Vietnam Accuses China Of Threatening Regional Air Security In The South China Sea
*BBC*: *Vietnam accuses China of threatening regional air safety* Vietnam has accused China of threatening regional air safety by conducting unannounced flights through its airspace to a disputed reef in the South China Sea, state media reported. Forty-six such incidents were logged by aviation authorities in the first week of January, the reports said. Protest letters have been sent to Beijing and the UN's aviation body. Vietnam is among several nations challenging China's claims of sovereignty in the area. *WNU Editor:* Vietnam is also going beyond just issuing protests .... *V... more »
North Korea Makes A Very Good Point About Nuclear Deterrence
*The leader's good humour raises the morale of the people and adds to the bitterness of the country's irrational enemies. * *An excerpt from, "‘H-bomb of justice’: Pyongyang brings up Iraq & Libya doom as nuclear deterrence justification" RT, January 9, 2016: * Pyongyang called nuclear deterrence the *“strongest treasured sword”* in protecting peace and security. Referencing the US-led NATO interventions in Iraq in 2003 and in Libya in 2011, the North argued that the possession of nuclear weapons by those countries at the time could have averted their demise. *“The Saddam Hussein... more »
Obama Hints At Closing Guantanamo Bay By Executive Order
President Obama has vowed to keep his promise to close Guantanamo Bay before his presidency end this month, according to White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. The U.S. President says he will give Congress a chance to close the detention facility, before moving to the next step if they fail to act. He has hinted that if Congress fail to approve plans to close the controversial prison, he will use executive powers in order to do so. Presstv.com reports: “He feels an obligation to the next president. He will fix this so that they don’t have to be confronted with the same set of ... more »
British Intelligence Tried To Recruit ‘Jihadi John’, Says Report
Britain’s intelligence agency MI5 attempted to recruit ISIS militant ‘Jihadi John’ in order to become a double agent gathering intelligence on the Islamic State for Britain. The ISIS militant, who’s real name is Siddhartha Dhar, managed to flee to Syria before MI5 persuaded him to join. Thehindu.com reports: Dhar, who was dubbed the “new Jihadi John” after he emerged as the key suspect as the masked terrorist seen in a recent IS video threatening an attack on Britain, was allegedly contacted twice by MI5 officers before he was arrested for terrorist offences, the Sunday Times repo... more »
China Orders Banks To Drop The U.S. Dollar
China have suspended their banks from the Foreign Exchange markets and ordered them to stop buying U.S. Dollars. China’s foreign exchange regulator has ordered bank’s to limit the purchases of U.S. dollars for at least one month in an attempt to stem capital outflows. Superstation95.com reports: The move comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sharp slide in the Yuan currency to multi-year lows, raising fears of more capital flight. All banks in certain trading hubs, including Shenzhen, rec... more »
Nestle, Pepsi Fined For Hiding GMO Ingredients
Six major food manufacturers, including Nestle, and PepsiCo have been given fines by the Brazilian government due to the concealment of GMO ingredients in the labelling of their products. The fines range from $277,400 to just over $1 million, totalling $3 million altogether. Nationofchange.org reports: The ministry’s decision came after a 2010 investigation carried out by Brazil’s Consumer Protection Agency, Senacon, which detected GMOs in various food products sold by the companies in Brazilian markets. Senacon accused the companies of violating Brazilian consumer rights, including... more »
British Columbia LNG Spinfest Continues...AltaCorp and AltaGas Edition
*Written By Grant* Here we go again.....I have written on many occasions ....Every time when bad news on the LNG front rears it`s ugly head out comes LNG spin articles from the BC Liberal spindoctors....We had a waste of words article about the British Columbia Oil and Gas commission about how granted LNG Canada(Shell) a "key permit"....Then we had the energy industry captive regulator, also know as the NEB story about how they granted a 40 year export license.... We already beat those dead horse articles into the ground in this posting. http://powellriverpersuader.blogspot.ca... more »
Can The GOP Establishment Stop Trumpf Without Enabling Cruz?
What do delusional wing nuts say to each other when they're alone-- even alone on a radio station in the country's biggest media market? Well on the nutty 970-AM show John Catsimatidis does on Sundays, crackpot "economist" Arthur Laffer said that he will be surprised "if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50" in the November election. "I think we’re going to landslide this election... When I look at these candidates, I don’t see one of them who wouldn’t do a great job as president. I think Donald Trump is phenomenal, I think Rand Paul has done a great job, I ev... more »
Russian President Putin Interviewed By The German Newspaper Bild
Russian President Vladimir Putin at his residence in Sochi on January 5th. Bild *Business Insider/BILD*: *Putin defends Russia's recent aggression, blames US and Europe for rising tensions* Germany's leading newspaper Bild has published an exclusive interview with Russia's president Vladimir Putin. In partnership with Bild, Business Insider has published an English translation below. Putin discussed the Kremlin's relationship with Germany, tensions with the NATO alliance, and the common threat of terrorism Russia shares with the West. Putin — currently juggling Russia's interve... more »
Did The CIA Recruit Actor Sean Penn?
Twitter was set ablaze this week as rumours emerged that Hollywood actor Sean Penn might be a CIA spy. The actor met with one of the world’s most wanted drug lords, El Chapo, in the jungle shortly before he was apprehended by the Mexican military. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Supposedly the entire ‘clandestine horror show’ – as Penn put it – was part of a research project to develop a Netflix-style drama about Guzmán and his prison break. Though Penn insists he went to extreme lengths to hide the meeting from authorities, the details have sparked widespread speculation that he was in f... more »
Rove: If Herr Trumpf Is The Nominee, The GOP Will Lose The White House And The Senate
The U.K. sports betting site PaddyPower.com, has a politics section and a U.S. politics subsection. They're giving odds that Rubio edges out Herr Trumpf for the GOP nomination and they're giving odds that Hillary will be the next president. They give 200 to 1 odds on Santorum getting the nomination and 300 to 1 odds that Santorum wins the presidency. No where in their calculus though is the deadlocked, brokered convention and a Paul Ryan nomination. Apparently Rove takes up some space at the *Wall Street Journal* every year with a column-full of predictions. Poor man must be in a... more »
Aid Has Yet To Arrive To The Starving Syrians Of Madaya
*New York Times*: *Starving Syrians in Madaya Are Denied Aid Amid Political Jockeying* BEIRUT, Lebanon — In the hills near the Lebanese border, an hour’s drive from downtown Damascus, much of a Syrian town is starving, according to residents and international humanitarian workers. The town, Madaya, is controlled by rebels and encircled by pro-government forces with barbed wire, land mines and snipers. The people in the town make soups of grass, spices and olive leaves. They eat donkeys and cats. They arrive, collapsing, at a clinic that offers little but rehydration salts. Neighb... more »
Three Theories of Donald Trump’s Rise
[image: Donald Trump's rise] "HOW TRUMP WON" blares the headline on this week's Time magazine cover in 80-point Duplicate Ionic. "Now he just needs the votes," whispers the small subheadline underneath. Oh, just that little detail? Trump actually needs people to vote for him?... Continue reading *“Three Theories of Donald Trump’s Rise”* at *fivethirtyeight.com*.
Do The Clintons Believe In Aliens?
*Daily Mail*: *Hillary to open the X-Files: Clinton promises to 'get to the bottom' of Area 51 if she becomes President and stuns reporter by saying 'I think we may have been visited already'* * Hillary Clinton reportedly made the promise when speaking with The Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire * Clinton had previously interviewed with the same reporter in 2007 * In 2014, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if aliens visited Earth * Hillary Clinton appeared to agree with her husband's comments last week * She said she would 'get to the bot... more »
In support of voluntary euthanasia
*Blogger Mark Hubbard checked out from his own blog a few weeks back with **this post* *. He very kindly joins us here this week with this guest post based on his submission to the forthcoming select committee hearing on euthanasia…* *Of course* New Zealanders should have the appropriate law under which I, and they, have the *choice* to die with dignity if my personal circumstances warrant it--and not just in cases of *terminal* illness. I only wonder why it has taken so long to look at this issue, and how can individuals from that major lobby against euthanasia, Christians, b... more »
What Do the Oregon Standoff, Third World Poverty and the Ukrainian Famine Have in Common?
[image: ukraine_famine] Last time I showed how the Oregon showdown centers on property rights, and the federal government's attempt to clear out private farmers so it can keep on expanding public land. Private property is a fundamental right, which Pope Leo XIII went...more »
Will The Iran - Saudi Rift Impact The Syrian Peace Talks
*Reuters*: *Saudi Arabia, Iran say dispute won't affect Syria talks* Saudi Arabia and Iran said on Sunday that an escalating dispute between the two countries would not affect international efforts to end the war in Syria, even as a large Syrian rebel group cast doubt on the United Nations-led peace process. The U.N. envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said in a statement after meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in Tehran that Iran had assured him that the row would not upset talks set for later this month. De Mistura is shuttling around the region to shore up support f... more »
The Rift Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Continues
*Defense News:* *Saudi Arabia Provoked Iran To Cover Economic Woes, Analysts Say* DUBAI and WASHINGTON — The ongoing standoff between Saudi Arabia and Iran is born out the kingdom's economic woes, according to Gulf analysts. Saudi Arabia faces significant problems on multiple fronts, including new and serious domestic and foreign policy concerns. "Its economy is suffering considerably from the low cost of petroleum, which, for complex reasons, Riyadh itself is helping to maintain," said Hussien Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. "Curre... more »
Pope Francis Answers the Question: What Might Have Been?
[image: John Paul I] In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and Americans ever since have pondered what might have been. Fifteen years later, the Catholic Church faced the same question about Pope John Paul I, the "Smiling Pope" who exuded warmth and... Continue reading *“Pope Francis Answers the Question: What Might Have Been?”* at *cruxnow.com*.
Phoenix VA Execs to Return to Work after Almost Two Years of Administrative Leave
[image: PHOENIX, AZ - MAY 08: Exterior view of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center on May 8, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona. The Department of Veteran Affairs has come under fire after reports of the deaths of 40 patients forced to wait for medical care at the Phoenix VA hospital.] Phoenix VA executive Lance Robinson recently said he wants to be fired or put back to work, and it looks like he'll get his wish. After remaining on administrative leave for almost two years because of close proximity to the... more »
"You Can Never Tell..."
"You can never tell what people have inside them until you start taking it away, one hope at a time." - Gregory David Roberts
Satire: “ISIS Chief Abruptly Cancels Meeting with Sean Penn”
*“ISIS Chief Abruptly Cancels Meeting with Sean Penn”* by Andy Borowitz HOLLYWOOD (The Borowitz Report)—Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terror group known as ISIS, has cancelled a long awaited meeting with the actor Sean Penn, a spokesman for the group announced on Sunday. The spokesman gave no reason for the abrupt cancellation, but said that al-Baghdadi no longer felt that meeting with Penn would be “prudent.” A publicist for the film actor said that he was “disappointed” by the sudden termination of his appointment with the ISIS chief, and noted that Penn had gotten hims...more »
"How It Really Is"
That won't save you. If it could, I'd join you...
The Poet: William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming"
*"The Second Coming"* *․ * "Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the h...more »
Two-Faced War Criminal Obama Tries To Score Moral Points By Inviting Syrian Refugee To The State Of Union Address
*Two-faced war criminal and terrorist supporter President Obama is trying to score moral points with his brainwashed public and with the world by inviting a Syrian refugee to his State of Union Address.* *An excerpt from, "Syrian refugee among first lady's guests for State of Union" by Kevin Freking, AP, January 10, 2016:* A Syrian scientist stricken with cancer and seeking a new start for his family in Michigan will represent Syrian refugees as a guest of first lady Michelle Obama for the president's final State of the Union address. President Barack Obama has committed to accepti... more »
Jan. 10: Books, books.
When thinking about current events, it helps to take a look at history. It's a little tricky to do that because we all have prejudices that get in the way of seeing history as it really was. For example, the popular view of the history of world war two is that we – Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Britain (and maybe France) defeated Hitler in that war. The first hole in that version is that, despite de Gaulle, a very large part of France agreed with Hitler and supported the Axis side. But there's also a much bigger hole in it. The greater part, by far, of the German forces... more »
The most dangerous Man on the Planet
Muammad Bin Suluman? Has any country in the world been more destructive in the past 30 years than Saudi Arabia? The question is where they leading or being led? All the good guys are were they best allies and enablers.
Killer Headline From CES Las Vegas
ISIS launches driverless car bomb!
(Trumped Self!) White Men in Cargo Pants Were Shooters in San Bernardino (Another Fabricated Jobs Report - New Jobs Pay Less & Are Part-Time No Benefits) How America's Corrupt Press Are Destroying the Country
Start with a funny? Trumpf really has been a godsend for the Clinton Machine. He's turned her most fearsome rival - the son and brother of two presidents into a national laughing stock, destroyed the Bush family brand and wasted at least $200 million that would have been deployed more destructively against Democrats. He's brought the GOP into a state of anarchy and discord so intense that it
French Premier, Jewish Leaders Mark Attack on Kosher Market
[image: French President Francois Hollande, 2nd right, and mayor of Montrouge Jean-Loup Metton, right, lay a wreath of flowers honoring late policewoman Clarissa Jean-Philippe who died in last year's January attacks in Montrouge south of Paris, Saturday Jan. 9, 2016. Hollande is honoring 17 victims killed in Islamic extremist attacks on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, a kosher market and police a year ago this week, unveiling plaques around Paris marking violence that ushered in a tumultuous year.] PARIS (AP) -- France’s prime minister lamented the growing number of departures of ... more »
Powerful US Bomber Flies over South Korea as Standoff Deepens
[image: A U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber flies over Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. The powerful U.S. B-52 bomber flew low over South Korea on Sunday, a clear show of force from the United States as a Cold War-style standoff deepened between its ally Seoul and North Korea following Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test.] OSAN AIR BASE, South Korea (AP) -- A powerful U.S. B-52 bomber flew low over South Korea on Sunday, a clear show of force from the United States as a Cold War-style standoff deepened between its ally Seoul and North... more »
Trump Praises North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un For Being A Dictator
US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has praised North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong-Un, for being a tough dictator. Trump is in awe of Kim Jong-Un for the way he ruthlessly exterminates his adversaries, considering his young age. “You’ve got to give him credit,” Trump said. The Donald went on to say: “Even though it is a culture, and it’s a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible.” The Independent reports: Speaking at a Republican rally in Iowa on Saturday, Mr Trump was met with a silent protest as he repeated his now-familiar assertion that M... more »
Egypt’s First Parliament in Three Years Convenes
[image: Egypt's legislature meets for the first time in three years, a 596-seat chamber packed with supporters of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, Cairo, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. The assembly, elected in November and December, is also the first elected chamber since el-Sissi, as military chief, led the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi in 2013 following massive protests against the Islamist leader and his Muslim Brotherhood.] CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt’s first legislature in more than three years, a 596-seat chamber packed with supporters of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, held its inaugura... more »
GOP Strategist: Ted Cruz Will Win Iowa Caucus, Beat Trump
[image: Iowa caucus] “It'll be between Trump and Cruz, and if I had to bet a dime, I think it will be Cruz,” Rich Galen told The Hill. Continue reading *“GOP Strategist: Ted Cruz Will Win Iowa Caucus, Beat Trump”* at *thehill.com*.
No Foreign Policy Risks For President Obama In His Final Year
U.S. President Barack Obama pauses as he holds his end of the year news conference at the White House in Washington December 18, 2015. REUTERS/CARLOS BARRIA *Matt Spetalnick, Reuters:* *As foreign crises pile up, Obama seen taking few risks in final year* As Barack Obama prepares to deliver his final State of the Union address on Tuesday night, the U.S. president and his aides have insisted he will not be content simply to run out the clock on foreign policy and is acting decisively to tackle crises piling up around the globe. But former U.S. officials and experts familiar with th... more »
Another 10 (+ 1): replies to Dana Nuccitelli.
*Anthony Cox* This 10 worst is in response to serial alarmist, Dana Nuccitelli’s response to Roy Spencer’s10 ( + 1) best sceptical arguments against alarmism. Dana did his little rejoinder some time ago but as far as I can tell no one has taken him to task. Dana’s 10 are so egregious and wrong I had to respond. Dana previously photoshopped himself as a Nazi SourceDana starts with a snide crack about Roy’s comment about *global warming Nazis*, which is an ironic (not that Dana would appreciate the irony) reversal of the alarmists’ frequent comparison of sceptics with Holocaust denier... more »
Election.... from 1977
A friend who is cleaning out his grandfather's closets sent this to me: This is an article we found hidden inside an old radio from November 5th, 1977. It describes the upcoming local elections and describes how there are 58 candidates running with 41 representing he KMT and 17 dangwai. This election would prove to be a watershed moment in Taiwan's democratic history as one of the dangwai candidates was none other than Hsu Hsin-Laing, and the ballot irregularities in his district would go on to spark the Chung-Li incident in which the regime was forced to show its weak hand amid... more »
Millionaire Rapper Blac Youngsta Detained By Atlanta Police By Mistake
Rapper ‘Blac Youngsta’ was detained outside an Atlanta bank after withdrawing $200,000 on Friday. In a case of mistaken identity, the Georgia Wells Fargo bank confused him with a suspected check fraudster. The 25-year-old millionaire said they targeted him because he was black and rich and didn’t fit their stereotype. NY Daily News reports: Sam Benson, who goes by the stage name Blac Youngsta, says he’s a millionaire and he definitely had enough socked away to withdraw $200,000 to buy a new luxury sedan. He and his entourage stopped by a Wells Fargo Friday afternoon during a tour st...more »
Ranchers’ Cause, Not Tactics, Gains Support in GOP Circles
[image: Ranching Standoff Pro_perr__1451849250_173.71.16.53] DENVER (AP) -- Republicans have widely condemned the armed standoff by a group of ranchers to reclaim federal land in eastern Oregon, but their goal of taking back some of Washington’s vast holdings in the West has gained traction in... more »
Arab League Condemns Iranian ‘Meddling’ in Arab Affairs
[image: Arab foreign ministers attend an emergency Arab League session in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016. At the meeting Arab foreign ministers called on Arab states to take a clear position against Iran's alleged meddling in Arab affairs. Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir accused Iran at an emergency Arab League session of intentionally failing to protect Saudi diplomatic posts.] CAIRO (AP) -- Arab foreign ministers, with the exception of Lebanon, condemned in a Sunday statement what they called Iran’... more »
B-52 Nuclear Bomber Flies Over South Korea To Remind Kim Jong Un
The United States flew a B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear bombs over its ally South Korea yesterday. The move was a show of force, to remind North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, after his country carried out a nuclear test last week, who is boss when it comes to self defense. Reuters UK video: The U.S. deploys a B-52 bomber and fighter jets to fly over its ally South Korea, in a show of alliance following North Korea’s nuclear test. Rough cut (no reporter narration). The Straits Times reports: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un maintained that last Wednesday’... more »
The Lady of Shalott (detail)
Details from masterworks can often be as engrossing as the main canvas. This nearly abstract section of John William Waterhouse's Lady of Shallot is given life by the beautifully drawn small bird. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
The Evil And Insane Governments In The U.S. And UK Give The World Another ISIL Figurehead
*Out with the old, in with the new.* "Last year, the former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas revealed that "two years before the Arab spring", he was told in London that a war on Syria was planned. "I am going to tell you something," he said in an interview with the French TV channel LPC, "I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria... Britain was organising an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer Minister for Foreign... more »
Are North Korean's Crazy?
Warlike: The 30-year-old dictator has issued a series of thundering pronouncements directed at the West *Joel S. Wit, New York Times*: *How ‘Crazy’ Are the North Koreans?* Washington — AS someone who has spent most of the past 25 years of his professional life in the United States government, think tanks and academia trying to stop the North Korean nuclear weapons program, I found last week’s nuclear test and the events that followed depressingly familiar. They reminded me of Captain Renault’s famous line from “Casablanca” just before he shuts down Rick’s Café: “I’m shocked, shocke... more »
The Economy: “Are We Seeing The Beginning Of A 90% Fall In Stocks?”
*“Are We Seeing The Beginning Of A 90% Fall In Stocks?”* by Egon von Greyerz “We ended 2015 as yet another year when most investors felt safe with their stocks, bonds, property and other investments. But sentiment can change very quickly and since the year end the Chinese market is down 14%, the S&P down 6% and most global markets down 6-10%. Most investors had been hoping that the investment Shangri-La would continue for another year. Little do they realize that current values in no way reflects real values or risk. As we know, markets can remain irrational for a very long time. T... more »
Call for Supplies as Oregon Standoff Enters Second Week
[image: Men stand guard after members of the "3% of Idaho" group along with several other organizations arrived at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016, near Burns, Ore. A small, armed group has been occupying a remote national wildlife refuge in Oregon for a week to protest federal land use policies.] BURNS, Ore. (AP) -- The occupation of national wildlife area by a small, armed group upset over federal land policies stretched into its second week as the mother of the group’s leader asked supporters to send supplies -- everything from warm... more »
Judge Dismisses Inmate’s Rights Lawsuit — With a Poem
[image: Pencil, Writing, Letter, Poem, Poetry] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A judge used a five-stanza poem to dismiss an Ohio prisoner’s lawsuit over bathroom access, writing that “neither runs nor constipation can justify this litigation.” Franklin County Judge David Cain concluded the inmate didn’t have a... more »
Over 200 Boys Abused In Choir Run By Pope Benedict’s Brother
At least 231 children in a choir that was run by the former Pope’s brother, have allegedly been beaten and sexually abused for decades. The famous Catholic boys’ choir in Germany was condcuted by Pope Benedict’s elder brother, Georg Ratzinger, from 1964 to 1994 when most of the claimed abuses took place. The journal.ie reports: The Domspatzen, a 1,000-year-old choir in Regensburg, Bavaria, was dragged into the massive sexual abuse scandal plaguing the Catholic Church in 2010, when allegations of assaults that took place several decades ago went public. The choir was run by Pope Ben... more »
Thousands Protest Against Monsanto In Argentina
Thousands took to the streets of the Argentinian capital, Buenos Aires on Friday to protest against Monsanto and its activities in the rural town of Malvinas Argentinas. The agro-industrial corporation has been planning to build the world’s biggest maize seed treatment plant in the location.. RT reports: Protests were also held in other cities across Argentina. Protesters marched in support of an activists’ camp, which is blocking the Monsanto-owned property in Malvinas Argentinas in the Cordoba region. The camp recently received an eviction notice from the authorities. Continuamos ... more »
Zephyr Teachout In The U.S. House Of Representatives?
You probably remember Zephyr Teachout's spectacular run against Andrew Cuomo in 2014. He beat her in the big city machine counties but she won Albany, where they know him best and she won up and down the Hudson Valley as well. In fact, of the 11 counties that make up NY-19, the seat Chris Gibson is giving up at the end of the year, Zephyr won 10. The biggest county in the district is Ulster, where she beat Cuomo 69.95% to 27.41%. Dutchess is the second biggest county and she beat him there 57.51%- 40.36%. The comes Rensselaer where it was Zephyr 63.42%, Cuomo 33.02%. In Columbia ... more »
White House Chief Of Staff: President Obama Will Close Guantanamo
A U.S. Army soldier closes the gate at maximum security prison Camp Delta at Guantanamo Naval Base August 25, 2004 in Guantanamo, Cuba. REUTERS/MARK WILSON/POOL *Reuters*: *Obama to make good on Guantanamo pledge: White House chief of staff* *President Barack Obama will make good on a promise to close the U.S. naval prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, his chief of staff Denis McDonough said on "Fox News Sunday."* Obama will first present a long-awaited plan to Congress about how to close the facility, and seek its approval, McDonough said in an interview. If Congress fails to act, th... more »
Pointless Memory
I remembered something. Reflected on it. Then, two days later, it popped into my head again. This is something I hadn't thought about at all in over a decade. 15 years I'd say. Check it out. It's 1988. I'm in London, Ontario. Hanging out with some people outside the now-departed Brunswick Hotel. Farther down, ... what was it? Talbot Street? About 8-10 storefronts, a couple are arguing. Well, he's arguing anyway. He's a very pretty boy in his early 20's, and she's a very cute little girl about the same age. But he's drunk and angry and she's scared/upset. I didn't know much about a... more »
The Book of Revelation - Professor Pagels
*"Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation" by Elaine Pagels (2012).* *Wikipedia:* Elaine Pagels, née Hiesey (born Palo Alto, California, February 13, 1943), is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. The recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, she is best known for her studies and writing on the Gnostic Gospels. Her popular books include The Gnostic Gospels (1979), Adam, Eve, and the Serpent (1988), The Origin of Satan (1995), Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas (2003), Reading Judas: The Gospel of Judas and th... more »
Spain’s Princess Cristina Faces Historic Tax Fraud Trial
[image: In this April 5, 2013 file photo, Spain's Princess Cristina is photographed as she walks toward her office in Barcelona, Spain. The 50-year-old princess and her husband are set to face anti-monarchy protesters and hordes of media Monday, Jan. 11, 2016 as they enter a makeshift courtroom and she makes history in front of millions of Spanish TV viewers as the first royal family member to face criminal charges since the monarchy was restored in 1975.] MADRID (AP) -- Visits to the palm-dotted Mediterranean island of Mallorca for Spain’s Princess Cristina used to mean luxurious st... more »
Missile Strikes Doctors Without Borders Clinic In Yemen Killing 4
A medical facility in Yemen supported by Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) was bombed Sunday morning, leaving four dead and 10 injured, the organization said. The facility was hit by a rocket on Sunday in the north of the country causing the collapse of several buildings. Three of the injured are MSF staff, two are in critical condition. For third time in 3 months, an @MSF health facility in #Yemen has been bombed. First #Haydan, then #Taiz, now #Razeh https://t.co/b7TW65U1Ro — MSF International (@MSF) January 10, 2016 In a statement on Twitter, Medecins Sans Front... more »
In my previous posts of Paul Craig Roberts exposure of the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (fake) December Payroll Jobs Report. Here is a detailed report of the suffering of American families three years ago. And clearly they are worse off today than they were then. Meanwhile the despicable mainstream media are handsomely paid to repeat the government's lies.
------------------------------ 37 Facts About How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families By The Economic Collapse Region: USA Global Research, December 23, 2015 Theme: Poverty & Social Inequality The Economic Collapse and Global Research 28 October 2012 First published in October 2012 *Have you ever laid in bed awake at night with a knot in y... more »
Germany Has Changed
*Quelle: Facebook* New Year's Eve in Cologne saw a huge number of sexual assaults and thefts in the main train station, pictured here, and on the square in front of the station. Witnesses spoke of around 1,000 men, many of them of North African or Arab descent, out of which gangs of pitpockets and sexual molesters emerged. *Spiegel Online*: *Chaos and Violence: How New Year's Eve in Cologne Has Changed Germany* New Year's Eve in Cologne rapidly descended into a chaotic free-for-all involving sexual assault and theft, most of it apparently committed by foreigners. It has launched a... more »
"Bank Bail-Ins: Depositors Die and Banks Live in Next Financial Calamity”
*"Depositors Die and Banks Live in Next Financial Calamity”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Public banking expert and attorney Ellen Brown says, *“Your life savings could be wiped out in a derivatives collapse.*” Brown explains, “Nobody anticipated what happened in 2008, and that was a $700 billion bailout. Even if the FDIC tapped its Treasury line, that’s only $500 billion. So, certainly things could go wrong. *Also, why are they rushing to put these things into place? They’re expecting something.”* Brown goes on to point out, “They think they have avoided too-big-to-fail, but w... more »
U.S. Air Force Wants To Double The Number Of Drone Pilots
US Air Force officials announced last month that enlisted personnel will be allowed to operate drones for the first time, such as this RQ-4 Global Hawk spy drone being secured for towing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif. (US Air Force/Miranda Moorer) *Military.com*: *Air Force Looks to Double Number of Drone Pilots* The US Air Force wants to double the number of units flying drones and recruit more pilots to decrease the burden on current crews as demand for the missions soars. The Air Force also recently allowed enlisted airmen to become drone pilots for the first time as the milit... more »
Australia First to Receive Electricity Using Zero-emission Wave Energy Generators
*Vic Bishop* - First commercial wave energy installation sends clean energy to power grid in Australia. The post Australia First to Receive Electricity Using Zero-emission Wave Energy Generators appeared first on Waking Times.
Debunking the Labour Party Coup Fantasy
One doesn't normally associate political commentary with the British Fantasy Society's short story competition, but former presser for HArold Wilson, Joe Haines, has produced a favourite for the 2016 title. In his heavily trailed piece for the *New Statesman*, Joe articulates an argument knocking about the fringes of Jeremy Corbyn's opponents in the party: that the PLP should call a leadership election and install a more acceptable figure in his place. Unfortunately for Joe, the kinds of manoeuvring he has in mind wouldn't past muster in Westeros, let alone Westminster. While there... more »
The Economy: "China Orders Banks To Stop Purchasing U.S. Dollars"
*"China Orders Banks To Stop Purchasing U.S. Dollars"* by Newsroom "In a stunning move, China has suspended some banks from Foreign Exchange markets and ordered other banks to stop buying dollars. China's foreign exchange regulator has ordered banks in some of the country's major import and export centers to limit purchases of U.S. dollars this month, three people with direct knowledge said, in the latest attempt to stem capital outflows. The move comes as China reported its biggest annual drop in foreign exchange reserves on record in 2015, while the central bank has allowed a sha... more »
First Age Map Of Milky Way Raises Questions About Our Origins
The first age map of the Milky Way shows that the Galaxy grew from a central point outwards or from the ‘inside out’. Considering that there is a Black Hole lurking somewhere in the center of all galaxies, that according to scientists will one day devour the entire galaxy, then the question remains – how did the galaxies form from an ‘inside’ or a point? Most of science assumes that the Universe came into existence from a singular point, devoid of measurements of time and space, instantly, at the moment of the ‘Big Bang.’ Where the universe will end up, has not yet been determined b... more »
Rogue Wave Wipes Out Australian Swimmers
Video footage shows the moment a rogue wave strikes a large group of people at a popular swimming hole south of Sydney over the weekend. myGCnews reports: Police say up to 150 people were swimming at the Figure of Eight Pools at Burning Palms in the Royal National Park at the time the waves hit around 2pm on Saturday, but only a handful were injured. Witnesses said the waves collected several people and swept them across rocks and oyster beds. A Westpac Life Saver spokesperson said at least one person was flown to hospital with serious head injuries. Two others were winched from the ... more »
Again, the unintended consequences of reducing suspensions
This from NYC. An admirable goal: reduce suspensions as the go to strategy for discipline. Reduced numbers will also look good, politically. It’s an easy metric to reference. But again, I’ve observed this same phenomenon. Many schools are tasked with reducing suspensions, yet are not given the budget or resources to provide alternatives. Keep numbers […]
The Economy: "Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships In-Transit- ALL Anchored Along Coasts; None Moving"
*"Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships In-Transit- * *ALL Anchored Along Coasts; None Moving"* by Newsroom "Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving. This has never happened before. It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped. *Click image for larger size.* The reason commerce has stopped is simple: People... more »
Vatileaks: Pope Says US Democracy Is Dead, Obama A “Dictator”
Pope Francis has called Barack Obama a “DICTATOR” and warned that he is “tearing up the constitution.” A disturbing Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the warning letter sent to the European Union in Brussels by the pope this week warns that Obama no longer respects the constitution and is shamelessly ignoring democratic process. In reference to Obama taking it upon himself to bypass Congress and begin changing laws this week, the report states, “Whether you agree or disagree with the idea of restricting firearm sales, the move by Obama was that of an apprentice dictator.” But...more »
A properly defined free will is an established scientific fact
Sabine Hossenfelder has argued that Free will is dead, let’s bury it. That's how things may have worked according to Newton's physics but the quote above has been shown incorrect by the discovery of quantum mechanics – well, at least with some sensible definition of a "free will". It looks like Ms Hossenfelder has slept at least since 1925 or, if we insist on rigorous proofs, since 2006. *Arthur Schopenhauer* In classical physics, the future was determined by the past. Humans were bound states of some particles or other classical degrees of freedom so they evolved in the way ful... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #125A Conversation with Ashtar SherrAn about a recent Trutwin Channeling,Telepathy exercises,Pleiadian and Andromedan Refugees, and General Banter
*The views expressed here are those of Ashtar Sherran as they came thru Denice. Text that is indented is text out of linear sequence but pertinent to the question being asked. This is done simple for reading clarity. The perceptions of the telepathic images are mine. -AK* [1/10/16, 3:21:23 AM] *AK/Terran: Denice, can you ask Sherran, who is the imposter that poses as him? http://cosmicascension.com/earths-ascension-and-how-the-event-will-unfold-a-message-from-ashtar-through-elizabeth-trutwin-january-9-2016/* *This so doesn't sound like Ashtar.* [1/10/16, 3:50:36 PM] *DENICE: As... more »
Parties to a disputed claim
In any court or regulatory tribunal there are a minimum of three participants. First, the party seeking an order. This the prosecutor in a criminal or regulatory matters or the plaintiff or applicant in a civil or family case. Second, the party seeking to avoid an order. This is the defendant or accused in a criminal or regulatory matter or the defendant or respondent in a civil or family matter. Finally the party who decides whether to make an order. This is the judge, justice of the peace or tribunal. Often the parties are made up of more than one person. So person making the... more »
Time For A Good House Cleaning In South Florida? Ready To Say "See Ya" To Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
In one of her typically dishonest campaign e-mails, this one just an hour ago, a panic-stricken Wasserman Schultz wrote: "Yes, it’s only January, but this race has already had its share of firsts-- and none of them are good. Last year was the earliest I’ve had an opponent file to run against me and the earliest I’ve had ads targeting me in my career. Republicans are trying to catch us off guard, and we can’t let them." Republicans have never been Wasserman Schultz's concern. Her carefully-gerrymandered district has very few of them and no GOP candidate against her has ever reached... more »
Modi And Monsanto: A Wake Up Call For India
RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents, CounterPunch, 4th Media Request for support Immediately prior to Narendra Modi being elected India’s PM last year, there were calls from some quarters for him to usher in a Thatcherite-style revolution. The hope was that he would accelerate the trend of privatisation, sops and tax breaks to business, deregulation, land and labour reforms, etc., and would also eradicate ‘blockages’ to various projects (i.e. remove dissent and relax or do away with existing procedures). What Margaret Thatcher did in the eighties was to make Britain friendly t... more »
F-35 Ejection Seat Problems Will Only Be Solved By 2018
*Defense News:* *F-35 Ejection Seat Fix Delayed to 2018; Pilot Restrictions Continue* WASHINGTON — The US Air Force won’t lift weight restrictions on F-35 pilots until 2018 — at the earliest — as more testing needs to be done to address safety issues with the jet’s ejection seat, Defense News has learned. "The [Joint Program Office] is working to accelerate the timeline for fixes and a lot of energy will be applied to ensuring this issue is resolved in 2017," Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Karns wrote in a Jan. 9 email to Defense News. "However, getting this right is the... more »
I Went Down the Rabbit Hole: The REAL, real reason Obama will be keeping US troops in Afghanistan
*Location, location, location* If you ever want to know the "Why" of what's going on in the world. The first thing you need to do is look at a map. That's why American Youth are so woefully ignorant about geography. The government doesn't want Americans to connect the geostrategic dots between American foreign policy and location. In the case of the War on Afghanistan...that has been dragging on for 14 years now....making it the longest NATO war in history....all you have to note is that Afghanistan is right next to small backward countries that border (and are in the political o... more »
Brien Foerster - Lost Ancient High Technology - Egypt Before The Pharaohs
Egyptian Culture as we know it i.e. hieroglyphic writing, animal gods, star-gazing, pyramids and temples, seemed to arrive out of nowhere ... 5,000 years or so ago. *how? how? how?* Before all that Dynastic Business, there appeared to be a High Technology Culture that needed no (crass or egotistical) *grafitti* in the name of any of the in-bred God-Kings and their warring escapades upon it. This was architecture that excelled in slabs up towards 200 tonnes and more; there's discussion of resonance functionality and softened sculpting/carving of stone/granites etc. This video from... more »
*Bonnet Carre Spillway opens Sunday to praise, warnings ~Mark Schleifstein *
Tough Economic Times Return To Russia
A man reads a newspaper under signs with currency exchange rates in Moscow. Credit: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov *DW:* *Return of Russia's economic rollercoaster* *As Russia begins the New Year, two recent events - an inability to pay salaries and a new law on currency exchanges - show the country is hurtling rapidly back to the future. Fiona Clark sees troubled times ahead.* On Christmas Eve we couldn't get a taxi using any of the usual apps, so we decided to hitch home after dinner. That's not such an unusual practice in Russia, in fact since Soviet times it's been an accepted way for ... more »
Keep your distance
Did you see Ayesha Hazarika doing the papers this morning with Tim Montgomerie on the Marr show? She reminds me of Lulu. She makes me wanna shout. No, not that - it’s her round face. But did you notice her casually referring to Pegida as ‘fascists’? Is that what she meant? I wasn’t quite sure. If so, she slipped it in good and proper, no-one batted an eyelid. Marr said something about ‘what’s been going on in Cologne.’ Here’s what she said: ”Well absolutely and we all were horrified by the awful events on NYE when lots of women were attacked, but what’s now happened is the fall-ou... more »
Sean Penn: Secret Agent Man & El Chapo
*First let me start out by saying when I read this news, Dave McGowan came right to mind!* *He would’ve loved this one!* *He would have jumped right on this news*. Dave McGowan both spoke and wrote about the many, many ties between the entertainment industry (music, movie, etc.,) and the intelligence community. Mr McGowan would have certainly seen this epic Sean Penn adventure as yet another episode in the continuing real life saga of* collaboration between the intelligence industry/entertainment business.* Obviously, intelligence and entertainment are not mutually exclusive.* I t... more »
Woman Stands Up
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, has called on leading GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to offer a public apology to a Muslim woman verbally abused by the crowd and kicked out of one of his campaign rallies in South Carolina.
The Dangers of Place and the Failure of Modernity
The Porter Ranch disaster is another nail in the coffin we are burying ourselves in: *Screenshot taken from"Aerial footage filmed Dec. 17, 2015, shows potent, climate-damaging methane gases escaping from a massive natural gas leak at a storage facility in California’s Aliso Canyon, with the San Fernando valley pictured in the background. The giant methane plumes were made visible by a specialized infrared camera operated by an Earthworks ITC-certified thermographer." Learn more about the leak*: https://edf.org/shu/ (Environmental Defense Fund, published Dec 20, 2015, https://ww... more »
Doctors Without Borders Hospital In Yemen Hit By Missile Strike
© Khaled Abdullah Ali Al Mahdi / Reuters *DW*:* MSF: Rocket strike on clinic in Yemen kills four* A clinic operated by international medical group Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in northern Yemen has been hit by a rocket, with four people killed, the group says. It says it does not know who fired the missile. The missile hit the clinic in the Razeh district of Saada province in northern Yemen, communications officer Malak Shaher said on Sunday. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) also announced the attack on its Twitter account. *WNU Editor*: Everything is now a target in Yemen. *More N... more »
U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group Commander Fired For Watching Porn
Navy strike group commander fired for viewing porn at work https://t.co/U0q30IcQnx — Navy Times (@NavyTimes) January 9, 2016 *Navy Times*: *Navy strike group commander fired for viewing porn at work* The San Diego-based commanding officer of Pacific Fleet's carrier strike group training command has been relieved following allegations that he used his government computer to access pornography. Rear Adm. Rick Williams was fired by 3rd Fleet boss Vice Adm. Nora Tyson on Friday "based on the initial findings of an ongoing investigation into the alleged misuse of government computer e... more »
Comparisons With 1940 & 1965
By Paul Homewood Storms Desmond, Eva and Frank certainly brought an awful lot of rain to some parts of the country last month. But what is just as remarkable is how small an area was affected by them, something borne out by the daily data from the England & Wales Precipitation Series. As this […]
Cos you’re not rape-worthy
As I observed in a comment, Helen Pidd has tweeted that someone tweeted her unkindly, asserting that the (only) reason her guest, the immigrant “Yasser”, didn’t rape her was because she was too ugly. It was hilarious (in my slightly cruel opinion) that some of her co-tweeters tried to console her by intimating that she *wasn’t* ugly at all. Someone here just suggested that the only reason my lodger hasn't raped me is that I'm so ugly. What is wrong with some people? — Helen Pidd (@helenpidd) January 10, 2016 She and they were more concerned about that ‘lookist’ insult than about th... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was mentioned in “Assessing Iraq’s Oil Industry” by Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi for the Middle East Forum, and in "ISIS Shows Off A Driverless Carbomb" by Kelsey Atherton for Popular Science. That latter piece was also reposted at the Daily Mail. My interview about the politics behind the peshmerga with Wladimir van Wilgenburg was republished in eKurd, and it also republished my article on the latest public opinion poll on Kurdish politics.
For reading, I’m going to teach my kids to sew
As a reading center, I’m going to have a sewing kit. Eventually. I have to learn how to do it first. But when I showed my finds from Michael’s (to whom I have a special relationship) to my wife, she asked me, point blank, “Why do you spend so much of your own money on […]
here's why i love the internet, part 3,482,092 or whatever
For my work with my library workers' union, I schedule a lot of meetings. Various people can or cannot attend various meetings. We all use different calendar/agenda/diary tools, so sending an Outlook appointment, like we do in our workplace, isn't an option. As meetings approach, I receive emails from team members, telling me they can or cannot attend, often changing from one to the other. I was having a hard time keeping track of who to expect at what meetings. I knew there had to be an online tool to help with this. I use Doodle all the time for scheduling, but that wasn't quite r... more »
New Book Reveals How Ex-Soldiers Are Paid Top Dollar For Jobs Too Dirty And Dangerous For The U.S. Military
*New York Daily News*: *Hired to kill: New book ‘Zero Footprint’ tells of ex-soldiers paid top dollar for jobs too dirty and dangerous for U.S. military* When the Pentagon needs a job done that’s too dangerous or politically perilous for the U.S. military, a clandestine call goes out to men like Simon Chase. Chase — not his real name — goes on the record in a new book “Zero Footprint” as being a trained killer for hire, one of the elite mercenaries in the service of the $100 billion global industry of military contracting. “We’re hired to do the dirty and dangerous jobs the milita... more »
Afghan Has Too Many 'Ghost' Soldiers
A member of the Afghan Quick Reaction Force (QRF) fires a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launcher during an operation near the Indian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, in this January 4, 2016 file photo. REUTERS/ANIL USYAN/FILES *WNU Editor:* A must read post from the AP on "ghost soldiers" in the Afghan army .... *Afghan forces, with ranks thinned by 'ghost' soldiers, struggle to man front-lines* (AP). Meanwhile, the war continues .... *Afghan forces retake northern district from Taliban *(Reuters), and U.S. soldiers continue to be deployed .... *US Army Announces 1,800 So... more »
Beyond their ken
Here are two highly contrasting yet oddly complimentary takes on the Labour v BBC row for your delectation. First Peter Hitchens in the *Mail on Sunday*: Both our big political parties are badly divided, but somehow or other David Cameron's splitting pains get much less attention than Jeremy Corbyn's. For instance, a BBC News programme last week arranged for some Blairite nobody to resign from his non-job, live on air. This event, plainly aimed at damaging Mr Corbyn, hardly fits in with the Corporation's duty to be impartial. The fact that most Labour MPs can't stand Mr Corbyn ... more »
Obama Administration Emails Reveal HHS Mandate Specifically Targeted Catholic Institutions
[image: Little Sisters of the Poor - 400] Next Monday I will file an amicus brief in Zubik v. Burwell, the contraceptive mandate case that Ed Whelan has so thoroughly discussed in this space this week. My brief will criticize the Administration for adopting an irrelevant tax provision... Continue reading *“Obama Administration Emails Reveal HHS Mandate Specifically Targeted Catholic Institutions”* at *nationalreview.com*.
*Lady Jetsetters Second Line Parade ~WWOZ* *Mike Huckabee: New Orleans residents ignored Katrina warnings because of climate change activists *
Paul Ryan Is Campaigning For President
Marco Rubio can't cut it. He's 2016's awkwardly fully-scripted candidate, an imperfect vessel for the Republican Establishment. His focus-tested, sanitized message is confusing and sometimes incoherent, and he is hopelessly torn between his original Tea Party backers and the billionaires and party establishment types who hope he can save them and their racket from the clutches of fascist-oriented Trumpf and/or Cruz. He's a crabby old fossil trapped in the body of an out-of-his-depth younger man. And now the other Republicans are implying he's a *maricón*. Not only does Rubio come ... more »
Vince Cable speculates on Cologne
Just one more thing on *Broadcasting House....* Was Hugh Sykes the first person to relay the conspiracy theory about the extreme right being behind the attacks in Cologne to the UK? Because if he was, then *BH* paper reviewer Vince Cable had clearly been listening carefully. Later in the programme, he said this: We don't know whether [the attackers] were instigated by religious fervour or by people from the extreme right trying to provoke an incident. We don't know that... And, thus, the conspiracy theory spreads... That said, Dr Cable's thought that "religious fervour" could hav... more »
Paul Ryan Leads GOP Candidates in Summit to Discuss Poverty Solutions
[image: poverty solutions] COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Republican presidential candidates on Saturday turned their attention away from border walls and terrorist threats and birth certificates, if only for a day, to focus on a topic that is dear to the hearts of some leading... Continue reading *“Paul Ryan Leads GOP Candidates in Summit to Discuss Poverty Solutions”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Sanders, O’Malley Criticize Obama’s Christmas Immigration Raids
[image: Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a town hall meeting at William Penn University, Monday, Oct. 19, 2015, in Oskaloosa, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)] DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Democratic presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley used a liberal forum in Iowa on Saturday to rail against holiday-season raids seeking Central American immigrants for deportation. Before about 1,000 people packed into a Des... more »
This Is How America Is Going To Fight Most Wars In The Future
Members of the Marine Air Traffic Control Mobile Team, 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit prepare equipment to lay down a landing zone at Chabelley Airfield, Djibouti, October 21, 2011. REUTERS/Michelle C. Lawrence/U.S. Army/Handout *Joseph Trevithick, Reuters*: *This small airstrip is the future of America’s way of war* The Pentagon is quietly building up a small airstrip in a remote region of east Africa as part of its war against Islamic militants. More importantly, the airfield is a complex microcosm of how Washington runs military operations overseas — and how America’s way of wa... more »
Poll: 20% of Democrats Would Vote Trump
[image: Trump] So if Donald Trump proved the political universe wrong and won the Republican presidential nomination, he would be creamed by Hillary Clinton, correct? A new survey of likely voters might at least raise momentary dyspepsia for Democrats since it suggests... Continue reading *“Poll: 20% of Democrats Would Vote Trump”* at *usnews.com* .
Interview with Sean Penn Leads to Mexican Drug Lord’s Arrest
[image: Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, right, is escorted by soldiers and marines to a waiting helicopter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, Friday, Jan. 8, 2016. The world's most wanted drug lord was recaptured by Mexican marines Friday, six months after he fled through a tunnel from a maximum security prison in an escape that deeply embarrassed the government and strained ties with the United States.] MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The recapture of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman took a surprise, Hollywood twist when a Mexican official said security forces located the wher... more »
Family Homeless after Tornado, Moves into Mansion
[image: Colleyville mansion] A Garland family whose home was destroyed in the EF4 tornado is moving into a Colleyville mansion Friday, thanks to the generosity of a millionaire stranger who saw NBC 5’s storm coverage and wanted to do something to help. Ron... Continue reading *“Family Homeless after Tornado, Moves into Mansion”* at *nbcdfw.com*.
No Powerball Winner, So Jackpot May Grow to $1.3 Billion
[image: Samir Akhter, the owner of Penn Branch Liquor, exchanges money for Powerball tickets, Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016 in Washington. Officials say it's increasingly likely that someone will win the $900 million Powerball jackpot, which grew by $100 million just hours before Saturday night's drawing.] No ticket matched all six Powerball numbers following the drawing for a record jackpot of nearly $950 million, lottery officials said early Sunday, boosting the expected payout for the next drawing to a whopping $1.3 billion. The winning numbers --... more »
Talking of Jenny Hill...
Her *From Our Own Correspondent *this week has been written up, almost word for word, on the BBC website. In it you'll hear from one of the victims of the attacks in Cologne, Michelle, who Jenny quotes saying, "It would be wrong to blame refugees. They need our help", which is followed by Jenny herself saying, "Many here fear a violent backlash against the 4,000 asylum-seekers living in Cologne." You'll also hear from a young, male Iraqi refugee "with striking green eyes" who enthusiastically declares his gratitude to Mrs Merkel and his love for Germany but becomes sad when remin... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 10th, 2016
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday... The middle of January is upon us, and again time for my weekly rant... Yes, the climate here in central Canada has finally turned with a massive cold front now entrenched over this part of the mid-west.... The average daily temperatures are finally more January like, with highs in the mid -20C range (Thats about -10F for you Americans on the old Fahrenheit scale)....The El Nino effect in the Pacific that brought unseasonable warm temperatures is now over and we are back to what we normally get this time of year... And yes, gosh darn that Global Warmi... more »
Economic News & Views ( January 10 , 2016 ) Europe ( 1. Greece Gov't issues two red lines for its pension reforms given to Troika / New Democracy has final round of voting to select new leader / Corruption & tax avoidance fight assisted - Thanou says use of lists not illegal 2. UK in focus - Brexit / UK -E.U Negotiation items. 3. Refugee/ Migration matters. 4.Spain political complications - Catalonia independence complication formation of Gov't and political stability. 5. Poland becomes latest E.U nation butting heads against E.U Establishment. 6. Dutch referendum on Ukraine Association with E.U being panned by Dutch voters in poll - 75% against E.U- Ukraine Association Agreement / Dutch PM will campaign for it anyway. 7. Italy attempts to save Libya political agreement and new GNA from collapse. 8. Odds & Ends) Emerging Nations / Asia ( 1. East stocks continue to drop w/ Saudi's Tadawul down >2% as investors spooked by China doom & depressed oil. 2. China related items of note. 3. Turkey in focus. 4. Oil in focus. )
Europe....... *Greek Reporter* @GreekReporter 2m 2 minutes ago Kyriakos Mitsotakis Elected New Democracy President http://dlvr.it/DDwdFB # *Greece* *Nick Malkoutzis* @NickMalkoutzis 4m 4 minutes ago Mitsotakis heads for surprise New Democracy leadership win. First challenge will be to live up to expectation being heaped on him #Greece *Kathimerini English* @ekathimerini 6m 6 minutes ago Tackling NPLs becomes even more difficult http://dlvr.it/DDvThv [image: Embedded image permalink] *Nick Malkoutzis* @NickMalkoutzis 10m 10 minutes ago #Greece go... more »
Yes, Jesus Fulfilled Prophecy, But He Also Spoke Prophecies. Here are 5.
[image: The Magdalene washing the feet of Jesus] J. WARNER WALLACE -- Much has been written about the way Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament prophets. In fact, the New Testament authors often paused to highlight the many aspects of Jesus' life and ministry that were a... more »
Not everything from Hollywood is a Fairy Tale....
I was just re-watching "The Winter Soldier" last night..... We like to blame Hollywood for spreading disinformation and propaganda, but sometimes, the "adventure story" shows you pieces of the puzzle even though most people think it is yet another fanciful flight of fiction.... *Operation Paperclip IS FACT. * Sometimes that which pretends to be "fiction", is actually a commentary of current events...... .... Does any of this sound familiar? d
Are Christians Getting a Fair Shot in Graduate School?
[image: College Lecture Empty Seat - 900] I sometimes hear secularists argue that the predominance of non-believer scientists is evidence of their superior intelligence and critical thinking skills. Neil deGrasse Tyson supplies an obnoxious interpretation of this argument. The argument is also used to suggest that it is... more »
Paddy on Angela Merkel's "great message of peace and hope"
It would only be fair to set that heavily narrative-driven report by Hugh Sykes in the context of the ensuing discussion of the Cologne attacks on *Broadcasting House *which took place between two journalists - Imke Henkel of *Die Zeit *and Thomas Kielinger of *Die Welt *(and *Dateline London*), here representing, perhaps, the centre-left and centre-right German viewpoint. Both of them, however, approved of and supported Angela Merkel's decision to open the doors (as Thomas Kielinger himself said at one point), so that* might *have led to more consensus that those left-right labels... more »
Peaceful Muslim Woman Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally
A 56-year-old American Muslim woman wearing a Hijab and a T-shirt with the logo: “Hello, I come in peace” was thrown out of a Trump campaign event in South Carolina by police. She had made a peaceful silent protest by standing up and revealing her Self. The Telegraph reports: Rose Hamid, 56, stood up during the Republican frontrunner’s speech in Rock Hill when he suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with the Islamic State. Wearing a hijab and a shirt that read ‘Salam, I come in peace,’ Mrs Hamid had hoped that her presence might manage to change the op... more »
*Mandatory union fees getting hard look by Supreme Court* Harlan Elrich is a high school teacher in California, and that means he must pay about $970 a year to a labor union. He teaches math, and he said the system did not add up. “I get to choose what movie I want to go see,” Elrich said. “I get to choose what church I want to go to. I get to choose what gym I want to join.” He should have the same choice, he said, about whether to support a union. Elrich and nine other California teachers have sued the union, saying that they are being forced to pay money to support positions wi... more »
Beautiful Churches: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
[image: 1Catedral_de_Alejandro_Nevsky,_Tallin,_Estonia,_2012-08-11,_DD_46] There are different types of Alexander Nevsky Cathedrals, but this one can be found in the the Tallinn Old Town in Estonia. This Russian Orthodox church was completed in the year 1900 on Toompea Hill and hold’s Tallinn's largest bell, which weighs about 16 tons.... more »
When the Oceans are empty, Economy's don't float
American, and Western media in General, lately sound a lot like something out of a South Park Movie, except instead of singing "Blame Canada, Blame Canada", the current lyrics of choice are: "Blame China! Blame China!" Really, it's become an epic 3 ring circus, except that the clowns are scary, and the acrobats are swinging by shoe strings, the lions have got the whips, and the magicians have disappeared into their own hats. .... While the US media is keeping people distracted with all sorts of ridiculousness, the global economy is collapsing, the TPP is a... more »
*2 Reasons US Having 2nd Hottest Year in 2015 Doesn’t Prove Climate Catastrophe Is Imminent* The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released data showing that 2015 was the second hottest year on record (since 1895) for the U.S. On cue, the media and politicians used this data to hype impending climate catastrophe, pointing to extreme weather events that NOAA data show are not linked to warming trends. At first glance, the headline for the NOAA data would seem to put to bed the claim that there has been no significant global warming for 15-20 years, bu...more »
Sean Penn Describes Secret Meeting With Mexican Drug Lord 'El Chapo'
The actor Sean Penn, left, and the drug lord Joaquín Guzmán Loera in a photo taken for interview authentication purposes. Credit Rolling Stone *New York Times*:* Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview With ‘El Chapo,’ Mexican Drug Lord* Joaquín Guzmán Loera, the Mexican drug lord known as El Chapo, started out in business not long after turning 6, selling oranges and soft drinks. By 15, he said in an interview conducted in a jungle clearing by the actor and director Sean Penn for Rolling Stone magazine, he had begun to grow marijuana and poppies because there was no other way for his i... more »
What Would War Look Like Against North Korea
North Korean military participate in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea, in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on October 12, 2015. REUTERS/KCNA *Coburn Palmer, Inquisitr:* *What Would War With North Korea Look Like?* Tensions on the Korean peninsula have ratcheted up again after the South resumed its loudspeaker broadcasts in retaliation for a nuclear test conducted by the North, and the possibility of war is once again on the horizon. With North Korea moving large ... more »
Met Office’s ‘wettest ever’ claim fails again – Booker
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/12091298/Met-Offices-wettest-ever-claim-fails-again.html From the Telegraph: We are all aware that parts of the country, including the north of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, have lately been hit, at huge cost, by abnormal amounts of rain. But as soon as the Met Office rushed to proclaim that 230mm of rain […]
In times of civil war, compassion is the working expression of love.
Turkey fires teargas at fleeing Kurdish refugeesSimply outstanding ad video from Western Sydney University. In times of civil war, compassion is the working expression of love. All the wars in Africa and the Middle East are ultimately about banking and control... none of it needed to happen. So while in an election year of buffoons pandering to xenophobia, walk in another man's shoes... because those attitudes of those buffoons will tell you how they will treat you when you are in those same shoes. Every civil war starts with great national discord and corruption. *Love and P... more »
More on Hugh Sykes...
As well as floating the conspiracy theory that German right-wingers might have tricked the Arab and North African migrants into carrying out their attacks on German women on New Year's Eve, Hugh Sykes's *Broadcasting House *report pursued various other left-liberal angles on the events in Cologne - and did so with a vigour and purpose that quite took the breath away. It was like hearing a fleshed-out full-on version of his less-than-entirely- impartial (BBC-stamped) Twitter account. We got it all: (a) the question "What's that got to do with Islam?", asked in an incredulous tone... more »
We Shall See
http://beforeitsnews.com/ Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz pulled no punches this week. The economy is in bad shape. And it will get worse before it gets better. Tom Walkom writes: Falling oil and commodity prices have made the overall Canadian economy unambiguously worse, [Poloz] said. That’s not just because of job losses in the oil-producing provinces. It is also the result of the falling loonie. The decline in the Canadian dollar associated with falling oil prices makes imports more expensive. And that in turn, he said, is ... more »
In Response To North Korea's Nuclear Test The U.S. Sends A B-52 To Flyover South Korea
[2/4] The B-52 took off from #Andersen AFB, #Guam, and was escorted by @PACAF F-16 and #ROKAF F-15 fighters. pic.twitter.com/5K3rQUdKgZ — U.S. Pacific Command (@PacificCommand) January 10, 2016 *ABC News:* *U.S. B-52 Flyover of South Korea in Response to North Korean Nuclear Test* As a show of force in response to North Korea’s nuclear test earlier this week the United States. has flown a B-52 long range bomber to South Korea to conduct a low level flight over a U.S. military base 30 miles south of Seoul. The U.S. conducted a similar flight in 2013 about a month after North Kore... more »
Week 2: The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Love by James Clair Lewis
*The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar* *#2 : Love* *There is nothing more important than Love* *See the division in your own mind. Prepare yourself to go the whole way. Retreat when things get crazy. Be sincere, and do not create Conflict. Success comes from understanding. Accept that you might not win.* *Nothing happens, unless you try. Be steadfast in times of Trouble. Puzzle out the Obstruction. Gather together through character. Be there when you are needed. Think about what you have done.* *You cannot own Love, but Love can own you.* *The Image* *Accept the world as it is.*... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Portions of Light come to the forefront of hu-manity consciousness
*Portions of Light come to the forefront of hu-manity consciousness* by ÉirePort Portions of Light come to the forefront of hu-manity consciousness. Refractories are deleted in the Light body. Stellar consumption has completed. Cosmic influx presents fully. ÉirePort | January 10, 2016 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-wX *AK Note: found this curious link to Stellar, for what its worth, I don't think its what was meant by the post, but it is a bit of "cosmic humor"... https://www.stellar.org/blog/introducing-stellar/*
Cologne could have been a right-wing conspiracy - Hugh Sykes reports
It's hard to know where to begin with Hugh Sykes's highly characteristic contribution to *Broadcasting House *from Cologne this morning, but it's probably best to start with his reporting of a highly convenient conspiracy theory: This is all very strange. Arabs and North Africans attacking German women in several cities, not just Cologne, is like a gift to PEGIDA and people like Tommy Robinson. And there are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year's Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Yea... more »
Vision Without Action - A Quotation from Joel A. Barker
*Click on the image if you have difficulty reading the text.*
One of Helen Pidd of the *Guardian*'s heart-warming stories had concerned how her otherwise "open-minded" father had advised her to put locks on her bathroom and bedroom door before Yasser moved in as she's a single woman and he's a young man a long way from his wife. She'd never thought of that! But "of course" the lovely Yasser had no such "frisky" intentions towards our Helen. Following on pretty much straight after Helen and Yasser and their 'good news' migrant story came the *BBC Breakfast *paper review with Michelle Harrison of the market research company TNS. Michelle he... more »
North Korea Threatens War Over South Korean Propaganda
*DW*: *Korean peninsula on 'brink of war,' says North Korea* Officials in Pyongyang have lashed out at South Korea and the US over the resumption of cross-border propaganda. The broadcasts - which resumed after the North claimed a hydrogen bomb test - include news and K-pop music. North Korea on Saturday warned that South Korea's move to continue blasting high-decibel propaganda into the country was pushing the Korean Peninsula "toward the brink of war." "The United States and its puppets have wasted no time in driving the situation on the peninsula to the brink of war, resuming t... more »
North Korea Releases Video Of A 'New' Submarine-Launched Missile Test
*ABC News (Australia):* *North Korea releases video of 'new' submarine-launched missile test* North Korea has released video footage of a purportedly new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test, three days after it claimed it had successfully tested its first hydrogen bomb. But South Korean media suggested the footage broadcast by state Korean Central TV was an edited compilation of the North's third SLBM test, conducted last month in the Sea of Japan, and a different ballistic missile test from 2014. The undated footage shows leader Kim Jong-un, on board a military vess... more »
OFGEM is extremely relaxed about Wholesale profiteering by the Big Six energy companies.
Pity the poor executives of OFGEM, Tweedledum to the FCA’s Tweedledee. Both OFGEM (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets), regulator of the UK energy market, and the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), regulator of the UK finance industry, are just actors on Britain’s regulatory stage. And like actors anywhere, they can only read from the script they are given. A script written by lawmakers in
Germany In ‘Total Shock’ As Proof Emerges Of U.S. Support Of ISIS
The Russian Ministry of Defence has reported that German Air Force commanders have been left in “total shock” after uncovering evidence that the United States is cooperating with ISIS and helping them to steal oil from Syria and Iraq. According to commanders, two Luftwaffe Tornado jets armed with suveillance equipment flew a three hour flight over Iraq and Syria to gather intellience. During the flight, they were able to verify nearly 12,000 ISIS tankers and trucks carrying stolen oil with the full protection of US and Turkish air forces. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: As Aerospace F... more »
Executive Order Allows Doctors To Declare Activists ‘Mentally Ill’
The White Houses’s new executive order on gun control will allow doctors to report activists as being ‘mentally ill’ to authorities in order to have their guns confiscated. The new rules allow doctors and health providers to do background checks on people without legal repercussions. “The disclosure is restricted to limited demographic and certain other information needed for NICS purposes,” the rule states. Naturalnews.com reports: Naturally, Obama sycophants and the clapping seals who approve of everything he does just because he is the one doing them see nothing wrong with this ...more »
‘Skull Of The Gods’ Found In Russian Mountains
A strange mysterious briefcase and two equally mysterious skulls have been discovered in the mountains of Russia in Adygea. The two skulls belonged to a creature of “unknown origin” with the emblem of the Ahnenerbe, an SS secret society dedicated to studying occult and supernatural forces. 6th-sense.net reports: According to researchers, it is likely that members of the SS were interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens and the causes of high natural radioactivity in the region of Kishinski canyon. It is also possible that they should seek the golden Kuban Rada, lost somewh... more »
The Worlds Greatest Treasure Map Of Truth Decoded
When we were children we all wanted to find the best treasure map, some of us even made our own. As we grew older we were told all the best maps had been located and their treasure’s aquired. 2016 is the year the world’s greatest treasure map of truth is revealed. Through this newly-found knowledge, the culmination of an advanced, forgotten civilization is shown via an ingenious message, disguised as a Hall of Records treasure map today distinguished by academia as the impervious Nazca Lines. The word ‘pareidolia’ is associated as a common occurrence for artists such as testified re... more »
Clinton Emails Reveal France, U.S. Looted Oil & Gold In Libya
New emails published by the U.S. Department of State reveal the real motives behind the international invasion of Libya. The new emails of Hillary Clinton reveal that the real reason behind the invasion were primarily the countries large gold and oil reserves, and the extension of French influence in North Africa. Fort Russ reports: The U.S. State Department has published a series of emails that reveal the volume of gold reserves of Gaddafi. According to the documents, the reserves are so great that they could become the basis for creating a pan-African currency, which, in turn, co... more »
An Important Lesson From Steven Avery: Never Talk To The Police
In this video, Professor James Duane of the Regent University School of Law reveals why should you never talk to the police. A lesson that Steven Avery could have learned before he was arrested and subsequently incarcerated for the framing of the murder of Teresa Halbach. This video could save you 5-10 years one day. Educate-yourself.org reports: Professor Duane explains WHY you should NEVER, EVER, EVER say ANYTHING to the police without an attorney present. This caution especially applies to people who are 100% confidant that they are innocent of any wrongdoing inanything and have a... more »
Erdogan Hauled To Court For Having ‘Golden Toilet Bowls’
A Turkish court has ordered President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to compensate the leader of the opposition party who criticised the President for having golden toilet bowls in the presidential palace. In May 2015 the leader of the opposition Republican people’s party, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, stated that the 1000-room presidential Palace had golden toilet bowls. Erdogan denied the allegation and attempted to sue his rival for his comments. Fort Russ reports: “On December 27th the court of first instance of Ankara decided to close the case about the “Golden bowl” in the first hearing. The court... more »
Well done! Great story!
Helen Pidd of the *Guardian* was back on the *BBC Breakfast *sofa this morning. She wasn't reviewing the newspapers this time, but was actually 'the story'. Though a single woman, she's allowed a married male Muslim Syrian refugee, Yasser al Jassem, to live with her until the rest of his family (a wife and baby) arrives. (He arrived in the UK in the back of a truck via Calais, I learned by Googling around after watching the segment). There's been a few comic misunderstandings, but everything's turned out delightfully - except that Yasser hasn't found a job yet. Helen does thi... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 10, 2015
[image: Luzon Beaches First Wave of Bombardment - 900] A line of Coast Guard landing barges, sweeping through the waters of Lingayen Gulf, carries the first wave of invaders to the beaches of Luzon, after a terrific naval bombardment of Japanese shore positions on Jan. 9, 1945. - Wikimedia... more »
Farage: Rape Crisis Happening Because Europe Has ‘Surrendered’
Nigel Farage has spoken out against the increasing dangers to women in Europe who he says are being “molested regularly in certain districts”. The former UKIP leader says that recent events in Cologne, where large groups of women were raped on New Year’s Eve, points to “an unconditional German surrender” due to the response by German authorities to the crisis. Breitbart.com reports: German girls in public actually dress and behave more conservatively than in many parts of the United Kingdom. Yet this intimidation from male migrants has led to the suggestion of a new code of conduct... more »
Christy Clark and Pamela Martin, A Trip Through the Way Back Time Machine(Before and Now)
*What would you do with a $trillion Dollars"* _______ I think it`s time to go back in the time machine and have a look at the not too distant past The date...November 3rd/2014...The place, the British Columbia Legislature,..I present you one of the most affective NDP MLAs....Norm Macdonald....(for the life of me, I don`t understand how BC`s mainstream media could ignore this fact filled ball-busting recital of what hyperbole bullshit Christy Clark and her team of scofflaws have fed the electorate....and this was 2 years ago when Norm Macdonald said this *ON THE PUBLIC RECORD*... more »
Iran's 'Hard-liners' Are Using The Nuclear Deal To Their Advantage
*Wall Street Journal*: *Nuclear Deal Fuels Iran’s Hard-Liners* Since completion of the agreement, Tehran has stepped up arrests of political opponents ahead of next month’s national elections. The Obama administration’s nuclear deal was intended to keep Iran from pursuing an atomic bomb, and raised hope in the West that Tehran would be nudged toward a more moderate path. But there are growing fears in Washington and Europe that the deal—coupled with an escalating conflict with Saudi Arabia—instead risks further entrenching Iran’s hard-line camp. Since completion of the agreement ... more »
Picture Of the Day
This image reportedly shows a Green Beret soldier flying the American flag in Marja, Afghanistan, this week after an American unit was attacked, killing one U.S. soldier and wounding two others. (Obtained by The Washington Post) *Washington Post:* *This patriotic photo of Green Berets in Afghanistan is circulating after this week’s deadly attack* It has been a difficult week in Afghanistan for U.S. troops. A team of Green Berets working alongside an Afghan military unit in the violent district of Marja was attacked on Tuesday, leading to the death of one Special Forces soldier and... more »
U.S. Navy Sec. Orders The Marines And Navy To Remove 'Man' From Job Titles
Lance Cpl. Jessica Craver, a motor transportation operator with Combat Logistics Battalion 7, carries a .50-caliber machine gun receiving group for mounting onto an MK48 Logistics Vehicle System. US Marine Corps Photo *Navy Times:* *Navy looks to remove 'man' from all job titles* It could spell the end of time-honored Navy titles like fireman and seaman. The Navy secretary has ordered the service to review all job titles and consider removing any reference to "man" in them, a move that could force name-changes to nearly two dozen specialties, from airman to yeoman. Navy Secretary R... more »
Jihadi John Version 2.0
*January 10, 2016* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - It didn't take long for IS (Islamic State) to find a new cartoon-style villain to fill the shoes of Mohammed "Jihadi John" Emwazi. The masked villain often appeared in high-value productions, narrating them with a perfect British accent, as the enemies of IS were slain in increasingly elaborate and equally gruesome manners. Just as Jihadi John's villainy reached a crescendo, the US claimed it targeted and killed him in a drone strike. Nothing resembling actual confirmation was produced afterward, and many questioned the value or impact of ... more »
The Movie About Aaron Schock Is A Politically-Oriented X-Rated Gay Pornography Film
A few days ago, when Steve Israel, announced he would retire from Congress at the end of the year, I mentioned that my co-screenwriter and I would consider asking him if he wants to try out for the role of Steve Tel-Aviv character in our made-for-cable political sit-com. I suspect Titan Men, the gay porn producers, didn't ask Republican former-Congressman Aaron Schock to play the part of Mike Cauke, a closeted politician in the new x-rated film *Cauke For President*. Don't worry, the trailer up top is not x-rated. And neither is the Cauke for President campaign website. His issues... more »
U.S. Marine General Warns That Opening Combat Jobs To Women Will Result In Lowering Military Standards
*The Hill*: *Marine general predicts lower combat standards for women* Marine Gen. John Kelly on Friday said he fears that commanders will be pressured by "agenda-driven people" in Washington to lower military standards in order to allow more women into combat positions. "My greatest fear — and we see this happen a lot over the 45 years I've been in the Armed Forces is, right now they're saying we are not going to change any standards," said Kelly, who is retiring this month, at his last Pentagon briefing. "So I think it will be the pressure for not probably the generals that are... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Balance (Galaxies)”; “My Orchid Spirit (Extragalactic)”
“A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood. If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years, the sterile preoccup... more »
Doctor Sells His Practice, Opens Up “Farmacy” Using Food as Medicine Instead
*Kirsten Cowart * - A brilliant doctor does something completely unheard of in the medical community. The post Doctor Sells His Practice, Opens Up “Farmacy” Using Food as Medicine Instead appeared first on Waking Times.
Pakistan, Afghanistan, China And The U.S. To Meet On Monday To Prepare A Roadmap For Afghan Peace Talks
*VOA*:* Four-party Talks on Afghan Peace Process Set for Monday* Pakistan is set to host four-way talks Monday on reviving the Afghan peace process. The talks will include Afghanistan, China and the United States. Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmad Shekib Mostaghni said Saturday that the representatives meeting in Islamabad would discuss a “road map for peace talks.” The discussions were agreed to during a visit to Kabul by Pakistan's army chief, General Raheel Sharif, in December. Pakistan is believed to have influence over the Taliban, but relations with Afghanistan have be... more »
Did Rules Of Engagement Prevent Fire Support For A U.S. Team Surrounded By The Taliban During A Fire-Fight This Week?
An AC-130H gunship jettisons flares as an infrared countermeasure during a training exercise on Aug. 24, 2007. JULIANNE SHOWALTER/U.S. AIR FORCE *Washington Post*: *Congressman questions if Army Special Forces denied rescue force, fire support* A Republican congressman who previously served as a Navy SEAL commander said Thursday that bureaucratic red tape might have delayed a rescue force and prevented close air support from adequately helping an Army Special Forces team during a firefight in southern Afghanistan this week in which one American was killed. Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.... more »
Plant Your Ass in the Ground
The people block the construction entrance to US Camp Schwab Marine base in Okinawa where the Pentagon wants to build twin-runways out over pristine Oura Bay....coral reefs and endangered sea mammal dugong will be destroyed....the people do this every day for more than 450 days. US Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy's message to Okinawa? Get over it, the base will be built. One of their slogans each morning at the 6:00 am protest is 'Plant your ass in the ground'. Defend life - fight for the sacred - remember where you come from - what is the most important thing you can do ... more »
Who Backs Bernie And Who Stands With The Discredited Establishment?
Remember, when Bernie, then an independent caucusing with the Democrats in the House, became disgusted with the Democrats’ turn to the right after the Reagan years, he started the Congressional Progressive Caucus in 1991, which now has 68 members in the House. At one time Nancy Pelosi was a member. Shamefully, only two of the current members have endorsed him, co-chairs Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison. The rest have either remained neutral, attempted to be supportive of both campaigns or endorsed the establishment, anti-progressive candidate who is proud to call herself a centrist... more »
The Afghan War Is Intensifying
U.S. special forces soldiers discuss beside a map at their base in Helmand. Oct. 22, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS/OMAR SOBHANI *New York Times:* *Taliban Step Up Urban Assaults, Testing the Mettle of Afghan Forces* KABUL, Afghanistan — The urban attacks are suddenly coming at a dizzying pace — five in the first week of January alone. Three were relatively simple even if massive bombings, but in the others, Taliban gunmen entered important cities, seized buildings and hostages when they could, then set off their explosives vests when capture seemed imminent, sometimes after hours of fighti... more »
China's Debt Problem Is About To Become A Crisis
Frobes *Jim Edwards, Business Insider*: *How China accumulated $28 trillion in debt in such a short time* Bank of America Merrill Lynch became the most recent financial institution to start sounding scared about China’s debt. While no one is panicking just yet, there sure are an increasing number of people — including analysts at UBS and Macquarie — who are talking about when it might be appropriate to consider panicking. To recap, China’s total debt is about $28 trillion, or roughly half the world’s entire debt. *WNU Editor*: China's economy has been the engine that has been dri... more »
Jan. 9: New Brunswick is part of the world Yes, it is.
In a real newspaper, the headline is about the major event of the day. Typically, it's a world story. Today, for example, it might have been about the world war we are edging into. It might have been about the tremendous reaction of the gun business to Obama's quite mild recommendations to tone down gun violence in the U.S., the most heavily armed country in the world. It might have been some indication of where our federal government stands on Canada's place in all this. But, in the Irving press, today's headline is about a small community in New Brunswick whose fire station caught... more »
Mysterious Space Balls Fall From The Sky In Vietnam
Mysterious metal spheres from space have landed in the Vietnamese countryside near the border with China. The ‘Space Balls’ are believed to be of Russian origin and have baffled the Vietnamese authorities. Three mysterious metal objects were seized on Saturday and are now being probed by the military. The metal orbs appear to be compressed air tanks from a rocket launch. CBC News reports: Witnesses reported hearing thunder-like noises in the sky and seeing the objects flying up there early Saturday morning before they crash-landed, Thanh Nien News reported. Two of the metal balls, ... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point Caught On Tape: Iran Conducts Live-Fire Rocket Drill Next To US Carrier *"You can't catch me. Nya nya nya nya nya." - JO* China Goes Full Keynesian-tard: Demolishes Never-Used Just-Built Skyscraper Americans' Positive Perception Of NRA Soars As Obama Escalates Gun-Control Agenda Apple Just Bought a Startup that Reads People’s Emotions Missing U.S. Missile Shows Up in Cuba Lily Tang Williams: “Common Core Is The Communist Core I Went Through In China” Portland’s New Pi... more »
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