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Scoop - NZ
- Roubini: The Straits of AmericaUS consumers remain income-challenged, wealth-challenged, and debt-constrained. Disposable income has been growing modestly – despite real-wage stagnation – mostly as a result of tax cuts and transfer payments. This is not sustainable: eventually, transfer payments will have to be reduced and ta ...
- Woody Guthrie at 100The traveling medicine show known as the race for the Republican presidential nomination has moved on from Iowa and New Hampshire, and all eyes are now on South Carolina. Well, not exactly all. At the moment, our eyes are fixed on some big news from the great state of Oklahoma, home of the l ...
- Debka: US holds Israel back from Iran strikeDEBKAfile's exclusive sources report that the differences between the US and Israel surfaced before the tough Obama-Netanyahu conversation last Thursday. Political, military and intelligence officials privately voiced resentment over the strong and unusual condemnation the White House and Secret ...
- Shipwrecks found in WA carpark"With three of them we think in the same location, it's absolutely unique," he said. "It's that unique combination of circumstances where you get material and wrecks and everything and then it gets sealed up by modern development and coastline changes and that's resulted in sealing this as al ...
- What Greenspan Should Have DoneIn Washington policy circles, money and influence can be used to make even the most simple and obvious things complicated and confusing. This is certainly the case with the housing bubble and its aftermath. Four years into the housing bubble downturn, much of the country remains hopelessly confu ...
Independent - London
- Skiing: Downhill hits the skids over plastic u ...The deeply competitive world of downhill skiing is being rocked by a heated dispute about plastic underwear and whether wearing such garments on the slopes gives racers an unfair aerodynamic advantage over their rivals.
- Italian PM says City will not get special prot ...The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, insisted yesterday that David Cameron's demands for special protection for the City of London at last month's European Union summit were unacceptable. Related StoriesCosta Concordia search suspended as ship shiftsLegislators oppose Armenian genocide billH ...
- Indian teacher lands £6bn 'bonus'A school teacher became a billionaire overnight after a bank deposited 490bn rupees (£6.3bn) into his account by mistake.Related StoriesKim Jong-un won't last, says his brotherChinese dissident charged with subversion... for writing a poemBriton dies in Thailand shooting range suicideWhat a diff ...
- What a difference a year makes: Indian army ch ...The Indian authorities have found themselves in the embarrassing situation of being taken to court by their army chief in a move to determine how old he really is.Related StoriesKim Jong-un won't last, says his brotherChinese dissident charged with subversion... for writing a poemBriton dies in ...
- Burma: Crowds cheer Suu Kyi as she registers f ...Ecstatic cheers of "Long live Aung San Suu Kyi!" echoed through the streets of Rangoon yesterday as Burma's most famous citizen registered her candidacy for a parliamentary by-election. Throngs of flag-waving supporters crowded the local election office to shout support and catch a glimpse of t ...
Rogue Government.com
- UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
- ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Sha ...The acting head of ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has seemingly blown the cover of both DEA and FBI informant operations in order to spare his own neck and to deflect blame away from a badly flawed operation undertaken by his own agency.
- EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks I ...European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy.
- Government asks Jewish groups to join in anti ...For the first time, the federal government is expanding its community-based anti-terrorism campaign to a religious group — the Jewish community, victims of past attacks in the U.S.
- Hackers claim they exposed Booz Allen Hamilto ...Hackers flying the AntiSec banner claimed today that they compromised a server at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton and have released internal data, including about 90,000 military e-mail addresses.
Innovation Canada
- Safety havenIf Canadian postal workers were to design the perfect winter boot, it would help them avoid slipping on icy walkways, stop them from missing their truck brakes while driving and keep them from getting their crampon spikes stuck in wooden porches.If the hearing impaired were looking for a hearing ...
- Small tools, big impactCancer, heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death among Canadians. As a medical doctor, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and a Canada Research Chair in Bioengineering and Biophotonics, Victor Yang has a unique perspective on these deadly diseases. Based at ...
- Innovative, naturallyFor the first time this past winter, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) launched the Emerging Science Journalists Award (ESJA). The award was created to support Canada’s talented young science writers. Below is one of the winning entries by Roslyn Dakin, doctoral candidate in the Departm ...
- A very gourd ideaIt’s been known for years that plants can take up and store trace amounts of hazardous metals like nickel, arsenic and cadmium from contaminated soil in a process called phytoremediation. Until recently, however, scientists assumed that plants weren’t capable of taking up a class of toxic chemic ...
- Johne’s happensTrudging through a dairy farm to collect manure samples isn’t exactly glamorous work, but the odorous task is starting to have a big impact on the health of dairy cattle in Atlantic Canada — and it will save the dairy industry millions of dollars each year. Technicians at the University of Princ ...
Signs of the times
- Police Want 'Drive-By' FriskingsIf you think your privacy feels violated by TSA agents whenever you get randomly selected for a pat down or body scan, well, get ready for this: drive-by friskings by the New York Police Department. NYPD announced this week that they are developing a new portable device to detect concealed wea ...
- Human Beings a Herbivorous Species?I was surfing the Internet recently, as you do, when I found a vegan website which presented an argument for humans being a herbivorous species - i.e. naturally vegans. Vegans have such a hard time convincing most people that veganism is right that they will latch onto almost anything, it see ...
- Cancer Cells Feed on Sugar and Sugar Free Prod ...The dangers of processed sugar consumption are documented, as are its carcinogenic effects. But what about sugar free products? It turns out that not only can these products contain a dangerous artificial sweetener called aspartame, but cancer cells actually feed on sugar free products just as m ...
- Columbia: Increased Activity Reported at Cerro ...This was confirmed by the Colombian Geological Survey, which indicated that in the last week Cerro Machin volcano seismicity continued to show volcano-tectonic type, which is associated with rock fracturing within the volcanic edifice. It features a slight increase in seismic activity on Januar ...
- Internet Blackout Highlights Failure of Americ ...Our whole lives we have been told that we have "freedom", that we live in a "democracy", that "we the people" have the ability to choose the kind of society in which we want to live. However, if you ask most Americans what kind of place they want, I guarantee you that a vast majority would disa ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Harper: Gas bag in the wildernessThe Rev. took the juiciest parts of Harper's latest "sit down" with Peter Mansbridge and spread them out here. It's so good that it's difficult to pick out which part of "Iran really scares me" is the brownest part of Harper's utter bullshit. But by way of example: “I’ve raised the alarm as much ...
- Keep those "radicals" out of CanadaRick Mercer gives a great rant here. And a video to remind you that in the eyes of Harper, you are under attack.
- Trash talking us into warI think most reasonable people, at least in hindsight, would agree that one of the things the Liberals' got right under Chretien and Martin was keeping Canada out of the gigantic deadly goat rodeo known as the Iraq War. Remember how in the months that lead up to the invasion we were told again ...
- This is silly (2) . . .MERCEDES MARKETING: clever, sensitive. At least, that's what Dieter thinks. The Doktor made an appearance at the Consumer Electronics Show, to proclaim a revolution in new Mercedes sleds. Some in the audience were less than pleased, according to AUTOBLOG. Che with M-B Tri-Star?
- This is silly . . .EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS are some of the funniest people around. Check out the delightful lunacy.
Media Matters for America
- Fox & Friends: Scott Walker's #1 FanAfter Wisconsin officials reported that opponents of Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) turned in more than 1 million signatures calling for a recall election, Fox & Friends hosted Walker for a softball interview in which the co-hosts reassured him that the recall is "not really about" him and said t ...
- Arguing In Support Of SOPA, WSJ Ignor ...In a January 18 editorial arguing in support of the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), The Wall Street Journal noted that the White House as well as "Wikipedia and many other websites" are opposed to the legislation. But the Journal ignored that many congressional Republicans and cons ...
- Trying To Change The Subject: Right-Wing Media ...Conservative media figures have begun to claim that income inequality isn't a problem in America because people can move up and down the income ladder. In fact, income mobility in this country has declined in recent decades and is lower here than in many developed European countries.Conservativ ...
- Fox Ignores Facts Of Global Economy To Attack ...Fox & Friends claimed that the Obama administration is using the European economic crisis as "an excuse" to explain continued economic struggles in the U.S., saying that Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod is "totally wrong" to be concerned about "what happens in Europe." In fact, eco ...
- Fox's Bolling Is Wildly Wrong About Obama Aski ...Fox News' Eric Bolling falsely asserted that President Obama is "usurping Congress for more executive privilege" in seeking the authority to consolidate federal agencies. In fact, Obama is requesting this authority from Congress, and presidents from Franklin Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan had ...
Global Research.ca
- The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadma ...The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.
- It's here - Global centralization of elections ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Economic, military pressures on Iran escalate ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- BREAKING: Copyright Lawyers Oppose SOPA … And ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Obama Doctrine: Control Over Strategic Sea Lan ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Protesting SOPAAs the internet's avatar Google uses its huge billboard -- the search screen -- to protest the proposed legislation aimed at enhancing intellectual property rights (or censoring the Net, depending on your point of view), some say this is the first time Netizens have used their prowess to lobby. ...
- Things Getting Pretty Dicey With IranDepending on how you look at it, tensions with Iran are mounting to: an accidental war, an intentional war, a recession-causing oil price spike, a dizzying sequence of moves / countermoves / signals, an escalating cycle of assassinations, renewed negotiations, or a combination thereof. At any ra ...
- Presented By: Strengthen Customer RelationshipsAds by Pheedo
- Pervasive Feelings And Class Warfare: A CodaMany people have written over the past couple of years--including faithful (and valued) commentators here in response to my last post--that President Obama blew it pretty much from the start by failing to adopt a more "populist" line. This is code for other code: populist means more committ ...
- President Obama and Pervasive FeelingsToday is the New Hampshire primary, Romney is calling for "leadership," and he seems to be getting away with it. He's not really calling attention to his own qualities, since he's rather slavishly followed his market the way a person who thinks he's a corporation would. No, Romney ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- EU report calls for action over Israeli settle ...The European Union should consider legislation to prevent or discourage companies and organisations in member states doing business which supports Israeli settlements, according to a co ...
- Palestinian goes on hunger strike to protest s ...According to the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), Hana Abu Haikel has gone on hunger strike on behalf of her family to protest both settler violence and the Israeli army's failure to s ...
- Focus on Cast Lead: The Al Ashqar Family (Pal ...On 17 January 2009, at approximately 05:30, the area surrounding the UNRWA school in Beit Lahiya came under attack from Israeli forces. Nujoud Al Ashqar, along with approximately 1,600 ...
- Arbitrary arrests of young children in Jerusal ...A new line was crossed by the Israeli occupying forces in East Jerusalem this week when they harassed, blindfolded and detained a six-year-old boy, with a serious illness, for seven hou ...
- Boycott Expansion: 'First steps to fascism are ...
Water - AlterNet
- Oil Lobby Threatens Obama Over Keystone Pipeli ...An independent research group that tracks the influence of money in politics has conducted an analysis of oil industry contributions to members of Congress supporting the pipeline.
- One More Day to Act: Gas Drilling May Begin in ...It's down to the final wire for public comments on the proposed regulations to allow for industrial gas drilling and fracking in New York.
- Fracking on Shaky Ground: How Our Latest Fossi ...When the mayor of Youngstown, Ohio decides to buy earthquake insurance, you know we've got a big problem.
- Damning New Letter from NY State Insider: 'Hyd ...A former technician responsible for investigating and managing groundwater contamination for New York State opens up about risks from fracking.
- How Activists Can 'Occupy' Their Cities with N ...A bill of rights that protects the rights of people and nature, but removes them from corporations? Here's how your community could be next.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Obama’s Rejection of Keystone A Sensible DecisionIn a statement this afternoon, Obama said that he received a recommendation from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton earlier today recommending that the Keystone XL tar sands Presidential permit application be denied. TransCanada’s first tar sands pipeline leaked 12 times in its firs ...
- Bill would give Oklahomans the right to vote o ...As Texas struggles to determine how they will meet their water needs in the face of what could be an extended 5 to 10 year period of drought, Oklahomans are looking to protect their water rights as their neighbors to the south look on lustfully. An Associated Press story says proposed legislatio ...
- What is Environmental Justice and Why did the ...Reprinted with permission from Christopher Searles blog – http://chrissearles.blogspot.com/ In January of 2011 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Civil Rights Affirmative Employment and Diversity at an event honoring Dr. ...
- DFW Air Quality Standards – EPA Public Comment ...The EPA has published a federal register notice to solicit public comments on their ozone designation recommendations to the states. This comment period closes on January 19th and we have included the notice for information on where and how to submit your comments. Public Citizen and Sierra Clu ...
- Austin Energy drought proofs its energy with n ...On a blustery and brilliantly sunny Texas winter day a couple hundred Central Texas citizens, that included officials and solar enthusiasts, gathered on what had been an empty 380 acre field only three years ago to usher in a new era of “drought-proof” energy for the City of Austin. On Friday, J ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Sites go dark over SOPA and PIPAWikipedia leads the charge as sites protest against two proposed US laws that would censor the internet. SOPA ( Stop Online Piracy Act ) and PIPA ( Pr...
- Two UFO sightings over UK UFO 'hotspot'Two UFO sightings within the space of a week have been reported over Essex and Chatham. Ernestas Griksas took the first picture outside his house in C...
- Did the Portuguese discover Australia?Discovery on beach may help prove the Portuguese were first Europeans in Australia. Although we know that the Portuguese occupied Timor until 1975 the...
- Team to drill down in to Antarctic lakePlans are going ahead to drill down through two miles of ice to get samples from a sub-glacial lake. There are more than 400 sub-glacial lakes deep do...
- Project to generate power from volcanoesPlans are being made to pump 24 million gallons of water into the side of a dormant volcano. Geothermal energy developers are hoping to go ahead with ...
- Recovery in Haiti starts at the community levelhaiti201005-142.jpg Haitians, whether in Haiti or the diaspora, will always remember where they were on January 12, 2010, when tragedy shook us to our core. Devastating images emerged from Port-au-Prince after the earthquake that brought to ...
- Support for Haiti that never trickled downSubheadline: Where Earthquake Money Did and Did Not Go Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio: Bill Quigley is Associate Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and a la ...
- Recovery in Gaza -- Garden by GardenSubheadline: Reflections three years after Operation Cast Lead parc_urban_garden.jpg Three years ago today, on December 27, 2008, the Israeli Defense Force launched Operat ...
- Brazilian government pulls plug on the Million ...brazilian_cistern.jpg According to a local proverb, bad news arrive arrives fast. So it was with the announcement that Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff will end the popular and effective One Million Cisterns Program in the country’s semi-a ...
- Trials and Tenacity in Honduran Women’s Strugg ...honduras_006.jpg read more
- Energy Department Threatened by Cyber Attacks, ...Source: The Hill The Energy Department is "routinely threatened with sophisticated cyber attacks" and has not taken the necessary steps to protect itself, according to a report made public Monday.
- NASA to Launch New Earth-Observing SatelliteSource: AP After a five-year delay, an Earth-observing satellite will be launched to test new technologies aimed at improving weather forecasts and monitoring climate change.
- Global Warming: 'Melting Glaciers Can Cause Ma ...Source: The Express Tribune Experts in Pakistan believe that the fast melting of glaciers combined with the heavy monsoon rains caused last year's massive floods that affected around 20 million people and destroyed 1.6 mil ...
- Russian Heat Wave Statistically Linked to Clim ...Source: Wired News A new method of crunching climate data could make it possible to put a figure on climate change's contribution to freak weather events, something tha's been difficult to do with empirical precision.
- 'Disasters' Strain FEMA's ResourcesSource: USA Today The federal government is turning hundreds of relatively low-cost storms into federal disasters — draining billions of dollars in scarce FEMA aid and tying up millions more for years.
- Digging in to the Whole 'O' of Sustainability ...Jerry Lynch, Chief Sustainability Officer at the food giant, talks about the company's 2015 sustainability goals, their relationship with their brands, the issues surrounding food waste, and much more.
- Toxic Chemical Pollution Up 16% in 2010, Drive ...The metal mining sector pushed disposal and other releases ot toxic chemicals and metals up 16 percent in 2010, following years of decline.
- Carbon Trust's 'Empower' Tool to Boost Employe ...Free tool boosts employee awareness of potential energy savings.
- Taking Stock of Molson Coors' BeerprintBart Alexander, Chief of Corporate Responsibility at the global brewer, discusses how the company manages the impacts of its products, and why 90 percent of its employees believe the company is doing a good job on sustainability.
- How Green Building Can Bring New Orleans BackThough the French Quarter and Bourbon Street are booming, as much as 40 percent of eastern New Orleans is vacant. Six years after Katrina, work continues to revive the community.
Duly Noted
- Winning the battle, losing the war; the US and ...After the NATO airstrikes, the political discourse within Pakistan is narrowing as religious nationalism gains ground
- Capturing the Punjabi imagination: drones and ...A short work of fiction about drones may tell us more about the way these are imagined than how they are experienced in Pakistan's tribal areas.
- India-Afghan strategic pact:the beginnings of ...A strategic pact between India and Afghanistan has drawn muted response from Pakistan. If anything Islamabad has pressed on with peace moves with India.
- Europe can’t put out the blazeAs Italy surpasses Greece as the biggest threat to the euro zone, European finance ministers meeting in Brussels struggle to put out the spreading flames.
- Democracy and Chaos are both GreekIt's not exactly ???? (chaos) out there, but Greek Prime Ministers Papandreou's experiment in ?????????? (democracy) has sent the whole euro zone project into a new, risky phase.
Booman Tribune
- Presidents That Deserved Reelection As we begin to contemplate the prospect of a second term for President Obama, I think it is important to reflect back on all our post-war presidents. We'll discover that the presidency isn't an easy job and most of our presidents have been grotesque failures. In recent years, historians have b ...
- Better to Travel Angrily Than to ArriveI know that Mitt Romney looks like a weak candidate right now, but he's still awfully close to Obama even in that new Public Policy Polling survey, and I think even people who see him as hopeless and pathetic will agree that he's the most electable candidate the Republicans have. (No, I'm not c ...
- No Permit For You The administration rejected the Keystone XL pipeline today. At least for now, the thing is not getting built. Here's the official reasoning: Statement by the President on the Keystone XL Pipeline Earlier today, I received the Secretary of States recommendation on the pending applicati ...
- SOPA Blackout{Deleted} Discuss
- Casual Suggestion The Obama administration is compiling an impressive list of prosecutions for insider trading, particularly at hedge funds. It's important that the federal government aggressively monitor the market for signs of cheating, But it's also important that people go to jail for creating, promoting, a ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Beautiful Geometry of Suburbia from Above A bird's eye view of the fascinating patterns that make up suburbia... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Chilean Town Engulfed by a Volcanic MudflowHow a devastating lahar swept through a town inhabited by 4,200 people, swallowing up much of what lay in its path... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Extinction of the Passenger Pigeons: How Man D ...The demise of the passenger pigeon highlights the devastating effect human actions can have on nature. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Incredible Recycled Steampunk WaspsThese ten awesome examples of steampunk wasps show creative recycling and repurposing at its best! Junk assemblages with a sting in their tail! This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Coolest Links of the WeekPigeons fitted with camera to provide aerial photography at the dawn of the 20th century? Sounds like our kind of story! Nine other cool links too... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- "October Surprise" by Israel Could Sink Obama' ...Zbigniew Brzezinski is among those who fear that Israel will ignore U.S. objections and attack Israel.
- "Dagan Could Not Have Set Foot in Washington A ...News that Mossad officers posed as CIA officers to recruit Jundallah terrorists for operations within Iran has been under attack from all quarters.
- Approaching North Korea in the Kim Jong Un EraEvery time a new administration takes office in Washington, it behaves like an amnesiac toward North Korea.
- Cult of PersonalityWhen we focus our analysis on personalities like Assad in Syria or Kim Jong Un in North Korea, we succumb to our own personality cult.
- Strategic Dialogue: Libya after GaddafiIn this strategic dialogue, Michael Berube and David Gibbs reply to each other's initial essays on the legacy of the NATO intervention in Libya.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will b ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International A ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in th ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare pr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’ ...
Al Jazeera
- UK troops quizzed over Afghan 'child abuse'Two soldiers arrested and questioned over allegations of "inappropriate behaviour" involving 10-year-old boys.
- Greece in new talks to avoid debt defaultPapademos in talks with country's private creditors in effort to persuade them to accept $129bn write down on bonds.
- Mubarak lawyers blame military for killingsFormer Egyptian president's defence team says army was in charge of security bore responsibility for protesters' deaths.
- Pakistani PM set for supreme court dateYousuf Raza Gilani due to face judges in case that has pitched country into political crisis.
- Iran says nuclear talks to resume soonForeign minister says date and venue for talks are being discussed, but EU denies any negotiations have taken place.
Green Inc. - NYT
- The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Off-the-Grid SolarFactory-rated output is not woods-of-Maine output, the author discovers as he adds up the kilowatt hours.
- State Dept. Opposes Quick Action on Keystone XLThe State Department is expected to say that routing, environmental and safety concerns raised by the pipeline project are too complex to be decided by the deadline set by Congress.
- Down on the Farm, a Sculpture Finds a Second LifeThe Pennsylvania Farm Show's famed butter sculpture finds a new use this year, returning to a dairy farm to be processed into biogas.
- On Our Radar: Ailing Rice Coral in HawaiiThe cause of the disease, known as Montipora White Syndrome, remains unknown. It involves the loss of tissue, which exposes the coral's underlying white skeleton.
- Wind Turbines and Health HazardsA study commissioned by a Massachusetts state agency finds no conclusive evidence that the sounds of wind turbines affect the human balance system or cause illnesses like diabetes.
Dot Earth News
- Climate in ClassroomsExperiments in teaching about the connections between climate and society.
- A Fresh Look at Nuclear Power, from Fukushima ...A PBS program takes a useful look at nuclear fears and realities in the wake of the Fukushima calamity.
- Students Explore the Breadth of HumannessStudents create a simple video showing the breadth of what it means to be human.
- Climate 101 – Online and FreeA popular university climate course moves onto the Web.
- A Crow Appears to Find a Source of Winter SportA smart bird appears to find a novel means of entertainment and sport.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Thank you for supporting Minneapolis productio ...It has been a wild month in NYC. Our work in New York City to help bring you live footage from the Occupy movement, as well as help get other occupation livestream teams set up and rolling, would not have been possible but for generous small contributions from some folks that stepped up basicall ...
- Support Global Revolution.tv and the Minneapol ...Heyo... so unexpectedly I've dedicated the vast majority of my time in the last 22 days to the Occupy Wall Street phenom and specifically editing the video stream for Global Revolution TV. For about a year until August, I worked at an Internet startup which abruptly laid me off, owing a bunch of ...
- #occupywallstreet makes total lolOur comradez in NYC are running live feeds and I am helping coordinate affairs. We are kickin on irc.indymedia.org #occupywallstreet and also you can hit that on http://chat.indymedia.org via webs. Here is the live video embed... you can use the Contact form above if you want to hit me up. It i ...
- 9-11 FBI Foreknowledge Nibbles with Ali Soufan ...Ah so it's been a decade eh comrades? The skrewing over of emergency personnel has gone almost unnoticed. FDNY member on 9/11 Truth “I support you guys” | We Are Change -- some new stuff has been trickling out -- pretty solid stuff, at that. The glorious official narrative got its booster shot, ...
- Review: "Contagion": Minneapolis faces instant ...SPOILER ALERTS! -- Plagued man (lower left) staggers off bus at Lake & Lyndale; Paltrow croaks at Fairview University Medical Center; MDH painted as buffoons; Matt Damon defends saddest Minnesota XMas ever w/ shotgun & sweaters! Snagged advance tickets to Steven Soderbergh's A-List dis ...
Daily Censored
- PuppetGov video: How you ended the war: before ...video here. The artistic power of PuppetGov‘s video communicates to a different part of us than academic facts, no matter how professionally communicated. Let this art touch, inspire, and move your actions. Resources: US overthrew Iran’s democracy 1953-1979, helped Iraq invade 1980-1 ...
- Paulo Freire’s book, ‘A Pedagogy o ...Dear Rethinking Schools friends, Did you see the news last week? On Friday, we learned that our book Rethinking Columbus was banned — along with other books used in Tucson’s Mexican American Studies program, including Paulo Freire’s A Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Rodolfo Acuña’s ...
- Occupy Wall Street: The View from DavosA British acquaintance has sent me a link to one of the background documents to be used when world leaders gather for the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland January 25th through 29th. The document is called Global Risks 2012. It can be downloaded from http://www3.weforum.org/docs/W ...
- 76 Percent of For-Profit College Students Atte ...Did you now that 76 Percent of For-Profit College Students Attend Schools that are Wall Street Owned? Did you know that 86 Percent of Revenues Come from Federal Taxpayer Dollars? Did you know that For-Profit Colleges Spend the Majority of Revenues on Marketing and Profit while Few Services Are ...
- 2-minute video: MLK on ending 1968 version of ...video here. From Dr. King’s speech a year before his assassination: Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence. The verdict of the King family civil suit found US government agencies responsible for Dr. King’s assassination. The King family’s conclusion is that the same forces who ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Dodd to Internet: You And Your Blackout Can Dr ...
- Keystone XL Pipeline: Obama Administration Ann ...
- Cruise Ship Disaster Puts Focus On Safety Concerns
- Live Blog for #Occupy Movement: The Impending ...
- The Internet Fights Back
Institute for Policy Studies
- Law and Order 24/7, Except at Tax TimeThe rich don't much like paying taxes when tax rates run high. They don't much like paying taxes when tax rates run low either.
- Approaching North Korea in the Kim Jong Un EraEvery time a new administration takes office in Washington, it behaves like an amnesiac toward North Korea.
- Cult of PersonalityWhen we focus our analysis on personalities like Assad in Syria or Kim Jong Un in North Korea, we succumb to our own personality cult.
- The Lineup: Week of Jan. 16-22, 2012Andrew Korfhage underscores the dangers of natural-gas fracking following Ohio's recent spate of earthquakes.
- A Recipe for Climate ActionJust a pinch of fear can go a long way.
- News you may have missed #667Canadian authorities spied on political leader. US intel community says Taliban want Afghanistan back. Canadian naval officer charged with espionage.
- Turkey expelled Dutch spy posing as diplomat, ...The government of Turkey secretly deported a Dutch intelligence officer posing as a diplomat, according to a leading Dutch newspaper.
- News you may have missed #666 (superstition ed ...Soviet spying legend Gevork Vartanian dies. Turkey arrests ex-armed forces chief over coup charges. Lebanon claims arrest of 'longtime' Israeli spy.
- Bush “did nothing” about Mossad using US passp ...Current and former American intelligence officials have accused Israeli spy operatives of posing as US citizens to recruit members of a Pakistani terrorist group in a covert war against Iran.
- News you may have missed #665India releases diplomat jailed for spying. Matthew Aid interviewed about his new book. British spies to be cleared on torture allegations.
War is a Crime.org
- Video of Charlottesville City Council Passing ...Speaking to the resolution: David Swanson (activist and author) 11:30 Larry Bishop (activist) 19:45 Tony Russell (activist) 21:15 Helena Cobban (author) 27:40 Ira Bashkow (U. of VA anthropology professor) 31:30 Brandon Collins (activist) 35:20 Stratton Slatis (sp?) 44:45 Councilmember ...
- No Tar Sands Pipeline PermitPolitico tweeted: "The Obama administration, via State Dept, will formally reject the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline today, multiple sources say."
- Where Are the Women? Feminist Research of U.S. ...Cynthia Enloe Gwyn Kirk Free Webinar - Thursday, January 26, 3:00 p.m. Eastern To strengthen skills for researching militarism to serve activism, the Fellowship of Reconciliation's Militarism Watch project will host a webinar presentation and discussion with researchers ...
- Privatizing the War on Terror: America's Milit ...An excerpt from John Whitehead on Huffington Post: America's troops may be returning home from Iraq, but contrary to President Obama's assertion that "the tide of war is receding," we're far from done paying the costs of war. In fact, at the same time that Obama is reducing the number of troops ...
- Well This Was Inevitable: Nonviolent Occupiers ...Predictable enough now that torture is a human right, imprisonment without trial is the noble work of our Constitutional Scholar in Chief, and wars are a nutritious part of your breakfast: From MSNBC: Sergio Ballesteros, 30, has been involved in Occupy LA since the movement had its California la ...
Grist - News
- The age-old battle of goats versus tortoisesby Sarah Laskow. Before reading further in this post, ask yourself a question (and answer honestly): Which do you care about more, guiltless (if hungry) goats or the Galápagos Islands' giant tortoises? If you answered goats, this post will make you sad. Here was the ...
- Watch an orca chase a shark out of the waterby Sarah Laskow. Orcas might be charismatic movie stars, but they are also killer whales. A family of beachgoers in New Zealand caught on film an orca fighting with a few sharks. One shark was so eager to get away from the whale that it beached itself in the shallow water. (That's t ...
- What environmental policy could we expect from ...by Jess Zimmerman. Stephen Colbert has officially thrown his hat in the ring for definitely possibly considering a run for president. He's already out-polling Jon Huntsman! So what kind of environmental policy platform could we expect from a President Colbert? Well, for starters, no ...
- Don’t believe the hype about the ‘ ...by Christopher Mims. Some chemists came up with a really clever way to observe the intermediate stage of an atmospheric chemical reaction, and then some PR flack got a hold of it and suddenly science has invented a brand-new molecule that will solve all our climate change woes! As usual, t ...
- Congressional staffers will stop betting on wi ...by Jess Zimmerman. We here at Grist mock a lot of people. But we don't always manage to mock some sense into them. Which is why we're pretty psyched about the response to Sarah Laskow's feature story revealing that congressional staffers were making deadly wildfires into a fun ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
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- Mitt Romney’s Tax Return Shows He Is A Fat-CatWhy do 99 perecenters vote for GOP?
- Descendants Star Woodley Dons The Antitises Of ...Shailene Woodley sports five fingered shoes on the runway. Fashionable or Faux Pas?
Time - Top Stories
- Wisconsin Dems' Million-Signature Show of Forc ...*
- Late Show Booker Fired In Latest 'Women-Aren't ...Late Show Booker Fired In Latest 'Women-Aren't-Funny' Fracas
- Iran: How the U.S. Would Unblock the Strait of ...Iran: How the U.S. Would Unblock the Strait of Hormuz
- North Korea: Kim Jong Il's Former Sushi Chef T ...Kenji Fujimoto is easy to recognize, if only because of the trademark disguise he has been wearing for the past decade or so
- The 15% Question: Why Mitt Romney's Tax Rate M ...All of this plays into Romney's weakest area. Even when he's making sense, he often has a tin ear when it comes to wealth and corporatism.
Digg Green
- Statistically Speaking, Is Friday the 13th Rea ...The number 13 is synonymous with bad luck, and Friday the 13th is supposedly the unluckiest day of them all. But is there any statistical proof to support the superstition?
- New 'Chaos" Sensing System May Enable Viewing ...
- Herschel revisits cosmic classicEurope's Herschel space telescope produces a majestic new version of a classic astronomical target - the Eagle Nebula.
- The amazing wildlife haven built on water that ...Architect Koen Olthuis, of Dutch firm Waterstudio, has unveiled the Sea Tree, a multi-tiered structure comprising of layered green habitats, planned for New York and London.
- New Horsefly Species Named For Beyonce: 5 Bett ...The Washington Post reported that an Australian researcher had discovered a new species of horsefly and, because it's backside...
Invisible Opportunity
- Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No ...The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13, explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran’s fully safeguarded nuclear power and research ...
- Amish Men Jailed — “We’re Just Not ...Heather Callaghan Activist Post Mayfield, KY has a real problem with hooligan Amish men repeatedly breaking the laws. Sheriff DeWayne Redmon said, “We’re citing them for their own safety as well as the safety of others.” Graves county in Mayfield boasts the most Amish arrests o ...
- New Research: Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of DeathAnthony Gucciardi Activist Post Groundbreaking new research has linked sodium fluoride to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Researchers found that fluoride consumption directly stimulates the hardening of your arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis that is hig ...
- Kill Democracy Before It Kills UsBy Gordon Duff Simply put, the way things are, there can be no honest elections, no governmental reform, no economic advancement, no realization of the dreams of humanity until the vultures and cockroaches are recognized, categorized and plans are made to provide for their future, if you wish to ...
- Quote of the Day – In the distance, I se ...“In the distance, I see a frightful storm brewing in the form of untethered government debt. I choose the words ‘frightful storm‘ deliberately to avoid hyperbole. Unless we take steps to deal with it, the long-term fiscal sitauation of the federal government will be unimaginabl ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Will 2012 be the Year of State-Required Drug T ...Statehouse politicians across the country are already racing to see who can be next to introduce a bill that would require drug testing of people receiving public benefits.
- How the Drug War Spread Across the Entire WorldColombia’s incredible turnaround strategy has become a rare success story in the drug war, as well as its most formidable brand and export. It is, however, problematic.
- From Colombia Across the Globe: The Invention ...Colombia’s incredible turnaround strategy has become a rare success story in the drug war, as well as its most formidable brand and export. It is, however, problematic.
- The Numbers Game: Government Agencies Falsely ...The Border Patrol reports mass drug seizures as victories, but fails to note that domestic consumption of illegal drugs is steadily increasing.
- Get Busted for Marijuana, Work as Police Infor ...No one has ever died from smoking marijuana. But getting busted with a small amount of marijuana has led to countless tragic deaths.
Twilight Earth
- Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
- Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoo ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Government’s Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable ...
- Basic House is a Golden Self-Inflating Home Th ...Martin Azua‘s Basic House is a brilliant self-inflating shelter that you can fold up and take with you – wherever the wind blows! With economic downturns, population growth, and dwindling space creating a widespread reversal of basic values, the lightweight tent-like structure provid ...
- VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Inhabitat Gets Electric Vehic ...Inhabitat’s Jill Fehrenbacher recently hit the scene of the 2012 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, where she toured the laser-filled show to bring you an exclusive look at the world’s hottest new electric vehicles and hybrid cars! She got the lowdown on the sexiest n ...
- Pyschedelic CMYK Lamp Draws Colorful Strokes o ...Denis Parren‘s conceptual CMYK lamp questions how we percieve colors and light by casting multicolored strokes on walls. Unveiled at the latest edition of the Dutch Design Week, the lamp’s name comes from the famous Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK) color scheme commonly used fo ...
- SOM Unveils Soaring Daylit Tower for ChinaR ...Read the rest of SOM Unveils Soaring Daylit Tower for China’s Greenland Group Suzhou Center Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", atrium, building lungs, china, eco design, eco skyscraper, eco tower, green architecture, Green Building, green ...
- The Mino Garden Gnome Will Feed Your Plants Be ...Giovanni Tomasini‘s Mino Garden Gnome is a much more enterprising dwarf than those past. Despite its jazzy colors, the classic gnome we’ve all come to love is a melancholic figure, condemned to a purely decorative function within a domesticated and artificial environment. In Tomasini ...
Pogue's Posts
- A Gadget Is More Than the Sum of Its PartsIf you think Amazon's real cost to make that Kindle Fire is $201, then by all means go to China and cobble one together yourself. The components are only part of the cost of any gadget.
- The New Improved Heckling of MoviesIf you're willing to watch a movie DVD on your computer (instead of your TV), then you can use the new Rifftrax Player app to simultaneously play the DVD and the usually hilarious Rifftrax audio, which is like sitting in an audience of hecklers.
- Hollywood-Style Tricks on the CheapA $250 kit lets you play around with green screen techniques, setting actors in front of any background of your choosing. It takes the pain out of a process that can be difficult to get right.
- If Car Companies Were Run Like Tech Companies ...What if the car companies were as innovative as the tech industry? That alternative industry may not be as wonderful as you would think.
- Amazon Makes the Fire Less BalkyAmazon heard the complaints about the Fire's balky software. It updated the software and fixed it.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- How a Diamond Is Like a Champagne CorkScientists have long known that a diamond's trip from deep below Earth's surface must be quick indeed: Lab tests show that at conditions found in the crust, the gems would burn up in a matter of days, if not hours. New experiments reveal the chemical secret behind such rapid ascent.
- Fruit Flies Use Sunlight to Stay on CourseThe fruit fly has the ability to coordinate its compound eye and brain functions for navigation by using natural sunlight, according to a new study. Other insects with similar eyes and similar flight patterns likely have the same capability.
- Live Chat Now: Nuclear Power in the Wake of Fu ...Japan’s Fukushima disaster last spring hit the nuclear industry like, well, an atom bomb. Get your questions about the future of nuclear power in a live chat with Wired's Spencer Reiss and PBS's Frontline team today. Enter your questions in this post.
- Multicellular Life Evolves in LaboratoryAn evolutionary transition that took several billion years to occur in nature has happened in a laboratory, and it needed just 60 days.
- Incredible New View of Eagle Nebula’s ‘Pillars ...The European Space Agency's Herschel space telescope has captured this gorgeous new view of the famed Eagle Nebula.
- Israel ready to strike Iran without Washington ...Both American and Israeli officials say that the decision to postpone a massive joint missile drill scheduled for this spring has nothing to do with hostilities with Iran, although insiders suggest something quite the contrary.
- Wikipedia blackout: 24-hour strike against SOP ...The Internet's largest and most popular general reference has gone dark. Wikipedia has joined a protest against something it believes is even darker: passage of the Stop Online Piracy and Protect Intellectual Property Acts.
- Killer flu creators lash out at US ‘censorship’To censor or not to censor is not the question, when it comes to publishing the details of what could be the deadliest flu virus known to man. What is a matter of debate is who the censor should be – and many oppose America’s monopoly in the field.
- Edible Microchips, Biometric Identity Systems ...As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, will we someday find ourselves living in a "scientific dictatorship" where virtually everything that we do, say and think is monitored and controlled by technology? To many of you that may sound like a wild assertion, but just keep read ...
- Fukushima Radiation Spreads WorldwideThe University of California at Berkeley detected cesium levels in San Francisco area milk above over EPA limits … and even higher than they were 6 months ago. Finnish public television says that cesium from Fukushima has been detected in lichens, fungi and elk and reindeer meat in Finland. ...
Andy Worthington
- Video: Andy Worthington on Guantánamo’s ...Last week, while I was in the US on a 12-day tour to call for the closure of Guantánamo on the 10th anniversary of the opening of the prison, I did three TV interviews as part of my busy schedule (which also involved nine speaking events, and seven radio interviews). The first of these was [...]
- With Right on Our Side: The Inspiring Guantána ...Last week, I was in Washington D.C., attending events to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as part of a 12-day US tour organized by some of my great friends in the US — the activists of The World Can’t Wait, and their national director Debra Sw ...
- Video: “Guantánamo Forever?” – Jim Moran, Andy ...See the entire event on C-SPAN here (and also via UStream below, from the website of the New America Foundation). On the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Bush administration’s prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, which belonged to George W. Bush for seven of those ten years, but has belonged to ...
- How to Close Guantánamo on Its 10th Anniversar ...I wrote this today on a plane flying across the US, from Washington D.C. to San Francisco, a week into my 12-day visit to campaign for the closure of the “war on terror” prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, which has been the focus of my work for the last six years. It feels like more [...]
- “Close Guantánamo” Campaign and Website Launch ...Yesterday, at “Guantánamo Forever?” an event at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C., attorney Tom Wilner and journalist Andy Worthington launched “Close Guantánamo,” a new campaign and website designed to provide education about the ongoing injustice of Guantána ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Shale Gas: A Boon That Could Stunt Alternative ...Abundant shale gas could muscle dirty coal out of the U.S. energy picture, but the new resource could also inhibit even cleaner technologies, new economic modeling suggests.
- National Parks Mark MLK Weekend With Fee-Free DaysMore than a hundred U.S. national parks and historic sites are waiving their entrance fees in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Cajun Crayfish Invading Africa, Eating Native ...A popular U.S. crayfish with a voracious appetite is wreaking havoc on African plants and animals, scientists say.
- Baby Harp Seals Being Drowned, Crushed Amid Me ...As global warming melts Arctic sea ice, harp seal babies are dying in record numbers, the first study of its kind confirms.
- Why Tornadoes Take the Weekends Off in SummerTornadoes and hailstorms may be more active during the week due to human-made pollution, a new study shows.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
- Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
- Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
- Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
- The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
- Georgia Court to Hear Arguments on Obama’s Eli ...The birther movement, which has bedeviled President Obama since well before his inauguration with questions about his citizenship, is celebrating something of a watershed moment as it prepares to have a day in court. Earlier this month, Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi in Georgia’s Office of S ...
- Pam Geller Announces New International Anti-Mu ...Anti-Muslim zealot Pam Geller announced this week the formation of a new international organization, Stop the Islamization of Nations (SION), for which she will serve as executive director. This “new global force” will merge the work of the two major anti-Muslim groups in the U.S. and Europe – S ...
- Anti-Gay Groups Protest SPLC with Claims of Ha ...About a dozen African American pastors joined anti-gay extremists today in condemning the Southern Poverty Law Center for using its “hate group” label to describe faith-based organizations that demonize the LGBT community, characterizing it as part of an orchestrated liberal plot. The pastors s ...
- Anti-Gay Haters Plan Press Conference Today at ...Today at noon, a group of the nastiest gay-bashers in America plans to hold a press conference in front of the Montgomery, Ala., offices of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which publishes this blog. Claiming that the SPLC is engaged in a “campaign to demonize adherents of traditional Jud ...
- NYC Probes Anti-Semitic Attacks as Firebombing ...Concern is mounting over an apparent wave of anti-Semitic assaults and vandalism in the New York City area since November, with the latest two incidents being investigated as hate crimes. At about 4:30 a.m. today, several Molotov cocktails and other explosive devices were thrown into the rabbi’s ...
change: org.
- If Up to New Mexico’s Governor, Undocume ...A haunting but ultimately uplifting story out of New Mexico has been making the rounds in newspapers and TV reports across the country. A 6-year-old girl in Albuquerque was abducted as she walked home on a suburban street. The kidnapper pulled her into his van, parked near a rock hiding packing ...
- Victory! NJ Gov. Signs Bill So Survivors Won't ...In late June, a vital bill to support rape survivors landed on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's desk. The bill, which had strong bipartisan support in both legislative houses, was to bar rape survivors from being charged for their own rape kits -- collections of forensic evidence after a sex ...
- Teen Leads Safe Crosswalk Campaign in Wake of ...The shock and grief over a young person's tragic death can be paralyzing. Not for Kimiko Nishitsuji. Her friend's sudden death last month after being hit by a car at an intersection long known to be dangerous for pedestrians instead spurred her to action and mobilized a community. Kimiko created ...
- Major Progress: Administration to Grant Deport ...Wow. Just weeks ago, UCLA graduate and award-winning Dreamer David Cho posted a petition on Change.org commemorating the ten-year anniversary of the federal DREAM Act and asking President Obama and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to do everything in their power to stop deporting tal ...
- Robert Segwanyi Spared Deadly Deportation to U ...Robert Segwanyi was scheduled for deportation on August 18, from the United Kingdom's Heathrow airport. The UK was sending Robert back to Uganda, where he was tortured with molten plastic and imprisoned for being gay. Robert was spared from deportation at the very last minute according to ...
Common Dreams -News
- Obama Administration Set to Reject Keystone XL ...The White House is set to reject the proposal for the tar sands carrying Keystone XL pipeline today, news sources are reporting. The Toronto Star reports: U.S. administration officials are expected to make the official announcement Wednesday afternoon to kill the pipeline proposal from Canadian ...
- Israeli Forces Kill Two in Gaza in First Strik ...Israeli forces struck today in northern Gaza leaving two dead and at least one wounded. Israeli officials reportedly suspected the Palestinians to be militants - planting a bomb along Gaza's border. Palestinian sources report that the victims were unarmed civilians. The attack is the first I ...
- Protester Pushback: Mayor 1% Emanuel Concedes ...In December Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel introduced anti-protester legislation for the upcoming NATO and G-8 summits in Chicago. Part of his plan was to to increase the minimum fine from $25 to $200 and double the maximum fine to $1,000. His plan, dubbed the 'Sit Down and Shut Up' ordinanc ...
- Hedge Funds, Goldman Sachs Lurk Beneath Greek ...Greek workers have taken to the streets again this week to fight against further austerity measures in their country as the nation's political leadership tries to strike a deal with private creditors, bond holders and the IMF to restructure its debt in hopes that it can avoid a full, and dis ...
- Websites Go Black to Protest Internet Censorsh ...Thousands of websites have gone dark today in protest of anti-piracy bills in Congress. The proposed bills, SOPA in the House and the PROTECT IP Act in the Senate, were written to stop online copyright infringement, say supporters. But opponents of the bills believe they would lead to unnecessar ...
- Tangled Necklaces, Mop Pads, and Browser Plugi ...Readers offer their best tips for untangling necklace chains, saving money on mop pads, and speeding up your browser. More »
- QtADB Brings Android File Management, App Inst ...Windows/Mac/Linux and Android: If you've ever tinkered with your phone, you've probably heard of ADB, the command line debug tool for Android. If you're not in love with the command line, though, QtADB brings ADB's file management, app instal ...
- Remains of the Day: MPAA Accuses Big Corporati ...The Motion Picture Association of America cries foul, Grooveshark says goodbye to German customers, and U.S. Senator contact links experience technical difficulties. More »
- The Manual Photography Cheat Sheet Keeps You F ...If you're just starting out with a DSLR camera, you're probably pretty overwhelmed with all the different settings you have available. This cheat sheet from weblog Living In the Stills will help you keep it all straight. More » ...
- Keep a Journal of Awesomeness to Boost Your Se ...As much as we all put on a brave face and go out every day to deal with the jobs and people we may dislike, doing so every day can take a toll on our self esteem. The blog Pick the Brain has a great suggestion for a pick-me-up when you need i ...
Water Privatization
- Water policy includes meteringCity of Powell River council recently adopted a water conservation policy, a plan that includes the implementation of universal water metering by 2020.
- Women's league urges privatization of waterREHOBOTH BEACH -- The League of Women Voters of Sussex County held a public forum entitled 'Who Owns Your Water and Water Services: Should You Be Concerned?' in which a panel discussed how water and sewage treatment are operated in Sussex County.
- Water plant land deal misses deadlineA partner in the group proposing a desalination plant in Mexico that the Otay Water District hopes will supply a majority of its future water needs is having trouble securing the land to build the plant.
- Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn pushes water privatiz ...By Brittany Alana Davis, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau Tuesday, January 17, 2012 TALLAHASSEE — Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and Rep. Dana Young, R-Tampa, hope their water privatization legislation will help replenish Tampa's water supply by allowing the city, and other local governments, to ha ...
- Former Sen. Graham Sees New Threats To The Eve ...Proposed bills that would allow for water privatization and redefining of private/public land would threaten the progress of the Everglades, according to former U.S. Senator Bob Graham.
- News International close to deals with victims ...Lawyers say some settlements could be announced on Thursday, subject to judge's approvalNews International, the British arm of News Corp that includes the now-defunct News of the World, is close to settling many of the high-profile phone-hacking cases brought against it, lawyers for the victims ...
- South Carolina primary: Mitt Romney's rivals a ...Live coverage as the GOP race for South Carolina intensifies, with frontrunner Mitt Romney under pressure over his wealth7pm: There's something utterly contradictory about Mitt Romney denying claims by Newt Gingrich for creating jobs while himself claiming that he – Mitt Romney – can create jobs ...
- NHS plans for credit rating agencies to vet ho ...Firms like Standard & Poor's and Moody's would vet financial strength of NHS service providers under regulator's proposalsCredit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's will be asked to assess whether hospitals are financially robust enough to treat patients under proposals put for ...
- Keystone XL pipeline: Obama rejects controvers ...Republicans set up election-year showdown by blasting Obama for decision, saying thousands of jobs have been lostBarack Obama rejected the controversial Keystone tar sands pipeline on Wednesday, making good on a promise not to give in to a Republican ultimatum on the project.The announcement fro ...
- Boom time for Afghanistan's people smugglersThe tide of Afghans leaving for Europe is fuelling a lucrative business in fake passports and Taliban death threatsFor citizens going into battle against Afghanistan's officialdom, the warren-like building across the road from the headquarters of Kabul's police chief is a one-stop shop for every ...
- 'Stop Romney' Christian conservatives decide t ...With South Carolina's Republican presidential primary a week away, former Sen. Rick Santorum on Saturday received the endorsement of 150 influential Christian conservative leaders who are hoping to prevent former…Click to Continue »
- ElBaradei slams military as he quits Egypt pre ...The prominent Egyptian presidential candidate and Nobel laureate Mohammed ElBaradei made a surprise withdrawal from the race Saturday, dealing a blow to young supporters who'd counted on him to guard…Click to Continue »
- Miffed Hugo Chavez says he'll close Venezuela' ...President Hugo Chávez on Friday announced an "administrative shutdown" of the Venezuelan consulate in Miami, in response to the U.S. State Departments decision to expel the consul in that diplomatic…Click to Continue »
- Is it too late for Newt Gingrich in Florida? H ...Newt Gingrich started to turn Floridas Republican primary into a two-man contest Friday by hitting opponent Mitt Romney from the right, left and center at Miamis Versailles Restaurant and during…Click to Continue »
- Wages of sin: Priest sex abuse cost K.C. dioce ...The report shows a diocese insurance program incurred $631,553 in costs relating to clergy sexual abuse from July through October. It also paid $427,707 in connection with an independent investigation…Click to Continue »
Afghanistan Sun
- Veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan wars struggle to ...Fayetteville, N.C. - Veterans of the military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan put years of their lives on hold to serve the nation. Now, as they try to transition back into civilian life, a record ...
- Bomb Attacks Kill 16 in Southern AfghanistanAfghan officials say two bomb attacks in the volatile southern Helmand province killed at least 16 people Wednesday.
- Sixteen die in two attacks in AfghanistanTwo attacks just hours apart killed 16 people and wounded more than 20 others on Wednesday in the insurgency-wracked southern Afghan province of Helmand.A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed 10 ...
- Taliban chief has lost control of insurgentsItalian soldiers part of the NATO- led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) walk to their military compound after attending at the second phase of transfer of authority ceremony from the ...
- Arkansas family loses second son in AfghanistanA U.S. official in Washington confirmed that most of the dead were Navy SEALs and the AP reported that they were members of SEAL Team Six, the unit that also provided the troops for the May 2 raid ...
- Hang All The Critics: Towards Useful Video Gam ...The Problem It does not take a genius to realise that the world of video game reviewing is completely and utterly fucked. Their reputations sullied by an endless cavalcade of scandal and stupidity, video game reviewers routinely find themselves in the impossible position of having to bala ...
- Out of Destruction, Transformation?Most of my columns this year have been about change, from climate change to twitter. Well, this is a start-of-the-year post, and it seems appropriate to take on change in a big way as the year changes. We’re in an unstable moment. Climate change is here and it’s affecting us all. The economy is ...
- Better Writing Through Writing About WritingMy life is fairly crammed, and writing time is hard to come by. Today I got one of those precious blocks of time in which I could write for several hours almost without interruption, yet as I fired up the computer, I felt not excited about the prospect, but worried and on edge. I also [...]Foll ...
- A chat with Eric DrexlerNot over coffee and cakes, sadly, but you take what you can get in this crazy world, AMIRITEZ? So when I got the chance to email Eric Drexler – yup, the nanotech guy – with some follow-up questions responding to his inaugural lecture at Oxford Martin College last month, I jumped in w ...
- Skyrim and the Quest for MeaningLithium I’m old enough to remember when video games were comparatively simple things. For example, I remember the side-scrolling video game adaptation of Robocop (1988). Relatively short, Robocop had you shooting and jumping your way from one side of the world to another. Once you got to the end ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- California Assemblyman sacrifices his own righ ...California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (pictured; D-La Cañada Flintridge) has won committee approval for his bill to give employees in the Legislature the same protections afforded to other state workers when they report waste, fraud and abuse. Assembly Bill 1378 will give legislators ...
- Honest Appalachia launches whistleblower siteOn-line activists in West Virginia have launched a whistleblower web site called Honest Appalachia. It provides a means for whistleblowers to upload documents for public disclosure. The project’s lead developer, Garrett Robinson, told WFPL that the objective is to help local journali ...
- FBI has "blackballed" records, violated FOIATruthout reporter Jason Leopold is reporting today that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released five pages of a PowerPoint presentation that describe a previously unknown program of "blackballing" records that would not be disclosed in response to requests under the Freedom ...
- This Week on Honesty Without FearTune in tomorrow at 1:00pm EDT to Honesty Without Fear on Progressive Radio Network. In the first half hour, guest host Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo interviews Glen Ford, Executive Editor of the Black Agenda Report and host of Black Agenda Radio, about his recent article, “Occupy Wall Stree ...
- ARB limits SOX protections outside the USBy a 3-2 vote on a major case, the Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board (ARB) has limited the application of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) whistleblower protection outside the boundaries of the United States. The case is Villanueva v. Core Laboratories, NV, ARB No. 09-108, ALJ No. 20 ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Best Congressional Response To SOPA Yet? Rep. ...Lots of folks in Congress have been speaking out about SOPA and PIPA today -- and what's fascinating is how many of them are actually using key internet innovations to do so. Most of the comments we've seen were first made on Twitter and Facebook. But the best response (and by best, we mean fu ...
- DailyDirt: Together We Can Stop SOPAUsually, this DailyDirt post provides some relief from the regular topics here on Techdirt. Not today. SOPA & PIPA need to be defeated, and the organizations behind these bills won't stop. So we won't either. Here are just a few more sites that will help you learn about why SOPA & PIPA ...
- Yet More Collateral Damage From SOPA/PIPA: Act ...Among the many high-profile organizations that are joining the SOPA blackout today is Greenpeace. That's great, except that you can't read an important post on the Greenpeace UK web site about why it is opposing SOPA and PIPA (it should be available at 5 pm PST from the home page or here.) Q ...
- Senator Ron Wyden To The Internet: Thank You F ...You may have heard that today's been quite a day online and in Congress, concerning SOPA and PIPA. Senator Ron Wyden -- the first politician in Congress to take a direct stand against these bills at the very beginning, and who was brushed off by the opposition -- has now offered up what can be ...
- Don't Think The 'Costs' To US Businesses From ...We've discussed at length how SOPA and PIPA put additional compliance costs and liability on US companies -- something supporters of the bills still insist is untrue. However, MetaFilter founder, Matt Haughey, has explained his reasons for supporting the boycott/blackout by telling a specific s ...
- How Ron Paul Helps You Be a Better ParentAs the presidential race unfolds, citizens of the United States have been introduced to a handful of individuals who are seeking to be the leader of our nation. Do you know which candidate will help you be a better parent?
- Healthy 7 Year Old Girl Dies in Mother’s ...It has been reported a fit and healthy 7-year-old girl died unexpectedly before Christmas after a flu vaccine. The girl died in her mother’s arms four days after she was given a flu vaccine by her doctor at her annual check up.
- Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All?Maybe those who were quick to professionally eviscerate Dr. Wakefield ought to listen up to what’s breaking in cutting-edge scientific research regarding autism and intestinal/gut problems associated with children on the autism spectrum.
- Sweet Baby Girl Dies After Vaccination and Par ...As we begin the New Year it appears that another vaccine tragedy is unfolding. Many of us are aware that the year 2011 closed with blood on its hands after a baby girl died just hours after the pentavalent vaccine was introduced.
- 72 Page Document Shows Merck Paid Doctors at L ...A 72-page document shows Merck Pharmaceuticals paying $18,641,195.52 to doctors. At the very least, this little document shines sunlight on what many parents of vaccine injured children have been saying all the while: Maybe it’s the cost of keeping the herd quiet.
- Things You Might Have MissedLoving the sign in that pic (courtesy of Watch DC). We definitely need those in DC. Have you seen the new Axe ad campaign featuring anarchists? Salon wrote about it here. Apparently, customers can go online and influence the story. I think we should hijack it. At least my landlord hasn’t r ...
- Shoot the MessengerTa-Nehisi Coates wrote a post about Ron Paul the other day. He featured a clip of Paul talking about the civil war. In the clip, Tim Russert asks Paul about his statement that “Abe Lincoln should never have gone to war. There were better ways; there were better ways of getting rid of slave ...
- Please Don’t ComeI’m hearing various rumors that occupiers are planning to descend on the capital for national actions. I don’t want to belabor the points I made in my previous post about activism in DC, but I just have to plead with you. Please don’t come. For the first time since I have been ...
- Sex, Age, Consent, and PowerJust after I turned sixteen, I met this guy who would end up being my boyfriend for about a year. He was twenty-two. He didn’t think I was that young at first. I never lied to him, mind you. He just didn’t ask me the night we met. I regularly passed for older in clubs, buying cigaret ...
- Doorknob Licking?
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Activist David Swanson Shows Obama Is Doing Ev ...EIR News Service press release.
- Former Fed Governor Blasts Illegal Bailout of ...EIR News Service press release.
- Medvedev Is Unique: He Tells the Truth about t ...EIR News Service press release.
- British-Saudi Drive for Religious War in High GearEIR News Service press release.
- British Writing Obama’s Script for Syrian Trig ...EIR News Service press release.
War in Context
- The Fourth World music of Jon Hassell“Jon Hassell is more than a superb musician, and more even than a gifted composer. He is an inventor of new forms of music — of new ideas of what music could be, and how it might be made. His work is drawn from his whole being, and, by implication, from his whole cultural experience ...
- Study reveals the Web isn’t as polarized as we ...Farhad Manjoo writes: Today, Facebook is publishing a study that disproves some hoary conventional wisdom about the Web. According to this new research, the online echo chamber doesn’t exist. This is of particular interest to me. In 2008, I wrote True Enough, a book that argued that digita ...
- Keystone XL decision is a big win — for nowBill McKibben writes: Last spring, almost no one outside of Nebraska had heard of the Keystone XL pipeline. As late as October, when the National Journal surveyed 300 “energy insiders” in D.C., 91 percent predicted that the Obama administration would approve the permit for the pipeli ...
- Israel: Iran still mulling whether to build nu ...Haaretz reports: Iran has not yet decided whether to make a nuclear bomb, according to the intelligence assessment Israeli officials will present later this week to Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dempsey will be arriving on his first visit here since being appoi ...
- Guantánamo: An oral historyOn the 10th anniversary of the arrival of the first detainees, Vanity Fair set out to compile an oral history of Guantánamo. Pierre-Richard Prosper: On Thanksgiving weekend, I received a phone call informing me that we had just captured approximately 300 al-Qaeda and Taliban. I asked all our ass ...
Watts Up With That?
- CO2 increases to make drunken clownfishFrom Nature.com, is there anything trace amounts of CO2 can’t do? As if clownfish (the test subject) don’t already act funny. The New Scientist says: Carbon dioxide in the ocean acts like alcohol on fish, leaving them less able to … Continue reading →
- A Response to Skeptical Science’s “Patrick Mic ...Guest post by Patrick Michaels When the battle is being lost, there is a tendency to try to raise a level of distraction to shift the attention away from the desperate situation at hand. Such is the noise being raised … Continue reading →
- Phil Jones demonstrates that math is hardSure, we’ve all made some doozies (me included) but you have to admit this exchange between top climate scientists Tom Wigley and Phil Jones is downright hilarious. No wonder he has trouble with Excel. Tom Nelson nails the decadal scale … Continue reading →
- James Balog’s inconvenient glacial canariesAnytime I see the “canary in the coal mine” phrase being applied to some phenomenon related to climate, I know right away that the person using it hasn’t really put much thought into using the phrase, and that it is … Continue reading →
- Thanks and ApologiesGuest Post by Willis Eschenbach I have no use for people who censor and ban those who don’t agree with their scientific ideas. I’ve had my simple, on-topic, scientific comments censored over at RealClimate. And I’m banned at Tamino’s ”Closed Mind” blog … ...
- Alan Rabinowitz, Defender of the Big Cats (Pod ...Alan Rabinowitz
- Diver Comes Face to Face With 23-Foot AnacondaThey are easily among the most feared creatures on Earth, but as one diver's close encounter proves, they're actually quite tolerant.
- Scientists Estimate Up to 6.7 Million Bats Dea ...White nose syndrome has decimated bat populations on the East Coast. Now scientists believe the disease, which is spreading, may have been worse than previously imagined.
- Quote of the Day: Newt Gingrich On UrbanityDo Americans really still believe this after what they have been through in the last five years? This man is completely deluded.
- Green Community Cheers Keystone XL RejectionAs you can imagine, the green community, both inside the beltway groups and activists alike, are cheering the rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. Here's an overview of those comments.
- Gene Therapy Works for ‘Bubble Boy’ ...Nine years after getting gene therapy for a rare, inherited immune system disorder often called “bubble boy disease,” 14 out of 16 children are doing well, researchers report. The children were born with severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID). They got an experimental gene t ...
- Researchers produce detailed map of gene activ ...A new atlas of gene expression in the mouse brain provides insight into how genes work in the outer part of the brain called the cerebral cortex. In humans, the cerebral cortex is the largest part of the brain, and the region responsible for memory, sensory perception and language. Mice and peop ...
- Study Builds on Plausible Scenario for Origin ...A relatively simple combination of naturally occurring sugars and amino acids offers a plausible route to the building blocks of life, according to a paper published in Nature Chemistry co-authored by a professor at the University of California, Merced. The study, “A Route to Enantiopure R ...
- Mimicking biological complexity, in a tiny par ...Tiny particles made of polymers hold great promise for targeted delivery of drugs and as structural scaffolds for building artificial tissues. However, current production methods for such microparticles yield a limited array of shapes and can only be made with certain materials, restricting thei ...
- Scientists Help Pinpoint Cause of Stress-Relat ...Working closely with a team of researchers from Duke University, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have helped identify a molecular pathway that plays a key role in stress-related damage to the genome, the entirety of an organism’s hereditary information. ...
- Improving air quality helps Americans breathe easyAir quality has improved so much that Clean Air Act actually saved lives over its first 20 years
- The New Detroit Lions?
- Follow me to a bridge by a river...
- Hype over population bomb fizzling out
- Aquaculture Debate: Got answers? Go fish!
Ria Novosti Online News
- Top stories of the day
- Main news of January 18
- Great Blessing of Water at the Cathedral of Ch ...On Wednesday, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia conducted the rite of the Great Blessing of Water at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow ahead of the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, or Epiphany.
- Femen Bares Breasts over Indian Visa CrackdownMembers of the Ukrainian feminist group Femen bared their breasts once more on Wednesday, this time to protest India's crackdown on visas for sex workers at its embassies in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
- No Need to Reopen Smolensk Crash Probe - Polis ...There is no need to reopen the investigation into the April 2010 Smolensk plane crash that killed 96 members of Poland’s military and political elite, Jerzy Miller, who headed the Polish investigation commission, said on Wednesday.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russian Scientists Mock U.S. Radar Theory on M ...The theory that Russia’s Mars mission failed due to a U.S. radar is extremely “exotic,” Russian scientists said on Tuesday.
- Russian Deputy PM Rogozin to oversee investiga ...Russia’s new Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said he will oversee the probe into the reasons of the Phobos-Grunt mission failure.
- Reports vary about failed Russian Mars probe’s ...Doomed Russian Phobos-Grunt Mars probe that's been stuck in Earth orbit for two months may finally come crashing down on January 15 over the Pasific Ocean, Russia’s space agency Roscosmos said on Saturday.
- Phobos-Grunt to crash into Pacific Ocean Jan. ...Doomed Russian Phobos-Grunt Mars probe that's been stuck in Earth orbit for two months may finally come crashing down on Jan. 15 over the Pasific Ocean, Russia’s space agency Roscosmos said on Saturday.
- Russia’s wayward Mars probe ‘may fall Jan.14-16’Russia’s troubled Phobos-Grunt spacecraft will fall back to Earth between January 14 and 16, possibly some place in the Indian Ocean, Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said on Wednesday.
Pruning Shears
- Weekend WrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Pfc. Neil I. Turner, 21, of Tacoma, WA.Army Pfc. Michael W. Pyron, 30, of Hopewell, VA.Army Pfc. ...
- Is Gingrich taking Bain off the table for Romney?No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postNewt Gingrich’s recent (and apparently brief) flirtation with attacking Mitt Romney for his time at Bain Capital is already being discussed in traditional election year terms. Some on the right are spinning it as a benefit ...
- Weekend WrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postStill quiet on the drone front. Nothing reported in Afghanistan/Pakistan. This reported in Somalia from Press TV, presented with the usual caveat. Allegations of torture at Bagram; Karzai wants control transferred. The Taliban ...
- PlaceholderNon-internet related activities have taken precedence this week. Back on the weekend (I think).
- Weekend WrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Pfc. Justin M. Whitmire, 20, of Easley, SC.Army Spc. Kurt W. Kern, 24, of McAllen, TX.Army Sgt. N ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Happy Bellies Organic Baby Cereals Contain GMO ...Click here to read this article
- France Upholds GM Maize Ban Despite Court RulingThe French Government is to continue with its ban on a genetically modified (GM) strain of maize, even though the ban was ruled to be unlawful last year.Click here to read this article
- Organic Farmers Crop-Insurance Costs Spoil Gro ...Consumer demand for organic foods has helped Uncle Matt's Organic Inc. grow from 5 acres of oranges in 1999 to become Florida's biggest organic-citrus producer. Further expansion is being hampered by the federal crop insurance program designed to help farmers, says the company's founder, Matt Mc ...
- Study: Nearly All Women with Breast Cancer Hav ...They are added to everything from shampoos and deodorants to processed foods and pharmaceutical drugs in order to inexpensively extend shelf life and improve product stability. But a new study out of the University of Reading (UR) in the UK has found that, based on tests conducted, nearly every ...
- Why the FDA Won't Act Against Agricultural Ant ...On December 22, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quietly posted a notice in the Federal Register that it was effectively reneging on its plan to reduce the use of antibiotics in agricultural animal feed - a plan it has been touting since 1977.Click here to read this article
Center for a Livable Future
- When Is Enough Enough?If one does not have limits—and indeed, all of life is based on limits, whether the free-market economists and politicians want to admit it or not—one can never arrive and find fulfillment.
- The Cellulose QuandaryCellulose-based ethanol may be a bust. Ethanol produced from switchgrass is proving very different. Much will depend on innovations in ethanol production from corn stover and corn cobs.
- One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: FDA on Cepha ...In the span of just two weeks, then, FDA has moved to prevent misuse of one drug while shirking its responsibility for two others.
- Where is Public Health in the Farm Bill?For those of you who do not believe that the Farm Bill is a Public Health bill, read on, and we just might convince you.
- Swimmable and Fishable by 2020?After three hundred years of damage, will Baltimore's Inner Harbor be swimmable in eight years’ time?
Investigate - Breaking News
- Concordia death toll rises to 11, many more mi ...Concordia death toll rises to 11, many more missing. Concordia death toll rises to 11, many more missing
- Five year old girl, father, among Concordia mi ...Five year old girl, father, among Concordia missing. Five year old girl, father, among Concordia missing
- Passenger video captures shipwreck terror, sur ...Passenger video captures shipwreck terror, survivor heard on board. Passenger video captures shipwreck terror, survivor heard on board
- Provocative politician reveals all in new bookProvocative politician reveals all in new book. Provocative politician reveals all in new book
- The Rena Has SunkThe Rena Has Sunk. The Rena Has Sunk...stunning images
My Care2 Picks
- HeroesTorture, secrecy, genocide, and lies : history in the raw Submitted by John Farnham to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Back to a Non-Resilient FutureThe failure to match growth in our dependence on electric power with appropriate investment in the resilience of the infrastructure is a political one. End of January The Islay Energy Trust will publish outline plans for Community Energy Cooperative Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Cul ...
- Haiti: The republic of NGOs? - we ask where bi ...If we take the US contribution alone, about 99 per cent of it goes back to the Pentagon, the State Department, the NGOs and the contractors The growth of the republic of NGOs in Haiti began 40 years ago, before that Haiti could feed and clothe itself. Submitted by Sacha Jones to US Politics & ...
- Doctor Exposes Fluoride as PoisonIt is now known thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body. Also, Fluoride is known to have tremendous effects on Submitted by Walter L Bradley Jr to US Pol ...
- 28 Signs That US Public Schools Are Rapidly Be ...Our children are being trained how to live as subservient slaves in a Big Brother police state. Today, nearly everything that children do in public schools is watched, monitored, recorded and tracked. Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture | Note-it! |&nbs ...
Angry Indian News
- Afghans Condemn US Over Urination Video -- New ...Afghans Condemn US Over Urination Video -- News from Antiwar.com: From Afghan President Hamid Karzai to tribal elders in the far southern Helmand Province, reaction is coming out from the leaked... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Spooks off the hook but torture fight continue ...Spooks off the hook but torture fight continues / Britain / Home - Morning Star: Top government figures are still not off the hook for Britain's complicity in torture despite the Crown Prosecution... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Mapuche women assaulted by police, have crimin ...Mujeres mapuche agredidas por Carabineros, presentan querella criminal Guillermina Painevilo with his daughter Susana Guzman, accompanied by members of their community, with the sponsorship of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Kosovo Albanian protestors dispersed on Serbia ...Kosovo Albanian protestors dispersed on Serbian border | Demotix.com: Police cordons blocked the road outside the northern town of Podujevo, some six kilometers (four miles) from the border with... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Cynthia McKinney : Why is President Obama sen ...By Cynthia McKinneyJanuary 13, 2012 [Information Clearing House] --- It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- The Drugs I NeedMusical video commentary on the use of Big Pharma drugs.
- Go Ahead And Die! (Pirates Of The Health Care- ...Health care piracy music video.
- Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Ve ...Teaches people how to recognize and defend against our society's most dangerous predators, psychopaths. VIDEO and PDF download.
- New Jersey Will Pay You $1000 To Destroy The 2 ...There is nothing more disgusting or detestable than a citizen informant. Without citizen informants, tyrants could never retain the kind of power they wield. In fact, without citizen informants, totalitarian movements would never gain traction. This is why EVERY functional oligarchy throughout h ...
- USDA Scientist Reveals All: Glyphosate Hazards ...Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University and USDA senior scientist linked glyphosate to reduced nutrient availability in plants, increasing plant diseases, the emergence of a new pathogen, animal illness and possible effects on human health.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Report: UK soldiers rape Afghan childrenShareThisReport: UK soldiers rape Afghan children 18 Jan 2012 Two British soldiers fighting in Afghanistan have been accused of raping two children aged ten in the war-ravaged country, a report has revealed. UK officials said on Wednesday that they are investigating allegations of "inappropriate ...
- Police Discuss Terrorism at White HouseShareThisPolice Discuss Terrorism at White House 18 Jan 2012 The Obama administration is providing senior state and local police officials with its analysis of homegrown terrorism incidents, including common signs law enforcement can use to identify violent extremists. The warning signs identifi ...
- Japan to allow 60-year reactor lifespan despit ...ShareThisJapan to allow 60-year reactor lifespan despite Fukushima 18 Jan 2012 Japan will allow nuclear reactors to operate for up to 60 years in revised regulations on power plant operators, the government said on Wednesday... In a rare protest, a group of citizen observers delayed a hearing at ...
- After Nuke Scientist's Murder, Iranian Student ...ShareThisAfter Nuke Scientist's Murder, Iranian Students Switch Majors to Nuclear Sciences: Official 17 Jan 2012 Approximately 1,300 Iranian university students have applied to switch their majors to the field of nuclear sciences following the assassination of a top nuclear expert in Iran, a gov ...
- Report: French judge wants to probe Guantanamo ...ShareThisReport: French judge wants to probe Guantánamo torture claims 17 Jan 2012 A French judge is seeking U.S. permission to visit the prison camps at Guantánamo Bay to investigate claims by former French inmates that they were tortured, the Associated Press reported from Paris on Tuesday. Th ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. St ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Flu ReportThe Flu Vaccine deception ranks as one of the great cover-ups & swindles of the last century perpetrated against the general population. Not only has the public been systematically lied to by their elected Government for generations (in league with the World Health Organization & a Vacc ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – ...Article continued from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of The Body Replenishing the vital mineral base We must look to children with Autism to determine the full extent of “vaccine toxicity” derived nutrient deficiencies incurred in th ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – ...Article intended to be read in conjunction with VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body The Long Road To Recovery There are unfortunately no shortcuts to restoring natural, optimal health levels in the body, no quick fix sol ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5 – ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – ...Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; hindering the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respirator ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set. A cute little luxur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditi ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal fo ...
Michael Yon
- Congressman Akin MEDEVAC Letter to SecDefYou can download a pdf version here.
- Marine Urination Video: Some Thoughts18 January 2012 The bad judgment exercised by a handful of Marines should be treated like an ND: a Negligent Discharge. In the US military, if you “accidentally” pull the trigger and launch an unplanned bullet downrange, you should not even bother trying to explain away the “accident.”&nb ...
- Iran, Nukes, and OilThe entire Report can be viewed here.
- Danger For Senators and RepresentativesArmy Deceptions May Cause Embarrassment 17 January 2012 The Army has been deceiving members of Congress about MEDEVAC issues in Afghanistan. This poses a danger for civilian leadership who may run with the Army information, expecting accuracy in detail and in spirit, only to be ridicul ...
- Progress on Removing Dustoff Red Crosses16 January 2012 Caring people are becoming involved from Hawaii to Texas to Washington. There has even been help from the United Kingdom. Thank you in the UK! Please see this OpEd from Larry Wood in Alaska: The original article can be found here.
The Killing Train
- The regressive politics of the Iranian-Canadia ...[This article, by Shourideh Molavi and myself, was first published in The Bullet - version with links is there]. The regressive politics of the Iranian-Canadian Khevari petition Shourideh Molavi and Justin Podur November 11, 2011 On October 12, members of the Iranian-Canadian community sent a pe ...
- An interview for occupy TorontoActivist and comedian Jesse Owens interviewed me for the #occupyto.org website, way back in ancient occupy toronto history (ie., October 26). For posterity, I am also reproducing it here. Thanks Jesse... --- read more
- Some thoughts on Whiteness and the 99%I have some disagreements with Joel Olson's article, "Whiteness and the 99%", but I will start with some agreements. I agree that "biologically speaking, there's no such thing as race." read more
- The Logic of Occupy Wall Street for CanadaThe Occupy Wall St. Movement and the Occupy Together movements that are inspired by it actually have a simple premise: society shouldn't be run for the unrestricted benefit of the wealthiest. The immediate grievance is the 2008 banking crisis, in which the US banks engaged in fraudulent and crim ...
- The Housing Crisis in HaitiThere are at least 595,000 Haitians living in camps around Port au Prince (1). President Martelly has a program, called 16-6, which proposes to resettle residents of 6 large camps in 16 neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince. In total, if the program succeeds, it will touch 5000 families, or 4% of the ...
- Alan Rabinowitz, Defender of the Big Cats (Pod ...Alan Rabinowitz
- Diver Comes Face to Face With 23-Foot AnacondaThey are easily among the most feared creatures on Earth, but as one diver's close encounter proves, they're actually quite tolerant.
- Scientists Estimate Up to 6.7 Million Bats Dea ...White nose syndrome has decimated bat populations on the East Coast. Now scientists believe the disease, which is spreading, may have been worse than previously imagined.
- Quote of the Day: Newt Gingrich On UrbanityDo Americans really still believe this after what they have been through in the last five years? This man is completely deluded.
- Green Community Cheers Keystone XL RejectionAs you can imagine, the green community, both inside the beltway groups and activists alike, are cheering the rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. Here's an overview of those comments.
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Ko Ko Gyi: Changing face of BurmaIconic student leader Ko Ko Gyi was among hundreds of political prisoners released in a far-reaching amnesty on 13 January. The activist, a founder of the 88 Generation Students’ Group and a pivotal figure in both the 1988 and 2007 uprising, had spent four and a half years of a 65-year sen ...
- Party alliance faces fight against NLD10-strong group of parties that competed in the 2010 polls to field 19 candidates in looming by-elections against the NLD's 48
- Student army laments jailed membersAll Burma Students' Democratic Front says 30 members remain behind, and should be released as 'prisoners of conscience'
- Suu Kyi launches bid for lower house seatOpposition icon becomes first National League for Democracy member to register for by-elections on 1 April and will run in Kawhmu
- Carve up of Karen territory loomsDiscussions yet to take place on the division of territory in war-torn state that hosts valuable energy potential and largest gold deposit
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Green Philosophy by Roger Scruton: reviewRoger Scruton's new polemic sets out to reclaim the environmental agenda for the Right. Louise Gray is convinced.
- Albatross boosted by Climate Change, study sug ...Climate Change may have helped boost survival chances of endangered albatrosses, scientists believe.
- Councils fail to understand green energy, repo ...Councils and other social landlords are being 'greenwashed' into spending large sums of money on technology to cut energy bills despite having little understanding of how it works, a study has found.
- Carbon emissions to block next ice ageCarbon dioxide emissions will delay the arrival of the next ice age, according to a new study.
- Chris Huhne is piling on the make-believeThe Government's latest report on our future energy supply is a tissue of unproved assumptions and wishful thinking, says Christopher Booker.
National Geographic | Environment
- Shale Gas: A Boon That Could Stunt Alternative ...Abundant shale gas could muscle dirty coal out of the U.S. energy picture, but the new resource could also inhibit even cleaner technologies, new economic modeling suggests.
- National Parks Mark MLK Weekend With Fee-Free DaysMore than a hundred U.S. national parks and historic sites are waiving their entrance fees in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Cajun Crayfish Invading Africa, Eating Native ...A popular U.S. crayfish with a voracious appetite is wreaking havoc on African plants and animals, scientists say.
- Baby Harp Seals Being Drowned, Crushed Amid Me ...As global warming melts Arctic sea ice, harp seal babies are dying in record numbers, the first study of its kind confirms.
- Why Tornadoes Take the Weekends Off in SummerTornadoes and hailstorms may be more active during the week due to human-made pollution, a new study shows.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Supreme Court upholds Congress' authority to r ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] Wednesday in Golan v. Holder [SCOTUSblog backgrounder] that Congress has the authority under the Copyright Act [text] to restore copyright protection in foreign works where the work was never registered in the US and the full ...
- UK panel will not complete investigation into ...[JURIST] The chairman of the UKDetainee Inquiry [official website] said Wednesday that his panel will not complete their investigation [statement] into torture allegations against British intelligence agents. In his statement, Judge Peter Gibson said that the Secretary of State for Justice chose ...
- Guantanamo commander defends policy of reading ...[JURIST] The new policy that allows government officials to monitor Guantanamo Bay [JURIST backgrounder] prisoners' mail dominated the opening day of pretrial hearings for Guantanamo inmate and alleged USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri [NYT profile; JURIST news archive] on Tuesday. The new ...
- Ethiopia government committed abuses during re ...[JURIST] The Ethiopian government's relocation of thousands of indigenous people from the western Gambella region has resulted in possible human rights violations, according to a report [text] released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy website]. The Gambella relocations, which occu ...
- Supreme Court rules federal courts can hear la ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] ruled unanimously [opinion, PDF] Wednesday in Mims v. Arrow Financial Services LLC [SCOTUSblog backgrounder] that the Telephone Consumer Protection Act [FCC summary, PDF] does not deprive the federal district courts of their federal question juris ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Obama Got Us Out of Iraq, but Voters Just Don' ...Although it was a signature issue for Sen. Obama during his campaign, President Obama won't get much political capital for following through on his promise. The leitmotif of Sen. Barack Obama's early presidential campaign was the inherent wrongness of the war in Iraq and how it represente ...
- U.S. Drone That Went Down in Iran Was High-Tec ...The drone that Iran claims to have shot down was a stealth RQ-170 "Sentinel" The RQ-170 "Sentinel," a stealth unmanned U.S. drone / Wikimedia Commons The super-secret drone that Iran claims to have recovered was on a CIA "Focal Point" mission, gathering intelligence and likely crash ...
- A Hot Flash in the Cold War With PakistanA NATO attack kills 24 Pakistani soldiers and Pakistan responds by closing U.S. supply routes into Afghanistan. Is the relationship between Washington and Islamabad about to disintegrate? The relationship between Pakistan and the United States is, for both sides, like a raw nerve that keeps g ...
- Mitt Romney Ramps Up Attacks on ObamaJudging by his latest barrage of criticism, the former Massachusetts governor is already running against the president -- sort of First there was the television advertisement in New Hampshire, which received widespread condemnation from the media elite for taking President Obama's wor ...
- Newt's Gift to Obama: A GOP Immigration RiftWith his "humane" argument, the former House speaker has put the president's chief rival, Mitt Romney, in a difficult spot MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL: The Return of Imperial Newt Did Gingrich Walk Into an Immigration Minefield? Presidential Debate Timeline Duri ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- 404 Not FoundHASH(0xc146138)
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
Tikun Olam
- Secret National Security Council Panel ‘Nomina ...Last October, Reuters published news about a secret U.S. government panel which “nominated” militants for murder or capture, including U.S. citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki. The story peered into the opaque process by which a government bureaucracy decides to take a human life. And it ...
- Popular Culture Exposes Racism That Enables Is ...When a nation goes to war, there are all sorts of motivations, policy deliberations, and cultural attitudes that contribute to such a decision. Popular culture offers a window into a nation’s consciousness. It shows how a country can be conditioned to anticipate, accept and even endorse ...
- Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, Iran Nuclear Scientist ...In response to a particularly heartless link offered by a right-wing reader of this site showing the corpse of Iranian assassinated nuclear scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, I wanted to feature this happier image of the man with his baby son. If I were a hacker or expert in the type of breaking ...
- Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva Students Sport Sweatshi ...Apparently, one of the hot fashion items this season in the far-right Israeli yeshiva culture is a sweatshirt sold by students at the Ateret Cohamin yeshiva which calls for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock. The sweatshirt, a picture of which is displayed here, says in literal Hebrew: Som ...
- Israelis Willing to Renounce Nuclear Weapons f ...Shibley Telhami recently released the extraordinary results of a recent poll (see full results) of Israeli public opinion about its country’s nuclear program and Iran’s. The answers to the poll’s questions showed rather amazing level of pragmatism regarding Israeli attitudes o ...
If Americans Knew
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Cli ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
David J. Gregory
- The Eye On Citrus Showhttp://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/17/the-eye-on-citrus-show/ Our latest radio show is up, talking about the GOP Forum held in Crystal River this past Saturday, Jan 14, 2010. The two non-fiction books relating the dark and illegal deeds of t ...
- Jesse Ventura, 63 Documents the Government Doe ...http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?href=https://davidjgregory.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/jesse-ventura-63-documents-the-government-does-not-want-you-to-read/ EyeOnCitrus.com is proud to announce that Jesse Ventura, newest book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn’t Want you to read, is availab ...
- What side are you on?As a Thanksgiving deadline nears for action by the powerful congressional committee on deficit reduction, Bernie sounded an alarm over reports that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may be cut. "The American people have been very clear. They understand how important Social Security, Med ...
- Listen to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast HAAR ...This is an (CLICK HERE FOR THE SHOW) encore presentation of a show that aired in 2005. It’s revealing because it discusses the secret facility in Alaska that manipulates the ionosphere with possible devastating results. Listen to scientists working on it then and their reluctance to speak about ...
- Official 9/11 Fable To Become Part Of School C ...Government-supported effort to ‘encourage critical thinking’ actually encourages obedient regurgitation of lies Paul Joseph Watson Rest of Story on Prison Planet.com Tuesday, September 6, 2011 “We don’t need no education….we don’t need no thought control.” In a week where the establishment is de ...
Unsuitable Blog
- The Unsuitablog ArchiveThe Unsuitablog contains a huge range of posts from simple criticism to investigation to downright in-your-face sabotage. It also has heaps of advice on how to recognise and expose greenwash and the entire series of Monthly Undermining Tasks which helped the book Underminers become a reality. To ...
- The Unsuitablog: Winding Down and Winding UpFour years, and it feels like it. It would take a book to tell the story of The Unsuitablog: all the work that has gone into it; the sleepless nights wondering whether a stunt would come off or what the repercussions of an exposure would be; the arm-aching pixel manipulation in creating the hund ...
- You’re Not Taking “Radical” ...On Monday 5th December, 2011, Bill McKibben, author and figurehead-leader of 350.org wrote the following in the Daily Kos: You think OWS is radical? You think 350.org was radical for helping organize mass civil disobedience in DC in August against the Keystone Pipeline? We’re not radical. Radica ...
- Strikes vs Royal WeddingsThere is going to be a strike in Britain on Wednesday. The UK Government are condemning it. This is starting to appear all over Facebook: When the government decide we can have a day off for the royal wedding it doesn’t damage the economy, but when the workers decide to strike for a day it ...
- WWF Denies Palm Oil is the Problem, then Count ...It seems there is no depth to which the corporate world’s own favourite NGO, WWF, will not sink. An article in this week’s Guardian was happy to give WWF some free publicity, implying that the group actually give a stuff about the wildlife they were apparently set up to protect (or s ...
Subalternate Reality
- Forget The Wealthy. How Do We Tax The Lucky?A few weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a lengthy, above-the-fold piece looking into what impact capital gains tax rates were having on wealth inequality in America. “Most of the richest Americans pay lower overall tax rates than middle-class Americans do,” the reporters noted, adding that duri ...
- Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: “When a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.” I wasn’t commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to de ...
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg – one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq – has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement that’s taken over the streets of Egypt. “I support democratization, but,” he cautions, “the democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- How Public Lab's Thermal Flashlight Could Impr ...In December, Public Laboratory members made themselves a "public lavatory." Six members of the online DIY science community gathered in the well-appointed, but small bathroom of staff member Liz Barry with the lights off -- for citizen science. Two staff members (Leif Percifield and Jeff Wa ...
- Why Unions Should Not Support SOPAA version of this post first appeared on the MIT Center for Civic Media blog. I was supposed to speak on a panel about SOPA recently with the Northeast chapters of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. It was to serve as an educational discussion ...
- NextDrop's Dashboards Look Great, But Mobile C ...One year ago, when we were just a team of graduate students with a big idea, our teammate Thejo Kote came to Hubli, India and demoed a web-based dashboard to the executive engineer and commissioner here. The dashboard uses Google Maps to show the status of valves and other system components in r ...
- The Top 10 Data-Mining Links of 2011Overview is a project to create an open-source document-mining system for investigative journalists and other curious people. We've written before about the goals of the project, and we're developing some new technology, but mostly we're stealing it from other fields. The following are s ...
- Al Jazeera, Ushahidi Join in Project to Connec ...Al Jazeera, Ushaidi Join in Project to Connect Somali Diaspora via SMS In the Horn of Africa, Somalia makes headlines, but often only because of drought, famine, crisis and insecurity. Al Jazeera launched Somalia Speaks to help amplify stories from people and their everyday lives in the regio ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Transportation Edge - Can Public–Private P ...The House of Representatives and the Senate are working to complete the legislative language for their respective highway reauthorization plans. Proposals circulating in the House and Senate indicate that Congress could exercise some degree of restraint in federal transportation spending compare ...
- The Environmental Edge - EPA Hopes Disclosure ...About 25 years after the Environmental Protection Agency began collecting and sharing more information about toxic chemical releases in the hopes that awareness would spur reductions, the agency now hopes to do the same for greenhouse gases.For the first time, the EPA unveiled data showing the a ...
- The Violent Roads of Mexico - Rooting Out Mexi ...The drug war in Mexico grows more brutal daily. It is practically impossible to read news from that country without exposure to a myriad of literal rolling heads, mass graves, shootouts, and grisly abductions. While addressing the Council on Foreign Relations on September 8, 2010, U.S. Secretary ...
- El Salvador on Edge - El Salvador's Unhealed W ...January 16th marked the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Salvadoran peace accords. FMLN President Mauricio Funes commemorated the occasion by asking the families of victims for forgiveness for the massacre of El Mozote—an unspeakably atrocious event of unprecedented magnitude th ...
- The 2012 Vote - Romney's Small Tax Bill Could ...Mitt Romney, who made millions buying and selling companies for a private equity firm, pays an effective tax rate that is lower than a family earning less than $70,000. “It's probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything,” Romney told reporters in South Carolina Tuesday, when asked about ...
High Country News
- Resolutions for living smarter in 2012We could all live healthier, more fulfilling and sustainable lives if we would try to do more with less.
- Fixing what ain't broken in Foggy BottomThe U.S. House of Representatives is wasting its time passing unnecessary and absurd laws, but at least that’s helping to keep it out of trouble.
- A big win for democracy in Big Sky country – f ...The Montana Supreme Court argues that corporations are not "persons" as it reaffirms the state’s almost-century-old Corrupt Practices Act.
- On Keystone XL route, states allow different r ...An InsideClimate News comparison shows that, of the six states the proposed pipeline moves through, only Montana has authority to re-route the pipeline, and Kansas has given TransCanada a 10-year tax exemption.
- A novel solution to the drug problemA police officer suggests that all drugs should be legalized and regulated, except for meth – and that meth dealers ought to be punished unmercifully.
- Why Is Obama Sending 12, 000 U.S. Troops To Li ...By Cynthia McKinney It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya
- Will A Pro-Gadhafi Green Revolution Topple The ...By Franklin Lamb The signs from Libya are that this country remains volatile and that contrary to NATO claims that it put into place a new democratic Libya that the predictable next chapter is starting to unfold that may bring the end of the NTC before the coming June elections when it is sched ...
- US Doubles Aircraft Carriers Near The Persian GulfBy Peter Symonds The Obama administration has reinforced the threat of American military strikes against Iran by doubling the number of US aircraft carrier groups in the region. The provocative decision heightens the danger of war in the Persian Gulf as the US moves aggressively to impose a de ...
- And Who, By the Way, Is John C. Stennis?!?By Toby ORyan Who, you might ask, is John C. Stennis? What are the boons and benefits for humanity accomplished by this John C. Stennis such that he came to have his name emblazoned on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier?
- What Does Ken Ford Know? And Who Put Him In Pr ...By Cynthia McKinney Ken Ford, Jr. wrote an intelligence report on the Iraq War which contradicted the Administrations reason for going to war against Iraq
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young p ...
Yid With Lid
- Gingrich Closes in on Romney in Post Debate Ra ...If Newt Gingrich ends up with the GOP nomination he owes Juan Williams a major thank you gift. In a national Rasmussen poll taken on Tuesday (the day after the Myrtle Beach debate), the former Speaker of the House jumped to within 3% points of Mitt Romney (well within the margin of error). ...
- Reviewing Israel's Options as Muslim Brotherho ...By Barry Rubin The political history of the modern Middle East can easily be divided into three eras. In 1952, a military coup in Egypt signaled the start of the period in which radical Arab nationalism dominated. The 1979 Iranian revolution began the challenge of revolutionary Islamism. An ...
- Chris Matthews Has Brain Damage? Obama Tingle ...This story is proof that Chris Matthews' famous tingle has damaged his brain and turned him into a paranoid conspiracy theorist. As a guest on Andrea Mitchell Reports yesterday, Chris Matthews accused Newt Gingrich of sending out a racist code to the "white, male" audience at the Myrtl ...
- Why The Western Media Must Always Blame IsraelBy Barry Rubin It is truly astonishing how, it often seems, Western media coverage must blame Israel for everything that “goes wrong” in the Middle East, including murderous hostility to Israel. Sentences often seem carefully formulated to push this claim and exclude any possibility of ...
- Newsbusted: Obama to Bail Out Russian Space Pr ...Next to trashing American Citizens who are part of the Tea Party movement, making one-sided demands on Israel and refusing to compromise with Republicans, President Obama's favorite activity is giving away tax-payer money to foreign countries so they can do what he blocks the US from doing.  ...
The Real Agenda
- Vacina contra a Poliomielite é a causa # 1 da ...Por Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda 18 de janeiro de 2012 A Iniciativa Global de Erradicação da Pólio (GISP), fundada em 1988 pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, o Rotary International, o UNICEF e o CDC de EUA tem a Índia como exemplo de seu sucesso na erradicação da pólio, afirmando em seu site ...
- Vacuna contra la Poliomielitis es causa #1 de ...Por Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda 18 de enero 2012 La Iniciativa de Erradicación Mundial de la Poliomielitis (PGEI), fundada en 1988 por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, Rotary International, UNICEF y la CDC de EE.UU., tiene a India como un ejemplo de su éxito en la erradicación de la poli ...
- What does Government Control of the Internet Mean?by Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda January 18, 2012 Remember all those articles you read a year or two ago that warned us all about the end of the internet as we knew it? That moment has come. Different from what has been reported on the dying corrupt corporate media, the new legislation intende ...
- Only Ron Paul will face Flip-flopper Romney in ...Ron Paul 2012 January 18, 2012 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, the constitutionally-observant candidate of real change, will face down establishment candidate and notorious flip-flopper Mitt Romney in a head-to-head matchup in the Virginia primary. The Fourth U.S. Circuit Court ...
- The Romney File: Look at his Recordby David Martosko The Daily Caller January 18, 2012 If you think you’ve already heard everything there is to know about Mitt Romney, think again. A 200-page document that appears to be Sen. John McCain’s entire 2008 election-year opposition research file on the former Massachusetts governor ...
Wind Watch
- Wind farms face raptor blowbackHabitat concerns increase siting scrutiny — With its strong westerly winds, Kevin Rim, a prominent series of sandstone cliffs 20 miles northwest of Shelby, is ideal habitat for wind farms, and NaturEner USA is planning to erect 126 turbines on private lands there by the end of the year. The rim ...
- Israeli environmental group: Wind turbines end ...Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel says that if plans go through to build turbines in the Golan, northern Negev and Eilat mountains, they will place the open areas there at risk and dramatically change the landscape. Renewable energy has found itself an unexpected enemy: one of Israe ...
- Blissfield Wind Energy project to relocateThe Interstate Informed Citizens Coalition Inc. was formed in opposition to the wind turbine project. Kevon Martis of Riga Township, a director of the IICC, commented on the development in an email. “As much as the developers tried to paint this as a question of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) op ...
- Engineers investigate after wind turbine rippe ...A windfarm in Mid Wales has been temporarily closed while engineers investigate damage to one of its wind turbines. Operators Scottish Power Renewables said the Llandinam Windfarm, between Llanidloes and Newtown, had been taken offline while engineers looked into how the turbine was damaged in D ...
- Roxbury residents lodge turbine noise complaintsROXBURY — West Shore Road homeowner Linda Kuras knew she’d hear noises from wind turbines atop Flathead Mountain, which lines the east shore of Roxbury Pond. She and several other residents fought in vain for years against Record Hill Wind LLC’s project to place 22 turbines on town r ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment | Note- ...
- About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (: Submitted by Evelyn J. to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Websites Go on Strike Against IP Bills“Some very well known and highly popular websites, including Wikipedia and Reddit, effectively turned themselves off today, acting in protest of proposed congressional legislation that they believe poses a stark, existential threat to the core architecture of the free and open Internet. ...
- Debt Limit Again at Issue in Congress“The House returns this week to a vote on a resolution to reject President Obama’s request to raise the national debt limit, now 15.24 trillion, by $1.2 trillion – the final element of a debt ceiling agreement that Congress approved on Aug. 1.” (Christian Science Monitor) ...
- Peter Boettke on Austrian EconomicsGeorge Mason University Professor and FEE trustee Peter Boettke was interviewed about Austrian economics at The Browser. Pete is among the most knowledgeable people in the world about this important school of thought and the larger context in which it exists. Highly recommended! Read it here.
- Oil Drops below $99“Oil prices drifted lower Friday on concerns about European credit downgrades. A European recession would slow demand for oil and push oil prices lower.” (Christian Science Monitor) Presumably, “greed” remains unchanged. FEE Timely Classic “The Law of Supply and Demand” b ...
- Mortgage Rates Fall to New Low“Fixed mortgage rates fell once again to a record low, offering a great opportunity for those who can afford to buy or refinance homes. But few are able to take advantage of the historic rates…. Mortgage rates are lower because they track the yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which fell ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Classroom helpers for j-schoolIn the fall, when the new school year begins in the northern hemisphere, older posts on this blog find a new life. I’m so happy to see that people are finding useful things here! These are some of the top posts from the past week: How to shoot video interviews Getting started with Wor ...
- 10 Rules for Visual StorytellingFor some people, “visual storytelling” means photographs. For others, it means film or video. An epic movie such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy may spring to mind — and few would disagree with that as a fine example of visual storytelling. In journalism writing classes, stud ...
- Getting that first job in journalismInternships. Portfolio. Real work (not work assigned in a class). Not necessarily paid work — but journalism work that some respectable organization saw fit to publish, with your name on it. Lacking these, a new journalism graduate is behind the curve. There are not so many jobs out there ...
- 5,000 followers on TwitterSure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a little thrill when the zeros turn over. The screen capture above is from yesterday, July 31, 2011. See my recent posts about Twitter and journalism. Sure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media ...
- 6 Proposals for Journalism Education TodayI’ve spent a huge amount of time this year thinking about and working on journalism curriculum. From developing and teaching a four-week program to train journalism educators in Africa in the practice of online journalism, to helping with a major overhaul of the undergraduate curriculum in ...
Facing South
- NC lawmakers take a one-sided look at frackingSeveral North Carolina legislators are in Pennsylvania today for a fact-finding mission about the controversial natural-gas drilling method known as fracking -- and their tour guide is Chesap ...
- Dems, GOP both see victories in key Southern c ...Both Democrats and Republicans can point to victories in key 2011 Southern contests; also, the mixed results in Mississippi ballot initiatives.
Both Democrats an ...
- Top 4 Southern election results to watchWith 2012 looming, Southerners will take to the polls across the region to decide key legislative races, as well as a nationally-watched ballot initiative in Mississippi.
- South heavily represented on EPA's secret air ...An investigation by the Center for Public Integrity and NPR has obtained a list of chronic Clean Air Act violators, and the South comes in second only to the Midwest in terms of the regions w ...
- Attorney with group targeting climate scientis ...Christopher Horner, director of litigation for the global-warming denier group the American Tradition Institute, is one of the featured speakers at this weekend's Americans for Prospe ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Development Challenges for Africa in 2012With economic malaise in the West and a growing population of young people at home, Africa faces significant challenges and opportunities in the coming year.
- The Unsolved Mystery of Agnès DuryFour years after a young French aid worker was assassinated in a small Burundian town, family members and coworkers are still pressing for a proper investigation.
- HIV and AIDS: The End of the BeginningA large number of HIV infections have been treated or prevented in the last decade, but in some ways the battle against the global epidemic has just begun.
- HIV and AIDS: The End of the BeginningA large number of HIV infections have been treated or prevented in the last decade, but in some ways the battle against the global epidemic has just begun.
- Repression of the Press in Cote d'IvoireIvory Coast President Alassane Ouattara came into office promising to uphold democracy, but members of the press find themselves under threat.
Telegraph UK - oil
- Can Iran close down the Strait of Hormuz?The ayatollahs' armoury is dwarfed by the US. But attempts to close oil lanes could lead to conflict, says Con Coughlin.
- China begins scramble for Afghanistan's oil re ...China began the scramble for Afghanistan's untapped oil reserves yesterday by announcing an exploration contract with Kabul - the first such international agreement in decades.
- The owl who flew 2,000 miles - but finally arr ...Exhausted and a hundred miles from land, a migrating owl made a wise move - he landed on a North Sea gas rig.
- Industrial scars: aerial photographs of pollut ...Industrial scars: aerial photographs of pollution by J Henry Fair.
- New Zealand: oil leaks and cargo topples off s ...Fears stricken cargo ship may break up and cause environmental disaster.
Ian Welsh
- Ron Paul HysteriaSo, I’m noticing a ton of attacks on Ron Paul from progressives. The reason is simple enough, Ron Paul is great on some key things the left cares about, and horrible on others. His last ad in Iowa says he’d ban abortion, for example. On the other hand, he wants to withdraw all tro ...
- Ron Paul HysteriaSo, I’m noticing a ton of attacks on Ron Paul from progressives. The reason is simple enough, Ron Paul is great on some key things the left cares about, and horrible on others. His last ad in Iowa says he’d ban abortion, for example. On the other hand, he wants to withdraw all tro ...
- You don’t get the payroll tax “cut”There has been much ballyhoo about how there is a payroll tax cut and that an extra $40 per paycheck (every two week) will make a big difference. Sure, if you get to keep it (via Americablog): Some rates will be significantly higher, such as a 27.4% increase to $17 from $13.34 just to receive [...]
- You don’t get the payroll tax “cut ...There has been much ballyhoo about how there is a payroll tax cut and that an extra $40 per paycheck (every two week) will make a big difference. Sure, if you get to keep it (via Americablog): Some rates will be significantly higher, such as a 27.4% increase to $17 from $13.34 just to receive [...]
- Yes, the American people are responsibleLet me respond to the idea that Americans are not responsible for what is happening to America, especially poorer Americans. No. Sorry, but no. Sure, their guilt isn’t as great as that of the liberal class, or the financiers, or various other folks, but they are still responsible. It wa ...
Media Consortium
- New Voices: What Works
- The Media Consortium » The Big Thaw
- Corporations Are Not People -- In These TimesHASH(0xbc586f0)
- Private prison company’s growth went hand-in-h ...HASH(0xbe94238)
- Montana AG warns of return to rampant corporat ...HASH(0xbc06d70)
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will c ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and worl ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Human variome taking shape with Chinese nodeAn ambitious project to log all genetic variations that cause human disease lunged forward this week with the launch of the Chinese “node” of the Human Variome Project (HVP). Scientists and clinicians in China meanwhile are hoping participation will spread genetic counseling and genetic medicine ...
- US cell-based flu vaccine plant open for businessAmericans may soon be getting flu jabs made with cells and not eggs. The drug company Novartis opened a first-of-its kind facility in the US to produce influenza vaccines using mammalian cells, Novartis and US government officials announced 13 December. The approach is an alternative to conve ...
- NSF takes broad look at broader impactsA National Science Foundation (NSF) task force has finalized its recommendations for tweaking the agency's two merit review criteria, 'intellectual merit' and 'broader impacts'. And central to that effort was a non-prescriptive, big-tent definition of broader impacts, says task force co-chair J ...
- Land grabbing in Africa continues to harm the poorMore than 200 million hectares of land in poor nations was sold by governments in land-grabbing deals with industry and investors between 2000 and 2010, a new study reports. This high global demand for land is likely to continue for the long term, concludes the study by the International Land ...
- Stratolaunch embarks on hybrid rocket-plane systemForget Kennedy Space Center. How about launching massive rockets from the underbelly of the largest plane ever built? On Tuesday, Burt Rutan, of aerospace company Scaled Composites, and billionaire Paul Allen, a former Microsoft executive, announced Stratolaunch Systems -- a company that aims to ...
new geography
- Florida’s Quick ReboundAdding nearly 119,000 people in 2011, Florida has capped a decade of steady population increase to see the state grow 19% since 2000. Despite 2009, an historic year where more people left than arrived, the overall net growth of Florida has yielded two additional congressional seats, m ...
- Fresh Winds Blowing on California High Speed RailFor California’s beleaguered high-speed rail project, last week brought plenty of surprises and challenges. Dominating the headlines were the resignations of several top officials of the High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA). Among them were board chairman Tom Umberg, CEO Roelof van ...
- After Seven MillionAn interview in Social Intelligence with Neil Howe on the changing nature of human population growth and its implications for politics, culture, and business. Headlines around the world are trumpeting the United Nations’ announcement that the world population is now hitting seven billion a ...
- Martin Luther King, Economic Equality And The ...In the last years of his life Dr. Martin Luther King expanded his focus from political and civil rights to include economic justice. Noting that the majority of America’s poor were white King decried the already huge gaps between rich and poor, calling for “radical changes in the structure of ...
- Three Cheers for Urban Sprawl“Hands off Our Land!” screams the Daily Telegraph, like some shotgun-toting red-faced farmer. The newspaper, on behalf of the reactionary toffs who form the least pleasant section of its readership, has launched a campaign directed against ‘urban sprawl’ (ie. the rest of us). On a good ...
GM Watch
- Dalli: 'I never favoured GMO industry'1.EU Commissioner Dalli: 'I never favoured GMO industry' 2.How Dalli authorized Amflora for contamination 3.EU Commissioner with business interests in Libya speaks up for Gaddafi --- --- 1.EU Commissioner Dalli: 'I never favoured GMO industry' Jurgen Balzan Malta Today, 17 January 2012 [shorten ...
- Argentina says Monsanto contractor abuses workersArgentina says Monsanto contractor abuses workers Associated Press, January 16 2012 http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9SADUU80.htm Argentina's tax agency has raided a Monsanto Co. contractor and found what it calls slave-like conditions among workers in its cornfields. The AFIP tax ...
- BASF still planning GM trials in EuropeNOTE: Although BASF's GM crop division are leaving Europe, BASF is still planning to hold GM field trials in three different European countries in 2012. In response to an enquiry about what would happen to any ongoing field trials, Ralf-Michael Schmidt, Vice-President of the BASF Group, says the ...
- Ignacio Chapela on BASF’s announcement to move ...Guest Blog: Ignacio on BASF's Announcement to Move GMOs Out of Europe By Raj on 01/16/2012http://rajpatel.org/2012/01/16/guest-blog-ignacio-chapela-on-basfs-announcement-to-move-gmos-out-of-europe/Ignacio Chapela will be familiar to readers of Stuffed and Starved. He’s a soil biologist at Berk ...
- France determined to continue GM maize banFrance Determined to Continue GM Maize Ban GM Freeze, 17 Jan 2012 http://www.gmfreeze.org/news-releases/177/ GM Freeze welcomed the confirmation from the French Government it intends to continue its ban on cultivating Monsanto's MON810 GM. [1] The French Government, backed by President Sarkozy ...
- Let’s have a proper debate about the wel ...Hooked on poverty porn, getting the unelected Lords to do their dirty work... there’s little progressive about today’s welfare-defenders.
- First they came for the smokers…The remorseless illiberal logic of the ‘we don’t like it, so ban it’ lobby is now leeching its way into the lives of meat-eaters.
- The future of internet freedom left in the darkOpponents of the US web regulations that inspired the Wikipedia blackout have some pretty illiberal tendencies, too.
- Costa Concordia: a vessel for anti-consumerist ...Some observers are tastelessly leaping on board the sunken ship to pontificate about the decadence and folly of big, brassy cruise-liners.
- Let’s all be more like The GreatestWe should celebrate Ali’s 70th birthday by ditching trendy self-pity and aiming to be as brash as he was.
- The Neil Keenan / “Dragon Family” ...The full text of the lawsuit (Case 1:11-cv-08500-JFK, Filed 11/23/11, downloaded from pacer.gov) has been posted at the Divine Cosmos website: This is a civil claim arising out of the concerted, knowing, malicious scheme and international conspiracy engaged in by the Defendants for the designed ...
- Blackwater, Xe, ACADEMIVia: AFP: The US security firm formerly known as Blackwater, which was barred from Iraq over a deadly 2007 shooting, has renamed itself a second time. USTC Holdings, the investor consortium that acquired ex-Blackwater firm Xe Services in December 2010, announced ACADEMI as the new name and brand ...
- South Korea: Seoul Skyscraper Resembling Twin ...Pic at link. Via: Bloomberg: The design of twin skyscrapers planned for Seoul may be modified in the wake of criticism that a cloud-shaped bridge joining the buildings resembles the explosions that felled the World Trade Center towers. MVRDV, the Dutch architecture firm that drew the plans for t ...
- MIT Scientists Create Camera That Allows Photo ...Via: New York Times / MIT News Office: More than 70 years ago, the M.I.T. electrical engineer Harold (Doc) Edgerton began using strobe lights to create remarkable photographs: a bullet stopped in flight as it pierced an apple, the coronet created by the splash of a drop of milk. Now scientists a ...
- Multimillion Dollar Crowdturfing Industry Grow ...Incredibly, laughably, this piece doesn’t mention things like the U.S. Military’s desire to develop persona management software or Team Themis (HBGary Federal, Palantir and Berico): After having spent several months studying those emails and otherwise investigating the industry depic ...
The Economic Collapse
- 112 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2012The beginning of each year is a great time to evaluate the direction of your life and to ask yourself some very important questions. Often we get so busy just living life that we lose our perspective. It is important for each of us to take time once in a while to reassess how o ...
- Ack! They Are Actually Going To Let Greece Def ...I wish that I had an "aha moment" to share with you today, but instead all I have is an "ack moment" to share. As I was analyzing all of the info coming out of Europe in recent days, I came to the following realization: "Ack! They are actually going to let Greece default!" The ...
- If You Are A Blue Collar Worker In America You ...Have you ever heard of the dodo bird? Once upon a time, dodo birds lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. But if you go there today you won't find any because they are extinct. Well, if you are a blue collar worker in America today it looks like you are headed [...]
- Bam! Bam! Bam! Huge Financial Bombs Just Got D ...The European debt crisis has just gone to an entirely new level. Just when it seemed like things may be stabilizing somewhat, we get news of huge financial bombs being dropped all over Europe. Very shortly after U.S. financial markets closed on Friday, S&P announced credit ...
- 22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devasta ...2012 is shaping up to be a very tough year for the global economy. All over the world there are signs that economic activity is significantly slowing down. Many of these signs are detailed later on in this article. But most people don't understand what is happening because the ...
- Desertification and The Great Green Wall of Sa ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://www.theenvironmentalblog.org/2012/01/desertification-great-green-wall-sahara/ Created by Estel Grace Masangkay “The world must start aggressively combating desertification.” So says former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2007. Advancing de ...
- How effective will the grand reforestation pro ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://e360.yale.edu/feature/chinas_reforestation_programs_big_success_or_just_an_illusion/2484/ China’s Reforestation Programs: Big Success or Just an Illusion? China has undertaken ambitious reforestation initiatives that have increased its forest ...
- When developmental activities damage the natur ...Read at : http://www.ecosensorium.org/2012/01/environmental-impact-assessment-and-its.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Ecosensorium+%28ECOSENSORIUM.ORG%29 Environmental Impact Assessment and its roles The assessment of all possible effects on environment of ...
- Is it ‘villagisation’ or moving fa ...Read at : Google Alert – images of the Africa Drought http://dailymaverick.co.za/article/2012-01-17-hrw-ethiopian-villagisation-outlandish-contrived-wrong HRW: Ethiopian ‘villagisation’ – outlandish, contrived, wrong By KHADIJA PATEL. A new report by Human Rights Watch i ...
- Food for everyone in the city of Berlin (You T ...Food production in an alternative city garden : http://youtu.be/oUUlwm9tmNA See production of vegetables in all kinds of containers : sacks, crates, pots, bottles, cans , … Only possible (authorized?) on a brownfield in Berlin (Brownfield sites are abandoned or underused … Continue r ...
The Paper Trail
- New York City issues huge fine for breaking to ...A shop owner in New York City has learned the hard way that the city’s ban on real-looking toy guns is not a game.
- FACT CHECK: Ideal tax?Newt Gingrich joked that he ought to rename his proposed 15 percent flat tax the “Mitt Romney Flat Tax,” so “all Americans would pay the rate Mitt Romney paid.” Actually, not all Americans. Under Gingrich’s tax plan, Romney would likely pay closer to zero percent.Although he has not released his ...
- Keystone XL pipeline rejection a setback for C ...The Obama administration's decision Wednesday to reject a pipeline that would have carried crude from Canada’s tar sands deposits to Texas oil refineries isn’t likely to end investment in the carbon-rich fuel, industry analysts say.In killing the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, President Oba ...
- Romney's small tax bill could be a big problemMitt Romney, who made millions buying and selling companies for a private equity firm, pays an effective tax rate that is lower than a family earning less than $70,000.“It's probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything,” Romney told reporters in South Carolina Tuesday, when asked about h ...
- FACT CHECK: Few errors in Myrtle Beach GOP debateIn a spirited debate, Republican candidates variously strained the facts on President Obama’s record on trade, tangled with each other over a misleading ad about allowing felons to vote, and erred on the history of the federal income tax.
- Tech in ’12: Apple may be in more troubl ...by Eric Pettifor First of all, I’m not going to predict the end of the world. I know, 2012 is the year that the Mayan long count calendar ends, on December 21st, to be exact, but somehow I doubt it will be terminal. Really, our best shot at near term extinction comes from science. But [...]
- Joe Bodolai’s final hitA BoB short: A last blog post by Joe Bodolai has gone viral today after the L.A. Police ruled the well-loved comedy writer’s death a suicide. Bodolai, who worked on both “Saturday Night Live” and the “Kids in the Hall” before helping to launch Canada’s Comedy ...
- War on Christmas? I hadn’t noticed.By Montreal Simon Well I have to hand it to the Cons at Sun News, because if it wasn’t for them I’d never know that a brutal War on Christmas was raging. Although so far most of the reports flowing in from the front seem depressingly familiar. Mostly more scary Lezra and the endless ...
- On Blatchford, Hitchens, and why babies suckBy Frank Moher One is impressed by just how credulous the reading public — that would be you — can be. You see what I just did there? I just insulted you. Conventional wisdom would suggest that insulting one’s readers is not the best way to start an article. But conventional wi ...
- Kent Kills Kyoto: Even the Taiwanese animators ...By Montreal Simon I could run this old video of Peter Kent introducing a documentary where he calls global warming “the greatest threat to life on the planet” and warns that the devastating effects of climate change “will be seen in our children’s lifetime. Or I could run this picture of him ret ...
- All eyes on Longview: An injury to one is an i ...longshore.jpg A call-out to participation in an upcoming conflict in Longview, Washington State. January 14, 2012 Dear friend(s) and comrade(s): We are writing to inform you abo ...
- EULEN fires all striking workers at ABB Cordobaeulen-15-des-010.jpg Outsourcing of workers at the ABB factory in Cordoba is currently being used as the pretext to get rid of militant workers, leading to 34 workers being fired. ...
- The policeman's new clothes - new styles of re ...Bangla_cops.png How new policing methods have, for the moment, dampened workers' struggles. In October 2010 a new Industrial Police Force (IPF) became operational in Bangla ...
- Wukan peasant victory sets stage for Chinese t ...jinbao.png Adam Ford reports on the Wukan rebellion and asks what it means for the future of social struggles in China The villagers of Wukan in south-east China appear to have ...
- Nigeria fuel strike brings country to a haltngra.jpg A general strike in Nigeria over the elimination of a fuel subsidy has brought the country to a standstill. Shops, offices, schools and petrol stations around the count ...
Free Range International
- Back in the USSAI’ve been trying to come up with a post for over a month now but don’t have any good pictures because I’m back in America, sans super cool Nikon which got blown up in the Helmand, and without good pictures I don’t seem to be able to write. That camera cost over a thousand bucks [...]
- The GladiatorsEditors Note: B is taking some time off from destroying Libtards on Thomas Ricks blog to vent on a topic few men will dare touch. At the Foriegn Policy blog he’s been coming up with stuff like this: Personally, I am glad that while I had to worry about leaders who were more worried about ...
- War GroupiesThis is the second entry in the new “Paint Baba Tim’s White Fence” program. The first was from my Dad and this one is from my good friend B. Regular readers have probably guessed by now that B and I worked together in Afghanistan and know each other well. As I deal with agen ...
- THE DIVERSITY PLATOONEditors Note: This post is the first (of what I hope to be many) posts from my father Major General J.D. Lynch Jr. USMC (Ret.) The Current Situation Forty years ago, the American military was held in great contempt by the public it served. The feeling was returned in roughly equal measure. We ...
- EFP’sDuring our last trip to Zaranj we had one more task to complete before we went home. The after action report on the ambush of Haji Nematullah, reported they seized three large buckets of Home Made Explosives (HME) and three Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP) mines. EFP’s were a big prob ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Michael King (aka Martin Luther King) A RED ED ...The “Story Behind the Story” of Martin Luther King is a story of Edomite (Jewish) Hegelian Dialectic in action. A CLASSIC TEXTBOOK case, actually. It’s the story of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement today. Edomite agitators funding stooges to “protest” ...
- Another Christian “Red” (Edomite) ...REFLECTING ABSENCE “Reflecting Absence”. That’s the “official name” given by Israeli citizen and “architect” Michael Arad to the 9-11 memorial in New York. Is this monument to death harmless and meaningless, or is it a very real and conscious effort b ...
- WHO IS RICK SANTORUM?It’s official – Mormon Mitt Romney and Catholic Rick Santorum accounted for over 50% of the Iowa Caucus Tuesday. How did Santorum surge so quickly and so miraculously? A clue may be this quote in the “Jewish Daily Forward” : “He takes his religion very seriously,” said ...
- WHO IS RICK SANTORUM?It’s official – Mormon Mitt Romney and Catholic Rick Santorum accounted for over 50% of the Iowa Caucus Tuesday. How did Santorum surge so quickly and so miraculously? A clue may be this quote in the “Jewish Daily Forward” : “He takes his religion very seriously,” said ...
- Righteous Blood Part VI – (Attention Chr ...PAY ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIANS!!!!! This is a RED (Edomite) Alert of the highest import!!! (Does EVERYONE love Raymond?) I submit this is the single most important headline of the last 2000 years! It doesn’t matter who (or what) is “elected” President. It doesn’t matter ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Life in a carbon neutral world…There’s a great Story from the New York Times / International Herald and Tribune about a 28 year old product designer from Luxembourg attempting to live a carbon neutral life in Barcelona, Spain. Her story is at certainly inspiring, although sometimes uncomfortable to read about… who ...
- BPA, Phthalates, Toxic Plastic Bottles, Sippy ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Green Spring Cleaning!Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Food Miles – how far your food travels & ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Getting real about energy production & reductionHere’s a great video from a Cambridge University Physicist David Mackay. He’s discussing practical ways of measuring domestic power consumption, ways of producing energy, and he debate about replacing traditional fossil fuels based methods of producing electricity with more sensible ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Malcolm Gladwell (Dec 31, 2011) Renowned author wraps the critical events of 2011.
- The Mansbridge Conversations 2011Highlights of Peter's interviews of the year, including conversations with Jack Layton, Olivia Chow, Nicole Williamson, Malcolm Gladwell and others.
- NAGUIB SAWIRISPeter sits down with Egyptian businessman and politician Naguib Sawiris ahead of the country's first free elections about his hopes for and disappoinment in Egypt's Arab Spring
- Shawn Atleo - National Chief of the Assembly o ...In the wake of the crisis in Attawapiskat First Nation, Shawn Atleo discusses the future of Canada's Abroiginal communities.
- Dr. Ann McKee, Neuropathologist, Bedford VA Me ...Peter is in the lab with Dr. Ann McKee, one of the key researchers in degenerative brain disease, and finds out what she's learning from the head trauma suffered by fallen former athletes.
Scotts Contracting
- Recycling is not just for CansEarlier this year I was asked to replace a leaking roof on a Patio of an Investment Property. The job consisted of Removing the existing Mound City Clay Roof Tiles from the Porch Roof and replacing with Certain Teed 3 Tab-Shingles (Energy Star Rated). Rather than dispose of the Clay Roof Tiles ...
- Green Home Renovation Tips for Fire Safety-Green Home Renovation Tips for Fire Safety Guest Post by: Ms Sally Davison When it comes to sustainable home construction and renovation, fire safety should also be a concern. Preventing fires is a green practice in itself, because fires present a serious threat to the environment in terms of e ...
- CSP-design with Heat Recovery Unit for added E ...UPDATE: Concentrated Solar Power Design with Added Heat Recovery Unit Seeking Assistance to bring this design to market. Please use Contact Form Below and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will reply to your message ASAP. Updated Concentrated Solar Power Photovoltaic Design with Added Automatic Heat ...
- Repair It-Don’t Replace It-Concrete StepsRepairing Concrete Steps instead of Replacing-Job Notes, Suggestions, and Hints. Whether it is downturn of economy or people choosing to save money, many of my clients are choosing to “Repair rather than Replace” the materials used in the construction of their home or business. If yo ...
- Poll-How can I help you Save Money on your Win ...POll-How can I help you Save Money on your Winter-Time Heating Bills? [contact-form] [/contact-form] Related articles Reduce your heating bill this winter (moneysaversdirect.com) CAD Detail Heat and Cold Loss-2×4 Wall (scottscontracting.wordpress.com) Fall Weatherization Services Offer (scottsco ...
The View From Abroad
- Ron Paul is Nibbling at Romney’s HeelsThe Republican race for president is a two man contest between Romney and Paul.
- We Can't Afford the Payroll Tax Cut ExtensionIt is crazy to extend the payroll tax cut at this time.
- Obama is Correct But for the Wrong ReasonPresident Obama is right: it will take more than one president to fix our economy.
- Washington Should Follow Laissez-FaireIf I didn't know better I'd swear Washington is out to destroy Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
- The More Things Change, the More They Stay the ...NATO's invasion of Libya was about corporatism, not the safety of the Libyan people.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- "October Surprise" by Israel Could Sink Obama' ...Zbigniew Brzezinski is among those who fear that Israel will ignore U.S. objections and attack Israel.
- "Dagan Could Not Have Set Foot in Washington A ...News that Mossad officers posed as CIA officers to recruit Jundallah terrorists for operations within Iran has been under attack from all quarters.
- Approaching North Korea in the Kim Jong Un EraEvery time a new administration takes office in Washington, it behaves like an amnesiac toward North Korea.
- Strategic Dialogue: Libya after GaddafiIn this strategic dialogue, Michael Berube and David Gibbs reply to each other's initial essays on the legacy of the NATO intervention in Libya.
- Nigeria's Perfect StormNigeria is facing a perfect storm of crises including a national strike, widespread protests, and sectarian violence in the north.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- Iran nuclear: Russia's Lavrov warns against attackThe Russian foreign minister has warned that a Western military strike against Iran would be "a catastrophe".read more
- VIDEO: Iran's internet users details to be kep ...A new law, due to be implemented in two days time, will make it compulsory for all internet cafes in Iran to keep a record of their customers.read more
- Death sentence for netizen confirmed, new arrestsReporters Without Borders is shocked to learn that the supreme court has confirmed website designer Saeed Malekpour’s death sentence. His family said the court took the decision under pressure from the Revolutionary Guards. A Canadian resident who was arrested on 4 October 2008 while visiting hi ...
- How to deal with Iran: Support the people"Finally, serious consideration should also be given to the wishes of the Iranian people. The people of Iran hold the key to America's long-term strategic interests in the Middle East. Public opinion polls conducted for the Department of State since 2003 have identified the read more
- لحظات کیش و مات در بازی شطرنج با ج. اسلامیاینست آن صفحه ای که اکنون در برابر جهان است.. . . . . . . . . .
Most Revolutionary Act
- Surviving the Collapse – Possible Strat ...Biochar pellets Book Review-Part IV (of VI) Fleeing Vesuvius, New Zealand Edition (2011, Feasta and Living Economies) Parts 3 and 4 of Fleeing Vesuvius, “New Ways of Using the Land” and “Dealing with Climate Change,” focus mainly on local and national strategie ...
- Money and Energy ScarcityLocal currency used in Ithaca, NY Book Review-Part III Fleeing Vesuvius, New Zealand Edition (2011, Feasta and Living Economies) The second part of Fleeing Vesuvius is entitled “Innovation in business, money and finance.” It draws on the main theme of Part ...
- Peak Oil and the Importance of EROIFleeing Vesuvius, New Zealand Edition (2011, Feasta and Living Economies) Book Review-Part II Obviously getting by without fossil fuels (owing to impending shortages of oil, natural gas and coal) will be an incredibly rude shock for all of us. Our current telecommunication, transportation a ...
- Bye, Bye CapitalismFleeing Vesuvius, New Zealand Edition (2011, Feasta and Living Economies) Book Review In my experience, there are two main forms anti-corporate resistance can take. The first involves direct confrontation of government and corporate official over their criminal and unethical activities. The hu ...
- 21st Century Revolution (free ebook)Free download at: www.smashwords.com/books/view/120942 [If any of you feel at all guilty about downloading a 326 page ebook without paying for it, you are free to mitigate that guilt by 1) reading the book 2) reviewing the Kindle edition on the Amazon website and/or 3) hitting the ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Democratic National Committee Chairwoman decli ...OccupyTheIowaCaucuses.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sunday, January 01, 2012 Contact : Stephen Toothman 515-480-5682 stoothman@yahoo.com Democratic National Committee Chairwoman declines to hear everyday people Occupy the Caucus extended an invitation to Democratic National Committee Chairwoma ...
- Listen to Michael Moore Read 'Gratitude,' the ...Excerpted from
- Christmas ’43Excerpted from Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life by Michael Moore My dad had noticed for some years that I no longer wanted to shoot guns. He had taken note of when we boys in the neighborhood had stopped playing War. I didn’t know much about his time as a Marine in the South Pacif ...
- Pietà Excerpted from Here Comes Trouble: Stories From My Life by Michael Moore I was lost. I had paused for perhaps too long to inspect the statues in the hallways and the Rotunda, bronzed and marbled renditions of an odd assortment of great and not-so-great Americans: Will Rogers, Daniel Webster, G ...
- Taxes (and Pepper Spray) Are for the Little Pe ...The New York Daily News reported on December 5th, 2011 that Brookfield Properties -- taking its cue from Leona Helmsley -- owes New York City $139,000 in back taxes. Brookfield is the owner of Zuccotti Park, site of the original Occupy Wall Street encampment, and one of the main forces behind it ...
- The real beneficiaries of energy subsidiesListen to the typical conservative rhetoric about energy being thrown around on talk radio or in Republican presidential debates, and you're likely to hear that our government primarily uses its regulatory and financial power to create a destructive green energy boondoggle -- one that enriches a ...
- The unlikely threat to North KoreaWASHINGTON — North Korea faces the danger of an unguided missile strike, aimed right at the center of power from a direction both near and far.That would be the newly installed supreme leader's elder half-brother, Kim Jong Nam, who has made some skeptical comments about the weakness of the blood ...
- Is Citizens United just misunderstood?This week marks the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which struck down part of the 2002 McCain-Feingold election law.Never has the ruling been as salient as it is now in the national political discussion. The Occupy ...
- Tucson says banished books may return to class ...In a clarification of last Friday's announcement of a list of Mexican-American studies books to "be cleared from all classrooms" in order to comply with a state ban on ethnic studies, the Tucson Unified School District declared Tuesday that it "has not banned any books as has been widely and inc ...
- Romney gave millions of dollars to Mormon churchWe've spent some time scrutinizing Mitt Romney's time as a leader in the Mormon church in the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly his enforcement of some of the socially conservative policies of the church on abortion, women and homosexuality.Now ABC has published an interesting story looking at ...
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,91 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Centrist city councillors derail Toronto Mayor ...Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s inability to work with others has resulted in his losing control of his budget. If he doesn’t change direction, he risks losing control of everything else. ...
- Toronto casino a non-starter, despite Finance ...The next manifestation of Queen’s Park’s addiction to gambling revenues could very well be a casino in downtown Toronto. But that would be an exceedingly bad bet.
- Ottawa is tight-lipped about spying allegation ...Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government can’t sweep a damaging naval espionage case under the carpet.
- Casino poker, craps and roulette have no place ...The next manifestation of Queen’s Park’s addiction to gambling revenues could very well be a casino in downtown Toronto. But that would be an exceedingly bad bet.
- How did Canadian Navy intelligence officer Jef ...Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government can’t sweep a damaging naval espionage case under the carpet.
Energy Collective
- Regional Transmission Efforts Good for Re-rout ...Peter Behr, at ClimateWire, describes the U.S. Department of Energy’s efforts to rework its electric transmission study processes, created in the 2005 Energy Policy Act but stalled by adverse court decisions and political missteps.
- SREC Costs to Pennsylvania Homeowners Misleading
- More Long-Term Pressure on Oil PricesA pair of items in today's Financial Times could signal a longer run of high oil prices, even if Europe were to slip into recession and economic growth elsewhere slow.
- Expanding State Clean Energy Funds for Economi ...Brookings report on economic development opportunities through use of clean energy funds offers direction for states in a post recovery act world.
- Michael Graetz’s “The End of Energy” Surveys 4 ...Michael J. Graetz, "The End of Energy," MIT Press, 2011.
EU Times
- Romney Would Sign NDAADuring the latest “debate” in South Carolina, Mitt Romney said that if he were president he would sign the the National Defense Authorization Act. Prior to his recent assertion that it is perfectly normal to dispense with the Fourth Amendment and suspend habeas corpus, Romney said he wasn’t up t ...
- McDonald’s to expose everything about it ...Consumer rights’ advocates filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s fast food chain in Russia. The lawsuit was filed at Moscow’s Tverskoy Court. The plaintiffs intend to oblige the company to indicate the complete list of ingredients on packaging, rather than the content of protein, ...
- Occupy Congress: Money out of US politics!Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street activists have rallied on Capitol Hill to “Occupy Congress”, decrying corporate influence on the American government in a direct message to lawmakers. The protesters had permission to hold a rally on the Capitol’s West Lawn. However one step outside the sanc ...
- USA goes on rampage over Iran’s Latin Am ...Last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a week-long tour of Latin America. The Iranian leader visited Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador. Ahmadinejad does not have many friends in the world. All of them, except for Syria, are in Latin America. Suffice it to say that it was his ...
- Italy Cruise Ship Rescue Mission StoppedRescue workers have suspended their search for the more than 20 people still missing from the stricken Costa Concardia, after the capsized cruise ship slipped. “Instruments indicated the ship had moved, we are in the process of evaluating if it has found a new resting point to allow us to ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Kodak refuses to go away quietly, sues Samsung ...Two weeks ago, we reported that Kodak was looking into filing for bankruptcy if it couldn’t sell off enough of its patents. Kodak licenses some these to companies like LG, Motorola, and Nokia. A week after that report, Kodak sued both Apple and HTC for infringing on some of those patents. Today ...
- Peyton Manning to retire? That's what Rob Lowe ...Peyton Manning's 14-year NFL career may be over -- that is, if you believe recent tweets from no less an authority than actor Rob Lowe. That's right. Rob Lowe -- whose decades-spanning career includes roles in "St. Elmo's Fire," "About Last Night," "The West Wing" and "Tommy Boy" -- had three p ...
- Texas Rangers, Yu Darvish Agree to DealThe Texas Rangers have finally signed Yu Darvish, a ccording to Jon Heyman . Money and years aren't known yet, but will be shortly. The deal came down to the wire, with minutes left to go before the deadline. Failing to sign would've kept Darvish with the Nippon Ham Fighters -- and the Rangers ...
- Obama To Reject Job-Creating Keystone XL PipelineUpdate: 12:45 PM President Barack Obama has denied a permit for TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL oil pipeline and will let the company file a revised route. "As the State Department made clear last month, the rushed and arbitrary deadline insisted on by Congressional Republicans prevented a f ...
- How to Use LinkedIn to Generate and Qualify B2 ...by Jason Miller LinkedIn is often considered a jobseeker-only social media platform. As a result, B2B marketers sometimes overlook the professional social media site’s ability to support lead generation and qualification. LinkedIn enables brands to offer bite size chunks of content that support ...
- Modernizing George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw for the modern age: If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas an Intellectual Property lawsui ...
- Anti-piracy measure being revised."All of the progress made to date consists of proponents of PIPA suggesting that it can be changed, but we haven't seen any concrete proposals," he writes in an e-mail. "Given how quickly and quietly these provisions came within an inch of the floor on both sides of the Hill, the people who fear ...
- SOPA, PIPA, Galvanize Geeks Now, a number of Congressional representatives are taking to Twitter and Facebook themselves, to point out how they've now changed their mind about supporting the bills. Reported Hillicon Valley, the Hill's technology blog, "GOP Reps. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) and Lee Terry (Neb.) withdrew their supp ...
- From CES: Will HTML5 Threaten the Closed World ...Let's be honest. HTML5 is really just another way to say "the Internet," and when it comes to breaking "ecosystem" lock in there have been fewer better mechanisms than the Internet. With HTML5, developers can target multiple platforms with their applications, making silo'ed app stores less impor ...
- Opinion recap: The public domain shrinksNo one, the Court said flatly, obtains any personal right under the Constitution to copy or perform a work just because it has come out from under earlier copyright protection, so no one can object if copyright is later restored. Any legal rights that exist belong only to the author or composer ...
- Jan 09, 2011, WideShut WebcastKeelan discusses the dead body at the Royal Estate, the EU's "global" airline tax, planned cadet forces in schools, and more.
- EU Superstate Unemployment Hits Record; Hold O ...Record unemployment sweeps Europe, with young people taking the brunt, all while IMF chief claims the EURO is safe.
- Body At Royal Estate May Point To Wider Human ...Was the girl found at Sandringham the victim of an underground human trafficking problem that sits right at the Queen's doorstep?
- China Stands Firm Against Illegal Global Airli ...EU tries to impose airline carbon tax on China, then boldly threatens air sanctions.
- Are The Royals Above Questioning? Dead Bodies ...It's highly unlikely the Royals did it, but it's in their garden, so where's the questioning?
Politics in the Zeros
- Wyoming to get humongous 2.5 GW wind farmIt’ll be the biggest wind farm in the Americas.
- Doctors, drugs and money: new disclosure rules ...Selling drugs and medicines in doctor's office in rear of country store. Faulkner County, Arkansas, 1940 Marion Post Wolcott, American (US Farm Services Administration photo) Doctors are supposed to put their patients’ best interests ahead of their own financial concerns but pharmaceut ...
- LightSquared ‘significantly interferes’ with G ...A multi-agency government panel says the proposed Lightsquared broadband wireless network would interfere with GPS and several safety-of-life systems. Lightsquared is primarily financed by Harbinger Capital, which is controlled by Philip Falcone, a politically connected billionaire now under in ...
- Replace janitors with children, says GingrichNewt Gingrich’s justification for his proposition that unionized school janitors should be replaced by children is his contention that his daughter, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, spent a time as a part time janitor at the First Baptist Church in Carrollton, Georgia when she was 13. I know a few thing ...
- The 2012 election, mediocrities allAre these not the most pathetic bunch of gasbags ever running for president as Republicans? And Obama is a deliberately bland technocrat who never met a bankster he didn’t want to give billions to. The 2012 election looks to be a slime fest between, as Ralph Nader put it, “the evils ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- The use of web-based disinformation by the 'west'Patrick Cockburn has an extremely important piece at the Independent today, in which he takes to task the major organs of the 'western' media-- including, crucially, today's Al-Jazeera-- for the extremely uncritical and often openly inflammatory use they make of unsubstantiated or highly exagger ...
- 2012: A good year to boycott Sabra (& Shatila) ...I've been thinking a lot, recently, about the upcoming 30th anniversary of the September 1982 massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut. As some of you may know, my company, Just World Books, will soon be publishing a reissued version of former WaPo journo Jon Randal's classic 1 ...
- J. Alterman's on America and EgyptJon Alterman has an op-ed in the NYT that has some good sense in it but also some very troubling ideas and policy prescriptions. Alterman is quite right to note that by far the most important thing that's happening in Egypt right now is not the confrontations or lack of them in Cairo's very vis ...
- Democracy and human rights in Libya??I just caught up with this piece by the Guardian's Chris Stephen in Tripoli. (H/T B of MofA.) Tell me again why anyone ever thought that NATO missiles were capable of somehow 'delivering' democracy and a system of respecting basic human rights in Libya? Stephen writes of the country's current ...
- Mrs. Peled and the Palestinian homes of West J ...I am delighted that my company, Just World books, is publishing Miko Peled's intimate and thought-provoking memoir The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. (We're already taking advance orders though the book won't be available before the end of February.) Miko has been giving out ...
- Day 5 — Serendipity and CommunityYou know when things don’t go as planned, and it unexpectedly works out much better? That was my day today. (Long distance solo bike journeys, in my experience, have this seemingly magical effect… Though I’m sure there’s nothing supernatural about it.) The plan was to cy ...
- Good news for landlords, not for rentersHey guys, guess what? GOOD NEWS! TradeMe Property has analysed house rental listings for the last three months and determined that tenant demand is up. The number of enquiries from potential tenants about rental properties in the December quarter was up 13 percent since the same time in 2010. Gr ...
- Internet goes on strike (why this blog is black)The Green Party is blacking out their website for an hour today to protest the Stop Internet Piracy (SOPA) and PROTECT IP (PIPA) Acts currently debated in the US because of its impacts on New Zealanders access to a free and open Internet and online businesses.
- The Food Bill, not as sweet as first appearedA culture of home gardening, food sharing and small artisan producers are at risk of being suppressed by future Ministerial decree. The Food Bill, supposedly intended to reduce compliance costs for the food industry, while eventually reducing the incidence of food borne illness, has such sweepin ...
- Day 4 — The strawberry trail into Otago ...Disclaimer: the purpose of this trip is not any of the following A. to reduce my own carbon footprint (I try to do that, but the reality is that I have to fly back) B. to encourage others to risk their lives cycling on state highways C. to say that everyone should always cycle or take [...]
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Instruments of RepressionFor a society to be well governed, it's laws must be just and moral. The Ancients knew that "Those who are rightly governed . . . do not fill their porticoes with written statutes but only cherish justice in their souls; for it is not by legislation, but by morals that states are well direct ...
- The Why of Not Doing the Right Thing: The Amer ...The unfairness of American society is being recognized by many. Eighty-nine percent of Americans say they don't trust their government; Congress has a mere 9% approval rating; America's financial institutions are widely considered to be corrupt; the Occupy movement has emerged, some are seek ...
- The Triumph of Capitalism: Jobless NationsThe Obama administration is intent on applying supply side principles to get the American economy out of the present recession, but supply side principles are based on the belief that if the government cuts taxes on the wealthy, they will invest their savings in new factories, that newly hired w ...
- America's Descent to DepravityThe Protestant ethic once defined the American character. It was held to be responsible for the success of Capitalism in Northern Europe and America by sociologists, but the Protestant ethic and Capitalism are incompatible, and Capitalism ultimately caused the Protestant ethic to be abandoned. A ...
- The Shamans among us: A World of Perpetual Con ...Economic models are mere policy proposals; they are not the consequences of any economic system based on "natural law or even good theory, " they are not scientific; they are merely ad hoc. Furthermore, deleterious consequences often result from these models. Economists also routinely simpli ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- No Matter What the FDA Says - Clear This Out o ...By Dr. Mercola On December 22, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quietly posted a notice in the Federal Register that it was effectively reneging on its plan to reduce the use of antibiotics in agricultural animal feed – a plan it has been touting since 1977. Now, with virtually no ...
- As Bad as Cocaine and Amphetamines - Will Auth ...By Dr. Mercola Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has issued controversial draft guidelines that could put parents' right to choose whether or not to medicate their children with ADHD at risk. There are clearly many superior alternatives for addressing ADHD tha ...
- Never Do This with Your Teeth - No Matter How ...By Dr. Mercola After enormous public pressure from scientists, dentists, health professionals, and consumers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) promised to make an announcement about dental amalgam by the end of 2011. Dental amalgam, of course, is composed 50% of the dreadful ...
- Be Careful of 'Green' Cleaning Products as the ...By Dr. Mercola Demand for safe "green" cleaning products is on the rise, as consumers are increasingly unwilling to risk their health for the sake of a "clean" home. The truth is, most cleaning products on the market are toxic chemical cocktails, and when you spritz your bathtub or kitchen ...
- New Warning About Manicures, Piercings and TattoosBy Dr. Mercola About 4.4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis -- and most of them have no idea they have it. A new study has shown that customers in nail salons could be putting themselves at risk for the deadly disease. Many nail salons use sharp instruments, which carr ...
- Estimating the Incidence of Symptomatic Postop ...
- Neuroprotection for Premature Infants?: Anothe ...
- Symptomatic In-Hospital Deep Vein Thrombosis a ...Context Symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) after total or partial knee arthroplasty (TPKA) and after total or partial hip arthroplasty (TPHA) are proposed patient safety indicators, but its incidence prior to discharge is not defined. Objective To establish a literature-based estimate of s ...
- Complete Immunosuppression Withdrawal and Subs ...Context Although life-saving, liver transplantation burdens children with lifelong immunosuppression and substantial potential for morbidity and mortality. Objective To establish the feasibility of immunosuppression withdrawal in pediatric living donor liver transplant recipients. Design, Settin ...
- Survival Without Disability to Age 5 Years Aft ...Context Very preterm infants are prone to apnea and have an increased risk of death or disability. Caffeine therapy for apnea of prematurity reduces the rates of cerebral palsy and cognitive delay at 18 months of age. Objective To determine whether neonatal caffeine therapy has lasting benefits ...
Survival - tribal peoples
- Revealed: Survival International alerted Andam ...Vehicles queue to enter the Jarawa reserve along the Andaman Trunk Road © G Chamberlain/ Survival The Andaman authorities were alerted to the existence of human safaris two years ago by Survival International – but the problem has continued. On January 11, 2010, Survival wrote to the Lieut ...
- 'Mainstreaming' the Jarawa would be a disaster ...Tourist films Jarawa on the Andaman Trunk Road © Survival Any attempt to ‘mainstream’ the Jarawa by force would be a disaster, said Survival International, in a statement today. ‘By mainstreaming, what the authorities really mean is the assimilation of the Jarawa into nati ...
- Undercover audio tape proves Andaman ‘human sa ...Vehicles queue to enter the Jarawa reserve along the Andaman Trunk Road © G Chamberlain/ Survival A secret recording of a tour operator in the Andaman Islands telling an undercover journalist to provide 10-15,000 rupees (£120-180/ $180-275) to pay off the police proves that the now notoriou ...
- Loggers invade tribal home of Amazon Indian ch ...Awá men travel down a road cut by loggers. © Uirá Garcia Loggers have invaded the Amazon home of uncontacted Awá Indians, one of whom has reportedly been ‘burned alive’. Members of the Guajajara tribe, which also inhabits the area, have said that they came across the burned remains of an A ...
- Police involvement in ‘human safaris’ exposed ...Tourist films Jarawa on the Andaman Trunk Road © Survival British newspaper The Observer has revealed evidence of police involvement in ‘human safaris’ in India’s Andaman Islands. The scandal, first exposed by Survival in 2010, involves tourists using an illegal road to enter the reserve o ...
Montreal Gazette
- Legal pot: political stunt or idea whose time ...Every weekday morning, the members of The Gazette's editorial board meet to discuss issues of the day and in particular what topics to consider for the next day's editorial. On Tuesday, in the wake of the federal Liberal Party voting at its convention in Ottawa on the weekend to call for the leg ...
- Stopping the 'trend' of sex-selected abortionsRefusing a woman information about the sex of her fetus is the wrong way for Canada to try to stop a trend toward sex-selected abortions - if in fact there is such a trend.
- On a key issue of national unity, folly from t ...Not one of the seven New Democratic Party leadership candidates present for a debate in Montreal this past weekend could muster the gumption to stand unconditionally for national unity by endorsing the Clarity Act.
- A homegrown industry for Quebec to be proud ofQuebec is hoping that this awards season will be good to the film Monsieur Lazhar, the haunting story of an Algerian refugee turned Montreal teacher.
- Editorial: Léon Mugesera and justice in RwandaThe one-week reprieve from deportation granted by a Quebec judge this week to Léon Mugesera, alleged to have incited the 1994 Rwandan genocide, should be the last stay the Quebec City resident is allowed.
Food World Order
- A Gut Check for Many Ailmentsfrom wsj: What you think is going on in your head may be caused in part by what's happening in your gut. A growing body of research shows the gut affects bodily functions far beyond digestion. Studies have shown intriguing links from the gut's health to bone formation, learning and memory and ev ...
- BASF to Stop Selling Genetically Modified Prod ...from nytimes.com: BASF, the German chemical group, has abandoned efforts to sell genetically modified products in Europe, including its Amflora potato, because of overwhelming opposition to the technology, the company said Monday. “There is still a lack of acceptance for this technology in ...
- portland's food creatives expand restricted di ...from oregonlive.com: For diners at Northeast Portland's Natural Selection, the seasonal, vegetarian, mostly vegan, often gluten-free restaurant doesn't always go far enough. "I had one person call who couldn't have any sugar of any kind, natural or refined," says chef Aaron Woo. "I said I c ...
- apple juice made in america? think againfrom inquirer: Americans are finding some surprises lurking in U.S. government about where the food they eat comes from. One food revelation came when low levels of a fungicide that isn’t approved in the U.S. were discovered in some orange juice sold here. It was then revealed that Brazil, ...
- where is the legal line drawn in animal rights ...from mclatchy: A federal courthouse in Boston and a ranch in California's San Joaquin Valley present competing faces of the animal rights movement. One side is peaceful. The other, decidedly, is not. Both can feel the weight of the law and the sting of being called a terrorist.
- The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africasource: Huffington Post, 8/24/2011 Michael Mungai Co-founder, Dagoretti 4 Kids I grew up in the hovels of Dagoretti, an impoverished suburb in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Raised by an unemployed single mother, my two siblings and I would take turns missing school to babysit our ...
- Puttur: Four Arrested for Forcing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, Aug 29, 2011 Puttur, Aug 29: Four persons, reportedly belonging to a Christian sect, were handed over to the police by the residents of Boodujal of Nedle village near Uppinangady on Sunday August 28. The locals, including some dalits, accused K J Kunhimonu (30) from Mun ...
- Andhra Pradesh: Church priest rapes minor girl ...source: India today, July 1, 2011 A Christian priest has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl and setting her ablaze in his house at Nadendla village of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh.
- The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has been ...
- Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of mi ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort S Shyam Prasad
Whole Truth Coalition
- Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans fo ...
- The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
- Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators t ...
- COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O ...
The Economic Collapse
- 112 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2012The beginning of each year is a great time to evaluate the direction of your life and to ask yourself some very important questions. Often we get so busy just living life that we lose our perspective. It is important for each of us to take time once in a while to reassess how o ...
- Ack! They Are Actually Going To Let Greece Def ...I wish that I had an "aha moment" to share with you today, but instead all I have is an "ack moment" to share. As I was analyzing all of the info coming out of Europe in recent days, I came to the following realization: "Ack! They are actually going to let Greece default!" The ...
- If You Are A Blue Collar Worker In America You ...Have you ever heard of the dodo bird? Once upon a time, dodo birds lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. But if you go there today you won't find any because they are extinct. Well, if you are a blue collar worker in America today it looks like you are headed [...]
- Bam! Bam! Bam! Huge Financial Bombs Just Got D ...The European debt crisis has just gone to an entirely new level. Just when it seemed like things may be stabilizing somewhat, we get news of huge financial bombs being dropped all over Europe. Very shortly after U.S. financial markets closed on Friday, S&P announced credit ...
- 22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devasta ...2012 is shaping up to be a very tough year for the global economy. All over the world there are signs that economic activity is significantly slowing down. Many of these signs are detailed later on in this article. But most people don't understand what is happening because the ...
- Technological Progress for Dummies, Part IIBrian Czech explains the nuts and bolts of technological progress and why it won't solve the dilemma of growth.
- Technological Progress for DummiesPart 1 of Brian Czech's explanation of why we can't rely on technological progress to overcome the limits to economic growth.
- There’s Hope for a New Economy in the New YearBrent Blackwelder believes 2012 will be the year we break free from the "global suicide pact" of continuous growth.
- Rio+20 Needs to Address the Downsides of GrowthHerman Daly succinctly sums up the steady-state perspective in his suggestion for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development.
- The Infinite-Planet Approach Won’t Solve the E ...To fix the European debt crisis and prevent the next series of financial crises, we'd better learn the lessons of our finite planet.
The Talking Clock
- Hello Europe, Nigel Farage calling...And still the people of Europe stood by and did nothing. Remember watching all those war films and asking yourself: "Why did nobody stand up and say something?" Well, why is Nigel Farage the only one standing up and saying something?
- ITN News asks: Is this the ghost of Diana?Keep in mind that we are big supporters of Diana and about the only way one can get banned from our comments board is by saying nasty things about our Princess... Ahem! Have a look at this, posted an hour ago by ITN News: Now, no matter what you think of that video clip our point is t ...
- Now Hungary joins the list of countries where ...A number of we British patriots have been burning the EU flag in mostly small scale, private rituals for quite some time. Last year, a number of people attending a major demonstration in Greece blew us out of the water when EU flags with Nazi swastikas placed in their centre were photographed ...
- Bilderberg attending Ken Clarke causes a futur ...We really, seriously dislike Secretary of State for Justice Ken Clarke. He is the man that was questioned by a Parliamentary Standards panel over his attendance at a Bilderberg conference, when such dark and sinister machinations were still believed to belong in the realm of 'conspiracy theory' ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 15th January 2012The Independent on Sunday suggests that the boy George Osborne is doing a rather sensible thing and, rather than focusing on British trade links with the dying duck that is the European Union, he's off to China and Japan seeking investment in Britain. Most telling in the report is the observa ...
Facing South
- NC lawmakers take a one-sided look at frackingSeveral North Carolina legislators are in Pennsylvania today for a fact-finding mission about the controversial natural-gas drilling method known as fracking -- and their tour guide is Chesap ...
- Dems, GOP both see victories in key Southern c ...Both Democrats and Republicans can point to victories in key 2011 Southern contests; also, the mixed results in Mississippi ballot initiatives.
Both Democrats an ...
- Top 4 Southern election results to watchWith 2012 looming, Southerners will take to the polls across the region to decide key legislative races, as well as a nationally-watched ballot initiative in Mississippi.
- South heavily represented on EPA's secret air ...An investigation by the Center for Public Integrity and NPR has obtained a list of chronic Clean Air Act violators, and the South comes in second only to the Midwest in terms of the regions w ...
- Attorney with group targeting climate scientis ...Christopher Horner, director of litigation for the global-warming denier group the American Tradition Institute, is one of the featured speakers at this weekend's Americans for Prospe ...
- Search for new executive director of Center on ...Karen Greenberg, executive director of NYU Law’s Center on Law and Security (CLS), announced she is leaving to pursue other career opportunities. Greenberg’s tenure as executive director began with the founding of the Center in 2003. Under her stewardship, CLS … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsToday’s Terrorism News post will be the last one for the summer. Along with the staff here at the Center on Law and Security, and with particular thanks to The Soufan Group for its generous support and to Carolyn O’Hara … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group At Radicalization Hearing, Rep. King Says al Shabab Poses Threat Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a third congressional hearing on Islamic radicalization in the United States Wednesday, this one focused on the threat of … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Obama rejects controversial Keystone oil pipelineUS president Barack Obama has turned down plans for a vast oil pipeline reaching from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico
- Today on New Scientist: 18 January 2012All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: into the mind of a Neanderthal, dancing Pascal's triangle and boas sense when prey's heart goes still
- Costa Concordia cruise ship pictured from spaceA satellite image of the Costa Concordia cruise ship shows the scale of the capsized ship as it dwarfs nearby boats and buildings
- Today on New Scientist: 17 January 2012All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Wikipedia to shut for 24 hours over US anti-piracy laws and China set to launch first caps on CO2 emissions
- Singing mummy found in Valley of the KingsThe first mummy not linked to the ancient Egyptian royal families has been discovered in the Valley of the Kings – a 3000-year-old singer
Tech Drive In
- Temple Run for Android Arriving on Feb 2012Temple Run is a hugely popular endless-running game which was released for iPhone and iPad in August 2011. Temple Run has already been downloaded more than 20 million times now and there are about 7 million daily active users. It is now the number one free app for iOS platform. Imangi Studios, ...
- 3 Nice Blender Made Games for LinuxBlender is known for its 3D creation capabilities worldwide and is widely used for creating animated films, visual effects, interactive 3D applications and games with cutting edge computer graphics. Quite a number of videos and animated movies have already been created using Blender and we hav ...
- Android 4.0 ICS Inspired GNOME Shell ThemeMore GNOME Shell themes for ya. Following is one of the most distinctive GNOME Shell theme I have seen so far. This particular GNOME Shell theme, aptly named as Ice Cream Shell, is inspired from the latest version of Android OS called Android 4.0 codenamed Ice Cream Sandwich. To put it lightly ...
- Samsung's Profits Soar Powered by its Arsenal ...Asia's largest consumer electronics company, Samsung Electronics, is on a roll. Beating all estimates, Samsung reported a record quarterly profit, primarily on back of surging sales of its Galaxy line of Android smartphones. Smartphone shipments were so massive that it completely masked Sa ...
- 10 Greatest Android Games for 2011It's 2012 already and the impact Android had on the overall mobile eco system in the year 2011 was nothing short of spectacular. Nearly 700,000 Android activations are happening everyday(which doesn't include Amazon, Nook tablets apparently) and Android Market is teeming with some 400,000 ...
Case About Bird Flu
- SPRINGER SMEAR MACHINE FAILS TO OUST GERMAN PR ...Germany’s main corporate media smear machine, the Springer Verlag, has failed to oust President Christian Wulff from his position. Springer’s news outlets, Bild and Die Welt, launched an unprecedented barrage of attacks against Wulff on December 13th, 2011, blowing a small house credit deal out ...
- ANTI SEMITISM REARS ITS UGLY HEAD IN GERMANY A ...*Facebook protests Vienna Professor Franz Hörmann’s links to Anti Semititic movement *Hitler’s Mein Kampf to reappear on German newsstands *German politics professor praises Hitler’s racist trash as proof of “systematic thinker in Die Welt Vienna University Professor Fran ...
- WHY I WILL PRESS CHARGES AGAINST BILD AND SPRI ...The impact of Germany’s Bild newspaper and Springer Verlag on the country’s society and political processes has become a serious cause for concern. I have decided to do my bit to defend press freedom and the president and file charges against Bild and Springer Verlag for their campaign to discr ...
- German policeman’s attempt to smear me b ...I will be filing charges against a German policeman working for the Baden Württemberg police force who filed charges against me before Christmas claiming harrassment while making false statements (StGB 164, falsche Verdächtigung.“) A crooked police man is a danger to his colleagues and to the ge ...
- Some of Austria’s schools suspend vaccin ...A few weeks after the UK withdrew 300,000 doses of Baxter’s flu vaccine Preflucel and German authorities issued a recall in an alert over side-effects, Austria’s private Catholic schools have suspended vaccinations. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2054160/300-000-doses-flu-vaccine-Pre ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Top US Nuclear Expert Tells Obama: There Is No ...The former director of U.S. programs for production of nuclear materials and components for nuclear weapons, Clinton Bastin, sent an open letter to President Obama the morning of January 13, explaining that there is no weapons threat from Iran’s fully safeguarded nuclear power and research ...
- Amish Men Jailed — “We’re Just Not ...Heather Callaghan Activist Post Mayfield, KY has a real problem with hooligan Amish men repeatedly breaking the laws. Sheriff DeWayne Redmon said, “We’re citing them for their own safety as well as the safety of others.” Graves county in Mayfield boasts the most Amish arrests o ...
- New Research: Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of DeathAnthony Gucciardi Activist Post Groundbreaking new research has linked sodium fluoride to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. Researchers found that fluoride consumption directly stimulates the hardening of your arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis that is hig ...
- Kill Democracy Before It Kills UsBy Gordon Duff Simply put, the way things are, there can be no honest elections, no governmental reform, no economic advancement, no realization of the dreams of humanity until the vultures and cockroaches are recognized, categorized and plans are made to provide for their future, if you wish to ...
- Quote of the Day – In the distance, I se ...“In the distance, I see a frightful storm brewing in the form of untethered government debt. I choose the words ‘frightful storm‘ deliberately to avoid hyperbole. Unless we take steps to deal with it, the long-term fiscal sitauation of the federal government will be unimaginabl ...
Veterans Today
- U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for ...The location of the performance is Kirkland Air Force Base, N.M. Work is expected to be completed by Jan. 31, 2017.
- Doctored Photo In Marine Murder Probe (PART 2)Colonel Sabow was found dead in his quarters at MCAS El Toro on January 22, 1991, after he requested a court martial for alleged charges due to personal misuse of government aircraft.
- PM Gilani Has Cooked His GooseIt is now an established fact that PPP as a party claiming to be champions of democracy, rule of law and rights of the poor is in actuality anti-democratic, lawbreaker and anti-people. PPP and democracy repel each other since the two are synonymous.
- Sinai Torture CampsA November 30 Physicians for Human Rights/Israel (PHR-I) report explains "chilling evidence" of atrocities committed against sub-Saharan African refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers.
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Janu ...VA will host its first Veteran Career Fair and Expo on Jan. 18 in Washington, DC. The free event is for Veterans and will provide information on education, benefits, jobs, health care, and small business opportunities.
electric politics
- Seeking Economic TruthJohn Maynard Keynes understood that economics describes human beings, a fact that modern mainstream economics — the applied theory of "rational expectations" — effectively assumes away. Keynes' biographer, Lord Robert Skidelsky, reminds us that our economic priorities should extend b ...
- Accelerated IdeasWhen a retired four star Admiral provides support for nuclear arms control and a few other commendable things, the proper interrogatory is "yes." Or "yes, Sir." A gentleman with a friendly disposition and a cautious but lightning fast mind, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (Ret.) reasonably assesses the ...
- CodebreakerIn celebration of Veterans Day, here's a question: What if the U.S. had lost the battle of Midway? Mercifully, we'll never know. But the U.S. victory could not have happened without the codebreaking skill and the unflinching courage — a relentless determination to be heard — of Joe R ...
- Made in AmericaSince elected officials don't seem so interested, around the country local groups are organizing to promote the reindustrialization of America. One of these is SFMade. Robin McRoskey Azevedo is on the board of SFMade and is also President and owner of the McRoskey Mattress Company of San Francis ...
- The Illusion of Free MarketsLet's take the long view. We're unconsciously mired in unexamined 18th century beliefs that color our perceptions in unexpected — and exceedingly harmful — ways. Take one, for example: as Dr. Bernard Harcourt suggests, our notion of a "free market" is the direct intellectual descenda ...
PR News
- US Cellular issues RFP for first national agencyCHICAGO: US Cellular is conducting an agency search for national PR assistance, according to numerous industry sources.
- Common Cause begins ballot initiative WASHINGTON: Common Cause has launched a national grassroots campaign urging lawmakers to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission decision.
- Ogilvy appoints Stark MD of content, media str ...NEW YORK: Ogilvy PR Worldwide has hired Betsy Stark as MD of content and media strategy, a newly created position at the agency.
- Entergy adds Young as VP, nuclear commsNEW ORLEANS: Entergy, an electric power production company, has appointed Terry Young to the newly created role of VP of nuclear communications, effective February 6.
- H+K Strategies hires Hendler as technology chiefWASHINGTON: Hill+Knowlton Strategies has hired Josh Hendler as global chief technology officer.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
- Raging at RawalpindiAmerican leaders are furious with Pakistan’s military in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. But twisting arms will only backfire.
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Alberta Ecotrust Major Project GrantsDeadline: 15 Feb 2012 (All day) Organization: Alberta Ecotrust Foundation The deadline to submi ...
- Help Residents' Camp & Picket-Line Hold Back C ...Stop Castle Logging Four days on Saturday, January 14th and counting, holding back the clear-cut logging in the Castle Special Place protected area. For more info on this businesses + residents+ outdoor ethusiasts+ conservation ...
- Resident’s picket-line and outfitters camp con ...Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition Sierra Club Canada 16 Jan 2012 Beaver Mines: Situated on the way to Castle Mountain Resort, inside the C ...
- The Castle Needs Defenders!Alberta Wilderness Association At this very moment, logging machinery is beginning to move into the Castle, in preparation for the clearcutting of 120 hectares of forest. But there is still a chance for a last minute reprieve. ...
- Job Opportunity: Tourism and Economic Developm ...Position: Tourism and Economic Development Coordinator Organization: Eagle Point – Blue Rapids Parks Council ...
- Imperialism For Cash-Strapped Era: Storms Belo ...Strategic Culture Foundation January 13, 2012 Imperialism for a Cash-Strapped Era: Storms Below the Surface Part I Melkulangara (MK) Bhadrakumar Edited by Rick Rozoff ==== Three core areas in the defence strategy document merit detailed analysis, since they have profound implications for regiona ...
- Stop NATO news: January 18, 2012==== Russia Accuses NATO Of Planning Military Intervention In Syria Russia Opposes Deployment Of Foreign Troops To Syria U.S.-NATO Missile Radar Deployment In Turkey Justifies Russian Response: Foreign Ministry Turkey: Conference Focuses On NATO’s Nuclear Posture Israeli Military Chief In ...
- Obama Doctrine: Control Over Strategic Sea Lan ...Strategic Culture Foundation January 16, 2012 Obama’s doctrine: control over oil “sea lanes” to China Vadim Vikhrov Edited by Rick Rozoff The program manifesto US President Barack Obama voiced in the Australian parliament on November 17 and his statements on January 5 make it clear to everyone t ...
- Randolph Bourne: War and the State==== Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts American writers on peace and against war Randolph Bourne: The War and the Intellectuals ==== Randolph Bourne The State (1918) ***** With the shock of war…the State comes into its own again. The Government, with no mandate fr ...
- Stop NATO news: January 17, 2012==== Turkey: U.S.-NATO Missile Radar Operates Despite Russian, Iranian Opposition U.S. Military Chief To Israel, Israeli Counterpart To NATO Headquarters Russia Plans Caucasus Maneuvers Amid Iran War Threats 1,500 Deployed, 34 Killed: Spanish Chief Visits Troops In Afghanistan U.S. F-15E Strike ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Intel Hub
- Every Day, Army’s Panopticon Drone Will Collec ...Wired January 18, 2011 You’re in Afghanistan. You get word that a flatbed truck ferrying a weapons cache to insurgents is heading through a mountain pass your way. You want to trace the truck’s path — there might be a weapons pipeline that way — as well as its destination. But that means keeping ...
- Shooting Suspect Indicted for Attempted Assass ...The Intel Hub January 18, 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) — A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted a 21-year-old man with the attempted assassination of U.S. President Barack Obama after he fired two shots at the White House in November 2011. He faces life in prison. The jury returned a ...
- SOPA/PIPA Battle Rages: Tell Congress We Will ...Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com January 18, 2012 The underhanded effort to fundamentally alter the internet under the guise of protecting the copyrights of Hollywood and its transnational “entertainment” corporations was delivered a distinct set-back a few days ago when Congress retreated on its full-st ...
- Freedom of Speech, Internet Censorship and SOPABy Gaye Levy, Contributing Writer Activist Post January 18, 2012 The First Amendment to the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the ...
- Internet Blackout Shows Failure of American De ...The Intel Hub By J.G. Vibes January 18, 2012 Our whole lives we have been told that we have “freedom”, that we live in a “democracy”, that “we the people” have the ability to choose the kind of society that we want to live in. However, if you ask most Americans what kind of place [...]
- Crisis hitting Eastern Europe, massive protest ...Romanian PM warns protesters on fifth day Monday, January 16, 2012 By Radu Marinas and Luiza Ilie BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Romania’s prime minister warned anti-austerity protesters gathering for a fifth day on Monday that violence would not be tolerated after 59 people were injured in c ...
- Crisis hitting Eastern Europe, massive protest ...Romanian PM warns protesters on fifth day Monday, January 16, 2012 By Radu Marinas and Luiza Ilie BUCHAREST (Reuters) – Romania’s prime minister warned anti-austerity protesters gathering for a fifth day on Monday that violence would not be tolerated after 59 people were injured in c ...
- 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of t ...[From the start of European settler colonialism in the Americas, with the forced removal and genocide of the native indigenous and the harnessing of enslaved African labor, vast sections of people in the US have never lived in "a land of the free." And for many descendents of the settlers, free ...
- 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of t ...[From the start of European settler colonialism in the Americas, with the forced removal and genocide of the native indigenous and the harnessing of enslaved African labor, vast sections of people in the US have never lived in "a land of the free." And for many descendents of the settlers, free ...
- US: Tracking the tools of police state terror[In today's world, when Republicans and Democrats join in legislating indefinite detention of citizen and non-citizen alike, when targeted groups ("groups of interest", as they say) include Muslims, Latinos, black youth, activists (black, anarchist, communist, environmental, anti-war, solidarity ...
Ken O'Keefe
- US CONGRESSIONAL BILL LISTS ME AS HAMAS, AL QA ...Ken O'Keefe has been named as having 'known links to Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations' in US Congressional Bill now being processed through the traitorous US Congress. Here is the applicable paragraph; '(9) In 2010, IHH organized a flotilla that included the ship Mavi Marmara ...
- US CONGRESSIONAL BILL LISTS ME AS HAMAS, AL QA ...Ken O'Keefe has been named as having 'known links to Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorist organizations' in US Congressional Bill now being processed through the traitorous US Congress. Here is the applicable paragraph; '(9) In 2010, IHH organized a flotilla that included the ship Mavi Marmara ...
- Congressional Traitors in the USA – Pass ...The traitors in the US Congress along with the Nobel Peace Prize winning President have committed yet another act of treason, passing the National Defence Authorisation Act with provisions that make indefinite detention of US citizens "legal".
- Congressional Traitors in the USA – Pass ...The traitors in the US Congress along with the Nobel Peace Prize winning President have committed yet another act of treason, passing the National Defence Authorisation Act with provisions that make indefinite detention of US citizens "legal".
- Dale Farm Video – ‘Green Belt̵ ...On this Christmas Day, like many Christmas Day’s past, I hope to do something good, as opposed to the base level conditioned craving for material crap. So today I give a gift to the residents of Dale Farm, to all Gypsies and Travellers who know all too well the sting of injustice. I only wish ...
- Life is change and change is lifeAnd here is proof: The Courant's parent company, Tribune, is backing away from maintaining this particular blog format -- Movable Type -- in favor of another blog platform, one that is unworkable here. Namely, the new format allows blog comments to go online unapproved, and -- I say th ...
- Maybe CEO salaries need a Buffett rule"Peer benchmarking" helps move compensation for CEOs ever higher. Perhaps one of the high-dollar bosses should take a page from Warren Buffett, who in August suggested in a New York Times essay that the rich don't carry their weight in taxes. Meanwhile, Buffett, himself, has refined his earlier ...
- De-pinkifying breast cancerThere's a growing movement that seeks to turn the pink ribbon upside down. You can read more here. Flickr photo
- Why the occupation?You can see more Mother Jones charts here. You can read about Hartford's budding Occupation here, with a planning meeting set for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Bushnell Park, and again at 5 p.m.
- Cleansing after Yom KippurYom Kippur starts at sundown on Friday and here's one man's take on it. Flickr photo
Associated Content
- Burger King Announces Home DeliveryThe No. 2 in fast food burger chains, Burger King, has just announced that they will be delivering hot and fresh food straight to your doorstep in a few locations in Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland. This is a test for these areas.Contributor: Kim Brandow Published: Jan 18, 2012
- Occupy Gathers in West PortlandOccupy Portland held neighborhood meetings around the city last weekend, bringing activism into the heart of West Portland and reaching a new audience.Contributor: Cate Patricolo Published: Jan 18, 2012
- Factbox: Costa Concordia, Titanic Eerie Parall ...A comparison factbox look on two luxury cruise ships in the news with striking parallels. One suffered a recent disaster on January 13 hitting a reef. The other famous ship struck an iceberg and will celebrate its centenary this year on April 14-15.Contributor: Maxine Nelson Published: Jan 17, 2012
- Zappos.Com Hack Affects 24 Million CustomersZappos.com was hacked and this has left 24 million customers vulnerable. Payment data, such as full credit card numbers, are said to not be affected, but other critical personal information may have been.Contributor: R. Elizabeth C. Kitchen Published: Jan 16, 2012
- “The Artist” Wins Three at the 69th Annual Gol ..."The Artist" dominates the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards, with three wins. The award show presented awards to newcomers and veterans taking on different roles.Contributor: Cicely A. Richard Published: Jan 16, 2012
Popsci - Science
- A New Faster Fourier Transform Can Speed One o ...Even faster than the fast Fourier transform An algorithm called the fast Fourier transform is one of the most important aspects of your digital life that you never think about. It’s a core concept in information technology, making possible the signal processing, image and audio compression, and ...
- Newly Found Meteorites Came From Mars, Scienti ...Act fast — they're selling quickly Meteorite chunks that fell in Morocco last summer came from Mars, yielding an unexpected 15-pound sample of the Red Planet, scientists confirmed Tuesday. It’s the first time in 50 years — and only the fifth time ever — that scientists have chemically confirmed ...
- Microrockets Can Zip Around the Human Stomach, ...Tiny machines that can enter our bloodstreams and do work inside of our bodies are a staple of both science fiction and real-world biomedical science, as MEMS and other micromotor devices become increasingly small and effective. A team from the University of California, San Diego, is taking the ...
- Metamaterials Can Exert a Whole New Kind of ForceSimilar to the mysterious clinging ability of geckoes Today in crazy tricks of physics, a few researchers over at the University of Southampton in the U.K. have theorized that metamaterials ought to be able to generate a wholly new kind of force--something akin to the adhesive force created by ...
- Space Telescopes Paint A New View of Eagle NebulaDoes the image above look familiar? It shouldn’t, because it’s brand new. But the subject should certainly ring a bell for any space buff — it’s the same vast nebula that became one of the most beloved, coffee-table-booked, computer-wallpapered images in astronomical history. This new image of t ...
Veterans Today
- U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for ...The location of the performance is Kirkland Air Force Base, N.M. Work is expected to be completed by Jan. 31, 2017.
- Doctored Photo In Marine Murder Probe (PART 2)Colonel Sabow was found dead in his quarters at MCAS El Toro on January 22, 1991, after he requested a court martial for alleged charges due to personal misuse of government aircraft.
- PM Gilani Has Cooked His GooseIt is now an established fact that PPP as a party claiming to be champions of democracy, rule of law and rights of the poor is in actuality anti-democratic, lawbreaker and anti-people. PPP and democracy repel each other since the two are synonymous.
- Sinai Torture CampsA November 30 Physicians for Human Rights/Israel (PHR-I) report explains "chilling evidence" of atrocities committed against sub-Saharan African refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers.
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Janu ...VA will host its first Veteran Career Fair and Expo on Jan. 18 in Washington, DC. The free event is for Veterans and will provide information on education, benefits, jobs, health care, and small business opportunities.
War is Business
- New U.S. Nuke Facility Shows One Way Military ...Aren't nuclear weapons, after all, the constant preoccupation of all foreign and national security thought—not just within the U.S., but around the world?
- U.S. Military Manufacturers Move South Of The ...Buy maquiladora Buy maquiladora • Read more at The World
- U.S. Activists Sue For Info On Private Drones ...Buy private registration Buy private registration • Read more at EFF
- Qatar Welcomes Taliban Office (Aggregated)Buy bulletproof glass Buy bulletproof glass • Read more at EurasiaNet
- Ford Lobbies For Military Vehicle Contracts, M ...Buy Ford tough Buy Ford tough • Read more at BusinessWeek
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Will winter pass us by this year?As we head into the second half of winter, there's still no real indication of a change in the weather pattern that has so dominated the UK since winter began on 1st December. Despite one or two short lived cold snaps, which brought some snow mainly to the hills of Northern Britain, many parts ...
- 2011 - 9th warmest globally on satellite recordThe Global temperature in December, according to the UAH satellite measure, showed little change from the previous month with an anomaly of +0.127C above the running 30 year mean, shown on the graph below. Adjusted to the more standard time period, the anomaly is approximately +0.380C abov ...
- Gales continue to batter BritainThe Met Office have again warned of severe gales into this evening and overnight across much of Eastern England from the Pennines to the coast, and the Scottish Borders to the Wash. Gusts could reach 70mph in more exposed areas. This comes hot off the heels of yesterday's storm, more powerful ...
- Weather review of 2011 - a year of extremesIt has been the most remarkable twelve months since I began forecasting twenty years ago. The brutal weather of last December, which was the coldest since 1890, continued into the New Year, with more widespread disruption due to ice and snow for commuters as people ventured back to work. The ...
- Fabulous display of Lenticular cloudsCloud enthusiasts have been in their element this afternoon by a wonderful display of stationary lens-shaped clouds, called Altocumulus Lenticularis, visible across many parts of Yorkshire. The clouds have formed as stable but moist air has travelled across the Pennines, causing a standing wav ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Indonesia Got It Right: A Post-Crisis Success ...To say that I didn't rate Indonesia's prospects highly after the Asian financial crisis of 1997/98 would be an understatement. It was going from one transitory leader to another after Suharto's ouster. Its economy contracted hugely. All the while, various secessionist movements were tearing the ...
- More "Internet Freedom" Hypocrisy c/o the YanksThis post will be brief: I have identified the several contradictions of Hillary Clinton's hoary notion of "Internet Freedom" in a previous co-authored essay. Mind you, that bit of writing even preceded the WikiLeaks dustup which permanently consigned that bit of digital exceptionalism to the sc ...
- Islamization: Libyan Rebels' Price for Qatari ...It may have been a self-serving argument, but hardline leaders in the Middle East who successfully beggared the West on the premiss that even more fundamentalist forces would take over in their stead were not really being disingenuous. Witness Egypt. While wet-behind-the-ears white kids with a p ...
- Apple & Samsung: Who's Got Whom by the Balls?[NOTE: For those who don't get the title, play this AC/DC song.] There are two broad debates going on regarding the current dominance of Samsung in the consumer electronics space. First we have the perennial question about the role of industrial policy for its success. Widely lauded for being a ...
- What Threat Does Europe Pose to Asian Growth?Not much according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Despite the ongoing--how should I describe them--gyrations in the Eurozone, the Asia-Pacific is expected to do well. Actually, the ADB has already downgraded its prediction for Asian growth in light of the various Western foibles--from 7.5% ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- 112 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2012The beginning of each year is a great time to evaluate the direction of your life and to ask yourself some very important questions. Often we get so busy just living life that we lose our perspective. It is important for each of us to take time once in a while to reassess how o ...
- Ack! They Are Actually Going To Let Greece Def ...I wish that I had an "aha moment" to share with you today, but instead all I have is an "ack moment" to share. As I was analyzing all of the info coming out of Europe in recent days, I came to the following realization: "Ack! They are actually going to let Greece default!" The ...
- If You Are A Blue Collar Worker In America You ...Have you ever heard of the dodo bird? Once upon a time, dodo birds lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. But if you go there today you won't find any because they are extinct. Well, if you are a blue collar worker in America today it looks like you are headed [...]
- Bam! Bam! Bam! Huge Financial Bombs Just Got D ...The European debt crisis has just gone to an entirely new level. Just when it seemed like things may be stabilizing somewhat, we get news of huge financial bombs being dropped all over Europe. Very shortly after U.S. financial markets closed on Friday, S&P announced credit ...
- 22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devasta ...2012 is shaping up to be a very tough year for the global economy. All over the world there are signs that economic activity is significantly slowing down. Many of these signs are detailed later on in this article. But most people don't understand what is happening because the ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Radical Online Magazine Launched: The PrecariousWhen we set out to launch the online magazine The Precarious, we saw so many of us ...
- October 2011 Kate Sharpley Library bulletin onlineKSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 68, October 2011 has just been posted on the site. You can get to the contents or read the full p...
- New Issue of Ireland's anarchist paper Workers ...June last saw another massive Pride in Dublin with approximately 25,000 people taking part. While Pride has very much become more of a social an...
- November issue of Freedom anarchist newspaper outFreedom newspaper, the only regular anarchist newspaper published in the UK, has recently changed to a monthly publication, giving us the opport...
- Want to get your zine, pamphlet, or poster out ...Welcome to Olympia SDS, we've been throwing down since 2006, played a pivotal role in Port Militarization Resistance, and occupied the offices o...
E U Times
- Romney Would Sign NDAADuring the latest “debate” in South Carolina, Mitt Romney said that if he were president he would sign the the National Defense Authorization Act. Prior to his recent assertion that it is perfectly normal to dispense with the Fourth Amendment and suspend habeas corpus, Romney said he wasn’t up t ...
- McDonald’s to expose everything about it ...Consumer rights’ advocates filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s fast food chain in Russia. The lawsuit was filed at Moscow’s Tverskoy Court. The plaintiffs intend to oblige the company to indicate the complete list of ingredients on packaging, rather than the content of protein, ...
- Occupy Congress: Money out of US politics!Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street activists have rallied on Capitol Hill to “Occupy Congress”, decrying corporate influence on the American government in a direct message to lawmakers. The protesters had permission to hold a rally on the Capitol’s West Lawn. However one step outside the sanc ...
- USA goes on rampage over Iran’s Latin Am ...Last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a week-long tour of Latin America. The Iranian leader visited Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador. Ahmadinejad does not have many friends in the world. All of them, except for Syria, are in Latin America. Suffice it to say that it was his ...
- Italy Cruise Ship Rescue Mission StoppedRescue workers have suspended their search for the more than 20 people still missing from the stricken Costa Concardia, after the capsized cruise ship slipped. “Instruments indicated the ship had moved, we are in the process of evaluating if it has found a new resting point to allow us to ...
Voiceless Victim
- You Ensured We Never Had A ChanceThis poem is dedicated to all the apologists, enablers and paedophile protectors of the catholic church. But particularly to the founder of the Passionist family group movement who introduced a monster into family homes. He then let this criminal have even more unsupervised access to his favouri ...
- More Damning Evidence Vatican Couldn’t G ...The Netherlands has recently been added to the growing list of countries or local authorities to have conducted official investigations into the catholic church’s cover up of widespread child rape. Just like those in the US and Ireland, Dutch authorities found the actions, or lack of actio ...
- Translating Church-speakThe Catholic Church hierarchy used to be able to manipulate and hoodwink their local populace by speaking, writing, singing, praying and conducting business in Latin. A simple but very effective means to disempower a local populace, especially when coupled with the impossibility of any but the r ...
- State Gives Church A Beginners Lesson In MoralityThe recent revelations that football coaching staff and their supervisors at Penn State University have been up to the Catholic Church’s old tricks has devastated victims of Catholic Church enabled child rape as much as the community directly affected by the crimes and their repercussions. ...
- Catholics Sit On Hands While Kids Are Raped Bu ...Catholic spokespersons, including the repulsive child rape apologist Bill Donohue, have called Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon obscene for an off the cuff reference to the Paedophile Protector in Chief, Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI. She called His Greediness a nazi. Determi ...
WL Central
- 2012-01-16 #WikiLeaks News: Updates on Julian ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. News Information about media coverage of Julian Assange’s Supreme Court extradition appeal, o ...
- 2012-01-15 #WikiLeaks News: Calls for Julian # ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. News Suggestions made to the US House of Representatives for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to ...
- 2012-01-13 #WikiLeaks News: Guantanamo Investi ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. News A Spanish judge has re-opened investigation into the alleged torture of detainees at Gua ...
- 2012-01-12 #WikiLeaks News: New developments r ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. News All charges against Bradley Manning were referred to court-martial today by Investigatin ...
- Assange Extradition Fact Sheet: 15 Overlooked ...Tweet15 Overlooked Facts About the Assange Extradition Case 1) Julian Assange is not charged with anything in Sweden or any other country. [Source: @wikileaks] 2) Julian Assange did not flee Sweden to avoid questioning. He was given permission to leave the country on the 15th Sept ...
U N News
- El Salvador must address social inequality to ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called today on El Salvador to address its socio-economic inequalities and advance rule of law reform to ensure its citizens can experience positive and tangible results from the peace process that was initiated 20 years ago at the end of its civil war.
- Guatemala ratifies UN-backed treaty banning nu ...Guatemala has ratified the United Nations-backed international treaty banning nuclear tests, bringing the number of State parties to 156.
- On anniversary of deadly quake, UN urges conti ...As Haiti marks the second anniversary of the massive earthquake that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people and devastated an already poverty-stricken country, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged continued international support for recovery and rebuilding.
- Violence against women: Prevention, protectio ...It is a lesser known reality of the earthquake that devastated Haiti on 12 January 2010 and left more than 200,000 dead. The merciless disintegration of the Haitian State created a situation of utter chaos for the country's most vulnerable.
- Haiti: UN urges investing in water and sanitat ...Dramatic improvements in water and sanitation services are needed to eliminate cholera in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, health experts who took part in a United Nations-organized briefing to outline concrete steps to stem the spread of the disease in the region said today.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- The Magic WeedHemp growing doesn't need any weed killing, no pesticide. Its raw material grows naturally and it doesn't need chemical intervention.
- Blood ColtanBlood coltan still exists. I'm holding a mobile phone. And I know that the microprocessor it contains uses coltan. And if this coltan has been obtained at the massacre of 10 or 20 villagers through slave labor, the suffering of children forced to work in the mines by the armed militia. This is i ...
- CAMP FEMA 2: Enemy of the StateSome state governments passed measures to forcibly quarantine residents, incarcerate those who refuse to be vaccinated, and to forcibly vaccinate your children. Legislation like this passed during the much hyped H1N1 flu outbreak.
- Hangar 18: The UFO WarehouseNot only was debris from many UFO crashes allegedly shipped to the base, but from the late 1940s until the end of the late 1960s, all reports regarding UFOs were conducted at Wright-Patterson for the military's official UFO investigation Project Blue Book.
- HAARP – Everything You Wanted to Know – Nick B ...You might be surprised at all of the constructive uses HAARP could be used for, but will be even more surprised by its focus on weapons and military applications, such as weather modification, geological disruption such as triggering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and perhaps most controver ...
Rewilding Institute
- Man Swarm: the slaughtering of the world’s wil ...By Frosty Wooldridge A book review: Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife by Dave Foreman Part 1 of 5: Humans devastating habitat and poisoning it The Bible said, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and take dominion over all living things on land and in the seas.”At the time ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – “Piety, ...Perhaps the two topmost organizing dares before the wilderness and wildlife network today are to grow our web of friends among those who are politically middle-of-the-road or even slightly to the right, and among those in small towns and the hinterlands. Too often we think the only field where ...
- Banned on the Hill (and in Europe!)Banned on the Hill (and in Europe!) from Franke James on Vimeo. Is fear of the “Dirty Oil” label behind Canada’s tarring of Artist’s European tour? What lengths will the Canadian Government go to ensure that oil from the Alberta Tar Sands is not labelled “dirty”? Watch this video abo ...
- Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter BoxFat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box by Franke James Prime Minister Stephen Harper PMO’s Ottawa Office: (+1) (613) 992-4211 Toll-free: 1 (866) 599-4999 Calgary office: (+1) (403) 253-7990 Twitter: @PMharper e-mail: pm@pm.gc.ca fax: 613-941-6900 What Canadians Can Do If you’re a Canadian reading thi ...
- Fat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter BoxFat Cat Canada’s Giant Litter Box by Franke James Prime Minister Stephen Harper PMO’s Ottawa Office: (+1) (613) 992-4211 Toll-free: 1 (866) 599-4999 Calgary office: (+1) (403) 253-7990 Twitter: @PMharper e-mail: pm@pm.gc.ca fax: 613-941-6900 What Canadians Can Do If you’re a Canadian reading thi ...
Asia Sentinel
- Death and Impunity in Philippine Journalism• (http://twitter.com/share) A Mindanao city becomes the world’s journalist murder capital
- Buyer Beware: Burma's Investor Graveyard• (http://twitter.com/share) It may not be as easy as it looks
- Totally Drug-Resistant TB may be a Misnomer• (http://twitter.com/share) Researchers say they aren’t sure if current strains are resistant to all drugs
- Philippines Impeachment Trial• (http://twitter.com/share) Noynoy's gamble: Cleaning the stables or personal vendetta?
- India Looks At Israel Gas• (http://twitter.com/share) Political as well as natural resource development in the deal
We Know the Lies
- SOPA and PIPA Bills... Government Ordered Shu ...On Wednesday, January 18, 2012, NaturalNews.com went "dark" to protest SOPA, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" that is actually a thinly-veiled government censorship effort. We are also protesting PIPA, the "Protect IP Act," which is similarly destructive in its effects. You may have arri ...
- America HATES Congress!Back in October, we reported that the job approval rating for Congress was at an all time low. Guess what? Things aren’t looking any better for the boys on Capitol Hall. Only 11 percent of Americans favor the current work by lawmakers in Washington reports CNN, as the news organizati ...
- Obama Sued Over NDAA... Indefinite Detention a ...In the past, journalist Chris Hedges has worked for NPR, The New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor. In his latest endeavor, however, he is teaming up with an unlikely pair: a couple of attorneys that will help him take on the president. US President Barack Obama is the targ ...
- Hegelian Dialectic... 'Problem - Reaction - So ...How it is leading us away from representative government to an illusion of citizen participation... The Delphi Technique and consensus building are both founded in the same principle - the Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, with synthesis becoming the new thesis. ...
- Freemasons... It’s Not Difficult to Ruin a ManExtract from Stephen Knight’s book; The Brotherhood. – Christopher, a senior Whitehall Civil Servant and Freemason explained that Masonry’s nationwide organisation of men from most walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks ever imaginable. ...
- To Avoid War, Russia and China Must Announce T ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV January 17, 2012 recorded on January 15, 2012 [download video] [download audio] The United States is working hard to persuade other countries to obey its domestic law on sanctioning the Iranian Oil industry. Many experts believe that the US will face strong res ...
- “Free Syrian Army” Unleashes Suici ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV January 12, 2012 [download video] [download audio] Press TV talks with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and lecturer in Washington who shares his in-depth insights of the movements by Western and Arab elements behind the scenes to destabilize Syria and terroriz ...
- Ron Paul’s $1 Trillion of Austerity Cuts ...Webster G. Tarpley on the Jeff Rense Program rense.com January 4, 2012 [download audio]
- Israel Threatens Gaza After Panetta Signals Gr ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV December 30, 2011 [download video] [download audio]
- Critique of Ron Paul’s Austerity PlanWebster G. Tarpley on Guns and Butter Guns and Butter December 28, 2011 [download audio]
Modern Survivalism
- List of ‘Collapse’ Medical SuppliesKen adds: Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy have a unique website in this survival niche, and I enjoy reading their posts with their combined medical backgrounds. I am happy to post this article and help promote their website. Guest post: by ‘Nurse Amy’ Here’s my list of Collapse ...
- Great DepressionI discovered this succinct brief summary/story of the Great Depression and thought you may be interested to read it, especially given today’s very uncertain times. Things were quite different then (attitudes, respect, lack of motor travel, infrastructure, gov’t handouts) and one wond ...
- Terahertz Radiation Scanners for NYC Copsfictional representation Police in New York City, along with the U.S. Department of Defense, are researching new technology in a scanner placed on police vehicles that can detect concealed weapons. It’s called Terahertz Imaging Detection. It measures the energy radiating from a body up to 16 fee ...
- Grocery Store Sticker Shock: Make Your Own May ...Guest post: by Christine Coburn Grocery stores… A love hate relationship, we despise the control they have over us. Unless you have the land, the critters, and the know how to raise 100% of your food we have to have them. Even then we would still have to buy things like yeast, salt, baking powde ...
- Totally Drug Resistant Tuberculosis StrainThe LA Times, AP, and other media outlets are reporting that a dozen people are infected in India by a 100% drug resistant strain of Tuberculosis. All antibiotics are having no apparent affect on the lung disease. Over time, TB-causing bacteria have become resistant to more and more types of ant ...
Fast Company
- What Happened When UC Berkeley's B-School Cher ...The Berkeley-Haas school has codified a well-defined culture into a set of core brand values: namely, “question the status quo (innovate and champion bold ideas),” “students always (never feel you have learned all you need),” “beyond yourself (consider larger interests than short-term profits, g ...
- Grabbing Life By The Balls: A Conversation Wit ...Does this deeply funded, eternally incubated startup generation need more encouragement? Yeah, actually. And Amber Rae is making a business out of it. Revolution.is founder Amber Rae is an Internet soothsayer. Each morning, she wakes up, drinks a green smoothie, and checks her social networks. ...
- Training Yourself To See New Strategic OptionsI just returned from a long weekend skiing with the kids and some friends. We rented a house that sits against the edge of a frozen lake, nestled in pine trees, 10 minutes from ski slopes. Saturday morning, stepping into our cars on our way to the slopes, I reminded one friend of the house’s gar ...
- Hewlett Packard's Corporate Global VisionImagine a company catalyzing a new approach to student learning and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). And what if the company’s purpose were to prepare students around the world, from all corners and walks of life, to collaborate in solving social and environmenta ...
- Why Jim Lee And Dan DiDio Decided To Reboot DC ...The risky strategy of restarting their entire comic book line paid off for DC Comics, which had the top-selling comics of 2011. We talked with copublishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio about what inspired the relaunch--and what challenges the creators had to heroically overcome to get it off the ground ...
- 18 January 2009: The Abu Rujailah family[The following is narrative twenty-two, within a series of twenty-three narratives, to mark the third anniversary of "Operation Cast Lead." A new post will be released each day, marking the incident that happened on the same date three years ago. The narratives are developed by ...
- Happy NEWTON Year: New Texts by Ella Shohat an ...New Texts Out Now (NEWTON) is gearing up for 2012, featuring an array of new and forthcoming texts that are sure to be of interest to Jadaliyya readers. This week, we are delighted to feature two important books: Joseph Sassoon’s Saddam Hussein’s Ba‘th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regi ...
- Jerusalem Quarterly featured on Jadaliyya Detective Stories from the Holy City?--this is one of many themes addressed by the muckraking journal, The Jerusalem Quarterly. Jadaliyya is delighted to announce the launching of essays from the Jerusalem Quarterly on its page. For the last fifteen years JQ has been publishing crit ...
- New Texts Out Now: Ella Shohat, Israeli Cinema ...Ella Shohat, Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation (1989). New Edition. New York and London: I. B. Tauris, 2010 Jadaliyya: What are the central themes and concepts of Israeli Cinema? How do you see the place of Palestine and Palestinian filmmakers in your book? ...
- New Texts Out Now: Joseph Sassoon, Saddam Huss ...Joseph Sassoon, Saddam Hussein’s Ba‘th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Jadaliyya: What made you write this book? Joseph Sassoon: The Ba‘th Party documents provide a treasure trove that allows us to understand how authorit ...
- When a Web Community Becomes a Book Publisher ...Megan Garber / The Atlantic Online: When a Web Community Becomes a Book Publisher — Longreads crowdsources and curates its way to its first-ever ebook. — At the end of last year, Longreads, one of the curators of lengthy, magazine-y stories that has sprung up ...
- How CNBC corrected its incorrect correction ab ...Craig Silverman / Poynter: How CNBC corrected its incorrect correction about Bain & Company — Last Thursday, CNBC Washington correspondent Eamon Javers published a report stating Bain & Company (of Mitt Romney fame) was consulted by Obama administration officials worki ...
- Smithsonian Magazine lays off all 6 associate ...Jim Romenesko: Smithsonian Magazine lays off all 6 associate editors — Michael Caruso, the ed-in-chief at Smithsonian since October, laid off 6-8 people yesterday, including all 6 associate editors. They were the folks who did fact-checking and line editing - but several ...
- Leveson inquiry hears regional newspaper edito ...Lisa O'Carroll / Guardian: Leveson inquiry hears regional newspaper editors face tough ad market — Advertising in local papers has almost halved in five years, says editor of South Wales Evening Post — Advertising in regional newspapers has almost halved over ...
- The Story Behind Rupert Murdoch's Rants About ...Jeff Bercovici / Forbes: The Story Behind Rupert Murdoch's Rants About Google and SOPA — Like most big entertainment companies, News Corp. supports SOPA and PIPA, the controversial bills aimed at curbing illegal content sharing. Like most big internet companies, Google o ...
Chemtrail News
- CHEMTRAIL AND UFO SIGHTING, PORIRUA, NZ ...I suspected it of being a Chemtrail and therefore pulled out the video camera to film it. Many planes went by during the shooting, more than any other time I have ... https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/.../chemtrail-and-ufo-...
- Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-en ...Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-engineering 'chemtrails' www.naturalnews.com/033691_chemtrails_Maui.html
- 10 mile long chemtrail 1 Videoprobably longer. denver,co 9/23/11 Author: Boondox681 Keywords: denver ten mile long chemtrail Added: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:33:25. vodpod.com/watch/15460352-10-mile-long-chemtrail-1
- ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic ...Headlines ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic Terrorism'! ... Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health · Heavy ... www.davidicke.com/.../53899-chemtrail-pilot-admits-to-dome...
- Chemtrail Rainbow - YouTubeChemtrails caused rainbow....no rain. ... I have several (which I think are ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcOyMeW0xpU
World News - Top Stories
- Carlo - Drogba devours rivals Carlo Ancelotti has suggested his former club Chelsea need to offload Didier Drogba in order to get the best out of £50million man Fernando Torres. Chelsea spent a British transfer record sum to sign Torres from Liverpool 12 months ago, but the Spaniard has...
- Fight colds and flu with weapons from the ...Many individuals are now fighting the sniffles. Cold symptoms can make you feel sick and miserable. Congestion of the upper airways, dry mouth, sneezing, cough, runny nose, fatigue and altered appetite are just some of the symptoms. In mild cases without complications, we are advised to hydr ...
- Greenpeace urges government to halt 'reck ...At a special House of Commons hearing, ministers will be asked to reconsider support for Cairn Energy drilling in the far north Greenpeace activists protesting against Arctic oil exploration, Greenland. Photograph: Markel Redondo/Greenpeace...
- Jennifer Aniston, boyfriend Justin Therou ...Jennifer Aniston has sparked rumours that she is pregnant after sporting an...
- Sir Alex Ferguson, Pep Guardiola & the wo ...From Maradona to Mourinho, we've compiled a list of the bosses earning the greatest pay-packets in the game, with the United chief set to accept a bumper new deal at Old Trafford Sign up with 188BET for a FREE bet up to £25 – Great Prices, Every Game Open an account with Sportingbet to ...
no frakking consensus
- Free Speech is Not Negotiable: Stop SOPAThe vibrant, international climate skeptic community owes its existence to the Internet. We must defend it.
- The Canadian (Climate) ParadoxHow many more reports highlighting the IPCC's flaws will it take before politicians draw the obvious conclusions? How many additional scandals must surface before political leaders realize that this body doesn't deserve their trust?
- German-Language NewsIt's official. The Delinquent Teen is being translated into German and will be for sale in German bookstores later this year.
- Those Who Claim to Speak for the FutureA collection of NGO brats, self-important rich folks, and UN bureaucrats have taken it upon themselves to be the voice of future generations.
- Proud To Be CanadianFirst our leaders said 'no' to Kyoto. Then they stood up to green bullies.
Anna's News
- National Parks at Risk: PhotosNational parks represent our country's last stronghold of wilderness. But the large majority of parks are suffering, too.Ninety-five percent of parks assessed in a recent study have lost key species that once helped define them. Meanwhile, 91 percent .... Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals &nbs ...
- Suicide rates in Europe 'linked' to financial ...The financial crisis "almost certainly" led to an increase in suicides across Europe, health experts say.The analysis by US and UK researchers found a rise in suicides was recorded among working age people from 2007 to 2009 in nine of the 10 nations...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Well ...
- Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerela - Richest in ...For the past one week, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerela has been in the news because of the huge wealth found in its secret crypts.The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the most famous Lord Vishnu temple in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela. It is bel ............ Submitted by Anna Smith to World |& ...
- South Sudan becomes an independent nationSouth Sudan has become the world's newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war.Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitaries Submitted by Anna Smith to World ...
- Polar Shifts on Rising SeasHow high will the oceans rise in response to our warming global climate, and how fast will it happen?Climate scientists have been unable to answer these basic questions with any confidence, mainly because they can't really tell how the ice caps at the.... Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment ...
Medical Marijuana
- 1/11/12 - 50 Famous Vegetariansvegetarian.procon.org – NEW: 50 Famous Vegetarians – Bill Clinton, Carl Lewis, Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Einstein, Jane Goodall, Steve Jobs, Natalie Portman, and Prince are just a few of the many celebrities in our authoritative new resource. See all the famous vegetarians on our list and find out ...
- 1/9/12 - Is one bi-national state an acceptabl ...israelipalestinian.procon.org - UPDATED: Is one bi-national state an acceptable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? - Read pro and con arguments from former Speaker for the Israeli Knesset Avrum Burg (pro), Palestinian National Authority Foreign Affairs Minister Riyad al-Maliki (con), ...
- 12/30/11 - Medical Marijuana Historical Timelinemedicalmarijuana.procon.org - NEW: Medical Marijuana Historical Timeline - Our timeline traces medical marijuana from its earliest reference in 2900 BC as a popular Chinese medicine to 2011 where it remains legal in 16 states (and DC) and illegal under federal law. Read all 150+ major events in ...
- 12/29/11 - Should Congress pass the Stop Tradi ...insidertrading.procon.org - UPDATED: Should Congress pass the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act? - Read pro and con arguments from US Representative Tim Walz (pro), Columbia University Law Professor John Coffee, Jr. (con), US Senator Scott Brown (pro), Cato Institute Director J ...
- 12/28/11 - Rose Bird and Nuclear Power Removed ...www.procon.org - "Rose Bird ProCon.org and Nuclear Power ProCon.org were completed in the 1980s, have not been updated since then, and are being removed from the ProCon.org homepage. These two sites were produced by Steve Markoff and others, and they served as the historical predecessors o ...
Truth About Our World
- NotificationThis blogs entries have been moved to http://worldtruthtoday.wordpress.com/ I will no longer post anything here, although site will remain open for a while. Thanks Grace
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
Gyrovague's Raves
- What a difference a decade makesTen years ago the American short story was in decline. Now it is once again a vital genre Ruth Franklin The short story is an amuse-bouche: luscious, glittering, to be consumed in a single bite. It should be artfully conceived, but not so dainty that you can’t sink your teeth into it. It should ...
- Sometimes, more is lessChristopher Hitchens’s autobiography is at its best when it echoes his essays. Unfortunately, the rest of the time it’s largely pointless and self-indulgent Alexander Linklater In 1988, Christopher Hitchens wrote a characteristically scintillating essay for the American magazine, Grand Street, w ...
- Christopher Hitchens dies at 62 after sufferin ...Vanity Fair’s editor said those who read him felt they knew him British-born author, literary critic and journalist Christopher Hitchens has died at the age of 62. He died from pneumonia, a complication of the oesophageal cancer he had, at a Texas hospital. Vanity Fair magazine, which anno ...
- Anti-Inflammatory Polyphenols in Apple PeelsHere’s another reason why "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" — according to new research findings published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, oral ingestion of apple polyphenols (antioxidants found in apple peels) can suppress T cell activation to prevent colitis in mi ...
- Caffeine Increases Sport PerformanceCaffeine combined with carbohydrate could be used to help athletes perform better on the field, according to new research by a sport nutrition expert. Mayur Ranchordas, a senior lecturer and performance nutritionist at Sheffield Hallam University, carried out studies on footballers using caffein ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
- Martin Rees looks back to understand why ‘scie ...In what might be described as the science policy Christmas lecture, former Royal Society President Lord Rees offered a tour de force of recurrent issues in science policy. Speaking at the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy, Rees navigated issues from energy supply to food security, with a n ...
- Digital tools for the scientific endeavour – o ...FROM CLAIRE COPE IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE Scientists collect data; analyse it; try to make sense of it all; and publish their findings in a scientific journal. Right? Well yes, but it’s not always as simple as that. The way in which science is conducted has changed dramatically over the past ...
- Transparent Government, not Transparent Citize ...The Index on Censorship held a debate asking if transparency is bad for science on Tuesday evening. Two of the Royal Society’s ‘Science as a Public Enterprise’ working group were on the panel: Sir Mark Walport FRS and Baroness Onora O’Neill FRS. Onora mentioned a useful report by Kieron O’Hara ...
- Discovery Reinvented? The Promise of European ...Next Thursday, the Policy Centre is holding an event in Brussels… Chaired by Martin Porter, Managing Director, Edelman | The Centre & Geoffrey Boulton FRS, University of Edinburgh Wednesday, December 14, 2011 from 12.00 to 17.30, followed by a drinks reception The Centre is hosting ...
- An African science base: what would it take fo ...From Richard Kirby, Marine Institute Research Fellow, Marine Institute, University of Plymouth A couple of weeks ago, I chaired an inspirational panel discussion at the Royal Society involving an audience of the leaders of most of the African science academies and a panel comprising 6 early care ...
NAU Resistance
- End of Nations: Canada, the US and the “Securi ...Regardless of whether this particular agreement bears fruit for those seeking to bring the two countries into a closer union, or whether it is just another waypoint on the road of a much longer and more detailed process, the very real concerns about the erosion of national sovereignty implicit i ...
- Goodbye Kyoto, Make Way For The North American ..."On Tuesday December 13th the Minister of the Environment Peter Kent announced that Canada is removing itself from the Kyoto Protocol. Kent is pushing for a more unified agreement that would unite all nation's on a global scale."
- The Pretext For A North American Homeland Secu ..."Any deal which gives the Department of Homeland Security more personal information poses a serious risk to privacy rights"
- Welcome To Fortress North America! NAU-Phase OneWe knew that there was nothing “new” at all to be found in this "new border vision"
- Paving The Way For A North American UnionBy: Press For Truth (http://www.pressfortruth.ca) Release Date: 11/9/11 The agenda for a North American Union is underway and a new security perimeter deal will blur the lines at the border and further erode the sovereignty of Canadians and Americans. On November 13th Stephen Harper, Barack Ob ...
Gaea Times
- Now, hairbrush that reads your mindWASHINGTON - Who says hairbrush can only be used to comb locks? Scientists have made a hairbrush like device that would be able to monitor mental activity. One of the main techniques for measuring and monitoring mental activity, called functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), can often b ...
- Man U?s bemused Fergie tells shifty Roo to res ...LONDON - Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has told key striker Wayne Rooney that he must respect the club and its traditions if he wants to stay on. Commenting on reports that suggest that the star player wants to leave Manchester United for another club - either Manchester City or ...
- Google Street Viewers spot ?God? floating over ...SYDNEY - Google Street View has spotted a god-like figure floating midair above a lake in Quarten, Switzerland. Although the image, discovered by the Gawker blog, is apparently the result of some sort of light distortion or lens flare, blogger Max Read has questioned whether it might have more ...
- Dogs reduce stress in autistic children: StudyWASHINGTON - Dogs-apart from being man’s best friend-have a special role to play in the lives of children with special needs. A new study by the Universite de Montreal has suggested that specifically trained service dogs can help reduce the anxiety and enhance the socialization skills of ...
- Nadine Coyle doesn?t like over-confident menLONDON - Girls Aloud singer Nadine Coyle has revealed that she doesn’t like over-confident men and can’t stand it if they talk too much. “The worst thing a man can do on a date is talk too much. I think if someone has agreed to go on a date they like you anyway, so all ... Re ...
TruthNews Australia
- I’m gonna stand my ground and I won̵ ...Tonight I am joined by lawyer and human rights advocate Rochelle Macredie. In the show we take a look at some of the major breaking stories in the news and Rochelle gives her analysis of what is required to roll back the march towards war and tyranny which we see unfolding across the world rig ...
- Obama Signs the NDAA Citizen Arrest ActObama signing the National Defense Appropriations Act Tonight we look at a variety of local and international stories, with a focus on the ominous passing of the National Defense Appropriations Act (NDAA). The Act allows for the military detention of American citizens without due process, abou ...
- 2012: what’s in store?Tonight I am joined by psychologist Karla Cryer as we look forward to the coming "Year of the Dragon" and try to anticipate what is likely to unfold on the world stage. Some topics we address include the familiar, such as the looming attack on Iran, global financial collapse and the Nann ...
- What Caused the Ejections of Dust and Debris i ...Q: What caused the "squibs"? Could they have been just puffs of dust being pushed out of the Towers by falling floors? Are they visual evidence of explosive charges? A: The isolated ejections 20-60 stories below the demolition front appear to be composed of pulverized building materials, incl ...
- Thomas Kean: “aftershocks” from pl ...This muddle headed, government-appointed chair of the 9/11 Commission does not even know what his government found to be the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. For me, this is the final nail in the coffin of the "official" 9/11 narrative. The ignorance and impudence of this man is breathtaking. H ...
- Massachusetts Tackles Seafood MislabelingImage via Wikimedia Commons. On Wednesday afternoon, the state of Massachusetts became a national leader in the fight against mislabeled seafood with a clear message: with an abundance of local seafood, there is no place for mislabeled seafood in Massachusetts, and more must be done to combat ...
- Oceana Sues on Behalf of LoggerheadsA loggerhead sea turtle hatchling. © Oceana/Cory Wilson Fishing gear should be killing fewer sea turtles, not more – and today we filed a complaint with the government saying just that. Oceana’s complaint is in response to the U.S. government’s decision in October 2010 to allow eight East Co ...
- Cod Numbers Disappoint Fishermen and ScientistsA fishing boat in the Gulf of Maine. © Gretchen Ertl for the New York Times New England fishermen and conservationists alike are in a state of alarm over recent findings from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that Gulf of Maine cod – long a staple of New England waters and a critic ...
- Marine Monday: Giant ClamImage via Wikimedia Commons. There’s a lot more to clams than clam chowder. Sure, they just look like a hinged shell with squishy stuff inside, but make them a little bit bigger—or a lot bigger—and you can see how complex they actually are. We don’t even need science fiction to do it. The gi ...
- Shark Fin Victory in SingaporeIn Singapore, we’re seeing more proof that dedicated activists can make a difference in the world. Singapore is one of the shark fin capitals of the world, but thanks to an outcry from local customers, its largest supermarket chain, Fairprice, will be pulling fins from its shelves. Shark fins ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
- FP-45 Liberator. We Made 1,000,000 Of These An ...Inland Guide Lamp Manufacturing Division of General Motors hired 300 people and in 6 months manufacturer 1,000,000 of these stamped metal single shot .45 cal handguns. Primitive and close range, the FP-45 Liberator were an attempt to create a gun that could be dropped en masse behind enem ...
- Boy Has Complete Memories Of Previous Life As ...This is an amazing story. If you ever get the chance, look through a book called Twenty Cases Highly Suggestive Of Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson out of the University of Virginia, 1970. In it, Stevenson culls together children all over India who also remember previous lives and puts ...
- Martin Luther King’s Speech Opposing The ...Source: YouTube
- Political Posters Are Resurgent Online.
- The Emu War.There is little about war to laugh about. That said, there is so much war in world history, it’s hard to imagine that there would not be wars so ludicrous, so asinine that we would not find anything to laugh about. In 1932, Western Australia experienced a horrific drought t ...
Taylor Marsh
- TM.com will go dark to protest SOPA & PIPAControversial anti-piracy legislation, already on life support in the House, is now in serious doubt in the Senate, where the confluence of a Republican rump rebellion, White House concerns and a Wednesday blackout by Wikipedia, Mozilla and other big-name websites is enough to give some senators ...
- Where are the Lunchpail Democrats?Lunchpail Democrats don’t exist. To bring the point home, Pres. Obama is now warning Democratic activists to brace themselves for the budget. But after capitulating to conservatism over Democratic economic values throughout his entire first term what comes next really shouldn’t requi ...
- About SOPA, PIPA and Occupy: Somebody should d ...Joyce L. Arnold, Liberally Independent, Queer Talk, equality activist, writer. UPDATE: Occupy Congress at the WH now: “Obama! Come out! We’ve got some things to talk about!” I’ve been following two things in particular today, Occupy Congress, the livestreaming at OWS today, and ...
- The 1% President to Accept Nomination at Bank ...…and you get a skybox… and you get a skybox… and you get a skybox! How perfect and what optics. But since the leader of the Democratic Party has already chosen the right-to-work message in North Carolina, looking to his own swing state desperation over unions, an institution th ...
- Romney Promises Tax Returns, Lower Top Margina ...Given these advantages, Romney now holds 35 percent support for the nomination, with his closest competitors bunched in the teens — 17 percent for Newt Gingrich, the latest in a string of contenders to see his support collapse; a steady 16 percent for Ron Paul; and 13 percent for Rick Santorum, ...
Hudson New York
- Ahmadinejad's Sentimental Journey for Uranium ...Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent trip to Latin America has been addressed by many as the "Hate America Tour." During the five-day tour, Ahmadinejad met Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, with whom he joked about having a nuclear bomb. He
- U.S. Vendors Near Monopolies in Turkey's Arms ...United States armsmakers are re-establishing themselves in the narrower-but-still-lucrative Turkish market, where European rivals appear to have lost their competitive edge. According to defense analysts, political disagreements with countries whose
- Abbas: After The Peace ProcessPalestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is now preparing for the day after the formal death of the peace process. Abbas is conducting negotiations with three different parties simultaneously: Israel, Hamas and the international community. His
- Euro Taking E.U. Down With ItLast Friday's downgrading of France and Austria by credit rating agency Standard & Poor's has left the eurozone, the group of 17 European countries using the euro as their currency, with just four countries with a triple A rating. Of these four Germany
- The Golden Age of Islam - A Second LookThe period from the death of Muhammad through the 13th Century marks the glory days of the Islamic empire. It was a period of commerce, industry and intra-cultural synergies and a flourishing of the sciences, art, medicine and architecture. It was the
Urban Survival
- Fed in the BoxThe economic boogeyman is in our immediate future, because regardless of what the Fed does at their rate meeting next week, it’s bound to be wrong. If, as some are hinting, the economy actually is staging a modest recovery and … Continue reading →
- Coping: With a Really, Really BAD Thought“Why is it an otherwise reasonable consultant/economics geek would spending so much time wondering about events down at the WuJo, Ure? People are fallible and their memories aren’t perfect…so of course, you’re going to have oddities and inconsistencies crop up… ...
- So, Where’s the Blonde?No small number of readers have been after me to answer the question this morning whether the sinking of the Italian cruise ship this weekend with considerable panic/loss of life was somehow related to temporal markers in recent outputs from … Continue reading →
- Coping: A Holiday WuJo FestivalOnce again time to dig out some of the strange goings on down at the mental martial arts dojo where the woo-woo meets Mr. Science…we call it the WuJo. As you may (or may not, if you’re lucky) be aware, … Continue reading →
- Further Debt, Dimming ProspectsThe Balance of trade hole just keeps getting deeper…but let’s back up a bit and start near the beginning: As we warily eye the arrival of March 2-9 (which is just 49 days away) we can’t help but notice that … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
- Ron Paul for An Intellectual RevolutionRon Paul speaking to a crowd at the Virginia Tea... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks the InternetTell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! ... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- The Roman Empire Rules TodayJust when you think you have seen it all in... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- Links for 2012-01-17 [del.icio.us]Alex Jones Show for Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | Alex Jones Infowars Blog Marc Faber: Expect More Quantitative Easing in Europe, U.S. | MARC FABER BLOG Marc Faber: Expect More Quantitative Easing in Europe, U.S. Marc Faber: Expect More Quantitative Easing in Europe, U.S. | MARC FABER BL ...
- Financial Armageddon 2012U.S Cities going broke and for sale . This... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
Radical Chic
- NIGERIAN PARTIES vs PARTIES IN ENGLANDOnce you have been to ‘one’ Nigerian party in your life it is safe to say that you will always know the menu. It is an unwritten rule that you can be as exotic as you like, but if your party lacks certain fundamental items, it really isn’t a party. There ‘must’ be J ...
- AFRICAN ROMANCE: ‘Thorns With Roses̵ ...I once attended a wild party where I had an unusual encounter. It came in the form of a one night stand. I was a twenty-two year old student, sent to the US to get my MBA so I could take over my father’s thriving business someday. My girlfriend whom I’d whimsically thought would become [...]
- AWKWARD TOPICS: A 12 Year Old Has A Baby, Shou ...This topic is for you, yes, you! I want to know your opinion on this matter. What do you think? A 12 year old has a baby, should she be allowed to keep it? On a biological level this is perhaps not a very common scenario, but for some reason, Amy is 12 years old [...]
- RANDOM RANTS: ‘Infidelity’ – ...It’s one of the biggest issues facing sexual relationships today and the demise of most relationships can usually be traced back to it. But what exactly is cheating? The dictionary defines it rather unhelpfully as “marital disloyalty; adultery”. I find this definition almost insulting. Where do ...
- FLASH FICTION: ‘A Christmas Miracle̵ ...Spending Christmas in hospital was not how Yinka envisioned her holidays. Hospitals were places where she received bad news: “I’m sorry your aunt is dead”; “I’m sorry you can’t concieve children naturally “; and so on. She and her husband, Tunde had worked hard all year, deferring all their annu ...
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
- Tattoos, movies, and commies: Sciencey stuff t ...Much to do here even as the semester winds down in Boston and Cambridge. On Monday, science writer Carl Zimmer meets Terry Gilliam, so to speak. Zimmer will be the speaker at the Coolidge Corner Theatre's "Science and Screen" airing of Gillam's 12 Monkeys. In a future world devastated by di ...
- Sat. is last chance to see "Prints and the Pur ...Artist Brian Knep has a lab on Longwood Avenue -- not a studio. He's not a scientists; he's the Harvard Medical School artist-in-residence. Knep says he looks to science for "metaphors about life, about change, about healing." So, when he led group through the Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge ...
- New Kendall Square restaurant set up to host b ...When new drug development company H3 decided to throw a party to launch the opening of Kendall Square labs and offices, organizers didn't have to go very far. They took the elevator downstairs. Last week, local researchers, bio boosters and lots of men in dark suits from the Japanese drug comp ...
- BU's biolab makes it to level-2, still seeking ...Massachusetts environmental regulator recognized that there is a big difference between TB and Ebola. So, last week, they granted Boston University permission to begin using their new biolab to work on bio safety level-2 materials. From the Globe: For years, the National Emerging Infectious ...
- Sunday's Chef Adrià talk at Harvard' sells outMost of Harvard's Science and Cooking Lectures are first come, first served, so to speak. But, you needed a ticket for Tuesday's return of superstar Spanish chef and modernist Ferran Adrià of elBulli, who talked about "The New Culinary Think Tank - el bulli 2.0." And they were scooped up a few d ...
NRDC Switchboard
- Obama Rejects the Keystone XL Pipeline and Pro ...Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC, New York City The Obama Administration has rejected the Keystone XL pipeline for tar sands oil. This decision puts the health and safety of the American people above the interests of Big Oil. And it confirms Pres ...
- Rejected: Keystone XL tar sands pipeline permi ...Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, Director International Program, Washington, D.C. Today, President Obama changed the rules of the game: he stood up to Big Oil’s bullying and rejected the massively destructive Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The pip ...
- Phasing out the phased out phase-out: the thir ...Jerome Simons, Staff Scientist, Nuclear Program, Washington, D.C. Welcome to my blog that will explore nuclear power’s fate in Germany! Following the disasters at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility in Japan, the German government reviewe ...
- Cutting dirty diesel pollution can reduce glob ...Rich Kassel, Senior Attorney and Director, Clean Fuels and Vehicles Project, New York City My colleague, Dan Lashof, just posted a great summary of the study, published in Science this week, that explained how cutting soot and smog pollution co ...
- Training Illinois Carpenters for the Clean Ene ...Nick Magrisso, Midwest Program , Chicago This is the second in a series of video blogs I’m doing to explore how energy efficiency is creating jobs all over Illinois. The carpenter-training center in Elk Grove Village is making Illinois a bett ...
Injustice Everywhere
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 12 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Tuesday, January 17, 2012: Eastchester NY cop was sentenced to 3-9 yrs in prison for fatally shooting his friend in the throat while playing with his laser sighted gun in his car [0] lohud.u ...
- NOTE: January 16 OutagesMy apologies for the series of outages yesterday, not only on the site, but also on the News Feed as well. The site issues were apparently issues at the hosting server that have been repaired, but those outages, in combination with some ISP issues I had yesterday and an insane amount of work fro ...
- Police Misconduct NewsFeed Weekend Recap 01-14 ...Here are the 9 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this weekend of January 14-15, 2012: San Antonio TX police accused of excessive force when they allegedly repeatedly stomped on a man who was laying down prone after a female officer knocked him d ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 17 reports of police misconduct we were able to track in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, January 13, 2012: Columbia MO settles suit for $50k to man on dashcam being tasered then beaten after asking why he was pulled over. This video was one of the [...]
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Unfortunately, again, my day job was overwhelming and made it difficult to do report tracking. To give you an idea, I have over 100 hours of unpaid overtime banked so far in the last month. But hopefully tomorrow will be less demanding and give me a chance to catch up again. With that said, [...]
Total Collapse
- Kissinger vows to China: Jeb Bush Will Be Next ...A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told that former Florida Governor John Ellis “Jeb” Bush, brot ...
- 22 Signs That We Are On The Verge Of A Devasta ...2012 is shaping up to be a very tough year for the global economy. All over the world there are signs that economic activity is significantly slowing down. Many of these signs are detailed later on in this article. But most people don’t understand what is happening because they don̵ ...
- News Media Collaborated in 9-11 False FlagA new book shows how humanity is under constant covert attack from Cabalistic (Masonic) Jewish bankers, using the news media to falsify reality. Thus they contrive wars to degrade, disinherit and ultimately destroy us. If we heed their siren calls, we are complicit in our own destruction. “ ...
- Israel ready to strike Iran without Washington ...Both American and Israeli officials say that the decision to postpone a massive joint missile drill scheduled for this spring has nothing to do with hostilities with Iran, although insiders suggest something quite the contrary. The Austere Challenge 12 drill, originally scheduled for April 2012, ...
- EU will commit economic suicide if it bans Ira ...Iran’s representative to OPEC says the European Union will “undoubtedly” commit an ‘economic suicide’ if it introduces an oil embargo against Iran. “With economic crisis in euro zone area any sanctions on Iran’s oil will put European countries in a deeper crisis,” Mohammad-Ali Khatibi told the M ...
Daily Dose
- TNW’s Daily Dose – 24 hours of tec ...Sites across the Web black out to protest against SOPA and PIPA, Samsung says it’s not looking to buy RIM, and Grooveshark pulls out of Germany. It’s all in today’s...
- GroupMe is built right into the new Winter X G ...ESPN has just released its X Games app for iOS and Android (link available soon), which among other features, includes integration with GroupMe, the easiest way to create an instant SMS style chatroom across...
- Not sure what SOPA is? ExplainSOPA puts you in ...With news about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) hitting mainstream publications and broadcasts, more Americans are becoming interested in what it’s all about. Reading proposed bills isn’t the easiest...
- Just in time for tax season, TurboTax updates ...It’s that time of year in the United States again, tax season. Depending on your job situation, filing taxes can either be a nightmare or a snap. Either way, TurboTax...
- Aviary launches Version 2 of its editor, with ...With photo editing at its core, Aviary is a New York City based startup that wants to power every mobile photo application on the planet. It aims to democratize creativity...
Beyond Zero Emissions
- Solar programs pay for themselves and reduce t ...This is an updated version of what was published in the Sydney Morning Herald today. Solar energy benefits the state by providing electricity at much cheaper rates than those of traditional sources, writes Matthew Wright. It may appear counter-intuitive, but getting millions of solar panels ont ...
- Renewable Energy Lifeline for Australian Manuf ...By Matthew Wright Coal’s days are numbered. The transition to renewable energy is now well underway. It will put an end to the adverse health impacts coal mining and combustion now has on the health of Australian families such as those in the Hunter Valley. The increased rates of asthma, respir ...
- Renewable Energy Milestone - Renewable Investm ...The journey to a 100 percent renewable energy economy reached a major milestone as investment in renewables has overtaken investment in fossil fuel energy for the first time. A new report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance demonstrates that a massive $187 billion was invested in wind, solar, ...
- CSG Needs a Long, Hard LookMatthew Wright, November 24: The contentious issue of coal seam gas has become a federal government concern in the dying days of the 2011 parliamentary sitting year. To gain the backing of independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor for the minerals resource rent tax, the Labor government has a ...
- Trophies and Titles - BZE awarded for climate ...The determination and enthusiasm of Beyond Zero Emissions and its members has been acknowledged with two prestigious awards over the last month. The honours build on BZE's momentum leading into 2012 with the anticipated launch of the visionary Zero Carbon Australia plans for the buildings and tr ...
Monga Bay ( News )
- Deforestation, climate change threaten the eco ...The combination of deforestation, forest degradation, and the effects of climate change are weakening the resilience of the Amazon rainforest ecosystem, potentially leading to loss of carbon storage and changes in rainfall patterns and river discharge, finds a comprehensive review published in t ...
- Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, but leaves do ...The Obama administration today announced it is scrapping TransCanada's Keystone pipeline after Republicans forced a 60-day deadline on the issue in a Congressional rider. The State Department advised against the pipeline arguing that the deadline did not give the department enough time to determ ...
- Delayed response to Somalia famine cost thousa ...A hesitant response by the international community likely led to thousands of unnecessary deaths in last year's famine in East Africa finds a new report released by Oxfam and Save the Children. The report, entitled A Dangerous Delay, says that early warning systems worked in informing the intern ...
- Picture of the day: nearly-extinct turtle rele ...Only around 200 southern river terrapins (Batagur affinis) survive in the wild, but today at least the species got some good news. A female terrapin was released back into the Sre Ambel River with much fanfare after being caught by a local fishermen in Cambodia.
- Disease kills 6 million bats in North AmericaIn just six years around six million bats have succumbed to white-nose syndrome in North America, according to U.S. federal researchers. The number, somewhere between 5.7 and 6.7 million bats, is far higher than past estimates of over a million. Showing up in 2006 in New York, the perplexing dis ...
Sierra Express
- Police discover LAJ’s pistolCongo Cross police Sunday 15th discovered the pistol reportedly owned by Alhaji Amadu Bah aka LAJ; one of police alleged murder suspects. Police source say however that the pistol was concealed beneath the root of a tree at the Aberdeen/Lumley Beach. Shortly after LAJ and two others arrest vis-à ...
- Mr. Idiot: The President’s prayer is answered!!Nonsense, I say. And count the Idiot out; will give no concession of any form to political violence at all. The selfish and power thirsty politicians must however be told that the Idiot is all set to, one after the other deal with them; caning and beating them with his police ‘cobocco’ truncheon ...
- Health Ministry launches partnership initiativeThe Ministry of Health yesterday launched a partnership for safe medicines initiative in Sierra Leone at the Miatta Conference Hall at Youyi building, Freetown. In her measurement, Mrs. Matron Roselyn Momoh said the Ministry of Health carries the responsibility of providing safe and curable med ...
- Fourah Bay bye-elections: Sierra Leoneans may ...It was President Abraham Lincoln who once said that “You may fool ALL the people SOME of the time, you can even fool SOME of the people ALL the time, but you cannot fool ALL the people ALL the time”. Therefore, it was down to the brave people of the Fourah bay community in ward [...]
- Man kills brother for Le 250,000Mohamed T. J Bah Monday 16th stabbed and killed his brother Mohamed Lamin Jalloh at their No. 14 Foster Street resident off Fourah Bay Road Freetown. Mohamed, a butcher at Guard Street market, Monday 14th, at night approached his brother (the deceased) compelling him give him the sum of Le 250,0 ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
- Auction dairy price rise 'solid result in fick ...Signs of global dairy price stability in Fonterra's latest online auction is a solid result in an uncertain world, says BNZ economist Doug Steel.The average price for a basket of products in the latest auction increased 1.5 per...
- Prices up in Fonterra dairy auctionPrices of dairy products sold on Fonterra Cooperative Group's GlobalDairyTrade platform rose, clawing back most of the losses from the previous two auctions. The GDT-TWI Price Index increased 1.5 percent from the last sale a fortnight...
- Economist: Rain means $100m boost for dairyingRain around much of the country has been bad news for holidaymakers but the weather has been good for farmers this season, with one economist estimating it is worth more than $100 million to the dairy sector.The National Institute...
- Landcorp in talks to run Crafar Farms for PengxinState-owned Landcorp Farming is in talks to operate the Crafar Farms should Shanghai Pengxin Group's application to the Overseas Investment Office succeed but it has denied a report it would pay $18 million a year in rent."The...
- Editorial: Let market set what we pay for milkFonterra's decision to reduce the domestic price of milk at the end of the month can be welcomed if it is being done for the right reasons. Unfortunately, the company has given the impression it wants to shield domestic consumers...
The Bovine
- Americans, tell your Congress reps to vote aga ...Everyone from Google.com to Boing Boing to Wikipedia are blacking out their websites today in protest against what amounts to an attempt to neuter that last bastion of free speech — the internet as we know it — through legislation. … Continue reading →
- Interview with Ottawa-area raw milk farmer Jac ...The Bovine: Jacqueline, Thanks for taking time to answer some questions for our readers, and also thanks for being open enough to publicly identify yourself as a raw milk farmer. It seems that you and Michael Schmidt are about the only raw … Continue reading →
- How bad news about industrial food is good new ...From David E. Gumpert on The Complete Patient blog: “The unsettling news about questionable factory foods just keeps coming. A few days ago, it was Coca Cola saying it found a fungicide in orange juice it produces in Brazil for sale in … Continue reading →
- Raw milk black market in New YorkFrom Ellen Frankman, on The Daily Meal: “Most Sundays, Tyrone Mayorga sets out a cooler in the entrance of his West Village walk-up apartment building, waiting for a delivery van service to fill it with raw, unpasteurized milk. The quasi-legal … Continue reading →
- Fukushima… everything under control?From Maggie Koerth-Baker on Boing Boing: “About halfway through Nuclear Aftershocks, a new FRONTLINE documentary about the physical and social fallout of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, it becomes clear that correspondent Miles O’Brien and his production team are really going to piss ...
Mish's Global Economic Trends
- Greek Bond Talks Edge Toward 68% Haircut Deal; ...Former ECB president Jean Claude Trichet said there would be no haircuts. There were. The first Greek haircut was 21% and it was insufficient. The second Greek haircut deal was 50% and that too was insufficient. On each failed attempt, the ECB and EMU poured more money into Greece. There i ...
- Finnish Minister Pours Cold Water on Merkozy T ...Inquiring minds are reading several recent articles on the EU Observer. ECB Considers Alternatives to Bond-Buy Program Please consider ECB mulling alternatives to bond-buy plan The European Central Bank is exploring alternatives to its controversial bond-purchase programme but has y ...
- IMF Proposes Trillion Dollar Lending ExpansionHere's a dead on arrival proposal: IMF Proposes Trillion Dollar Lending Expansion Most European stocks rose, erasing earlier losses, as the International Monetary Fund was said to propose a $1 trillion expansion of its lending resources. Asian shares and U.S. index futures advanced. The ...
- Absurd Threat by Greek Prime Minister: "Hand O ...Hedge funds holding credit default swaps on Greek bonds are probably laughing out loud over statements made today by Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos. The New York Times reports Greek Premier Says Creditors May Be Forced to Take Losses Taking direct aim at hedge funds and other privat ...
- Cherry Picking Timeframes on Alleged Leading I ...Bob Bronson makes the claim on the Big Picture Blog that Initial Unemployment Claims Confirm Unfinished Market Rally click on any chart in this post for a sharper image Stock Market vs. Weekly Claims In addition to other bullish coincident economic data reported yesterday, initial ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January ...BFP Nightly Quote “It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.” – General Douglas MacArthur Interna ...
- Iraq: Began with Big Lies; Ending with Big Lie ...Does Mr. Obama, the Peace Laureate, believe the words that come out of his mouth? By William Blum “Most people don’t understand what they have been part of here,” said Command Sgt. Major Ron Kelley as he and other American troops prepared to leave Iraq in mid-December. “W ...
- The Origins of Imperial Israel- Part IIOrganized Terror & Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine By Andrew Gavin Marshall The official Israeli government explanation for the ‘disappearance’ of 750,000 Palestinian Arabs from the land (roughly half the Arab population in Palestine in 1948) was that they left “voluntarily.” The “new history” ...
- Imperialism & the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”Resist the Temptation to Access the Mass Media by Providing a ‘Progressive Cover’ to Imperial Dubbed “Rebels” By Professor James Petras One of the great paradoxes of history are the claims of imperialist politicians to be engaged in a great humanitarian crusade, a historic “civilizing mission” d ...
- Jamiol Presents
bloody crossroads
- Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many I’ve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
- The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly you’re being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Photo of the Day – Costa Concordia Seen From SpaceTo read more on this bizarre and tragic story from industry experts, please follow along here.
- Not The First Time?: Infographic Shows Costa C ...We’ve already seen video of the Costa Concordia showing off near Giglio, now Lloyd’s List has put together this infographic showing a similar–and possibly approved– course the Costa Concordia took [...]
- Former Cruise Line Safety Manager and Master M ...- By Captain William H. Doherty, gCaptain Contributor Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was a Mississippi Riverboat Pilot. One day a woman passenger tried to flatter him saying, ”My goodness Captain, [...]
- Looking for a Life-Altering Experience? Try B ...We’ve all been there. That lucid moment when all of a sudden you look around and realize, “I am wasting my life right now and it’s time for a change.” [...]
- “The Rig Continues to Burn and has Partially C ...On 16 January 2011, a jack-up drilling rig offshore Nigeria caught fire, forcing a complete evacuation. 2 rig workers are still reported missing, and according to the latest press release [...]
Blogging Canadians
- Backlogged by Design?It is an old tried and tested political trick. If you want to look like a hero, break something while no one is looking... fix it and then take all the credit. If that statement has you scratching your head consider the case of Service Canada. The offices are already dismally... ...
- Wall of Silence on CanpotexBy Erin Weir Progressive Economics Forum January 13th, 2012 Saskatchewan’s newspapers reported today that BHP Billiton intends to sell the province’s potash outside of Canpotex, the marketing board that helps to maximize the price for which Saskatchewan potash is exported offshore. BHP exe ...
- The Liberal Party Of Canada WAS - IS - AND CON ...Why should anyone take the Liberals seriously on marijuana reform in Canada? "While they were in power, Canada's former Liberal government introduced marijuana reform legislation a number of times ... and then let the Bills die on the order paper session after session, year after year. Why? ...
- The SuperPAC charade is getting tiresomeCan we please drop this SuperPAC ruse already? It is the first election season post Citizens United and so these new political groups are allowed to collect unlimited, undisclosed amounts of money from people and corporations alike and spend it in the elections. Only there is a technical catch ...
- Quotations: God's Attributes
Press TV - Middle East
- Anti-racism protest held in IsraelThousands of Ethiopian immigrants have staged a protest rally in Israel to condemn the growing social discrimination targeting their community.
- Mass grave found in southeastern TurkeyWorkers have stumbled upon human skeletal remains during restoration work in Turkey's southeastern city of Diyarbakir, Press TV reported.
- Bahraini troops attack anti-regime demoSaudi-backed Bahraini forces have attacked an opposition organized protest rally in the capital, Manama, arresting several demonstrators.
- 'KSA will use all options against Iran'Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief says Riyadh will use “all available options” to defend itself against Iranian “threats” that might trigger “unwanted military confrontation.”
- Israel slammed over growing racismCivil rights groups have condemned Tel Aviv's discriminatory measures against the Arab community and other minority groups, which were described by Israeli President as ''Hitlerism''.
CUNY SPS Community Blog
- What Do Economics, Marketing and Glee Have In ...One of the liveliest Discussion Boards this semester in my ECO course was “What about all my stuff?” It concerned supply and demand, why we buy goods and services, the satisfaction derived from those goods and services and whether the owner of the greatest amount of stuff is the winner. Is happi ...
- To Boldly Go Where No Human Has Gone BeforeBack in the 60′s, the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions were exciting and we all watched Walter Cronkite or Huntley and Brinkley report all the details from launch to splash down. Beginning with Alan Shepard’s 15 minute sub-orbital flight in 1961 and culminating with the Apollo 11 ...
- What Is So Scary About Occupy Wall Street?“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” So states ...
- Enough With the Sleazy Reality Shows!I just don’t understand the fascination with Teen Moms, Hoarders, the Housewives, Jersey Shore and the myriad other sleazy reality shows on TV. The supreme franchise, however, has got to be those Kardashians. Are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy reality shows where people ...
- What’s Your Story?I ran onto the bus just as the driver was about to shut the doors. I reached into my jacket pocket and pull out my Metro Card, only to find out there was not enough money on it to pay my fare. Sigh. I looked at the driver, and gave him the please don’t embarrass [...]
Dissident Voice
- Ecology and the Pathology of CapitalismContrary to everything we have been taught, there is no actual United States of America. The U.S. is an occupied territory that could more accurately be described as the Corporate States of America. If the geopolitical states are united, the people are not. We are a nation divided by ideology an ...
- Extreme Inequality or Democracy?Last autumn, likely due to the Occupy movement, there was a shift of media attention from debt reduction and the cutting of vital public programs (for example, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) to the issue of extreme wealth and income inequality in America. Extreme inequality is of concer ...
- Welcome to the World’s First Bunker StateThe wheel is turning full circle. Last week the Israeli parliament updated a 59-year-old law originally intended to prevent hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from returning to the homes and lands from which they had been expelled as Israel was established. The purpose of the draconia ...
- Did the U.S. Create a Civil War in Iraq?At he Fort Bragg ceremony honoring the return of U.S. troops from Iraq, President Barack Obama boasted that the U.S. had accomplished “an extraordinary achievement nine years in the making.” “Everything that the American troops have done in Iraq–all the fighting and all t ...
- Israel under Cyber AttackThe ‘Arab hackers’ attack on Israel escalated today. The Israeli Stock Exchange’s and El Al’s sites collapsed on Monday. The hackers say that it is within their capability to crash every Israeli server. “If Israel apologises to the people of the Gaza genocide, we may reduce the attacks,” s ...
- Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Strike NDAA ...Rep. Ron Paul left the campaign trail on Wednesday to speak on the House floor about the National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law on the first day of the new year by Obama. Paul introduced legislation to strike the NDAA’s Section 1021, the discretionary detention provisio ...
- SOPA/PIPA Battle Rages: Tell Congress We Will ...The underhanded effort to fundamentally alter the internet under the guise of protecting the copyrights of Hollywood and its transnational “entertainment” corporations was delivered a distinct set-back a few days ago when Congress retreated on its full-steam ahead effort to ram SOPA down our thr ...
- Fukushima Radiation Spreads WorldwideThe University of California at Berkeley detected cesium levels in San Francisco area milk above over EPA limits … and even higher than they were 6 months ago. Finnish public television says that cesium from Fukushima has been detected in lichens, fungi and elk and reindeer meat in Finland. ...
- Fukushima Radiation Spreads WorldwideThe University of California at Berkeley detected cesium levels in San Francisco area milk above over EPA limits … and even higher than they were 6 months ago. Finnish public television says that cesium from Fukushima has been detected in lichens, fungi and elk and reindeer meat in Finland. ...
- The Secret Behind SOPA: It’s the end of the In ...The secret behind SOPA, the so-called anti-piracy bill which is today the target of an unprecedented backlash with Wikileaks and other major websites ‘going dark’ to protest the legislation, has nothing to do with piracy or copyright theft – it’s about the formal effort to mimic Communist China’ ...
Water Power
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