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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, November 21, 2022

21 November - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 4

    My  Feedly! 

11pm MST

The Rio Times19 hours ago
The matches of the World Cup of today Nov. 21
The big debut of the World Cup took place this Sunday (Nov. 20) between Qatar and Ecuador. Hosts Qatar became the first team to lose an opening match at a World Cup, ending a years-long winning streak. Ecuador's Valencia was the game's standout, with two goals and a disallowed ball in the net. Ecuador leads […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Argentina: Guzmán explains the reasons for his resignation and blames Cristina Kirchner
Martín Guzmán, the former Minister of Economy, blamed the Vice-President for opposing his program and a rational position with the Monetary Fund. He also targeted Máximo Kirchner and described him as a “capricious boy”. For the first time since his sudden resignation, former Minister of Economy Martín Guzmán broke his silence and gave details about […] read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Leftist São Paulo Forum announces from Caracas first activities for 2023
The working group of the São Paulo Forum (FSP) meeting in Caracas announced today, Saturday, its agreements on the first activities for 2023. The executive secretary of the FSP, the Brazilian Monica Valente, said that on Jan. 28, they would carry out activities in commemoration of the Cuban national hero José Martí. Subsequently, by the […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Opinion: Brussels wants to force Twitter to hire hundreds of censors
Carlos Esteban* (Opinion) The world is watching with its mouth wide open as Elon Musk makes a daring attempt to resurrect a social network, Twitter, which has never made a profit and has cost him a fortune. He has, moreover, the whole world against him. Everyone who counts, we mean: governments, big media, multinationals, and […] read more
CFACT20 hours ago
Careful what you wish for if we electrify everything
What would it mean to the average person if there were blackouts lasting two days? What would happen if the blackouts lasted two weeks? The post Careful what you wish for if we electrify everything appeared first on CFACT. read more
Jonathan Sumption says "We’re all now paying the terrible price for lockdown"
Read Jonathan Sumption s devastating critique of the lockdown and the failure of UK government policy in The Telegraph and campares it with Sweden which had no lock down. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/18/now-paying-terrible-price-lockdown/ *"Compare the modest financial hit experienced by Sweden, the only European country to see through the hype by which other governments sought to justify their measures. Sweden operated a largely voluntary system and refused to lock down. Pandemic-related measures cost 60 billion kronor in 2020 and 2021, according to government figure... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
The world to come
Double Up Studio for Vox Earth’s population passed 8 billion this month — now what? Plus: the rise of an anti-vaccine America, the looming dangers of superintelligent AI, the shifting landscape of higher ed, and more. This month, the 8 billionth human was born. But that number can elide a sobering fact: Population trends in many parts of the world have been dipping, even as growth is still robust in much of the Global South. It’s a phenomenon that will, as much as any other trend, shape the future. That future is the loose theme of this edition of The Highlight, created by the Fu... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
The incredible shrinking future of college
Violeta Encarnacion for Vox The population of college-age Americans is about to crash. It will change higher education forever. In 2021, Shippensburg University won the NCAA Division II Field Hockey championship, completing an undefeated season with a 3-0 victory over archrival West Chester. The “Ship” Raiders also won it all in 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2013, which I know because I saw it written in big letters on a banner festooning the fieldhouse on Ship’s campus in south-central Pennsylvania when I visited last month. Ship was in fine form. Young men and women wearing logoed Cha... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
Are 8 billion people too many — or too few? 
Violeta Encarnacion for Vox Welcome to the population paradox of the 21st century. On November 15, 2022, according to the demographers at the United Nations Population Division, the 8 billionth person on the planet was born. That 8 billion mark is an estimate — there is no real-time census of everyone alive on Earth at every given moment, which means there’s a margin of error on either side of 8 billion. But someone will be or already is Baby 8 Billion. He or she is most likely to be born in India, which had more than 23 million births last year — 13 million more than second-pla... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
How to cook and eat well when food is more expensive than ever
[image: Kitchen table viewed from above strewn with garlic heads, squash, broccoli, and vegetable peelings. Hands visible preparing squash over a cutting board.] Preparing butternut squash stew. | GMVozd/Getty Images Inflation is hitting grocery prices hard. So what trade-offs should a home cook make? For those who love to cook, fall is peak cooking season. It’s literally harvest season, and there’s an abundance of beautiful produce that makes for cozy autumnal recipes: pumpkin bread, butternut squash soup, apple pie. And then there’s Thanksgiving, which can feel like the Olympics... read more
Memes that made me laugh 134
Gathered around the Internet over the past week - although there are fewer than usual, because I was traveling all week. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Peruvian exports grow more than 11% between January and September 2022
Peruvian exports grew by 11.1 percent between January and September 2022 by capturing US$47,8 billion, thanks to higher dispatches of products such as coffee (146 percent), announced today, Sunday, by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur). The Peruvian portfolio detailed in a press release that the expansion was also due to the result […] read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
It’s Monday On Turtle Island
Woke Britain: Animal Rebellion doesn’t like Gordon Ramsay. Lies were told, freedoms were taken. The eco-terrorist hypocrite. Trudeau’s Canada: National Film Board is obviously racist. Trudeau’s gun scam. The legacy of Justin Trudeau. Justin had a wonderful time yesterday handing out money. Today Dear Leader takes the day off. The poor little fella is all… Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Profits of non-financial companies on Brazil’sB3 exchange fall 39.5% in the 3rd quarter
The profit on Brazil's B3 exchange of publicly traded non-financial companies (that is, not counting banks and companies with high profits) fell 39.5% in the 3rd quarter of this year compared to the same period in 2021. It went from R$ 54.1 (US$10) billion to R$ 32.7 (US$6) billion. TradeMap conducted the survey. The analysis […] read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
Open Forum
It’s come to this – your time to shine and write about thoughts, and concerns, tell a joke, or otherwise express yourself in a generally civil way. The forum is open. The comments section is your playground. *** *** *** *** First a photo of me (left) my favorite African-American author […] The post Open Forum appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Michael West21 hours ago
Disney brings CEO back from retirement
Bob Iger is returning to Walt Disney Co. as chief executive less than a year after he retired in a surprise comeback that coincides with the entertainment company’s bid to boost investor confidence and profits at its streaming media unit. Iger, who retired last year after 15 years as chief executive, has agreed to serve […] read more
Meteorites May Have Brought Water to Earth and Mars
The truth is that i am unconvinced. This meteorite has contained water just as our crust has. Again we are presuming an assembly taking place in the early days. So all things been equal, Venus should have massive amounts of atmospheric water at the least. Now imagine a hydrogen atmosphere reducing oxygen from the rock under high temperatures, in a cooling rock mass. A lot more possibility then I do suspect that Cloud Cosmology starts with a massive supply of hydrogen that is eliminated by the schochemistry of oxygen. This suggests that Venus may still retain any water deep i... read more
Slow Motion Genocide
Here is the first indication that the increase in mortality is sustained. worse by far is that it is 40 percent. five percent would be highly unwelcome when you understand we have a dropped birth rate. it is also no longer the obviously vulnerable. Again this is been actively suppressed by our MSM who should be in panic mode over all this. Turns out the the plandemic happens to be a subtle form of genocide. All those athelite deaths should have raised a storm. *SLOW MOTION GENOCIDE: Excess mortality up 40% all around the world following release of covid “vaccines” * *Frida... read more
US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme
I guess someone asked for their money. Of course funds had to flow to the DEM party but some also had to be used to keep it all going. Someone somewhere tod a good story. Then drained the real cash stage left.. It is still too soon to get the story. So far it all looks like a huge swindle. Odds are that folks were also criminally blackmailed during this operation. It really cannot be that simple unless we are dealing with only one payee here. anything more is a business plan. *US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme. “Instead of using funds to fight Russi... read more
The U.S. Medical System is Collapsing after Mass Exodus of Doctors and Nurses
Again not surprising and even expected. The JAB is a slow KILL shot that damages the immune system and that means increasing staffing declines. This is more conforming evidence in terms of the negative impact of the JAB. We are not missing any inflection points and what can be observed is the slow onset of the medical problems. My concern is that it was used to insert AIDS which can come into full swing when our medical industry is in deep decline. nasty planning if that happens to be the case. By the way, I still think that most of this can be fixed but we are still seeing an ... read more
Holy Shit…. Canada is Suggesting Psychiatric Medication for Those That Refuse mRNA Injections Or Any Kind of Vaccination??
Holy Shit…. Canada is going to mandate psychiatric medication for those that refuse mRNA injections or any kind of vaccination. . pic.twitter.com/HSacOMwgZ6 — Pelham (@Resist_05) November 19, 2022 Swiss Cardiologist Dr. Thomas Binder describes his experience in a mental health facility, which he was placed in for speaking the truth about C19. As a condition … read more
House GOP Announces Biden Probe
By Nate Jackson ~ Establishing the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden is crucial, but Republicans mustn’t be seen as vengeful. Joe Biden is a corrupt 50-year resident of The Swamp who used his drug-addled son Hunter to make a lot of money from the ChiComs and the notoriously crooked Ukrainians in an influence-peddling scheme. […] read more
Hypocritical New York Times Lets Pelosi Pose As Victim Of Violence-Loving Republicans
By Clay Waters ~ The New York Times devoted a 1,700-word story on Friday’s front page to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepping down from her Democratic leadership role after Republicans took back the House of Representatives. Congressional correspondent Carl Hulse proved his usual unctuous self, touting Pelosi as “the dominant political operator, legislative tactician and […] read more
Covert Geopolitics20 hours ago
Operation Uranus: The Day Nazis were Smashed and the Soviet Union Began Taking the Upper Hand in WW2
Berlin didn’t expect Moscow’s maneuver, which came at roughly the midpoint of the five-month long Battle of Stalingrad. Early in the morning, exactly 80 years ago, the soldiers of the 3rd Romanian Army were awakened in their cold dugouts on the right bank of the Don River by the roar of artillery hitting their positions. … Continue reading Operation Uranus: The Day Nazis were Smashed and the Soviet Union Began Taking the Upper Hand in WW2 → read more
bilaterals.org21 hours ago
PH, SoKor target to sign free trade deal in Q1 2023
21-Nov-2022 Manila and Seoul target to conclude discussions of their bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) in order to sign the trade pact by first quarter of next year, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said. read more
bilaterals.org21 hours ago
S. Korea, Ecuador hold new round of talks for bilateral trade deal
21-Nov-2022 South Korea and Ecuador on Monday began an eighth round of talks on the formation of a bilateral free trade deal, Seoul's trade ministry said. If the deal is reached, South Korea will be the first Asian country to have a free trade agreement with Ecuador. read more
A Looming Debt Crisis is Threatening Global Health Security. It is time to Drop the Debt
GENEVA, Nov 21 (IPS) - In this moment of profound challenge in international relations, it was understandable that the conclusion of the G20 meeting left leaders feeling relieved that the meeting took place without a breakdown. Leaders were justifiably proud too of important steps forward they made including the launch of the new pandemics fund. Read the full story, “A Looming Debt Crisis is Threatening Global Health Security. It is time to Drop the Debt”, on globalissues.org → read more
US to Fight Sexual Abuse in International Organizations
UNITED NATIONS, Nov 21 (IPS) - The United States, which recently laid down a set of guidelines to monitor sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by US citizens in international organizations, including the United Nations and its agencies worldwide, has implicitly accused the UN of faltering on a high-profile case last month. Read the full story, “US to Fight Sexual Abuse in International Organizations”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Duran22 hours ago
The Extreme Left And The War In Ukraine
Whatever one thinks about Vladimir Putin or Ukrainian leader Zelensky, most rational people would agree this madness has to stop, but American so-called progressive leaders appear to have either drunk the Kool-Aid or taken backhanders from the sort of people who bankrolled Hunter Biden, because to a man and woman they are supporting this American […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
How the CIA Buys the News
source German whistleblower recently died from a “heart attack” at age 56. read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with There isn’t a Russian over the age of forty-five – 40 million people — who doesn’t know by heart Vladimir Lenin’s report on the work of the Council of People’s Commissars of December 22, 1920. “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country”, Lenin said. “Our best men,” he […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times22 hours ago
Kitao Masayoshi and Japanese landscape sketches: Edo Period
Kitao Masayoshi and Japanese landscape sketches: Edo Period Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Japanese artist Kitao Masayoshi (1764-1824) studied under Kitao Shigemasa (1739-1820) during his informative years. Masayoshi is… read more
Everything You Can Perform About Business Loan Next Starting Within The Next 10 Minutes
Now we have been using remanufactured toner cartridges for our Lexmark printer for 10 months now and have had just one that gave us any trouble and when it did we picked up the cellphone and called the corporate and they changed it, no questions requested. The most effective cash saving resolution we’ve got found in years to assist save on our workplace supply finances. Revenue levels fluctuate fairly a bit from product to product and company to company so I can not come up with a one measurement fits all ROI number in this article. Nonetheless we can calculate … read more
GREENIE WATCH23 hours ago
* Loss and damage fund a COP27 ‘success’(?)* A favourite breakfast dish in Egypt is fool or foul made from fava beans and many will argue that both wealthy and developing nations were given a full serving at the COP27 climate conference at Sharm el-Sheikh. Talks limped across the line two days behind schedule in the early hours of Sunday, Egyptian time, after convening for a final session at 3am. The executive and government jets were finally scrambled from the Red Sea resort town to let it get back to what it does best, hosting sun-seeking tourists for snorkelling with dolphins, c... read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
Thuggish Ways: Mike Pompeo, Punishing Leakers And Getting Assange
Poor, silly, protuberant Mike Pompeo. The stocky, irritated former CIA director and former Secretary of State is rather upset that those who worked under him dared wag their tongues about Julian Assange. The wagging so happened to relate to contemplated plans of abduction and assassination, something the US executive formally […] read more
November 21, 2022: Reader Tips
Tonight we enjoy watching Japanese trains at the Railway Museum Saitama. Your most interesting recent tips are much requested. read more
Michael West1 day ago
Nats candidate on sex charge found dead
A National Party candidate due in court over rape charges has died five days out from the Victorian state election. Shaun David Gilchrist, 47, the candidate for the regional seat of Narracan, died unexpectedly at Rawson on Sunday. Police were called to bushland about 4.15pm and will prepare a report for the coroner, but the […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Coal exporters accused of falsifying data
Claims Australian coal exporters are falsifying data to claim their coal is cleaner will be examined by the federal government. In a speech to parliament on Monday, independent MP Andrew Wilkie said a whistleblower leaked thousands of documents saying companies have been lying about coal quality for years. “This fraud is environmental vandalism and makes […] read more
Go Woke, Go Broke
Shakeup at the Groomer Kingdom. Bob Iger has replaced Bob Chapek as Disney’s CEO, a shocking turn of events for the world’s largest media company that has been in turmoil ever since Iger stepped down as CEO in February 2020. The shakeup that caught the entertainment industry and Wall Street mostly by surprise was confirmed… Continue reading → read more
Honey, I Finished The Internet
Megafauna of the Pleistocene read more
Hard Truths for the Hypocritical Left
While Giorgia Meloni directs her aim at French President Macron, everyone in France and every member of the Left in the West should feel equally lambasted by her truth bombs but, of course, we all know how conveniently they ignore the end effects of their disastrous policies. I bet @EmmanuelMacron now regrets to have picked… Continue reading → read more
He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship
Trudeau now claims to have confronted Xi Jinping on the basis of… fake news. Nov 15 – "Trudeau raises ‘serious concerns’ about Chinese interference in talks with Xi" Nov 18 – "Trudeau was right to confront Xi over electoral interference" Nov 20 – "No intelligence briefing happened on Chinese interference in election: Trudeau" — Dean… Continue reading → read more
GREENIE WATCH23 hours ago
* Loss and damage fund a COP27 ‘success’(?)* A favourite breakfast dish in Egypt is fool or foul made from fava beans and many will argue that both wealthy and developing nations were given a full serving at the COP27 climate conference at Sharm el-Sheikh. Talks limped across the line two days behind schedule in the early hours of Sunday, Egyptian time, after convening for a final session at 3am. The executive and government jets were finally scrambled from the Red Sea resort town to let it get back to what it does best, hosting sun-seeking tourists for snorkelling with dolphins, c... read more
GREENIE WATCH23 hours ago
A favourite breakfast dish in Egypt is fool or foul made from fava beans and many will argue that both wealthy and developing nations were given a full serving at the COP27 climate conference at Sharm el-Sheikh. Talks limped across the line two days behind schedule in the early hours of Sunday, Egyptian time, after convening for a final session at 3am. The executive and government jets were finally scrambled from the Red Sea resort town to let it get back to what it does best, hosting sun-seeking tourists for snorkelling with dolphins, climbing the nearby Mount Sinai and quad bikin... read more
* Teachers are Quitting Because of Unruly, Violent StudentsBetter pay is good, but no amount of compensation can lure a teacher into a combat zone* Bebe Nicholson My niece always wanted to teach math. Since math teachers are in high demand, she didn’t have a problem landing a job. But now, after one year of teaching, she works as a church bookkeeper. Why did she leave the school system when she had wanted to be a teacher for as long as she could remember? Because students these days are unruly and violent, and teachers get no backing from school administrators or parents. Childr... read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Agent Orange in Vietnam: lingering pain and injustice
In the absence of legal justice, future reconciliation on this issue will need to focus on reparative justice. The post Agent Orange in Vietnam: lingering pain and injustice appeared first on New Mandala. read more
November 21st – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 671
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post November 21st – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 671 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Monday November 21st – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Monday November 21st – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Turkey bombs Iraq and Syria: NATO and Gulf killing machines (Yazidis to Yemen)
Turkey bombs Iraq and Syria: NATO and Gulf killing machines (Yazidis to Yemen) Kanako Mita, Nuray Lydia Oglu, and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times NATO Turkey bombed Kurds in the… read more
The Core Battle Within the Republican Party
An inflection point is coming. In preparation for what we are about to witness, it is critical to understand that both the DNC and RNC are private corporations with no affiliation to government. It is a difficult shift in thinking to appropriately understand, but the party system in U.S. politics revolves around two clubs that […] The post The Core Battle Within the Republican Party appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
UN's Nuclear Watchdog Says Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant Was Hit By 'Powerful Explosions'
*RFE:* *UN Condemns Attack On Russian-Controlled Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant As Moscow, Kyiv Trade Blame* The UN's nuclear watchdog has condemned attacks on the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine, as Moscow and Kyiv traded blame. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head Rafael Grossi on November 20 said that "powerful explosions" hit the nuclear plant on the evening of November 19 and again early on November 20, and demanded that whichever country was behind the attacks cease them immediately. Such attacks on Europe's largest nu... read more
German Army Has Only Enough Ammunition To Last 2 Days Of War
*Republic War*:* German Army Facing Severe Arms Shortage, Has Ammo Only To Last 2 Days Of War, Says Top MP* * “With sick, parental, and education leaves, many units reach the staffing level of only 60% of what they have on paper," German MP stressed. * German armed forces are currently facing severe shortages of ammunition, the Bundestag’s commissioner for the armed forces, Eva Hoegl, revealed on Sunday. The German Army lacks certain basic personal equipment to fight a war, she shockingly noted during an interview with the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “Without munitions, it’s all... read more
What Is Ukraine Public Opinion On The War?
*The Daily Skeptic*:* Ukrainian Public Opinion on the War* Because casualty figures are so uncertain, it’s unclear whether the war in Ukraine qualifies as the deadliest conflict in Europe since World War II. After all, approximately 130,000 people died in the Yugoslav wars. What is clear is that it’s the most intense conflict. Tens of thousands of people have died in just the eight months since Russia’s invasion began. If the conflict continues, it will soon surpass the Yugoslav wars in total casualties; and it may already have done so. On top of all the deaths, Ukraine has see... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Khershon withdrawal “may be rectified in future”
By Cossack Colonel YURI KOMONYISKIYes, the RF has relinquished its hold over the Kherson region in its current form. However, the RF expects to rectify this situation in the not-too-distant future. The Kherson region was problematic from a logistical/supply point of view. The span of the Dnieper River is massive as the shore line is […] read more
Need To Know1 day ago
FTX: Sam Bankman-Fried’s Family Has Deep Ties to Congress and Dark Money
FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried donated over $40 million to the Democrat party. It was revealed that his brother, Gabe Bankman-Fried, was a Legislative Correspondent from 2019 to 2021 for Democratic Congressman Sean Casten, who serves on the House Financial Services Committee that oversees cryptocurrency. read more
FSIS and the era of enforcement
Editor’s note: This is part three of a four-part series. Ten years after issuing the Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (PR/HACCP) Systems: Final Rule, The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) had not produced a single metric demonstrating progress in reducing pathogens or foodborne illness. Unwilling to acknowledge failure, FSIS rationalized... Continue Reading read more
USDA advice clears Turkey confusion before Thanksgiving
This week, many will enjoy a delicious meal on Thanksgiving Day with family and friends. Taking the necessary steps toward safe food handling and sanitation will help protect you and your loved ones this year. With social media abounding in misinformation and confused cooks with strong opinions, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released... Continue Reading read more
Countries share actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Nations have highlighted the role of the food sector and risk of resistant infections as part of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week. World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022, which began Nov. 18 and runs to Nov. 24, focuses on the actions needed to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites no longer respond... Continue Reading read more
FDA sends warning to food firm in Chicago over violations at their bakery facility
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading read more
When water is the enemy; sanitizing in dry food processing environments
“Water poses a significant food safety risk in dry and low moisture food processing environments,” says Nathan Mirdamadi, a Senior Food Safety Specialist with Commercial Food Sanitation. That makes cleaning and sanitizing these areas challenging, particularly considering the detrimental effects of microorganism growth on human health. Microorganisms need moisture, the right temperature, and just a... Continue Reading read more
Sunday Talks, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy States His Intention to Remove Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar from House Congressional Committees
During an interview with Maria Bartiromo {Direct Rumble Link Here} incoming Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy discusses his outline to become Speaker of the House of Representatives. Additionally, Leader McCarthy states his intention to disallow Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell to maintain status on the House intelligence committee, and also remove Democrat Ilhan Omar from […] The post Sunday Talks, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy States His Intention to Remove Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar from House Congressional Committees appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
On Kamandaka’s Nitisara
Among the extant works on niti (polity) from ancient India, Chanakya’s *Arthasastra* and Kamandaka’s *Nitisara* are the most renowned. Since Kamandaka has mentioned Chanakya (Vishnugupta) and Emperor Chandragupta in his text, it is assumed that *Nitisara* was composed after *Arthashastra*, which is placed in the third century BCE. The shloka 1.1.7-8 of the *Nitisara* says: “Having studied the learned works of that master of science (vidyanam paradrsvana) (Chanakya) and out of our love for science of polity (rajavidya), we set ourselves to the compilation of an abridged treatise f... read more
President Biden Takes To The World Stage
* Right after the election, President Biden departed Washington on November 10 for a big round of international meetings. * First, he went to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, where he spoke on November 11 at the UN “climate” conference known as COP-27. Then it was off to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for meetings on the 12th and 13th with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). And finally, to Bali, Indonesia, for a meeting with Xi Jinping of China on the 14th, followed by a big confab of the G20 on the 15th. Biden arrived back in Washington on the 16th. * In any sane world, the America... read more
Michael West1 day ago
‘Phenomenal’ demand for net-zero talent
Australia needs more investment in research and skills as economies compete for the best brains to develop emissions-busting technologies. “Good climate and energy policy is good economic policy as well,” federal Science and Industry Minister Ed Husic told researchers and industry innovators on Monday. “Reaching net-zero goals requires an urgent system-wide change to how we […] read more
A Short Break
Dear Readers: I’m working on a project so there will be no blog this week. However if you’d like to share your thoughts about the UCP’s latest missteps (there certainly are enough to choose from) feel free. See you … Continue reading → read more
Michael West1 day ago
Candidate on sex offence charge found dead
A National Party candidate due in court over rape charges has died five days out from the state election. Shaun David Gilchrist, 47 and the candidate for Narracan, died unexpectedly at Rawson on Sunday. Police were called to bushland about 4.15pm and will prepare a report for the coroner, but the death is not being […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
Give us coal for Christmas please: Ukraine
Ukraine is pleading with Australia to send coal shipments for Christmas as Russia targets the nation’s energy infrastructure, dooming millions to a freezing winter. Temperatures in Ukraine have already dipped below freezing and electricity is being rationed through scheduled blackouts as Russia ramps up its attacks. Kyiv’s envoy to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko is asking Australia […] read more
Michael West1 day ago
‘Phenomenal’ demand for net-zero tech
Australia might fail to get to net zero without more investment in research and skills as economies compete for the best brains to develop emissions-busting technologies. Willy Zwaenepoel, a world-leading expert in experimental computer science research, warns there’s a “phenomenal demand” for people to work in the fields of energy and sustainability. To escape the […] read more
Fourth-century Assyrian Monastery Still Serves Worshippers
Mar Odisho Monastery in Duhok province's Dere village, Oct. 15, 2022. ( Kurmanj Nhili/Kurdistan 24)Noohadra/Dohuk, Iraq -- Saint Odisho Monastery, dating back to the fourth century, still stands tall serving Christians in the small village of Dere just four kilometers east of the historic town of Amedi in Duhok province. read more
Disputed Territories in Northern Iraq
It is stated that territorial disputes are often linked to wealth through the control of natural resources, but they can also be driven by sectarian, religious, ethnic and national security reasons. read more
President Donald Trump Releases 30-Second Ad via Truth Social
President Trump posted this 30 second ad spot on his Truth Social account. [SOURCE] “Make an entrance. Make a run. And then make history. Make a difference. Make good on your word. Make it big league. But most of all, make it great again. Trump” {Direct Rumble Link} Posted in Donald Trump, Election 2024, media bias, […] The post President Donald Trump Releases 30-Second Ad via Truth Social appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
If They Say You’re Too Small to Make a Difference, Tell Them to Sleep in a Room with a Mosquito
Wall Street -vs- Main Street Corporate Donors -vs- MAGA Support Insurgency Funding for “Operation Governing Structure” Here . Posted in Election 2024, RNC, Uncategorized The post If They Say You’re Too Small to Make a Difference, Tell Them to Sleep in a Room with a Mosquito appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
It Snows When It Is Cold
Climate alarmists alternate between “snowfalls are a thing of the past” and “global warming causes too much snow.” read more
US President Biden Turns 80 Today
*Daily Mail: **Biden turns 80 and becomes Oval Office's first octogenarian: President's age will be a 'frequent' GOP 'talking point' as he mulls 2024 run - and could have a 'psychological impact' on Democrats - but will Trump impact his decision?* * Biden is set to have a low-key brunch with family at the White House on Sunday to mark is 80th birthday * He will celebrate the milestone 50 years after he became a Senator and amid calls younger leaders * If he wins the next presidential election he'll be 82 at the inauguration and 86 by end of his second term * Biden has ... read more
“balance is not a very good doctrine when applied to science reporting”
In 1972 Steven Schneider explained why a runaway greenhouse effect is impossible. rasool_schneider_1971.pdf In 1974 Schneider warned President Nixon about global cooling. The Genesis Strategy – The New York Times In 1978 Schneider discussed the arrival of a new ice … Continue reading → read more
Goodbye G20, Hello BRICS+
Goodbye G20, Hello BRICS+ by Pepe Escobar, https://thecradle.co/ The increasingly irrelevant G20 Summit concluded with sure signs that BRICS+ will be the way forward for Global South cooperation. – The redeeming quality of a tense G20 held in Bali – otherwise managed by laudable Indonesian graciousness – was to sharply define which way the geopolitical winds … read more
France Warns of Power Outages
France Warns of Power Outages by https://www.rt.com/ Electricity shortages could occur in January, according to grid operator RTE France faces a greater risk of running short on electricity in January because the availability of the country’s nuclear plants will probably be lower than previously forecast, national grid operator RTE warned on Friday. – RTE, which … read more
Another Attempt to Start WWIII? Powerful Explosions Rock Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant
Another Attempt to Start WWIII? Powerful Explosions Rock Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant by https://strangesounds.org/ Powerful explosions have rocked the area around Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said. – “In what appeared to be renewed shelling both close to and at the site of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, IAEA experts … read more
Amid UN Climate Summit, Religious Leaders Unveil New Ten Commandments
Amid UN Climate Summit, Religious Leaders Unveil New Ten Commandments by Alex Newman, https://thenewamerican.com/ SINAI, EGYPT — Leaders of various religions and religious organizations gathered to repent of their alleged “climate” sins and usher in what they described as a new, universal “Ten Commandments.” Gathered in Sharm El Sheikh and cities around the world amid … read more
They Are Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce Soon
They Are Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce Soon by https://endoftheamericandream.com/ Are you ready for the government to monitor what you buy and sell on a daily basis? Because that is what could happen if you start using the new “digital dollar” that they are now testing. Of course using … read more
You’re Living in a World Wrought by the Federal Reserve. Notice Anything Wrong?
You’re Living in a World Wrought by the Federal Reserve. Notice Anything Wrong? by Lynn Parramore The Institute for New Economic Thinking, https://www.ineteconomics.org/ In her new book, veteran Wall Street watcher and economist Nomi Prins warns that central bank strategies deployed since the financial crisis are destroying the real economy, worsening inequality, and creating societal … read more
Canadian Prepper, "Alert: Major Cities Being Evacuated; Nuclear Test"
Canadian Prepper, 11/20/22: *"Alert: Major Cities Being Evacuated; Nuclear Test"* "Mass evacuations underway in Europe, 30 signs that point toward WW3 escalation and not negotiation." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Loss and Damage Fund Saves COP27 from the Abyss
SHARM EL SHEIKh, Nov 20 (IPS) - They were on the brink of shipwreck and did not leave happy, but did feel satisfied that they got the best they could. The countries of the global South achieved something decisive at COP27: the creation of a special fund to address the damage and loss caused by climate change in the most vulnerable nations. Read the full story, “Loss and Damage Fund Saves COP27 from the Abyss”, on globalissues.org → read more
Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole
Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch November 20, 2022 Was hurricane Nicole a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? What agendas and objectives might Hurricane Nicole have served for those in power? Can winter weather be engineered from what started out The post Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Reports Of Egg Shortages Widespread In The U.K.. Supermarkets To Ration Eggs
*The Guardian:* *UK egg shortages to last beyond Christmas, industry warns* *Supermarkets are rationing sales as poultry industry grapples with spiraling costs and bird flu * Egg shortages and rationing in the UK are expected to last beyond Christmas, an industry body has warned, as the poultry industry grapples with spiraling costs and its worst ever bout of bird flu. Lidl is limiting customers to three boxes of eggs each, while Asda is restricting purchases to two boxes per shopper. Tesco is also considering rationing eggs, after bird flu resulted in shortages on some supe... read more
balance101 day ago
rough and tumble is this world
(numerology used) For21 mankind30 have9 developed43 a 1 deep21 set8 of12 stereotyped53 and10 acceptable32 values18 which33 they22 carefully40 preserve 45 (=408=God17 x truth24)…. some16 of12 our18 modern33 disciples 42…have9 in14 effect30 denied32 their33 Lord22 by9 desiring49 anonymity46 before33 men14= 432 (=12 x reality36). These21 would21 not13 stand13 up 10 and10 be7 counted28 on11 the15 side19 of12 righteousness62 and1O truth24 for21 fear21 of12 earthly35 censure31(=396=12 x inner33) You see, when hidden hungers of the soul for advancement remain unsatisfied they sometimes bu... read more
Made it safely home
We're back home at last, to the happy but suspicious greetings of the cats ("Where have you been? Why? What took you so long?"). Our most dangerous moment of the entire journey came just south of Claude, Texas, when two rather large black angus bulls romped through a gap in the fence and charged towards the freeway. Every vehicle in sight hit our brakes simultaneously, which wasn't a problem for the cars and light trucks, but caused all sorts of headaches for the 18-wheelers scattered among us. By some miracle, the bulls stopped with their front hooves on the tarred shoulde... read more
Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species
Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond with Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch November 20, 2022 Joining me today is Dane Wigington, founder & editor of Geoengineering Watch, here to discuss one of the most obvious lies of the past century, and that is the coverup of The post Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
UK Prime Minister Sunak Challenged Over His Wife's Links To Company Infosys And Their Business Dealings With Russia
Chancellor Rishi Sunak denies he has any links to Infosys, an IT firm operating in Russia which his wife has a stake in. Read more here: https://t.co/bixqiWPCHB pic.twitter.com/qI2nYutzJd — Sky News (@SkyNews) March 24, 2022 *SKY News*: *Rishi Sunak challenged over wife's links to company Infosys that has presence in Russia* Appearing on Sky News, Chancellor Rishi Sunak is asked about the fact that Akshata Murthy has shares in IT company Infosys, which has an office in the Russian capital, Moscow. Rishi Sunak has been challenged over his wife's links to a company that has a pre... read more
World's Longest-Serving President Is Poised To Extend His 43-Year-Rule In Equatorial Guinea
*Reuters*: *World's longest-ruling leader holds vote to extend rule of tiny African state* DAKAR (Reuters) -The world's longest-ruling leader, President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea, staged a vote on Sunday to extend his 43-year-rule of a tiny, authoritarian African state where once plentiful oil wealth has been in a rapid decline. "What you sow is what you reap," said Obiang, 80, who has regularly won more than 90 percent of the vote in elections conducted over the course of five terms since he seized power from his uncle in a coup in 1979. *Read more* .... *WNU... read more
Michael West1 day ago
Asia share markets fret on China COVID-19
Asian share markets turned hesitant overnight as investors fretted about the economic fallout from fresh COVID-19 restrictions in China, while bonds and the dollar braced for more updates on US monetary policy. Beijing’s most populous district urged residents to stay at home from Monday as the city’s case numbers rose, while at least one district […] read more
Unstoppable Crash Worse than 2008 Coming – James Rickards
Unstoppable Crash Worse than 2008 Coming – James Rickards by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Six-time, best-selling financial author James Rickards says the upcoming book “Sold Out” lays out the case why a huge crash is already a certainty sometime in 2023. In a nutshell, broken supply chains have already caused big inflation, and the Fed is … read more
Michael West1 day ago
Labor eyes energy price fix by year’s end
Businesses and households enduring sky high energy prices can expect a solution by the end of the year. Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the government would discuss energy prices with manufacturers and other businesses, with a view to pulling the trigger on regulatory intervention in the energy market before Christmas. “There’s a lot of complexity here, […] read more
Church: Wake Up! Are You Going To Submit To The Beast?
 NEW PATRIOT Are you going to submit to the mark of the beast, the bio-economy and genomic surveillance? If you are going to be a cafeteria Christian and pick and choose only those passages that tickle your eschatological fancy, then you will miss your opportunity to overcome.  ” frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency allowfullscreen> end read more
Sit Rep USA November 20, 2022
Last week was a big week. In the wake of the midterm elections, a big repositioning is taking place in U.S. politics based on Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign announcement, Republican control of the House, and the battle to reinvent the Republican Party as an instrument of the working and middle classes now at war with an elite that hates them. Elon Musk’s dismantling of the former Twitter and Silicon Valley censorship and population control mechanisms which have been operating in conjunction with Washington’s finest continues to generate a delightful freakout by the denizens of the s... read more
Government Overreach in the Time of COVID-19
Since early 2020, it has become apparent that governments around the world, particularly those of English-speaking nations, have used the COVID-19 "emergency" as an excuse to solidify their power over those that elected them. Apparently, even the invocation of a coronavirus emergency is no longer the "only game in town" when it comes to government overreach, at least for those who live in Colorado. Here is a recent announcement from the Democratic Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis: Here is the Executive Order in full with my highlights on the pertinent sections: Thi... read more