11:32pm MDT
Watch “What To Avoid When Taking Metformin | Drug Interactions | Pharmacology” on YouTubeClimateRealism13 hours ago
Coverage of Climate Shifts As More Scientists Admit to Problems with RCP8.5
Guest Post by Judith Curry Editor’s Note: Judith Curry writes an analysis on the beginning of a shift in coverage of climate change, as more scientists in the climate debate have begun to admit that the warming predictions associated with Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) are implausible. Climate Realism has covered this issue before, in […] The post Coverage of Climate Shifts As More Scientists Admit to Problems with RCP8.5 appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
Turcopolier14 hours ago
“Desperate Biden tried to link all Republicans to MAGA extremism …”
“Whether due to skyrocketing inflation, stubbornly high gas prices or fears of rising crime — take your pick! — it’s like Biden finally realized there are so few compelling reasons to vote Democrat that he was forced to tell the … Continue reading → read more
Science Matters14 hours ago
NY and PA: Midterm Election Energy Lesson
Larry Behrens writes at Real Clear Energy Fetterman and Cuomo: A Midterm Election Energy Lesson. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. With energy dominating the national discussion, look no further than Pennsylvania and New York as examples of failure and fortune. The Empire State might be looking to make a U-turn after […] read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Uruguay’s “Innovation Hub”: Government to partner with VCs to scale startupsThe Uruguayan government will promote the association of public resources with accelerators and venture capital funds to scale the potential of local startups, said on Thursday, November 3, the Minister of Industry, Omar Paganini, during a business forum held in Punta del Este. The government is framing its proposal within a program called Uruguay Innovation […] read more
MJBizDaily11 hours ago
MJBizDaily to provide in-depth Election Day coverage of marijuana measuresMJBizDaily will provide wide-ranging coverage of the Nov. 8 midterm elections, giving readers live updates on marijuana legalization ballot initiatives in five states as well as key congressional races that could influence federal MJ reform efforts on Capitol Hill. MJBizDaily to provide in-depth Election Day coverage of marijuana measures is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Halifax Examiner11 hours ago
Survivor’s guilt and the frustrations of living after a mass murder[image: A man in a yellow vest walking past some vehicles.] Carole and Adam Fisher relate their experiences with survivor's guilt after the mass murders of 2020. And Nick Beaton expresses his frustrations with the Mass Casualty Commission. The post Survivor’s guilt and the frustrations of living after a mass murder appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
No More Mister Nice Blog11 hours ago
SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT: REPUBLICANS BLAME DEMOCRATS FOR A NON-ATTACK BY A NON-DEMOCRATI woke up this morning to a tweet from Sebastian Gorka: So when will the Democrats be blamed for this? pic.twitter.com/0MwmOmJMF3 — Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) November 3, 2022 News reports say that Don Bolduc, a former general who's now the Republican Senate candidate in New Hampshire, was attacked last night before a debate with Democratic incumbent Maggie Hassan. *So, after all your talk about political violence fomented by the GOP, what do you have to say for yourselves now, Democrats?* Well, the first thing that needs to be said is that the alleged attacker was not a Demo... read more
the daily howler12 hours ago
Who lost Hispanic voters? And how?*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022* *Alberta breaks nation's heart:* How will next week's elections turn out? We have no idea! On TV shows, the children are busy with polls this week. If they'd simply wait one additional week, they could start to *find out* who won. Along the way, one fact does seem fairly clear. Across the nation, Democrats have been losing ground with Hispanic voters. No one knows where that process will end. But in his new report for The Atlantic, Tim Alberta starts as shown below, gloomy twin headlines included: *WHY DEMOCRATS ARE LOSING HISPANIC VOTERS* *The left h... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Pension reform in Chile: these are the axes of President Boric’s proposalChilean President Gabriel Boric presented his pension reform project to increase pensions and end the Pension fund managers (AFP). The bill will be submitted next week to Congress for discussion. These are the axes established by this reform: INCREASE OF THE SINGLE GUARANTEED PENSION . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, […] read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
The Biden administration has coordinated with social media to censor messages hostile to the PresidentAs part of a process that has already held several meetings, the Biden administration is trying to implement a program that will allow it to intervene in social networks to censor without inconvenience. The year’s most important news has just exploded in the United States. Documents leaked to The Intercept show that Biden’s Department of […] read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Tucker Carlson On President Biden: “The Guy Who Showers With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re a Bad Person”*WNU Editor:* I ma not that sure that the Democrats are going to be trounced in next week's midterm elections. Ballot harvesting and concerns on how mail-in ballots are being handled is raising concerns. But they will lose control of the House and Senate. *Update: *You gotta love the Babylon Bee .... *Democrats Worried Republicans May Take Lead Beyond Margin Of Cheating.* *Update #2:* We shall see .... *Joe Rogan Thinks the Possible Midterm Red Wave ‘is Going to be Like the Elevator Doors in ‘The Shining'” *(Legal Insurection). Video below: Joe Rogan: "The Red Wave that’s com... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
"23 Percent of US Households Could Not Wholly Pay An Energy Bill This Past Year"
*"23 Percent of US Households Could Not * *Wholly Pay An Energy Bill This Past Year"* by IWB "Some 29 million households have been unable to pay their energy bills this past year, according to a survey that says the cold winter weather and rising utility costs will only worsen the crisis. Data from the US Census Bureau show that many more American families - 43 million households - have cut back spending on groceries, medicine and doctors’ visits, so they could settle an energy bill. The research exposes fault lines across the US, with southern Republican-leaning states like Texas,... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man12 hours ago
A couple of days ago, I put up a post rejecting calls for a "Pandemic Amnesty" from some quarters. Along the same lines, on MeWe, friend, writer and blogger Michael Z. Williamson advises us "How to accept an apology from a Covidian cultist". I can see how that might be appropriate . . . Peter read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Are Hong Kong's Days As A Financial Hub For Asia Coming To An End?
Wikimedia *Business Standard*:* As China-US ties worsen, Hong Kong bankers fear for their careers* *The defiant tone President Xi Jinping took toward the US got those hardworking financiers scared. * It was supposed to be a big celebration for Hong Kong. This week’s Global Financial Leaders' Investment Summit, organized by the city’s central bank, was meant to showcase the revival of Hong Kong as Asia’s financial hub, after years of isolation that resulted from stringent Covid controls. But the mood is all gloom and doom. Since China’s Communist Party congress last month, bank... read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
Hawaii political leaders looking into merits of recreational cannabis salesHawaii’s ongoing debate to authorize recreational cannabis sales took another step forward with the release of a new state report. Hawaii political leaders looking into merits of recreational cannabis sales is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
No One Knows Why China's Mysterious Spaceplane Just Flung An Object Into Space
China's “reusable experimental spacecraft” is thought to resemble the Boeing X-37B spaceplane, seen above. Credit: Boeing *Gizmodo: **After 3 Months in Space, China's Mysterious Spaceplane Ejects Unknown Object* *China's inaugural spaceplane mission in 2020 lasted for only two days, but this one just keeps on going. * The saga of China’s spaceplane continues as the experimental vehicle just released a mystery object that’s now closely trailing behind in low Earth orbit. On Monday, the United States Space Force’s 18th Space Defense Squadron tracked an object in a similar orbi... read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Debt collectors to front royal commissionTwo debt collection agencies used by the federal government during its failed robodebt program are expected to provide details of their involvement in the scheme. A royal commission is investigating the debacle which falsely accused welfare recipients of owing the government money. Representatives from ARL Collect and Milton Graham are set to front a royal […] read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Technological advancements in criminal investigationTechnology is transforming policing in the 21st century. It’s introducing new methods to fight criminals while new crime categories appear. For example, according to the FBI, while many police departments across the country use drones for sky-eye, these flying machines are also used for criminal activity. In 2016, technologies such as drones had just been […] read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace Pledges To 'Fight For As Much Money As He Can Get' For The Military*The Telegraph*: *Three per cent defence spending target an ‘aspiration’, admits Ben Wallace* Ben Wallace told MPs he would be “fighting for as much money as I can get” for defence in a crunch meeting with the Chancellor on Thursday, as he admitted that previous pledges to spend three per cent of national income were only an “aspiration”. The Defence Secretary denied he had threatened to resign if he failed to get a commitment from Jeremy Hunt to increase defence spending as a share of GDP. Appearing before MPs, he pointed out that it was the Chancellor himself who called fo... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Bank of England Warns The Country Is Already In A Recession, And It Is Facing Its Longest Recession Since Records Began
*Daily Mail:* *Britain braces for TWO years of pain: BofE warns 'longest recession in a century' will last until mid-2024 as it raises interest rates to 3% - the largest rise in decades - and Chancellor admits it is 'very tough' news for families with mortgages* * The Bank of England hiked the interest rate by 0.75 percentage points to 3 per cent at lunchtime * Potentially adds hundreds of pounds to unfixed monthly mortgage payments for homeowners * Interest rates are now the highest they have been since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 * It's the biggest daily move since... read more
These are two most common symptoms of Long Covid, says study.https://www.livemint.com/news/world/erectile-dysfunction-hair-loss-are-the-two-most-common-symptoms-of-long-covid-finds-study/amp-11667470199125.html read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
"America's Nightmare Winter: Bonner’s 4th and Final Prediction"
*"America's Nightmare Winter: Bonner’s 4th and Final Prediction"* by Mike Palmer "In an effort to help you figure out exactly what's going to happen next in the country and financial markets, and what you should be doing right now, we recently sent a film crew to Europe, to hear from Bill Bonner. If you've never heard of Bonner, that's by design. He's one of the most anti-social and reclusive men on the planet. He spends most of his time at his six massive properties... three in Europe... one in the U.S.... and one each in both Central and South America. Over the past 40 years, Bon... read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
Campaign for a Fossil Fuels Non-proliferation Treaty Gathers SteamROME, Nov 03 (IPS) - When it comes to moral endorsements, having the Vatican’s backing takes some beating. So the international campaign for a legally binding Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty took a huge step forward in July when Cardinal Michael Czerny, the prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, gave it his total support. Read the full story, “Campaign for a Fossil Fuels Non-proliferation Treaty Gathers Steam”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
Anti-Microbial Resistance Strategies Need Urgent Attention to Prevent Unnecessary Deaths in AfricaACCRA, Nov 03 (IPS) - African countries must find a way of fighting Anti-Microbial Resistance in the healthcare system to avoid unnecessary deaths. Read the full story, “Anti-Microbial Resistance Strategies Need Urgent Attention to Prevent Unnecessary Deaths in Africa”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
Solidarity and Negotiations to End the Ukraine WarNEW YORK, Nov 03 (IPS) - On November 1, a statement of solidarity with Russians opposed to the Ukraine War was published. It was signed by more than 1,000 U.S. men and women who had opposed the U.S. invasions of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Read the full story, “Solidarity and Negotiations to End the Ukraine War”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
More funding needed for climate adaptation, as risks mountCountries must urgently ramp up action to adapt to the current and future impacts of climate change, as efforts now are too little and too slow, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in its latest report, published on Thursday. Read the full story, “More funding needed for climate adaptation, as risks mount”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
Counting the Massive Financial Costs of Illegal FishingNov 02 (IPS) - As a new report lays bare the massive financial costs to developing states of illegal fishing, campaigners are hoping that drawing attention to the practice’s devastating economic effects will help push governments to greater action against the illicit trade. Read the full story, “Counting the Massive Financial Costs of Illegal Fishing”, on globalissues.org → read more
Climate Collections13 hours ago
NY and PA: Midterm Election Energy Lesson
Originally posted on Science Matters: The Marcellus formation lies under more than 60 percent of the state of Pennsylvania alone. Some geologists and petroleum engineers believe that the massive shale formation may hold as much as 500 to 700 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This amount of natural gas in the Marcellus Shale could… read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
Portland Facing Homelessness ‘Catastrophe’: MayorZero Hedge – Epoch Times With the homelessness crisis cited among their top concerns, Oregon voters are taking note of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s declaration... The post Portland Facing Homelessness ‘Catastrophe’: Mayor appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Boric proposes a reform to increase pensions for the elderly in ChileThe president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, presented to Congress on Wednesday a project to reform the current private pension system and transform it into a model with the participation of the State and employers, in order to increase the amounts delivered. "Today we present a reform, long awaited and postponed for more than 15 years, […] read more
Halifax Examiner13 hours ago
Lisa Banfield suing federal, provincial governments alleging ‘trumped up charge’ was designed to cover RCMP failureThe common-law spouse of the Nova Scotia mass murderer alleges 'malicious prosecution.' The post Lisa Banfield suing federal, provincial governments alleging ‘trumped up charge’ was designed to cover RCMP failure appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
CFACT13 hours ago
CFACT’s Gabby Hoffman to deliver lecture at IU-BloomingtonLearn how to attend or watch Gabriella Hoffman's upcoming "Conservation is Conservative" lecture at IU-Bloomington. The post CFACT’s Gabby Hoffman to deliver lecture at IU-Bloomington appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
The Annotated Dark Brandon Speech
The Annotated Dark Brandon Speech Link to the entire body of my published work: https://infotextmanuscripts.org/links.html Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ITMA Paypal donations: itsthatmanagain[AT]yahoo.com Sadly not a joke. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
The Fed Is Now In BIG TROUBLE | 100% Accurate Prediction
source read more
Food & Water Watch14 hours ago
Our Lawsuit Pushes EPA to Finally Act on Factory Farm PollutionFive years after we called on the EPA to strengthen water regulations for factory farms, the agency has not acted. Meanwhile, communities continue to suffer. The post Our Lawsuit Pushes EPA to Finally Act on Factory Farm Pollution appeared first on Food & Water Watch. read more
Bacon's Rebellion14 hours ago
A Jewish Perspective on Arlington’s Confederate Memorial
The Advisory Committee on Arlington National Cemetery has recommended the removal of the 32-foot-tall memorial to Confederate veterans buried there on the grounds that it is “riddled with racist iconography” and perpetuates the Lost Cause narrative. The following letter was … Continue reading → read more
Truth Comes to Light14 hours ago
No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry
No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare sourced from Jerm Warfare newsletter, November 3, 2022 interview recorded July 4, 2022 Before the “Covid” era I didn’t question the legitimacy of most vaccines. Now I do. It’s All Broken Mike Donio is a pharmaceutical scientist who left the The post No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit14 hours ago
What Everyone Is What You Ought To Do And Expressing About Accounting Consultant NextMany companies (even fairly small considerations) use bookkeeping software program to maintain their books as a result of the software is cheap and easy to make use of. Using bookkeeping software program does not replace the necessity for a bookkeeper, it merely makes the bookkeeper’s job easier: The software can’t do the job of a human brain. Bookkeeping software program needs human intervention to work correctly, a software program program will not know for itself issues like what gadgets can legitimately be offset towards tax. ACME People Search Engine lets you earn commissions... read more
Bacon's Rebellion14 hours ago
What If They Threw a Party and the Wrong People Came?
by James A. Bacon In an effort to overcome “catastrophic learning loss” among Virginia school kids over the past five years, Governor Glenn Youngkin has ramped up efforts to recruit more tutors. This morning, for instance, he announced a tutoring … Continue reading → read more
Lawfare16 hours ago
Water Wars: U.S. Unveils First Pacific Islands Partnership StrategyAn annual bilateral exercise involving the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the U.S. military. Source: U.S. Marine Corps photo. Biden Administration Releases Long-Awaited National Security Strategy On Oct. 12, the Biden administration announced its first National Security Strategy (NSS). The 48-page document, which was delayed last winter due to Russia’s impending invasion of Ukraine, outlines Biden’s perspective on the world’s greatest challenges and how the United States can protect its interests. The strategy defines two fundamental strategic challenges: first, the competiti... read more
Lawfare17 hours ago
Canada’s New Sanctions Against Iran: To List or Not to ListCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressing MEPs in the EU in March. (European Parliament, https://www.flickr.com/photos/european_parliament/51957046812/, CC-BY-2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en), The government of Canada announced on Oct. 7 that it will impose new sanctions on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA). In the following days, Canada added other individuals, including Iran’s former foreign minister, Javad Zarif, to the list of san... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Murders of journalists in Latin America: impunity prevails in the regionNovember 2 marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. In Latin America, 31 journalists have been murdered so far in 2022 and 95% of the crimes remain unpunished. The date was instituted by the United Nations in 2013 after the murder of French journalists Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon while they […] read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Guyana, a country of exponential economic growth to the detriment of VenezuelaGuyana's oil wealth in the Essequibo Region, claimed by Venezuela, is causing a surprising economic boom, but at the expense of its neighbor. In dialogue with Sputnik, the journalist Marcos Salgado said that this could escalate the conflict between the two nations. Guyana could achieve a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 52% in 2022, […] read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education14 hours ago
Advancing Women in Economics is a Moral Imperative: Why Aren’t We Talking About it?null read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 214 hours ago
"Crazy Trip To Kroger! This Is Ridiculous! Not Good!"*Full screen recommended.* Adventures with Danno, 11/3/22: *"Crazy Trip To Kroger! This Is Ridiculous! Not Good!"* "In today's vlog we are at Kroger, and are noticing some major price increases! We are here to check out skyrocketing prices, and a lot of empty shelves! It's getting rough out here as stores seem to be struggling with getting products!" *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan Injured In Assassination Attempt At Rally*Daily Mail:* *Terrifying moment Imran Khan takes cover as he is shot and wounded during protest march in Pakistan: Nine others injured and one killed before would-be assassin is shot dead* * Pakistan's former PM Imran Khan has survived an assassination attempt at rally * A gunman opened fire at Khan's convoy as he was leading a protest march * Khan was shot in the foot and rushed to hospital, but he is out of danger * One suspected attacker has been shot dead while a second is in police custody * Terrifying moment Imran Khan takes cover as he is shot and wounded during ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 214 hours ago
"I’m Glad I’m Out"*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly 11/3/22: *"I’m Glad I’m Out"* "So many people have said that this economy is going to ruin business. I have had so many people tell me how grateful that they are “out” right now. The Fed raises interest rates 3/4 of a point and people act like it’s not going to affect all of us. Everything is going to become more expensive as of tomorrow." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
U.S. Military Personnel In Ukraine To Stop Weapons Smuggling (Update)
Image: Reuters *National Interest*:* U.S. Forces Deployed to Ukraine to Fight Weapons Smuggling* A “small number” of U.S. military forces are performing onsite inspections of weapons caches in Ukraine to ensure military aid to Kyiv is being properly accounted for, a senior U.S. defense official told journalists earlier this week. The defense official said there have been “several” such inspections, but they did not specify how many U.S. personnel there are in Ukraine and where the inspections were performed. Similar inspections were carried out prior to the war, but they wer... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 214 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, "Bond Market Selloff Resumes With A Vengeance! We Are In A Full-On Currency Crisis"Gregory Mannarino, AM 11/3/22: *"Bond Market Selloff Resumes With A Vengeance! * *We Are In A Full-On Currency Crisis"* - https://traderschoice.net/ *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Are Western Weapons Destined For Ukraine Ending Up With Criminal Organizations In Europe?
Gregoire Moutaux, was stopped on the Polish-Ukrainian border on May 21 with 125 kilograms of explosives, five AK-series assault rifles, two antitank grenade launchers, some 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and 100 detonators. Ukrainian officials claim he planned more than a dozen attacks. *Remix*: *Some weapons destined for Ukraine ending up with Finnish criminals* *Weapons sent to Ukraine are finding their way across Europe* Organized crime is on the rise in Finland, and there’s a high demand for weapons. Criminal networks have already established weapon smuggling routes between ... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
The Head Of Australia's Intelligence Agencies Says The Five-Eyes Focus Is Now On China*ABC News Australia*: *Australian Secret Intelligence Service boss Paul Symon says Australian agencies will be busier as focus shifts to Indo-Pacific* The nation's overseas spy chief has warned that Australian intelligence agencies are likely to face heavier responsibilities as Western nations grapple with an increasingly assertive and powerful China. The director-general of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), Paul Symon, who is due to retire shortly, gave a wide-ranging speech to the National Security College in Canberra earlier this week. Mr Symon said that... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Why Biden's mid-term pitch is a loserBreitbart: Americans are most concerned with economic issues when it comes to the midterm elections — a category wholly ignored by President Biden in his latest Election Day message — a recent Politico/Morning Consult survey found. The survey asked, “Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?” Economic issues — which include taxes, wages, jobs, unemployment, and spending — tops the list with 43 percent identifying it as the top set of issues. Yet, that is no... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The media 'election denier' nonsenseRichard McDonough: ... The recent exchange between Chuck Todd, presenter on NBC's *Meet the Press*, and Chris Sununu, governor of New Hampshire, was illuminating for a number of reasons. Chuck Todd has not been this upset since Texas's Gov. Abbott sent 50 poor Venezuelans to Martha's Vineyard, the Democrats' safe, quaint, quiet, mostly white elitist paradise that "liberals" desperately want to keep rigorously illegal alien–free. Sununu's sin is that he supports his state's Republican candidate for the Senate, Don Bolduc, and this, Todd informs him, is not acceptable to the lef... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The transportation problemJohn Green: ... Loaded ships are still waiting off the coast of California because there aren't enough trucks that meet the state's emission standards to unload them — and it's going to get worse in 2023, when more rules kick in. The ports are choked with cargo containers while perishables spoil and store shelves run empty. It's a government-created problem. What is the government's solution? Mandate that port employees work overtime loading the trucks that aren't there. It's government problem-solving 101. The airline industry is plagued with cancelations and late flights... read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
The Dems' costly bail reform scamFox News: New York City's crime crisis has taken center stage in the highly contested gubernatorial race between Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul and Republican challenger Rep. Lee Zeldin, but former Clinton pollster Mark Penn says the tragic killing of a young mother blamed on Hochul's soft-on-crime policies could be what gives the win to Zeldin. Keaira Bennefield, 30, was fatally shot in front of her children at about 8:30 in the morning on Oct. 5, less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was released from custody without bail for allegedly beating her. Adam Bennefield, 45, al... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden and the increase in Social Security paymentsBiz Pac Review: On Wednesday, the White House was humiliated once again when it was forced to delete a tweet that had credited “President Biden’s leadership” for the bump in Social Security payments after being flagged by Twitter as being inaccurate. The increase in Social Security checks is actually due to a 40-year high in inflation, which ironically, Biden is responsible for. “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” the White House fibbed on Twitter Tuesday. The original tweet was flagged on ... read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Harsh lessonsI’ve heard many times that America “learned its lesson” from the real estate breakdown in 2008 and won’t repeat those mistakes again. It’s quite possible that this conclusion was completely wrong. In any case, whatever is happening down there will not miss Canada this time around. The layoffs at Opendoor will … come in the… Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
GOP favored to win House and SenateJohn Sexton: ... My take is that Silver’s model has probably caught up to where reality was about 10 days ago. That makes a certain sense because he’s relying on polling which was done a week or two weeks or more ago. But I think where we actually are now is probably a bit better for the GOP in the Senate. Not a huge advantage but definitely an edge with less nearly a week still to go. Is there any reason to think the GOP momentum will stall or reverse in the last six days? I don’t think so. Democrats are doing their best to shift gears from talking about abortion nonstop to talk... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
How the Ukraine war has changed in less than a yearAir Force Times: It’s now been over eight months of full-scale warfare since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But while the war continues, the features of the battlefield have changed significantly — both in the systems employed, and the tactics used to counter them. Ukraine’s military, which began the war with largely Soviet-era equipment, has transitioned into an ever-more Western-armed and -trained force. By contrast, much of Russia’s best equipment — and its most professional troops — have been destroyed or killed in months of relentless combat, leading Moscow to draw on ol... read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Election noise makingThe following is a letter I forwarded to my newspaper for publishing. It is doubtful they will as I had something published last month, but please feel free to adapt and use. It is disappointing to this independent and former … Continue reading → read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
The winter energy shortageReuters: This winter the U.S. Northeast faces its highest energy costs in more than 25 years due to tight heating oil supplies and fierce global competition for liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes. Throughout 2022, consumers have been socked with higher costs for everyday items, including groceries and gasoline. The winter could bring more pain, with heating costs nationwide set to soar as much as 28% from last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) winter fuels outlook. During long, cold winters, the U.S. Northeast consumes more oil and gas for h... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ5 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 3 UK attacked Ottoman forces in Basra before Ottomans joined WWI
(National Army Museum) 1914 UK troops arrived at mouth of Shatt al-Arab while warship bombarded Ottoman fort on Faw Peninsula before Ottomans joined WWI (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1918 British troops took Mosul city from Ottomans after WW1 armistice (Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq) (Musings On Iraq review *The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921*) (Musings ... read more
School Choice and Switching CostsThe current kerfluffle over the Elon Muskification of Twitter marks roughly the eleventy billoionth time that an on-line platform has provoked a bunch of people to say, "That's it. I'm out of here." Every person has their own individual breaking point, that point at which the ethical problems of the service/platform/brand/store in question outweigh the utility you get from using them. Online businesses are very aware that users (aka "the product") are a fickle lot, and so they have taken many steps to increase the cost of switching to another service. Mark Zuckerberg didn't give... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ14 hours ago
Review The Gulf Conflict 1990-1991, Diplomacy and War in the New World Order
*Freedman, Lawrence and Karsh, Efraim, **The Gulf Conflict 1990-1991, Diplomacy and War in the New World Order**, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993* *The Gulf Conflict 1990-1991, Diplomacy and War in the New World Order* by Lawrence Freedman and Efraim Karsh is one of the most comprehensive books about the Gulf War. Most others on the topic follow the same script. They go over Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the U.S. led response, Iraq’s intransigence and then the Gulf War. Freedman and Karsh have that plus the international response from countries like England, France, t... read more
Collecting My Thoughts14 hours ago
Beau Biden didn't die in or because of IraqOne of Joe Biden's favorite lies is that his son died in Iraq, and if he's having a good day and remembers that his handlers told him not to say that, he corrects it to "because" he served in Iraq. And sometimes he gets it mixed up with Ukraine but says Beau was on his mind. Beau Biden died of glioblastoma, not from anything that happened to him in Iraq. (He was a military lawyer.) He can be commended for serving--a lot of sons of the privileged don't do that. He was certainly a greater man than Hunter Biden, who then consoled Beau's widow by going to bed with her. Glioblastoma also ... read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation14 hours ago
Political violence in America isn't going away anytime soon
The rise in contemporary right-wing political extremism – and violence – can be traced back to events in the 1990s. read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation14 hours ago
Why there really is no ethical reason not to vote
‘I don’t like the candidates,’ ‘I don’t know enough to make a decision,’ ‘I don’t want to give this election legitimacy’ – an ethicist takes on nonvoters. read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation14 hours ago
The GOP made gains among Latino voters in 2020 but Democrats remain the party of choice for upcoming midterms
The complexity of the Latino community needs to be understood in order for the US’ second largest ethnic group to be adequately represented in our democracy. read more
From the Trenches World Report15 hours ago
Finland Says Ukraine Arms Ending Up In Hands Of Criminal GangsZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden Critics of the massive US weapons pipeline to Ukraine have long pointed out there’s no accountability or appropriate tracking... The post Finland Says Ukraine Arms Ending Up In Hands Of Criminal Gangs appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report15 hours ago
Big Brother’s PlaybookSubstack – by Techno Fog The federal government’s guidelines to counter “misinformation” and “disinformation” – what we might more accurately describe as Big Brother’s Playbook... The post Big Brother’s Playbook appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: The strongest names to lead Petrobras under Lula da SilvaThe market will keep a close eye on who President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party - PT, left) will put at the helm of Petrobras (PETR3, PETR4) to gauge how much the state-owned company's business strategy will change under the new leftist government. Da Silva, the former president who drove Petrobras' expansion in […] read more
From the Trenches World Report15 hours ago
The Bird is Caged: Elon Musk Commits to ‘Combat Hate’ After ADL Threatens ‘Dire Consequences’ For Replatforming ‘Far-Right’Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he talked with ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and other “civil society... The post The Bird is Caged: Elon Musk Commits to ‘Combat Hate’ After ADL Threatens ‘Dire Consequences’ For Replatforming ‘Far-Right’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazilian protesters lift truck blockades after Bolsonaro ordered transitionBrazil's protesting truckers lifted some road blockades on Wednesday, November 2, after President Jair Bolsonaro broke a two-day silence following the presidential elections, calling for the protesters to unblock the roads. The protests against the result of Sunday's presidential election, which Bolsonaro narrowly lost, were still partially or fully blocking 156 highways across 15 states […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
More and more Germans believe that Russia was forced to launch a special military operation in UkraineThe Cemas Monitoring, Analysis, and Strategy Center has published the results of an opinion poll in Germany. About 40% of respondents believe that NATO forced Russia to launch a special military operation in Ukraine. The studies were conducted in April and October of this year. Experts interviewed 2228 Germans. In the spring, only 29 percent […] read more
Virtual Mirage15 hours ago
Dr. Strangelove…Rumors of War SteveS sent me an e-mail that included an assessment by somebody that neither he nor I knew who was predicting a nuclear first strike by the US on Russia. Based on the opinion of the author, the US is now confident of a successful first strike that would decapitate Russian leadership […] The post Dr. Strangelove… appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Real Climate Science16 hours ago
COP27 Scams (Part 1)The United Nations is holding their 27th annual meeting where the pretend they are reducing CO2 emissions and saving the planet. read more
MintPress News16 hours ago
The Truth About Cargill, The World’s Most Evil CompanyLet’s learn a little more about Cargill. Known to friends as the evilest company in the world – and to enemies as even worse than that – Cargill Inc. is the biggest privately owned company in the U.S., and they own a large chunk of every portion of the food that ends up on your plate. The post The Truth About Cargill, The World’s Most Evil Company appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Michael West17 hours ago
Bank of England announces major rate hikeThe Bank of England has announced its biggest interest rate increase in three decades as it tries to beat back stubbornly high inflation. The bank boosted its key rate by three-quarters of a percentage point on Thursday, to 3.0 per cent, after consumer price inflation returned to a 40-year high in September. The aggressive move […] read more
Real Climate Science17 hours ago
Voting GreenReal Climate Science17 hours ago
Glaciers To Disappear By Mid-CenturyThe United Nations says the glaciers of Yosemite and Africa will disappear by mid-century. 7:50 PM · Nov 2, 2022 A century ago, experts said the glaciers of Glacier National Park would disappear by mid-century. 29 Dec 1923, Page 5 … Continue reading → read more
Vox - All15 hours ago
The surprising value of a small patch of grass
[image: A bee on a yellow flower in a field.] A rusty-patched bumblebee, an endangered species that was spotted in Bell Bowl Prairie last summer. | Courtesy of Clay Bolt To save more nature, think small. Roughly an hour and a half northwest of Chicago is one of Illinois’s largest airports: Chicago Rockford International. It’s a major cargo hub that services UPS and Amazon and some commercial airlines. And it’s expanding rapidly as demand for shipping surges. But in the summer of 2021, the expansion project hit a snag. In order to build a new road, airport officials planned to bu... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Ukraine’s Suicide Navy Drone Attack On Russian Ships At Sevastopol Is Heralding A New Type Of Warfare
The US Sun *Dan Sabbagh, The Guardian:* *Could Ukraine’s drone attack on Russian ships herald a new type of warfare?* Use of boat drone appeared to demonstrate how effective these nimble and relatively cheap weapons can be It had all the thrill of a daring commando raid, filmed live. But Saturday’s dawn raid on Russia’s Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol was not carried out by elite soldiers, but by 16 drones, nine in the air and seven at sea – prompting questions as to whether the attack represented a revolutionary moment in the history of warfare. Three years ago, it was Domin... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man15 hours ago
A fundraiser for a very worthy blogger and writerOur mutual friend Lawdog, who's a blogger and a writer as well as a recently-retired peace officer, has been fighting a legal battle for the past two years. I can't say too much about it prior to the court case, but basically he was accused of unprofessional conduct - which I don't believe for a moment. It involved a very violent situation that had to be resolved right then and there, for fear of injury to others, and he did so very effectively, IMHO. As one who's worked with law enforcement in a prison setting for a number of years, I applauded when I heard about the inciden... read more
Rounding the Earth Newsletter15 hours ago
The Novel(ish) Influenza Hypothesis (with John Cullen)
Plandemonium, Part 8 read more
the daily howler15 hours ago
GOBLINS AND US: Who's actually driving the GOP bus?*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022* *"[We're] looking at ghosts and empties:"* This past Monday night, ghosts and goblins were reliably spotted in many American neighborhoods. Last night, we even thought we spotted some goblins right there on cable TV! To be honest, we also found ourselves thinking of Paul Simon's "ghosts and empties," the traveling companions he was hoping to lose as he journeyed towards a real and metaphorical Graceland. The lyrics appeared in 1986. To revisit the context, click here. First up last night was Tucker Carlson, a reliable goblin on Fox. Ranting about Joe... read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
Ukrainian servicemen fire a self-propelled howitzer toward Russian positions, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, on a frontline in Mykolaiv region, Ukraine. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko *WNU Editor*: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Top Photos of the Day* (Reuters). read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: Protesters block highways in 7 statesGroups of protesters have blocked at least 72 stretches of highways since the early hours of Monday, October 31, against the alleged victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party - PT, left) in the Brazilian presidential elections on Sunday, October 30. According to the PRF (Federal Highway Police), eight states still registered 74 […] read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Let’s get physical: learning to enjoy exercise[image: A woman wearing orange and grey sneakers runs up concrete steps.] Gym classes could be better designed to help kids learn to love to move and encourage them to keep working out as adults. The post Let’s get physical: learning to enjoy exercise appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
What to do in Buenos Aires: 24 hours in the Argentine capitalBuenos Aires invites you to leisurely walks, coffee and book breaks, meals with local wine, and cocktail evenings. But if you don't have time for so much, we have elaborated a brief itinerary of the Argentine capital, which has been attracting Brazilian tourists because of the neighboring country's exchange rate situation. WHAT TO DO IN […] read more
The Duran16 hours ago
Rumble cancels France. State media labels. Putin, grain deal warning. Elensky nuke obsessed. U/1
Rumble cancels France. State media labels. Putin, grain deal warning. Elensky nuke obsessed. U/1 Topic 761 read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Lula Never Left Brazil’s Centre StageThe former president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, popularly known as Lula, has won the country’s presidential election by an incredibly narrow margin of 50.90% of the vote against his right-wing rival and incumbent president Jair Bolsonaro’s 49.10%. When Lula stepped down as president in 2010, he was […] read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Meta gathers entrepreneurs to envision metaverse in BrazilA little over a year ago, on October 28, 2021, Mark Zuckerberg officially changed Facebook's name to Meta, directing much of the company's efforts to develop technologies and services for immersive experiences. Last month, Meta released the Meta Quest Pro mixed reality glasses, enhancements to several other devices, and improvements to the Horizon Worlds platform. […] read more
Need To Know16 hours ago
Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion of Stillbirths Following COVID VaccinesA leaked email sent out to hospital staff at a Fresno, California hospital reported an increase in stillbirths. The email leaker said that prior to COVID, there were 1 or 2 stillbirths every 90 days in her hospital, but the email reported that there were 22 demise patients in the month of August 2022. read more
Northern Reflections16 hours ago
Contracts Of Difference
Pierre Poilievre is a one-trick pony. His message is simple and he repeats it constantly. Taxes -- all taxes -- are bad. Chief among the taxes Poilievre wants to eliminate is the carbon tax. Max Fawcett writes: Carbon pricing, billed by economists as a market-friendly way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, has instead become the bête noire of Canada’s conservative movement. And while it might seem like the backlash against the carbon tax ought to be dying down after three-plus years, it actually appears to be growing. With Pierre Poilievre attacking it daily from his perch in Ott... read more
Organizing Notes16 hours ago
The Economic War 'bombing' Italy & Europe
By Manlio Dinucci (Associazione per un Mondo senza Guerre- CNGNN, Italy) As the crisis worsens, the "Goldman Sachs government ", the powerful US investment bank, is strengthening in Europe: that is, the appointment of politicians belonging to the financial elite to high government positions. After Mario Draghi as head of the Italian government, another "Goldman Sachs man", Rishi Sunak, is put in charge of the British government: an expert in hedge funds, he married the daughter of an Indian billionaire who put him in charge of one of his financial companies. He has a similar c... read more
Need To Know16 hours ago
Elon Musk to Crackdown on ‘Hate Speech’ with Help from the ADL and Other “Content Moderators”The coalition “civil society leaders” will be given tools to ban users and delete content that they deem to be “hateful.” The coalition requested Musk to continue the policy of prohibiting so-called election lies and denial, even after Election Day. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil moves closer to corn exports to ChinaAccording to a Brazilian agriculture authority, Chinese customs updated its list of approved Brazilian corn exporters on Wednesday, November 2, a move that could boost Brazilian corn sales to China. The approvals could reshape global trade flows and result in fewer sales to producers in the United States, the world's top corn supplier. China used […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Bolivian president to set up an international round table to dismantle protests against himThe Bolivian Government has announced this Wednesday the installation of a technical table with representatives of international organizations to define the date of the Census and thus quell the protests that are taking place in the city of Santa Cruz. After failing to reach a final agreement with the Inter-Institutional Committee of Santa Cruz, the […] read more
Econlib17 hours ago
Lower-Income Americans are Taxed Much Less Heavily Than Lower-Income Europeans
The top 10 percent of households in the United States earn about 33.5 percent of all income, but they pay 45.1 percent of income-related taxes, including Social Security and Medicare taxes. In other words, their share of all income-related taxes is 1.35 times larger than as large as their share of income. That is the most […] The post Lower-Income Americans are Taxed Much Less Heavily Than Lower-Income Europeans appeared first on Econlib. read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Disability rights activist Vicky Levack to move into new home this month[image: Two women sit in front of a microphone] Levack has been living in a nursing home for the past 10 years and has fought to have adults with disabilities moved out of institutions. The post Disability rights activist Vicky Levack to move into new home this month appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Gangsters Out Blog3 hours ago
Mass protests over Voter fraud in Brazil
There are massive protests in Brazil implying voter fraud in their recent election. The fake news isn't covering it or is misrepresenting it. They claim supporters of the candidate who lost the election are protesting the results of a democratic election. However, when you see the insane number of people participating in the protest, an independent recount is without question in order. Electronic voting or counting is not secure. We need physical recounts of actual ballots. Update: Reuters reported that "The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director last year told senior B... read more
Organizing Notes14 hours ago
Russia/Ukraine grain deal story reviewedBy Gilbert Doctorow Russian suspension of grain corridor for export of Ukrainian grain: Discussion on Iran’s Press TV Once again, I am grateful to the journalists at Iran’s Press TV for prompting me to focus my thoughts on a very significant development in international relations which I otherwise would have not taken the time to look into closely. The case here is the decision of the Russian authorities to suspend, effectively to cancel the ‘grain corridor’ deal that had been brokered by the United Nations and Turkey to facilitate export of grain from Odessa, where it h... read more
Vox - All16 hours ago
The nightmarish Supreme Court case that could gut Medicaid, explained
[image: A patient talks with a physician in an examination room during a consultation.] A patient talks with a physician during a consultation at the Herbert Humphreys Medical Center in Los Angeles. | Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images Health and Hospital Corporation v. Talevski is the single greatest threat to America’s social safety net since Paul Ryan. On Tuesday, as millions of Americans cast their ballots in the 2022 midterms, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in what could be one of the most consequential health care cases in its history. The defendant... read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Liberals spending big bucks on Abrams and O'RourkeDaily Wire: Democrats Stacey Abrams and Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke raised tens of millions of dollars, despite campaigns on track to get crushed in the 2022 midterms. Neither O’Rourke nor Abrams have led in any major public polling for the entirety of the 2022 election cycle. But new fundraising numbers for both campaigns show that O’Rourke raised more than $76.5 million through the end of October, while Abrams raised more than $97 million through October. Both candidates have a history of record-breaking fundraising, despite previous losing campaigns. According to a report... read more
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog17 hours ago
UntitledFrom Jenna Orkin The Fed may have to blow up the economy to get inflation under controlThe Meaning of Stanford’s Apology to Jews Poland Signs Deal With Korea to Build Second Nuclear Plant MegaThreats: Ten Dangerous Trends That Imperil Our Future, And How to Survive Them Nouriel Roubini Capitol Police cameras caught break-in at Pelosi home, but no one was watching Diesel big rigs have belched smog for years. California may soon ban them. Five lions escape their exhibit, sending Sydney zoo campers running Russians fleeing to Georgia face resentment, graffiti, loyalty tests at bars ... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
Malawi scientists have a plan to fight one of their country’s biggest killers
[image: A person in a lab coat and mask sits at a table writing in a spreadsheet behind a tray holding vials of samples.] A laboratory technician logs samples in vials from tuberculosis patients to be tested for TB strains at a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)-run clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, on March 24, 2015. | Tony Karumba/AFP via Getty Images Human challenge trials have changed the fight against malaria and cholera. Next up: tuberculosis. You probably don’t think about tuberculosis much. Growing up, I only read about it in history books, where it was often referred to as consumpti... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
What Congress could actually do about inflation
[image: An illustration of a stack of money with wings, as several silhouetted people try to keep it from flying away, using ropes attached to it.] Getty Images Economists say lawmakers could pass housing, health care, employment, and antitrust legislation to help Americans cope with rising prices. As inflation continues to climb, making it harder for Americans to afford things like rent or food at the grocery store, much of the focus has been on the Federal Reserve. That’s because the central bank is tasked with keeping prices stable. For months, the Fed has been trying to brin... read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
What Lula's victory in Brazil should mean for the EU-Mercosur trade deal03-Nov-2022 After Bolsonaro, the European Commission, as well as some governments and industries in Europe will see an opportunity to push through the EU-Mercosur trade deal. But the agreement would be the exact opposite of what the Amazon needs. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
La gouvernance des investissements internationaux et la réalisation d'un avenir carboneutre équitable03-Nov-2022 Un régime d'investissement international entièrement inédit, conçu dans l'optique du climat et d'autres objectifs mondiaux, pourrait servir d'outil pour accélérer les investissements nécessaires à la résolution de la crise climatique. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
International investment governance and achieving a just zero-carbon future03-Nov-2022 A wholly new international investment regime designed with climate and other global goals in mind could be used as a tool to accelerate the investments needed to address the climate crisis. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
Latin America trade deal: NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hints at progress03-Nov-2022 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has hinted at progress in the Government's longstanding efforts to negotiate a free trade agreement with the Pacific Alliance, a group comprising Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile. read more
bilaterals.org17 hours ago
US pressuring new left-wing Honduras government over privatized cities03-Nov-2022 US senators argue that abolishing special economic zones known as ZEDEs would violate the provisions of CAFTA-DR, including the provision ensuring “fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security.” read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Biden's EV fantasyJohn Stossel: Electric cars sales are up 66% this year. President Joe Biden promotes them, saying things like, “The great American road trip is going to be fully electrified” and, “There’s no turning back.” To make sure we have no choice in the matter, some left-leaning states have moved to ban gas-powered cars altogether. California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order banning them by 2035. Oregon, Massachusetts and New York copied California. Washington state’s politicians said they’d make it happen even faster, by 2030. Thirty countries also say they’ll phase out gas-p... read more
New York Times prepares global public for a global outbreak of Ebola as nearly happened in 2014, 2015. If you thought covid jabs were risky, wait for the Ebola experimental vaccines.... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek7y6dtxjmsupsy/Ebola%20Vaccines%20Fact%20Check.pdf?dl=0 From NYT Today there’s an outbreak in Uganda. Tomorrow it can be somewhere else. After the last major Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the world began to undertake changes to ensure it wouldn’t happen again, but then moved on. Despite the contingency planning that went into place after the last Ebola outbreak, ... read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
The political violence narrativeSarah Weaver: The media appears to have rediscovered political violence the morning of October 28 when news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul was attacked by a hammer-wielding mad man in their California home. The days of hysterical coverage that have since followed — certainly warranted to some degree for an alleged attempt on the life of a woman third in line for presidency — nonetheless represent a pattern of disproportionate opportunism that seems to strike whenever the corporate media and Democrats decide certain violence could serve a politically expedie... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Movements ask Lula da Silva to appoint Brazil to host the COPOne day after the confirmation that Brazil's President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party - PT, left) will attend the next United Nations Climate Change Conference, the COP27, the Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social Movements for Environment and Development (FBOMS) sent a letter to the President-elect asking him to put Brazil back at […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Historic Exxon, Chevron profits signal ‘all-out war on American consumers’“Instead of providing badly needed relief to consumers, they spent over US$32 billion to enrich their wealthy shareholders while forcing American families to foot the bill.” By Jake Johnson ExxonMobil and Chevron, the largest oil companies in the United States, posted respective third-quarter profits of nearly US$20 billion and US$11.2 billion on Friday as American […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil: Tauá group plans Minas Gerais state’s first indoor water park in CaetéThe Tauá group has announced a renovation plan for several hotels of its brand for the next two years. In Caeté, the first hotel of the chain, the renovation that will start this year promises the construction of the first indoor water park in Minas Gerais. The project also foresees the construction of two more […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Mercosur Navies train in the Coamas 2022 exercise in Buenos AiresThe Argentine Navy hosted, in Buenos Aires, the South Atlantic Maritime Area Coordinator (Coamas) 2022 International Maritime Traffic Naval Control Exercise. Its objective is to put into practice the regulations and norms for the cooperation and guidance of maritime traffic in the South Atlantic and its main associated waterways. The different maritime traffic structures of […] read more
Small Dead Animals19 hours ago
Lab Rats And The Upcoming ElectionVictor Davis Hanson explains that Americans were the lab rats, and leftists were the mad scientists. read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Biden makes one of the most idiotic speeches by any PresidentFox News: *Biden suggests voting for Republicans is a threat to democracy* Biden singles out 'MAGA' Republicans as a threat, but most in GOP are supportive of Trump This has to be one of the most absurd speeches by any President. Telling people that their vote is a threat to democracy when it is in fact what democracy is all about. This is coming from a president of the same party that pushed the Russian collusion hoax and tried to impeach Trump twice on specious grounds. Here is more idiocy: NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably... read more
EUROPE MUST BREAK THE STRANGLEHOLD OF THE UNELECTED BILLIONAIRES APPARATUS OF CENSORSHIP TO HAVE A FUTUREGeorge Orwells 1984 ends with the censor winning. Winston Smith accepts a false reality. Threatened with torture, he says what the censor Big Brother wants. He says 2 plus 2 equals 5. an absurd lie. It is absurd because mathematical concepts are a question of definition. If you define 2 as X quantity and 4 as Z quantity, then a priori 2 plus 2 must equal 4. If you accept the Party s definition as whatever fits its marketing plan of the moment, then 2 plus 2 can equal 5. But then the foundations are shaken. The truth has lost all basis and substance. A society based on lies, i... read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Media, Democrats slur against Hispanic and black RepublicansFox News: Non-White Republicans have been dismissed and demonized by Democrats and their mainstream media allies simply because they favor conservative views while simultaneously being Black or Hispanic, and they say they've had enough. "It's unbelievable to see the media treat us this way," Republican candidate for Congress in Texas' 28th District Cassy Garcia told Fox News Digital. As the midterms finally come to a close with Election Day next week, they're taking stock of some of the coverage they've seen from mainstream outlets and pundits. And it's often not been pretty. ... read more
Vox - All18 hours ago
The ugly story of how corporate America convinced us to spend so much on water
[image: Plastic water bottles and a dollar sign.] How corporate America turned a natural resource into a pricy commodity. | Amanda Northrop/Vox We’re being packaged and sold a bottle/can/box of lies on water. Every now and again I catch an ad for miracle spring water, which promises to cure everything from laryngitis to debt. It’s fairly obviously a scam seeking to separate people from their hard-earned money. Then again, the same goes for the plastic water bottles people buy at the convenience store every day, or the box of water or can of water that promises to be more environme... read more
Vox - All18 hours ago
Your free pandemic health perks are on the way out[image: US President Joe Biden smiles before receiving a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine targeting the omicron BA.4/BA.5 subvariants in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, on October 25, 2022.] President Joe Biden receives a bivalent booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Federal funding for Covid-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines will soon run out. | Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images The privatization of the Covid-19 response is well underway as federal funding runs out. Federal funding for Covid-19 response measures like tests, treatments, and vac... read more
Vox - All18 hours ago
The reason Republican attacks on crime are so potent
Mehmet Oz, Republican Senate candidate for Pennsylvania, speaks during a community discussion on safer streets in Duquesne, Pennsylvania, on September 30. | Nate Smallwood/Bloomberg via Getty Images The party’s closing argument is exploiting voters’ fears. BUCKS COUNTY, Pennsylvania — Two years ago, Mary, 55, a resident of New Britain Township, voted for President Joe Biden because she couldn’t stomach the alternative. “I could not vote Trump because he’s so despicable,” Mary told Vox. (She declined to share her last name in order to protect her privacy.) This year, however, she... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Peru shows rapid economic recovery after pandemic, according to Central BankPeru showed a “fast” recovery of its economy after the COVID-19 pandemic, even if compared to other countries in the region and the world, assured the president of the Central Bank of Reserves (BCRP) this Wednesday, Julio Velarde. “We recovered very quickly because already in the fourth quarter of 2020, we were almost at the […] read more
UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
Northern Ireland: ‘Confrontational’ angler has rods and fishing gear seized after refusing to give nameUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
Rare Torquay seahorse found in fish's belly amazes expertsUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
At least 6% of global fishing ‘probably illegal’ as ships turn off tracking devicesUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
Diving family from Virginia helping with invasive lionfish—by eating themUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
Get out: Scientists document how ship noise sends beluga whales scrambling out of the wayUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page18 hours ago
Exclusive: Shark finning rampant across Chinese tuna firm’s fleetThe Rio Times18 hours ago
Peruvian agro-exports expanded 23.5% between January and AugustPeruvian agro-exports captured US$6.1 billion between January and August of this year, which meant an expansion of 23.5% in that period, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) on Wednesday, November 2. The portfolio indicated in a press release that non-traditional agricultural exports totaled US$5.4 million, 15.1% higher than in the same period […] read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Musk is loosening legacy media grip on narrativeBen Shapiro: It has now been a week since Elon Musk took over Twitter, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth is still audible across the legacy media landscape. In one sense, that’s rather shocking: Why, precisely, should members of the media be so apoplectic about a billionaire taking over a social media company from other millionaires, pledging to loosen restrictions on dissemination of speech? In another sense, the outrage is perfectly predictable: The legacy media oligopoly is now under threat. To understand the angst of the legacy media and the Democratic Party over Musk’s ... read more