M&M hopes to develop solar-powered charging station for electric cars
Israeli Mossad training Iranian exiles in Kurdistan: French newspaper
( Kurds live in Turkey and were in Iraq - before it was effectively broken up. Saddam repressed their drive for an independent homeland - and Turkey suffers from fighting because of its large and central Kurdish population. Assyrian Independent News - aina - has a static column of articles which includes stories of Kurdish genocide campaigns against Iraqi Christian pacifists
The Genocide of Assyrians -- Then and Now )
Denial Flows All the Way to the Turkish Embassy in Canberra
Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?
The major wars the United States has fought since the surrender of Japan in 1945 — in Korea, Indochina, Iraq and Afghanistan — have produced colossal carnage. For most of them, we do not have an accurate sense of how many people died, but a conservative estimate is at least 6 millioncivilians and soldiers.
The wars in Korea and Indochina were extremely deadly. While estimates of Korean War deaths are mainly guesswork, the three-year conflict is widely believed to have taken 3 million lives, about half of them civilians. The sizable civilian toll was partly due to the fact that the country’s population is among the world’s densest and the war’s front lines were often moving.The war in Vietnam and the spillover conflicts in Laos and Cambodia were even more lethal. These numbers are also hard to pin down, although by several scholarly estimates, Vietnamese military and civilian deaths ranged from 1.5 million to 3.8 million, with the U.S.-led campaign in Cambodia resulting in 600,000 to 800,000 deaths, and Laotian war mortality estimated at about 1 million.
(Actually, that stat in the sidebar doesn't seem to have moved for a long while.
From 'Lost Topical Lists'
Deaths from military actions
- Iraq
- Vietnam
- iCasualties
- The Iraq Math War
- Casualties in Iraq - 2009
- War Victims Monitor
- DoD War Casualties - PDF
- The Military Death Toll While Enforcing the Occupation of Iraq
Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes
Nuclear fuel enrichment is much different from enrichment for weapons. Most commercial nuclear reactors use lightly enriched uranium, which is between 3-5 percent enriched. Weapons-grade uranium must be enriched to approximately 85 percent or more of a key radioactive isotope for it to be usable in an atomic bomb.Iran added on Monday that it had also enriched uranium up to 20 percent in an underground facility, explaining that the isotopes were to be used to help cancer patients.
( Canada supplied the world with such for decades - until the old facility virtually disintegrated from age, unreplaced to fill a demand for isotopes for nuclear imaging diagnostics. Nor could one fairly place blame solely on either Lie-berals or Con-serve-a-cliques : it took both.
Chalk River makes 1st isotopes in 15 months". CBC.ca. August 18, 2010.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalk_River_
Enriching uranium to 95% is hard. There is zero evidence Iran can do it.
Some can )
Whoever Killed the Scientist Was Aiming at Much More
January 11th, 2012 | Printable version |
Jim Lobe

( When I submitted a comment to a wonderful thread knocking the very Devil out of lies obscuring subterfuge and black ops against Iran...they were gone on return !
There seems a fairly clear assessment of the policies which are being carried out against Iran, although I would never suggest one underestimate carried out as a pogrom against a number of nations in the region to rape them of ‘natural resources’ while lying supine for the “colonizers’” convenience in the best tradition of the East India Company…except it isn’t.Iran will be completely familiar with the destruction of academia in Iraq, not only the wrecking of infrastructure but prevention of repairs or training of technicians or access to technology. That was partly accomplished by the ‘rebuilding’ of Iraq -where ‘no bid’ contracts were squandered and resources that might have gone to rebuilding deliberately pilfered.
So Clinton or other officials might be conveniently unaware that private company operatives outnumber the military and are so uncontrolled as to rape their own employees – but we should not be so naive.
Nor do you generally find reporting about U.S. forces guarding Chinese mining operations in Afghanistan.
Meanwhile Agent Orange has been replaced by Depleted Uranium or an analogue – which is also reported – and the mass suicides of returning troops are attributed to PTSD.
Dead men tell no tales. Some blogs written by returnees are horrors of their health situation, destitution and social isolation.
That info can be hard to come by. I made some notes to spur research.
Another Iranian Scientist Assassinated
It really sells well, positioning the people who host conferences promoting nuclear disarmament - who signed on to a verification program to assure this which was fiscally strangled - as the 'real danger'....as opposed to those ( like Russia ) who have lots of weapons systems....and supply such.)
Comment: Drawing Careful Conclusions from the Iran Assassination
James O’Keefe's Group Appears To Commit Voter Fraud In Order To Gin Up Hysteria Over Non-Existent Fraud Problem
thinkprogress.org - James O’Keefe’s latest video features surrogates appearing to commit voter fraud in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary election, all in an attempt to highlight voter fraud, a problem which is by-and...SME News, Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 01:11:18 PM IST
NEW DELHI: Hungary is eyeing investments from India in different sectors such as automobile, auto components.
Scotland/England Maritime Boundaries
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields
by Michel Chossudovsky
Finnish government to cover lifetime of medical costs for children permanently injured by swine flu vaccine
Mental health screening of teens creates a "crisis" where none exists
Big Pharma fumbles with toxic dementia drugs while ignoring natural remedies
Vitamin D triggers natural immune response against tuberculosis
Vitamin B-based treatment may permanently cure vision-robbing eye disease
New study finds that chemo targets cancer cells that were dying anyway
Major groups, speakers converge for first annual national conference to end factory farming
FDA: Birth control drugs linked to 150 percent increased risk of deadly blood clots
Fluoride is Dangerous, But This Toxin (in Your Water Supply) May be Far Worse
Ovarian cancers caused by IVF infertility treatments
Truth comes out: 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic 'deaths' of children were actually caused by MRSA
Potential loophole in vaccine law could mandate vaccines in children during declared emergency
Federal government wants to jab healthy children with untested anthrax vaccine just to see if it works
In 'universal' flu shot push, medical industry admits current flu shots are useless
Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as you've been told)
Center for Disease Control pushes harsh adult vaccination program
Study suggests 'green' biofuels are more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels
Japan's radioactive cars selling at auctions without notice
OWS urges Americans to begin occupying foreclosed homes
Raw nuts lower elevated blood sugar levels and high blood pressure to fight metabolic syndrome
Sports drinks loaded with liquid sugars
Salad dressings often loaded with corn syrup and other junk ingredients
Green tea inhibits extra weight gain and can help prevent obesity
Chocolate consumption lowers stroke risk and heart disease incidence by a third
Eliminate and reverse BPA toxicity
Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here
Five packaged foods you never need to buy again
Just published
- Evaluating woody biomass options for North Carolina's electricity future
- Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Teaching Farm
- North Carolina Essential Standards: Guidance
- Sound booth engineers
- Kenan Fellows instructional plans
The Well
- Early-career teachers’ perceptions of reading curriculum
- How does pre-packaged curriculum affect the instructional practices of early-career teachers? Dr. Catherine Darrow and Dr. Julie Ellison Justice share research and tips.
- Scholarship boys
- Dr. Juan Carrillo, assistant professor at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education, has been researching the narratives of Mexican-origin "scholarship boys" who have attained a graduate-level education. His work highlights both the gains and losses these individuals encounter as they make their way into academia.
- Targeting struggling readers
- Research has shown that if a student does not develop reading skills by the end of first grade, he or she is likely to never read on grade level. Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) is a proven method to get students reading on grade level through coaching. Dr. Lynne Vernon-Feagans shares tips for successfully implementing TRI.
- Connecting classroom and career
- CareerStart is a middle-school strategy that makes explicit the connections between classroom content and students' future careers. Dr. Patrick Akos of the UNC School of Education and Dr. Dennis Orthner of the School of Social Work share their compelling research on the program's effectiveness at strengthening student engagement.
- A trajectory toward understanding
- Understanding the developmental building blocks students need to grasp a skill or idea can have a tremendous impact on how we teach. Dr. Gemma Mojica has been researching the use of learning trajectories as a teaching tool.
From our blogs
News & updates
- News from the NC Civic Education Consortium
- January's CEC newsletter includes lesson plans and professional development opportunities for educators.
- Free professional development series on working with students with multiple needs
- Project Screen and Support offers five free professional development sessions about proactive, systematic methods to help students who need additional assistance to succeed in school.
- Introducing LEARN NC’s new executive director!
- It is our great pleasure to welcome Dr. Steve Bronack as Executive Director of LEARN NC.
- America in Class online seminars
- The National Humanities Center's spring 2012 schedule of online professional development seminars for history and literature teachers is available for registration.
- Dean McDiarmid addresses poverty and learning in the News and Observer
- The Dean of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education addresses the relationship between poverty and school performance in a News and Observer guest column.
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