Wikileaks releases US embassy cables which show not only the claims to be false but that they were falsified by President Saleh in order get US support for the Saudi attack.
Every war starts with a lie. A big fat lie that always suits the attacking side perfectly.
Wikileaks releases US embassy cables which show not only the claims to be false but that they were falsified by President Saleh in order get US support for the Saudi attack.
Every war starts with a lie. A big fat lie that always suits the attacking side perfectly.
Anti Bullshit's photo.
Balkis Alajazairi's photo.
Christian Peacemaker Teams - Palestine
Here's one of the many ways in which the Israeli military attempts to make life so difficult for Palestinians - from a very young age - that they become so tired of the daily oppression and terror of this occupation that they 'decide' to leave.
This video from this morning at school time shows the all too regular scenes of children running to school through clouds of gas, parents waiting at checkpoints for the gas to pass, Israeli soldiers making provocative hand gestures at children and CPTers amidst the chaos, and particular children and teenagers so accustomed to the ammunition fired at them they can pick up the steaming teargas canisters and throw them back toward the checkpoint occupied by Israeli Border Police. The Border Police -fully armed atop the rooftops around Qitoun checkpoint - are unaffected by attempts to throw back the teargas they have fired at children, as you can tell from their attitude in this video,
The teargas fired today was particularly potent, and the effects could be felt at a distance.
CPTers are currently counting approximately half of the children we usually see heading to school through this checkpoint.
The Anti-Media's photo.
107.1 The Point's photo.
10:35pm MST
Taiwan Will Need 200 F-35s Or More To Provide A Credible Deterrence Against China By 2017
(Click on Image to Enlarge) *Next Big Future:* *Taiwan would need 200 or more fifth generation fighter jets for a credible deterrence by 2017-2019* New advances by China on its J-20 stealth fighter diminishes deterrence across the Taiwan Strait, a leading weapons expert in the US said. “It is crucial that Washington begins to consider Taiwan’s next-generation requirements for air defense,” International Assessment and Strategy Center (IASC) senior fellow Rick Fisher said. “Given over a decade’s worth of global technology advances, intensive investment and competent program managem... more »
At Some Point Something Will Make Everyone Question If They Still Want To Acquiesce To A Lesser-Of-Two Evils Electoral System
I keep seeing one of those annoying automated spam tweets-on-endless-repeat from *The Hill*: "Billionaire George Soros said he regretted backing Obama in 2008, Clinton email reveals." I suppose its about the primary and he was sorry Hillary wasn't the nominee. But there were plenty of people who felt let down by Obama-- or by what-they-thought-Obama-was-going-to-be-- in 2008. 69,498,215 people voted for Obama in the 2008 general election. 3,591,091 fewer people voted for him in 2012, so I guess they regretted it too. I live in California and I voted for Obama in 2008, knowing full ... more »
Islamic State Execute Five 'British Spies'
The five hostages as seen in the video Daily Mail:* ISIS' latest video star is a young boy from the UK whose father is a jihadi fighter and who vows to kill in next release after five 'British spies' are executed on camera * * WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT * Propaganda video shows ISIS thugs shooting five men at point blank range * Executioner threatened Prime Minister, calling him a 'slave to White House' * Young boy who appears to be around five said 'we will kill them over there' * British fighter jets began airstrikes on ISIS locations in Syria a month ago * For more news on the late... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* New York governor orders officials to force homeless into shelters during freezing weather Google Is Collecting Information On Public School Students – Here's How Nigel Farage's Car Sabotaged After Death Threats, Police Confirm "Foul Play" Puerto Rico Is Greece, & These 5 States Are Next To Go Large Group Of Armed Militia Members Take Over Federal Building Entire Florida Police Dept Busted Laundering Tens of Millions for International Drug Cartels The Looming Environmental Disaster In Missouri That Nobody Is Talking About Billions of Barrels of Oil Vanish in a Puff ... more »
White House Seeking A Deal With Iran to Swap Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaia
Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian speaks in the newspaper's offices in Washington, DC in a November 6, 2013 file photo provided by The Washington Post. REUTERS/ZOEANN MURPHY/THE WASHINGTON POST/HANDOUT *Reuters*: *Americans seek swap in U.S. reporter case, says Iranian official* Unnamed Americans have contacted Iran for a deal to swap Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, convicted and jailed in Iran on spying charges, for other unspecified detainees, according to a senior Iranian official quoted on Sunday. "Some Americans contact us sometimes, asking us to exchange him wit... more »
I’m not shocked to learn that “a joint poll between the Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research” found that by a two-to-one margin Americans currently favor allowing the government to tap into the communications devices (phones, computers, etc.) of private parties, according to a report published by hothardware.com: *“The results show that 56% of Americans support warrantless wiretapping, while 28% oppose it. From a political angle, 67% of Republicans favor it, while 55% of Democrats do. Meanwhile, Independents are far more divided, with 40% in favor, and 35%... more »
Maxine Phillips : Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
For non-Muslims to understand diversity among Muslims seems to be a leap too far. By Maxine Phillips | The Rag Blog | January 3, 2016 In December, a tenured political science professor at evangelical Christian Wheaton College was placed on … finish reading Maxine Phillips : Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
Christian Sports Coaches Facing Faith Oppression Highlighted in Upcoming Movie
[image: sports coaches] The upcoming film Prayer Never Fails was birthed from the various news stories that have made headlines about sports coaches being ridiculed or fired for praying at games. The movie promises to showcase prayer at a whole new level. As... Continue reading *“Christian Sports Coaches Facing Faith Oppression Highlighted in Upcoming Movie”* at *christianpost.com*.
How ISIS Spread its Deadly Ideology — A Timeline
[image: ISIS] The brutal propaganda video released by Islamic State militants showing the murders of five people it claims worked for British intelligence services is the latest in a string of such films to be made since the group grabbed the world's... Continue reading *“How ISIS Spread its Deadly Ideology — A Timeline”* at *theguardian.com*.
Donald Trump as Tokyo Rose
*-by Noah* For those who don’t know, because history just isn’t really taught in schools anymore, Tokyo Rose was the name of one or more female broadcasters operating out of Tokyo during WW2. Tokyo Rose broadcast pro-Japanese propaganda to U.S. troops in the Pacific war, bent on demoralizing them, paralyzing them with fear, or, worse, trying to get them to either desert or come over to the other side if they could. Every war has had variations of such things. Unlike Tokyo Rose, Herr Trumpf is much more successful. It seems that the majority of Republican voters and media are buy... more »
With Iranian - Saudi Relations Deteriorating, Will Oil Prices Explode?
Istanbul: in front of the Saudi Embassy today. (Reuters/Osman Orsal) *Quartz*: *Look for oil prices to spike if hostility between Iran and Saudi Arabia gets worse* If friction between Saudi Arabia and Iran persists, in addition to attacks on targets such as embassies, look for oil’s first move of the new year to be a spike. A furor has erupted in both countries, and across the region, in the aftermath of Saudi Arabia’s execution Jan. 2 of Nimr al-Nimr, an influential Shia cleric who had denounced discrimination against Saudi’s Shia minority. An Iranian mob ransacked the Saudi Emba... more »
Nestle Continues To Bottle Water In California While Under Investigation
Nestle Waters North America is under investigation by the US forest service. The world’s largest food company has applied to renew its bottling operations permit in southern California’s San Bernardino National Forest. According to reports, the US forest service has begun an environmental review of Nestle Waters North America’s bottling operations in drought stricken southern California. The company is allowed to operate while awaiting the result of its permit renewal. The Guardian reports: Nestlé was sued in October by environmental and public interest groups who allege the Swiss-b... more »
Musical Interlude: Gandalf, “Silent Joy”
Gandalf, “Silent Joy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJvIeupfql4
"A Look to the Heavens"
“On some nights, the sky is the best show in town. On this night, the sky was not only the best show in town, but a composite image of the sky won an international competition for landscape astrophotography. *Click image for larger size.* The featured winning image was taken in 2011 over Jökulsárlón, the largest glacial lake in Iceland. The photographer combined six exposures to capture not only two green auroral rings, but their reflections off the serene lake. Visible in the distant background sky is the band of our Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. A powerful coronal mass... more »
The Poet: William Wordsworth, “Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting The Banks Of The Wye During A Tour. July 13, 1798"
*“Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, * *On Revisiting The Banks Of The Wye During A Tour. July 13, 1798"* “Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! and again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs With a soft inland murmur. Once again Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs, That on a wild secluded scene impress Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect The landscape with the quiet of the sky. The day is come when I again repose Here, under this ... more »
Catholic Hospital Sued over Refusal to Perform Tubal Ligation
[image: catholic hospital] Mercy Medical Center, a Catholic hospital in Redding, CA., is being sued by the ACLU after it said it would not perform a tubal ligation procedure during a scheduled cesarian section delivery later this month. Catholic doctrine prohibits contraception, including... Continue reading *“Catholic Hospital Sued over Refusal to Perform Tubal Ligation”* at *townhall.com*.
"The Human Condition"
*"The Human Condition"* by Meanings of Life "Man remains largely unknown of himself. What are we, in our innermost recesses, behind our names and our conventional opinions? What are we behind the things we do in our lives, behind what we see in others and what others see in us, or even behind things science says we are? Is man the crazy being about whom Carl Gustav Jung spoke ironically, when he demanded a man to treat? Is man the Dr. Jerkyll that contains in himself a criminal Mister Hyde, and more than a personality, and contradictory feelings? Are we the result of our dreams, as... more »
After Severing Diplomatic Relations With Iran, Saudi Arabia "Does Not Care" If It Has Angered White House
*Zero Hedge*: *It's On: Saudi Arabia Severs Diplomatic Ties With Iran, "Does Not Care" If It Has Angered White House* Earlier today, as Iranian police struggled to disperse protesters gathered outside the Saudi consulate in Mashhad, we said the following about the rapidly deteriorating situation: *If crude needed an excuse to rally, then surely this is it as it now appears that in addition to the fact that Riyadh and Tehran are squaring off in Syria (where Iran is present and the Saudis fight by proxy) and Yemen (where the Saudis are present and the Iranians fight by proxy), the ... more »
Carbon Pricing’s Dirty Secret: Tax Payer Subsidies to Prevent “Carbon Leakage”
The entire AGW/Carbon pricing hoax is maddening! Simply maddening.* AGW rebranded to climate change *is another in a long line of *hoaxes perpetrated against the masses*. It is a* rebrand of the same agenda-* *Getting the taxpayer to subsidize & support the profits and machinations of corporations*. Window dressing and a means to assuage the brainwashed masses while doing* ZERO** to address REAL Environmental Issues.* *All governments are more then happy to continue waging war on a global scale- War has one big "carbon footprint" and the phony greens never speak against that! Green... more »
Dec.3: a very general sort of day...
This is a day of odds and ends with no news that really stands out. As I first watched the American leadership debates, I was struck by the lack of any sense of economic policy, social policy, or even of social concern. All the things an election should be about were ignored. It was entirely about fears and hatreds, feelings that had been encouraged by the government and the press. With the sole exception of Democrat Bernie Sanders, the candidates are talking only about which of them hates more and is willing to kill more. The U.S., itself, does not exist in these speeches. The star... more »
Saudi Arabia Severs Diplomatic Ties With Iran
*New York Times*: *Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran Amid Fallout From Cleric’s Execution* BAGHDAD — Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran on Sunday and gave Iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave the kingdom, intensifying a strategic and sectarian rivalry that underpins conflicts across the Middle East. The surprise move, announced in a news conference by Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, followed harsh criticism by Iranian leaders of the execution of an outspoken Shiite cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, in Saudi Arabia and the storming of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran by pro... more »
Will ‘Electability’ Sink Trump’s Campaign?
[image: electability] Most national polls show Republican frontrunner Donald Trump trailing likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and faring worse than other GOP hopefuls against her. That raises an obvious question: Could doubts about Trump's strength in a general election derail his... Continue reading *“Will ‘Electability’ Sink Trump’s Campaign?”* at *www3.blogs.rollcall.com*.
Israel Charges 2 Jewish Extremists in Deadly Arson
[image: In this July 31, 2015 file photo, a Palestinian inspects a house after it was torched in a suspected attack by Jewish settlers, killing an 18-month-old Palestinian child and his parents, at Duma village near the West Bank city of Nablus. Israel on Sunday indicted two Jewish extremists suspected in the attack, a case that has been unsolved for months and helped fuel the current wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence.] JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel on Sunday charged two Jewish extremists in an arson attack that killed a Palestinian toddler and his parents last July -- culminating a dr... more »
Ben Carson Addresses the Turmoil that has Roiled His Campaign
[image: Ben Carson] Ben Carson said Sunday that his campaign is in a “different ball game,” days after the stunning resignation of three high-ranking members of the retired neurosurgeon’s campaign staff. In an interview with ABC on Sunday, Carson cast the departures of those aides -- campaign... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Addresses the Turmoil that has Roiled His Campaign”* at *businessinsider.com*.
North Carolina Pastor Calms, Prays With Man Who Walked Into Church Service with a Gun in the Air
[image: North Carolina pastor] When a man wielding a rifle walked into a North Carolina church on New Year's Eve, the pastor took action -- by praying with him. The man, whose name has not yet been released, reportedly walked into Heal the Land Outreach... Continue reading *“North Carolina Pastor Calms, Prays With Man Who Walked Into Church Service with a Gun in the Air”* at *theblaze.com*.
Video Shows IS Fighters Killing 5 ‘Spies’ for Britain
[image: Islamic State, ISIS] BEIRUT (AP) -- A video circulated online Sunday purported to show the Islamic State group killing five men accused of spying for Britain in Syria. The high-quality footage bore the markings of the IS media wing, and shows five men... more »
Saudi Arabia Fanning The Flames Of Hate To Provoke Regional Bloodbath
The Saudi execution of a prominent Shiite cleric is an indication that the house of Saud is planning an Armageddon. Across the Middle East, the killing of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nim along with al-Qaeda terrorists is viewed as the ultimate hypocrisy, which proves that the Saudis are going for broke, and want the flames of sectarianism to engulf the region. RT reports: The furious reaction across the Middle East to the Saudi execution of a prominent Shiite cleric strongly suggests that the killing is a deliberate provocation by the ruling House of Saud. That provocation would ap... more »
NH GOP Lawmaker Heckles Hillary Clinton at Townhall over Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandals
[image: Hillary Clinton] Derry, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Hillary clinton bluntly addressed a Republican state representative heckling her about Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual impropriety on Sunday in New Hampshire, telling the woman she was “very rude.” When Clinton began taking questions at a Derry town... Continue reading *“NH GOP Lawmaker Heckles Hillary Clinton at Townhall over Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandals”* at *cnn.com*.
Archaeologists Unearth Weapons From The Era Of Ivan The Terrible In Russia
An archaeological dig near Zvenigorod, a town in Moscow Oblast, has unearthed the private arsenal of a military commander from the era of Ivan the Terrible, the first Tsar of Russia. An archaeological expedition from the Institute of Archaeology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, was conducting a rescue excavation in search of artifacts, prior to the construction of a new Central Circular Highway, when they came across the find near the old town of Zvenigorod . Red Orbit reports: Once a 16th-century village named Ignatievskoe, the location of the discovery was the home of the Dobry... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Eight Mile Plains, Queensland, Australia. Thanks for stopping by!
"How to Gain Control of Your Negative Emotions"
*"How to Gain Control of Your Negative Emotions"* by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. “Whether it's sadness, fear, shame, guilt or anger, sometimes when these are here, all we want to do is be somewhere else and it seems like it's going to last forever. Here's one practice to consider in regaining control of your mind during the difficult moments in life. Try this as an experiment: When an uncomfortable emotions arises, ask yourself the honest question, "*How long is this going to last?"* See it as a moment of investigation, a chance to really get to know how you operate. No longer are you ... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, “Walkers With The Dawn”
*“Walkers With The Dawn”* “Being walkers with the dawn and morning, Walkers with the sun and morning, We are not afraid of night, Nor days of gloom, Nor darkness- Being walkers with the sun and morning.” - Langston Hughes
Iran Threaten To Execute Saudi Arabia’s Entire Royal Family
A senior religious leader in Iran has threatened to execute Saudi Arabia’s royal family in response to the killing of Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr on Saturday. Senior Ayatollah Ahmed Khatami promised to exact revenge on the Saudi royal family on Iranian television on Saturday, stating: “I see no reason to doubt that his pure blood is going to color the Saudi royal house and obliterate them from the history books.” Speisa.com reports: “The execution of Sheikh Nimr is part of a criminal pattern that this faithless family stands for. The Islamic world must stand up and condemn this shamef... more »
ISIS Execute 5 ‘British Spies’ & Threaten UK Invasion In New Video
ISIS have issued a terror threat to the UK in a new video which purportedly shows the execution of five alleged British spies. In the video, which is as yet unverified, a masked gunman speaking in a British accent describes the Prime Minister David Cameron as an “imbecile” before apparently shooting the hostages accused of spying for the British security services. There are also threats made against the UK government and its citizens. British intelligence have said they are examining the authenticity of the tape, but will not comment on whether the featured victims ever worked under... more »
A NASA Whistleblower Says “Somebody Else” Is On The Moon
A NASA whistleblower has come forward claiming that there is extraterrestrial activity on the moon, and that NASA have been hiding this fact for years. George Leonard is one of the latest NASA personnel to come forward suggesting such a theory. He and others claim that there are alien bases on the moon, and that photographs and film footage were hidden or destroyed by NASA in an attempt to coverup this information from the public. Collective-evolution.com reports: Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and phot...more »
Iran-Saudi Crisis Could Escalate Into A ‘Holy War’ Expert Warns
A Middle East expert has warned that the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia may lead to a larger holy war in the Middle East, escalating to World War 3. Russian Middle East expert Vladimir Ahmedov says that following the Saudi execution of Iran’s prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, and with Iran’s Supreme Leader promising “divine vengeance” against the Saudi regime, a war between the Sunnis and Shiites could happen. Sputniknews.com reports: Considered a terrorist by Saudi authorities for his criticism of the government, calls for free elections and demands that authorities resp... more »
Trump: Hillary And Obama Created ISIS
Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters that both Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration were to blame for the creation of ISIS during a campaign rally in Mississippi on Saturday night. The Republican presidential candidate told the crowd that he had previously told the American government to bomb the oil assets belonging to ISIS before Russia began doing so. “I’ve predicted a lot of things, you have to say, including, ‘Get the oil, take the oil, keep the oil.’ Right? I’ve been saying that for three years, and everybody said, ‘Oh, I can’t do that. I mean, this is a sovereign ... more »
Iran Threatens ‘Harsh Revenge’ Following Saudi Execution
Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards have warned Saudi Arabia that they will suffer a “harsh revenge” following the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Iran have warned that “the unjustly spilled blood of this oppressed martyr will no doubt soon show its effect and divine vengeance will befall Saudi politicians.” Express.co.uk reports: The move appeared to end any hopes that the common enemy of ISIS could lead to rapprochement between the two countries. Nimr was considered a terrorist by Riyadh but hailed in Iran as a champion of the rights of Saudi Arabia’s marginalised Shia Muslim ... more »
Israel Claim That ISIS Are In Gaza
Israel are now claiming that ISIS are in Gaza after a rocket attack from Gaza hit Israel, causing no damage. In response, the Israeli Air Force attacked four military locations in Gaza on Saturday, confirming that they “targeted two Hamas military training facilities and two other military sites,” according to reports. Thejc.com reports: This attack was a direct response to five rockets launched from Gaza on Friday, for which Daesh-affiliated terrorist organisation Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis took credit. The two projectiles which made it to Israel landed in Sha’ar Hanegev in the north-we... more »
Everyone Wants To Put A Military Base In Djibouti
*Tim Mak, Daily Beast*: *Inside The Tiny Police State With Seven Armies* *Forces from America, Japan, France, Germany, Italy—and soon, even China—are crammed into the dirt-poor Djibouti. Good luck asking the locals if they like all the attention.* There’s a smell of sewage out on the beaches outside, juxtaposed with tangerine, sunset views glimmering atop the murky waves. Looking southward across the warm waters of the Gulf of Aden, whale sharks congregate en masse to feed in the fall and winter. I’m watching through massive glass windows in the lobby of the Sheraton hotel, an oas... more »
Iran’s Supreme Leader Compares ISIS To Saudi Arabia
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has posted controversial images on his website which liken the executions in Saudi Arabia with the practises of ISIS. The provocative images depicts an ISIS fighter holding a knife above a hostage, alongside an image of a Saudi executioner brandishing a sword with a prisoner kneeling before him. The text reads “any differences?” above the two images. Independent.co.uk reports: The image comes as the Iranian supreme leader renewed his attack on Saudi Arabia over its execution of leading Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr-al Nimr. He said that pol... more »
Armed Group Take Over Federal Building In Oregon
An anti-government armed militia group have taken over a federal building in Oregon on Saturday afternoon, led by Ammon Bundy, a rancher from the local area. Authorities are monitoring the situation as the group continue to occupy a remote federal wildlife refuge operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The groups leader, Ammon Bundy, is a well known anti-government activist whose father inspired a standoff between local armed militia groups and federal officials who sought to confiscate illegal cattle grazing in 2014. On Saturday afternoon, Bundy’s group lit a bonfi... more »
Zapatistas 22nd Anniversary of Beginning War against Oblivion
WORDS OF THE EZLN ON THE 22ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR AGAINST OBLIVION WORDS OF THE EZLN ON THE 22ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR AGAINST OBLIVION Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano Mexico, January 1, 2016 http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2016/01/02/
ISIS Suicide Attacks Kills 15 At Iraqi Military Base
At least 15 members of the security forces were killed and 22 injured on Sunday when an Iraqi military base north of Baghdad was targeted by multiple suicide bombers. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement distributed by supporters online. RT reports: Two bombers detonated their explosive-rigged vehicles at the western gate of Camp Speicher, a former US base outside the Sunni-majority city of Tikrit, Reuters reported, citing security sources. Three others made it to the part of the base used for training Iraqi police. IS said the attack targeted Shiite troops sta... more »
A light dusting
I have begun work on my rakusu. This is a miniature monk's or nun's robe which is worn at certain times like a bib, symbolically connecting me, through the generations, with Gautama Buddha himself, and a sign of my acceptance of the precepts to guide me through life. Each of these tiny panels will be hand stitched to the others, and is a symbolic rice paddy. One is "nourished" by the precepts, you see. A light dusting. Because temperatures have been falling into the low twenties (Fahrenheit), I've been covering the kale patch. Beloved brings in the poultry's water buckets at nigh... more »
U.S. To Cease Launching Drone Operations From Ethiopia
Image from The Economist *Mail & Guardian:* *US military stops launching drones from Ethiopia, but can still fly from Djibouti or Seychelles* *By 2014 US troops were carrying out almost two operations, exercises, or activities somewhere in Africa every day.* THE US military has stopped flying drones from the southern Ethiopian town of Arba Minch, which they had used since 2011, a spokesman for the US Embassy in Ethiopia said. The two countries agreed that a US presence in Arba Minch isn’t needed at the moment, the spokesman, David Kennedy, said in an e-mail on Saturday. Ethiopia ... more »
How Much Is Herr Trumpf Helping Hillary Clinton's Campaign?
One thing I think everyone can agree on, whether you're stupid enough to fall for Herr Trumpf's claptrap or smart enough to see right through him, the 2015 political world would have been a lot duller without him. On top of that (and the ad revenue he's generated for TV networks), the service he has provided to the Democratic Party is literally incalculable. He managed to use the most basic marketing, sales and propaganda techniques to turn most of the Republican field-- remember how proud they were of their "Deep Bench"-- into a gaggle of despised losers. A classic bully, he has m... more »
Egypt Is Intensifying Its Ground And Air Campaign Against Militants In The Sinai
An Egyptian Air Force fighter jet (screen capture: YouTube) *Times of Israel:* *Up to 60 IS militants said killed in Sinai airstrikes* *Egypt intensifies ground and air campaign to root out extremists affiliated with the Islamic State group* Airstrikes launched by the Egyptian air force Saturday killed dozens of fighters from a local affiliate of the radical Islamic State in restive north Sinai, local media reported. The attack, which was conducted by Apache helicopters, targeted installations belonging to the Wilayat Sinaa terror group around the town of Sheikh Zuwaid, which has ... more »
ISIL In Afghanistan Grabs Land And Expands, Government Is Aware
Shinwari tribal elders in eastern Afghanistan have complained to the central government in Kabul, about the increase of Islamic State (IS/ISIL/ISIS) militants in their communities, who are grabbing land and displacing the population. Tribal leaders in eastern Nangarhar province have said that Islamic State (IS) militants have grabbed some land, and the people of the province are now being victimized by a war run by foreign spy agencies. About ten days ago there were reports of Daesh militants, dressed in black, being dropped off by unknown helicopters in Tor Ghar, Nangarhar Provinc... more »
Saudis Cut Diplomatic Ties with Iran
[image: Iranian and Turkish demonstrators hold pictures of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr as they protest outside the Saudi Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016, following Saudi Arabia's execution of 47 prisoners in one day. Saudi Arabia announced the execution of Sheikh al-Nimr Saturday, convicted of terrorism charges, along with 46 others, including three other Shiite dissidents and a number of al-Qaida militants.] RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) -- The latest developments after Saudi Arabia executes a prominent opposition Shiite cleric convicted of terrorism charges, spark... more »
CNN to Host Obama Town Hall on Gun Control This Evening
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 23: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Committee's Women's Leadership Forum October 23, 2015 in Washington, DC. The DNC is holding its 22nd Annual Women's Conference.] President Barack Obama will join CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday for an exclusive one-hour live town hall on gun control. Obama will sit down with Cooper at 8 p.m. ET for the event, titled “Guns in America.” The event’s timing coincides... Continue reading *“CNN to Host Obama Town Hall on Gun Control This Evening”* at *cnn.com*.
Russia’s New ‘Black Hole’ Submarine Is Stealthier Than Before
The Russian Navy’s new Lada-class ‘black hole’ submarine far exceeds its predecessor and can operate unnoticed beneath the waves due to its stealth capabilities. It is built by the Admiraty Shipyard in Saint Petersburg, one of the oldest and largest shipyards in Russia. The new sub is much quieter, has new and advanced combat systems and comes with an air-independent propulsion system. The submarine is designed for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, defense of naval bases, seashore and sea lanes, as well as for conducting reconnaissance. (wikipedia.org) Sputnik reports: The st... more »
Saudi Arabia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Iran
Saudi Arabia has said it is breaking off diplomatic ties with Iran, amid an escalating row between the two countries over the Saudi execution of Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir demanded that Iran’s diplomatic mission to leave the country within 48 hours. He said Riyadh would not allow the Islamic Republic to undermine the Sunni kingdom’s security. Foreign Minister: the Kingdom Cuts its Diplomatic Relations with Iran and Withdraws Employees of the Saudi Embassy and Consulate in #Iran . — SPAENG (@Spa_Eng)... more »
Prince William: Fatherhood’s Made Me More Emotional
[image: Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George - 900 00] LONDON (AP) -- Prince William has said that being a father has made him “more emotional” and more prone to welling up. The royal is the father of two children, 2-year-old Prince George and Princess Charlotte, born in May. In... more »
European Counterterrorism Official: Spy Services In Several Countries Have Increased Their Monitoring And Surveillance
*New York Times:* *Monitoring of Terrorism Threats Has Risen, Official Says* WASHINGTON — A senior European counterterrorism official said on Thursday that spy services in several countries had increased their monitoring and surveillance, and governments had put heightened security measures in place, even before recent arrests in Belgium and Turkey. Hours after the official spoke, the police in the southern German city of Munich evacuated two train stations and warned residents to avoid large groups of people, citing “concrete hints” of a possible terrorist attack amid New Year’s ... more »
Vatican Recognition Of Palestine Is Now Official
The Holy See has announced this weekend that the planned recognition of Palestine as a state last summer, is now in effect. The move has drawn criticism from Israel. Equilibrio Informativo reports: “With reference to the Comprehensive Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Palestine, signed on 26 June 2015, the Holy See and the State of Palestine have notified each other that the procedural requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled”, the Vatican announced Saturday. Pope Francis celebrates First Vespers & Te Deum in Saint Peter’s Basilica, the ceremony of tha... more »
Is supersymmetry in the same situation as Chelsea and Manchester United?
Robert Matthews is a bachelor of physics, a chartered physicist, a computer science professor of a sort, and a science journalist. His most famous work in science, a paper on chaotic encryption algorithms, was published in the late 1980s. *Petr Čech* Years ago, his name has repeatedly appeared on this blog. He was the science hater par excellence in 2006 and became a prominent Nude Socialist Popperazzo in 2008. For more than 7 years, we were fortunate not to see this jerk often but he's back – with a somewhat comical anti-physics text. His rant about supersymmetry is actually mos... more »
Size is meaningless. Like time it is a man made concept. When a human falls onto rock from a height he breaks his bones yet matter, microscopically small, flies through matter we cannot, it passes through what appears to be solid matter.. Light travels faster than sound. a big noise is often just that - a big noise. Hindu culture speaks of Maya where nothing is real certainly not life. Donald Trump proves the fact reality exists only when we think it does and the louder the noise the more limited the intellect.
North Korea Threatens Retaliation As Kim Jong-un Deported From UK
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was detained at London Heathrow airport for 12 hours before being deported after attempting to enter the United Kingdom in disguise and using a fake tourist visa, say Heathrow immigration officials. After arriving on an early morning Air China flight, his documents were questioned and he was taken into custody for further questioning. After hours of interrogation the North Korean leader broke down and admitted who he was, and announced that he wanted to see Buckingham Palace, visit Harrods, and attend a Premier League football match, preferably Manche...more »
Now Available – “You Are The Awakening” By Zen Gardner
*Zen Garnder* - You Are The Awakening by Zen Gardner is now available at Amazon. The post Now Available – “You Are The Awakening” By Zen Gardner appeared first on Waking Times.
Indian Air Force Base Rocked By Fresh Gunfire After The Military Said The Siege Was Over
*Al Jazeera*: *Indian air force base rocked by fresh gunfire* At least two attackers remain inside Pathankot base in Punjab state after day-long siege declared over, officials say. An Indian airbase in the northwestern state of Punjab has been rocked by fresh gunfire and blasts, hours after authorities announced that a day-long gun battle was over. A senior federal police official confirmed two gunmen were still holed up in Pathankot airbase on Sunday, after pre-dawn raid on Saturday led to intense fighting in which four attackers and seven Indian military personnel were killed. ... more »
"The Lumpy Circle Of Life""
“If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire- then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life *is* inconvenient. Life *is* lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer.’ ~ Sigmund Wollman “For thirty years now, in times of stress and strain, when something has me backed against the wall and I'm ready to do something really stupid with my anger, a sorrowful face appears in my mind and asks... "Problem or inconvenience?" I think of this as the Wollman Test of Reality. Life *is* lumpy. And a l... more »
The Economy: "Literally, Your ATM Won’t Work"
*"Literally, Your ATM Won’t Work"* by Bill Bonner *"Credit Bubble, the Sequel: *As you know, we tend to take the side of the underdogs… as well as half-wits, dipsomaniacs, and unrepentant romantics. But currently, we are standing up for the young, the poor, and all the others the credit bubble has hurt and handicapped. It’s not that we are saints or do-gooders. We are just trying to make a living, like everybody else. But we come at it from a different direction than most. Almost all the movers and shakers have the same bias: They want to see the credit extravaganza continue. The ... more »
Forgive me...
Forgive me I am mad momentarily and permanently I grew up in the war culture mixed in with a solid dose of Vaudeville and the blues country-fried I've made mistakes said unkind things waged wars announced and denounced christ still my soul remains humbled and scarred and darkened at difficult times by the wrong light which was the right light? Those that proclaim universal knowledge about the origin story and beyond make me run duck and cover I want you to know how much I appreciate and love you for the forgiveness that you show in your eyes and in the warmth of your soul Thank y... more »
If You Want to Fight Islamophobia then Deal with Christianophobia
[image: Anti-Christian_sign_Chicago__1451846626_173.71.16.53] Because of my study of Christianophobia, some have criticized me for being unconcerned with prejudice and discrimination against those of other faiths. Not so. For example, I am deeply concerned with the level of Islamophobia in the United States. The... more »
Impact Of Sea Level Rise On The Dawlish Line
By Paul Homewood https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/dawlish-rail-study-ignores-the-facts/ Last month I reported on a study which investigated the potential effects of sea level rise on the Dawlish rail line in Devon. For those who missed it, my post is here. One of the authors was Roland Gehrels, and I must thank him for taking the time and […]
*New Year. New New Orleans Saints ~Kat Lash-Williams, nflfemale.com*
BREAKING NEWS: Indian Consulate In Afghanistan Under Attack
*Times of India*: *Indian consulate in Afghan city Mazar-i-Sharif attacked, militants try to enter compound: Official* MZAAR-I-SHARIF: Explosions and gunfire rang out late on Sunday as militants tried to storm the Indian diplomatic mission in the Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, officials said. "We are being attacked. Fighting is going on," an Indian consulate official told AFP by telephone from inside the compound. The official, who was hunkered down in a secure area within the complex, said all consulate officials were safe and accounted for. *More News On India's Consulate At Maz... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- January 3, 2016
*Reuters*: *Saudi-led coalition ending Yemen ceasefire, state news agency says* A Saudi-led coalition that has been bombing the Houthi movement in Yemen for nine months announced on Saturday the end of a ceasefire that began on Dec. 15, the Saudi state news agency SPA said, in a setback to attempts to end the conflict. The ceasefire began in tandem with peace talks sponsored by the United Nations, but it was repeatedly violated by both sides. Nearly 6,000 people have been killed since the Saudi coalition entered the conflict in March, almost half of them civilians. The coalition... more »
Top U.S. National Security Official: The Islamic State Will Not Be Defeated In 2016
White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes (Photo credit: screenshot/CNN) *CBS*:* Official: Don't expect ISIS to be eradicated in 2016* A White House official doubted Saturday that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) would be defeated in the next year. "[ISIS] will continue to exist. You are not going to eradicate [ISIS] in the next year," Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said in a briefing, when asked whether he expected the threat of ISIS to be eliminated by the end of President Obama's time in office. "Just as al Qaeda continues to exist, although... more »
Does The Idea Of Rich People Buying Presidential Candidates Turn You Off?
At a rally in Amherst, Massachusetts yesterday, attended by between 3 and 4,000 people, Bernie addressed the structure of campaign finance: "You are not looking at democracy, you are looking at oligarchy and together we are going to put an end to it." After the rally he tweeted, "We're proud to have raised more than $33 million this quarter, with an average contribution of $27." Actually, Bernie did slightly better than that-- $33,281,952, none of it through SuperPACs, bringing his total to $73 million. He has $28.4 million cash on hand to Hillary's $38 million, one million more t... more »
Happy new year 2016
Happy new year, 2016. Let us stay positive and optimistic this year and the succeeding years. On this note, I am reposting 9 of the 16 reasons given by Daniel Hannan, a Conservative Member of the European Parliament (he blogs at www.hannan.co.uk), and I added the 10th reason, with two charts from Human Progress. ------------------- http://www.capx.co/16-reasons-to-be-cheerful-about-2016/ 16 reasons to be cheerful about 2016 By Daniel Hannan @DanHannanMEP 1 January 2016 *Iain Martin closed the old year with 15 reasons to be cheerful about 2015. Let me open the new one with 16 reaso... more »
Quote of the Day: On the new boss(y) class
* "In contemporary North American and the EU [and in Australasia], the ascendant controlling power comes from a new configuration of the cognitively superior, i.e., the academy, the mainstream media, and the entertainment and technology communities. This new centralist ruling class, unlike the Tories, relies not on tradition, Christianity, or social hierarchy to justify its actions, but worships instead at the altar of [alleged] expertise and political correctness*." ~ Joel Kotkin, from his article 'Liberals Are the New Autocrats' * RELATED ARTICLE*: - Why Do Intellectuals Opp... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 3rd, 2016
[image: rant-jpeg-b] It is Sunday again...First Sunday of the new year, and time again for my weekly rant.... I figure for a change I would take part of this rant and answer some of the comments and criticisms sent my way..... First and foremost, I continue to get the common hate mail and hate comments sent my way saying that I am "anti-Jewish" and of course the usual falsehood of "antisemitism"..... I always answer these critics with the usual that if the people we are fighting against are not wanting to enslave us all and to have our very livelihoods destroyed, then I would have... more »
Syrian War News Updates -- January 3, 2016
*New Zealand Herald*: *Heavy toll as Syria's war grinds on* More than 55,000 people were killed in Syria in 2015, the country's fifth year of war, including more than 2500 children, a monitor said yesterday. The total number of dead since the beginning of the conflict had reached more than 260,000, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, though the number of those killed last year was lower than the 76,021 people who died in 2014. In 2015 alone, the monitor documented the deaths of 55,219 people, including 13,249 civilians. Among them were 2574 children, it sai... more »
Is The Islamic State Losing Its Momentum?
Reuters *Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, The Atlantic*: *ISIS Is Losing Its Greatest Weapon: Momentum* *Evidence suggests that the Islamic State's power has been declining for months.* There was a time when the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria appeared unstoppable. In September and October, as the jihadist group captured territory through a major offensive in Iraq’s Anbar province, culminating in the fall of the town of Hit on October 13, observers feared that even Baghdad was in danger of being overrun. ISIS is now in the midst of another major military movement in Anbar, but the always... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
Two older publications I just discovered. I was quoted in “2015: What is expected of the Islamic State” from Albania’s Alsat back on 1/3/15. I was also cited in “Turkey-Kurdish Regional Government Relations After The U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq: Putting The Kurds On The Map?” by Bill Park for the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute. I was interviewed this week on Turkey’s TRT World TV about the liberation of Ramadi, and my article on that subject was reprinted by Business Insider.
The Holocene Context for Anthropogenic Global Warming
By Paul Homewood https://edmhdotme.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/the-holocene-context-for-anthropogenic-global-warming-2/ Recent warming needs to be put into perspective against longer term climate trends. As HH Lamb and many others knew years ago, the world during most of the Holocene was much warmer than today. Ed Hoskins has pulled together a lot of the evidence showing this, and it is […]
Egyptian Ambassador Returns to Israel after 3-Year Hiatus
[image: Israel Egypt relations handshake - 900 00] JERUSALEM (AP) -- Egypt has sent a new ambassador to Israel after a three-year hiatus, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said Sunday. Israel and Egypt signed a historic peace accord in 1979, but relations have often been cool. Egypt withdrew its... more »
Two Cities Attacked, Two Different Outcomes, Thanks to Armed Citizenry
[image: Israel shooting restaurant- 40000] A veteran Israeli reporter, who for decades has been covering the police beat, pointed out the vastly different outcome of Friday's attack in Tel Aviv as compared with recent Palestinian terrorist attacks in Jerusalem because in Tel Aviv there were... Continue reading *“Two Cities Attacked, Two Different Outcomes, Thanks to Armed Citizenry”* at *theblaze.com*.
Trey Gowdy: Why I'm Backing Marco Rubio...
*interesting.* Count me among those who are not shocked by Trey Gowdy supporting Rubio. Marco Rubio would not be the worse thing that ever happened to this country. Hillary Clinton would be the worse thing that could happen to this country. I don't think Rubio has a chance at the nomination. But, that's just me. And what's with those ties? The pink one is hiding something or another, and the green one harkens back to The Exorcist. The sleeveless dress? No comment. Okay, just one - it's ugly.
Fighting Continues In The Iraqi City Of Ramadi
Stringer/Reuters *CNN*: *ISIS suicide bombers attack Iraqi forces at base near Ramadi* (CNN)Three Iraqi soldiers were killed and 17 wounded Friday when ISIS militants, driving 10 vehicles packed with explosives, attacked an Iraqi army base near Ramadi. The head of the Anbar Provincial Council, Sabah Al-Karhut, told CNN the attacks happened in quick succession. He said the 10 vehicles targeted the Iraqi army's 10th Division base northeast of Ramadi. Even though Iraqi forces have managed to drive ISIS jihadists out of the center of Ramadi, local tribal leaders said this week that IS... more »
The War Of Words Between Iran And Saudi Arabia Continues (Updates)
*CNN:* *Mideast protests rage after Saudi Arabia executes Shia cleric al-Nimr, 46 others* (CNN)Since Saudi Arabia executed 47 people in one day, exasperation has poured in from human rights activists and sectarian anger has spread in the Middle East -- over the death of one man. Shia Muslim cleric Nimr al-Nimr was a fervent dissident against the Sunni Muslim Saudi royal family and called for their deposal during the Arab spring uprisings in 2011. He died on Saturday alongside 46 terrorism convicts. Later that night, in predominantly Shia Iran, Molotov cocktails smashed into the S... more »
Donald Trump Accuses Hillary Clinton And President Obama For Creating The Islamic State
*Business Insider*: *TRUMP: 'Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama'* Real-estate mogul Donald Trump opened his Saturday-night rally by blasting the Obama administration's approach to Iran and the Islamic State terrorist group. "I'm pretty good at signals, and I see a lot of things happening," Trump said at a campaign stop in Biloxi, Mississippi. The Republican presidential front-runner pointed to Iranian protesters ransacking the Saudi Embassy in Tehran earlier in the day, after Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shiite cleric. *WNU Editor:* Hillary Clinton accuses Trump for bei... more »
Did Saudi Arabia's Execution Of A Shiite Cleric Doomed The Syrian Peace Talks?
The Syria peace talks in Vienna in October. ‘The International Syria Support Group should encourage, facilitate and enable Syrians to change the course of their future.’ Photograph: US Department of State *Simon Tisdall, The Guardian*:* Saudi executions put ball of regional tension in Iran's court* *Deaths of cleric Nimr al-Nimr and 46 others will be seen as direct challenge to Tehran, which may feel obliged to pick up gauntlet.* The consequences of Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 people will be felt far beyond its Eastern Province, which was home to Nimr al-Nimr, the leading ... more »
Fury In Iran Over Saudi Arabia's Execution Of A Shiite Cleric.Iran's Leader Predicts 'Divine Vengeance'
*Washington Post*: *Saudi Arabia’s execution of cleric ignites fury in Iran* BEIRUT — Iran’s Supreme Leader warned on Sunday that there would be divine retribution for Saudi Arabia’s rulers after the execution of a renowned Shiite cleric, sustaining the soaring regional tensions that erupted in the wake of the killing. The warning came hours after crowds of protesters stormed and torched the Saudi embassy in Tehran to vent their anger at the execution of Nimr Baqr al-Nimr, who was among 47 people put to death in the kingdom on Saturday. In a posting on his website, Ayatollah Ali K... more »
Britain's Muslim Soldiers
Those watching BBC One this afternoon might have watched a 40-minute documentary called *Britain's Muslim Soldiers*. Though it turned out to be an interesting and engaging programme, it had an obvious purpose behind it - a purpose made even clearer by the BBC's own synopsis: This timely one-off documentary follows the story of the restoration of a forgotten and dilapidated burial ground for 27 Muslim soldiers who gave their lives fighting for Britain in two world wars. Shot over three years, the film shows the struggle of two understated pioneers - Zafar Iqbal, a Muslim from Wo... more »
IFR breeding, LFTR breeding.
*This 6 year old post continues to be relivant. Among nuclear advocates, I am probably regarded as an extremest, because of my advocacy of MSR technology as offering advantages over other reactor technologies. This would include both Light Water Reactors, and Sodium Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors. My contention is important because, MSR technology is highly scaleable, and we need a highly scalable nuclear technology if we are to bring AGW under control by 2050. My argument raises questions about the scalability of IFRs, the Liquid Metal ast breeder alternative currently being to... more »
Ecological Meltdown And Nuclear Conflict: The Relevance Of Gandhi In The Modern World
CounterPunch, RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents A few months ago, entrepreneur Charles Devenish contacted me to tell me about his plans to develop various mining enterprises across India. He spoke about the massive amounts of untapped mineral resources lying beneath India that is just lying there and has been for a long time. What he thought I might find appealing were his plans for how small-scale mining could dovetail with a model of agriculture aimed at restoring Indian soils, which have been seriously degraded by decades of ‘green revolution’ chemical poisoning, and a roll... more »
Economic News , Data & views ( January 3 , 2016 ) Around The Horn ( 1. Debt Outlook Item for 2016. 2. Childbirth concern - Italy. 3. Spain Political Updates . Ukraine/ Russian Items Of Note . 5. Poland In focus . 6. Refugee Items Of Interest . 8. Turkey / Erdogan In focus . 9. Saudi Arabia / Iran In Focus . 10. Odd& Ends. )
Around The Horn....... Overview...... *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 22h 22 hours ago We are entering 2016 w/ debt ratios at all-time records, 35ppts higher than pre-#Lehman. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/econom ics/12076813/Economic-sweet-spot-of-2016-before-the-reflation-storm.html … [image: Embedded image permalink] Europe..... *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts 2m 2 minutes ago Catalonia heads to new election in March http://bit.ly/1PFU8qQ /via @ *POLITICOEurope* #*Spain* *The Spain Report* @thespainreport 2... more »
Guardian editor scores 4/24 on UK Citizenship Test
Helen Pidd *The Sunday Mirror* has got its hands on some of the questions from the UK Citizenship Test and has put them to its readers in the form of a quiz. It's a fun test (if you're future doesn't depend on it), so you might like to try it too: *Can YOU pass the UK Citizenship Test?* With a bit of 'inspired' guessing at times I managed 21/24, so I'd be 'in' as you need 18/24 to pass. The participants in this morning's paper review on *BBC Breakfast *- Helen Pidd of *The Guardian *and BBC presenters Jon Kay and Steph McGovern - might well be 'out' though. They were all very ... more »
Boba Fett Is Dead
[image: boba-fett-disney] Jason Wingreen, the character actor who provided the voice of Boba Fett in "The Empire Strikes Back," died late last month at the age of 95. Wingreen had a long career that included an extended run on "All in the... Continue reading *“Boba Fett Is Dead”* at *recode.net*.
San Francisco’s Black Rhino, Oldest in North America, Is 45
[image: Black Rhino Birthday_perr] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The San Francisco Zoo celebrated the 45th birthday of the oldest black rhinoceros in North America with a special cake of rolled oats and molasses. The exact date of Elly’s birth isn’t known, as she was...more »
Obama’s DOJ Demands More Prison Time for Ranchers; Protesters Seize Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
[image: Harney_County,_Oregon,_sign__1451827149_173.71.16.53] Make a mistake on federal land, even when you have permission, and you may find yourself going to prison for terrorism. That’s the experience of Dwight and Steven Hammond, a father and son who own a family ranch in southern... more »
Muslim Students Demand TOTAL BAN of All ‘Islamophobic Speech’ at Taxpayer-Funded College
[image: San Diego State University Welcome Sign.] The Muslim Student Association at San Diego State University is calling on officials at the public, taxpayer-funded school to develop a formal policy outlawing political speech they dislike. The demand to suppress free speech is part of a larger list of... Continue reading *“Muslim Students Demand TOTAL BAN of All ‘Islamophobic Speech’ at Taxpayer-Funded College”* at *dailycaller.com*.
Elizabeth Warren And Chuck Schumer Will Have To Co-Exist
Elizabeth Warren is the symbol of a political creed based on humanistic values geared towards the principles our country was founded on and the ideals for which we all strive. Chuck Schumer is the grubby avatar of Wall Street greed and avarice and a kind of public corruption that stinks to high heaven and enables the reactionary Republican Party. On New Year's Eve, *Politico* ran a piece by Zach Warmbrodt about hope: Warren Sets Stage To Wield More Influence In 2016. The short version: "2015 showcased Warren's knack for gaining effective, lasting influence by seizing moments of co... more »
U.S. Arms Exporters To The Middle East Were The Big Winners In 2015
*Joyce Karam, Al Arabiya*: *2015 winner in Middle East: U.S. arms exporters* 46.6 billion U.S. dollars is the average estimate for arms sales from the United States to the world in 2015. Big chunk of those receipts have gone to the Middle East where four wars are simultaneously being waged and military spending is at an all-time high. 2015 had many ups and downs, with no winner or loser on the regional battlefield. The so-called Islamic State (ISIS) scored victories in Palmyra and Deir Zour in the first half of the year, but witnessed defeats in Ramadi and Houla in the second half.... more »
The Next U.S. President Will Be Facing Some Hard Decisions To Make On The U.S. Of Military Force
*David Ignatius, Washington Post:* *The next president will face tricky military questions* Making New Year’s predictions is tricky in this turbulent world, but here’s one fairly safe bet: The next president will propose a more assertive U.S. foreign policy. Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, has often sounded nearly as hawkish about the use of military force as the Republican contenders. But what would a new U.S. assertiveness mean, in practical terms? What can U.S. military power do, realistically, to combat the Islamic State and other threats more effectively? How ... more »
It seems odd...
This is a fair point, as far as I can see, from Quentin Letts (the BBC Trust's 'very naughty boy') on Twitter:
Democracy Is Not Good
[image: iStock_voter id laws texas voter fraud__1438859166_70.119.142.63] Okay, I picked a provocative title. What thoughts should it provoke? Please bracket your dark suspicions that I might be stumping for an emperor in America, and let us reason together. Is democracy really "good"? If so, in what sense?... more »
Protesters Take Over Wildlife Refuge Building in Oregon
[image: Ranching Standoff Pro_perr__1451849250_173.71.16.53] BURNS, Ore. (AP) -- A family previously involved in a showdown with the federal government has occupied a building at a national wildlife refuge in Oregon and is asking militia members to join them. Ammon Bundy -- the son of Nevada... more »
Merkel’s Bold Move and Needed Correction
[image: Angela Merkel, Germany] Time magazine made a solid news judgment in naming German Chancellor Angela Merkel its 2015 “Person of the Year.” The flood of refugees and immigrants from the Middle East and Africa into Europe, the greatest wave of migrants since World... more »
Obama Returns from Hawaii Saying He’s ‘Fired Up’ for 2016
[image: In this Jan. 20, 2015 file-pool photo, President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama is returning to the rancor of the nation's capital Sunday after two weeks of fun and sun in his native Hawaii, saying he's "fired up" for his final year in office and ready to tackle unfinished business. His final State of the Union address, scheduled for Jan. 12, 2016, is a high-profile opportunity for the president to try to reassure the public about his national security stewardship after... more »
Physics Professor lists 10 reasons to challenge ‘Global Warming’ claims
By Paul Homewood http://www.dailywire.com/news/2071/most-comprehensive-assault-global-warming-ever-mike-van-biezen There is an excellent summary by Mike van Biezen of everything that is wrong with standard global warming theory. There is nothing new in what he says, but it is a good round up of the points many of us have been making. Van Biezen is adjunct professor at […]
Sunday Song
PROOF THAT OLD ROCKERS NEVER GO DOWN QUIETLY !!This is a must watch video for your weekend. Posted by Atlantis Music on Friday, August 3, 2012
Iran, Saudi Arabia in War of Words over Executed Shiite Cleric
[image: Shiite cleric] TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran’s top leader on Sunday warned Saudi Arabia of “divine revenge” over the execution of an opposition Shiite cleric while Riyadh accused Tehran of supporting terrorism, escalating a war of words hours after protesters stormed the...more »
Beautiful Churches: Tree Church
[image: Tree Church Front - 900] The Tree Church in Ohaupo, New Zealand which seats 100 people, is built almost entirely out of living trees. The architect, Barry Cox intended it to be a retreat from society when he first started it in 2011. Cox was... more »
*Former equality chief slams 'witless and reprehensible' campaign to remove statue of Rhodes from Oxford college* *I have already mentioned this campaign on TONGUE-TIED so will repeat here what I said there:Most of the assertions by the black campaigner are somewhere between exaggeration and outright lies. Cecil Rhodes looted nobody. He was a mine owner who paid his miners better money that they had ever had before. Most were originally subsistence farmers with no cash income. Without him and other businessmen like him, there would have been no mines. It is true that ... more »
New Blogs December/Jan 2016
New month. New year. New(ish) blogs. 67 Job Applications in a Fortnight and Sanctioned (Unaligned) Jess on Politics (Labour) (Twitter) The Alternative Politics (Labour) (Twitter) The Wilderness Years (Labour) (Twitter) Thomas Mauchline (Labour) (Twitter) University of London IWGB (Uanligned/Union) If you know of any new blogs that haven't featured before then drop me a line via the comments, email, Facebook or Twitter. Please note I'm looking for blogs that have started within the last 12 months. The new blog round up appears on the first Sunday of every month, usually.
*Global warming "science" on display* *One recent article below says that particulate pollution, soot, causes warming. The second says it causes cooling. More evidence that Warmism is a deeply irrational religion. Warmists are not really scientists at all. They only play at it. They just grab any silly theory that leads to the conclusion they want* *Soot is bad* Among climate scientists, the consensus is that we must become carbon-neutral by 2050 to avoid catastrophic environmental disruptions. Negotiators at the recent summit in Paris accordingly focused on curbing carbon di... more »
ARGHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!! 1/3/2016 [image: Picture] Well, the Google Monster has struck once again. My old computer died- the one that had all my passwords and password and account information..... now I can't access of of my oldest blog accounts from 2009, OR my adsense account which is attached from that account to all of my other blogger accounts!!! Google has NO "contact us", no way listed to get through- even by simple email- to a human being. All of their "security questions" rely on you having access to your account in order to answer them (ie: "List 5 email addresses ... more »
Obamacare Repeal Vote to Open a Polarized Year in Congress
[image: Washington D.C., Capitol Hill, Congress, Storm Clouds] WASHINGTON (AP) -- It’s been like a long-delayed New Year’s resolution for Republicans. But 2016 will finally be the year when they put legislation on President Barack Obama’s desk repealing his health care law. The bill undoing the president’s prized... more »
Canada's Role In Iraq And Syria
http://blogs.vancouversun.com/ The Conservatives -- and the Right Wing Media -- accuse Justin Trudeau of cowardice for withdrawing from the bombing mission in Iraq and Syria. But Errol Mendes writes that, in the war against Deash -- which means "those who crush something underfoot" -- much more than air strikes will win the day: The ultimate victory against Daesh will be accomplished not only by formal military means but also by the civilized world developing an effective counter–narrative, and through the political settlement of justifi...more »
Day 11 - 4th January, 2016
*11 Pipers ...er.....Piping*
The Problem with Proportional.
Fair Vote Canada in an *open letter* sent to the Prime Minister has come out strongly for the Democratic Voting Task Force to involve citizens from the beginning on Trudeau's pledge to have reform studied by an all-party committee, that is as it should be. However as with the NDPs platform pledge (*and now even the Greens*) they then say, while calling on the Task Force to conduct wide-reaching consultations, that Fair Vote Canada is clear - the government must come down in favour of some system of proportional representation (PR). Having been looking at electoral reform options for... more »
K-PAX V - Gene Brewer - rereading reinforces my opinion that...
*author Gene Brewer* in 2014, my review of K-PAX V went online @ Zone-SF http://www.zone-sf.com/wordworks/kpaxfive.html rereading Gene Brewer's K-PAX V over the Xmas break reinforces my opinion that... a) Gene is one of the best speculative writers on the scene at the moment. b) he's probably never going to forgive me for my 3/5 review of his fifth novel in the K-PAX series. to which I say, "Of all the species on this Free Planet, mankind is one ludicrously half-baked fuck-wit of a race who will do anything they're told in the name of some insane corporate fantasy scenario involvin... more »
Surreal: West Mourns Death of Al Qaeda Collaborator in Syrian Airstrike
Jaysh al-Islam is a stalwart ally of US State Department-listed terrorist organization al-Nusra, though one would never suspect as much reading weepy Western eulogies over the terrorist organization leader's death. *January 3, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The commander of terrorist organization and Al Qaeda affiliate Jaysh al-Islam (the Army of Islam), "Sheikh" Zahran Alloush, was killed in a Syrian airstrike this week in the suburbs of Damascus. In a surreal, coordinated propaganda campaign, the Western media sidestepped Alloush's praise of and coordination with US State Depa... more »
Author and film-maker Peter Valentino says "NYC was nuked on 911" in The PAPAMUNDI Files
*Peter Valentino*it's been a long while since the Free Planet blog highlighted the efforts of Russian nuke-commander Dimitri A Khalezov to convince everyone in the modern world that a) NYC was nuked on 911 and b) no planes were used. Khalezov's assertion has always been that WTC 1, 2 and 7 were each brought down by a 150 kiloton 70m deep underground nuke (as part of their original design spec) was big news for a while then NOTHING... Oh, apart from Judy Wood asking, "Where did the Towers go?" Now, author and film-maker Peter Valentino has put together a to-camera piece called *the P... more »
The monotheistic BBC
Julian Fellowes, creator of Downton Abbey, has been speaking to the *Mail on Sunday, *and he's had some interesting things to say about the BBC: Fellowes says: ‘I have read that we went to the BBC with Downton and were turned down, but it’s not true. 'They were not, they are not, happy with dramas that do not reflect their own political and philosophical viewpoint. 'The great thing about making Downton Abbey with ITV was that they let us get on with it. The BBC wouldn’t have done that.’ Does he mean the BBC is too left-wing to have been sympathetic to the aristocratic Crawle... more »
It was money and mollycoddling that ruined the banking industry. We don't need a review of Banking Culture, we need a review of Regulatory Culture.
In December 2015 the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ditched its Banking Culture Review. In its 2015/16 plan the FCA promised this “Culture Review” of banks stating: “In 2015/16 we will conduct a new thematic review on whether culture change programmes in retail and wholesale banks are driving the right behaviour, in particular focusing on remuneration, appraisal and promotion
Vietnam Protests China's First Flight And Landing On A Newly Constructed Airstrip In the Spartly Islands
AMTI *The Diplomat*: *Vietnam Protests as China Lands Civilian Aircraft on Newly Constructed Spratly Airstrip* *The Vietnamese foreign ministry described the move as a “serious infringement” of its sovereignty.* The status of China’s artificial islands in the disputed Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea hit a new milestone on Saturday. China landed a civilian aircraft on Fiery Cross Reef, drawing a sharp reaction from the Vietnamese government. Le Hai Binh, a spokesperson for the Vietnamese foreign ministry, said that a Chinese aircraft had landed on the 3000 meter airstri... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 3, 2015
[image: American Soldier reading the News in Cambodia - 900] American soldier during the Vietnam War’s Cambodian Campaign, reading the Stars and Stripes - Wikipedia.com
2016: communist snitches are in charge of everything again
For many years, I have been proud about the velvet character of the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia. We did it nicely and it was possible. We didn't execute the leaders – like the Romanians did. Even the communist party was allowed to exist – and, unlike other countries, it has never changed its name in an effort to "improve its image" (which was mostly a sign of hypocrisy in the other countries). Despite this fact, communists have stayed out of all governments since the first free 1990 elections (so far). Instead, our politicians have only introduced some soft laws designed to ... more »
These Are The Issues That Will Shape The Middle East In 2016
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, center, holds an Iraqi flag in the city of Ramadi on December 29, after the army retook the city center from ISIS. STRINGER/REUTERS *Jack Moore, Newsweek:* *Nine Issues That Will Shape The Middle East In 2016* *From the battle to retake Mosul to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, these are the key developments that will change the Middle East in the coming year—for better or worse.* *1. Mosul* Iraqi forces, supported by U.S.-led coalition air strikes and local Sunni tribesmen, liberated the city of Ramadi from the Islamic State mi... more »
The Only Country That The Islamic State Fears In The Middle East Is Israel
*Washington Times:* *Israel is the only army ISIS fears, says western journalist allowed into caliphate* Jürgen Todenhöfer was allowed into the territory of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, and spent 10 days among the terrorists. The German reporter said ISIS told him Israel is not included in the ISIS first stage of colonization of the Middle East and that ISIS does not fear U.K. or U.S. soldiers but sees IDF soldiers as a “real threat” to the Islamic State. “The only country ISIS fears is Israel — they told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them. They think th... more »
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