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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

16 November - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 4

   iG Tab - Mainstream Narrative     Tab 4     Tab 6 - MSM     Tab 7 - MSM     Tab 8 - MSM

Tab 9     Tab 10     Tab 11     11pm MST

Judge orders UVa. shooting suspect to remain in custody 
A University of Virginia student accused of killing three members of the school’s football team and wounding two other students in an on-campus shooting will be held without bond, a judge ordered Nov. 16. The school also announced that it was canceling its final home game of the season scheduled for the weekend against Coastal ... read more
Dispute averted over special election to fill Kiggans’ seat 
Virginia’s Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin and a leader of the Democratic-controlled state Senate announced an agreement Nov. 15 to hold a special election in January to fill the seat of GOP state Sen. Jen Kiggans, who was elected to Congress this month. The agreement averts a possible legal fight over who could set the election for ... read more
Komando.com14 hours ago
Here’s how to recover your account if you’re locked out of your Apple ID account
You can set a trusted contact on your Apple device in case you get locked out of your account. Here's how. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Tut, Tut Little Potato
NEW – Xi to Trudeau at G20: Everything discussed yesterday "has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate" and "that’s not the way the conversation was conducted."pic.twitter.com/h6kb9sMPfx — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 16, 2022 If you can’t spin it to Xi, at least spin it for the cameras. Extended video …Trudeau can barely walk after.… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Temporarily Unexpected
The economy they (apparently) voted for; The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit released Tuesday shows credit card balances jumped 15% from the third quarter of 2021, representing an increase not seen in more than 20 years. @WallStreetSilv – 🚨 Normally Amazon would be gearing up for Cyber… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
What the other side is thinking: no more fossil fuels, period
In the interest of publishing what the true believers of climate change think, Pipeline Online published this op-ed from two university professors, one from Concordia, the other from McGill. They want to shut down all fossil fuels – coal, oil, natural gas, now. Period. The article came from The Canadian Press. If we don’t end… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals17 hours ago
The Global Warming Scam
Biden and Trudeau must have the same policy advisors. Because they both say and do the exact same things. I wonder who those policy advisors could be? read more
bilaterals.org10 hours ago
Mujeres olvidadas en los TLC de la UE con América Latina
16-Nov-2022 Un seminario web para reflexionar sobre los impactos diferenciados por género del Acuerdo Mercosur-UE, pendiente de ratificación. Organizado por Saskia Bricmont, miembro del Grupo de los Verdes del Parlamento Europeo. read more
Not PC10 hours ago
"Many so-called climate change activists are not really concerned about the climate and the environment. No, for them, these are merely instruments in the fight against capitalism."
*"The thesis that many climate activists and supporters of a Green New Deal are less concerned with the environment than with exploiting this issue to abolish capitalism and introduce a planned economy is by no means a malicious insinuation. Rather, the climate activists themselves admit it. You just have to read what they write and listen to what 'activists' like Greta Thunberg are saying.... "For the last three years, Greta Thunberg has said that her life’s purpose was to save the world from climate change. Now she told an audience in London that climate activists must overt... read more
The Daily "Near You?"
Ranfurly, Otago, New Zealand. Thanks for stopping by! read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
ECLAC affirms that digitalization is essential to change the Latin American development model
The Executive Secretary of ECLAC, José Salazar, highlighted in Montevideo the importance of digitization to transform the development model in Latin America and the Caribbean. He added that it is necessary "to work both on reducing inequality and on creating wealth." "For us, digitization is one of the priority areas for the transformation of the […] read more
Here is Zelensky’s technocratic vision for Ukraine
New Dagbladet – by Markus Andersson A “digital government” with a cashless society, courts guided by artificial intelligence and healthcare treatment carried out via remote... The post Here is Zelensky’s technocratic vision for Ukraine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Mexico: “All of Guanajuato already has an owner”, the video of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel sets off the alarms
After posting written messages in various municipalities in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, several hitmen recorded themselves to issue a message saying that the state is under the control of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG). "All of Guanajuato already has an owner and it is Mr. 'Mencho' [CJNG leader]. Sincerely, the 'Elite' group. Come […] read more
The Duran11 hours ago
Ukraine’s Nazi History
Eric Zuesse The world’s only national Constitution that includes genetic (or ‘racial’) purity as a responsibility of the Government to protect and maintain is Ukraine’s Constitution: Article 16 To ensure ecological safety and to maintain the ecological balance on the territory of Ukraine, to overcome the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe – a catastrophe of […] read more
Flashback: World’s top climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years
Daily Mail, 2013 Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t... The post Flashback: World’s top climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Xbox suspended 970,000 accounts for “hate speech,” “harassment,” and “bullying” in H1 2022
Reclaim the Net – by Christina Maas The first Digital Transparency Report for Xbox revealed that it took “proactive” action against 4.78 million accounts for violating... The post Xbox suspended 970,000 accounts for “hate speech,” “harassment,” and “bullying” in H1 2022 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Brazilian VP Mourão denies he will hand over presidential sash to Lula da Silva
Vice President Hamilton Mourão (Republicans), now senator-elect for Rio Grande do Sul, denied the possibility of handing the presidential sash to President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT, left) should current Chief Executive Jair Bolsonaro (PL, right) refuse to comply with the transition rite. "The sash is passed from the outgoing president to the incoming […] read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Bolivia: La Paz has guaranteed water for only 3 months due to lack of rain
The city of La Paz, seat of the Bolivian Government, has drinking water for three more months, in case the lack of rain persists due to the drop in the reserves of the vital liquid in the west of the country, reported the Vice Minister of Water, Carmelo Valda. "We have stored more than 28 […] read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Two years late: Pfizer and Moderna launch research to determine links between Covid vaccine and myocarditis
After two years of inaction and distributing the vaccines with emergency authorizations that allowed them not to do this type of study, the Pfizer and Moderna laboratories finally announced the launch of a clinical investigation into the links between their Covid vaccines and the heart problems. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined in […] read more
Oregon sheriffs won’t enforce new gun law: ‘Infringes on Second Amendment’
Yahoo News – Fox News County sheriffs in Oregon are taking a stand against the state’s newly-adopted gun law and say they will not enforce... The post Oregon sheriffs won’t enforce new gun law: ‘Infringes on Second Amendment’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Young people who detransition describe death threats, doxxing, intimidation, and being accused of ‘genocide’ from the ‘cult-like’ transgender community they turn their backs on
Daily Mail Young people who used drugs or surgery to change their gender but later regretted their procedures and sought to reverse them are warning of worsening... The post Young people who detransition describe death threats, doxxing, intimidation, and being accused of ‘genocide’ from the ‘cult-like’ transgender community they turn their backs on appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
U.S. National Security Agencies Paint A Grim Picture Of Growing International Terror Groups And Operations After The Fall Of Afghanistan
*FOX News*: *Afghanistan mess: Biden’s national security agencies cite growing problems 15 months after withdrawal* *The group responsible for the death of 13 American service members is now operating outside Afghanistan * The leaders of President Biden’s top national security agencies testified that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan after U.S. troop withdrawal last August has contributed to violence and poor humanitarian conditions, and poses a possible national security threat to the United States. Leaders from the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the Office of ... read more
CFACT12 hours ago
Watch: UN pushes faith-based, spiritual solutions to climate at COP27 in Egypt
CFACT captured these speeches and meetings on video, including climate meditation seminars and statements from religious leaders. The post Watch: UN pushes faith-based, spiritual solutions to climate at COP27 in Egypt appeared first on CFACT. read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Ukraine Has Reclaimed More Than 50 Per Cent Of The Territory It Had Lost Since The Beginning Of The War
*Daily Mail*:* Ukraine has now reclaimed more than HALF the territory Russia had captured since war began* * Report claims Ukraine retook more than 50 per cent of territory seized by Russia * Kyiv's counterattacks steadily pushed back Russian forces in recent months * Roughly 18 percent of Ukraine's territory is currently occupied by Russian troops * But Putin's soldiers have been driven out of Kherson, as well as Kharkiv oblast Ukraine has reclaimed more than 50 per cent of the territory it had lost since the beginning of the war to Russian troops, a new report has claime... read more
Baroness Brown’s Conflict of Interest
By Paul Homewood Baroness Brown has been a leading member of the supposedly independent Committee on Climate Change, and is currently Chair of the Adaptation Committee. Worryingly though she is also a senior member of Klaus Schwab’s Global Agenda Council: https://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/fellows/julia-king/ Indeed she seems to have had a long involvement with the WEF. […] read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Israeli Linked Oil Tanker Hit By Suspected Bomb-Carrying Iranian Drone Off The Coast Of Oman
Satellite-tracking showed the Pacific Zircon located off the coast of Oman Pacific Zircon Image via Vessel Finder *Daily Mail:* *Israel accuses Iran of attacking tanker off Oman using same kind of kamikaze drone sent by Tehran to help Russia pound Ukraine* * The attack on the oil tanker is thought to have happened on Tuesday night * The oil tanker has since been identified as the Liberian-flagged Pacific Zircon * It is operated by a shipping company owned by the Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer An oil tanker associated with an Israeli billionaire has been struck by a bomb-car... read more
CFACT12 hours ago
When nature strikes — you pay! Climate “loss and damage” hits the UN
For years CFACT has warned of plans to add "loss and damage" to the UN climate regime, making wealthy nations liable to compensate developing countries when extreme weather strikes. The post When nature strikes — you pay! Climate “loss and damage” hits the UN appeared first on CFACT. read more
"Travel and Food Plans are Canceled This Thanksgiving"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly 11/16/22: *"Travel and Food Plans are Canceled This Thanksgiving"* "This is going to be the most expensive Thanksgiving ever. People cannot afford to travel long distances. Gas prices are a huge damper on Thanksgiving travel plans." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ ○ *Nat King Cole, "The Party's Over"* read more
Heritage Foundation: School Choice Is Wokeness Antidote
Well, Jay Greene said he was going to do it. Back in February, in his gig as Defund Public Education Guy at the Heritage Foundation, Greene published "Time for the school choice movement to embrace the culture wars." Greene argued that the culture wars were an opportunity that choicers "should not squander." Heritage had some data that showed an overlap between the anti-woke crowd and the anti-public school crowd, and Greene argued that it was time to put that to work. Not a shock; Chris Rufo was arguing last spring that the road to choice was through sowing distrust in public educa... read more
Michael West11 hours ago
Guy stands strong on Vic discrimination
Matthew Guy wants to be Victoria’s next premier and less than two weeks from election day is standing strong on a controversial discrimination issue that has divided the nation. If the Liberal leader wins the top job on November 26 he promises to amend the state’s Equal Opportunity Act. Victorian religious groups and schools were […] read more
Food & Water Watch11 hours ago
You Have the Power to Protect Our Planet!
The fight for a livable future is powered by your generosity. The post You Have the Power to Protect Our Planet! appeared first on Food & Water Watch. read more
MintPress News12 hours ago
Palestinians are Native Americans: It’s Time to Correct the Language of History
In this new language, Palestinians are Native Americans, not in their supposed propensity to be ‘wiped out’, but in their pride, resilience and continued quest for equality and justice. The post Palestinians are Native Americans: It’s Time to Correct the Language of History appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Health Impact News12 hours ago
Who Do You Trust for Your Food? REAL Food is Created by God – Biotech Food is Polluted and Poisonous
As the techno-prophecies today are being proven to be mostly pure fantasy not based on anything real, and as we face the imminent collapse of our financial system drawing closer each day to the Great Reset, it is important that we learn from the mistakes these false beliefs that have propped up modern society have made, so that those who survive the difficult times we are now heading into, can begin to rebuild society on things that are true and lasting. And one of the most pressing needs is to decentralize food production, breaking our society's slavery to Big Food and their tech... read more
Bacon's Rebellion12 hours ago
The History Standards: A Correction, An Apology, and Some Comments
by Dick Hall-Sizemore In an earlier post dealing with the proposed Standards of Learning in History and Social Studies, I complained that I could not find a copy of the earlier draft on the Dept. of Education website and suggested … Continue reading → read more
Dear JNS: why are you perpetuating lies about Shireen?
JNS, the Jewish News Syndicate, is merely recycling pro-Israel lies about Shireen Abu Akleh, the likes of which are plausible only to readers uninterested in the truth. read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Svitzer lockout to be contested at hearing
A planned indefinite national lockout of workers by a tug boat operator, which threatens to cause supply chain chaos in the lead up to Christmas, will be fought by the Albanese government. Svitzer says it will lock out more than 580 workers indefinitely from Friday, from 17 ports in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and […] read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Teals take Vic vote card fight to tribunal
A dispute between teal candidates and the Victorian Electoral Commission over how-to-vote cards will head to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Lawyers for Independent candidate for Kew Sophie Torney, Hawthorn hopeful Melissa Lowe and Mornington candidate Kate Lardner will make their case on Thursday morning. The VEC has rejected the trio’s preferred how-to-vote cards, which include a […] read more
Michael West13 hours ago
PM heads to Thailand after G20 success
Anthony Albanese has wrapped up a successful G20 summit where he reset relationships, progressed trade talks and pushed Australia’s position on climate change. The prime minister will travel to Bangkok on Thursday afternoon for the APEC summit, the final leg of his nine-day tour of Southeast Asia. Bilateral meetings with the leaders of France, India […] read more
Science Matters15 hours ago
Land Warms UAH Temps October 2022
The post below updates the UAH record of air temperatures over land and ocean. But as an overview consider how recent rapid cooling completely overcame the warming from the last 3 El Ninos (1998, 2010 and 2016). The UAH record shows that the effects of the last one were gone as of April 2021, again […] read more
"And Sometimes..."
And sometimes, all you can think is... “My own view is that this planet is used as a penal colony, lunatic asylum and dumping ground by a superior civilization, to get rid of the undesirable and unfit. I can’t prove it, but you can’t disprove it either.” - Christopher Hitchens And you'd better believe they're never letting us off this rock... read more
The 2022 elections: a compendium
I've waited to comment on last week's midterm elections until the situation became clearer. The fact that we *still* don't know which party will control either the House or the Senate is the clearest possible evidence of at least gross inefficiency, if not actual malice, in the vote counting process. Most informed observers who aren't on the payroll, directly or indirectly, of the Deep State tend towards the "actual malice" side of the equation. Here's a selection of their views. All are insightful. All are important. The question is, what are you and I going to do about i... read more
Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson to Become President of San José State University
Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, president of Texas A&M University-San Antonio, will become president of San José State University... read more
"One Way Or Another, The Population Of The Globe Will Soon Be Much Smaller Than It Is Right Now"
*"One Way Or Another, The Population Of The Globe * *Will Soon Be Much Smaller Than It Is Right Now"* by Michael Snyder "This week it is being reported that the human population of our planet has now reached 8 billion. We should all remember this moment, because soon the population of the globe will start getting much smaller. In “End Times”, I explain that we are moving into one of the most chaotic times in all of human history. There will be wars and rumors of wars, economic collapse, worldwide famines, horrifying pestilences and great natural disasters. Needless to say, in such a... read more
The Duran12 hours ago
The last days of the G20
The last days of the G20 read more
Halifax Examiner12 hours ago
Halifax constable accused of excessive force testifies at Police Review Board hearing
[image: A man with a shaved head wearing a police uniform looks toward the camera.] Const. Jason Wilson said Susan Doman was about to spit on him during her 2021 arrest. The post Halifax constable accused of excessive force testifies at Police Review Board hearing appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
‘Trans’ Cyclist Crushes Female Competition in Elite Women’s Competition
*21WIRE* | Women left out to dry as male competitor enters high-level race to destroy the female competition. read more
Modern Tokyo Times12 hours ago
Haiti and mounting Cholera deaths
Haiti and mounting Cholera deaths Kanako Mita and Noriko Watanabe Modern Tokyo Times Haiti faces countless severe problems. Hence, the latest cholera crisis is challenging the weak medical infrastructure of… read more
21st Century Wire12 hours ago
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Declares ‘Invasion on the Southern Border’
*21WIRE* | Texas governor goes all the way in an effort to regain control over the Texas-Mexico border. read more
IU Business School Partners with Black Fraternity for Fellowship Program
The Indiana University Kelley School of Business is partnering with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., inviting members to apply... read more
Virtual Mirage12 hours ago
Bullet Points
The Donald He’s running for the Republican nomination and it is his to lose. I don’t think that anyone doubted that he’d run, but the wind beneath his wings is thinner this time. He’ll need to flap harder (and some would say smarter) if he plans to keep his altitude. Former VP Pence […] The post Bullet Points appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Dr. Heidi M. Anderson Becomes Chair of American Association of State Colleges and Universities
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU) is receiving new faces on its Board of Directors. read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
One Week After Election Day, Republicans Take House Majority with 218 Representatives
The race was called for Trump-backed candidate Kevin Kiley after the GOP secured victories in five key House districts in California and Arizona. With the majority in their control, Republicans will have control over the various House committees, which play an essential role in investigations. read more
SUV Plows Into Los Angeles Sheriff Recruits
Newsmax TV November 16th, 2022. On Wednesday’s “National Report,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department recruits were just taking part in a training exercise when... The post SUV Plows Into Los Angeles Sheriff Recruits appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Morgan State Receives NSF Grant to Study Human Behavioral Responses to Fire
Morgan State University has received $596,383 for a human behavior study regarding responses to environmental indications of fire... read more
"We Know More Than What Those Damn Tests Claim to Measure”: How Tests are Inequitable for Black and Other Minoritized Students
There is nothing ‘wrong’ with Black and other disenfranchised minoritized students who score lower on tests than white students... read more
Vancouver Credit Union to Offer Carbon Footprint Tracker for its Visa Credit Cards
Truth Unmuted – by Jesse Smith Vancity, a Vancouver-based credit union is launching a program that will allow its Visa credit card holders to track... The post Vancouver Credit Union to Offer Carbon Footprint Tracker for its Visa Credit Cards appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Opinion: the secret wars of the US imperium
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark (Opinion) To get to where they are, imperial powers will deceive, dissimulate and distort. The most excellent of devilish powers, the US imperium, has tentacled itself across the globe, often unbeknownst to its own citizens. In a report released by the New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center of Justice […] read more
IER13 hours ago
Plugged In Podcast #92: Todd Myers Discusses His New Book on Environmental Technologies
On this episode Plugged In, the team sits down with Todd Myers, the Director of the Center for the Environment… The post Plugged In Podcast #92: Todd Myers Discusses His New Book on Environmental Technologies appeared first on IER. read more
Econlib14 hours ago
The Incredible Conceit of the State
Following the crash of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, Senator Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) declared (“US Lawmakers Call for More Crypto Regulation After FTX Collapse,” Financial Times, November 15, 2022): This should be a renewed call for Congress to take a serious look at crypto exchanges and lending platforms, many of which engage in risky behaviours, while […] The post The Incredible Conceit of the State appeared first on Econlib. read more
"Barbarians Inside the Gates"
*The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum, Rome* *"Barbarians Inside the Gates"* Soaring debt and massive layoffs cut deep into America's bleeding Middle Class... by Bill Bonner and Joel Bowman *Baltimore, Maryland -* "The Middle Class Delenda Est (the middle class must be destroyed). In the next couple of days, we will look at Baltimore rowhouses…the plight of small farmers during the Roman Empire…and the meaning of “common sense,” among other things. All of these themes come together in one extraordinary and magnificent spectacle – think “Gone with the Wind” meets “Stalingrad” – th... read more
The United Kingdoms, USAs and Russias Great Game: A History Lesson about War and Greed
STOCKHOLM, Nov 16 (IPS) - Like most armed conflicts the Ukrainian war intends to establish hegemony over a certain area, in rivalry with other usurpers. Russian propaganda pinpoints the US and EU as Russia’s main adversaries, while Ukraine is portrayed as a pawn in these nations’ international yearnings. Such a scenario is not new. Read the full story, “The United Kingdoms, USAs and Russias Great Game: A History Lesson about War and Greed”, on globalissues.org → read more
COP27: Show Me the MoneySupported by Policy
SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Nov 16 (IPS) - Climate change is an existential threat to humans and our ability to thrive on a healthy planet. But when it comes to rising temperatures, the inability of humankind to slow emissions and limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius isn’t because we lack knowledge or need new technologies. Read the full story, “COP27: Show Me the MoneySupported by Policy”, on globalissues.org → read more
COP27: Climate Change Exacerbates Vicious Loop of Human Rights Inequity
SHARM EL SHEIKH, Nov 16 (IPS) - Climate change is worsening injustice globally, and the poor and vulnerable communities are the most affected. It is time the world acted on fulfilling human rights and building a liveable planet, says Yamide Dagnet, director for Climate Justice at Open Society Foundations. Read the full story, “COP27: Climate Change Exacerbates Vicious Loop of Human Rights Inequity”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Poland Duda, missile accident. Elenksy, we must act now. Trump 2024. Xi Jinping schools Trudeau. U/1
Poland Duda, missile accident. Elenksy, we must act now. Trump 2024. Xi Jinping schools Trudeau. U/1 Topic 776 read more
Vox - All12 hours ago
Welcome to the crypto ice age
[image: FTX co-founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried looks out a window.] FTX co-founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried resigned and filed for bankruptcy last week, after his company imploded. | Lam Yik/Bloomberg via Getty Images The implosion of the crypto exchange FTX will likely set the industry back years. A few months ago the cryptocurrency exchange FTX was valued at about $32 billion. Its brand was plastered on the Miami Heat’s arena, and on the umpires during the World Series. Tom Brady was hawking it during the Super Bowl. Now, FTX is entering bankruptcy. More than a million cred... read more
Vox - All12 hours ago
Why some Republican senators are revolting against Mitch McConnell
[image: Sen. Mitch McConnell in the Capitol building, with a decorated ceiling visible behind him.] Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks to reporters after meeting with Senate Republicans at the Capitol on November 15, 2022, in Washington, DC. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images They’re mad about the midterms, and the party’s lack of clear policy agenda. After facing his first leadership challenge in 15 years, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has won reelection to that role, defeating a last minute bid from Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL). Republicans elected McConnell 37-... read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
Illinois social equity cannabis grower receives $1M loan via new program
Helios Labs, a minority-owned craft cannabis grower Broadview, Illinois, received a $1 million loan through a program designated for social equity license holders. Illinois social equity cannabis grower receives $1M loan via new program is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Grayzone13 hours ago
Poland WWIII scare shows why top US general wants peace (w/ Doug Macgregor)
Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor on the World War III scare in Poland and the reported Pentagon-State Department split over Ukraine-Russia peace. After accusing Russia of firing missiles into Poland — and triggering calls from Ukraine for direct NATO military intervention — US officials are now acknowledging that Ukrainian air defenses were likely responsible. Douglas Macgregor, a retired Army Colonel and former senior Pentagon adviser, says the Poland scare underscores why the US top military officer, Gen. Mark Milley, has […] The post Poland WWIII scare shows why top US gener... read more
Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden wearing Mao jackets
Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden wearing Mao jackets at the ASEAN conference as Biden meets with Xi Jinping. Can't make this up. pic.twitter.com/jJSbRRpdw9 — Harrison... The post Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden wearing Mao jackets appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
David Icke Has Been Banned from 26 European Countries for 2 Years
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte tried to skirt questions about the censorship of David Icke, but did indicate that Icke was banned due to "anti-Semitic" speech and "conspiracy theories" that Amsterdam feared could lead to riots. Icke's freedom of speech has been censored. read more
Bacon's Rebellion13 hours ago
Religious-Rights Speaker Stirs UVa Controversy
by James A. Bacon Three days ago the National Lawyers Guild at UVa condemned the invitation of Erin Hawley, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, to a Federalist Society event previewing a U.S. Supreme Court case touching upon religious … Continue reading → read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Biden Admits that It Is Unlikely Russia Fired the Rocket Strike in Poland
Russia has denied any strikes, targets, or aiming missiles near the Ukraine-Poland border. It was likely a Ukrainian missile used to interrupt a Russian missile. The event could have sparked NATO to trigger Article 5 and launch a nuclear war against Russia. read more
Need To Know14 hours ago
Court Papers: Proud Boys Had as Many as 8 Informants and Oath Keepers’ Vice Prez Was an FBI Informant
As many as 8 informants were embedded within the Proud Boys organization and the former Vice President of the Oath Keepers, Greg McWhirter, was also an FBI informant. The obvious question is if the feds had this many informants around activities on January 6th, why didn’t they do anything to stop it? read more
The Money of the Apocalypse is Rising in US Banks from the Ashes of the Cryptocrisis THIS WEEK!
The Great Recession For years, I’ve written about the creeping approach of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a replacement for coin and paper money... The post The Money of the Apocalypse is Rising in US Banks from the Ashes of the Cryptocrisis THIS WEEK! appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Jordan Peterson tells Israelis the fate of the world depends on them thriving and starts crying
Christcuck Pastors Nov 14, 2022 Renowned Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson who works with Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire told a 3000 strong crowd in... The post Jordan Peterson tells Israelis the fate of the world depends on them thriving and starts crying appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Need To Know14 hours ago
FBI Chief Chris Wray Dodges Question about FBI Operatives Dressed as Trump Supporters on Jan. 6
FBI Director Chris Wray dodged a question about the plainclothes FBI operatives dressed as Trump supporters inside the US Capitol prior to the doors being opened on January 6th. The FBI was running several operatives in the crowd on January 6 and was openly recruiting veterans to work for them at the rally that day. read more
Food & Water Watch14 hours ago
Trump Announces 2024 Bid. We Stay Fighting For the Planet.
Donald Trump announced he’s running for president – again. But if the expected threats to people and planet return, we know exactly how to fight them. The post Trump Announces 2024 Bid. We Stay Fighting For the Planet. appeared first on Food & Water Watch. read more
Take Back the Nation for MAGA and for the Future
Last week's midterms were largely fought on the enemy's territory. We are going to refuse to play by those rules of the set piece warfare in which our present elections and politics are conducted. Our enemy has shown itself and all its games. It is incapable of thinking or creating and can only rule if a docile population is forever simply reacting or complaining within a rigged game. read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
Cyber Norms in the Context of Armed Conflict
A man with his face obscured sits in front of a computer with code behind him (Photo by B_A, bit.ly/3hKfKJ8; CC0 1.0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) In “‘Patriotic Hacking’ Is No Exception,” Jay Healey and Olivia Grinberg discussed Ukrainian government officials’ public outreach to online activists to help defend against the Russian invasion. (For the simplicity of this discussion only, we address the conflict as if it began this year rather than in 2014.) Their article focuses on concerns regarding the Ukrainian government’s association with hackers from acro... read more
Speaking for the Water -- Indigenous Water Protectors Speak for the Children and Rivers
Indigenous at COP27: Speaking out for climate Justice Emem Okun of Kebetkache women and member of Grassroots Global Justice's delegation to COP 27 shares her experiences enduring polluted water in her community in the Niger Delta in Nigeria on a panel of Indigenous leaders.Speaking for the Water -- Indigenous Water Protectors Speak for the Children and RiversBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsVideo of read more
Wednesday Morning Links
Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Dave Yasvinski reports on the growing recognition that repeated COVID infections increase the likelihood of severe illness and death. And John Lorinc discusses how the ongoing pandemic should be pushing us toward a long-overdue focus on improving indoor air quality. - Sheila Block points out that the Ford PCs are underestimating revenue in order to avoid putting public money toward anything that would help Ontarians. John Michael McGrath writes that even the few sops to social benefits are being set up to both invest and accompl... read more
MintPress News13 hours ago
FTX Partnership With Ukraine Is Latest Chapter in Shady Western Aid Saga
The Ukrainian government mysteriously disappeared online records of its fundraising arrangement with the FTX crypto scam just days before the scandal erupted. The initiative claims to have raised $60 million for Ukraine, but where did the money go? The post FTX Partnership With Ukraine Is Latest Chapter in Shady Western Aid Saga appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Pandemic trust high but none for politics
State politicians are less trustworthy than their federal counterparts – and real estate agents, according to the latest Ethics Index. Top of the list on trusted occupations are nurses, followed by firies and ambos. Compiled by the Governance Institute of Australia, the annual survey reveals an overall score of 42, down from 45 last year and […] read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Strong labour market expected to hold
Minimal change is expected in the jobless rate as relentless demand for workers keeps Australia in full employment. The Australian Bureau of Statistics is due to release its labour force figures for the month of October on Thursday. Despite the September jobless rate holding at near 50 year lows, the data exhibited signs of a […] read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Russia Has Military Supremacy In The Arctic
*Reuters:* *NATO allies wake up to Russian supremacy in the Arctic* (Reuters) - The world's largest satellite ground station, on the Svalbard archipelago off Norway, is used by Western space agencies to gather vital signals from polar-orbiting satellites. This January, one of two fibre-optic cables on the Arctic seabed connecting Svalbard to the mainland was severed. Norway was forced to rely on a back-up link. In April 2021, another cable – one used by a Norwegian research laboratory to monitor activity on the Arctic seafloor – was ripped away. "This could have happened by ... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Chinese President Xi Confronts Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau At The G-20 Over Leaking Their Private Conversation
The Cdn Pool cam captured a tough talk between Chinese President Xi & PM Trudeau at the G20 today. In it, Xi express his displeasure that everything discussed yesterday “has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate… & that’s not the way the conversation was conducted” pic.twitter.com/Hres3vwf4Q — Annie Bergeron-Oliver (@AnnieClaireBO) November 16, 2022 *CBC:** Chinese President Xi Jinping accuses Trudeau of 'leaking' details of conversation to media* *'Everything we discuss has been leaked to the paper; that's not appropriate,' Xi told Trudeau* Chinese President Xi ... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ14 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History – Nov 16 UK political officer Wison claimed Iraqis wanted British rule
(Wikipedia) 1914 British forces attacked Ottomans in Fort Zain, Basra (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1914 Leading Iraqi cleric Sayid Kadhim al-Yazidi gave speech in Najaf telling people to defend Islam against British and provide money 1918 UK political officer in Mesopotamia Wilson wrote average Iraqi saw the future of area with British and agreed with occupation (Musings On Iraq review *The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies*) (Musings On Iraq review *Enemy On ... read more
No, an indictment wouldn't end Trump's run for the presidency – he could even campaign or serve from a jail cell
The former president made little mention of his personal legal battles as he announced his bid to retake the White House. read more
317,793 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2020 despite the growing legalization movement
Arrest numbers reflect a nearly 40% decline from 2019, but the statistics come with some caveats. read more
How young climate activists are making their voices heard at COP27 over Egypt's protest suppression
Activists aren’t necessarily more aggressive than in the past, but they are using creative and sometime shocking new tactics that quickly go viral. read more
Michael West14 hours ago
Go “hardcore” or leave, Musk tells Twitter
Elon Musk sent a message to Twitter Inc staff telling them they had until Thursday to decide whether they wanted to stay on at the company to work “long hours at high intensity” or take a severance package of three months’ pay. Musk told Twitter employees that anyone who had not clicked on a link […] read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
China's Top Diplomat Says Beijing Wants To Promote The Development Of A Multipolar World With Russia
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese State Counsellor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi shake hands during their meeting on the sidelines of the G20 leaders' summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. © Sputnik / Pavel Bednyakov *RT: **China says it wants to help build a 'multipolar world'* Wang Yi told his Russian colleague Sergey Lavrov that Beijing will work with Moscow Beijing will cooperate with Moscow to build a multipolar world, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday, after meeting his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the G20 summit in B... read more
bilaterals.org14 hours ago
Business warns investors could be spooked over trade agreement changes
16-Nov-2022 “ISDS clauses pose a direct threat to Australia's sovereignty and the ability of the Australian government to make laws in the national interest. They have no place in any agreement which claims to have the interests of working people at heart,” the Australian Council of Trade Unions said. read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Most G20 Members Condemn Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
G20 summit in Bali *Reuters:* *Most G20 leaders condemn Russia's war in Ukraine at summit, some take different view* NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) -A draft declaration by leaders of the Group of 20 major economies, seen by Reuters on Tuesday, said most members condemned Russia's war in Ukraine and stressed it was exacerbating weaknesses in the global economy. The G20 members also voiced deep concern over the risks to global food security posed by escalating tensions, and emphasised the need for the independence of central banks to ensure they keep up efforts to curb soaring i... read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Lula Da Silva’s team studies a more conservative spending plan in Brazil
Brazil's President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva's transition team will study a more conservative alternative to finance social spending next year as investors anxiously await details, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The plan calls for the elimination of some R$130 billion (US$24.4 billion) from next year's public spending ceiling, R$45 billion […] read more
US Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet
“Nice little climate you’ve got there – we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to it.” read more
Halifax Examiner15 hours ago
Zane Woodford is the Examiner’s municipal affairs reporter, and so much more
[image: Zane Woodford, a young white man with a dark beard and blue eyes, in a dramatic black and white photo] Also, the Empire hack needs to be fully investigated by both regulators and law enforcement. The post Zane Woodford is the Examiner’s municipal affairs reporter, and so much more appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Argentine Government announces the extension of the swap with China for another US$5 billion
After the dramatic loss of international reserves and the critical situation in terms of supplies, the Government of Alberto Fernández announced the extension of the currency swap with China for an amount equivalent to US$5 billion. Fernández took advantage of the meeting with president Xi Jinping at the G20 to unblock the negotiations and increase […] read more
Organizing Notes11 hours ago
Polish President Duda: 'Ukrainian missile hit us'
*Polish President Andrzej Duda says there is “no evidence” that the projectile was fired by Russia* A missile that allegedly killed two people in Poland on Tuesday was most likely launched by Ukrainian air defense forces, Polish president, Andrzej Duda, has announced. Russia’s defense ministry previously said its analysis of photos from the site showed that the projectile was from a S-300 air defense system used by Kiev. “*Most likely, a missile made by Russia in the 1970s has fallen on Polish territory. We have no evidence that it was launched by Russia*,” Duda told repo... read more
MintPress News14 hours ago
Israeli Drone Sales Are Fueling Military Occupations Around The World
In addition to selling armed drones to oppressive regimes, widespread reports indicate that Israel has long used the armed unmanned aircraft to carry out strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and Sudan. The post Israeli Drone Sales Are Fueling Military Occupations Around The World appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Vox - All14 hours ago
NASA’s rules for astronaut posting: No TikTok, don’t embarrass us
[image: Astronaut Mike Massimino peers through a window on the aft flight deck of the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Atlantis on May 17, 2009.] Astronaut Mike Massimino peers through a window on the aft flight deck of the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Atlantis on May 17, 2009. | NASA; Getty Images; photo illustration by Vox Over 100 pages of documents show how the space agency handles social media and discussions about Ukraine. When NASA sent Mike Massimino back to low-Earth orbit to service the Hubble Space Telescope in 2009, agency staffers asked him if he’d mind doing another c... read more
Vox - All14 hours ago
Effective altruism gave rise to Sam Bankman-Fried. Now it’s facing a moral reckoning.
[image: A photo illustration depicts Sam Bankman-Fried, a young man with dark curly hair and wearing a dark suit, looking sideways at the viewer, with his surroundings blurred and colorized with splashes of red, pink, and yellow.] Amanda Northrop/Vox Here are 6 questions the intellectual movement needs to grapple with after the crypto billionaire’s fall. They’re “outraged.” They’re “humbled.” They’re “fucking appalled.” That’s the reaction from prominent effective altruists after the downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried, the billionaire whose cryptocurrency exchange FTX imploded last we... read more
Balkinization15 hours ago
Libertarian Insights, Errors, and Calamities
For the Balkinization Symposium on Andrew Koppelman, Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed (St. Martin’s Press, 2022). Jamie Mayerfeld Andrew Koppelman has done us an invaluable service by tracing the development of libertarianism, capturing its appeal, diagnosing where it went wrong, and underscoring the terrible price to be paid for adopting its more extreme versions. *Burning Down the House* is packed with information, insight, and wisdom. It is a brilliant and necessary book that everyone should read. One of many ... read more
I'm bored with Donald Trump, so instead of talking about last night's announcement, I'd like to talk about the lead story at FoxNews.com at 8:45 last night, just before Trump spoke. *Fetterman's wife hammered for photo of her posing by senator-elect’s office with husband partly cropped outOne user commented, 'First day for Senator-elect Gisele Fetterman'* Trump was about to announce, and it appeared that Russia had fired a missile into Poland, but that, in the judgment of the Fox News web team, was the most important story of the evening. Fox really wants to turn Gisele Fetterma... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: The deputy with the most votes in the elections sued electoral high court president for censorship
The deputy-elect Nikolas Ferreira, the most voted in the last election in the entire country, filed a legal complaint against Judge Alexandre de Moraes, president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), for his decisions in favor of the . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. […] read more
Bacon's Rebellion16 hours ago
Trump, Missiles, COVID, and Youngkin
by Kerry Dougherty Yes, I heard. The whole country heard. Donald Trump announced last night that he was running for president in 2024. The worst-kept secret in American history. If I were a Democrat I’d be delighted. While Trump always … Continue reading → read more
MintPress News16 hours ago
The Real Reason the US Is Against the Entire World on Cuba
What is the point of the embargo on Cuba? What are we hoping to achieve? To punish a dead Fidel Castro for his sins? Maybe to punish a dead Che Guevara for his sins? Perhaps punish Cuban cigar makers for being so damned good? The post The Real Reason the US Is Against the Entire World on Cuba appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Bacon's Rebellion16 hours ago
WEAPONS AT AIRPORTS It has long amazed and puzzled me that people think they can get away with taking guns and other weapons onto airplane flights. On Monday, a woman was caught at the Richmond airport with a loaded .380 … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Travel to Brazil: the 5 cheapest destinations to go on vacation in summer 2023
Brazil is one of the ideal destinations for those looking for the most beautiful beaches at affordable prices. Florianópolis, Buzios and Fortaleza are some of the options that you can visit in this summer of 2023. When choosing a place to go on your summer vacation in 2023, Brazil is emerging as the most suitable: […] read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
Germany Rejects Proposals To Impose A No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine
Global leaders and Nato forces have resisted repeated calls from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy for a no-fly zone over his country. Photograph: Katherine Cheng/SOPA Images/REX/Shutterstock *Reuters*:* Germany Rejects No-Fly Zone, Could Lead to NATO-Russia Confrontation* BERLIN (Reuters) - Establishing a no-fly zone would pose a threat of direct confrontation between Russia and NATO, a German government spokesperson said, after a missile blast in Poland near the Ukrainian border killed two people on Tuesday. The spokesperson rejected this and said, "Together with all ... read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
NATO And Warsaw Say Deadly Missile Strike In Poland Likely Caused By Ukrainian Air Defenses
*Axios:** Poland, NATO say deadly explosion likely caused by Ukraine air defense* Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Wednesday that the explosion that killed two people near the country's border with Ukraine appears to be an "unfortunate accident," not an "intentional attack." *The big picture:* Duda said it was "very likely" the explosion was caused by Ukrainian air defenses. The missile "unfortunately fell on Polish territory" as Ukraine defended itself against Russian strikes, he said. * Duda added that the projectile that caused the blast was "most likely" Russian-m... read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
Russian Missile And Drone Strikes Knock Out Energy Facilities Across Ukraine (Update)
*Newsweek:* *Russia Ramps Up Attacks to Cripple Ukraine's Power as Winter Looms* Russia launched a fresh wave of missile attacks targeting cities and critical infrastructure across Ukraine on Tuesday, according to Ukrainian authorities, as the war-torn country prepares for winter and the challenges it will bring. At least a dozen regions throughout Ukraine reported strikes on Tuesday, some of which experienced emergency blackouts because of the damage, the Associated Press said. The Ukrainian capital of Kyiv was among the areas reportedly hit. Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko ... read more
The Duran16 hours ago
Western future – Taxes and Regulations
Not only the US but the entire Western world is in trouble. President Biden, the self-proclaimed “adult in the room,” has undeniably declining mental faculties, appearing outright senile during some events. His administration consists of left-wing radicals driven by Machiavellian lust for power and disdain for its citizens. The Democrats feared a red wave taking […] read more
War News Updates17 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
In this photo provided by the White House, President Joe Biden talks on the phone with Polish President Andrzej Duda as White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, center, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken listen, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022, in Nusa Dua, Indonesia. (Adam Schultz/The White House) read more
ClimateRealism17 hours ago
Thanks, Colorado Springs Gazette, for Warning of the Dangers of “Climate Change Catastrophism”
[image: climate change catastrophe]The editorial board of the Colorado Springs Gazette published an article describing the harm being caused by “climate change catastrophism,” the constant repetition of woefully overstated claims about the risk of climate change. The story cites a recent letter published in the peer reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), in which a […] The post Thanks, Colorado Springs Gazette, for Warning of the Dangers of “Climate Change Catastrophism” appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
NSW regions hit by largest flood emergency in state’s history
A report and collection of citizen media from massive flooding across Central-Western NSW regions this week. read more
Words, words, words.
Words have always been political. No language has more words than English/American. But with today's deconstruction and destabilization of the 19th century Marxist thinkers, you particularly have to be careful about words. Take no words home to meet your parents until you know what they mean to your grandchildren (my proverb I just made up). *"Gender affirming care" *is actually legalized child abuse which includes toxic hormones for children, and amputation of body parts. Pay no attention to those "medical" associations that approve it. There are virtually zero/zip clinical or long... read more
CNN report may sound familiar to readers ofmy birdflu666 blog in 2014... https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/16/health/ebola-us-preparedness-cdc/index.html Three different types of experimental Ebola vaccines are set to arrive in Uganda next week. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ebola-vaccine-candidates-expected-shipped-135507247.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAVZ-Zn0nog6Sdd3d4zUt5cSf9s8IDGeKVRKI04sDYpmMuge5jjh0YRrDwoHNKs0lRV3msnQhRIUGm-yHlIVR1xrKi4gzPaV2gggWXyXLf1fDxWRbMO42bG8JUJF-4gOmXc8tOPDTIWOed-q_w8ap8-A_EH75WBN5s-wiX82MQK0 The... read more
"The Potemkin Economy"
*"The Potemkin Economy"* by John Wilder "Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tauricheski is famous mostly for what he didn’t do, but more about that in a minute. What Potemkin did do, starting in 1774, was conquer most of what is southern Ukraine, the Crimea, Moldova, and Catherine the Great a bunch of times. The land he mostly took from the Ottoman Empire, but Catherine seems to have invited the conquest. And apparently, Grigory didn’t do it right, because she made him do it again. And again. I mean a bunch of times. Catherine had a succession of lovers that would put Kamala’s body co... read more
the daily howler16 hours ago
KEVIN'S LIST: We won by rather narrow margins!
*WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022* *The need to peel away votes:* As of last night, the suspense is finally over. Donald Trump has finally said that he's running again! In their report in the New York Times, Bennett and Haberman refer to the former president's "unusually early announcement." Our thoughts drifted back to the dawn of the modern presidential era—to the famous and storied 1960 campaign. Procedures were substantially different in that primitive era. Senator John F. Kennedy announced he was running for president on January 2, 1960—*in January of the election year!* There... read more
There Will Be A Next Time
The film director Billy Wilder said that "Hindsight is 20/20." We should keep that in mind when we look back at the pandemic. Heather Scoffield writes: The pandemic has meant Canadians have been through some deep trouble in terms of their living arrangements, work arrangements, economic prospects and personal finances. Their mental health, physical safety and trust in one another have been shaken. And the effects have been felt disproportionately, revealing — and at times exacerbating — the profound weaknesses in our society that go far beyond the health-care system. COVID's ef... read more
"Massive Price Increases At Aldi! This Is Crazy! What's Coming?"
*Full screen recommended.* Adventures with Danno, 11/16/22: *"Massive Price Increases At Aldi! * *This Is Crazy! What's Coming?"* "In today's vlog we are at Aldi and are noticing massive price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!" *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
New regulation pushes Nova Scotia Power to address company complaints or face fines
[image: Three red and white smoke stacks against a bright sky are seen in the background of a street lined with trees with colourful leaves on a sunny afternoon.] Utility now has 18 months to deal with complaints from industrial firms that lose money over power outages. The post New regulation pushes Nova Scotia Power to address company complaints or face fines appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Organizing Notes16 hours ago
STRATCOM Admiral Richard: 'Ukraine is a Warm Up for Fighting China'
* Why the Head of America’s Nuclear Forces Just Warned of an Imminent ‘Very Long’ War* MilitaryWatch Magazine.com The head of the U.S. Strategic Command [STRATCOM] Admiral Charles A. Richard has warned that a great power war “is coming,” claiming that the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War in which U.S. personnel and equipment have played a central role is a “warm up.” The Department of Defence published the admiral’s remarks that were made at the Naval Submarine League’s 2022 Annual Symposium & Industry Update’s Awards Luncheon, where he stressed: “This Ukraine crisis that w... read more
Vox - All16 hours ago
Elon Musk can’t take a joke
[image: Photo illustration of Elon Musk and the blue Twitter bird logo.] Elon Musk is the world’s richest man and the new owner and CEO of Twitter. | Muhammed Selim Korkutata/Anadolu Agency via Getty The Twitter CEO has repeatedly contradicted his own “free speech” values. Elon Musk — a “free speech absolutist” — seems to make an exception for criticism directed at him. On Monday, Twitter fired two engineers who publicly challenged Musk on his technical chops, Bloomberg reported. The next day, Twitter reportedly fired over 20 more who posted negatively about Musk on the company’s... read more
Vox - All16 hours ago
Where Trump and DeSantis actually disagree
[image: Governor DeSantis sits at a table pointing to his left at Donald Trump. Behind them in an American flag and a sign reading “We’re in this together.”] Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and then-President Donald Trump participate in a roundtable in Belleair, Florida, in 2020. | Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images The murky policy differences between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, explained. Donald Trump, who announced Tuesday night that he will seek the White House for another term in 2024, has never made policy central to his political career. So conservative policy experts do not nece... read more
Vox - All16 hours ago
Democrats have to head off another debt ceiling standoff while they still can
[image: A photo shows the US Capitol’s dome with trees and a bridge in front of it, as street lights turn on and the sky darkens.] Congress returns to a lame-duck session Monday after an election where Republicans are expected to narrowly retake the House. | Justin Sullivan/Getty Images The lame-duck Congress can avoid the next debt ceiling crisis. They just need to act. Tell me if this sounds familiar: A first-term Democratic president, after spending two years managing a precarious majority in Congress, loses control of the House. The new majority, brought to power by the electi... read more
OrientalReview.org17 hours ago
Russia’s Kherson Withdrawal Is Tactical
General Mark Milley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States assessed that it would take several weeks for Moscow to complete the evacuation of some 30,000 Russian troops deployed in Kherson city in southern Ukraine. But Russians have announced that the evacuation was successfully completed in 2 days […] read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Kahanist Extremists To Take Power in New Israeli Government
During his previous terms in office, Benjamin Netanyahu oversaw some of the most brutal attacks on Gaza, attacks that caused thousands of civilian casualties. He was also indicted on corruption charges, and yet enough Israelis found him suitable to return to the post of Prime Minister, and he was elected with a comfortable majority. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
TSE of Brazil detects “serious irregularity” in Lula Da Silva’s campaign: they notified late donation
The Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Brazil considers a "serious irregularity" by the Workers' Party (PT) of the president-elect, Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, for not having notified the donation of R$660,000 (almost US$124,000) during the campaign. According to this report prepared by a technical team from the TSE, the donation, made by businessman José […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Lula da Silva offers Brazil to host COP30
President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT, left) has offered the state of Pará as the next host of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP30, which takes place in 2025, and highlighted the importance of the Amazon rainforest in a speech during COP27 in Egypt. During the campaign, Lula da Silva promised to reduce […] read more
musingsofanoldfart17 hours ago
Moving on from the election – a letter to editor
I forwarded the following letter to my newspaper editor. Hopefully, they will publish it. I also forwarded it to some folks in an email. Please feel free to adapt and use. As an independent voter and former member of both … Continue reading → read more
Bacon's Rebellion17 hours ago
Richmond Slashes Permit Backlog and Delays
by Dick Hall-Sizemore The city government of Richmond has often taken a beating on these pages, usually deservedly so. Now, there is some good news to report. David Ress of the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that the city has significantly improved … Continue reading → read more
US Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet
“Over the past 50 years, the U.S. has warmed 68 percent faster than the planet as a whole” Climate change threatening ‘things Americans value most,’ report says – The Washington Post graph.png (1130×700) The US has cooled over the past … Continue reading → read more
Simultaneous Growth of Planet & Star?
[image: Simultaneous Growth of Planet & Star?] I’m interested in a new paper on planet formation, not only for its conclusions but its methodology. What Amy Bonsor (University of Cambridge) and colleagues are drawing from their data is how quickly planets can form. We’ve looked numerous times in these pages at core accretion models that explain the emergence of rocky worlds and gravitational instability models that may offer a way of producing a gas giant. But how long after the formation of the circumstellar disk do these classes of planets actually appear? A planet like the Eart... read more
20 Books To 50K Convention, Day 2
Tuesday was a quiet but busy day. I attended several talks/panels, but did so virtually, using the livestreams from the various rooms; and, while listening and noting main points, I sat in my room and wrote on one of my works in progress. It seemed the most productive use of my time. I managed to write about 2,000 words of military science fiction while getting informed about things that interest me and that I need to know in order to perform better as a self-employed writer. The opening ceremony was a pep talk from the organizers to the attendees, urging us to lift our gam... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazilian singer Anitta is nominated for the 2023 Grammy as Best New Artist
Brazil will be represented at the 65th Grammy Awards. Singer Anitta appears in the Best New Artist category. The award is the most important in the North American music industry and will be held on February 5, 2023. Other highlights of the list, released this Tuesday afternoon (11/15), are the multi-nominated Adele, Beyoncé, Harry Styles […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Globo’s Caio Ribeiro predicts who will be Brazil national team coach in 2023
According to Globo Group's Caio Ribeiro reports, the Brazilian national team already knows who their next coach will be in 2023. In a live broadcast, the Globo commentator surprised everyone by announcing that Mano Menezes of Internacional will return to the Seleção after the World Cup. He also made another big revelation about the future […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil aid is unconstitutional and there is a risk of over-indebtedness, says Prosecutor General to the STF
The Attorney General of the Republic, Augusto Aras, stated to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that the law that releases the payroll loan for beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil and Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) is unconstitutional. Five days before . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium […] read more
The Aviationist18 hours ago
Enjoy An F-16 Ride-Along With ‘Rebel’ During The Viper Demo Flight Routine
[image: Rebel demo] Capt. Aimee “Rebel” Fiedler takes us through the various maneuvers of the F-16 display during the Wings Over Houston Airshow. As the 2022 air show season draws to a close, our friend Erick Johnston strikes [...] The post Enjoy An F-16 Ride-Along With ‘Rebel’ During The Viper Demo Flight Routine appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
MJBizCon kicks off in Las Vegas amid economic turmoil, hopes of marijuana reform
MJBizCon, the oldest and largest trade show in the cannabis industry, officially opens Wednesday amid growing economic challenges and renewed hope that federal marijuana reform will help the industry in the wake of this month's midterm elections. MJBizCon kicks off in Las Vegas amid economic turmoil, hopes of marijuana reform is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Peruvian Lima’s Central is voted Latin America’s best restaurant
The stars of the culinary world gathered in Mérida, Yucatán, in Mexico, at the presentation of Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants 2022 list, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna. The ceremony celebrated the excellence of establishments from 21 different destinations and ten new restaurants on the list before naming Lima's Central as The Best Restaurant […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
GringoView: Ready, Fire, Aim
(Opinion) The gossip sphere has recently been brimming over with premature obituaries for social media. Now that Elon Musk, reputedly the world’s richest man, owns Twitter, he has wasted no time in brutally firing half the overflowing ranks of Twitter executives worldwide. It doesn’t seem like he had much time to aim before firing. Fortunately, […] read more
The Conversation Wants To Stop Africa Developing Gas Reserves
By Paul Homewood I don’t know why they call themselves The Conversation – as they never include articles which go against the climate agenda! The question of whether Africa should be allowed to exploit its gas reserves, estimated at more than 17.56 trillion cubic meters (620 trillion cubic feet) in 2021, has […] read more