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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

24 November - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 4

 11:18pm MST

Small Dead Animals19 hours ago
Nazis Running Rampant In Canada
Ralph Goodale sent an email to Tank Commander Justin, that the Freedom Convoy was a neo-Nazi movement. read more
Turcopolier20 hours ago
Unsolved mysteries: The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963
By Robert Willmann For the record. On 22 November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was murdered on a public street in broad open daylight in Dallas, Texas by a sophisticated operation. An equally sophisticated coverup and whitewashing of the crime … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals21 hours ago
It’s Thursday On Turtle Island
Biden’s America: Education official declares fatphobia based on white supremacy. The conspiracy theorists were right. CBS admits there might be a Hunter Biden laptop. San Francisco’s gender options. The lefty narratives are crumbling. Your morning meme. Global Warming Scam News: Surprise! China isn’t cutting emissions. Today In Islam: All in the family. And insanity in… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals22 hours ago
High Maintenance
Old and cold: Preferred pronouns. The hot new thing: Preferred adjectives. No, really. read more
Suddenly, The Media Become Scandal Deniers
By Tim Graham ~ The media excoriate “election deniers,” but when it comes to the Bidens, they sound like scandal deniers. Suddenly, the cheerleaders and champions of live prime-time hearings of the Pelosi-picked January 6 panel are scolding Republicans that they shouldn’t waste everyone’s time and money with hearings on Biden scandals. Four years ago, […] read more
"Here’s The Real Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard"
*“Here’s The Real Story About Thanksgiving You’ve Never Heard”* Especially the parts about Squanto the “friendly Indian.” by Nick Bauman “The Thanksgiving story you know probably goes a bit like this: English Pilgrims, seeking religious freedom, landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where they found a rich land full of animals and were greeted by a friendly Indian named Squanto, who taught them how to plant corn. The true story is more complicated. Once you learn about the real Squanto- also known as Tisquantum- you’ll have a great yarn to tell your family over the Thanksgiving table. ... read more
Modern Tokyo Times17 hours ago
Somalia kills 49 al-Shabaab Islamists
Somalia kills 49 al-Shabaab Islamists Noriko Watanabe and Kanako Mita Modern Tokyo Times The armed forces of Somalia and international allies have killed 49 Islamists from al-Shabaab. Hence, the deaths… read more
When WHO declared covid a global emergecy in Jan 2020, there was NOT ONE covid death in the USA. 2 years later more than 3 million Americans are dead from covid jabs rolled out by WHO, GATES
There were just 5 confirmed cases of the seasonal flu like covid in the USA when WH0 declared covid a global emergency nearly 3 years ago, triggering the rollout of experimantal jabs. https://www.statnews.com/2020/01/30/who-declares-coronavirus-outbreak-a-global-health-emergency/ PHE reported covid had a 0.096% fatality rate like the flu. https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2021-07-12/31381 Nearly 2 years into the vaccine campaign, there more than 3,200,000 people in the USA who may have died as a result of the covid jab according to passive sur... read more
*Every year on this day, in my regular column in our local newspaper, I take a whack at the complicated feelings around Thanksgiving. This is from last year, and it's about as close as I've come to saying what I want to say. Happy Thanksgiving.* I have steadfastly avoided arguments about the historical basis of today’s holiday. No version of the first Thanksgiving is made better by the human impulse to flatten complicated human beings into two dimensional good guys and bad guys. The Pilgrims appear to have been absolutely sincere in their faith, but with that comes an absolute c... read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Farmers, seeds & the laws: Importing the chilling effect doctrine
24-Nov-2022 The UPOV-based Plant Variety Protection laws, favoured by developed countries, and often pushed through bilateral or regional trade agreements, regulate farmers' interactions with seeds in many countries. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Traité sur la charte de l'énergie : une décision reportée à avril 2023
24-Nov-2022 La Conférence de la charte de l'énergie prévoit de se réunir ad hoc en avril 2023 pour finaliser la discussion sur l'adoption des amendements au TCE. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Opinion: the US’ hybrid war on Turkiye just escalated after Kyiv’s failed sabotage of TurkStream
(Opinion) The New Cold War that the US provoked has suddenly taken an unexpected turn whereby that declining unipolar hegemon is now backstabbing its Turkish mutual defense ally as punishment for its leadership’s independent foreign policy. The US is actively waging a Hybrid War of Terror on Turkiye, as evidenced by its role in orchestrating […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Angola: Interpol puts Isabel dos Santos on red alert
Interpol (International Organization of Criminal Police) placed the Angolan Isabel dos Santos, who was once the richest woman in Africa, on “Red Alert”. This means that there is a warrant to “find and provisionally arrest” the businesswoman. UNDERSTAND HOW ISABEL DOS SANTOS BUILT AN EMPIRE According to information from Agência Lusa, the warrant was requested […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Opinion: Brazilians protest in front of military barracks because they no longer trust their representatives
By Alexandre Garcia (Opinion) The government leader in the House, Representative Ricardo Barros, said that the chance of the PL party's appeal in the Superior Electoral Court TSE about 279 thousand old ballot boxes with no guarantee of results is zero. There is no way we have already seen the immediate reaction of the TSE […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Rio de Janeiro and Bahia are the most visited beach states in Brazil
The Brazilian coast is really the national preference when it comes to summer vacations, concluded a survey carried out by the booking platform Booking.com and released this Wednesday (23). Around 97% of the 1,206 respondents — heard during the month of July 2022 — pointed out that they prefer the country's beaches to enjoying the […] read more
Science 2.0 blogs18 hours ago
Enlarged Perivascular Spaces In The Brains Of Migraine Sufferers
Migraine is a common condition, involving a severe recurring headache but sometimes nausea, weakness and light sensitivity as well. According to the American Migraine Foundation, over 37 million people in the U.S. report being affected by migraine, though only 148 million people worldwide report suffering from it. Perivascular spaces are fluid-filled spaces surrounding blood vessels in the brain. They are most commonly located in the basal ganglia and white matter of the cerebrum, and along the optic tract. Perivascular spaces are affected by several factors, including abnormalities... read more
A happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you all
Don't forget this important seasonal message. Thanks for being here, friends. All of you are reasons for me being thankful. Peter read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
209 Civil Society Organisations say: EU trade deals must not undermine democratic rights
24-Nov-2022 We civil society organizations vehemently oppose the splitting of trade deals, which would circumvent existing concerns about the negative implications of these deals on biodiversity, climate change and human rights issues. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Indigenous Indonesians want EU support on land rights
24-Nov-2022 As the EU and Indonesia work on a free trade agreement, one tribe is seeking European help to secure its rights. Many Indigenous peoples are at risk of losing their land as economic development increases. read more
Pfizer charging up to 20 times the production cost for its covid jabs in UK,USA, according to Oxfam. Dr John Campbell looks at the gigantic sums spent on the jabs generating a windfall for Pfizer, BioNtech, shareholders like Gates
BREAKING : Dr John Campbell Cost of Pfizer dose,UK & USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFVjkPtGeRM https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/vaccine-monopolies-make-cost-vaccinating-world-against-covid-least-5-times-more read more
DeSantis says his leadership against covid mandates was the reason for his spectacular election success. Will he prosecute the culprits of the massive covid jab damage?
A real vote winner wll be bringing the culprits to justice and organizing compensation and medical help for the tens of millions of covid jab victims in the USA. More deaths must be prevented! A new Ebola, bird flu, Monkeypox plot also needs to be deterred Legal action is the best deterrence. Crime should not pay. From media Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Nov. 19 acknowledged “underwhelming performances” by Republicans in the midterm elections and contrasted the losses elsewhere with what he called a “true Republican landslide” in Florida. “We added four new Republican Congress... read more
Bill Gates sells his 54.9 stake in key hospital in Kenya s capital city. Hospitals have been historically associated with spreading Ebola through injections, faulty protocols, diagnostics
From media US-based private equity fund that is backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is selling its stake in Nairobi’s Metropolitan and Ladnan hospitals in a deal valued at Sh1 billion. Evercare Health Fund is selling the 54.9 per cent stake in Metropolitan Group Holdings—the holding company that owns the two hospitals— to minority co-owner Metro Group Plc, which currently holds a 41.8 per cent stake in the company. A transaction advisor who participated in the Crowne Plaza deal and who spoke to the Business Daily on con... read more
Uganda recording downward trend in Ebola cases - official Reuters KAMPALA, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Uganda has recorded a drop in the number of new Ebola cases, with some districts going for at least two weeks without registering new infections, health ministry officials said. The development is a major sign the East African country is having a measure of success in efforts to combat its latest outbreak of the deadly haemorrhagic fever disease more than two months after it was declared. ... "We are seeing a downward trend in the number of cases," Health Minister Jane Ruth Aceng said... read more
Heart deaths spike during booster rollout in England, Wales
From the Daily Sceptic Heart Deaths Spike During Booster Vaccine Rollout as Excess Non-Covid Deaths Approach 25,000 by Will Jones 24 November 2022 9:00 AM The excess deaths crisis continues, with 795 excess deaths – 7.4% above the five-year average – registered in England and Wales in the week ending November 11th, according to the ONS. Of these, 434 were attributed to an underlying cause other than COVID-19, bringing the total excess non-Covid deaths since the wave began in April to 24,820. There has been a lot of attention given to cancer deaths in the past week, which hav... read more
US airline pilot is incapacited seconds after take off from Chicago, later dies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDQy22zxF5g “CAPTAIN IS OUT”. Captain incapacitation. Co-pilot saved the situation. Chicago O’Hare. Real ATC You can see ATC 27.6K subscribers 26,745 views 22 Nov 2022 THIS VIDEO IS A RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FOLLOWING SITUATION IN FLIGHT: 19-NOV-2022. An Envoy Air Embraer E175LR (E75L), registration N269NN, performing flight ENY3556 / MQ3556 from Chicago O’Hare International Airport, IL (USA) to John Glenn Columbus International Airport, OH (USA) shortly after departure requested immediate return. The co-pilot reported captain incapacitation and sa... read more
Happy Thanksgiving 2022
Wishing a peaceful day to everyone, and a special message for my autism family. Many of us have learned to transform holidays to accommodate our loved ones with autism. Some of us made radical changes in many areas of our... Related Stories - Publishing the Cancelled: Skyhorse Publishing Walks The Free Speech Walk and Word - Help AofA Meet our $10,000 Matching Gift Campaign - HFDF Helps Former Nike Employees Sue for Civil Rights Violations read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Colombia allocates US$435 million for the construction of the first PES frigate
The Colombian Navy (ARC) has assigned US$435 million to Cotecmar for the construction of the first frigate of the PES (Strategic Surface Platform) program, a project for which the Colombian public shipyard signed an agreement with the Dutch firm Damen. According to the schedule, the cutting of the first sheet of the future ship is […] read more
* Parental Rights Candidate Wins Loudoun School Board Race, Signals Changes on Board* A parental rights candidate who narrowly secured a spot on the Loudoun County School Board could influence how the school system handles transgender issues and parental rights in education. Incoming board member Tiffany Polifko won her race in the northern Virginia county as school boards across the commonwealth are expected to change policies related to transgender students. The Department of Education released new guidelines compelling school boards to keep parents informed if the student is se... read more
Adelies Are Doing Fine, Despite What The BBC Say
By Paul Homewood https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-australia-63700487 According to the BBC, scientists have revealed a 43% decline in a large Adélie penguin population off the east Antarctic coast over the past decade. It’s believed several years of extensive ice near the penguin colony was the trigger – despite an overall reduction of ice around Antarctica. […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
‘Died Suddenly’: the documentary on adverse effects of Covid vaccines released
By César Mendez The documentary film “Died Suddenly”, which chronicles the major adverse effects reported in the last two years of the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca laboratories, was released on Monday. The film claims in its trailer that it “will present the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history” […] read more
A New Electricity Market Is Needed
By Paul Homewood London, 24 November – In a new paper published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation an eminent energy analyst makes the case for single-buyer electricity markets, arguing that they will prove more efficient in the long run. In a single-buyer market, a central organisation is tasked with operating the grid […] read more
Red Ice News21 hours ago
The Strange Case Of The "Non-Binary" Club Q Shooter In Colorado Springs
[image: The Strange Case Of The "Non-Binary" Club Q Shooter In Colorado Springs] What the hell is going on here? Show also on Odysee | BitChute | Rumble | GabTV | VK | YouTube | Telegram | RedIceMembers Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com or odysee.com/@redicetv or subscribestar.com/redice. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 2000 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are made available to members first. ... read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
A Thanksgiving letter from Kim
No matter where you're at in life, we all have so many things to be thankful for. read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Tax prep software was sending info back to Meta
Tax prep services that used the Meta Pixel may have shared your personal info with the tech giant. read more
Epigenetic Memories Are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations
This happens to be a huge WOW. I had already concluded that the primary driver of evolutionary change was in the form of parental knowledge somehow passed forward. suddenly we have a chemical mechanism that facilitates just that. Recall those baby camels arriving with calluses. fourteen generations is certainly enough to lock down a beneficial alteration. Variation may pass in and out over generations by way of DNA as we have actually observed, but parental choice can lock it down All this finally makes the survival of the fittest narritive almost absurd. It is both way too ... read more
These 20 Pieces Of Gear Changed Backpacking Forever
I was rather too soon for most of all this, but never too soon to appreciate all of it. We certainly enter the woods better equipped by far now and if i had anything to say, it is use it all. Not having it is no fun. Those crocs are perfect for tramping down a mountain stream for hours. that is when you are on a steep trail whipping back and forth across a small river.. Again, spend the coin, even if you are going only for a day or two to an overnight camp. You will at least familiarize yourself. *These 20 Pieces Of Gear Changed Backpacking Forever* *Through the past five ... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazilian club starts talks with Cristiano Ronaldo and wants to sign him for three months
The chances of Cristiano Ronaldo appearing in Brazilian soccer in 2023 are increasing. With an eye on the World Cup, in which Portugal is one of the favorites, the significant number 7 is accessible on the market after his contract at Manchester United was terminated. And the club that has its eye on CR7's soccer […] read more
For this Caribbean Island, Ozone Protection is a Year-Round Mission
DOMINICA, Nov 24 (IPS) - The world celebrates the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer once a year, but for Saint Lucia, the annual month-long observance highlights year-round work on ozone protection.For countries across the globe, September 16th is a day to reflect on progress in protecting the ozone layer. The United Nations designated day for the preservation of the ozone layer is marked by speeches, and educational and social media campaigns. Read the full story, “For this Caribbean Island, Ozone Protection is a Year-Round Mission”, on globalissues.org → read more
Asia: the Power of Connections and their Consequences
LONDON, Nov 24 (IPS) - In our recent book, “*The Connections World: The Future of Asia*”, published by Cambridge University Press in October 2022, we argue that mutually beneficial links between dynastic business houses and political elites have been important drivers behind Asia’s extraordinary renaissance. Yet, these close ties now threaten future economic growth. Read the full story, “Asia: the Power of Connections and their Consequences”, on globalissues.org → read more
Music, passion, and powerful women: Launch of amplifyHER, an exciting new UN podcast
On Thursday, the UN launched amplifyHER; a vibrant, music-filled podcast, celebrating exciting women artists from around the world. Read the full story, “Music, passion, and powerful women: Launch of amplifyHER, an exciting new UN podcast”, on globalissues.org → read more
‘Catastophic’ winter in store for Ukraine, warns UN peacebuilding chief, following Russian strikes on critical infrastructure
Addressing the Security Council on Wednesday, Rosemary DiCarlo, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, warned of the devastation caused by Russia’s “relentless attacks” against civilians and critical infrastructure across Ukraine. Read the full story, “‘Catastophic’ winter in store for Ukraine, warns UN peacebuilding chief, following Russian strikes on critical infrastructure”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
High debt levels will limit Latin America’s economic growth, Moody’s warns
Moody's Investors Service warned Wednesday that Latin America's most significant countries could see governments' limited ability to stimulate economic growth because debt burdens are likely to remain high. The rating agency said in a report that the growth of sovereign debts in the region coincides with rapidly rising interest rates worldwide, making refinancing them increasingly […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Latin America’s business climate improves but remains at unfavorable level
The business climate in Latin America improved in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter, although the indicator is still unfavorable, according to a report released Wednesday in Brazil. The Economic Climate Indicator (ECI), released quarterly by the Brazilian think tank Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), rose 11.8 points to 66.5 units, an unfavorable level […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil wants to reindustrialize the pharmaceutical sector and attract foreign companies to invest in it
The elected Brazilian government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wants to stimulate the reindustrialization of the pharmaceutical sector, make a specific tax reform for the industry and attract foreign companies to invest, official sources said yesterday evening. Senator Humberto Costa, coordinator of the health area of Lula da Silva's team and former Minister of […] read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
Happy Thanksgiving
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are. The holiday has different meanings to different people, but I hope that you are with those you love. ** ** It was the first national Thanksgiving, and he viewed this as a deeply important moment for the American people to reflect on the bounty […] The post Happy Thanksgiving appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Michael West21 hours ago
Baker Boy wins album of the year at ARIAs
Rapper Baker Boy has won album of the year at the 2022 ARIA Awards for his critically acclaimed Gela, while Tones And I has won Song Of The Year. It’s the fifth ARIA award for Tones And I, otherwise known as Toni Watson, who said the 2022 awards had an awesome lineup. “Its pretty cool […] read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Rupert Murdoch has been making money out of the combination of inflated female sex parts and puffed up Russia hatred for his entire life. He used to keep the two of them apart; there wasn’t as much money to be made out of the latter, at least not by the […] read more
Accounting Consultant Next – The Story
This sort of content material attracts numerous traffic and generates inbound links significantly. These elements will positively impact the search engine rankings of your site. Quality, uniqueness and relevance of content are vital to improve search engine rankings. Here are just a few suggestions for vastly lowering or eliminating this experience with prospects: Go shopping, buy a business or two and use assumption of debt as consideration. Backyard sheds You may inform individuals about your topics. This may result in make them trust you. 19. Humbled by Numerous Business Learnin... read more
GREENIE WATCH22 hours ago
* Climate reparations exposed* At the recently concluded UN COP27 climate conference in Egypt, Tuvalu Prime Minister Natano called for reparations to "at-risk" nations. At the conclusion of the conference, negotiators from nearly 200 countries agreed to fund poor nations for the "loss and damage" they are supposedly experiencing. We decided to take a deeper dive into the claims of "sinking islands," and the truth may surprise you. Tuvalu is a low-lying island nation in the South Pacific with an average elevation of two meters (3.3 feet) and consists of four reef islands and five ... read more
Recent data tells us that the death rate is climbing. Soon enough, the only folks at the coffee shop will be the unvaccinated. 5000,000,000 dead will leave around 3,000,000,000 alive with a declining birthrate to overcome. How can a human being rationalize all this? Yet it is now happening and it appears that the hook is set. Very soon frightened governments will be struggling to restore fertility. it may well be not possible. The living will be struggling to salvage the dying. *REMINDER: A “PEACEFUL CULLING” IS UNDERWAY* Bill Gates, Elites,, Fauci, Social Engineering, ... read more
The World Is Run By People No Smarter Than You
Sadly true. We do get talented folks, but they have to fight for it by persuading the rest. whatever the system happens to be. That happens to be why a naturally dynamic system like our representative democracy works well enough. Talent can grab the ring. Trouble is that all the rest is handled by mostly the B team. curiously, the RULE of TWELVE can settle all this rather well enough for general governance and hiearchal systems can be used as needed and even indicated. All good. *The World Is Run By People No Smarter Than You2022-11-11https://www.swy... read more
New Mandala23 hours ago
A (qualified) farewell from the editor
Working on New Mandala has been a labour of love which has motivated me to pursue my own academic work as a researcher and teacher. The post A (qualified) farewell from the editor appeared first on New Mandala. read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Women entrepreneurs in Halmahera: quiet contributors
Within a male-dominated social structure, they face challenges running their businesses, but persist in spite of marginalising geographical, economic and cultural conditions. The post Women entrepreneurs in Halmahera: quiet contributors appeared first on New Mandala. read more
CFACT1 day ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
The post Happy Thanksgiving! appeared first on CFACT. read more
BREAKING: ALL Ukraine Nuclear Reactors Shut Down, NATIONWIDE Blackouts, Europe Gets Ready for War
Canadian Prepper Nov 24, 2022 All of Ukraines Nuclear power plants have been disconnected from the grid. Germany moves closer to conflict, Czech Republic gets ready for conflict with Russia. Russia assembles hundreds of thousands of troops and new equipment for winter offensive. Bird flu is OUT OF CONTROL, China is Stockpiling gold as biggest … read more
FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010) (Corbett Report)
The Corbett Report FROM 2010: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions and G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International join us to talk about their forthcoming documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” about the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering campaign taking place in our skies. SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://www.corbettreport.com/flashback-griffinmurphy/ Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack WATCH AT THE LINK read more
balance1022 hours ago
ProMab Biotechnologies has developed a growing list of engineered cell lines including CAR-T/NK cells and target cells. Upon our entry into the CAR-T/NK/Macrophage space, we have developed over 60 types of off-the-shelf CAR-T cells and over 15 types of engineered target cell lines for our catalog product list. Our experience also includes over 400 CAR-T projects we have successfully completed for our clients with extensive validation and verification. ProMab is a full-service CRO to support the custom development of CAR-T, CAR-NK, CAR-Macrophage, Engineered Cell Lines, In-Vitro Vali... read more
Army Chief of Staff: Czech Army Must Prepare for Large-Scale Conflict With Russia
See also: – Czech General Staff calls for preparation for possible war with Russia Czech General: NATO And Russia Have Never Been Closer To Armed Conflict – Army Chief of Staff: Czech Army Must Prepare for Large-Scale Conflict With Russia by Ruth Fraňková, https://english.radio.cz/ If a conflict between Russia and NATO were to occur, the … read more
Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects
I’m left without any doubt that the mRNA product was a likely contributory factor in the sudden cardiac death of my father, Dr Kailash Chand Malhotra ( Honorary Vice President of the British Medical Association) https://t.co/XZRw7yh6EW — Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) September 26, 2022 Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects … read more
Abp. Viganò: The COVID Pandemic Farce Served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order — Graphene Nano-Structures Found in Blood of Innoculated
Abp. Viganò: The COVID Pandemic Farce Served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order by https://www.lifesitenews.com/ Editor’s note: Below is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International). – (LifeSiteNews) — Dear and distinguished friends, – Allow me first of all to thank Doctor Stephen Frost for … read more
Australia: Genotoxicity Tests on Covid Vaccines Still Haven’t Been Done – Why Not? – Senate Estimates 8.11.22
Senator Gerard Rennick Nov 23, 2022 The Office of Gene Technology doesn’t look at patient safety as part of its remit under the Gene Technology Act. What’s the point of a Gene Technology office if it doesn’t look at patient safety? Furthermore, the TGA doesn’t even know if it’s examined genotoxicity- they had to take … read more
Emmanuel Macron: “We Need a Single Global Order”
In case you still think it’s a conspiracy theory that our elites want a world order, here’s French President @EmmanuelMacron yesterday at the APEC summit: ‘We need a single global order’. pic.twitter.com/CFTMXUPy1R — Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) November 19, 2022 Emmanuel Macron: “We Need a Single Global Order” by Paul Joseph Watson, https://summit.news/ During a speech … read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
This one’s for you WeeWeed. Posted in Celebrations, Treehouse Campfire, Uncategorized The post Happy Thanksgiving! appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Long String Of U.S./UK/EU Lies Against Russia
This article and its linked-to documentation will expose so many lies from the U.S.-and-allied Governments and their ‘news’-media and hired academics, as to get almost any reader’s head spinning; but, if so, then that will be the case ONLY because their lies are so profuse as to virtually drown out […] read more
Vivekananda: Kali The Mother
Samhara Kali by Raja Ravi Varma Swami Vivekananda wrote his poem Kali The Mother, on 24 September 1898, while he was staying in Srinagar, in a houseboat on Dal Lake. The poem is a prayer to Goddess Kali (the ferocious form of Mahakali), the ultimate deity of Shaktism, the mother of all living beings, and the Goddess of power, time, and the destruction of demonic forces. Vivekananda became a worshipper of Kali in 1886, after the death of his guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa. Sister Nivedita, who had accompanied Vivekananda to Srinagar, has said that on the day when he wrote the poem... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Review panel pledges to revitalise RBA
The federal government will be given a list of ways the Reserve Bank of Australia can be “revitalised”, the panel set up to review it says. The review panel – comprising Professor Renee Fry‑McKibbin, Professor Carolyn Wilkins and Dr Gordon de Brouwer – provided an update to a CEDA event in Sydney on Thursday. “The panel […] read more
Biden And Kerry Cave — UN Climate Reparations Are Here
By Craig Rucker ~ UN climate negotiators have been talking about “loss and damage,” a concept that would make you liable when bad weather strikes developing nations, since the Bali action plan in 2007. This amounts to developed nations accepting liability for extreme weather they did not cause. Naturally developing nations, the hard climate Left, […] read more
U.S. Officials Say Turkey's Airstrikes In Syria 'Directly Threatened' US Troops
A view shows the aftermath after Turkish warplanes carried out air strikes, in Derik countryside, Syria November 21, 2022. (Reuters) *Reuters*: *Turkish air strikes in Syria threatened safety of U.S. personnel -Pentagon* ISTANBUL (Reuters) -Turkish warplanes carried out air strikes on Kurdish militant bases in northern Syria and northern Iraq on Sunday, destroying 89 targets, Turkey's defence ministry said, in retaliation for a bomb attack in Istanbul that killed six people one week ago. The strikes targeted bases of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Syrian K... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Colonel says Russians plan massive push into rest of Ukraine
By Cossack Colonel YURI KOMONYISKI THE Russian Forces are prepping the entire front line for a single massive push into the remainder of Ukraine. The RF forces outnumber the Ukros significantly and everything points to the RF sweeping into Ukraine as one massive wave. The Ukraine elites (the Jewlensky club) are abandoning the Ukraine en […] read more
Temporary Restraining Order extended in child labor case involving large meat company
A preliminary injunction that prevents a labor contracting firm from providing child labor to JBS in Grand Island, NE, has been extended to Dec. 7. The preliminary injunction is against Wisconsin-based Packers Sanitation Services Inc. Ltd. Secretary of Labor Martin J. Walsh on Nov. 9, 2022, sued Packers Sanitation alleging the labor contractor is violating... Continue Reading read more
EU heavily involved in issues at WTO food safety meeting
Seven new trade issues discussed at the latest World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting on food safety involved the European Union. Countries raised 52 specific trade concerns (STCs), 10 of them for the first time, at the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures earlier this month. A range of issues was covered, including pesticide... Continue Reading read more
Patient count growing in Salmonella outbreak from unknown source; other investigations ongoing
An outbreak of infections from Salmonella Typhimurium is slowly growing according to the FDA, and an investigation into an outbreak of E. coli infections has been closed. For the Salmonella outbreak, the number of patients has increased from 264 to 269, but the Food and Drug Administration has not reported the patients’ states of residence. The... Continue Reading read more