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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 25, 2022

25 November - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 4

   iG Tab - Mainstream Narrative      iG Tab - 4      iG Tab 6 - MSM      iG Tab 7 - MSM

iG Tab - 8      iG Tab - 9     iG Tab - 10      iG Tab - 11

11pm MST

Bus driver from Turkey suffers a heart attack
KEEP CALM Sep 29, 2022 The most circulating clip in Turkey, taken from Sivas, shows a bus driver who suffers a heart attack while behind... The post Bus driver from Turkey suffers a heart attack appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Bye-bye, Kiev, hello Cote d’Azur: As Westerners send aid, here’s how Ukraine’s corrupt elites are profiting from the conflict
RT Since the beginning of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, the US, EU, and their allies have provided Kiev with $126 billion worth of aid, a number... The post Bye-bye, Kiev, hello Cote d’Azur: As Westerners send aid, here’s how Ukraine’s corrupt elites are profiting from the conflict appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Econlib13 hours ago
Vox’s Words and Vox’s Actions
David Henderson has a couple of recent posts analyzing possible upcoming regulatory changes affecting gig workers. Reading his posts triggered the little memory imp that lives in the back of my brain, and brought to mind an additional point worth making. At the outset, however, I do want to give some credit to the Vox […] The post Vox’s Words and Vox’s Actions appeared first on Econlib. read more
Remember this 2017 post? .. consent? This is outrageous… EWRAUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND TO BE TEST SITES FOR GM INSECT TRIALS COURTESY OF DARPA! From responsibletechnology.orgOriginally posted by MSN on October 2nd, 2022 Scientists have managed to turn one of the deadliest insects into a vaccine delivery system. According to new reports from NPR, a … Continue reading HOW SCIENTISTS TRICKED MOSQUITOES INTO DELIVERING VACCINES TO HUMANS → read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Opinion: Bolivia faces far-reaching political changes
By Eduardo Rada The uncertainty and lack of strategic decisions of the main drivers of the "Democratic and Cultural Revolution" in Bolivia; the various meetings between the President and Leader of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), Evo Morales Ayma, with the President and Vice President of the Plurinational State, Luis Arce Catacora and David […] read more
Turcopolier15 hours ago
“Vladimir Putin’s plot to freeze Ukraine into submission looks destined to fail”
“The obvious aim is sap morale and force Ukraine to negotiate – but so far, it’s having quite the reverse effect. As far as opinion polls can ascertain, Ukrainian public opinion is to keep fighting until every inch of Ukrainian … Continue reading → read more
the daily howler12 hours ago
Tony Fauci is lying again...
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2022* *...according to Tucker Carlson: *The front page of today's New York Times includes this instructive report: *An Ancient Language, Once on the Brink, Is a British Isle’s Talk of the Town * At issue is the ancient language Manx, which is apparently making a comeback on the Isle of Man. Given the world's endless complexifications, the Isle of Man "is a self-governing British Crown Dependency that is not a part of the United Kingdom, but whose residents are British citizens." The Isle of Man's population is roughly 84,000. According to the front-page ... read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
The 33rd meeting of the Energy Charter conference held under the chairmanship of Mongolia
25-Nov-2022 The conference expects to meet ad hoc in April 2023 to finalise the discussion on the adoption of the amendments to the ECT. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Séoul et Ottawa vont signer un accord sur les chaînes d'approvisionnement en minéraux clés
25-Nov-2022 La Corée du Sud et le Canada sont convenus d'accélérer la signature d'un protocole d'entente sur les minéraux clés afin d'améliorer la coopération sur les chaînes d'approvisionnement des batteries auxiliaires, des véhicules électriques et d'autres domaines industriels. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
S. Korea, Canada to sign agreement on supply chains of key minerals
25-Nov-2022 South Korea and Canada agreed to expedite their push for signing a memorandum of understanding on key minerals in a move to enhance cooperation on supply chains of secondary cells, electric vehicles and broader industry fields. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Canada to explore a free-trade agreement with Ecuador, in fresh run at lessening reliance on US, China
25-Nov-2022 Canada has been negotiating a trade agreement with the Pacific Alliance, which includes Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and soon Ecuador, since 2017 read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
Traité sur la charte de l'énergie : le Parlement européen veut en sortir
25-Nov-2022 Le Traité sur la charte de l'énergie a du plomb dans l'aile. Le Parlement européen a voté une résolution demandant un retrait coordonné et conjoint de l'Union européenne du traité. read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
European Parliament resolution ‘final nail in the coffin' for Energy Charter Treaty
25-Nov-2022 The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to initiate the process toward a coordinated exit of the EU from the Energy Charter Treaty. read more
Israeli Military Chief Says Joint Activity With US to ‘Significantly Expand’
Anti-War – by Dave DeCamp The head of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) returned to Israel on Thursday after five days of talks with US... The post Israeli Military Chief Says Joint Activity With US to ‘Significantly Expand’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Hundreds of Chinese-made drones are detected in restricted airspace above the WHITE HOUSE in past few months amid fears of spying security threat
Daily Mail Hundreds of Chinese-made drones have been flying over the Capitol and the White House, using stealth technology to enter the restricted air space, a stunning new... The post Hundreds of Chinese-made drones are detected in restricted airspace above the WHITE HOUSE in past few months amid fears of spying security threat appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Health of Pure Bloods Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein
Substack – by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH One of the most common questions I am asked from the unvaccinated stems from concerns over “shedding.” ... The post Health of Pure Bloods Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors
@NBCNews, is it standard practice for employees like @oneunderscore__ to set up recurring payments to the subjects of their "reporting," as Ben has apparently done for @Keffals? pic.twitter.com/8OMeuTZUos — Russell T. Shackelford (@RTShackelford) November 13, 2022 You’ve likely never heard of him, here’s some recent background. read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Men Without Work
Tara Henley interviews political economist Nicholas Eberstadt; The prosperity of modern America has helped conceal a catastrophe in employment collapse for prime age men. Prime working-age men — not my definition, 25 to 54 — it’s pretty self-evident why they’re called this. They’re not just important for the workforce, where they’re a main component. These… Continue reading → read more
Unbelievable: Researcher Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics Cause Vaccine-Related Adverse Events Like Blood Clots and Heart Attacks
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft You can’t make this up. Just when you thought the Covid-deranged establishment medical community couldn’t lose any more credibility, Raymond... The post Unbelievable: Researcher Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics Cause Vaccine-Related Adverse Events Like Blood Clots and Heart Attacks appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
What Should Texas Do With Illegal Aliens? Send Them Back Across the Rio Grande!
Border Hawk – by Alan Wall In my previous column, I discussed Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s border invasion declaration, which he actually issued in July but... The post What Should Texas Do With Illegal Aliens? Send Them Back Across the Rio Grande! appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
The December 2022 issue of ColdType is now online
Friday, 25 November 2022 — ColdType WELCOME to the final issue of ColdType for 2022 packed with news, views and perspectives that you’ll rarely find in the ‘mainstream’ media. Our cover story is Matt Kennard’s wide-ranging interview with Stella Assange, who tells of the effect that four years’ detention in London’s Belmarsh prison is having on … Continue reading The December 2022 issue of ColdType is now online read more
Michael West13 hours ago
Scott Morrison defends secret ministries
Former prime minister Scott Morrison has defended his decision to appoint himself to multiple secret ministries despite the release of a scathing report. The report on the ministries, handed down on Friday by former High Court judge Virginia Bell, labelled Mr Morrison’s conduct as corrosive of trust in government. Mr Morrison appointed himself minister of […] read more
Small Dead Animals13 hours ago
Y2Kyoto: End Of Coal
@VuslatBayoglu – Southern China’s Guangdong province approved the construction of six coal-fired power plants in less than a month, generating a capacity of 9.7 GW. From 2022 to 2024, new coal-fired power projects with a total capacity of 80 GW are expected to start annually. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
34 Nitwits
Another day, another feke poll about Covid. Actual article Related: Sweet John Campbell admits how naive he has been to trust the “experts”. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
I Forget The Guy’s Name’s Britain
Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and because a budgetary line item reading “bribes to Chinese officials slush fund” might look awkward: Britain sent more than £50 million of aid to China last year, despite repeated pledges to end the ‘indefensible’ handouts. Figures released by the Foreign Office yesterday revealed… Continue reading → read more
In *The New York Times*, Jeremy Peters tells the story of Sarah Palin's rise and fall, and gets much of it wrong. Here's Peters on Palin's rise: Ms. Palin, 58, started on the road to political fame after her upset victory in the governor’s race in Alaska in 2006, when the Republican Party was in need of a fresh face. Republicans had just lost badly in the midterm elections — what President George W. Bush called a “thumping.” The G.O.P.’s conservative base was angry with party leaders over their support for an immigration reform bill. And the broader public was war-weary after five ... read more
Friday Morning Links
Assorted content to end your week. - Jessica Wildfire sets out the realities of COVID which are apparent to people on top of the flow of scientific news - even if they're not being reflected in public policy or government messaging. Larissa Kruz reports on the strain being placed on Saskatchewan family doctors who lack the capacity to make up for overflowing emergency rooms. And Sonia Aslam reports on British Columbia's alarming rate of student and staff illness in schools, while Janet French reports on Danielle Smith's appalling decision to prohibit Alberta school divisions from ... read more
"How To Get Your Money Out of the Bank?"
*Full screen recommended.* Dan, iAllegedly 11/25/22: *"How To Get Your Money Out of the Bank?"* "Do you need to make arrangements for the crash. Here’s a detailed plan on how to get your money out of the bank." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
California to Ban Gas and Diesel Trucks by 2035!
The bureaucrats at the California Air Resources Board are looking to ban all gas and diesel trucks. The board boasted about being the first to adopt a rule requiring truck manufacturers to transition from diesel to electric beginning in 2024. There is no infrastructure to support this insane plan. Continue reading California to Ban Gas and Diesel Trucks by 2035! at Need To Know. read more
Climate Brawl Debate: Tony Heller vs Gerald Kutney
November 29 at 11:00 AM MST “The United Nation’s 27th Conference of the Parties recently held in Egypt has shown renewed interest in the subject of climate change. Is the debate settled as the IPCC and Peer Reviewed Consensus suggest? … Continue reading → read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Vaxxed and Boosted Al Roker Hospitalized for Blood Clots
[image: Vaxxed and Boosted Al Roker Hospitalized for Blood Clots] He reported on social media that he had blood clots that traveled to his lungs from a clot in one of his legs. He said that he tested positive for COVID in September even though he has been vaccinated and boosted. Continue reading Vaxxed and Boosted Al Roker Hospitalized for Blood Clots at Need To Know. read more
"America’s ‘Dark Cluster Decade’"
*"America’s ‘Dark Cluster Decade’"* A look into the murky past to see where we might be heading... by Bill Bonner *Baltimore, Maryland - "*In the late 1950s, led by the great decider, Mao Tse Tung, and the communist party, China engineered what was to become one of the darkest decades in human history. It was based on lies. And it set in motion a financial and social disaster. A real “cluster,” as kids say today. It was an ambitious crusade. The whole society – its government, politics, economics, finances, and industries – were all brought together, like an attacking army, to trans... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Shooting attacks in 2 schools in Brazil leave 3 dead and several wounded
Shooting attacks in two schools in the city of Aracruz, in Brazil's Espírito Santo state, left three dead and at least nine wounded this Friday (Nov. 25). The shooter - whose identity was not revealed - entered a state school and fired several shots in the teachers' room. Two people died on the spot. Then […] read more
Bragging About Conspiracy To Corrupt The 2020 Election
Sam Harris says there was a conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election and put Joe Biden in the White House, and he says it was the right thing to do. He also says Liz Cheney was part of it. Time … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Neymar and Danilo are out of the next games of Brazil
Striker Neymar and right-back Danilo are out of the next two games of Brazil in World Cup 2022. Both suffered sprained ankles in the 2-0 win over Serbia last Thursday (Nov. 24). The information is that they will not be able to play for the duels with Switzerland next Monday (28) and Cameroon (2). Thus, […] read more
LGBTI in Iraq: Defending Identity in the Face of Harassment, Stigma and Death
SULAYMANIYAH, Iraq, Nov 25 (IPS) - It's mostly people in their twenties sitting on a terrace in the shade of a beautiful grove of trees: black clothes, piercings, tattoos and some purple streaks in their hair. Read the full story, “LGBTI in Iraq: Defending Identity in the Face of Harassment, Stigma and Death”, on globalissues.org → read more
Black Fraud-Days and the Shocking Cost of Staying Fashionable
MADRID, Nov 25 (IPS) - Please take a quick look at this short report before rushing to shop on a Black Friday, Christmas sales and all those long chains of big discounts and wholesales, most of them are fake, as often denounced by consumers organisations that report that the business usually inflates prices before launching such deals. Read the full story, “Black Fraud-Days and the Shocking Cost of Staying Fashionable”, on globalissues.org → read more
Cattle Turn Into New Currency Amid Inflation in Zimbabwe
MBERENGWA, Nov 25 (IPS) - In 2007 as inflation walloped the Zimbabwean currency, rendering it valueless, then 54-year-old Langton Musaigwa of Mataruse village west of Zimbabwe in Mberengwa district switched to cattle as his currency. Read the full story, “Cattle Turn Into New Currency Amid Inflation in Zimbabwe”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Foreign direct investment in Brazil has risen almost 60%. Will it continue?
Brazil's manufacturing sector received US$74 billion in foreign investment between January and October, almost 59% more than in the same interval in 2021. It is the highest amount for the first ten months of the year since 2014 (US$74.7 billion), according to the Direct Investment in the Country (FDI) data published on Friday (Nov. 25) […] read more
Need To Know13 hours ago
Mainstream Media Blames Conservatives for Shooting at LGBTQ Bar as Suspect Identifies as “Non-Binary”
[image: Mainstream Media Blames Conservatives for Shooting at LGBTQ Bar as Suspect Identifies as “Non-Binary”] The suspect, Anderson Lee Aldrich, claims to have a "non-binary" gender, indicating he is part of the trans community, rather than being a right-wing 'extremist'. Aldrich has a prior criminal history. Continue reading Mainstream Media Blames Conservatives for Shooting at LGBTQ Bar as Suspect Identifies as “Non-Binary” at Need To Know. read more
“Europe accuses US of profiting from war”
“War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.” – George Orwell “Biden’s green subsidies and taxes that Brussels says unfairly tilt trade away from the EU and threaten to … Continue reading → read more
Need To Know14 hours ago
Study Shows that Male Fertility Has Plunged 62% Worldwide and It Is Accelerating
[image: Study Shows that Male Fertility Has Plunged 62% Worldwide and It Is Accelerating] The lead author of the study warned that the steep decline could get to an irreversible point. Other studies have linked low sperm counts to obesity, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, and exposure to certain chemicals and pesticides. Continue reading Study Shows that Male Fertility Has Plunged 62% Worldwide and It Is Accelerating at Need To Know. read more
Science Matters16 hours ago
Data Explain Midterm Election Results
Joe Fried presents the data based analysis in his American Thinker article Surprised by the Midterm Election Results? Take a Look at the Data. Excerpts in italics with my bolds For many Republicans, the final midterm election results were surprising— especially in the states of Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Based on polling, it looked likely […] read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
Its Friday On Turtle Island
Biden’s America: Feticide Thanksgiving. Give thanks for private property. Apparently Thanksgiving kills gay people. The gender spectrum lessons in schools. Biden’s bullet points. An apology from the Washington Free Beacon. Today In Islam: Muslim outreach in Nigeria. Lots of fun at the World Cup. And this week in Jihad. Trudeau’s Canada: The Sovereignty Act. The… Continue reading → read more
Countries Hiding Responses Sent to UN Experts Over Allegations of Human Rights Abuses
KATHMANDU, Nov 25 (IPS) - Human rights defenders are alarmed at what appears to be a new process permitting countries to keep confidential their responses to UN experts about allegations of human rights abuses. Read the full story, “Countries Hiding Responses Sent to UN Experts Over Allegations of Human Rights Abuses”, on globalissues.org → read more
"Russia’s Electric War"
*"Russia’s Electric War"* by Pepe Escobar "Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. My words echo Thus, in your mind. But to what purpose Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves I do not know." - T.S. Eliot, "Burnt Norton" "Spare a thought to the Polish farmer snapping pics of a missile wreckage – later indicated to belong to a Ukrainian S-300. So a Polish farmer, his footfalls echoing in our collective memory, may have saved the world from WWIII – unleashed via a tawdry plot concocted by Anglo-Amer... read more
"What It's Like When The Lights Go Out In A Warzone"
*Full screen recommended.* Gonzalo Lira, *"What It's Like When The Lights Go Out In A Warzone"* Comments here: - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
The presidents of Mexico and Ecuador promote a bilateral trade agreement
The ruler of Ecuador was received by the host president and his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, at the official residence. "The meeting was productive and the meeting with the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, and his wife, María de Lourdes Alcívar Crespo, was pleasant," added the Mexican president. An honor guard interpreted the national anthems […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Honduras and El Salvador join the Dominican Republic in the recovery of tourists
Central America and the Caribbean stand out among the world subregions that showed a faster recovery to pre-pandemic levels in international tourist arrivals from January to September 2022. With 82% recovery, both subregions join Northern Europe (81%), Southern Mediterranean Europe (86%), Western Europe (88%) on that list, indicates the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in its […] read more
CFACT15 hours ago
COP27 — The “loss and damage” camel’s nose is very fuzzy
It could be great fun to watch. The developing countries fighting over nothing. China refusing to pay. The post COP27 — The “loss and damage” camel’s nose is very fuzzy appeared first on CFACT. read more
Bacon's Rebellion15 hours ago
Cause, Effect, and Regret
by Jim McCarthy Bacon’s Rebellion recently hosted a series of articles exhaustively parsing the procedures and policies at the University of Virginia regarding threat assessments in preventing violence related to the killing of three students and wounding of two by … Continue reading → read more
Whither norms research in times of uncertainty? A Symposium
In a world of multiple and overlapping crises, can norms and rules-based institution still create order amidst uncertainty? Do existing norms and frameworks for international cooperation enjoy sufficient legitimacy to help us navigate the interacting and concatenating effects of crises? A new symposium explores the question: “Whither norms (research) in times of uncertainty?” read more
Bacon's Rebellion16 hours ago
Account for All of the Costs
by Bill O’Keefe Opposition to Dominion’s offshore windfarm has come mainly from critics who cite technology, economic, and energy-system concerns and problems. Unfortunately, these have only been persuasive enough to slow down the reckless rush by Dominion and its allies … Continue reading → read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Let’s be different and call it an Orange Friday
Black Friday started as a day of shopping for others, but has turned into a month long inventory close out event for personal shoppers. Oh, a few gifts are bought, as well. I have never cared for Black Friday, so … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
Editor's Note
In meetings this morning. Blogging will return later this afternoon. read more
Econlib19 hours ago
The Eccentric Entrepreneur’s Venture
Suppose an eccentric entrepreneur is raising money for a new venture. It could be a sort of metaverse hula hoop or some revolutionary way of financing a public good (in the economic sense) or whatever. He tells potential adult investors something like: You know I am an eccentric genius. If my idea works, you and […] The post The Eccentric Entrepreneur’s Venture appeared first on Econlib. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Opinion: Why is Brazil, the country of the future, still stuck in the past?
By Jonas Rabinovitch* About 76% of young Brazilians would like to live abroad. The main reason is skepticism about the future. In 1940, fleeing from Nazism, the celebrated Jewish-Austrian writer Stefan Zweig came to live in Brazil. In 1941, he launched the book 'Brasil, País do Futuro (Brazil, Country of the Future)'. Six months later, […] read more
Jim Kunstler, "A Light in the Darkness"
*"A Light in the Darkness"* by Jim Kunstler “Sooner or later, there will be push-back against the Dems attempt to turn the USA into some kind of obese transgender liberal Wakanda run by crooks, freaks and thugs.” - The Saker of the Vineyard The really stunning thing about Elon Musk’s campaign to clean up the back-stage rats’ nest at Twitter is that he’s the lone authority figure in the land who dared to act against the degenerate political Left’s impudent and remorseless cancellation of everything that held together America’s consensual reality. Think of it: all the college presid... read more
Halifax Examiner14 hours ago
MP Lisa Hepfner said online news sites are ‘not news’. The Halifax Examiner sets the record straight
[image: A white woman with brown wavy hair gestures with her hands while speaking in front of two microphones.] Honestly, we deserve some damn respect, including from the former reporter now implementing federal media policy. The post MP Lisa Hepfner said online news sites are ‘not news’. The Halifax Examiner sets the record straight appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Too Much Plenty?
George F. Will has an interesting thesis: Our politics are toxic because we live in an age of plenty. I'm not sure I buy it. But I place it before you: In 1930, the beginning of the Great Depression and of a decade that would end with the beginning of the worst of wars, a great economist wrote an essay (“Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren”) of ambivalent cheerfulness. John Maynard Keynes said the economic problem, “the struggle for subsistence,” was approaching solution. Another century of growth — by around now — would mean that “for the first time since his creation man... read more
Age of Autism Matching Gift Countdown
We’re so close to meeting our $10K goal. Can you nudge us over? We have an angel donor in Laura Hayes, AofA contributor and supporter who has generously upped her annual match to a full $10,000. Meeting this campaign would... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Mexican economy confirms 4.3% annual growth in the third quarter of 2022
The Mexican economy grew in the third quarter of 2022 very slightly above what was expected by the market consensus and confirmed the data provided by the Inegi Timely Estimate a month ago. At an annual rate and with seasonally adjusted series, in the third quarter of 2022 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased 4.3% […] read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
Cleaning the Augean stables (Part I)
‘There seems to be no study too fragmented, no hypothesis too trivial, no literature citation too biased or too egotistical, no design too warped, no methodology too bungled, no presentation of results too inaccurate, too obscure, and too contradictory, no analysis too self-serving, no argument too circular, no conclusions too trifling or too unjustified, and no grammar and syntax too offensive for a paper to end up in print.’ Drummond Rennie. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: Lula da Silva’s PT party to cancel privatization projects
The privatizations and concessions that are carried out by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL - Liberal Party) should be reviewed, postponed or canceled with the inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT - Worker's Party). Correios, Dataprev and the Port of Santos, in addition to the process of selling Petrobras assets, such […] read more
The Last Refuge15 hours ago
Why Celebrate Advent
Advent is a season of preparation that has a two fold purpose. Advent begins with Evening Prayer I of the Sunday falling on or closest to 30 November and ends before evening prayer I of Christmas. We prepare ourselves not only for the coming joy of our celebration of the birth of the Christ child; […] The post Why Celebrate Advent appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Discovering Brazil’s hidden gems: 7 offbeat destinations
Few destinations are as popular, yet so mysterious, as Brazil. Although Rio, and Amazon are a perfect getaway for many, few tourists venture into the country’s lesser-known regions. This post will introduce you to some of the most magnificent sites that have remained undiscovered and offer a plethora of unique experiences. While we all wish […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil: Mayor is murdered inside the cabinet in the interior of RS
The mayor of Lajeado do Bugre in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Roberto Maciel Santos (PP), aged 45, was murdered inside his office on Thursday (24). A hooded man entered the town hall, asked where the office was and fired shots. Santos died at the scene. The mayor's body will be buried […] read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Brazil: Protesters block access to Viracopos Airport
On the morning of this Friday, the 25th, demonstrators blocked the Santo Dumont highway, which gives access to Viracopos Airport, in Campinas, state of São Paulo, one of the busiest in the country. According to images posted on Twitter, the group placed wooden obstacles to prevent vehicle traffic. The images also show a long line […] read more
US Military Running Fake Social Media Accounts
“The operation ran across many internet services, including Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It included several clusters of fake accounts on our platforms, some of which were detected and disabled by our automated systems prior to our investigation. The … Continue reading → read more
The Aviationist16 hours ago
Lessons Learned In Ukraine Helped Shape Falcon Strike 22, The 5th Gen-Centric ‘European Red Flag’
[image: Falcon Strike] Designed for 5th gen fighter jets, Falcon Strike 2022 increased interoperability and cooperation to obtain the air dominance, taking also into account the lessons learned from the current situation in Ukraine. Exercise Falcon Strike 2002, [...] The post Lessons Learned In Ukraine Helped Shape Falcon Strike 22, The 5th Gen-Centric ‘European Red Flag’ appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Bacon's Rebellion16 hours ago
Mass Shootings: Take A Breath Before Bloviating
by Kerry Dougherty On Wednesday morning I woke up at 4:00 a.m., planning to head to the radio studio for four hours of happy holiday banter with my co-host, Mike Imprevento. Then I glanced at my phone. A news blast … Continue reading → read more
BWorld 569, Growth, power transmission, and Poland
* My article in BusinessWorld last November 14. -------------------- There are three topics this week and we go straight to them. *HIGH GDP GROWTH IN 3RD QUARTER* The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported some good news last Thursday — the country’s GDP growth in the third quarter (Q3) was 7.6%. Of the 16 private economists polled by BusinessWorld (“Q3 GDP growth likely slowed — poll,” Nov. 7), only two — Ser Peña-Reyes of Ateneo and Jonas Ravelas of eManagement — made near projections of 7.7% and 7%, respectively. Until early October, all the multilaterals — the Asian De... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Petrobras devalues ​​23% since the 2nd round of elections
Petrobras lost R$103.6 billion in market value since the 2022 elections, from R$448.7 billion to R$345.1 billion. Preferred shares fell 25.5% in the period up to the close of Thursday (24 Nov 2022). Common shares fell 21.4%. On Thursday, common shares recovered by 3.9% compared to the close of Wednesday (23 Nov). Preferred shares increased […] read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
‘Citizen scientists’ call on Houston to freeze all logging around Goldsmith Lake in Annapolis County 
[image: aerial view of a wooded area with a mix of green conifers and leafless hardwoods divided by a broad dirt road with a light cover of snow] A group of “citizen scientists” recently discovered a wide logging road running through mature forests in Annapolis County, on Crown land they had hoped the government would protect. Instead, they learned the province has approved logging in the old, undisturbed forest in the area, and their pleas to Environment and Climate Change Minister Timothy Halman to have it protected have gone unheeded. To access this post, you must purchase a mem... read more
Halifax Examiner18 hours ago
Power rates in Nova Scotia are now expected to rise 13.8% over the next two years
[image: Electrical equipment is seen behind a fence with a sign indicating DANGER.] Power rates in Nova Scotia are now expected to rise 13.8% over the next two years, beginning January 1, 2023. That’s pending approval by the regulator, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, after a deal was hashed out among the power company and lawyers representing consumers, small business, environmentalists, low-income residents, and large manufacturers. […] The post Power rates in Nova Scotia are now expected to rise 13.8% over the next two years appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Science 2.0 blogs18 hours ago
Moisturizers Can Help Infants With Eczema But Can They Prevent It?
Atopic dermatitis (AD), also called atopic eczema, is a common, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory disorder of the skin which affects 5 percent of children worldwide and perhaps more. Moisturizers bring some relief but studies from PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane library identified relevant studies from their inception through 28 February, 2022 and the systematic review and network meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials involving 3,483 infants found that they can also prevent eczema in high-risk infants. They evaluated the quality of eligible studies using the Cochrane risk of... read more
The Good News and Bad News With Gen Z and Millennials
Electoral autopsies are practically mandated in the political world, especially in light of a series of thousands of elections in which one party didn't get the general results they were promised by the pollsters and so-called pundits. The silly season of electoral boasting, prognosticating and tea leaf reading is over and both sides, now calmer, look over the same exact data to determine what went wrong or, if you're the prevailing party, what went *right*. As we now know, 17 days ago, the Democratic party in what were all essentially down ballot races this latest mi... read more
Organizing Notes16 hours ago
To Decolonize Our Minds, Start With Words
*Where is the clear image of a decolonized society we are to emulate? There isn’t one. Yet if we are to free ourselves, we need practical steps.* by Steven Newcomb (Peace & Planet News) At least since historian Oswald Spengler published his prophetic The Decline of the West (1918), Western “civilization” has been portrayed as in a severe state of crisis and decline. For more than two centuries, the imperial enterprise of the United States has colonized the territories and resources of the original nations of this continent while pretending to have a “providentially assig... read more
Inequality 41, WB's report on poverty and inequality in the PH
The WB discussed their recent report, "Overcoming poverty and inequality in the Philippines." My quick reaction -- Overcome poverty, Yes. We should have less poor people, more rich people. And No, we should not overcome inequality. We should respect more inequality. The WB, UN, and all other multilaterals are stoking envy. The PH with about 113 M people, if there are 50 owners of Ferrari, the politics of inequality say these 50 families should be demonized. No. We should have 200, 500 families who shd own Ferrari. We shd have more wealthy people, not less. Once you successfully ... read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Putin Invokes Castro’s Legacy
A three-meter-tall bronze statue of Fidel Castro was unveiled on Tuesday in the Fidel Castro Square in Moscow’s Sokol District by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in memory of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution. Fidel himself was staunchly against creating a cult of personality […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil: Market value of banks is still lower than in 2019
The 4 largest banks listed on the B3 (São Paulo Stock Exchange) are worth 62% of the market value registered in 2019, R$951.9 billion in the pre-pandemic period. The survey was carried out by analyst Einar Rivero, from TradeMap, and sent exclusively to Poder360. It considers the numbers of BB (Banco do Brasil), Bradesco, Itaú […] read more
From Jenna Orkin 483 Celtic gold coins worth several million euros stolen from German museum Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola win Alaska races, defeating Trump-backed opponents Measles is ‘imminent threat’ globally, WHO and CDC warn Britain Sending Helicopters to Ukraine ‘for First Time’ in War CIA Aims to Recruit Spies Among Russians Displeased With Ukraine War Why Is The U.S. Losing Oil Refining Capacity? FDA approves $3.5 million treatment for hemophilia, now the most expensive drug in the world Rent Crisis Breaks '22 Record: 41% in U.S. Couldn’t Pay in Nov., Up 4% A new NY law lets s... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Largest ferris wheel in Latin America will be inaugurated this year in São Paulo
Roda Rico opened ticket sales this Wednesday morning (23) through the Sympla digital platform. Known as the largest Ferris wheel in Latin America, measuring 91 meters in height, the new attraction in the city of São Paulo will be inaugurated on December 9, at Parque Cândido Portinari, in the Alto de Pinheiros district, in the […] read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
What else Qatar has built with its absurd wealth besides the 2022 World Cup
[image: Workers in orange uniforms stand in front of Qatar’s 2022 FIFA World Cup Al Thumama Football Stadium, which is shaped like a cream-colored dome.] Workers outside Al Thumama football stadium in Doha, Qatar, on June 20, 2022. | Christopher Pike/Bloomberg via Getty Images The World Cup has exhibited Qatar’s soft power. Look closely to see its constraints. Qatar is a player. In the Middle East and across the world, the petrostate of fewer than 3 million people plays an outsized role in geopolitics, media, and art. Its cultural diplomacy has established the country’s influen... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
Holiday scam email season is here. Don’t fall for it.
[image: An illustration of a person stealing a giant credit card.] This year’s holiday season, scammers are trying to trick us into giving up our credit card numbers by dangling free Yeti coolers in front of us. | Denis Novikov/Getty Images Sorry, no one is actually going to give you a free Yeti cooler. Someone claiming to be Kohl’s really wants to give me a beautiful orange Le Creuset dutch oven. The email always says this is the chain department store’s second attempt to reach me, although I reckon it’s more like the 50th because I’ve gotten this email many, many times over the... read more
Vox - All17 hours ago
The high stakes and unique weirdness of the Georgia Senate runoff, briefly explained
[image: Split photo of Herschel Walker campaigning on November 16, and Senator Raphael Warnock campaigning on November 17.] Herschel Walker, left, on November 16, and Sen. Raphael Warnock, right, on November 17. | Brandon Bell/Getty Images Sen. Raphael Warnock and former football player Herschel Walker will face off one more time in December. In many ways, this year’s Georgia Senate runoff is a lot like the last one. Once again, Georgia is holding a runoff after neither Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) nor his opponent, former football player Herschel Walker, got more than 50 percent in... read more
Predictive Programming || First Contact: An Alien Encounter | Trailer – BBC Drama Documentary
BBC Oct 26, 2022 What if we’re not alone? 👽 In this drama-documentary, the discovery of a mysterious alien object leads people to challenge everything they thought they knew about life and the universe. Former Israeli space #security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a "Galactic Federation" have been in contact with the … read more
Halifax Examiner18 hours ago
MSVU researchers studying effects of childhood adversity on pregnancy risk, birth outcomes
[image: A woman pictured from the neck down stands on a wooded path holding her hands over her pregnant stomach.] New study will examine the perinatal period of pregnant people to better understand how a parent's mental health impacts fetal development, infant development. To access this post, you must purchase a membership plan or log into an existing membership. The post MSVU researchers studying effects of childhood adversity on pregnancy risk, birth outcomes appeared first on Halifax Examiner. read more
Post-Thanksgiving food coma and shopping trip
Last night many of the North Texas Troublemakers gathered at Old NFO's place to partake of a huge variety of food that everyone had contributed. There are so many leftovers that I daresay we'll be going back there more than once over the next few days to eat them all! Stephan Pastis put his own inimitable spin on the Thanksgiving turkey tradition. Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page. Today, Friday, Miss D. and I are heading for Fort Worth. We have some shopping to do together, and we hope to meet up with an old acquaintance... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Opinion: Switzerland is part of the Western bloc and no longer a neutral state
By Thomas Röper* (Opinion) Although Switzerland continues to consider itself a neutral state, it is no longer so. In Switzerland, too, strong transatlantic forces have gained the upper hand and made the country, in effect, part of the Western bloc. Switzerland has long been a neutral country, which has given it many advantages in history. […] read more