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10:30pm MST
10:30pm MST
Dutch Leader Says Europe Will Collapse In Six Weeks
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told the World Economic Forum in Davos that
Europe has between six to eight weeks before it collapses due to the influx
of refugees arriving from the Middle East. Rutte warned that unless the EU
gets a grip on the migrant crisis, the entire bloc will break up. reports: Meanwhile French prime minister Manuel Valls
admitted the EU “could very well break up in a very short time”. He warned
the ongoing refugee crisis across Europe and the threat of Islamic State
(ISIS) terrorism could spell the end of the political union on the
continent. S... more »
The Best Things Are The Most Difficult To Achieve And You Have To Work The Hardest-- Like A Bernie Presidency

The new CNN poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus participants showing
Bernie trouncing Hillary, sent Team Clinton off the deep end. Forget their
insane claims that Bernie is an NRA shill and a woman hater. Now they''ve
all been instructed to call him a racist. The last poll CNN poll had her
leading 54-36% and now Bernie's ahead 51-43%. Momentum is important with
the caucuses just over a week away. But at least the Clinton campaign has
its own media outlet to shape the news any way it likes. *Blue Nation
Review*, a website owned by professional slime machine David Brock and run
by... more »
The Scottish Sceptic: -This year global cooling

The Scottish Sceptic has gone out on a limb and predicted -This year global
This is interesting because the RagMag New Scientist has predicted that 2016
will be the hottest year ever - hotter that the MWP, the Roman Warming,
even hotter that the Holocene Climate Optimum. Even the British Met " recently
forecast that 2016 could be “at least as warm, if not warmer” than 2015"
Back to the RagMag New Scientist's prediction that 2016 will be the hottest
year . It appears that, through Marc Morano's ClimateDepot, Kevin
"Travesty" Trenberth is guessing (is guessing scientific, Ke... more »
U.S. Vice Chairman Joints Chief Of Staff: We Are On The Verge Of Developing 'Thinking' Weapons

Air Force Gen. Paul J. Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
answers a question at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Jan.
21, 2016. The Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence hosted the
event, which focused on efforts to keep the armed forces at the forefront
of innovation. DoD photo by Army Staff Sgt. Sean K. Harp
*Breaking Defense:* *‘The Terminator Conundrum:’ VCJCS Selva On Thinking
WASHINGTON: The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called today for
an international debate about the use of intelligent weapons and of boosted ... more »
Why Is Cheap Oil Not Boosting The U.S. And Global Economies?

*New York Times*: *This Time, Cheaper Oil Does Little for the U.S. Economy*
WASHINGTON — It has been a truism of the American economy for decades: When
oil prices rise, the economy suffers; when they fall, growth improves.
But the decline of oil prices over the last two years has failed to deliver
the usual economic benefits.
As oil prices have fallen to levels not seen since 2003 — sagging below $27
a barrel on Wednesday before rebounding to about $30 on Thursday — many
experts now say they do not expect lower prices to bolster the domestic
economy significantly in 2016.
“We got ... more »
Musical Interlude: Einaudi, “Passagio”, Playlist (432Hz)
Einaudi, “Passagio”, Playlist (432Hz)
*Related to A432 tuned music. Decide for yourself...*
Why Are Saudi Arabia's Holdings Of U.S. Treasuries A Secret?

*Bloomberg:* *Saudi Arabia's Secret Holdings of U.S. Debt Are Suddenly a
Big Deal*
* Hiding data is “mind-boggling,” says former Treasury official
* Saudi burns through $100 billion of reserves as strains emerge
It’s a secret of the vast U.S. Treasury market, a holdover from an age of
oil shortages and mighty petrodollars: Just how much of America’s debt does
Saudi Arabia own?
But now that question -- unanswered since the 1970s, under an unusual
blackout by the U.S. Treasury Department -- has come to the fore as Saudi
Arabia is pressured by plunging oil prices and costly wars in th... more »
Russia Adds Hillary Clinton To Terror Watchlist
Russia have announced that they have added former US Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton to its terror watchlist, after the Federal Security Service
(FSB) discovered that one of the Clinton campaign’s top monetary
contributors is a suspected ISI agent who funneled hundreds of millions of
dollars to terrorist groups in the Middle East. Hillary Clinton’s addition
to the terrorist sponsor watchlist makes her the highest ranking US
official to be put on the list. reports: As to what has
raised the FSB’s “serious concerns” about Hillary Clinton, this report
explains, w... more »
8,000 Dead Birds Wash Ashore In California
Thousands of dead seabirds have been reported as washed ashore on black
rock beach in Whittier, California earlier this month. Local biologist
David Irons says he has never seen such a huge number of dead birds in such
a small area before. “We have never found close to 8,000 birds on a 1-mile
long beach before,” Irons said. “It is an order of magnitude larger than
any records that I am aware of.” CNN reports: Biologists like Tamara Zeller
have been boating around Prince William Sound scanning the beaches for dead
and sickly murres. They also count the birds floating in the water, sh... more »
China Calls For Jerusalem To Become Palestinian Capital
Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared his support for establishing a
Palestinian state, saying that the Palestinian capital should reside in
east Jerusalem – an area within the pre-1967-war borders. Jinping,
addressing the Cairo-based Arab League, said that the Palestinian problem
“should not be marginalized”. In a speech designed to assert China’s
political clout in the Middle East, the Chinese leader said: “China
supports the peaceful process in the Middle East [and] the establishment of
a Palestinian state with its capital being eastern Jerusalem“.
reports: Xi an... more »
Stephen Hawking Issues Apocalyptic Warning: We Must Leave Earth
Stephen Hawking has issued an apocalyptic warning to humanity, saying that
there are three possible events that could cause human civilisation to
cease to exist in the next one thousand years. Hawking says that the
dangers of nuclear war, global warming, and viruses created as a result of
genetic engineering means that humans must leave the planet as soon as
possible and find an alternative planet capable of sustaining life. reports: All these dangers come as side effects of our own
science that has already invented such lethal dangers as the atomic bomb,
energy-in... more »
China Sends Military To Defend Islands In South China Sea
China has announced that their military is fully prepared to defend the
islands in the South China Sea, having conducted several successful test
flights at a newly-built airfield in the area. China’s Navy chief, Wu
Shengli, said that China is confident that it is capable of defending the
sovereignty and security of the islands against outside threats. reports: According to China’s Navy chief the amount
of defense facilities on islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands totally
depends on the level of threat China faces and China will not seek
militarization in the regi... more »
NATO, USA Intimidated By Russia’s Military, Claims Expert
Military expert Igor Korotchenko has said that Russia’s successful campaign
against ISIS in the Middle East has surprised and intimidated both NATO and
the United States. In an interview with Sputnik, the editor of National
Defense Magazine told them what the game-plan in Syria is all about. “This
is a matter of our commitments. Syria has been our historical ally, and
Russia could not leave Syria to the mercy of fate. But again, the main
motives of our president was the destruction of our potential internal and
external enemies,” he told Sputnik. reports: “It took
... more »
Turkey Says Russian Presence On Syrian Border ‘Intolerable’
Turkish President Erdogan has expressed outrage over the presence of the
Russian military near to the Syrian-Turkish border. As tensions between
Ankara and Moscow soar, the Turkish government have said that Russia’s air
campaign in Syria has become intolerable, as Turkey ramp up their security
forces in the area. reports: On Friday, Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed new levels of panic, sounding the alarm
over the alleged presence of Russian inspectors at an airport near the
Turkish border. “We have said this from the beginning: we won’t tolerate
such... more »
Genocide in Flint
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a
racial, political, or cultural group". The majority of the residents of
Flint, Michigan are poor and unemployed black people having lost their jobs
when the auto industry moved out of their city. They are now superfluous
populations and the racist Republican Governor Rick Snyder of that state
knowingly allowed this lead in the water crisis to fester.
Capitalism doesn't give one damn about the people - corporate profits come
first, second, and last. The people on this planet need to walk away from
capitalism... more »
Putin Is Winning The Geopolitical Chess Match Against Obama
The organized nature of the migrants currently flooding Europe en masse
could be an undercover operation designed to create a new mission for NATO,
whilst at the same time weakening the economy of Europe to further
Washington’s economic interests today in the Obama Crash of 2016. The globe
is facing a huge depression and politicians are desperate to do whatever is
necessary to further the agenda of their country. How have the geopolitical
‘chess matches’ between Putin and Obama turned out so far?
reports: Chess Match 1 – Consider the pattern of Washington actions aga... more »
Jan.22: The living dead of the Irving press.
Just a quick look at the Irving press.
Page A4 has a big story that Progressive Conservative MLAs are waiting
before endorsing a leadership candidate. So bloody what? Let them wait.
On A5, a New Brunswick veteran has a war relic, a fragment of metal, he
thinks is worth keeping. I think it is, too. But it's none of my business
or of anybody's except the veteran. And now that I have that piece of
information, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. Oh, and a
local restaurant should finish its renovations in about two weeks. Be
still, my heart.
And that's it for the news.
The ... more »
A Look At the Countries That Are Most Impacted By The Global Decline In Exports

Encyclopaedia Britannica
*George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures:* *The Export Crisis: The 10 Worst
Hit Countries and the 5 Most at Risk*
As the global market for exports declines, we indicate some of the
countries that will be most affected by the downturn.
Some have said the economic problems we are currently seeing are similar to
those experienced in 2008. However, there are fundamental differences. In
2008, there was a financial crisis. The financial system is the accounting
system for the economy. As such, it occasionally develops internal
irrationalities that can be exploited... more »
Who Spiked Miss McConnell's Bourbon?

I've heard a lot of odd things about Mitch McConnell-- especially in regard
to Pickle Park Cherokee, Waverly and Coxs parks in Louisville-- but I never
heard he was an acid head. Maybe someone slipped him a dose in his bourbon
Wednesday night. Out of the blue-- with no warning to his own leadership
team, let alone the Democrats or the party's presidential candidates--
McConnell used a parliamentary maneuver to tee up and fast-track a debate
for a complete blank check war authorization against ISIS. McConnell's
surprise authorization for the use of military force "would not
r... more »
Musical Interlude: Juzzie Smith, “Bluesberry Jam”
Awesome one man band Juzzie Smith, “Bluesberry Jam”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 6240 offers a rare, nearby glimpse of a cosmic catastrophe in its
final throes. The titanic galaxy-galaxy collision takes place a mere 400
million light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. The merging
galaxies spew distorted tidal tails of stars, gas, and dust and undergo
fast and furious bursts of star formation. The two supermassive black holes
in the original galactic cores will also coalesce into a single, even more
massive black hole and soon, only one large galaxy will remain.
*Click image for larger size.*
This dramatic image of the scene is a composite of narrowba... more »
And Remember, No Matter What, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”
Eric Idle, “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”
Five People Dead At School Shooting In Canada
A suspect is in custody after five people were killed and two seriously
injured in a school shooting at a remote village in the northern province
of Saskatchewan, according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. CBC
News reports: “Obviously this is every parent’s worst
nightmare,” Trudeau said Friday in a brief statement from Davos,
Switzerland. A suspect is in custody, he said, and the situation was under
control. Trudeau also thanked first responders who reacted “quickly and
bravely” in what he called a “tragic and terrible day.” La Loche is a
community of about 3,000. The sch... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Hitler - The Rise'
From *Wikipedia*: Hitler: The Rise of Evil is a Canadian TV miniseries in
two parts, directed by Christian Duguay and produced by Alliance Atlantis.
It explores Adolf Hitler's rise and his early consolidation of power during
the years after the First World War and focuses on how the embittered,
politically fragmented and economically buffeted state of German society
following the war made that ascent possible. The film also focuses on Ernst
Hanfstaengl's influence on Hitler's rise to power. The miniseries, which
premiered simultaneously in May 2003 on CBC in Canada and CBS in the U... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 22 , 2016 - Part Two ) Europe In Focus ( Greece Economic & Political Items Of the Day . Spain Political Updates. 3. Refugee Items / Border Security Items / 4. Commodities In Focus - Crazy Week For Oil / Baltic Dry Index Keeps Falling Down & Can't Get Up . 5. Poland In focus. 6. Odds & Ends. )

Overview / Europe & Commodities......
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 3h
3 hours ago
China, Draghi and Kuroda. Next week: the Fed
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 3h
3 hours ago
Weekend Reading: The Bear Awakens
2/weekend-reading-bear-awakens …
*zerohedge* @zerohedge 1h
2 hours ago
Central Banks Have "Over-Promised" What Can Actually Be Delivered
2/central-banks-have-over-promised-what-can-actually-be-delivered …
*Yannis Koutsomitis* ... more »
Nothing but sky, the sound of the water, and the water's reply

*The End of the World*
~ Dana Gioia
“We're going,” they said, “to the end of the world.”
So they stopped the car where the river curled,
And we scrambled down beneath the bridge
On the gravel track of a narrow ridge.
We tramped for miles on a wooded walk
Where dog-hobble grew on its twisted stalk.
Then we stopped to rest on the pine-needle floor
While two ospreys watched from an oak by the shore.
We came to a bend, where the river grew wide
And green mountains rose on the opposite side.
My guides moved back. I stood alone,
As the current streaked over smooth flat stone... more »
“Going Against What Is Popular: Conscious Decisions”
*“Going Against What Is Popular: Conscious Decisions”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Because an idea or way of doing things is popular doesn’t mean it’s right
for everyone. Just because an idea or way of doing things is popular
doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. However, part of the way that
something becomes popular is that many of us don’t take the time to
determine what’s right for us; we simply do what most of the people we know
are doing. In this way, our decisions about life are made by default, which
means they aren’t what we call conscious decisions. There may be many o... more »
Sautéing Vegetables In Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Better Than Boiling
Frying or sautéing vegetables with extra virgin olive oil will retain more
of their important antioxidant qualities than merely boiling them,
according to a Spanish university study. Antioxidants in fruits and
vegetables help fight free radicals that are constantly rampaging through
the body, causing immune deficiencies, which go on to lead to other bodily
malfunctions. The Evening Standard reports: It has long been thought that
boiled vegetables were healthier than fried ones, as frying greens coats
them with a layer of fat. However, the study has shown that frying
vegetables in ex... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 22, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on agriculture in Rostov
region, Russia, September 24, 2015. REUTERS/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY/RIA
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg*: *Repression or Reform, Putin Must Decide*
With oil priced at less than $30 per barrel, the ruble down 10 percent so
far this month and no coherent government plan for dealing with Russia's
deepening economic crisis, President Vladimir Putin faces a choice similar
to that of the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev: Should he relax
controls on the economy, rein in external assertiveness and enginee... more »
Economic News , Data & views ( January 22 , 2016 ) Emerging Nations / MENA/ Asia Updates ( 1. China Items Of Note. 2. Around the MENA/ISIS Horn - Syria / Iraq/ Somalia / Tunisia / ISIS Items Of The Day. 3. Refugee / Economic Migration Items Of The day. 4. Japan / BOJ In Focus . 5. Venezuela Inflation To Hit 720 % in 2016 - As Per The IMF. 7. Iran Preparing To ship 1ML Barrels To Europe. 8. Odds & Ends. )

Evening wrap........
Emerging Nations , MENA & Asia......
*James Wheeler* @wheelertweets 1h
1 hour ago
UPDATE: 4 tanks at #Libya's largest oil terminal Ras Lanuf still burning
after yesterday's #ISIS/Daesh sabotage
[image: Embedded image permalink]
[image: Embedded image permalink]
[image: Embedded image permalink]
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*fred walton* @fredwalton216 56m
56 minutes ago
"@thedailybeast: Mysterious and terrifying Zika Virus is stumping
scientists and spreading: "
[image: Embedded image permalink]
... more »
Chet Raymo, "ICBW IDTS"
by Chet Raymo
"Which means, according to text messagers, "It could be worse (but) I don't
think so." It seems a Finn has published a 332-page novel written entirely
in text messaging abbreviations. Leave it to the Finns, who essentially
invented mobile phone culture. Well, that's one novel I will never read. At
my age, I might as well try to learn Finnish as the language of TXT MSG.
I've had a mobile (as they call them in Europe) for three years now, and
I've yet to have an incoming call. Not surprising, since no one has my
number, and even if they did the phone is ne... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Pune, Maharashtra, India. Thanks for stopping by.
Satire: “Palin Blames Obama for Her Defeat in 2008 Election”
*“Palin Blames Obama for Her Defeat in 2008 Election”*
by Andy Borowitz
DES MOINES, Iowa (The Borowitz Report)— “Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
continued to air her grievances against President Obama on Friday, telling
an audience at a Trump rally in Iowa that Obama was “single-handedly to
blame” for her defeat in the 2008 general election. “Like a lot of American
families, we Palins had big plans and dreams—in this case, regarding me
becoming Vice-President,” she said. “But you know who had to go and ruin
those plans and dreams? President Obama.”
Palin said that Obama insured ... more »
The Economy: "“Democracy Is No Better Than a Monarchy… or a Dictatorship”"
*"**Democracy Is No Better Than a Monarchy… or a Dictatorship**"*
by Bill Bonner
*“Flaming Lunatic”: "*We had dinner in London last night, before boarding a
plane for India. “A large part of the U.S. population must feel threatened
by any kind of intelligence,” said a voice at a nearby table. A group of
Englishmen were discussing U.S. politics. We eavesdropped. “Can you
imagine? That Trump… he seems like a flaming lunatic. His campaign is
nothing but telling voters that he’s a good negotiator. He thinks it’s all
just making deals with people. All that matters is getting a good deal... more »
Serbian Hermit Shuns Fortune To Live On Bread & Water
A hermit woman living in a mud hut gave away a fortune she had just
inherited, preferring instead to rely on bread, water and wood for her
survival in the mountainous regions of eastern Serbia. Marija Zlatic, 86,
gave away nearly a million Australian dollars (£490,000) she had inherited
from her late estranged husband, to the local community. Marija gave the
money away believing that others might need it more than herself. The local
community in return helps her keep warm by cutting wood for her fire.
Marija had heard five years ago that her estranged husband, living in
Australia, h... more »
White High School Girls in Arizona Pose With Racist T-Shirts, Post on Social Media

[image: Arizona White Girls N Word - 900]
Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, Arizona, is currently bracing for a
race riot after six high school girls posed with racist T-shirts and posted
the photo on Snapchat social media today. Each girl wore a shirt with a
letter that,... more »
Roy Spencer On That 2015 Record Warmest Claim

By Paul Homewood
Bearing in mind that RSS, run by Kevin Trenberth’s buddy Carl Mears, has
consistently undershoot Roy Spencer’s UAH satellite dataset, Roy’s latest
blog may be of interest: On that 2015 Record Warmest Claim January
22nd, 2016 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. We now have the official […]
*From* *Jenna Orkin*
Attention Finally Turns To Saudi Arabia's "Secret" US Treasury Holdings
This Is What The Death Of A Nation Looks Like: Venezuela Prepares For 720%
The Planet’s Fisheries Are In Even Worse Shape Than We Thought
Not The Onion: Lamb Chop Weight Enforcers Want Warrantless Access to
Australians’ Metadata
Neurosurgeon Claims Successful Head Transplant on Monkey
DARPA: Bridging the Bio-Electronic Divide
Rise of the Robots Will Eliminate More Than 5 Million Jobs
Governor Knew About Flint Water Poisoning for Nearly A Year, Tried To Shift
Schlumber... more »
World News Briefs -- January 22, 2016 (Evening Edition)

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry takes his seat across the table from
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for their meeting about Syria, in
Zurich, Switzerland, January 20, 2016. REUTERS/Jacquelyn Martin/Pool
*Reuters*: *With days to go, rival camps bicker over teams for Syria peace
Syrian peace talks will go ahead in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State John
Kerry insisted on Thursday, but with just days to go, rival camps bickered
about who should be invited to take part.
Kerry conceded that the timetable may slip from a planned Jan. 25 start but
there would be no fundam... more »
*Irvin Mayfield’s Jazz Orchestra Reneges on Promise to Pay Back Library
Foundation ~Sam Darcangelo, offBeat*
“A Crisis In Civic Education- Why I May Just Stick Up The Middle Finger”
*“A Crisis In Civic Education- *
*Why I May Just Stick Up The Middle Finger”*
by American Council of Trustees and Alumni; Karl Denniner
"There is a crisis in American civic education. Survey after survey shows
that recent college graduates are alarmingly ignorant of America’s history
and heritage. They cannot identify the term lengths of members of Congress,
the substance of the First Amendment, or the origin of the separation of
powers. They do not know the Father of the Constitution, and nearly 10% say
that Judith Sheindlin—“Judge Judy”—is on the Supreme Court.
Studies show that o... more »
Oregon Gov. Pens Letter Asking Obama to Rid State of Wildlife Refuge Occupiers

[image: BURNS, OR - JANUARY 05: Ammon Bundy, the leader of an
anti-government militia, speaks to members of the media in front of the
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters on January 5, 2016 near
Burns, Oregon. An armed anti-government militia group continues to occupy
the Malheur National Wildlife Headquarters as they protest the jailing of
two ranchers for arson.]
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown wrote two letters to the federal government
Wednesday asking for help removing the group of militiamen she calls "armed
criminals" from a remote Oregon wildlife refuge. The letters were obta... more »
Stacey Dash Says BET ‘Lies to American Black People’ and Promotes Segregation

[image: Stacey Dash - 400]
Stacey Dash continued to criticize BET on her website Thursday, saying the
network “lies” to promote segregation. The 49-year-old actress faced heavy
backlash for suggesting the network should be abolished Wednesday on Fox &
Friends, and penned a blog post...
Continue reading *“Stacey Dash Says BET ‘Lies to American Black People’ and
Promotes Segregation”* at **.
Are China and Japan Destined for War?
*Harry J. Kazianis, National Interest:* *Get Ready, America: Are China and
Japan Destined for War?*
While your Twitter and Facebook feed these days might be filled with
stories about Iran, North Korea and ISIS, as well as the South China Sea,
2016 could be the year of a deadly clash between China and Japan—and the
stakes could not be any higher for the United States.
A recent article in Foreign Policy sets the stage for such a clash—and
shows how America could get sucked in. After a relatively peaceful year—if
such a thing exists in the East China Sea—Beijing and Tokyo are once aga... more »
Trumpf Got His Breeding From Papa Fred Trump

Today, the RNC has disinvited *National Review* from co-hosting the
February 25th debate in Houston for their all-out attack on Herr Trumpf.
Not that anyone of the Trumpf mass has ever heard of *National Review*, let
alone read it. As you know by now, the old conservative mouthpiece devoted
its new issue to bashing Herr. The editors' introduction asserts he doesn't
"deserve" conservative support because he's "a philosophically unmoored
political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological
consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with
strong-... more »
“Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World”
*“Trying To Stay Sane In An Insane World”*
by Jim Quinn
“In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us,
or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know,
or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence.”
- Kurt Nimmo
"A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”
– Kurt Vonnegut, "Welcome to the Monkey House"
"I have to admit to being baffled by the aptitude of the Wall Street and K
Street financial elite to keep their Ponzi scheme growing. I consider
myself to be a rational, sane human being who understands math and bases
... more »

*Senator Bernie Sanders and UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn*
*As the inevitability of real change increases, resistance and backlash
also increases as I have most certainly experienced in my heart centered
work within the VA Medical establishment ~ but there comes a time when a
tipping point is reached and the inevitable becomes a growing reality as we
are now witnessing with the rise of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn to
positions of real leadership in a troubled world community: Allen L Roland,
PhD *
*“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre... more »
Movie Academy Announces Reforms to Increase Diversify

[image: Film Academy - 900]
The film academy is pledging to double the number of female and minority
members by 2020, and will immediately diversify its leadership by adding
three new seats to its board of governors. Academy president Cheryl Boone
Isaacs announced the changes... more »
Olympics Loosen Rules to Allow Pre-Op M-to-F Transsexuals to Compete with Women

[image: Bruce Jenner - 400]
There's great news for adventurous male Olympic hopefuls: if they declare
themselves women and reduce their testosterone below 10 nmol/L for at least
12 months prior to competition, they can compete against ladies. There's
even better news for these men;...
Continue reading *“Olympics Loosen Rules to Allow Pre-Op M-to-F
Transsexuals to Compete with Women”* at **.
East Coast Blizzard — The Latest

[image: A man celebrates making it up a steep, snow-covered hill north of
the state Capitol in Nashville, Tenn., on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016. Much of
downtown was deserted as state and city government offices were closed for
the day. (AP Photo/Erik Schelzig)]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The latest on the blizzard slamming the eastern part of
the United States. (all times local) 4:10 p.m. The storm system ravaging
the East Coast brought tornadoes and snow to Mississippi. The National
Weather Service in Jackson... more »
Women are Dying from Abortion but You Never Hear About It, Says OB-GYN

[image: Evangelicals for Life - 400]
WASHINGTON -- Women are being “victimized” and in some cases killed as a
result of abortion procedures, yet lack of accurate data recording is
keeping Americans in the dark about the issue, a prominent
obstetrician-gynecologist who has been in her...
Continue reading *“Women are Dying from Abortion but You Never Hear About
It, Says OB-GYN”* at **.
Appeals Court Rules Against Kansas Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Act

[image: abortion symbolic forceps - 900]
They say “the tie goes to the runner”? Today, the tie did not go to the
unborn. On the very anniversary of Roe v. Wade the Kansas Court of Appeals
ruled against a 2015 state law that banned a common and brutal
second-trimester abortion... more »
The U.S. Military Failure In Iraq

Leaving for good: Soldiers close the Iraq-Kuwait border gate behind the
final vehicles. There are concerns about how stable Iraq is and whether the
departure of U.S. troops is too premature. December, 2011.
*Nick Turse, The Nation:* *Why Do All of the Pentagon’s ‘Successes’ in Iraq
Look More Like Failures?*
*The only thing the US military has succeeded at is believing its own
There’s good news coming out of Iraq… again. The efforts of a 65-nation
coalition and punishing US airstrikes have helped local ground forces roll
back gains by the Islamic State (IS).
Governmen... more »
Lamar's Office Answers Diane's Questions about ESSA
Diane Ravitch's close relationship with Lamar Alexander goes back at least
to the early 1990s, when Diane was a leading testocrat at ED for George
Herbert Walker Bush. This was the period when Diane used her office as Assistant
Secretary to suppress the Sandia Report, which presented a picture contrary
to the educational doomsday message that began with Reagan's opposition to
public schools ten years before. It was that high time when Lamar as
Secretary of ED led his unsuccessful campaign to get federal sponsorship
for his former business partner's Edison Schools. As the NY Times r... more »
With Bernie Sanders Now Dominating NH Polls, Time to Review: Exactly How Radical is He?

[image: With Bernie Sanders Suddenly Dominating New Hampshire Polls, Time
to Review the Many Strange Skeletons in His Closet]
Bernie Sanders has come a long way since I called him a long-shot candidate
for president in May of last year. Since then, he’s risen to within single
digits behind Hillary Clinton in national polls, is about tied with her
in... more »
State Department Hints at Investigation into Hillary’s Blackberry Decision

[image: State Department - 400]
The State Department is investigating some of the questions raised in a
Daily Caller article published this week which revealed that one of Hillary
Clinton's top aides, Huma Abedin, rejected the idea of the then-secretary
of state using a government-issued...
Continue reading *“State Department Hints at Investigation into Hillary’s
Blackberry Decision”* at **.
Iraqi Kurd President: Time To Redrawn Middle East Boundaries

The Times
*The Guardian:* *Iraqi Kurdistan president: time has come to redraw Middle
East boundaries*
Massoud Barzani claims era of Sykes-Picot is over and a new international
agreement is needed for the Middle East
The president of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish north has called on global
leaders to acknowledge that the Sykes-Picot pact that led to the boundaries
of the modern Middle East has failed, and urged them to broker a new deal
paving the way for a Kurdish state.
Massoud Barzani, who has led the troubled country’s Kurds for the past
decade, said the international community ha... more »
Il Douche: The Most Dangerous Man in America.

(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari)
*E*arlier this month in Burlington, Vermont, where Senator and leading
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was mayor for eight years, Donald
Trump held a so-called private rally (How does one turn a rally in a
public, taxpayer-funded venue private? Simple. Just give away tickets.).
Without warning, provocation or preamble, the paranoid crowd suddenly
surrounded a young woman who was just quietly sitting in her seat and was
forcibly ejected by the Burlington Police Department.
As the lady was manhandled out... more »
Canadian Prime Minister gets hung up on by grieving relative of False Flag victim

*Prime Minister Justin Trudeau*
I don't know why I get satisfaction when reading reports like this:
The husband of one of the Quebecers killed in the Burkina Faso terrorist
attack says *hanging up on Justin Trudeau "felt good" after the prime
minister called him earlier this week.*
Yves Richard told Montreal radio station 98.5 FM on Thursday he was
frustrated in the hours after last week's tragedy with what he called
Global Affairs Canada's lack of tact and empathy.
He did say the situation has since improved and that the families of
victims are being treated better.
- *CBC IN B... more »
In Sweden, You Can Now Drive Without A Licence... As Long As You're An Immigrant
Sweden is beyond a joke...
'Newly arrived migrants in Sweden can now enjoy two and a half years or
more driving without any sort of licence, putting themselves and others at
risk, thanks to the judgement of a Swedish court.'
More here
Study Suggests Aged Garlic Extract Can Slow Plaque Build-Up In Arteries
A research study by the UCLA Medical Center (LA BioMed) suggests aged
garlic extract taken as a supplement could reduce the accumulation of
certain types of plaque in the arteries and help prevent heart disease. The
new study is scheduled for publication in the Journal of Nutrition. Science
Daily reports: The research, conducted at LA BioMed, found a reduction in
the amount of low-attenuation plaque, or “soft plaque,” in the arteries of
patients with metabolic syndrome who took Aged Garlic Extract. Metabolic
syndrome is characterized by obesity, hypertension and other cardiac risk
f... more »
Satellite Temperature Data Supported By Radiosondes

By Paul Homewood
As we know, there has been a concerted attempt in the last few months to
discredit satellite temperature measurements. In a way this reflects on the
success that sceptic bloggers have had in bringing them to the forefront
and pointing out that they do not support NASA/NOAA’s hottest year […]
Iraq PM: Oil Price Collapse Is Hindering Iraq's War Against The Islamic State
*Bloomberg*: *Oil Plunge Imperils Iraq's Fight With Islamic State, Abadi
* Collapse in crude `a surprise,' says Iraqi prime minister
* Neighbors must stop sectarianism, confront extremism together
Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said the plunge in oil prices means Iraq
needs IMF support to continue its fight against Islamic State, a battle he
says his country is winning despite little support from its neighbors.
“We’ve been anticipating there would be some drop of prices but this has
taken us by surprise,” Abadi said of the oil collapse in an interview at
the World Economic F... more »
Will Obama be Held Accountable for Fast and Furious? What a New Court Decision Means

[image: Obama - 900]
In an odd coincidence, a federal district court on Tuesday issued a
decision against President Barack Obama in the Operation Fast and Furious
fiasco, at almost the same time that Fox News broke a story about Mexican
authorities finding a... more »
GOP Lawmakers Want Exemptions for Same-Sex Marriage Opponents

[image: businesses - 400]
ATLANTA (AP) -- Months after the Supreme Court effectively legalized
same-sex marriage, lawmakers across the U.S. are pushing bills that would
give businesses and some public employees the right to refuse serving gay
couples because of their religious beliefs. The...
Continue reading *“GOP Lawmakers Want Exemptions for Same-Sex Marriage
Opponents”* at **.
Lottery Winner Murdered At Home By Masked Raiders
A young winner of the Georgia state lottery has been murdered at his home
by armed robbers looking for his cash. Craigory Burch Jr, 20, was shot dead
at his home by a gang of masked raiders after offering them his wallet and
pleading for his life in front of his girlfriend and kids. Burch Jr had
scooped almost half a million dollars in November’s Fatasy5 draw. The
Mirror reports: On Thursday night, armed raiders broken into Burch’s home,
where he was with his girlfriend and children, WALB reported. The three
masked robbers burst into the property and held Burch at gunpoint and
deman... more »
"Correct The Record" Doesn't Want to Be Quoted When Offering Anti-Sanders Oppo Research

*David Brock, founder of Correct the Record, which is transforming itself
into a super PAC that plans to work with Hillary Clinton's campaign. (AP
Photo/Danny Johnston / source) *
*by Gaius Publius*
A small thing perhaps, but I found it noteworthy. I also think this points
to something considerably larger. It seems the David Brock-led
Clinton-allied Super PAC Correct the Record (CTR) does oppo research for
the Clinton campaign. Normal enough in politics. And CTR offers
oppo-generated "tips" to news outlets and other media. Again, normal enough
in politics.
It also seems that if t... more »
Fail to attribute alert: Propaganda Pre$$ Monitor published an entire post of mine and gave me no credit

Just noted this today in my blogroll to the right. Propaganda Pre$$
Monitor posted my review of Star Wars...along with some others (way too
long of a post IMO) *and failed to link or attribute.* This is a no no.
Duck Dynasty Star Endorses Trump Days after Dad Backs Cruz

[image: Willie Robertson - 400]
Willie Robertson, star of the “Duck Dynasty” television show, has endorsed
Donald Trump for president the week after his father and co-star backed GOP
rival Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas). “Mr. Trump is a real leader. He represents
success and strength,...
Continue reading *“Duck Dynasty Star Endorses Trump Days after Dad Backs
Cruz”* at **.
Will Russia Send More Military Forces To Syria?

© Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
*Sam Skove, Atlantic Council:* *Russia Intervention in Syria Has Its Limits*
While Russia's intervention in Syria appears to have helped Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad's regime claw its way back from the brink of
defeat, the Kremlin's gambit is in many ways a limited one.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, thanks to technical and political
constraints, cannot significantly ramp up his forces in the region. This
means that the relatively small force of fighter jets and bombers already
deployed in Syria are the only military tools at h... more »
US/NATO War Expansion- Special Ops to Airbase-AWACS and more

*Points covered in previous post:* *Syria:NO Peace Talks- US to Intensify
ISIS "fight" & Israel wants a Kurdish State*
*Still doubting the Geneva talks will take place-
*Israel’s call for a so called “kurdish state” should’ve come as no
surprise to anyone that reads here
* Israel and Sunni Muslims have long been allied and Kurds are largely
Sunni Muslims.
*"We must openly call for the establishment of a Kurdish state that
separates Iran from Turkey, one which will be friendly towards Israel"*
*As previously mentioned P5+1 was a ruse. Early Seeds of Iranian
destabilization cross the T... more »
Did Russian President Putin Asked Syrian President Assad To Step Down?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meeting with Russian President Vladimir
Putin at the Kremlin in Moscow, October 20, 2015. Putin asked Assad to step
down as president shortly before the new year.
*Financial Times:* *Vladimir Putin asked Bashar al-Assad to go*
Just weeks before his death on January 3, Colonel-General Igor Sergun,
director of Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, was sent to Damascus
on a delicate mission.
The general, who is believed to have cut his teeth as a Soviet operative in
Syria, bore a message from Vladimir P... more »
Science publishes Voinnet’s 19th, 20th, and 21st corrections
Prominent plant biologist Olivier Voinnet has issued three more corrections
in this week’s issue of Science. Collectively, the papers have earned more
than 1400 citations, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge. By
our count, he’s now at 21 corrections and seven retractions, following
months of questions about his work. He’s been the subject of an
investigation that found he “breached his […]
The post Science publishes Voinnet’s 19th, 20th, and 21st corrections
appeared first on Retraction Watch.
National Review blasts Trump with 22 negative articles by "leading conservatives"...w/Update

*expect Trump's numbers to go up.*
What the hell are they thinking?
Other than Thomas Sowell, not one of these so-called conservatives even
know what the word "conservative" means. These people live in a bubble of
their own making, where the middle class doesn't even exist for them.
Rich Lowery, the editor of National Review, starts off by saying in the
following clip:
"If you truly are a conservative, you believe in ideas and principles.
It's not just attitudes. It's just not who you dislike. It's limited
government. It's the constitution. It's liberty. Those are the things ... more »
Egypt Clamps Down Ahead Of Arab Spring Anniversary
*Wall Street Journal:* *Egypt Moves to Head Off Popular Unrest*
As an Arab Spring milestone nears, Egypt signals it won’t tolerate dissent
CAIRO—Five years ago, massive street protests swept out Egypt’s strongman
president and changed the course of the nation. Now, its authoritarian
government, in an effort to avoid any resurgence of unrest, is clamping
down on its critics and signaling that public displays of dissent won’t be
The regime of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi has arrested dozens of
administrators of Facebook pages critical of the government and has
scripted... more »
Does this signal an unbridgeable schism in the Republican Party?
The conservative magazine, National Review, has published a very long, multi-authored
piece ranting against the candidacy of Donald Trump. In general, the
various authors oppose the billionaire real estate magnate because he is
not, in their views, a real conservative, and some question his character.
He is likened to a Hitler or a Mussolini.
The problem with this line of attack from this group of conservative
writers and thinkers is that Donald Trump’s supporters are not readers or
thoughtful or in an intellectual sense conservatives. His increasingly
large base likes Trump’s “g... more »
Supplemental: Another front-page report by the Times!
*FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2016Plus, Chozick's delicious tale:* In the past few
days, Candidate Clinton and Candidate Sanders have released one-minutes
Excited pundits are describing these ads as the candidates' "closing
statements" in the drive to win Iowa and New Hampshire. And yes, the
pundits are *very* worked up. Mika's very first statement today was pure,
undisguised propaganda concerning one of those ads.
The hopefuls have started their closing drives; some pundits are in the
same mode. Then too, a cynic might review the front page of the New York
Times in the past two day... more »
Western Powers Are Preparing To Intervene In Libya

Fire rises from an oil tank in the port of Es Sider, in Ras Lanouf, Libya,
Jan. 6, 2016. A Petroleum Facilities Guards blamed the blazes on attacks by
Islamic State militants.
*Washington Post*:* New Western security plans for Libya take shape as the
Islamic State threat grows*
The United States and allied nations are making plans for military support
to Libya once a new government is established, officials say, as Western
countries seek to halt the growth of the Islamic State’s satellite there
and contain worsening instability on Europe’s doorstep.
Defense officials from the Unit... more »
Litvinenko’s Brother Says Blaming Putin For His Murder Is Ridiculous
The brother of Aleksandr Litvinenko has said that the British government
had more motivation to kill him than Russia did, despite a British public
inquiry which concluded that President Putin “probably” approved the
murder. The Russian Foreign Ministry has also dismissed the British report,
blaming London for politicizing the “purely criminal” case of Litvinenko’s
death. RT reports: Maksim Litvinenko, Aleksandr’s younger brother who lives
in Rimini, Italy, responded to the Thursday report by saying it was
“ridiculous” to blame the Kremlin for the murder of his brother, stating
that ... more »
Genocide, Fast and Slow

The mass poisoning of the residents of Flint, Michigan is a lot more than a
public health emergency. It's even a lot more than depraved-heart murder
and assault by deadly bureaucrat.
Using the guidelines established by the United Nations, it's likely that
the deliberate and continuous piping of lead-contaminated water to
unsuspecting people qualifies as both a crime against humanity and actual
Heads should indeed roll... all the way to The Hague. The only trouble with
that suggestion, of course, is that the United States has conveniently absolved
itself from accountabili... more »
Navajo water contamination more horrific than Fint's
water has long been contaminated by Peabody Coal mining on Black Mesa,
uranium spills and recently the EPA's poisoning of the Animas and San
Juan Rivers. The US government knew when it relocated Navajos to the
Sanders, Arizona, area that radiation from the Church Rock, NM, uranium
spill would poison the water by way of the Rio Puerco wash. In the Four
Corners region, three coal fired
Europe Faces a New Tidal Wave of Refugees, EU Leaders Say

[image: European leaders - 400]
DAVOS, Switzerland -- European leaders warned Thursday that the continent’s
refugee crisis is growing and if not brought under control by spring it
could push the region past the breaking point. “We see today that in the
first three weeks of the...
Continue reading *“Europe Faces a New Tidal Wave of Refugees, EU Leaders
Say”* at **.
Accidental Births and Deliberate Deaths

[image: patient death]
On the very day that Canada's Parliament convened a Special Joint Committee
on Physician-Assisted Dying, the National Post, one of our national
newspapers, ran an article on "accidental" births. Accidental births are
not unexpected conceptions that have led to babies;... more »
Jeb Calls on His Mom? Barbara Bush Swipes at Trump in New Ad

[image: Barbara Bush ad - 400]
Barbara Bush takes a swipe at Donald Trump in a new ad for her son Jeb
Bush’s presidential campaign. The former first lady says Jeb Bush wants to
be president for the right reasons, unlike some other candidates in the...
Continue reading *“Jeb Calls on His Mom? Barbara Bush Swipes at Trump in
New Ad”* at **.
Donald Trump’s Religious Inspiration: Norman Vincent Peale

[image: Donald Trump3 - 400]
Donald J. Trump likes to cite an exalted force when he's asked about his
religious convictions. God? Jesus? Himself? Try Norman Vincent Peale, the
Christian minister whose book The Power of Positive Thinking was a pillar
of American self-help culture...
Continue reading *“Donald Trump’s Religious Inspiration: Norman Vincent
Peale”* at **.
Tunisia Declares A Nationwide Curfew After Days Of Protests And Rioting Over Unemployment And The Economy
*Al Jazeera:* *Tunisia declares curfew after days of violent protests*
Protests over unemployment rates and the economy had intensified and spread
to several cities including the capital.
Tunisia has declared a nationwide curfew after days of protests and rioting
over jobs and economic conditions, the interior ministry announced .
Protests over unemployment in the country, which started in the western
Kasserine province, intensified and spread to other parts of the country on
Solidarity rallies were held in cities including Tunis, Sidi Bouzid and
Gafsa, with several rep... more »
Pro-Life Movement Has Always Been Driven by Women

[image: abortionprotests_032015getty]
Forty-three years ago this week, the Supreme Court struck down the laws of
50 states and made abortion-on-demand the law of the land. Over half a
million people are expected to protest that decision Friday on the national
mall, in...
Continue reading *“Pro-Life Movement Has Always Been Driven by Women”* at
Al-Shabaab Kill Over 20 In Somali Restaurant Siege
*Reuters*: *Islamist gunmen kill 17 in Somalia beach restaurant attack*
At least 17 people were killed in the Somali capital of Mogadishu when five
Islamist gunmen set off bombs and stormed a popular beach-front restaurant
late on Thursday, Somali police said.
Al Shabaab, a militant group aligned with al Qaeda, said its fighters set
off two car bombs at the Beach View Cafe on Mogadishu's popular Lido beach,
and engaged in a gun battle for hours with government troops trying to
flush them out.
"The operation ended at 3 a.m. last night and at least 17 civilians were
killed," police... more »
World News Briefs -- January 22, 2016
*Daily Mail*: *More than 75MILLION people brace themselves for the wrath of
Jonas - the monster East Coast snowstorm - as FIVE THOUSAND flights are
canceled and panic buyers clear the shelves*
* More than 2,500 flights around the country have been canceled on Friday
and at least 2,300 on Saturday
* Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, and D.C. have all declared a state of
emergency to prepare for the storm
* Two feet of snow to hit Northeast - with 60mph winds expected to shut off
power on coast from VA to NY
* DC Mayor Muriel Bowser made unusual move of apologizing for
underesti... more »
Psychedelic Spiritual Experience & What It Reveals About Your State of Awareness
* Steve McIntosh* - Psychedelics reveal that we are truly “behind a veil”
in our ordinary state of awareness.
The post Psychedelic Spiritual Experience & What It Reveals About Your
State of Awareness appeared first on Waking Times.
You’ve been dupe’d: Meet authors who like their work so much, they publish it twice
When our co-founders launched the site in 2010, they wondered whether there
would be enough retractions to write about on a regular basis. Five+ years
and three full-time staffers later, and we simply don’t have the time to
cover everything that comes across our desk. In 2012, we covered a group of
duplication retractions in a […]
The post You’ve been dupe’d: Meet authors who like their work so much, they
publish it twice appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Glenn Beck, Thomas Sowell, Others Warn: The Word Trump Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

[image: Princess Bride Inconceivable__1453471126_173.71.16.53]
“Is Trump a liberal?” conservative columnist Mona Charen asks. “Who knows?
He played one for decades -- donating to liberal causes and politicians
(including Al Sharpton) and inviting Hillary Clinton to his (third)
wedding. Maybe it was all a game,... more »
On March Eve, The Chairman’s Call: “In the Culture of Life, We Need the Heart of Francis”

[image: marmas15]
Even with some two feet of snow forecast to hit Washington tomorrow, it
remains one of Stateside Catholicism’s marquee liturgies of the year -
before hordes of priests and seminarians, the lion’s share of the American
hierarchy, as many people...
Continue reading *“On March Eve, The Chairman’s Call: “In the Culture of
Life, We Need the Heart of Francis””* at **.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 22, 2016

Iraq's Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi speaks during a news conference in
Baghdad, December 19 2015. REUTERS/KHALID AL-MOUSILY
*Reuters*: *Iraq to start Mosul offensive against IS in first half of 2016:
Iraq plans to launch the operation to dislodge Islamic State from the
northern city of Mosul in the first half of 2016, Defense Minister Khaled
al-Obeidi told Reuters on Thursday.
Mosul is the largest city under control of the militants who captured it in
2014 to declare a caliphate over vast swathes of Sunni populated regions of
Iraq and Syria.``I can say the battle wo... more »
The Truth About False Flags: This Is Why False Flags Have Gone Haywire Under Soetoro (Obama)
I was out yesterday having my usual cup of coffee over at the local Tim
Horton's restaurant here in central Canuckleheadistan (what I tend to call
Canada these days...) and the usual group was there and of course asked me
to join them... We did our usual talk about sports, weather, the failing
economy, and of course politics... Of course the subject matter turned once
again to the situation around the world and especially what is happening in
the United States....
I did my best to not put in my own 2 cents worth, for when I do it seems
the truth does upset so many people.. Instead I... more »
National Review Disinvited from Co-Hosting Debate After Editorial Against Trump

[image: Donald Trump]
After publishing a special issue editorial and symposium piece against
Donald Trump last night, the conservative journal National Review has been
disinvited by the Republican National Committee from co-hosting the GOP
debate in February. In the editorial, National Review warns that... more »
Unraveling 7 Fundamental Lies behind Roe v. Wade

[image: March for Life 2014]
A recent special edition of TIME Magazine headlined 'The Supreme Court
Decisions That Changed America' makes a surprising admission for the
world's most-read newsweekly: "Like abolition in the 1850s or the war in
Vietnam in the 1960s, Roe v. Wade... more »
Drone Activist Captures the Truth About Factory Farming
*Phillip Schneider* - Why is it that when most people look at their plates
they don't see the real story behind what they're eating?
The post Drone Activist Captures the Truth About Factory Farming appeared
first on Waking Times.
Is Single Payer Worth Fighting For? Or Is It Better To Just Settle For Less And Leave It At That?

When Hillary attacks Bernie's single-payer health care plan, she
acknowledges-- at least when pinned down-- that it's better than her own
tepid, incremental proposal... but her argument, and that of her team, is
that Bernie's plan could never pass this Congress. You don't say? Nothing
that helps ordinary working families that either Hillary or Bernie proposes
could pass this Congress. If Bernie is the nominee, the Democrats will
surely recapture the U.S. Senate but the harsh reality is that the House,
thanks to a decade of DCCC corruption, grotesque mismanagement and willful
pand... more »
“L.A.’s Methane/Radiation Blowout: Update 1/22/2016"
*“L.A.’s Methane/Radiation Blowout: Update 1/22/2016"*
by ENE News
*View from Aliso Canyon. The tall buildings you see at the image top are
downtown L.A.*
Los Angeles County, California 2014 Population estimate: 10,116,705
San Fernando Valley, California 2014 Population estimate: 1,571,548
*Los Angeles Times, Jan 15, 2016:* "Efforts to plug Porter Ranch-area gas
leak worsened blowout risk, regulators say — Southern California Gas Co is
trying to avoid a blowout, which state regulators said is now a significant
concern after a seventh attempt to plug the well created more precarious
co... more »
Homemade Italian Cream Sodas

One of my favorite traditions every year is our Valentine's Day Dinner.
After years of waiting in lines for ages at restaurants and struggling to
find sitters on Valentine's Day, we threw our hands up and decided to have
an epic meal at home instead. Our meal usually consists of lobster tails,
steak, garlic mashed potatoes, rolls and Italian Cream Sodas. All homemade
of course. There is something so fun about making an elaborate meal and
then enjoying it all together.
My kids favorite part of the meal are these cream sodas. I have been making
them since I was a kid and I love bein... more »
Does Ted Cruz Practice “Christian Identity Politics”?

[image: Ted Cruz3 - 900]
Last week, Paul David Miller penned an essay at The Federalist entitled:
"I'm An Evangelical, And I Don't Support Ted Cruz." In it, he argued that
Cruz effectively serves as a poor Christian witness in the public square,
asking Christians... more »
The Establishment’s Irrational Fear of Ted Cruz

[image: In this Jan. 19, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate,
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks during a campaign stop at the Freedom Country
Store in Freedom, N.H.]
Some time ago I said that many establishment Republicans dislike Ted Cruz
so much that they would even back their nemesis, Donald Trump, if necessary
to keep Cruz from winning. This is one time I wish I had been wrong.... more »
Why the March for Life Is Becoming a Destination for More Evangelicals

[image: March for Life]
Jim Daly is president of Focus on the Family, one of the country's biggest
and best-known evangelical organizations, a group that considers opposing
abortion one of its very top values. Yet Friday will be the first time Daly
has come...
Continue reading *“Why the March for Life Is Becoming a Destination for
More Evangelicals”* at **.
Who is Responsible for the Suffering of Yemen?

*January 23, 2016* (Martin Berger - NEO) - As noted by numerous
commentators on the Middle East, the situation in Yemen remains very grave.
The country has been devastated by the armed conflict being waged between
the Houthis and the troops of ousted President Mansour Hadi, which in turn
are being heavily supported by the air forces of the so-called Arab
coalition led by Saudi Arabia.
The ongoing airstrikes claim civilians lives, leave districts in ruin, and
destroy the country’s infrastructure. Earlier this month at least three
people were killed in an air raid on the hospital of ... more »
Flint Water Crisis: The Liberal Narrative Isn’t the Whole Story

[image: The Flint River is shown near downtown Flint, Mich., Thursday, Jan.
21, 2016. Residents in the former auto-making hub — a poor, largely
minority city — feel their complaints about lead-tainted water flowing
through their taps have been slighted by the government or ignored
altogether. For many, it echoes the lackluster federal response to New
Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.]
I haven't spoken much of the city of Flint's water crisis among my
out-of-town friends, primarily because it's such a sad story, and in
reality, an apolitical one. But it's important for people ... more »
The End Of Diet Soda? Huge Study Links Aspartame to These Major Health Problems
*Arjun Walia* - One of the largest studies of its kind recently examined
the link between diet drinks and cardiovascular issues.
The post The End Of Diet Soda? Huge Study Links Aspartame to These Major
Health Problems appeared first on Waking Times.
JungGi Kim - amazing ink-panoramas - timelapse feature
Usually, Free Planet features three (or so) paintings or illustrations or
drawings in an Art Feature ... this time, because it's the mesmerising
large-format hyper-intensive ink-work of JungGi Kim I'll be showing some of
the timelapse movies that have been made during the course of the creation
of his *amazing ink-panoramas*.
and here's another one... it's just 'the best thing I've seen in ages'.
That Harper Stain
The Conservatives were hypocrites when they were in government. Now they
are hypocrites in opposition. Consider the journey interim leader Rona
Ambrose has taken. Michael Harris writes:
Now, Rona has asked for a pre-budget meeting with Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau. Does she want to offer him advice on how to run budgetary
deficits? Does she want to show him how to hide the bad stuff in an omnibus
bill? Whatever the reason, Rona now believes in the government should
*consult* the Opposition Leader. Where... more »
Meet 4 Pro-Life Lawmakers Who Chose to Adopt

[image: Rep. Tim Huelskamp speaks at the Women Betrayed Rally, a pro-life
event, in Washington D.C. on September 15, 2015.]
In college, Tim and Angela would counsel women facing an unplanned and
unwanted pregnancy. And they always suggested adoption as an option. Some
took their advice. Many didn't. Tim praises those that did, the mothers who
gave up their children... more »
Clinton’s Response to Sanders Has Some Democrats Worried

[image: Sanders-Clinton - 900]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton has questioned Bernie Sanders’
electability. She’s criticized his plans for health care, foreign policy
and Wall Street. And she’s tagged him with flip-flopping on gun control.
None of it appears to be sticking, say some... more »
Looming Blizzard Could Rank Near Top 10 to Hit Eastern U.S.

[image: Patty O'Brien, center, kneels down in the back of Rittenhouse
Hardware to compare the snow shovels that are for sale in Pennsylvania on
Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016. She was looking for one to just dig her car out of
a parking space. Much of southern Pennsylvania is expected to receive a
foot or more of snow from an approaching winter storm as plowing crews and
state troopers prepare to work overtime to clear highways and respond to
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The blizzard menacing the Eastern United States could
rank near the top 10 to ever hit the region, according to the N... more »
North Korea Holds U.S. Student for ‘Hostile Act’

[image: A North Korean police car in a suburb of Pyongyang.]
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea announced Friday the arrest of a
U.S. university student for what it called a “hostile act” orchestrated by
the American government to undermine the authoritarian nation. In language
that mirrors past North Korean... more »
U.S. Carrier Group Powered By Biofuels
*The Guardian*:* US navy launches first biofuel-powered aircraft carriers*
*Carrier strike group of four ships is the first to begin operating
regularly with a blend of petroleum and biofuels made from beef fat*
The US navy on Wednesday launched its first carrier strike group powered
partly by biofuel a mix made from beef fat, calling it a milestone toward
easing the military’s reliance on foreign oil.
The maritime branch touted the warships as the centrepiece of its “Great
Green Fleet” part of a navy-wide initiative that aims to draw 50% of its
power from alternative energy in fo... more »
The Koch’s Biggest Sin: Disagreeing With Liberal Narrative

[image: David Koch speaking at the 2015 Defending the American Dream Summit
at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.]
Jane Mayer of The New Yorker has a new book out: Dark Money: The Hidden
History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. It’s
mostly about those old devils the Koch brothers. Charles and David Koch
are... more »
Syrian Peace Will Be Decided on the Battlefield, Not in Vienna

*January 22, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The much lauded "peace deal"
regarding Syria upon even a cursory examination reveals nothing more than
the reiteration of Western demands versus a reassertion of Syrian defiance.
The West seeks a "political transition" in addition to fighting the
self-proclaimed "Islamic State," implying that indeed, just as it had
sought since 2011 and even beforehand, the West still expects current
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, and a client regime more to
the West's liking installed in his place.
And while the West, as part of the "pe... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/22/2016”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 1/22/2016”*
By Greg Hunter’s
“It appears the declining economy is so obvious that even the elite are
admitting the global economy is tanking. At the World Economic Forum in
Davos, Switzerland, where the richest people in business and government
gather annually, the mood couldn’t be gloomier. Even the headline at USA
Today reported this week “CEO’s Pessimism Over Global Economy Rises.”
Actually, if you read their story, they soft-pedaled how bad it really is.
Only 27% of 1,400 CEOs surveyed think economic growth will improve in 2016.
Only 16% of... more »
Finding Peace in God: 5 Ways to Go From Head Knowledge to Heart Application

[image: Bible Wood Hands Prayer Peace - 900]
JOSH SQUIRES -- Sometimes you get to share with someone an idea that
they've never heard before. And that idea absolutely revolutionizes the way
they think about themselves or others -- or even God himself. Watching
someone "get it" for... more »
Top MIT Scientist Mocks Claim That 2015 Was the Warmest Year on Record

[image: Dr. Richard Lindzen speaking at the CATO Institute on November 13,
Dr. Richard Lindzen is anything but convinced by headlines claiming 2015 is
the warmest year on record. He says what's most important is that climate
models have been over-predicting warming for more than 40 years. "Frankly,
I feel it is proof... more »
Mexico Is Becoming A Dangerous Place For Americans

*FOX News*:* U.S. renews travel warning to Mexico as killings of Americans
The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning to all Americans
planning on going to Mexico – renewing an expired travel ban issued in May
of last year – as the latest figures show the number of murdered U.S.
citizens south of the border has gone up.
The number of American citizens murdered in Mexico rose from 81 in 2013 to
100 in 2014, according to the U.S. government. Meantime, the FBI tells Fox
News Latino, 241 Americans have been kidnapped in Mexico since 2013 through
2015; 73 Americans w... more »
More Questions Being Raised On How Did Cuba Get A U.S. Hellfire Missile
*Shoshana Bryen, PJ Media*: *The 'New Cuban Missile Crisis' Mystery Deepens*
A U.S. Hellfire anti-tank missile -- a weapon launched from Predator drones
in anti-terrorism operations, among other uses -- found its way into the
hands of Cuba’s government in 2014.
But the route it took, twice crossing the Atlantic, was less mysterious
than the U.S. government’s public response to the discovery that front-line
American military equipment made it to Havana -- or beyond.
The Wall Street Journal reported that a missile shipped by Lockheed Martin
to Spain for a NATO exercise was supposed ... more »
(Austerity Meets Its Match?) Robert Reich’s Seriously Funny Crusade to Save Capitalism and America’s Middle Class
I've always loved this guy and read many of his books during and after my
carefree college days (kidding!). He's a wonderful writer, full of rich
ironies and witty comebacks at those who bedevil his liberalism. A joy to
read. I recommend them. Robert Reich’s Seriously Funny Crusade to Save
Capitalism and America’s Middle ClassWith friends and critics on both sides
of the ideological divide,
Russian Ruble Continues To Sink

An employee uses a machine to count Russian roubles at a private company's
office in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, November 6, 2014. REUTERS/ILYA
*Reuters*: *Ruble hits new low, Kremlin denies currency collapse*
The ruble slumped to new record lows on Thursday, threatening more hardship
for ordinary Russians and prompting some to stock up on dollars as the
Kremlin denied the currency was collapsing.
At one point the rouble had chalked up one of its biggest intraday drops in
around a year, smashing through 83 per dollar for the first time and
trading as low as 86, though it... more »
Temperature anomalies are naturally more accurate than the absolute global mean temperature
*When skeptics' talking points degenerate to low-brow anti-science demagogy*
Some climate skeptics sometimes offer talking points or "anger" of the type
that I don't share at all. And it's quite possible that I am much more
annoyed by some of the criticisms than the average climate alarmists are.
An example appeared at Anthony Watts' blog yesterday – and we debated it in
an e-mail ring:
Failed Math: In 1997, NOAA claimed that the Earth was 3.83 degrees warmer
than today
Funnily enough, the URL of that blog post contains the figure 5.63 °F
instead of 3.83 °F. While screaming about "... more »
Russia: Relations With UK ‘Darken’ Amid False Murder Accusations
The Russian Foreign Ministry have said that relations with the UK have
“darkened” following what they say are false claims that Vladimir Putin
ordered the murder of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko in London.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement: “We
regret that a purely criminal case has been politicised and has darkened
the general atmosphere of our bilateral relations.” reports:
She said that the public inquiry had a “clear political subtext”, and
criticised the fact that some of the evidence had been heard in closed
session. “Taking ... more »
France Announce Permanent Police State Until ISIS Is ‘Defeated’
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that France will keep its state
of emergency status until ISIS have been completely defeated, hinting at a
more permanent police state in France. The emergency measures were
initially introduced after the Paris attacks on the 13th November 2015.
Police in France currently have extended powers to conduct raids and impose
house arrests without a court order. BBC News reports: Mr Valls also warned
that Europe’s migration crisis was now putting the European Union itself at
grave risk. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to hold talks with
... more »
How 37 Banks became 4 in just 2 decades
*Great chart, but the thing is they were always one bank... *
*it was just corporate shells that made **it seem like competition. -AK*
Gitmo Guards Accuse CIA Of Three Detainee Deaths & Cover Up
Guantanamo Bay guards have accused the CIA of killing three prisoners at
the notorious U.S. military detention camp in Cuba. Sergeant Joseph
Hickman, a former guard, tells Radio Sputnik that the government’s version
of the deaths of three Gitmo detainees who were found hanged in their cells
in 2006 is not the true story. Sputnik reports: On the night of June 9,
2006, Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, and Yasser Talal
Al-Zahrani were found dead inside their detention block at Guantanamo Bay.
No charges were brought regarding the deaths, and all three had been
engaged in h... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 22, 2016

[image: Colorado Blizzard-900]
A soldier with the Colorado National Guard checks on a MEDEVAC helicopter
in preparation for a blizzard response exercise at Buckley Air Force Base
in Aurora, Colo., on Jan. 9, 2016. Thanks to Spc. Ashley Low for capturing
this image!
Russia's Sale Of It's S-400 Air Defense System To China Will Dramatically Alter The Military Balance In Asia

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Timothy R. Heath, War On The Rocks:* *How China's New Russian Air Defense
System Could Change Asia*
The Russian S-400 TRIUMF (NATO designation SA-21) surface to air missile
(SAM) entered the global media spotlight late in 2015 when Moscow deployed
the system after Turkey’s shoot-down of a Russian Su-24 FENCER airplane
near the Syria border on Thanksgiving Day. The Russian deployment compelled
Turkey to pause its air operations and reportedly impacted the execution of
U.S. and coalition air operations in the region, demonstrating the
considerable reac... more »
Russia Is Having Problems In Producing Their Own Stealth Fighters

Sukhoi T-50 fighter climbing after takeoff, 2011. Creative Commons
*David Ace, Reuters:* *It’s Russia’s turn to learn that stealth warplanes
are hard to do*
After confronting serious technical and economic difficulties, Russia has
dramatically cut back its air force program to field its first
radar-evading “stealth” fighter jet. By delaying large-scale acquisition of
the Sukhoi T-50 fighter, the Kremlin is tacitly acknowledging a truth that
the U.S. military learned decades ago — and that China might also learn in
coming years: developing stealth fighters is hard.
But fortunately ... more »
The HOTTEST year lie continues.

Apologies to Cartoons by JoshLast year the shrill were proclaiming 2014 to
be the hottest year ever. But when pushed, they umm-ed and ahh-ed and said
they were only 38% sure.
Those same shrill are at it again. *2015 the hottest *scream the headlines,
but the data show that it was nowhere near the hottest ( and the previously
claimed '*great 2014'* is even further from the truth.)
1998 still is the winner. Let's hear it for ole 98! *YEH!*
And further back, here's comes 2010.
But we are only talking of the era of satellite data.
On Howie Carr's radio show a year ago, MIT Professor e... more »
A Look At How The F-35 Gets Coated With Stealth Technology

*(Lockheed Martin)*
*Business Insider*: *I saw where the F-35 gets one of its most classified
features, and it's fascinating*
"This room is the most advanced painting facility in the world," retired US
Air Force pilot and F-35 simulation instructor Rick Royer told me as we
toured Lockheed Martin's highly secure plane facility in Fort Worth, Texas.
The Aircraft Final Finishes bay is where America's most expensive weapons
system gets coated with a highly classified stealth technology, which makes
it invisible to radar.
After the jet is assembled and before it can take flight, three ... more »
Quote of the Day: On Donald Trump
*“Donald Trump: The empty vessel that everyone thinks they'll be the one to
fill.”*~ Amy Peikoff
- “Authoritarianism is the easy way out. It’s a short-cut to solutions.
Instead of defining your ideas and why you hold them, you look to a
particular person to ‘get in there and shake everything up.’ By what
methods and based on which ideas?”
*Are Trump Supporters Authoritarian?* - Michael J. Hurd, LIVING
- ‘“A question for Trump supporters: is “’straight talk” really
admirable when what a candidate has to say is scary?”
... more »
Picture Of The Day

*Roundtable Meeting*
U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, meets with counterparts at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Jan.
21, 2016. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen
Republican Hemlock Society

[image: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida speaking at the 2015
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor,
“I am not a member of any organized political party,” Will Rogers quipped
in the last century, “I’m a Democrat.” If today’s Republican Party were
organized, if its storied “establishment” were even a shadow of the
leviathan its detractors claim,... more »
NATO Wants To have Formal Talks With Russia
*Defense News/AFP:* *Sources: NATO Considers First Formal Talks With Russia
Since 2014*
BRUSSELS — NATO is discussing whether to invite Russia to their first
formal talks since 2014, aiming to put ties damaged by the Ukraine crisis
back on an even keel, diplomatic sources said Wednesday.
Despite their differences both sides recognized the need for
“transparency,” the sources said, against a backdrop of a series of crises
including Ukraine and the war in Syria.
“The meeting will not take place before the NATO defense ministers meeting
(on Feb. 10-11) but it is likely at the end of... more »
For the Love of MLK: Tolerance In Short Supply In City By The Bay
photo by Steve Rhodes
*-by Denise Sullivan*
With so much activism, advocacy, and service taking place in the name of
MLK from coast to coast on the third Monday of January, it's easy to forget
we largely have a musician to thank for making the dream of a federal
holiday in Dr. King's name a reality.
This year was the 30th anniversary of making it official and the effort to
#ReclaimMLKDay was not just a hashtag campaign but a full court press
toward reinvigorating the civil rights movement. Ignited by the escalation
of police murders of black men and women, whether it's the right to ... more »
Turkey ‘Cleansing’ It’s Kurdish Population – 200,000 Lives At Risk
Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has condemned the Turkish
government, accusing authorities of putting the lives of 200,000 Kurdish
residents at risk by deliberately starving them of food, medical care, and
targeting them during military operations. John Dalhuisen, Central Asia
Programme Director for Amnesty, accused Turkey of targeting and punishing
its Kurdish populations, “The operations currently being conducted
under round-the-clock curfews are putting the lives of tens of thousands
of people at risk and are beginning to resemble collective punishment“. more »
A Glimpse Of What Life Is Like On Board A Trident Submarine (Photo Gallery)

Royal Navy Vanguard Class submarine HMS Vigilant returning to HMNB Clyde
after her extended deployment. The four Vanguard-class submarines form the
UK's strategic nuclear deterrent force. Each of the the four boats is armed
with Trident 2 D5 nuclear missiles. Like all submarines the Vanguard Class
are steam powered, their reactors converting water into steam to drive the
engines and generate electricity. (Wikipedia)
*Daily Mail*: *The red button that could launch Britain's nuclear warheads
- and the safe containing the PM's secret orders for war: A rare glimpse
into the claustropho... more »
Canadian Terror Patsies Trial Update: Is CSIS a foreign mole in Canada?

*Terror Patsy Trial Defendants, Nuttall and Korody*
*CSIS* was the focus of a lot of discussion this week between judge and
lawyers participating in the CanadianTerror Patsies Trial here in
Vancouver. Readers are encouraged to *carefully* read the synopsis and
commentary copied from today's *Vancouver Sun*.* My thoughts and comments
to follow:*
*Ian Mulgrew: Lawyers attempt to pull curtain over terror plot trial*
*Citing national security concerns, government lawyers want documents kept
secretBy Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun **January 21, 2016 6:48 PM*
Call him Bond, not James Bond... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin*
"Most Of Us Ended Up At Office Depot": Thousands Of Angry Students "Flood"
Government With Demands For Debt Relief
Venezuela Hits "Point of No Return" - 2016 Bankruptcy Is "Difficult To
Avoid" According To Barclays
Stephen Hawking Warns Humanity: Leave Earth Before The Ruling Class
Destroys It
Schlumberger Fires 10,000 As It Announces A $10 Billion Stock Buyback
Bank Of Russia Calls "Emergency" Meeting To Address Ruble Rout
Russian Ruble Crashes To Record Lows In "Panic": "Some Investors Are
Selling At Any Price"
The Pentagon has no idea where $800 million in aid ... more »
Are U.S. Soldiers Deployed In The Sinai At Risk From Islamic State Attacks?

Photo Sgt. Thomas Duval/Army
*NPR:* *A Place Where U.S. Troops Are Very Close To ISIS*
Some 700 American troops on a long-running deployment could be in danger of
an attack by extremists affiliated with the Islamic State, the Pentagon
worries, but it may not be able to get them out anytime soon.
U.S. military commanders fear the soldiers deployed in Egypt's Sinai
Peninsula, and charged with keeping the peace between Egypt and Israel, are
becoming an irresistible target for Islamist fighters concentrating nearby.
The Wilayat Sinai group has pledged allegiance to ISIS, attacked Egypt... more »
Economic News , Data & views ( January 21 , 2016 ) Emerging Nations / Asia / Commodities ( 1. Brazil Protest - Sao Paulo transport fare hike. 2. Libya In focus - Haftar in cross-hairs / ISIS hits more oil tankers & another pipeline. 3. China items de jour . 4. Al Jazeera crew kidnapped in Yemen. 5. Syria political Talks - set for January 25th , delay very possible. 6. Russia / Ruble / Oil items. 7. Iraq/ ISIS Items. Odds & Ends. ) Europe ( Draghi & ECB in focus today. 2. Greece related items de jour. 3. Brexit 4. Refugee items of note.

Emerging Nations / Asia / Commodities...
*RT* @RT_com 7m
7 minutes ago
Sao Paulo police deploy tear gas & rubber bullets against transport fare
hike protesters
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Alwasat* @alwasatengnews 12m
12 minutes ago
Hijazi also accused Haftar's son of selling weapons to Ansar al-Sharia &
deliberately prolonging fight in #Benghazi
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Alwasat* @alwasatengnews 28m
28 minutes ago
Army Spox Mohamed Hijazi accuses Gen. Khalifa Haftar of corruption, blames
him for worseni... more »
The European Country Of Moldova Is On The Brink Of Revolution

*Radio Free Europe*: *Moldova Protests Call For Sweeping Reforms*
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Moldova's capital for a
second-straight day on January 21, calling for sweeping reforms amid
widespread anger against what is perceived as a profoundly corrupt
political elite.
The protests have grown despite parliament's approval of a new pro-European
government on January 20. The latest rallies took place as new Prime
Minister Pavel Filip, a member of the ruling Democrat Party, held his first
cabinet meeting.
As night fell on January 21, demonstrators gathered in... more »
Here’s What Evangelical Experts on Missions and Muslims Think of Wheaton’s ‘Same God’ Debate

[image: same God]
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Nearly two dozen
evangelical experts on missions and Muslims have compiled their thoughts on
how the answer affects Muslim missions, why it's a bad question to begin
with, and propose better questions...
Continue reading *“Here’s What Evangelical Experts on Missions and Muslims
Think of Wheaton’s ‘Same God’ Debate”* at **.
Jan. 21: No. The world has not become nicer. But we can.
Richard Saillant, Norbert Cunningham and most of the Irving press staff
have consistently warned us that we cannot afford the government spending
we are doing. Our public service is way too big. We spend too much on
education. Our public debt is on the edge of a cliff, says professor
Saillant – and Norbert daily climbs on his desk, screams “over the cliff”
and leaps, head-first, to the floor.
A reader sent me a brochure by David Coon, leader of the Parti Vert NB
Green Party. Here's what David Coon says.
1. Our public service is the 4th smallest in Canada. At 85 people per
thousand ... more »
Iraq PM Claims Turkey Has No Intention To Fight ISIS
The Prime Minister of Iraq has issued a scathing attack on Turkey, claiming
that they are faking their fight against ISIS. Haider Al-Abadi says that
Turkey currently view their Kurdish population as a greater problem than
ISIS, and that their vow to fight Islamic militants alongside the West in
Syria is a complete bluff. reports: “The Turks are telling us
otherwise, (that) they’re eager to fight Daesh. But I’m telling them
frankly, I’m not seeing evidence of that. I hope to see more evidence of
that,” Al-Abadi said. “I think they have to shift their priority from
considerin... more »
The Orchestrated Global Crash Of 2016 Is Coming, Warns Expert
Economic expert, Pepe Escobar, has warned that selected Persian Gulf
traders, including Westerners working in the region, have confirmed that
Saudi Arabia is secretly unloading $1 trillion in securities in a bid to
crash the global economic markets. According to insiders, a further $12
trillion may be dumped, causing world markets to spiral into a depression,
the likes of which we have never seen before. reports: In
Abu Dhabi everything was broken into compartments, so no one could figure
it out, except brokers and traders who would know each supervisor of a
compart... more »
Gearóid Ó Colmáin - The Weaponisation of the Refugee

*From the 2006 film, "Children of Men."*
*An excerpt from, "The Weaponisation of the Refugee" by Gearóid Ó Colmáin,
Dissident Voice, January 20, 2016: *
Artificial mass migration as imperial policy has a long history. To
illustrate this, we will cite a few historical examples. According to
Bulgarian historian A, Eminov, civil wars in the Balkans in the 13th and
14th centuries led to significant population decline, which greatly facilitated
colonisation of the Balkans by the Ottoman Empire. The deportation of
nomads and organised transportation of Muslim refugees by the Ottoman
Emp... more »
The Plight of The GOP Establishment

At Davos today, defeated Republican coulda-been Eric Cantor told people who
bothered listening to him that Trumpf will never be the GOP nominee because
he's can't make it through the primaries. What's in the drinking water in
Davos? Cantor, a Jeb supporter, is delusional; David Brooks better
personifies the plight of the Republican Establishment. In a *NYTimes*
column the other day-- a call to action that falls on deaf ears, he
castigated establishmentarians who "are thinking of jumping ship to the
Trump campaign with an alacrity that would make rats admire and applaud."
He doesn'... more »
Deploying 10,000 U.S. Troops To Wage War Against The Islamic State Will Not Be Enough

A collection of vehicles built to resist mine blasts and protect occupants
from ambush are parked in a holding yard at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, awaiting
shipment. (Army photograph)
*Kevein Benson, War On The Rocks*: *10,000 Won't Do It: The Mathematics Of
An American Deployment To Fight ISIL*
Since followers of the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) have launched a succession of attacks in Paris, Sen Bernardino,
Indonesia, and elsewhere, we have been inundated with another wave of
recommendations on how to fight this group. Distinguished senators and
retired ... more »
How to rule mankind—if you’d like to
Dictators, would-be dictators and power-lusting second-handers everywhere
already know this stuff instinctively.
You should too – as intellectual self-defence.
[From Ayn Rand’s novel *The Fountainhead*, Ellsworth Toohey explains the
primary technique used by politicians, government officials and other
‘community leaders’ to wrestle power from the people. Hat tip Adriano Melo]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Deadly Swine Flu Outbreak Hits Ukraine
51 people have died as a result of a deadly outbreak of swine flu across
Ukraine. Hospitals in east Ukraine, where 12 people have lost their lives,
are saying that they lack the crucial drugs needed to treat patients. reports: Elena Baun, senior doctor at Donetsk hospital: “The
supply of medication today is enough in general. The only thing we are
short of is anti-virus medication – Tamiflu – which is in drug stores
today, but, unfortunately, we do not have it in the hospital. That’s why
patients have to buy it themselves.” Residents of the self-proclaimed
Donetsk People... more »
Putin’s Internet Adviser Seems To Own Piracy Torrent Site
Vladimir Putin’s special adviser on internet related affairs suggests that
copyright owners shouldn’t “unnecessarily terrorize” people on the
internet, specially during tough economic times. It now appears that Herman
Klimenko owns a torrent website, offering pirated material for download.
Digital Trends reports: isn’t Russia’s most popular torrent
site — Alexa says it’s only the 2,334th most popular site in Russia. But
popular or not, Torrnado is owned by ECO PC Solutions, which TorrentFreak
reports is owned by MediaMetrics, a company owned by Putin adviser Herman
Klime... more »
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