English: H.R.H. Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, Prince of Saudi Royal Family is captured during the session 'WHAT IF: Iran develops a nuclear weapon?' at the Annual Meeting 2011 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 28, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Picture Of The Day
*Above Iraq* A French F-2 Rafale aircraft flies over Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, Jan. 8, 2016. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Nathan Lipscomb
U.S. Sec. of State John Kerry Warns Saudi Arabia On The Consequences Of Obtaining Nuclear Weapons
*CNN: John Kerry*:* 'You can't just buy a bomb'* Washington (CNN)Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday dismissed concerns that Saudi Arabia might seek to buy a nuclear weapon to balance the deck with Iran. "You can't just buy a bomb and transfer it," Kerry told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Monday. Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, already tense, have deteriorated in recent weeks with the Saudi execution of a Shiite cleric and Iranians storming the Saudi Embassy in Tehran. Blitzer pointed out that Saudi Arabia has plenty of money that could be put toward buying a nuclear weapon... more »
The Economy: "Markets And The Fear and Greed Index"
*Markets:* To more easily track the carnage go here: - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ ◆ *Fear & Greed Index:* What emotion is driving the market now? CNN's Fear & Greed Index tracks seven indicators of investor sentiment can be found here: -http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ Above data from close of trading Jan. 18, 2016.
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven”
Medwyn Goodall, “Eyes of Heaven” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yC0-RJ3P1G0
"A Look to the Heavens"
“These two spiral galaxies make a photogenic pair, found within the boundaries of the northern constellation Draco. Contrasting in color and orientation, NGC 5965 is nearly edge-on to our line of sight and dominated by yellow hues, while bluish NGC 5963 is closer to face-on. Of course, even in this well-framed cosmic snapshot the scene is invaded by other galaxies, including small elliptical NGC 5969 at the lower left. * Click image for larger size.* Brighter, spiky stars in our own Milky Way are scattered through the foreground. Though they seem to be close and of similar size, gala... more »
The Poet: Ella Wheeler Wilcox, “Solitude”
*“Solitude”* “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For this brave old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own. Sing, and the hills will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air. The echoes bound to a joyful sound, But shrink from voicing care. Rejoice, and men will seek you; Grieve, and they turn and go. They want full measure of all your pleasure, But they do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many; Be sad, and you lose them all. There are none to decline your nectared wine, But alone you must drink life's gall. Feast, and your... more »
Carl Davidson : My two cents on the Democratic debate
This time around, I think Sanders defined the agenda and dominated the discussion. By Carl Davidson | The Rag Blog | January 19, 2016 The three Democratic contenders — Senator Bernie Sanders, Secretary Hillary Clinton and Governor Martin O’Malley — … finish reading Carl Davidson : My two cents on the Democratic debate
Book about George Washington's pastry-cook censored
*Claims about the freedom in the U.S. are getting absolutely ludicrous* You may have one of the last opportunities to buy the children's book about the chef of the first U.S. President George Washington because the book was censored by the publisher after a series of attacks launched by the radical leftist movement that has no respect for the historical truth, the freedom of speech, or the founders of the United States of America. The banned book is currently the #6 bestseller at amazon.com – the ban clearly helped this ranking – but you may expect that the free sales won't last too... more »
Remembering Glenn Frey
*WNU Editor:* Saw them in Ottawa about 20 years ago. My favourite song from the Eagles has always been Hotel California (see below). Their dress and image was simple .... because the focus was always on the music.
*From* *Jenna Orkin* "Countdown To The End": EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain" What Could Go Wrong? China Builds A Floating Nuclear Power Plant *The Citadel Is Breached: Congress Taps the Fed for Infrastructure Funding* China's Housing Is Recovering, Just Ignore The 10 Billion Square Feet Of Vacant Housing Mission Accomplished? The U.S. Spent Half A Billion On Mining In Afghanistan With "Limited Progress" Tenge Crashes As Low Oil Prices Take Dramatic Toll On Kazakh Economy China's Top Stock Regulator Gives Up On "Immature" Market, Hands In Resgination Francois Hollande... more »
Too Big to Fail: The Sequel?
[image: Everyone is Approved - 900] Movie sequels are rarely as good as the original films on which they’re based. The same dictum, it appears, holds for finance. The 2008 housing market collapse was bad enough, but it appears now that we’re on the verge of... more »
What are Elections For?
[image: Vote Here, Voting Kiosk, Polling Place, Elections, America, American Flag, Politics, USA] After months of watching all sorts of political polls, we are finally just a few weeks away from actually beginning to see some voting in primary elections. Polls let people vent their emotions. But elections are held to actually accomplish... more »
Darlene McBride: The Republican Party’s #1 Singing Star!
*-By Noah* Many years ago, I used to hurry home on Sunday nights in order to make sure I caught MadTV. MadTV was a sketch comedy show that ran from 1995 into 2009. Ironically, it ran on Rupert Murdoch’s FOX network, but, then, so did The Simpsons, a show that managed to be a little subversive (in a good way) at times. Perhaps, the Republicans in control simply missed some of the Simpsons’ snark as it went right by their heads. As for MadTV, one of the show’s recurring satirical characters was a singing right wing character named Darlene McBride. McBride’s songs championed such R...more »
Saudi Arabia Is Nervous On The Rise Of Iran
*Reuters:** Saudi Arabia alarmed, in private, at Iran's sanctions relief* Saudi officials have said little in public, but they fear the end of sanctions on Iran could boost what they see as its subversive activities in the Middle East while also enriching a diverse economy that the oil-dependent kingdom views as a major competitor for regional influence. Saudi-Iranian political rivalry has aggravated tumult across the Middle East for years, but has escalated in recent months as Riyadh's new rulers have taken a harder line and as the nuclear deal has relieved pressure on Tehran. I... more »
Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular with General Election Voters
[image: Donald Trump] Several recent stories, like this one from the Washington Post's Philip Rucker and Robert Costa, report that influential Republicans have become increasingly resigned to the prospect of Donald Trump as their nominee. One theme in these stories is that the... Continue reading *“Donald Trump Is Really Unpopular with General Election Voters”* at *fivethirtyeight.com*.
Hillary Clinton’s Debate Comments Make Bill Clinton Fair Game in 2016
[image: Bill Clinton] Ever since Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump launched his first attacks on Bill Clinton last month, the media has hemmed and hawed about whether the former president is fair game in the 2016 campaign. He isn't on the ballot, after... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton’s Debate Comments Make Bill Clinton Fair Game in 2016”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
The End Of Europe As We Know It?
*Zero Hedge:* *"Countdown To The End": EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain"* Back in September, when Berlin and Brussels were busy devising a quota plan to settle the millions of Mid-East asylum seekers flooding into the country, Slovakia said that if Germany called for financial penalties against countries unwilling to accommodate their “share” of migrants, it would be “the end of the EU.” That might have seemed hyperbolic at the time, but since then, the situation has spiraled out of control. Border fences have been erected, refugee camps are overflowing, and anti-... more »
Obama’s Syria Invasion Was Devised By Kim Roosevelt In 1957
Teddy Roosevelt’s grandson, Kim Roosevelt, had planned the invasion of Syria by the U.S. along with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey in 1957. It’s the exact same plan that President Obama has put into action since he got into the White House. Kim’s 1957 strategy made use of false flag events intended to fool the public into accepting a course of action they would have otherwise not accepted. The sarin gas attack in Syria in 2013 is an example of this. The US were caught smuggling sarin gas into Syria in order to use it on Syrian civilians. Obama used this false flag gas attack as ju... more »
U.S. West Coast Given Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake Warning
A data buoy located in the ocean just off the coast of Oregon has indicated that a possible large earthquake could be about to strike the west coast of America. The data indicates that the earthquake could strike the Cascadia Subduction Zone – an area where a magnitude 9.0 earthquake last struck in 1700. Newsprepper.com reports: According to the data buoy, the water column height (depth) fell sharply within minutes off the coast of Oregon, signaling the land beneath the ocean has suddenly “sunk.” Here are the graphs showing what the ocean data buoy recorded: As of 0231:30, the in... more »
Iran Prepares To 'Flood' The World's Oil Markets
*New York Times*:* Iran Set to Pump More Oil Into Market Glut* HOUSTON — With international sanctions lifted, the Iranian government called on its oil industry Monday to open the taps on production, a move that could add to a global glut of crude that has sent prices into a tailspin. Benchmark prices edged further below $30 a barrel as traders considered the prospect of new oil flowing into a global market already oversupplied by one million barrels a day, roughly enough to fuel the needs of every driver in a state the size of Pennsylvania or Ohio. Iranian news organizations quot... more »
"Be Like The Bird..."
"What matter if this base, unjust life Cast you naked and disarmed? If the ground breaks beneath your step, Have you not your soul? Your soul! You fly away, Escape to realms refined, Beyond all sadness and whimpering. Be like the bird which on frail branches balanced A moment sits and sings; He feels them tremble, but he sings unshaken, Knowing he has wings." – Victor Hugo
"Do You Remember?"
"Do you remember still the falling stars that like swift horses through the heavens raced and suddenly leaped across the hurdles of our wishes - do you recall? And we did make so many! For there were countless numbers of stars: each time we looked above we were astounded by the swiftness of their daring play, while in our hearts we felt safe and secure watching these brilliant bodies disintegrate, knowing somehow we had survived their fall." - Rainer Maria Rilke
"The Ripe Olive"
"Mark how fleeting and paltry is the estate of man- yesterday in embryo, tomorrow a mummy or ashes. So for the hairsbreadth of time assigned to thee, live rationally, and part with life cheerfully, as drops the ripe olive, extolling the season that bore it and the tree that matured it." - Marcus Antoninus Aurelius
“LA’s Methane Blowout: Multiple Types Of Radioactive Material Constantly Being Emitted”
*“LA’s Methane Blowout: Multiple Types * *Of Radioactive Material Constantly Being Emitted” * By Catherine J. Frompovich *View from Aliso Canyon. The tall buildings you see at the image top are downtown L.A.* Los Angeles County, California 2014 Population estimate: 10,116,705 San Fernando Valley, California 2014 Population estimate: 1,571,548 "Here is a short heads-up regarding the San Fernando Valley methane leak, which is affecting the health of thousands of humans from radon dust and radiation damage, plus other aerosolized toxins and toxic groundwater. Please take 11 minutes to wa...more »
Five French Foreign Legionnaires Killed In Alps Avalanche
*France 24*: *Avalanche kills five soldiers during training in French Alps* Five French Foreign Legionnaires were killed Monday in an avalanche as they were on a training exercise in the French Alps, police sources said, the second such tragedy to strike the region in less than a week. Another six were injured near the resort of Valfréjus, with one in intensive care in hospital after suffering hypothermia. They were among a group of 50 soldiers taking part in the skiing exercise. Three helicopters were involved in the search, as well as five police dogs and three doctors. The nat... more »
Professor Attacks University for Mourning Paris Attacks, but Not Baltimore
[image: Mary Reed Hall at the University of Denver.] A faculty member and two graduate students at the University of Denver (DU) have written a letter castigating the school for showing an "implicit bias towards white life" because it sent out emails concerning the terrorist attack in Paris last... more »
Apple, Sony, Samsung Face Child Labour Claims
Apple, Sony and Samsung have been accused of employing child labor slaves as young a seven years old by human rights organisation Amnesty. Amnesty have accused the tech giants of failing to do basic checks to ensure minerals used in their products were not mined by children. A report into cobalt mining, a component of lithium-ion batteries, found young children being forced to mine for the mineral in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on behalf of these firms. BBC News reports: The firms said that they had a zero tolerance policy towards child labour. The DRC produces at least 50... more »
Skepticism vs. Pseudoskepticism
We have had arguments about the purpose of skepticism and what it means to be a skeptic. I have often thought it odd that the skeptics seem to embrace the explanations for UFO sightings with little or no skepticism but continue to demand boatloads of proof from those who believe UFOs might be alien. Sure, I get that the bar for the believers is higher because of what that belief is, but that doesn’t absolve the skeptics from presenting rational thought. The best example that pops into my mind is Project Mogul. They seem to embrace it even though the documentation suggests that there ... more »
The Surest Way To Run Herr Trumpf Out Of Politics Permanently: Nominate Bernie
Peter Wehner is another regular *NY Times* in-house rightist who represents the pretty-much universally reviled GOP neocon establishment. He had staff jobs with Reagan and in each of the failed Bush presidencies. Predictably, he's backing the Jebster this time around and a few days the *Times* allowed him to attack Herr Trumpf in a blistering OpEd, Why I Will Never Vote For Donald Trump. He's never missed voting and he's always voted for the Republican nominees and he's certainly not going to vote for Hillary if, as most Republicans are certain, she wins the Democratic nomination. ... more »
World Economic Forum Chairman: Refugee Crisis Could Be Precursor to Something Much Bigger
Klaus Schwab Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg *Bloomberg*:* Davos Boss Warns Refugee Crisis Could Be Precursor to Something Much Bigger* * Growing economic woe could set millions on the road to Europe * We must “restablish a sense that we all are in the same boat” As the crash in commodities prices spreads economic woe across the developing world, Europe could face a wave of migration that will eclipse today’s refugee crisis, says Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. “Look how many countries in Africa, for example, depend on the income from oil exports... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 18, 2016
*Habib Toumi, Gulf News:* *What the Iran deal means for the Arabs* *Gulf concerns have been overlooked as jubilant West chases its interests* Manama: The lifting of the international sanctions against Iran following the announcement by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Tehran had complied with the deal aimed at scaling down its nuclear programme has been greeted with varying degrees of jubilation and scepticism in the region. For the Iranians, it was a very special day. “I thank God for this blessing and bow to the greatness of the patient nation of Iran. Congrat... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Texarkana, Texas, Arkansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Despair and Survival"
*"Despair and Survival"* by Sam Smith "Ever since I read Thoreau in high school and adopted as my own his declaration that he would rather sit alone on a pumpkin than be crowded on a velvet stool, I have made the pursuit of individual freedom a part of my daily business. I follow it like others follow football. I know the game, the players, and the rules. And one of the most important things I have discovered is how few people are able to help you much. The psychiatrist with his elegant degree, the minister with an eye on the vestry's budget, the philosophy professor just short of ... more »
North Korea Say They Have Invented ‘Hangover-Free’ Alcohol
North Korea have announced that they have successfully developed the world’s first hangover-free alcohol. According to state media, a popular North Korean liquor can be drunk without any fear of suffering a hangover the next day. The reason? The drink manufacturer replaced sugar with scorched, glutinous rice. Standard.co.uk reports: The change of ingredients has eliminated a bitter taste and hangovers, it is claimed. Ginseng is commonly used in both Koreas on the ground of its medicinal properties and is famous for its use in the city of Kaesong in the North Hwanghae province in No... more »
Russia Deploys Deadly Robots Against ISIS In Syria, And Win
Russia have deployed fully autonomous armed robots to battle ISIS militants in Syria, and according to Russian military officials – the robots are winning. The robots have been primarily deployed to lead the offensive for the recovery of Aleppo, with its population of 1 million people relying on the robots to ward off terrorists. Superstation95.com reports: Heralding a revolution in modern warfare, the Russians are fielding two kinds of robots – the Platform-M combat robot and the Argo Mobility Platform, both heavily armored and capable of functioning day or night in a variety of ba... more »
France Declares Economic And Social Emergency
France have declared a national emergency after French President Francois Hollande announced the country had been plunged into a “state of economic and social emergency”, involving a €2 billion plan to try and revive France’s failing economy. “Due to the threat of terrorism in the past, we had to introduce a state of emergency. But amid global chaos and an uncertain economic environment, it’s appropriate to talk about a state of economic and social emergency. Employment is the most important question after the security of French citizens,” Hollande said on Monday. RT.com reports: Ac... more »
David Irving Discusses Rudolf Hess + Wolf Rüdiger Hess On The Assassination of His Father By The British Government
*"Hess: The Missing Years, 1941-1945" by David Irving (2010).* *Amazon Description: * This book tells the Real History of the dramatic flight which Adolf Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess made in 1941 to Scotland in an attempt to stop the war before the saturation bombing holocaust began. Intercepted before he could reach His Majesty the King, Hess vanished into the maw of the Secret Service, and was held as Winston Churchill s personal prisoner. British files relate how experts used truth drugs and hidden microphones to try to prise the secrets out of him. Taken to Nuremberg in 1945, H... more »
EPA Says It ‘Did Its Job’ Despite Not Telling Flint Its Water Was Contaminated
[image: McCarthy - 900] The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief told reporters the agency "did its job" when asked how the Obama administration handled the ongoing water crisis in the city of Flint, Mich. "EPA did its job but clearly the outcome was not... more »
A Trafficking Survivor Shares How We Can Combat Modern-Day Slavery
[image: modern-day slavery] Today, we remember Martin Luther King Jr. We remember a man who famously said "I have a dream" and followed through on it. We remember a man who fought to erase the the residual effects of slavery that had troubled our nation... Continue reading *“A Trafficking Survivor Shares How We Can Combat Modern-Day Slavery”* at *verilymag.com*.
Eagles Co-Founder Glenn Frey Dies at the Age of 67
[image: FILE - In this March 20, 2010 file photo, Glenn Frey of the Eagles performs at Muhammad Ali's Celebrity Fight Night XVI in Phoenix, Arizona. The Eagles said band founder Frey died Monday, Jan. 18, 2016, in New York after battling multiple ailments. He was 67.] NEW YORK (AP) -- Glenn Frey, a rock ‘n’ roll rebel from Detroit who journeyed West, co-founded the Eagles and with Don Henley became one of history’s most successful songwriting teams with such hits as “Hotel California” and “Life in the... more »
US Government Activate Emergency Bird Flu Plan
U.S. health officials have activated the emergency bird flu plan after confirmation that the deadly virus has struck a turkey farm in Indiana. Officials are currently assessing the threat the outbreak poses to the public whilst exercising extra precautions following last years outbreak which led to the deaths of over 48 million chickens and turkeys. Cnbc.com reports: Strains similar to the new virus, known as H7N8, have on rare occasions made people ill and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state officials aim to re... more »
Putin “Pleased” That Leonardo DiCaprio Will Play Him In New Movie
Russian President Valdimir Putin is said to be “pleased” at the idea that Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio might play him in an upcoming movie. Spokesman Valery Karpov for Russian film production company “Lenfilm” said in a recent interview that they would be interesting in having the US actor for a new film project. Pravdareport.com reports: “It is always interesting to create films. Leonardo DiCaprio is often compared to Lenin in his youth. We have plenty of scenery and props to recreate the era of the revolution,” he said. Earlier, DiCaprio told Welt am Sonntag that would be int... more »
Jan. 18: Why do men tip their hats to women?
Several days ago, I wrote a blog that included reference to a commentary by Brian Murphy – lawyer, former Conservative member of parliament, and columnist. I thought it the most ignorant and/or self-serving newspaper column I had ever read. And I wondered that an editor could allow such gibberish to appear in print. But what was it possibly about? It's a column on his admiration for both Conservatives and Liberals. Only Conservatives and Liberals. And he just loves them all – the big-hearted Mulroney, the thoughtful and intelligent Harper, just loves them. Message? Mr. Murphy loves ... more »
The Tennessee Taliban Strikes Again
It is great to be back home and living in Nashville, which is to Tennessee what Austin is to Texas--a small blue dot surrounded by poor red counties where the majority of people who vote still vote their whiteness over their best economic interests. And so the real regrettable part of living here has to do with state politics, which is controlled by ALEC and run by a new crop of corporate welfare dimwits who would be looking for assistant managers' jobs at Walmart if it were not for the sponsorship of billionaires and Wall Street scumbags who buy state legislative offices for thes... more »
The New Millennium Has Been An Era Of Fraud
Towards the end of the last century America entered a period of fraud that has brought the world to the edge of war, or if Russia and China can prevent that, then a mass revolution. Former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts says that America has turned into a fraud. America has waged the most wars in recent history. Its economy has been hollowed out and sold off to profit corrupt bankers and businesses. U.S. leaders and representatives work for the highest campaign fund donors who have links to the elite. Their policies are shaped and influenced by the econ... more »
Obama Arms ISIS With Chemical Weapons In Europe, As Prophet Predicted
Russia have accused America of arming ISIS militants in Europe with deadly chemical weapons, which they say will be used on the people of Europe in order to instigate a huge civil war. A report circulating in the Kremlin says that the U.S. Army contracted 17 biological and chemical weapons companies to expand the bio-chemical weapons programme in Europe, which Putin has said puts Russia and the rest of Europe at “grave risk” from the weapons falling into the wrong hands. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: And to what is exactly creating this “great fear and tension” throughout the Federat...more »
World News Briefs -- January 18, 2016
*VOA*: *Iran Calls New US Ballistic Missile Sanctions Illegitimate* Iran's Foreign Ministry called new U.S. sanctions targeting the country's ballistic missile program illegitimate. Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari said Monday that Iran will respond by boosting efforts in its legal ballistic missile program and promoting its defense capabilities. Iran drew condemnation from the U.S. and other Western powers for two ballistic missile tests late last year they said violated U.N. Security Council resolutions. Iran defended the tests as a matter of national security. *MIDDLE ... more »
Feds Investigate: Are Attacks on Fiber Optic Systems Connected to ‘Plot’ Against Super Bowl?
[image: Levi Stadium - 400] As Super Bowl 50 approaches, government security officials are examining whether recent attacks on fiber optic systems in California could be connected to a “more complex plot” against the game. A series of unsolved incidents -- in which fiber optic cables... Continue reading *“Feds Investigate: Are Attacks on Fiber Optic Systems Connected to ‘Plot’ Against Super Bowl?”* at *nbcwashington.com*.
Iran Pledges to Defy US Sanctions, Build Up Ballistic Missile Program
[image: ballistic missile program] Iran will ignore recently-passed U.S. sanctions against its ballistic missile program, the regime's defense minister pledged on Monday, promising to unveil new homemade weapons systems in the near future. "[Any] attempt to impose new sanctions [against Iran] under irrelevant pretexts... Continue reading *“Iran Pledges to Defy US Sanctions, Build Up Ballistic Missile Program”* at *breitbart.com*.
Bush Calls for Overhaul of Nation’s Education System
[image: Jeb Bush - Education - 900] NASHUA, N.H. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is rolling out a broad education reform plan that would shift power and money to states and local school districts, and away from the federal government. He also wants to revamp... more »
Pentagon Considering Retroactively Demoting Retired Gen. And Former CIA Director David Petraeus
General David Petraeus. Reuters. *Nancy A. Youssef & Shane Harris, Daily Beast*:* Exclusive: Pentagon May Demote David Petraeus* *The Defense Secretary is looking to put the clamp down on misbehaving generals. Pentagon insiders say Petraeus could be the next general to face the consequences.* The Pentagon is considering retroactively demoting retired Gen. David Petraeus after he admitted to giving classified information to his biographer and mistress while he was still in uniform, three people with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast. The decision now rests with Secretar... more »
Does Your Child Have More Wealth than Half of the World’s Population?
[image: more wealth] "The 62 richest billionaires own as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the world's population." You've probably seen this statistic -- or one like it -- before in articles about economic inequality and assumed they must be somewhat... Continue reading *“Does Your Child Have More Wealth than Half of the World’s Population?”* at *blog.acton.org*.
White House: Rumsfeld Interview Says Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11
The Department of Defense have hastily deleted an article in which Donald Rumsfeld admits that a missile hit the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks. The article has been preserved on the Wayback Machine, and in the transcript below you will find references to Rumsfeld saying that a “missile damaged this building“, and other words to that effect. From Defense.gov: Interview with Lyric Wallwork Winik, Parade Magazine Q: Let me start by asking you, most of us are programmed to leave a building with smoke. What made you go towards the fire here a little over a month ago, and what was goi... more »
Iran: We Are Preparing For Arrival Of Mahdi, Armageddon
A top Iranian Commander has issued orders to prepare 200,000 young men across the Middle East to prepare for the arrival of the Mahdi, the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will usher in justice across the region before the Day of Judgment, or armageddon, arrives. Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said the surge in violence across the Middle East, including the rise of ISIS, was a sign of the arrival of the messianic Muslim leader. Ibtimes.com reports: Jafari said the current developments in the region, “the formation of [the Islamic State group] and Takfiri [extremist] groups, and ... more »
Hillary Clinton Admits “We Created Terrorists, We Funded Them”
It’s a known fact that of Al Qaeda and the “Mujaheddin” were created by the CIA via Operation Cyclone – a U.S. government program whose aim was to arm and finance these organisation to fight the Soviet’s during the war in Afghanistan in the 1980’s. Now Hillary Clinton has gone on the record and admitted that terrorist organisations such as Al Qaeda and ISIS are the creation of the U.S. government. It is no longer conspiracy theory, it is fact. In her own words: “We had this brilliant Idea that we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force of ”Mujahideen’ and equip them with s...more »
HPV Vaccine Conspiracy Exposed, WHO Ignore “Adverse Effects”
A team of scientists at the World Health Organisation have been caught covering-up evidence that proves the HPV vaccine is dangerous. The team, working for the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), deliberately misled the public on the dangers posed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine when reporting on it’s safety to Japanese health officials. Thedailysheeple.com reports: According to the complaint Dr. Lee filed January 14, 2016, “multiple individuals and organizations deliberately set out to mislead Japanese authorities regarding the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV)...more »
Scientists Say They Have Found Proof Of The Human Soul
A group of international physicists have announced that the concept of a human soul may actually be measurable by quantum physics, and have suggested that the human soul has a quantum state just as real as ‘wave-particle dualism’. Below is a selection of quotes from world-renowned physicists that suggest that the human soul is in fact real. Huffingtonpost.co.uk reports: Dr. James G. of San Francisco, a former coworker of the German Max-Planck Society in Frankfurt, reported the following incredible story. “I studied not only in the USA, but I also studied chemistry in London for a f... more »
The FBI Confess To Assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr
The FBI have released new information that implicate themselves and the Memphis Police Department in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., on the 50th anniversary of the civil rights leaders’ death. The admission by both agencies suggests that the agencies themselves or members of the agencies facilitated and directly caused Dr King’s death. Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: During a rainstorm on February 1, 1968, two black sanitation workers in Memphis lost their lives when the truck’s compactor accidentally triggered. On that same day, 22 black sewer workers were sent hom...more »
It Is Time For Pakistan, India, And Israel To Dismantle Their Nuclear Programs And Destroy Their Nuclear Weapons
*Step by step, nation by nation, regime by regime, continent by continent, the nuclear rock will be chipped away by mankind whether the evil demons and wicked witches of this world like Hillary Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu like it or not. * The hypocrites and idiots who believe the world is a safer place today because Iran, which was not constructing any nuclear weapons in the first place, has successfully implemented the nuclear deal it signed with Washington and other world powers should give their heads a shake. There are still many states, some more irrational than Iran like ... more »
"How Many Times?"
“How many times do you have to get hit over the head before you figure out who's hitting you?” - Harry Truman
“The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud”
*“The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud”* by Paul Craig Roberts "What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?" - George Orwell “In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda. In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have been destroyed if the ... more »
Cliff Richard Faces Child Abuse Charges
Sir Cliff Richard will soon learn if he is to face criminal charges over historic sex allegations in a matter of weeks, as police hand over an 18-month investigation to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The 75-year-old singer has denied allegations that he abused young boys in the early 1980’s. Police officers raided the singers home in Sunningdale, Berks, in August 2014 and then quizzed him over allegations that he sexually abused a teenage boy at a concert in 1985. thesun.co.uk reports: He was quizzed again last November over two new claims, including an alleged assault of a b... more »
Clinton Aides Resisted State Department Suggestion that Clinton Use State.gov Account
[image: Hillary Clinton4 - 400] Bombshell emails from the State Department show that a top official at the agency suggested to Hillary Clinton's aide, Huma Abedin, in Aug. 2011 that the then-secretary of state begin using a government email account to protect against unexpected outages... Continue reading *“Clinton Aides Resisted State Department Suggestion that Clinton Use State.gov Account”* at *dailycaller.com*.
As Iowa Looms, GOP Wonders: Does Trump Have Fans, or Voters?
[image: Trump fans - 900] It’s the No. 1 question headed into the primary season: Does Donald Trump merely have fans, or does the national front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have voters who will mobilize come caucus day? The definitive answer won’t arrive until... more »
Marine Corps Commandant Irate at Order to Integrate Women into Boot Camp
[image: Female Marine2 - 900] Navy Secretary Ray Mabus reportedly infuriated Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller when he ordered him to integrate women into the all-male boot camp. Neller apparently immediately requested a personal meeting with Defense Secretary Ash Carter when the order came through,... more »
Eric Kingson Reflects On The Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King
The day after that speech, April 4, 1968, an earlier version of a prototypical Ted Cruz/Donald Trump/Mike Huckabee supporter shot and killed Dr. King, one of the darkest moments in our country's contemporary history. Today, progressive Democrats are still carrying on Dr. King's struggle against economic inequality and much of what you hear from Bernie Sanders comes straight from *Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?*, Dr. King's final book, and from his final Poor People's Campaign. Blue America always strives to find candidates who will uphold Dr. King's values and goal... more »
Remembering Ellen Meiksins Wood
The Marxist theorist and historian, Ellen Meiksins Wood, died last Thursday. Always writing in a clear and accessible style, Ellen's Marxism was fundamentally open and creative. She made contributions to understanding the transition from feudalism to capitalism, emphasising the latter's specificity as a unique mode of production radically discontinuous from what went before, and rose to prominence in a series of devastating critiques of postmodern/post-structuralist/post-Marxist thinking in the pages of the *New Left Review*. These interventions are collected together in her *The R... more »
WhatsApp To Be Free Forever With No Ads
The popular messaging app, WhatsApp, has announced that it is now a completely free service, and has ditched subscription fees for end users. The Daily Dot reports: The decision is a reversal of the annual subscription model that WhatsApp previously employed. Under that model, the first year of service was free, but each additional year cost 99 cents. The company is now eliminating that fee, in part because it learned that some of its more than one billion users don’t have access to a debit or credit card. The company explained on its blog that it wouldn’t make up for the lost reven... more »
A Must See By Everyone... STOP Noahide Law: Repeal, Prevent, Educate!
Everywhere I see so much propaganda and brainwashing that we here in North America must do everything to prevent Muslims from coming into our nations and stop them from imposing their "Sharia Laws" on everyone... Most people have been filled by the Jew spew media that Islam is a "danger to us all" and that to allow the Muslims to "take over" would be the end of civilization as we know it....The problem is of course that this is pure propaganda and the Muslims have no intention of 'taking over' our nations, for there is a more sinister takeover planned already by the criminal Jews th... more »
Pentagon Releases New Details On How The U.S. Sailors Were Captured And Treated By Iran
*Washington Post*: *Pentagon releases new details on how U.S. sailors were taken captive by Iran* The U.S. military released new details on Monday about how 10 Navy sailors were taken captive briefly by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Persian Gulf last week, but it remains unclear how the sailors first ended up in Iranian territorial waters before their capture. The sailors were detained Jan. 12 off Farsi Island as they were traveling in two riverine command boats from Kuwait to Bahrain, U.S. military officials said. The island is home to a closely guarded Iranian military... more »
FBI Secretly Monitored Martin Luther King After ‘I Have A Dream’ Speech
Civil Rights campaigner Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was the target of an FBI surveillance operation, after his 1963 ‘I have a dream’ speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He was targeted because of his race and common sense. The authorities used unregulated secret surveillance to monitor Martin Luther King Jr. while justifying their actions in the name of security and the hunt for evil-doing communists in America. Independent reports: His message of equality and fairness inspired generations of people across the world – but also put him at the centre of the FBI’s surveill... more »
Ted Cruz says Donald Trump Becoming ‘Rattled’ by His Gains
[image: Trump - Cruz - 900] WASHINGTON, New Hampshire (AP) -- Ted Cruz accused his Republican rival Donald Trump Monday of exhibiting inconsistent conservativism and said the billionaire investor is becoming “rattled” and “dismayed” by his gains. Both Cruz and Trump were campaigning Monday in New... more »
Gas is Less Than $1 a Gallon in Michigan
[image: Michigan gas - 900] Several Michigan gas stations are selling gasoline for less than $1 a gallon in Michigan. Some prices are as low as $0.78, according to a Sunday report by a Detroit Fox affiliate. Such ultra-low prices are likely due to competition between gas stations. The current... more »
Two Groups Harmonize to ‘Shed a Little Light’ on MLK Jr. Day
[image: Shed a Little Light]
Oxfam's global inequality statistics: don't believe the anti-capitalist hype
*This morning’s news led with the “horrifying” news that, to the **world’s richest 62 people own wealth equal to the entire poorest half of the world**. Guest poster Ryan Bourne drills down . . .* The media is running with Oxfam’s annual "shocking" statistic on wealth. This year "the richest 62 people have the same wealth as poorest 3.6 bn." But all is not what it seems: 1) *The methodology Oxfam used implies there are more poor people in North America than in China*. Sounds counterintuitive, right? The Oxfam claim is made using Credit Suisse’s net wealth figures — which a... more »
Ken Wachsberger : Ken Light’s photographic journey through the chaos and the calm
In ‘What’s Going On? 1969-1974,’ Light captures the marches, the rallies, the protests, the guerrilla theatre performances, and the police riots. By Ken Wachsberger | The Rag Blog | January 18, 2016 Ken Light will discuss his experiences as a … finish reading Ken Wachsberger : Ken Light’s photographic journey through the chaos and the calm
Democratic debate and some other stuff...
*because it's Monday.* Watching a couple of socialists communists debating the fate of our country is something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. When you hear someone say this election is pivotal, they're not exaggerating. Make your choice wisely. *Frank and Fern *have left the building. [...]The time has also come for us to say farewell. The condition of our world is such that, if you've been reading here long, you know our efforts are focused on completing projects that will hopefully make our lives a little easier when the collapse occurs. Time is precious and there a... more »
Building Where Bill of Rights was ‘Born’ Partially Destroyed by Accident
[image: Bill of Rights] If Silver Spring Township officials and a local real estate developer didn't know that an old stone house on Route 11 is the reputed birthplace of the U.S. Bill of Rights before they started demolition there last week, they definitely... Continue reading *“Building Where Bill of Rights was ‘Born’ Partially Destroyed by Accident”* at *m.cumberlink.com*.
MLK's Warning of America's Spiritual Death
By Gary G. Kohls Martin Luther King Jr.’s Riverside Church speech was titled “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.” It was delivered exactly one year before his April, 4, 1968 assassination in Memphis. In the speech, King declared, “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” The people who heard that speech recognized it as one of the most powerful speeches ever given articulating the immorality of the Vietnam War and its destructive impact on social progress in the United ... more »
Iran to Boost Oil Output by 500,000 Barrels
[image: oil- 900] TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran is aiming to increase its oil production by 500,000 barrels per day now that sanctions have been lifted under a landmark nuclear deal with world powers, a top official said. In comments posted on the... more »
Breach of Guarantee Does NOT Lead to Voiding Thereof
Bank of Montreal v. Javed, 2016 ONCA 49: [19] What is the effect of the Bank’s breach of its contractual disclosure obligation? Mr. Shah argues that the guarantee must be discharged. I disagree. [20] A guarantee is a contract, and the ordinary principles of contract law apply to a creditor’s breach. Consequently, only the most serious misconduct on the part of the creditor will discharge a guarantee. Some examples from the cases include: a creditor acting in bad faith toward the surety; the creditor concealing material information at the inception of the guarantee; whe... more »
Light Pillars Reveal Map Of City Over Finland
Incredible photo shows city reflected in the night sky over Finland by light pillars. A Finnish woman, Mia Heikkiläv, captured the image of street lights glimmering in the night skies of the City of Kauttua/Eura. Ice crystals reflected an exact reversed map of her town, in a process known as the light pillar phenomenon. AOL Travel reports: She gave details about the sighting on Spaceweather.com, writing: “Light pillars were visible in the sky, then more images appeared above. In the Taivaanvahti – site (http://www.taivaanvahti.fi) people gave hints to look if the pattern matches to ... more »
DeCaprio: What about donating to grassroots Native activists
Photo by Brenda Norrell 'Big Green' non-profit heads are making half a million annually, while many Native grassroots activists work without pay -- why not donate By Brenda Norrell Censored News Heh DiCaprio, It is great to see the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation donating to so many good causes -- but the president of the Natural Resources Defense Council already makes $422,000 a year. Why
CawRANT Events #17
*CawRANT Events #17* Another grey day on the West Coast and time for a *RANT! * We haven't had any snow this year...a few days of heavy frost is all. I would love to have some snow and envy Eastern Canada. Now that I don't have to drive to work in it...it's great. Well I have a lot of rantacious topics to cover, so better get started. *Today is Martin Luther King day in the US.* It's the day when the government hypocritically (is there any entity more hypocritical than the US????) hangs its head in "sorrow" over the death of one of the last leaders of blacks in America. When all ... more »
Should Russian President Putin Have Starred In The TV Series 'The Wire'?
Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast *Terrell Jermaine Starr, Daily Beast*:* Vladimir Putin Is Russia’s Marlo Stanfield* *Want to understand how to handle Putin? Go back and watch The Wire.* Russian President Vladimir Putin has a brother from another mother: Marlo Stanfield, the fictional kingpin from the classic HBO series, The Wire. The gangster DNA both men share are almost identical Both men are brief and to the point. Neither gives a fuck about rules that do not favor their own self-interests, nor do they have a problem tooling up if you threaten undermine their authority. A... more »
Trump at Liberty University: Christianity is ‘Under Siege’
[image: Trump] GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump touted his faith at Liberty University on Monday, telling the conservative college that Christians have to band together because their religion “is under siege.” “We’re going to protect Christianity,” he said. “If you look at... Continue reading *“Trump at Liberty University: Christianity is ‘Under Siege’”* at *thehill.com*.
John Kerry Declares Obama’s Work with Iran a Success: ‘The World Is a Safer Place Today’
[image: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers a statement that sanctions will be lifted on Iran after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran has met all conditions under the nuclear deal, in Vienna, Saturday Jan. 16, 2016.] Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Monday that the world is safer now that major provisions of the historic Iranian nuclear deal were implemented over the weekend. Continue reading *“John Kerry Declares Obama’s Work with Iran a Success: ‘The World Is a Safer Place Today’”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
Calls Growing for Oscar Boycott over Diversity of Nominees
[image: Spike Lee Jada Pinkett Smith - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- Calls for a boycott of the Academy Awards are growing over the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences’ second straight year of mostly white nominees, as Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith each said Monday... more »
New Research Shows Statins Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease
New research warns that people taking the controversial statins drugs are more likely to suffer from hardening of the arteries, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease. Researchers also found that the drugs block a process that protects the heart, which can then cause, or worsen, heart failure. They also point out that the hypothesis that statins protect the heart by lowering cholesterol is flawed and that high cholesterol is not necessarily linked to heart disease. Many researchers have been warning about the dangers of statins and while it has taken sometime, it’s good to se... more »
The Economy: "History, And The Denial Thereof"; "Gas At $.47, 47 Cents, Per Gallon"
*"History, And The Denial Thereof"* *"Gas At $.47, 47 Cents, Per Gallon"** by Karl Denninger "It's rather amusing, really, to listen to people on Wall Street and in the mainslime media (here's looking at you, CNBC!) prance on and on about "low oil prices" and how *this too shall pass.*Well, yes, it will- eventually. But probably not before we have our Penn Square moment. Oh, you don't remember that? Well fancy you. Bill Patterson most-certainly did; he went to prison. I've talked about this repeatedly since the whole "shale and fracking miracle" claptrap started a number of years ... more »
Satellite paper grounded for plagiarizing — from the same journal
Plagiarism happens; we see it a lot. But some cases stand out from the crowd. For instance, we just came across an example where authors plagiarized from a paper in the same journal. Specifically, a 2015 paper on satellite orbits was found to have “extensive overlap” with another paper published in Acta Astronautica four years earlier. The last authors of […] The post Satellite paper grounded for plagiarizing — from the same journal appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Is Russian Intelligence Secretly Funding Political Parties In Europe?
*The Telegraph*:* Russia accused of clandestine funding of European parties as US conducts major review of Vladimir Putin's strategy* Exclusive: UK warns of "new Cold War" as Kremlin seeks to divide and rule in Europe American intelligence agencies are to conduct a major investigation into how the Kremlin is infiltrating political parties in Europe, it can be revealed. James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence, has been instructed by the US Congress to conduct a major review into Russian clandestine funding of European parties over the last decade. The review refle... more »
Russian President Putin's Political Base Is Deserting Him As Economic Woes Continue
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow on Jan. 15. (Ivan Sekretarev/Reuters) *Washington Times:* *Russian truckers protest road tax as Putin’s base defects amid economic woes* MOSCOW — Svetlana Titova, a 29-year-old real estate agent from Moscow, used to consider herself one of the success stories of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s long rule. But as Russia’s economy buckles under the combined weight of Western sanctions and tumbling global prices for oil, the linchpin of the country’s economy, Ms. Titova and millio... more »
Life Before The Taliban (Photo Gallery)
Friends: Pictured are Afghan girls coming home from school. The girls, as well as boys, were educated up to the high-school level, and although both sexes wore uniforms, the girls were not allowed to wear a chadri on their way to secondary school. Able young women attended college, as did the men *Daily Mail:* *Life before the Taliban: Fascinating photos show short skirts, flash cars and no burkas before Afghanistan plunged into hell * * The collection was shot by university professor Dr. Bill Podlich from Arizona during a two-year stint with Unesco * The amateur photographer set ou... more »
Confronted by Atheist, Rubio Responds that Faith is the ‘Single Greatest Influence in My Life’
[image: Marco Rubio] WAVERLY, Iowa (AP) -- Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio is promoting his Christian faith as he campaigns across Iowa. The Florida senator, a Catholic, says faith “is the single greatest influence” in his life. He opened up about religion when... more »
17 Reasons Glenn Beck Still Thinks Trump Voted for Obama in ’08
[image: Glenn Beck - 400] I lead with my mistakes. I recently retweeted a tweet from Donald Trump that indicated he voted for Barack Obama. This tweet was a hoax, and I apologized to Donald for reposting it. What makes it worse, is that when... Continue reading *“17 Reasons Glenn Beck Still Thinks Trump Voted for Obama in ’08”* at *glennbeck.com*.
Passing Of Iraq’s Sunni Old Guard Politicians? Interview With Inside Iraqi Politics’ Kirk Sowell
The post-Saddam generation of Sunni politicians in Iraq have faced one setback after another. Their latest is the loss of power as many of the top leaders have either been dismissed or run out of office on criminal charges such as Tariq Hashemi, Osama and Atheel Nujafi, Rafi Issawi and Salah al-Mutlaq. Does this constitute a sea change in Iraqi politics or will the old guard hold onto power in the next round of elections? To help shed light on this subject is Kirk Sowell editor of Inside Iraqi Politics. He can followed on Twitter at @UticaRisk. *1. Since 2003 Iraq’s Sunni politic... more »
The Economy: "The Fed’s Phony Boom Is Becoming a Real Bust…"
*"The Fed’s Phony Boom Is Becoming a Real Bust…"* by Bill Bonner POITOU, France – "It’s snowing here this morning. A soft, slow snow. Peaceful. Quiet. Like the last breath of a dying man. We came out to the country to pack and close up. We’re leaving France this week, headed back to Baltimore. “What?” asked a friend in Paris. “You’re leaving Paris for Baltimore? That doesn’t seem like a good trade.” “Well, Baltimore is not Paris,” we replied. “But then there’s nothing quite like Baltimore.” Everything has its charms. Fortunately, we are happy in both cities. We are looking forward... more »
MLK on War, Racism and Poverty
An almost lost Dr. King speech, from the Pacifica Archives; this speech was given at the first and only National Conference for New Politics. It is an amazing speech which looks at American's three deadliest sins, War, Racism and Poverty.
Texas School Suspends Pupils For Sharing Asthma Inhaler
Two students from a school in Dallas were suspended after one of the girls tried to save the other’s life by sharing her asthma inhaler. The two 7th grade girls attending Schrade Middle School in Garland, Texas, are now facing up to 30 days in alternative school. The school says it was an automatic decision when a controlled substance is involved. RT reports: Earlier in the week, 12-year-old Indiyah Rush offered her classmate, Alexis Kyle, 13, who has asthma, her inhaler when she saw her wheezing and gasping during gym class at Vernon Schrade Middle School in Dallas. “I was just try... more »
Why Amazon Needs to be Heavily Regulated by the FTC
This is the barely literate email that I just got from Create Space in answer to my question why the $7.99 paperback for *American Zen* nets me exactly ten cents in royalties: Hello Robert, Thank you for writing to us. I checked your account and I found why you received a $0.10 for a sale. Allow me to explain this to you so you may better understand. Your title was setup for distribution through Amazon initially, you then removed your book from the Amazon.com sales channels on 01/17/2016 which was yesterday. Before you removed your title from Amazon.com distribution this sale ... more »
Michael Moore: How Racism Poisoned Flint’s Water
*Flint water — a weapon of mass destruction (not a metaphor). Source.* *by Gaius Publius* I'm a former resident of Michigan, in particular, Saginaw and Flint, and in my mind there's never been a question that the Republican and Rick Snyder attack on both Detroit and Flint are racist to the core. There's also no doubt in my mind that the decision to stop Flint from paying Detroit for water was also a way to further punish Detroit, by denying funds to the Detroit water district. Still, intent is hard to prove, so let's just say that the decision to cut Flint's payments to the Detroi... more »
David Cameron Defends Britain’s Alliance With Saudi Arabia
David Cameron has defended Britain’s alliance with Saudi Arabia and British support for the controversial Saudi-led air-strike campaign in Yemen. The British prime minister also dismissed concerns that funding for ISIS came from the Riyadh. The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK slammed the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn last month for raising the allegations. RT reports: Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today program on Monday, the Prime Minister defended UK’s arms exports to the oil-rich autocracy and said that the UK carefully monitors how the Saudis use British-made weapons. “Our relation... more »
Desertions In The Afghan Army Is Adding To The Country's Security Woes
Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers patrol at an outpost in Helmand province, Afghanistan, in this December 25, 2015 file photo. REUTERS/Abdul Malik/Files *Reuters:* *Desertions deplete Afghan forces, adding to security worries* Afghan Lieutenant Amanullah said he was ready to fight to the death to stop the Taliban making gains across the south of the country, where insurgents have already overrun a series of districts in their traditional heartland. In November, 15 months after joining up, he deserted, one of thousands of tired and frustrated soldiers who have shed their uniforms,... more »
Supreme Court to Decide if State Can Exclude Religious Groups from Programs
[image: Rubber mulch - 900] The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a case deciding whether states can prohibit churches and religious groups from participating in state programs simply because they are religious. The case, which the Supreme Court recently announced their intent to... more »
59 Indigenous Corn Varieties at Risk as Monsanto Eyes Mexico
*Lorraine Chow* - Mexico’s unique and treasured native corn varieties could be under threat from Monsanto. The post 59 Indigenous Corn Varieties at Risk as Monsanto Eyes Mexico appeared first on Waking Times.
fighting for the circle
If you look at history and the modern age it seems the circle is not unbroken
Corporations - John Médaille
[image: John Médaille] “Unfortunately, in a hierarchical structure, power relationships tend to determine the content; there is always the danger that a "rank-based" logic will prevail. Managers, intent on advancement, tend to supply the information they know their superiors want to hear, rather than the information they ought to hear. Large organizations tend, therefore, to become systematically stupid.”
Duckies 2016: Vote To Select the Finalists
The Duckies have moved from Duck of Minerva to the ISA’s Online Media Caucus, but the process is mostly the same. Vote for your favorite examples of outstanding Online Achievement in International Studies here.
In our new eviroment evey desion must be meant with sustanaiblty
Every time I pee I must meausure how much was me and how much DNA you got into my poooh
Is pulling A Birthday Cake for George Washington a victory for progressive educators?
I’ve not had a physical copy of the book in my hands. But I agree with the analysis and portrayals of the book as depicting an oddly dewy-eyed representation of slavery, akin to those who think that slaves should have been at the very least “thankful” for jobs and roofs over their heads. Very gross. […]
words are stupid and they mean nothig
What words can we possibly say to explain the world today its like the power of the Internet made everyone mutant
Hurtinign because the planet I love no longer resemblses you
grew up dipped in green not from ideolgyu juist because that was the only way to stay alive Jet fumes stinking up the kiwis I love make my feel unfaithful and ask the question does my love of what I want cause I can buy it lead to the extection of the human race? Cause for some reason we can no longer buy love we can not conncect even though the chemicals say this is the one social media says no good enough We first noticed this problem in Singapeor where they got most things write but telling everyong to expect more made the boyfriends seem like something that needed to be developed ins... more »
Novak Djokovic Says He Turned Down Bribe To Throw Tennis Match
Tennis star and world number one, Novak Djokovic, talks about match-fixing at day one of the Australian Open. There are allegations that tennis authorities have failed to deal with widespread match-fixing. During a tournament in St. Petersburg in 2007, Djokovic’s team were offered to throw a match for £154,000 (Note: some reports indicate the amount to be £110,000) The 28-year-old winner of ten Grand Slam titles believes that match-fixing at the top end of the game is not such a big problem nowadays. “It’s just speculation,” Djokovic said. The Daily Express reports: The report claim... more »
Islamic State Seizes New Areas from Troops in Eastern Syria
[image: Deir al Zour - 900] BEIRUT (AP) -- Islamic State militants launched a fresh offensive Monday, taking advantage of a sandstorm that sharply reduced visibility in eastern Syria and capturing new areas from government forces near the city of Deir el-Zour, opposition activists said. The... more »
Morocco Arrests Belgian Man Linked to Paris Attackers
[image: Morocco map.fw - 900.fw] RABAT, Morocco (AP) -- Morocco’s Interior Ministry says that police have arrested a Belgian man of Moroccan descent who had a “direct relationship” to the attackers who killed 130 people around Paris on Nov. 13. The ministry said in a...more »
Feds Rely on Report from Non-Independent Group to Justify Coal Mining Ban
[image: coal miner hands - 900] The Department of the Interior announced it's putting a moratorium on coal mining leases on federal lands to do a full review of the government's mineral leasing policies, citing concerns over global warming. The Interior Department wants to "better understand... more »
Dr. King on low-information voters!
*MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016A richer view of the world:* We're suckers for parts of Dr. King's first book, Stride Toward Freedom, his memoir of the Montgomery bus boycott. Still and all, this may be our favorite quotation from Dr. King: DR. KING (2/4/68): Everybody can be great. Because everybody can serve. *You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve.* You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve. You don't have to know the second theo... more »
"The 62 Richest People On Earth Now Hold As Much Wealth As The Poorest 3.5 Billion”
*"The 62 Richest People On Earth Now Hold As * *Much Wealth As The Poorest 3.5 Billion”* *And...* *"The Astonishing Gift Of The Money Printers-* *The World’s Richest 1% Now Have More Wealth Than The Rest Of Humanity"** - Emily Peck "All the money in the world is growing ever more concentrated in the hands of just a few people, a report released Sunday night makes clear. Just 62 ultra-rich individuals- a list that is primarily made up of men and includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the Koch Brothers and the Walmart heirs- have as much wealth as the bottom half of humanity. Five years a...more »
On the inescapable privilege of privilege
Having worked in poor countries for most of the last four years, there’s a lot about The Guardian’s *Secret Aid Worker* feature that’s really resonating with me. Of course, I continue to attach the most value to pieces that bravely carry the writer’s name, because few things keep you more honest as a writer than putting your stuff out there with your name attached, for all the world to see. But sometimes it’s anonymous or nothing, so I’m cutting some slack to the unidentified writers producing pieces for *Secret Aid Worker*. I’m not exactly an aid worker in my current ro... more »
Casual Remarks
Do they have deeper meaning or just toss offs?
'Out Of Office' message
Sorry for the lack of posts at the moment. Hopefully normal business will resume within the next week or so. In the mean time, here's former FA boss David Davies and some girl...
Growing Inequality, Rising Political Dispossession
Ben Hirschler and Noah Barkin, “A world divided: Elites descend on Swiss Alps amid rising inequality,” Reuters, January 18, 2016, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-davos-meeting-divisions-idUSKCN0UW007 Politicians and business leaders gathering in the Swiss Alps this week face an increasingly divided world, with the poor falling further behind the super-rich and political fissures in the United States, Europe and the Middle East running deeper than at any time in decades. Just 62 people, 53 of them men, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world population and th... more »
Mini Nuclear Plants Could Come to Britain by 2025
By Paul Homewood h/t Climanrecon http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-18/mini-nuclear-plants-seen-in-u-k-by-2025-fluor-s-nuscale-says An interesting report from Bloomberg: U.K. ambitions to build small modular nuclear plants may be realized as soon as 2025, according to Fluor Corp.’s NuScale unit, which is seeking to be a pioneer in the market. NuScale plans to submit its 50-megawatt reactor […]
Supplemental: Krugman considers the Sanders health plan!
*MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016Which part of "no" don't we want to discuss:* We didn't watch last night's debate. Too pointless; also, potentially too depressing. In some ways, the pointlessness concerns the growing semi-debate about Candidate Sanders' health care proposal. Paul Krugman considers that proposal in his New York Times column today. (In today's hard-copy paper, the Times even tries to report the basic facts about the Sanders proposal! The attempt doesn't go well in all respects. Normally, the great newspaper doesn't attempt to report such tedious policy matters. When the T...more »
Pakistan, China, U.S. And Afghanistan Urge The Taliban To Join The Peace Process
*Reuters:* *Pakistan, China, U.S. urge Taliban to rejoin Afghan peace talks* Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and the United States sat down to talks on Monday aimed at laying the ground for a negotiated end to almost 15 years of war between U.S.-supported government forces and Taliban insurgents now firmly on the offensive. Taliban forces have stepped up their campaign in the last year to topple the Kabul government, which has struggled since most foreign troops left at the end of 2014. High-profile suicide attacks and Taliban territorial gains in Helmand province have underlined how... more »
Burkina Faso And Mali Agree To Coordinate Their Military Forces After Deadly Attacks
A soldiers stands guard in front of Splendid Hotel in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, January 17, 2016. REUTERS/JOE PENNEY *Reuters*: *Burkina Faso and Mali to coordinate forces after deadly attacks* Burkina Faso and Mali have agreed to work together to counter the growing threat of Islamic militants in West Africa by sharing intelligence and conducting joint security patrols following two deadly and well-coordinated attacks in the region. Their prime ministers met on Sunday, two days after al Qaeda militants seized the Splendid Hotel in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou, opened fire ... more »
Iran Denounces New U.S. Sanctions
*New York Times: **Iran’s Foreign Ministry Denounces U.S. Over New Sanctions* TEHRAN — The Iranian Foreign Ministry criticized the United States for imposing new sanctions related to the country’s missile program, saying the move was “devoid of any kind of legitimacy and ethical values,” the semiofficial Mehr news agency reported on Monday. The sanctions, which the Treasury Department imposed on Sunday against 11 companies and individuals in connection with Iran’s ballistic missile program, were announced even as others were lifted and as Iran and the United States said they had ... more »
What’s Going On Health-Wise From LA’s Methane Leak Problems?
*Catherine J. Frompovich* - Here's a short heads-up regarding the San Fernando Valley methane leak. The post What’s Going On Health-Wise From LA’s Methane Leak Problems? appeared first on Waking Times.
Robot for stroke patients paper copied 3 pages of equations
A 2014 paper on a robotic system for patients who have had a stroke contains three pages of equations that are not original. According to the retraction note, “Cascade controller design and stability analysis in FES-aided upper arm stroke rehabilitation robotic system” copied the equations from a paper that other researchers presented at a conference […] The post Robot for stroke patients paper copied 3 pages of equations appeared first on Retraction Watch.
its common konwlege
She deseved me and I deseved her. Thank you the powers that be for making that so
Cameron: Muslim Women Could Be Deported If They Don’t Learn English
Prime Minister David Cameron is under fire over his warning to Muslim women to improve their English language skills or face deportation. Cameron suggested that a lack in English language skills could leave a person “more susceptible” to the recruitment tactics of groups like the the so called Islamic State (IS). The Prime Minister’s approach of building community integration and fighting extremism by suggesting Muslim women should be encouraged or forced to learn English and be fully integrated into the culture, has been called “lazy and misguided.” Doncaster Free Press reports: Mr... more »
U.S. Military Releases 1st Account of Sailors’ Iran Detention
[image: Sailors3 - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In its first official account of Iran’s seizure and subsequent release of 10 U.S. sailors in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. military said Monday the only items found missing from their two recovered boats were SIM cards... more »
2 Iranian Poets, Facing Lashings and Prison, Escape Country
[image: Iranian poets freed - 900] DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- Two Iranian poets who face lashings and prison sentences have fled Iran, one of the writers said Monday, a rare escape for local artists and activists ensnared in an ongoing crackdown on expression in... more »
Canadian Filming the Liberation of Kurdish Syria? Fabricating History
Kurdish Syria? Never existed! The *“Kurdish Syria”* of this documentary is *devoid of Arabs, Assyrians & Armenians.* *But ethnic cleansing doesn’t matter when it’s a NATO operation*. *The reality of what has been happening in Syria- The ANNEXATION by FORCE of Syria’s territory is never mentioned in NATO media. Alternative (so called) or main stream*. * Annex: the act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or occupation = theft.* We’re supposed to believe a "kurdish Syria” is just happenstance. Organically taking place. I’ve said this before and I will say ... more »
Coca-Cola & PepsiCo Funded Study Claiming Diet Drinks Aid Weight Loss
It has emerged that recent scientific research claiming diet drinks could be better than water in helping people to lose weight, was funded by a body that includes Coca-Cola and PepsiCo among its members. The study that highlighted the ‘benefits of diet beverages’ was published in the International Journal of Obesity. RT reports: The 14-page research paper, led by Peter Rogers, professor of biological psychology at Bristol University, appeared in the International Journal of Obesity in November. It claimed that people who consume diet drinks could be more likely to lose weight than ... more »
Most people who fear Muslims have never met one
How many Muslims have you had living in the apartment below you? How many Muslims have you partied with? There is a bit of a void between ISIS like anti Muslim videos and reality. We are all the same. People who use religion to create a wedge are all evil. People who use a wedge to justify the economic distribution on this planet are evil. We could all live fat and happy if common sense was a religion.
Police Dept. Calls Out Big Pharma, Helps Drug Addicts Instead of Jailing
*Christina Sarich* - Maybe this is really how to handle the 'drug war.' The post Police Dept. Calls Out Big Pharma, Helps Drug Addicts Instead of Jailing appeared first on Waking Times.
Is Donald Trump a Double-Minded Man?
[image: Donald Trump9 - 900] We all understand that politicians will be political, emphasizing one point to one audience and another point to another audience. We also understand that people's views can genuinely change, including the views of politicians. But when a political leader completely flip-flops... more »
Martin Luther King, Jr., and the March for Life
[image: Martin Luther King Jr. Washington March - 900] Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., has always been a hero to me. Growing up in the inner city of Boston, I memorized his “I Have a Dream” speech. I remember trying to imitate his cadence and delivery as I practiced it....more »
Refusing to Kiss King Corn’s Ring in Iowa
[image: Ted Cruz] For more than 30 years, Iowa's obsession with its ethanol fuel industry has played an outsize role in its presidential caucuses. The winner of every caucus in both parties during that period has strongly backed federal subsidies or mandates for... Continue reading *“Refusing to Kiss King Corn’s Ring in Iowa”* at *nationalreview.com*.
This Is the Pentagon’s New Strategy to Defeat ISIS
[image: Ramadi-ISIS] IRBIL, Iraq -- The U.S. military headquarters here is outfitted with maps showing a “forward line of troops” -- a FLOT, in military-speak -- that divides northern Iraq’s Kurdish region from territory held by the Islamic State group. The line is precisely drawn,... Continue reading *“This Is the Pentagon’s New Strategy to Defeat ISIS”* at *militarytimes.com*.
Communications researcher regrets “severe shortcomings” in three publications
A communications researcher in Switzerland has made a few errors in his efforts to communicate his research. Peter J. Schulz, who works at the University of Lugano, has lost a paper which did not “appropriately acknowledge” another paper as its primary source. He has also corrected a paper with “severe shortcomings in the references.” Both papers were published […] The post Communications researcher regrets “severe shortcomings” in three publications appeared first on Retraction Watch.
World News Briefs -- January 18, 2016
The Swiss mountain resort of Davos is seen in this January 16, 2012 file photo. REUTERS/ARND WIEGMANN/FILES *Reuters*: *A world divided: Elites descend on Swiss Alps amid rising inequality* Politicians and business leaders gathering in the Swiss Alps this week face an increasingly divided world, with the poor falling further behind the super-rich and political fissures in the United States, Europe and the Middle East running deeper than at any time in decades. Just 62 people, 53 of them men, own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world population and the richest 1 pe... more »
We need cheap carbon fuels like a junkie needs free Herion
Can no one make the connection? Its economics at its best. Give me your watch and I will tell you accurately what time it is.
UK Teachers Are Feeding Hungry Students
A new study has revealed that nearly a third of teachers across the UK are feeding hungry students in their classes. According to the survey, children are turning up for school too hungry to learn and teachers are bringing in food for desperate pupils. Trade unionists have blamed the hunger crisis on Tory austerity measures. The Mirror reports: Nearly one in three has resorted to feeding children in class – and some staff even give kids cash to buy food. A third of teachers said children are falling asleep in class due to hunger, with many blaming financial hardship for youngsters mi... more »
Computer control will drive us insane
A cashless society is a control mechanism. Auto driving cars the same. Only the people who make the rules will be allowed to stray outside the code.
Creating a sustainalbe society
This is the role of goverment. Nothing else matters. Business creates wealth and inevitable revolutions.
Harvesting Ignorance leads to a crop of destruction
This it the fundamental problem with the good old USA. I now fully expect Trump will be the next US president. Squaring his reality distortion field with the expectations of the voters will be catastrophic. The only bright spot is that Trump might be insane and ego driven enough to tell the truth.
The Boston Globe :Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.
istock/photo illustration by lesley becker/globe staff*This is not new "news" for most readers of this blog. * *Much of this "secret government" is via the military/corporate/banking/entertainment complex of companies which are pan-national in scope, and some of it had ET involvement until recently. And of course the usual banking culprits who always end up financing this stuff and paying the bribes in offshore accounts. There was a missile fire off shore Los Angeles a few weeks back, a Titan II, which was destroyed in flight by the SA using a plasma encapsulation technology. T... more »
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Struggle for Integration
[image: Martin Luther King Jr.] The third Monday of each January, we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. by a national holiday. Mindful of his concrete actions and accomplishments and, still more, of his sublime words, his high hopes, and his ultimate martyrdom, we have come not only... more »
Trouble On Hemlock Hill
The rich are different from you and me. Their money has done a number on their basic cognitive functions. You and I went to bed last night thinking that Bernie Sanders had clocked Hillary Clinton but good in their latest corporate-sponsored party debate. You and I got up this morning and were stunned to learn in the New York Times that Hillary Clinton had "won" the debate simply by wrapping herself in the mantle of her erstwhile nemesis, Barack Obama, and obliquely accusing Senator Sanders of causing the Charleston Massacre by virtue of his vote for an arcane loophole in the tepid ... more »
Bert Garskof : Listen to Bernie, then take to the streets
Sanders can’t bring about his exciting progressive program without what he calls a revolution. By Bert Garskof | The Rag Blog | January 18, 2016 It seems obvious to me that the programs espoused by Bernie Sanders, if implemented, would … finish reading Bert Garskof : Listen to Bernie, then take to the streets
Russian Ruble Hits a Year Low as Oil Prices Weaken
[image: People walk past at an exchange office sign showing the currency exchange rates of the Russian ruble, U.S. dollar in Moscow, Russia, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016.] MOSCOW (AP) -- The Russian ruble has dropped to a new low, battered by weak oil prices. The national currency was down 1.7 percent at 78.9 rubles to the dollar in late afternoon trading Monday in Moscow, its lowest mid-trading... more »
Democrats Want To Raise The Minimum Wage-- But Progressives Want To Raise It Quickly And Conservatives Want To Drag Their Feet
Democratic Machine boss George Norcross' little brother, Donald, has been a miserable congressman for less than a term, but he's already eyeing Bob Menendez's Senate seat. So how does the most conservative Democrat in the New Jersey congressional delegation win what's expected to be a rough and tumble primary with real progressives like Frank Pallone in it? To the casual reader, the story in the *Star-Ledger* about how Norcross is launching a fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour sounds plenty progressive-- almost Bernie-like. That is, until you look at the details. A mor... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 18, 2016
*VOA:* *Search Continues for Crew of 2 US Military Copters Missing Off Hawaii* U.S. military teams extended their search Sunday for 12 Marines missing in the central Pacific after their helicopters apparently collided late Thursday during a training mission off the coast of Hawaii. Military authorities say strong winds and high seas have hampered the search in an area north of the island of Oahu, and say debris has been spotted scattered over an 11-kilometer stretch of coastline. Authorities say a civilian reported seeing the two aircraft collide in a fireball late Thursday, and ... more »
France Declares An Economic Emergency
French President Francois Hollande delivers a speech at the Grand Palais to mark the bicentenary of the Caisse des Depots et Consignations, a financial organization created in 1816, in Paris, France, January 12, 2016. REUTERS/GONZALO FUENTES *France 24:* *Hollande announces measure to combat ‘economic state of emergency’* François Hollande on Monday presented his plan to reduce France’s chronically high unemployment with measures described by the press as “playing his last cards” and by the conservative opposition as “an insult to the jobless”. Hollande, the least popular French ... more »
Sheriff: Ohio Police Officer Found Dead; Suspect in Custody
[image: police crime scene] MOUNT VERNON, Ohio (AP) -- A police officer was found dead behind the municipal building in Danville, Ohio, and a suspect is in custody, authorities said Monday. Danville Officer Thomas Cottrell was found dead on the ground behind the Danville... Continue reading *“Sheriff: Ohio Police Officer Found Dead; Suspect in Custody”* at *apnewsarchive.com*.
Would Donald Trump Be a Pro-Abortion President?
[image: Donald Trump] When Ben Carson was rising in the polls, Donald Trump was quick to attack the former neurosurgeon for being “pro-abortion not so long ago.” The attack was more than a bit hypocritical because Trump himself was “very” pro-abortion not so... Continue reading *“Would Donald Trump Be a Pro-Abortion President?”* at *weeklystandard.com*.
Iran Will Continue To Upgrade Missiles – Calls US Sanctions Illegal
Iran has denounced new sanctions imposed by the US over its ballistic missile programme calling them illegal and hypocritical. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said that the US sanctions against Iran’s ballistic missile program … “have no legal or moral legitimacy” “America sells tens of billions of dollars of weaponry each year to countries in the region,” Ansari added “These weapons are used in war crimes against Palestinian, Lebanese and most recently Yemeni citizens.” On Sunday, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 11 companies and individuals ...more »
Skinny Copycat Wendy's Frosty
I have to admit it. I am a sucker for a Frosty. There is just something about that chocolate goodness that I have a hard time saying no to. I don't eat much sugar, but I love a Frosty. In an effort in the new year to clean up our diets even more, we have sworn off the drive thru and any extra sugar. I needed to replace my favorite treat and I found a way that is delicious, has fewer calories and the added benefit of vitamins! Sounds like a win all around. You will need: - 4-5 cups of vanilla frozen yogurt (for a more authentic taste use vanilla ice cream, but we are going f... more »
Designer Babies To Be Super Intelligent?
[image: Mad scientist] Word is that “scientists in the UK could begin genetically engineering human embryos as early as March.” But don’t worry. As another report says, “It will be illegal to allow the embryos to live beyond 14 days.” Besides “curing” diseases... more »
Oil Extends Slide Below $30 as Market Braces for Iran Oil Influx
[image: Traders sit at the Dubai bourse as prices of shares are reflected on screens in red above them on January 17, 2016 Share prices in the energy-rich Gulf states nosedived following the sharp decline in oil prices and the expected rise in Iranian crude exports after the sanctions imposed on it were lifted under Tehran's historic nuclear deal with global powers.] LONDON--Crude oil prices continued to slide Monday with the Brent global benchmark and its U.S. counterpart West Texas Intermediate firmly entrenched under $30 a barrel. Brent fell 1.28% to $28.54 a barrel on London's IC... more »
The American Dream: Inside What Makes Homegrown Terror So Dangerous
[image: Terrorism Definition - 900] Before he planted bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing 3 bystanders and injuring some 260 others, Tamerlan Tsarnaev wanted to be an American hero. As late as 2010, the Chechen refugee was hoping to receive citizenship in time to... more »
Senate to Consider Stricter Screening for Syrian Refugees
[image: In this Jan. 14, 2016 file photo, Syrian refugees inside the border wait to be approved to get into Jordan, in the Hadalat reception area, near the northeastern Jordanian border with Syria, and Iraq, near the town of Ruwaished, Jordan.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate will consider rigorous new screening procedures for Syrian and Iraqi refugees seeking to enter the United States as national security looms large for voters in an election year. Propelled by the Islamic State group’s attacks... more »
*Student accuses Oxford University of being 'institutionally racist' after Lord Patten tells protesters to go to university somewhere else if they're offended by a Cecil Rhodes statue on campus* Oxford University is 'institutionally racist' and Chancellor Lord Patten made 'scandalous' remarks when he attacked a campaign to remove a Cecil Rhodes student from the campus, one of the activists in the dispute said today. Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh, one of the founding members of the Rhodes Must Fall campaign, said the presence of the stature on Oriel College indicated 'something deeply wrong w... more »
What Has Happened?
http://www.cnn.com/ While Barack Obama is trying to ensure that everyone who purchases a gun in the United States undergoes a background check, another kind of melodrama is playing out in Oregon. Michael Harris writes: The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was taken over by a band of armed men led by Ammon Bundy on January 2. They have occupied public buildings, destroyed government property, and seized government heavy equipment and trucks, claiming they are now the property of the people. They call themselves Citizens for Constitut... more »
*Mike Huckabee's Remark Reflects Attitude Toward Evacuation ~Sandy Rosenthal, Huffington Post*
*A man of faith clings to his faith in his final days* Warmism has such slight claims to be science that belief in it it is clearly a religion, a faith. So when Piers Sellers, deputy director of Sciences and Exploration at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, was told that cancer would soon kill him he used that to evangelize for his faith. He managed to get a sob story into the NYT reporting his diagnosis and adding that he was sticking to his global warming work to the end. The piece had not even a pretence at scientific reporting. All it did was to regurgitate the usual Warm... more »
The GOP Needs a Candidate with a Huge Soul
[image: Ted Cruz2] As we approach the Iowa caucuses the fight is heating up about which Republican candidate deserves the support of committed Christians. A core of long-time Evangelical activists has strongly endorsed Ted Cruz -- and been answered by fervent counterblasts. In... more »
The Virtue of Social Justice: An Interview with Michael Novak
[image: MichaelNovak - 900] You’ve seen them before. From the college square to the halls of congress -- self-proclaimed “social justice warriors” who are “ready to fight” for, well, something. But if you ever ask one of these Combatants for the Cause, “Hey, so just what...more »
3 Americans Kidnapped in Baghdad, Iraqi Forces Searching House to House
[image: Iraqi security forces man a checkpoint on the main road from Baghdad's central Jaderiyah district to Dora on the southern outskirts of the Iraqi capital on January 18, 2016. US and Iraqi authorities were searching for three missing Americans said to have been kidnapped in southern Baghdad.] BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi security forces fanned out across the Baghdad neighborhood Monday morning where three Americans were reportedly kidnapped over the weekend, closing streets and conducting house-to-house searches. An Iraqi government intelligence official told The Associated Press the ... more »
Why Immigration is Such a Hard Problem
[image: Giant Tangled Ball of Twine String Rope - 900] For the first time in a generation, immigration policy is a leading issue in the presidential campaign, and it involves not just immigrants to our south, but refugees from war-torn regions of the Middle East. Donald Trump has made it... more »
Paul Ryan Commits to Mental-Health Reform
[image: Mental-health reform] Once again Speaker Paul Ryan has committed to mental-health reform, recently telling USA Today, "I think there's promise in that area, because there are some Democrats who are agreeing with us on that." He's right. Forty-nine Democrats co-sponsored the Helping... Continue reading *“Paul Ryan Commits to Mental-Health Reform”* at *nationalreview.com*.
‘Mad’ Swansea tidal lagoon scheme heading for the rocks
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/12103688/Mad-Swansea-tidal-lagoon-scheme-heading-for-the-rocks.html Booker reports on the latest problems facing the Swansea tidal lagoon project: The publication last week of a trenchant High Court ruling against Cornwall Council has given a further twist to the murky story of what I described last year as “the most insane ‘green’ project” the Government […]
Economic News , Data & Views ( January 18 , 2016 ) 1. Refugee & Border Security Items - Europe. 2. Poland Controversy Still In News Cycle. 3. France Declares State Of Economic Emergency. 4. Spain Economic & Political Items. 5. Russia In Focus - Oil & Ruble As Well. 6. UK Home Prices - December. 7. Odds & Ends. ) Asia & Emerging Nations. 1. Markets Start in 'Risk-Off' Mode To The Week. Asia Stocks Drop As Iran Sinks Oil . 2.China Items Of Note For Monday. 3. MENA Markets - Looking Green At The Gills As Oil Prices - Qatar , UAE & Saudi Indices In Particular . 4. India Trade Balance Data - December . 5. Japan News - Stocks & Data . 6 . Odds & Ends. )
Evening wrap....... *The Daily Star* @DailyStarLeb 1h 1 hour ago 'Lock up Muslim men in asylum centers' says Dutch MP http://bit.ly/1Qj5wZX *Vladimiro Giacché* @Comunardo 1h 1 hour ago Italy Banks Lose $82 Billion of Cheap Financing From Savers http:// bloom.bg/1JUuA8h via business *Nick Malkoutzis* @NickMalkoutzis 2h 2 hours ago Greek farmers to step up protests against pension & tax reforms. Planning to block Athens-Thessaloniki nat'l road from Wednesday #Greece *fred walton* @fredwalton216 2h 2 hours ago fred walton Retweeted The Dail... more »
From Morocco to OZ: The Transpicuous Relocation Project
There is a bit more to this story than I have put in our Crowdfunding campaign.... In recent weeks, certain information has become clear and the reactions of certain people who are highly connected here in the Highest Places of Morocco, have been clearly seen. Some of my News coverage has made certain people not happy. My entire families Skype access has been wiped out. And through some savvy tech friends, we've learned that skype knows that certain IPs are being Blocked in Morocco..... and not by Skype. In the past two weeks we've had several "technical" problems with our ba... more »
Review: 13 Hours Isn’t the Benghazi Movie You Waited For
[image: 13 Hours-900] If director Michael Bay's goal was making an audience feel like it sat in a movie theater for 13 hours, his newest film should be considered a success. Unfortunately for the Transformers director, I don't think most moviegoers are that... more »
GOP Family Values
[image: Republican presidential candidates, from left, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., businessman Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush take the stage before the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate at the North Charleston Coliseum, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, in North Charleston, S.C.] God help me. I have come to appreciate why some Republican voters like Donald Trump. It’s because he embodies New York in all its ostentation and swagger. When punched, he pun... more »
In Tight Race, Democrats Debate Passion Versus Practicality
[image: Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. speak during a break at the NBC, YouTube Democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center, Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016, in Charleston, S.C.] CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- With just two weeks to go before the first votes of the 2016 race for president, Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders engaged in their most contentious debate match-up to date, underscoring their tightening primary race... more »
Former TX Gov. Rick Perry’s Legal Fees Climb to $2.5 Million
[image: Former Gov. Rick Perry's Legal Fees Climb to $2.5 Million] AUSTIN -- Former Gov. Rick Perry’s legal tab for a team of high-powered defense lawyers in his ongoing abuse-of-power case has grown to about $2.5 million, according documents made public Saturday. Perry was indicted in August of 2014 on two... Continue reading *“Former TX Gov. Rick Perry’s Legal Fees Climb to $2.5 Million”* at *expressnews.com*.
British Parliament Will Formally Debate Banning Donald Trump
[image: banning Donald Trump] LONDON -- In nearly a millennium of history, the Palace of Westminster has played host to kings and queens, endured Nazi bombing raids and showed the world how a people could govern themselves through representative democracy. But it has never... Continue reading *“British Parliament Will Formally Debate Banning Donald Trump”* at *seattletimes.com*.
Booker On Amber Rudd’s Energy Suicide
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/12103686/Amber-Rudds-leading-role-in-the-EU-is-energy-suicide.html As David Cameron’s Cabinet colleagues fan out across the media to tell us how catastrophic it would be for Britain to leave the EU, one minister is in a class of her own. It may not be surprising that Amber Rudd, as the sister of Roland Rudd – one […]
GAIA PORTAL: Hellenics Awaken to the New Light
*Hellenics awaken to the New Light* by ÉirePort Hellenics awaken to the New Light. Standards of Energetic senses are transcended. Features of Nova Gaia protrude. Elicitations are presented to Hue-Being Gate-Keepers. ÉirePort | January 18, 2016 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-x9
Sanders Proposes Tax Hike to Pay for Universal Health Care
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during the First in the South Dinner at the Charleston Mariott Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016, in Charleston, S.C.] CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- Vowing to achieve universal health care, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders released a sweeping proposal hours before Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate to create a new single-payer health care system in the United States paid for by a...more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Crystal Healing”
Medwyn Goodall, “Crystal Healing” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=337w2NNX99s
Are U.S. Bases Overseas Being Used As A Recruiting Tool For Local Militants?
(Click on Image to Enlarge) Located: The U.S. has military bases around the world, as depicted in this graphic. Daily Mail *David Vine, The Nation:* *The Pentagon’s New Base Plan Will Achieve the Exact Opposite of Its Goal* *We’re building bases to prevent terrorism, but local terror groups are recruiting in reaction to our bases.* Amid the distractions of the holiday season, The New York Times revealed that the Obama administration is considering a Pentagon proposal to create a “new” and “enduring” system of military bases around the Middle East. Though this is being presented as... more »
OXFAM: The World's 62 Richest Billionaires Have As Much Wealth As Half The World
*CNN*: *The 62 richest people have as much wealth as half the world* The world's 62 richest billionaires have as much wealth as the bottom half of the world's population, according to a new report from Oxfam International. The wealthiest have seen their net worth soar over the five years ending in 2015. Back in 2010, it took 388 mega-rich people to own as much as half the world. And the Top 1% own more than everyone else combined -- a milestone reached in 2015, a year earlier than Oxfam had predicted. Oxfam released its annual report ahead of the World Economic Forum in the Swis... more »
In Grief, Loss and Pain: Still All Is Well
[image: all is well] SHELLY DUFFER -- Before me, even as behind, God is, and all is well. ~ John Greenleaf Whittier I stumbled upon this quote by the poet and abolitionist Whittier quite by accident. I was doing research on another topic --... more »
13 Health Benefits Of Oranges
* For more information on the health benefits of oranges, pleas click on the link below:* *13 Health Benefits of Oranges*
Why Do The U.S. Marines Have A Rule That They Cannot Keep Their Hands In Their Pockets?
*Task & Purpose:* *The Marine Corps’ Ban On Hands In Pockets Centers Around The Possible Misuse Of A Semicolon* *We asked the Marine Corps about the order that bans hands in pockets; the answer was revealing.* Anyone who has ever served a day in the Marine Corps knows one of the storied institution’s most sacred rules: Don’t put your hands in your damn pockets. If as a Marine, you place your hands in your pockets in garrison while in uniform, be prepared to hear a crusty staff noncommissioned officer yell something that includes the words, “Hey Devil Dog,” and the rhetorical que... more »
British Columbia LNG Industry Falls Under The Weight of a B.C. Thriving High-Tech Sector
*Patti Bacchus** **@**pattibacchus* 3h3 hours ago Is the push to get #*bced* students into LNG-related trades now going to shift to tech sector? That was quick. http://www. theglobeandmail.com/technology/bc- government-adds-computer-coding-to-school-curriculum/article28234097/? ____________ The article below was *assembled by Grant G* I wrote years ago(may 7th 2013) in this post... http://powellriverpersuader.blogspot.ca/2013/05/christy-clarks-lng-fantasy-reality-check.html I wrote... *Written by Grant G* What is going on with LNG for export development in ... more »
Experts discuss Hawking, Perry, Strominger on a blog
*Their skepticism has many layers* This text adds a few more comments about the proposed new solution of the black hole information puzzle by Hawking and two collaborators (HPS). Jacques Distler's blog in Austin woke up after half a year and it was enough for an unusually well-informed discussion of professional researchers about the paper. The discussion pretty much reproduces my opinions and expectations about the conclusions that would be done by experts – although there are many ideas in the comments that are much more detailed than what I have figured out. To simplify th... more »
Turkey: Bombing Its Way to a Better Narrative
*January 18, 2016* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - A recent bombing in the Turkish city of Istanbul has left at least 10 dead and 15 injured. The government in Ankara was quick to blame the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh), claiming the bomber was "Syrian" and had crossed over from Syria into Turkey before carrying out the terrorist attack. The Guardian would report in its article, "Deadly Istanbul blast 'caused by Isis suicide bomber'," that: *“We have determined that the perpetrator of the attack is a foreigner who is a member of Daesh,” prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said,... more »
Minister Orders Troop Deployment Across Germany After Sex Attacks
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has called for armed military troops to take to the streets of Germany following the sex attacks of hundreds of women by migrants two weeks ago. “We will have to deal with the question of why almost all other European countries have clear legal regulations enabling them to use their armed forces to support the police — and we don’t“, Schäuble said in an interview with newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Sputniknews.com reports: In his opinion, Germany needs to enhance its security forces as well as create legal foundations for the police and th... more »
Iran Is About To Reclaim The Oil Market From Saudi Arabia
Iran’s deputy oil minister has announced that the countries oil market will be taken back from Saudi Arabia following the removal of international sanctions on Iran. Amir Hossein Zamaninia said that the removal of sanctions has allowed Iran “the possibility to export 500 thousand barrels of crude oil.” Mehrnews.com reports: Zamaninia emphasized that the country’s production and exports capacity of oil will reach one million barrels per day within a few months; “during the sanction years, Iran lost a portion of its oil market with countries like Saudi Arabia conquering the Iranian o... more »
Swordmaker, Instructed in Dreams, Recreates Infallible Sacred Swords of Legend
This is an extraordinary insight and informs directly that the spirit world that we have now understood as physically real is also deeply interested in sustaining knowledge of the great arts such as sword making. This is highly applicable. All craftsmanship needs to be integrated into a program of meditation. Thus perfection can arise. This is a revolutionary teaching although it is hinted at among modern journeymen who learn to stay focused on the task at hand. . *Swordmaker, Instructed in Dreams, Recreates Infallible Sacred Swords of Legend* *31 December, 2015 - 22:29 a... more »
Chinese Stocks Crash, Why Is Anybody Surprised?
*[image: A man works on the trading floor at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on September 22, 2015. (Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images)]* This happened a while ago but that does not matter much. What matters now is that all of China has entered a consolidation period. What matters now is a sustainable level of production to build from. This will take a good twelve months if not three years if the original mobility remains out of reach. The final result will be a healthy growing economy and that is what we all need. We also have ample time now to establish long term trade arrangem... more »
China’s Strategy
Putting the nonsense aside that we have been treated with in the past several years, we see China as no meaningful threat in the classical sense. In fact we should encourage active involvement of Chinese forces in the hot spots. That they have dipped their toes into the waters of Syria is a good move in that direction. Like Canada, you discover the best trained army in the world really needs to be shot at from time to time to be creditable. Otherwise, internally China needs to create full fledged democracies in each ethnic sub group to ensure that they... more »
Man Claims to have Spotted Tasmanian Tiger Which is Meant to be Extinct
I am pretty sure that the Tasmanian tiger is alive and well and may now be comfortable enough about a human presence to occasionally be seen. This case had the animal running with a group of kangaroos which is unexpected but certainly provides screening for a shy carnivore. There is also an apparent population in New Guinea mountains as well. Thus its extinction is unlikely. More likely it is now broadening its range which will bring about increasing contact. The key take home for all is that a family of critters can share information mind to mind and then uniformly avoid a... more »
LIVE: Parliament Debate Donald Trump Ban Today
British parliament are to formally debate whether or not to ban Donald Trump from the UK today at 4:00 pm (GMT). The debate comes after over half a million British citizens signed a petition in support of banning Trump from the country for hate speech. [scroll down for live video] The petition reads: The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK. If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behaviour’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to ... more »
(The Bern Felt Hard?) NC - How Contaminated Is Your Water? (Society Needs to Tax the Rich's Self-Serving Foundations) Does CIA Punish Whistleblowers No Matter How Long It Takes? (Italian Adventurers?) Outing ISIS-Supporting, Kurds Killing Turkey
On Behalf of City Poisoned By Water, Residents File Suit Against Gov. Snyder Nail in the Coffin': Obama to Halt New Coal Mining Leases on Public Lands Going on Offense, Planned Parenthood Sues Orchestrators of Smear Campaign Turkey Detains Academics as Chomsky Takes Aim at Erdoğan's Brutality, Hypocrisy Palladia TV has an awe full David Bowie tribute on now. See it if you'd like to see David
The U.S. Navy's Wants A Huge Ballistic Missile Defense Ship
Wikipedia *Dave Majumdar, National Interest*: *U.S. Navy's Plans for a Huge Ballistic Missile Defense Ship* The U.S. Navy has been in discussions with shipbuilder Huntington Ingalls about the possibility of building a missile defense variant of the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock (LPD-17). The new vessel could eventually be equipped with new radars, railguns and lasers. The massive 25,000-ton troop carrier has the size and weight margins for the mission, according to industry officials. “You can put a lot of additional weight on the ship and you can put … some modern t... more »
Military Photo of the Day: January 18, 2016
[image: Vehicle in Poland-900] A U.S. Army soldier guides a Stryker armored vehicle in Konotop, Poland, on Jan. 11, 2016. Thank you to these winter warriors for serving our country overseas!
Watch The Biggest Ever Drone Swarm (100 Drones) Take To The Sky In Style
*Endgadget*: *Watch Intel's record-setting drone light show* The chip giant's robotic performance really did make it into Guinness' books. Intel talked a big game when it said that it set a Guinness World Record for the most drones controlled by a single person, but it now has the evidence to back up that braggadocio. Guinness has posted a video of the feat, which saw 100 drones perform a light show (coordinated by Intel software, of course) while humans played Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 on the ground. Is it a publicity stunt? Absolutely. But it's still fun to watch, and it's pro... more »
This Map Represents Where The World's Population Lives
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Zero Hedge*: *How do you view your country relative to others? Chances are if it’s based on most world maps, your view is distorted.* As the world turns its gaze to the rich and pretty people in Davos this coming week, The World Economic Forum unleashed the following cartogram, created by Reddit user TeaDranks, that could change your entire perception of the world. Cartograms scale a region’s geographic space according to a particular attribute and in this case each square now represents 500,000 people. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: I feel small.
"Amid The Thorns..."
“The world is not respectable; it is mortal, tormented, confused, deluded forever; but it is shot through with beauty, with love, with glints of courage and laughter; and in these, the spirit blooms timidly, and struggles to the light amid the thorns.” - George Santayana
Tweet For Today
How times have changed. pic.twitter.com/GdFo0BHjKK — Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 15, 2016
A Map On Where The World's Nuclear Weapons Are Located
MapBox *City Lab*:* A Map of Global Nuclear Weapons Brings 'WarGames' into the 21st Century* *In this new homage to the 1980s film, the only winning move is not to play.* Shall we play a game? In the 1983 geek-classic WarGames, a high-school hacker dials his way to the government supercomputer in charge of American nukes. When the talking machine suggests they play checkers, chess, and a little thermonuclear war, the teen thinks it’s mere fun. But World War Three may actually be imminent. In the finale, a missile-launch sequence flashes across massive Air Force computer maps, ap... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Air Assault Training* Soldiers conduct air assault operations on the deck of the 8th Theater Sustainment Command's Logistical Support Vessel-2, the Harold C. Clinger off the coast of Honolulu, Jan. 11, 2016. The soldiers are assigned to the 25th Infantry Division. Army photo by Sgt. Jon Heinrich
25 Years Ago The Gulf War Started
*Jeffrey D. McCausland, War On The Rocks*: *The Gulf War's Anniversary: Reflections on the 25 Years Of U.S. Military Involvement In the Middle East* The field telephone alongside my cot rang at 0230 on January 17, 1991. I was a U.S. Army battalion commander in the desert of northern Saudi Arabia. My battalion had arrived from Germany in mid-December and deployed swiftly to within a few miles of the Iraqi border. The call was from my brigade commander summoning me to a meeting where I would learn that the long anticipated air campaign had commenced. Operation Desert Shield was over.... more »
Iowa Trolling-- Karl Rove Style
There's nothing especially *false* in the American Crossroads ad Rove's group-- largely financed by Wall Street banksters and oil billionaires-- has just started running against Hillary in Iowa. It's an effective, thought-provoking ad about a politician who takes money from Wall Street banksters and then works to carry out their agenda. It certainly fits Hillary Clinton almost as strongly as it fits Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and the rest of the sorrowful "deep bench." The messenger, however, defines the definition of mere hypocrisy. Among the Rove backers wh... more »
Ode to Gray Cat
One day at least ten years ago I heard a cat mewing in my garage. She was gray and fluffy and very hungry. She was also mostly feral. I took her to the vet and they said she was healthy but would be difficult to find a home for because she was so feral. I knew we couldn’t keep her because my husband and I had rescued two stray cats previously and had to find other homes for them because we both have severe allergic reactions to cats, including asthma, hives, etc. Our kids inherited those allergies, especially my oldest son. I told my sons we couldn’t keep her and we had to find... more »
Three American Contractors Are Missing In Iraq
*CNN*: *3 American contractors missing in Iraq* (CNN)Three American contractors went missing in Iraq two days ago, said a senior security official in Baghdad. "A company filed a report Sunday about three of its staff going missing two days ago. They are American contractors. We are looking into this report," the official told CNN. Separately, an Iraqi security official with knowledge of the case said that two of three missing contractors are dual Iraqi-American citizens, and that the third is an American national. The men were grabbed by a group of gunmen from an apartment in Bag... more »
Britain's Labour Leader: 'U.K. Trident Submarines Could Sail Without Nuclear Warheads'
*Daily Mail*: *Britain's submarines could sail without any Trident warheads, claims Jeremy Corbyn * * Labour leader said the idea was one which his party review would consider * Corbyn supports Britain unilaterally giving up nuclear weapons altogether * But Government said remarks show Labour is a national security 'threat' Britain could put nuclear submarines to sea without them carrying any Trident warheads, Jeremy Corbyn has suggested. The Labour leader - who wants Britain to scrap its nuclear weapons - said it was one of the options which would be reviewed by shadow defence se... more »
Why Is The CIA Director In Egypt?
Egypt Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Eisi meets CIA director Chief John Brennan. April 20, 2015. Photo Credit: Egyptian President's office *Al Bawaba*: *Sisi meets with CIA head to discuss security, regional affairs* Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi met Sunday with the US director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) John Brennan in Cairo, discussing topics of interest including combating extremism. El-Sisi and Brennan praised the strategic and military relationships between Egypt and the US, expressing their hopes that this relationship be expanded into other aspect... more »
Yes Trumpf And Cruz Are Dangerous-- But Hardly More So Than Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan, who still hopes, perhaps at this point unrealistically, to be the compromise candidate of a deadlocked GOP convention, has been tweeting all weekend that "We will put forward a bold, pro-growth agenda. It will show where we stand." Except Paul Ryan didn't just pop onto the scene when he managed to "Awww... shucks, fellas, not me" his way into the Speaker's chair. We already know exactly where he stands, unless we've been politically asleep for the past decade or so. When he was 16 his father died and young Paul received Social Security survivors benefits which put him... more »
NSA Insists That Its New Phone Surveillance Program Meets Privacy Safeguards
How the NSA’s domestic metadata program works now: pic.twitter.com/NnOYb9PEs4 — Dan Froomkin (@froomkin) January 15, 2016 *Reuters*: *NSA says new phone spying program meets privacy safeguards* A new system for collecting domestic telephone records meets several privacy and civil liberties benchmarks, the U.S. National Security Agency said on Friday. The program, which some Republican presidential hopefuls have criticized because they say it puts Americans at greater risk of attack by Islamic State and other violent groups, has satisfactorily complied with eight privacy safeguard... more »
Scientists Admit Everything They Know About Physics Is Likely Wrong
Scientists at CERN have announced that everything scientists thought they knew about physics may be entirely false, following the discovery of two new baryon subatomic particles. “The next few years may tell us whether we’ll be able to continue to increase our understanding of nature or whether maybe, for the first time in the history of science, we could be facing questions that we cannot answer,” Harry Cliff, a particle physicist at CERN said in a recent TED talk. Yahoo News reports: Equally frightening is the reason for this approaching limit, which Cliff says is because “the la... more »
Navy Told To Treat U.S. Public As Enemies Amid January War Games
U.S. Navy SEALs have been told to regard members of the American public as potential “enemies” amid war games planned for the state of Washington this month. The war games will be conducted in residential areas, state parks, and national parks without public consent. The war games are to treat U.S. citizens as pawns due to orders to the SEALS to treat citizens as “potential terrorists”. Shadowproof.com reports: One of the most alarming aspects of the war games, which were reported on by Truthout journalist Dahr Jamail, is how it normalizes the idea that U.S. citizens can be enemies... more »
Netanyahu Threatens Military Force If Iran Obtain Nuclear Weapons
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Iran on Sunday saying that Israel would not hesitate in using military force if the country attempt to obtain nuclear weapons. Netanyahu’s comments come after sanctions were lifted on the Islamic Republic under Tehran’s historic nuclear deal with world powers. Yahoo News reports: “Israel’s policy has been and will remain exactly what has been followed: to not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said during a cabinet meeting, according to his office. Netanyahu strongly opposed the nuclear deal with Israel’s arch-foe Iran and ... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace"
Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I61vm_nLNYg
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Wells Fargo's Problem Emerges: $17 Billion In Junk Energy Exposure Exclusive: Dallas Fed Quietly Suspends Energy Mark-To-Market On Default Contagion Fears SHERIFF OF WALL STREET: We're no longer able to bring certain insider trading cases The US prisoner swap with Iran shows that the landmark nuclear deal 'wasn't a nuclear deal at all' Bombshell Oxfam report reveals just 62 people control same wealth as half world's population First flower born in space shows there is 'other life' out there Russia to vote on anti-gay bill that would jail people for kissing *Euro... more »
Iranian President: “Zionists, Warmongers Oppose Iran Peace Deal”
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has said that anybody who opposes the nuclear deal with world powers are “zionists and warmongers … American hardliners and extremists”, on Sunday. Rouhani hailed the nuclear deal as a “golden page” in Iran’s history, and he said that he looks forward to an economic future less dependant on oil. Jpost.com reports: The Islamic Republic emerged from years of economic isolation on Saturday when world powers lifted crippling sanctions after confirming that Tehran had curbed its nuclear program as part of a deal agreed last year. “The nuclear deal is an o... more »
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up” - https://www.youtube.com/
Looking Back at 2015
The year 2015 will be a pretty important year for me in numerous respects. A lot happened and I learned a lot along the way. 2015 was the first year I lived as myself full time. My legal paperwork was done in September 2014 and I was full time thereafter, no looking back. In January […]
in which the death of a rock legend makes me think about how our world has changed
When this came out, I hung the cover on my bedroom wall. Sharing memories of David Bowie, as so many of us were after his too-early death this week, led me to think a lot about the world I lived in when I was a big Bowie fan. *My world then* I saw Bowie in concert in 1976, after the "Station to Station" album came out. I was a few months shy of my 15th birthday. I had a picture of him on my wall, a magazine cover with a green background. I had assumed it was the cover of *Time*, but a Google image search quickly revealed it was *People*. No one in my family read *People*, which mea... more »
The Poet: Emile Bronte, “Life”
* “Life”* “Life, believe, is not a dream So dark as sages say; Oft a little morning rain Foretells a pleasant day. Sometimes there are clouds of gloom, But these are transient all; If the shower will make the roses bloom, O why lament its fall? Rapidly, merrily, Life's sunny hours flit by, Gratefully, cheerily, Enjoy them as they fly! What though Death at times steps in And calls our Best away? What though sorrow seems to win, O'er hope, a heavy sway? Yet hope again elastic springs, Unconquered, though she fell; Still buoyant are her golden wings, Still strong to bear us well. Manfull... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The center of our Galaxy is a busy place. In visible light, much of the Galactic Center is obscured by opaque dust. In infrared light, however, dust glows more and obscures less, allowing nearly one million stars to be recorded in the featured photograph. *Click image for larger size.* The Galactic Center itself appears on the left and is located about 30,000 light years away towards the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius). The Galactic Plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, the plane in which the Sun orbits, is identifiable by the dark diagonal dust lane. The absorbing dust grains a... more »
Chet Raymo, “Speaking of Water…”
* “Speaking of Water…”* by Chet Raymo “How many water molecules- H2O- are there in the world's oceans? This is the kind of time-wasting calculation I love doing, but I will leave it as an exercise for one of you. Look up the mass of a proton in grams. A water molecule has essentially the mass of 18 protons (hydrogen=1, oxygen=8 protons + 8 neutrons; remember, this is an order of magnitude calculation). A cubic centimeter of water has (by definition) a mass of one gram. Divide for the number of water molecules in a cubic centimeter of water. How many cubic centimeters in the oceans... more »
The Tomahawk Has Just Been Made More 'Deadlier'
*Popular Mechanics:* *Tomahawk Missiles Will Get Twice As Deadly By Blowing Up Their Own Fuel* *When leftover jet fuel becomes a warhead.* A new project could supercharge cruise missiles with several times more bang, and all without changing the warhead. The Tomahawk cruise missile, launched from subs, ships, or aircraft, is the tip of the spear against opponents with air defenses. More than a hundred were fired in the opening round against Libya in 2011. While the basic design has been around for decades—they were used as far back as the 1991 Gulf War—the Tomahawk has seen num...more »
“Every day things happen in the world that cannot be explained by any law of things we know. Every day they're mentioned and forgotten, and the same mystery that brought them takes them away, transforming their secret into oblivion. Such is the law by which things that can't be explained must be forgotten. The visible world goes on as usual in the broad daylight. Otherness watches us from the shadows.” “We have conquered the whole world before leaving our beds. But we were awakened and it was dark, We rose and all was strange to us.” - Fernando Pessoa
Paulo Coelho, "Time Shifting- Slow Down For A Better Life"
*"Time Shifting- Slow Down For A Better Life"* by Paulo Coelho "Time is not a measure: but rather a quality. When we look at the past we are not rewinding a tape but remembering a gift of our passage on Earth. Time is not measured like a road is measured, since we take gigantic leaps backwards (memories) and forwards (projects). Consider the following: Managing is not living: “Time is money” is nonsense. We have to be aware of each moment and know how to take advantage of each single moment in what we are doing (with love) or in just contemplating life. A day has 24 hours and an i... more »
"The Rise of the Stupids"
"The Rise of the Stupids" by Les Visible "I saw where someone referred to Kanye West as a genius. This sort of half excused him for his public embarrassment of saying that certain musical judges had picked the wrong bimbo to be awarded one of those Cracker Jack prizes in the tits and ass ensemble of modern culture. We know all about ‘cultures’ here at the Petri Dish. We’ve got thousands of glass slides with things growing on them and as much dry ice as you’ll find at any of the major concerts. I tried to listen to some Kanye West so that I could catch some of his genius but I was c... more »
The Juarez Workers' Fight Crosses the Border in 2016
January 17, 2016 Special Report The Juarez Workers' Fight Crosses the Border in 2016 By Frontera NorteSur Beginning in the summer and fall of 2015, a wave of worker protests over low wages, sexual harassment and other adverse working conditions broke out in four foreign-owned factories, or maquiladoras, in the northern Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez. In a city where genuine union
Robert Levinson: The American, Former FBI Agent, ‘Left Behind’ in Iranian Prisoner Release
[image: Robert Levinson] As American families cautiously celebrated the reported release of their loved ones from Iran, one has been “devastated” by the news that a former FBI agent was apparently “left behind.” “We are happy for the other families. But once again,... Continue reading *“Robert Levinson: The American, Former FBI Agent, ‘Left Behind’ in Iranian Prisoner Release”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
Jerusalem Church Defaced With Anti-Christian Graffiti
[image: DormitionAbbeyGraffiti] JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli police discovered Hebrew graffiti Sunday on the walls of a famous Jerusalem church, in what appears to be the latest vandalism attack by extremist Jews. Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said anti-Christian slogans were found on the... more »
Iran Says Top ISIS Leader Was Aboard Captured US Navy Boats
A leaked Ministry of Defense report reveals that the Obama administration is “completely destroyed” after their top-secret mission in transporting a top ISIS leader was uncovered and thwarted by Iran. Following the Iranian capture of two U.S. Navy Riverine Command Boats last week, intelligence officials in Tehran discovered a plot to transport a “top level” ISIS commander into Syria from Saudi Arabia in order to replace the toppled terrorist leader Zahran Alloush. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Once this Islamic State terror leader was in route to Kuwait aboard one of the US Navy’s RCB... more »
Thousands Of Dead Squid Mysteriously Wash Up In Chile
Over the past week, thousands of dead squid have washed up on the shores of the Santa Maria Island in Chile. The decomposing bodies of around 10,000 large cephalopods have invaded one of the beaches on the small island and locals are worried that they may pose a health risk. Experts have not yet been able to determine the cause of the mass die out. RT reports: Technicians from the Chilean National Service for Fisheries and Aquaculture (Sernapesca) have collected samples of the dead squid and water for analysis in specialized centers. Experts say the phenomenon may have been caused b... more »
Russia Develop Nuclear Warheads To Destroy Incoming Asteroids
Russia have announced plans to develop nuclear weapons that will be capable of saving humanity in the event of asteroids hitting the Earth. Russian scientists are developing nuclear warheads to deal with the ever-increasing threat of armageddon poised by the giant pieces of space rock. A team of scientists have been asked by an EU-sponsored program, NEOShield, to develop weapons to protect the planet. Sputniknews.com reports: According to a press release by the Russian Central Scientific Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIIMash) — a part of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency ... more »
Israel Routinely Execute Palestinians Without Trial
Israel routinely executes Palestinians every day, without a trial and without any criminal repercussions. Anyone deemed suspicious by Israeli authorities are killed without questioning. Their policy is clear: shoot first, ask questions later. Haaretz.com reports: Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan outlined the situation clearly when he said, “Every terrorist should know he will not survive the attack he is about to commit” – and almost every politician joined him in nauseating unison, from Yair Lapid on up. Never have so many licenses to kill been handed out here, nor has the fin... more »
Middle East Stock Markets Crash As Iran Enters Oil War
Stock markets across the Middle East have collapsed following Iran’s addition of 500,000 barrels of oil, sending markets in Dubai and Saudi Arabia into freefall. As economic sanctions were lifted from the Islamic Republic, Iran threatened to unleash a huge wave of oil onto global markets, saturating a market that is already drowning in excess supply Yahoo Finance reports: All seven stock markets in Gulf states tumbled as panic gripped traders. Dubai’s DFM General Index slumped 4.8pc to 2,682.56, while Saudi Arabia’s Tadawul All Share Index collapsed by 7pc to 5,409.35, its lowest l... more »
Jan.17: No newspaper today. Hurray!
Beautiful day. Sunny, and not a copy of the Irving press in sight. Even better, there are some good news sources to catch up on. There are these photos of a refugee camp at Dunkirk, France. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2016/01/dunkirk-refugee-camp-life-muddy-uncertainty-160114065617259.html While we slap ourselves on the back for our incredible generosity in helping refugees, the reality is we help very few, and those not very much. As for the U.S., it had no trouble supplying 23,000 tons of bombs to Saudi Arabia to be dropped on an almost helpless Yemen, no trouble bu... more »
Labour and Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament
In the spirit of honest politics, here's a confession: the issue of nuclear weapons doesn't greatly exercise me. They are hideous, obscene things to be sure. I've seen *Threads*, read *Brother in the Land*, and digested old academic studies about the consequences for Britain of a full nuclear exchange with the USSR. They're unremittingly grim, one and all. Yet, at the same time, the threat had an intangible quality to it. In the 70 years since Little Boy and Fat Man destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no nation has deployed nuclear weapons in anger. The prospect of mutually assured d... more »
Conservative MPs in UK Warn that Sunday Schools Could Be Banned from Teaching Biblical Marriage
[image: sunday schools may be banned] Sunday schools may be banned for teaching the biblical view of marriage, under proposals to subject them to Ofsted inspection, Conservative MPs have warned. The government has outlined proposals that would force many “out-of-school” settings to undergo registration and inspection.... Continue reading *“Conservative MPs in UK Warn that Sunday Schools Could Be Banned from Teaching Biblical Marriage”* at *charismanews.com*.
Cosmic Particles Could Reveal Secrets Of The Pyramids
Cosmic particles gathered inside Egypt’s famed pyramids could help experts learn about the structure of the ancient monuments. Cosmic ray muon radiography imaging, is one of the methods used by scientists searching for hidden chambers within the pyramids. News.com reports: For the past three months a team of researchers from Egypt, France, Canada and Japan have been scanning four pyramids with thermal cameras to see if they contain unknown structures or cavities. Operation Scan Pyramids began on October 25 to search for hidden rooms inside Khufu — also known as the Great Pyramid — a... more »
The CIA Is Not Happy With The Movie '13 Hours'
*Variety*: *CIA Spokesman Slams ‘13 Hours’ as ‘Distortion’ of Benghazi Events* A spokesman for the CIA is criticizing the Michael Bay movie “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” as a “distortion of the events and people who served in Benghazi that night.” The spokesman, Ryan Trapani, was quoted in an exclusive Washington Post story, which also features an interview with the CIA chief in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed in a siege of the diplomatic compound and attack on the CIA annex. “No one will mistake this movie for ... more »
U.S. Admiral: U.S. Navy Will be Short 10 Subs To Fulfill Current Missions By The 2020s
The Virginia-class attack submarine USS New Mexico (SSN 779) transits the Thames River to her new homeport at Naval Submarine Base New London. New Mexico joins Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) 4. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Patrick Evans/Released) *Seapower:* *NAVSEA Commander: Navy is 10 Subs Below its Needs* ARLINGTON, Va. — The Navy’s submarine force is not large enough to meet the needs of the nation, according to the Navy’s top ship acquisition admiral. Moderating a panel on shipbuilding Jan. 14 at the Surface Navy Association National Symposium, Vice Adm. William H. Hilarides, command... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
New Castle, Indiana, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion." - Dean Inge
"What Will It Take to Break Our Trance?"
*"What Will It Take to Break Our Trance?"* by Doug Page “We become sphynxes, though fake, up to the point we no longer know who we are.” - Fernando Pessoa "We are rapidly returning to the uncivilized Law of the Jungle. We will soon live in a world where brute force rules. It is not only the disabled, widows, children and orphans who are vulnerable to the cruelties of this jungle. We all are. We have been brainwashed with incessant slogans like "Get the government off your back," and "Keep more of your own money... oppose all tax increases." Our dominant, false ideology tells us th... more »
Trumpf Wants To Know: "What Are Calgary Values?" He's About To Find Out
As you can see from the video above, which Cruz has been sending around to justify his "New York values" comment, he's not going to curl up in a ball and whine the way the other Republican commander-in-chief wannabes have when Herr Trumpf looked at them crosseyed. As Fox's Chad Pergram pointed out on twitter yesterday, when Cruz was rescued from a stalled elevator in South Carolina Saturday morning, he emerged asking "Who put Donald Trump in charge of the elevators?" That may have been a comment on Trump trying to harm him or a comment on the shoddy workmanship Trump projects are ... more »
Man Who Awoke From 12-Year Coma ‘Was Aware of Everything,’ But We Still Call Them ‘Vegetables’
[image: Martin Pistorius] (LiveActionNews) -- When Martin Pistorius was 12 years old, he became very ill. After two years of illness, spending most of his time sleeping, he became so sick that he lost his ability to move. Then he lost his ability... Continue reading *“Man Who Awoke From 12-Year Coma ‘Was Aware of Everything,’ But We Still Call Them ‘Vegetables’”* at *lifenews.com*.
Ron Paul Says Neocons Are Warmongers
Libertarian Ron Paul from the Voice of Liberty believes that the Neocons are warmongers. The former presidential nominee and two-time Republican presidential candidate is very impressed with the way the U.S. administration dealt with the Iran/US sailors crisis, and gives Iran credit for releasing the captured US sailors in just one day. Dr. Paul shows signs of sympathy for the Iranian predicament of finding itself besieged by terror and future threats of war and terror. In the latest Liberty report, Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the neoconservative collective outrage surroundi... more »
Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Clinton Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’
[image: Linda Tripp] In a rare interview, Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, revealed on Sunday it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Bill Clinton had affairs with "thousands of women." Speaking on Aaron Klein Investigative... Continue reading *“Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Clinton Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’”* at *breitbart.com*.
What Does the Pope’s Synagogue Visit Mean for Jews and Christians?
[image: synagogue visit] Pope Francis visited the Great Synagogue of Rome Sunday, becoming only the third Catholic leader in modern times to visit the Jewish house of prayer. Francis spoke at the synagogue in an effort to demonstrate interfaith solidarity in the wake of... Continue reading *“What Does the Pope’s Synagogue Visit Mean for Jews and Christians?”* at *csmonitor.com*.
Marine Corps Releases Names of 12 Missing Marines From Helicopter Crash Near Hawaii
[image: Marine Corps Releases Names of 12 Missing Marines From Helicopter Crash Near Hawaii] HONOLULU (AP) -- The latest in the crash of two Marine helicopters off Hawaii (all times local): 6 p.m. The U.S. Marine Corps has released the names of the 12 Marines missing after two helicopters crashed off Hawaii. They are:... more »
Three Americans ‘Kidnapped By Militia’ In Baghdad
Three Americans have reportedly been kidnapped by ‘militias’ in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The U.S. government is aware of reports and is working with Iraqi authorities to find them, a U.S. State Department official said on Sunday. Their disappearance was first reported by the a pan-Arab news channel Al- Arabiya. RT reports: While their identities have not yet been confirmed, Iraqi independent news agency Akad News said a US serviceman and a translator are among those who were captured in the south of Baghdad. The reports are yet to be verified, but Arab news channel Al-Arabiya sa... more »
Colorado City Uses Human Waste To Power Vehicles
The city of Grand Junction in Colorado is turning its human waste into renewable natural gas (RNG) to power its vehicles. Eight million gallons of human waste is processed at the Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plant that turns the sludge into RNG or Biomethane. Alternative Energies reports: The RNG becomes the fuel used by 40 fleet vehicles like garbage trucks, dump trucks, street sweepers and even transit buses. The human waste is turned into raw biogas due to a process called anaerobic digestion, and to become RNG is collected and suffers a little upgrade in order to meet the quality... more »
President Obama Credits His 'Smart' Diplomacy For Breakthroughs In The U.S. Relationship With Iran
Daily Mail: *'It has been a good day': Obama applauds his own 'smart' diplomacy with Iran claiming the country will NEVER get a nuclear bomb as plane carrying released prisoners heads home* * The president spoke on Sunday to outline and defend three deals with Iran * Insisted settlement of $400m plus $1.3bn interest is 'lower' than Iran sought * And said his 'smart' diplomacy means Iran will never get a nuclear bomb * Three of the five released US citizens reached Switzerland on Sunday * One of the five has already landed in Texas, the fifth is still in Iran President Barack Obama ... more »
“How Corporations and Politicians Use Numbers to Lie- and How Not to Be Fooled”
*“How Corporations and Politicians Use Numbers* * to Lie- **and How Not to Be Fooled”* By Larry Schwartz “Americans, as P.T. Barnum once noted, are not all that difficult to fool, and our nation’s somewhat weak math skills don’t help. A Pew Research Center report issued last year, which studied test results of 15-year-olds, ranked the United States 35th in the world in math. Not only has this weakness in understanding numbers created opportunities for mass exploitation by Big Pharma and other industries, it has led to needless and mostly unwarranted fear. While Americans don’t under... more »
"How It Really Is"
I live in Arizonastan. Here's a hint: Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) says Earth is 6,000 years old.
MENA Report - ( January 17 , 2016 ) 1. Iran achieves Implementation Day - Outcome For Oil In Near Term Cloudy. 2. Iraq/ Syria Updates Of Note. 3. Libya Battlefield & Political Items. 4. ISIS / Al Qaeda / Taliban / Extremist Jihadists Updates. 5. Yemen In Focus. 6. Refugee Related Items.
Links ..... *Iran Sanctions Lifted: IAEA Affirms Full Compliance * *Pentagon Admits Killing More Iraq, Syria Civilians* *29 Killed as al-Qaeda Attacks Burkina Faso Hotel* *Al-Shabaab Overruns Somalia Base, 63 Kenya Troops Killed* Iraq's Top Shi'ite Cleric Urges End to Militancy After Diyala Attacks Pentagon Releases Video of US Bombing 'Millions' in ISIS Cash Norway Tells 5,500 Migrants Who Arrived on Bikes to Ride Back Across the Border to Russia German Town Bans Male Refugees From Swimming Pool Facing Partial Eviction, Migrants... more »
*Jim Garrison's Harshest Critics* Dave Reitzes "As an investigator, Jim Garrison could not find a pubic hair in a whorehouse at rush hour." -- Harold Weisberg Jim Garrison liked to promote the view that anyone who criticized him was simply opposed to the idea that a conspiracy took the life of President John F. Kennedy. But how then does one account for the fact that some of Garrison's toughest critics have always been conspiracy theorists? Anthony Summers, author of *Conspiracy,* writes that the Garrison investigation "has long been recognized by virtually everyone -- including s... more »
*"The Embassy does not believe that the loss of Cyprus-owned physical infrastructure, nor the interruption of key resource exports from the island, would immediately affect the security, national economic security, and/or public health or safety of the United States. A Connecticut-sized Mediterranean island some 5000 miles from the East Coast of the United States, Cyprus simply is too small, too distant, and too lacking in natural resources to affect U.S. interests in that fashion.* *Under the terms of the 1960 independence treaties, Great Britain was allowed to retain two "Sove... more »
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators - by Lenni Brenner
*Contradiction, Collusion and Controversy * *by Edward Mortimer * *The Times (London), February 11, 1984: * *Zionism in the Age of the Dictators * *by Lenni Brenner (Croom Helm, £9.95) * Who told a Berlin audience in March 1912 that* each country can absorb only a limited** number of Jews, if she doesn't want disorders in her stomach. Germany already has too many **Jews*? No, not Adolf Hitler but *Chaim Weizmann*, later president of the *World Zionist Organization* and later still the first *President of the State of Israel.* And where might you find the following assertion,... more »
As Sanctions Are Lifted, Iranian Foes Fear the Worst
[image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016.] JERUSALEM (AP) -- As the nuclear deal with Tehran goes into effect, many Middle Eastern countries fear a newly emboldened Iran, flush with cash and international recognition, will grow more aggressive with what they see as meddling in conflicts across... more »
US Imposes New Sanctions On Iran Over Missile Test
Just one day after international sanctions against Iran were lifted, the United States has imposed fresh sanctions on Iranian companies and individuals over a recent ballistic missile test. U.S. officials said that the Treasury planned to announce the penalties in late December, but held off after the Iranian foreign minister said they could have derailed the prisoner exchange that took place over weekend. The BBC reports: The new sanctions prevent 11 entities and individuals linked to the missile programme from using the US banking system. The move came after international nuclear ... more »
White House Admits Fake Vaccine Programs Used To Gather Public DNA
The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccine programs have been used on the public in order to gather public DNA intelligence for use in the ‘war on terror’. The government have said that the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, uses DNA to identify potential terrorist suspects who would then be targeted to be assassinated by the United States. Wearechange.org reports: The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called “war on... more »
Climate Change Scientists Call For Geoengineering
Climate change scientists are now publicly pushing forward the ‘geoengineering’ agenda following the “failed” Paris Climate Change Conference last year. The worlds’ leading climate change scientists are now saying that following the conference, radical technology aimed controlling and manipulating the world’s weather must be employed in order to deal with the problem of climate change. Activistpost.com reports: According to a 2013 congressional report: The term ‘geoengineering’ describes this array of technologies that aim, through large-scale and deliberate modifications of the Ea... more »
Mysterious Bulgaria Skull May Belong To An Alien Say Scientists
A mysterious skull has been discovered in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria, which scientists say is of alien origins. The skull, nickname the ‘Rhodope alien skull’, was found by a local man (who wishes to remain anonymous) from Plovdiv, during a dig. He says he found the skull buried near a small oval-shaped metallic object. 7tales.net reports: The man told a fascinating story about how he was guided in his dream by five mysterious humanoids dressed in yellow metallic clothing. These beings showed the man a spot in the Rhodope Mountains, near the border between Bulgaria and Greece,... more »
End Of The EU? Austria Ends ‘Open Border’ Policy With Europe
Vienna has cancelled the Schengen agreement with Europe (which allows for the free movement of European’s within the borderless Schengen Area) amid an escalating migrant and refugee crisis. Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann has said that the whole notion of Europe “is in question” and announced that the country would be taking immigration matters into its own hands after Europe’s failure to deal with the crisis. “All refugees must be controlled, economic migrants must be sent to the countries of their origin,” Faymann said in an interview with Austria’s Oesterreich newspaper. RT.c... more »
Palestinian Peace Negotiation Aide Arrested For Spying
An aide to the office of chief Palestinian Authority peace negotiator Saeb Erekat has been arrested by Palestinian security officials and accused of spying for Israel. NPR reports: The arrest occurred two weeks ago, and the precise nature of the allegations aren’t yet clear, NPR’s Emily Harris reports: “The man is suspected of passing information to the Israelis. The head of the Palestinian negotiating office, Saeb Erekat, confirmed that the arrest happened a couple weeks ago but wouldn’t detail the man’s job or assess how much damage may have been done. “Another Palestinian official... more »
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