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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

2 November - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 4

 11pm MDT

The Last Refuge39 minutes ago
November 3rd – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 653
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 3rd – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 653 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge44 minutes ago
Thursday November 3rd – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday November 3rd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
UN COP27-It’s A Gas, Gas, Gas
By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ Who would have guessed that a UN COP would turn into a promotion point for fossil fuel development? COP27 is looking that way, thanks to the energy crisis and Africa’s determination to develop itself. After all, these are developing countries, right? In this case some of them want to develop, […] read more
The Last Refuge51 minutes ago
Tucker Carlson Deconstructs Joe Biden’s Democracy -vs- Autocracy Midterm Election Speech
For his opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson deconstructed Joe Biden’s midterm election speech broadcast on national television Wednesday night. WATCH: . Posted in Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Brazil, Climate Change, Conspiracy ?, Decepticons, Deep State, Dem Hypocrisy, Economy, Election 2022, Fabian Socialists - Modern Progressives, Joe Biden, media bias, Notorious […] The post Tucker Carlson Deconstructs Joe Biden’s Democracy -vs- Autocracy Midterm Election Speech appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates53 minutes ago
Poland Is Building A Razor-Wire Fence On The Kaliningrad Border
*Reuters:* *Poland to build razor-wire fence on border with Russia's Kaliningrad* WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will build a razor-wire fence on its border with Russia's Kaliningrad, its defence minister said on Wednesday, amid concerns that the enclave might become a conduit for illegal migration. Construction of the temporary 2.5-metre (8ft) high and 3-metre deep barrier will start immediately, Mariusz Blaszczak told a news conference. With tensions rising due to the war in Ukraine, he cited security concerns and referred to a crisis triggered last autumn when thousands of Afr... read more
Why International Climate Summits Are Doomed To Fail, Part 1: Aspirations Untethered From Reality
By Katie Tubb ~ First of two articles Representatives from some 190 countries will meet in Egypt for two weeks starting Nov. 6 to “[deliver] for people and the planet” at COP27, the U.N. Conference of the Parties annual summit on climate change policy. The predominant message at these climate conferences is one of “catastrophic” […] read more
U.S. President Biden Calls His Opponents 'Dark Forces' Who Could Prevail In Midterms
*Daily Mail*: *Biden warns 'dark forces that thirst for power' could prevail in midterms: President links attack on Paul Pelosi to Trump, the 'Big Lie', January 6 and MAGA Republicans in divisive speech warning of AUTOCRACY and '300 election deniers'* * Biden made speech on the threats to democracy from Union Station in nation's capital on Wednesday night * He tied the attack on Paul Pelosi to former President Donald Trump and his refusal to accept defeat in the 2020 presidential election * ‘American democracy is under attack because the defeated former president of the Uni... read more
Some Thoughts On Affirmative Action
* The Supreme Court arguments in the Harvard and University of North Carolina affirmative action cases took place on Monday. I listened to some substantial portion, although it was not possible for me to listen to the whole thing (some 5 hours in total). From what I heard, I agree with most commenters that affirmative action in the form currently practiced throughout academia is not likely to survive. * Affirmative action is one of those issues on which the opinions of our intellectual elites diverge almost completely from the opinions of normal people. * In a piece on Tuesday (Nove... read more
Thoughts on Sanatana Dharma
The term “Sanatana Dharma,” which means eternal dharma, denotes the religious and moral principles that have been practiced for thousands of years. Since it is not a revealed religion like the Semitic religions, Sanatana Dharma is not doctrinal, dogmatic, and fundamentalist. Derived from the cosmic vision of ancient rishis, the principles of Sanatana Dharma are naturalistic, philosophical, spiritual, and practical. The false dichotomy between monotheism and polytheism is rejected in Sanatana Dharma—its theology and practice constitute a unique blend of monotheism and polytheism. T... read more
balance102 hours ago
2 more videos on vax murderous industry and American mega-sickness
blood cell photos from vaxxed people shown in great clarity: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ap68x0kVT66s/ ………………….. how poisoned are Americans? The toxic state that we live in; all facts, clarity, straightforward video. most astounding. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5evT4Je9WNvu/ ………… read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
Pretending Continues – Fed Chair Raises Interest Rates 3/4 Point, Blames Russia for U.S Food Prices, Claims Consumer Demand Still Too High
It’s all a ruse; an economic shell game being played for politics – nothing more. Consider this quote from Fed Chair Jerome Powell today, “Inflation remains well above our longer-run goal of 2 percent. Over the 12 months ending in September, total PCE prices rose 6.2 percent. Excluding the volatile food and energy categories core […] The post Pretending Continues – Fed Chair Raises Interest Rates 3/4 Point, Blames Russia for U.S Food Prices, Claims Consumer Demand Still Too High appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Demonstrators gather in Joinville to contest elections
A demonstration in Joinville, Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, has gathered thousands of people contesting the results of the elections for the presidency of the Republic. However, defenders of President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party - PL, right) do not contest the state election results, where candidate Jorginho Mello (PL) of the same party won for […] read more
Michael West2 hours ago
Victoria premier bats away crash questions
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has batted away questions on the election campaign trail after the victim of a 2013 crash with his taxpayer-funded car cast doubt on his version of events. Ryan Meuleman was knocked off his bike at Blairgowrie on the Mornington Peninsula in a collision with Mr Andrews’ car in January 2013. Mr […] read more
Kawabata Ryushi and Japan art: Buddhism
Kawabata Ryūshi and Japan art: Buddhism Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Kawabata Ryūshi (1885-1966) was born in Wakayama City. He moved to Tokyo in 1895 when still very young.… read more
Michael West2 hours ago
Australia trade surplus hits $12.4 billion
Australia’s trade surplus hit $12.4 billion in September, driven upwards by gas exports, beating market expectations of about $8.5 billion. The balance on goods and services lifted by $3.8 billion, with exports soaring by seven per cent. Imports remained flat, lifting just 0.4 per cent. In August, the trade surplus was $8.3 billion, as measured by […] read more
You’re Doing Great And Your Voice Makes A Difference
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ 2022 is an insane year to be a critic of the empire. People are being censored for disputing official narratives about a war. Those who aren’t censored are being mobbed by astroturf trolling operations. A frenetic propaganda […] read more
Michael West3 hours ago
Pfizer workers walk off job amid dispute
Pfizer manufacturing workers have walked off the job amid a dispute over the pharmaceutical company’s wage offer, which their union is describing as sub-standard. Dozens of United Workers Union (UWU) members launched a 24-hour strike in the Melbourne suburb of Mulgrave on Wednesday night to protest the COVID-19 vaccine maker’s wage offer. The US corporation, […] read more
Michael West4 hours ago
Children, go where we send you
[image: Lobbyland] The childcare crisis illustrates Australians' capacity to look at the world with fingers over their eyes, screening out the inconvenient bits. read more
Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal
Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network with Dr. Tom Cowan October 31, 2022  Show Notes: What responses has Dr. Cowan received regarding his stance on viruses? What is needed to prove something exists? The post Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Michael West4 hours ago
Corporate tax soars but many paid nothing
Sky-high commodity prices fed into the biggest corporate tax haul in almost a decade but more than 30 per cent of big businesses didn’t pay any. Big businesses forked out a combined $68.9 billion in income tax in 2020/21 despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 on the economy. The 2020/21 total was 19.8 per cent […] read more
The SYNBIO “Borgification” Infiltration of the Human Race: It’s WAY Beyond Infertility And Depopulation… Humans Are HOSTING a Nano-Scale Computational PLATFORM — Transhumanism Demonic AI Takeover
 The SYNBIO “Borgification” Infiltration of the Human Race: It’s WAY Beyond Infertility And Depopulation… Humans Are HOSTING a Nano-Scale Computational PLATFORM by Mike Adams, https://www.naturalnews.com/ (Natural News) “SynBio” means synthetic biology. If a corporation develops a gene-altering technology that gets injected into your body and permanently alters your chromosomes to be something other than … read more
Ex-Russian President Suggests Only Way to Avoid Nuclear War
Ex-Russian President Suggests Only Way to Avoid Nuclear War by https://www.rt.com/ Dmitry Medvedev points to a logical argument about the conflict in Ukraine Simple logic indicates that only a Russian victory in Ukraine would prevent a nuclear world war, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday, addressing calls from the West that Moscow must … read more
Dr Garry Nolan: Tucker Carlson Today – UFO Encounters & Aliens
@GarryPNolan confirming to @rosscoulthart that there has been a UAP coverup and that there are whistleblowers about to step forward imminently. #UFOTwitter #EndUAPSecrecy pic.twitter.com/TgEjgkc1K2 — All-domain Anomalous Resolution Office (AARO) (@ActivistUAP) August 21, 2022 read more
Stanford Professor Says UFO Disclosure is Imminent
Stanford Professor Says UFO Disclosure is Imminent by https://nexusnewsfeed.com/ “Oh yes. I know it’s a fact because I’ve spoken to important people who are about to come out and whistleblow on it…” – Are we alone in the universe? Is there life elsewhere? We don’t really have enough information at present to answer these questions, … read more
That Transparency Will Cost You
by Dick Hall-Sizemore Attorney General Jason Miyares promised “to increase transparency” in regard to elections. In fact, this was one of the motivations behind the creation of the Election Integrity Unit. However, it seems that this transparency comes with a … Continue reading → read more
The World’s Five Nuclear Superpowers Are ‘On The Brink of a Direct Armed Conflict’ Which Will Have ‘Catastrophic Consequences’, Russia Warns
The World’s Five Nuclear Superpowers Are ‘On The Brink of a Direct Armed Conflict’ Which Will Have ‘Catastrophic Consequences’, Russia Warns by JONATHAN ROSE FOR MAILONLINE, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ * The Kremlin said on Wednesday that avoiding a nuclear clash was its first priority * Western capitals have said Moscow is behind a ramping up of nuclear … read more
“Dark Clouds On Horizon”: Maersk Warns About Rapid Economic Deterioration
“Dark Clouds On Horizon”: Maersk Warns About Rapid Economic Deterioration by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, the world’s largest owner of container ships and one of the best bellwethers for global trade, lowered its outlook for the growth of 2022 global container demand and warned next year could be worse. – Maersk’s warning about … read more
All COx-VID-1×9 vWacxines Listed on the World Health Organization Website Contain the Bluetooth Smart Technology And AI Microorganisms — US Patent 11107588 B2
Part 8: Dismantling the COVID-19 Deceptions: The Unvaccinated are Safe by Karen Kingston, https://karenkingston.substack.com/ All COVID-19 preventative treatments contain electronic devices that can emit Bluetooth signals to track and trace vaccinated citizens via their geolocation. – If you’re reading this article, you’re probably aware that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines, but bioweapons. Part 4, Part … read more
Highly Advanced Nanotechnology Is At ‘The Tip Of The Needle!’ – Fully Programmable And Self-Assembling Tech Used In Vwaxxes As Globalists Move Towards Completing The Gilgamesh Project
 Highly Advanced Nanotechnology Is At ‘The Tip Of The Needle!’ – Fully Programmable And Self-Assembling Tech Used In Vaxxes As Globalists Move Towards Completing The Gilgamesh Project by Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline, https://allnewspipeline.com/Home.php It is commonly understood that if a problem cannot be identified and defined, it won’t get solved. We have … read more
Central Banks Buy the Most Gold Since London Gold Pool Collapse in 1968
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose by https://stopworldcontrol.com/ THE PLAN A virologist from the World Health Organization revealed on Dutch television that the WHO has a plan of 10 years of infectious diseases, starting from 2020 to 2030. – Marion Koopmans is a virologist from the Dutch government, who also worked in … read more
$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – Egon von Greyerz
$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – Egon von Greyerz by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Egon von Greyerz (EvG) stores gold for clients at the biggest private gold vault in the world buried deep in the Swiss Alps. EvG is a financial and precious metals expert. EvG is a former Swiss banker and an expert in risk. … read more
"25 Food Items That Will Disappear From Grocery Stores In The Months Ahead"
*Full screen recommended.* *"25 Food Items That Will Disappear From * *Grocery Stores In The Months Ahead"* by Epic Economist "We're all witnessing the continuous collapse of our food supply chain, and over the past couple of years, that process has dramatically accelerated. Extreme weather, supply chain disruptions, avian flu, shortages of farming equipment, labor and fertilizers, as well as the escalation of geopolitical conflicts and major inflationary pressures are all creating a nightmare scenario for food production in the U.S. and all over the world. Many of the staples that ... read more
balance103 hours ago
2 very great videos on your favorite bioweapon, the vax
7-6-2022 German scientists study, REPORT ON COVID VAX POISONS, very powerful, very clear: https://rumble.com/v1g5md5-german-researchers-examine-covid-vaccines-and-vaccinated-peoples-blood-and-.html ……………… ALL mRNA VACCINES ARE DANGEROUS, SAYS VERY RENOWNED DOCTOR/SCIENTIST: https://rumble.com/v1qog99-prof.-dr.-sucharit-bhakdi-the-danger-of-mrna-vaccines.html read more
Need To Know3 hours ago
US Has Only a 25-Day Reserve Supply of Diesel Fuel as Winter Looms
Trucking and home heating costs are expected to continue to rise this winter, cutting deeper into household budgets and further straining supply chains.The biggest reason for the shortage is due to the cut off of Russian exports. read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
Biden Says We Won’t Know the Results of the Midterm Election Until Days After Polls Close November 8th
I would appear that national democrats are setting the stage for fraudulent ballot collection again. During his insufferable remarks today about Democracy -vs- Autocracy {Direct Rumble Link Here}, a speech fraught with cognitive dissonance, Joe Biden proactively warns Americans that the results from the midterm election will not be known until days after the election […] The post Biden Says We Won’t Know the Results of the Midterm Election Until Days After Polls Close November 8th appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
You probably assume that right-wingers are thrilled by Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. I certainly thought they were. But apparently not anymore. Here's Breitbart, reporting news that previously appeared in the *New York Post*: Elon Musk is standing by Yoel Roth as Twitter’s “Head of Safety & Integrity,” a notoriously left-wing employee with a history of fiery political tweets who previously equated members of the Trump administration with Nazis. The Breitbart story reproduces this exchange between Musk and Liz Wheeler, a right-wing podcaster: We’ve all made some questionable tw... read more
The Last Refuge4 hours ago
An Epic Battle in North America is Looming as The USA and Canada Attempt to Pressure Mexico to Follow the Climate Change Energy Policy
Folks, we have all watched the North American economic moves with great interest ever since the first discussions about reforming NAFTA were triggered by Donald Trump. Well, things are about to get even more interesting, and we will have a front seat to see how this plays out. Joe Biden and Canada’s Justin Trudeau are […] The post An Epic Battle in North America is Looming as The USA and Canada Attempt to Pressure Mexico to Follow the Climate Change Energy Policy appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Vox - All4 hours ago
“A path to chaos in America”: Biden’s dark warning about election deniers on the ballot
[image: President Joe Biden delivers remarks on preserving and protecting Democracy at Union Station on November 2, 2022 in Washington, DC. Biden addressed the threat of election deniers and those who seek to undermine faith in voting in the upcoming midterm elections.] President Joe Biden delivers remarks on preserving and protecting Democracy at Union Station on November 2, 2022 in Washington, DC. Biden addressed the threat of election deniers and those who seek to undermine faith in voting in the upcoming midterm elections. | Michael A. McCoy/Getty Republicans who have fully em... read more
Need To Know4 hours ago
The Atlantic Calls For ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ to ‘Forgive One Another’ for Actions During COVID
People died from toxic experimental COVID jabs, endured lockdowns that ruined economies and caused massive job loss, were coerced to take COVID vaccines, mask mandates, discrimination and shaming. Vaccine mandates for employment and censorship continue to today. read more
Komando.com5 hours ago
Here’s everything TikTok collects on you – Delete it now
TikTok collects a ton of information on its users. If you have the app installed, delete it ASAP. Here's how and why you should. read more
New Mandala5 hours ago
When to stop learning from Singapore: data, surveillance and Australian business
More data means more risk., and a system focused on control is not—it turns out—one that is particularly nimble or responsive. The post When to stop learning from Singapore: data, surveillance and Australian business appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Econlib5 hours ago
Five new Manhattans
This tweet caught my eye: I prefer the glass half full (or more precisely one fourth full) interpretation. Especially if the glass is very large. And LA is an exceedingly large glass, comprising 502 square miles of land. That means there is roughly 125 square miles of non-residentially zoned land, more than five times larger […] The post Five new Manhattans appeared first on Econlib. read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde Blames Putin For Europe's Inflation. Calls Him Sick And Driven By Evil Forces
*Politico: * *Lagarde: ‘Sick’ Putin behind Europe’s inflation crisis* ECB chief describes Russian president’s ‘flashing, freezing eyes’ in RTE interview. The European Central Bank is having to raise interest rates because of inflation caused by Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine, ECB President Christine Lagarde said. "That's what he [Putin] is trying to do, cause chaos and destroy as much of Europe as he can," Lagarde said during an appearance on RTE's Late Late Show in Ireland. "This energy crisis is causing massive inflation which we have to defeat," she s... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Dems continue to lose support in House districts
Washington Examiner: Ten more House seats in reliably blue districts have been shifted in the GOP’s favor just one week ahead of Election Day, spelling trouble for Democrats in areas where President Joe Biden cruised to victory in 2020. Two seats in New York and one in California have been moved from leaning Democratic to now being deemed toss-ups, giving Republicans hope for extra pickup opportunities as they seek to gain control of the House for the next two years. Additionally, a toss-up race in Oregon has been updated to lean Republican, according to the latest ratings from t... read more
The 2022 Midterm Election - What Concerns American Voters
With the 2022 midterm election looming, I thought it was an appropriate time to look at the top issues that are concerning American voters. For this posting, I'll be looking at recent polling results from the Gallup website which was based on telephone interviews conducted between October 3 and October 23, 2022 using a random sample of 1009 adults (aged 18 years and older) from all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Of these, 897 were registered voters with 492 being Republican or Republican-leaning independents and 427 being Democrats or Democrat-leaning. The margin of... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Biden makes bogus claim about cause of inflation and where his son died
Mollie @MZHemingway Why does he keep saying this lie? Quote Tweet Greg Price @greg_price11 · Nov 1 Biden: "Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq... Excuse me the war in Ukraine. I'm thinking of Iraq because that's where my son died." Show this thread 7:02 PM · Nov 1, 2022·Twitter Web App 1,133 Retweets 126 Quote Tweets 5,016 Likes His son died in the US of brain cancer and the inflation was caused by the massive spending bills he signed in response to Covid along with the bogusly named Inflation Reduction Act. read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
The DEI mistake
National Review: The University of North Carolina School of Medicine is putting politics before patients by forcing applicants, students, and professors to constantly prove their commitment to the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a prerequisite to advancement, rather than basing such decisions on merit alone, according to a new report from the nonprofit Do No Harm obtained exclusively by National Review. The report from Do No Harm, a nonprofit founded to push back against the ascendant racial-equity agenda in medicine, comes just days after oral arguments in a case ... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
The Dems' suburban women problem
Wall Street Journal: The new survey shows that white women living in suburban areas, who make up 20% of the electorate, now favor Republicans for Congress by 15 percentage points, moving 27 percentage points away from Democrats since the Journal’s August poll. It also suggests that the topic of abortion rights has faded in importance after Democrats saw energy on that issue this summer in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. “We’re talking about a collapse, if you will, in that group on the perceptions of the economy,” said Republican pollster Tony Fa... read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Ethiopian Government And Tigray Rebels Agree To A Permanent Ceasefire To End The War
*Washington Post*: *Ethiopian government, Tigrayan forces agree to truce after two years of war* NAIROBI — The Ethiopian government and Tigrayan forces formally signed a truce Wednesday, the most significant breakthrough after two years of devastating war that threatened to tear apart Africa’s second-most-populous country. “Both parties in the Ethiopian conflict have formally agreed to the cessation of hostilities as well as to systematic, orderly, smooth and coordinated disarmament, restoration of law and order, restoration of services, unhindered access to humanitarian sup... read more
PrairiePundit6 hours ago
Who knew?--Inflation Reduction Act was a scam
Streiff: *DJIA Index Plummets 400 Points As the Fed, Unexpectedly, Discovers Biden's Inflation Reduction Act Isn't Working* The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped over 400 points today on the news that the Fed would raise interest rates by 0.75%, or 75 basis points, for the fourth time in as many months in an effort to throttle back the runaway freight train of inflation that the Biden White House has unleashed on the American middle and working classes. This is despite the momentous achievement that was Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. ... The Inflation Reduction Act was a ... read more
Must View! "The FED Just Crushed The Economy And Housing Market; Prepare To Lose Your Job; Markets In Shock"
Jeremiah Babe, 11/2/22: *"The FED Just Crushed The Economy And Housing Market; * *Prepare To Lose Your Job; Markets In Shock"* Comments here: - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
UN refugee chief calls for greater focus on climate and conflict factors
Responses to climate change must also consider its link to both conflict and the displacement it causes, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said in a briefing to the Security Council on Wednesday. Read the full story, “UN refugee chief calls for greater focus on climate and conflict factors”, on globalissues.org → read more
Intimidated, jailed, abused: Threats against journalists harm us all, warns UN chief
Governments and the international community must take action to protect the people who bring us the news, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, observed on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Intimidated, jailed, abused: Threats against journalists harm us all, warns UN chief”, on globalissues.org → read more
Europe hotting up more than twice global average: WMO
Temperatures in Europe have increased at more than twice the global average over the past 30 years – the highest of any continent in the world. As the warming trend continues, exceptional heat, wildfires, floods and other climate change impacts will affect society, economies and ecosystems, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Read the full story, “Europe hotting up more than twice global average: WMO”, on globalissues.org → read more
UN chief warmly welcomes Russia decision to end suspension from Ukraine grain deal
The UN Secretary-General on Wednesday issued a statement warmly welcoming Russia’s decision to resume its participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which has allowed nearly ten million metric tonnes of vital foodstuffs to be shipped from Ukraine. Read the full story, “UN chief warmly welcomes Russia decision to end suspension from Ukraine grain deal”, on globalissues.org → read more
"Stay Stupid, Play The Game, Play The Race Card"
Gerald Celente, Judge Andrew Napolitano 11/2/22" *"Stay Stupid, Play The Game, Play The Race Card"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Waking Times5 hours ago
The Eightfold Path of Good Character
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - A robust character hinges on eight core virtues: courage, curiosity, temperance, humility, liberty, honor, wisdom, and humor. read more
Medical Kidnap6 hours ago
Food Author who Celebrated Anti-Vaxxers “Dying in Legions” Suddenly DEAD from Cardiac Arrest
Julie Powell, a blogger turned influential food author who once celebrated anti-vax and anti-mask people “dying in legions,” died suddenly from cardiac arrest. On Tuesday, Powell’s husband told The New York Times she died from cardiac arrest, with no other information provided. Upon news of her death, social media users quickly highlighted an October tweet from Powell in which she appeared to celebrate Covid-19 killing “some of the right people.” “I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions,” Powell tweeted in respons... read more
Politicians Make Black People The Face Of Crime
When politicians and corporate media speak of crime they are invariably talking about Black people as a group. The latest manufactured crime panic is following a very old and successful playbook. The dog whistle is very clearly heard by white people, who don’t need very much encouragement to indulge in their worst racist fantasies. Politicians feed the madness and then profit from it, making Black people the face of crime and then winning office as result. In New York state, the incumbent democratic governor Kathy Hochul is having a closer than expected race against republican con... read more
War As Presentation
We are urged at every turn to dismiss everything Vladimir Putin says as upside down to the truth. Those of us who keep our heads, while all about us others are losing theirs and blaming it on us, risk dismissal when we take the Russian president seriously. Never mind. It is time simply to dismiss those who dismiss. In his long interviews with Oliver Stone five years ago, Putin observed that it is impossible to work with the Americans because everything is held hostage by their election cycles. So true. Too bad so many among us are not capable of listening to the Russian leader on ... read more
Epic Drought Hits US, Solutions Ignored
Environmentalists have been saying for decades that the climate crisis would impact us all, and the mainstream media has essentially ignored it. And if you’re thinking, “Mainstream media covers climate change all the time!” No, they actually don’t. They cover the impacts of climate change like droughts, fires, and hurricanes. But they don’t connect it to climate change. In fact, most of the time they won’t even say the words “climate change.” For example, take Hurricane Ida just last year, which destroyed parts of Louisiana. As reported in The Guardian, in their coverage, “Six of... read more
The Long History Of Anti-Jewish Prejudice And Violence By Ukrainians
The July 21, 2022, issue of London Review of Books published an essay by Abigail Green reviewing the book by Jeffrey Veidlinger, In the Midst of Civilised Europe: The Pogroms of 1918-21 and the Onset of the Holocaust. The book analyzes the early history of independent Ukraine, specifically the years of the ‘People’s Republic of Ukraine’ from late 1917 to 1920. The ‘People’s Republic’ was a short-lived, pro-capitalist government which allied with Germany and the rest of capitalist Europe in opposing the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and seeking to drown it in blood. Titled ‘It all f... read more