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Komando.com19 hours ago
Run a small business? Follow this end-of-the-year checklist before 2022 endsThe new year is just around the corner. Set yourself up for success with this small business checklist for 2023. read more
Covert Geopolitics19 hours ago
US Voters Don’t Need Russian Trolls to Tell Them How Bad Things AreMoscow’s ‘agents’ are being accused of sowing division over social media in the run-up to US midterms As US voters head to the polls for the much-anticipated Midterms, talk of Russian trolls monkeying with US democracy is back in the news. But does the country really need Russia’s help in “stoking anger” among the electorate? If the … Continue reading US Voters Don’t Need Russian Trolls to Tell Them How Bad Things Are → read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Colombia says goodbye to military service and hello to social service for peaceYoung Colombians can choose voluntarily between military service and social service for peace, included in the Total Peace Law, called historic by the left. Speaking to Sputnik, sociologist Luis Celis explains the changes in Colombian society “about things that were previously considered immovable”. The Colombian Senate and Chamber of Deputies approved the conciliation of Law […] read more
China’s Cumulative CO2 Is Triple The UK’sBy Paul Homewood On the topic of climate blackmail reparations, the charge from developing nations is that the UK and others in the West began putting out emissions long ago in the 19thC. They argue that it is the cumulative effect of this which matters, not our current emissions. However, as the above […] read more
OrientalReview.org20 hours ago
Who Is Winning, Who Is Losing, The Ukraine War?Speculation is rife that U.S/NATO are winning the military war in Ukraine (by arming and commanding Ukraine’s armed forces — it’s a proxy-war on the U.S. side), and also is rife that Russia is winning the military war in Ukraine (using its own forces), but “the fog of war” and […] read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Update your PC! New Windows update fixes 6 zero-day flaws hackers are usingThe latest update from Microsoft fixes 68 flaws. Here's how to get it. read more
GREENIE WATCH18 hours ago
Untitled* UK: The eco-zealots' demands verge on the lunatic. The fact hardly anyone dares say so is the triumph of unreason* Until recently, political discourse in this country was usually conducted on a rational basis. There were sometimes bitter differences but even extremists made some sort of sense. Just Stop Oil protesters, who yesterday again brought the M25 to a halt and caused injury to a policeman, are of an entirely different stamp. Their objectives verge on the lunatic, and their tactics are deeply anti-social. Even if the Government wanted to cave into their demands — an insta... read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!18 hours ago
The Defender: 14-Year-Old Leads ‘Miserable Life’ After Being Injured by Vaccines as an Infant
From The Defender: Exclusive: 14-Year-Old Leads ‘Miserable Life’ After Being Injured by Vaccines as an Infant This will not be an easy article to read, so many of us know the heartache all too well. We trusted. We did not... Related Stories - How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? - The Novel Trigger No One is Talking About Yet - Study in Japan Finds More Risk of Myocarditis Than Previously Reported read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!18 hours ago
Autism Is Driving the Collapse of Schools in UK
By Anne Dachel The stories about schools in the U.K. on Loss of Brain Trust are all about an education system that’s collapsing. Just looking at headlines it’s clear parents have to protest because of the lack of services for... Related Stories - Aging and Autism A Treacherous Path: CA State Agency Failing People with All Disabilities - Blame Blame Bo Bame: Tucker Carlson on Trump's Jab - Sticky Research Wicket read more
Vox - All18 hours ago
A mountain, a tower, a thermos of molten salt. These are the batteries that could power our renewable future.
[image: Transmission lines on a blue background are seen connecting to a jar with solar panels and wind turbines inside of it.] Amanda Northrop/Vox Climate change is pushing the power grid to the limit. Energy storage could help. Blackouts are a devastating reality of our climate-changed world. An unprecedented winter storm in 2021 knocked out power for millions of Texans for days, killing hundreds, and this summer Californians managed to barely save their state’s power grid from the brink of collapse during a record-breaking heat wave. Some blackouts are caused by storms destroy... read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
Notice of intent to submit claims to arbitration pursuant to article 10.16 of the CAFTA-DR10-Nov-2022 In accordance with the Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement, Honduras Próspera Inc. and its affiliates submit to the Republic of Honduras this written notice of their intention to submit claims to arbitration. read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
China and El Salvador begin negotiations for a free trade agreement10-Nov-2022 The Chinese and Salvadoran authorities announced that they have begun negotiations to achieve a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries "as soon as possible". read more
bilaterals.org18 hours ago
L'Asie du Sud-Est refuse de « choisir » entre Washington et Pékin10-Nov-2022 Les dirigeants de l'Asean se retrouvent à Phnom Penh, au Cambodge, avant d'accueillir Joe Biden ce week-end. Ils demandent aux Etats-Unis un véritable partenariat économique leur permettant de réduire leur dépendance à la croissance chinoise. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Dollar rises to 5.18 reais after US electionsThe definition in the mid-term elections in the United States and the disclosure of disappointing profits from financial institutions in Brazil pressured the financial market. The stock market had a sharp drop and returned to 113 thousand points. The dollar oscillated a lot but closed higher. The commercial dollar closed this Wednesday (9) and sold […] read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
47 years ago last night...... this happened. May the souls of her crew rest in peace. Peter read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
testtest . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login Here read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Atlantic Forest produces 50% of the food consumed in BrazilFarming in the Atlantic Forest region produces more than half the food consumed in Brazil. and emits only 26% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the Brazilian agricultural sector. The data are from a study released on Wednesday (Nov. 9) by the NGO SOS Mata Atlântica. According to the research, the Atlantic Forest accounts […] read more
Real Climate Science21 hours ago
UN – CO2 Deadlier Than CancerClimate change much deadlier than cancer in some places, UNDP data shows | | 1UN News Cancer death rates are 200X higher than death rates from all types of natural disasters include all geophysical, meteorological and climate events including earthquakes, … Continue reading → read more
The Duran21 hours ago
UK’s Ukraine bet creates 50 billion pound fiscal hole
UK’s Ukraine bet creates 50 billion pound fiscal hole The Duran: Episode 1432 read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Why Spike Protein Causes Abnormal Blood Clots, 200 Symptoms
From this it appears that these strips are caused by spike proteins, COVID or otherwise. None of this is reassuring and does lead back to damaged blood vessals. The one quetion i would like to see addressed is if these are a post mortum event. Are we pulling these out of living veins as well? Or does the blood simply coagulate strongly after death? At least we are back to a blood modification and it is certainly nasty and new./ *EXCLUSIVE: Why Spike Protein Causes Abnormal Blood Clots, 200 Symptoms* *In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related ab... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Experimental breast cancer vaccine passes first human trials
Not a vaccine, but a therapeutic system that hunts down the culprits. So something may well come of it. No question we need something like this that can simply suppress the cancer. All good. *Experimental breast cancer vaccine passes first human trialsBy Rich HaridyNovember 06, 2022 therapeutic vaccine being trialed is designed to help the immune system better target breast cancer by homing in on a certain protein over-expressed by tumorsA t... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
"Telescoping can" wave energy device beats test predictions by 20%
I am no believer in this as the power production is low against the obvious capital cost. Then that is and was true for windmills. Bigger fixed a lot of all that. Now perhaps this can be placed around those offshore windmills to take advantage of the installed infrastructure. This would be good for both parties. So we shall see. The hardware survived and that is good news. *"Telescoping can" wave energy device beats test predictions by 20%* *By Loz Blain* *November 06, 2022* *The Archimedes Waveswing prototype has been in... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
The Clinical Impact of Vitamin C: My Personal Experiences as a Physician
The take home is that you need a lot of ascorbic acid to overcome any pathology. I personally consume a heaping teaspoon every day and tyat would not be enough if i was sick and vitimin C depleted. In thyat case, three times a day is indicated from thye work at hand. Intravenous is nice but teaspoons work in a pinch or for daily consumption. It may take several smaller doses to adapt to all this. The biology is that every cell maintains a supply of vitimin C in order to demolish any viral issues. Been depleted anywhere allows a viral invasion and sicckness. I am a cardiac pat... read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
THE ELECTRICITY IS OUT IN ODESSA BUT THE LIGHTS ARE UNDIMMEDBy John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The news from Odessa, the third city of the Ukraine and its leading port, is there is almost no news. This has strategic significance. It means there is no Russian plan for a battle for Odessa, no artillery, missile, air, or naval attack on the city. The Odessans know this, and […] read more
Michael West22 hours ago
Seven boss Kerry Stokes defends bankrolling Roberts-Smith in spray against ‘scumbag’ journalists[image: Afghan war crimes] Why is billionaire Kerry Stokes funding the media defamation action of Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith against Nine Newspapers? read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
ProfilingYou may have read at Guido Fawkes or in the *Daily Mail* that the BBC had to temporarily withdraw their latest Radio 4 *Profile* of Conservative cabinet minister Kemi Badenoch. The programme has now been edited and made available again, but the BBC is being tight-lipped about what they've changed, according to the *Mail*: The BBC would not reveal what had been changed in the episode, but it is understood that a claim in the original broadcast, that Mrs Badenoch, 42, had stuck 'male' and 'female' signs on the doors of gender-neutral toilets at her leadership launch venue, was correc... read more
CFACT21 hours ago
CFACT’s Murphy confronts UN over its central planning strategies at COP 27If UN government planners have their way, automobiles (esp. gasoline-powered) and single-family homes become financially prohibitive, and greater numbers of people will be packed into city dwellings The post CFACT’s Murphy confronts UN over its central planning strategies at COP 27 appeared first on CFACT. read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
Is it Already Thursday?Today marks 247 years since the founding of the Marine Corps in Philadelphia’s Tun Tavern in 1775. Happy birthday, Devil Dogs! The day is best celebrated in a tavern. The Navy always sends its men in first to secure the beaches for the Marines. You’re welcome. Good News Old Pedo Joe Biden announced […] The post Is it Already Thursday? appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Global Issues News Headlines21 hours ago
'Tactical' Nuclear Weapons Could Unleash Untold Damage, Experts WarnBRATISLAVA, Nov 10 (IPS) - Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict’s potential to escalate to the use of nuclear weapons has been highlighted by political analysts and military experts alike. Read the full story, “'Tactical' Nuclear Weapons Could Unleash Untold Damage, Experts Warn”, on → read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Micronations: Eccentric And UnthreateningA trolley load of books, chapters and treatises have been written on the subject of sovereignty. Usually, the concept entails control and power, the latter a corollary of the former. In international law, sovereignty finds some form of expression in the Montevideo Convention of 1933 but can hardly be seen […] read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Europe Expects Millions Of More Ukrainian Refugees This Winter
*Irish Times: **Strain across Europe as new refugee crisis builds* *Berlin building tent city for new arrivals * For generations of walled-in West Berliners, Tegel Airport was the gateway to the world. Two years after the airport closed, Tegel’s temporary reactivation in March as a Ukrainian reception centre now looks permanent. With new white tents popping up here daily, new EU asylum figures on Wednesday showed the continent is experiencing its highest influx of people since 2015. “We still have the people from Ukraine but now more people are coming from elsewhere and tha... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Ukraine Invokes Martial Law To Seize Strategic Companies For The War Effort
Speaking at a news conference in Kyiv on November 7, 2022, from left to right: national security and defence council secretary Oleksiy Danilov, Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov and Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal [Sergei Supinsky/AFP] *Reuters:* *Ukraine seizes stakes in strategic companies under wartime laws* KYIV (Reuters) -Ukraine said on Monday it had invoked wartime laws to take control of stakes in a top engine-maker and four other strategic companies from some of the country's richest men. It was the first time the government had used martial law for such a move since R... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
AwkwardFormer NDP MLA pleads guilty to breaching Alberta’s Health Information Act: Between Sept. 19 and 23, Dang’s computer program made 1.78 million queries using Kenney’s personal information. Dang admitted to RCMP the queries were randomly generated guesses aimed at revealing the premier’s health care number. Court documents also refer to Dang’s attempts as a “brute… Continue reading → read more
Charles Frith1 day ago
Le MarionetteFoolish is the man who sees the puppet, yet no handler. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Why Was There A Burst Of US Nuclear Deterrence Emergency Action Messages Earlier This Week?
*Soul:Ask:** Silent red alert: US nuclear deterrence emergency action messages are constantly being added* On November 7, 2022, radio amateurs around the world began receiving an almost continuous stream of EAM – emergency action messages. They are formalized messages, in accordance with the Unified Integrated Operational Plan, transmitted by the command of the US Armed Forces to units and subunits of troops equipped with nuclear weapons, in case a decision is made on its combat use. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor:* It looks like they are testing the equipment. On a side note... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Labor workplace changes pass lower houseEmployees will soon be closer to accessing multi-employer bargaining to get higher wages, with workplace laws passing the lower house. However, large hurdles still remain for the industrial relations reform, with warnings small businesses will be impacted by the changes. The workplace laws passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, following a late-night debate on […] read more
War News Updates1 day ago
U.S. Congress To Provide The Pentagon A Blank Check And The Power For Wartime Purchasing
The undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, Bill LaPlante, speaks during a briefing at the Pentagon on May 6, 2022. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP) *Defense News*:* Congress poised to back multiyear weapons purchases, LaPlante says* WASHINGTON ― The Pentagon’s chief weapons buyer said he expects Congress to approve new authorities and spending to expand U.S. weapons production in a manner unseen since the Cold War. To help Ukraine fight Russia and to refill U.S. stockpiles, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Bill LaPlante has for several mo... read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Low safety risk from edible insect products, finds FSAThere is a low risk to the public from edible insects sold in the United Kingdom, according to a Food Standards Agency (FSA) assessment. The risk assessment looked at allergens, microbial, and heavy metal contamination from seven edible insect products currently on the UK market. These products are lesser mealworm, house cricket, yellow mealworm, banded... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Time for a new label on ‘organic’ eggs?— OPINION — Today the public comment period will close on a USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) rulemaking that, if all goes as planned, should increase the price of organic eggs. With food prices up 8.2 percent since September of last year, why would AMS do such a thing? And why would a group that... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
NPR Blatantly Takes Sides With ‘Subdued’ Democrat Over ‘Brash And Loud’ Kari LakeBy Tim Graham ~ NPR was roundly bashed on Twitter on Election Night for its florid spin against Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial nominee, Kari Lake. The Republicans are election deniers, the Democrats defend election integrity. That spin is tidy. “An election-denying Republican is on the ballot to become Arizona’s next governor. She’s challenged by a Democrat […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA reports another new outbreak of infections from listeria monocytogenes
A new outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections from a not yet identified food has been added to the list of outbreaks under investigation by the Food and Drug Administration. There are two confirmed patients, but the FDA has not revealed their ages or states of residence. This outbreak is separate from another outbreak of infections from Listeria... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
The Real Promise Of COP 27: African Energy Can Build Africa And Save EuropeBy Duggan Flanakin ~ Fresh from hosting a sold-out African Energy Week, African Energy Chamber President NJ Ayuk announced that “I am going to COP 27 because I believe if Africa is not at the table, it will be on the menu.” This first Council of the Parties to convene in Africa since 2011 may well […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Sioux Falls voters clear a path for the new pork processing facilityThere was one election this week that was like Milwaukee voting to ban breweries or Hersey, PA, putting the kibosh on chocolate makers. It was in Sioux Falls, SD, where an ordinance to prohibit permitting of new slaughterhouses was on Tuesday’s ballot. It failed with voters rejecting the measure by 52 percent to 48 percent... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Low levels of E. coli found in Norwegian produce testingTesting of fresh produce in Norway has found a low level of E. coli contamination. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) commissioned the Veterinary Institute to examine ready-to-eat lettuce and sugar snap peas in 2021. A total of 118 samples, of which 37 were sugar snap peas and 81 ready-to-eat leafy greens, were analyzed. Salmonella... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
What’s Next?!A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ Trump’s “Red Wave” of support did not happen. And so we turn our attention back to Bibi’s return to power. Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones . read more
Assyrian International News Agency23 hours ago
1000-Year-Old Assyrian Bible Portraying Jesus Found in Turkey1000-year-old Assyrian bible with the painting of Jesus. ( Wikimedia Commons)Historical and especially religious objects have been hunted by contrabandists even since the 10th century, but the Turkish authorities have been able to track down a group of professional criminals that have been stealing valuable historic and religious objects for years n read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 223 hours ago
"Inside The Battle for Taiwan and China's Looming War Threat"*Full screen recommended.* 60 Minutes Australia, 11/6/22: *"Inside The Battle for Taiwan and China's Looming War Threat"* "What’s playing out in Taiwan right now could shape the world for decades. As China threatens to bring the country back under its control by any means necessary, its people are pleading with the West to stand up to the communist superpower. NOW on #60Mins, the fear is that World War III could begin there." *Comments here:* - read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"Russia Foils A Terrorist Attack In Kherson As Putin Withdraws Troops"*Full screen recommended.* Redacted, 11/9/22: *"Russia Foils A Terrorist Attack In * *Kherson As Putin Withdraws Troops"* "At least nine people have been detained in the Kherson region on charges of attempted terrorist attacks. These men were part of the Ukrainian SBU, a known terrorist organization, according to the U.S. State Department. Is this normal warfare or something darker? We speak to independent journalist George Eliason about it." *Comments here:* - read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
November 10th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 660In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 10th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 660 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Thursday November 10th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday November 10th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Kari Lake Discusses Current Arizona Vote Counting With Tucker CarlsonHarmeet Dhillon and Kari Lake join Tucker Carlson to discuss the voting process in Maricopa County, Arizona, and the current state of the election counting. {Direct Rumble Link} Arizona is one of the growing number of states that shifted the entire election process to focus on ballot collection as a model to replace voting. Ms. […] The post Kari Lake Discusses Current Arizona Vote Counting With Tucker Carlson appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Surabaya’s transwomen fighting COVID-19Despite giving up on the legislative situation that discriminates against them, Surabaya transwomen fight against it by engaging actively in public activity. The post Surabaya’s transwomen fighting COVID-19 appeared first on New Mandala. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Russian Embassy In Indonesia Says Putin Will Not Attend G20 Summit In Person
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of Federal Medical-Biological Agency, in Moscow, Russia November 9, 2022. Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Pool via REUTERS *The Guardian*:* Vladimir Putin will not attend G20 summit in Bali, Indonesian official says* *Russia will be represented by foreign minister Sergei Lavrov at next week’s gathering of G20 leaders* Vladimir Putin will not attend a gathering of leaders from the G20 nations in Bali next week, according to an Indonesian government official. Russia’s president will be represented by fore... read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Man convicted of poisoning food at retail storesDavid Lohr was sentenced in Arizona on Oct. 27 to 10 years probation. The sentence is in addition to a federal prison sentence in 2021. Lohr was charged with tampering and adding poison or other harmful substances to food at multiple retail stores within the Phoenix metropolitan area in Oct. 2018. According to Arizona Attorney... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
November 10, 2022: Reader TipsTonight we’re going to slow things down and enjoy watching this Modern Märklin HO layout – Automatic train operation via CS3 model railway sequence control. Your slow-paced or more frenetic tips are appreciated. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Handouts would have fuelled inflation: RBACash handouts to ease cost of living pressures in the October budget would have made inflation worse, a senior Reserve Bank of Australia official has confirmed. RBA deputy governor Michele Bullock said spending the substantial revenue upgrades from high commodity prices on direct cost of living support would have made its job of taming inflation […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
E. coli outbreak under investigation in Seattle areaPublic health officials in Seattle are investigating an outbreak of three people infected with Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157:H7. Three people from three separate households reported becoming ill. Cases have been among people ranging in age from 18 to 36 years old. The investigation is ongoing, and no source has been identified. Two of the three ill... Continue Reading read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Air Strike Targets Iranian Fuel Convoy After It Entered Syria From Iraqi
TEHRAN - An air strike late on Tuesday hit two fuel tankers in the Syrian territory shortly after they entered from Iraq, the Iranian TV reported. *Reuters*:* Unidentified drone strike targets Iranian fuel convoy in Syria -Iraqi sources* BAGHDAD/BEIRUT (Reuters) -At least two fuel trucks were destroyed in an air strike by an unidentified drone on the Syrian side of the border with Iraq late on Tuesday, Iraqi security and border officials told Reuters. The strike was carried out by a drone and targeted a tanker truck convoy carrying Iranian fuel that had entered Qaim border cro... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
President Biden Says No Change In Policy Or Direction After Midterms. He Will Run For Re-Election In 2024*Daily Mail*:* Biden says he won't change ANYTHING after successful night for Dems, DOES intend to run in 2024 and it will be 'fun' watching Don v Ron: Taunts press, pundits and polls for red wave that 'didn't happen' in victory lap press conference* * President Joe Biden insisted that he wouldn't change anything after Democrats had a better night than expected in Tuesday's midterm races * 'Nothing, because they're just finding out what we're doing,' Biden said * He was asked what he would change to convince Americans the country is headed in the right direction * Presiden... read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
Separation Is The Largest Religion In The World
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The largest religion on earth is not Christianity or Islam: it’s the widespread, faith-based belief system which holds that humans are separate from each other and from the world. Humanity is becoming less religious as awareness expands […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Resurgent Myer posts record salesA resurgent Myer has declared its best start to the financial year on record as online sales soar at the department store chain. Chief executive John King told the company’s annual general meeting on Thursday sales had continued their momentum of growth since COVID-19 lockdowns ended. Sales for the first quarter of 2023 are up 18.9 […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Corruption watchdog gets broad backingAustralia appears on track to have a national integrity watchdog legislated before the end of the year after a unanimous inquiry report was tabled in parliament on Thursday. The committee, chaired by Labor senator Linda White and deputy chaired by independent MP Helen Haines, made six recommendations for amendments, including a change to what is defined […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
BHP adapts to ‘megatrends’, sorry for harmBHP has warned shareholders of short-term uncertainty as it moves to take advantage of global “megatrends” that need copper, nickel and steel. In the past year, BHP has offloaded its petroleum business to Woodside Energy, moved into potash as a century-long investment, and switched its coal focus to high-quality exports for steelmaking. The changes align […] read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Here Are All The Funds That Are About To Lose $BILLIONS In FTX
Now that the world's largest crypto exchange, Binance, has walked away from a bailout of world's second-largest crypto exchange, FTX, but biggest ever crypto fraud - far bigger than MtGOX ever was, here is a list of all the "luminary" investors whose money in FTX is now gone... all gone. The post Here Are All The Funds That Are About To Lose $BILLIONS In FTX first appeared on Medical Kidnap. read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 311 – 2022Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North read more
Diogenes' Middle Finger23 hours ago
Well, Someone Had to Do It!
When an opportunity presents itself, gotta take the shot. I'll be nice some other time. I promise. read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 day ago
The Democratic Party is trying to erase God and Religion
Communism seeks to eliminate religion then civil liberty. It's a stepping stone to slavery. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Hurricane Nicole Expected to Impact Southeast, Southcentral Coast and Central Florida OvernightHurricane conditions are expected from Boca Raton to Flagler/Volusia County line along the coast in Florida tonight. However, do not focus only on the center of the storm. Hurricane winds extend 25 miles from center, tropical storm winds 400+ miles from center, and massive rain are anticipated over central Florida with significant flooding north of […] The post Hurricane Nicole Expected to Impact Southeast, Southcentral Coast and Central Florida Overnight appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
The world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer is going brokeTwo weeks ago, Penny Wong told the Senate "renewables are cheaper"... read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
All The Fake News That Is Unfit To PrintAnother look at baseless heatwave propaganda from the New York Times and NOAA. read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
There’s a teal coloured stain on our nationThe big lie of the 2022 election has been exposed. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pennsylvania Reelects Dead DemocratSome folks commenting that the voters here were oblivious. Some certainly were. But for others, they likely preferred the idea of a special election over electing the third-party candidate on the ballot — Charlie Wolfson (@chwolfson) November 9, 2022 Pennsylvania Reelects Dead Democrat by Tyler Durden, A Pennsylvania state representative who died in October … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
20 Facts That Food Shortages Will Get A Lot Worse As Fears Of A Dark Winter RisingSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Democrats STEAL Another Election, Even as Majority of Americans REJECT Their Failed Policies read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Steve Bannon Calls for the End of the Federal Reserve When Republicans Take the House read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
FRAUD SWEEPS AMERICA: Voting Machine Errors, Halted Counts, And Other Problems During MidtermsSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
GOP MUST Stand By Their Vow To STOP Sending Billions To Ukraine, Provoking Nuclear WARSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Cardiac Issues Surge: Medical Board Tries To DESTROY Cardiologist For Exposing Cox-vid 1×9 Vwax InjuriesSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Self Asembly Structures in the Cx1x9 Shots (Dr. Nixon; Dr. Yanowitz; Matt Taylor)Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Situation Update, Nov 9, 2022: Democrats DETHRONED… Three Post-Election PAYBACK Strategies They Will Inflict Upon AmericaSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Following the Money of the Bloodline Families | Ted Broer & Doug Hagmann | 11/4/2022Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
11 Signs That Economic Activity Is Plunging Off A Cliff
11 Signs That Economic Activity Is Plunging Off A Cliff by Have you noticed it too? There has been a dramatic shift in the economy in recent days. It has been sudden and it has been severe. All over the country, sales are falling like a rock, inventories are piling up to alarming levels, … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
FedEx Parks Planes, Maersk Cancels Sails: World Trade Appears To Be Rapidly DeterioratingFedEx Parks Planes, Maersk Cancels Sails: World Trade Appears To Be Rapidly Deteriorating by Tyler Durden, Economic storm clouds are gathering worldwide as some of the largest shipping companies warn about sliding global trade. US shipper FedEx and Danish shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S have been vocal about emerging signs of a global slowdown. … read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Joe Biden Holds Midterm Election Result Press Conference – Vows to Push Harder on Economic Agenda, Continue Targeting President Trump and Investigate Elon MuskJoe Biden held a press conference today to celebrate the electioneering and ballot collection efforts of the Democrat party. The video and transcript of the press conference is below. When questioned about any changes to his White House policy agenda, or what he plans to do differently, Biden said, “Nothing, because they’re just finding out […] The post Joe Biden Holds Midterm Election Result Press Conference – Vows to Push Harder on Economic Agenda, Continue Targeting President Trump and Investigate Elon Musk appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance101 day ago
that once again the Christ might become an expanding matrix
The damage that is done by these would-be leaders who go forth in my Son's name but carry not his Spirit is incalculable. Yet I would speak to those who have suffered the pangs of disillusionment, and I would say to you, one and all: remember, in order to have disillusionment you must first have illusion. Look only to the real which God has implanted in every man, and then you will not be disappointed in the unreal which man himself has unwittingly created or accepted in his world. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 57:18 ………………………… El Morya gave to me a concluding statement so that I can tell y... read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
NGO Forum: Risks and opportunities for climate change, food security in Africa in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area09-Nov-2022 At the NGO Forum ahead of the 73rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), stakeholders discuss the potential impacts of the implementation of the AfCFTA, on the climate, food security, and the human rights. read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
ILO, others seek protection of labour rights under AfCFTA09-Nov-2022 The International Labour Organisation (ILO), Organisation of Trade Unions in West Africa (OTUWA) and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) calls for protection of labour in the the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA). read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
African countries desire Nigeria to be dumping ground for their goods – Perm. Sec09-Nov-2022 The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Evelyn Ngige, has stated that all African countries signatory to the Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) desire to make Nigeria a dumping ground for their goods. read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
Con Singapur a la cabeza, Mercosur avanza en diálogo con Asia09-Nov-2022 Con el Sudeste Asiático en la mira, el Mercosur intentará cerrar un acuerdo de libre comercio con Singapur durante el desarrollo de la cumbre regional el 5 y 6 de diciembre próximos, donde la Argentina asumirá la presidencia del bloque y apuntará a esta región del mundo. read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
México no viola el T-MEC, CFE sólo cuida el sistema eléctrico: Bartlett09-Nov-2022 México no está violando el Tratado México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC) y no tiene porque pagar sanciones por las consultas solicitadas por Washington en materia energética, ya que sólo vigila el sistema eléctrico, aseguró Manuel Bartlett Díaz, director general de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). read more
bilaterals.org1 day ago
Contra el mal llamado “libre comercio”, ¡no más cruces sobre el agua!09-Nov-2022 Ecuador Decide invita a participar de las jornadas de lucha y reflexión contra el mal llamado “libre comercio”, a cien años de la peor masacre obrera en el Ecuador, a cien años del gran levantamiento de trabajadores y trabajadoras. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Asian shares fall as crypto worries mountAsian share markets were tense and the dollar held on to its overnight gains before the big test of a United States consumer inflation report, while market sentiment took a dive as the likely collapse of a major crypto exchange spooked investors. With no final results available from the US mid-term elections, investors were turning […] read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Here Are All The Funds That Are About To Lose $BILLIONS In FTX
Now that the world's largest crypto exchange, Binance, has walked away from a bailout of world's second-largest crypto exchange, FTX, but biggest ever crypto fraud - far bigger than MtGOX ever was, here is a list of all the "luminary" investors whose money in FTX is now gone... all gone. The post Here Are All The Funds That Are About To Lose $BILLIONS In FTX first appeared on Health Impact News. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Iran envoy summoned by Australian officialIran’s envoy in Australia has been summoned on numerous occasions by top officials over the treatment of women as well as reports of intimidation. The federal government is considering targeted sanctions under Magnitsky legislation. Widespread protests erupted in Iran and around the world after the death of Iranian woman Mahsa Amini at the hands of […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
ACCC eyes mandatory code for gas companiesThe consumer watchdog has confirmed it’s involved in work to determine the best big-stick solution to surging energy prices. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is focused on the code of conduct option, which could see the voluntary code made mandatory and the inclusion of a “reasonable pricing” principle. “We are in the process of […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Labor ups ante on energy with battery planA hundred neighbourhood batteries will be installed across the state under a new Labor promise as the party spruiks its election plans on energy. In Melbourne’s outer east on Thursday, Premier Daniel Andrews announced his government would spend $42 million to set up the batteries if re-elected on November 26. “We think about 25,000 households […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Serbia Wants NOTHING To Do With the WEF’s Plan And NATO is Pis*ed | Redacted NewsSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Oh SH*T, This Is REALLY Happening, They Think You Won’t Notice | Redacted with Clayton MorrisKomando.com1 day ago
Warning: Scammers are pretending to be your cable and internet companyWatch out for scam calls from your "internet provider" offering a discount. read more