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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

9 November - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 4

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11:30pm MST

MJBizDaily19 hours ago
Can a small Arizona town jump-start late-night cannabis retail?
The desert Southwest typically isn't known for trendsetting, but it's blazing a new trail for all-night cannabis stores. Can a small Arizona town jump-start late-night cannabis retail? is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
European gas crisis and frequent blackouts in Bangladesh and India and how they are linked
By Kazuya Hiruta, Misa Hama, Konatsu Ochi In an attempt to mitigate the energy crisis, Europe began to compete for LNG with the East – and added to its problems. Asia had to turn off electricity without gas and increasingly rely on coal periodically, writes Japanese Nihon Keizai. “They prefer to leave our market but […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Opinion: Why crossing your legs could be a problem in Qatar
By Glau Gasparetto and Thaís Lopes Aidar The attention of every soccer fan now turns to Qatar, the country that will host the World Cup starting on November 20. Located in Central Asia and bathed by the Persian Gulf, it is an emirate - that is, ruled by an emir, the definition for monarch adopted […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Venezuela’s artillery, strengthened by Russian rocket launchers
The origin of the Artillery of the Venezuelan Army dates back to the War of Independence, fought between 1810 and 1823. After the war, the artillery declined until the 1870s, when it was reactivated by incorporating new pieces. This process continued during the first four decades of the following century and culminated during the Second […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Inflation in Chile accumulates 11.4% increase in 2022
Chile registered inflation of 0.5 percent last October concerning the previous month and accumulated a rise of 11.4 percent so far this year, the National Statistics Institute (INE) reported Tuesday. “In October 2022, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a monthly variation of 0.5 percent, accumulating 11.4 percent so far this year and a 12-month […] read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
The best Amazon Prime perk you’re not using
Do you like listening to music on shuffle? If so, you'll love the latest change to Amazon Prime Music. Here's what's happening. read more
Joe Martin's Ghost13 hours ago
I'm Not Depressed, Just Deeply Disappointed
The chances of the American experiment surviving another 10 years became highly questionable Tuesday night.It's not just that the voters of this nation could vote for a severely brain damaged individual like John Fedderman is appalling it is that it's an insult to the institution of the Senate as a (formerly) respected deliberative body. A 12 year old could see that he will be nothing more than a read more
Balkinization18 hours ago
Disorganizing the New House
With control of the new House of Representatives still in doubt, I am reposting this old post of mine from August. The chances that there will be serious Section 3 challenges in January are growing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest election chatter is that Democratic prospects are improving. Maybe they can hold the House of Representatives or keep Republican gains to a minimum. Who knows. But there is a problem lurking. It is likely that a couple of Republican House members will be challenged on Section Three grounds in... read more
Halifax Examiner19 hours ago
Tie vote means council says no to Fall River development proposal
[image: An architectural rendering shows a three-storey apartment building designed to look like a series of townhouses.] Perry Lake Developments wants to build three 40-unit, three-storey buildings at the end of Ingram Drive. To access this post, you must purchase a membership plan or log into an existing membership. The post Tie vote means council says no to Fall River development proposal appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Too much activity today left me too exhausted to begin loading yesterday. Please accept my apologies. After six very busy hours with the grandbabies I came home and fell asleep at 9 pm. Just woke up at 3 am too far behind to get it done. Yes, raising small human beings is much more exhausting that I remember from the first time around. However, the good news above just HAD to be shared. See you in a few days. read more
ECP von der Leyen has not been forthcoming with the EC records in her possession related to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the risks of the Ebola vaccine and criminal probe D 15 218. She has not replied to my request to see her records related to Ares(2015)2037793 is the letter of ECP Juncker to me in 2015 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fowewfsmhsrhvhe/JeanClaudeJunckertoMe2015.pdf?dl=0 As WHO upgrades the risk level of Ebola outbreak in Uganda from high to very high, and is poised to declare it an international emergency potentially triggering a global vaccine campaign with a ... read more
Halifax Examiner19 hours ago
John Lohr hears Halifax council concerns on plan to nullify city bylaws, but Bill 225 passes
[image: A man in a suit smiles and gestures in a drab beige room. Behind him are a camera operator, a uniformed security guard and two other onlookers.] The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing went to Halifax City Hall to talk about his controversial bill. The post John Lohr hears Halifax council concerns on plan to nullify city bylaws, but Bill 225 passes appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Heiko von der Leyen withdrew on 27th October from the board of Orgenesis engaged in mRNA research at Padua University funded by EU money. I mentioned the conflicts of interest in my submission to the EU prosecutors investigating covid vaccine contracts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lv2oamzka61c9dx/Email%20to%20EPPO%20r%20EU%20covid%20vaccine%20contracts.pdf?dl=0 read more
GREENIE WATCH19 hours ago
* Nitrous Oxide and Climate* Nitrous oxide (N20) has now joined carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the climate alarm proponents’ pantheon of anthropogenic “demon” gases. In their view, increasing concentrations of these molecules are leading to unusual and unprecedented warming and will, in turn, lead to catastrophic consequences for both our ecosystems and humanity. Countries around the world are in the process of greatly reducing or eliminating the use of nitrogen fertilizers based on heretofore poorly understood properties of nitrous oxide. Reductions of N2O emissions are... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s automotive production rises 15.1% year-on-year in October
Vehicle production in Brazil, Latin America's leading economy, increased 15.1 percent in October compared to the same month last year, the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Anfavea) reported today, Tuesday. Brazilian factories produced 206,044 units in October, compared to 178,965 in the same month of 2021, Anfavea disclosed to the press in São Paulo. Vehicle […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
ok . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login Here read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil hopes to attract foreign investors interested in green energy during COP27
Brazil hopes to attract foreign investors interested in green energy, generated in a 100 percent renewable way, during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), which is being held these days in Egypt. The Brazilian delegation, made up of government and civil society representatives, wants to highlight the country's role in the fight against climate […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
No Barça, Real Madrid or PSG! Another European giant meets Endrick and makes an effort for the Palmeiras player
Endrick, the young hope of Brazilian soccer and Palmeiras, is the dream of several European soccer giants. At 16, he has already scored his first goals in the professional team of Palmeiras. Clubs like Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, and others are increasingly interested in the soccer of the young athlete. PSG has even made an […] read more
CFACT20 hours ago
UPDATE: Re-elected Governor Newsom’s energy literacy will be challenged over the next 4-years
Newsom’s avoidance of addressing tough energy policy questions will expose his limited energy literacy over the next four years of financial torture upon those that voted for him. The post UPDATE: Re-elected Governor Newsom’s energy literacy will be challenged over the next 4-years appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Bolsonaro’s party announces it will oppose Lula da Silva’s government in the next legislature
The Liberal Party (PL, right), formation of the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, which will have more federal deputies (99) and senators (15) in the next legislature, announced yesterday that it would be opposition to the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which will take office next Jan. 1. In a press conference, the president […] read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
3 ways to get more life out of your video doorbell battery (and 1 way you’re killing it)
Wondering why your Ring Doorbell battery is dying so quickly? To preserve a video doorbell battery, follow these steps. read more
How Koch Industries, Fake Scientists, and Rush Limbaugh Invented Climate Denial
The absurdity of the Climate Change MEME just goes on and on. The Northern Hemisphere Climate became negligibly warmer during the nineties with a strong El Nino. This produced a modest four decade warming of the Arctic and little else. What we have really had is stability. The propaganda pushed something far largerr and it never really happened.. The risk now is a slowly gathering chill in the Arctic just looking for a nasty volcano. My point is that the micro trends are negative. We really need anothger El nino to warm up thge arctic some more. We are learning enough to ... read more
Constitutional Defamation: Democrats, not Democracy, are in Danger this Election
The Noise, The noise. We live in a world in which it appears that the CCP/ old NAZI have joined forces to pick up on seventy five years of wilful infiltration aimed at overturning the Republic. This was joined by the money powers whose conspiring goas back to Napolian. It is being countered by a countervailing conspiracy from MIL INTEL since Kennedy. None of this may be true, but amazingly, I do not think so. Way too many tracks in the Sand but difficult to read with all those players out there. We certainly have identifiable sympathies. It this is all true, we have a massive... read more
Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation
Marxist style thinking must be awfully addictive. It was a complete disaster in Russia lest we forget. Yet governments and large corporation are completely unable to help themselves and bankruptcy never happens. Now they seem to have decided to force a reduction in production while jamming food pricing, undoing the assive gains of the poor and the middle class over the past century. And even reducing population! Just how do they think this will ever work out? *Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation* *11/05/2022Birsen Filip* https://mises.or... read more
Why China's Marriage Crisis Is An Existential Extinction Threat To The Country
It is going to take a massive policy reworking to try and save the day in China. Right now the numbers tell me that the population is slowly spiriling downwartd to around 500,000,000 until real stabalization can set in. The bigger problem is that present policy and attitudes will send even that low 500,000,000 or so into a continuing decline promising to send the Chinese popu;ation into extinction mode. It really is that dire, while just ignoring it all is much more pleasent. Russia's efforts at policy tells us just how difficult this will be. Understand that the bigger problem ... read more
bilaterals.org20 hours ago
President Tsai calls for bilateral investment deal with the UK
09-Nov-2022 Taiwan hopes it can work with the United Kingdom on signing a bilateral investment deal, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) told a visiting British minister in a meeting in Taipei. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
President Castillo highlights Peru’s export records
Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo, highlighted this Tuesday the export records that his country had registered in recent years, especially in 2021, when dispatches abroad exceeded US$56 billion. During his speech at the Peruvian Exporters’ Day ceremony, the head of state expressed his gratitude for the goodwill that exporting companies have maintained and, at the same […] read more
CFACT21 hours ago
Making the rounds at COP27
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt CFACT made the rounds among the delegations from the multitude of nations at the United Nations Climate Summit. The main conference venue contained a series of large makeshift buildings on a sprawling open space just beyond downtown Sharm el-Sheikh. It was a seamless entry to the conference center, as compared to last [...] The post Making the rounds at COP27 appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
No dollars needed: Chinese ICBC Argentina to facilitate settlements from pesos into yuan and yuan into pesos
The Argentine branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) officially launched yesterday, Nov. 8, the “RMB Clearing Bank” service, through which the entity will provide correspondent banking operations in the Chinese currency, RMB, or yuan, to local financial institutions. The initiative, announced within the framework of the tenth anniversary of the entity’s […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Bolsonaro brothers request Italian citizenship at Embassy
Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL, right) and Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL, right) asked this Tuesday (Nov. 8) for the Italian Embassy in Brasilia to advance the process of obtaining their citizenships in the country. Flávio's team confirmed the information to Poder360. A note written by the Senator informs that the request, in his case, came about […] read more
Michael West21 hours ago
Energy prices top of mind for RBA
Volatile energy prices have been added to the Reserve Bank’s list of uncertainties as navigating a soft landing for the economy grows increasingly complicated. RBA Deputy Governor Michele Bullock said the situation in Europe remained clouded in uncertainty. “While gas prices have declined lately, they are expected to rise again, particularly if there is an […] read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
The Aftermath
Battleground Arizona In Arizona, Kari Lake let loose on the media after reports of voting machines in Arizona going down and causing a “25% misread.” Her democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, responsible for the vote count dismissed her complaint. 25% may not be enough to get me across the finish line – let’s go […] The post The Aftermath appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
COP27: Religious Multilateralism: An Endangered Species in the Age of Triple Planetary Crises
NEW YORK, Nov 09 (IPS) - In this year’s COP 27 two-weeklong summit in Egypt, which concludes November 18, a rough count indicates there will be 40 different sessions organised by, for, and about, religious engagements in/on climate change and related issues. This is likely the highest number of events by and around religious actors, organised at a COP event. Read the full story, “COP27: Religious Multilateralism: An Endangered Species in the Age of Triple Planetary Crises”, on globalissues.org → read more
COP27: Bolsonaros Defeat is a Triumph for Climate Change Advocates
NEW YORK, Nov 09 (IPS) - The electoral defeat of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro is a triumph for everyone who is concerned about the peril of climate change. Bolsonaro’s well-deserved defeat could help save the Amazon rainforest, which has been ravaged under his criminal rule, and the process of reversing the looming climate change catastrophe can begin Read the full story, “COP27: Bolsonaros Defeat is a Triumph for Climate Change Advocates”, on globalissues.org → read more
Children of African descent ‘not considered children at all’, rights experts charge
In a report issued on Tuesday, UN human rights experts outline how discrimination affects black boys and girls worldwide to the extent that they are not considered children, even in the eyes of the law. Read the full story, “Children of African descent ‘not considered children at all’, rights experts charge”, on globalissues.org → read more
Türkiye: UN experts call for end to harassment of human rights defenders
Five UN-appointed independent human rights experts called on Tuesday for Türkiye to stop using counter-terrorism legislation to intimidate human rights defenders and to immediately release Sebnem Korur Fincancı, a senior medic and anti-torture expert. Read the full story, “Türkiye: UN experts call for end to harassment of human rights defenders”, on globalissues.org → read more
Vox - All22 hours ago
3 winners and 4 losers from the midterm results so far
[image: An illustration on a red background with blue shapes shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with his fist raised and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with a sad expression.] Dion Lee/Vox Big races and congressional majorities haven’t been called, but we have a few clear lessons. The votes are still being tallied in the 2022 midterms. Many key races haven’t been called as of early Wednesday morning, and we don’t know who will control either chamber of Congress. That means we also don’t know the answer to many of the big questions these midterms presented. Those questions may ... read more
Vox - All22 hours ago
John Fetterman wins Pennsylvania’s pivotal Senate seat for Democrats
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman speaks during a campaign event in Newtown, Pennsylvania, on November 6. Fetterman won the state’s Senate seat Tuesday, defeating Republican Mehmet Oz. | Matt Rourke/AP His victory is critical for Democrats’ attempts to hang on to their majority. Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman has won the state’s Senate seat, defeating Republican candidate and celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz and maintaining Democrats’ hopes of keeping their majority in the upper chamber. The race was incredibly close, with Fetterman winning by just over 2 percentage points ... read more
Vox - All22 hours ago
Potential 2024 Trump challengers did well on election night
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holds his daughter Mamie during an election night watch party at the Convention Center in Tampa, Florida, on November 8. | Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images The Republican presidential primary starts now. Election night may have unofficially kicked off the 2024 campaign season, with potential GOP challengers to former President Donald Trump having a good showing. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu — all of whom have previously hinted at their 2024 ambitions or been named as top ... read more
Modern Tokyo Times22 hours ago
Ebola crisis in Uganda leads to schools closing early
Ebola crisis in Uganda leads to schools closing early Sawako Utsumi and Sawako Uchida Modern Tokyo Times The district of Mubende in Uganda was the first known area where the… read more
MJBizDaily22 hours ago
Marijuana legalization wins in Maryland and Missouri, but industry loses elsewhere
Marijuana legalization’s yearslong winning streak finally stopped at a red wall in conservative states in the South and West on Tuesday, but the 2022 election still brought a solid win in Maryland - and legalization advocates declared victory in Missouri early Wednesday, too. Marijuana legalization wins in Maryland and Missouri, but industry loses elsewhere is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
MJBizDaily23 hours ago
First social equity cannabis retailer opens in California’s capital city
The first cannabis store operated by a social equity licensee opened in Sacramento, California, roughly two years after the City Council authorized and designated 10 retail licenses for those who had been arrested or adversely affected by the war on drugs. First social equity cannabis retailer opens in California’s capital city is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
War News Updates17 hours ago
U.S. Air Force Grounds 100 C-130s
Air Force Staff Sgt. Solomon Walker prepares a C-130H Hercules aircraft for takeoff at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz., Jan. 29, 2021. U.S. Air Force / Staff Sgt. Juliet Louden *Defense One:* *More Than 100 C-130s Are Down, Likely Because Mechanics Scratched Their Propellers, Air Force Says* *The standard practice of inscribing serial numbers during inspections turns out to be counterproductive. * A maintenance procedure used by Air Force mechanics to document inspections likely damaged hundreds of C-130 propeller blades over a decade, according to service officials. Maintenance ... read more
MJBizDaily23 hours ago
Missouri voters say yes to an adult-use marijuana market
A constitutional amendment to legalize adult-use marijuana appeared headed for a win Tuesday night, with legalization advocates declaring an outright victory. Missouri voters say yes to an adult-use marijuana market is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Jared Cohen Is One Of The U.S. Deep State’s Most Powerful Agents
Wikileaks’s founder and leader Julian Assange once (in his classic 27 October 2014 “Google Is Not What It Seems”) called Jared Cohen “Google’s ‘director of regime change.’”: Cohen’s directorate appeared to cross over from public relations and “corporate responsibility” work into active corporate intervention in foreign affairs at a level […] read more
Vox - All1 day ago
J.D. Vance’s pivot to Trumpism pays off with Ohio Senate win
Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance arrives at a polling location in Cincinnati, on November 8. Vance defeated Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan. | Jeff Dean/AP Vance’s win could well push Senate Republicans further to the right. Republican J.D. Vance — a veteran, author, and venture capitalist — has won the Ohio Senate race, defeating Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan and keeping a key seat under Republican control. Vance was widely expected to win the race in the state, which has increasingly leaned red in recent years, though Ryan was able to pick up momentum in recent weeks. Vance, who secured ... read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
South Dakota rejects cannabis possession, home cultivation
South Dakota voters shot down down a measure that would have allowed adults to possess and use home-grown cannabis, though it would not have created an adult-use marketplace. South Dakota rejects cannabis possession, home cultivation is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
U.S. Sets Up A New Military Base In Syria
Soldiers of a Russian military convoy and their US counterparts exchange greetings as their patrol routes intersect in an oil field near Syria's al-Qahtaniyah town in the northeastern Hasakah province, close to the border with Turkey, on October 8, 2022. DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP *The Cradle*: *US to establish new military base in northeastern Syria* *US troops recently set up another military base in Naqara village, just three kilometers from the northeastern province of Hasakah* The US-led international coalition forces operating in northeastern Syria intend to establish a new mi... read more
The Core Of The Democratic Party
“Democrats will spend this evening nervously cheering for a spate of former CIA operatives to win their races” 12:19 PM · Nov 8, 2022 read more
Michael West1 day ago
Second, third jobs become the new normal
Workers are taking advantage of the competitive labour market to make some extra cash, with 900,000 people working two or more jobs. The number of people holding multiple roles hit record levels in the June quarter, Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows. Many people actually work more than two jobs, the labour force data revealed. […] read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
North Dakota voters quash adult-use marijuana legalization
North Dakota voters defeated a ballot measure that would have authorized the state to create an adult-use marijuana market. North Dakota voters quash adult-use marijuana legalization is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Asian Art Research Now: Postgraduate workshop
Supportive critique and cross-pollination across institutional boundaries, as well as those of geography and temporality. The post Asian Art Research Now: Postgraduate workshop appeared first on New Mandala. read more
FDA updates food safety standards for food facilities that were first issued in 2007
The Food and Drug Administration has issued revised food safety standards for state regulatory programs that oversee food facilities that manufacture, process, pack or hold foods. These regulatory program standards, known as the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS), were first issued by the agency in May 2007. The 2022 changes include updates to defined terms,... Continue Reading read more
Foodborne infections rise again in the Netherlands
The number of foodborne infections went up in the Netherlands in 2021 but is still below pre-Coronavirus levels, according to a new report. The Zoonoses Report is published annually by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmitted from... Continue Reading read more
Michael West1 day ago
The Secret Wars: anti-Russian bot army exposed by Australian researchers
[image: The bot army] Bot armies, fake tweets and hashtags are the new front in propaganda wars. A groundbreaking study, exposing a massive anti-Russia social media disinformation campaign, has been effectively ignored by the Western establishment media, writes Peter Cronau. read more
Food crime ‘likely’ in meat and alcohol sectors, says Scottish agency
Meat, seafood, and alcohol are among industries identified as being at high risk for food crime, according to a Scottish food crime unit. A strategy for 2022 to 2025 outlines the priorities and actions being taken to prevent food crime, detect and deter criminality and prosecute offenders. The practice is often financially motivated but can pose... Continue Reading read more
November 9, 2022: Reader Tips
This evening we present a patriotic song by Alexis Wilkins called Stand. Your best tips, especially about the most important recent election, are much appreciated! read more
FDA steps up enforcement on imported candy, fruit juices, dried fruit because of lead; other actions involve pesticides
The Food and Drug Administration is continuing its use of import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page with links... Continue Reading read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Midterm election day. With electronic voting and counting machines, you do not vote, and you do not count the votes.
By Robert Willmann An election has three parts — a voter registration list, voting procedures, and counting the votes — unless you divide the last one into two. That will make it: a voter registration list, voting procedures, counting the … Continue reading → read more
The Honking Will Continue
Phone transcript between Trudeau and Ford just entered as evidence at #POEC. Expect headlines. — Noé Chartier (@NChartierET) November 8, 2022 Update: Read out here. read more
balance101 day ago
World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview
’’(Aug 10, 2022) that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering. ◦ leohohmann.com/2022/08/15/yuval-noah-harari-spills-the-beans-we-just-dont-need-the-vast-majority-of-the-population/ Technology will ‘make it possible to replace the people’ ◦ Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artific... read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
Arkansas voters reject recreational cannabis legalization
Arkansas voters appeared to be on track Tuesday night to reject a ballot measure to legalize recreational cannabis, dealing a setback to efforts to launch the first adult-use market in a deep-red, conservative Southern state. Arkansas voters reject recreational cannabis legalization is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
November 9th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 659
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 9th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 659 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Wednesday November 9th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Wednesday November 9th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Meghan McCain Rebukes ‘The View’ For Insulting White Women As ‘Roaches’ And ‘Karens’
By Tim Graham ~ In her Daily Mail column for Election Day, Meghan McCain responded directly to her old friend (and co-host of The View) Sunny Hostin, who characterized white women voting for Republicans to “roaches voting for Raid” – voting for their own demise. McCain wrote that soccer moms used to be a prized […] read more
COP27 – “Loss And Damage” Vaguely Makes It To The Table
By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ Deliberate vagueness is a hallmark of diplomacy and the elusive concept of “loss and damage” has made the grade in Egypt. The concept will now be discussed, but without the central feature of liability. Reminder: the idea is that because of prior emissions and such the developed countries are responsible […] read more
BREAKING: Ron DeSantis Wins Reelection In Florida
By Tyler O’Neil ~ Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis will win reelection, The Associated Press, The New York Times, and Fox News projected. It remains to be seen how large his margin of victory will be but with nearly 80% reporting, DeSantis leads with more than 16 points and more than 1 million votes, 57.96% […] read more
Europe's Energy Nightmare Is Only Beginning
*CNBC:* *Oil CEOs warn this winter’s energy crisis will be nothing compared to the next* * For this winter, Europe’s gas storage is more than 90% full, according to the International Energy Agency, providing some assurance against a major shortage. * But a large proportion of that is made up of Russian gas imported in previous months, which likely won’t be available at all by winter of 2023. * This could lead to significant social unrest — already, small to medium-sized protests have cropped up around Europe. ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Politicians and governments ar... read more
Midterms 2022: 4 experts on the effects of voter intimidation laws, widespread mail-in voting – and what makes a winner
Some election results will take days or longer to materialize – but on election night, a panel of scholars offer initial takeaways on mail-in voting, how to win an election and voter suppression. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Peter Reith, the tip of the spear when the Howard government went after the unions
[image: Former Howard government minister Peter Reith. (Image AAP/Lukas Coch)] Peter Reith was the Howard government's hard-man when it acted to break union control on the waterfront. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Country ‘back at table’ on climate: Bowen
Energy Minister Chris Bowen has declared Australia is back on the world stage for climate negotiations, as leaders gather for the COP27 summit. Mr Bowen said Australia was being taken seriously at the international climate summit following the change of government. “The fact of the matter is Australia is back at the international table, because […] read more
Europe's Energy Crisis Is Going To Trigger Years Of Shortages And Blackouts For Poorer Nations
*Financial Post/Bloomberg:** Europe's Energy Crunch Will Trigger Years of Shortages and Blackouts* *To replace Russian gas, Europe is buying up fuel that used to go to developing countries. * (Bloomberg) — Bills will be high, but Europe will survive the winter: It’s bought enough oil and gas to get through the heating seasons. Much deeper costs will be borne by the world’s poorest countries, which have been shut out of the natural gas market by Europe’s suddenly ravenous demand. It’s left emerging market countries unable to meet today’s needs or tomorrow’s, and the most like... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Public servant ’ashamed’ about robodebt
A senior public servant says she is ashamed about lacking the courage to speak up against the robodebt scheme despite knowing it was illegal. An inquiry also heard former prime minister Scott Morrison – then social services minister – may not have been told about legal advice that should have stopped the program from going […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Government defends one million home target
The Albanese government has defended its aspirational target of building one million homes in five years despite scepticism the plan will yield many extra homes. In the October budget, the government announced a national housing accord to build one million new homes over five years starting from 2024. Greens senator Nick McKim asked Treasury officials […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Vic Greens to direct preferences to Labor
The Victorian Greens are hitching their wagon to Labor for this month’s state election, preferencing its candidates over the Liberals in every seat. State party leader Samantha Ratnam confirmed the arrangement on Wednesday and called on Labor to repay the favour by preferencing the Greens and other progressive candidates ahead of the Liberals. “If Labor is […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Fear Comm Games may worsen housing crisis
Low income earners and Indigenous communities across regional Victoria will be most impacted by a potential rise in housing costs brought on by the Commonwealth Games, experts warn. A new report by the Victorian Housing Peaks Alliance says the 2026 international sporting event, which will be held across Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat, Gippsland and Shepparton, could […] read more
US “Nuclear Apocalypse” Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea as Warning to Kremlin
The USS Rhode Island, the world’s largest nuclear submarine, left the Port of Gibraltar on Spain’s south coast last week. It was last seen entering the Mediterranean and headed south towards the Black Sea as a warning to the Kremlin. British newspaper Daily Express said the nuclear submarine, which is also called “the rider of the apocalypse”, … Continue reading US “Nuclear Apocalypse” Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea as Warning to Kremlin → read more
Michael West1 day ago
Asia stocks advance as US dollar wobbles
Asian shares rose and the dollar wobbled as investors awaited United States inflation data and the results of the US midterm elections that could signify a power shift in Washington. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was 0.45 per cent higher, while Japan’s Nikkei rose 0.2 per cent and Australian stocks gained 0.70 […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
IR changes will serve common interest: PM
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has labelled changes to Australia’s workplace laws as an opportunity to rebuild an outdated system. As debate continues in the House of Representatives on industrial relations reforms that would allow for multi-employer bargaining, Mr Albanese said the changes would ensure better pay for workers. “This bill represents an opportunity for Australia […] read more
Election Results Could Bring About Higher Ed Reforms
The future of higher education was among the many issues discussed and debated during Tuesday's historic election. read more
Vote tabulation glitch in Arizona
Mass protests over Voter fraud in Brazil - Continues - 2000 Mules trailer read more
BWorld 568, Inflation and illicit trade
* My column BusinessWorld last Monday Nov. 7. --------------- Last week, the big national news was the leap in the country’s inflation rate to 7.7% in October from 6.9% in September, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Meanwhile, the big international news was the high October inflation in Europe, with Germany hitting 10.4%, Italy with 11.9%, and so on. The Philippines now is one of four Asian economies with 14-year high inflation rates, the other three being Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan (see Table 1). Practically all of these countries’ central banks have r... read more
The Clash of Three Civilizations & the Wildcard
The three civilizations competing for global domination are: Western Supremacism, Islamic fundamentalism, and Chinese Confucianism. These civilizations claim that it is their manifest destiny to dominate the world. The Western Supremacists and Chinese Confucianists claim that only they can bring peace and prosperity; the Islamic fundamentalists claim that since they are God’s authorized representatives on earth, and all other religions are fake, they have the right to rule. The West has had its teeth knocked out in the last 15 years—now it is unwilling to confront Islam and China.... read more
Vox - All1 day ago
Maryland just voted to legalize marijuana — and 4 other states could, too
A worker at a marijuana farm in Grandview, Missouri, on October 31. Marijuana growers and sellers in Missouri and several other states have been helping fund campaigns as voters decide whether to legalize recreational sales in upcoming elections. | Charlie Riedel/AP Cannabis reform has one Election Day victory so far. Ten years ago, Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize marijuana for adult use when voters approved ballot measures in 2012. Since then, a total of 19 states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana. Maryland just became... read more
Vox - All1 day ago
The first Gen Z member of Congress — and several other historic firsts
Progressive Democrat Maxwell Frost has become the first Gen Z member elected to Congress after winning a House seat in Florida’s 10th Congressional District. | Thomas Simonetti/Washington Post via Getty Images Maxwell Frost, Maura Healey, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are among the candidates who’ve made history. The 2022 midterms have already brought a number of historic firsts, including Congress seeing its youngest lawmaker and states that have only ever been led by men getting their first woman governor. Maxwell Alejandro Frost, a 25-year-old community organizer, has officially ... read more
U.S. Midterm Elections Update - Republicans On The Verge Of Taking The House. US Senate Still Too Close To Call
*WNU Editor*: There is no red tsunami. The predictions were wrong. The Republicans have lost two Governor-ships. Massachusetts and Maryland. It also looks like Kari Lake will not win the Governorship in Arizona as many Republicans were hoping. In regards to the US Senate. Georgia is headed to a run-off election. Pennsylvania is trending towards Democrat John Fetterman, but there are still a lot of votes to count outside the big cities. If all other trends continue, Georgia may decide who will be the majority party in the US Senate. I am also looking at the Senate race in Alask... read more
balance101 day ago
Pfizer Pharma and Harari of WEF tell their tales
In 2009 Pfizer became one of the first companies to participate in the Advance Market Commitment (AMC), a pioneering partnership between Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and donor governments to make vaccines available to infants and children in least-developed countries. Further, Pfizer partnered with Gavi and UNICEF to provide humanitarian relief to Rwanda and Gambia, enabling these governments to launch an additional national immunization program. Since March 2010, Pfizer has been working with Gavi, an international organization that brings togeth... read more
Ukraine President Zelensky Sets Conditions For Peace Talks With Russia
FILE - In this photo released by Ukrainian Presidential Press Office, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy leads a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council in Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, Sept. 30, 2022. *Axios*:* Zelensky sets high bar for any peace talks with Putin* Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said late Monday that Ukraine is prepared to negotiate with Russia if certain conditions are met, including the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity, punishment of war criminals and compensation for Kyiv for the invasion. Between the lines: U.S. officials ... read more
10:00pm Election Night Results – Bannon War Room and RSBN Decision Desk – Open Discussion Thread
10:00pm UPDATE – As election results come in from the nation, we are going to link livestreams below from Bannon’s War Room and RSBN Decision Desk 2022 and Decision Desk HQ below: Additional 2022 Election Results links below: New York Times Election Results – HERE Politico Election Results – Here Fox News Election Results – […] The post 10:00pm Election Night Results – Bannon War Room and RSBN Decision Desk – Open Discussion Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
New Yorkers: If You Re-elect These Idiots, It's On You
* Today is Election Day. At the federal level, all seats in the House of Representatives and one third of the Senate are up for election. * Also up for election here in New York, as in most of the states, are all state-wide elective offices, as well as all seats in both houses of the State Legislature. Currently the Democrats hold all of the state-wide elective offices (Governor/Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller), as well as super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature (106 of 150 seats in the Assembly and 43 of 63 seats in the State Senate). * Of the New ... read more
Congratulations, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Becomes Arkansas First Woman Governor
Amid all the races of note this evening, it is worth drawing attention to the Arkansas governor race where very MAGA Sarah Huckabee Sanders has won the election and will now be the first woman governor in Arkansas history. [Data Link] Former President Trump Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is buckets of awesome and has […] The post Congratulations, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Becomes Arkansas First Woman Governor appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
New York Times: U.S. Officials Want Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland To Be The Next Head Of NATO
Chrystia Freeland, center, to Justin Trudeau's right in a May visit to Ukraine. Canadian govt. via Twitter *Republic World*: *Canada's Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland Could Become Next NATO Chief: Report* *Who will be the next NATO chief in the coming ear? Chrystia Freeland is more suitable for the post of the NATO chief according to some NATO officials. * Chrystia Freeland, the deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Canada could replace Jens Stoltenberg as a NATO secretary general unless his term is extended, an American newspaper reported on Friday, citing a US official ... read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
Maryland votes to legalize adult-use marijuana
Marylanders have overwhelmingly voted to legalize adult-use marijuana, according to major news outlets, laying the groundwork for a recreational cannabis market that is expected to generate sales approaching $1 billion within a few years after its launch. Maryland votes to legalize adult-use marijuana is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
White House Privately Asking Banks To Work With Russia
*Bloomberg*: *US Quietly Asks Banks to Keep Some Ties With Russia, Even as Congress Balks* Deep into a seven-hour congressional hearing on Sept. 21, Representative Brad Sherman, a Democrat from California, pressed Dimon on whether his bank would sever ties with Russian companies including energy giant Gazprom PJSC. Banks like Dimon’s, Sherman argued, were exploiting a sanctions loophole to keep doing business in Russia despite its invasion of Ukraine. “We are following the instructions of the American government as they asked us to do it,” Dimon responded before Sherman cut him... read more
U.S. Midterm Elections Update - Republicans Poised To Take The House. US Senate Too Close To Call
*WNU Editor:* I know it is too early to predict who will control Congress, but Republicans are flipping the seats that they need to flip to be the majority in the House. The US Senate is another story. The Democrats are doing better than expected in Ohio and North Carolina. And as for Georgia, it is going to be very close, but the signs are that there will be a run-off election because no one got over the 50% threshold. Florida is now a solid red state. It is still too early to predict the final results, but I do not see a red tsunami that many were predicting in the past wee... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Vic nurses, midwives pledged sign-on bonus
Newly graduated nurses and midwives would be lured into the public health system with a $5000 sign-on bonus under a Labor election promise, as the coalition earmarks $66 million for surgery technology. Speaking at the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation office in Melbourne on Wednesday, Premier Daniel Andrews announced a $150 million health package if […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Newcrest confronts rising costs, safety
Australia’s biggest gold producer is confronting global and internal challenges as it pushes to take advantage of economic change. Newcrest Mining CEO Sandeep Biswas told shareholders on Wednesday the company has faced inflationary pressures, labour shortages, floods, and supply chain bottlenecks since the last annual general meeting. He said the company has put in place long-term and […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Small business warning as IR laws debated
MPs have warned new workplace laws could greatly affect small businesses, as debate continues on the contentious reforms. The government is attempting to pass its workplace bill, which would allow for multi-employer bargaining, by the end of the year. But opposition and crossbench MPs have accused Labor of trying to shut down debate. Debate is […] read more