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10:23pm MST
10:23pm MST
VA Labor Contract With Union Favors Union Bureaucrats over Vets for Jobs
Luke Rosiak at The Stream - 41 seconds ago

[image: Marines in Formation, Veterans, Armed Forces, Servicemen, USA, U.S.
Army, U.S. Military]
Federal laws and regulations give veterans hiring preference in the civil
service, but the Department of Veterans Affairs contract with its biggest
employee union requires the agency to favor government bureaucrats over
former members of the U.S. military. The Master... more »
Putin: Russia Is Ready To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job
Baxter Dmitry at Your News Wire - 13 minutes ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the date he plans to release
proof that the US government and intelligence agencies were responsible for
the “controlled demolition” of the World Trade Centre in the 9/11 attacks.
Like a boxer confident in his own strength, Putin has been absorbing
pressure from the US and biding his time, waiting for the right moment to
strike. The evidence is so explosive he knows he only has to hit once.
According to Kremlin insiders, President Putin has named September 11th
2016 as the date he plans to release the satellite footage proving
conclusively ... more »
China Vows To Plunge America And Britain Into Financial Meltdown
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 14 minutes ago
China has vowed to plunge the world into an economic crisis by crashing the
stock markets by 75%, which will be worst felt by Britain and America, a
financial expert has warned. The West is feeling the negative impact of
the sinking value of the Chinese currency already, which has almost
crippled British industry which can’t compete with China’s cheap exports.
Experts are now predicting a financial “ice age” for the global economy
which they say is coming soon. reports: Global deflation is
going to wipe around 75 per cent in value off the American S&P stock
market, as... more »
World War 3: Washington Has Iran-Middle East War On Agenda
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 14 minutes ago
Iranian naval Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi has accused Washington of
going ahead with their plans of a Middle East war amid ongoing and
deliberately orchestrated chaos and violence originating from the Pentagon.
The Commander says that Washington is intentionally provoking Iran into
military escalation, due to a desire for World War 3.
reports: His remarks followed seizure of two small US vessels illegally
operating in Iranian waters, briefly detaining their crew members. Before
their release, “the US navy and a US aircraft-carrier showed unprofessional
behavi... more »
Pennsylvania Senate Candidate John Fetterman Endorses Bernie Sanders For President
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 minutes ago
I got a call from John Fetterman today. He was in New York, killing some
time before his appearance on tonight's Larry Willmore Show. "I thought
you'd want to know," he blurted out, "I just endorsed Bernie." Wow! That
came out of the blue... oh, not the call. I've talked with Fetterman a few
times before-- he even did a guest post for *DWT*-- but I had no idea he
was going to buck the Clinton Machine like that. Immediately after John's
announcement, the Schumercrat in the race, Katie McGinty, was instructed by
Schumer or EMILY's List or Bob Brady or whoever pulls her strings this ... more »
China's 1 Percent Own A Good Part Of The Country
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 minutes ago

Image Credit: Bank of China image via testing /
*Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat*: *Report: China’s 1 Percent Owns 1/3 of
A report from Peking University warns that China’s social inequality is
getting worse.
A new report from one of China’s top universities found that wealth and
income inequality in the country is getting steadily worse. According to
the report, one-third of the country’s wealth is owned by the top 1 percent
of households, while the bottom 25 percent account for only 1 percent of
That data was revealed in a 2015 report from China Fa... more »
Canada: The Colonial Curse-Part II ----British Columbia: The Province Without A Parliamentary Opposition Party
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 30 minutes ago
*British Columbia: The Province Without A Parliamentary Opposition Party*
*Written by Robin Mathews*
Looking with suddenly unclouded vision at the politics of British Columbia,
a person sees – probably for the first time (and with alarm) – *that the
province hasn’t had a Parliamentary Opposition Party present and at work
for many years.* The process in Mature Colonial States is that the Party in
Power serves imperial (outside, and internally corrupt) interests. And
Opposition Forces serve the Party in Power (all guaranteed comfort, kinds
of payoff, and approval... more »
Netanyahu Cancels Elections, Vows To Serve Until At Least 2023
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 44 minutes ago
Israel have canceled a planned primary election for party leadership,
placing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the leader of Israel until at
least 2023. An internal court ruled that the Likud Party should not spend
the $1 million needed to hold a vote . reports: “In these
conditions, the election is no longer necessary and Likud leadership has
declared the winner as Benjamin Netanyahu,” a Likud spokesman told AFP.
Senior party members are thought to be skeptical of the decision, as it was
Netanyahu himself who called for a primary election on February 23, less
t... more »
Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Kissinger And Clinton
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 44 minutes ago
Newly released emails from Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reveal
that the former Secretary of State met regularly with criminal Henry
Kissinger. The pair met regularly and had an unusually close relationship,
the emails reveal. Kissinger applauded Clinton’s foreign policy in a
particularly revealing handwritten message. “I greatly admire the skill and
aplomb with which you conduct our foreign policy,” wrote Henry Kissinger in
a 2012 letter to “the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton.” reports:
Critics say Kissinger helped carry out egregious war crimes in this
critic... more »
Judge Rules Merkel’s Immigration Policies Illegal
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 44 minutes ago
A retired President of a German state court has said that Angela Merkel’s
immigration policy is illegal and unconstitutional, and has accused the
German chancellor of building her own personal empire at the expense of
German democracy. Judge Michael Bertrams says that Merkel had “gone it
alone” in allowing “hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country“. reports: Judge Bertrams may have seen the worst excesses of
this policy, as his court sat in the same German state which was rocked
this month by the new year’s migrant rape crisis, which was first
reported in i... more »
Clinton Emails: NATO Killed Gaddafi To Stop Gold-Backed Currency
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 44 minutes ago
One of the newly released 3,000 Hillary Clinton emails published on New
Year’s Eve reveals shocking evidence that Western nations used NATO to
topple Libyan leader Gaddafi in order to thwart the leaders attempts to
create a gold-backed currency, which would have competed with big banks in
the West. The emails reveal that the French-led NATO military invasion of
Libya was also given the go-ahead by the West in order to give France a
larger share of Libyan oil production. reports:
The April 2011 email, sent to the Secretary of State Hillary by unofficial
adv... more »
EPA Admit They Knew Bees Were Dying Worldwide Due To Pesticides
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 44 minutes ago
The U.S. government have admitted for the first time that bees are dying in
record numbers due to pesticide poisoning, and the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) say they have known this for at least 20 years. Despite a
decade of pressure from environmentalists and beekeepers to deal with the
bee crisis and curb the use a harmful insecticide causing the bee deaths,
the EPA has fought against the public pressure until recently. reports: Marketed by European chemical giants Syngenta and
Bayer, neonics are the most widely used insecticides both in the United
States ... more »
Jakarta Blasts: ISIS Inc Strikes Again
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 hour ago

Was Jakarta Getting Too Cozy with China?
*January 15, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Here is what we are expected to
believe regarding coordinated bombings and mass shootings that took place
on Thursday in the capital of Southeast Asia's nation of Indonesia - an
economically and geopolitically crucial state.
We are to believe that the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" (ISIS) - named
so because it allegedly exists and primarily operates in Iraq and Syria
- is fighting the Syrian government, nonexistent moderates the US claims it
is arming and funding to the tune of several billions... more »
Ted Cruz’s Campaign Loan: Smoking Gun or Big Yawn?
John Zmirak at The Stream - 1 hour ago

[image: Ted Cruz family - 900]
News organizations and rival campaigns are making much of the recent
revelation that Ted Cruz's wife Heidi borrowed money from her employer
against the value of their combined brokerage account -- in other words,
their own assets. As the New... more »
Rare January ‘Hurricane Alex’ Forms In The Atlantic
Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 hour ago
Hurricane Alex is the first Atlantic hurricane to form in the month of
January since 1938, and the first one to exist during January since
hurricane Alice in 1955. Alex formed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
on Wednesday, making it one of the earliest tropical storms to form in the
Atlantic since records began. reports: “A subtropical storm
has both tropical and non-tropical characteristics and has a large wind
field,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Kottlowski. A small eye
formed in the system during early Thursday, local time. Alex has made the
trans... more »
Pentagon: Rules Of Engagement In Afghanistan Are Still Restricting U.S. Military Operations
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago

Medical Evacuation - A UH-60 Black Hawk medical evacuation helicopter lands
as U.S. Army paratroopers secure the area in Afghanistan's Ghazni province,
July 23, 2012. The soldiers are assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division's
1st Brigade Combat Team and the helicopter crew is assigned to the 82nd
Combat Aviation Brigade. The soldiers evacuated a wounded insurgent. U.S.
Army photo by Capt. Thomas Cieslak
*Eli Lake, Bloomberg*: *U.S. Forces Tied by Old Rules in Afghanistan*
As the Afghanistan war grinds into its 15th year, many U.S. military
officers are telling Congress their hands ... more »
Twitter Is Being Sued For Providing Material Support To The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
*Reuters:* *Twitter sued by U.S. widow for giving voice to Islamic State*
Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) is being sued by the widow of an American killed in
Jordan who accuses the social media company of giving a voice to Islamic
State, adding to the pressure to crack down on online propaganda linked to
Tamara Fields, a Florida woman whose husband Lloyd died in the Nov. 9
attack on the police training center in Amman, said Twitter knowingly let
the militant Islamist group use its network to spread propaganda, raise
money and attract recruits.
Lawyers specializing in terrorism sa... more »
This Is A Bad Idea
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours ago
*Title: American Singer to Travel to Syria, Hopes to Perform Peace Concert
for ISIS. Source: NewsBeat Social. Date Published: January 14, 2016.
American folk singer James Twyman is going to Syria next week with the aim
to perform a peace concert for ISIS
His intentions are admirable but he must be really ignorant about the
nature and brutality of ISIS. The only thing that should be singing in
front of ISIS is a gun. Hopefully he doesn't get his head cut off and goes
home in one piece.
Rounding up the Election: OH HELL YES Thank you Scott Harold Sea Change Edition
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 2 hours ago

*A lovely Suhua Highway shot. Just because.*
*MEDIA SEA CHANGE*: DPP and Third Force success is scrambling the old media
narrative, forcing the international media to confront the necessity of
explaining why Taiwanese support the DPP and their desire to be
independent, since DPP success is so obvious the media can't ignore it.
Just think: if the KMT were doing well, none of this would be out there for
the international public to read. But TIME was right out there yesterday with
a great quote from Scott Harold at RAND:
According to Scott Harold, a China expert at think tank RAND Cor... more »
Big Coal Has Something For Folks In Mining Areas, Courtesy Of The GOP: Toxic Drinking Water
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

Tuesday, in all the hubbub over the State of the Union, the House sat down
to pass another piece of toxic legislation-- literally toxic legislation--
while no one was looking. They passed H.R. 1644, a bill to block the
Department of Interior’s proposed Stream Protection Rule that aims to
better protect mining communities from the harmful impacts of coal mining
pollution. It makes drinking water less safe and less clean but helps the
bottom line of the big polluters who dole out millions encamping cash to
conservative politicians in return for permission to freely dump toxic
waste ... more »
The US Government Has An Internet Killswitch
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago

*Anti-Media:* *The US Government Has an Internet Killswitch — and It’s None
of Your Business*
The Supreme Court has refused to hear a petition concerning the Department
of Homeland Security’s secretive internet and cellphone killswitch program.
On Monday the Supreme Court declined to hear a petition from the Electronic
Privacy Information Center (EPIC) that sought to force the Department of
Homeland Security to release details of a secret “killswitch” protocol to
shut down cellphone and internet service during emergencies.
EPIC has been fighting since 2011 to release the details o... more »
Musical Interlude: Kitaro, “Matsuri” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
Kitaro, “Matsuri”
The testing-industrial complex is not giving up easily
skrashen at Schools Matter - 3 hours ago
Posted as a comment on "Opt-out activities aim to build on momentum in
states," Education Week.
The opt-out movement seems to have worked: the new education law did not
increase the amount of required testing (except for adding some science
tests), and the president supports limits on the amount of testing done.
But the testing industrial complex is not giving up easily, working eagerly
to establish what could mean testing every day. It is called
competency-based education.
Competency-... more »
"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
“Cosmic dust clouds ripple across this infrared portrait of our Milky Way's
satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud. In fact, the remarkable
composite image from the Herschel Space Observatory and the Spitzer Space
Telescope show that dust clouds fill this neighboring dwarf galaxy, much
like dust along the plane of the Milky Way itself. The dust temperatures
tend to trace star forming activity. Spitzer data in blue hues indicate
warm dust heated by young stars. Herschel's instruments contributed the
image data shown in red and green, revealing dust emission from cooler and
inte... more »
"The Dream..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
“The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate
sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was
soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a
conscious ego could ever reach. This whole creation is essentially
subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once
scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic.”
- Carl Jung
“12 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
*“12 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone”*
by Marc Chernoff
"Can you remember who you were,
before the world told you who you should be?"
"I promise you, there will never be a perfect time to do anything in your
life. Nothing will ever feel 100% certain or make perfect sense to you and
everyone else. There will never be a perfect time to fall in love, or to
travel the world. You will never have enough training, enough preparation,
or enough money. And despite this, even when you feel ready to take a bold
step into the unknown, others will likely try to talk you out of
it. Because they won... more »
The Alleged Mastermind Behind Today's Attack In Jakarta
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago

Alleged mastermind Bahrun Naim is currently believed to be in Syria with IS
*Reuters:* *Behind Islamic State attack on Indonesia, homegrown jihadi
Seven years ago, Bahrun Naim was quietly running an Internet cafe in the
small Indonesian city of Solo.
On Thursday he was identified by police as the mastermind behind the deadly
attack on Jakarta claimed by Islamic State, pulling the strings from Raqqa,
the radical group's de facto capital in Syria.
In between, Naim was arrested in 2011 for illegal arms possession and
jailed for three years, and police say that since the... more »
"Beannacht/Blessing" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
"On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.
And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green,
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.
When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.
May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the... more »
The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Thanks for stopping by!
Tunisia Celebrates Five Years Of Ben Ali’s Exile In Saudi Arabia
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 4 hours ago
The first ruler to fall under the sword of the Arab Spring was Tunisia’s
ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. He ruled Tunisia for decades as a
strongman until the revolution forced him into exile. He is now reportedly
fading into obscurity while in exile in Saudi Arabia with his family. The
first victim of the Arab Spring was a 26-year-old fruit and vegetable
vendor by the name of Mohamed Bouazizi, who set himself alight, in protest
at the level of corruption and economic injustice prevalent in Tunisia,
on December 17, 2010. Bouazizi died on January 4, 2011. Ten days later,
af... more »
Putin Looks for Regime Change in Turkey- NOT !
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 4 hours ago
*And now for today's pièce de résistance:*
Readers here may recall me having concerns or taking issue with the
overhyped media coverage regarding the imagined fall out between Turkey and
"Recall my mention of the NATO media making too much of this sanctioning
- *Russia sanctions Turkey? Smoke & Mirrors.*
- *If Oil Was Really A Consideration- Turkey Would NOT Have shot the
Russian Jet down*
*Not a single comment but my own: *
*So, readers? Disappointed that the sanctions are much ado about
nothing?Only the US can afford the privilege of sanction... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 14, 2016
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Christopher Dickey, Daily Beast*: *Jakarta, Paris, San Bernardino: The Age
of ‘Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attacks*
They may not be an ‘existential threat,’ but attacks like the ones that hit
Indonesia have been changing how we live.
While America slept, terrorists struck in Jakarta on Thursday, and their
multi-pronged attack hit, most dramatically, a symbol of the United States:
a Starbucks coffee shop.
Despite bombs going off, a hostage taking, and an extended gunfight with
Indonesian police around Thamrin Street (near several embassies, luxury
hotels, and the offices of the U... more »
Was There Anything Really New About the New Year’s Eve Gang Rape Attacks in Cologne?
Carolyn Moynihan at The Stream - 4 hours ago

[image: Cologne protests - 900]
It is not unusual for New Year's Eve revels to spawn drunkenness, brawls
and even sexual assaults, but what happened in downtown Cologne on the
night of December 31st seems to be in a class of its own. People
alighting... more »
The Bundy Bunch and Obama’s Lawless West
David Jenkins at The Stream - 4 hours ago

[image: Cliven Bundy - 900]
The Obama Administration has a bully problem. It doesn't seem to have a
clue about how to deal with them. Whether it is Russia's Vladimir Putin,
Syria's Bashar al-Assad, Iranian leaders, ISIS, the Administration's
response is always characterized by timid... more »
Bitcoin Company To Be Traded On Primary Securities Exchange
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 5 hours ago
An Australian Bitcoin company called the Bitcoin Group is about to be
listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The cryptocurrency
company could be your next investment opportunity. Bitcoin is a
decentralized digital currency that comes with a built in ledger and
safety, based on the encryption techniques used in its creation. It is in
contrast to a central bank based fiat currency, that is under the control
of politicians and bankers. Bitcoins are created by masses of computing
power worldwide and are for the privileged few who hold them. They come
with an audited history... more »
China To Join War Against ISIS
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 5 hours ago
Defense officials have revealed that China will dispatch troops against
ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In fear of growing support for Islamic
State ideology among Chinese Uyghur Muslims, China’s military is likely to
join with Russia in the global campaign against the so called Islamic State
(ISIS). Israel National News reports: China is worried about a growing
trend among the Uyghur Muslim minority in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of
western China, which has increasingly become a hotbed of support for
ISIS. The Turkish army announced last month that of the 913 ISIS terrorists
... more »
So how come you’re not listening to classical music?
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
New York violinist Philippe Quint headed out into his city to find out for
himself—with fascinating, even horrifying, results.
*The clip below [he says in his piece introducing the clip] has been called
the saddest, most depressing and alarming video research on classical
music, but I see it as an invitation to an open conversation and to looking
at the situation with a different mindset — in part from the perception of
the young people themselves. I also have received an array of letters
thanking me for finally exposing what everyone has had on their mind for a
long time.*
“We n... more »
Court Rules Against Christian Farm Owners Fined $13,000 for Refusing to Host a Gay Wedding
TheBlaze at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: farm - 400]
A court has ruled against a husband and wife who own a farm in central New
York, upholding a $13,000 fine that was imposed over the couple's refusal
to host a same-sex wedding on their property back in 2012. The...
Continue reading *“Court Rules Against Christian Farm Owners Fined $13,000
for Refusing to Host a Gay Wedding”* at **.
James Robison Recounts the Reagan Miracle and the Miracle of His Own Birth
The Stream at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: James_Reagan_1024]
For more from James Robison, see his just-published response to the State
of the Union address, where he tackles the “epidemic of fatherlessness” and
tells his own powerful story of growing up with a mostly absent, alcoholic
father so very different from... more »
The Surprising Reason This Congressman Walked Out of the State of the Union
Leah Jessen at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: Steve King - 900]
Rep. Steve King left President Barack Obama's State of the Union address to
pray for the nation's unborn babies. King, R-Iowa, said he prayed in the
Congressional Prayer Room "for God to raise up a leader whom he will use
to... more »
Making a Murderer: Steven Avery’s Former Fiancée Says He’s a ‘Monster’
HLN/Katherine Cavazini & Natisha Lance at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: Jodi Stachowski - 400]
In an exclusive interview with HLN, Steven Avery's ex-fiancee Jodi
Stachowski, who defended the convicted killer in the Netflix docuseries
Making a Murderer, reveals why she now believes he is guilty of murder.
Avery, now 53, is serving a life...
Continue reading *“Making a Murderer: Steven Avery’s Former Fiancée Says
He’s a ‘Monster’”* at **.
Will The GOP National Convention In Cleveland Turn Into A Gun Battle?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago

When asked if he would support Herr Trumpf if Herr wins the GOP nomination,
Paul Ryan was ready to cast aside concerns for the well-being of the country
in favor of naked narrow partisanship. He told Matt Lauer Wednesday
morning, without much enthusiasm, that "Yes, I will. I'll support whoever
our nominee is." Tuesday night, though, it was Ryan and his brain trust
that crafted the anti-Trump messaging for Nikki Haley's SOTU rebuttal, in
which she warned Republicans against following the anti-immigration
rhetoric that has propelled Donald Trump to the lead in GOP presidential
elect... more »
World News Briefs -- January 14, 2016 (Evening Edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*BBC*: *Jakarta attacks: Islamic State says it was responsible*
The so-called Islamic State (IS) has said it was behind a series of
explosions and gun attacks in the Indonesian capital Jakarta.
At least two civilians and five attackers died in the assaults, described
as an attempt to mimic the deadly Paris attacks.
Security forces battled militants for hours in a major business and
shopping district.
It follows warnings late last year that Islamists were planning a major
Syria pact puts no time limit on* Russia campaign, document shows*.
With Russian help,... more »
Philippines wants Joint Patrols With The U.S. In The South China Sea
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

*Defense News/AFP:* *Philippines Seeks Joint Patrols With US in South China
MANILA — The Philippines has called for joint patrols with the United
States in the disputed South China Sea, where Manila has festering
territorial dispute with Beijing, a defense department spokesman said
The remarks came after the Philippine's Supreme Court upheld a 10-year
security agreement opening the door for the US to operate more troops and
equipment out of the Southeast Asian archipelago.
"There is a need for more collaborative presence in the South China Sea.
Thus, in addition t... more »
Candidates Who Spent the Most Time in Iowa, NH Are Not in the Lead
The Washington Post at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: Iowa]
DES MOINES -- When suburban mom Traci Lust answered her door the other day,
there stood Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley, ready to chat
about the upcoming Iowa caucuses. Just as he was heading off, Lust summoned
O'Malley back to...
Continue reading *“Candidates Who Spent the Most Time in Iowa, NH Are Not
in the Lead”* at **.
Nikki Haley Walks Back Attacks on Bush and Rubio
Politico at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: Nikki Haley]
Nikki Haley said late Wednesday that she had misspoken when she said that
Marco Rubio was for "amnesty" and that Jeb Bush had passed Common Core, the
controversial educational standards. The South Carolina governor had to do
some damage control...
Continue reading *“Nikki Haley Walks Back Attacks on Bush and Rubio”* at
Portable Charger Uses Water To Power Cell Phones
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
A portable power plant has been developed that can charge your cell phone
using water whenever access to an electric grid is not possible. Swedish
innovation company myFC has created a fuel-cell charger and battery that is
portable, lightweight and acts as a mini power plant. It is ideal for use
in emergencies or when an instant source of energy is needed. To use it,
just add any available water. Metro reports: To charge your phone, users
simply pour water into the tray, place a PowerPukk cartridge in the tray,
cover the system, then connect a phone with a USB cable. Mineral water,
... more »
Previewing the Beckett Report
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 6 hours ago
It's unusual for a dull, internal party report to become a *cause celebre*,
but these are unusual times. For the last week comrades who follow Progress
and Labour First folk may have found them talking an awful lot about the
Beckett Report. *There's even a petition about it*. Commissioned to find
out to explain why Labour lost the general election, it's become something
of a totem because, against the spirit of "straight talking, honest
politics", there is the suggestion Jeremy's office has sat on it since
November. The supposition is it will confirm the view that elections are
won... more »
Obama Admin Blocked Visa Waiver Reforms to Avoid Upsetting Iran
The Washington Free Beacon at The Stream - 6 hours ago

[image: visa waiver]
Recent congressional efforts to tighten gaps in the U.S. visa waiver
program were blocked by the Obama administration out of fear the
counter-terror effort would upset Iran, which opposes the reform to the
visa process, according to a letter sent...
Continue reading *“Obama Admin Blocked Visa Waiver Reforms to Avoid
Upsetting Iran”* at **.
6 Ways to Transition from the Fourth Into the Fifth World
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 6 hours ago
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - Transitioning into the fifth world is transforming fear
into courage.
The post 6 Ways to Transition from the Fourth Into the Fifth World appeared
first on Waking Times.
Record-Low 31.3 Million Watched Obama’s State of the Union Address
USA Today at The Stream - 7 hours ago

[image: SOTU - 400]
WASHINGTON -- About 31.3 million people watched President Obama deliver his
last State of the Union address on network and cable television Tuesday --
the smallest audience recorded since ratings company Nielsen started
keeping track in 1993. State of the Union...
Continue reading *“Record-Low 31.3 Million Watched Obama’s State of the
Union Address”* at **.
Planned Parenthood Sues Maker of Videos Exposing Its Baby-Parts Aftermarket Business
LifeNews at The Stream - 7 hours ago

[image: 10th Planned Parenthood Video Crushing - 900]
The nation's largest abortion business announced today that it is filing a
civil lawsuit against the pro-life advocate who released a series of 11
videos catching its top abortion practitioners and officials arranging for
the sale body parts from aborted...
Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Sues Maker of Videos Exposing Its
Baby-Parts Aftermarket Business”* at **.
What Michael Bay’s 13 Hours Reveals about the Benghazi Attacks
Dakota Wood at The Stream - 7 hours ago

[image: 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi]
Director Michael Bay's 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is a
dramatic recounting of the half-dozen CIA security contractors (former
SEALs, Marines, and an Army Ranger) who responded to the Sept. 11, 2012,
attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission compound... more »
Jan: 14 The world - for people? or for profit?
Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 7 hours ago
The Irving press headline screamed the news that we had heaps of snow
yesterday. Gee! That explains why I drove through snow last night, and
looked out to see my car covered in snow this morning. The read headline
story is a smaller one on the same page.
“Low loonie rasing prices on everything from necessities to big-ticket
items” Typically for the Irving press, the only reactions to this are taken
from big business sources. But other people will be far more profoundly
affected by this. Our food banks can't supply the demand as it is. What
will happen when both the price and the nee... more »
Monsanto & Gates Foundation Put Pressure On Kenya To Lift GMO Ban
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Kenya’s ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is on the verge of
being reversed. The African country may soon allow the use of genetically
modified cotton and maize seeds following pressure from agribusiness giant
Monsanto, USAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Kenya banned
GMO imports in 2012 and the upcoming approval has been met with heavy
protests by opponents. Last year activists rallied in Nairobi against the
lifting of the GMO ban, citing health concerns. Lifting the ban is also
perceived as a ploy that would benefit large multinationals such as
Monsanto an... more »
Armenian Origins of Istanbul Suicide Bomber
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago
As mentioned the claim of this suicide bomber being Saudi were not entirely
Though I find the Armenian more plausible, still, I don't know.
*To add to the confusion regarding just who the suicide bomber was!*
*The mother of suicide bomber* who committed a terror attack in Istanbul,
Nabila Fadly is a *Syrian citizen of Armenian origin,* *Turkish Haberturk
newspaper reported citing the source of the country’s intelligence service.*
It is also reported that Fadly arrived in Turkey on Jan. 5, 2016 from
Syria, pretending to be a refugee.
An explosion occurred in Istanbul’s Sul... more »
El Paso Panel on Maquiladora Strikes in Ciudad Juárez at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
Workers Resistance:
Panel Discussion on the Maquiladora Strikes in Ciudad Juárez
El Paso, TX/Ciudad Juárez- On Saturday, January 23rd at 10am at the El
Paso Public Library's Auditorium- Downtown, 501 N. Oregon, the public
is invited to attend a bi-national panel discussion about the
maquiladora workers strike in Ciudad Juarez. Local El Paso leaders and
community members
What Were U.S. Navy Sailors Doing in Iranian Waters?
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago

If you watched the mainstream media’s coverage of Iran’s capture of
American Navy sailors, one would think that these sailors were snatched out
of their beds somewhere in middle America and were not engaged in a hostile
action, says journalist and author Max Blumenthal of Alternet. CNN
repeatedly covered the story without mentioning the sailors were in Iranian
waters, Blumenthal tells RT’s Ashlee Banks.
Ash Carter: US Sailors Made ‘Navigational Error’ Into Iranian Waters
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
The US Secretary of Defense said on Thursday that the US sailors who
trespassed into Iranian waters had made a “navigational error.” Ashton
Carter said the information came from debriefings of the sailors, who were
flown on Wednesday to a U.S. military facility in Qatar after Iran released
them along with their two riverine boats. Press TV reports: “The
information that they have given us, and through their commanders is that
they did stray accidentally into Iranian waters due to a navigation error,”
the Pentagon chief said in an interview with Univision on Thursday. “So
that seems ... more »
Supplemental: Bill Clinton admits ten-minute "affair!"
bob somerby at the daily howler - 7 hours ago
*THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016I, Claudius visits the Times:* When we look at
the way our "press corps" works, we often think of I, Claudius.
I, Claudius started its life as a Robert Graves novel. (In 1998, the Modern
Library ranked it as the fourteenth greatest of the twentieth century.)
In 1976, the BBC created a 12-part TV adaptation. In this country, the
series became a massive hit on PBS.
Why do we think of I, Claudius when we look at the work of the press corps?
In I, Claudius, Graves portrays the difference between what the Roman
masses are being told and what is actually happ... more »
Quote of the Day: The fallacy of Cartesian Dualism
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
*“As to the materialist’s straw man, he is [French philosopher René]
Descartes. ‘Cartesian dualism’ is the accusation hurled at anyone who
recognizes that consciousness is real and has real effects. But the error
in Cartesian dualism lies in its reification of consciousness—in making it
into a substance, res cogitans, rather than in merely acknowledging the
existence of consciousness and its causal efficacy. “Consciousness is
not an entity, not in the sense that a stone or an organism is.
Consciousness is a faculty of an entity, a man or animal; the operation of
consciousn... more »
£1.6 billion: Iain Duncan Smith's fit-to-work assessments cost more money than they save
Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 8 hours ago
fit-to-work assessments cost more money than they save
The study by the National Audit Office (NAO) found that the Department
for Work and Pensions is handing over £1.6bn over the next three years to
private contractors who carry out the controversial health and disability
assessments. But at the same time, the Government’s own financial watchdog has
warned that
Electromagnetic Frequencies Prevent Germination
WTStaff at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Catherine J. Frompovich* - A study shows that electromagnetic frequencies
interfere with plant life.
The post Electromagnetic Frequencies Prevent Germination appeared first on Waking
"I Do Not Like This..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Apologies to Dr. Seuss...
Ukraine President Poroshenko: Priority This Year Is To Restore Order In The East And To Get Crimea back
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks during a news conference in
Kyiv on January 14.
*Radio Free Europe:* *Poroshenko: Ukraine To Restore Control Over East This
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has vowed to regain sovereignty over
the country’s separatist east in 2016.
"Ukrainian sovereignty over the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk
regions must be restored," Poroshenko told journalists on January 14.
He added that securing Crimea's return from Russian control was the
priority, saying "de-occupation" of the peninsula that was annexed by
Russia in March... more »
"Three Kinds Of Lies..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
“Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them
in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with
justice and force:
‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.’"
- Mark Twain
Moon of Alabama Destroys Tabloid-Like Foreign Policy Magazine For Ludicrously Defending The House of Saud
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 8 hours ago

*Anyone who takes the trash published in Foreign Policy seriously must be
gullible as hell.*
*An excerpt from, "Feeling Ignored By Obama Saudi Dynasty Threatens To Hurt
Itself" by b, Moon of Alabama, January 14, 2016: *
Someone payed Kim Ghattas, a BBC correspondent in Washington, to write an
extremely pro-Saudi piece for Foreign Policy.
The money was not well spent. The piece, The Saudi-Iran War Is America’s
Fault, is as lousy as its headline.
The central argument goes somewhat like this:
"If the U.S. does not stop the nuclear disarmament of Iran - the Saudis
baddest foe - then... more »
Ten Detainees At Guantanamo Bay Prison Transferred To Oman
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*USA Today:* *Transfer of 10 detainees brings Guantanamo Bay population
under 100*
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon announced Thursday that it had transferred 10
Yemeni detainees at Guantanamo Bay to the Arabian nation of Oman.
The transfers bring the number of detainees remaining at the military
prison to 93, as President Obama continues to try to make good on his
campaign promise to close the facility — or at least vastly reduce the
number of detainees.
"This chipping away at the population ... certainly is what we can do right
now," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monda... more »
“Underground Fire Nears Radioactive Waste Storage Site In St. Louis, MO” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“Underground Fire Nears Radioactive Waste Storage Site In St. Louis, MO”*
By Carey Wedler
St. Louis, MO — “What happens when radioactive byproduct from the
Manhattan Project comes into contact with an “underground fire” at a
landfill? Surprisingly, no one actually knows for sure; but residents of
Bridgeton, Missouri, near the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills- just
northwest of the St. Louis International Airport- may find out sooner than
they’d like. And that conundrum isn’t the only issue for the area.
Contradicting reports from both the government and the landfill’s
responsib... more »
Anthony Cartalucci On The Bombing In Indonesia
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 8 hours ago

*Source of photo: Getty.*
*Source: *
Indonesia Bombing...
Let's get this right...
The "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria," named so because it allegedly exists
and primarily operates in Iraq and Syria... ... is fighting the Syrian
government, nonexistent moderates the US claims it is arming and funding to
the tune of several billions of dollars a year since 2011, the Iraqi
government, the Kurds, Russia, Lebanon's Hezbollah, and Iran... AND
allegedly the combined military power of the United States, France,
England, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Qatar...
But STILL has... more »
Hatton Garden Thieves Sentenced After Biggest Burglary In British History
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
Hatton Garden jewel thieves faced justice today after committing the
biggest burglary in British history, an audacious heist at the heart of
London’s Gem district. Three men were found guilty for their part in the
record breaking £14 million heist. Seven men now await sentencing for their
part in the ‘biggest tom in the history of the f****** world’. The men were
eventually caught after police bugged their bragging conversations. The
Evening Standard reports: Brian Reader A once revered figure known as the
“Master” or “Guv’nor” for his crimes and contacts with violence but later
was... more »
Evangelicals Strengthen Pro-Life Witness at 2016 March for Life
Chelsen Vicari at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: march-for-life - 900]
It's that time of year when hundreds of thousands of fearless pro-life
advocates face the blustery wind chill of Washington, D.C. to participate
in the annual March for Life, a peaceful demonstration commemorating the 43
anniversary of Roe v. Wade.... more »
Citizens United Files Lawsuit for Emails Between Chelsea Clinton and Top Hillary Aides
The Hill at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: Chelsea Clinton]
The conservative group Citizens United on Thursday filed a lawsuit to gain
access to emails between Chelsea Clinton and top aides to her mother,
Hillary Clinton, from when the Democratic presidential front-runner served
as secretary of State. The Freedom of...
Continue reading *“Citizens United Files Lawsuit for Emails Between Chelsea
Clinton and Top Hillary Aides”* at **.
Ben Carson Loses Another Top Adviser Ahead of Iowa Caucus
Bill Barrow at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: Ben Carson speaking at the 2015 Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.]
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson lost
another top adviser Thursday as his campaign continues to show signs of
splintering in the weeks leading up to early voting in Iowa and New
Hampshire. Campaign finance chairman Dean... more »
"What’s Behind the Fed’s Decision to Raise Interest Rates in a Struggling Economy?” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"What’s Behind the Fed’s Decision to Raise *
*Interest Rates in a Struggling Economy?”*
by Dave Lindorff
"Much has been written and broadcast over the past few weeks in the
financial media and the business pages of general-interest newspapers
debating the wisdom of the decision in December by Fed Chair Janet Yellen
and the Federal Reserve Board to raise interest rates for the first time in
almost a decade.
On one side of this debate are people who say that the Fed needs to do this
to prevent inflation from taking off. On the other side are people who warn
that pushing up interest ... more »
US Desperately Paints Russia as Villain in Syria
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 9 hours ago

US condemns Russia's role in Syria, amid conflict Washington and its allies
started in the first place.
*January 15, 2016* (Tony Cartlaucci - NEO) - The US State Department has
condemned what it claims is an increase in "civilian casualties" due to
Russian military operations in Syria. CNN's report, "U.S. blasts Russian
"indiscriminate attacks" in Syria," claims:
*The U.S. sharpened its criticism of Russian airstrikes in Syria on
Tuesday, charging that "indiscriminate attacks" had reportedly caused
hundreds of civilian casualties and the displacement of over 100,000
residents. *
... more »
Is The Islamic State Trying To Gain power Over Libya's Oil?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

*Julianne Geiger,* *Can ISIS Actually Gain Power Over Libya’s
As it turns out, Syria was merely a springboard for a much larger ISIS
plan—replenishing terrorist coffers by taking over oil assets in war-torn
The terror group has largely taken control of the Libyan city of Sirte and
its hundreds of miles of coastline, and has ransacked two key oil terminals
in an attempt to wrest control from fragile Libyan officials, ISIS is
banking on taking over these oil facilities, and is now reportedly
recruiting its own oil and gas engineers.
Libyan crude should b... more »
Life Fucking
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 9 hours ago
He screwed the pooch
because the maid was
on vacation
and she was not reall
French anyway
So in an empty house
no longer clean
he sat down
and ate kraft dinner
for the first time
and was not
Taking into account
his life time deficet
ran into the billion
and he was not finished
Into this hopeless situation
he was watching star wars
when his
wife came home
and the deathstar
never seemed serious
New Tree Ring Study Ignores The Effect Of CO2
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 9 hours ago

By Paul Homewood Andrew
Montford has a post up on the latest tree-ring based temperature
reconstruction of summer temperatures in the northern hemisphere. It
attempts to show that current temperatures are unprecedented in the last
millennium. Steve McIntyre is already poring over the statistics, but there
is one issue raised by several […]
12 Methods to Unplug from the Matrix
WTStaff at Waking Times - 9 hours ago
*Phillip J. Watt* - There’s something not quite right about the collective
consensus in humanity’s mind structure.
The post 12 Methods to Unplug from the Matrix appeared first on Waking Times
The Economy: "Beware… This Tech Darling Is Due a Big Fall" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
"*Beware… This Tech Darling Is Due a Big Fall"*
by Bill Bonner
"Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But someday the sun will shine. "
– The Ink Spots, “Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall”
PARIS – "Bad stuff happens. There is no getting around it. No denying it.
No pretending it isn’t so. The only real question is: Where are you when it
happens? It can be fun to sail out far from shore… until you realize you
forgot to pack the food hamper. How much better it would be to have
understood your girlfriend’s meth addic... more »
Harney County Fire Chief Resigns, Sides with Oregon Protesters
KATU News at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: Harney County fire chief]
The Harney County fire chief resigned Wednesday because he says he no
longer trusts the local government. Chris Briels stood next Ammon Bundy,
the leader of an armed group that has taken over the Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge in Burns,...
Continue reading *“Harney County Fire Chief Resigns, Sides with Oregon
Protesters”* at **.
United Methodist Board of Pensions Lumps Israel with the Most Repressive Countries on Earth
Mark Tooley at The Stream - 9 hours ago

[image: First United Methodist Church]
Activist groups for anti-Israel divestment, who typically don't have many
victories to celebrate, are touting divestment from five Israeli banks and
a construction firm by the United Methodist Board of Pensions. This claim
might confuse anyone who recalls that United Methodism... more »
A LIGO Kaggle contest would be fun
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 9 hours ago
One of the topics we touched in some recent mails with Bill Z. was the
question how LIGO – or LIGO/VIRGO – will determine the statistical
significance of their discoveries. Bill has had some interesting thoughts.
They surely have some algorithms, too. (I have actually looked at some
pages with them but I don't quite know how they're doing it.) They must
have been thinking about it for quite some time.
*A chirp*
It would be nice if LIGO/VIRGO has released their data publicly – maybe the
rawest possible data you can get. People could play with them – maybe, they
would be able to di... more »
David Bowie ‘Secretly’ Cremated In New York
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
David Bowie has been secretly cremated in New York without any of his
family or friends present, according to reports. The music legend is said
to have expressed a wish to “go without any fuss” before his death on
Sunday, telling his loved ones he did not want a funeral service or a
public memorial. The cremation took place soon after his death, avoiding a
funeral service for the star who had valued his deeply private lifestyle. A
source in New York told the Mirror: “There is no public or private service
or a public memorial. There is nothing.” A publicist for the singer told
the BB... more »
Judge Napolitano: Clinton’s Legal Woes are Either Grave or Worse Than Grave
The Washington Times/Andrew Napolitano at The Stream - 10 hours ago

[image: Hillary Clinton smoking gun - 400]
The federal criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton's failure to secure state secrets was ratcheted up earlier this
week, and at the same time, the existence of a parallel criminal
investigation of another aspect of her behavior...
Continue reading *“Judge Napolitano: Clinton’s Legal Woes are Either Grave
or Worse Than Grave”* at **.
Did the GOP Promise Amnesty in its Spanish Response to the SOTU?
Gateway Pundit at The Stream - 10 hours ago

[image: Spanish response]
REPUBLICAN PARTY BUSTED -- The Grand Old Party promised amnesty in their
Spanish version of the State of the Union response. And they thought they'd
get away with it.
Continue reading *“Did the GOP Promise Amnesty in its Spanish Response to
the SOTU?”* at **.
Authors retract two papers for “severe conflicts of author sequences”
Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 10 hours ago
A group of authors has earned two retractions for a pair of papers on which
they had “severe conflicts of author sequences,” according to the
retraction note. All of the authors were involved in a recent spate of
compromised peer review that hit Springer journals back in August. Among
the 64 retracted papers this summer, one […]
The post Authors retract two papers for “severe conflicts of author
sequences” appeared first on Retraction Watch.
How High Will The Price Of Oil Will Go If There Is War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

A U.S. Army soldier walks towards a burning oil well in Iraq`s vast
southern Rumaila oilfields March 30, 2003. REUTERS
*James Stafford,*: *War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Could
Send Oil Prices To $250*
The rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran has quickly ballooned into the worst
conflict in decades between the two countries.
The back-and-forth escalation quickly turned the simmering tension into an
overt struggle for power in the Middle East. First, the execution of a
prominent Shiite cleric prompted protestors to set fire to the Saudi
embassy in Tehran. Saudi Arabia ... more »
Free to campaign?
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
Talking of the BBC's editorial guidelines on Impartiality...
It looks as if there have been some recent changes to them.
Last September we posted a piece, via DB, that quoted - and linked to - the
BBC editorial guideline on Campaigns and Impartiality:
That link no longer works, and if you read through the BBC's editorial
guidelines now, from 4.4.1 through to 4.4.31, you'll notice a sudden leap
from 4.4.19 to 4.4.22.
In other words, two sections of the BBC's editorial guidelines - including
the one on Campaigns - have gone missing:
Why has that happened?
World’s Largest Canyon Could Lie Under Antarctic Ice
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
A canyon system potentially bigger than the Grand Canyon in the U.S. could
be hiding beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, measuring 1,000km long and as
much as 1km deep. Researchers from Durham University and Imperial College
London – along with American, Australian, Indian, and Chinese scientists
studying satellite data, think that a massive canyon system could be hidden
underneath a largely unexplored region of the Antarctic, called Princess
Elizabeth Land. The study is being verified by a geological survey, which
is now under way. Tech Times reports: The new discovery published in th... more »
Chelsea Clinton: "Sanders wants to dismantle Obamacare, dismantle CHIP, dismantle Medicare, and dismantle private insurance"
Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

* Chelsea Clinton, left, and her mother, Hillary Clinton. Photograph: Jason
Decrow/AP (source)*
*by Gaius Publius*
Someone seems to be pulling out all the stops:
Stumping for her mother for the first time in 2016 on Tuesday, Chelsea
Clinton directly criticized Bernie Sanders on health care policy, echoing
Hillary Clinton’s recent attacks on the Vermont senator.
Asked about mounting enthusiasm for Sanders among young people, the
daughter of the Democratic presidential frontrunner urged younger voters to
focus on the “specifics” of Sanders’ policy proposals.
“Sen. Sanders wants to ... more »
Ex-NSA Director Says America Has Too Many Secret Hacks
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 11 hours ago
Former director of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Michael Hayden
says that the U.S. keeps too many cyber-attacks secret. The retired U.S.
Air Force four-star general said in an interview that the government and
businesses keep cyber attacks a secret for their own reasons and that the
country is ill prepared to deal with the ever increasing threat from
hackers. A joint venture between government and business is needed to take
control of hacking in general; to be able to learn from it and deal with
it, particularly when it comes to dealing with foreign hackers who could
caus... more »
Oscar Nominations: The Revenant Leads with 12 Nods
The Los Angeles Times at The Stream - 11 hours ago

[image: The Revenant - 400]
Nominations for the 88th Academy Awards have been announced, and “The
Revenant” is leading with 12, including for best picture, and “Mad Max:
Fury Road” is just behind with 10. Other Oscar nominees for best picture
are “The Big Short,”...
Continue reading *“Oscar Nominations: The Revenant Leads with 12 Nods”* at
"I think they've got a point today..."
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
And, with another h/t to DB,...
Here's BBC World Service presenter/producer Kerry Alexandra demonstrating
her absolute commitment to BBC impartiality on Twitter:
Just as a reminder, here's the BBC own's editorial guidelines for BBC staff
regarding their own personal social media accounts such as Twitter and
Facebook (published March 2015):
What Is The Current U.S. Middle East Strategy
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

*Gregory R. Copley,*: *Does The U.S. Have A Middle East
Strategy Going Forward?*
Senior-level sources in numerous Middle Eastern governments have privately
expressed bewilderment at recent and current U.S. government strategies and
policies toward the region.
But a closer examination of U.S. policies, now almost entirely dictated by
the Obama White House, shows no cohesive national goals or policies exist,
but rather an ad hoc set of actions and reactions, which are largely
dictated either by ideological positions, ignorance, whim, or perceived
*Read more... more »
Look what Mario spotted!
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Talking of DB...
He also spotted a BBC Trending article headlined Gaza medics back striking
English junior doctors...:
...less than an hour after it was published, and sent the following tweet
to the BBC journalist responsible for the piece, Mario Cacciottolo:
As you can see, Mario had tweeted about the piece himself to telling us all
how it came about:
Fancy that!
Given that BBC Trending is supposed to report on major 'trends' in social
media, this was hardly much of a 'trend', let alone yer actual news, was
DB suggested as much to Mario.
Now, what was it about a twe... more »
Three Cheers for the PKK?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
Some background info on the PKK- which includes YPG and their newly formed
Yazidi militias
All that ability to expand their terrorist network and ways- How do they do
*From the "Project on Violent Conflict"- Homeland Security Affilliate*
*I suppose this is the place where the accomplishments of state sponsored
terrorism are gauged?*
*An excerpt: *
Other Aliases
Arteshen Rizgariya Gelli Kurdistan (ARGK); KONGRA-GEL (KGK); Kurdistan
Freedom and Defense Congress; Kurdistan People’s Conference; Kurdistan
National Liberation Front (ERNK)
Financing -
Could anyone, an... more »
Hurricane Alex
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 12 hours ago

By Paul Homewood h/t John F Hultquist
Expect the usual alarmist hype. From the Met Office: Just two days
ago we reported how Pali had become a very unusual out-of-season hurricane
in the North Pacific. This afternoon another unusual hurricane has formed –
this time in the North […]
More anon-sourced blame-deflecting from Hugh Sykes?
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
*Pace *DB:
Here's the BBC's Hugh Sykes:
So let's get this straight....
Hugh meets a (nameless) woman at a demonstration and immediately decides,
simply on the basis of his brief encounter, that she's an "honest woman".
As Hugh 'knows for a fact' that she's an "honest woman" (despite not
*really* knowing her), we're obviously supposed to take her unverified tale
about a "Pegida man" (saying something unbelievably disgusting) on trust.
Now, if this anecdote ends up as part of a broadcast report from Hugh
Sykes, then we'll be able to ask the following question: Is this wh... more »
Will China Enter The War Against The Islamic State In Syria?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) holds talks with Syrian deputy prime
minister and foreign minister Walid al-Moallem in Beijing, capital of
China, Dec. 24, 2015 (Xinhua/Ding Haitao)
*Washington Times*: *China may enter war against Islamic State*
China’s military may send troops to join the global conflict against
Islamic State terrorists, according to defense officials.
Beijing is said to be concerned about the growing number of Chinese-origin
terrorists who have joined the Islamic State, also known as ISIL and ISIS.
“The real question is whose side will they be on,” said one d... more »
THE YEAR OF THE LIBERAL: A major surprise on Our Own Corporate Channel!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016Interlude—Sadly, it came from Rand Paul:* In the
realm of journalism, was 2015 really The Year of the Liberal? If so, what
can that mean?
Was 2015 the year when we the liberals got dumbed down? When we announced
our devotion to script?
Additional attributes of our tribe will appear as our award-winning series
continues. For today, let's consider a day or two in the life of the modern
For starters, consider an unusual moment from Tuesday evening's Hardball.
Hardball is a nightly program on MSNBC, the One True Liberal News Channel.
The unusual o... more »
Another Drone Video Shows Devastated Damascus Neighborhood
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*RT:* *Drone video shows devastated Damascus neighborhood *(RT EXCLUSIVE)
RT footage from a drone flying over a Damascus neighborhood shows the scale
of destruction inflicted upon it by years of warfare. The once-thriving
area has been turned into a desolate, gray concrete wasteland.
The video was shot in the Dukhania neighborhood in eastern Damascus, which
has changed hands several times during the civil war and at one point
served as a staging ground for terror group the Al Nusra Front planning
attacks on downtown in the capital.
*Read more* .... more »
Oops! Authors accidentally include extra patients in biopsy paper
Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
A paper that compared two gauges of needles to take samples of pancreatic
masses has been retracted after authors unintentionally included patients
from another trial. “Randomized Trial Comparing the Flexible 19G and 25G
Needles for Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration of Solid
Pancreatic Mass Lesions,” published a year ago in Pancreas, notes that: A
total of 100 patients […]
The post Oops! Authors accidentally include extra patients in biopsy paper
appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Severus Snape Actor Alan Rickman Dies At 69
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
British actor Alan Rickman, famous for his roles in Harry Potter, Die Hard
and Love Actually, has died at the age of 69 A statement by his family,
says that he died of cancer: “The actor and director Alan Rickman has died
from cancer at the age of 69. He was surrounded by family and friends.” He
became one of Britain’s best-loved acting stars thanks to roles including
Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films and Hans Gruber in Die Hard. Alan
Rickman as Professor Snape in Harry Potter Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber in
Die Hard Harry Potter author JK Rowling led the tributes, describing ... more »
Turkey Boasts That It Has Killed 200 Islamic State Militants
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Turkish forces kill nearly 200 ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq
in retaliation for Istanbul bombing*
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish land forces have fired nearly 500 times on
Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq, killing almost 200 militants in
response to a suicide bombing in Istanbul which killed 10 German tourists,
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Thursday.
Turkey will also carry out air strikes against the radical Sunni group if
necessary and will maintain its "determined stance" until Islamic State
fighters leave its border areas, Davutoglu told a conference ... more »
Should The U.S. Navy Sailor Who Apologized To Iran Be Disciplined?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Daily Caller:* *Will The Pentagon Pursue Charges Against The Sailor Who
Apologized To Iran?*
One of the 10 sailors apprehended by Iran apologized to Iranian media for
entering Iranian waters Wednesday, possibly violating military code of
conduct regulations.
The sailor and his nine colleagues were taken and held by Iranian forces
Tuesday after they accidentally entered Iranian waters Tuesday. The sailors
were held overnight in Iran and released Wednesday. Video surfaced of the
sailor apologizing for the the event on Iranian media on Twitter a few
hours after the release.
“It wa... more »
Update on the Oregon Rancher Standoff
The Oregonian at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: Outbound at the Oregonian]
As we enter Day 13 of the standoff at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
here are the latest developments: ? Harney County has told an Ammon
Bundy-affiliated group of locals that it can’t hold a planned community
meeting at the county-owned...
Continue reading *“Update on the Oregon Rancher Standoff”* at
Right to Try: New Book Argues the FDA Has the Blood of Millions on its Hands
Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: Right to Try - 900]
Darcy Olsen, CEO and President of the Goldwater Institute, has written a
must-read book for anyone facing a serious ailment, The Right to Try: How
the Federal Government Prevents Americans from Getting the Life-Saving
Treatments They Need. Everyone knows that the... more »
Alan Rickman, Harry Potter and Die Hard Actor, Dies Aged 69
BBC at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: Alan Rickman - 400]
Actor Alan Rickman, known for films including Harry Potter, Die Hard and
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, has died at the age of 69, his family has
said. The star had been suffering from cancer, a statement said. He
Continue reading *“Alan Rickman, Harry Potter and Die Hard Actor, Dies Aged
69”* at **.
Cruz Responds to NY Times Story about Not Disclosing Sachs Loan
The Hill at The Stream - 13 hours ago

[image: Ted Cruz - 400]
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) did not disclose a loan from Goldman Sachs to his
2012 Senate campaign, the New York Times reported Wednesday evening. Cruz
and his wife Heidi, who works at Goldman Sachs, reported putting $1 million
of "personal...
Continue reading *“Cruz Responds to NY Times Story about Not Disclosing
Sachs Loan”* at **.
With Radical Islamic Anti-Semitisim on the Rise in Western Europe, Jewish Migration to Israel Hits All-Time High
AP at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: France recently marked the anniversary of the attacks on the
satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery store that killed 17
JERUSALEM (AP) -- A leading nonprofit group says Jewish immigration to
Israel from western Europe has reached an all-time high, spawned by a rise
in anti-Semitic attacks. The Jewish Agency said Thursday that 9,880 western
European Jews immigrated to Israel... more »
Minnesota Church Hires Catholic Priest Linked To Sex Abuse
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 14 hours ago
A Catholic priest who had been forced to resign after clergy in his church
were charged with sex abuse, has been appointed assistant priest at a
church in Minnesota. The then Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis
resigned from his position, amid the clergy sex abuse scandal last year.
Press TV reports: Saint Philip Roman Catholic church in Kalamazoo announced
this week that it had appointed John Nienstedt, the former archbishop of St
Paul and Minneapolis, to assist the parish while its head pastor dealt with
medical issues. Nienstedt resigned in June 2015, days after Ramsey County
... more »
2 UPDATES: Iraq’s Diyala Province Explodes In Sectarian Violence After Islamic State Bombing
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 14 hours ago
The central Diyala city of Muqtadiya has been embroiled in several days of
violence after an Islamic State double bombing. The militants set off two
bombs that left over 100 casualties. Afterward Hashd al-Shaabi elements
carried out a series of retaliatory attacks against shops, homes, mosques,
civilians, and told Sunnis they needed to leave the city. The security
forces have done nothing, and the Iraqi press and government have been
almost silent on the matter due to the politics in the province.
The crisis in Muqtadiya began with bombings by the Islamic State. On January
11, an... more »
Has Breitbart Gone Full ‘Birther’ On Ted Cruz?
Rachel Stoltzfoos at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: Ted Cruz]
Breitbart News published at least 30 stories in the past week about Donald
Trump's theory that Sen. Ted Cruz is ineligible to run for president
because he's not a natural born citizen, moving into birther territory
despite a previous categorical statement from... more »
Most of us were taught as kids that the United States of America is the greatest country in the world ...and perhaps many, if not most, of us still think it is. Here Paul Craig Roberts (who once was the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan and an Editor of the Wall Street Journal) tells you why we now should know that "The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History."
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 14 hours ago

*The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal
Organization In Human History — Paul Craig Roberts *
January 9, 2016 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal
Organization In Human History
Paul Craig Roberts
Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its
laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations.
Washington asser... more »
Report Says Saudi King Not Aware Of Surroundings, Health Deteriorating
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 14 hours ago
A new report claims that Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
is suffering from periodic blackouts and an inability to speak. The health
of the 80-year-old monarch is reportedly deteriorating and he is under
regular medical care. Press TV reports: The Palestinian Manar online
newspaper cited an Arab official as saying on Wednesday. The unnamed source
further said that King Salman has lost awareness of his surroundings,
prompting physicians to advise his sons to restrict their father’s public
appearances in a bid not to disclose the worsening conditions. The king is
said ... more »
Cologne Prosecutors Offer Reward for Help Identifying, Capturing New Year’s Eve Gang Rapists
FRANK JORDANS at The Stream - 14 hours ago

[image: A police car stands in front of the Cologne cathedral Tuesday, Jan.
12, 2016, in Cologne Germany. New Year’s Eve sexual assaults and robberies
in Cologne were blamed largely on foreigners and pushed the discussion
about the migration crisis.]
BERLIN (AP) -- Prosecutors in Cologne said Thursday they are offering a
reward of 10,000 euros ($10,920) for information leading to the arrest or
identification of those who committed sexual assaults and robberies during
New Year’s. A spokesman for Cologne... more »
Paper on plant immunity can’t fight off manipulation
Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
A paper on how plants respond to bacteria has an invader of its own — data
manipulation. The “irregularities and inappropriate data manipulation” were
found in a figure produced by the first author, Ching-Wei Chen, whose
LinkedIn page lists him as a student at the National Taiwan University. The
authors were unable to replicate the results in the […]
The post Paper on plant immunity can’t fight off manipulation appeared
first on Retraction Watch.
Tim Canova Is More Than Just "Not Wasserman Schultz"-- A Lot More
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

Most first-time candidates would give almost anything for the kind of
reception his campaign announcement generated last week. Small donations
from all over the country flooded into his ActBlue account. The support was
overwhelming. And it was overwhelming because of the general antipathy
progressives feel towards New Dem wheeler-dealer/DNC chair Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, sometimes referred to as the "female Rahm Emanuel."
Canova, a law professor and Bernie Sanders activist, sent his supporters a
note yesterday emphasizing that "There’s a political revolution happening
in this cou... more »
Federal Agent: Iraqi Refugee Wanted to Bomb Texas Malls
JUAN A. LOZANO at The Stream - 15 hours ago

[image: In this Jan. 8, 2016 file photo, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, left,
is escorted by U.S. Marshals from the Bob Casey Federal Courthouse, in
Houston. Al Hardan, who came to Houston from Iraq in 2009 is set to be
arraigned Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2015, and have a bond hearing after his
arrest on charges he tried to help the Islamic State group.]
HOUSTON (AP) -- An Iraqi refugee who is facing charges he tried to help the
Islamic State group wanted to set off bombs at two Houston malls and was
learning to make electronic transmitters that could be used to detonate
explosive... more »
World News Briefs -- January 14, 2016
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*CNN*: *Jakarta attacks: Deadly blasts, shootout in Indonesian capital*
Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN)Attackers struck in the middle of the day Thursday,
in the middle of a busy central Jakarta commercial hub -- killing at least
two, wounding 19 and raising alarms about terrorism once more, this time in
the world's most populous Muslim country.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the rattle of shots and
explosions from at least five attackers. But police believe that they were
linked to ISIS, and the Islamic State-affiliated Aamaq News Agency reported
people from that ter... more »
Climate change disaster is biggest threat to global economy in 2016, say experts
Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 15 hours ago

Paul Homewood h/t Paul2
So says the Guardian: A catastrophe caused by climate change is
as the biggest potential threat to the global economy in 2016, according
a survey of 750 experts conducted by the World Economic Forum. The
assessment of risks conducted by the […]
Back To My Roots: Exposing The Fraud NASA Apollo Moon Landings - Chinese Probes On The Moon Have Found NO Evidence Of NASA's Alleged Moon Landings!
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 15 hours ago
Everyone that has been reading this blog for years knows that I began my
trip "down the rabbit hole" to understanding how we are all born into
enslavement and there is indeed a group of scoundrels determined to control
our planet, through my exposure to the truth about NASA's space missions
and especially the fraud of the Apollo moon landings, back in 1979... Now
some 37 years after understanding how NASA has indeed faked, and continues
to fake, most of its space missions, I still marvel and chuckle at those
who firmly believe them to all be real! It is mind manipulation at its
wor... more »
Pentagon Lays Out Plan to Take Back Mosul, Raqqa from Islamic State
LOLITA C. BALDOR at The Stream - 15 hours ago

[image: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter visits with soldiers at the Company
Commander and First Sergeants Course on Fort Campbell, KY on Jan. 13, 2016.]
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) -- Defense Secretary Ash Carter laid out broad
plans Wednesday to defeat Islamic State militants and retake the group’s
key power centers in Iraq and Syria. And he announced that a special
commando force has now... more »
Fracking Operations Shut Down In Alberta Following Earthquake
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 15 hours ago
A hydraulic fracturing operation in Alberta has been shut down indefinitely
after an earthquake hit the area Tuesday. The energy company has stopped
operating in a part of Alberta that is subject to heavy hydraulic fracking
after the province’s energy regulator reported the area’s largest
earthquake in more than a year. The magnitude 4.8 quake was reported at
11:27 a.m., said the Alberta Energy Regulator, which ordered the shutdown
of the Repsol Oil & Gas site near Fox Creek. CBC news reports: Carrie Rosa,
spokeswoman for the regulator, says “the company has ceased operations …
and ... more »
Home Security for the Most Important Things in Life
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago

This post was sponsored by Myfox.
When we moved into our house a few months ago, we decided we needed a
security system. We have a pool in the backyard and I was terrified our
little one was going to get into the back yard by herself. Yes, the pool
has a cover, but I wanted the added assurance of security system. We set up
two cameras on the pool, and a couple others throughout the house. We have
LOVED the security system, but we still needed something to work as a baby
monitor. Should we buy a baby monitor or add another camera to our security
system. Here is why we decided to do t... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 14, 2016
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*VOA*: *Pentagon Chief Spells Out Strategy for Taking Back IS 'Power
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Wednesday spelled out the U.S.
strategy for retaking the Iraqi city of Mosul and Raqqa in Syria — cities
he called Islamic State's two power centers.
Carter spoke to troops from the 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell,
Kentucky, who will soon be deployed to Iraq to help train Iraqi and Kurdish
forces in defeating the militants.
"ISIL [Islamic State] is a cancer that's threatening to spread," Carter
told them. "And like all cancers, you can't cure the disease jus... more »
Viewer’s Guide: Cruz, Trump, May Clash on Debate Stage Tonight
LAURIE KELLMAN at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: Guests listen as Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz
(R-TX) speaks during a campaign rally at The Gatherings on January 13, 2016
in Dorchester, South Carolina. Cruz will join other candidates seeking the
Republican nomination for president for a debate at the North Charleston
Coliseum and Performing Arts Center in North Charleston, S.C.]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Looks like Ted Cruz may get that cage match with Donald
Trump that the Texas senator had vowed to avoid -- and it’s crowded in
there. The two seem locked in battle for primacy in Iowa, the... more »
Bush Highlights Trump’s Contributions to Democrats, Says Conservatism at Stake
THOMAS BEAUMONT & STEVE PEOPLES at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: In this photo taken Jan. 12, 2016, Republican presidential
candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks during an interview with The
Associated Press in Coralville, Iowa.]
CORALVILLE, Iowa (AP) -- Jeb Bush says he misjudged the intensity of anger
among Republican voters before his White House campaign and believes the
country in 2016 is “dramatically different” than in past elections. Yet he
insists he’s still a... more »
Q&A: The Obama Administration’s Recent Immigration Raids
ALICIA A. CALDWELL at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: In this Jan. 12, 2016, photo, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., speaks
during a news conference about immigration raids targeting Central American
families with children, on Capitol Hill in Washington. At left is House
Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, of Maryland.]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration arrested more than 120
immigrants during two days of raids targeting Central American families who
came to the country illegally since 2014. The arrests of immigrants who had
been ordered out of the country... more »
Obama’s Accomplishments
Michael Ramirez at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: Obama's accomplishments]
Cable News Network Al Jazeera America to Shut Down
LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: People walk into the offices of Al Jazeera America, a cable news
channel that debuted in August 2013, in New York City.]
NEW YORK (AP) -- Cable news network Al Jazeera America says it is shutting
down just 2 1/2 years after its launch. Al Jazeera America says it will
stop operating by April 30. It blames the “economic landscape of the media
environment.”... more »
Al Jazeera To Terminate Operations In US
Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
Al Jazeera cable news outlet is to shut down its operations in the US.
After less than three years in operation, Al Jazeera America will terminate
its news and digital operations in April The Qatari owned Al Jazeera had to
overcome established media bias and defend anti-Semitic and anti-Western
accusations from day one of its operations in the US. The cable and
satellite news television channel eventually ran into operational problems
and had to succumb to a lack of ratings and advertisers. USA Today reports:
The cable news network will be phased out by April 30, according to a memo ... more »
Islamic State Launches Attack On Indonesian Capital -- News Updates
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Islamic State launches militant assault on Indonesia's capital*
Islamic State militants launched a gun and bomb assault on Indonesia's
capital on Thursday, police and media said, marking the first assault on
the Muslim-majority country by the radical group, but five of the seven
people killed were the attackers themselves.
It took security forces about three hours to end the siege near a Starbucks
cafe and Sarinah's, Jakarta's oldest department store, after a team of
around seven militants traded gunfire with police and blew themselves up.
A police officer and a Canadi... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*Diversity Dogma in California*
Twenty years ago California voters banned racial and ethnic preferences in
public education, public hiring, and public contracting. But now some in
Sacramento, including the governor, the attorney general, and the new
senate boss, wish to repeal it. But even if they succeeded in lifting or
circumventing the ban, known as the California Civil Rights Initiative or
Proposition 209, their policies would fail to achieve the proportional
representation they claim to seek, according to Independent Institute
Policy Fellow K. Lloyd Billingsley.
The reasons ... more »
What 13 Hours Teaches
Mona Charen at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: 13 Hours - 900]
A new movie that touches upon the election prospects of one female
candidate for president debuts this week. Will 13 Hours: The Secret
Soldiers of Benghazi provoke thousands of angry viewers to march on Hillary
Clinton’s home with torchlights and pitchforks?... more »
Harvard Study Debunks One Main Reason Behind the Obama EPA’s Coal Plant Closings
Andrew Follett at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 07: Members of the United Mine Workers of
America rally outside of the headquarters of the Environmental Protection
Agency October 7, 2014 in Washington, DC. The rally was held to protest
regulations proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency that could
impact the nation's coal industry and coal-related jobs.]
New government data showing mercury emissions substantially declined in the
last 20 years, completely debunking claims the Environmental Protection
Agency made to justify closing hundreds of coal-fired generators across the
country. A new s... more »
EPA Knew about Michigan Water Problem in April
The Hill at The Stream - 16 hours ago

[image: flint water]
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knew about the problems that led
to Flint, Mich.'s, drinking water crisis in April of last year. The head of
the EPA's region that includes Michigan told the Detroit News that her
agency warned state...
Continue reading *“EPA Knew about Michigan Water Problem in April”* at
It's All About How The Money Is Spent
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago
Oil dipped below $30 a barrel yesterday. And the loonie is headed south of
70 cents. But, Alan Freeman writes, it's not the Apocalypse:
If the federal government is forced to run deficits in the range of $20
billion (rather than the promised $10 billion) over the next few years,
those deficits will be manageable — and nobody outside the Tory caucus and
a few right-wing op-ed pages will complain. As Flaherty discovered in 2009,
Canadians don’t care much about the size of the federal deficit when they
feel the... more »
At Least 7 Dead In Jakarta Attacks, ISIS Claim Responsibility
Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 16 hours ago
At least seven people have been killed in a series of coordinated bomb and
gun attacks in the the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. A series of explosions
went off in central Jakarta, in a terrorist attack involving suicide
bombers The blasts were centred around Thamrin Street, a major shopping and
business district close to foreign embassies and the United Nations
offices. The attackers targeted a busy shopping area in downtown Jakarta
ISIS have claimed responsibility saying it was targeting foreign nationals
and security forces according to a news agency linked to the group. Police
say... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago

*Tories should be sued over dangerous levels of NO2 (?)*
*Yes. This time it is NO2, not CO2. Gaseous oxides seem to get a bad rap.
Whether British government policy can be mandated by the courts is an
interesting issue. In the absence of a written constitution, it could be
possible. But I doubt that there are binding precedents for it. In
Britain, the Queen in parliament has always been held to be supreme. The
various EU treaties could come into play, however.And here's an interesting
comment from an academic journal article on the subject:"Studies have not
demonstrate... more »
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 16 hours ago
Land Holding in Nunavut
Article 14 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement provides that almost all
lands within a municipality are to be transferred to the municipality (in
Additionally, a referendum will be held to determine if the municipality
must hold the lands or if the municipality can sell the lands. The
municipality is not obliged to sell all or any of the lands it holds but it
can so do; but only if allowed by referendum.
Whether saying yes to land sales from a municipality is a good idea or not
is a contentious issue. Certainly allowing land ownership can give pe... more »
Why Russians Fear That A Full-On Conflict With The U.S. Is Possible
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

Russian servicemen equip an Iskander tactical missile system at the
Army-2015 international military-technical forum in Kubinka, outside
Moscow, Russia, in June 2015. Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters/File
*Fred Weir, CSM*: *Why fear of war weighs heavily for Russians in the New
*UNDERSTANDING OTHERS The Russian public is worried about a full-on
conflict with the US, fed in part by a drumbeat from the Kremlin and in
part by US and NATO foreign policies.*
MOSCOW — Magomed Tolboev, a former Soviet bomber pilot, says he feels that
relations between Russia and the US are worse today than... more »
5 Whoppers the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Seizure of Navy Sailors
Breitbart at The Stream - 17 hours ago

[image: US Navy Iranian Video]
Barack Obama has a history of humiliating photo-ops associated with his
full-blown Radical Islam Denial Syndrome: the burning consulate in Benghazi
juxtaposed with Obama partying it up in Vegas with Beyonce; the dead bodies
of ISIS-slain Parisians juxtaposed with Obama...
Continue reading *“5 Whoppers the Obama Administration Told to Defend
Iran’s Seizure of Navy Sailors”* at **.
Another Prominent Critic Of Russian President Putin Is Found Dead
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago

Vladimir Pribylovsky, Ivan Soprotivlentsev / YouTube
*IBTimes:* *Who Killed Vladimir Pribylovsky? Author Who Criticized Russian
President Putin Found Dead in Moscow*
Vladimir Pribylovsky had co-written a number of books, none of them with
titles that particularly flattered Russian President Vladimir Putin. "The
Putin Corporation: The Story of Russia's Secret Takeover" was one. Another
was "The Age of Assassins: The Rise and Rise of Vladimir Putin: How Scary
Are Russia's New Rulers?" Now, Pribylovsky has been found dead in Moscow at
the age of 59, and the cause of his death remains ... more »
On the Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis at The Stream - 18 hours ago

[image: Imitation_of_Christ_Chap1_Chapman_and_Hall_1878 - 900]
THOMAS A KEMPIS -- He who follows with me shall not walk in darkness, says
the Lord. (John 8:12) These are the words of Christ; and they teach us just
how far we must imitate His life and character, if... more »
Hydrogen Bomb vs. Atomic Bomb: What’s The Difference?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
Climate Tricks 49, No extreme weather, no severe storms in the past?
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 18 hours ago

This is the continuation of my presentation at the Energy Policy
Development Program (EPDP) Conference 2016, held at New World Hotel Makati
last January 12-13, this week.
Here is Section II of the 6-sections presentation.
Other cases in Asia.
This slide about the Philippines, I rearranged into a portrait format. And
take note: November 2014, storm Haiyan (locally called "Yolanda") killed
7,000+ people in Leyte, especially in the capital city Tacloban. In
November 1912 or 102 years prior, an estimated 15,000 people died also in
Leyte due to severe storm.
The UN, other foreign a... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 14 , 2016 ) Europe ( 1. DAX Falling again this morning - off 21.5% since 4/15. 2 .RIKSBANK may cut rates to -0.5 in Feb. 3. Refugee related news of the day. 4. ECB wary of further action ? Euro jump on report. 5. Russia default probability spikes on lower oil prices / new car prices/ lcv sales off 45.7 % Y/Y in Dec . 6. Europe Data splash - Italy / Germany / Finland / Sweden / ECB. 7. Spain in focus - Parliament panned for conduct , IBEX off more than 2 percent this morning . 8. Odds & Ends ) Asia / Emerging Nations ( China News / Data De Jour. 2. Japan News / Data De Jour. 3. Currency concerns - HK Dollar in news. 3. South Africa in crisis . 4. Brent on 8 trading day losing streak. 5. Indonesia stocks plunge after Jakarta explosion. 6. Odds & Ends. )
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 18 hours ago

Evening Wrap - across the globe !
*The Daily Star* @DailyStarLeb 55s
56 seconds ago
Mideast stocks see biggest declines as foreign traders flee http://
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 1m
1 minute ago
Shanghai Composite Opens Under 3,000 As Onshore Yuan Practically Unchanged
For Fourth Day
*cristina lombardi* @crislomb 2m
4 minutes ago
BREAKING: Confusion Abounds as Police Claim to Have ‘Incapacitated’
Attackers more »
Some "horror stories" of harassment at Californian universities
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours ago
Sean Carroll has posted another feminist tirade, We suck (but we can be
better), which paints an absolutely terrifying picture of what kind of a
behavior the feminist hardcore fascists such as himself want to criminalize
(or have already criminalized).
To support his lie that women are constantly discriminated against in
science (in the comments, Mark S. has explained that the pendulum has swung
to the opposite side), he started with the following story:
One day in grad school, a couple of friends and I were sitting at a table
in a hallway in the astronomy building, working on a pro... more »
A Number Of The World’s Military Conflicts Involve Countries With Nuclear Capabilities
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 hours ago

*Frida Garza, Quartz:* *A worrisome number of the world’s military
conflicts involve countries with nuclear capabilities*
Over the last two years, dozens of countries have engaged in military spats
in the form of border clashes, air and sea confrontations, and weapons test
launches designed to show military muster. While these kinds of outbursts
aren’t unusual, what’s worrying, at least for one arms control advocacy
group, is how many of them have involved countries with nuclear
capabilities like Russia, North Korea, and India.
An analysis of 270 military events over the... more »
What Happens If All Of America's Military Commitments And Promises Occur At The Same Time
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago

*Ryan Faith, VICE News*: *The US Is Making Military Promises It May Not
Want to Keep*
Last week, North Korea lit off a nuke and put the global community into
full-on denunciation mode. As part of the global response, the US sent a
nuclear-capable B-52 bomber to saunter through the neighborhood, signaling
that, indeed, two can play at that game, and North Korea better have a
long, hard think about whether it wants to get into a nuclear slap fight
with the United States.
Along with the fly-by, there's been an uptick in discussion about sending
more US military stuff to the region, ... more »
Why Is The B-52 Still Flying (Podcast)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago

A U.S. Air Force B-52 (R) flies over Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South
Korea, January 10, 2016. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji
*Jason Fields , Reuters*: *War College: Why is this 60-year-old U.S.
warplane still flying?*
North Korea sets off a nuclear bomb and how does the U.S. respond? The
Pentagon sends a 65-year-old airplane to buzz Korean airspace. It wouldn’t
make a lot of sense if the warplane wasn’t the B-52 bomber. Designed in the
aftermath of World War Two, obsolete nearly before the last one rolled off
the line in 1961 – the Stratofortress may remain in the air for another 25
years... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 14, 2016
Tom Sileo at The Stream - 21 hours ago

[image: Southwest Asia-900]
An explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technician picks up a simulated rocket
launcher during a joint EOD training exercise at an undisclosed location in
Southwest Asia on Dec. 15, 2015. Thank you to this warrior and the entire
EOD community for... more »
How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

An interesting story line. The supposed evidence is at best hearsay with a
motive along with the usual suspects in all the conspiracy theories. All
best left at home.
However it does address the reality of feminist indoctrination and that it
happens to be an unsatisfactory solution. The real problem had been the
power imbalance between women and men which led to a significant fraction
of relationships becoming abusive. It was always a danger. It just that
throwing the baby out with the dishwater is a poor solution as we have
found out. We need a better protocol(s).
... more »
Climate Disruption Amplifies Atlantic Currents' Contribution to Sea Level Rise
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
[image: (Photo: Rising Sea via Shutterstock)]
Ten years of data does not a trend make. However we may have a tipping
point here that possibly explains the onset of the Little Ice Age and the
Fifth Century collapse. The heat surplus in the Arctic is nicely stripping
Ice out of Greenland and producing fresh water flows able to alter the
dynamics of the Current.
I am not convinced yet that it is the lever i have been looking for, but at
least we are also starting to measure some of the right things. I would
hate to have a fresh onset of the next Little Ice Age with no clue as to
... more »
Republican Demographic Problems Aren't Just for the Future Anymore
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Sounds good, but reflects too much successful polarizing by a definite
minority with no where else to go. This tends to happen when the other
side dominates for a while.
The real truth is that a solid two third sits firmly in the middle to see
who they can really support. The wings, left or right must then follow
along or be left out.
Once you see it that way, it becomes clear that it usually is a fifty fifty
split. The wings are not strong enough to make a serious difference at all
except negatively and they are not going to shift their support.
Today the so cal... more »
Picture Of The Day
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago

Soaring Vikings
The last two Navy S-3B Viking aircraft soar over Laguna Peak on Naval Base
Ventura County, Calif., Jan. 12, 2016. The aircraft were assigned to Air
Test and Evaluation Squadron 30. One retired and the other was slated to
head to NASA to continue federal service. U.S. Navy photo by Scott Dworkin
Because Jews don't count for BBC News
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 22 hours ago
This BBC report describes
Indonesia as 'largely secular'. But it's no multi religion paradise if
you're not a Muslim. Ask the residents of the predominately Hindu island of
Bali or the remnants of the small Jewish community of Indonesia. The latter
task could be tricky because in September 2013 it was revealed that the
last synagogue in Indonesia had been destroyed. 'Unidentified persons'
demolished the Beith Shalom synagogue in Surabaya on the island of Java to
its foundations sometime earlier this year, according to a report on
Indow... more »
Increased atmospheric CO2 help plants recover from droughts (peer-reviewed paper)
Geoff Brown at The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog - 22 hours ago

CO2 Science reviewed the following paper:
Chen, Y., Yu, J. and Huang, B. 2015. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration
on water relations and photosynthetic responses to drought stress and
recovery during re-watering in tall fescue. *Journal of the American
Society of Horticultural Science* *140*: 19-26.
Water availability for plant growth is becoming increasingly limited,
whereas rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration may have
interactive effects with drought stress. The objectives of this study were
to determine whether elevated CO2 would mitigate drought-induced wa... more »
An Insider's View On White House Policy In The Middle East (Podcast)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago

*Colin Kahl and Ryan Evans:* *The Obama Administration And The Middle East:
An Insider's View*
WOTR’s Ryan Evans sat down with Colin Kahl, the National Security Advisor
to Vice Present Joe Biden, to talk about the mess of the Middle East and
what the Obama administration is doing about it. From Iran to the Gulf
states to Syria to Iraq to Turkey and beyond, Kahl explains how the White
House views the problems and opportunities there. He also discusses what
it’s like to be in a presidential administration in its final year.
*WNU Editor:* The Podcast* is here.*
Tweet For Today
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
44, shades of gray: Obama through the years as he addressed Congress.
— AP Interactive (@AP_Interactive) January 13, 2016
'Not enough Tories' in general election opinion polls per BBC News - No Shit Sherlock
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 22 hours ago
'Prof Curtice, who wrote the report for research agency NatCen, suggested
polling difficulties arose "primarily because [pollsters] interviewed too
many Labour supporters and not enough Conservatives"'
No Shit Sherlock
More here
Who is the Real Threat to Global Peace?
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 22 hours ago

Last night in one moment of truth (although he was boasting more than
anything else) Obama said the following in his State of the Union speech
before Congress:
I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political
hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting
stronger and America getting weaker. Let me tell you something: The United
States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. Period.
It’s not even close. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military
than the next eight nations combined.
~ President Obama Janu... more »
Shameless Charlie Hebdo Should Be Burned Down For Good
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 22 hours ago

Charlie Hebdo mesdames et messieurs. Voilà.
— Faïza Zerouala (@faizaz) January 13, 2016
*"Charlie Hebdo * has come under fire—again. A new cartoon in the French
satirical magazine depicts Aylan Kurdi—the drowned Syrian toddler who late
in 2015 became the tragic human face of Europe’s migrant crisis—growing up
to become an adult who sexually harasses women.
The cartoon, tweeted by French journalist Faïza Zerouala on Wednesday,
shows a small illustration of the famous image of Aylan Kurdi lying
facedown on a Turkish beach with the words “What would littl... more »
Pentagon: U.S. Military Will Expand Efforts To Target Islamic State Militants Beyond Iraq And Syria
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*Military Times:* *U.S. military may expand ISIS fight beyond Iraq and
Defense Secretary Ash Carter signaled Wednesday that the U.S. military will
expand efforts to target Islamic State militants beyond the group's
territory in Iraq and Syria, potentially involving airstrikes and raids in
other Islamic countries.
“The threat posed by ISIL, and groups like it, is continually evolving,
changing focus and shifting location,” Carter said, using an alternative
acronym for the Islamic State group.
“That’s why the Defense Department is organizing a new way to leverage the
securi... more »
Oak Island and the Roman Sword
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 23 hours ago
After most of a season of just screwing around and doing nothing more than
digging up more areas on Oak Island that yielded bits of wood, stumps and a
hunk of cable, they finally moved back to Borehole Number Ten and set up a
dive. This was to get them to the bottom of the hole where it is alleged
that there is a box of some kind, the remnants of a hammer or ax and the
possibility of human remains.
We did see them attempt to make the dive. They got in the water and
disappeared into what looked like a thick, yellow soup. The lights they
carried disappeared in seconds. As did the comm... more »
The U.S. Air War Against The Islamic State Has Already Cost $5.5 Billion
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

Smoke rises over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as seen from the
Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the
southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 18, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
*Military Times:* *Air war against Islamic State group cost $5.5 billion*
The air war against the Islamic State group has cost the American taxpayer
$5.5 billion, roughly $11.2 million per day, a $2 million increase since
June, according to the latest Defense Department data.
The Air Force accounts for $3.75 billion — nearly 70 percent — of that ... more »
Have You Been Waiting To See Herr Trumpf And Cruz Go At It? Get The Popcorn
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

The picture *NY Times* in-house conservative, David Brooks, conjured up of
Ted Cruz is truly ugly. It's hard to imagine anyone reading it and
accepting Brooks' reporting and then ever vote for Cruz for *anything*, let
along president. What a horrible, horrible person, the antithesis of all of
the teachings of Jesus rolled up into one sad, desperate little man, driven
crazy by a psychotic father and with an innate need to dominate others. His
old college roommate warned us Cruz was already a monster back in the 1980s.
The word that came up most frequently when his former classmates ... more »
Rick Snyder Hasn't Been Arrested And The Bundy Gang Is Still Terrorizing Oregon, But Tamir Rice Got His
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

In 2009 I wanted a peaceful, unstressed vacation. I went to Bali, which
fits that bill perfectly. For excitement, though, I brought Dave Neiwert's
then brand new book, *The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the
American Right*, which isn't so much about Hate Talk Radio per se as it is
about the gradual transformation of mainstream conservatives to full blown
fascists and all the steps that lead in that direction. Neiwert wrote how
the conservative movement had become "a precursor to fascism," which he
defines as "explicitly antidemocratic, antiliberal, and corporatist, and... more »
U.S. Special Forces Are Now In Iraq Targeting ISIS Fighters, Commanders, And Leaders In Iraq And Syira
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters*:* Special U.S. targeting force 'now in place' in Iraq: U.S.*
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new U.S. force of special operations troops has
arrived in Iraq and is preparing to work with Iraqi forces to go after
Islamic State targets, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday.
Carter disclosed the deployment in a broad speech to U.S. soldiers that
sought to underscore American efforts to accelerate the campaign against
Islamic State, both in Iraq and Syria.
"The specialized expeditionary targeting force I announced in December is
now in place and is preparing to work ... more »
Virginia State Senator Richard Black Speaks The Truth About Syria's War And ISIL's State Backers
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Video Title: US Senator: War in Syria was provoked by CIA-backed hardcore
jihadists. Source: Russia Insider. Date Published: January 13, 2016.
Virginia state Senator Richard Black says the war in Syria “was not some
Arab Spring, when you had democracy-seekers with flowers in their hair,
seeking some wonderful utopia.” The state senator adds, “These were
hardcore jihadists, led by the Muslim Brotherhood with support from CIA,
MI6, and with the help from the Saudi Arabians and the Turks.
"Just cut loose of the Turks, cut loose of the Saudis, just Russia and the
United ... more »
Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 1 day ago
*From* *Jenna Orkin*
The new way police are surveilling you: Calculating your threat ‘score’
TSA To Stop Accepting Driver's Licenses From 9 U.S. States
Flooded householders near fracking zones face insurance double-whammy
Seven refugees 'thrown overboard' off coast of Italy fleeing Somalia
Canadians Panic As Food Prices Soar On Collapsing Currency
US Vaporizes "Millions" In Cash, Kills 7 Civilians In "Unusual" Strike On
ISIS "Bank"
GE To Cut 6,500 European Jobs
In Finland an anti-immigrant group called the 'Soldiers of Odin' are
patrolling the streets and worrying authorities
First... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter Lays Out Plans To Retake Mosul And Raqqa And To Defeat The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*VOA*: *Pentagon Chief Spells Out Strategy for Taking Back IS 'Power
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Wednesday spelled out the U.S.
strategy for retaking the Iraqi city of Mosul and Raqqa in Syria — cities
he called Islamic State's two power centers.
Carter spoke to troops from the 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell,
Kentucky, who will soon be deployed to Iraq to help train Iraqi and Kurdish
forces in defeating the militants.
"ISIL [Islamic State] is a cancer that's threatening to spread," Carter
told them. "And like all cancers, you can't cure the disease ju... more »
The Economy: Gregory Mannarino, “Stock Market Dives Again! Technical Breakdowns Getting Worse” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Stock Market Dives Again! Technical Breakdowns Getting Worse”
By Gregory Mannarino
"Just For Today" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Just For Today"*
"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle
all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would
appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.
Just for today I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham
Lincoln said, that "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to
Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust
everything to my own desires, I will take my "luck" as it comes, and fit
myself to it.
Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will... more »
Canadians being set up for North American Union by currency manipulation?
greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 1 day ago

*Canadians waiting for the penny (and loonie) to drop*
For as long as I can remember, the banksters have been manipulating the
world financial markets to achieve their political ends. Whenever
something happens in the stock or bond markets...or the price of oil
plunges...we look to see the hidden (and not so hidden) geostrategic agenda
behind it.
Today...the Canadian dollar is taking a beating against the American dollar.
I ask myself...why is that? Why would the *American* dollar...dragged
down as it should be by trillions of dollars of debt, caused by endless
wars *be so stro... more »
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists
WTStaff at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Brendan D. Murphy* - Conspiracy theorists used to be accepted as normal.
The post In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists appeared
first on Waking Times.
Free eBook: Navigating Trials in the New America
desiringGod at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: navigating trials]
The church in America is slowly awakening from the distortion of 350 years
of dominance and prosperity. Until recently, being a Christian in America
has been viewed as normal, good, patriotic, culturally acceptable, even
beneficial. By and large, being a...
Continue reading *“Free eBook: Navigating Trials in the New America”* at
Bonus Quote of the Day:
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*"It was Thomas Edison who brought us electricity, not the Sierra Club. It
was the Wright brothers who got us off the ground, not the Federal Aviation
Administration. It was Henry Ford who ended the isolation of millions of
Americans by making the automobile affordable, not Ralph Nader. Those who
have helped the poor the most have not been those who have gone around
loudly expressing 'compassion' for the poor, but those who found ways to
make industry more productive and distribution more efficient, so that the
poor of today can afford things that the affluent of yesterd... more »
Major Chinese - Iranian Arms Deals In The Works?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani (L) shakes hands with his Chinese
counterpart Xi Jinping before the opening ceremony of the fourth Conference
on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit in
Shanghai May 21, 2014.
*Joel Wuthnow, National Interest:* *Are Chinese Arms About to Flood Into
Ahead of Xi’s visit to Tehran, Sino-Iranian military cooperation looks to
China is often regarded as one of the prime beneficiaries of the Iran
nuclear deal, signed in July 2015 with the P5+1 countries. Under the deal,
Iran will limit its uranium enrichment an... more »
Fukushima Unit 1: It (whatever it is) was lowered INTO the reactor building
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
Perhaps this is how TEPCO injects nitrogen? Not sure...
The World Is Changed By.........Author Unknown
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago

Fukushima Unit 1: What's That?
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago
Not sure what is being held by the crane over unit 1
Paul Ryan’s View on the State of the Union
USA TODAY at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: State of the Union]
WASHINGTON -- In a scathing response to President Obama’s State of the
Union Address, House Speaker Paul Ryan told USA TODAY on Wednesday that the
speech’s political tone toward Donald Trump and the Republican presidential
field “degrades the presidency.” Obama made...
Continue reading *“Paul Ryan’s View on the State of the Union”* at
A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Bring Hell On Earth
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago

*Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger: two of the ugliest and most immoral
creatures the good God has ever made. *
*An excerpt from, "Danse Macabre: Blessed Be the Bipartisans" by Chris
Floyd, January 13, 2016: *
"And so I said, 'We came, we saw, he died!' And now they've got death and
chaos up the wazoo! Have I not done well, Master?"
"Finished your training you have. Well you have done. But far yet must you
go your teacher to match. My words you recall when Cambodia we destroyed
with fire from the sky? 'It's an order, it's to be done. Anything that
flies on everything that moves.... more »
Egyptian Author Sayyid Al-Qemany: Al-Azhar Is a Terrorist Institution
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the so-called center of Islamic learning *recently
urged* all Muslims to join the Saudi King's coalition of cowards in his wars against
freedom and democracy in the region. It has also arrogantly attacked
Christian and Shiite beliefs, accusing their adherents of *"sedition"* and *persecuting
them under the cover of scholarship.*
*An excerpt from, "Five Years After Obama Speech in Cairo, Egypt’s Muslim
President Gives Speech at same University To UNDO the Damage" by Ben
Barrack,, January 6, 2015: *
If you had to name a university in the worl... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On Current U.S. - Iran Relations And Why 10 U.S. Sailors Were Quickly Released
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Tim Mak & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast*: *Iran Turns U.S. Sailors Into
Propaganda After Team Obama Plays Nice*
Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry thanked Tehran for taking
good care of the servicemen they questionably captured.
Iranian state TV released a video Wednesday of a U.S. sailor apologizing
for crossing into the country’s territorial waters. The apology was
publicized hours after Vice President Joe Biden said the U.S. did not
“It was a mistake, it was our fault, and we apologize for our mistake,” the
unnamed sailor said while being held in Ir... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 14th January)
Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 1 day ago
Lawyers fees and
legal aid cuts block access to justice, warn top judges
In a stark message, the Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, the Lord
Chief Justice, said bringing legal action – or, alternatively, defending
oneself against litigation – has become “unaffordable” for most people. It has
led to ever-growing numbers of people representing themselves in court because
they cannot afford a lawyer,
A More Serious Threat than ISIS Was Neglected in Obama’s State of the Union Address
James Robison at The Stream - 1 day ago

[image: Fatherhood, Father, Son, Family, Piggyback Ride, Sunset, Sunrise]
Everyone who watched President Obama's final State of the Union address
Tuesday night has an opinion about how he did, what he should have said and
what he shouldn't have said. For me the most glaring omission wasn't the
lack... more »
Obama, Putin Discuss By Phone Syria, Ukraine, Iran - Saudi Arabia, And North Korea
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi
*The Hill:* *Obama, Putin speak by phone about Syrian conflict*
President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone on
Wednesday, the White House said.
Press secretary Josh Earnest said the two leaders discussed ongoing efforts
to bring an end to the civil war in Syria, abiding by the terms of a
ceasefire in Ukraine and cutting off support for pro-Russia separatists
Earnest provided few other details about the call.
Despite their deep differences over the fate of Syrian President Bashar
Assad, the U.S. has been pressuring Mosc... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Whisper To Me” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Liquid Mind, “Whisper To Me”
"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“What is causing the picturesque ripples of supernova remnant SNR
0509-67.5? The ripples, as well as the greater nebula, were imaged in
unprecedented detail by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2006 and again late
last year. The red color was recoded by a Hubble filter that left only the
light emitted by energetic hydrogen. The precise reason for the ripples
remains unknown, with two considered origin hypotheses relating them to
relatively dense portions of either ejected or impacted gas.
*Click image for larger size.*
The reason for the broader red glowing ring is more clear, with expa... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Cosmography of Myself” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Cosmography of Myself”*
by Chet Raymo
“It was a common conceit of the Middle Ages and Renaissance to think of the
human self– body and soul– as a microcosm, a little world made cunningly of
elements and an angel-like sprite, a miniature version of the macroscosm,
the universe. So-called "correspondences" linked the microcosm and the
macrocosm. For example, each of the seven holes in the human head
corresponded to a celestial body- Sun, Moon, or one of the five known
planets. Astrology articulated a vast system of correspondences between the
peregrinations of stars and human l... more »
The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Secret Of Surrender: Seeing The Illusion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Surrender should be seen as a great strength and comes when we let go of
trying to attain the impossible. Most of us were raised and live in a
culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and control. The general
idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone else,
and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control.
However, true lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the
opposite of control. We cannot accomplish anything truly great on our ... more »
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