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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 25, 2022

25 November - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 4

    iG Tab - Mainstream Narrative      iG Tab - 4      iG Tab 6 - MSM      iG Tab 7 - MSM

iG Tab - 8      iG Tab - 9     iG Tab - 10      iG Tab - 11

11pm MST

“multiple lines of evidence”
When government scientists and the press claim “multiple lines of evidence” – it normally means they made the whole thing up. “Global sea level has been rising for decades in response to a warming climate, and multiple lines of evidence … Continue reading → read more
Wave-powered buoys vastly reduce the ecological cost of desalination
I really like this system. Every thing else hung up on the brime problem. This can be sized go avoid that and to have more than enough spacing. It also pounds out ample fresh water as well that can be gathered from a production farm. Imagine a square mile operation with fifty foot spacing and 100X100 units or 10,000 units producing 130,000,000 gallons of fresh water every day. Now imagine all that fresh water been used and then turned into brown water for agriculture. Now imagine a massive sea borne population living and working on square mile barges in multi story towers. ... read more
Seawater trapped in ancient rocks opens a window into past ocean chemistry
This is actually huge for the geosciences.. It gets rid of the assumption of chemical uniformity over time which is likely unreasonable. this measure was part of a known geological refgia which creates confidence in the methodology. Pyrite just became a very importat mineral to work with. It will take a lot of time, but we will now have a spectrum covering a billion years. as it is perfected, it is plausible thgat it will lead to superior aging precision. Very Good. . *Seawater trapped in ancient rocks opens a window into past ocean chemistry* *By Nick Lava... read more
Zinc And IVF - the flash of light at the very moment a sperm cell makes contact with an egg.
What makes all this interesting is that the reaction is caused by a direct release of zinc and it points to a vprotocol that ensures we have healthy embryos. This really needs to be followed up on as it may direct us on how to avoid any form of infertility. It may well allow fertility restoration as we move to prolong live to three hundred years. It also may be wonderfully easy. If the MED beds are already real then we can expect a planned population restoration to complete the polulation needs of TERRA FORMING TERRA that takes advantage of this.. <iframe width="720" heig... read more
Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet AKA as Terminal ABsurdidy.
Someone actually wrote this.This is worse than thinking that our humble actions can alter global geologic outcomes in any significant form at all My suggestion that we increase the population plus 100,000,000,000 to Terraform Terra at least has that chance and using 1000,000,000,000 to essentially cover the oceans with urban islands can at least alter global heat absorption somewhat. Last time i checked. the surface of the SUN was an ongoing hydrogen fusion bomb in full out reaction mode. The outflux is sufficient to maintain a protective halo in front of our solar system far in... read more
NPR Presents Laughably Pathetic Thanksgiving Food Substitutes Due To Inflation
By P.J. Gladnick ~ Remember “funemployment?” That was a concept introduced during the Obama administration during 2009 to make people feel better about rampant unemployment by portraying it as a fun thing. Well, flash forward to the inflationary era of 2022 during the Biden administration and National Public Radio has come up with something similar. Not […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Rodrigo Lasmar, Brazilian National Team doctor, talks about Neymar’s injury
Neymar suffered another injury and may miss the World Cup with the Brazilian National Team. The number 10 had to leave the pitch in the closing stages of the second half of the Tite eleven's big tournament debut against Serbia after sustaining a heavy blow to his ankle. Brazil did their part, beating Serbia 2-0 […] read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
UK: State violence in a no-access border zone
Exactly a year ago, a dinghy with 34 people on board sank in the English Channel. There were two survivors. In the three hours it took for the boat to sink, as distress messages flooded in from those on board, French and British coastguards debated whose responsibility it was to rescue them. No help came, as one by one the passengers died of cold or drowned. As this week’s Calendar of Racism and Resistance shows, the body investigating the deaths – the worst loss of life in the Channel in over 30 years – the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), will not present its findings ... read more
Environmental Levy Update
By Paul Homewood https://obr.uk/efo/economic-and-fiscal-outlook-november-2022/ Following the Autumn Statement, the OBR have released their Fiscal Tables, including Environmental Levies. As we can see, the cost of subsidising renewable energy is still going to be considerable, even although Contracts for Difference are expected to reduce energy bills, with market prices for electricity higher than the […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Lockheed Martin to showcase the F-16, C-130J, P-3 Orion and CMS 330 at Chile’s Exponaval
Lockheed Martin will present at the XII International Naval and Maritime Exhibition and Conference for Latin America, Exponaval 2022, the F-16 Fighting Falcon multirole combat aircraft, the C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft, the P-3 Orion aero maritime exploration aircraft, and the capabilities of the CMS 330 combat management system. The company told Infodefensa.com that its […] read more
BBC Hurricane Complaint
By Paul Homewood I submitted two complaints to the BBC last month, but never got the usual automatic acknowledgements, so I contacted the Executive Complaints Unit asking them to check if they had received them. They assured me they were. But strangely a few days later I received responses to two other complaints from […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Nov. 25: Brazil starts the World Cup with a victory. Bolsonaro’s base is split. Report predicts deterioration of balance by 2023
That summarizes what you need to know this morning. Brazil made its right-footed debut at the World Cup in Qatar. On Thursday (Nov. 24), coach Tite’s team defeated Serbia 2-0, with Richarlison scoring two goals – the second of which was a great goal. With this result, Brazil took the lead in Group G and […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Honduran government decrees state of emergency due to resurgence of insecurity
The leftist president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, decreed on Thursday a national emergency due to insecurity in the Central American nation and has declared “war” on criminal groups operating in Honduran territory. With this measure, Castro has instructed security authorities to establish “states of exception and suspend constitutional guarantees” wherever necessary. She has also ordered […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazilian industry confidence index falls in November
The Industrial Entrepreneur's Confidence Index (ICEI) fell in the 29 sectors of the Brazilian industry from October to November 2022, according to a report released yesterday evening, Thursday, Nov. 24, by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). The ICEI varies from 0 to 100 points, where values above 50 indicate confidence and below that figure […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Peru’s Castillo confirms prime minister’s resignation and anticipates cabinet renewal
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo confirmed Thursday the resignation of Prime Minister Anibal Torres after the Congress denied him the vote of confidence requested on Nov. 17 and announced that, as a consequence, he would renew the ministerial cabinet. “After this express refusal of confidence, with the expression of flat rejection, and having accepted the resignation […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s Central Bank warns that increased public spending may cause volatility in the financial system
The Central Bank of Brazil considered that the expansion of public spending might increase inflation expectations and have repercussions on the financial system, according to the minutes of last week's meeting of the Financial Stability Committee (Comef), released yesterday evening, Thursday, Nov. 24. According to the document, the "breach of confidence in the fiscal regime" […] read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
Ukraine News Links 23-24 November 2022
Thursday, 24 November 2022 — The New Dark Age The Ukraine War Is A Sales-Promotion Campaign For Lockheed And Other U.S. ‘Defense’ Contractors https://orientalreview.org/2022/11/25/the-ukraine-war-is-a-sales-promotion-campaign-for-lockheed-and-other-u-s-defense-contractors/ American Democracy: Buying and Selling Elections https://dissidentvoice.org/2022/11/american-democracy-buying-and-selling-elections/ BRICS breaks the hegemony of the West https://journal-neo.org/2022/11/25/brics-breaks-the-hegemony-of-the-west/ The Medium: An Appeal For Support https://dissidentvoice.org/2022/11/t... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Authorities announce mandatory use of masks on public transport in São Paulo against COVID-19
The Brazilian city of São Paulo, the largest city in South America with 12 million inhabitants, decided to make the use of masks mandatory again in public transport to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it was officially announced on Thursday. The measure is also recommended by the government of the state of São Paulo, whose […] read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Considerations on the centenary of the Partition of Ireland
Considerations on the centenary of the Partition of Ireland Author: George Callaghan It is apposite to muse on 100 years of Ireland’s division. Such meditations are particularly timely inasmuch as the Northern Ireland Protocol is to the fore as the British Prime Minister is thinking aloud about unilaterally shredding this part of the Brexit Agreement. […] read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
The Day After
Leftovers (captioned photo) Gentle Musing I finished up work meetings the day before Thanksgiving and it gave me some time to read and write. Everyone wore suits to the meetings but me. I was picked up by a co-worker in his Bentley. Nice new car. The restaurant offered me a tie but it […] The post The Day After appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Truth About Meritocracy
One of the claims made by the America First crowd is that the United States is a meritocracy, anyone can become successful, wealthy, even mega-rich if they put their minds to it. Curiously, the most enthusiastic purveyors of this message appear to be successful, wealthy, even mega-rich. Do you think there could be a connection? […] read more
GREENIE WATCH21 hours ago
* Global rainbow distribution under current and future climates* * Is this a spoof?* Abstract Rainbows contribute to human wellbeing by providing an inspiring connection to nature. Because the rainbow is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that results from the refraction of sunlight by rainwater droplets, changes in precipitation and cloud cover due to anthropogenic climate forcing will alter rainbow distribution. Yet, we lack a basic understanding of the current spatial distribution of rainbows and how climate change might alter this pattern. To assess how climate change might a... read more
balance1021 hours ago
Gates, graphene, and Jean-Marc Sabatier, Research Director at CNRS
When asked by CNN’s Sanjay Gupta about his Decade of Vaccines initiative, he said: “The benefits [of vaccines] are there in terms of reducing sickness, reducing population growth.” [4] “magic of vaccines” Greg Roza, Bill and Melinda Gates, Ibid., 40. “something I love . . . lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent” 2010 Ted Talk transcript, https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates/transcript?language=en ; 2010 Ted Talk video, “Innovating to Zero!” https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates?language=en (Retrieved April 22, 2019). vaccine benefit includes “reducing population growth” Bill Gate... read more
The World Cup of Opportunity
DOHA, Qatar, Nov 25 (IPS) - The sun is shining, and the temperature sits at an idyllic 28 degrees Celsius. The Uber driver taking me to work is from Pakistan and devastated about the recent loss to England in the T20 Cricket World Cup final in Australia. Read the full story, “The World Cup of Opportunity”, on globalissues.org → read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Shopping list: 20 best gifts under $100
These 20 holiday gifts under $100 are surefire crowd-pleasers. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
What high-ranking retired Brazilian military officers think about the post-election situation in the country
By Rodolfo Costa (Opinion) The military observes with criticism and is concerned about the post-election political scenario. Whether active or reserve, most of them defend the protests organized by a conservative group since the end of the elections, although not all agree with the concentration of demonstrations in front of barracks. There is also a […] read more
* Our children aren’t being taught to read and we need a national commitment to save their futures* It’s no accident that you can read and understand this sentence. A solid education empowered you with this fundamental skill. Yet today there are literally millions of kids in our nation who are behind in reading and, sadly, too many who can’t read at all. Your child may be one of them. The latest data provide the facts — and they’re alarming. The National Assessment of Education Progress released its latest 4th and 8th grade reading scores for U.S. students and found that nearly 70... read more
* Our children aren’t being taught to read and we need a national commitment to save their futures* It’s no accident that you can read and understand this sentence. A solid education empowered you with this fundamental skill. Yet today there are literally millions of kids in our nation who are behind in reading and, sadly, too many who can’t read at all. Your child may be one of them. The latest data provide the facts — and they’re alarming. The National Assessment of Education Progress released its latest 4th and 8th grade reading scores for U.S. students and found that nearly 70 ... read more
Gangsters Out Blog22 hours ago
Surrey RCMP officer charged with Sexual assault
City News is reporitng that "A Surrey RCMP officer already facing charges in relation to a misconduct investigation will respond to five additional charges, including for sexual assault. The BC Prosecution Service announced the five new charges Wednesday against Cpl. Peter Leckie over allegations of misconduct." This brings us back to IHITit and the Friends of Craig Callen. read more
Covert Geopolitics23 hours ago
Fired AP Reporter Who ‘Risked Triggering WWIII’ Actually Did Nothing Wrong
On Tuesday we reported that the Associated Press had fired reporter James LaPorta, two days before his birthday, over an erroneous report which cited a ‘senior US intelligence official,’ who claimed that a Russian missile fired into Poland had killed two civilians. If true, the bombshell development could have potentially triggered ‘Article 5‘ – the mutual defense agreement between NATO members, risking WWIII. AP later retracted the … Continue reading Fired AP Reporter Who ‘Risked Triggering WWIII’ Actually Did Nothing Wrong → read more
Covert Geopolitics23 hours ago
The Corporate Media Deference That Endangers Us All
The Associated Press journalist who reported a U.S. intelligence official’s false claim that Russia had launched missiles at Poland last week has been fired. As we discussed previously, AP’s anonymously sourced report which said, “A senior U.S. intelligence official says Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people” went viral because of the massive implications of direct … Continue reading The Corporate Media Deference That Endangers Us All → read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
"If there is ever a place I can be and I am not going to get in trouble, it is going to be at #FTX." 🤡 – @kevinolearytv aka. Mr. Wonderful pic.twitter.com/VCOrAZmIgt — WallStreetPro (@wallstreetpro) November 11, 2022 Punchline. read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
The Ukraine War Is A Sales-Promotion Campaign For Lockheed And Other U.S. ‘Defense’ Contractors
On 3 December 2021, a year ago, Lockheed Martin shares cost $333.81. On 23 November 2022, they cost cost $481.07. That’s a 44% gain during this year-long period. $4,027.26 is the S&P on 23 November 2022, and it was $4,701.46 on 24 November 2021. That’s a 14% decline during this […] read more
21st Century Wire23 hours ago
Elon Musk to Expose Twitter’s Cover-up of Hunter Biden Laptop Story
*21WIRE* | Musk vows to publicise internal discussions of Twitter’s decision to censor the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story. read more
Covert Geopolitics23 hours ago
Why is the Lockerbie Lie of Libya’s Involvement Still Being Kept Alive Today?
The interesting detail of the Lockerbie bombing was the extent of how far the plotters went to divert blame to Libya. There can be no better example of the old saying “a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth is even putting its shoes on” than Lockerbie. This tragic story of … Continue reading Why is the Lockerbie Lie of Libya’s Involvement Still Being Kept Alive Today? → read more
Oddments For The Weekend
Including a thing that your mother must never hear about; a thirst quenched; a house that’s legally haunted; a practical application for fluid dynamics; and how to land a plane when it’s all going horribly wrong. All this and more. read more
Deescalating Ukraine: The Back Channel
Communications between the U.S. and Russia are essential for preventing an out-of-control crisis and a conduit exists for ongoing, high-level dialogue. But what is it really for? According to The Wall Street Journal, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has been involved with a secretive “back channel” line of communication with top Russian officials as … Continue reading Deescalating Ukraine: The Back Channel → read more
MSM Spin Partisan Propaganda From Colorado Springs Gay Club Shooting
*21WIRE* | Despite evidence to the contrary, the media continue ramping up the 'hate crime' rhetoric. read more
November 25, 2022: Reader Tips
This evening we get to enjoy a spectacular video about Mount Everest. h/t Marc from Calgary Your high or low tips of late are appreciated! read more
Japan art and Hokusai: Fashion and rivers
Japan art and Hokusai: Fashion and rivers Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) is internationally famous for his delightful art. In this article, the focus is on… read more
EU Approves €18 Billion Loan For Ukraine 2023 Budget
*The New Voice of Ukraine:* *European Parliament backs European Commission’s proposal to provide Ukraine with EUR 18 billion in 2023* It is noted the MEPs voted for the relevant amendments to regulatory acts that will allow the implementation of the new Macro-Financial Assistance Plus (MFA+) formula. A total of 571 MEPs took part in the voting, with 507 voting “for,” 38 “against,” and 26 “abstained.” In particular, three documents were voted in the package, namely two amendments and the proposal of the European Commission itself. The amendments have been made to the EU Multian... read more
Albo to pay out ‘climate reparations’ with YOUR money
Just over six months ago, Anthony Albanese was sworn into federal parliament as Prime Minister of Australia. read more
How Was Your Day?
Ostrich on the loose in taber alberta. 20+ ostriches escaped from a farm just outside of town pic.twitter.com/DThNnC7HYs — Davis Wozniak (@Dgtalwrld) November 24, 2022 read more
Bananada: The Dwarf Queen Takes The Stand
Quote of the Day: Chrystia Freeland emotionally testified to a comment form a US investor that said he would not invest in a Banana Republic like Canada. She responded by freezing the assets of her political enemies.* Chaser. read more
The Poet: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses"
*"Ulysses"* "There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail: There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners, Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me - That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads - you and I are old; Old age hath yet his honor and his toil; Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks: The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep Moans round with many voices. Come,... read more
November 25th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 675
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 25th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 675 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Friday November 25th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Friday November 25th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
This Vaccine News is Insane, I Mean Crazy, I Mean… | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Redacted Nov 25, 2022 Do patients who refuse the Covid vaccine need mental health pharmaceuticals? Some doctors in Canada are being told that they should not enable vaccine avoidance and might want to consider medication to change their minds. We talk about how the biopharmaceutical complex is waiting in the wings to solve one medication … read more
Letter From The Editor: New Products
Sometime during the pandemic, I found myself at the Apple store in Austin. I needed a replacement for my MacBook Air and nice lady helping me suggested I add a $400 Apple watch to my purchase. “Why would I need a watch,” I asked. Little did I know then about the watch that I’ve come... Continue Reading read more
Experts create models to assess Listeria risks in some foods
Scientists have developed formal risk assessment models for Listeria monocytogenes in certain foods. The models need to be tested and reviewed before being made public, said experts at a meeting organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Findings come from a Joint FAO/WHO Expert... Continue Reading read more
Michael West1 day ago
Deep sea ‘moonshot’ solution for climate
Deep ocean seaweed forests could be the answer to climate change by sucking in carbon and pumping out credits. It’s also in demand as a sustainable wonder crop for biofuel or eating. Some suggest 48 million square kilometres of ocean is suitable for seaweed aquaculture, or 11 per cent of the total ocean area. And if […] read more
Pro-Russian New York Times Journalist Andrew Kramer is Chief of NYT Bureau in Kyiv Ukraine
Originally posted on Mining Awareness + : The New York Times: “introduced Andrew Kramer as the chief of its new bureau, exalting that… read more
Economic Collapse = Societal Collapse. It’s Deliberate So that We Can Have “Order Out of Chaos”, As in New World Order, the Tyranny of the Ruling Sociopaths
Economic Collapse = Societal Collapse. It’s Deliberate So that We Can Have “Order Out of Chaos”, As in New World Order, the Tyranny of the Ruling Sociopaths by Milan Adams, https://preppgroup.home.blog/ Other than the obvious consequences, what might we expect from a partial economic collapse? A total collapse of the economy would throw the nation … read more
Tucker Carlson Brings up a Very Important Point After Fauci’s Disaster of a Final Press Conference
Tucker NUKES Dr. Fauci from space. Wow. "Where did COVID come from?" pic.twitter.com/aWg4gMLViB — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 23, 2022 Tucker Carlson Brings up a Very Important Point After Fauci’s Disaster of a Final Press Conference by Brandon Morse, https://redstate.com/ The White House Press Corp is a place where embarrassment is pretty much the only … read more
Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”
Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: “Academic Freedom Is Dead” by Steve Watson, https://www.infowars.com/ “They systematically tried to make it seem like everyone agreed with their ideas about COVID policy, when in fact there was deep disagreement among scientists” – A Stanford Professor who challenged the orthodoxy of lockdowns has warned that “academic freedom is dead,” and that … read more
China’s Gold Stockpiling is Dollar Warning Sign
China’s Gold Stockpiling is Dollar Warning Sign by WILLIAM PESEK, https://asiatimes.com/ Beijing is quietly dumping dollars for gold as greenback strength looks increasingly illusionary – TOKYO — One of the worst-kept secrets in global central banking is the extent to which Chinese officials are swapping dollars for gold. Governor Yi Gang’s team at the People’s … read more
Pedophilia, Cannibalism & The Occult: Balenciaga Saga Gets Even More Twisted
 Pedophilia, Cannibalism & The Occult: Balenciaga Saga Gets Even More Twisted by Kelen McBreen, https://www.infowars.com/ Luxury fashion brand subtly promoted pedophilic, cannibalistic and racist themes in ads – Earlier this week, an advertising campaign for the luxury fashion brand Balenciaga went viral online for showing disturbing images of young children holding stuffed animals in … read more