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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, November 14, 2022

14 November - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 4

 11pm MST

Bacon's Rebellion13 hours ago
Lame Responses to Youngkin’s History SOL Standards
by James A. Bacon The Younkin administration has laid out the thinking behind its revisions to the History and Social Studies Standards of Learning tests. The broad thrust is to educate students on how Virginia and the United States came … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
US President Biden And Chinese President Xi Meet For Three Hours At The G-20
*Daily Mail: **Biden insists there's no 'imminent threat' Beijing will invade Taiwan - after Xi told him island is 'first red line that cannot be crossed' in face-to-face meeting: President says there won't be a 'new Cold War' and stands by 'One China Policy'* * President Joe Biden met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Monday evening in Bali, Indonesia * They spent three and a half hours discussing North Korea, Taiwan, climate change and food security * Afterwards Biden said he believed Beijing was not planning the imminent invasion of Taiwan * 'I've met many times wi... read more
Organization awarded fees after challenging ordinance 
Where an antiabortion organization challenged a Charlotte picketing ordinance, and the city then agreed to a consent order that allowed the organization to distribute literature outside an abortion clinic, the organization was entitled to recover its attorney’s fees as a prevailing party. Background Police in Charlotte warned members of Cities4Life, an antiabortion organization, that they ... read more
022-2-231 – Cities4Life v. City of Charlotte
Cities4Life v. City of Charlotte, Case No. 21-1322, Nov. 1, 2022. 4th Cir. (Diaz), from WDNC at Charlotte (Bell). Daniel E. Peterson for Appellant. Stephen M. Crampton for Appellees. VLW 022-2-231. 10 pp. Full-Text Opinion read more
Section 230 won’t shield data broker from FCRA claims 
Where a website that provides third parties with information about individuals was sued for violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or FCRA, the Communications Decency Act did not immunize it from liability. Two of the counts did not seek to impose liability on the website as a speaker or publisher of any information, while the ... read more
022-2-233 – Henderson v. The Source for Public Data LP
Henderson v. The Source for Public Data LP, Case No. 21-1678, Nov. 3, 2022. 4th Cir. (Richardson), from EDVA at Richmond (Hudson). Jennifer D. Bennett for Appellants. Kyle David Highful for Amici States. Theodore (Jack) Metzler for Amicus Federal Trade Commission. Misha Tseytlin for Appellees. VLW 022-2-233. 28 pp. Full-Text Opinion read more
Fraudsters fail to reverse trial verdict 
Where the record showed that several individuals made half a dozen material misrepresentations in connection with a telemarketing scam, and that consumers were misled as a result, the verdicts for violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule were affirmed. Background Andris Pukke and other appellants sought to develop thousands of ... read more
022-2-232 – Federal Trade Commission v. Pukke
Federal Trade Commission v. Pukke, Case Nos. 20-2215, 21-1454, 21-1520, 21-1521, 21-1591, 21-1592, Nov. 1, 2022. 4th Cir. (Wilkinson), from DMD at Baltimore (Messitte). Neil Harris Koslowe for Appellants. Theodore (Jack) Metzler and Gary Owen Caris for Appellees. VLW 022-2-232. 45 pp. Full-Text Opinion read more
Court improperly conflated standing, merits analysis 
Where the district court held an employee lacked standing because she alleged no injury, that was wrong. The employee alleged she was injured by a loss of employment and the resulting loss of wages and other benefits from an allegedly discriminatory physical-fitness test. Such harms are “classic and paradigmatic” injuries for standing purposes. Background Dr. ... read more
022-2-236 – DiCocco v. Garland
DiCocco v. Garland, Case No. 20-1342, Nov. 3, 2022. 4th Cir. (Richardson), from EDVA at Richmond (Gibney). Jay J. Levit for Appellant. Jonathan Tyler Lucier for Appellee. VLW 022-2-236. 8 pp. Full-Text Opinion read more
Ex-student can’t show discipline was discriminatory 
Where a student dismissed from the East Carolina University School of Social Work’s Master’s Degree program sued the university alleging that its decision discriminated against her in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, the university was granted summary judgment. The record showed a lack of professionalism that disqualified her from participation in ... read more
022-2-237 – Neal v. East Carolina University
Neal v. East Carolina University, Case No. 20-2153, Nov. 4, 2022. 4th Cir. (Agee), from EDNC at Raleigh (Britt). Glenn A. Barfield for Appellant. Vanessa N. Totten for Appellee. VLW 022-2-237. 40 pp. Full-Text Opinion read more
"Free Download: Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"
“It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual… There is also purpose in life which is almost barren of both creation and enjoyment and whi... read more
"We Are Entering A New Dark Ages"
*"We Are Entering A New Dark Ages"* by Chris Black "It began at the beginning of this century. Add fifty years to today and everything that happened in the 20th century will be forgotten. People living in the Dark Ages didn’t even know there was a Roman civilization far more advanced than the kingdom they inhabited under their oppressive lords. The Renaissance was just a reversion to a level already reached a thousand years before by the Romans. Children today are being taught falsehoods about things that happened twenty years ago. Pretty soon they’ll be taught that the World Wars ... read more
Need To Know12 hours ago
Kanye ‘Ye’ West Says Celebrities Are Controlled and His Mother Was “Sacrificed”
Kanye 'Ye' West said that celebrities like Shaq, Charles Barkley, LeBron James and JayZ and Beyonce can be controlled, but that he can't be controlled and he will name names. He said that his mother was "sacrificed". read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Traité sur la charte de l'énergie : le moderniser ou en sortir ?
14-Nov-2022 La modernisation du Traité sur la Charte de l'énergie, qui permet à des investisseurs de poursuivre devant des tribunaux d'arbitrage privés des États qui sortent des énergies fossiles, est insuffisante pour le rendre cohérent avec les objectifs climatiques. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Activists rejoice as Berlin announces exit from controversial energy treaty
14-Nov-2022 The German government has announced its intention to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, following similar decisions in other large EU countries, which left activists jubilant. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
UNCTAD publishes report on international climate change investment trends and policy developments
14-Nov-2022 The report suggests that progress on IIA reform is critical to enable countries to address the challenges of climate change. read more
Indigenous Activists Call For Vote On Protect Native Heritage Act
Speaker Ronald Mariano must call for an immediate floor vote towards the passage of An Act to Protect Native American Heritage. The November 10 Harvard statement is indicative of a broader issue of how our sacred objects and our human remains continue to be held captive for racist, eugenicist, and colonialist means,” said Jean-Luc Pierite, member of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana, and president of North American Indian Center of Boston, “We must act to refine the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) enforcement on the state level to include all pub... read more
IMF Warns Of ‘Wave Of Debt Crises’ Coming In Global South
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said a “wave of debt crises” may be coming in the Global South, and “the global economy is headed for stormy waters,” as the world faces a “geopolitical realignment” that will be “permanent.” The US-dominated financial institution warned “the worst is yet to come,” as the depreciation of most currencies against the dollar and rising interest rates make it hard for both governments and companies to service their dollar-denominated debt. The director of the IMF’s research department, Pierre‑Olivier Gourinchas, made these comments in a press... read more
The Good Priest
During the two years the cartoonist Joe Sacco and I spent on our book Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, written out of the poorest pockets of America, we invariably encountered heroic men and women who — against overwhelming odds — rose up to fight lonely and often losing battles on behalf of the oppressed. Bill Means, Charlie Abourezk and Leonard Crow Dog in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Larry Gibson and Judy Bonds in the coal fields of West Virginia. Lucas Benitez, Laura Germano and Greg Abbot in the produce fields of Florida. The men and women in Zuccotti Park during the Occupy ... read more
Haitian Journalists To Mobilize Against Attacks
On Sunday, November 13, dozens of journalists and communicators will mobilize in the center of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. The press professionals will march to the Delmas 33 police station where the journalist Romelson Vilsaint of Radio Télé Zenith was executed on October 30 by the Haitian National Police when he denounced the arbitrary detention of journalist Dimanche Robeste and four others. In recent months, in the midst of strong protests and mobilizations of the Haitian people against the economic crisis, the de facto government of Ariel Henry, and the threat of for... read more
UN Committee Votes To Request ICJ Opinion On Israeli Occupation
The United Nations' decolonisation committee adopted a draft Palestinian resolution on Friday requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands since 1967. The measure was welcomed by Palestinians and rejected by Israel. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said in a statement that 98 countries supported the resolution, 52 abstained and 17 voted against. The opinions of the ICJ, which settles disputes between countries, are not binding. Al-Maliki welcomed the vote and described the resolution as a "dip... read more
Maximus Call Center Workers Contracted To Support ACA Open Enrollment Strike In Four States
Call center workers employed by Maximus went on strike at four locations—in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Virginia—on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Maximus is a federal contractor, and during the open enrollment period, workers there handle a nonstop stream of high-stakes calls from people trying to navigate the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid systems, but they have been pushed to their limit. As stated in a Twitter thread posted by Call Center Workers United, “We’ve been saying for years: during ACA open enrollment, we’re dealing with constant back-to-back calls. Some frust... read more
Bolivia: Santa Cruz Peasants Describe Attack On Facilities As Terrorism
Santa Cruz, Bolivia - This Sunday, November 13, the leadership of the Single Trade Union Federation of Peasant Workers of Santa Cruz described the burning down of its headquarters in the capital of Santa Cruz, which occurred on Friday, as an act of terrorism. It was denounced at a national and international level, in order for those responsible to be punished. “It was a criminal attack that they launched on our federation, we denounced this act of terrorism at the national and international level,” said Franklin Vargas, the organization’s top leader, in an interview with Bolivian ... read more
Agribusiness To Dominate ‘Not Inclusive’ COP27 Talks
Farming initiatives at COP27 will be dominated by agri-business players and will lack farmers’ voices, sustainable campaigners and small-holders organisations have warned ahead of the global summit’s day devoted to agriculture. For the first time, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in these days in Egypt will address food systems and agriculture. A dedicated Agriculture and Food Pavillion at the COP27 premises has been set by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the global partnership Con... read more
Courier Class War, With Antonio Solis
Well, originally it was Ligia Guallpa, the director of the Worker’s Justice Project, who helped us start organizing in the streets. We met her at a march, and she started to talk to us about the power we could have by organizing. And that’s what we’ve been figuring out little by little. We have big WhatsApp groups where we communicate with all of our comrades, we have the Los Deliveristas Unidos Facebook page, we have GPS groups, and radio groups. We have a lot of tools to organize ourselves and take care of each other out here in the streets. Early on, we began to organize oursel... read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Canadian Attorney Collapses During Hearing on Trudeau Invoking ‘Emergencies Act’ amid Vax Protest
Gabriel Poliquin, a Canadian government attorney, collapsed during a hearing. A Twitter post by Poliquin on July 30, 2021 shows the hashtag #vaxxedtothemax that promotes COVID vaccines to the public. Poliquin, if he is "vaxxedtothemax", is likely to have received two COVID shots plus boosters. read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Successful Ex-Music Director Exposes Secrets behind Rap Music and How to Stop the Violence
Robby Starbuck said that record executives push rap music stars to write songs about death, violence, drugs, sex and money, to encourage these themes in the black community, which are used as tools for control. Rap videos cost more money to make because it is dangerous compared to other types of music. read more
Temple Grad Students Vote To Strike, And Temple’s Bosses Are Afraid
The surge of strike energy has reached Philadelphia. Just a few weeks after Philly’s art museum workers struck and won, this past Friday Temple University’s graduate students voted overwhelmingly to strike — by a margin of 99 percent. TUGSA — Temple University Graduate Student Association — represents about 750 Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Research Assistants (RAs) across the campus. They’ve been negotiating for 10 months, and working without a contract since February. They’ve been stonewalled by Temple’s bosses. The post Temple Grad Students Vote To Strike, And Temple’s Bosses A... read more
Michael West13 hours ago
RBA insight into interest rate rises
The thinking behind the Reserve Bank’s 25 basis points interest rate hike in November will be revealed and whether a larger 50 basis point lift was also discussed in the wake of high inflation. The central bank is due to release the minutes from its November board meeting on Tuesday. The RBA opted for another […] read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Democrats to Continue Control over Senate after Nevada and Arizona Delayed Votes Counted
The Nevada and Arizona races were called in favor of Democrat incumbents days after Election Day due to counting mail-in ballots. Democrats will now hold a 50-49 majority in the Senate. Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Huge lawsuits loom over gas market intervention
14-Nov-2022 Massive compensation claims loom over the Australian government's gas market intervention, with lawyers warning price caps and windfall profit taxes could lead to legal action under trade agreements. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Climat : après la France, l'Allemagne se retire à son tour du Traité sur la charte de l'énergie
14-Nov-2022 Cette convention permet aux géants de l'énergie de se retourner contre les États signataires qui mèneraient des politiques climatiques défavorables à leurs investissements. Dans le même temps, l'Allemagne va ratifier l'accord CETA. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
German parties agree to ratify CETA, quit energy charter
14-Nov-2022 Germany's ruling coalition parties have agreed a raft of new trade policy measures, including quitting the Energy Charter Treaty and ratifying the CETA agreement. read more
Bill Bonner, "Nonsense and Fraud"
"*Nonsense and Fraud"* Americans go to the polls... while their politicos rob them blind. by Bill Bonner *Baltimore, Maryland - "*Last week was marred by elections. Polls showed that 44% of the voters said they were worried about ‘democracy.’ About as many worried about inflation. Democrats said they thought Republicans posed a threat to democracy. For their part, Republicans were sure inflation was the fault of the Democrats – specifically of Joe Biden. It was all nonsense…and fraud. Democrats and Republicans need each other – like a pair of professional wrestlers, they entertain t... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Different Delta 9 products for your weekend trip – sponsored
When packing for a weekend trip, include items that will keep you comfortable and entertained. A few changes of clothes and some basic toiletries are a must but remember to pack items that will make your trip more enjoyable. A good book or two, a portable charger for your phone, some snacks, and some Delta […] read more
CENSORED NEWS12 hours ago
Indigenous fight for Indigenous children: Shut down law office as Supreme Court hears case
Indigenous Organizers and Allies Fight for Indian Child Welfare Act: Shutting Gibson Dunn's Washington D.C. Law OfficeBy Ikiya CollectiveCensored NewsNov. 9, 2022WASHINGTON D.C -- This morning Indigenous organizers and allies shut down the lobby of the Gibson Dunn law firm in Washington D.C, protesting their involvement in trying to strike down the Indian Child Welfare Act for their big oil read more
"This is Just the Opening Act - Plus 250K Party Footage"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly 11/14/22: *"This is Just the Opening Act -* * Plus 250K Party Footage"* "The economy is broken and you haven’t seen anything yet. This is just the opening act. The global economy is worsening and people need to get real about this. Plus, we have more footage from the party on Saturday." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
White Wolf13 hours ago
Incredible moment black bear saves her tiny cub from oncoming traffic
This is the amazing moment a bear cub was rescued by its mother after finding itself stranded on the edge of a busy road. Captured on camera at Kootenay National Park, Canada, the incredible footage shows the tiny cub backing away from the traffic, clearly overwhelmed by its unfamiliar surroundings. But luckily for the little lost cub, mom wasn't far away and rescues the baby bear by scooping it up in its mouth and hauling it to safety. The unforgettable moment was filmed by tornado hunter, Ricky Forbes, who was noticed the black bear sitting dangerously close the highway. Kooten... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Argentina bets that new exchange rate will boost tourism from neighboring countries
In addition to improving the conditions for payment with credit and debit cards, the scheme boosts the central bank's reserves, by taking dollars out of the informal system. The Minister of Tourism and Sports of Argentina, Matías Lammens, assures that the economic activity that generated the most jobs during the first half of the year […] read more
21st Century Wire13 hours ago
Dr. Kevin Corbett on COVID and HIV: ‘We’re Falsifying the Hypothesis’
*Dr. Sam Bailey* | Understanding the arallels of the current 'pandemic' and the HIV/AIDS crisis which preceded it. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
Zelensky, “We are ready for peace.” CIA Burns meets Russia’s Naryshkin
Zelensky, “We are ready for peace.” CIA Burns meets Russia’s Naryshkin The Duran: Episode 1435 read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Can THC vape pen help you sleep better? – sponsored
Marijuana has been used for recreational purposes as well as medicinal purposes. It is also known as cannabis and is found in different parts of the world. The THC Vape is a device that helps you to inhale marijuana. This article will provide information about how much THC is in your vape pen, how to […] read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Bolivia is ceasing to be the country with the least inflation in LatAm
In a world hit by an inflationary revival, Bolivia has drawn the attention of many countries in the region and the world for its low Consumer Price Index (CPI). In fact, at the end of October, Bolivian inflation stood at 2.89% year-on-year, a value that is among the lowest in the world. To take a […] read more
The New Dark Age14 hours ago
UN expert: ‘Outrageous’ Western sanctions are ‘suffocating’ Syria, may be crimes against humanity
The UN special rapporteur said "outrageous" Western sanctions on Syria are "suffocating" millions of civilians and "may amount to crimes against humanity." The Syrian economy has shrunk by 90%. read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Bioceanic Corridor takes shape in Paraguay and seeks to compete with the Panama Canal
The Bi-oceanic corridor that will link the center-west of Brazil with the Pacific ports in the north of Chile is taking shape, especially in Paraguay, a country where, with an estimated investment of US$450million, it is intended to build a 531-kilometer route. Read also: Check out our coverage on Paraguay The project -recognize sources from […] read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Uruguay will expand support for its border trade: “Competing with Argentina is impossible”
"Competing with Argentina is impossible! It's impossible!" Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou said this Friday, putting himself in the shoes of merchants on the eastern border due to the loss of sales due to the foreign exchange disadvantage. In a press conference when participating in an act for the end of the sugar cane harvest […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: IBC-Br is almost stable in September, but points to growth in the 3rd quarter
The Brazilian economy was practically stable in September, with a much weaker result than expected, but still ended the third quarter with expansion, according to data from the Central Bank. The Central Bank's Economic Activity Index (IBC-Br) registered a positive change of 0.05% in September compared to the previous month, according to the seasonally adjusted […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Without Bolsonaro and Mourão, Carlos França represents Brazil at G20
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Alberto Franco França, will represent Brazil at the 17th G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. The event will be held from November 15 to 16. President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party - PL, right) and Vice President Hamilton Mourão (Republicans) have decided not to go to the meeting of the group […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Assets of the Panamanian banking center increased by US$5.6 billion
Panama's International Banking Center (CBI) recorded assets of US$136.7 billion at the end of September 2022, representing an increase of US$5.6 billion compared to the same period of 2021, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%. It was the result of a 14.2% increase in the net loan portfolio and a 6.8% increase in the investment component, […] read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
The Scientific Case for Climate Liability and Loss and Damage Claims
Smokestacks. (Thawt Hawthje, https://bit.ly/3EgtJPw; CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/) Who is responsible for the damage caused by global warming? This question and its implications for redress are at the center of international climate negotiations at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27), currently proceeding in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Historically, the COP has been an annual occasion to remind everyone of the deep intransigence among the world’s climate polluters not just on mitigation, but on substantive questions of compensation for the harms broug... read more
Vox - All13 hours ago
8 questions the 2022 midterms answered
[image: Joe Biden waves after speaking at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee at the Howard Theatre in Washington, DC.] Joe Biden waves after speaking at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee at the Howard Theatre in Washington, DC. | Samuel Corum/Getty Images There are still plenty of uncalled elections, but here are some lessons the midterms delivered. The 2022 midterms are not yet settled. Votes are still being tallied in a score of Western contests, including close statewide races in Arizona and Nevada, and a run-off election for Georgia’s sena... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
Security In Iraq Nov 1-7, 2022
The Islamic State is barely operating in Iraq. For another week incidents were in the single digits. There were a total of 7 security incidents reported in the media in Iraq from November 1-7. Those happened in Babil (2), Diyala (2), Salahaddin (2), and Sulaymaniya (1). This marked the sixth straight week that incidents were in single digits. For 2022 27 of 41 weeks had single digit attacks. Those incidents left 1 dead in Diyala and 3 wounded in Babil. In Babil there were two bombings, one in Hillaand the other in Jurf al-Sakhr. The latter left 3 Hashd al-Shaabi injure... read more
In Praise of Toilets
MADRID, Nov 14 (IPS) - For those who have it, a toilet is that ‘thing’ in the bathroom, next to the bidet, the hand-washing sink with hot and cold water faucets, and the bathtub. Read the full story, “In Praise of Toilets”, on globalissues.org → read more
COP27: Cyclone Nearly Washed Away All My Dreams, says Vanuatu Youth Activist
SHARM EL SHEIK, Nov 14 (IPS) - The only thing Taren Chilia remembers about Cyclone Pam was that it flattened his school in Vanuatu, washing away books, equipment, and – well, almost his dreams too. Read the full story, “COP27: Cyclone Nearly Washed Away All My Dreams, says Vanuatu Youth Activist”, on globalissues.org → read more
From Jenna Orkin Pakistan ‘Has No Option But To Ration’ Natural Gas Supply This WinterAmazon Is Said to Plan to Lay Off Thousands of Employees The job cuts of approximately 10,000... Election deniers lose races for key state offices in every 2020 battleground Meet a Strange New State of Matter: Quantum Spin Liquid Exxon Mobil Makes First Oil Discovery In Angola In 20 Years Democrats hold US Senate with win in Nevada 1. Billions of dollars in FTX client funds seem to have vanished into thin air Why China doesn't actually want to invade Taiwan I'm a pediatric nurse seeing 50 RSV ... read more
Jim Kunstler, "The Aftermath and After That"
*"The Aftermath and After That"* by Jim Kunstler “Normally it would be considered a tell when one political party loses its mind any time someone suggests we should have basic election security procedures common in every other civilized country.” - MartyrMade on Twitter "Let’s get something straight: the Woked-up Jacobin Party of Chaos is not really worried about “mis-and-disinformation,” it’s just afraid of information. Only a tyrannical regime would work so hard and complain so loudly about opposing ideas entering the public arena as to brand them inadmissible. Apparently, that f... read more
Humanity in Healthcare Emphasized in Youth Career Pathways Partnership
When you choose to go into a profession like healthcare you are choosing to take on a higher mission that goes beyond just going... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
CIA Director Willaim Burns Will Meet Sergei Naryshkin, Head Of Russia's SVR Foreign Intelligence Service, In Ankara Today
CIA Director William Burns gestures as he speaks during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on worldwide threats in Washington, Apr. 15, 2021. *VOA/Reuters*: *CIA Chief Meets Putin's Spy Chief, Warns Against Nuclear Weapons* LONDON/WASHINGTON — U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns is in Turkey to deliver a message to President Vladimir Putin's foreign spy chief about the consequences of a potential Russian use of nuclear weapons, a White House spokesperson said. In the first known high-level face-to-face U.S.-Russian contact since Putin's Feb. 24 invasi... read more
IER14 hours ago
Biden’s False Coal Remarks
“No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal… The post Biden’s False Coal Remarks appeared first on IER. read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Calls Russia A ‘Rogue State’
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak branded Russia a 'rogue state' as he attacked Russian president Vladimir Putin for not attending the G20 summit in Bali. Pictured: The PM held a 'huddle' press conference with journalists on board his flight to Bali *Daily Mail:* *Rishi Sunak labels Russia a 'rogue state': Prime Minister slams Vladimir Putin for not attending G20 summit in Bali to explain his invasion of Ukraine as he declares President 'responsible for so much bloodshed'* * Rishi Sunak was pictured on flight to the G20 summit in Bali which starts today * He believes Vladimir Putin... read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Was Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Rushed To A Bali Hospital Because Of A 'Heart Condition'?
*Daily Mail:* *Sergei Lavrov mocks reports he was rushed to hospital after arriving for G20 in Bali – but DOESN’T deny it – and says 'they've been saying Putin is sick for the last ten years – this is a game in politics'* * Sergei Lavrov has mocked reports he suffered a heart problem at G20 summit * 'They've been saying Putin is sick for last ten years,' he said in video from hotel * But the 72-year-old diplomat did not specifically deny visiting hospital in Bali * Lavrov is attending the G20 instead of Putin following his invasion of Ukraine Russia's foreign minister h... read more
A Little Help, Please
We still have outstanding expenses this month, so if you can afford it and have not donated in a while, we sure would appreciate the... The post A Little Help, Please appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
F-15C Eagle Fighter Jet Forced To Make An Emergency Landing After 'Uncontrolled Fuel Leak'
*Daily Mail:* *'Uncontrolled fuel leak': Pilot's desperate call as F-15 fighter jet is forced to make an emergency landing after it started leaking fuel in California* * A National Guard F-15C Eagle Fighter jet had to make an emergency landing at Fresno Yosemite International Airport on Thursday * During a morning training session, an F-15 started 'uncontrollably' dumping fuel from both wings * Fuel was venting from both wings, but it was said to not have been hazardous to the nearby population * The 144th Fighter Wing is investigating the incident and it is unclear what ... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Who Will Cover Ukraine's $38 Billion Budget Deficit?
Ukraine's 2023 budget has a $38 billion gap. Who will help cover it? *Euronews*: *Ukraine's 2023 budget has a $38 billion gap. Who will help cover it?* Russia's war has ravaged Ukraine's public coffers, leaving the country with an ever-widening deficit that requires urgent foreign assistance to keep the economy afloat. The widespread havoc wreaked by Russian forces has triggered insolvency, brain drain, rising unemployment, soaring inflation and a drastic fall in exports, wiping away billions in revenue and tax income. An initial forecast by the World Bank that predicted a 3... read more
Congress aims to fast-track weapons aid to Taiwan amid tensions with China
Fox News Congress is moving forward with plans to send a multi-billion dollar weapons package to Taiwan in an effort to ward off a potential invasion from... The post Congress aims to fast-track weapons aid to Taiwan amid tensions with China appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
U.S. President Joe Biden meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 leaders' summit in Bali, Indonesia. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Top Photos of the Day* (Reuters). read more
OrientalReview.org15 hours ago
U.S. Elections: Underdogs From Both Sides
At the midterm elections to the U.S. Congress on November 8, the Republican Party won the House of Representatives, and the fight for the Senate will continue in December. The Democrats did not lose as expected, but they lost control of funding and investigations. The strongest impact of the election […] read more
News – TOTT News23 hours ago
COVID fearmongering rears its ugly head
Just when you thought it was over.. read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ3 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 14 British army ordered to seize Basra vilayet WWI
1914 Sheikh of Islam called for jihad against British and French during WWI Call was repeated in all Sunni mosques in Mosul, Baghdad and Basra vilayets 1914 Gen Barrett ordered to seize Basra vilayet (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1914 British attacked Ottomans at Sahil Caught in rainstorm Couldn’t see enemy saved by naval gunfire 1928 PM Sadoun formed new cabinet Was weak because not backed by King Faisal nationalists or Shiites 1946 PM Umari forced to resign in aftermath of Kirk... read more
Gregory Mannarino, "IMF Warns 'Global Economy Worsening'"
Gregory Mannarino, AM 11/14/22: *"IMF Warns 'Global Economy Worsening,' * *Expect Central Banks To IncreaseTheir Efforts To Destroy It"* "Middle class being eliminated, exterminated..." - https://traderschoice.net *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
On his podcast last week, Ezra Klein said this about the 2024 Republican presidential contest: ... I do think it’s a mistake right now that the narrative in the press is thinking about 2024 as this two man race, because the nature of Trump and DeSantis both being in the game, and possibly destroying each other like Godzilla and Mothra, is that it creates space for other candidates to emerge. It makes for a more multi-candidate race than it otherwise would be. If it was just Donald Trump or it was just Ron DeSantis, they would have that lane, like, that main lane of the Republican P... read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
A beaten enemy must be pursued.
This is an undying principle of war. After their retreat from Kherson City the Russian forces on the southern front are precariously perched on the edge of a logistical catastrophe. The destruction wrought on the Kerch Straights Bridge by Ukrainian … Continue reading → read more
Greg Mankiw's Blog14 hours ago
Eric Budish on Cryptocurrencies
Last week, Eric Budish of the University of Chicago gave a great lecture on cryptocurrencies at Harvard. You can watch it by clicking here. read more
the daily howler14 hours ago
STARTING TOMORROW: For today, we'll recommend yesterday's post!
*MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022* *Attention should be paid: *Our nation is absorbed with its first-world problems, as in this HELP DESK report on the front page of the online Washington Post: *Baby boomers can’t stop staring at their phones* For today, we're going to stay where we were yesterday. This morning, we find that we're still considering the terrible plight of the world's most deserving child. At some point, attention ought to be paid! We may return to the incompetent, mundane, inane and local when we return on the morrow. It's a "problem in philosophy," more specifically in... read more
Bacon's Rebellion14 hours ago
Teaching History as the Struggle for a “More Perfect Union”
The Youngkin administration has published a document, “The Guiding Principles for Virginia’s 2022 History and Social Science Standards Revisions,” which lays out the thinking behind revisions to the history and social-science Standards of Learning standards. The document does not dictate … Continue reading → read more
MintPress News14 hours ago
How Lula’s Victory Can Be An Opportunity for Palestine
Palestinians are celebrating Lula’s victory as their own, but there is no single entity that can, alone, harness the political change currently underway in Brazil. The post How Lula’s Victory Can Be An Opportunity for Palestine appeared first on MintPress News. read more
MintPress News14 hours ago
Leaked Files Show DHS “Ministry of Truth” Lives On In Secret
More worryingly, the files also show that this board never died; it was just rebranded and lives on. This effort will be outsourced to cutouts and sham NGOs and non-profits as to “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.” The post Leaked Files Show DHS “Ministry of Truth” Lives On In Secret appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Michael West14 hours ago
Jeff Bezos to donate most of his fortune
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos plans to give away most of his wealth, becoming the latest billionaire to pledge to donate much of his vast fortune. Bezos, whose “real-time” worth Forbes magazine estimates at roughly $US124.1 billion ($A185.3 billion), made the announcement in a joint CNN interview with his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez that was released on […] read more
Econlib15 hours ago
An Economics Nobel for and by Central Bankers
Now that the 30 days are up, I’m posting my whole WSJ op/ed on the latest winners of the Nobel Prize in economics, written the morning the prize was announced. An Economics Nobel for and by Central Bankers The winners hold views on dealing with financial crises that many monetary economists find strange. By David R. […] The post An Economics Nobel for and by Central Bankers appeared first on Econlib. read more
Bacon's Rebellion15 hours ago
Tragedy at UVa – Suspect now in Custody – Troubling Reports about UVa Police Effectiveness
by James C. Sherlock From the Charlottesville Daily Progress: “Sean Perry, 22, and a linebacker and defensive end for the University of Virginia football team, is one of three people who was shot dead at Culbreth Garage on UVa Central … Continue reading → read more
CFACT15 hours ago
COP 27 events showcase Green spirituality, new Ten Commandments
For many, climate change is all about the science. But for others, it’s about something a little more. Call it a spiritual awakening, baptized Green. The post COP 27 events showcase Green spirituality, new Ten Commandments appeared first on CFACT. read more
“a huge scientific inquiry in New Zealand”
“It might sound like the start of a humorous riddle, but it’s the subject of a huge scientific inquiry in New Zealand. And the answer could have profound effects on the health of the planet. More specifically, the question is … Continue reading → read more
Bacon's Rebellion16 hours ago
JLARC Agrees: Index Virginia Taxes to Inflation
by Barbara Hollingsworth Inflation is eroding the value of each dollar earned by Virginians, making it harder for them to afford decent housing, put food on the table and educate their children. But what many Virginians don’t know is that … Continue reading → read more
Econlib16 hours ago
Gender, Race, and the Economy: Social Constructs All
Over the past few years, I have noticed a discourse on the left that highlights the socially constructed nature of markets. These commentators argue that markets are mere social conventions and are therefore unreal and easily malleable. They claim that it is only due to greed, insufficient empathy, and/or the pernicious influence of pro-market forces […] The post Gender, Race, and the Economy: Social Constructs All appeared first on Econlib. read more
Modern Tokyo Times16 hours ago
Kunisada and Japan art (1786-1865): Landscapes
Kunisada and Japan art (1786-1865): Landscapes Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The woodblock prints of Hokusai, Hiroshige, Utamaro, and a few others are the most famous artists of ukiyo-e… read more
Mining Awareness +16 hours ago
Govts of India & Russia Missile Production Joint Venture: BrahMos Missiles Used in Ukraine?
Both of the entities making the BrahMos missiles are government owned meaning that Russia and India are business partners for … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +17 hours ago
Seven People Killed at Home by Russian Missile Strikes in Mykolaiv; Ukrainian Rescuers Found a Surviving Pet Guinea Pig in the Ruins
Seven People Killed at Home by Russian Missile Strikes in Mykolaiv; Ukrainian Rescuers Found a Surviving Pet Guinea Pig in … Continue reading → read more
Vox - All14 hours ago
8 questions the 2022 midterms answered
[image: Joe Biden waves after speaking at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee at the Howard Theatre in Washington, DC.] Joe Biden waves after speaking at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee at the Howard Theatre in Washington, DC. | Samuel Corum/Getty Images There are still plenty of uncalled elections, but here are some lessons the midterms delivered. The 2022 midterms are not yet settled. Votes are still being tallied in a score of Western contests, including close statewide races in Arizona and Nevada, and a run-off election for Georgia’s sena... read more
Halifax Examiner15 hours ago
Jennifer Henderson is one of the dynamos that drives the Halifax Examiner
[image: A smiling white woman with short silver hair wearing dark rimmed glasses and a bright blue blazer.] Jennifer is a good example of how reader support for the Examiner can deepen and broaden our coverage. There’s a ton of stuff we’d be missing were we not able to hire Jennifer, and your subscription money makes that possible. The post Jennifer Henderson is one of the dynamos that drives the Halifax Examiner appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Balkinization15 hours ago
Communication Nation
Nick Frisch One of the more elusive words in Mandarin is *jiaotong*. It means, roughly, “communications,” both in the sense of moving physical objects, and also the flow of information—think “traffic,” “connectivity,” “transport,” and “infrastructure.” In the names of Chinese institutions, the word occurs in contexts that an English-speaker might find puzzling. China has several dedicated *jiaotong* universities, and a behemoth *jiaotong* bank. Today, Beijing’s official department for *jiaotong*translates its name as the Ministry of Transport. This huge bureau reflects the Chines... read more
Met Office Latest Extreme Weather Claims
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? For many years, the UK Met Office, under its various guises, was respected as an honest, dependable public service of high integrity. Originally formed in 1854 by Robert Fitzroy, of HMS Beagle fame, it went on to produce the world’s… read more
Gangsters Out Blog16 hours ago
Arizona ballot drop
AZ Central is reporitng that "A record number of ballots dropped off at Maricopa County vote centers Tuesday will delay final results in the midterm election." Just like we said. read more
We are being ‘misled’ on the climate change crisis-Bjorn Lomborg
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood Bjorn Lomborg on Sky Australia: read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
The holiday left positive figures in Ecuador, despite the state of exception
Despite the state of emergency in three provinces of the country (Guayas, Esmeraldas, and Santo Domingo) due to increased crime, the holiday had favorable results. According to information from the Ministry of Tourism, the All Souls' Day and Independence Day holidays in Cuenca, which took place between November 3 and 6, left US$71 million in […] read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Do you want to buy one of the 400 business jets that showed up for the COP27 climate conference?
Here’s your chance. 400 private jets show up for the COP27 climate conference, and you could buy one of them! read more
Lawfare17 hours ago
Gul v. Biden: Habeas Corpus and the Associated Force Doctrine in Guantanamo Bay Litigation
A Puerto Rico Army National Guard member in a watchtower at the Guantanamo detention facility (Photo by U.S. Air Force Senior Airmon Gino Reyes, http://bit.ly/3fSGztW; United States Government Work, https://www.usa.gov/government-works) On June 24, the U.S. government transferred Asadullah Haroon Gul (aka Haroon al-Afghani) to Qatar, which has played a significant role in facilitating U.S.-Taliban relations. Qatari officials then turned him over to Taliban representatives. The transfer comes after years of litigation, written about previously on Lawfare, which began with Gul’s hab... read more
The Duran17 hours ago
Istanbul attack. FTX scandal grows. NYT, six month freeze. Russia winter advantage. U/1
Istanbul attack. FTX scandal grows. NYT, six month freeze. Russia winter advantage. U/1 Topic 774 Winter Will Be a Major Factor in the Ukraine War, Officials Say archive.ph No Description read more
Man injured helping coworker with broken-down vehicle — $2M settlement 
Type of action: Workers’ compensation Injuries alleged: Traumatic brain injury, respiratory failure, injuries to head, brain, cognitive disorders, seizure disorders, bilateral lower extremities (including hips), groin, neurogenic bladder and bowel, osteoporosis, hypogonadism and muscle spasticity Court: Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission Name of judge or mediator: Commissioner William Dudley (Ret.) Date resolved: 3/30/2022 Demand: $11,855,974.60 Offer: ... read more
Plaintiff injured in 3-car rear end collision — $165,000 settlement 
Type of action: Auto accident Injuries alleged: Cervical strain, lumbar strain and tear of the superior labrum with associated paralabral cyst Court: Fairfax Circuit Court Date resolved: 7/8/2022 Special damages: Past medicals totaling $56,087.88; lost wages totaling $1,514.52; future medicals totaling $2,250 (disputed by carrier) Verdict or settlement: Settlement Amount: $165,000 Attorney for plaintiff (and ... read more
VSB Disciplinary Actions: Nov 14 issue 
On Nov. 1, 2022, the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board administratively suspended Evan Stuart Elan of Washington, D.C.’s license to practice law for failing to comply with a subpoena duces tecum issued by the bar. *** Effective Oct. 28, 2022, the disciplinary board of the Virginia State Bar issued a public reprimand without terms to ... read more
Young man injured in auto accident while at work — $120,000 verdict 
Type of action: Personal injury Injuries alleged: Concussion, neck strain Name of case: Hudson v. Gabriola Court: Richmond Circuit Court Case no.: CL21002036-02 Tried before: Jury Name of judge or mediator: Judge D. Eugene Cheek Sr. Date resolved: 5/18/2022 Special damages: Medical bills totaling $29,313.22; lost wages totaling $4,072.42 Demand: $100,000 Offer: $19,931.67 Verdict or ... read more
Charlottesville jury returns $15M wrongful death verdict 
Type of action: Wrongful death Injuries alleged: Traumatic brain injury resulting in death Name of case: Love v. Huguely Court: Charlottesville Circuit Court Case no.: CL 18-648 Date resolved: 5/2/2022 Verdict or settlement: Verdict Amount: $15,000,000 Attorneys for plaintiff (and city): Paul Bekman, Baltimore, Maryland; Jeffrey Stedman and Irvin Cantor, Richmond; Kevin Biniazan, Virginia Beach ... read more
Obituary: Joseph J. ‘Joe’ Stellute 
Hampton attorney Joseph J. “Joe” Stellute died Oct. 2. He was 79. Born in Gloucester, Mr. Stellute was raised in Hampton and attended Hampton High School, where he was a standout football player. He was offered a scholarship to play football at Notre Dame but declined and attended undergrad at the College of William & ... read more
Attorneys’ fees severable from arbitration agreement 
A clause in an arbitration agreement awarding attorneys’ fees to the prevailing party can be severed, because the Virginia Values Act only entitles a plaintiff to an award of attorneys’ fees, the Western District of Virginia has ruled. As a result, a remote worker’s wrongful termination claims must be submitted to arbitration pursuant to her ... read more
No unilateral revocation of LLC voting rights 
No statutory or common law right exists allowing members of a limited liability company, or LLC, to unilaterally revoke an assignment of voting rights to another member, according to a recent ruling from a Northern Virginia circuit court. Judge David Oblon of the Fairfax County Circuit Court explained that “[n]o statutory authority directly addresses the ... read more
Small Dead Animals21 hours ago
It’s Monday On Turtle Island
Biden’s America: The reason Republicans didn’t do well in the midterms. The Lion King is racist. Elon takes AOC’s blue checkmark. Husky guy wins beauty pageant. China Joe licks Beijing’s boots. Global Warming Scam News: The burping cows. Woke Britain: Trans people should have two email addresses. Our tragic world leaders. Trudeau’s Canada: The Covid… Continue reading → read more
Balkinization16 hours ago
Assessing Libertarianism Requires Engagement with Modern Libertarian Political Thought
For the Balkinization Symposium on Andrew Koppelman, Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed (St. Martin’s Press, 2022). Ilya Somin Andrew Koppelman’s *Burning Down the House *makes some worthwhile points, and I agree with more of it than I would have expected. But it is also something of a missed opportunity. Koppelman attempts a critical analysis of libertarian political thought and its impact on public policy. But he overlooks major aspects of both. Let’s start with a few points of agreement. Early in the book, Koppelman recogn... read more
Beware Those Who Would Use The Not Withstanding Clause
In 1970, Pierre Trudeau used the War Measures Act -- a harsh and blunt instrument -- to put an end to the FLQ Crisis. Eleven years later, he inserted the Charter Of Rights and Freedoms into a repatriated constitution. To get the premiers to agree to the Charter, he crafted the Not Withstanding Clause. We have come to believe that no premier would ever use the clause. But, Marcus Gee writes: Ontario Premier Doug Ford has waved this blunt club in the air no less than three times since taking office in 2018: once to threaten to bypass a judge who ruled against a vindictive law to nea... read more
"Massive Price Increases At Big Lots! Not Good! This Is Ridiculous!
*Full screen recommended.* Adventures with Danno, 11/14/22: *"Massive Price Increases At Big Lots! * *Not Good! This Is Ridiculous!* "In today's vlog we are at Big Lots, and are noticing massive price increases! This is not good as we are also seeing empty shelves everywhere! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!" *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Uncle Joe goes to Indonesia
As I watched Biden walk across the stage with hand outstretched to meet the waiting and stronger Xi, I thought, "He doesn't have dementia, he's just a willing puppet/puppy." Pity the USA! Xi builds coal plants, buys up US farmland and makes deals with Africa for an even larger share of rare earth metals (which we need but don't have) while Biden preaches climate change politics at the bidding of his radical left wing. And so far, although they were mostly wearing masks at the table, no one mentioned a lab, a market, or a 1000 day pandemic. Sort of a late spooky Halloween look. Biden... read more
Greg Hunter, "We Are in End Times – Michael Snyder"
*"We Are in End Times – Michael Snyder"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Journalist and popular author Michael Snyder says in his new book we are in “End Times.” Few Christians would disagree. So, where are we and what are we facing? Snyder explains, “I believe we are living at the very end of a timeline. I believe Jesus is coming back soon. The Bible describes the End Times, the time just before Jesus comes back, as the most chaotic in all of human history. In fact, Jesus told us there has never been a time like this before, and there will never be a time like this again. Things a... read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Un tribunal empêche le gouvernement irlandais de ratifier l'accord de libre-échange entre l'UE et le Canada
14-Nov-2022 La Cour suprême d'Irlande a décidé vendredi que le gouvernement irlandais ne pouvait pas ratifier l'accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et le Canada à moins que les lois ne soient modifiées. read more
bilaterals.org16 hours ago
Ireland must change law to ratify EU-Canada trade deal, court rules
14-Nov-2022 Ireland's Supreme Court ruled that parliament cannot ratify the European Union's free trade deal with Canada unless laws are changed, posing a challenge to the coalition government if it wants to avoid the matter going to a referendum. read more
Organizing Notes16 hours ago
NATO running war on Russia
*Click on image for better view* Hackers Leaked Secret Documents Of NATO Intelligence In Ukraine SouthFront *The anonymous team of hackers known as “Joker DPR”, which has recently hacked military command and control programs used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), including the advanced US DELTA program, claimed another cyber victory over the Ukrainian and NATO military.* On November 11, they leaked secret documents of NATO commanders to the AFU and US, Canadian, British forces. The documents include the daily data on the location and manoeuvres of Russian forces and mil... read more
Michael West17 hours ago
Regions hold up as city home prices dive
Property prices have slumped as the central bank lifts interest rates but regional home prices have so far held up better than the rest of the market. Regional home prices lifted 6.49 per cent in the past 12 months, PropTrack analysis shows, compared to the 2.08 per cent decline in dwelling prices across capital cities. […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Economists assure Chile will enter recession, but how long can it last?
Economic agents in Chile have already assumed that in 2023 the economy will enter a recessionary process, and the question is how long it may last. For the time being, analysts consulted by Bloomberg Línea agreed that the sectors that may be most affected by this situation are commerce and construction. In terms of projections, […] read more
musingsofanoldfart17 hours ago
There is a chill in the air
We have been alternating the last several weeks between turning the heater on, turning the air conditioning on and leaving them both off. It is cool one night, but we know it will get up to warmer temperatures tomorrow. Now, … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Inflation in Central America as of October
In October, Honduras and Nicaragua continued with double-digit year-on-year inflation figures. In Guatemala, the consumer price index (CPI) accumulated variation was the highest in the last 14 years. Costa Rica, on the other hand, achieved its second consecutive month without registering rising inflation; the Dominican Republic added three consecutive months below the 0.30% threshold; and […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times17 hours ago
Biden and Xi meet: Japan watching closely
Biden and Xi meet: Japan watching closely Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times President Xi Jinping of China met President Joe Biden of America ahead of… read more
ClimateRealism18 hours ago
No, E&E News, Climate Change Has Not Caused Reno’s Rapid Warming
In a recent article published by E&E News Climate Wire, reporter Scott Waldman claims Reno, Nevada is the fastest warming city in the United States. In this single article, titled “Nation’s fastest-warming city could decide Senate control,” Waldman makes the mistake of conflating climate change, the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI), and politics. Waldman writes: […] The post No, E&E News, Climate Change Has Not Caused Reno’s Rapid Warming appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Country brands: which are the strongest in the world and Latin America in 2022?
Europe largely dominates the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index (NBI), which ranks nations with the strongest country brand reputations. Latin America has lagged behind, with Brazil as the best-placed. This report has been carried out since 2008 and compiles the perceptions of countries worldwide, according to Ipsos, which participates in its preparation. To make this ranking, […] read more
Top court orders public access to bail hearing 
The Supreme Court of Virginia has reversed a trial court’s decision closing a pretrial bail hearing to the public and sealing records in the case of a Newport News police officer indicted for murder. The plaintiff newspaper publishers claimed the commonwealth failed to show a substantial probability that the officer’s right to an impartial jury ... read more
Student athlete can sue university for retaliation 
A former student athlete’s Title IX retaliation and intentional infliction of emotional distress claims against the College of William & Mary can go forward, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled. The plaintiff alleged that her basketball coach surveilled her and threatened to remove her from the team, which would have revoked her scholarship. “Viewing ... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
In Haiti, two hundred thousand more children have gone hungry since March
About 200,000 more children in Haiti have faced a hunger crisis this year, and nearly half of the population does not know where their next meal will come from, according to the international nongovernmental organization Save the Children. According to the report, the number of people suffering hunger in Haiti has risen to 4.7 million […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Even with inflation, Argentina has products up to 77% cheaper than Brazil
Inflation is relentless in Argentina. Price increases have been on an upward spiral for months, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is expected to exceed 100% this year, a reality that worries the government and significantly affects the most vulnerable layers of the population. However, for those who arrive in the country with dollars, the […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
“Iberojet” launches direct flight Madrid-Santiago de Cuba
Spanish airline "Iberojet" has inaugurated a direct flight from Madrid to the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba as part of the winter tourism season. "It is a dream come true to reach the eastern region of the country," said the deputy director of "Iberojet", Paul Verhagen, according to the Cuban state news agency. Verhagen […] read more
"Economic Market Snapshot 11/14/22"
*"Economic Market Snapshot 11/14/22"* Market Data Center, Live Updates: - https://www.marketwatch.com/market-data ○ Down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity... Only the consequences are real - to *you!* *○* ○ ○ Latest Market Analysis, Updated 11/14/22 - https://www.asktraders.com/analysis/ ○ A comprehensive, essential daily read. - http://www.shadowstats.com/ ○ *Financial Stress Index* "The OFR Financial Stress Index (OFR FSI) is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables, such as yield spread... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
Maybe Trump was right about TikTok
[image: An illustration of the US Senate building surrounded by spy cameras and with the TikTok logo superimposed on it.] Amanda Northrop/Vox No matter who controls Congress, TikTok’s in trouble. Here’s something you rarely hear a Democratic senator say: “Donald Trump was right.” But that’s what Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) is saying now, and it’s all because of TikTok, the popular video app that Trump tried to ban in the waning months of his presidency. “As painful as it is for me to say, if Donald Trump was right and we could’ve taken action then, that’d have been a heck of a lot e... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
All of the 2022 National Book Award Finalists, read and reviewed
[image: A collage of book covers.] We read all the 2022 National Book award nominees. Here’s what worth checking out. | Amanda Northrop/Vox A look at this year’s best in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translated literature, and young people’s literature. Every year, the National Book Foundation nominates 25 books to be eligible to win a National Book Award. The nominations highlight fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translated literature, and young adult books. For the past 9 years, the Vox staff has read them all, and we’ve shared our thoughts on what’s worthy. Here are our musings on t... read more
Met Office Latest Extreme Weather Claims
By Paul Homewood For many years, the UK Met Office, under its various guises, was respected as an honest, dependable public service of high integrity. Originally formed in 1854 by Robert Fitzroy, of HMS Beagle fame, it went on to produce the world’s first shipping forecast, the first public weather forecast, and world […] read more
CFACT17 hours ago
CFACT’s Morano on Mark Steyn GBNews live from UN COP27: “Big Al” is watching
"George Orwell is right here in Sharm El-'Shakedown'...There are very sinister things happening here." The post CFACT’s Morano on Mark Steyn GBNews live from UN COP27: “Big Al” is watching appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Aviationist17 hours ago
Multiple Nations Investigating China’s Efforts To Recruit Western Pilots
[image: China Western Pilots] Western pilots approached with remunerative contracts to provide training to Chinese pilots. After reports about British pilots being targeted by China trying to recruit them to train the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, more countries [...] The post Multiple Nations Investigating China’s Efforts To Recruit Western Pilots appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Mid-Terms Post-Mortem
This was much funnier 10 years ago when I ran it on Facebook Curious how Age of Autism readers feel after last week's mid-term election. Which topics were important to you? Which topics featured prominently by either party were not... Related Stories - Another Frustrating Report About Mothers and Autism - New From Skyhorse Publishing: Presidential Takedown - Join The Peoples' Pharma Movement's Electoral Action read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
California voters approve a dozen cannabis ballot measures to expand retail
California voters approved 12 local ballot measures in the 2022 midterm elections that will either expand or create retail cannabis markets in a dozen municipalities, with most of the gains centered in Los Angeles and San Diego counties. California voters approve a dozen cannabis ballot measures to expand retail is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Memes that made me laugh 133
Gathered from around the Internet over the past week. There aren't as many as usual, because due to traveling I haven't had as much time as usual to look for them; but there are still some good ones among them. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
Russia strategises with Iran for the long haul in Ukraine
Ignoring the hype in the US media about White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Kissingerian diplomacy over Ukraine, the secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, former KGB counterintelligence officer and longstanding associate of President Putin, travelled to Tehran last Wednesday in the equivalent of a knockout punch in geopolitics. read more