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The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil: Petrópolis Imperial Christmas will have a 20-meter tree and a Beer VillageThe traditional Imperial Christmas of Petrópolis has announced a diverse program that will mix atmospheres of different strands in the attractions for 2022. The proof is that among the main attractions will be a 20-meter high tree at Praça da Liberdade, shows that tell the story of the Brazilian Imperial Family in the city, a […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
German defense industrialists demand not to surrender German sovereignty to the U.S.By Max Biederbeck-Kettterer, Rüdiger Kiani-Kreß According to Wirtschaftwoche, the German arms industry risks being left out of business. The Bundeswehr was incapacitated and rushed to buy weapons from the United States. Thus, the German military-industrial complex can only count on crumbs from someone else’s table and demand that the Americans share technologies. In an unusually […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Opinion: El Salvador “erases” its memoryBy Asier Vera (Opinion) Several inmates, shovel in hand, violently pound the grave of a Mara Salvatrucha gang member under an armed man's watchful eye. In a few minutes, the grave is reduced to rubble, and it is no longer even possible to read the name of the deceased. Dozens of inmates work to remove […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Ecuadorian Army will bring its Mi-17 helicopters back into serviceThe commander of the Ecuadorian Army, General Gustavo Acosta, has stated the force's intention to recover operationally part of its fleet of Mil Mi-171 helicopters, which the Aviation Brigade deploys. The statements -given to Ecuavisa- come within the framework of the recent modernization process of this force, thanks to the acquisition of new armored vehicles, […] read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!18 hours ago
Difference or Disease?
In the 2010s, autism was rebranded as neurodiversity. Ari Ne'eman was the darling of the decade. In the 2020s, gender identity is the new kid on the block that we must accept. The autism puzzle piece has been replaced by... Related Stories - Autism Is Driving the Collapse of Schools in UK - Aging and Autism A Treacherous Path: CA State Agency Failing People with All Disabilities - Blame Blame Bo Bame: Tucker Carlson on Trump's Jab read more
Halifax Examiner18 hours ago
Union-chief spat just the tip of the troubles at Halifax Regional Police[image: A man in a black uniform speaks while gesturing with his right hand. On the uniform is the Halifax Regional Police logo, along with a badge and insignia denoting rank. On the table in front of the man is a name plate, a microphone and a water bottle. The background is grey.] “I have confidence in Chief Daniel Kinsella’s ability to lead the Halifax Regional Police…” Yes: 3.4%. No: 96.6% of the 83.7% of the Halifax Regional Police Association’s more than 600 members who voted in a recent union-organized poll answered “an overwhelming” no to the statement. No matter how you co... read more
Real Climate Science18 hours ago
Human-Induced Climate FraudHow Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born? – The New York Times There has been a sharp decrease in the number of hot days at Ithaca, with almost three fourths of their 90 degree days occurring … Continue reading → read more
Real Climate Science19 hours ago
US In The Deep FreezeTemperatures across the lower 48 states are forecast to be far below normal for the next ten days. 10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S. read more
Egypt’s COP27 ‘climate gabfest’ isn’t going ‘too well’By Paul Homewood If only our media had the guts to tell the truth: read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation19 hours ago
4 signs of progress at the UN climate change summit
The biggest issues at COP27 involve financing for low-income countries hit hard by climate change. A former World Bank official describes some promising signs she’s starting to see this year. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil: former congresswoman sentenced to 50 years in prison for her husband’s murderThe former Brazilian federal deputy of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Flordelis dos Santos, was sentenced on November 13 to 50 years in prison for being found guilty of organizing the murder of her husband in 2019, as resolved by the Criminal Court of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state. Dos . . . To read […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Vítor Pereira will not stay at Corinthians in 2023The Portuguese only had a contract until December this year and will return to Europe after a year of working in Brazil. After the defeat against Atlético-MG on Sunday afternoon (Nov. 13), the president of Corinthians, Duílio Monteiro Alves, has confirmed that coach Vítor Pereira will not work for the club in 2023. The Portuguese […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
In Mexico, AMLO’s opponents demonstrate against his electoral reformsA white-skinned man beats on a drum that another brown-skinned man carries in front of him, sweaty and unsmiling, wearing a bandana to contain his sweat and a rope over his left shoulder to carry the drums. It is the march against the electoral reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The legislative initiative, […] read more
CFACT20 hours ago
Media lying about climate and hurricanesIt's time to state the obvious about natural weather extremes The post Media lying about climate and hurricanes appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Duran20 hours ago
Bill Maher Gets B*tch Slapped By Jimmy Dore
source Ouch! read more
The Duran20 hours ago
The Curious Case of Russia’s Missing Air Force
source As the conflict between Russia & Ukraine (plus friends) continues to drag on, one thought has remained constant in my mind: why isn’t Russia prevailing, as it so clearly should be? And how is it that the Ukrainians can still manage to move around troops and armor in the open with such ease, after […] read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Study states low-protein processed foods are driving obesity epidemic
We sort of know this because in order to preserve shelf life, we remove proteins to make pure starch which is then used to adulterate a lot of processed food. This is a bad plan. The gold standard needs to be coarse rolled oatmeal which is not separated from its starch content and carries almost 15% protein which is actually good enough. Bread does not even begin to properly compete. Somehow a properly made date square sounds rather sensible without much sugar if any. *Study states low-protein processed foods are driving obesity epidemicBy Ben CoxworthNovember ... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Lion's Mane: Shaggy Fungi for Your Brain and Neuronal Health
Three years ago, I did not know this existed. That sure changed quick. Now it jumps onto to the mush have list. Obviously commercial production is happening somehow and somewhere and will be global just like shitaki is becoming. Mushrooms have always been with us and consumed sparingly because of toxicity risk. What has changed is that we have mastered culturing the many types and also how to prepare them. They will all become available to us and we need to discover the best way to use them. Just trying them will not ultimately be good enough. *Lion's Mane: Shaggy Fungi for ... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Boston Dynamics update
Do watch this video. Now imagine ten million manufactured combat robots surpassing best human combat ability and then confronting any form of ill trained human army. I have long posted that WAr is obsolete. This makes it doubly so. Our current problem is eliminating the NWO which is operated by the remnants of rule by the stupid conjoined with Luciferians and Baal worship. I hope this is less true as stated. Yet we can all today smell the stink. The central aspect of all this is successful body of software. We can now see multiple physical aspects. Now imagine a pop-up... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Maricopa County Election Judge Speaks OutThis outrage will all be simply amusing if all this enterprise sees a lot of folks off to jail. It is obvious what is going down and they held off on their final count for days until hte swindle could be perfected.. It is totally insulting to the voters. Again we are waiting for the shoe to drop. The voters are been asked to accept obvious fraud and the patriots are been told to stand down. We have been told that this is the ultimate sting. We want to believe. *Maricopa County Election Judge Speaks Out* *By Tracy Beanz-November 10, 2022 https://www.uncove... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
November 14, 2022: Reader TipsThis evening we zoom back 50 years to Van Nuys Boulevard in Los Angeles in 1972, when men were men and women were women. Your groovy recent tips are much appreciated! Update: To start your new week on a humourous note, there is this. read more
Marjorie Cohn1 day ago
Inter-American Commission Hears Landmark Case of Torture and Killing by US Border PatrolFor the first time, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has agreed to hear an extrajudicial killing case involving violence committed by U.S. law enforcement. The Commission is a body of the Organization of American States, which includes the United States. It considers cases involving torture, massacres, extrajudicial killings and disappearances in the Americas. On... Read more » read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
And How Was Your Day?Via Ed Driscoll read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Lula da Silva’s return to power in Brazil and its impact on the tanker sectorTwo weeks ago, Brazil made a significant shift to the left with the election of Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva as president. This is an impressive political comeback for the former president, who served from 2003 to 2010. As Lula's presidency was marked not only by an increase in Brazilian crude oil production but also […] read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
CoinCoin Catastrophe LSP’s Blog on Crypto Carnage reminded me of so many other schemes that I’ve seen fail in the past. I know people including shirttail relatives who are on suicide watch because they went big into various token-based investment vehicles, none of which were backed by tangible assets. Whether it was FTX […] The post Coin appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Global Issues News Headlines21 hours ago
Why COP27 Matters to Sierra LeoneFREETOWN, Sierra Leone, Nov 14 (IPS) - Sierra Leone is among the 10 percent of countries in the world that are most vulnerable to the adverse consequences of climate change, and presently one of the least able to cope with the effects. Read the full story, “Why COP27 Matters to Sierra Leone”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines21 hours ago
COP27: Climate Justice: Where do the Religiously Marginalised Fit in?BRIGHTON, UK, Nov 14 (IPS) - Climate change reductionism – assuming the causes and the redress for those suffering the worst impacts of extreme weather lies with climate change alone - undermines the rights of religiously marginalised persons, but broadening whose rights are being advocated for in climate change can offer redress. Read the full story, “COP27: Climate Justice: Where do the Religiously Marginalised Fit in?”, on globalissues.org → read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
BRITISH GOVERNMENT’S NOVICHOK INQUIRY REVEALS THAT ITS NOVICHOK CASE OFFICERS ARE ALSO THE GOVERNMENT’S UKRAINE WARFIGHTERSBy John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The British Government has admitted over the weekend that its troops currently running the British war in the Ukraine are also engaged in managing the document file for the alleged Novichok attack against Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March 2018. The disclosure appears in the text of a document signed by […] read more
Untitled* Biden’s illegal student-loan bailout bought off Gen Z — and staved off a red wave* The much-anticipated “red wave” in Tuesday’s midterms ended up barely a red trickle, with the GOP set to win a narrow House majority and control of the Senate likely coming down to a runoff in Georgia. The White House is reportedly “giddy” and “gleeful” to have avoided electoral disaster despite high inflation, widespread concern about crime and the natural tendency for midterm elections to favor the party out of power. Republicans are not so giddy, to say the least. When analyzing what went wron... read more
Latest News - ADVANCE23 hours ago
South Australia in blackout as renewables and transmission lines failIf you want to know what the future holds under a Labor-Greens government, ask the South Australians. read more
Michael West23 hours ago
Albanese secures meeting with China’s XiPrime Minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed he will hold formal talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit. The bilateral meeting will be the first one-on-one meeting between the leaders of the two countries since 2016. Mr Albanese will meet with Mr Xi on Tuesday afternoon, ahead of a range […] read more
Bayou Renaissance Man23 hours ago
On the ground in Las VegasMiss D. and I made it safely to Las Vegas, Nevada by late Sunday afternoon, after nine hours on the road. I can remember when a 17-hour road trip over a weekend didn't faze me at all, but my aging body is doing its best to persuade me that those days ended a while back. I'm stiff and sore, to the point that as soon as we'd settled in to our hotel room, I took a painkiller and turned in for a long rest while my wife went out to supper with friends and "cased the joint". I was just too worn out. If we do another of these conferences next year, I suspect we'll be flying rather ... read more
OrientalReview.org1 day ago
The Secret Wars Of The US ImperiumTo get to where they are, imperial powers will deceive, dissimulate and distort. The US imperium, that most awesome of devilish powers, has tentacled itself across the globe, often unbeknownst to its own citizens. In a report released by the New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center of Justice […] read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Russia's War Strategy In Ukraine Will Evolve Over Winter And Into 2023
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has not gone remotely like Vladimir Putin and his military leaders would have expected back in February.(Kremlin via Reuters: Alexei Druzhinin) *ABC News Australia*: *Russia's strategy in Ukraine will evolve over winter and into 2023 as Putin hopes to influence the West's response* Russia's strategy for its invasion and subjugation of Ukraine has been evolving constantly. The invasion has not gone remotely like Putin and his military leaders would have expected back in February. They have had to continuously change their "theory of victory". With w... read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit1 day ago
Unusual Article Gives The Reality to You on Accounting Consultant Next That Only A Few People Know OccurMoreover looking at what Uncle Sam has to supply, consider checking together with your State’s Small Business Division – they may have another solid list of free money alternatives for you. If what you are promoting intends to solve problems that will help your local community, verify private foundations for grant choices, as they usually help companies geared in direction of improvement of quality of life, ecology, crime rates, and so forth. Your prospect can sense that you’re more focused on making the sale than being genuinely eager about solving their problems and assembly the... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Petrol hits 17-week high, but relief aheadFuel prices have lifted another three cents a litre to a 17-week high, but there’s relief on the way for some motorists. Falling petrol prices in Melbourne and Perth suggest these cities have entered the discounting phases of their fuel cycle, which means prices will fall before lifting again, usually sharply. The national average retail […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Arizona Republic: All Is Well With AZ Vote CountingBy P.J. Gladnick ~ All Is Well! You might remember that phrase as being yelled by Chip Diller of “Animal House” as utter chaos erupted around him. Well, the media critic Bill Goodykoontz of the Arizona Republic also sounds like Diller with his assurances that all is well with the very very slow vote count […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Escaping From The COP-27 Insane AsylumBy Paul Driessen ~ “Show us the money!” climate activists demand, and rich countries are expected to pony up. Do I hear $100 billion? Would you give $1 trillion? Now, then, would you give $2 trillion? The climate reparations bidding war is on. What began at $100-billion-a-year at COP-21 in Paris rapidly ballooned to $1.3-trillion […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Ukrainian JokeA Dry Bones Cartoon ~ Ukraine votes against us in the UN and Zelensky asks us for military aid and Iron Domes? Well, he IS a Comedian! Isn’t he? Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones . http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/ read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Moving The GoalpostsIf you can’t hit the target… ZeroHedge- Goldman, TS Lombard Confirm Fed Inflation Target Hike Now Inevitable read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
What is Luciferase? How a Firefly Enzyme that Glows Might Herald the End of the World
What is Luciferase? by Emerald Robinson, https://emeralddb3.substack.com/ How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new … read more
Untitled* The ‘heroic’ climate book offering some hope for our future* * The book review below is not only uncritical. It is positively laudatory. The one thing the review gets right is that the book is heroic -- heroic in ignoring the facts. Author Gergis is one of the many on the Green/Left who see only what they want to see but Gergisis in fact an extreme case of that. Her research has in fact produced a vivid proof that there is NO long-term global warming. But she sees in it proof of warming. Judge for yourself. She showed that the temperature was just nine hundredths of one ... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
November 14th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 664In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 14th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 664 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Monday November 14th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Monday November 14th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FSIS and a fundmental truth— OPINION — Editor’s note: This is Part 2 of a 4-part series. Between 1906 and 1992, FSIS and its predecessors attracted minimal public attention as they quietly pursued their assigned mission: assure that adulterated and/or misbranded meat, poultry, or egg products are not distributed in commerce. Then in January 1993, improperly prepared raw ground... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Australia focuses on raw and risky food for food safety week; meat front and centerAustralian food safety week is highlighting raw and risky food with a call to buy and use a meat thermometer. The focus from Nov. 12 to 19 is on the risk of food poisoning from raw or minimally cooked meat, poultry, fish, eggs and vegetables as well as possible infections by parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii.... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Even picking them out is not without danger, but Colorado voters favor making them legalWhen it comes to tax increases, Colorado residents are usually a hard sell. But when it comes to making drugs legal, they are getting a reputation as push-overs. That began course when in 2012 the Centennial State became the first to make marijuana legal for recreational uses. Now ten years later, Colorado voters have voted... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA sends warning letters to food firms over seafood violations and Listeria in ready-to-eat facilityAs part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Sanitizing in new food processing facilities
With applications across the food processing industry, the use of chlorine dioxide gas is relatively new. But, says Nathan Mirdamadi, a food safety consultant with Commercial Food Sanitation. “I wish more people knew about it.” Food processing environments are inherently challenging. With bacteria doubling in wet environments every 15 to 30 minutes, each decision is... Continue Reading read more
21st Century Wire1 day ago
US Midterms Analysis: The Aftermath
*Patrick Henningsen* | Election results: what it means so far, and who holds the power now in DC. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Concerns remain on workplace bill: GreensThe fate of reforms to the country’s industrial relations laws remains in the balance, with the Greens holding lingering concerns with the legislation. Negotiations between the Greens and the government are continuing, ahead of the workplace laws being debated in the Senate later this month. The laws, which would allow for multi-employer bargaining, passed the […] read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
UK to be ‘clean energy superpower’? Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: CO2 is not pollution Without sufficient dispatchable electricity generation the UK could become a low-energy power on windless nights. Alarmist talk of ‘worst droughts in 500/1000 years’ begs the question: what caused those historical events? Demonising a vital atmospheric trace gas makes no sense. – – – UK Prime… read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
The Coming Diesel Shortage Made Worse By Biden Energy PoliciesOriginally posted on PA Pundits - International: By Adam Houser ~ Halloween is over. And whether you’re one of those people who can’t stand that Christmas overtakes Thanksgiving, or whether you’ve already hung your stockings with care, from a retail and shipping perspective, the holiday shopping season has already begun. This happens every year. Yet… read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Consensus Science Off The Rails“Prof. Percival Lowell recognized as the greatest authority on the subject, declares there can be no doubt that living beings inhabit our neighbor world” – New York Times December 9, 1906 read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
A Tidal Wave Of Death Is Flowing Over America With Alarming Charts Showing ‘Crazy Amounts Of Excess Deaths’ – Genocide Serves The Globalists Best By Them ‘Eliminating The Young’
A Tidal Wave Of Death Is Flowing Over America With Alarming Charts Showing ‘Crazy Amounts Of Excess Deaths’ – Genocide Serves The Globalists Best By Them ‘Eliminating The Young’ by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Home.php – If Democrats Can’t Kill Them In The Womb, They Murder Them With … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Under Banner Of Climate Change Led By Emmanuel Macron, The United Nations New World Order Marches ForwardNTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Under Banner Of Climate Change Led By Emmanuel Macron, The United Nations New World Order Marches Forward by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ The United Nations meets in Egypt for COP 27 Climate Change Conference as Emmanuel Macron leads the charge to bring in the New World Order – “We will not sacrifice … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
We Are in End Times – Michael SnyderWe Are in End Times – Michael Snyder by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Journalist and popular author Michael Snyder says in his new book we are in “End Times.” Few Christians would disagree. So, where are we and what are we facing? Snyder explains, “I believe we are living at the very end of a timeline. I … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
GLOBALISTS PLOT GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT! – As Fuel Shortage Worsens, The Great Reset Is APPROACHINGSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Chris Powell: BIS Gold Swaps Collapse a Sign of Paper Gold Market’s End?Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Mercenaries from Over 40 Countries Fighting Near Zaporozhye – Official
Mercenaries from Over 40 Countries Fighting Near Zaporozhye – Official by https://tass.com/ The overwhelming majority of them are Poles, of which there are 5,000, Rogov specified MELITOPOL, November 12. /TASS/. Mercenaries from more than 40 countries are currently engaged in combat near Zaporozhye, with the majority of them from Poland, Vladimir Rogov, who heads the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Protection From 4th Dose of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study
Protection From 4th Dose of COVID Vaccine Wanes Completely Within Months: Study by Lia Onely, https://www.theepochtimes.com/ An Israeli study found that antibody levels after a fourth dose of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine returned to similar levels as after the 3rd dose after about four months. The study, conducted among health care workers at the … read more