s smallest babies ever born,” according to E’Layah’s doctor.... Continue reading *“North Carolina Hospital Celebrates ‘One of the World’s Smallest Babies Ever Born’”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
2016 Will Usher in a Fresh Wave of Assaults on Second Amendment Rights
[image: second amendment rights] Matt covered the ongoing mess in Virginia earlier this morning, where the reciprocity issue for gun permit owners is being essentially tossed on the trash heap, but I'm sorry to say that their story is only the tip of the... Continue reading *“2016 Will Usher in a Fresh Wave of Assaults on Second Amendment Rights”* at *hotair.com*.
The Fraud US Presidential "Race": No Matter Who Becomes The Next President, Israel Wins Again!
I have come under some intense fire this last while for my stance on Donald Trump, and how I see him as not the "hero" that most people are foolishly being led to believe, but is just another Jew controlled lackey... I have said it many times over the last while, including in my weekend rants, that Donald Trump is not the "hero" that most Americans believe him to be, but is in fact in the 2016 Presidential race for nothing more than splitting or ruining the Republican party and thus allow the other Jew lackey, Hillary "Killary" Rodham Bligh (again real last name of Clinton) to become... more »
The Rule of Three
While it is hard to do and particularly hard to do while starting out, the general conventional wisdom (and wise it is) is that one should try to have three pieces under review at most/all times. Why? Because academic review is a capricious enterprise that often takes much time. Journals have gotten much better about […]
2015: The best-of here at NOT PC
* Just to remind you, readers, that your favourite blog started the year looking like this:* *Quite a change! * *With the new blog look and feel came new blog readers – more than double what the blog enjoyed before. (Thank you all for dropping in.)* *So as 2015 rushes to a close, these were the posts that mostly drew your attention each month.* *JAN* We started the year here at NOT PC the way we intended to carry on: pointing out in this case that much of what is most commonly passed off as being “The Wisdom of the Ancients” is neither very wise, nor all that ancient – particula... more »
Islamic State In Jesus's Hometown?
*Shira Rubin, Daily Beast:* *ISIS of Nazareth: Terror Group Arrives in Jesus’s Hometown* *The radicalization of Jews and Muslims is squeezing Christians out of the Holy Land—and ISIS’s reported arrival in the biblical city is just the latest sign.* NAZARETH, Israel — At the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, on the site where it is believed the Angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary she would carry the next messiah, Jesus Christ, both Christian and Muslim residents of the city are reflecting on recent news that the so-called Islamic State has come into their midst. This month,... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #121The Moorish Agenda of Christopher ColumbusMoors in AmericaCeltic EuropeMoroccan Proxy Rule
Gov. Greg Abbott Wades into Dispute over Faith-Based Legal Education
[image: Greg Abbott] Gov. Greg Abbott wants the organization that oversees Texas lawyers to reverse its disapproval of a Catholic faith-based continuing education course, calling the decision shallow and potentially discriminatory. "The [State Bar of Texas] Committee's position that 'legal ethics' and 'religious or moral responsibilities'... Continue reading *“Gov. Greg Abbott Wades into Dispute over Faith-Based Legal Education”* at *trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com*.
The Real Story On How Ramadi Was Retaken From The Islamic State
*Nancy A. Youssef & Shane Harris, Daily Beast*: *How ISIS Actually Lost Ramadi* *Iraqi commandos and U.S. airstrikes drove the terror army from much of the city. But that war plan could backfire the next time around.* Pentagon officials hailed the U.S.-trained Iraqi army this week for retaking much of the western Iraq city of Ramadi from the self-proclaimed Islamic State. But privately, Defense Department officials tell The Daily Beast the fight for Ramadi was a long slog led not by the army, known as the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), but by an elite counterterrorism force, which... more »
There Are 7 House Democrats Enabling Anti-Working Family GOP Tax Policies, Like Kyrsten Sinema
Last night we briefly touched on a *NY Times* article by Noam Scheiber and Patricia Cohen, For the Wealthiest, a Private Tax System That Saves Them Billions, in regard to relatively esoteric tax evasion schemes wealthy and politically-connected scofflaws use to avoid paying taxes. Scheiber's and Cohen's quick look at the well-funded mania of the very wealthy to abolish the estate tax isn't something we got to. So let's. The inheritance tax has been a primary target. In the early 1990s, a California family office executive named Patricia Soldano began lobbying on behalf of wealt... more »
Some timely advice for the constabulary
With New Year's Eve festivities already beginning, and with the increasing fun-killing authoritarianism of the policing of those festivities, these few words of guidance from another age might be of great use in this one (they were posted at the Coromandel Prison Museum): Many fine maxims to follow --"be cool and intrepid"--being a personal favourite, but particular attention is drawn to points 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 17 and again and again point number 1. In particular, let them contemplate that in the 1890s a policeman would be expected not to drink, but to treat with "the utmost c... more »
Defining Political Child Abuse: A Tale of Two Cruz Families
[image: Screen-Shot-2015-12-30-at-7.34.09-AM-300x297] Remember 5-year-old Sophie Cruz? Groomed for a year by an outfit called the "Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition," Sophie is the ponytailed poster child for amnesty who was literally propped up in front of the pope during a September visit... Continue reading *“Defining Political Child Abuse: A Tale of Two Cruz Families”* at *michellemalkin.com*.
Nigeria Is Facing Huge Problems In 2016
*Business Insider:* *One of the world's major oil producers could face a huge problem in 2016* This coming year is shaping up to be a difficult one for economies that are disproportionately dependent on oil. This is especially true for Nigeria, where there's a possibility of renewed conflict in the country's oil-producing Niger Delta region, according to SBM Intelligence's recently published "Nigeria in 2016" report. The global oil picture is stacked against countries like Nigeria, in which oil constitutes some 10% of the country's GDP. *WNU Editor*: Oil is the Nigerian governmen... more »
Story Behind U.S. Global Blitzkrieg
In this episode of teleSUR's Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges and author Vijay Prashad trace the acceleration of U.S. militarism since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and discuss the consequences of U.S. domination over global affairs.
Russian Man Comes Back From The Dead To Join Wake Party
According to a local Russian newspaper, Khasanskie Vesti, a Russian man from Vladivostok in eastern Russia “came back” to life in a morgue after doctors had declared him dead the night before. Sputnik reports: A man was drinking vodka with his friends when suddenly after yet another shot he suddenly dropped dead. Like actually dead. His friends became worried and called an ambulance. When paramedics arrived they diagnosed the man dead and sent his body to a morgue. Later, a security guard in the morgue heard creepy noises, as if someone was knocking inside one of the freezers for ne... more »
Big Oil/Banks Conquer the World: From Altered Genes to Phony Greens
* One hour and ten minutes, approximately- Worth the time to watch.* *Personally speaking, I think Mr Corbett did a terrific job with this documentary, covering many of the topics I've covered all these years. Including invoking the Hydra! A beast I've used repeatedly, as metaphor, to explain the interconnections between Big Banks, Oil, Pharma, Agriculture, Chemical & Military. A beast that threatens us all. A beast that serves to remind my open minded thinkers and readers that this bunch of psychos are not going to be hamstrung by the carbon agenda. * *Example * Banking Hydra... more »
Herr Trump and the Last Hurrah of White America
The United States of America is leaning dangerously towards the right wing as Donald Trump leads the Republican nomination for the presidency on a platform of ultra-right racism, fiscal irresponsibility and vague promises to "make America great again" - which is reusing Ronald Reagan's campaign slogan of "make America great". Americans should be advised of the following things: Donald Trump bankrupted multiple businesses, including a casino. *How fiscally bad do you have to be to bankrupt a casino?* Donald Trump was born into wealth. He didn't become wealthy using business acumen... more »
Planes Struggle To Land As Airport Is Battered By Gusts
Storm Frank has been hindering pilots trying to land their jets at Birmingham Airport during 50mph cross winds. collegefreaks2000 YouTube video: Coventry Telegraph reports: Crews faced nightmare conditions as they battled to bring planes down in the blustery conditions which swept across the West Midlands on Wednesday. No flights were cancelled despite the gusts and all jets landed safely, according to a spokeswoman from the airport. But some pilots laboured to keep jets on track as they touched down in the winds, which came from the tail end of Storm Frank. It was a bumpy approach ...more »
No More GOP? The Democratic Party Will Welcome You, No Questions Asked
Tuesday morning I woke up at 4am. It was still dark so I reached for the channel changer and switched the TV on. It was Eugene Robinson, one of the only bearable *Morning Joe* regulars, and he was talking about an opinion piece he had just written for the *Washington Post*, How Donald Trump Destroyed The Republican Party in 2015. When I came downstairs and turned on my computer, it's the first thing I looked for. His point isn't that the party is actually going to disappear, but that it has been so altered that it will be barely recognizable. (But, then again, anyone bemoaning the ... more »
Dec. 30:
Well, there's some good news about the Irving press. Today, Gwynne Dyer is back. He's more optimistic than I am, and this column is his usual, very sound and sensible stuff. But, in the Irving press, it really is a petunia in a field of onions. Note in particular what he says about the Syrian rebel army (the ones on our side, and against Assad). Our news media constantly tells us that these rebels are “moderate” Muslims. In fact, they are exactly the same as ISIS. And the U.S. has been supplying ISIS and the rebels from the start. Dyer thinks the danger of nuclear war is small. I do... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 30, 2015
Vladimir Putin at his end-of-the-year news conference in Moscow. Maxim Smeyev / Reuters *Jeffrey Taylor, The Atlantic:* *The World According to Russia* A documentary on state television gives a glimpse of Vladimir Putin’s philosophy. “Do you realize what you have done?” Vladimir Putin demanded at the United Nations in September. The question was a rebuke to the American-led bloc of countries that initially viewed with optimism the Arab Spring, which began five years ago this month, but has since given way to chaos and Islamist violence across once-stable parts of the Middle East a... more »
*Corps of Engineers to host public meeting in Butte La Rose to discuss opening Morganza Spillway*
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